Understanding the Place-Specific Formation Processes of Sustainable Urban Experiments a Mixed Method Comparative Case Study of Formula E
Master’s thesis - master Innovation Sciences Understanding the place-specific formation processes of sustainable urban experiments A mixed method comparative case study of Formula E July 27, 2021 Author: Marius Roeterdink, BSc Student number: 5673127 Contact: m.d.roeterdink@students.uu.nl Supervisor: Dr. J. Hoekman Second reader: Dr. ir. J.C.L Torrens Master’s Thesis – Master Innovation Sciences GEO4-2239X Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University 0 Place-specific formation processes of sustainable urban experiments Abstract Cities are increasingly recognized as frontrunners in the transition to a more sustainable society due to their assembly of technology, resources, population, culture, and economics. This is, amongst others, visible from a global increase in urban actors collaborating to experiment with new sustainable configurations. These so-called sustainable urban experiments, embedded in a broader niche, are not confined to a specific spatial context but will rather emerge in complex ‘place bundles’, forming a global niche. However, the formation of a global niche is interrelated with local experimentation and is thereby locally rooted. A prime example is sustainable motorsports experiment Formula E. Formula E operates on a global scale with numerous multinational companies involved but is set in urban environments and the local regional context arguably influences the formation of such events. In other words, Formula E is a global sustainable urban experiment which is locally embedded. Considerable variation in the way a sustainable urban experiment is formed locally is likely to exist. The objective of this study was to complement strategic niche management and sustainable transitions literature by understanding the specific place-specific factors under which global sustainable urban experiments are formed.
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