556 .,/ *%$/ +%1/! 7 '0012#%% M4+1M&+'M Ury) '$ &$( (Ah) '$ &#&#" ' * * + , - + .-- !"# %& !7ryyShq &"%#% CARNIVAL J9[>K- LE>+=[ L9J*A 5T !c!EC%3D uvp hp (K>^*@ AY !cL. 7KC9 1 PLEA [`VVQQI1JQQ` J%C:QJ [`VVJRV`QQ` J%C:QJ [`VVQ J%C:QJ [ J V`J:C:CC J%C:QJ VC7 1V V`J1CV1J%C:QJ8HQ8%@ &Q` .(V:H.5* Q`JQ1:7 S The Lewis Carnival Committee is calling on all businesses, charities, organisations and groups to get thinking about fl oat ideas for this year's Carnival on Saturday, August 3. There is also a need for volunteers on the day – from one hour to the whole day – to host stalls, games, marshal the procession and to ensure the event is as safe and successful BANGLA SPICE as possible. To apply for a fl oat or stall, to enquire about a lorry, to book space for a stall, or to volunteer on the day, email
[email protected] Application forms to be submitted by July 5th. Photograph from Carnival 2018 # !"#$"%& %'$ ! # /*/ /0, - 1 -+2 * 4 ISTANBUL !"#$% ! &#$% '() ! *+,() KEBABS FISH ‘n’ CHIPS BURGERS CURRIES PIZZAS -.#$% / $#$% +,() ! () RESTAURANT & TAKEAWAY 0 #$%&'FAMILY FRIENDLY RESTAURANT WITH OVER 30 YEARS SERVING THE ISLAND #"))%SOMETHING2 3)#4 FOR#*'+,+#-%- EVERYONE OPEN 7 DAYS Tues-Thursday 12pm-2.30pm 4.30-10.30pm G Friday-Saturday: 12pm-3pm 4pm till late Sunday: 12pm till late (open all day Sunday) R & G 24 South Beach Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis Jewellery Tel: 01851 700299 !"