Museums and Sightseeing in

By: Vivian Mihali, Aaliyah Blackett, Li Xu, Celina Nguyen, Queenie Chen Château Frontenac Hotel

In most pictures of Quebec you will see this huge castle, which in fact it is a Hotel. This is where we stayed during our trip in Quebec. -Basilica of Notre-dame de Québec

This church has been given 1 of 7 holy doors by the . It has the only one outside of Europe. By going through a holy door one is supposed to get rid of bad habits. It has the tomb of François de Laval, the first Roman Catholic bishop of Quebec, making it a Basilica. Chez AshTon

Here we ate poutine, specialty dish of Quebec. French-fries topped with gravy and cheese curds. This is a very popular and enjoyed dish. Canyon Saint-Anne

It’s a beautiful canyon by the Saint-Anne Falls which are higher than the Niagara Falls. There are three suspension bridges and some hangs 60 meters in the air. You can also go ziplining here. We were very lucky to be able to walk on one of the suspension bridges. Montmorency Falls

The Montmorency Falls is a large waterfall on the Montmorency River in Quebec, . They have made bridges and stairs so people can walk around the waterfall. It is a beautiful tourist place to visit. Le Voile de la Mariee

There’s another waterfall, right next to Montmorency, that has a story behind it. A woman, who was named Marie was waiting for her husband to come back from the war, she was preparing for their wedding. She then got news that he died. She got so depressed that she dressed up in her wedding gown and she jumped of this waterfall to be with him. Legend says that as she was falling, her wedding veil fell off and where it landed starts the waterfall Le Voile de la Mariee, The Veil of Marie. Cuivres D'Art Albert Gilles

Albert Gilles started this company, in which he makes art from copper. He has done multiple works for disney and the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré. These pieces take a long time to make, his biggest accomplishment was a series of works that told the story of . Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

Saint Anne is the mother of jesus and is known to heal. The doors on this church are from the copper museum we went to.

It has been credited by the with many miracles of curing the sick and disabled. One of the reasons people leave things behind like crutches. Since it is a basilica it has to have an artifact, in its case the arm of Saint Anne. THE END The End