PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL VOLUME I / 2012 / ISSN: 1899–9484 Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz, Editorial Introduction . 2 Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz, Sophocles in Quebec . 3 Piotr Nowak, The Last Step in The Clouds . .11 Krzysztof Rosiński, Supersensible Necessity . 23 Piotr Graczyk, The God of Young Marx. 34 Janusz Dobieszewski, Nikolai Fyodorov – the Extravagance of Resurrection . .41 Mateusz Werner, Witkacy and Modernity . .51 Mikołaj Wiśniewski, W. G. Sebald’s Elective Affi nities: on The Rings of Saturn . 67 Irena Księżopolska, Loitering with Intent: Daemonic Author and Self-Inventing Heroes . 79 Jan Tokarski, Sacred Power Drenched in Blood . 92 Lena Magnone, Karol Irzykowski’s Lacanian Reading of Freud . 104 Małgorzata Kowalska, Lévinas’s Concept of Justice: from Ethics to Politics and Back . .118 Zofi a Rosińska, Aestheticisation and its Axiological Consequences . 130 Notes on Authors . 145 Contributors: Grzegorz Czemiel, Janusz Dobieszewski, Piotr Graczyk, Małgorzata Kowalska, Irena Księżpolska, Lena Magnone, Piotr Nowak, Zofi a Rosińska, Krzysztof Rosiński, Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz (editor-in-chief), Renata Senktas, Jan Tokarski, Mateusz Werner, Mikołaj Wiśniewski. Published by Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego ul. Mianowskiego 15/65, 02-044 Warszawa, Poland ISSN: 1899–9484 This project was fi nanced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of the "National Programme for the Development of Humanities" 2012-2014. All material remains © copyright of the respective authors. Please address all queries to the editor at the following address.
[email protected] Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION „Kronos” quarterly was established in 2007 as a project of a particular generation of philosophers all of whom started their studies around the transitional year 1989. “Kro- nos” soon became the largest philosophical journal in Poland.