Your magazine from the Isle of Wight Council Issue five May 2007 oneIsland A million blooms! Flower power brightens the Island Also inside: Four-page Isle of Wight Festival guide Special focus on West Wight Your magazine from the Isle of Wight Council LKB Issue five P' > I K A May 2007 Welcome One Island is published each month, except for August/September m and December/January, when there are combined editions. If you have community news to share with other readers or would like to advertise in One Island, we would like to hear from you. We also welcome your letters – you can contact us by post, email or telephone. A million Post One Island, Publications, County Hall, Newport PO30 1UD blooms! Flower power Email
[email protected] brightens the Island Also inside: Four-page Isle of Wight Festival guide Telephone 823105 Special focus on West Wight Welcome to the May issue of makingcontact councilmeetings the Isle of Wight Council’s USEFUL CONTACTS magazine, One Island, which Isle of Wight Council, County Hall, this edition features a Newport PO30 1UD helpful guide to road closures Fax 823333 and other arrangements for Email
[email protected] next month’s Isle of Wight Website Festival at Seaclose. We hope the event will Unless otherwise stated, all meetings proceed smoothly and TELEPHONE SERVICES are in public at County Hall. Call 821000 provide enjoyment to the Call centre 821000 24 hours before a meeting to ensure it Mon to Fri: 8am to 6pm is going ahead and to check if any items many Islanders and visitors Saturday: 9am to 1pm are likely to be held in private session.