
Varied Fluency Step 2: Recognising Common and Proper Nouns

National Curriculum Objectives:

English Year 1: (1G5.1) Using a capital letter for of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal ‘I’ English Year 1: (1G5.1) Capital letters for names and for the I

Differentiation: Developing Questions to support recognising . Questions have fewer options and use which are never used as proper and common nouns, e.g. ‘Becky’. Expected Questions to support recognising proper and common nouns. Questions have more options and use words which are often used as proper and common nouns, e.g. ‘dad’. Greater Depth Questions to support recognising proper and common nouns. Questions have more options again and use words which are often used as proper and common nouns. Some are also used in questions.

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© Classroom Secrets Limited 2018 classroomsecrets.com Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns – Teaching Information Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns 1a. Circle the below. 1b. Circle the noun below.

cat Becky sunny tall

D VF D VF 2a. Label the proper noun and the 2b. Label the proper noun and the common noun in the table. common noun in the table.

table Abdul

London fish

D VF D VF 3a. Which below is the proper 3b. Which word below is the proper noun and needs a capital letter? noun and needs a capital letter?

She is called carla. He is called fred.

D VF D VF 4a. Which sentence does each proper or 4b. Which sentence does each proper or common noun belong in? common noun belong in?

dad Dad mum Mum

1. Stephen is Beth’s ______. 1. Her ______is called Sonya.

2. I call my father ‘______’. 2. “Come here please, ______,” I said. D VF D VF

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2018 classroomsecrets.com Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns – Year 2 Developing Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns 5a. Circle the noun below. 5b. Circle the noun below.

running Max reaching wet football high

E VF E VF 6a. Label the proper nouns and the 6b. Label the proper nouns and the common nouns in the table. common nouns in the table.

Cat October bottle squirrel cat Uncle Friday uncle

E VF E VF 7a. Which word below is the proper 7b. Which word below is the proper noun and needs a capital letter? noun and needs a capital letter?

Yesterday i went out and They went to the famous ate pizza. city called bath.

E VF E VF 8a. Which sentence does each proper or 8b. Which sentence does each proper or common noun belong in? common noun belong in?

Cardigan cardigan grandpa Grandpa

1. It was a bit cold so I went 1. “Would you like some more back to get my ______. cake, ______?” asked Emily.

2. We all went to look around 2. A ______is a lovely person the town called ______. to talk to.


© Classroom Secrets Limited 2018 classroomsecrets.com Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns – Year 2 Expected Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns 9a. Circle the nouns below. 9b. Circle the nouns below.

jumper clever walk watch

superb Dawn tooth I

GD VF GD VF 10a. Label the proper nouns and the 10b. Label the proper nouns and the common nouns in the table. common nouns in the table. Bristol Zoo Mrs. Green bubbling creeping zoo bell jumping corner May wonderful GD VF GD VF 11a. Which words below are the proper 11b. Which words below are the proper nouns and need capital letters? nouns and need capital letters? Elsie and Simon let their Russell did not pass the dog stay at Wagging tails ball so they lost the game Dog Hotel on saturday. to the doncaster dribblers.

GD VF GD VF 12a. Which sentence does each pair of 12b. Which sentence does each pair of proper and common nouns belong in? proper and common nouns belong in? Look at the of the nouns. Look at the order of the nouns. Rose, rose rose, Rose olive, Olive Olive, olive 1. Marvin got a ______for 1. “There’s not enough ______on Valentine’s Day. oil,” ______told her mum. 2. ______wants to grow a 2. Liam tricked ______into ______bush in the garden. eating an ______!


© Classroom Secrets Limited 2018 classroomsecrets.com Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns – Year 2 Greater Depth Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

Developing 1a. cat 1b. Becky 2a. table = common; London = proper 2b. Abdul = proper; fish = common 3a. carla 3b. fred 4a. 1 – dad; 2 – Dad 4b. 1 – mum; 2 – Mum

Expected 5a. football 5b. Max 6a. Cat = proper; bottle = common; cat = common; Friday = proper 6b. October = proper; squirrel = common; Uncle = proper; uncle = common 7a. i 7b. bath 8a. 1 – cardigan; 2 – Cardigan 8b. 1 – Grandpa; 2 – grandpa

Greater Depth 9a. jumper; Dawn 9b. tooth; I 10a. Bristol Zoo = proper; zoo = common; May = proper. The other words are not nouns. 10b. Mrs. Green = proper; bell = common; corner = common. The other words are not nouns. 11a. tails; saturday 11b. doncaster; dribblers 12a. 1 – rose, Rose; 2 – Rose, rose 12b. 1 – olive, Olive; 2 – Olive, olive

© Classroom Secrets Limited 2018 classroomsecrets.com Varied Fluency – Recognising Common Nouns and Proper Nouns ANSWERS