Double Double, Morphology and Trouble: Looking into Reduplication in Indonesian Meladel Mistica, Avery Andrews, I Wayan Arka Timothy Baldwin The Australian National University The University of Melbourne {meladel.mistica,avery.andrews,
[email protected] wayan.arka} Abstract tronic grammar for Indonesian within the framework of Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG). Our project This paper investigates reduplication in In- forms part of a group of researchers, PARGRAM1 donesian. In particular, we focus on verb redu- whose aim is to also produce wide-coverage gram- plication that has the agentive voice affix meN, exhibiting a homorganic nasal. We outline the mars built on a collaboratively agreed upon set of recent changes we have made to the imple- grammatical features (Butt et al., 1999). In order mentation of our Indonesian grammar, and the to ensure comparability we use the same linguistic motivation for such changes. tools for implementation.2 There are two main issues that we deal with One of the issues we address is how to adequately in our implementation: how we account for account for morphophonemic facts, as schematised the morphophonemic facts relating to sound in Examples (1), (2) and (3): changes in the morpheme; and how we con- ∧ struct word formation (i.e. sublexical) rules in (1) [meN+tarik] 2 creating these derived words exhibiting redu- ↔ meN+tarik+hyphen+meN+tarik plication. ↔ menarik-menarik “pulling (iteratively)” 1 Introduction ∧ (2) meN+[tarik] 2 This study looks at full reduplication in Indone- ↔ meN+tarik+hyphen+tarik sian verbs, which is a morphological operation that ↔ menarik-narik (*menarik-tarik) involves the doubling of a lexical stem.