Ministry of Health & Population



National Essential List &Guidelines


EGYPT Technical Research and Training Department (TRTD) Central Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA)


The first Essential Drug List and Guidelines was issued in the year 1998. The Essential Drug concept was adopted in developing the Essential Drug List and Guidelines as one of the ways and means to ensure that the pharmaceutical products included in the list are available when and where they are needed.

Furthermore, the list helps to reduce the number of and to lower the cost. Essential Drugs are crucial to the success of health programs; the drugs are part of the final link between health services. For all the above reasons, it was very important to update the Essential Drug List to comply with the strategy of the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) .

"Health for all " is the ultimate goal of all endeavors of MOHP. For the sake of patients we do our best to ensure safety, efficacy, quality, and affordability of drugs. I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation to all experts who participated in updating the list, revising the text, and made the final editing.

My sincere thanks are also extended to the experts who prepared the first edition.

Minister Of Health & Population Prof. Dr. Hatem El Gabaly


For the optimal use of the limited financial resources for health in developing countries the availability of drugs must be restricted to those proven to be therapeutically effective, to have acceptable safety and to satisfy the health needs of the population. These selected drugs are labeled "Essential" indicating they are the basic and necessary group of agents that are needed to meet the health needs of the population. The primary concept behind the use of the list of essential drugs is to reduce the number of drugs available. This will assist in the monitoring of the quality and availability of drugs in order to avoid waste and to concentrate on the pharmaceutical agents within Egypt.

The advantages of an essential drug list are: 1. Reduced number of pharmaceutical products. 2. Reduced cost. 3. Improved procurement, storage and distribution and local availability. 4. Fewer drugs for quality control. 5. Training is easier with fewer drugs. 6. Improvement in the quality of drug utilization, management, information and monitoring. 7. Providing a stimulus to the local pharmaceutical industries to supply essential, generically labeled drugs, which will reduce expenditures and minimize drug importation. The aim of the "Essential Drug Committee" is to establish an up-to-date, essential drug list for different levels of health care in Egypt. Every drug is identified using a coding system that assigns that drug to a specific health care level. For each generic name, the health care level is placed on the right side of the page framed within a black box. The levels are:

1: for use by all medical professionals. 2: for use only by medical specialist and consultant physicians. 3: for use only by consultant physicians. The drugs selected for this list are described both using generic and brand names to facilitate the selection of the most appropriate drug product. In selection these factors were considered: • Source of raw material. • Innovator or generic. • Organoleptic properties. • Stability (Accelerated, real time, climatic zone). • Bioavilability and bioequivalence. • Drug history (benefit/risk ratio). • Cost.

This multi-level essential drug list has these characteristics :

• Consistent with the pattern of prevalent diseases. • Simple drugs are always selected. Combinations of drugs are limited. • Contains a common core with universal relevance and application. • Indicates priorities in drug needs. • Contains drugs, which are available at all times in adequate amounts and in the proper dosage forms at a suitable price. • Flexible enough to meet the changing priorities in health care. The chosen drugs are Written in generic and taken into consideration in selecting a brand are illustrated. •The different levels were assigned on the bases of the requirements of working physicians in various care settings.

The Arrangement of the updated Essential Drug List: Part 1 (page 1-18) contains the National Essential Drug List (EDL) under its Nonproprietary names (Generics). Part 2 (page 1 - 137) contains monographs on non-proprietary drugs of the list arranged under therapeutic categories. Each monograph includes basic information such as indications, side effects, contraindications, interactions, precautions and doses. Part 3 (page 1 - 31) contains proprietary names of generics that are included in the essen- tial drug list. For the proprietary preparations, the information provided includes the trade name, the manufacturer, units in one pack, dosage form, and the retail price. Index : A general index to make fullest use of the contents of this book.

Members of High Expert Committee for Updating of the Essential Drug List (2006) (Alphabet order):

Prof. Adel Foad Ramzy Prof. Adel Sadek . Prof. Aly Ahmed El Garem. Prof. Amal El Beshlawy. Prof. Ashraf Hatem. Prof. Enas Shaltot Prof. Esmat Sheba. Prof. Ez El Deen El Denshary Prof. Gaafer Ragab. Prof. Gamela Moussa. Prof. Hady Goiran . Prof. Hany Hafez. Prof. Hasen Hosny. Prof. Hedar Galeb. Prof. Hossen Kaled. Prof. Izes Gally. Prof. Khaery Abd El Dayem. Prof. Kaled Abd El Whab El Brolosy . Prof. Magdy Arafa. Prof. Magdy Amen. Prof. Mahmod Alam . Prof. Mohamed El Tawy. Prof. Mohamed Sharaf . Prof. Mohamed Nada. Prof. Omyma El Henawy. Prof. Rashad Barsom . Prof. Reda Hamza. Prof. Roshdy El Badrawy. Prof. Sheriff El Topgy. Prof. Shokry Hanter. Prof. Taha El Shewy. Prof. Yehea Abd El Whab. Prof. Zenab Ebied. Prof. Zoher Halag.

• Revision Committee : Prof. Hedar Galeb. Prof. Mamdoh Zaky. Prof. Esmat Sheba . Prof. Ez El Deen El Denshary. Prof. Zenab Ebied.

• Coordinators: Prof. Zenab Ebied.

• Editors& Designers Dr. Heba Moustafa. Mr. Hany Kamal.

• Cover Designer : Mr. Hany Kamal.

• Under Secratory of State: Dr. Zenab Ebied..

Members of High Expert Committee for Previous Essential Drug List (Alphabet Order) Prof. Abdalla M. Molokhia. Prof. Abdel K. Hammad. Prof. Abde] M. Hussein. Prof. Ahmed Abd El-bary. Prof. Ahmed S. Geneidy. Prof. Ahmed S. Khalifa. Prof. Essam M. Khedr. Prof. Ezz Eidin El-Denshary. Prof. Foad A. Ismail. Dr. Gamila M- Moussa. Dr. Hassan Abdel Fatah. Prof. Heider Ghalib. Dr. Hosny Tammam. Prof. Hussein Sabry. Prof. Laila Abo-basha. Prof. Mohamed A. Sallam. Prof. Mohamed I- Abdalla. Prof. Mohamed M. Ragheb. Prof. Mohamed N. El-Makhzangi. Prof. Mohamed R. Awadin. Dr. M. Tayseer El-Sawi. Dr. Morad Abdel Salam. Prof. Nabil M. Omar. Prof. Nadia M. Morsi. Prof. Nazly Gad El-Mawla. Prof. Rafeek Zaher. Prof. Ramzy H. El-Mawardy. Prof. Sadek A.Abd Alla. Prof. Soher Hashem. Dr. Samiha S. Faltas. Dr. Taha El-khoby.



Abbreviations :

ACE : Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Amp. : Ampoule AV :.Atrioventricular Cap. : Capsule Cap. Soft : Soft Gelatin Capsule Carp. :Carpoule CNS : Central Nervous System CVs : Cardiovascular System DVT : Deep venous Thrombosis Ernul. : Emulsion E.d. : Eye Drops E.O. : Eye Ointment ECG : Electrocardiograph Er.drops : Ear Drops Elix. : Elixir Gmlm2 : Gram per Square meter GlT : Gm. : Gram Inj. : Injection Inhal. : Inhaler IV : Intravenous 1M : Intramuscular I.Soi. : Inhaler solution I.aeros. : Inhaler aerosol Kg : Kilogram L : Liter Lot. : Lotion M.W. : Mouth wash Mg : Milligram MAol : Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Mmol : Millimol mg/m2 : Milligram per square meter M.wash : Mouth wash NSAIDS : anti-inflammatory drugs Oint. : Ointment P.inf. : Parentral infusion Powd. Sach. : Powder sachet P.disp. syg : Parentral disposable syringe Powd. : Powder Syrp. : Syrup Supp. : Suppository SC : Subcutaneous Syp. : Syrup Susp. : Suspension Soap Liq. : Soap liquid Tab. : Tablet Tab. chew. : Tablet chewable Tab. Subling : Tablet sublingual Tab. eff. : Tablet effervescent T.gel : Topical gel T.sol. : Topical solution T.saginata : Tinea Saginata TB : Tuberculosis T. spray : Topical Spray UG : Microgram UT : Urinary tract W IW : Weight per weight V N : Volume per volume

****PART 1**** (National Essential Drug List) Non-Proprietary Names (Generics)

Part 1 Table of Contents 1-(G.I.T.) - Gastro-intestinal Tract Drugs------A1 2-(C.V.S.) - Cardiovascular System Drugs ------A2

3- (R.S.) - Respiratory System Drugs------A4

4- (A.) - Antiallergics Drugs------A5

5- (C.N.S.) - Central Nervous System Drugs------A6

6- (Anti.I.D) - Anti-Infectious Disease Drugs------A6

7- (E.) - Endocrine System Drugs ------A9

8- (Gyn.) - Obstetric & Gynecology Drugs ------A10

9-(M.)- Malignancy & Immunosuppressive Drugs------A11

10- (N.&B.R.) Nutrition & Blood Restorative Drugs------A11

11- (S.M.D.) - Skeletomuscular Drugs ------A12

12- (OPH.) Ophthalmic Preparations ------A13

13- (E.N.T.) - Ear, Nose & Oropharynx Drugs ------A14

14- (D.) - Dermatological Drugs ------A16

15 - (Vac.) - Vaccins & Sera ------A17

16 - (Anesth.) – Anesthetics ------A17

17- (Diag.) - Diagnostic & Contrast Media Drugs ------A18

18- Antidotes ------A18

Concentration Dosage Level 1-(G.I.T.) - Gastro-intestinal Tract Drugs (G.I.T.)-[A]-{a}- & Anti-nauseants (gastroprokinetics) 10mg Tab. 1 Metoclopramide 10mg Inj. 1 Metoclopramide 10mg Supp. 1 10mg Tab. 1 Domperidone 1mg / 1ml Syp. 1 Domperidone 10mg, 60mg Supp. 1 (G.I.T.)-[A]-{b}-Antiemetics during Cytotoxic therapy (Serotonin Antagonists) Ondansetron 8mg Tab 3 Ondansetron 4mg/2ml Inj 3 Tropisetron 5mg Inj 3 (G.I.T.)-[B]-Peptic Ulcer Healing Drugs (Decrease Gastric Hcl Secretion) (G.I.T.) - [B] - {a} - Proton Pump Inhibitors Omeprazole 20mg Cap 1 Omeprazole 40mg /vial Inj 2 (G.I.T.) - [B] - {b} - H2 Receptor Antagonist Cimetidine 100mg Inj 1 Ranitidine 150mg Tab 2 Ranitidine 300mg Tab 2 (G.I.T.) - [C] - Antacids Aluminium Hydroxide Gel & Magnesium salts or

comb. Tab. 1 `` Susp. 1 (G.I.T.) - [D] - Antidiarrhoeal Drugs (G.I.T.) - [D] - {a} - Electrolytes of Body Fluid (Restoratives) Electrolytes With Glucose For Rehydration+zinc Sachet 1 (G.I.T.) - [D] - {b} - Intestinal Adsorbants Kaolin + Pectin Susp. 1 (G.I.T.) - [D] - {c} - Antipropulsives Loperamide 2mg Tab, Syp 1 (G.I.T.) - [E] - Intestinal evacuants + Gelatin Inf. Supp. 1 Glycerol + Gelatin Supp. 1 Lactulose 65% - 120ml, 300ml Syp 1 Senna extract 12mg, 20mg Tab 1 Bisacodyl 5mg Tab. 1 (G.I.T.) - [F] - Antihaemorrhoids Fluocortolone+ Lidocaine Oint. 1 Fluocortolone+ Lidocaine Supp. 1 Hydrocortisone+ Cinchocaine Oint. 1 Hydrocortisone+ Cinchocaine Supp. 1 A1 Concentration Dosage Level (G.I.T.) - [F] - AntihaemorrhoidsCont. Hydrocortisone+ Lidocaine Oint. 1 Hydrocortisone+ Lidocaine Supp. 1 Predisolone + Lidocaine Oint. 1 Predisolone + Lidocaine Supp. 1 (G.I.T.) - [G] - Colorectal (G.I.T.) - [G] - {a} - Anti-flatulents Simethicone combination Tab. 1 (G.I.T.) - [G] - {b} - Intestinal Antiseptics Chloramphenicol + Streptomycin Cap 1 Neomycin 500mg Tab. 2 Neomycin 125 mg Susp. 2 Nifuroxazide 200mg Tab. 1 Nifuroxazide 200mg Susp. 1 (G.I.T.) - [G] - {c} - Enema Sodium Phosphate Enema 1 (G.I.T.) - [H] - Hepato-biliary (G.I.T.) - [H] - {a} -Liver Support Silymarin containing comp. Tab. 2 (G.I.T.) - [H] - {b} - Cholagogues Cynara & Mg sulphate comp Tab. 1 (G.I.T.) - [I]- Spasmolytics Pipenzolate + Phenobarbitone Drop 1 Sulphate 1mg Inj 1 20mg Tab 1 Hyoscine Butylbromide 10mg Supp 1 Mepeverine 100mg Tab 1 Mepeverine 135mg Tab 1 Mepeverine 10mg Susp. 1 2-(C.V.S.) - Cardiovascular System Drugs

(C.V.S.) - [A] - Cardiac Inotropics (C.V.S.) - [A] - {a} - Cardiac Glycosids Digoxin 50 mcgm/ml Drops. 2 Digoxin 0.25 mg Tab. 2 Oubain 250 mg Amp 3 (C.V.S.) - [A] - {b} - Other Stimulants Dopamine Hcl 40 mg / ml Inj 3 Dobutamine 250 ml/20ml vial Inj 3 Isoprenaline 200 mcgm / ml Inj 3 (C.V.S.) - [B] - Antiarrhythmatics Amiodarone 150 mg Inj 2

A2 Concentration Dosage Level (C.V.S.) - [B] - Antiarrhythmatics Cont. Sulphate 200 mg Tab 2 Lidocaine 20 mg /ml Inj 2 Verapamil 80 mg Tab 2 Verapamil 5 mg Inj 2 (C.V.S.) - [C] - Antihypertensives (C.V.S.) - [C] - {a} - Sympatholytics and Vasodilatores Alpha-Methyl Dopa 250 mg Tab 1 Clonidine 0.15mg Tab 2 Reserpine + Dihydroergocristine + Clopamide Tab 1 Sodium Nitroprusside 10 mg / ml Inj 3 Prazosin 1 mg Tab 2 (C.V.S.) - [C] - {b} - Angiontensin Converting enzyme Inhibitors ACE inhibitors Captopril 25 mg Tab 2 Captopril+ 50/25 mg Tab 2 (C.V.S.) - [C] - {c} - Selective Angiontensin II inhibitors Losartan 25 mg Tab 3 Valsartan 80, 160 mg Tab 3 (C.V.S.) - [C] - {d} - Calcium Antagonist Nifedipine 10,20 mg Cap 1 Diltiazem 60 mg Tab 1 (C.V.S.) - [C] - {e} - Beta - Adrenoreceptor Blockers Atenolol 50 mg Tab 1 Propranolol 10, 40 mg Tab 1 (C.V.S.) - [D] - Anti-anginal (C.V.S.) - [D] - {a} - Short Acting Nitrates Isosorbide Dinitrate 5 mg Sub.Tab 1 Isosorbide Dinitrate 10 mg Tab 2 Glyceryl Trinitrate (Nitroglycerin) 0.5 mg Sub.Tab 1 Glyceryl Trinitrate (Nitroglycerin) 5 mg/ml Inj 2 (C.V.S.) - [D] - {b} - Long Acting Nitrates Glyceryl Trinitrate (Nitroglycerin)S.R. 2.5 mg Cap 2 Isosorbide Dinitrate S.R. 20 mg Cap 2 (C.V.S.) - [E] - Antihyperlipaedemics Bezafibrate 200 mg Tab 2 Gemfibrozil 300mg, 600 mg Tab 2 Atorvastatin 10mg, 20 mg Tab 2 (C.V.S.) - [F] - Anti-aggrigants Acetylsalicylic acid (Microencapsulated) 75mg, 150 mg Tab 1 (C.V.S.) -[G] - Thrombolytics Streptokinase 1500000 IU Vial 3

A3 Concentration Dosage Level (C.V.S.) -[H] - Anticoagulants Glyceryl Trinitrate (Nitroglycerin) 5000 IU Inj 2 Glyceryl Trinitrate (Nitroglycerin) 25000 IU Inj 2 Heparin Calcium 5000 IU Inj 2 Heparin Calcium 20000 IU Inj 2 Phenindione 50 mg Tab 2 Warfarin 1mg Tab 2 Warfarin 3mg Tab 2 Warfarin 5 mg Tab 2 Enoxaparin Sodium 20 mg/2ml Inj 3 Enoxaparin Sodium 80 mg/2ml Inj 3 (C.V.S.) - [I] - (C.V.S.) - [I] - {a} - Potassium- Sparing Drugs 25 mg Tab 2 Spironolactone 100 mg Tab 2 (C.V.S.) - [I] - {a} - Potassium- Sparing Drugs Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg Tab 1 Hydrochlorothiazide+ Tab 1 (C.V.S.) - [I] - {c} - Osmotic Diuretics

Mannitol 10%, 20 % Inj 2

(C.V.S.) - [I] - {d} - Loop Diuretics Frusemide 40 mg Tab 2 Frusemide 10 mg / ml Inj 2 ( C.V.S.) - [J] - Antihypotensives Midodrine 2.5mg Tab 1 Midodrine 1% solution Drop 1 (C.V.S.) - [K] - Haemostatics Ethamsylate 250mg Tab., Inj 1 Phytomenadione 1mg Inj 1 Phytomenadione 10mg Tab 1 3- (R.S.) - Respiratory system Drugs (R.S.) - [A] - Bronchodilators

(R.S.) - [A] - {a} -Theophyline Aminophylline 250 mg Inj 2 Theophyllin Anhydrous 300 mg SR Tab. 2 Theophyllin Anhydrous 60 mg / 5 ml Syp 2 (R.S.) - [B] - beta Adrenergic stimulants Salbutamol 2mg Tab 2 Terbutaline 2.5 mg Tab 2 Terbutaline 1.5 mg Syrup 2 Terbutaline 0.25 mg Aerosol 2

A4 Concentration Dosage Level (R.S.) - [C] - Inhalants Sodium cromoglycate 5mg/dose Aerosol 2 Beclomethasone 50mcgm/dose Aerosol 2 Salbutamol 100mcgm/dose Aerosol 2 (R.S.) - [D] - Anti-tussives & Cough Suppressants Clobutinol 40mg Tab 1 Clobutinol 20mg/2ml Syp 1 Dextromethorphan 15mg/dose Tab. 1 Dextromethorphan 15mg/dose Syp 1 (R.S.) - [E] - Mucolytics Carbocysteine 375 mg Cap 1 Dextromethorphan 125 mg / 5 ml Syp 1 Ambroxol 30 mg Tab 1 Ambroxol 75 mg Cap 1 Ambroxol 15, 30 mg Syrup 1 Ambroxol 7.5 mg Drop 1 Bromhexine 8 mg Tab 1 Bromhexine 4 mg Elixir 1 Bromhexine 2 mg Sol 1 Bromhexine 4 mg Amp. 1 Guaiphenesin 1 (R.S.) - [F] - Hydration 4- (A.) - Antiallergics Drugs (A.) - [A] - Antihistamines (A) - [A] - {a} - Histamine H1 Receptor Antagonists Chlorpheniramine Maleate 4mg Tab 1 Chlorpheniramine Maleate 2mg/5ml Susp 1 10mg Tab 1 Loratadine 10mg Tab 2 Loratadine 5 mg / 5 ml Susp 2 Dexamethasone + Chlorpheniramine Syp 2 5mg / 5 ml Syp 1 Promethazine 25mg/2ml Inj 2 Cetirizine 5mg/5ml syp. 1 Cetirizine 10mg Tab 1 Dimethindene Cap 1 (A.) - [B] - Adrenergic Receptor Stimulant Adrenalin 1mg/ml Inj 1 (A.) - [C] - Glucocorticoids Dexamethasone 0.5 mg Tab. 2 Dexamethasone 0.5 mg Susp. 2

Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate 100 mg Inj 1

A5 Concentration Dosage Level (A.) - [C] - Glucocorticoids Cont. Prednisolone 5 mg Tab 2 Fludrocortisone 0.1mg Tab 2 Betamethasone 7mg/2ml Amp. 2 Triamcinolone 40mg Vial 2 5- (C.N.S.) - Central Nervous System Grugs (C.N.S.) - [A] - Hypnotics, Sedatives & Anxiolytics Phenobarbitone 30mg Tab 2 Phenobarbitone 15mg/5ml Syp 2 Diazepam 2mg Tab 2 Diazepam 10mg Inj 2 (C.N.S.) - [B] - Drugs in Psychosis & Neurosis (C.N.S.) - [B] - {a} - Anti-psychotics & anxiolytics 25mg, 100mg Tab 2 Chlorpromazine 50mg Inj 2 Haloperidol 5mg/ml Inj 2 (C.N.S.) - [C] - Antidepressants 10mg, 25mg Tab 2 10mg, 25mg Tab 2 25mg Tab 2 400 mg Tab 2 (C.N.S.) - [D] - Antiparkinsonian Drug (C.N.S.) - [D] - {a} - Antimuscarinic Drugs Mesylate 2mg Tab 2 (C.N.S.) - [D] - {b} - dopaminergic Drugs Carbidopa + Levodopa Tab 2 (C.N.S.) - [E] - Antiepileptics Carbazepin 100mg Tab. 2 Carbazepin 100mg Syp. 2 Phenytoin 50mg, 100mg Cap 2 Phenytoin 50mg Syp 2 Valproic acid 150mg Tab 2 Valproic acid 20% syp 2 Sodium Valproate 200mg Tab. 2 Sodium Valproate 200mg Syp. 2 Clonazepam 0.5mg, 2mg Tab 2 6- (Anti.I.D) - Anti-Infectious Disease Drugs

(Anti.I.D.) - [A] - Antibacterial Drugs (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - Antibiotics (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 1.Long Acting Penicillin Penicillin G Benzathine 1,200,000 U Inj 1 Penicillin G procaine 400,000 U Inj 1 A6 Concentration Dosage Level (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 2.Short Acting Penicillin Benzyl Penicillin G Sodium 1,000,000 U Inj 1 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 3.Oral Penicillin Phenoxymethyl Penicillin Potassium 250 mg/dose Tab. 1 Phenoxymethyl Penicillin Potassium 250 mg/dose Susp. 1 Phenoxymethyl Penicillin Sodium 250 mg Tab. 1 Phenoxymethyl Penicillin Sodium 250 mg Susp. 1 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 4.Broad Spectrum Semisyenthetic Penicillin Amoxicillin 250/ 500/ Igm Cap. 1 Amoxicillin 250/ 500/ Igm Inj. 1 Amoxicillin 125/ 250mg Susp 1 Piperacillin 1gm Inj 3 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} -5.Cephalosporines Cefadroxil 250mg Cap 1 Cefadroxil 500mg Cap 1 Cefadroxil 125mg Susp 1 Cefadroxil 250 mg Susp 1 Cefoperazone 500 mg Inj 3 Cefoperazone Igm Inj 3 Cefotaxime 500mg Inj 3 Cefotaxime 1gm Inj 3 Ceftazidime 1gm / vial Inj 3 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 6.Aminoglycosides Gentamycin 20/40/80 mg Inj 2 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 7.Macrolides Erythromycin 250mg Tab 1 Erythromycin 200mg/5 ml Susp. 1 Clarithromycin 250 mg Cap 1 Clarithromycin 500mg Cap 1 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 8.Tetracyclines Tetracycline 250 mg Cap 1 Doxycycline 100mg Cap 1 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 9.Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol 1mg Inj 2 Chloramphenicol 250mg Cap 2 Chloramphenicol 500 mg Cap 2 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} 10.Rifampicin Rifampicin 150 mg Cap 2 Rifampicin 300 mg Cap 2 Rifampicin 200 mg/5ml Susp 2 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {a} - 11.Other Anti-microbials Vancomycin 500mg Inj 3

A7 Concentration Dosage Level (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {b} -Sulphonamide Co-Trimoxazole 40mg Susp 1 Co-Trimoxazole 200 mg Susp 1 Co-Trimoxazole 80mg Tab 1 Co-Trimoxazole 400mg Tab 1 Sulfamoxole + Trimethoprim Tab. 1 Sulfamoxole + Trimethoprim Susp. 1 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {c} - Fluoroquinolones Levofloxacin 500mg Tab 3 Ciprofloxacin 500 mg Tab 1 Norfloxacin 400 mg Tab 2 Ofloxacin 200 mg Tab 2 (Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {d} - 1. Urinary Antiseptics Nitrofurantoin 100mg Tab 1 Nitrofurantoin 100mg Syp. 1 ( Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {e} - Antituberculous Drugs Pyrazenamide 500mg Tab 2 Ethambutol 500mg Tab 2 Isoniazid +B6 100mg Tab. 2 Rifampicin + Isoniazid 150mg Tab 2 Rifampicin + Isoniazid 300mg Tab 2 Streptomycin 1gm Inj 2

(Anti.I.D.) - [A] - {f} - Antileperotic Drugs Clofazimine 100mg Cap 2 Dapsone 50 mg Tab. 2 (Anti.I.D.) - [B] - Antiviral Drugs Acyclovir 200, 400, 800 mg Tab. 2 Acyclovir 200, 400, 800 mg Susp. 2 Acyclovir 200, 400, 800 mg Inj 2 Ribaverin 200mg Tab 3 Ribaverin 400 mg Tab 3 Interferon 3,5 million U Inj 3

(Anti.I.D.) - [C] - Antifungal Drugs Nystatin 500,000U Cap 2 Nystatin 100,000U / ml Drop 1 Fluconazole 50 mg Tab 2 Fluconazole 150 mg Tab 2 Amphotericin Encapsulated in liposomes 50mg / vial Inj 3 Griseofulvin 125 mg Tab 2 Itraconazole Cap 2 Econazole 1% V.Cream 2 Econazole 50mg V.Supp 2 Econazole 150 mg V.Supp 2

A8 Concentration Dosage Level (Anti.I.D.) - [D] - Antiprotozoal Drugs (Anti.I.D.) - [D] - {a} - Antiamaobic& antigardiasis Metronidazole 250 mg Tab 1 Metronidazole 125 mg/5ml Susp 1 Metronidazole 5mg/ml Inj 1 Metronidazole250mg+ Diloxanide Furoate250mg. 500 mg Tab 1 Tinidazole 500 mg Tab 1

(Anti.I.D.) - [D] - {b} - Antimalarial Chloroquine Phosphate 250 mg Tab 1 Chloroquine Phosphate 80 mg/5ml Susp. 1 Chloroquine Phosphate 200 mg/5ml Inj 1 Pyrimethamine 25 mg Tab 1

(Anti.I.D.) - [D] - {c} - Anthelmentics Praziquantel 600 mg Tab 1 Praziquantel 60 mg/ml Syrup 1 Flubendazole 100mg Tab 1 Flubendazole 20 mg/ml Susp 1 Levamisole HCL 40mg Tab 1 Levamisole HCL 40mg/5ml Susp 1 Mebendazole 100 mg Tab. 1 Mebendazole 100 mg Susp. 1 Niclosamide 500 mg Tab 1 (Anti.I.D.) - [E] - Antiseptics & Disinfectants Cetrimide + Chlorhexidine 120 ml Ext. use 1 Chlorhexidine+Hydrogen peroxide+Propanol 4 litres Ext. use Chloroxylenol 125ml Ext. use Chloroxylenol 350ml Ext. use Chloroxylenol 4 L Ext. use Povidone Iodine 10% Paint 1 Povidone Iodine 7.5% T.sol 1 Povidone Iodine Shampoo 1 Povidone Iodine Soap liquid 1 Povidone Iodine 4% Shampoo 1 Chlorhexidine 5% Gauze 1 Paraffin gauze Dressing Gauze 1 crystal violet Paint 1 Castellani paint (Magenta paint) Paint 1 Silver Sulphadiazine 1% Cream 1 `` 1% Oint. 1 7- (E.) - Endocrine System Drugs

(E.) - [A] - Drugs Used in Diabetes (Anti-diabetics)

A9 Concentration Dosage Level (E.) - [A] - {a} - Insulins Human Insulins Short Acting 40u/ml Inj 2 Human Insulin intermediat Acting 40u/ml Inj 2 Human Insulin Long Acting 40u/ml Inj 2 (E.) - [A] - {b} - Biguanide Derivatives Metformin 500mg Tab 1 (E.) - [A] - {c} - Sulphonylurea Derivatives Glibenclamide 5mg Tab 1 (E.) - [B] - Post. Pit. Hormones Oxytocin 5, 10 U Inj 2 Desmopressin Acetate 0.2 mg Tab 2 Desmopressin Acetate 10mcg N. spray 2 (E.) - [C] - Glucocorticoids Dexamethasone 0.5mg Tab 1 Dexamethasone Sodium phosphate 4mg/ml Inj 1 Prednisolone 25mg Inj 3 Prednisolone 250mg Inj 3 (E.) - [D] - Female Sex Hormones Norethisterone 5mg Tab 2 (E.) - [E] - Contraceptives Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 150mg Inj 1 Ethinyl Oestradiol + Norethistrone+ Ferrous Fumarate Tab 1 Ostradiol+ Levonorgestrel Tab 1 (E.) - [F] - Ovulatory Stimulants Clomiphen Citrate 50mg Tab 2 (E.) - [G] - Thyroid Hormones Thyroxine 0.1mg Tab 2 Levothyroxine Tab 2 (E.) - [H] - Drugs For Hyperthyrodism Carbimazole 5mg Tab 2 Propyl thiouracil 50mg Tab 2 (E.) - [I] - Hypothalamic Hormones Octreotide 0.05 mg / ml Inj 3 (E.) - [J] - Anterior Pituitary Hormone Tetracosactrin synthetic ACTH 1mg Inj 2 (E.) - [K] - Antiparathyroid Hormone Calcitonin 100IU/ml Amp 2 Calcitonin 200IU/ml N. Spray 2 8- (Gyn.) - Obstetric & Gynecology drugs (Gyn.) - [A] - Drugs Acting On Uterus Methyl Ergometrine Maleate 0.2 mg Inj 2 Oxytocin 5, 10 U Inj 2

A10 Concentration Dosage Level (Gyn.) - [B] - Others See Endocrine See Magnesium Sulphate 9-(M.)- Malignancy & Immunosuppressive Drugs (M.) - [A] - Alkylating Agents Cylophosphamide 50mg Tab 2 Ifosfamide 1gm Inj 2 Chlorambucil 2mg Tab 2 Carboplatin 10mg/ml Inj 2 Cisplatin lmg/ ml Inj 2 Asparaginase 10000 MIU Inj 2 (M.) - [B] - Vinca Alkaloids and Etoposide Vincristine Sulphate lmg/ ml Inj 2 Vinblastine Sulphate 1mg/ml Inj 2 Etoposide 20mg/ml Inj 2 (M.) - [C] - Antimetabolites Fluorouracil 50mg/ml Inj 2 Methotrexate 2.5mg Tab. 2 Methotrexate 2.5mg Inj. 2 (M.) - [D] - Cytotoxic Antibiotics Doxorubicin 10mg Inj 2 Doxorubicin 50mg Inj 2 Mitomycin 2mg Inj 2 Epirubicin 10 mg Inj 2 Epirubicin 50mg Inj 2 Idarubicin 5 mg Inj 2 Idarubicin 10 mg Inj 2 (M.) - [E] - Taxanes Paclitaxol 6mg/ml Inj 3 (M.) - [F] - Hormone & Hormone Inhibitors Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 1gm Inj 2 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10gm Tab 2 Tamoxifen Citrate 10mg Tab 2 (M.) - [G] - Immunosuppressives Cyclosporin 25mg Cap 3 Cyclosporin 50mg Cap 3 Cyclosporin 100mg/ml Syp 3 10- (N.&B.R.) Nutrition & Blood Restorative Drugs (N.&B.R.) - [A] - Vitamins & Minerals (N.& B.R.) - [A] - {a} - Vitamins Beta-carotene Soft Cap 3

A11 Concentration Dosage Level (N.& B.R.) - [A] - {a} - Vitamins Cont. Folic acid 5mg Tab 1 Vit.A 50,000 U Cap 1 Vit. E (Tocopherol) 100mg natural Cap 1 Vit.B12L.A. 1mg Inj 1 Cholecalciferol (Vit. D3) 600,000 U Inj 1 Ergocalciferol(Vit.D2) 60,000 U Inj 1 Vitamin B complex(B1, B6) Tab. 1 Vitamin B complex(B1, B6) Syp. 1 Vit. K1 (Phytomenandione) 10mg Tab. 1 Vit. K1 (Phytomenandione) 10mg Inj. 1 Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) Tab 1 (N.& B.R.) - [A] - {b} - Minerals (N.& B.R.) - [A] - {b} -1.Calcium Salt Vit. D + Calcium Tab. 1 Calcium gluconate 10% Inj 1 Calcium carbonate 500mg Tab 1 (N.& B.R.) - [A] - {b} -2.Ferrous Salt Ferrous fumarate 200mg Tab 1 Ferrous fumarate 140mg/5ml Syp 1 (N.& B.R.) - [A] - {b} -3.Zinc Salt Zinc 25mg Tab., Cap 1 (N.&B.R.) - [B] - Blood Restoratives (N.& B.R.) - [B] - Electrolytes for Infusion Potassium Chloride 15% Inj 2 Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% Inj 2 Sodium Lactate 1/6 molar Inj 2 Ringer Lactate Solution Inj 2 0.9% Inj 1 (N.&B.R.) - [C] -Plasma Proteins & Plasma Expanders Dextran 70 Inj 2 Human Albumin 4, 5, 20, 25, % Inj 2 11- (S.M.D.) - Skeletomuscular Drugs (S.M.D.) - [A] - Centeral Muscle Relaxants 30mg Inj 1 Orphenadrine 100mg Tab 1 (S.M.D.) - [B] - Peripheral Muscle Relaxants Pancuronium Bromide 2mg/ml Inj 2 Atracurium 10 mg/ml Inj 3 Gallamine Triethiodide 40 mg/2ml Inj 2 Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate 2.5 mg Inj 2 Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate 5 mg Inj 2

A12 Concentration Dosage Level (S.M.D.) - [C] - Antirrheumatics (S.M.D.) - [C] - {a} -Non steroidal Anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS) Acetyl salicylic acid 300mg Tab 1 Acetyl salicylic acid 500 mg Tab 1 Diclofenac 25 mg Tab 2 Diclofenac 75 mg Inj 2 Ibuprofen 200 mg Tab 1 Ibuprofen 400mg Tab 1 Ketoprofen 25 mg Tab 1 Acetylsalicylate+ Glycine 500 mg / vial Inj 1 (S.M.D) - [C] - {b} - Analgesic Antipyretics Paracetamol 120 mg/5ml Sln. 1 Paracetamol 500 mg Tab 1 (S.M.D.) - [C] - {c} -Antimigraine Ergotamine Tararate 1 mg Tab 2 Sumatriptan 100mg Tab 2 (S.M.D.) - [D] - Antigout Allopurinol 100mg Tab 2 Colchicine 0.5 mg Tab 2 12- (OPH.) Ophthalmic Preparations (OPH.) - [A] - Antivirals Acyclovir 3% E. oint 2 (OPH.) - [B] - Local Anaesthetics Benoxinate (Oxybuprocaine) 0.4% E. Drops 2 (OPH.) - [C] - Antibiotics Chloramphenicol 0.5% E. Drops 1 Oxytetracycline+ Polymyxin E. oint 1 (OPH.) - [D] - Steroids Dexamethasone 0.10% E. Drops 2 (OPH.) - [E] - Sulfonamides Sulfacetamide sodium 10.00% E. Drops 2 (OPH.) - [F] - Antihistaminics And / Or Decongestants Phenylephrine 10% E. Drops 1 Phenylephrine 2.50% E. Drops 1 (OPH.) - [G] - Preparation for Glaucoma Timolol 0.25% E. Drops 2 Timolol 0.50% E. Drops 2 Metipranolol 0.30% E. Drops 2 Metipranolol 0.60% E. Drops 2 Betaxolol 0.50% E. Drops 2

A13 Concentration Dosage Level (OPH.) - [H] - Miotics 1% E. Drop 2 Pilocarpine 2% E. Drop 2 Pilocarpine 3% E. Drop 2 Pilocarpine 4% E. Drop 2 (OPH.) - [I] - Mydriatics Atropine 1% E. Drops 2 Atropine 1% E. oint. 2 13- (E.N.T.) - Ear, Nose & Oropharynx Drugs (E.N.T.) - [A] - Antibiotics chloramphenicol 5% Ear.drops 2 (E.N.T.) - [B] - Decongestants (E.N.T.) - [B] - {a} - Sympathomimetic (Local) Oxymetazoline 0.03% Drops Oxymetazoline 0.05% Drops Xylometazoline o.5% Drops Xylometazoline 1% Drops Tetrahydrozoline 0.05%, 0.5% E. Drops 2 Tetrahydrozoline 0.05%, 0.5% N. Drops 2 (E.N.T.) - [B] - {b} -Systemic Antihistamines Tab. 1 Clemastine Syp. 1 Clemastine inj. 1 Tab. 1 Cyproheptadine Inj. 1 Dimethindene Tab. 1 Dimethindene Cap. 1 Dimethindene Syp. 1 Dimethindene inj. 1 Cap 1 Diphenhydramine+ Menthol Syp Fexofenadine Tab Ketotifen Tab. Ketotifen Drops Ketotifen Supp Tab. Pheniramine Syp. Pheniramine Inj. Promethazine Syp Loratidine Tab. Loratidine Syp. Loratidine Supp.

A14 Concentration Dosage Level

(E.N.T.) - [B] - {b} -Systemic Antihistamines Cont. Terfenadine Tab. Terfenadine Syp. Terfenadine inj. (E.N.T.) - [C] - Systemic Decongestants Carbinoxamlne + Phenylephrine S.R.Cap Chlorpheniramine + Phenylephrine syp. + + phenyl propanolamine Cap, Syp Pseudo ephedrine 60 mg Tab. Pseudo ephedrine + Tab. Pseudo ephedrine +Triprolidine Syp. Acrivastine 8 mg Syp Astemizole 10 mg Tab Chloropheniramine Tab Chlorpheniramine + Caffeine Tab + Naphazoline Tab Cetrizine 10mg Tab Phenyl propanolamine +caffeine +pheneramine+mepyramine Tab

(E.N.T.) - [D] - Decongestants (E.N.T.) - [D] - {a} -Sympathomimetic +antihistaminic combination Chlorpheniramine + Naphazoline+phenyl ephrine Drop Chlorpheniramine + Naphazoline+Cetrimide Drop Benzalkonium chloride + Naphazoline +phenyl Toloxamin Drop Dimethindene + phenylephrine+Neomycin N.Spray Dimethindene + phenylephrine+Neomycin N. Gel Pseudo ephedrine + Terfenadine Tab Loratidine + Pseudo ephedrine Tab Terfenadine + Paracetamol Tab (E.N.T.) - [D] - {b} -Perennial Nasal Allergy Sod cromoglycate + Benzyl Alkonium chloride Spray Sod. Chromoglycate +xylometazole Spray Sod chromoglycate only 2% Drops (E.N.T.) - [D] - {c} -Corticosteroid Fluticasone propionate Spray Betamethasone 50mcg% spray Budesonide Aerosol 2 Betamethasone dipropionate Aerosol

A15 Concentration Dosage Level 14- (D.) - Dermatological Drugs (D.) - [A] - Antibiotics Chloramphenicol 1% Oint. 1 Tetracycline 3% `` 1 Fucidic acid 2% Cream, Oint. 1 Clindamycin 150mg Cap Clindamycin 300 mg `` (D.) - [B] - sulphonamides Silver sulphadiazine 1% Cream 1 (D.) - [C] - Local antifungals Econazole Powder 1 Clotrimazole 1% Cream 1 (D.) - [D] - Antiviral Acyclovir 5% Cream 2 (D.) - [E] - Antiparasites Benzyl Benzoate 25% Lotion 1 Benzyl Benzoate 10% Cream, Gel 1 Benzyl Benzoate 25% Cream, Gel 1 Permethrin 2.50% Cream, Lotion, Oint. 2 Permethrin 5% Cream, Lotion, Oint. 2 Permethrin 1% Shampoo 2 (D.) - [F] - Corticosteroids Betamethasone 0.05% Cream, Oint. 2 Betamethasone 0.1% Cream 2 Hydrocortisone 1% Cream 1 (D.) - [G] - Keratolytic coal tar+cade oil+Arechis oil+oleyl alc Cream, Lotion 2 (D.) - [H] - Protective and Soothing agents Zinc Oxide 20% Oint 1 Dexapanthenol Cream 1 Jojoba oil + Zinc oxide Oint. 1 (D.) - [I] - Local antipruritic Crotamiton Cream 1 (D.) - [J] - Local acne Erythromycin+zinc acetate Lotion 1 Benzoyl peroxide Gel 1 (D.) - [K] - Antiseptic & Disinfectants Povidone Iodine 10% Paint 1 Povidone Iodine 7.5% T.sol 1 Povidone Iodine Shampoo 1 Povidone Iodine Soap liquid 1 Povidone Iodine 4% Shampoo 1

A16 Concentration Dosage Level 15 - (Vac.) - Vaccins & Sera

(Vac.) - [A] - Serums & Immunoglobulins Anti-D (Rho) Immunoglobulins Inj 2 Anti-Measles Immunoglobulins Inj 1 Anti-Parotitis Immunoglobulins Inj 1 Anti-Parotitis Gammaglobulins Inj 1 Anti-Rabies Serum Inj 1 Anti-Scorpion Serum Inj 1 Anti-Snake Venom Serum Polyvalent Inj 1 Anti-Tetanus Immunoglobulins Inj 1 Diphtheria Antitoxin Inj 1 Gas-Gangrene Antitoxin (Polyvalent) Inj 1 Human Normal Immunoglobulins Inj 2 (vac.) - [B] - Vaccines Antl- Rabies Vaccine Inj 1 Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) Vaccine Inj 1 Cholera Vibrios Organisms Inj 1 Diphtheria + Tetanus Toxoids Inj 1 Diphtheria + Tetanus Toxoids + Pertussis Vaccine Inj 1 Hepatitis B Vaccine (RecombinantDNA) Inj 1 Influenza Vaccine Inj 1 Measles Virus Vaccine Inj 1 Mumps + Measles + Rubella Virus Vaccine Inj 1 Poliomyeltis Vaccine Inj 1 Tetanus Toxoid Inj 1 Typhoid Vaccine Inj 1 Typhoid - Paratyphoid A&B+ Tetanus Inj 1 Yellow Fever Vaccine Inj 1 Tuberculin Inj 1 Hepatitis A vaccines Inj 2 Rubella Vaccine Inj 2 Poliomyelitis Vaccine ( inactivated ) Inj 2 Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Inj 2 Factor VIII Human anti-hemophilia Factor Inj 2 Hyperimmunoglobulins Hepatitis HB Inj 3 (vac.) - [C] - Botulism 16 - (Anesth.) - Anesthetics (Anesth.) - [A] - Local (Anesth.) - [A] - {a} - Parentral Bupivacine 0.25mg Inj 2 Bupivacine 0.5 mg Inj 2 Lidocaine 2% Inj 2 Lidocaine2%+Adrenalin 5mcgm/ml Inj 2

A17 Concentration Dosage Level (Anesth.) - [A] - {b} - Surface Lidocaine 2% Gel 1 Lidocaine 5% Oint 1 Ethyl Chloride Spray 2 (Anesth.) - [B] - General (Anesth.) - [B] - {a} - Parentral 50mg/ml Inj 2 Thiopentone Sodium 0.5,1gm Inj 2 Fentanyl 0.05 mg/ml Inj 2 Midazolam 5mg, 15 mg / ml Inj 2 Propofol 200 mg/20ml Inj 2 (Anesth.) - [B] - {b} - Inhalation Halothane Liquid 2 Isoflurane Liquid 2 Nitrous Oxide Gas Cylinder 2 Oxygen Gas Cylinder 1 (Anesth.) - [C] - Narcotic Analgesic Butorphenol 2mg/ml Inj 2 Morphine 10, 20mg Inj 2 Pethedine 50, 100mg Inj 2 50mg Tab. 2 Tramadol 50mg Inj 2 17- (Diag.) - Diagnostic & Contrast Media Drugs Barium Sulphate Oral Powder 2 Diatrizoate Meglumine Inj 2 Iodised Oil Inj 2 Iopamidol Inj 2 Fluorescin Inj 2 18- Antidotes

Desferrioxamine Mesilate 500mg Inj 2 Dimercaprol Mesilate 50mg/ml Inj 2 Fulumazenil 0.1mg/ml Inj 2 Nalorphine 10mg Inj 2 Naloxone Hcl 400mcmg/ml Inj 2 Penicillamine 250gm Cap 2 Activated Charcoal 25gm Powder 1 Ipecacunha 30mg/1ml Syp 1 Atropine 1mg Inj 1 DL Methionine 250mg Tab 2 Methylthionium Chloride 400mcgm Inj 2 Sodium Calcium Edetate 40mg/kg Inj 2 Sodium Nitrite 30mg/ml Inj 2 Sodium Thiosulphate 25mg/ml Inj 2 Protamine sulphate 10mg/ml Inj 2


EGYPT Ministry of Health & Population (MOHP) Central Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA) Technical Research and Training Department (TRTD)