Civil Aviation Report 2010

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Civil Aviation Report 2010 CAAN : Institutional Profile Name: Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal Address: Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel.: 4262387, 4262326, 4262518 Fax: 977-1-4262416 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Type: Authority Date of Establishment: 31 December 1998 Legal Status: 1. Civil Aviation Act, 2015 (1959 AD) Statutory Regulations 2. Civil Aviation Authority Act, 2053 (1996) - Establishment Main Functions: Ä Permitting Airlines Operation Ä Airworthiness Certification and manpower Licensing/Rating Ä Regulationg Air Transport and Civil Aviation Activities Ä Constructing, operating and maintaining airports Ä Equipping and maintaining airports with necessary communication and navigational facilities Affiliation/Institutional Linkages: ICAO, COSCAP-SA, MOCTCA, Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Nepal Armed Police, Airlines, NTB, International Funding Agencies, Traveling Public. Funding Resources: Charges from airports and air navigation services, Regulatory fees, Royalty etc. Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal Established : 31 December, 1998 Mission Strategy Making Air Services an Vision Effective Vehicle of high Ensuring Safe, Secured, Airport Marketing, Economic Growth Efficient, Standard and Quality Facilitating, Diversifying through Service in Civil Aviation and Revenue sources, Wide Scale Tourism Airport Operations Monitoring Promotion and Organizational Accessibility Performance and HRD Training a nC aa n nC aa nC C aa an nC a a aa nC Ca nC aa n nC a nC aa a a aa nC Ca a nC aa n nC nC aa C aa a a nC an C a a a aa Ca an nC C C n a a n n nC aa nC a aa a a nC aa nC C a a a aa C a n C C nC an a a n n nC n aa a nC a aa a a a nC a nC C a a a a aa Ca a n C C C anC an a a n nC n n n Ca a nC a a a a a a a aan nC aa nC a a a a a aa C a C C C C C n anC an a an n n nC n n a Ca Ca nC a a a a a a a aan n a C a a a a a C anC aa Ca n C C C C nC a anC an aa n n nC n n n 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