The Republican Journal. V PLUME "" 89_BELFAST, MAINeTtHURSDAYTYoVEMBER 22, 1917. NUMBER 47 Contents ot Today’s Journal. The Red Triangle Drive. OBITUARY. brothers also survive: wife o: A Proclamation Mary, The News of Belfast. Thanksgiving by Liberty Bond Sociable” on Friday night age 1. Make it a Red Cross Christmas.. Sadie Isaac Flagg of Belmont, Thomas Grad; the for the young folks. A and Wedding Bells.... Tne work of raising $5,000, Waldo Pearson Adams, wife of Charles President. program S. of Bangor, Ira Grady of Brooks am Miss Mima M. Valentine, superintend- new games. Admission ten cents. The Red Triangle Drive. .Obituary.. county’s quota of the $35,000,000 to be Adams, died at her home at South Next Frank E. of The ent at the Waldo It has .Secret Societies. .The Montville Grady Belfast. funera County Hospital, re- long been the honored custom of Sunday preaching at the Shipbuilding. raised in the United States for the Y. M. Oct. 22nd, after an illness of Northport Bap- will our people to turn in the fruitful autumn News of Belfast..A some take place to-morrow, Friday. turned recently from Portland, where tist Church at 2.30 by Mr. Richardson. Thanksgiving C. A. war work last Thursday months known since last May to of the in began she visited Mrs. year praise and thanksgiving Proclamation by the President. ..The be the incurable Roscoe Arey at the to evening when a meeting was called at malady, Bright’s disease. Almighty God for His many blessings Churches. .Personal. SHIPBUILDING. Maine General Mr. The which Hospital. Arey is and mercies to us as a nation That PERSONAL. the Public Safety rooms under the direc- demise, was painless, came in 2. Editorials-How to do Without the | with his wife, who remains comfortable. custom we can follow now even in the age tion of O. E. with Rev. presence of her sorrowing Frost, chairman, husband, Mathews Brothers report that they midst of the of a world shaken ..Transfers in Real Estate.. tragedy Charles Howard of Gardiner was a Sugar. three sons and Advertised re- B. P. Brown ot the Essex street Baptist daughter-in-law, three have some Letters. The following by war and immeasurable in the Women Knew About It. .Women Re- made progress during the last disaster, cent guest of Belfast friends. church of and grandchildren, and three sisters and a letters remained uncalled for in midst of sorrow and great because Men in Banks. .A Nation Os- Bangor present represent- week. They have received several car- the Bel- peril placing even amidst the darkness R. W. Switzer of the State Y. The commit- brother, her aged father fast post office for the week that has gath- Switzer, S. C., is the .. Not ing M. C. A. being absent. loads of for ending Nov. tracised England Starving. Oregon fir timber the ship- ered about us we The can see the great bless- guest of James Sholes and tee organized with an executive board obsequies were conducted by Rev. 21, 1917: Ladies—Mrs. J. B. Slate. Gen- family. age 3. The Brotheihoods’ New Bluff AH They have completed arrangements with ings God has bestowed upon us, blessings of T. W. L. pastor of the that are Mrs. I. L. Wilband of was Sorts. .Outline of Future Worn by consisting Frank Parker, Charles Pratt, Baptist church Durham & Sheldon to get their piling, tlemen—Hollis Brown, James A. Cole, better than mere peace of mind Thomaston at and .Air- S. Fred R, Rockland, assisted by Mr. F. F. Phil- Stanley W. F. N. prosperity of enterprise. in Belfast over Sunday with friends. County Agent N S, Donahue. Bickford, Poor, Selwyn Thomp- stage poles, cap and bed timbers, etc., on Meacher, Guy Steves, cousin of Mr. “We have been given the opportunity to men Study Bird Life. .A Heroine of son, Ben D. Field, Ralph H. Howes and lips, Adams. The floral the lot near the old at North- Wentworth, Hanford Wise. Miss Grace A. Lord and Isabel Hermitage serve mankind as we once served ourselves Cooper War. tributes were beautiful and Wilson Ellis. Mr. Parker was chosen touching port. have a crew of men in the of our returned Saturday from a short visit in They cutting Thomas H. Marshall Circle will have a great day Declaration of Inde- reminders f 4. Editoiials.. A Letter From a Journal treasurer. Mr. Brown remained here of her life of graces and and teams It is to land pendence, by taking up arms against a Newport. hauling. planned 10-cent Thanksgiving lunch at their Friend. benefactions. The of i tyranny that threatened to master and .County Correspondence. during the week and assisted by Lloyd people the towns the stuff at the shore near Browns’ Cor- Mrs. next debase men Jennie McKinley Cole left Friday ot meeting Tuesday afternoon to which everywhere and joining with ['age 5. The News of Belfast. Me Keen decorated a window in the Howes Appleton, Liberty, Montville and ner, from which will be rolled point they all members and comrades of the Post other free peoples in demanding for all for Rockport where she will spend the e6 Maine Items Our Silk Manufacture store with one of most real- Searsmont thronged the Adams i grocery the goodly into the water, rafted, and towed to their are the nations of the world what we then winter with friends. ..Volunteer fer Red Cross... War invited. The lunch will consist of to take a and istic advertisements before the public in homestead, last look at the wharf in Belfast. have some of demanded obtained for ourselves. In Saving Game. Dress in London.. Po- They and cook- Mrs. H. earth form of the i sandwiches, coffee, doughnuts this day of the revelation of our duty not C. Pitcher left recently for tatoes by Weight. .The Exhilaration this campaign. It was a fac-simile dug- deceased, and to pay this timber in their yard which already ies and the sisters are to fur- to defend our own of tribute to her requested only rights as a nation, Caribou, where she is the guest of her Flight, out such as is used in the first line memory, her devotion to was hauled j all the distance by team. nish but to defend also the rights of free men 7. War Savings The Probate Court.. generously. son, R. L. Pitcher and family. trenches in for the in their her home, husband, family and the com- Aid to of Soldiers. Re- France boys They have engaged Harry Babbidge of throughout the world, there has been l Dependents 1 munity. Mrs. Adams was born Hospital notes. Mrs. Abbie Ram- vouchsafed us in full and meas- Mrs. Jennie Carrow' has returned from port on Belfast City Farm..Canada hours of rest. A touch of life was added Oct. 3, Dark Harbor to do the pile driving and inspiring «loud in Russia ure the resolution and of ac- has Park. Thinking and was married to of was spirit united where she was the guest of her by the Belfast Boy Scouts who were seat- 1864, Mr. Adams Oct, ! other work around the wharf. Mr. Bab- sey Northport operated on last Bangor, tion. We have been brought to one mind ■ K 8. Searsport. County Correspondence 20, since lived at Thursday at the Waldo daughter, Mrs. James DeVere. • ed inside playing games, writing home, 1884, having South [ is some on County Hospital. and A new Born.. Married. Died. ..Belfast Price bidge making slight repairs purpose. vigor of common where her children and Maria Lorimer of is a counsel Mr. and Current. .Stockton Springs. etc. It attracted a great deal of atten- Montville, grand- the pile driver, and will be ready for ;.Mrs. Searsport and common action has been re- Mrs. S. S. L. Shute anc little vealed in us. We tion. children were born. Soon after her mar- medical patient and is should especially thank daughter Elena have returned fiom a work within two or three days. The improving. Fred God that in such circumstances in the mass was neia at tne voio- riage she became a member of the Free Condon of Northport is also a medi- visit with relatives in Rockland. v ike it a Red Cross Christmas. meeting | keel for this ship is on the way end un- midst of the greatest enterprise the spirits nial Theater 3.30 with a Baptist church at South in cal patient.Winnie Crocker of Brooks Sunday at p. m., Montville, less delayed by rail transportatioi ought of men haveevet entered upon, we have Mrs. Sarah R. Pierce has returnee from which her was taken if we fair sized audience present to listen to j activities in word and deed to be in the ten The I critically ill with appendicitis but observe a reasonable and prac- where she has lajor Murphy in Paris has cabled the yard inside of days. Boston, been the guest of were ever those of a ! last at No 19 ticable economy, abundance with which one of Maine’s most eloquent orators, true, consistent and contract for the frame has been Thursday Congress street. her Miss E. Pierce. to Washington: j placed to supply the needs of those associated daughter, Mary •owing He was taken to Rev. H. E. Dunnack of Augusta, now exemplary Christian. Modest in profes- \ and is the the hospital, where he The Red Cross has direct responsibility j delivery promised by middle of with us as wed as our own. A new light Leroy Bowden has gone to Rumford sion, she in quiet and constant devotion ! underwent a serious but State Librarian who, with all the State December. very operation, shines about us. The greatest duties of a where he has us with surgical dressings employment and where ne upplying is now new awaten has been of his time and made radiant the unfailing worth of piety, The labor improving. day a new and greater na- 1 in the whole situation here officials, giving j situation seems to be adjust- j will be joined later by Mrs. Bowden. nothing tional spirit in us. We shall never in most work. Earth can but pronounce such a life again energy this commendable ing itself. They have had several appli- The at the Public be qually important. Red Cross standard management Safety divided or wonder what stuff we are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Copeland have re- blessed. can I The the use of the Heaven but welcome it, cations men sent over management gave from experienced who will rooms that con- made of. ssings in millions must be reported Tuesday 4,351 turned to their home in Albion after a when its mission is “And theater. McKeen’s orchestra with Mrs. earthly ended—no, be ready to work as soon as the servation while we render thanks for these all possible speed. The American begin pledges have been signed and two weeks' visit with Belfast relatives. not that—crowned. In the Eastern let us pray God that in Bessie Keyes at the piano, Lloyd McKeen, Star, lumber is in the in sufficient quan- things, Almighty ten who compose the Red Cross Chap- yard returned. In some towns practically all the and Ladies’ Circle she humbleness of spirit we may look al- Mr. and Mrs. leader and Dean Grange will be to warrant on a crew. Also Henry Wentworth will should with all enthusiasm violinist, Knowlton, tity putting every family was reached. In Montville ways to Him for that we may prepare guidance; to Boston Charles equally missed and cherished in memory. from a go and Pawtucket where they the dressings which clarinetist, Bartlett, cornetist, number of inexperienced men. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Clement returned be kept constant in the spirit and purpose speed possible That to will Fred and John memory husband, sons, grand- Four cars of the lumber for the of service that by His grace our minds spend Thanksgiving with their son. ^oing to mean life or death to our own Sylvester, trombonist, finishing cards from every family with one excep- and all of her dear may be directed and our hands strength- Parker, traps and drums, gave its service, children, kindred, wharf have been shipped from Portland J Oscar Olson n, this whole question deals with the tion. The management wish to extend ened; and that in His time liberty who is employed by tne will them to turn from the good 1 and before the address and to prompt grief ; and are due to airive here A num- International it vital thing that the women of Amer- close, play- today. thanks and appreciation for all who as- and security and peace and the comrades Harvester Co. of Boston ed music. Rev. Arthur E. Wil- that looks into an open grave even unto ber of common be vouchsafed has can do for the soldiers in this war.” inspiring of experienced ship carpenters work- sisted in this most essential work in justice may been spending a short vacation at his that which looks unto the stars of heaven. all the nations of the earth. his information should be given wide son of the First Parish Unitarian church ing in other yards outside of Belfast these most critical times of war’s need. home in East Belfast. She lived for them. She tried to have "Wherefore, I Woodrow Wilson, Presi- interest offered and Charles Hammons led have put in for work here so •licity by you to stimulate the prayer, applications dent of the United States of America, Miss Ruth Henderson them think she was to live but '< About 45 of the neighbors and friends of Augusta, cor- in the of America. He also ren- longer, that return and be at home with do the 29th he Red Cross workers and thereby in- singing 1 they may hereby designate Thursday, “We are in God’s hands.”—F. F. P. of Mr. and Mrs. H. respondence editor of the Kennebec Jour- said, Ralph Cunningham, day of November, as a day of ase the of dressings. Since dered George M. Cohan’s patriotic song, their families. They all represent that next, production who nal arrived for a were recently married and have be- thanksgiving and prayer, and invite the Friday hrief visit with cases a whole box of “Over There,” which was greeted with board and room is expensive and many dressings N. they cease Miss The sudden death of Charles Dicker, gun housekeeping over their store at the people throughout the land to upon Anne M. Kiltredge. seen Mr. Frost then introduced Mr can make a of at least $1 ised on one patient, it may be applause. at in saving per day that day from their ordinary occupations, which took place Temple Heights, Head of the Tide, gave them an old fash- the demand is Dunnack who spoke over an hour. living at home, and in consideration of j and in their several homes and places of Joseph Pendleton of Islesboro was in stupendous. last week, caused much re- I ioned serenade last Northport, Saturday evening tender thanks to the Great Belfast last He divided his address into four sec- the fact that the same scale of wages worship God, Saturday on his way home gret among his many friends in that about 10 o’clock. Music for Ruler of nations.’’ Branches are asked to hold all Christ- the occasion from a in tions as follows: 1st, Why we are at war; will be paid here as elsewhere, this means hunting trip Northern Maine. town, this city and other places where j was s packages until Dec. 1st as the Supply furnished with horns, tin pans, bells, He two deer the one issue with President $1 more in net than get brought with him. 2nd, Wilson, he had resided. The deceased was born earnings they vice is into quarters. etc., and a libera! amount of confetti THE CHURCHES. moving larger the U. S. and and all Amer- while in other In Army Navy, town of March away working yards. Judge Reuel Robinson, Mrs. foreign shipment has been completed in the Kingman 24, 1846, was also brought and used. Henry B. Robinson, except the traitors for that side: addition to this there are better social and 1 icans, the son of Joseph and Hannah I Mrs. Frank W. Conant and Miss Eliza- i the remainder go to the camps in this H., Dicker, Ladd, in behalf of the party, presented Next Sunday morning at the Unitarian 3rd, the men who are to represent us at educational privileges here than in some beth and his early life was spent in that town ! ! them with a mission rocker Ccnant of Camden motored to Bel- mtry. and lamp. church Rev. A. E. Wilson will preach on the front must be and of the smaller towns. While a j equipped supplied and in the town of Prentiss. He later shortage Both Mr. and fast Sunday and railed on friends. Mrs. Cunningham expressed the subject: “One Thing for Which to be The children of the Saturday Cove as Americans should be; 4th. the war will where for of labor is very evident, it looks now as came to this county, many j their surprise and The even- pleasure. Thankful in 1917.” All are cordially in- Miss Florence Brown is as their Mrs. Hazel finally be won by the spirit and patriotism if there would be no difficulty in obtain- substituting ool, through teacher, years he made his home. In 1912 he was and with ing spent socially cards vited. In the evening this church will ! manager at the Damariscotta oflire of the have contributed $10 to the Red of the men at the front. Tne only way ing as a crew as can be worked to d, purchased a lot of land and a small store large until midnight. Confectionery, nuts and unite in the Union Thanksgiving service Western Union Telegraph Co., during the *ss Fund. to keep this spirit alive when our men wrhere he has since advantage during the construction period. at Temple Heights, cigars were served. at the Congregational church. vacation of Miss the are face to face w th the brute Orders for Richards, manager. brought been located each and in the machinery and other supplies here will be a Red Cross meeting on summer, A. E. Clark. Sons of forces of is the efforts for the will be within the Camp, Veterans, A Harvest Home Festival was observed Arthur Ritchie returned Germany through winters w’orked out in the At ship placed Sunday night Nov. 30th at 2.30 p. m. in Memo- country. observed Veterans last day, of the Y. M. C. who are the next ten night Monday last Sunday at Trinity church, East Bel- from a business to A., carrying Temple Heights he had been busy each days. trip New York He Hall. evening with members of Thomas H. with exhibitions of kinds of Red Triangle even to the first iine fast, many left Tuesday for where he j season doing odd jobs of work for the Bangor, appear- SECRET SOCIETIES. Marshall Post, G. A. R., guests of honor fruits and Next at FARRAR trenches. The first the American vegetables. Sunday ed in a reference case before GERALDINE thing cottagers and looking after his store. Judge King. and representatives of all their other Mason Mills church there will be a meet- young men see when they land in France He was preparing to leave there in a few Mrs. F. Brown of The Woman God j Aurora Rebekah Lodge will hold a five- allied bodies present. The following of the executive committee at 10 a. Mary Morrill has re- Forgot," Friday, is this symbol, and it is the only thing ing days and was getting things in readiness turned from a fourteen Matinee and at 1 cent sociable at their meeting Tuesday program was carried out: Singing, Ameri- followed a service and months' visit Evening, that can the prison of m., by preaching penetrate camps and had crated some of his groceries to with Colonial Theatre. j evening, Nov. 27th, for the benefit of the by audience; address of school. At church there relatives in Laurel, Mont. She was the Mr. Dunnack ca, welcome, Sunday Trinity enemy. very graphic- bring back to town. Last week he was the the week j Flower Fund. Everybody come. Fred A. Mrs. McKin- will a guest past of her described the needs of the Y. M. C. Seward; reading, be business meeting at 2.30 p. m., sister, ally employed in clearing up a lot of land for Mrs. Alice E. Bramhall. traldine Farrar, the noted prima don- Miss Nellie Gray Coombs of Lone Star i non; solo, Miss Katherine E. Brier; re- followed by preaching and Sunday school. A. and urged his hearers to do what they Orrin J. Dickey of this city and had will make her debut under the Art- O. E. inspected marks and a poem by Mrs Dora J. At the R. T. Rankin left for could to supply them. He spoke of his the work when he is Chapter, S., Islesboro, People’s Methodist Church next Tuesday Peters- Theatre nearly completed 11 trade-mark at the Colonial Primrose of Belfast last Friday evening. Bridges; reading, Mrs. Eva Gordon; sing- Sunday morning the Rev. Chas. burg, Fla., where he will spend the win- recent visit to Ayer, Mass., where he supposed to have dropped dead from pastor, r riday, in “,’’ Seaside Chapter of Camden and Lone ing by three little girls; solo, B. L. Davis; W. will on “Men’s ter. Mr. Rankin has taken an walked the streets of that great canton- heart trouble. is thought that he died Martin, speak Deep- apart- ]t B. .ectacular photodrama written espe- Star of Islesboro were special guests. remarks, Wni. Woodbury; reading, est Hunger and How Satisfied.” The ment and was accompanied by his house- ment of 35,000 men and unknown, talked as he was seen and Tuesday Monday A. for her by , and Other chapters represented were Sears- Mrs. S. Parker; Lincoln’s Gettysburg Sunday school meets at 12 o’clock. In keeper, Mrs. Emma F. Esles. with those whom he met, visited the va- seemed in good health. Wednesday some ured under the direction of Brooks and Columbia Falls. Address by Thos. Mrs. personal and wherever port, Monroe, Gannon; reading, the evening there will be the customary rious huts, barracks, etc., girls who were passing through the Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Knowlton left B. the noted director. McKeen’s orchestra furnished music for Mabel yes- deMille, he asked. “What is the Bridges; reading, Smith; singing, union Thanksgiving service at the Con- he met the Roys grounds came across his body beside the terday for a few days’ visit in Boston. ■ line MacPherson, who wrote the the and during supper. The Star Spangled Banner, by all. Ice cream church at ? Is it The an- reception gregational 7.30. All are in- Y. M. C. A any good?” road, where he fell. Medical Examiner Mr. Knowlton went on business and Mrs. v of “,” is also re- reception took place at fi p. m. with Miss and cake were served. vited to participate in this most fitting i swer was prompt and enthusiastic, “Its Dr. Orris S Vickery of this city was Knowlton will visit friends. Alfred nsible for the authorship of “The Coombs, Grand Patron, O. S. Vickery, and seasonable gathering with the finest the finest thing in the world, sir He ailed and F. A. Nye, undertaker, and POOR’S Mills. The Sunday school Shute will act as city marshal during Ins- man God Forgot,” and also for Mary Past Patrons, George R. Doak and Clif- of music The sermon will be the said that in all his visit at Ayer and in after an examination it was decided that and meetings have closed for this fall. by absence. Kford’s recent productions, “The Lit- ford J. Pattee, Past Mrs. pastor of the church. The going back and forth from Boston to the death resulted from heart failure and the I Matrons, The Ladies Sewing Circle is invited to People’s pray- ■ and “A Romance of the American” Arthur Ritchie and Miss Bertha A. er meeting this, Thursday, evening, sub- i Wallace M. Ellis and his sons. M;.rell cantonment, encountering hundreds of remains were removed to the Nye under- meet with Mrs. Arthur Higgins this week. woods Wiley, Past Patron and Matron R. H. ject: “The Last Invitation in the Bible.” ; E. and Ambrose I,., were in Auburn >\ ise of one when the people were able to try. Saturday, 1 he reproduction of the famous Aztec four months. ously responded. The next regular meet- been of Mrs. John past Her death resulted who is quite ill.Mrs. Luman Richard- m. at 7.30 a guests Oakes The This is a of j Sunday evening union amid of as seen in “The respond. experience sample ing will be Nov. Teocalli, from a complication of diseases caused Friday evening, 30th, I son of a former latter left Friday for Water.iih join the majority who went out in this greatest Chelsea, Mass., resident Thanksgiving service will be held in ,nan God Forgot”, is the largest set- two attacks of the last when the election of officers will take: Mr. Oakes who returned home j by grip February. of this place, arrived here last week on the church. The Re- Iasi Sat- ! of all great work in the cause of homan- Congregational g ever built for a pro- place. photodramatic She was born in Swanville, the daughter business. Her friends are all glad to urday from the Sister’s Hospital, where I ity. wel- formed church, the Universalist, the Uni- ion, the pyramid being nearly 200 of Alonzo and Hannah Holmes. When a come her here.There will be an enter- the Methodist and he recently was operated upon for anpen- ■ men and women tarian, Congregational in Both canvassed Bel- ISLESBORO. height and an exact reproduction, young woman she married B. dicitis. Elbridge tainment and supper at the hall next churches all unite in extending to you a ■ fast vhieh was laid out in sections. »ery detail, of the famous temple to and most of their married life Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hatch are vis- Greeley Tuesday evening. hearty and cordial invitation to this Malcolm L. | Monday night the committee reported a Cottrell returned .. p. i t Aztec gods. Over a thousand men was iting in Bangor, Corinna and Exeter. spent in Bar Harbor! Mr. Greeley The service of total of $2,400, Belfast contributing $1,- Girls’ Home Paper. The yearly Thanksgiving. Come Menan last Monday after a few visit h part in the battle scenes days thrilling died about seven years ago. Their only Mrs. Gonie E. Hatch is at Capt. Her- 400 of that. Miss Anne M. Crosby sent October issue of this always bright and and unite with all the country in return- with his father, Robert Emery d the effects of the first few cannon Cottrel1, son, now a senior in the Bar Harbor High man Farrow’s, Rockport, for two weeks. little thanks to God for his eternal a check of $250, Mr and Mrs. Charles helpful paper was delayed some- ing good- Malcolm and his older brother, Regina’d I gun powder are graphically shown. school, survives. Two sisters and one Mrs. Pearl Fairfield is in ness. The will be the Rev. a check of $100 each. A con- the Maine what but is full of news and articles and preacher R. enlisted several 1 he cast Miss be- Bradbury Cottrell, months go supporting Farrar, brother also survive, Miss Linnie General Charles W. Martin. tribution was received from Hospital, Portland, for treat- illustrations of interest of this home of | in the Naval Reserves and have been