R. ,~ •.• . .c. :... /~ :.:._:... :t.~. ~ .. -.··.: .,... ~ ~ ... ,~..... , ~ . ~ ~ •' .............,; p~. _l 1 .... ; .....'.···········~··;·, ......... p; 12 ---~-------~~-Interview • SSI ein Tw Rabbi~ Goldschmidt currently serves R. Gojdschmi,jt: Divorces. A Russianc couple P'AJ)le got married and alierwarJ;, ay Av Beit Din Q/ Moscott-:- Born in Switzer- is expected to get di'v~iced ,at on~ time of sepitrated and never ·go_i_divoreed land, he wa, trained at Ponovez in Israel ,md anothi,r since tho process of getting divorced to Halaklla. ;I:; Ner *'~' mu/ Teiz in America. After leading is-so easY. It was in.tentionally made easy by H: They just completely forgot about gittin? however, <le.es not contra.diet the .~ ____ a kollel outreach program in Natzeret lllirfor . Stalin because, in1order to enslave the humar; . R. Gol<is<!1!11ffl!: Yes. There were ortly two ~f Je'.;ish mamage.) Since Communism can severa1 yeiijs, -1,ewa., mvmafinneSovier sprrit;-ttiefirsnlllnjflrenaltloa<YWMilreaJr-.way, of aequiiing~theccouplewom-~t.e"""!Hrl~ mam;,g,,-~--~ UmGf: to set up_q bcit flin ~r the auspices up communities, break up"·s_ocieties and to Moscow,therewas.aRavpopularly k..rwwn acc.ordmg to Commu:1ist faw is faut -if-1htLSteins{J{tz ;,~hiva~ Arriving in Septem~ friendships. For example; UI);tii very as the "Odessa Rav,"who in the most difficult regular civil marriage -- it's !Ike a re1lgioas • betl989wiihhiswifeandtwoyoungchildren. no phorie books were printed in oftimesniadegitli"linMoscow.Buthepassed marriage of a different religjon . .But iu: not ~ he_ has alf1!-0sr s.inglehandetlly deah. wiih all be~·ause ·nobody was supposed to know away...many years ago< The other method wru: dear if took this assumption ~ i;.
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