
Planning Application No: 19/00365



APPLICATION NUMBER: 19/00365/OUT ADDRESS: Land Adjacent To Fawley . Fawley PROPOSAL: Outline application for development of 120 new homes, 300 square metres of new civic space (Use Class D1), 200 square metres of drinking establishments (Use Class A4), a two form entry primary school, early years provision, public open space and habitat enhancement of existing land, hard and soft landscaping, Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace, a saline lagoon, tidal creek, reconfiguration of the existing access and creation of a new access from the B3053 and access road through the site, associated infrastructure and engineering works (access to be considered) CASE OFFICER: Natalie Walter CONTACT: Tel: 01590 646614 e-mail: [email protected]

1. Development Plan Designation

Flood Zone

2. Principal Development Plan Policies

New Forest National Park Local Plan 2016-2036 Proposed Modifications (April 2019)

SP25 Land adjacent to Fawley Power Station SP3 Major Development in the National Park SP5 Nature Conservation Sites of International Importance SP6 The Natural Environment SP7 Landscape Character SP9 Green Infrastructure SP11 Climate Change SP15 Tranquility SP16 The Historic and Built Environment SP17 Local Distinctivenss SP19 New Residential Development in the National Park SP21 The Size of New Dwellings SP38 Infrastructure Provision and Developer Contributions SP39 Local Community Facilities SP55 Access DP2 General Development Principles DP8 Safeguarding and Improving Water Resources DP10 Open Space DP12 Flood Risk DP13 Coastal Development DP18 Design Principles

New Forest National Park Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD (December 2010)

CP1 Nature Conservation Sites of International Importance CP2 The Natural Environment CP3 Green Infrastructure CP4 Climate Change CP7 The Built Environment CP8 Local Distinctiveness CP12 New Residential Development DP1 General Development Principles DP2 Safeguarding and Improving Water Resources DP3 Open Space DP4 Flooding and the Coast DP5 Coastal Development DP6 Design Principles 3 Protection of habitats and species 4 Protection of the designated landscape 5 Protection of the countryside 7 Conserving the historic environment and heritage assets 8 Protection of soils 9 Restoration of Minerals and Waste Developments 10 Protecting public health, safety and amenity 11 Flood risk and prevention 12 Managing traffic

3. Supplementary Planning Guidance

Development Standards SPD Design Guide SPD

4. National Planning Policy Framework

Sec 5 - Delivering a sufficient supply of homes Sec 8 - Promoting healthy and safe communities Sec 11 - Making effective use of land Sec 12 - Achieving well-designed places Sec 14 - Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change Sec 15 - Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Sec 16 - Conserving and enhancing the historic environment Sec 17 - Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals 5. Recent Planning History

Appn. No. 19/00055 Location: FAWLEY QUARRY, ROAD, CALSHOT, FAWLEY, SO45 1BB Proposal: Application for Screening Opinion under Town & Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 for importation of solis to improve restoration and regularise surrounding ground levels Decision Date/Desc.: 11/02/2019 EIA Required Case Status: DEC Appeal / Outcome: ------Appn. No. 18/00756 Location: FAWLEY QUARRY, CALSHOT ROAD, CALSHOT, , SO45 1BB Proposal: Application to vary Conditions 2, 5 and 17 of planning permission 18/00437 to allow revised restoration scheme Decision Date/Desc.: 19/12/2018 11:10:52 Withdrawn Case Status: WDN Appeal / Outcome: ------

Appn. No. 18/00540 Location: FAWLEY QUARRY, CALSHOT ROAD, CALSHOT, SOUTHAMPTON, SO45 1BB Proposal: Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for Proposed implementation of sand and gravel extraction in phase II in accordance with application NFDC/MIN/91/48794- Appeal reference: APP/1700/A/94/246467 Decision Date/Desc.: 04/10/2018 Lawful Case Status: DEC Appeal / Outcome: ------Appn. No. 18/00437 Location: FAWLEY QUARRY, CALSHOT ROAD, CALSHOT, SOUTHAMPTON, SO45 1BB Proposal: Application to vary Condition 5 of planning permission 18/00140 to allow the restricted importation of sands and gravels Decision Date/Desc.: 04/09/2018 11:17:45 Temporary Permission Granted Case Status: DEC Appeal / Outcome: ------Appn. No. 18/00140 Location: FAWLEY QUARRY, CALSHOT ROAD, CALSHOT, SOUTHAMPTON, SO45 1BB Proposal: Application to vary Condition 2 of planning permission 13/98825 to allow revised working scheme for sand and gravel extraction Decision Date/Desc.: 11/05/2018 Grant Subject to Conditions Case Status: DEC Appeal / Outcome: ------Appn. No. 17/00975 Location: SITE OF FAWLEY POWER STATION, FAWLEY ROAD, FAWLEY, , SO45 1TW Proposal: Request for Scoping Opinion for the demolition and redevelopment of Fawley Power Station and the development of surrounding land to create a new 1,530 home community with 90,000 sq m of new commercial and employment space (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B8, C1, D1 and D2); refurbishment of the Power Station Chimney; enlargement of the dock and creation of a canal within part of the turbine hall basement; refurbishment of the remainder of the turbine hall basement to create a 2,100 space car park; a boat stack; a two form entry primary school; public open space and habitat enhancement of existing land; Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space; a saline lagoon; reconfiguration of the existing access and creation of a new access from B3053; and associated engineering and landscaping works Decision Date/Desc.: 17/01/2018 16:46:27 Scoping Response Given Case Status: DEC Appeal / Outcome: ------Appn. No. 17/00111 Location: FAWLEY QUARRY, BADMINSTON FARM, FAWLEY, SOUTHAMPTON, SO45 1BB Proposal: Continued siting of a mobile home for night watchman for the period of mineral working Decision Date/Desc.: 31/03/2017 Temporary Permission Granted Case Status: DEC Appeal / Outcome: ------Appn. No. 16/00805 Location: FAWLEY QUARRY, FAWLEY BYPASS, FAWLEY, HAMPSHIRE, SO45 1BX Proposal: Continued siting of two mobile homes for night watchmen for the period of mineral working Decision Date/Desc.: 21/11/2016 10:49:34 Withdrawn Case Status: WDN Appeal / Outcome: ------

6. Issues Identified by Planning Officer:

Application Site The 107.8-hectare site surrounds the former power station site in Fawley. It comprises land at Tom Tiddler’s Ground, located to the south of the power station; land to the west of the power station site, including part of Fawley Quarry; and land to the north of the power station site, which comprises the former Exxon laydown area. The site includes an area of ancient woodland (Chamber’s Copse) and three designated Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), located on Tom Tiddler’s Ground; Chamber’s Copse and Solent View Valley. The Environment Agency’s Flood Map indicates that parts of the application site lie within Flood Zones 2 and 3. There are several public rights of way which run through the site. There are no Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) close to the site. The site lies adjacent to the Solent Maritime Special Area of Conservation (SAC); and the Solent & Special Protection Area (SPA) and Ramsar site. Local Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest lies to the south-east. The North Solent Site of Special Scientific Interest is located to the south of the site. There are no listed buildings within the application site and none of the site lies within a conservation area. There is an area of archaeological interest located on part of Fawley Quarry. The site lies to the south of Creek Conservation Area; a number of listed buildings are located within close proximity to the boundaries of the site, including Badminston Farmhouse and Farmhouse to the west of the site, and a number of listed buildings at Calshot Spit (including the hangers at Calshot Activities Centre). Calshot Spit to the south east of the site also comprises a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The Health & Safety Executive’s hazard consultation zone for the complex which covers the northern part of the site. Background to the Application Fawley Power Station closed in 2013. The 49 hectare previously developed site is within the Council Local Plan area but, uniquely, is entirely enclosed by the New Forest National Park. The redevelopment of the power station site provides an opportunity to remove the detrimental industrial structures and replace them with an attractive development that enhances this part of the National Park. There are unique, site-specific circumstances which have led the Authority to conclude that the comprehensive redevelopment of the power station site to include a limited area of adjoining land within the National Park can be justified against the major development tests set out in national planning policy. The application site has therefore been included as an allocation in the New Forest National Park Local Plan 2016-2036 Proposed Modifications April 2019 [Policy SP25]. The new Local Plan is at an advanced stage and weight can be given to Policy SP25 in accordance with paragraph 48 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Policy SP25 is included in Appendix 1. The Proposal The application has been submitted following extensive pre-application discussions and comprises an outline application with access to be considered and all other matters reserved. The application proposals include the following: · 120 dwellings, 300 square metres of civic space and 200 square metres of drinking establishments within the “Southern Quarter;” · A two-form entry primary school and early years provision; · Public open space; · Areas of suitable alternative natural greenspace (Ashlett SANG in the north; Fawley SANG to the west; Tom Tiddler SANG to the south); · Nature conservation areas, a saline lagoon and tidal creek; · Reconfiguration of the existing access; a new access from the B3053 and an access road through the site; · Associated landscaping, infrastructure and engineering works, including flood defence works and restoration of part of Fawley Quarry. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement which extends the period for determination to 16 weeks. A large number of documents have been submitted including parameter plans, means of access plans, illustrative masterplans and phasing plans, draft Section 106 Heads of Terms and a range of technical documents. The application has been submitted concurrently with an application to New Forest District Council for the comprehensive redevelopment of the former power station site. Issues for Consideration The main issue for consideration is whether the proposals comply with Policy SP25 of the new Local Plan. In addition, further key issues for consideration include: · Impacts on the special qualities, character, amenity and landscape setting of the New Forest National Park; · Whether the proposals comprise an exceptionally high standard of design and layout; · Impacts on biodiversity and ecology (terrestrial and marine); · Impacts on archaeology and heritage assets; · Highway and access considerations; · Flood risk considerations; and · Phasing and sequencing of the proposed development. The Authority has consulted with the relevant statutory consultees as well as other internal and external consultees and is currently awaiting responses.

The above comments are made without prejudice and represent the initial issues identified by the planning officer following a site visit. The issues identified may not be comprehensive.

The identification of these issues does not take into account any comments made as a result of the consultations undertaken on this planning application. In the light of any comments received the issues identified above will be reviewed before a recommendation drawn up.





SITE ADDRESS: Land Adjacent To Fawley Power Station. Fawley

PROPOSALS: Outline application for development of 120 new homes, 300 square metres of new civic space (Use Class D1), 200 square metres of drinking establishments (Use Class A4), a two form entry primary school, early years provision, public open space and habitat enhancement of existing land, hard and soft landscaping, Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace, a saline lagoon, tidal creek, reconfiguration of the existing access and creation of a new access from the B3053 and access road through the site, associated infrastructure and engineering works (access to be considered)

CASE OFFICER: Natalie Walter

Our views on the above application are:

Please tick one of the following:-

1. We recommend PERMISSION, for the reasons listed below, but would accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers.

2. We recommend REFUSAL, for the reasons listed below, but would accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers.

3. We recommend PERMISSION, for the reasons listed below. *

4. We recommend REFUSAL, for the reasons listed below. *

5. We are happy to accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers.

* Please make sure you fill in the section below if you respond to one of these options


7.32 Given these unique, site-specific circumstances, the Authority has concluded that the comprehensive development of the Power Station site to include a limited area of adjoining land within the National Park can be justified against the major development tests. As outlined above, to inform this decision the Authority and New Forest District Council jointly commissioned a detailed viability assessment of a wide range of redevelopment options for the former Power Station site, including focusing all of the built development outside the National Park. This viability assessment concluded that the redevelopment could not come forward without some development on adjacent National Park land. The viability assessment also concluded that the Authority’s Local Plan policy restriction on the size of dwellings could not be met in full if the development in the National Park was to be kept to a minimum.

7.33 Consequently the Authority and New Forest District Council have worked together under the ‘duty to cooperate’ on aligned Local Plan policies to enable the delivery of a comprehensive and coordinated redevelopment of the former Fawley Power station brownfield site and the enhancement of the surrounding area. The comprehensive redevelopment of the site enables the largest brownfield site in the New Forest to deliver around 1,500 homes, together with a package of environmental and community benefits to mitigate or compensate for environmental impacts and achieve an overall net public benefit. These wider benefits to the National Park are, in part, deliverable due to the land ownership in the area. Policy SP25 therefore supports the production of a whole-Estate Plan to demonstrate how the major redevelopment of the Power Station site will be integrated into the wider management of the surrounding National Park in terms of habitats, landscape character and access improvements.

7.34 The respective planning policies for the Fawley Power Station site prepared by the National Park Authority and New Forest District Council have been prepared to be applied together. The District Council’s Local Plan policy addresses the elements within their Plan-area (including the majority of the housing and employment elements) and the Authority’s Local Plan addresses the elements within the National Park.

Policy SP25 – Land adjacent to the former Fawley Power Station

As part of a comprehensive and integrated approach to regenerating the Fawley Power Station site within the New Forest District Local Plan area, the use of land adjoining the former Power Station site within the National Park to provide habitat mitigation, supporting infrastructure and community facilities (including a primary school) that cannot reasonably be achieved within the District Council area will be supported.

Support is subject to an exceptionally high standard of design and layout being secured across the whole of the Power Station site with clear net positive public benefits being demonstrated in relation to the landscape and setting of the National Park; public access improvements; the provision of suitable greenspace for recreation; and habitat enhancements to ensure net gains in biodiversity. To further demonstrate these benefits, the Authority will require the submission and

70 approval of a whole-Estate Plan to show how the proposals integrate with the wider area.

Proposals for new provision of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) within the National Park must deliver significant benefits for the landscape character, biodiversity and internationally designated sites of the New Forest. Based on the scale of development proposed in the respective Local Plans, at least 30 hectares of new SANG provision must be provided. The Authority will also require details of how the SANG areas will be managed suitably in perpetuity, to be agreed with Natural .

As part of the comprehensive redevelopment of the adjacent brownfield Power Station site, adjoining land to the south of the site within the National Park is allocated for around 120 dwellings. Detailed proposals for the site must meet the following site-specific requirements:

(a) The provision of on-site affordable housing for local people in housing need in accordance with the target of 50% affordable housing; 50% of the dwellings in the Southern Quarter of the development site must be affordable housing to meet local needs; (b) At least 50% of the dwellings The majority of the dwellings provided within the National Park must be smaller dwellings (less than 100 square metres) to meet the identified local housing need for smaller dwellings; (c) Proposals must be implemented as an integral and contiguous part of the redevelopment of the whole Power Station site pursuant to an approved comprehensive redevelopment master plan and an integrated transport strategy for the entire Fawley Power Station site. Housing on the land within the National Park will not be supported in isolation; and (d) Any loss of the designated SINC must be kept to an essential minimum and compensated through the enhancement of the biodiversity value of the remaining habitat and/or the compensatory provision of alternative habitats of equivalent or higher value to achieve a net gain for biodiversity; and (e) A site-specific flood risk assessment will be required and measures put in place to address any flooding issues identified to ensure that the development will be safe for its lifetime.

Prior to the submission of the outline planning application for the site, the applicant must undertake site-specific bird surveys to confirm the status of SPA/Ramsar species at the site (particularly merlin, hen harrier and Dartford Warbler), to inform appropriate mitigation requirements as part of the site- specific development and masterplanning.

To ensure redevelopment is bought forward in a coordinated manner and fully mitigates its impacts, the promoter will prepare a master plan and supporting technical assessments for the entire Fawley Power Station site redevelopment, for submission as part of a redevelopment planning application. Future development phases will be brought forward pursuant to the approved master plan, updated as necessary.

71 Calshot Village 7.35 The redevelopment of Fawley Power Station will deliver infrastructure improvements for the area, provide local employment opportunities and significantly improve the services on offer. Linked to the Authority’s duty to foster the socio-economic well- being of local communities within the National Park, the nearby community of Calshot should benefit from these improvements. The village has pockets of relative deprivation and there is an opportunity to broaden the range of housing available in the village and provide local community facilities through the provision of a new primary school close to the village. This will provide a connection between the village of Calshot and the Fawley Power Station site and a focal point for the local community in Calshot.

7.36 A number of improvements - including landscape and public realm enhancements - can be implemented without the need for additional development. In addition to these improvements, the village would benefit from a more mixed community with a better balance of housing tenures. Land adjacent to St George’s Church Hall has been identified as an important site to the village and is relatively unconstrained.