Tale of two cities. Take any city in the world and put it alongside Glasgow. You'll discover that Glasgow is rich in assets that compare favourably with the best. • It's more APRIL 1981 ISSUE 9 £1.00 than a tale or two. As any visitor - to Glasgow will tell New York/Glasgow New York is one ofthe world's you, there's a lot teadi11g art centres with its many exquisite to smile about. galleries and maste:rpieces. 011 Glasgow, R W Apple Jr1r., wrote in the New York Times "The Burrell Collection is one ofthe most remarkable assemblages ofworks of art ever brought together". It's not surprising that The Burrell Colleclio11 Is now Scotland's leading tourist attraction. San Francisco/ _ Glasgow The wor/,d traveller will know that San Fra11cisco has much in common with Glasgow. Not least being its many superb eating places, and its not dissimilar arcllllecture. The traveller will atso know that Glasgow almost certainlV. has thejinest Victorian Sydney/Glasgow architecture in Europe. The famous S1f.dney Opera House attracts the wor/,d s greatest perfomiers. But so too, does the Theatre Royal in , Glasgow It's not surprisillg that Glasgow is I he home ofScottiih Opera I and Copenhagen/Glasgow """""""'""'"""'°" Scottish Ballet and the Citizen's Copenhagen's Tivo!i Gardens are t-rnly 1nag11ijicent. Theatre Company!I There's no doubt. There's also no doubt that there is only one other city in Europe that boasts as ma11y r parks and recreation grou11ds. Glasgow;(and fourteen golfcourses! J With its renaissance now in full swing Glasgow is blooming with a new pride and vigour. And with the Garden Festival in 1988 is surely now the Flower of Scotland. 'S MILES BETTER Hill Running Edinburgh I Preview I Special • )~ CityofGlasgow --- - - SCOTIAN/18 RUNNER Charities April, 1987 Stewart Mcintosh explains why a special .!!.) affinity has developed between runners F.dllors: and deservmg causes. Alan Campbell DougGlllon Stewart Mcintosh Aspirations In which our contributors outline their hopes Ezperts: and rears for 1987 Jim Black MChS John Hawthorn Greg McLatchle M5 ChB FRCS Lena WJghton MCSP Getting Your Oats Asub1ect to which many aspire, but Crawford ~: M ackie outlines their nutritional qualities Lynda Bain 1049 David Caner Fraser Clyne Graham Crawford National Championships Connie Henderson Doug Gillon and Scott Reid look back at the Sol:> Holmes biggest date on the Scottish,XC calendar Fiona Macaulay .!.J - at Callendar Park. Henry Muchamore Michael McQul!ld Graeme Smith Running In Israel Remme Summers Pam Rattray continues our series of articles Sandy Sulherland on running experiences abroad ]lll1 Wilkie Mel Young Evenla and resulls complier: Edinburgh Special Colin Shields Mel Young gives a three page report on Advertising: running in the capital including Harmeny AC profile. June Lockhart Derek Ross F'iona Stewart On otherpages ... 5 Inside Lane 42 Highland Garnes Sand111 Whittaker 7 Up front 44 The Veteran Scene Art editor: 17 Letters 45 Hill Running Russell Altken 18 Running Sores 46 Yesterdays and Ewan Mee 47Results ~cover. RUNNER 23 Well-fed Runner 51Events 'nley're oil •.. the 27 Women on the Run start of the National at 28 Running Psychology 57 Crossword Callendar 1'8l"k. Falkirk. on Febrwuy 34 More Aspirations 58 Next Month's Contents Zl. Pholog1aph by .... ---------------- - - - - - - - ---, Scott Reid. SUBSCRIPTIONS I I I Mill 10 bocx!me a wb9enber to Soot!.lrtcts Rw.wer toe ot1t yeM 111am:ng W'.ih the next I i..... I londW> 1 CboQutlpootaJ Ofderfo{ £14.ttl.made payable ioSoolRun Puhllcatior4 1 I N.wne-------------- --1 _Address---------------~_________________ l! ------------------1I No.-1mp ~od withtn !hit V:ll.~(!!d Xlnqdom I S.odto S=J!w>-l<d. FllEEPOST, ~Cl7BR I L- --- - -- -- - -- ----- - - - -- ----- -- _J 3 WHATEVER YOUR END, WE'VE GOT THE MEANS. Whether you're preparing for focal fun s Stewart Mcintosh explains three. But by the time this issue is run or the coun1y championships, on Page 19, a strong affinity published, the ladies' and mens' we've go1 the Nike training shoe to get has evolved between runners teams should be winging their way to you to your destination. and charities over the pasl Warsaw, and within three days of Try the new "'Air Max" featuring the A publication the outcome of the World the "visible" alrsole designed for ten years. This is borne out by the serious runners who want the estimate that .£20 million has been Cross Country Championships will protection of ex1ra· cushioning. Th is raised by runners for chanl!es in be known revolut1onary shoe provides the proper However the women do - and amount of morion control to the runner Britain since 1981 Jn this issue. several charities are dare we hope for truly spectacular who has average stability needs. results - the achievements of Lynch, Just one of the exciting new range of appealing through advenisemems for quality running shoes introduced by your suppon in 1987. There are many Murray and. to a lesser but still Nike for 1987 imponant extent, the suppon team led N i~c provide the shoes. We supply service to match. For expert advice, from stan to finish, different causes to choose from. and, Mclntosh points out, the combined by Karen Macleod. the new Scottish call on soon. available at:- ~ as effons of Scottish runners in champion, have already brightened marathons. half marathons, IOk's and the winter months. fun runs this summer can make a By beating Ingrid Kristiansen, and "E~e,~~~p~~s~-~R~n~~~o!~~~1!! .. major impact on the funds of charities. then running the world's rastes1 I0,000 9 metres on the roads, Lynch has in the • Over 50 Models of Running Shoes Stocked, • Mail Order Welcome So, if you can, back those less fortunate in the months ahead shortest time possible fulfilled 1he rich Our Comprehensive range of Nike shoes includes: (For details & price list phone promise of 1986. Murray, meanwhile, Air Suppor• Air Sock Ladies us on:- 031 ·668 2532) Our spotlight falls on Edinburgh this completed her three steps to indoor Air Max Vendeua T.C. Lady Air M a>e month, and on Pages 39, 40 and 41, S1ock Trainer Windrun ner (Cova) Lady Pegasus Plus Spikes European heaven by adding the 3000 journalist Mel Young and photographer metres gold to her bronze and silver Spiddon Cram Wundrunner Lady Windrunner Zoom Air Jonathan Hampton visit another fast· Pegasus Plus Roadrunner Lady Rio u Cram A1val 11 A million fmancial and metaphorical moving, ambitious club - Hanneny COLIN CAMPBELL SPORTS 55 Ratcliffe Terrace, "Causewayside" Edinburgh EH9 1 SU miles away from the glitter of Bali, AC. Young also suggests popular l..ievin and Florida, Karen Macleod Tel: 031 668 2532 runrung routes m the capitaL and or years, Scottish football reponers - or "fans with travelled from Bath 10 Cowdenbeath highhghts initiatives by Edinburgh - even our photographer who lives District Council to funher popularise typewriters" as they have only five miles away had difficulty been regularly dubbed-built the sport in the city F finding it - and provided the up the Scotland team with The National Cross Country championship with the class it very Championships are captured in print extravagant pre-match hype, and just badly needed in winning the senior as regularly the team perfonnance fell and picture by Doug Gillon and Scott HelD us make the Dace in well below the exaggerated title. Reid. both on our covers and in the Behind these tremendous achieve­ centre spread Congratulations to all expectations. ments, however, lurks the unpleasant the medal winners, and in particular f'or that reason alone. Scotland's fact that-outside the top dozen or so Runner has been wary of pushing too heart research. Clydebank AC. who won no fewer - there is no depth whatsoever to than three categories - junior and hard the Scottish women's team chances in Poland, of Liz l..ynch Scottish women's distance running. Every year heart disease senior boys. and youths. Nol surprising, really, because until winning the mdiv1dual race, or of kills many thousands of Crawford Mackie explains why Fife Yvonne Murray finishing in the first very recently the sport had no people. I Southern Harriers and Fife Athletic popular appeal among Scoltish But the British Heart I Club have joined forces under the women - rather the very opposite Foundation is helping to Fife AC banner in our Up-Front pages. Now, however, because of the A GENERATION OF PROGRESS I and then, just to prove his versatility, international success of Lynch and fight back by financing IN HEART RESEARCH I heart research. contributes a feature on the nutritional Murray, which can only stimulate and PleasesendmeaBHFsponsoMIPkft I value of oats, including recipes. on encourage younger athletes. and the And you can join the so cnat I can ralse money tor neart I unexpected taking to the streets - in race against heart disease researcti Pages 24 and 25. 5end this coup0n to the srttiSh Heart I This month we are delighted to the sportiest possible way - of by getting people to back Foundation. 16 Chester street. I introduce a number of new features "mature" women joggers and runners, =~~g~~~~~=::;:::;:;=~ ' you In your next fun Edinburgh EH3 7RA. On Pages 42 and 43. David Webster, a potent coupling of circumstances = run or marathon. Name_________ I director of leisure and recreation at has emerged Send us the coupon Cunninghame District Council, starts Given the proper leadership-and now and we'll send you a Address'---------~ a regular column on Highland Games. that means people who know how to sponsorship kit. On Page 57 there is a prize crossword maximise in financial.
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