The Mw 6.3 Abruzzo, Italy, Earthquake of April 6, 2009
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2009 Learning from Earthquakes The Mw 6.3 Abruzzo, Italy, Earthquake of April 6, 2009 From April 17-24, a team made up versity of Rome La Sapienza; Khalid The earthquake killed 305 people, of representatives of the Earth- Mosalam, Dept. of Civil Engineering, injured ,500, destroyed or dam- quake Engineering Research Insti- UC Berkeley (PEER); H. John Price, aged an estimated 0,000-5,000 tute, the Applied Technology Coun- Curry Price Court, San Diego (ATC); buildings, prompted the temporary cil, and the Pacific Earthquake En- and Marko Schotanus, Rutherford & evacuation of 70,000-80,000 resi- gineering Research Center investi- Chekene, San Francisco. A separate dents, and left more than 24,000 gated the effects of the Abruzzo team from the Geo-engineering Ex- homeless. This event was the earthquake. The team was led by treme Events Reconnaissance Asso- strongest of a sequence that start- Paolo Bazzurro, AIR Worldwide ciation (GEER), led by Jonathan Stew- ed a few months earlier and num- Corp., San Francisco, and included art of UCLA, also contributed to this bered 23 earthquakes of Mw>4 David Alexander, CESPRO, Univer- report. between 03/30/09 and 04/23/09 sity of Florence; Paolo Clemente, (Figure 2), including an Mw 5.6 on The research, publication, and distri- ENEA Casaccia Research Centre, 04/07 and an Mw 5.4 on 04/09. bution of this report were funded by Rome; Mary Comerio, Dept. of the Earthquake Engineering Re- A total of 8 municipalities were Architecture, UC Berkeley (PEER); search Institute Learning from Earth- affected by the earthquake, and 49 Adriano De Sortis, Italian Dept.
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