New product announcements AERO 2017 New worldwide Allstar PZL Glider Sp. z o.o. sim+glide: innovative flightsimulator for gliders with 4 Stand: B5-137 axial motions With sim+glide instruction and training of pilots will be in future - independent of weather - possible by day and night - Hedwigstr. 18 more cost efficient - promoting safetyness and rountine - 30159 Hannover enableing programms for specific types of gliders as well as Germany for cross-country and aerobatic flying The mobility with 4 Tel: +49 1704301254 axial motions makes it possible to simulate nearly each flight Fax: +49 511 441732 figure authentically. E-Mail:
[email protected] Contact: Bernd Hager Company: Allstar PZL Glider Sp. z o.o. Internet: 2017 1 / 16 Dacher Systems GmbH sky[nav]pro RedLine Box including FLARM for collsion Stand: A6-103 avoidance After introducing its BlueLine Satellite Box which offers in flight weather and real time tracking and monitoring at AERO Klärwerkstr. 1A 2016 in Friedrichshafen last year, Dacher Systems is now 13597 Berlin launching its RedLine Box, containing hardware to offer Germany collision avoidance with FLARM. Tel: +49 30-398009115 E-Mail:
[email protected] Contact: Tiberius Dacher Company: Dacher Systems GmbH Internet: EWAK GmbH UGM 3644, new type of four-stroke engine Stand: A5 - 301 Straße C 15345 Altlandsberg Germany Tel.: +49 176 81297645 E-Mail:
[email protected] Contact: Sascha Manthey Company: EWAK GmbH Internet: 2017 2 / 16 FernUniversität in Hagen Emergency Landing Assistant (ELA) Stand: FW-BP04 The Department of Computer Architecture at the FernUniversität in Hagen (Prof.