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Subject: SCRIPTURES BOM Level: 6 Lesson No. Intro-180

Book of Mormon 6: Major Themes


“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path.” Psalms 119:105

Mary C. Kessler, Curriculum Director ©2018, 2020 Beehive LDS Schooling, LLC. 6: Themes of the Book of Mormon – INTRODUCTORY

Scope This course concentrates on appreciating in greater depth the major themes of the Book of Mormon. It involves reading the volume twice during the course of the school year; once in a round robin marathon and a second time, book by book for a deeper analysis.

Objectives 1 – To have a greater appreciation of the major themes and message of the Book of Mormon by reading it through within a short period of time: a day or two or over a week. 2 – To learn the major themes of the Book of Mormon. 3 – To be able to delineate the main themes of the Book of Mormon and give several examples of these themes in the various books within the Book of Mormon. 4 – To be able to relate verbally – either oral or written, the information in #3 above.

Materials A copy of the Book of Mormon A Journal or notebook Index cards

Course Format The course begins with setting aside a “Day-Night-and-A-Day” for a Reading Marathon of the Book of Mormon with a special assignment to study the idea of sanctification. It continues with an overview of the main themes of the Book of Mormon. It then moves into researching the overall theme and two other themes in more detail. Finally, the course winds-up with a summary review of the main theme, its oral or written delineation by the student, and justification of two additional themes through tracing them through the books in the Book of Mormon.

Lesson Format After the first fifteen lessons, the format settles into the following.  Opening Prayer  Reading of specific selections.  Marking, using different colored scripture markers, the various themes in the reading.  Journaling connections to our lives today.  Closing Prayer

Requirements 1 – To read the Book of Mormon through within 24 hours to 5 days and journal insights. 2 – To be able to recite the main theme of the Book of Mormon and relate this through teachings of the various prophets in the Book of Mormon. 2 Course Overview


Read-a-Thon 1 – 5 Instructions for the Read-a-Thon

Themes 6 – 15 Introduction of main themes of the Book of Mormon

I Nephi 16 – 30 Study of themes

2 Nephi 31 – 45 “ “ “

Jacob 46 - 60 “ “ “

Enos - 61 – 75 “ “ “

Mosiah 76 - 90 “ “ “

Alma 91 – 105 “ “ “

Helaman 106 – 120 “ “ “

3 Nephi 121 – 135 “ “ “

4 Nephi 136 – 140 “ “ “

Mormon 141 – 150 “ “ “

Ether 151 – 160 “ “ “

Moroni 161 – 170 “ “ “

Course Review 171 – 176 Compilation of notes on the main and additional two themes.

Final Assessment 177 – 180 Final Assessment and Certificate of Completion

3 Lessons 1 – 5: READ-A-THON Sub-topic: Sanctification

Lessons 1–5 Book of Mormon in Total

Why a Marathon Read?

One, it allows for a better understanding of the text as it gives a complete and quick overview in a matter of a few hours or days.

Two, it gives the student a boost of spirituality.

Three, it helps to uplift the student and sets the tone for the year as he starts off on a success-oriented footing: “I read the Book of Mormon in ___hours or ___days.!”

Four, it brings to mind those things forgotten from other reading and studying and serves as a good barometer of where we are, individually, in our path to sanctification.

ASSIGNMENT – As you read through this time…

Keep your journal handy.

First… look-up “sanctification” in the INDEX.

Second…READ the entries in the and Abraham to get a sense of what sanctification really is.

Third, as you read, note the things that strike you as necessary for sanctification. Especially as you read the accounts of Lehi, Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Alma the Elder, Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah, Nephi 3, Mormon and Moroni.

Materials Needed

One, have a nice, quiet, comfortable place – but not so comfortable that you are likely to fall asleep – especially if you are trying to pull a Day- Night-Day read.

Two, have good lighting and temperature control.

Three, let people know you do NOT want to be disturbed!!!

Four, also needed are: a copy of the Book of Mormon, a journal in which to write and sharpened pencils or pens with sufficient ink.

Five, set aside the requisite time. It is highly recommended that you conduct your read before the regular school year starts. Or, if you are

4 coming into this course in mid-year – just take the time off the other courses and let yourself enjoy a day or more just reading the Book of Mormon. It will be worth it.

Optional, but good – a rebounder or jump rope.

How to Conduct the Read-a-Thon

The Book of Mormon Read-A-Thon may be conducted in one of two ways.

First, it may take the form of a marathon read, commencing early in the morning of one day, continuing through the night – with plenty of treats – and into the next day.

This is ideal for the faster reader or one reading 30 pages an hour. At this pace, the student has time for breaks periodically and for writing down impressions in his journal.

Second, if the student reads at a slower pace, it is recommended that the read-a-thon be conducted over the course of up to 5 days. The number of days required for the read is determined by the student’s reading speed. We highly recommend that you read the Book of Mormon over as little a time span as possible.

Two day Read – For those reading 25 pages an hour Day 1 – 1 Nephi - Alma 22 Day 2 – Alma 23 - Moroni 10

Three Day Read – For those reading 20 pages an hour Day 1 - 1 Nephi - Mosiah 15 Day 2 – Mosiah 16 - Alma 57 Day 3 – Alma 58 - Moroni 10

Four Day Read – For those reading 15 pages an hour Day 1 – 1 Nephi - Jacob Day 2 – Enos - Alma 22 Day 3 – Alma 23 - Helaman 12 Day 4 – Helaman 13 - Moroni 10

Five Day Reading Schedule: For those reading 10 pages an hour Day 1 – 1 & 2 Nephi Day 2 – Jacob - Mosiah Day 3 – Alma 1 – 42 Day 4 – Alma 43 - 3 Nephi 7 Day 5 – 3 Nephi 8 – Moroni 10

5 Ten Day Schedule: For those reading 5 pages an hour Day 1 – 1 Nephi Day 2 – 2 Nephi 1-25 Day 3 - 2 Nephi 26 – Mosiah 2 Day 4 – Mosiah 3 - 29 Day 5 – Alma 1 – 20 Day 6 – Alma 21 - 42 Day 7 – Alma 43 – 63 Day 8 – Helaman 1 – 3 Nephi 9 Day 9 – 3 Nephi 10 – Mormon 7 Day 10 – Mormon 7 – Moroni 10

Take Breaks

After every 50 minutes to an hour – take at least a 15 – 20 minute break.

Eat your treats, or have a meal. But, no sugar, sweets or high sugar carbs.

Use the restroom.

Exercise by jumping on the rebounder or jumping rope or doing some jumping jacks or your Brain Gym exercises. All of these will help to revitalize you for the next phase of reading.

At a break every 3 to hours or so, LIE DOWN, with a warm cloth over closed eyes – for at least 5-10 minutes. RELAX and rest. This will help your eyes – and your brain - not to get ‘burn-out’.

About Treats

These should NOT have a heavy sugar or oil content as this will dull the intellect as the read progresses. This means Twinkies, cookies, donuts, sodas, chips and the like are OUT.

It does mean that fruits and veggies are IN, as well as lemon water, just plain water and a moderate amount of fruit juice – especially citrus. Having fresh orange or grapefruit juice periodically will actually brighten the brain! Eating citrus, of course, has the same effect. The whole fruit is preferred.

Veggie sandwiches are also good, but avoid much milk or meat products or overdosing on grains or high carb veggies. The latter can put you to sleep! Go for salad, veggie stir frys, etc. The point is to stay as awake and alert as possible – naturally.

Bodily Preparation

A few days before your read-a-thon, get PLENTY of Sleep. Eat right – follow the “About Treats” section above as the effect of inappropriate eating 6 will linger for a few days. So don’t chow down on chips the day before or have excess amounts of grains or high carb veggies.

Also, follow the advice given to us in the Doctrine and Covenants 88:124 – “…cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorate.”

If you get up early and have I Nephi read before breakfast – WOW! You will be well on your way to a read-a-thon success.


As you have an insight or thought, write it down in your journal. Take the time you require to do this. Don’t rush it.


Invite a best friend or your best friends or your family to join you in the read-a-thon.

It helps as you all are working for the same goal and it’s more fun when others bring snacks to share and you are all writing in your journals and you share the insights you are getting. Make it a PARTY!

HMMM! – “Don’t forget to pray.”

Remember to include Heavenly Father. He will be most pleased that you are doing the Read-a-Thon. Ask for the stamina to endure to the end, and for insights into the Book of Mormon. And, please, remember to THANK HIM for what He has given us in this book of scripture.

NOW….Plan, then at the set time, and Begin your Read.

Lessons 6-15: Themes

Lesson 6 – A Plethora of Themes

There are many ways to look at the Book of Mormon from the viewpoint of its themes.

The main theme involves the reality of Jesus Christ, His atonement and an invitation and roadmap to ‘Come unto Him’.

A secondary, but very real corollary to the main overall theme is to “Repent and Come Unto Christ”. The following clearly witnesses of this truth. 7 1 – 1 Nephi 1: 4 2 – Mormon 7:3 3 – Mormon 9:1-6 4 – Moroni 7:33-34 5 – Moroni 10:30; 32-33

From beginning to end, the purpose of the prophets is clear: Repent and Come Unto Christ.

Other themes echo this and the main overall theme.

Robert L. Marrott sites four recurring themes:  God favors the righteous  The scattering and gathering of Israel  The Lord delivers the righteous from the wicked.  Opposition in all things: Obey and prosper; disobey and be cut- off.

Additional themes are  Keep the commandments of God and prosper in the land, or don’t and be swept-off  Remembering the captivity of our fathers  Put your trust in the Lord and He shall deliver you.

Still other themes include:  End of the world and destruction of the wicked  The sharing of the Gospel – Missionary work  The Lone Dissenter  The “Bug-out” phenomenon  Organized crime  Power and persuasion  Reality of the other world  Promised land  Gospel of Repentance  Importance of faith  Relevance for our day

According to various General Authorities the themes are:  The reality and divinity of Jesus Christ  The reality of His atoning sacrifice for all mankind.  The power of Christ to conquer all our troubles in all times  A call to Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him.

Another list of underlying themes is but an echo, restatement or elaboration upon the main theme. 1 – Need for repentance and what it looks like 2 – Having faith 3 – Being baptized and the covenant of baptism 4 – Receiving the Holy Ghost 8 5 – Giving diligent heed to the words of Christ – written or spoken 6 – Good works 7 – Being anxiously engaged in the cause of Christ; Having an eye single to the glory of God 8 – Need for chastisement 9 – That Jesus Christ is the God of this land; the inhabitants of which must serve Him or be swept off when fully ripe in iniquity 10 – Testimony of Christ 11 – What to do to become sanctified that one may literally ‘Come Unto Christ’ 12 – Enduring to the end.

From my perspective, I see the Book of Mormon as a great exemplar of what to do and what NOT to do. This we will examine in great depth in Book of Mormon Course 8: “The To DO List”.

As you study the Book of Mormon this year, you will pick one or two of the themes to follow through the whole of the Book.

Lesson 7 – Following a Theme A: God Favors the Righteous. 1

Over today and the next two read the verses aligned with this theme.

Today’s readings: 1 Nephi 1:1 1 Nephi 8:15-18; 11:25 1 Nephi 15:30 1 Nephi 17:35; 40 1 Nephi 21:25 1 Nephi 22:15-23 2 Nephi 6:17 2 Nephi 9:42 2 Nephi 10:16 Mosiah 5:14 Mosiah 11:24-25 Mosiah 21:15 Mosiah 24: 16-20 Mosiah 26:20-32 Alma 8:16; 29 Alma 11:40-41 Alma 12:34-35 Alma 14:11

Record your insights and feelings about what you have read in your journal.

Lesson 8 – God Favors the Righteous 2

Read the following and then record your insights and feelings in your class journal. 9 Today’s readings; Alma 5:17-40; 57 Alma 34:31 Alma 58:41 Alma 60:13 Helaman 7:17-20; 28 Helaman 10:10 Helaman 11:11-12 Helaman 13:11; 30-31 Helaman 15:3-4 3 Nephi 10:18 3 Nephi 27:32 3 Nephi 28:34-35

Lesson 9 – God Favors the Righteous 3

Read the following and journal your insights and feelings.

Today’s readings: 3 Nephi 9 all 3 Nephi 29:4-9 Mormon 8:20, 37-41 Ether 12:21, 27, 37 Moroni 7:48 Moroni 8:14, 18, 23 – 29

Lesson 10 - Following a Theme B: The Scattering and Gathering of Israel 1

As above, read each day’s scripture assignments and then journal your insights and feelings.

Today’s readings: 1 Nephi 1:13 1 Nephi 10:2-3; 12-14 1 Nephi 15:14-20 1 Nephi 19:15-17 1 Nephi 22:3-25 2 Nephi 6:5-14 2 Nephi 8:11 2 Nephi 10:6-9 2 Nephi 20:20-22 2 Nephi 21:11-16 2 Nephi 24:1-3 2 Nephi 25:17

Lesson 11 – Following a Theme B: The Scattering and Gathering of Israel 2

Today’s readings: Jacob 5 Jacob 6:1-2 10 Lesson 12 – Following a Theme B: The Scattering and Gathering of Israel 3

Today’s readings: Helaman 8:20-21 3 Nephi 3:13 3 Nephi 5:24-26 3 Nephi 16:5-20 3 Nephi 20:13; 22-46 3 Nephi 21 3 Nephi 22 3 Nephi 28:28-29 Mormon 7:10 Ether 13:3-12

Lesson 13 – Following a Theme C: The Lord Delivers the Righteous 1

As above, read the daily selections and journal your insights and feeling in your course journal.

Today’s readings: 1Nephi 1:14, 20 1 Nephi 22:16-17, 19, 22 2 Nephi 26:8 2 Nephi 30:10 Jacob 3:4 Omni 1:7 Mosiah 7:33 Mosiah 29:20 Alma 44:4 Alma 50:22 Alma 56:47-48 3 Nephi 22:14, 17

Lesson 14 – Following a Theme D: Opposition in all Things – Specifically, Obey and Prosper or Disobey and Be Cut-off from the Word of God

As above, read today’s selections and then journal your insights and feelings in your course journal.

Today’s readings: 1 Nephi 2:20-21 1 Nephi 4:14 1 Nephi 17:3, 13 1 Nephi 22:30-31 2 Nephi 1:9, 20 2 Nephi 2:10 2 Nephi 4:4, 34 11 2 Nephi 5:8-13 Jarom 1:9 Omni 1:6 Mosiah 1:7 Mosiah 2:22, 31 Mosiah 7:20 Alma 9:13 Alma 36:1, 30 Alma 37:13 Alma 38:1 Alma 48:25 Alma 50:20 3 Nephi 5:22 Ether 6:11 Ether 10:28

Lesson 15 – Recording the Main Overall Themes.

Now that you have seen how to catalog the existence of a theme in the Book of Mormon, go back to Lesson 6, Section: “Another List of Underlying Themes”.

Choose two of these themes for which you will catalog relevant verses as you read through the Book of Mormon in this level.

Before making your choices you might want to do a little research by selecting key words and perusing the Index or Topical Guide under those key words to assure that there are a significant number of verses on the topic in the Book of Mormon to actually call it one of the themes of the book.

Proceed to Lessons 16 - 170

Lessons 16-170: Tracking the Themes

Lesson Format After the first fifteen lessons, the format settles into the following.  Opening Prayer  Reading of specific selections.  Marking, using different colored scripture markers, the various themes in the reading.  Journaling connections to our lives today; choosing memory scriptures which mirror the themes.  Closing Prayer

12 Lesson 16 – Review of Themes and Procedures

In the previous lessons we discussed several themes. As you read through the Book of Mormon this year, you will trace up to five themes, including the two you chose:

1 - The Reality of Jesus Christ.

2 - We can choose our destiny.

3 – The mercy of the Lord to those who come unto Him.

4 - Theme 1 - I Chose:______


5 - Theme 2 – I Chose:______


These are the five themes that you will be tracing throughout the Book of Mormon this year.

Instruction: You will need five different color scripture markers. Hint: Use soft colored pencils.

Theme 1 – The Reality of Jesus Christ will be marked in PURPLE.

Theme 2 – We Can Choose Our Destiny will be marked in ORANGE.

Theme 3 - Mercy of the Lord to those who come unto Him in BLUE

Theme 4 - ______will be marked in GREEN.

Theme 5 ______will be marked in RED.

Use a 3” x 5” card, marked as follows for your Book of Mormon book mark to help you remember the themes and colors you are working with.

The card should look something like this:





Green – ______

Red - ______

Put this card in your Book of Mormon and use it to mark your place.

There are five ways that you can mark the verses. It’s your choice.

1 – By a colored dot, as:

2 – By shading the verse. (Be aware that some verses may combine themes. Therefore, you may want to select just certain portions of the verse to shade in each of two or three colors.

3 – By boxing the verse in one or more colors.

4 – By putting Letter designations in the appropriate color by the margin side of the verse.

For example: R for Reality of Jesus Christ C for We Can Choose M for the Mercy of the Lord Choose your colors and letters to signify your chosen themes.

5 – By putting an appropriate colored line vertically in the margin by the verse. This allows, as does #1 and #4, to mark the verse as pertinent to more that one theme.

14 Elder Boyd K. Packer has stated that of the over 6,000 verses in the Book of Mormon, over one-half mention Christ in some form: God, Christ, Jesus Christ, Lord, Redeemer, Messiah, Mediator, Lord of Hosts, Creator, Advocate, Good Shepherd, Immanuel, Jehovah, Holy One of Israel, Only Begotten, Son of God, Son of Man, Lamb of God, King, Spirit of the Lord, Rock of Israel, Savior, the Cornerstone, etc.

As you begin your reading, we ask that you mark these verses with the R or other purple marking.

It will be most interesting how many of the over 6,000 verses you find make mention of Jesus Christ. Keep a running tally at the end of each chapter, so when you reach the end you will know exactly how many verses you found that reference the Lord in one way or another.

TODAY, Read 1 Nephi 1:1 - 20.

We will use method 4 in giving you an example of how to mark.

Mark the verses as follows:

Reality Choice Mercy 1,5,6,8,9,11 4 14, 20 14, 15, 18, 19, 20

Tally: 11 - The REALTY TALLY includes ALL verses which make mention of God, in his various capacities and names.

Also mark your other themes.

Now, using your course journal, write how the things you have read impacts you today. How do these things relate to you and your times?

Select one tentative memory scripture per theme from this chapter.

For example: Reality of Jesus Christ – 1 Nephi 1:9 Choice – 1 Nephi 1:4 Mercy – 1 Nephi 1:14

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lesson 17 – 170

 Read the designated Scripture.  Mark it.  Journal its relevance and application to your life and situation.  Choose a tentative memory scripture for each theme – as able – sometimes a theme is NOT mentioned in a chapter or

15  chapters in a reading selection. These tentative memory scriptures will be used to select a final Book memory verse on the particular theme.


Lesson 17 - 1 Nephi 2 & 3

Lesson 18 – 1 Nephi 4 – 6

Lesson 19 – 1 Nephi 7-8

Lesson 20 – Review  Check and total the tally for the Reality of Jesus Christ theme.  Pick your first choice for the memory scripture for each theme to this point.  Review your journal.

Lesson 21 – 1 Nephi 9-10 Lesson 22 – 1 Nephi 11-12 Lesson 23 – 1 Nephi 13-14 Lesson 24 – 1 Nephi 15-16 Lesson 25 – Review: As per Lesson 20 above.

Lesson 26 – 1 Nephi 17-18 Lesson 27 – 1 Nephi 19-20 Lesson 28 – 1 Nephi 21-22 Lesson 29 – Determine your top Scripture Memory Selection for each theme for 1 Nephi and work on memorizing it. Lesson 30 – Review:  Check and total the tally for the Reality of Jesus Christ theme.  Review your journal  Work on memory scriptures.

Lesson 31 – 2 Nephi 1&2 Lesson 32 – 2 Nephi 3-5 Lesson 33 – 2 Nephi 6-8 Lesson 34 – 2 Nephi 9 Lesson 35 – Review as per Lesson 20 on page 16.

Lesson 36 – 2 Nephi 10 Lesson 37 – 2 Nephi 11-12 Lesson 38 – 2 Nephi 13-17 Lesson 39 – 2 Nephi 18-22 Lesson 40 – Review as per Lesson 20 on page 16.

Lesson 41 – 2 Nephi 23-25 Lesson 42 – 2 Nephi 26-27 Lesson 43 – 2 Nephi 28-30 Lesson 44 – 2 Nephi 31-33 Lesson 45 – Review as per Lessons 29 and 30 on page 16. Lesson 46 – Jacob 1 Lesson 47 – Jacob 2 Lesson 48 – Jacob 3 Lesson 49 – Jacob 4 Lesson 50 – Review as per Lesson 20 on page 16.

Lesson 51 – Jacob 5:1-18 For this and the next three lessons begin and add to a map with arrows and actions to help explain the Allegory of the Olive Tree. Lesson 52 – Jacob 5:19-37 Continue your chart or map. Lesson 53 – Jacob 5:38-56 Continue working on your map. Lesson 54 – Jacob 5:57-77 Finish you map. Lesson 55 – Review as per lesson 20 on page 16. Be sure to work on the memory scriptures for the five themes for Both 1 and 2 Nephi.

Lesson 56 – Jacob 6 Lesson 57 – Jacob 7 Lesson 58 – Select a scripture for each theme and work on memorization. Lesson 59 – Work on memory scriptures. Lesson 60 – Review as per lesson 20 on page 16.

Lesson 61 – Enos 1:1-6 Lesson 62 – Enos 1:7-17 Lesson 63 – Enos 1:18-27 Lesson 64 – Using the division of the book of Enos as per Lessons 61-63; write a paragraph on the growth of Enos’ spirituality and knowledge and boldness from beginning to end. Lesson 65 – Review as per Lesson 20 on page 16.

Lesson 66 – Jarom Lesson 67 – Analysis: How did the of Jarom’s time manage to survive? Lesson 68 – Omni 1:11 Lesson 69 – Write about consequences. Lesson 70 – Review as Lesson 20 on page 16.

Lesson 71 – Omni 1:12-22 Write about the accounts of bug-outs – how many?, Abinadom, Judgments and the times of Mosiah 1 and Benjamin Lesson 72 – Omni 1:23-30 Add to your writings in Lesson 71. Lesson 73 – Words of Mormon Lesson 74 – Work on memory scripture selections for Enos through Words of Mormon. Work on memorizing these. Note: You may find that there isn’t a scripture in one or more of these writings for one or more of your themes. Lesson 75 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16. Lesson 76 – Mosiah 1-1 Lesson 77 – Mosiah 3-4 Lesson 78 – Mosiah 5-6 Lesson 79 – Mosiah 7-8 Lesson 80 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16.

Lesson 81 – Mosiah 9-11 Lesson 82 – Mosiah 12-14 Lesson 83 – Mosiah 15-18 Lesson 84 – Mosiah 19-21 Lesson 85 – Mosiah 22-24

Lesson 86 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16. Lesson 87 – Mosiah 25-26 Lesson 88 – Mosiah 27 Lesson 89 – Mosiah 28-29 Lesson 90 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16. Remember to select your memory scriptures for each theme for the and begin memorizing them.

Lesson 91 – Alma 1-4 Lesson 92 – Alma 5-8 Lesson 93 – Alma 9-12 Lesson 94 – Alma 13-16 Lesson 95 – Alma 17-21

Lesson 97 – Alma 27-32 Lesson 98 – Alma 33 – 35 Lesson 99 – Alma 36-42 Lesson 100 – Alma 43-46

Lesson 101 - Alma 47-51 Lesson 102 – Alma 52-56 Lesson 103 – Alma 57-62 Lesson 104 – Alma 63, plus selection of the memory verse for each theme. Lesson 105 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16.

Lesson 106 – Helaman 1-2 Lesson 107 – Helaman 3-4 Lesson 108 – Helaman 5-6 Lesson 109 – Helaman 7-8 Lesson 110 – Review as per Lesson 20 on page 16.

Lesson 111 - Helaman 9 Lesson 112 – Helaman 10 Lesson 113 – Helaman 11 Lesson 114 – Helaman 12 Lesson 115 - Review as per Lesson 20, page 16.

18 Lesson 116 – Helaman 13 Lesson 117 – Helaman 14 Lesson 118 – Helaman 15 Lesson 119 – Helaman 16 Lesson 120 – Review as per Lesson 20 on page 16. Also – select memory scriptures for each theme for Helaman.

Lesson 121 – 3 Nephi 1-2 Lesson 122 – 3 Nephi 3-4 Lesson 123 – 3 Nephi 5-6 Lesson 124 – 3 Nephi 7-8 Lesson 125 – 3 Nephi 9-10

Lesson 126 – 3 Nephi 11-12 Lesson 127 – 3 Nephi 13-14 Lesson 128 – 3 Nephi 15-16 Lesson 129 – 3 Nephi 17 -18 Lesson 130 – 3 Nephi 19-20

Lesson 131 – 3 Nephi 21-23 Lesson 132 – 3 Nephi 24-26 Lesson 133 – 3 Nephi 27-28 Lesson 134 – 3 Nephi 29-30 Lesson 135 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16. Also – select memory scriptures for each theme for 3rd Nephi

Lesson 136 – 4th Nephi 1:1-23 Lesson 137 – 4th Nephi 1:24-49 Lesson 138 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16. Also Memory Scripture selection for each theme for 4th Nephi. Lessons 139 and 140 – Work on Reviewing and Learning the Memory Scriptures for each theme for each book.

Lesson 141 – Mormon 1 Lesson 142 – Mormon 2 Lesson 143 – Mormon 3 Lesson 144 – Mormon 4 Lesson 145 – Mormon 5

Lesson 146 – Mormon 6 Lesson 147 – Mormon 7 Lesson 148 – Mormon 8 Lesson 149 – Mormon 9 Lesson 150 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16. Also selection of Memory Scriptures for Mormon for each theme.

19 Lesson 151 – Ether 1 & 2 Lesson 152 – Ether 3 Lesson 153 – Ether 4-5 Lesson 154 – Ether 6 Lesson 155 – Ether 7-8

Lesson 156 – Ether 9-10 Lesson 157 – Ether 11-12 Lesson 158 – Ether 13-14 Lesson 159 – Ether 15 Lesson 160 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16. Also selection of Memory Scriptures for each theme for Ether.

Lesson 161 – Moroni 1-3 Lesson 162 – Moroni 5-6 Lesson 163 – Moroni 6 Lesson 164 – Moroni 7 Lesson 165 – Moroni 8

Lesson 166 – Moroni 9 Lesson 167 – Moroni 10 Lesson 168 – Review as per Lesson 20, page 16. Also, selection of the Memory Scriptures for each theme for Moroni. Lesson 169 – Work on Thematic Memory Scriptures for 1 Nephi through Moroni Lesson 170 – Memory work on thematic scriptures.

When ready, proceed to Lessons 171 – 180.

Lessons 171 -180: Review & Assessment

Lesson 171 – Theme 1: The Reality of Jesus Christ

1 – Add-up all the tallies for this theme. Do you have over 3,000 as per the quote from Elder Packer? 2 – Practice reciting and/or writing the memory verses for this theme. You should have 15.

Lesson 172 – Theme 2: We Can Choose Our Destiny

1 – Add up all the tallies for this theme. 2 – Practice reciting or writing the memory scriptures for this theme.

20 Lesson 173 – Theme 3: The mercy of the Lord to those who come unto Him.

1 – Add up all the tallies for this theme. 2 – Practice reciting or writing the memory scriptures for this theme.

Lesson 174 – Theme 4: ______

1 – Add up all the tallies for this theme. 2 – Practice reciting or writing the memory scriptures for this theme.

Lesson 175 - Theme 5: ______

1 – Add up all the tallies for this theme. 2 – Practice reciting or writing the memory scriptures for this theme. 3 – Practice reciting or writing the Memory Scriptures for any of the 5 themes for which you still need practice.

FIVE-PART FINAL ASSESSMENT Before you begin, show your completed course journal.

Lesson 176 – Theme 1 – Tell the theme and recite or write the memory verses.

Lesson 177 – Theme 2 – Tell the theme and recite or write the memory verses.

Lesson 178 – Theme 3 – Tell the theme and recite or write the memory verses.

Lesson 179 – Theme 4 – Tell the theme and recite or write the memory verses.

Lesson 180 – Theme 5 – Tell the theme and recite or write the memory verses.

CONGRATULATIONS! When you have completed all your work, ask for your Certificate of Completion.