Original Scientific Paper

doi: 10.5937/jaes14-10123 Paper number: 14(2016)1, 355, 68 - 74 PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF REALIZATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE Vera Rukomoinikova* Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia Nadezhda Zykova Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia Iraida Tumbaeva Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia

Many authors have turned their research interests to the problem of efficiency of the tourism de- velopment strategy realization. It was the result of the fact that growth and implementation of the tourism development strategies appears to be the common world trend of the last decade. This research focuses on the territorial level. The paper concentrates on the small region of the central part of Russia through the example of which the authors want to retrace the realization of the tourism development strategy adopted by the municipal authorities. The major aim of the study has several objectives associated with the theoretical analysis of practical aspects of the tourism development prob-lem in the region. First of all, there is a need to provide a review of the literature devoted to the regional tourism efficiency evaluation. Secondly, it is necessary to measure the tourism efficiency in the region on the quantitative and qualitative level. The quantitative level re-fers to statistic data about the regional tourism. The qualitative level includes case study with self-employed individuals who set up their business in the field of . Finally, this study has an overarching objec- tive to identify the opportunities for the touristic potential of the small agricultural region of Mari El. It is quite currently important for the region to reveal the patterns according to which an inser-tion of private sector in the rural tourism development takes place. The research is based on international academic literature and the analysis of Russian experience. Key words: Tourism development strategy, Long-term tourism development programs, Performance indicators, Cluster, Tourist destina-tion

INTRODUCTION egies for countries and of the world as well as the questions of the level are A strategic plan of management of the touristic considered on the official site of World Tourism Or- sphere is important for the long term success ganization (UN-WTO). The site presents a short in- in tourism development. Creation of successful struction of the devel-opment of tourism strategies. strategic plan for tourism requires an application The objective of the stra-tegic program is defined of the overall approach to the management of the as following: to define the foundation of the long- region (tourism destination). The strategic plan term development for tourism (10-20 years) with should be developed on the base of analy-sis an accent on politics and strategies, planning, insti- evaluation of the situation in the process of plan- tutional consolidation of legislation and regulation, ning, including the review of service consumersR production development and its diversifica-tion, markets, operational surroundings, resources marketing and promotion, touristic infrastructure potential, existing products and environment. and overbuilding, economical impact of tourism on Strategic planning for the touristic sphere is a in-vestments in tourism, development of human cyclical process which requires con-stant moni- resources and socio-cultural and ecological con- toring, reviewing and flexibility for adaptation to sequences of tourism. changing conditions. The gradual plan of realization of tourism devel- The questions of the development of tourism strat- opment strategies consists of three stages: de-

* Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia (424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenin Square, 3; 68 [email protected] Vera Rukomoinikova - Practical aspects of realization of the development strategy in the tourism region velopment of program scenario, detailed elabo- ism development can be distinguished by a de- ration of master plan for every sector of touristic tailed reasoned approach to realization of shaped industry, realization of actions by means of tech- plans, some programs have a declarative charac- nical assistance and financing (ration up to 150 ter. Nevertheless, practically all programs have a thousand euro) from the side of WTO. high level of governmental assistance. Strategic plans are elaborated not only for devel- Third, some countries realize development strat- opment of the tourism sphere of the country on egies not only on the national level but on the the whole but in certain touristic directions such regional and munic-ipal levels as well. Moreover, as: rural tourism, tourism of local communities, the latter is noted for a high degree of details mountain tourism, coastal tour-ism, eco-tourism, forethought. spa tourism. Fourth, not all programs have a financial part The theory and practice of development and that makes difficult their realization. Some strat- implemen-tation of strategic programs of tourism egies claim to achieve ambitious goals, but the development in the countries of the world are indices of investments are either absent at all or concentrated on the open resource Sustainable not quite real. Tourism Online. The developer of this resource On the whole, we can conclude that develop- is AustraliaRs Cooperative ment and implementation of strategies of tour- Research Centre (STCRC). We will recite sev- ism development appears to be the common eral important conclusions on the development world trend of the last dec-ade. of strategic plans and programs of tourism de- velopment presented by the Australian research METHODOLOGY OF THE EFFICIENCY centre. Development of stra-tegic touristic plan RE-SEARCH OF THE TOURISM deals with the determination of stra-tegic pri- STRATEGIES REALIZATION orities and directions which are revealed by As for the methods of evaluation which form the con-cerned parties for planning, development basis of tourism efficiency, the following various management and marketing in the region. The methods are offered: the method of expert esti- STCRC researches consider the following to be mation based on the heuristic approach of Delphi the necessary conditions for tourism strategy re- [01], the method of hierarchy M Analytic Hierar- alization: to identify specific respon-sibilities and chy Process [02], methods of grading M Superi- time limits for realization of strategies and actions ority and Inferiority Ranking Method, the method of concerned parties; to specify particular aims of average weighted estimates M Weighted Sum and measures for achievement of a strategic Model [03], the method of additive optimization plan; to carry out regular monitoring and control M Optimized Restricted Additive Methods [11]. over implementation of the strategy realization In relation to the target audience various factors program; to develop tourism strategy as OaliveP should be taken into account: tourists from dif- document which can be adapted and updated in ferent regions of the same country can be more case of operational surround-ings changes. demanding to the quality of certain factors which The next step of our research was the analysis compose touristic attraction of the region. For of strate-gies and plans of development of tour- example, it can be the quality of the road ser- ism in the countries of Europe, America, Austra- vice or informational support of tourism [12]. In lia, Asia, Africa and Pacific Region. It is possible this case it is often necessary to revaluate sig- to come to some conclu-sions [14]. First, the nificance of factors in-cluded into estimation of absolute majority of documents was developed the potential [10]. and implemented during the last decade. A small Importance of the problem of tourist resources amount of countries that develop tourism on the estimation is highlighted in the Federal Target governmental level has a long period of real- Program ODevelopment of domestic and incom- ization of program approach to the goals of the ing tourism in the Russian Federation in 2011 touristic sphere. It indicates that the sphere of - 2016 yearsP [07]. Tourist potential of any area tourism has started to take leading positions in consists of natural and manmade objects and national economies comparatively not long ago: phenomena as well as of conditions, possibili- at the turn of the century and till present. ties and means, necessary and suitable for the Second, a number of analyzed strategies of tour- tourist product formation. Scientific conceptions

Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1 , 355 69 Vera Rukomoinikova - Practical aspects of realization of the development strategy in the tourism region of the tourist potential estimation offer a complex tourist in Spain uses 880 liters of water per day list of factors: natural and climatic resources ( against 250 liters used by locals [15]. weather conditions, landscape, water and min- An analysis of regional and municipal Russian eral resources, flora, fauna, certain natural mon- tourist legislation demonstrates that the problem uments and others), historical cultural resources of estimation of efficiency of tourist potential re- (material and nonmaterial cultural heritage of alization is not less important on this level too, the region) and socio economical resources (in- since there are no regional legislatives acts with frastructure of the touristic sector, managerial, clear instructions about methods of evaluation. human and educational, material, financial and Regional programs of tourism development as informational resources and conditions). One usual contain planned figures of program real- can find interesting famous methods of estima- ization, such as: number of promotional and tion of tourist-recreational potential of territories informational materials about tourist potential, that were elaborated by Aleksandrova A.Y., Dro- number of Russian and international of special- zdov A.V., Robinson B.V. and others. Ushakova ized exhibitions, number of pro-motional and in- E.O., Selivanov I.A. and others also suggest at- formational tours for Russian and for-eign mass tractive patterns of complex estimation of tour- media and tour operators, number of tourist in- ist resources. An integrated evaluation model formational terminals, number of tourists visiting of tourist resources was proposed by Sarancha the region, amount of touristic services, amount M.A. Results of tourist potential evaluation of of invest-ments which were drawn as part of gov- the territory are presented in the tourist ernmental financial support in the form of inter- of the region. Federal Tourist Agency of the Rus- estsR refund of loans giv-en by commercial banks sian Federation specifies requirements for the on the infrastructure develop-ment. touris-tic passport of every region (territory) as regular and constantly renewing document. We APPLYING OF THE PROGRAM APPROACH will mention only some publications on evalua- IN THE STRATEGY OF TOURISM tion of tourist potential by the example of cer- DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA tain regions: Khudenkhih Y.A. OAp-proaches to In the last decade in Russia the questions of evaluation of tourist potential of the territo-ry by rise of strategic planning of the territory are dis- example of regions of Perm krayP, Karchevskaya cussed more frequently. Close attention is paid E.N. OMethodological support of regional devel- to the sphere of tourism: corresponding regula- opment and dimensional differentiation of tour- tory acts are being adopted, programs of devel- ism (by example of the Gomel region)P, Kumova opment of tourist recreational centers are being N.A. OComplex evalua-tion of tourist-recreational created. In order to stimulate the development of potential (by the example of the Kursk region)P, different spheres governmental authorities real- Barsukova O.N. OMarketing evalua-tion of tourist ize a se-ries of actions which is mostly regulated potential (by the example of the tourist centre of by a legal act adopted at one or another level Tobolsk)P and others. of governmental power (municipal, regional, fed- As for evaluation of potential realization, re- eral). This approach can be called program-ori- searchers are mostly concentrated on economic ented or system and goal oriented, since legal methods of evaluation: increase of money re- acts that approve targeted programs consist of ceipts from tourism, raise of employment level, strictly defined set of appendices, where each growth of income of local population and other appendix contain a series of actions, amount of economic results. Marketing and PR-factors also financing of these actions and indices of actions take part in evaluation of potential realization: in- efficiency. Every program specifies its objec- crease of awareness about destination, growth tives, results and actions efficiency indices. It of posi-tive feedbacks from tourists, degree of should be noted that all regions in Rus-sia adopt placeRs attraction, number of brand images in the such legal acts which sanction republican and consciousness of potential tourists. Critical ef- regional targeted programs of development of fects of development of tourist potential are also domestic and incoming tourism. taken into account, particularly, environmental In the process of investigation of tourism strategy impact: use of water, power consump-tion, re- development of the Russian Federation [5] we lease of wastes in the recreation area by guests. used the program approach which admits that in The following facts are compared, for example:

70 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1 , 355 Vera Rukomoinikova - Practical aspects of realization of the development strategy in the tourism region virtue of environment instability a targeted situa- tive activity as well as economic indices: balance tion will again take in certain problems; the solu- profit, sales proceeds, profitability. As can be tion of these problems canRt be found in advance. seen from the above one of the important indica- At the level of the territorial entities of the Russian tors of evaluation of strategic programs results Federation we developed a spatial model of clus- in the sphere of tourism are the earning yield of ter organization of tourism on the basis of deter- the field. mi-nation of territories having unique natural rec- reational and historical-cultural potential. These EFFICIENCY OF THE TOURISM DEVELOP- territories are considered as places for realization MENT PROGRAM BY THE EXAMPLE OF of cluster tourist ini-tiatives and formation of local THE MARI EL REGION tourist clusters. Govern-mental support of clus- Through the example of the region of Mari El we ter initiatives is becoming a part of governmental will review realization of tourism strategy. strategy of increase of the Russian competitive- Mari El is a small in population size (687 435 peo- ness in the sphere of tourism. ple) region in the central part of Russia with a low- In the Strategy of tourism development in the er rate of urban population (65, 19%), the main Russian Federation till 2020 there is an interest- types of settlements are rural and small towns. ing analysis of tourist potential of the regions of According to researches the region has been in Russia according to federal districts. Today most the state of modernization of the second type for territorial entities of the Russian Federation un- a long time. It can be characterized by stagnation derstand and admit significance of elaboration (growth without evolution); one of the reasons and implementation of programs of tour-ism de- for this stagnation is imbalance of modernization velopment, however, the majority of projects is parameters by reason of notice-able retardation concentrated in Central, Northwestern and Volga of components of economical and cog-nitive in- dis-tricts as well as around famous tourist attrac- dicators. The republic has not overcome the con- tions in Siberia and Russian Far East. sequences of industrial failure in the 90th years The amount of financing of actions is included of the XX century yet. The republic takes actions into the programs of Russian regions with ac- for diversifi-cation of economy, in particular, it is count of finances from republican and federal the adoption of the targeted program ODevelop- budgets. In addition regions can rely on federal ment of tourism in the repub-lic of Mari El for budget resources in case of insertion of tourist 2011-2016 yearsP. At present the re-public pos- recreational projects and clusters in the fed- sesses a quite high tourist potential, as well as eral targeted program of tourism development. intrinsic prerequisites for its development. Mari Amounts of program financing by virtue of lo- El is considered to be a region where authentic cal budget resources usually have a forecasting culture and traditions still exist; Mari people have character and are pr cised for every next year saved till today Finno Ugric customs, traditions, taking into account possibil-ities of budget of a religion and rites. It is the only nation in Europe particular region. which has the paganism as an official religion. Efficiency of strategic programs of tourism devel- In the republic there are several hundreds of opment is manifested at the state level (creation Sacred groves, some of them are protected by of new working places, increase in taxes, attrac- the state. Natural recreational complex of the re- tion of investments) as well as at the regional level public includes a big amount of small rivers and (decrease in social tension, solution of questions lakes, 2 nature reserves: OBolshaya KokshagaP of ecological safety, improvement of infrastruc- and OMari ChodraP. All these factors give pos- ture). Efficiency of activity of particular touristic sibilities for development of cultural-cognitive, businesses is estimated in marketing categories ecological and rural tourism. M volume and profitability of sales, advertising In the republic there are 66 tour operators and performance, business competitiveness, capital agencies, the infrastructure includes 40 productivity, material productivity, coefficient of and quest houses, 4 , 30 health productive capacity use. Overall evaluation of , 9 tourist complexes and 18 recreational efficiency of regional tourist potential use has to centers, 6 sports facilities, 20 sport clubs and reveal the indices which characterize production fitness centers, 9 sports complexes and stadi- structure of association, investment and in-nova- ums, 6 museums, 6 entertainment centers and

Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1 , 355 71 Vera Rukomoinikova - Practical aspects of realization of the development strategy in the tourism region complex-es, 3 cinema theatres. By estimate of The authors of the paper believe that it is neces- the Committee on tourism of the republic of Mari sary to pay more attention to the development El in 2014 domestic and incoming tourism flows of rural tourism. Rural tourism includes all types (inclusive of sightseers) consti-tute 422,3 thou- of pastime of city dwellers in the countryside, sand people, foreign residents N 6,6 thousand i.e. elements of rest and health activities, ethno- people, M 15 thousand peo- graphic . ple [6]. Herein after, we will show the statistics of At present development of this type of tourism tourist profitability for the last 5 years. is regard-ed as one of directions of innovative As can be noted from the above tables, number development of the agricultural center which en- of tour-ist arrivals decreases while profitability ables to solve socio-cultural problems of rural indices increase due to the price advance and population, to increase cultural and educational not to the number of arriv-ing people. The pro- levels of rural population, stimulates preser-va- gram of Mari El tourism for 6 years includes 215 tion of local customs and folk crafts. The last de- million rubles of financial investments with ac- cade of the XX century saw an increasing inter- count of governmental and private investments. est to ecologi-cal and rural tourism [13]. Among The long term perspectives on the territory of the Volga regions Chuvash Republic and the the republic featuring private investors allows Penza Region are extensively developing this for creation and de-velopment of tourist-recre- tourist destination. ational clusters OTsar-gradP in Yoshkar-Ola and OVolgydoP in Zvenigovsky and Gornomariysky RESULTS ANALYSIS OF CASE STUDY WITH regions and in Kozmodemiansk. The pro-jects ENTREPRENEURS OF THE RURAL TOUR- listed above are included into the list of actions ISM IN MARI EL of the federal program ODevelopment of domes- An empiric foundation includes statistics of quali- tic and incoming tourism in the Russian Fed- tative underlying interviews with ten private en- erationP, where the total amount of investments trepreneurs of 3 regions of Mari El. In the con- within the frame of clusters creation is more than text of our research we conducted inquiries in 4 billion rubles. Nowadays on the territory of the 3 human settlements of Mari El: the villages of republic a number of projects on devel-opment Maliy Kugunur (Orshansky Region), Aleshkino of domestic and incoming tourism and creation (Kilemarsky Region), Oshutyaly (Zvenigov-sky of necessary infrastructure are already realizing Region). The choice of human settlements in our or planned to be realized in the nearest future. research was determined by the fact that there Among these projects we can mention formation were en-trepreneurs developing rural tourism. of Mari tourist village OVizimbirP in Kuzhenersky In the village of Maliy Kugunur there is a tourist Region, eco-tourist complex OChodyrayalP in Vol- complex country estate OTihie zoriP, in Aleshkino- zhsky Region, tourist complexes OVolgavitaP, tourist complex ORazdo-lieP in Oshutyal M tourist OOkolitsaP and ODvoryanskoe gnezdoP in Kile- camp OYushutP. marsky Region.

Table 1: Income from tourism in Mari El, millions of rubles [08] Tourism profitability indices in Mari El 2009 year 2010 year 2011 year 2012 year 2013 year Amount of touristic services 261 315 431 573 700 Profitability turnover of hotels and 1451 1662 2125 2252 2455

Table 2: Dynamics of number of employees in the field of tourism and tourist arrivals in Mari El, thousands of people Statistic indices in the field of tourism in Mari El 2009 year 2010 year 2011 year 2012 year 2013 year Number of travel agencies employees 0,1 0,15 0,16 0,12 0,1 Number of hotels and restaurants employees 2,8 2,7 3,6 3,9 3,6 Number of Russian citizens housed incommunal 111,1 101,3 102,1 104,6 100,9 places of accommodation Number of foreign citizens housed in communal 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,3 1,2 places of accommodation

72 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1 , 355 Vera Rukomoinikova - Practical aspects of realization of the development strategy in the tourism region

All enterprises are considered as Osmall busi- young people. ThatRs why while choosing an nessP, steadily work on the market of tourist ser- area for a tourist camp he initially thought about vices more than 3 years, actively present their an appropriate place for rafting. Moreover, he is services as rural tourism and can be named as interested in development of youth movements. typical examples in this sphere. He became one of the organizers of the Forum Non formalized interviews which were conducted of young entrepreneurs of Zvenigovsky Region with entrepreneurs and heads of enterprises made within the frames of republican targeted program it possible to reveal some characteristics of their OInvolvement of young people into the entrepre- motivation and interaction with population. The neurial activity in the Republic of Mari El in 2011- entrepreneurs came to the sphere of rural tour- 2015P. He cordially hosted and accommodated ism having significant experience in other fields all participants of the forum in his tourist camp in of business and commercial structures. Their age the vil-lage of Oshutyaly, Zvenigovsky Region. is more than the average; one of the motives was For one year and a half he managed to turn a de- a wish to Oleave the hustle and bustle of the cityP, serted country estate in Oshutyaly into a stable but at the same time to continue an active life- enterprise specialized in coun-try-tourism. He style and Oto be helpful for people and societyP, actively shares his experience on the develop- Oto maintain the movement for villages revival in ment of rural tourism in Zvenigovsky Region and RussiaP, Odevelop and maintain the national cul- considers it to be an advantageous course in the ture of the Mari nationP. A social component in the sphere of tourism. He belongs to the group of motivation of entrepreneurs stipulates their posi- entrepre-neurs who intensively search for new tive attitude to the local society. dimensions in the traditional past of Mari and Ta- tar people. In the context of our research we defined two models of entrepreneurship in the country. The CONCLUSION first model is con-sumer-oriented when an entre- preneur is focused on rural resources and doesnRt Research results make it possible to talk about have much impact on the local infrastructure. An two dif-ferent groups of business activity in the entrepreneur has only economic influ-ence M as- rural Tourism of Mari El. The beginning of busi- sistance to the employment of local popula-tion. ness activity of different individuals was devel- For example, owner of the country estate OTihie oping differently. It is evident that there are two zoriP, an entrepreneur, wasnRt acquainted with different motivations. The founder of the quest traditions and culture of the local society. The complex ORazdolieP came back to her home vil- reasons for the con-struction of the complex are lage in order to revive it. She has already had the beautiful and clean locality as well as availability initial capital. The founder of the camp of workforce from the nearby vil-lage. OTihie zoriP hasnRt belonged to the local commu- The second model is called socio-cultural, when nity before. He made his choice and decided to an en-trepreneur consciously specifies the task to set up business in the untouched ecological can- encourage economical and socio-cultural devel- ton of Russia. opment of the local community. It can be realized In our research we called the two patterns of through traditional folk and ethno-cultural values: entrepreneurRs interaction with local community organization and carrying of festivals and holidays as consumer oriented and pragmatic or socially- in the country. For example, the festival OAncestral oriented. landsP is very popular in Kilemarsky Region. This Positive results of business activity for resident festival was initiated by the director of the quest population were noted by local respondents (in house ORazdolieP. Later on, starting from the sec- one case the road was repaired while in the ond year the festival was supported at the govern- other case the shop was opened). Activity of mental level and became all republican. such enthusiasts is typical for the initial phase LetRs cite another example of social activity of an of the development of new directions. There is entre-preneur in the field of rural tourism. The no doubt that rural tourism is a relatively new director of the tourist camp OYushutP set up his direction in the Russian tourism. However, ac- business with the aid of employment bureau in cording to the world experience enthusiastsR ef- 2011. In the past during his Sovi-et childhood he forts are not enough to form a well-developed attended the groups of tourism for chil-dren and market of rural tourism services. It is possible to

Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1 , 355 73 Vera Rukomoinikova - Practical aspects of realization of the development strategy in the tourism region reach the maximum effect in the rural tour-ism 3) Henderson, J. C. (2006). Tourism in Dubai: development relying on the foreign experience Overcoming Barriers to Destination Devel- (Ita-ly, Greece, Cyprus). There were two stages opment. Inter-national journal of Tourism of the rural tourism in these countries: 1) start-up Research, 8, 87-89. for account of rural entrepreneursR activity; 2) re- 4) http://cooperation.unwto.org/technical-prod- sults-oriented devel-opment by virtue of outside uct/tourism-development-master-plans-and- investments. At present de-velopment of the ru- stra tegicdevelopment-plans (date accessed ral tourism in the republic of Mari El is on its first 10/10/2015). stage. For shifting to the second stage it is nec- 5) http://government.ru/docs/12933/ (date ac- essary to have governmental support in the form cessed 10/10/2015). of development of goal-oriented programs and creation of favourable institutional environment. 6) http://mari-el.gov.ru/komtur/Pages/plans. aspx (date accessed 10/10/2015). SUMMARY 7) http://www.programs-gov.ru/razvitieturizma (date accessed 10/10/2015). In our opinion in the rural tourism there are two pat- terns of value consciousness: the first deals with 8) http://www.russiatourism.ru/content/8/ an individualistic structure of values; the second is section/81/detail/4124/ (date accessed a traditional one which is characterized with re- 10/10/2015). spect to traditions and ori-entation to family. 9) http://www.sustainabletourismonline.com/ Research results of rural entrepreneurRs eco- destinations-and-communities/destination- nomical be-haviour allow coming to the conclu- planning/planning-process/strategic-plan sion that a transition to economical growth in rural (date accessed 10/10/2015). tourism is directly con-nected with the evolution 10) Iatu, C. & Bulai, M. (2011). New Approach in of enterprises of consumer-oriented type to the Evaluating Tourism Attractiveness in the Region market side and extension of their business activ- of Moldavia (Romania). International Journal of ity. The government aim is to create fa-vourable Energy and Environment, 5, 165-174. institutional conditions for activity regulation of the 11) Mamun F. & Mitra S. (2012). A Methodology strongest businesses, support of potentially ac- for Assessing Tourism Potential: Case Study tive ones and protection of socially weak subjects Murshida-bad District, West Bengal, India. of the rural entrepreneurship. In this situation it is International Journal of Scientific and Re- possible to expect an economical and social ef- search Publications, Vol. 2, Issue 9, 6-18. fect from the entre-preneurial sector that can re- 12) Mill, R.C. & Morrison, A.M. (1999). The Tour- sult into rural areas devel-opment in Russia. ism System. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Publishing Company. 350. 13) Nikolayeva, A.N., Khalilova, T.V., Ruko- The article was published with the financial sup- moinikova, V.P. 2015. The Concept of the port from Ministry of Education and Science of Regional Industrial Cluster Information Sup- the Russian Federation within the framework of port. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sci- state assignment to the project 3 26.1378.2014/ ences. MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. Vol P Socio-cultural resources of modernization in 6, No 2: 29-35. the efficiency evaluation of the territory devel- 14) Polukhina, A.N., Rukomoinikova, V.P. 2015. opment strategic programs in the context of do- Evaluation of the tourism development stra- mestic tourism. tegic pro-grams efficiency (by the example REFERENCES of the Volga Federal District). Monograph, Yoshkar-Ola. Volga State Univer-sity of 1) Cheng, F. 2008. Using the Delphi method to Technology. as-sess the potential of TaiwanRs hot springs 15) Romero, R. & Homar V. 2012. Projections of tourism sector. International Journal of Tour- the climate potential for tourism in Platja de ism Research, Vol. 10, Is-sue 4: 341M352. Palma, Spain. International journal of Tour- 2) Dwyer, L. & Kim, C. 2003. Destination Com- ism Research, 11, 64-82. pet-itiveness: Determinants and Indicators. Paper sent to revision: 31.01.2016. Current Issues in Tourism, 6(5), 369-414. Paper ready for publication: 22.02.2016. 74 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 14(2016)1 , 355 R E Z I M E I R A D O V A

doi:10.5937/jaes14-10123 Broj rada: 14(2016)1, 355


Rukomoinikova V.P., Dravni Univerzitet Tehnologije u Volgi, Mari El, Rusija Zykova N.N., Dravni Univerzitet Tehnologije u Volgi, Mari El, Rusija Tumbaeva I.D., Dravni Univerzitet Tehnologije u Volgi, Mari El, Rusija

Mnogi autori su okrenuli istraiva6ke interese ka problemu efikasnosti realizacije strategije razvoja turizma. To je rezultat 6injenice da se pojavl)uje rast i sprovo7enje razvoja strategije turizma da bude zajedni6ki svetski trend u poslednjoj deceniji. Ovo istraivanje se fokusira na teritorijalnom nivou. U radu se koncentrie na malom prostoru centralnog dela Rusije na primeru koji su autori eleli da doive realizaciju strategije razvoja turizma usvojenog od strane optinskih vlasti. Glavni cil) ovog istraivanja ima nekoliko cil)eva u vezi sa teorijskom analizom prakti6nih aspekata razvoja turizma problema u regionu. Pre svega, postoji potreba da se obezbedi pregled literature posve4ene re- gionalnoj evaluaciji efikasnosti turizma. Drugo, neophodno je meriti turisti6ku efikasnost u regionu na kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom nivou. U kvantitativnom nivou odnosno statisti6kim podacima o regionalnom turiz-mu. Kvalitativna nivo obuhvata studiju slu6aja sa pojedincima samozaposlene koji su osnovali svoj posao u ob-lasti seoskog turizma. Na kraju, ova studija ima glavni cil) da identifikuje mogu4nosti za turisti6ki potencijal malih pol)oprivrednih regiona Mari El. Sasvim je trenutno vano za region da otkrije uzorke prema kojem je Insercija privatnog sektora u razvoju seoskog turizma odvija. Istraivanje je bazirano na me7unarodnoj akademskoj literaturi i analizi ruskog iskustva. Klju6ne re6i: Strategija razvoja turizma, Programi dugoro6nog razvoja turizma, Indikatori u6inka, Klaster, Turisti6ka destinacija

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