Memoranda, 6/76-8/76
Memoranda, 6/76-8/76 Folder Citation: Collection: Records of the 1976 Campaign Committee to Elect Jimmy Carter; Series: Noel Sterrett Subject File; Folder: Memoranda, 6/76-8/76; Container 88 To See Complete Finding Aid: ... P:r-.,>~: Shelr3on Tolb~, P640 Olive Blvd., 4 Dt, A, Ur.iversitv Sttv, !·'lsso"Jrl 63132 pho~e #--~14-997-063h 1. IFTRODUCTiot~ Despite ~avin~ the nomlnRtlon assured, the ~overnor still has si~nlficant problems arnon~ Jewish voters. One lndlc8tion of the June 9th prlm8ries ~esplte the intensive efforts the c~~~ pa1~n p~t into these~states, According tb NBC News hear~ on ~me Radio in Washington on June 9t'b, the Governor received 24'1 of the Jewish vote ln Ohio w~lle Uaall got 47~ with the rest goinq to othsr canrtldates. Acco~dln; to reports of some nrecinct break- r3m·ms I i;ot frc"'.'Ti Clevel8.'.10 Pel;hts anr1 S1-.e1·:er Hets-hts, •:.:e even finished fourth behino Church an~ Jackson slates, Call~o:rni:::, Since the end o~ t~e n~irn8rles and t~e cllnchln~ of the i-;omin8tlon, severe nou'bts abocit th.e G()1r-e~nor 8-:re stt11 heinq T\To• .., '. - ~1~· Yor'J.-: S8. l~ th8 t he so~~ o~ the editors of the New York Je~lsh Press. Accor~t~~ to his rella~le accolunt, lf the election ~ere ~eld to~ay, they 2. exact- nature of the pro~lem R, The Jewish mlsperceptlon of t~e can~l~~te's s~~~~s ., Washlnston, Pittsbursh, Columbus, O., ~ew York And Lrrn ls lately a!"ld have cHscoverer'3 th::.t the tnJ8 n8.ture of the stanos on Israel and Soviet Jewry h::ive not filterer1 1101-m to the average Jewish voter.
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