Sakene sendes på sirkulasjon til styret med innsigelsesfrist 10.09.12.

V-SAK 14/2012 OPPNEVNING AV SAKKYNDIG KOMITE FOR FAST VITENSKAPELIG STILLING SOM FØRSTEAMANUENSIS VED IMBV. Sakspapirer : notat fra K. Bronndal. Forslag til vedtak : styret støtter forslaget til sammensetning av sakkyndig komite.

V-SAK 16/2012 OPPNEVNING AV SAKKYNDIG KOMITE FOR BEDØMMELSE AV PROFESSORKOMPETANSE FOR GURO LIND. Sakspapirer : notat fra K. Bronndal Forslag til vedtak : styret støtter forslaget til sammensetning av sakkyndig komite.

Blindern 04.09.2012

Finn-Eirik Johansen Kate Bronndal Instituttleder Kontorsjef

1 UNIVERSITETET Institutt for I OSLO molekylær biovitenskap

Til: Instituttstyret ved Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap

Sakstype : vedtakssak

Saksnr.: 14/2012 Møtedato: sirkulasjonssak

Notatdato: 04.09.12 Saksbehandler: K. Bronndal

Sakstittel: Oppnevning av sakkyndig komite for fast vitenskapelig stilling som førsteamanuensis ved IMBV.

Tidligere vedtak i saken/Plandokumenter/Henvisning til lovverk etc.: Det vises til sak 14/2012 i styremøtet 14.06.12,der det ble vedtatt at instituttleder fikk fullmakt til å fremme forslag til sakkyndig komite og at forslaget skulle sendes ut som sirkulasjonssak til styret.

De viktigste problemstillinger: Stillingen ble lyst ut med søknadsfrist 01.06.12 og det innkom totalt 21 søknader. En sakkyndig komite skal bestå av et administrativt medlem fra instituttet og 2 – 3 eksterne medlemmer, hvorav inkludert kvinner og forsker fra utlandet, som dekker angjeldende fagfelt for stillingen. De fleste av instituttets ansatte er utelukket fra å være representanter ifølge regelverket.

Administrativt medlem skal rettlede komiteen mht. de generelle reglene for bedømmelse i vitenskapelige stillinger og de bedømmelseskriteriene det i utlysningsteksten og betenkningene er lagt særlig vekt på.

Instituttleders forslag til medlemmer i sakkyndig komite :

1. Professor Leiv Sigve Håvarstein, Universitetet for miljø – og biovitenskap

2. Professor Svein Valla, NTNU

3. Professor Gisou Van der Goot, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Sveits

Administrerende medlem av sakkyndig komite professor emeritus Reidun Sirevåg, Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap.

Forslag til vedtak: Styret støtter forslaget til sammensetning av sakkyndig komite.

Vedlegg: Søkerliste CV / publikasjonsliste G. Van der Goot

Generelle retningslinjer for vurderinger i vitenskapelige stillinger i UiOs regler :

Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap Universitetet i Oslo F.G. van der Goot, CV page 1

PERSONAL DATA Françoise Gisou van der Goot tel (021) 639 1791 6 rue du Couchant fax: (021) 693 9538 1270 Trélex E-Mail: [email protected] Switzerland

Born September 19th 1964 in Teheran Citizenship: Dutch Married, two children (born 2000, 2003)

POSITIONS 2006- …. : Full Professor, Global Health Institute, School of Life Sciences, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 2001-2006: Associate Professor, Dept. and Molecular Medecine, Medical School, University of Geneva 1994-2001: Group leader, Department of , University of Geneva 1990-1993: Post-doc at the EMBL, Heidelberg 1987-1990: Research assistant in the Department of Cell , CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

EDUCATION 1987-1990: Ph.D. in , University of Paris VI July 1987: Post-Graduate Degree in Spectroscopy methods (with honors), Ecole Centrale de Paris 1984-1987: three-year course at the Ecole Centrale de Paris (Engineer diploma with honors). 1982-1984: Post-secondary program leading to the nation-wide competitive exam for admission to graduate-level Engineering Schools («Grandes Ecoles») at the Lycée Sainte-Geneviève (Versailles, France). June 1982: Secondary studies at the French International School (Washington D.C.); baccalauréat C (Mathematics and Physics) with highest honors.

AWARDS 2009: Prix Marcel Benoist (coined the Swiss Nobel Prize) 2009: Elected EMBO member 2009: Prix Leenaards 2005: Howard Hughes International Scholarship 2001: : EMBO Young Investigator Award (YIP) 1992-1993 : Fellowship from the European Laboratory (EMBL) 1990-1992 : Fellowship from EMBO 1987-1990 : Fellowship from the French Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique

BOARDS MEMBERSHIPS - Swiss National Science Foundation Panel member - European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant Panel member - EMBO YIP (Young Investigator Program) committee member - Scientific Board of the Fondation Bettencourt-Schueller (Paris) - Scientific Board of Foundation Novartis Consumer Health - Scientific Advisory Committee of the Centre Intégratif de Génomique (Lausanne, Switzerland) - Scientific Advisory Board of the Zurich University Research Priority Program (URPP) Systems Biology/Functional Genomics - External Advisory Board of the Dept of Clinical Research, University of Bern (2011-Present) - Member of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation (2002-2010)

F.G. van der Goot, CV page 2

- Vice-president (2010-2011) and President of Life Science Society Switzerland - Member of the L’Oréal “Women in Science” Fellowship committee

GRANTS SINCE 2005 2012 Novartis Foundation grant 2012 Swiss Téléthon 2011 Swiss Téléthon 2010-2013 Gebert Rüf Stiftung 2009-2012 Euroscore EuroMembrane call grant (coodinator: K. Simons) 2009-2012 Leenaards Prize 2009-2012 Sino-Swiss Cooperation grant (SNF) 2008-2011 SystemsX, Swiss initiative in Systems Biology (Coordinator) 2008-2010 Co-applicant NIH RO1 with Raffi Aroian (UCSD) 2007-2009 Fondation S.A.N.T.E.-Vaduz/Aide au soutien des nouvelles thérapies 2006-2010 EU Marie Curie Training Network 2005-2010 Howard Hughes International Scholarship 2005, 06 & 07 Swiss Téléthon 2004 Grant from the Roche Research Foundation 2004 Grant from the Novartis Foundation 2004 Grant from de Société Académique 2004 Grant from de Fondation Ernest Boninchi 2003-2005 NIH grant (AI053270-01)

TEACHING EXPERIENCE - First and second year Cell and Molecular Biology - Responsible for Bachelors and Masters level Infection and Immunity. - Responsible for organizing and teaching problem based learning for 3rd year medical students in Infectious Diseases (2002-2006) - supervising Ph.D. and other students in the laboratory - lecturer in second and third year Biochemistry at the University of Geneva (1994-2001) - teaching practicals in second year Biochemistry at the University of Geneva (1994-1999) -Various EMBO courses


- Gordon Conference on Microbial Toxins and Pathogenicity, Waterville Valley Resort, July 8- 13, 2012 (Keynote lecture) - EuroMEMBRANE International Conference, Membrane Dynamics in Physiology and Disease, Basel, Switzerland, June 5 – 8, 2012 - 9th D-BIOL Symposium ETH Zurich, Davos, June 4 -6, 2012 - EMBO conference Subversion of Host Cellular Organization and Functions by , Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland May 5-8, 2012 - 105th International Titisee Conference Lipids as organizers of cell membranes, March 2012 - 2012 Molecular Biology of the Cell course, Institutes Pasteur and Curie - Meeting of the Zurich University Research Priority Program Systems Biology/Functional Genomics, Grindelwald, Oct. 3-4 2011 - Symposium "Molecular Aspects of Infectious Diseases", Biozentrum, Basel Sept 16 2011 - Joint Spring Meeting of the British Societies for and Developmental Biology, University of Kent, Canterbury, 27th – 30th April 2011 - EMBO Conference “At the joint edge of & cell biology”, Krakow, October, 2010 F.G. van der Goot, CV page 3

- EMBO Conference “Towards a comprehensive understanding of functions”, Girona, Spain, October, 2010 - EMBO/FEBS Lecture Course “Host- Microbes Interactions”, Spetses, Greece, September 2010 - EMBO Workshop “Emerging Themes in Infection Biology” La Colle sur Loup, June 2010 - 17th Meeting on Toxinology, Paris, Pasteur Institute, December 2nd – 3rd, 2009 - International Symposium on -host interaction, Beijing-China Nov 6-8 2009 - EMBO 2009, Amsterdam August-September 2009 - Gordon Conference on Molecular Membrane Biology, Proctor Academy, July 2009 - European Protein Society Meeting, Zurich, June 2009 - Complement, Perforins and Bacterial cholesterol dependent cytolysins: the hole family, Prato, Italy, April 2009 - 1st Joint Congress of the Swiss and German Societies for Cell Biology, Konstanz March 2009 - USGEB 2009, Interlaken Jan 2009 - ASCB 2008 (American Society of Cell Biology), San Francisco Dec 2008 (mini-symposium chair and speaker) - Golgi 2008, Pavia Sept 2008 - Gordon Conference on Lysosomes and Endocytosis, Proctor Academy, June 2008 - Advanced Summers School Course on the "Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection", Capetown, South Africa, March 1-9, 2008 - Workshop in the Experimental Sciences on Signal Transduction in Host-Bacterial Interactions, Jerusalem, October 6-11, 2007 - EMBO/FEBS Workshop on Endocytic Systems: Mechanism and Function, Villar-sur Ollons, Switzerland, Sept 2007 - 4th Pasteur-Asia Virology Course, Pasteur Institute Hong-Kong, July 10-13 2007 - Gordon Conference on Phagocytes, Bryan University, June 10-15th 2007 - Intracellular Transport and Signal Transduction in Cancer Biomedicine, Norway May 2007 - American Society of Cell Biology, December 2006, SanDiego - FEBS Special Meeting European Lipidomics Initiative, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands October 21 - 25, 2006 - European Science Foundation-EMBO Conference on Frontiers of Cellular Microbiology and Cell Biology, San Feliu, September 2006 - EMBO workshop Cell Membrane Organisation & Dynamics, Bilboa June 3-7 2006 - FEBS Special Meeting, Molecular Signaling - Dubrovnik 2006, May 26 - June 1, 2006, Croatia - ASM 2006 Orlando May 23-26 - USGEB 2006, Geneva, Switzerland February 2006 - Frontiers in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Paris 13-16 September 2005 - ELSO meeting Dresden September 2005 Keynote Lecture - Gordon Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Adhesion and Signaling, Rhode Island August 7-12, 2005 - Structure and function of membrane proteins, Autrans January 2005 (France)

INVITED SPEAKER SINCE 2005 - November 2011: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai - November 2011: Suzhou University, Suzhou, China - November 2011: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sanghai - October 2011: Institute of Biomedical Research, Bellinzona - March 2011: National University of Singapore - March 2011: Duke University in Singapore - January 2011: Centre Intégré de Génomique , Lausanne - September 2010: EU PRISM Annual Meeting, Geneva - August 2010: Retreat of the Center of Integrative Genomics, Lausanne - March 2010: University Lecture Series, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas F.G. van der Goot, CV page 4

- February 2010: Department of Biochemistry, Univ. Zurich - June 2009: Institut Curie Paris - May 2009: NIAID, NIH Bethesda - May 2009: University Basel, Switzerland - March 2009: Sherbrooke University, Canada - November 2008: Imperial College London - October 2008: ETHZ Microbiology - July 2008: ETHZ Chemistry - May 2008: Biozentrum, Basel - March 2008: Tsingua University, Beijing China - March 2008: Pekin University, Beijing China - March 2008: Fundan University, Sanghai China - October 2007, Institut of Biomedical Research, Bellinzona - August, University of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia - August 2007: University of Queensland, Australia - March 2007: Centre Intégré de Génomique , Lausanne - February 2007: University Hospital of Lausanne - January 2007: University of Wurzburg - November 2006: Pasteur Institute - November 2006: Oxford University - November 2006: MPI Infection Biology Berlin - Mai 2006: Centre Intégré de Génomique , Lausanne - December 2005: Pasteur Institute Paris - November 2005: Friedrich Miecher Institute Basel - June 2005: University of Zurich (Department of Zoology) - April 2005: University of Zurich (Dept. of Physiology)

ORGANISATION OF MEETING, WORKSHOPS or SYMPOSIA - Co-organizer EPFL Life Sciences Symposium, August 2012, Lausanne - Co-chair Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, 105th Intern. Titisee Conf., Lipids as Organizers of Cell Membranes, March 28-April 1 2012 - Co-organizer 2nd Prato Conference on Pore Forming Proteins, Prato, Italy, 18-20 April, 2012 - Co-organizer EPFL Life Sciences Inaugural Symposium, Sept 2009, Lausanne - Co-chair of the Minisymposium on Cellular responses to infectious agents, ASCB Dec 2008, San Diego - Chair of the EMBO conference “At the joint edge of cellular microbiology and cell biology: Spatial temporal control of signaling and virulence, Villars-sur-Ollons, Sept 20-25, 2008 - Co-chair of the Minisymposium on Host Pathogen Interactions, ASCB Dec 2006, San Diego - Vice-Chair of European Science Foundation-EMBO Conference on Frontiers of Cellular Microbiology and Cell Biology, San Feliu, September 2006 - Organizing committee of EMBO workshop on Cell Membrane Organization and Dynamics, Bilbao, June 3-7 2006 - Scientific committee of the ETOX (European toxin Meeting) since 2002

EDITORIAL AND REVIEWING DUTIES - Editor in Chief: Cellular Microbiology - Editor: PLoS One - Editorial board Member: Cell: Host and Microbes; Traffic; Infection & Immunity (2003-2007), Cells F.G. van der Goot, CV page 5

- Advisory Board for F1000 Medicine Reports - Reviewing Editor of the HFSP Journal (till 2010)

MEMBER OF SOCIETIES - Swiss Biochemical Society and Cell Biology Society - American society of Cell Biology - American Society of Microbiology - European Academy of Microbiology (one of the Founding members) F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 1


I. Original papers in peer reviewed journals

1. F.G. van der Goot, R-A Podevin & B. Corman (1989) Water permeabilities and salt reflection - coefficients of luminal, basolateral and intracellular membrane vesicles isolated from rabbit kidney proximal tubule. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 986 : 332-340

2. F.G. van der Goot, P. Ripoche & B. Corman (1989) Determination of solute reflection coefficients in kidney brush-border membrane vesicles by light scattering : Influence of the refractive index. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 979 : 272-274.

3. F.G. van der Goot & B. Corman (1991) Axial heterogeneity of the apical osmotic water permeability along the rabbit kidney proximal tubule. American Journal of Physiology 260 : R186-R191.

4. F.G. van der Goot, B. Corman & P. Ripoche (1991) Evidence for permanent water channels in the basolateral membrane of ADH-sensitive epithelia. Journal of Membrane Biology 120 : 59-65.

5. F.G. van der Goot, A. Seigneur, J-C. Gaucher & P. Ripoche (1992) Flow cytometry and sorting of endocytic vesicles containing ADH-sensitive water channels. Journal of Membrane Biology 128: 133-139

6. F.G. van der Goot, J-M.Gonzales-Manas, J.H. Lakey & F. Pattus (1991) A "molten globule" membrane insertion intermediate of the pore forming domain of colicin A. Nature, 354: 408-410

7. F.G. van der Goot, J.H. Lakey, F. Pattus, C.M. Kay, O. Sorokine, A. van Dorsselaer & T. Buckley (1992) Spectroscopic study of the activation and oligomerization of the channel-forming toxin aerolysin: identification of the site of proteolytic activation. Biochemistry 31: 8566-8570

8. M. Leippe, E. Tannich, R. Nickel, F.G. van der Goot, F. Pattus, R. D. Horstmann & H. J. Muller-Eberhard (1992) Primary and secondary structure of the pore-forming peptide of pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica. EMBO J. 11: 3501-3506

9. F.G. van der Goot, F. Pattus, K.R. Wong & J. T. Buckley (1993) Oligomerization of the channel-forming toxin aerolysin precedes insertion into lipid bilayers. Biochemistry 32: 2636-2642

10. F.G. van der Goot, N. Didat, F. Pattus, W. Dowhan & L. Letellier (1993) Role of acidic lipids in the translocation and channel activity of colicins A and N in E. coli cells. European Journal of Biochemistry 213: 217-221

11. F.G. van der Goot, J. Ausio, K.R. Wong, F. Pattus & J. T. Buckley (1993) Dimerization stabilizes the pore-forming toxin aerolysin in solution. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 268: 18272-18279 F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 2

12. J. Ausio, F.G. van der Goot & J. T. Buckley (1993) Physical and chemical characterization of the oligomerization state of the Aeromonas hydrophila lipas/acyltransferase. FEBS Lett. 333: 296-300

13. F.G. van der Goot, K.R. Hardie, M.W. Parker & J. T Buckley (1994) The C- terminal peptide produced upon proteolytic activation of the cytolytic toxin aerolysin is not involved in channel formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 269: 30496- 30501

14. J. T Buckley, F. Pattus, H.-U. Wilmsen, C. Lesieur, M.W. Parker & F.G. van der Goot. (1995) Protonation of His-132 promotes oligomerization of the channel- forming toxin aerolysin Biochemistry 34: 16450- 16455

15. B. Vecsey-Semjen, Möllby, R. & F.G. van der Goot. (1996) C-terminal unfolding is required for channel formation by staphylococcal alpha-toxin. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271:8655-8719

16. M. Moniatte, A. van Dorsselaer, F.G. van der Goot. & F. Pattus. (1996) Characterization of the heptameric pore-forming complex of the toxin aerolysin by MALDI-TOF. FEBS Lett. 384, 269-272.

17. B. Vecsey-Semjen, C. Lesieur, R. Möllby & F.G. van der Goot (1997) Conformational changes due to membrane binding and channel formation by staphylococcal alpha toxin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272, 5709-5717

18. M. J. Brumlik, F.G. van der Goot & J. T. Buckley. (1997) Importance of the disulfide bond for the secretion and structural stability of the lipas/acyltransferase from Aeromonas hydrophila. Journal of Bacteriology, 179, 3116-3121

19. F.G. van der Goot (1997) Separation of early steps in endocytic membrane transport. Electrophoresis 18: 2689-2693.

20. V. Cabiaux, J. T. Buckley , Wattiez, R., J-M. Ruysschaert, M. W. Parker & F. G. van der Goot (1997) Conformational changes in aerolysin during the transition from the water-soluble protoxin to the membrane channel. Biochemistry 36: 15224- 15232.

21. M. Moniatte, C. Lesieur, B. Vecsey-Semjen, J.T. Buckley, F. Pattus, F.G. van der Goot. & A. van Dorsselaer (1997) Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time- of-flight mass spectrometry in the subunit stoichiometry study of high mass non- covalent complexes. Internatinal Journal of Mass spectrometry and Ion Process 169/170 179-199.

22. J. Rossjohn, S.M.Raja, K. Nelson, S. C. Feil, F. G. van der Goot, M. W. Parker and J. T. Buckley (1998) Movement of a Loop in Domain 3 of Aerolysin is Required for Channel Formation. Biochemistry 37: 741-746.

F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 3

23. L. Abrami, M. Fivaz, P-E. Glauser, R.G. Parton & F.G. van der Goot (1998) A pore- forming toxin binds to GPI-anchored proteins and causes vacuolation of the endoplasmic reticulum Journal of Cell Biology 140: 525-540.

24. K-H. Krause, M. Fivaz, A. Monod & F. G. van der Goot (1998) Aerolysin induces G-protein activation and Ca2+ release from intracellular stores in human granulocytes Journal of Biological Chemistry 273: 18122-18129.

25. L. Abrami, M. Fivaz, E. Decroly, N. G. Seidah, F. Jean, G. Thomas, S. H. Leppla, J. T. Buckley and F. G. van der Goot. (1998) The pore-forming toxin proaerolysin is processed by furin Journal of Biological Chemistry 273: 32656.

26. Pizarro-Cerda J, Meresse S, Parton RG, van der Goot G, Sola-Landa A, Lopez-Goni I, Moreno E, Gorvel JP (1998) Brucella abortus transits through the autophagic pathway and replicates in the endoplasmic reticulum of nonprofessional phagocytes. Infection and Immunity 66:5711-24

27. B. Vecsey-Semjen, Stefan Knapp, R. Möllby & F.G. van der Goot (1999) The staphylococcal -toxin pore has a flexible conformation. Biochemistry 38: 4296- 4302.

28. J. Scheel, P. Pierre, J.E. Rickard, G.S. Diamantopoulos, C. Valetti, F.G. van der Goot, M. Häner, U. Aebi and T.E. Kreis (1999) Structural analysis of Human CLIP- 170. Journal of Biological Chemistry 274: 25883-25891

29. L. Abrami and F.G. van der Goot. (1999) Plasma membrane microdomains act as concentration platforms to facilitate intoxication by aerolysin. Journal of Cell Biology 147: 175-184.

30. Hribar M, Bloc A, van Der Goot FG, Fransen L, De Baetselier P, Grau GE, Bluethmann H, Matthay MA, Dunant Y, Pugin J, Lucas R (1999) TNF induces an ion channel activity in mammalian cells via its lectin-like domain. European Journal of Immunology 29: 3105-3111.

31. F. G. van der Goot,J. Pugin, M. Hribar, L. Fransen,Y. Dunant, P. De Baetselier, A. Bloc and R. Lucas. (1999) Membrane interaction of TNF is not sufficient to trigger increase in membrane conductance in mammalian cells. FEBS Letters 460: 107- 111.

32. C. Lesieur, S. Frutiger, G. Hughes, R. Kellner, F. Pattus and F. G. van der Goot. (1999) Increased stability of the pore-forming toxin aerolysin following heptamerization Journal of biological Chemistry 274, 36722-36728.

33. M. Fivaz, M-C. Velluz and F.G. van der Goot (1999) Dimer dissociation of the pore-forming toxin aerolysin precedes receptor binding Journal of biological Chemistry 274: 37705-37708

34. M. Fivaz, F. Vilbois, C. Pasquali, and F. G. van der Goot (2000) Analysis of GPI- anchored proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 21 : 3351-3356. F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 4

35. L. Abrami, M. Fivaz. , T. Kobayashi, T. Kinoshita, R.G. Parton and F.G. van der Goot (2001) Cross-talk between caveolae and GPI-rich domains. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 276:30729-36

36. L. Abrami, M-Cl Velluz, Y. Hong, K. Ohishi, A. Mehlert, M. Ferguson, T. Kinoshita and F. G. van der Goot.(2002)*The glycan core of GPI-anchored proteins modulates aerolysin binidng but is not sufficient: the polypeptide moiety is required for the toxin-receptor interaction. FEBS Lett. 512:249-54.

37. Fivaz, M., F. Vilbois, S. Thurnheer, C. Pasquali, L. Abrami, P.E. Bickel, R.G. Parton, and F.G. van der Goot (2002) Differential sorting and fate of endocytosed gpi-anchored proteins. EMBO J. 21:3989-4000.

38. Lafont,F., Tran Van Nhieu, G. Hanada, K., Sansonetti, P., and F.G. van der Goot (2002) Initial steps of Shigella infection depend on the cholesterol-sphingolipids raft- mediated CD44-IpaB interaction EMBO J. 21 4449-4457

39. Schraw, W., Y. Li, M.S. McClain, F.G. Van Der Goot, and T.L. Cover. 2002. Association of helicobacter pylori vacuolating toxin (VacA) with lipid rafts. Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 34642-34650

40. Y. Tsitrin, Morton, C.J., El Bez, C., Paumard P., Velluz, M-C., Adrian, M., Dubochet, J., Parker, M.W., Lanzavecchia, S. and F.G. van der Goot Convertion of a transmembrane to a water soluble protein complex by a single point mutation. Nature Structural Biology 9, 729-733

41. Hong, Y., Ohishi, K., Inoue, N., Kang, J.Y., Shime, H., Horiguchi, Y., van der Goot, F.G. Sugimoto, N. and Kinoshita, T. (2002) Requirement of N-glycan on GPI- anchored proteins for efficient binding of aerolysin but not Clostridium septicum - toxin. EMBO J. 21 : 5047-5056

42. L. Abrami, M. Fivaz, P-E. Glauser, N. Sugimoto, C. Zurzolo and F.G. van der Goot. (2003) Sensitivity of polarized epithelial cells to the pore forming toxin aerolysin. Infection and Immunity , 71: 739-746

43. L. Abrami, S. Liu, P. Cosson, S. H. Leppla and F. G. van der Goot (2003) Anthrax toxin triggers endocytosis of its receptor via a lipid raft-mediated clathrin-dependent process. Journal of Cell Biology 160(3):321-8

44. P. Upla, V. Marjomäki, P. Kankaanpää, T. Hyypiä, F. G. van der Goot and J. Heino (2004) Integrin clustering targets echovirus 1 to caveolae and activates internalization. Molecular Biology of the Cell 15 : 625-636.

45. D. L. Huffman, L. Abrami, R. Sasik, J. Corbeil, F. G. van der Goot, and R.V. Aroian (2004) MAP Kinase Pathways Defend Against Bacterial Pore-Forming Toxins. PNAS 101 : 10995-1000

46. L. Abrami, M. Lindsay, R.G. Parton, S. H. Leppla and F. G. van der Goot. (2004) Membrane insertion of anthrax protective antigen and cytoplasmic delivery of lethal F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 5

factor occur at different stages of the endocytic pathway Journal of Cell Biology 166: 645–651

47. van der Goot, F.G., Tran van Nhieu, G., Allaoui, A., Sansonetti, P. , Lafont, F. (2004) Rafts can trigger contact-mediated secretion of bacterial effectors via a lipid- based mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279 : 47792-47798

48. L. Abrami, S. H. Leppla and F. G. van der Goot. (2006) Receptor palmitoylation and ubiquitination regulate anthrax toxin endocytosis Journal of Cell Biology 172:309-320

49. Nohe A, Keating E, Fivaz M, van der Goot FG, Petersen NO. Dynamics of GPI- anchored proteins on the surface of living cells. Nanomedicine. 2006 Mar;2(1):1-7

50. I. Iacovache, P. Paumard, H. Scheib, C. Lesieur, N. Sakai, S. Matile, M. W. Parker and F. G. van der Goot (2006) A rivet model for channel formation by aerolysin-like pore-forming toxins. EMBO J. 25 : 457-466

51. L. Gurcel, L. Abrami, S. Girardin, J. Tschopp and F.G. van der Goot (2006). Caspase-1 dependent activation of SREBP promotes cell survival in response to bacterial pore-forming toxins Cell 126: 1135-1145

52. X. Li, D. Kaloyanova, M. van Eijk, Ruud Eerland, F.G. van der Goot, J. Klumperman, F. Lottspeich, V. Starkuviene, F. T. Wieland, and J. B. Helms. (2007) Involvement of a Golgi-resident GPI-anchored Protein in Maintenance of the Golgi Structure. Mol. Biol. Cell 18:1261-1271

53. K. Sobo, J. Chevallier, R. G. Parton, J. Gruenberg and F. G. van der Goot. (2007) Diversity of raft-like domains in late endosomes. PlosONE Apr 25;2:e391

54. Sobo, K., Le Blanc, I., Luyet, P. P., Fivaz, M., Ferguson, C., Parton, R. G., Gruenberg, J. & van der Goot, F. G. (2007) Late endosomal cholesterol accumulation leads to impaired intra-endosomal trafficking PLoS ONE 2, e851.

55. Roduit, C., Van der Goot, G., De Los Rios, P., Yersin, A., Steiner, P., Dietler, G., Catsicas, S., Lafont, F. & Kasas, S. (2008) Elastic membrane heterogeneity of living cells revealed by stiff nanoscale membrane domains. Biophys J. 15:1521-32

56. N. Reig, A. Jiang, R. Couture, F. S. Sutterwala, Y. Ogura, R. A. Flavell, I. Mellman, and F. G. van der Goot (2008) Maturation Modulates Caspase-1 Independent Responses of Dendritic Cells to Anthrax Lethal Toxin. Cellular Microbiology 10(5):1190-207

57. Abrami, L., Kunz, B., Iacovache, I., & van der Goot, F. G. (2008) Palmitoylation and ubiquitination regulate exit of the Wnt signaling protein LRP6 from the endoplasmic reticulum. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105(14):5384-9.

58. Lafourcade C., K. Sobo, S. Kieffer-Jaquinod, J. Garin and van der Goot F.G. (2008) Regulation of the V-ATPase along the endocytic pathway occurs through reversible subunit association and membrane localization. PLOS One Jul 23;3(7):e2758. F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 6

59. Abrami, L., Kunz, B., J. Deuquet, Bafico, A. and van der Goot, F. G. Functional interactions between the anthrax toxin receptors and the Wnt signaling protein LRP6. Cellular Microbiology 10:2509-2519

60. Bischof L.J., Kao C-Y., Los F.C.O., Gonzalez M.R., Shen Z., Briggs S.P., van der Goot F.G. and Aroian R.V. (2008) Activation of the unfolded protein response is required for defenses against bacterial pore-forming toxin in vivo. Plos Pathogens 4: e1000176

61. Pons V, Luyet PP, Morel E, Abrami L, van der Goot FG, Parton RG, Gruenberg J. Hrs and SNX3 functions in sorting and membrane invagination within multivesicular bodies. PLoS Biol. 2008 Sep 2;6(9):e214.

62. Deuquet J., Abrami L., Ramirez M.C.M., DiFeo A., Martignetti J. and van der Goot F.G. (2009) Systemic hyalinosis mutations in the CMG2 ectodomain leading to loss of function through retention in the endoplasmic reticulum. Human Mutations 30 : 583- 589

63. Dupont N., Lacas-Gervais S., Bertout J., Paz I., Freche B., tran van Nhieu G., van der Goot F.G., Sansonetti P. and Lafont F. (2009) Shigella phagocytic vacuolar membrane remnants participate in the cell signaling response to pathogen invasion. Cell Host and Microbes 6:137-49.

64. Abrami, L., Kunz, B. and van der Goot, F.G. (2010) Anthrax toxin triggers the activation of src like kinases to mediates its own uptake. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107:1420-1424

65. Iacovache, I. Biasini, M., Kowal, J., Kukulski, W., Chami, M. van der Goot, F.G., Engel, A. and Rémigy, R.W. (2010) The 2DX robot: a membrane protein 2D crystallization Swiss Army kniffe. J. Struct. Biol. 169:370-378

66. Abrami, L., Bischofberger M, Kunz, B., Groux, R. and van der Goot, F.G. (2010) Endocytosis of the anthrax toxin is mediated by clathrin, actin and unconventional adaptors PLoS Pathogen 6(3): e1000792.

67. Pernot L, Schiltz M, van der Goot FG (2010) Preliminary crystallographic analysis of two oligomerization-deficient mutants of the aerolysin toxin, H132D and H132N, in their proteolyzed forms. Acta Crystallogr 66: 1626-1630.

68. Pastoriza-Gallego, M., Rabah, L., Gibrat, G., Thiebot, B., van der Goot, F.G., Auvray, L., Betton, J., Pelta, J. (2011) Dynamics of unfolded protein transport through an aerolysin pore, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 9: 2923-2931

69. Deuquet J., Lausch E. , Guex N., Abrami L., Salvi S., Lakkaraju A., Ramirez MCM, Martignetti J.A., Rokicki D., Bonafe L., Superti-Furga A. and F. G. van der Goot (2011) Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome inducing mutations in the ectodomain of anthrax toxin receptor 2 can be rescued by proteasome inhibitors. EMBO Mol. Med. 3:208-221

F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 7

70. Gonzalez, RM., Bischofberger, M., Frêche, B., Ho, S., Parton, R.G. and F.G. van der Goot (2011) Pore-forming toxins induce multiple cellular responses promoting survival. Cellular Microbiology Apr 26. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2011.01600.x.

71. Szczesny, P., Iacovache, I., Muszewska, A., Ginalski, K., van der Goot, F. G. and Grynberg, M. (2011) Extending the aerolysin family: from bacteria to vertebrates. PLoS One 6:e20349

72. Iacovache, I. Degiacomi, M.T., Pernot, L., Ho, S., Schiltz, M., Dal Peraro, M. and van der Goot, F. G. (2011) Dual chaperone role of the C-terminal propeptide in folding and oligomerization of the pore-forming toxin aerolysin. PLoS Pathogen 7:e1002135.

73. Opota O., Vallet-Gély I., Kellenberger C., Vincentelli R., Iacovache I., Gonzales M. R., Roussel, A., van der Goot F.G. and Lemaitre B. (2011) Identification of a novel ß- pore-forming toxin required for the pathogenesis of Pseudomonas entomophila in Drosophila. PLoS Pathogen 7: e1002259

74. Lakkaraju, A.K.K., Abrami, L., Lemmin,T., Blaskovi, S., Kunz,B., Kihara, A., Dal Peraro, M. and van der Goot, F.G. (2012) Palmitoylated calnexin is a key component of the ribosome-translocon complex. EMBO J. 31 : 1823-35

75. Rojek, J.M., Moraz, M-L., Pythoud, C., Rothenberger, S. van der Goot, F.G. and S. Kunz (2012) Binding of Lassa virus perturbs extracellular matrix-induced signal transduction via dystroglycan. Cellular Microbiology 14:1122-1134

76. Imre, G., Heering, J., Takeda, A., Husmann, M., Thiede, B., van der Goot, F.G., Sinha, B., Dötsch, V., Rajalinga, K. (2012) Caspase-2 functions as an initiator caspase and is required for pore-forming toxin-mediated apoptosis. EMBO J. 31:2615-28

F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 8

II. Reviews and Comments in peer reviewed journals

1. J.H. Lakey, J-M.Gonzales-Manas, F.G. van der Goot & F. Pattus (1992) The membrane insertion of colicins. FEBS Lett. 307: 26-29

2. F.G. van der Goot, J.H. Lakey & F. Pattus (1992) The molten globule intermediate for protein insertion or translocation through membranes. Trends in Cell Biology 2: 343-348

3. F.G. van der Goot & F. Pattus (1993) Modèles d'études de l'insertion des protéines membranaires. Médecines et Sciences, 9: 171-178

4. J.H. Lakey, F.G. van der Goot & F. Pattus (1994) All in the family: the toxic activity of pore-forming colicins. Toxicology 87: 85-108

5. F.G. van der Goot, F. Pattus & J. T Buckley (1994) The cytolytic toxin aerolysin: from the soluble form to the transmembrane channel. Toxicology 87: 19-28

6. M.W. Parker, F. G. van der Goot, and J. T. Buckley. (1996) Aerolysin-the ins and outs of a model channel-forming toxin. Molecular Microbiology 19: 205-212

7. C. Lesieur, B. Vecsey-Semjen, L. Abrami, M. Fivaz & F.G. van der Goot. (1997) Membrane insertion: the strategy of toxins. Molecular Membrane Biology, 14: 45- 64.

8. J. Rossjohn, S.C. Feil, W. J. Mckinstry, F. G. van der Goot, J. T. Buckley and M. W. Parker (1998) Aerolysin - A Paradigm for Membrane Insertion of Beta-Sheet Protein Toxins. Journal of Structural Biology 121: 92-100

9. M. Fivaz, L. Abrami and F.G. van der Goot (1999) Landing on lipid rafts. Trends in cell Biology 9: 212-213

10. M. Fivaz and F.G. van der Goot. (1999) The tip of a molecular syringe. Trends in Microbiology 7:341-343.

11. F. G. van der Goot (2000) Plasticity of the transmembrane ß-barrel. Trends in Microbiology 8, 89-90

12. L. Abrami, M. Fivaz and F.G. van der Goot Adventures of a pore-forming toxin at the target cell surface. Trends in Microbiology 8: 168-172

13. M. Fivaz, L. Abrami and F.G. van der Goot. (2000) Pathogens, toxins and lipid rafts. Protoplasma 212:8-14

14. F. G. van der Goot and S. Matile (2000) Sensing proteins outside of the box. Nature Biotechnology 18:1037

F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 9

15. F.G. van der Goot and T. Harder (2001) Raft membrane domains: from a liquid- ordered membrane phase to a site of pathogen attack. Seminar in Immunology 13: 89-97

16. G. Schiavo and F.G. van der Goot (2001) The bacterial toxin toolkit. Nature Reviews Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2: 530-7.

17. M. Fivaz M, L. Abrami L, Y. Tsitrin Y and F.G. van der Goot (2001) Not as simple as just punching a hole. Toxicon. 2001 39:1637-45

18. M. Fivaz, L. Abrami, Y. Tsitrin and F. G. van der Goot (2001) Aerolysin from Aeromonas hydrophila and related toxins. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 257:35- 52

19. L. Abrami, F.G. van der Goot and F. Lafont (2002) La vie sans cavéoles. Médecine et Sciences

20. F.G. van der Goot, M. Fivaz and L. Abrami (2002) Membranolytic toxins. In « Molecular cellular microbiology », Methods in Microbiology series. Ed. P. Sansonetti and A. Zychlinsky. Academic press. Vol. 31, 189-206

21. F. G. van der Goot and J. Gruenberg (2002) Oiling the wheels of the endocytic pathway. Trends in Cell Biology, 12: 296-299

22. C.R. Roy and F. G. van der Goot (2003) Eukaryotic cells and microbial pathogens: a familiar couple take central stage (Meeting Report) Nature Cell Biology 5:16-19

23. Felberbaum-Corti M, van der Goot FG, Gruenberg J. (2003) Sliding doors: clathrin- coated pits or caveolae? Nature Cell Biology 5:382-4.

24. F. Lafont, L. Abrami, and F.G. van der Goot (2004) Bacterial subversion of lipid rafts. Current Opinion in Microbiology /: 4-10

25. I. Iacovache and F. G. van der Goot (2004) A bacterial Big MAC attack (News and Views) Nature Structural and molecular Biology 11: 1163-1164

26. L. Abrami, N. Reig and F. G. van der Goot (2005) Anthrax toxin: the long and winding road that leads to the kill. Trends in Microbiology 13 : 72-78

27. F. Lafont and FG van der Goot (2005) Oiling the Key hole (News and Views). Molecular Microbiology 56 :575-577

28. F. Lafont and FG van der Goot (2005) Bacterial invasion via lipid rafts. Cellular Microbiology 7 : 613-20

29. Gruenberg, J. and van der Goot, F.G. (2006) Toxoplasma: guess who's coming to dinner. Cell 125, 226-8.

30. Gruenberg, J. and van der Goot, F.G. (2006) Mechanisms of pathogen entry through the endosomal compartments. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 7:495-504 F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 10

31. van der Goot, F.G. and Gruenberg, J. (2006) Intraendosomal Membrane traffick. Trends in Cell Biology 16:514-21

32. N. Reig and van der Goot, F.G . (2006) About toxins and lipids. FEBS Letters 580:5572-9

33. Small PL, van der Goot G. (2007) Editorial Overview. Curr Opin Microbiol. 10 : 1-3

34. Aroian R, van der Goot FG.(2007) Pore-forming toxins and cellular non-immune defenses (CNIDs). Curr Opin Microbiol. 10 : 57-61

35. Freche, B., Reig, N. & van der Goot, F. G. (2007) The role of the inflammasome in cellular responses to toxins and bacterial effectors. Semin Immunopathol 29, 249- 60.

36. Gonzalez MR., M. Bischofberger, L. Pernot, F.G. van der Goot* and B. Freche, Bacterial pore-forming toxins: The (w)hole story? Cell Mol Life Sci (2007). * corresponding author

37. Bischofberger M. and van der Goo, F.G. Exotoxin secretion: Getting out to find the way in. Cell : Host & Microbes (2008) 3, 7-8.

38. Iacovache, I, van der Goot, F.G.* and Pernot, L. Pore formation: an ancient yet complex form of attack (2008) Bioph. Bioch. Acta : Biomemb. 1778(7-8):1611-23 *corresponding author

39. Charollais, J., and van der Goot, F. G. (2009). Palmitoylation of membrane proteins (Review). Mol Membr Biol 26: 55-66

40. Bischofberger M., Gonzalez M.R. and van der Goot, F.G. (2009) Membrane injury by pore- forming proteins (2009) Current Opinion in Cell Biology 21:589-95

41. Feldman M. and van der Goot, F.G. Novel ubiquitin-dependent quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (2009) Trends in Cell Biology 19:357-63

42. van der Goot, F.G. and J.A. Young (2009) Receptors of anthrax toxin and cell entry. Mol Aspects Med. 6: 406-412.

43. Iacovache, I, Bischofberger M. and van der Goot, F.G. (2010) Structure and assembly of pore-forming proteins. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 20:241-246

44. Rajalingam, K. and van der Goot, F.G. (2011) When cell and microbes meet in Krakow (Meeting Report) EMBO Report 12(3):188-90

45. Deuquet, J., Lausch E., Superti-Furga, A. and F.G. van der Goot (2011) The dark side of capillary morphogenesis gene 2. EMBO J. 31 :3-13

F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 11

III. Books edited 1. “Pore forming toxins” F.G. van der Goot (eds) Springer Verlag (2001)

IV. Book Chapter

1. B. Corman & F.G. van der Goot, (1992) Mechanism of water transport accross the renal proximal tubule, In "Water transport across cell membranes", ed. Benga, CRC, Acad. Press

2. N. Didat, J-M. Gonzales-Mañas, F.G. van der Goot, D. Jeanteur, J. H. Lakey, F. Pattus & H. U. Wilsen. Puncturing cell membranes: comparison of colicin A and Aerolysin (1992) A. Pullman et al. (eds.) Kluwer Acad. Publish. Membrane proteins: Structures, Interactions, Models. 393-401

3. F. G. van der Goot, F. Pattus and J.T. Buckley (1993) The pore-forming toxin aerolysin: from the soluble form to the transmembrane channel. In "Structure, Biogenesis and dynamics of biological membranes". J. Op den Kamp (ed.) NATO ASI series. Springer-Verlag. Serie H, vol 82, pp 181-190

4. F. G. van der Goot, F. Pattus, H.-U. Wilmsen, R. MacDonald, K. Leonard, M. Cyrklaff and J. T. Buckley. (1994) The cytolytic aerolysin: how a Janus protein turns inside-out upon membrane insertion and pore formation? In "Bacterial protein Toxins". F.J. Fehrenbach et al. (eds) Gustave Fisher Verlag pp 294-301

5. M.W. Parker, J. T. Buckley, F.G. van der Goot & D. Tsernoglou (1996) Structure and assembly of the channel-forming Aeromonas toxin aerolysin In "Protein toxin structure", M.W. Parker and D. Phil (eds.), R.G. Landes, Co, 79- 95

6. C. Lesieur, B. Vecsey-Semjen, M. Kruse & F.G. van der Goot (1996) Membrane insertion of toxins. In "Membrane Protein Assembly" , G. von Heijne (ed.), R.G. Landes, Co, 99-116

7. L. Abrami, M. Fivaz, J.T. Buckley, R.G. Parton & F. G. van der Goot (1998) The Pore-Forming Toxin Aerolysin Binds to Microdomains of the Plasma Membrane and Leads to Fragmentation of the Endoplasmic Reticulum. In "Bacterial protein Toxins". Hacker, Wurzburg, et al. (eds) Gustave Fisher Verlag.

8. B. Vécsey-Semjén, S. Knapp, R. Möllby & F. G. van der Goot (1998) Conformational Changes upon Channel Formation by Staphylococcal -Toxin. In"Bacterial protein Toxins". Hacker, Wurzburg, et al. (eds) Gustave Fisher Verlag.

9. L. Abrami, M. Fivaz and F.G. van der Goot (2000) Surface Dynamics of Aerolysin on the Plasma Membrane of Living Cells. Intenational Journal of Medical Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology and Infectious diseases 290, 363-367

F.G. van der Goot, List of publications page 12

10. L. Abrami, M. Fivaz and F.G. van der Goot (2000) Cholesterol-rich plasma membrane microdomains promote oligomerization of the pore-forming toxin aerolysin. Intenational Journal of Medical Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology and Infectious diseases 290, A20

11. F.G. van der Goot (2002) Membrane Damaging Toxins: Pore Formation. In : Bacterial Protein Toxins. Ed. J. Barbieri, R. Rappuoli, B. Iglewski and D. Burns, ASM Press

12. F.G. van der Goot (2003) Membrane Damaging Toxins: Pore Formation. In : Bacterial Protein Toxins. Ed. J. Barbieri, R. Rappuoli, B. Iglewski and D. Burns, ASM Press

13. N. Reig and F. G. van der Goot (2006) Toxins in the endosomes in Endosomes Ed. I. Dikic. (in press)

14. L. Gurcel, I. Ioacovache and F. G. van der Goot . Aerolysin and related Aeromonas toxins. In « Source book of bacterial protein toxins » Ed. J. Alouf and J. Freer (2006)

15. Iacovache, I., Degiacomi M.T. and F. G. van der Goot. “5.18 Protein Interactions with Membranes | Pore Forming Toxins” in Comprehensive Biophysics, edited by Edward Egelman. 2011 (in press)

UNIVERSITETET Institutt for I OSLO molekylær biovitenskap

Til: Instituttstyret ved Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap

Sakstype : vedtakssak

Saksnr.: 16/2012 Møtedato: sirkulasjonssak

Notatdato: 04.09.12 Saksbehandler: K. Bronndal

Sakstittel: Oppnevning av sakkyndig komite for bedømmelse av professorkompetanse for Guro Lind.

Tidligere vedtak i saken/Plandokumenter/Henvisning til lovverk etc.:

De viktigste problemstillinger: Guro Lind ble ansatt som førsteamanuensis II ved IMBV for perioden 01.08.2009 tom. 31.07.2012, hun er forlenget til 18.06.2013 pga. fødselspermisjon . Lind er lønnet 10 % av MN – fakultetets likestillingsmidler og 10 % fra IMBV. Hennes hovedarbeidsgiver, Harald Stenmark ved Institutt for kreftmedisin, Oslo Universitetssykehus (OuS) har bedt om at vi oppnevner en sakkyndig komite for å vurdere Linds professorkompetanse. OuS dekker alle kostnader til komiteen.

Instituttleders forslag til medlemmer i sakkyndig komite :

1. Professor Mef Nilbert, Medisinsk fakultetet Universitetet i Lund

2. Professor Pål Falnes, Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap

3. Administrerende medlem av sakkyndig komite professor Fahri Saatcioglu, Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap

Forslag til vedtak: Styret støtter forslaget til sammensetning av sakkyndig komite.

Vedlegg: Brev fra H. Stenmark, OuS

Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap Universitetet i Oslo Prof. Harald Stenmark Institute for Cancer Research The Norwegian Radium Hospital Montebello, N-0310 Oslo, Norway Tel. +47 – 22781818 Fax +47 - 22781845 [email protected]

Oslo 14.04.2012 Prof. Finn-Eirik Johansen Instituttleder Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap Universitetet i Oslo Postboks 1041 Blindern 0316 Oslo

Cc: Kate Bronndal Kontorsjef

Støtte til oppnevnelse av komité for evaluering av professorkompetanse for Dr. Guro E. Lind

Vi i Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB) er glade for det gode samarbeidet vi har med IMBV. Ikke minst er vi fornøyd med at en av våre fremste yngre forskere, Dr. Guro E. Lind, er hovedansvarlig for et kurs i avansert kreftbiologi (MBV4160/9160) for master- og PhD- studenter. Kurset har vært avholdt i 2011 og 2012 og har hatt god studentdeltagelse og fått svært god studentevaluering.

Vi ønsker med dette å oppfordre IMBV til å nedsette en komité for å vurdere om Dr. Lind er professorkompetent. Lind er pr. i dag ansatt i en 20% undervisningsstilling på IMBV som førsteamanuensis. Stillingen er finansiert via likestillingsmidler fra UiO.

Kontrakten til Lind ender 1. august 2012, og vi mener det er hensiktsmessig at det så raskt som mulig blir nedsatt en komité for vurdering av professorkompetanse slik at konklusjon kan foreligge innen nåværende arbeidskontrakt utløper. Jeg vil understreke at en slik vurdering er i tråd med CCBs likestillingsplan, og at CCB vil dekke kostnadene IMBV måtte ha i forbindelse med selve vurderingen.

Vennlig hilsen

Harald Stenmark Professor, senterleder