George W. Helon 21 Schultz Street 651 N. Broad Street, Suite 205 Kearney’s Spring, Queensland, 4350 AUSTRALIA Middletown, Delaware, DE 19709 USA PH: 07 4635 9588 E: [email protected] M: 0419 768 792 W: E: [email protected] W: 1274405409430039/

PRESS RELEASE: 9 October 2019

DNA reunites Australian man with his 2600 year old ancestors.

First established in Delaware in the United States of America as DNA Check LLC, the Switzerland based international archaeogenetic company My True Ancestry has successfully matched Australian man George Helon with the 2600 year old human remains of his Royal Scythian Helon tribe ancestors – the Helonians.

Archaeogenetics is the study of the past using the techniques of molecular genetics; it is the application of genetics to archaeology. The term ‘archaeogenetics’ was coined in the 1990s by British archaeologist and palaeolinguist Professor Colin Renfrew (b. 25 July 1937) from the Greek ‘archaios’ (ancient) + ‘genetics’. In archaeogenetics, information on the DNA of different ethnic groups from around the world is used to analyse prehistoric events and corroborate accounts from historical sources. The DNA data are reconciled with the findings of archaeologists, linguists, and paleoanthropologists to shed light on the past.

In what is probably a world first, the remains come from an area with peoples, places and events well-documented by extant biblical, archaeological, ancient, historical, cartographic, linguistic and genetic evidence that irrefutably proves the Australian man is the direct descendant of Royal Scythian Helon tribesmen and warriors (600 – 300 BC) who, at the height of their power and influence, roamed from about China westwards to the Carpathian Mountains – the gateway to Europe.

“Could someone in fact trace their bloodline back to Jesus and beyond; what are the chances – the probability?

“Is it really possible to trace your family and surname back thousands of years; well thanks to the latest advances in genetic technology and analysis, I have done that,” Mr Helon said.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus (c. 484–425 BC) – considered the ‘Father of History’ - and others wrote about the forest-steppe Royal Scythian Helon tribes and their ancient wooden-walled capital Gelonus which was reached by the Persian army of Darius in his assault on during the late 6th century BC.

Gelonus, once a well-fortified enclosure of about 40 square kilometres in size with 3 keeps surrounded by earthen walls up to 16 meters high, is today being reconstructed at Bil’sk in the Poltava Oblast north of the Black Sea where the Helonians once roamed with their kindred – the Budini.

“Helon is not only a biblical name of Hebrew and Greek origin, it’s a biblical lineage, a surname, the name of an ancient Scythian culture, a Christian, geographical and a botanical name, as well as the name of a popular Ukrainian beer – and a language too!

“That we Helons can be matched to ancient remains dating from 600 BC to 290 BC makes our family one of the world's oldest and unbroken dynastic bloodlines with a ripe old age of just over 2600 years and predating most European royal and noble houses by hundreds of years.

“The fact my family’s lineage is 1700 years older than Her Majesty the Queen’s, which reckons its descent from Alfred the Great, King of Wessex and of Anglo-Saxons who died on 26 October 899, is truly amazing.

“But the pièce de résistance, and most astonishingly” Mr Helon added, is that “there is an annual festival held each year at Belsk, Poltava in the where people gather to celebrate and pay homage to our Helon Scythian ancestors of aeons past.”

“I have even been invited by the founder and president of the Helon Charitable Foundation in the Ukraine to attend next year’s Helon Festival and plant a tree in memory of my most illustrious ancestors.

“It’s a bit hard to believe. It’s like being in your own Da Vinci Code - you just can’t make this sort of stuff up,” Mr Helon said.

If you’ve already had your DNA analysed and have access to your Autosomal results, you can upload them to My True Ancestry and compare them to archaeological samples from Ancient Civilizations and Royalty around-the-world.

For further information:

My True Ancestry (USA) George W. Helon (Australia)