Toronto Public Library Foundation 2013 Year in Review ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Donors make life-changing programs possible In 2013, ’s Library shone brightly thanks to the tremendous support of our outstanding donors. Across 99 branches and in every corner of Toronto, Toronto Public Library helped to grow a city of readers, develop a city of learners and connect a city of creators – the three pillars of the Library’s strategic plan.

It wouldn’t be possible to meet these objectives without the generous, far-thinking people who give to the Toronto Public Library Foundation. In 2013, individuals, corporations, foundations and associations gave a total of $4,142,261 – funds that were essential to providing exemplary collections, supporting groundbreaking programs and services and creating innovative community spaces at Toronto Public Library.

This report highlights the many activities, programs, events, services, collections and spaces that the Library’s extraordinary donors helped make possible in 2013. To all those who gave – thank you.

Growing a City of Readers Donors help Toronto Public Library grow a city of readers. Thanks to donors, the Library is fostering literacy and a love of reading among all Torontonians. In 2013, donors supported reading outreach programs and access to reading materials in a variety of formats. Following are a few of the many programs made possible by our generous donors.

Supporting early literacy through of play in a preschool Let’s Get Ready for Reading child. Children and caregivers play and During the summer of 2013, the Toronto Public learn together in an Library Foundation ran a special campaign to environment that raise money for Ready for Reading collections. supports reading KidsStop at Fairview Branch Thanks to 150 generous donors, we raised more readiness. than $11,000. In 2013, Toronto kids checked out books from the Ready for Reading collection The Fairview location was the first KidsStop almost two million times! Since 2007, Library location in north-east Toronto. It quickly donors have contributed more than $1.3 million became a popular space, with hundreds of to the program. children and parents visiting each month. The Fairview branch attracts more than 400,000 Reading starts at the Library’s visits a year. KidsStops The Foundation is also extremely grateful to Baxter Graham Bonnell; $35,000 from his Kids across Toronto love the Library thanks bequest to the Library was dedicated to the to generous donors such as Post Fairview KidsStop. Other generous contributors Community Foundation, which in 2013 included Cadillac Fairview and the Estate of contributed $50,000 toward a KidsStop Grace Chellam, who both contributed $5,000 location at the busy Fairview Branch. toward the Fairview project. Sophie’s Studio – a KidsStops are literacy-rich interactive children’s legacy of the late, loyal donor Sophie Lucyk – learning centres at eight branches within continued to support the Library’s KidsStops Toronto’s 99-branch library system. They are with another contribution of $25,000 in support bright and welcoming family destinations of the KidsStops at the Fairview and Bloor/ designed to excite the imagination and sense Gladstone branches.

2 Exploring books with the TD Dial-a-Story moves Toronto’s Summer Reading Club Library beyond its walls Supported by TD Bank Group, the TD Summer Reading Club is an inclusive, bilingual program created by Toronto librarians and delivered by public libraries across Canada. The program engages children in the joy of reading during the summer months with programming that invites them into their local branches and makes literacy fun. The TD Summer Reading Club helps children succeed in school and sets them up to become engaged, lifelong readers. In 2013, TD made a very generous donation of $679,000.

Thanks to TD’s unwavering support, the TD Dial-a-Story is available in branches and from any Summer Reading Club has thrived since it telephone. was created in 1996. In 2013, children in 1,986 Thanks to a wonderful $4,000 gift from the library locations across Canada participated Josephine Henderson Foundation, Toronto in the program, whose theme was “Go!”. Club Public Library’s Dial-a-Story program expanded members were encouraged to “travel” and into a 16th language (Persian, with 19 stories explore their neighbourhoods – and the world available) and added 12 new English, 11 new afar – through their summer activities in the Spanish and six new Portuguese stories for a library, outside, online and through their reading. total of 654. Dial-a-Story is a free, multilingual telephone story program. Children of all ages Online space deepens teens’ can experience the wonder of stories just by dialing 416-395-5400. enjoyment of reading Dial-a-Story is available in branches and from The Library is tremendously grateful to any telephone. TD Bank Group for its support of Word Out, a virtual summer book club for teens. Complementing its support for the TD Summer Elementary School Outreach Reading Club, TD Bank Group supplied funding for staffing, promotion and a series of events In 2013, the Friends of Toronto Public Library, across Toronto. TD supported Word Out with a South Chapter donated an outstanding donation of $80,000 in 2013. $50,000 toward the Grade Four Outreach program. At that age, children are starting to Hosted on the Toronto Public Library website, transition from learning to read, to reading to Word Out provides book suggestions and a learn. It is essential that kids experience the digital space in which youth ages 12 and up can joy of reading during this formative stage. socialize, meet authors and share ideas about Thanks to the Friends’ generous gift, grade four books and reading. Participation in 2013 was students will receive packages to make reading enthusiastic, with more than 21,000 people exciting and encourage them to visit the Library visiting the site. Many branches hosted to discover books they love. wrap-up parties so teen readers could meet in person and continue the conversations they started online.

3 Books take to the road with Canada Life, the Library explored a new model in which Library staff and tutors collaborate Mobile Library Services with adult literacy clients and their families In 2013, The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen using the Library’s Ready for Reading program. Foundation made a remarkable gift of $60,000 The program addresses parents’ and children’s to support the Library’s Home Library Service literacy simultaneously. A parent’s struggles and Bookmobiles. with literacy often negatively impact their The Home Library children. Thanks to Great-West Life’s support, Service delivers this program can break the dangerous cycle of a variety of family illiteracy, offering those children the best materials to Toronto possible chance to become literate themselves. residents who are homebound due to age, illness or Book Bash! celebrates Canadian disability. In 2013, children’s literature this free program The Muller Scholastic Endowment Fund for delivered 400,000+ Canadian Children’s Literature provides up to items to nearly The Library’s two Bookmobiles $15,000 in funding for Book Bash!, a celebration 3,000 patrons, serve high-needs locations. with some of Canada’s best-loved children’s including more than authors and illustrators. A selection committee 13,000 house visits by Library staff. chooses a winning library to host this free, fun- The service added almost 8,000 new titles to filled children’s festival. It features an all-star its collection. cast of authors and illustrators who participate Similarly, the Library’s two Bookmobiles together in a variety of activities and programs received over 30,000 visits at 30 high-needs to instill a love of reading in young children. locations in Toronto, bringing more than In 2013, Book Bash! was held outside Toronto 130,000 items to thousands of people who for the first time, at the Grande Cache Municipal otherwise would have limited access to a Library in Grande Cache, Alberta. Library branch. In 2013, the Bookmobiles served nearly 3,900 people and added 3,800 new titles to their collection. Rare children’s books digitized Thanks to an extraordinary $250,000 gift from Breaking the cycle of illiteracy the Estate of Thomas James Winston Taylor, more than 1,000 rare and historic children’s A long-time champion of literacy programs, books from the Library’s Osborne Collection Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life of Early Children’s Books will be digitized for committed $40,000 in 2012 and 2013 to family universal access. literacy programs at Toronto Public Library. This contribution helps to break the cycle of The Osborne Collection of Early Children’s illiteracy by promoting learning and reading as Books has over 80,000 rare and notable a family activity and by strengthening the bond modern children’s books. It spans literary between adult learners and their children. classics to popular culture. The oldest artefacts in the Collection are cuneiform tablets dating Adult education has always been a priority from 2000 B.C.E., while modern books are at Toronto Public Library. The Library’s 10 added to become objects of study, admiration adult literacy offices provide free, one-on-one and amusement by future generations. tutoring in basic reading, writing and math to 340 clients per year. Thanks to generous funding from Great-West Life, London Life and

4 Developing a City of Learners Thanks to donor support, Toronto Public Library is developing a city of learners. Gifts allow Toronto Public Library to provide opportunities for learning beyond formal education, and to make those opportunities available wherever and whenever there is a desire to learn. Here are some of the programs donors helped make possible in 2013. TD Friends of the Environment Thanks to TD Friends of the Environment and its $13,000 grant, the Library delivered a series of nine all-ages workshops on green living and environmental issues. The Green Program Series covered climate change, clean water, Toronto’s tree canopies, community gardening, environmental hazards, community clean-ups and other topics. The grant from TD Friends of the Environment helped to expand these programs, enhance the promotional efforts Young volunteers help newcomers at the Library’s and improve the Library’s collection of related After School Newcomer Hubs. books and e-books at the branches where the helped fund personal finance courses given workshops were held. during Toronto Public Library’s inaugural Money Matters month in February 2013. Coinciding Supporting small business and with the RRSP deadline and approaching tax would-be entrepreneurs season, the campaign raised public awareness about the Library’s many collections, programs Thousands of Library users benefited from a and services available to support financial remarkable gift from the Estate of Norman literacy and personal finance. The program’s G. Hinton during Small Business Month in goal was to foster financial literacy and 2013. Throughout the month, the Library held encourage lifelong learning. coordinated programs across Toronto Public Library branches. Entrepreneur-in-residence Jean Chow, principal of Ms. BizWhiz and a RBC’s generosity keeps after- successful food industry entrepreneur, gave several presentations and met individually with school newcomer hubs open 42 would-be entrepreneurs to review their Toronto Public Library has three After School business plans and ideas. Many Toronto Public Newcomer Hubs that help orient youth who Library branches held workshops and programs are new to Toronto and ease their transition to to educate Library users on personal finance, school. Three nights a week, youth in grades business planning and various aspects of seven to 10 receive homework assistance marketing a small business. in English, French, math, science and other subjects. Money matters: learning about In 2013, RBC Foundation stepped in with a $40,000 gift to help keep the hubs open. RBC personal finance Foundation’s generosity means youth in these In addition to supporting small business, high-needs areas of Toronto have access to Norman G. Hinton was also keenly interested in academic support, leadership opportunities, personal finance, and believed the Library has career path advice and most importantly, a safe a role to play in helping individuals learn about place to go and someone to talk to as they find investing. His generosity, through his bequest, their way in a new country.

5 Connecting a City of Innovators, Entrepreneurs and Creators

Thanks to donors, Toronto Public Library is able to catalyze and connect a city of innovators, entrepreneurs and creators. In supporting the Library, donors are helping Torontonians participate in today’s knowledge economy through better access to culture, ideas and business- building resources. Here are some of the programs that donors helped make possible in 2013.

TD Gallery brings Canada’s to greatly expand its Thought Exchange cultural heritage to life programming in 2013. This ‘ideas’ program

Flight_poster_final copy.pdf 1 13-06-18 9:56 AM brings experts to Library branches city-wide, On the main floor delivering university-calibre learning to the of the Toronto intellectually curious from all walks of life. The Reference result was a rich and varied selection of topics Library, the TD and speakers that extended to branches across Gallery frequently the city. This donation supported 42 events hosts exhibitions which were attended by 2,372 people. from the



Y Library’s Special



CY Extraordinary gift establishes

CMY K Collections, which document world-class lecture series Canada’s cultural history, including the early exploration of the

North. Thanks to TD’s steadfast Flight: A Thrilling History of an support, Idea was one of several exhibits the Library hosted at TD Gallery. redesigned and expanded the gallery as part of the re:vitalize campaign. Its 2013 shows included Royal Fanfare, exhibiting engravings, photographs, Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn souvenirs and games from royal celebrations at the inaugural Bluma Lecture. from the 16th to the 20th century; Adventures 2013 saw the first annual Bluma Lecture, with Sherlock Holmes, including rare books, featuring Pulitzer Prize winners Sheryl manuscripts and fascinating details about the WuDunn and Nicholas Kristof. Named in great detective; War Stories, which featured honour of Toronto philanthropist Bluma first-hand accounts of the War of 1812-1814; Appel and funded by a transformational $1 and Flight: A Thrilling History of an Idea, million gift from The Bluma Appel Community which explored the history of aviation through Trust, the annual Bluma Lecture will feature storybooks, paintings, model inventions and discussion, discourse and debate by ground- machines. breaking thinkers from around the world.

Intellectual discourse at the branch level A generous donation from the Black Family Foundation allowed Toronto Public Library

6 Broadening access to Toronto’s and drove a 39 per cent increase in magazine submissions. In the process, it provided young cultural life Torontonians with one of Canada’s largest, A standing ovation goes to , most open and diverse opportunities for teen which pledged to continue its sponsorship of literary and artistic expression. In addition the Toronto Public Library’s successful Sun to encouraging creative expression, Young Life Financial Museum + Arts Pass (MAP) Voices allowed youth to explore potential program through 2015. With MAP, the Library career paths and helped them to develop broadens Torontonians’ access to the city’s collaborative, leadership and social skills cultural life – particularly in neighbourhoods under the guidance of some of Toronto’s most and communities where access to arts and respected and cutting-edge poets, novelists culture may be limited. Library users borrowed and visual artists. nearly 78,000 MAP passes in 2013, with the most popular venues being the Toronto Zoo, the Royal Museum and the Ontario Expanding Special Collections to Science Centre. preserve Canada’s history Thanks to the thoughtful gift from the Metcalf Young Voices – a cultural gateway family through The Robert F. Reid Special for youth Collections Acquisition Fund, Toronto Public Library’s special collections department expanded its already remarkable collection of images and items that document life in Toronto and Canada.

With this funding, the Library purchased 15 paintings of the contemporary urban landscape, including Toronto landmarks, architecture and streetscapes. It added to its historical art collection with the purchase of a scrapbook of original sketches and Teen writer and Young Voices participant Benjamin Gabbay with his published book. watercolours documenting life in the 1830s and undertook the restoration of several significant Thanks to Deloitte and to the generosity of the pieces in its existing collection. Daniels family in honour of their mother Norine Rose, Toronto Public Library’s Young Voices Adding to its special collections in the arts, Program grew by leaps and bounds in 2013. stage and costume design, the Library purchased a series of designs by Astrid Young Voices is a suite of programs offered by Jensen and costumes by William Schmuck and Toronto Public Library to encourage creative Cameron Porteous. expression in Toronto’s youth. The programs include the annual Young Voices Magazine The fund also allowed the Library to make of Teen Writing and Art, a full-day offering of significant additions to the Baldwin Room writing workshops at the annual Young Voices Collection of Canadiana, including an extremely Writers’ Conference, art and writing workshops rare dictionary of Inuit and English words held across the city throughout the year and, in prepared for the Franklin expedition. 2013, the first ever month-long term of a Young Voices Electronic Writer in Residence.

Thanks to donor support, the program engaged 70 per cent more teens than in 2012,

7 Birks Family Foundation supports Native People’s Collections The Birks Family Foundation kindly provided a $20,000 gift to enhance the Native Peoples Collection at the Toronto Reference Library. The gift enabled librarians to select titles and topics previously under-represented in the collections, including scholarly works, political and cultural analyses, books on cultural heritage and Aboriginal languages, and CDs and DVDs of Pow Wow music.

TD Bank Group supports Asian Heritage and Black History Months

In February 2013, with generous funding from TD Bank Group, Toronto Public Library celebrated its seventh Black History Month. About 2,000 people attended a total of 36 programs and events in branches across the city. Programming included music, theatre, history, story-telling and book readings for adults, youth and children. The Rita Cox Black and Caribbean Heritage Endowment Fund also supports the Black and Caribbean collection. Toronto Public Library’s Black and Caribbean collection contains more than 16,000 items located in four library branches: Malvern, Maria A. Shchuka, Parkdale and York Woods.

Thanks to TD’s support, Toronto Public Library celebrated its tenth Asian Heritage Month in May 2013 with events at branches across the city. A series of ‘4 Homelands Festivals’ celebrated different aspects of Asia. There were also several pan-Asian festivals, two stand-alone Chinese cultural festivals and a community Asian arts fusion festival at the Palmerston branch, among many other in-branch programs. In total, more than 3,000 people attended 46 events.

8 Branches and Spaces

The Barbara Frum branch.

Celebrating 100 years at Bloor/ Barbara Frum renovations Gladstone completed in 2013 A generous donation from the Estate of John Refurbishments to the Barbara Frum Branch Korhonen funded a new KidsStop at the Bloor/ were completed in 2013 thanks to a generous Gladstone branch. The addition was part of a $100,000 gift from the late Dr. major renovation completed just in time for and family. The improvements will attract the branch’s centenary celebration in 2013. users to refreshed spaces, display collections When it was built in 1913, Bloor/Gladstone was more attractively and effectively, and the largest library branch in Canada. enhance access to electronic services. The refurbishment also included new shelving, Centenary celebrations included a children’s furniture and carpeting for the adult and teen storytime featuring stories from the past 100 spaces and the computer area, as well as new years, neighbourhood walking tours, events seating for the branch’s large auditorium. for teens, local author readings and an all- day birthday party. A Foundation-led Bloor/ Gladstone Centenary Project raised funds through the community to purchase additional components for the branch’s new KidsStop.

9 Librarian Gwen Liu’s legacy lives on at the Northern District branch The Library received a very generous donation from Peter Liu in honour of his beloved wife Gwen, who sadly passed away in April 2013. Gwen Liu worked as a Toronto Public Library librarian for more than 30 years, dedicating her life to creating a whole new library experience for people in her community. Mr. Liu’s gift helped to refurbish a large meeting space at Northern District branch used by community organizations and for cultural events. The gift also established the Gwen and Peter Liu Endowment Fund, which supports the Library’s Chinese collections and programming.

The re:vitalized Toronto Reference Library comes to life The Toronto Reference Library’s transformation continued throughout 2013. Thanks to donors’ generosity, the Toronto Public Library Foundation met and exceeded its fundraising goal with the re:vitalize fundraising campaign, which launched in 2009. Together, individual, corporate and foundation donors and our government partners gave $10.6 million toward the transformational project. The atrium of Toronto Reference Library. Library users have enthusiastically embraced the Toronto Reference Library’s new spaces and enhanced services. Often, before the Library is even open, people arrive for early- The second-floor Bram & Bluma Appel start events in the Appel Salon, while others Salon hosts job fairs, book festivals, awards line up in the soaring entrance cube, waiting ceremonies, corporate meetings and private for the doors to open. receptions.

The branch’s main floor atrium embodies the In the upper floors, individuals study and learn campaign’s transformational vision. By day, in the new flexible seating areas. Individuals and it is a busy group-study and collaborative small groups work quietly in the translucent, work space, but it can transform after dark free-standing new study pods that are scattered into a theatre for library programs and across three of the five floors. Groups gather in events, a marketplace for the Toronto Comic the Meet-Up, one of several new group-study Arts Festival or the setting for a candle-lit areas that opened in 2013. The new space is wedding ceremony. perfect for collaborative study.

10 Other Ways Donors Made a Difference

Donors remember the Library in exclusive author receptions and behind-the- scenes tours, an annual donor celebration their wills event and a special Literary Circle patron In 2013, the Toronto Public Library Foundation library card. received more than $340,000 in bequests from thoughtful, forward-thinking donors In 2013, Literary Circle donors had the who chose to remember the Library in their opportunity to meet acclaimed author Edward wills. These gifts enhanced Library collections, Rutherfurd, tour the stunning TD Gallery and, funded programs such as financial literacy at the annual Literary Circle donor recognition and small business support, and supported evening, hear Cathy Marie Buchanan tell the the digitization of rare and valuable library story of how she was inspired to write The collections so that they can be accessed from Painted Girls. home and across the world. The young and culturally Planned giving helps ensure the Library remains vital and relevant for generations to curious support come, and allows donors to make a bigger Toronto Public Library impact than might be possible during their New Collection is a membership program for lifetimes. Some donors leave the Foundation Toronto’s literary lovers in their 20s, 30s and a specific piece of property, while others give 40s, who are committed to supporting the securities, cash or a percentage of their estates. work of one of the busiest urban public library Others have chosen to name the Toronto Public systems in the world – Toronto Public Library. Library Foundation as the beneficiary of a life Since the program’s inception in 2012, Toronto insurance policy, RRSP, RRIF, TFSA or trust. Public Library Foundation continues to attract the next generation of donors both as financial Friends who choose to include Toronto Public supporters and as ambassadors for Toronto’s Library in their wills are members of the Library. New Collection’s committed and Heritage Society. In 2013, this group of donors diverse committee of 12 young professionals grew to more than 70 patrons. coordinated an engaging line-up of events, enhanced promotional efforts and developed An indispensable circle a new event, Hush Hush. Through these of support efforts, New Collection grew to 65 members, doubling its membership from 2012. Key In 2013, Literary Circle patrons donated more highlights include: Cocktails and Conversation than $260,000 to the Toronto Public Library with Kelly Oxford, Conrad Black, Douglas Foundation. These 126 donors represent an Coupland, Richard Peddie and an exclusive exceptionally generous group of supporters Book Club with Ania Szado. who demonstrate their commitment to Toronto’s Library by making annual contributions of $1,000 or more.

The vital support of annual donors enables the Foundation to achieve more for the Library and the people who visit its 99 branches each year. As part of a community of Library champions, Literary Circle patrons enjoy

11 After-hours party stacks up big funds In November 2013, a lively group of Library supporters broke all the rules (for all the right reasons) with an after-hours party in the stacks at the beautifully restored Bloor/Gladstone branch. Hosted by New Collection, the Hush Entertainment at The Book Lover’s Ball. Hush party raised more than $50,000 for the Conrad Black, Arlene Dickinson, Lloyd Toronto Public Library Foundation. Robertson and Amanda Lang.

More than 300 guests enjoyed blaring music, Support from all sides - oyster eating, temporary tattoo inking and even dancing “librarians.” TD Bank Group community groups raise funds was the lead sponsor of the event; the other for Toronto Public Library sponsors were Penguin Random House, Pizza The Toronto Public Library Foundation Pizza and Industrial Alliance. works with community-minded companies, organizations and individuals who choose to Spectacular gala raises raise funds on the Library’s behalf. In 2013, $530,000 in support of Toronto these included: • Toronto Challenge, an annual charity walk/ Public Library run, raised $7,000 in support of Home The Book Lover’s Ball raised $530,000 in Library Service. support of Toronto’s Library in 2013. Presented • The CBC Books Open House Festival brings by Sun Life Financial, the black-tie evening together some of the most prominent of literary discovery included dazzling novel- writers, artists and thinkers to celebrate inspired entertainment and brought more Canadian creativity and to engage in than 500 book lovers together with more than discussions about issues of social and 50 of Canada’s top literary celebrities. The political importance. This year’s ticket sales evening was hosted by Cityline’s Tracy Moore raised close to $13,000 in support of the and Melanie Ng. Notable guests included Toronto Public Library Foundation.

So much more: the Library’s astounding economic impact The study “So Much contribute to a better quality of life More: The Economic Impact of Toronto for everyone. Public Library on the City of Toronto” determined that Torontonians receive $5.63 The report, funded by TD Bank Group and of value for every dollar that Toronto invests the Estate of Norman G. Hinton, calculated in its public library system. that the Toronto Public Library’s total economic impact on the city of Toronto is $1 Toronto Public Library commissioned the billion annually. The average value to those study by the Martin Prosperity Institute, who use the Library is as much as $500 part of the Rotman School of Management per person per year. On average, one open at the University of Toronto. The study hour at any one of the Library’s 99 branches found that Toronto Public Library generates $2,515 in benefits for the city of provides a strong return on investment by Toronto. With an average cost of $653 per providing services that enhance Toronto’s open hour, the average benefit is almost four competitiveness and prosperity and times the cost.

12 Thank you

We would like to recognize the following individuals, corporations, foundations, associations and community groups that generously gave between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. We also wish to thank those donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.

Corporations, Foundations and Associations The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following organizations that made financial gifts in support of Toronto’s Library in 2013.

Special thanks to those corporations, foundations and service clubs who made new gifts and pledges of $25,000 or more in 2013. We are pleased to acknowledge and celebrate their exceptional support.

Canada Post Community reading below grade level with the tools and Foundation opportunity to read to succeed. In 2013, Canada Post Community Friends of Toronto Public Foundation’s commitment of $50,000 enabled Toronto Public Library to enhance Library, South Chapter the Fairview Branch through the development In 2013, the Friends of Toronto Public Library, of a new KidsStop. A community hub, the South Chapter supported the Library’s Grade Fairview branch offers many services and is 4 Outreach program, Story Time Outreach, very busy due to its proximity to Fairview Family Literacy Day and Toronto Reference Mall and public transportation. Many of its Library literary programs. Their record users are also families with small children contribution of $72,000 in 2013 was raised who benefited from this new community through Book Ends South, the volunteer-run space. KidsStop sites have been designed bookstore at the Toronto Reference Library. to engage and activate the imagination and sense of exploration and discovery for The Catherine and Maxwell preschool children. Meighen Foundation Friends of Toronto Public A committed partner since 1997, The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation Library, North Chapter made a remarkable gift of $60,000 to In 2013, the Friends of Toronto Public Library, support the Toronto Public Library’s Home North Chapter celebrated 20 years of Library Service and Bookmobiles. The family’s support to Toronto’s Library. Through their generosity enables the Library to meet the volunteer-run bookstore, Book Ends, they growing and changing needs of Toronto’s supported the Library’s Leading to Reading communities. program at a record level of $73,000 in 2013. This donation brought their cumulative giving total over the past 20 years to more than $1 million. Leading to Reading provides children

13 Sun Life Financial TD Bank Group Since 2007, Sun Life Financial has helped In 2013, TD Bank Group continued their make the arts more accessible to all generous support of Toronto Public Torontonians through its generous support Library programs and services, collections of the Sun Life Museum + Arts Pass (MAP) and community spaces. Nowhere is TD’s program at Toronto Public Library. This commitment more evident than in the ongoing support – renewed again for 2013 – TD Summer Reading Club, an inclusive, extends Torontonians’ access to the cultural bilingual program delivered by public life of the city. Anyone with a library card can libraries across Canada. borrow a free pass to experience Toronto’s cultural treasures. This is particularly The program engages children during the appreciated in those neighborhoods and summer months with in-branch programming communities where access to arts and culture that builds reading and pre-reading skills. may be limited. In 2013, almost 80,000 MAP It has instilled the joy of reading into a passes were borrowed across 99 Toronto generation of children. Thanks to TD’s Public Library branches. continued support, the program has continued to grow and thrive. TD Summer RBC Foundation Reading Club has grown nationally, expanding first across the province of Ontario in 2001 In 2013, RBC Foundation made a gift of and more widely across Canada in 2004. In $40,000 that enabled the two After School 2013, over 30,000 young people took part in Newcomer Hubs to remain operating. Toronto and 289,000 across Canada. The Hubs run out of the Centennial and Sanderson branches and provide youth in these high-needs neighbourhoods with homework help and leadership opportunities.

Founders Canada Life The Josephine Henderson $100,000 or more Random House of Canada Foundation Friends of the Toronto Public TD Friends of the Environment K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation Library, North and South Foundation Imperial Oil Charitable Foundation Chapters Kwik Signs Sun Life Financial Leaders Ontario Genealogical Society TD Bank Group $5,000 to $9,999 Pitblado Foundation The Birks Family Foundation Pat Salloum Charity Fund at the Patrons Cadillac Fairview Corporation Strategic Charitable Giving $25,000 to $99,999 Limited Foundation Canada Post Community Receipt Media Ltd. The Sharp Foundation Foundation Smucker Foods of Canada Co. Toronto Public Library - Oakwood The Catherine and Maxwell YAG Meighen Foundation Partners The Walt Disney Company The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation RBC Foundation $1,000 to $4,999 Norman and Marian Robertson The Canadian Public Relations Charitable Foundation Society Friends United Way of Greater Toronto Carr McLean Limited $250 to $999 City Legal Services Chartered Accountants of Ontario Benefactors Enterprise Holdings The Drake General Store $10,000 to $24,999 The Ira Gluskin and Maxine Full Serve Productions Inc. The Black Family Foundation Granovsky Gluskin Charitable Grassroots Advertising Inc. Deloitte Foundation KLA Fricke Inc. Great-West Life, London Life and Grigorian Holdings Ltd. KSK Distributors Financial

14 Modern Age Plastics Inc. Endowed Fund at the Jewish George and Mary Turnbull Family Orietta Minatel Foundation of Greater Toronto Foundation at the Toronto P. V. Supa Inc. Spyders Inc. Community Foundation RBC Foundation Stricker Books Anonymous (1) Dianne & Stewart Saxe Non- 

Individual Donors – the Literary Circle Patrons of our Literary Circle program are a very special group of donors who demonstrate their commitment to Toronto’s Library by making a yearly contribution of $1,000 or more to help make life-changing programs possible. The Foundation gratefully acknowledges and celebrates the exceptional generosity of the following donors who made gifts in 2013.

Special thanks to those individual donors who made new gifts and pledges of $10,000 or more in 2013. We are pleased to acknowledge and celebrate their exceptional and generous support.

Mercedes A. Azárraga Hinton. Norman G. Hinton left a generous bequest in his will of over $1,000,000 to in honour of Eduardo A. support resources at Toronto Public Library. Azárraga Jr. During his life he used the Library extensively In 2013, Mercedes A. Azárraga made a to manage his finances and investments generous gift in honour of her brother, and was thankful for what it had meant to Eduardo A. Azárraga Jr. to support the on- him and what it could mean to others. His going revitalization of the Toronto Reference bequest will support services and resources Library. Her gift helped Toronto Public Library in the areas of financial literacy and small recreate the Toronto Reference Library as business development at the Library for years Toronto’s foremost public centre for life- to come. long learning, the exchange of ideas and community engagement. Peter Liu in honour of Gwen Liu George A. Fierheller In honour of his late wife’s dedication to the George A. Fierheller understands Toronto’s Library, Peter Liu made a $100,000 donation Library branches are vital community hubs. to the Toronto Public Library Foundation. This His generous annual gift of $10,000 supports generous gift supported the refurbishment the immediate funding priorities of 2013. of a meeting space at the Northern District Annual contributions, like his, allowed the branch which is used by a wide variety of Library to enhance community programs groups throughout the year, including Delisle such as: Ready for Reading for pre- Youth Services, IODE Canada, Canadian schoolers; Small Business Inc. for budding Children’s Book Centre and local community entrepreneurs; and the new Digital Innovation organizations. The new meeting space will Hubs at Toronto Reference Library and Fort be named The Gwen Liu Meeting Room. York branch. A portion of this gift also established the Gwen and Peter Liu Endowment Fund. This Estate of Norman G. Hinton Endowment Fund – which will grow over time – will support the Library’s Chinese In 2013, the Foundation received the final collections and programming, a priority of disbursement from the Estate of Norman G. the Library.

15 Estate of Jeannine Locke Reilly other materials. Part of his gift will digitize more than 1,000 items from the Library’s The late Jeannine Locke Reilly was a staunch Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books. supporter of Toronto Public Library during This collection spans rare and notable items her life. She understood and appreciated from literary classics to popular culture; the significant influence that the Library from cuneiform tablets to modern books. has on the people of our city and decided The digitization of this collection will to continue her support through a bequest enable world-wide access to this wonderful in her will. With her gift, the Foundation collection. provided funding for some of the Library’s highest priority needs: helping young and old, students, parents, newcomers, jobseekers Judith Wilder and the ever-curious to read, learn, connect Judith Wilder generously supported and create. conservation projects at the Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books Estate of Thomas Taylor through a gift to the Friends of the Osborne and Lillian H. Smith Collections. These Thomas Taylor was a great believer of giving conservation projects enhance Toronto back to his community. In his will he left Public Library’s resources for the care of legacies to 11 charities, including the Toronto rare and notable books and art, making Public Library. His bequest will support the important items accessible to the public for purchase and preservation of books and study and enjoyment.

Philanthropist’s Circle Rob Hall, Janet McGee & Family Reader’s Circle $100,000 or more Hon. Henry N.R. Jackman $1,000 to $2,499 Estate of Thomas Taylor Elinor Kelly Ken Allen Peter Liu in honour of Gwen Liu Ann Leese & Irwin Rotenberg Anne Bailey Diane Loeb Alex Bain & Janet Rossant Janet & Bruce McKelvey Reserve List Circle Walter M. & Lisa Balfour Bowen Karyn E. O’Neill & Fred Dean Sylvia Bashevkin $25,000 to $99,999 Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Lawrence Bennett Mercedes A. Azárraga in honour of Anonymous (2) Eduardo A. Azárraga Jr. Paul Bennett The Daniels brothers in honour of Joe & Antoinette Berridge their mother Norine Rose Avid Reader’s Circle Paulette Bourgeois Estate of Norman G. Hinton $2,500 to $4,999 Alan & Judy Broadbent Jeannine Locke Reilly Mary Baldwin in honour of John Marcella & Michael Bungay Stanier Robert Baldwin Helen Burstyn Robert Casper & Jennifer Wardrop Howard & Susan Bury Conservator’s Circle Jane Dobell Catherine Cano $10,000 to $24,999 Estate of Judith Howard Paul Carney & Mary Frances Ellison Richard & Joan Boxer Christopher Fernandes Tim & Sheila Casgrain George A. Fierheller Peter Fitting Barbara Church Murray Frum & Family Georgia & Stephen Gerring Brenda Clark Hon. Margaret McCain Gordon Hinch in memory of Pauline Rita Cox Glen Miranker Hinch David & Shirley Crombie Judith R. Wilder Tim & Carol Pinnington Gail Cunningham Anonymous (2) Marlon Reid Ronald Dyck Donna Shea Thor & Nicole Eaton Collector’s Circle Donna & Gary Slaight Emelita Ervin & Chloe Kotsonas $5,000 to $9,999 Gillian Smith Gavin Ezekowitz Gail Rose Appel & Mark Appel Anonymous (1) John R. Farrell Charles & Marilyn Baillie Shari & Anthony Fell Wendy M. Cecil Michael Flux Stephen Grant & Sandy Forbes Susan Flynn Julie Flynn Still & Ian Still

16 Hugh Furneaux Cameron MacKay Ellen Roseman Mary Gibbons Linda Mackenzie Robert Ruggiero Gamal Abdel-Shehid & Anjula Gogia J. Malkin & E. Jacobson Heather Rumball Rick Goldsmith Carrie Mandel Mark Schrutt, Ellen Pekilis & Lily John & Judith Grant Gillian Mason Schrutt Chester & Camilla Gryski Heather Mathis Elaine & Jas Slater Stella Guenther Donald McKenzie Steven Smith Velvet Haney June McLean Sonja Smits & Seaton McLean Linda Hazzan Marjorie McLeod Edward & Marisa Sorbara John A. Honderich Ken R. Meader Nancy Strader Donald K. Johnson Judith Megow-Rose David Strom Dan Keon Barbara L. Michasiw Jennifer Surridge Carol Kirsh Florence Minz Herbert & Virginia Tenny Judy Kirsh & Robin Riddihough Pam Mountain Karen Walsh & David Roffey Rob & Sandra Knowles Heather Mummery Brenda & Scott White Clara Lahmer Andre Nowakowski & Katherine Margaret Whitfield & Gordon Crowe Spencer Lanthier & Diana Bennett Gurney John C. Williams Pamela Laycock Jean Orpwood in memory of Alfred Wirth Sidney Lindsay Margaret Canning Patricia Wood Marcia Lipson Charles K. Overland Lilian Yuan Rory MacDonald Jane Pyper Anonymous (11) Nona Macdonald Heaslip Bob Ramsay & Jean Marmoreo

Friends The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the support of the following individual donors who made gifts of $250 to $999 during 2013.

Katherine Adams Anne Crisell Penny Griffin Margaret Agar E. Cross Shirley Griffith Mary Agoston Kathleen Curtis Trina Grover James Amato David & Carol Cuthbertson Krishna Gulati Marion & Lorne Andrews Hilary D’Aguilar Edna Hajnal Kapilesh Arekar Arlene Escobar Danos Bill Hamade & Celine Marcoux Marielle Armstrong Andrew Davidge Hamade Wendy Atkinson Michael & Honor de Pencier John Hancock David Bailey Dean D’Mello Siobhan Harrop-Scott Dilin Baker Shelley L. Dolan Catharine Heddle & Terry Lee Wiliam Barker J. A. d’Oliveira James N. Hepburn John Bedford Margaret Dougherty Sharon Ho Marie Belanger Xavier DSouza David Hodes Julia Bentley Christina Duff Stewart Christopher Homer Joanna Beyersbergen Walter Duncan Sarah & Andrew Howes Leslie Borbas Joan M. Eakin Kim Huntley Sheila Bourke Luke Earl Gustave Hurtubise Thomas Boyd Gunes Ege Robert Hutchison William Broadhurst Elisabeth P. Eldridge Frances Johnson Mary Brown Jana Elkadri Naana Jumah Janet Bruce John Ewing Selia Karsten Douglas & Patricia Bull Marco Fedele Dixie Kee Cavan Campbell Russell C. Finch Brian Keith Mary & James Carey-Hill Ann Foster Carolyn Keystone & Jim Meekison David Carr Lawrence Freedman & Joy Rosen Cindy S. Kliaman E. Carruthers Lela Garyfalow James Knoop Glenn Chadwick Tara George & Chris Atkinson Nancy Kreiger Mark & Soo Christensen Donal Gilroy Yoko Kutney John H. C. Clarry Christine Giraldi Francois Lachance Sarah Climenhaga Marianne Sylvia Lassam J. P. T. Clough Maxine & George Goldberg Jean & Kenneth Laundy Bob Collins Steven & Greta Golick Helene Lavine Paul Connelly Ann Gray Victoria Lee

17 Carolyn Lemon Mike Pezzack Elaine Solway P. Levay Stephen Phillips Peter Somerville Peter Lewis Susan Phillips Myra Sourkes & Richard Lewin Chung-yee Loo Mary Pitts Grace Elizabeth Speer Daniel Ludwin Edward Pomer Han Spoel Maureen Lukie Willian Ponke David Stephenson P.E. MacKay Claudine Pope Ted Stephenson Michelle Mackenzie Anna & Julian Porter Richard Stromberg Gregory Maguire Sarah Power Luisa Sulit Adrien Mak Michelle Primus Dagmar & Vaclav Taborsky Mary Maude Jennifer M. Puncher Barbara Tallis Dan McCaw Mary Rae Shantz Dennie Theodore Jodee McCaw Carol Rapp Rochelle Thompson Donna McCraw In memory of Frank Rebick Gay Thomson Maureen McFarland Nora Jane Regan Janos Tischler Carl McGee Joan Ridout Wanda Trimble Christopher McIntosh The Rifkind Family Mary Usher-Jones W. Darcy McKeough Chris Robinson Connie Vanryn Vesta McKinnon Pearl Rudin John Varghese Virginia McLaughlin Tatjana Rumjantseva Cynthia Walker Lori P. McLeod Allen Russell Marilyn Walsh & Marsha Pine Marcia Moffat Lori Russell Lenore Walters Donley Mogan Nigel Russell Gordon Warme Maxine Munroe Terrence Ryan Edith Wasson Nell A. Nakoneczny Evannah Sakamoto Joyce N. Watson Lynda Newmarch James Saloman Peter Webb Geraldine Nightingale N. Yvonne Sawden Maureen Whitehead Christopher Northey Susan Schacter B. Whitlock Dennis O’Connell Frances Schwenger David Williams Catherine Oliver Lois Scouten Bill Wilson James Orr Pablo Seto Gordon Wong Faye Pearce Barry Short Joan Wood Adam Peer Sara Simmons Benjamin Wulffhart Tim Pellew Glen Simpson Eve Wyatt Catherine Percival Julian Sleath Anonymous (78) John & Maire Percy Rosemary Smith Paul Petras Leslie Smyth

New Collection The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following New Collection members for their support of Toronto’s Library in 2013.

Aris Andrulakis Julie Flynn Still Jonathan Naymark Elise Bayle Michael Foderick Jenna Parrett Benjamin Berger Jon Fuller & Alexandra Saginur Stefano Picone Laura Berger Julia Gray Tatiana Read Erin Brand Andrea Hall Laura & Mike Reid Rachel Bunbury Kevin Hille & Estair Van Wagner Marc Rodrigue Amy Burstyn-Fritz Alex Josephson Hadiya Rodrique Joe Callaghan Mimosa Kabir Carolyn Slon Cecily Carver Danny Kastner Gillian Smith Emma Clough Nil Koksal Jessica Stern Danielle Cohen Brittney Kuczynski Indira Stewart Anna Cooper Noor Ladhani Shane Tryon Justine Cowell Julian Low & Virginia Low Naomi Van Voorst Erin Dann Lucy Main Megan Whiteside Adrian de Valois-Franklin Kirsten Melville-Gray Sharon Wilmot David Delaney Rachel Metalin Teri Worthington Coombs Leyla Emory Julie Mitchell Rebecca Zamon Liza Fernandes Darcy Morris Anthony Fernando Daniel Naymark & Joanna Lambert

18 Heritage Society The Heritage Society honours individuals who have included the Foundation in their estate plans, ensuring that Toronto’s Library has the resources to provide quality programs and services for future generations. The following people have included Toronto Public Library Foundation in their wills or as the beneficiary of insurance policies or other planned giving vehicles.

Mary Agoston Barbara Heggie Raymond Peak Carole Bell Gordon Hinch in memory of Pauline Margaret Pilley Alan Brown Hinch Tim & Carol Pinnington Margaret Bryce Joseph Kaposi Alexander Puskas Sylvia Chan Ann Keller Mary Puskas Vera & John Chau Janet Kim Neil Rankin John H. C. Clarry Carol Kirsh Heather Rumball Morley Coviensky Judy Kirsh & Robin Riddihough Margaret Sinopoli Pearl Dacks Mark Krakowski Susan Spier Ann Davidson Martha Krol Dagmar & Vaclav Taborsky Bud Dilling Dale Layton Robert L. Tracy Shelley L. Dolan Francelise Le Blanc Virginia Van Vliet Emelita Ervin & Chloe Kotsonas Teza Layos Lwin Manda Vranic Carol Esbin Sally MacRae Enid Walker Liza Fernandes McKelvey Family Glen Warner Mrs. Gale Sylvia M. McPhee Maryann Weston Margaret Gillespie Meredith Meads Terrance Wilds Marianne Marsha Melnik Deana Wong Maxine & George Goldberg Paul Nazareth Susan Zelikovitz Pat Graham Lynda Newmarch Anonymous (12) John & Judith Grant Karyn E. O’Neill Karen Gregory Rita O’Neill

In Memoriam/Tribute A donation made in someone’s name is a heartfelt way to celebrate an occasion or remember a special person. The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the support of donors who made gifts in memory of, or in tribute to, the following people in 2013.

In tribute to Mary Armstrong In memory of Pauline Hinch In memory of Frank Purvis In memory of Joan Askwith In memory of Jon Kirchmeir In tribute to Ramachandran In memory of Beth Bentley In tribute to Geraldine Leder Sankaran In memory of Brigitte Buffey In tribute to Lexi’s 5th Birthday In memory of Tom Samson In memory of Gail Cummings In tribute to Phyllis Malette In tribute to Barbara Thal Hodes In tribute to Diego’s 7th Birthday In memory of Amneh Mousa In memory of Brayon Young In memory of Grayce Griffith In memory of Ethel Power

19 Endowments The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the donors who have established endowments whose proceeds will support Toronto’s Library in perpetuity.

The Marguerite G. Bagshaw Memorial Endowment Fund The Gwen and Peter Liu Endowment Fund The June Callwood Endowment Fund Norman Jennings McLean Fund The Rita Cox Endowment Fund The Muller Scholastic Endowment Fund for Canadian Jane Dobell Endowment Fund in memory of Children’s Literature Sybille Pantazzi The Rob Mummery Endowment Fund Catherine Fine Fund Osborne Royalties Fund Norman Blaine Gash Memorial Endowment Fund The Osborne & Lillian H. Smith Fund The Grayce Margaret Griffith Endowment Fund Charles Graham Sanderson Memorial Endowment Fund D.J. Hayes Fund Charles R. Sanderson Memorial Endowment Fund The Pauline Hinch Endowment Fund Sophie’s Studio The Norman G. Hinton Endowment Fund H.E. Stubbs Fund M.A. Isaac Fund Stanley Tobin Fund Harry Keillor and Muriel McKay Endowment Fund Margaret and Wentworth Walker Endowment Fund The Rose and Milton Kirsh Endowment Fund The Helen Weinzweig Endowment Fund The Michael and Chloe Kotsonas Endowment Fund Senator John M. Lewis Memorial Endowment Fund

Special Events The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the attendees and sponsors of The Book Lover’s Ball and Hush-Hush.

$100,000 or more Random House of Canada Hilary Cunningham Sun Life Financial RBC Capital Markets The Peter and Eleanor Daniels TD Bank Group Simon & Schuster Canada Foundation Edward & Marisa Sorbara Susan Dawson $30,000 to $99,999 Whitehots Inc. Thomas Di Giacomo Friesens Corporation Consiglio Di Nino Harlequin Enterprises Ltd. $5,000 to $9,999 Arlene Dickinson Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Cindy & Bob Blakely Kevin Dougherty Federation Madeleine Lefebvre Martha Durdin Library Bound Inc. Ronald Dyck Catherine Eplett $10,000 to $29,999 Lynne Everatt Allstream Inc. $1,000 to $4,999 Melanie Farrell Corporation Paul Ainslie Sonja Smits & Seaton McLean Bell David Allan Sheilagh Fletcher & Richard & Joan Boxer Anne Bailey Phillip H. Carter Buckingham Capital Corporation Douglas Baker Michael Flux CIBC World Markets Inc. Gary Bates Julie Flynn Still & Ian Still Conestoga Cold Storage Rita Bates Cathy Furlong Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Pat Bauer Elizabeth Gabriell Capital Ltd. Berridge Associates Inc. Gale - Part of Cengage Learning Eastern Construction Company Ltd. Conrad Black Clifford & Doris Goldfarb Friesens Corporation Bob & Cindy Blakely Hachette Book Group Harlequin Enterprises Ltd. Lawrence Boland Kirsten Hanson HarperCollins Canada Erin Brand Donna Hayes & Brad Martin Herzig Eye Institute Stephen Brunt Geoffrey Hayes KPMG Cathy Buchanan Peter Hayes Mackenzie Financial Margaret Calame Linda Hazzan Hon. Margaret McCain Wendy M. Cecil David Holland Janet & Bruce McKelvey David Chilton Guy Kay Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Graham Chubb Carol Kirsh Federation Angela Codina Howard Kitto Penguin Group (Canada) Kieran Conroy Douglas Knight Quad/Graphics Janice Copeland

20 Amanda Lang Danielle Kotvas Greg Laurin $500 to $999 Gary Lewis Linda Mackenzie Katherine Andrew Sidney Lindsay Leo Makrimichalos Bryan Arnold James Loewen Heather Mathis Linwood Barclay Ralph Mackenzie Bruce McKelvey Cheryl Barton Anna Markiewicz Maxwell Morgan Vickery Bowles Clare McCurley Ajon Moriyama Gary Brusseau Heather McNab Scott Morrison Brian Burlacoff Philip Moore Scott Mullin Christian Cameron Wendy Moran Ross Parry Kelda Card Frank O’Brien Christopher Peirce Christina Clifford Carol Off Tim & Carol Pinnington Anne Collins Katrina Onstad Jane Pyper Kenneth Coran Nancy Pak Alexandra Da Gama Rose Shelley Potter Jeffrey Sack Elly Daniels Andrew Pyper Ted Sharp Robert Dawson Helen Reeves Donna Shea Gordon Doherty C. S. Richardson Sonja Smits & Seaton McLean Brian Donlan Anthony Romano Walter Stewart Alison Eastwood Ron Rout Bruce Stratton Elizabeth Glass Janet Russell Craig Swinwood Maggie Gosselin Asif Sachedina Robert Toole Lorne Greenspoon Ken Setterington Beverly Topping Linda Holeman Shirley Trojman Torcom Construction Inc. Thrina Howes-Berry David Wall Ann Louise Vehovec Larry Hughsam Anonymous Robert Weller Kim Huntley Margaret Wilkie Dan Keon Nora Young Diane Kerner

Gifts in Kind The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following individuals and organizations who made gifts in kind to Toronto’s Library in 2013.

$25,000 to $99,999 Christopher Redmond Stephanie Hutcheson Toronto Star Kathy Stinson Peter Kaellgren Mary Whiddington Matthew MacDonald $10,000 to $24,999 James O’Brian Peter Fitting $1,000 to $4,999 Eric Platt Margaret Atwood Barbara Reid-Crysler $5,000 to $9,999 Lesslie Baldwin Steven Rosenhek Paul Bennett Bryony Glassco Ronald Walmsley Michael Boyer Daniel Glassco Derek Wong Jane Dobell Rufus Glassco Kittie-Marie Fells Joan Hollobon

Third Party Thank you to the individuals, corporations and community groups that raised $250 or more in 2013 on behalf of Toronto Public Library Foundation.

E. Carruthers Random House of Canada City Legal Services Toronto Public Library - Oakwood YAG The Drake General Store

21 The Carnegie Societies The Carnegie Societies honour the Foundation’s most generous donors. Named to reflect the rich history of Toronto Public Library, the Societies recognize those individuals who have cumulatively given $25,000 or more since 1997. We also recognize organizations that have cumulatively given $50,000 or more. Special thanks to Society members who make annual contributions to a variety of programs and projects across the Library.

The Yorkville Society Sheldon & Judy Godfrey CBC Television $1,000,000 or more Great-West Life, London Life and Wendy M. Cecil Bluma Appel Community Trust Canada Life The Chawkers Foundation Charles & Marilyn Baillie Harlequin Enterprises Ltd. CIBC James Davidson Bain District 7 Kiwanis Clubs - Casa Heather Collins The Bennett Family Foundation Loma, Humber Valley, Islington, Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Avie Bennett Kingsway, Lakeshore, Sunnylea Group Canada Trust Estate of John Korhonen Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Capital Jane Dobell Maryann Kovalski Ltd. Friends of the Toronto Public Peter Lemiski Heather Conway Library, North and South Chapters Bill Linton & Marilynne Day-Linton Susan Cooper Cronyn Estate of Norman G. Hinton Peter Liu in honour of Gwen Liu Elizabeth A. & Richard J. Currie Estate of Sophia Lucyk Manulife Financial David Mason Fine & Rare Books Sun Life Financial Janet & Bruce McKelvey Marie Day TD Bank Group The McLean Foundation Deloitte Toronto Star Microsoft Canada Inc. The Donner Canadian Foundation Microsoft Corporation Brian Doyle Robin Muller George A. Fierheller The Annette Society Morris Norman Friends of the Arthur Conan Doyle $250,000 to $999,999 Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Collection Richard & Joan Boxer Federation Friesens Corporation Estate of Catherine Fine The Paloma Foundation Gale - Part of Cengage Learning Friends of the Osborne and Lillian Paul Silverstein George Gibbons H. Smith Collections Arthur Slade Celia Godkin Anne Alycin Hayes & Elliott Hayes Edward & Marisa Sorbara Clifford & Doris Goldfarb in memory of John Sullivan Hayes Robert & Brian St. John in memory Rick Goldsmith and Jo Ann Elliott Hayes of Judith St. John The Walter and Duncan Gordon Estate of Leida Jurman TD Friends of the Environment Foundation The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation Linda Granfield Foundation Mark Thurman George Grant George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Whitehots Inc. Barbara Green Foundation Barbara Greenwood F.C. Larry Muller and Scholastic The Weston Society The Scott Griffin Foundation Canada Joanna Hagar $25,000 to $99,999 RBC Foundation HarperCollins Canada Norman and Marian Robertson Patricia Aldana Allstream Inc. Gordon Hinch in memory of Charitable Foundation Pauline Hinch Estate of Thomas Taylor Hugh & Elizabeth Anne Anson- Cartwright John A. Honderich Gail Rose Appel & Mark Appel Estate of Margaret Isaac The Riverdale Society Mercedes A. Azárraga in honour of The Ivey Foundation $100,000 to $249,999 Eduardo A. Azárraga Jr. Hon. Henry N.R. Jackman Dr. David Amies, Gillian M. Brown & Mary Baldwin in honour of John The Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma Estate of Jocelyn Davison Robert Baldwin Kingsway Kiwanis Club Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Barrick Gold Corporation KPMG Foundation Bell Bicklette Limited Clara Lahmer Beth Budd Bentley The Birks Family Foundation Frank & Juanita Lechowick J. P. Bickell Foundation BMO Capital Markets Library Bound Inc. Alan & Judy Broadbent BMO Financial Group Jeannine Locke Reilly The Daniels brothers in honour of Estate of Joan Bodger The Samuel Lunenfeld Charitable their mother Norine Rose Estate of Baxter Graham Bonnell Foundation Peter Elendt Stephen Brown MAC Cosmetics Murray Frum & Family Canada Post Community Mackenzie Financial Laszlo Gal Foundation Martha Mann Marie-Louise Gay Canadian Tire Corporation G. Wallace McCain

22 Hon. Margaret McCain The Rotary Club of Toronto - Leaside Estate of Douglas Hugh McCreath The Rotary Club of Toronto Duncan McGregor Saunders Book Company Ned McKeown Scotiabank Metrus Development Inc. David & Emily Sheldon Miller Thomson LLP Simon & Schuster Canada MintoUrban Communities Inc. Dorothy Sinclair in memory of David Glen Miranker Sinclair Vernon Mould SirsiDynix Muriel Mummery for the Rob Estate of Helen Marie Smibert Mummery Endowment Fund Frank Sommers National Bank Financial Group James & Karen Griffith Sowell in Hilary Nicholls memory of Grayce Margaret Karyn E. O’Neill & Fred Dean Griffith Kenneth Oppel Mary Suddon Jean Orpwood in memory of Ann Sullivan Margaret Canning TD Friends of the Environment Penguin Group (Canada) Foundation Eric Platt Thomas Allen & Son Ltd. The Printing House Ltd. Estate of Patricia Thorsley Procter & Gamble Inc. Estate of Pearl Tomey William Prusin Maria Trzeciakiewicz Quad/Graphics United Way of Greater Toronto Random House of Canada WCPD Foundation RBC Capital Markets The W. Garfield Weston Foundation RBC Foundation Judith R. Wilder Barbara Reid-Crysler John C. Williams Rogers Communication Inc. Burle and Louise Yolles The Sam and Ida Ross Foundation Anonymous (3)

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If an error has been made, please contact the Toronto Public Library Foundation at 416-393-7123 or email [email protected] and we will correct it on our online donor listing.

23 Toronto Public Library Foundation Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances Year ended December 31, excerpted from audited Financial Statements

2013 2012 $ $ REVENUE Donations and sponsorships 3,960,140 4,463,909 Donations-in-kind 182,121 128,114 Investment income 32,120 32,120 4,174,276 4,624,143

EXPENSES Professional fees 11,635 16,461 Development office 1,601,363 1,472,062 Grants and donations to Toronto Public Library Board 7,229,053 5,199,726 Grants to others 193,914 123,320 Other 35,345 42,964 9,071,310 6,854,533

Excess of (expenses over revenue) for the year -4,897,034 -2,230,390 Fair value changes in investments 965,714 565,670 Excess of (expenses over revenue) -3,931,320 -1,664,720 Fund balances, beginning of year 14,512,375 16,177,095 Fund balances, end of year 10,581,055 14,512,375

Breakdown of Expenditures

2013 2012

Gifts to other registered Gifts to other registered charities and qualified charities and qualified donees (82%) donees (78%)

Charitable Charitable programs programs Fundraising (1%) Fundraising (2%) (14%) Management and (16%) Management and administration administration (4%) (4%)

24 Statement of Financial Position As at December 31, excerpted from audited Financial Statements

2013 2012 ASSETS $ $ Current Cash and cash equivalents 3,423,234 5,846,621 Short-term investments 781,272 4,004,767 Accounts receivable 17,007 57,798 Prepaid expenses 114,147 94,734 Inventory 38,313 41,034 Due from the Toronto Public Library Board 3,002 0 Due from the American Foundation for 1,946 0 Toronto Public Library

Total Current Assets 4,378,921 10,044,954

Investments, at market 6,562,758 7,910,426

10,941,679 17,955,380

LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 128,424 132,824 Due to the Toronto Public Library Board 0 3,096,734 Due to American Foundation for 0 14,947 Toronto Public Library Deferred revenue 232,200 198,500 Total Liabilities 360,624 3,443,005

Fund Balances General Fund 1 ,1 69,244 1,414,682 Restricted Fund 4,092,31 7 7,983,1 75 Endowment Fund 5,319,494 5,1 1 4,518

10,581,055 14,512,375

Total Fund Balances 10,941,679 17,955,380

25 789 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 2G8 416-393-7123