International Journal of Food Studies IJFS October 2019 Volume 8 pages 1–12

Potentials of African ( myristica) as a Flavourant in Cookie Production

Kazeem K. Olatoyea*, Omololu O. Fapojuwoa, Joshu A. Olorunsholaa, and Julianah O. Ayorindea

a Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Kwara State University, Malete, P.M.B 1530, Ilorin, Kwara State, *Corresponding author [email protected]

Received: 13 November 2017; Published online: 18 October 2019


African nutmeg, a possible local substitute for a commercial food flavourant, remains largely un- derutilized in Nigeria. Its application potential in cookie production was investigated in this study. African nutmeg (Monodora myristica) flour (ANM) was produced using a standard method. The flour was substituted for flavour (VFL) in ratio of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 3.5 g and functional proper- ties of the flour blends (water absorption capacity (WAC), oil absorption capacity (OAC), and bulk density) were determined, using standard methods. Cookies were developed and characterized chem- ically, physically (colour) and organoleptically using the AOAC method, a colourimeter and sensory panellists respectively. Data were analysed using ANOVA at p<0.05. Replacement of vanilla with African nutmeg had no significant effect on bulk density (0.62 g cm−3-0.68 g cm−3), but significantly affected WAC (133-142 %) and OAC (147-156 %) of flour blends. Crude protein (9.44-15.49 %), crude fat (3.17-6.50 %), total ash (2-2.73 %) and crude fibre (0.12-0.23 %) contents of the cookie increased, whilst metabolizable energy (385.33-367 kcal) decreased. There were reductions in pH (6.83-6.53) and TSS (5.80-1.20). Brown index of the snack increased with addition of nutmeg. Antioxidant indicators (flavonoids, DPPH and phenol) varied among cookie samples. Antinutrients, saponin, tannin and ox- alate, were within tolerable limits. All cookie samples were judged acceptable by the panellists, with SLZ being the most acceptable. An acceptable and nutritious snack was produced at 100 % replace- ment. M. myristica seed could serve as substitute for vanilla in the production of cookies and other related snacks. Keywords: Monodora myristica; Snack; Flavourant; Food additive; Substitution

1 Introduction driven lifestyles, job demands and dietary habits (Kruger, 2012; Olatoye & I. Lawal, 2016). Many people earn their livelihood through snack pro- Snacks are identified as foods eaten at times duction and marketing (Norfezah, 2013). Quite other than meals and could be mindfully or un- often, some snacks are perceived to be sugary and mindfully consumed. They include a variety of their excessive consumption has been attributed products and can take different forms, includ- to incidence of obesity, diabetes and coeliac dis- ing potato chips and cereal-based snacks (FAO, eases (Ajieroh, 2010). These might be connected 2011; Sajilata & S. Singhal, 2005; Sumargo, with the composition of their ingredients. 2016). Globally, the impact of snacks is felt daily Among other ingredients, flavourings remain mostly in big cities, possibly due to convenience

Copyright ©2019 ISEKI-Food Association (IFA) 10.7455/ijfs/8.2.2019.a1 2 Olatoye et al. indispensable with application of commercial Ibadan, Nigeria. The wheat flour, sugar, salt, flavourings in snack production being common, egg, and vanilla were bought from modern mar- as this is meant to improve the taste and en- ket, Ilorin, Nigeria. The chemicals and reagents tice consumers. Ironically, some of these flavour- used were of analytical grade A and were ob- ings are synthetic and unhealthy. However, pro- tained from Bumlab Nigeria Limited, Ring Road, ducing healthy snacks from locally available ma- Ibadan, Nigeria. terials is the current trend and innovative de- velopment in the snack food industry. Conse- quently, it is necessary to explore natural flavour- 2.2 Production of African nutmeg ings and that may be considered as pos- powder sible alternatives to synthetic ones (Enwereuzoh et al., 2015). One example of such possible al- The of M. myristica were shelled manually ternatives is M. myristica, commonly known as with the use of mortar and pestle and then milled African nutmeg. It is a perennial edible , into powder using an electric blender, sieved with belonging to the Ananacea family. It is a a 250 µm mesh and bottled in a sterile plastic with many seeds grown in the evergreen forests container prior to use. of West Africa (Burubai, Akor, Igoni, & Puyate, 2007), with almost every part of the tree possess- ing both economic and medicinal usefulness. Its 2.3 Cookie production pod is used as a seasoning in Southern and Eastern Nigeria (Aladesanmi, 2007; Essien, Izun- The method described by Eneche (1999) was wane, Aremu, & Eka, 1994). The seeds, which used to prepare cookies with slight modifications. are embedded in the white sweet-smelling pulp of A fluffy mixture of butter and sugar was obtained the are considered most economically im- by manually mixing 125 g of baking butter with portant (Stephen, O., Oboh, & Eseosa, 2014). 120 g of sugar for 5 min. Another mixture of flour The seed powder is used as spices to prepare pep- (250 g), salt (2.5 g) and baking powder (10 g) per soup and also used as stimulant to relieve was prepared separately and combined with the constipation. Currently, the tendency to use the butter-sugar mixture to get a dough. A measured oil extracted from M. myristica and Tetrapleura amount of water (20 ml) was added gradually tetraptera to flavour popcorn has proven to jus- and the dough mixed continuously until a good tify the use of the spices as flavourings with good textured, firm dough was obtained. The dough acceptability and no adverse effect (Enwereuzoh was kneaded on a clean flat surface for 4 min et al., 2015). There have been few studies on the and transferred to a cutting table where a shape use of African nutmeg incorporated into snacks maker was pressed over the dough to give the de- as it is mostly used in seasoning soups and salads. sired shapes. Dough pieces were then transferred Largely, Nigerian food industries are still relying into liquid-fat-greased baking trays and baked at on the importation of flavourings at the expense 150 oC for 20 min, cooled and packaged for anal- of possible local substitutes (Enwereuzoh et al., ysis. 2015). Therefore, the objective of this research was to investigate the potential of African nut- meg as a flavouring agent in the production of 2.4 African nutmeg-vanilla flavour cookies. formulation for cookie

African nutmeg (ANM) was substituted for 2 Materials and Methods vanilla flavour (VFL) in different proportions of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 3.5 g i.e. (0, 30, 60, 90 and 100 %) 2.1 Sources of Materials respectively, to give five (5) samples (Table1), according to the modified method described by The African nutmeg was obtained from Forestry Adeboye, Babajide, Shittu, Omemu, and Oluwa- Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Jericho, tola (2013).

IJFS October 2019 Volume 8 pages 1–12 African nutmeg and vanilla flavour blends 3

Table 1: Substitution of African nutmeg for vanilla flavour in cookie production

Samples African nutmeg flour (g) Vanilla flavour (g) KMO 0.00 (0 %) 3.5 (100 %) JLK 1.00 (30 %) 2.50 (70 %) VRU 2.00 (60 %) 1.50 (40 %) PQS 3.00 (90 %) 0.50 (10 %) SLZ 3.50 (100 %) 0.00 (0 %)

2.5 Determination of functional joules per 100 g and the values were converted properties of flour blends to kcal by dividing them by the conversion fac- tor (4.184) (Maclean et al., 2003) as shown in Water absorption capacity (WAC) and oil ab- equation2. sorption capacity (OAC) were determined using Carb × 17 + Prot × 17 + Fat × 37 EV(kcal) = the method described by Sosulski (1962). For 4.184 the WAC, 1 g of the sample was added into 15 (2) ml of distilled water in a pre-weighed centrifuge Where EV = Energy value and Carb, Prot and tube, while for the OAC, oil with a known den- Fat are the composition in carbohydrates, pro- sity was added to the sample. The tube with its teins and fats contents was agitated for 2min and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 20 min on a SorvallGLC-1 cen- 2.7 Determination of trifuge (Model 06470, USA). The clear super- natant was discarded and the centrifuge tube was physicochemical properties of weighed with the sediment. The amount of wa- cookie samples ter or oil bound by the sample was determined by difference and expressed as the weight of wa- A Fisher pH meter (Model 210, Fisher Scientific) ter bound by 100 g dry of flour. Bulk density was was used to determine the pH and an Abbe re- fractometer was used to determine the total sol- determined using the method of AOAC (2000). o The flour sample (7 g) was weighed into a 50 ml uble solids content (Brix) at 20 C. The physical graduated measuring cylinder. The cylinder was colour of the cookies was quantitatively deter- tapped gently against the palm of the hand until mined with the aid of a hand-held Colour Tec a constant volume was obtained, and the bulk PCM/PSMTM1 colour meter as described by density (BD) calculated as shown in equation1. Babajide and Odulate (2015) using a white tile as reference and recording the brightness (L*), weight of sample redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) values, Hunter BD = (1) volume of sample after tapping Lab values.

2.6 Determinations of proximate 2.8 Determination of Antioxidant composition and energy values profile of formulated cookie of cookie samples Phenol Proximate composition, including crude protein, Total phenol was determined by the Folin- fat, moisture content, crude fibre, ash and car- Ciocalteu spectrophotometric method (AOAC, bohydrate of the cookie samples were carried 1990). Extraction of total phenol was done by out using standard methods described by AOAC dissolving 200 mg of the sample in 10ml methanol (1995). The energy value of the cookie was calcu- (>99 % w/w). At room temperature, the mix- lated from percentages of major nutrients in kilo- ture was shaken well for 30 min and centrifuged

IJFS October 2019 Volume 8 pages 1–12 4 Olatoye et al. at 500 rpm for about 15 min. The extract from dry test tubes in triplicate and the volumes ad- each sample (1ml) was treated with an equal vol- justed to 1 ml with 10 mM acetate buffer, pH 4.5. ume of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent together with ad- This was followed by the addition of 2 ml of 0.2 dition of 2 % Na2CO3 solution. Standard phe- mM DPPH solution in methanol. The reaction nol solution was prepared and diluted to the mixture was mixed thoroughly by inversion and desired concentration. The standard solution then incubated in the dark for 30 min. The ab- (1ml) was treated with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent sorbance was read at 517 nm against the blank and Na2CO3 solution. A spectrophotometer was that contained 1 ml of 10 mM acetate buffer, used to measure the absorbance of the resulting pH 4.5 and 2 ml of 0.2 mM DPPH solution in blue coloration at 560 nm. Measurement was methanol. For ascorbic acid (1 mg mL−1) and made with a reagent blank at zero. The phenol rutin (1 mg mL−1) standard, the procedure de- content was calculated using the formula below: scribed above was followed. Scavenging activity was evaluated in percentage, using the expres- 100 Au V t %phenol = × × C × (3) sion: W As V a Ac − Au Where W = weight of sample, Au = absorbance % of scavenging activity = × 100 (5) of test sample, As = absorbance of standard phe- Ac nol sample, C = concentration of standard phe- Where Au = absorbance of test sample, Ac = nol sample, Vt = total extract volume and Va = absorbance of the control volume ofextract analysed.

Flavonoids 2.9 Determination of anti nutrient Flavonoid content was determined using the contents of cookie samples modified method of Harborne (1973). The cookie sample (5 g) was refluxed for 40 min and allowed Tannin to cool before being filtered. The filtrate was Tannin content of the sample was determined by treated with an equal volume of ethyl acetate Folin Denis colorimetric method (Kirk, Sawyer, and then transferred to a separation funnel. The et al., 1991). 5 g of the cookie was weighed flavonoid extract (contained in the ethyl acetate and thoroughly dissolved in 10 ml distilled water. portion) was collected using a filter paper. The The solution was shaken well for 30 min at room weight was obtained after drying in the oven and temperature and filtered to obtain the extract. cooling in a dessicator. The weight was expressed Standard tannic solution was prepared and a 2 as percentage of weight of sample analyzed and ml portion mixed with equal volume of distilled was calculated as shown below: water in a separate 50 ml volumetric flask, to W − W %flavonoid = 2 3 × 100 (4) serve as standard and reagent blank respectively. W1ofsample Then 2 ml of each of the sample extracts were put into labeled flasks. Contents of each flask were Where W and W represent flavonoid extract 2 3 mixed with 35 ml of distilled water and 1ml of in ethyl acetate portion before and after drying the Folin Denis reagent was added to each, fol- respectively. W1 is the initial weight of sample. lowed by addition of 2.5 ml of saturated Na2CO3 solution. Thereafter, each flask was diluted to DPPH (2, 2-dipheny-1-pycryl the 50 ml mark with water and incubated for 90 hydrazine) min at room temperature. Absorbance was read using a spectrophotometer at 760 nm with the The DPPH-radical scavenging activity of the reagent blank at zero. The tannin content was cookies sample was determined using a modified calculated as shown below: method of Blois (1958) as reported by Cakir et al. (2003). Different concentrations (0 to 350 µg 100 Au Vt ml−1) of sample extract were pipetted into clean, %tannin = × × C × (6) W As Va

IJFS October 2019 Volume 8 pages 1–12 African nutmeg and vanilla flavour blends 5

Where W = weight of sample, Au = absorbance version 21). Separation of means was carried out of test sample, As = absorbance of the stan- (P≤0.05) using the Duncan multiple range test. dard tannin solution, C = concentration of the standard tannin solution, Vt = total vol- 3 Results and discussion ume of extract, Va = volume of extract analyzed. 3.1 Functional properties of flour blends Oxalate Replacement of vanilla with African nutmeg had The determination of oxalate content was carried no significant effect on bulk density except for out according to Day and Underwood (1986). sample JLK and ranged from 0.62 g cm−3 to 0.68 One gram of each sample was put into separate g cm−3. However, it significantly affected WAC plastic bottles followed by the addition of 75ml (133 - 142 %) and OAC (147 - 156 %) of flour of 0.1N H SO . The content was mixed properly 2 4 blends (Table2). Water absorption capacity is and allowed to extract for 1 h with constant agi- an important functional property in the devel- tation using a mechanical shaker. This was then opment of ready-to-eat foods, since a high WAC filtered and 25 ml of the filtrate was titrated with may assure product cohesiveness (Houssou & Ay- 0.1ml KMnO while hot (80-90 oC) until a pur- 4 ernor, 2002). The WAC decreased as the amount ple colour was observed at the end point. The of M. myristica increased. The oil absorption ca- titre value (volume of KMnO used at the end 4 pacity (OAC) is a critical assessment of flavour point) was then multiplied by 0.9004 to get the retention and increases the palatability of foods result expressed as mg g−1. (Kinsella & Melachouris, 1976). The addition of M. myristica decreased the OAC capacity of the Saponin flour blend. This could be as a result of the oil content of M. myristica (22.71-29.1 %), reported Modified method of Fenwick and Oakenfull by Ekeanyanwu, Ogu, and Perpetua (2010) and (1981) was used to determine saponin content of Stephen et al. (2014). the cookies. A reflux condenser containing pure acetone was used to extract saponin for 2 h. Ex- haustive re-extraction over a heating mantle with 3.2 Proximate composition of methanol in the Soxhlet apparatus carried out formulated cookie for 2 h. Methanol was allowed to evaporate and the extract was weighed. Saponin content was The crude protein (9.44-15.49 %), crude fat calculated as a percentage of the sample. (3.17-6.50 %), total ash (1.22-2.73 %) and crude fibre (0.12-0.23 %) contents of the cookies in- creased (Table3), while metabolizable energy 2.10 Sensory evaluation: (385.33-367 kcal) decreased (Table4) with addi- tion of African nutmeg. In this study, the protein Cookie samples were evaluated for sensory at- content was close to the value reported by En- tributes; appearance, taste, crispness, flavor, wereuzoh et al. (2015) in similar study. Increased hardness and acceptability using thirty panel- protein can contribute significantly to the recom- lists on a hedonic scale (9-point) where 1 rep- mended daily intake of proteins for adults (34-56 resented dislike extremely and 9 extremely like g day−1) and children (13-19 g day−1) (Food and (Iwe, 2002). Nutrition Board, 2002). Protein is an essential nutrient in the human diet as it helps to repair 2.11 Statistical analysis worn-out tissues (Baah, 2009). Fat content of the cookie was however lower (12.96–15.21 %) than All analyses were carried out in triplicate and the documented by Giwa and Abiodun (2010) for a results were subjected to statistical analysis us- biscuit produced from composite flour of wheat ing Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS and quality protein maize. It is important to note

IJFS October 2019 Volume 8 pages 1–12 6 Olatoye et al.

Table 2: Functional properties of flour blends

Samples Bulk density (g/cm3) WAC ( %) OAC ( %) KMO 0.66a±0.01 142a±0.02 156a±0.01 JLK 0.62b±0.02 141ab±0.02 155a±0.01 VRU 0.67a±0.02 139b±0.04 152b±0.02 PQS 0.68a±0.01 135c±0.01 151b±0.01 SLZ 0.68a±0.02 133d±0.01 147c±0.01

Mean ± standard deviation of triplicate readings, mean values followed by different superscripts within columns were significantly different (P < 0.05)

Table 3: Proximate composition of baked cookie ( %)

Sample Moisture C. Protein Crude fat Crude ash Crude fibre Carbohydrate KMO 6.20d±0.26 9.44d±0.62 3.17d±0.07 1.22c±0.07 0.17c±0.01 79.80a±1.02 JLK 8.33c±0.29 12.67c±0.67 4.27c±0.03 1.70b±0.10 0.12d±0.01 72.91b±1.00 VRU 8.91b±0.16 12.96bc±0.80 4.45b±0.09 1.74b±0.10 0.17c±0.00 71.77b±1.14 PQS 9.20b±0.96 14.44abc±0.95 4.49b±0.01 1.82b±0.07 0.19b±0.01 69.85c±0.89 SLZ 13.41a±0.19 15.49a±1.10 6.50a±0.10 2.73a±0.20 0.23a±0.01 61.64d±1.05

Mean ± standard deviation of triplicate readings, mean values followed by different superscripts within columns were significantly different (P < 0.05)

that the amount of fat in a food product plays (Merrill & Watt, 1973). a major role in its shelf life. High fat content could be undesirable in ready-to-eat snacks as it can promote rancidity, leading to development 3.3 Physicochemical properties of unpleasant sensory properties (Ihekoronye & and colour characteristics of Ngoddy, 1985). Hence, the low fat was an added formulated cookie advantage with respect to the keeping quality of this cookie. Ash content (1.34-2.58 %) in this Substitution of African nutmeg for vanilla study was in agreement with reported by Eke, brought about significant (p ≤ 0.05) reductions Achinewhu, and Sanni (2008) and was an indi- in pH (6.83-6.50) and TSS (5.80-1.20) (Table5), cation of adequate mineral status of the cookie with a concomitant increase in brown index (Ta- (Baah, 2009). Fibre is regarded as essential nu- ble6) of the cookie samples. The pH decreased trient in human diet as it absorbs water and pro- with increased level of African nutmeg, with sam- vides roughage for the bowels, assisting intestinal ple SLZ (100 %) exhibiting lowest pH value, transit (Alaise & Linden, 1999). The crude fibre hence highest acidity. Reduction of pH is an indi- content was low, which is however helpful to the cation of improved shelf stability for this snack as digestive process (Alaise & Linden, 1999). Sub- most spoilage micro-organisms grow best at pH stitution of African nutmeg for vanilla resulted in 6.8-7.2, close to neutral (Zahra & Safaa, 2015). reduced carbohydrate (Table3) and energy con- Total soluble solid (TSS) followed similar trend. tents of the cookie (Table4). This may help in TSS is an indication of the amount of total solu- the prevention of over-weight and obesity. Ac- ble sugar, in particular sucrose contents of cookie curate information on energy value of foods is samples. The control (KMO) had the highest paramount, when it comes to the challenges of value and SLZ (100 % African nutmeg) the least. normal nutrition, under nutrition and obesity This is a pointer to the suitability of cookie sam-

IJFS October 2019 Volume 8 pages 1–12 African nutmeg and vanilla flavour blends 7

Table 4: Physicochemical properties of baked cookie

Samples pH TSS(Brix) KMO 6.83a±0.12 5.80 JLK 6.67ab±0.06 5.00 VRU 6.63ab±0.06 2.80 PQS 6.53b±0.20 1.40 SLZ 6.50b±0.00 1.20

Mean ± standard deviation of triplicate readings, mean values followed by different superscripts within columns were significantly different (P < 0.05)

Table 5: Energy content of the different samples of cookie

Samples Energy values (kcal) KMO 390.62a±0.12 JLK 385.48b±0.11 VRU 383.63b±0.01 PQS 382.18b±0.00 SLZ 370.87c±0.01

ple SLZ in control of dietary sugar intake, espe- dant characteristics among cookie samples, ex- cially for overweight, obese and diabetic individ- cept flavonoids (Table7). Sample SLZ (100 uals. Most spices have been associated with a % African nutmeg) possessed highest values of bitter principle which is believed to be capable total phenol and DPPH (2, 2-dipheny-2-pycryl of reducing blood sugar concentrations (Uhegbu, hydrazine) contents. Similar results were doc- Iweala, & Kanu, 2011). The lightness, redness umented by Stephen et al. (2014). Pheno- and yellowness as well as the brown index of the lic compounds have been reported to inhibit cookie were significantly affected by substitution the activities of digestive and hydrolytic en- of M. myristica. Brown index in particular in- zymes such as amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin creased with addition of African nutmeg (Figure and lipase (Shetty, 1997). They also possess 1). This might be attributed to the initial colour anti-carcinogenic, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti- of African nutmeg and probable processing ef- inflammatory, hypotensive and anti-oxidant ac- fect particularly, the baking temperature (Okafor tivities (Shetty, 1997). The value 0.08 % ob- & Ugwu, 2014). Colour is an essential parame- tained was slightly lower than values (0.18 %) ter in judging quality of snack foods. It reflects reported by Uhegbu et al. (2011) and (0.15 %) the suitable of raw material used for preparation Ndulaka, Ekaiko, Ogbonna, and Asiegbu (2016), and provides information about the formulation in a similar study involving the incorporation of and quality of the product (Abu-Salem & Abou- some spices into snacks. Flavonoids are potent Arab, 2011). water-soluble antioxidants and free radical scav- engers which prevent oxidative cell damage and 3.4 Antioxidant profile of cookie have strong anticancer and anti- ulcer activity (Agbaire, 2011). It might, in addition, offer pro- samples tection against the different levels of carcinogen- esis. Replacement of vanilla flavour with M. myris- tica significantly (p ≤ 0.05) influenced antioxi-

IJFS October 2019 Volume 8 pages 1–12 8 Olatoye et al.

Figure 1: Cookie samples with different levels of African nutmeg as flavouring

Table 6: Colour characteristics of baked cookie samples

Samples L* a* b* BI KMO 48.38a±0.29 7.42a±0.03 21.61a±0.05 51.57d±0.07 JLK 48.43a±0.07 3.83d±0.02 19.62b±0.01 51.62d±0.03 VRU 47.18b±0.04 3.78e±0.06 19.20c±0.03 52.82c±0.04 PQS 46.43c±0.03 5.48c±0.06 18.84d±0.01 53.57b±0.03 SLZ 42.79d±0.02 7.29b±0.03 18.55e±0.01 57.21a±0.2

Mean ± standard deviation of triplicate readings, mean values followed by different superscripts within columns were significantly different (P < 0.05)

Table 7: Antioxidants profile of formulated cookie ( %)

Samples Flavonoid Phenol DPPH KMO 0.08a±0.004 0.14e±0.003 1.13c±3.9 JLK 0.08a±0.01 0.14d±0.005 3.12b±8.8 VRU 0.08a±0.007 0.17c±0.002 3.48b±3.8 PQS 0.08a±0.002 0.18b±0.003 3.75b±4.5 SLZ 0.08a±0.008 0.24a±0.004 5.22a±1.7

Mean ± standard deviation of triplicate readings, mean values followed by different superscripts within columns were significantly different (P < 0.05)

IJFS October 2019 Volume 8 pages 1–12 African nutmeg and vanilla flavour blends 9

Table 8: Anti-nutritional profile of cookie ( %)

Samples Saponin Tannin Oxalate KMO 0.45b±0.12 0.16c±0.02 0.11b±0.02 JLK 0.53ab±0.05 0.17bc±0.006 0.11b±0.02 VRU 0.77ab±0.24 0.17bc±0.008 0.13b±0.05 PQS 0.77ab±0.2 0.19b±0.002 0.15b±0.01 SLZ 0.82a±0.21 0.21a±0.008 0.20a±0.00

Mean ± standard deviation of triplicate readings, mean values followed by different superscripts within columns were significantly different (P < 0.05)

Table 9: Sensory evaluation scores for cookies

Samples Taste Colour Crispness Flavour Hardness Overall acceptability KMO 7.23a±1.61 7.77ab±1.43 7.17a±1.58 7.37a±1.27 7.57a±1.16 7.63a±1.3 JLK 7.67a±1.21 8.33a±0.80 7.60a±1.07 7.23ab±1.38 7.83a±1.34 7.87aa±1.07 VRU 6.97a±1.45 7.10b±1.75 7.00a±1.62 6.57b±1.59 7.30a±1.58 7.47a±1.25 PQS 7.53a±1.07 7.70ab±1.02 7.33a±1.09 7.10ab±1.4 7.67a±1.09 8.00a±0.91 SLZ 7.37a±1.10 7.30b±1.34 7.50a±0.97 7.40a±1.04 7.43a±1.25 7.80a±0.76

Mean ± standard deviation of triplicate readings, mean values followed by different superscripts within columns were

were significantly different (P < 0.05)

3.5 Anti nutritional properties of 3.6 Sensory attributes of cookie samples formulated cookie

There was no significant difference (p < 0.05) between the mean sensory scores for most at- The anti-nutrient content increased significantly tributes of cookie samples and control, except (p < 0.05): saponin (0.45-0.82 %), tannin (0.16- in colour and flavour (Table9). Cookie samples 0.21 %) and oxalate (0.11-0.20 %) with sub- increased in brownness with increased levels of stitution of M. myristica for vanilla (Table8). M. myristica, which may be due to the colour African nutmeg was earlier reported to be high of the nutmeg powder. Similar trend was ob- in phytochemicals (Ekeanyanwu et al., 2010; served for flavour, which is the main criteria that Stephen et al., 2014). However, the levels of makes the product to be liked or disliked (Abu- these phytochemicals in this product were within Salem & Abou-Arab, 2011). The assessment of the ranges earlier considered safe in humans flavour was done by the combination of taste and (Ugwu & Oranye, 2006). Health benefits of some smell. Sample SLZ (100 % African nutmeg) was of these phytochemicals are documented (Ugwu adjudged the most acceptable in terms of flavour & Oranye, 2006). These include reductions of by the panelists. The overall acceptability of the pathogenesis of cancer development and dam- samples was based on their (panelist) individual age to intestinal tract (Makkar & Becker, 1996; performance on evaluation. Iwe (2002) consid- Ugwu & Oranye, 2006). The low levels of tan- ered a product with overall acceptability score of nin content in the cookie samples corresponded 7.0 as being accepted by consumer. It was ob- to the values reported by Uhegbu et al. (2011) served that all samples were generally accepted and (Ndulaka et al., 2016). by panellists, but SLZ (sample with 3.5 g of M.

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