May 2014 Vol. 1 No. 2 National Aeronautics and Space Administration



Date: May 28, 2014 Mission: /41 Launch to International Space CONTENTS Station Description: Reid Wiseman, Maxim Suraev, Alexander 4 �������������������SPACEX-3 delivers cargo to ISS Gerst launch on Soyuz 39 from Baikonur Cosmodrome in 8 �������������������NASA, SpaceX sign lease agreement for Launch Kazakhstan. Pad 39A Date: June 6, 2014 12 ����������������Firing Room 4 to feature multi-user concept layout Mission: SpaceX-4 Commercial Resupply Services flight with ISS-RapidScat 18 ����������������Satellites play vital roles in everyday life Description: Launching from Cape Canaveral Air Force FREE to the public with 24 ����������������NASA’s Path To Mars Station, Fla., on a Falcon 9 rocket, SpaceX-4 will deliver paid admission to the 29 ����������������Forum focuses on NASA partnerships, plans for cargo and crew supplies Kennedy Space Center multi-user spaceport to the International Space Visitor Complex. Station. It will also carry the 32 ����������������Engineering’s four lines of business focus on ISS-RapidScat instrument, Event hours problem-solving a replacement for NASA’s

QuikScat Earth satellite to May 21-22 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. online more monitor ocean winds for May 23 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 36 ����������������GSDO engineer realizes dream of working at climate research, weather Kennedy Space Center predictions, and hurricane monitoring. 39 ����������������Alligators thrive amid rockets, space-age facilities Date: No Earlier Than 43 ����������������Equipped with new sensors, Morpheus preps to June 9, 2014 handle landing on its own Mission: Orbital 2 Commercial Resupply Services Mission to International Space Station 48 ����������������Mission to map Venus began 25 years ago with Description: Launching from STS-30 the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA’s Wallops 52 ����������������Pioneering Mercury astronauts eager to launch 55 Flight Facility, Orbital 2 will years ago deliver cargo and crew supplies to the International Space Station.

THE Editorial Writers Group Graphics Group SPACEPORT Managing Editor...... Chris Hummel Anna Heiney Bob Granath Richard Beard Greg Lee MAGAZINE Editor...... Frank Ochoa-Gonzales Linda Herridge Kay Grinter Lynda Brammer Matthew Young TEAM Assistant Editor...... Linda Herridge Steven Siceloff Frank Ochoa-Gonzales Amy Lombardo Copy Editor...... Kay Grinter Join our Facebook community and take part in the discussion, or check out Flickr to keep photos from this issue. A SpaceX Dragon spacecraft full of cargo, with heavy clouds and occasional rain at the experiments and equipment blazed into orbit launch site at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Friday, April 18, on the strength of one of the in Florida. The launch preparation teams from company’s Falcon 9 boosters. Two days later, SpaceX and payload teams for NASA had to the Dragon arrived at the International Space work inside tight schedules to safely set up for Station where it was grappled by the Canadarm2 launch between the bouts of poor weather. and locked into place so astronauts could later “They did a lot of good work,” Gerstenmaier retrieve almost 5,000 pounds of equipment, said. SPACEX-3 delivers experiments and supplies. The weather was on the front of everyone’s Launching without a crew, cargo resupply mind throughout the morning, but cleared up cargo to ISS flight such as SpaceX-3 are critical to the enough about two and half hours before the 3:25 BY STEVEN SICELOFF operation of the orbiting laboratory and the six p.m. launch time to allow a liftoff. people living and working there. “Weather was our primary concern,” said “SpaceX is delivering important research Hans Koenigsmann, vice president of Mission experiments and cargo to the space station,” Assurance for SpaceX. “It’s a really good day.” said William Gerstenmaier, NASA associate Musk also reported success in SpaceX’s test administrator for human exploration and to have the first stage of the Falcon 9 reignite its operations. “The diversity and number of new engines and slow the stage to a soft landing on experiments is phenomenal. The investigations the ocean’s surface a few minutes after liftoff. aboard Dragon will help us improve our All data is not in yet, he said, but the slowdown understanding of how humans adapt to living seemed to go well. He did not expect to be able in space for long periods of time and help us to pick the first stage out of the water, however, develop technologies that will enable because the ocean waves were substantial deep-space exploration.” having been roiled up by days of rough weather. The manifest for the flight included a He said the flight encourages him to continue its spacewalking suit for astronauts plus related pursuit of recovering a first stage intact. hardware and supplies for more than 150 science “I think we have a decent chance of investigations to be conducted by the space bringing a stage back this year, which would be station crews. wonderful,” Musk said. The Dragon spacecraft, making the “It looked great, it looked like it was doing company’s third operational cargo mission to the what it was supposed to do,” Koenigsmann said. station, separated from its Falcon 9 second stage The science-related equipment includes the as planned and deployed its twin solar arrays VEGGIE system that is designed to grow leafy on time. An issue with one of the thruster sets vegetables in orbit. A system called OPALS will was dealt with quickly soon after the spacecraft test whether lasers can be used to carry data achieved orbit. from space to Earth. The T-cell Activation in “Looks like everything’s good on Dragon,” Aging unit will seek the cause of the depression SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk said during of the human immune system in astronauts in a news conference following the launch. “I’m microgravity. feeling pretty excited, this is a happy day,” Musk The Dragon also carries four commercially said. available high-definition video cameras that The launch took place on a day that started will be mounted to the outside of the station to

The SpaceX Dragon was captured and photographed by the Expedition 39 crew members onboard the International Space Station and successfully berthed, following the April 20 arrival. Photo credit: NASA SPACEPORT Magazine 5 This snapshot of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft docked to the International Space Station was photographed by one of two spacewalking astronauts on April 22, 2014. NASA astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Steve Swanson, Expediton 39 flight engineers, replaced a failed backup computer relay box in the S0 truss on the orbital outpost. Photo credit: NASA

see how they handle the conditions of space. Although they will be inside temperature-controlled enclosures, the cameras will experience the radiation of orbit. Online viewers will be able to watch the footage from the

cameras. online more A pair of legs for Robonaut 2 are now on the station as well, thanks to the supply flight. The humanoid robot has been going through testing inside the space station since 2011.

The robot is designed to perform repetitive tasks Image Credit: NASA/Daniel Casper and free up astronauts’ time for science experiments and other research. Its head and torso now are supported Inside the Operations and Checkout Building on a moveable post in the station’s pressurized module. high bay at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in The legs and their special fittings would allow the robot Florida, the Orion crew module is positioned to move around inside the station. Later additions to the on a special portable test chamber and robot would allow it also to work on the outside of the station as an assistant to spacewalkers. prepared for a multi-point random vibration The Dragon will remain docked to the station about a test. --LINDA HERRIDGE month before it is released and guides itself back through a look online the atmosphere to a parachute landing off the coast of California. It will return more than 3,000 pounds of completed experiments from the station along with other equipment and unneeded materials.

6 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 7 Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana announces that on April 14, 2014 NASA signed a lease agreement with SpaceX for use and operation of Launch Complex 39A. NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden, left, and Gwynne Shotwell, president and chief operating officer of SpaceX, look on. Photo credit: NASA/Dan Casper

activities,” he said during a news briefing at the The historic site where American astronauts pad. “SpaceX and our other commercial partners first launched to the moon was the location of are a critical part of our exploration strategy. a recent landmark agreement, part of NASA’s This includes the (International Space Station), continuing process to transform the Kennedy proving technologies in deep space, the asteroid Space Center in Florida into a 21st century initiative that brings an asteroid closer to Earth spaceport. During ceremonies on April 14, so astronauts can visit it and a mission to Mars agency officials announced they signed a in the 2030s.” property agreement with SpaceX of Hawthorne, Bob Cabana, Kennedy’s director, noted Calif., for use and operation of Launch Complex that permitting the pad’s use and operation (LC) 39A for the next 20 years. by a commercial space partner will ensure its NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden stated continued viability and allow for its ongoing use that pad A is beginning a new mission as a in support of the nation’s space activities. commercial launch site, part of an ongoing “This agreement will preserve this national effort to collaborate with industry in meeting the asset and will enable commercial operations NASA, SpaceX sign lease agency’s objectives. at Kennedy,” he said. “We continue to enable agreement for Launch Pad 39A “NASA today signed a property agreement commercial operations from the Cape, allowing with SpaceX, which allows them to develop them to use national assets that would otherwise BY BOB GRANATH In this photograph taken March 11, 2014, Launch Launch Complex 39A to serve as a platform sit empty and decay.” Pad 39A looks much like it did after the liftoff of for the company’s future commercial launch Gwynne Shotwell, president and chief STS-135, the final mission which lifted off July 8, 2011. This view shows the flame trench where smoke and flame from the shuttle’s twin solid rocket boosters were deflected away 8 SPACEPORT Magazine from the pad. Photo credit: NASA/Dan Casper SPACEPORT Magazine 9 operating officer of SpaceX, noted that her opportunity to expand and strengthen America’s company places a high value on the significance leadership in space. He and his Kennedy team of the launch site. are focused on the ways this national asset can “We’re honored to sign the lease a few help us reach higher and send our astronauts minutes ago.” she said. “Pad 39A is a historic even farther. This work creates jobs and stability pad. I’m so excited that NASA has selected us for the future as it keeps our nation a leader in to be one of their partners and also to be one of space exploration.” Originally built in the 1960s, LC-39A and B On July 16, 1969, Apollo/Saturn V left have served as backdrops for some of America’s Earth from Launch most significant human spaceflight endeavors. Complex 39A. Photo credit: NASA Both were designed for the huge Saturn V rockets that launched American astronauts on their Apollo journeys to the moon and back. Pad 39A is the site where Apollo 11 lifted off on July 16, 1969, on the first expedition to land on the moon. An aerial view of Launch Complex 39A taken Sept. 12, 2000, basks in the early morning Both pads were designed to support the sun where the space shuttle Discovery awaits concept of mobile launch operations, in which launch on STS-92. Photo credit: NASA space vehicles are checked out and assembled in the protected environment of the Vehicle permanent service towers were installed at each Orion is a key part of the agency’s plans to Assembly Building. The rockets then were pad -- the fixed service structure and the rotating explore beyond Earth. transported to the pad atop a mobile launcher service structure. LC-39A again made history “Just a few miles south of here is SLC-37, or their partners in developing pad 39A “ platform by large, tracked crawler-transporters launching the first space shuttle mission on April Space launch Complex 37, the (United Launch Founded in 2002, SpaceX designs, 12, 1981. Alliance) Delta IV complex from which Orion will The launch of the first manufactures and launches advanced rockets space shuttle ushered In the three decades that followed, pads 39A take to space later this year on Exploration Flight and spacecraft such as the Falcon 9 and Dragon in a new era in the and B supported all 135 space shuttle missions, Test-1,” he said. “Orion will travel farther and utilization of space on respectively. The Dragon capsule first delivered April 12, 1981. the last lifting off from pad 39A on July 8, 2011. faster than any spacecraft built for humans in Photo credit: NASA supplies to the space station in May 2012. The Shotwell said SpaceX will use LC-39A for more than 40 years. And that test will be a major company also is the only private enterprise to rockets such as the Falcon Heavy, currently milestone in our work to send humans to an return a spacecraft from the station. under development. While using some of the asteroid and later to Mars.” The new agreement is another step in existing systems, new construction is planned. Bolden noted that work at these launch pads transitioning from a historically government- “We will launch the Falcon Heavys from this demonstrates NASA’s strategy for human space only launch facility of the Apollo and space pad early next year,” she said during the briefing. exploration. shuttle eras into a multi-user spaceport for both “We’ll be building a hangar not far from here on “While we make advances in commercial federal and commercial customers. Partnerships the path for rolling the vehicle to the pad. There access to low-Earth orbit, we’re on a parallel between NASA and other organizations are a key will be some modifications, but the historic path to develop the new technologies to send element in that effort. elements, obviously, we’re leaving (in place).” humans farther into space,” he said. “Part of “I want to commend Kennedy Space Center for final processing and launch. While partnering with industry for launching NASA’s charge since the beginning of President Director Bob Cabana for his ongoing tireless Following Skylab and the joint U.S.-Soviet to low-Earth orbit, NASA is also at work Obama’s administration has been to serve as a work to transform the center into a 21st century Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission in the mid- assembling its Orion spacecraft and preparing catalyst for a vibrant commercial space industry. launch complex,” Bolden said. “He’s turned 1970s, the pads were modified to support Kennedy’s infrastructure to support the Space What we’re seeing here today demonstrates one the retirement of the space shuttle into an space shuttle operations. For the shuttle, two Launch System rocket. Bolden explained that of the many ways that strategy is paying off.”

10 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 11 floor launch consoles and some upper-level the firing rooms and ensuring that NASA and consoles were removed, along with all of the customers’ requirements will be met. NEEDED shuttle-era cables and wiring beneath the floor. Cox said the goal is to be flexible, to be Completely new wiring and subflooring has been able to provide space for several users on a installed. High above, the ceiling tiles have been daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. The ideal removed, exposing conduits and wiring. scenario is that each room would be equipped as The only elements that remain are the three needed to meet a user’s particular requirements. rows of consoles for managers and the two Customers would bring in their own systems and MORE glass-enclosed observation rooms on the upper equipment. level, as well as the space shuttle launch plaques Construction workers are busy installing the that cover a soffit from one side of the room supports so that the walls can be added. The to the other. In this room, a team of NASA and room has been measured off and steel beams contractor test directors and engineers launched dot the floor in an orderly fashion. 21 space shuttle missions, from STS-115 to the After the walls go up and windows have final mission, STS-135. been added, new energy-efficient LED lighting “The new construction shows life and we’re will be added throughout the firing room. New moving forward,” said Steve Cox, the GSDO sound-absorbing ceiling tiles will be installed Firing Room 4 to feature element operations manager for the Launch to provide privacy and reduce noise levels. The SPACE Control Center. walls will be painted and new carpeting will be multi-user concept layout GSDO is responsible for management of laid over the subflooring. Then the window blinds


A metamorphosis is taking place inside Firing Room 4 (FR4) in the Launch Control Center at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. The Ground Systems Development and Operations (GSDO) Program is overseeing the work to create a new firing room as part of NASA’s effort to transform Kennedy into a multi-user spaceport. Unlike previous work at Kennedy focusing on a single kind of launch system, such as the blinds. Interconnecting doors will allow users Saturn V rocket or space shuttle, engineers access to more space if needed. are preparing the spaceport’s infrastructure to “The idea is that if a customer needed more support several different spacecraft and rockets space, they could open the window shades and in development for human exploration. doors and combine the space to make larger The new concept for FR4 will feature four work areas,” said Greg Gaddis, NASA test separate firing room areas to serve NASA and director. “In the end, a customer could utilize a potential commercial or private users’ needs. single area all the way up to the entire room.” Eight-foot-high walls will divide the rooms, with In November 2013, work began to each room measuring 30 by 32 feet. Each room reconfigure the room that supported shuttle A portion of the crawlerway, the Vehicle Assembly Building and the Launch Control Center. will have a door and large window with privacy launches for its future purpose. All of the main opposite: Inside Firing Room 4 in the Launch Control Center at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORTFlorida, construction Magazine workers make adjustments 12 to conduit in the ceiling. 13 I am National Aeronautics and Yves Lamothe Space Administration Lead Systems Engineer

GSDO Ground SyStemS development and operationS

Construction workers have installed the framing and some of the inner walls inside Firing Room 4 in the Launch Control Center as seen here April 25 at Kennedy Space Center. Photo credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky will be added so that individual work areas can engineers are developing the systems to follow be further isolated. EFT-1 from ground processing through flight. “We have a plan. We have a purpose and a Firing Room 3 has been configured as a

focus,” Cox said. “We’re providing the tools that development area for Launch Control System online more will allow others to do their job more efficiently.” software development applications, and models While work continues in FR4, much has and simulations. FR3 also contains the Customer been accomplished in the other three firing Avionics Development and Analysis (CAIDA) rooms. emulator of Orion’s flight software and hardware. Firing Room 1, also called the Young- CAIDA will be used to support GSDO Orion Crippen Firing Room, has been completely testing and development. renovated and will serve as NASA’s firing room A study is in to see how FR2 could for launches of the Space Launch System be configured to offer customers flexibility for and Orion spacecraft on exploration missions checkout, training, launch and post-launch beginning in 2017. FR1 has been configured evaluation needs. Some of the consoles in FR2 for software validation and flight following may be returned to FR4 for reuse. for Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1), which is “Kennedy has only four firing rooms, so we scheduled to launch later this year on a United want to make sure they will be used in the most Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket from efficient way possible,” Cox said. “We launch Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. In this room, rockets. That’s what we’re preparing to do here.” Kennedy Space Center Exploration Begins Here SP-2014-03-073-KSC 14 SPACEPORT Magazine more online more

A small-scale model of Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Dream Chaser spacecraft was put to the test recently in one of the historic wind tunnels at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia. Engineers carefully glued 250 individual grains of sand in place on the 22-inch-long model to simulate turbulence. Mounted on an arm that does not interfere with airflow, the Dream Chaser model was subjected to high speed wind flow that simulates the conditions the spacecraft will encounter during its return from space and glide to a runway on Earth. Engineers outfitted the Dream Chaser with hundreds of sensors to gather the smallest detail about airflow around the lifting body. Designers will use the results to confirm their expectations, make modifications to the spacecraft and adjust computer models. The six-week-long testing is the latest in the development of the spacecraft as the company refines its design in partnership with NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. Photo Credit: David C. Bowman WIND-TUNNEL TESTED 16 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 17 SERVICING SATELLITES

Located in Kennedy Space Center’s Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility, the Remote Robotic Oxidizer Transfer Test, or RROxiTT, robot mimicked how future servicing satellites could transfer oxidizer to a satellite needing refueling. Photo Credit: NASA

Satellites play vital Greenbelt, Md., recently demonstrated ground manager for the satellite servicing project at the roles in everyday life breaking technology that could add additional space center. BY BOB GRANATH years of service to satellites. “Kennedy’s role is to develop a propulsion Engineers at Kennedy are performing the transfer assembly in collaboration with Goddard,” From weather observations to navigation design, development and qualification testing of Aranyos said. “We are actually involved in to communications, Earth-orbiting spacecraft the critical hypergolic propellant transfer system designing, developing and testing satellite are now so prevalent they could easily be for a simulated servicing satellite under the hardware that could be used in the future to refuel taken for granted. A team at NASA’s Kennedy leadership of Tom Aranyos, technical integration a satellite.” Space Center, collaborating with counterparts manager in the spaceport’s Fluids and Benjamin Reed, deputy project manager of at the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Propulsion Division, and Gary Snyder, project Goddard’s Satellite Servicing Capabilities Office

18 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 19 (SSCO) expressed appreciation for resourceful to its employees being asked to support efforts of the group at the Florida spaceport in development of in-orbit satellite servicing support of the project. capabilities. “The Kennedy contingent was extraordinarily “Kennedy has a long and storied history creative and innovative in the ways that they of employees processing launch vehicles and repurposed shuttle hardware, miraculously spacecraft,” he said. “Now other centers are negotiated facilities in extraordinarily tight looking to apply that expertise in designing scheduling pockets and designed new satellites.” technologies to match an immensely challenging Brian Nufer, a fluids engineer in the Fluids problem set,” he said. Engineering Branch of NASA Engineering and Since April 2011, engineers at Kennedy Technology, noted that SSCO wanted to take have partnered with the SSCO at Goddard to advantage of those years of experience in develop robotic satellite servicing technologies loading propellants and apply them to designing necessary to bring in-orbit inspection, repair, related components for a simulated robotic refueling, component replacement and assembly servicing satellite. capabilities to spacecraft needing aid. The By choosing Kennedy, project participants A combined test team from both the Kennedy Space Center project could also lead to life extension or re- also were able to use existing equipment, and Godard Space Flight Center perform a flow test of nitrogen tetroxide using a robot simulating refueling of a purposing in Earth orbit or applications beyond. facilities and excess Space Shuttle Program satellite in Earth orbit. Photo Credit: NASA According to Pepper Phillips, NASA’s hardware saving several million dollars in director of Engineering and Technology at development costs. Kennedy, the Florida spaceport’s skills in “Goddard came to Kennedy near the end expertise in hypergolic propellants,” Nufer said. of measurement system used to assess the preparing vehicles for launch now are leading of the Space Shuttle Program to leverage our “They wanted to use our know-how to help maturity of a particular technology. design an in-orbit satellite propellant servicing The most recent testing at Kennedy took system.” place in the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility Hypergolic propellants such as hydrazine (PHSF) and has focused on moving from a proof- and nitrogen tetroxide are the most frequently of-concept phase to building the first engineering used fuel and oxidizers for maneuvering satellites development unit. During February 2014, in Earth orbit. SSCO demonstrated that a remotely operated Kennedy leverages expertise from robot – with supporting technologies – could processing and launching spacecraft developed transfer oxidizer into the tank of another orbiting at other centers and has branched out to spacecraft not originally designed to be refueled. become a part of the designing process of a Kennedy’s propellant transfer system was an flight propellant transfer system for the in-orbit essential part of this Remote Robotic Oxidizer satellite servicing project. Transfer Test, or RROxiTT. “We’ve primarily been processing spacecraft “This is a unique test that’s never been and vehicles using our ground systems and done, as far as we know, anywhere in the world,” doing some spacecraft repair,” Phillips said. Nufer said. “The Kennedy folks developed the “Now, we’re actually designing flight hardware.” propellant transfer assembly, what we call the Aranyos explained that the effort included PTA,” said Matt Sammons, a robotics tools A robotic servicing satellite, on the left in this artist’s concept, could use propellant transfer technologies analysis to reduce risk for several low-technology engineer with Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies currently being developed to extend the life of Earth orbiting satellites. Image Credit: NASA/Goddard Space readiness level (TRL) items and involves multiple Inc. at the SSCO. “We have been working heavily Flight Center patents by the Kennedy team. TRL is a type with the robotics and the fueling tools that will

20 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 21 receive the propellant parameters. Because from the Kennedy- “This project has not only been of the highly corrosive provided PTA and deliver a challenge, but it’s been a lot and toxic nature of the it to the simulated client hypergolic propellant, satellite.” of fun for the entire team. I’ve those technicians and The team at never had to ask for a volunteer engineers required for Goddard shipped an for this project. People just raised standby emergency industrial robotic arm their hands and worked nights, operations in the PHSF to Kennedy for the test. high bay, and performing From 800 miles away weekends, whatever it took to manual portions of in Maryland, the team get this job done.” the procedures for remotely controlled –– Tom Aranyos test setup and post- the robotic arm with its technical integration manager of disconnect operations, Kennedy’s Fluids and Propulsion Division attached SSCO oxidizer wore protective Self- Kyle Norman from the Goddard Space Flight nozzle tool to connect with a propellant fill and Contained Atmospheric Protective Ensembles, or Center, foreground, adjusts a typical client drain valve on the simulated satellite’s servicing SCAPE suits. satellite fill drain valve on a mockup interface for the Remote Robotic Oxidizer Transfer Test, or panel. Downstream, the Kennedy-provided “The focus of the work was not only in RROxiTT, in February 2014. Assisting, from the left, are Greg Coll of Goddard, Erik Tormoen from propellant transfer system and hose delivery the Fluids Division, but included mechanical the Kennedy Space Center, and Mark Behnke of assembly flowed oxidizer through the tool involvement, the Safety Department, the Ground Goddard. Photo Credit: NASA into the client fill-drain valve, with all hardware Operations Directorate, the electrical and located in the PHSF in Florida. controls that were involved, all the wiring and “We directed the hypergolic propellant to interconnects to Goddard,” Aranyos said. organizations working together seamlessly. geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) belt some flow at the various flight and client pressures and More testing is planned in the near future. “The unified ‘one team’ spirit was obvious,” he 22,000 miles above Earth. A geosynchronous flow rates to prove the PTA concept worked,” “We have over a thousand different tests said. “Kennedy has continued to meet all the equatorial orbit is a circular orbit 22,236 miles Aranyos said. we’ve run to date with Freon, with water and with challenges with our people finding innovative above the Earth and thus appears motionless, at The latest test involved about 45 different the hypergolics,” Aranyos said. “We now have solutions and efficiently using available resources a fixed position in the sky, to ground observers. Kennedy players who contributed to make it to get through that series of test data, and we’re to get the job done.” Sammons echoed that By developing robotic capabilities to repair all happen. While the robotic arm was being taking that and putting it with lessons learned sentiment. and refuel these spacecraft in GEO, NASA operated from Goddard, Kennedy personnel into the actual flight development specifications “The project is very dynamic, diverse and hopes to add precious years of functional life monitored operations in the PHSF from an which we will use to build and qualify the flight exciting,” he said. “It’s really wonderful to have to satellites and expand options for operators adjacent control room. hardware, hopefully starting with the fiscal year fun being on the cutting edge of technology. I who face unexpected emergencies, tougher “In addition to the individuals working 2015 budget.” Aranyos says that finding people think what we’re doing here in trying to develop economic demands and aging fleets. Phillips directly on the test, several outside organizations willing to continue participating in the project has and mature technology that has applications in believes this also is the beginning of new and companies were called upon to provide been easy. orbit and in the future of the space industry.” capabilities for Kennedy, particularly for the services such as inert gasses, precision cleaning, “This project has not only been a challenge, The success of the recent testing holds center’s engineering and design capability. component fabrication and other services but it’s been a lot of fun for the entire team,” he many possibilities. On Earth, RROxiTT “We have largely focused on ground needed to successfully perform the integrated said. “I’ve never had to ask for a volunteer for technologies could one day be used to processing and ground operations, and we’ve test,” Snyder said. this project. People just raised their hands and robotically fuel satellites before they launch, earned our expertise in that area,” Sammons Following the mechanical robotic worked nights, weekends, whatever it took to get keeping humans at a safe distance during an said. “In this realm, it’s literally spacecraft interconnects and leak checks, the Kennedy this job done.” extremely hazardous operation. development work and it’s venturing out beyond team performed the transfer of nitrogen Snyder noted that the effort included The full contingent of operating spacecraft our traditional work. It’s challenging our people tetroxide using flight-like concept of operations individuals from different NASA and contractor is right around 1,000, with more than 400 in the to be better engineers and better scientists.”

22 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 23 will send a robotic mission to capture and sending back radiation data from the surface. NASA’S HUMAN PATH TO MARS redirect an asteroid to orbit the moon. Astronauts This data will help us plan how to protect NASA’s Path To Mars aboard the Orion spacecraft will explore the the astronauts who will explore Mars. Future NASA is developing the capabilities needed world where people have lifted off to visit other asteroid in the 2020s, returning to Earth with missions like the Mars 2020 rover, seeking to send humans to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars worlds. The center’s extensive experience of samples. This experience in human spaceflight signs of past life, also will demonstrate new in the 2030s – goals outlined in the bipartisan successfully readying launchers and spacecraft beyond low-Earth orbit will help NASA test technologies that could help astronauts survive NASA Authorization Act of 2010 and in the U.S. for groundbreaking flights sets the stage for new systems and capabilities, such as Solar on Mars. National Space Policy, also issued in 2010. further successes with missions that will be as Electric Propulsion, which we’ll need to send Engineers and scientists around the country Mars is a rich destination for scientific challenging as anything attempted before. cargo as part of human missions to Mars. are working hard to develop the technologies discovery and robotic and human exploration as While robotic explorers have studied Mars Beginning in FY 2018, NASA’s powerful Space astronauts will use to one day live and work we expand our presence into the solar system. for more than 40 years, NASA’s path for the Launch System rocket will enable these “proving on Mars, and safely return home from the next Its formation and evolution are comparable to human exploration of Mars begins in low-Earth ground” missions to test new capabilities. giant leap for humanity. NASA also is a leader Earth, helping us learn more about our own orbit aboard the International Space Station. Human missions to Mars will rely on Orion and in a Global Exploration Roadmap, working with planet’s history and future. Mars had conditions Astronauts on the orbiting laboratory are an evolved version of SLS that will be the most international partners and the U.S. commercial suitable for life in its past. Future exploration helping us prove many of the technologies and powerful launch vehicle ever flown. space industry on a coordinated expansion of could uncover evidence of life, answering one of communications systems needed for human A fleet of robotic spacecraft and rovers human presence into the solar system, with the fundamental mysteries of the cosmos: Does missions to deep space, including Mars. The already are on and around Mars, dramatically human missions to the surface of Mars as the life exist beyond Earth? space station also advances our understanding increasing our knowledge about the Red Planet driving goal. Kennedy Space Center is expected to play a of how the body changes in space and how to and paving the way for future human explorers. large role in this exploration program as NASA’s protect astronaut health. The Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover Follow our progress at primary launch site and the only place in the Our next step is deep space, where NASA measured radiation on the way to Mars and is exploration and

24 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 25 26 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 27 Forum focuses on NASA Landscape Forum was held on April 10, 2014. partnerships, plans for The gathering is designed to be a quarterly multi-user spaceport meeting between Kennedy leaders and current partners. The first get-together focused on how the center has changed since the end of the BY BOB GRANATH Space Shuttle Program and plans for the road ahead. Teamed with its industry partners, NASA Center Director Bob Cabana opened the at the Kennedy Space Center is well on its way forum, noting the progress that has been made to establishing a multi-user spaceport to help in transitioning Kennedy from a historically meet America’s spacefaring needs for the 21st government-only launch facility to a multi-user century. Counterparts from companies who are spaceport. now operating several space center facilities “If you look at what we’re putting in place recently met with agency officials to discuss here at Kennedy, it’s pretty amazing when ongoing partnerships and plans for the center’s you consider that three years ago there was future. one program here that paid for everything,” Hosted by Kennedy’s Center Planning and he said. “Now we’ve got multiple commercial Development Directorate, the first Partnership customers, we’ve got a new government

This aerial view shows the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) and other buildings in the Launch Complex 39 area at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on May 6, 2013. Photo credit:28 NASA/KimSPACEPORT Shiflett Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 29 program, and we’re utilizing these assets to advantage of those capabilities.” become a spaceport with government and One example of a key partnership is commercial operations to and from low-Earth Bay 3 of the shuttle era’s Orbiter Processing orbit and beyond for both crew and cargo.” Facility. It now is being modernized by The Center Planning and Development is the Boeing Company as the Commercial Crew “front door” for partnerships with NASA’s and Cargo Processing Facility (C3PF). There, Kennedy Space Center. The Partnership Boeing plans to prepare its CST-100 spacecraft, Landscape Forum took place to promote currently under development with the agency’s awareness of center activities, programs and Commercial Crew Program to ferry astronauts to policies which may impact partnerships and and from low-Earth orbit. existing capabilities, and allow input from NASA recently established a partnership industry leaders. with PaR Systems, Inc., for operation of Hangar Tom Engler, Kennedy’s deputy director of N at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and its Center Planning and Development, explained nondestructive testing equipment. that as the shuttle program was winding down, The agency also signed a partnership The 15,000-foot-long Shuttle Landing Facility at the Kennedy NASA saw that it would be left with many agreement with Craig Technologies to maintain Space Center was photographed in this aerial view July 19, key facilities that would not be needed in the unique processing and manufacturing equipment 2012. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett immediate future. in Cape Canaveral, Fla., for future mission “We invested 30 years in the shuttle support at the space center. Formerly known as in the forum were Energy Florida, Sierra Nevada and that was approved a couple of years ago. program, 50 years overall at the center, and the NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot in its new role, Corporation, Space Florida, SpaceX and United We have a master plan of how were going to billions of dollars in capabilities that we really the facility is now the Aerospace and Defense Paradyne. develop over the next 20 years.” didn’t want to lose,” he said. “We’ve taken Manufacturing Center. Looking ahead, Cabana described his vision That plan includes adopting new business center facilities that we didn’t need and we’ve In additional to Boeing, Craig Technologies for space center operations in the near future. practices allowing companies and outside found outstanding partners to be able to take and PaR Systems, other partners participating “In five years, I want to see the Space organizations to make investments in the Launch System and the Orion launching at least center to operate their enterprises. Operation once a year on a mission to explore beyond of facilities not being used by NASA will be planet Earth,” he said. “I want to see commercial transferred to partners and the agency will launches off of Pad 39A and maybe even dispose of those not needed. Where needed, another (pad) just north of Pad 39B. I want to see new facilities will be built that are economically crew and cargo flights. I want to see operations and environmentally sustainable and can be out at the Shuttle Landing Facility with sub- used by a variety of people, organizations and orbital flights and a horizontal launch capability. programs. I want to see all the partnerships we’ve put in Engler pointed out that the effort to involve place being productive. I want to capitalize on industry in operating the Kennedy Space Center everything we are doing.” is ahead of schedule. Trey Carlson, NASA’s master planner for “As we started the planning for where Kennedy, looked further into the future and we were going in developing an emerging Paul Vona, a Non-Destructive Test described what will guide space center activities multi-user spaceport, we thought we’d get Services operations engineer with PaR Systems Inc., demonstrates during the next two decades. there in the 2020 to 2025 timeframe,” he said. an automated X-ray system in “We have a future development concept that “We’re basically there now. We have a multi- the robotic inspection cell in Cape Canaveral Air Force Station’s Hangar is fully defined for our master plan,” he said. user spaceport and we are looking for more N on April 2. Photo credit: NASA/Cory Huston “We were the first center to go down that route customers.”

30 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 31 commercial industries. engineers are using the lessons of how “We need to listen to what is keeping them technology was developed during the Apollo up at night and offer assistance and advice on era and robotic missions to Mars to develop how we can help make them successful,” he technologies for future extraterrestrial landings. said. “Our strategy is to respond to others’ needs “Collecting surface samples or mining for by raising our hands and offering to help.” resources on another planet fits into Kennedy’s Fox says that being a multi-user spaceport assigned areas of responsibility,” Fox said. “That means Kennedy is transitioning from supporting would include developing tools for astronauts two or three large programs for long periods retrieving rocks and other samples from an of time to supporting multiple customers with asteroid or, later, developing the equipment to numerous, short-term efforts. mine for resources on Mars.” “In the past, the bulk of our work focused The Technical Mission Success line of on supporting programs such as the space business is being led by George Hamilton, shuttle and International Space Station,” he deputy of Kennedy’s Chief Engineer’s Office. said. “We now are approaching other Kennedy His group is assigned the task to provide directorates, other NASA centers, industry and expertise that will ensure the success of academia to establish partnerships for proposing projects within NASA’s Ground Systems and winning engineering and technology Development and Operations Program, development work.” Launch Services Program, Commercial Crew DREAMS COME TRUE In addition to oversight of the lines of Program and the International Space Station This artist’s concept shows an astronaut preparing to use a special tool to take samples business, Fox is responsible for the Exploration Program. Engineering’s four lines of from the captured asteroid after it has been relocated to a stable orbit in the Earth-moon business focus on system. Image Credit: NASA Surface Systems line. “We try to match up the right expertise “Surface Systems can be either here on with those needing solutions to any particular problem-solving increasingly technological world. Earth or on another planet,” Fox said. “It’s problem,” Hamilton said. “Our goal is to also “It’s all about being proactive in our current applied technology that, for example, could help deliver on commitments being made to both BY BOB GRANATH environment,” said Jack Fox, technical assistant upgrade systems on a former shuttle launch pad government and commercial projects.” for Engineering and Technology’s Lines of or be applied to robotically construct a landing Fox pointed out that the agency’s Space Engineering is about making dreams a Business. “We have many areas of expertise here site on Mars for a future human expedition.” Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) reality. At NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, at Kennedy. We want to engage the emerging Today NASA experts are transforming and Human Exploration Operations Mission the team in the Engineering and Technology multi-users and apply our capabilities to help Launch Pad 39B to support the agency’s new Directorate (HEOMD) would be primary Directorate not only puts those visions on paper, them accomplish their missions.” Space Launch System rocket that will take customers for the four lines of business. The they work to see the designs all the way through The four new lines of business focus are astronauts beyond low-Earth orbit. Game Changing Division in STMD is working from development to reality. Exploration Surface Systems, Spaceport and At the same time, NASA scientists and to rapidly develop, demonstrate and introduce This key organization recently aligned its Space Systems Development, Technical Mission structure around four new lines of business. Success, and Small Payload Integrated Testing This fresh approach is designed to bring its Services, or SPLITS. functions in line with the spaceport’s efforts to Tom Aranyos, Technical Integration manager transition from a historically government-only in NASA’s Fluids and Propulsion Division and A Lockheed Martin technician performs tube welding on the Orion launch facility to an affordable, sustainable, leader of the Spaceport and Space System crew module for Exploration Flight Test-1 inside a clean room multi-user spaceport for both government Development line of business, explains that processing cell in the Kennedy Space Center’s Operations and Checkout Building on July 26, 2013. and commercial customers. It’s also about NASA Engineering and Technology is looking for Photo credit: NASA/Jim Grossmann meeting the complex challenges facing an ways to assist other NASA centers, as well as

32 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 33 revolutionary, high-payoff technologies through testing of critical spaceflight Station,” he said. “Recently we have been packages can be integrated into a CubeSat. collaborative partnerships. hardware and subsystems in engaged in launches of small payloads called Additionally, CubeSat standardization allows “Advanced Exploration Systems is now collaboration with other NASA ‘CubeSats’ to support education and external for sharing of expertise, simplicity in developing HEOMD’s primary program for the development centers and commercial partnerships. It is an emerging market with a avionics and they are easily deployed. of technology to support human space aerospace industries.” lot of interest, and we believe that Kennedy can Components also can be re-used for other exploration,” he said. An example of such a provide support to a growing set of customers missions. AES is developing prototype systems, collaborative effort is a team both inside and outside of NASA.” The goals of Engineering and Technology’s demonstrating key capabilities and validating at Kennedy working with SPLITS is an affordable method of research new four lines of business represent the kind operational concepts for future human and counterparts at the agency’s Goddard Space focusing on three classes of small satellites. of challenge Aranyos likes. “I enjoy taking robotic missions beyond Earth orbit such as the Flight Center to demonstrate groundbreaking Pico-Satellites, or Pico-Sats, are less than concept ideas and developing implementation Asteroid Redirect Mission. technology to develop satellites that could 1 kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) in mass. The plans and guiding efforts to meet our customer Spaceport and Space Systems Development service and refuel orbiting spacecraft. Engineers class called Nano-Sats is between one and 10 expectations,” he said. “If we continue to meet covers all typical ground and flight processing in Florida are developing a hypergolic propellant kilograms (about 22 pounds) in mass and Micro- and exceed expectations of our customers, more support requiring engineering efforts, Aranyos transfer system for a simulated servicing satellite. Sats, are between 10 and 100 kilograms (about valuable and rewarding work will continue to flow explains. That includes designing and building Greg Clements, chief of Kennedy’s Control 220 pounds) in weight. our way here at Kennedy.” new hardware, as well as providing the needed and Data Systems Division, explains that the A specialized class of Nano-Sats, called It is also about making dreams a reality. controls, software, special testing and technical SPLITS line of business is designed to support CubeSats, is especially popular in academia. “We’re trying to shape the future, but we don’t reviews. “Space Systems Development also three different classes of small payloads. These small spacecraft use a standardized cube- do that by just creating drawings and throwing focuses on new expanded territory that Kennedy “We have had previous experience with shaped form 10 centimeters (about four inches) it over the fence,” Aranyos said. “We build and has just recently started,” he said. “It includes microsatellites in support of the Launch Services in size and one kilogram in weight. One to six of fabricate too. A dream doesn’t become a reality development, qualification and acceptance Program and for the International Space these building block-like until it goes from paper to actual development.”

A set of Nano CubeSats are deployed by the crew onboard the International Space Station on Feb. 11, 2014. The CubeSat program contains a variety of experiments such as Earth observations and advanced electronics testing. Photo credit: NASA

34 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 35 helped Parsons in her role as the Cross-Program Systems Integration lead in GSDO. She is responsible for managing a group of cross-discipline and cross-program technical teams and the different, integrated products they develop. These include interfaces to integrated test and checkout products, operation maintenance requirements, avionics and software, and plans and processes. Parsons began her career at Kennedy in 2001 in the co-op program. She worked in the International Space Station Processing Directorate and supported payload processing for Jessica Parsons stands in front of the cupola in 2005 inside the Space Station Processing various experiments bound for the space station. Facility at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. What led her to want to work for the GSDO “She is an extremely competent and Program was the fact that this was the direction professional engineer who exudes the that NASA was heading for the future. GSDO engineer realizes characteristics that others should follow within “The coolest part of my job now is that I get dream of working at this industry,” Honeycutt said. “It is through the to work in something new and something that is Kennedy Space Center efforts and expertise of engineers like Parsons different,” Parsons said. “This is the first time that that NASA will continue to reach for the stars and we’re building a rocket of the huge magnitude achieve its goals.” that the Space Launch System is. We’re building BY LINDA HERRIDGE “I first became interested in space when I and modifying hardware that’s been here for Growing up in Cali, Colombia, was young,” Parsons said. “I don’t remember 40 years or more, and we’re modifying the Jessica (Rodriguez) Parsons knew how old I was. I just remember looking up at the infrastructure.” at a very young age that she wanted stars and thinking, ‘Wow, there’s a whole universe At the same time, Parsons says GSDO someday to work for NASA. Fast out there, outside of our planet Earth.’” is utilizing a different process for systems forward to 2014, and Parsons now is After moving with her family to Miami when engineering and integration. It’s the first time the an engineer in the Ground Systems she was 15, Parsons settled into a new high group will use a virtual approach involving teams Development and Operations (GSDO) school and asked her guidance counselor what from the different programs—Space Launch Program at Kennedy Space Center. courses she needed to achieve her goal of System, Orion and GSDO—spread across several GSDO engineer Jessica Parsons stands near space shuttle Discovery on June 15, 2005, She also is the recipient of the Space Coast as it rolled out to Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center in Florida for return to flight working at the space center. NASA centers. They will be responsible for the mission STS-114. Outstanding Woman Engineer of the Year Award “She told me engineering, so I made sure at integration itself, which is unlike anything done for 2014 from the Society of Women Engineers- recognizes women who have made a positive that point I took all the classes and everything before. Space Coast “for outstanding contributions to impact in their community and in the engineering that was needed to pursue an aerospace Parsons is excited about the future at the next generation of human space exploration field. Its mission is to inform the community of engineering degree,” Parsons said. Kennedy and the work involved in preparing for systems, leading systems integration for the opportunities open to women in engineering A Bachelor of Science in aerospace the new heavy launch vehicle. Exploration Systems Development enterprise.” and to encourage women to enter and grow in engineering from Embry Riddle Aeronautical “I want to be part of the new vision. To know “I was totally surprised,” Parsons said. “It’s engineering and the sciences. University in Daytona Beach, master’s degrees in that I would be able to contribute to this program good to be recognized outside of NASA for the Tim Honeycutt, the GSDO technical space systems and systems management from is exciting. Hopefully, in a few years from now, work we do here.” management branch chief at Kennedy, nominated Florida Technological University in Melbourne, we’ll be seeing that rocket launch from our The Space Coast Section, founded in 1989, Parsons for the award. Fla., and a background in fluid systems have backyards,” Parsons said.

36 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 37 Alligators thrive amid rockets, space-age facilities


Ancient creatures are prowling the complex network of waterways at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Sometimes they’re barely visible, their positions given away only by the telltale pattern of their eyes and noses breaking the surface of a pond or canal. They’ll also lounge on riverbanks, basking in the sun, wearing a wide, toothy, menacing “grin.” The American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) is a longtime resident at the coastal spaceport, which shares boundaries with the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge on Florida’s east coast. Generation after generation of the enormous reptiles has called the area home. This is a unique population that spends a large amount of time in an estuarine environment. “These alligators don’t leave this area. This is a great habitat for them,” said Russell Lowers, a wildlife biologist with InoMedic Health Applications at Kennedy. “Hardly anyone has fished out here for 50 years, so they have some of the best food resources available. They also need freshwater sources, because unlike a saltwater crocodile, which has a salt-secreting gland, an alligator must have access to fresh water to survive.” Although they typically choose to stay in or near the water, alligators still are a common sight to employees and visitors. They’re often spotted crossing roads, sunning themselves on runways, venturing into parking lots or wandering a little too close to buildings. For example, a large alligator briefly stopped afternoon traffic in 2011 as it crossed a busy intersection in the Launch Complex 39 area. Despite their frequent appearances, the beasts are surprisingly mysterious. Lowers and

38 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 39 several colleagues around the world have been Small mammals, fish, turtles -- you name it, they get their blood drawn, let them pee in a cup, step more about alligators and crocodiles with the working since 2006 to learn more about their eat it,” he said. “They’re like a little chemistry on the scale, and let them walk out the door.” goal of understanding the way ecosystem health reproductive and feeding habits, how changes set.” Blood samples will reveal long-term reflects human health. in the climate and environment affect them, In fact, Lowers said, that is what they environmental contaminants, while pesticides “This is a cooperative project,” Lowers said. and how they impact the other animals in their currently are studying. About once a week, he and herbicides are found in urine. Radioactive “We have probably a multimillion-dollar study ecosystem. and his colleagues will make the rounds, visiting isotope analysis on the tissues will help being done with a very limited budget; people Through hormone analysis, they’ve learned different watering holes around the space center determine specifically what the animals are around the world are matching their time and that the estuarine alligators living at the refuge to capture alligators larger than five or six feet in eating. instruments.” nest once about every three years, while the order to obtain blood, urine and tissue samples. One of the biggest mysteries remaining In addition to KSC, crocodilian samples for inland or freshwater populations typically nest Once they locate an animal, Lowers pulls it onto among Kennedy’s alligators is seemingly one of the study are being collected in South Carolina, every other year. These animals typically build the bank using an animal snare, secures its the simplest: How many alligators live here? That Belize, and South Africa. Samples are processed nests in the same general area where they’ve mouth with tape, and quickly works to gather the answer is determined more by statistics than by a variety of laboratories including the Medical nested in the past, producing, on average, about necessary samples. This whole process is done by catching, tagging or biological specimen- University of South Carolina, Centers for three dozen eggs per clutch. while the animal lays calmly on the bank with a sampling. Disease Control, National Institute of Standards The babies’ genders depend on the towel covering its eyes. “It’s the number-one question people ask,” and Technology, and the Center for Marine temperature of the eggs during a critical “You’ll see people catching alligators on TV, Lowers said. “But nobody really knows.” Environmental Studies laboratory in Japan, time in their incubation period. Temperatures but this is nothing like that,” Lowers said. “You The refuge encompasses 140,000 acres, and the University of Florida in Gainesville. below 31.5 degrees Celsius, or nearly 89 catch a gator, you pull him on the bank, and he which are evenly divided between land and Researchers at the different laboratories are degrees Fahrenheit, produce more females as sits there while you take a blood sample, urine water, according to Lowers. focusing on topics related to their expertise, the temperature drops; temperatures above sample and tissue sample. In 15 minutes, he’s Since many areas are inaccessible to including the effect of emerging contaminants that point result in more males. As average done. There’s no wrangling and jumping around.” humans but could potentially contain large such as flame retardants and plasticisers on the temperatures rise, alligator populations may The shorter the process, the easier it is on numbers of alligators, there is no surefire way to endocrine and reproductive system, response become increasingly male. everyone involved -- the alligator most of all. On estimate the population. of the thyroid gland to organ-metals and more. Once the young hatch out, their mother will hot, sunny days especially, it’s important to let This mystery may puzzle the biologists Much of this information is directly related to supervise and care for them for a year or two to the animal get back to the water where it can and ecologists studying the animals but for the human health and wellbeing. help protect against larger, cannibalistic males. cool off. alligators, it’s just one of the many benefits of As launch vehicles, components, facilities The American alligator sits at the top of its Lowers believes if the process looks easy, living here. Since they generally stay away from and chemicals change, the alligator is like the food chain -- an “apex predator.” That’s part of he’s done his job right. humans, those remote areas offer a lot of space canary in the coal mine -- a sentinel species the appeal in studying them, Lowers explained. “It’s like taking someone to the doctor’s for the animals to be themselves -- wild and giving us indications of environmental changes at “They’ll eat anything in the environment. office,” he explained. “You want to take them in, undisturbed. the spaceport as they happen. Lowers, a scientist in the KSC Ecological “If the alligators are healthy, the other Program, works among a group of colleagues at animals should be healthy,” Lowers said. “And organizations and universities within the U.S. and that means it’s a safe place for animals to live, around the world who are focused on learning and for people to work.”

Russell Lowers, a wildlife biologist with InoMedic Health Applications at Kennedy captures an alligator to obtain blood, urine and tissue samples. Photo Credit: Dan Casper

40 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 41 Equipped with new sensors, Morpheus preps to handle landing on its own BY STEVEN SICELOFF

A set of sensors met its latest challenge April 24 to map out a 65-yard square of boulder- sized hazards and pick out a safe place to land. The successful test sets the stage for more flight tests that will progressively increase the workload and expectations on the experimental devices. Mounted to an uncrewed prototype lander called Morpheus that flies autonomously several hundred feet above the ground, the sensor system will have 10 seconds to do its work: six seconds really, as it will take four seconds to map the area before choosing a landing site. The sensor system is a 400-pound set of computers and three instruments called ALHAT, short for Autonomous Landing and Hazard Avoidance Technology.

The Morpheus lander ignites its methane- and oxygen-powered engine andSPACEPORT lifts off Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine Photo Credit:42 NASA/Frankie Martin 43 Engineers and technicians prep the Morpheus lander and Jon Olansen, Morpheus its ALHAT guidance project manager at Johnson and navigation system Space Center in Houston, and before a free-flight Greg Gaddis, the Kennedy test. Morpheus and ALHAT site Image Credit: NASA/ manager, discuss the lander Kim Shiflett and its unique systems. Image Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

If it works in a pair of later team of about 45 engineers oxygen, which has also, for the “We know these flights, the sensor package who have been working on the first time, been coupled with technologies have a and a host of technologies combined projects for years is smaller roll-control jets using introduced by the lander may that the sensor set did just what the same propellants. Methane place in the future of find themselves instrumental in it was supposed to during an is considered an earth-friendly spaceflight” the success of future missions earlier free flight, so it should fuel, and its importance in to other worlds – perhaps do just as well as upcoming spaceflight is that it can be show the world that everything propelling a descent stage on flights over a landing field at stored in space without boiling we’ve been advertising for eight and a Doppler velocimeter – test April 30 to clear the way a spacecraft landing people on the Shuttle Landing Facility at off like hydrogen. It’s also a years works.” think of it as a super-accurate for the next important step in Mars. NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. chemical that has been seen The technological speedometer for spacecraft – to this development: closed-loop That’s a big dream for the “I generally don’t sleep by robot scouts surveying the advancements have come scan the field and pick out the flights that turn over control of two small projects. Morpheus much the night before a flight,” moon and Mars. with the work of a team that best place to land. the lander to the ALHAT system, is the lander -- a 10-foot- said Jon Olansen, project “We know these comprises people from seven The benefit of the hazard letting it tell the lander where it diameter, 2,400-pound four- manager for Morpheus, which technologies have a place NASA field centers. avoidance system is that it needs to park. legged metal frame holding is based at NASA’s Johnson in the future of spaceflight,” “The opportunity to take gives spacecraft far more “We’ve done airplane tests, four spheres of propellant that Space Center in Houston. Olansen said. people from seven different flexibility to land accurately and helicopter tests, but this is the feed into a single, 5,300-pound- “But the team has really done Bolted to different parts of centers and get them to to land on worlds that are not first time we’ve been in this thrust engine. They were a fantastic job of trying to the lander, the suite of sensors work together on what is a as well-studied as Mars and environment,” Epp said. “Free developed in the Advanced tease out potential issues surveys the target landing area, relatively small project really is the moon. The ALHAT team is flight 10 gave us tremendous Exploration Systems Division and mitigate them. I have identifies safe landing sites, and phenomenal,” Olansen said. shooting for a system that can information. Some things of the agency’s Human tremendous faith in the team.” then uses three methods to tell Thursday’s free flight is an land within 10 feet of a given didn’t work quite right and Exploration and Operations Just as during a the lander where it needs to open-loop test, which means spot, a big improvement on the other things worked quite well. Mission Directorate. The branch spaceflight, the lander controls go to avoid rocks or slopes or Morpheus’ own flight computer current best of about 270 feet. Everything worked to some pioneers new approaches for itself once it’s launched. other hazards. will fly the lander above 800 The precision isn’t degree. So we go back and we rapidly developing prototype “The only thing we do in “We’ve been working feet before heading several academic – it could be the fix it and we test it again.” systems, demonstrating key the control center is push the a long time, eight years, to hundred feet away to the difference between setting “We’ve already achieved capabilities and validating go button and watch the data,” prove we can do autonomous, landing field and landing softly down on a stable plateau or an awful lot with this project,” operational concepts for future Olansen said. precision landing and hazard on a predetermined pad. While tipping over into a ravine. Olansen said. “We just human missions beyond Earth’s Morpheus is filled with avoidance and guidance,” said this is happening, the ALHAT The successful flight need to wrap up well and orbit. innovations, including an engine Chirold Epp, project manager system will employ its flash April 24 was followed by get the closed-loop flights The good news for the that burns methane mixed with for ALHAT. “We really need to Lidar system, a laser altimeter another successful open-loop accomplished.”

44 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 45 more online more

The second set of two Ogive panels for the Orion Launch Abort System have arrived at the Launch Abort System Facility, or LASF, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. One of the Ogive panels has been uncrated and is being moved by crane for placement on a work stand. The launch abort system is positioned on a work stand. Photo Credit: Kim Shiflett 46 SPACEPORT Magazine OGIVE PANELS ARRIVESPACEPORT Magazine 47 Unlike visible light, Magellan’s radar waves on Magellan at Kennedy prior to launch. Hughes were able to penetrate Venus’ thick clouds and built the spacecraft’s radar sensor. Magellan reflect off the solid planet back to Earth. Aided “I was the Magellan test conductor at by computer processing, the radar reflections launch,” Webster said. “From October 1988 Mapping were turned into pictures of the planet’s to January 1989, we were processing the surface. For the first time, scientists had a spacecraft itself, testing sequences and new Mission to map Venus began complete global map of Venus. Magellan’s radar software in the Spacecraft Assembly and 25 years ago with STS-30 mapping revealed the existence of continent- Encapsulation Facility-2 (SAEF-2) at Kennedy.” like highlands, hilly plains, large volcano-like She jokingly called Magellan the “spare BY LINDA HERRIDGE mountains and flat lowlands. parts” program. The spacecraft used a spare Though NASA’s Magellan radar mapper With its mission completed, Magellan antenna, electronics box and several space was not the first mission to Venus, it was unique intentionally was crashed into Venus on Oct. 12, thrusters from Voyager. The team shared in that it was the first interplanetary spacecraft 1994, having used up almost all of its propellant. computer and tape recorder parts with the deployed from a space shuttle. It also was the The Magellan spacecraft began its journey Galileo program. first spacecraft sent to complete a radar map in Denver, Colo., and visited the Jet Propulsion “We were always scrambling to make things of the entire surface of the planet and study the Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., before work,” Webster said. geology and surface geophysics. it was shipped to Kennedy for additional At Kennedy, John Conway was the The STS-30 mission on space shuttle processing prior to its launch. NASA Payload Operations director when Atlantis lifted off from Launch Pad 39B at Julie Webster was a systems engineer with Magellan arrived at SAEF-2. Kennedy hosted NASA’s Kennedy Space Center 25 years ago Martin Marietta (now Lockheed Martin) in Denver the spacecraft and processing team for final on May 4, 1989. Aboard the space shuttle were during Magellan’s assembly, test and launch assembly and checkout, and he worked closely Commander David M. Walker, Pilot Ronald operations phase. Webster said there were close with the JPL and Martin Marietta team. J. Grabe, and Mission Specialists Norman E. to 450 people from Martin Marietta, JPL and He recalls a battery fire on the spacecraft Thagard, Mary L. Cleave and Mark C. Lee, and Hughes Aircraft Company in El Segundo, Calif., that threatened to delay the launch of STS-30. more than 260,000 pounds of cargo, including working on Magellan. About 100 people worked The team worked through the Thanksgiving and the primary payload, the 7,604-pound Magellan spacecraft. Processing activities continue on the Six hours and 14 minutes into Atlantis’ Magellan spacecraft in the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility-2 flight, the Magellan/Venus radar mapper and (SAEF-2) high bay at NASA’s Kennedy its attached inertial upper stage (IUS) were Space Center in Florida on Dec. 9, 1988. Photo credit: NASA/George Neven deployed into flight from the payload bay. After the IUS fired its first and second stages, Magellan was sent on its 15-month journey to Venus. Magellan arrived at Venus on Aug.10, 1990, and started mapping the planet continuously for 243 days, the time necessary for the planet The Magellan spacecraft is mated to the to rotate once under the spacecraft’s orbit, and inertial upper stage March 15, 1989, inside the Vertical Processing Facility continued for two more 243-day cycles. It sent at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, as back radar images every three hours. Magellan preparations begin for installation into the payload canister and transport to continued for three more 243-day cycles to Launch Pad 39B. complete the mapping. Photo credit: NASA/Klaus Wilkins

48 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 49 Processing activities continue on the Magellan spacecraft in the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility-2 (SAEF-2) high bay at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Dec. 9, 1988. Photo credit: NASA/George Neven

Christmas holidays to recover and stay on track. the FEA, which was a joint endeavor between “They did a very good job working through Rockwell International and NASA.

the problem and getting Magellan ready for its Payload bay video cameras were used online more mission,” Conway said. “It was great teamwork.” to record storm systems on Earth as part of Also aboard Atlantis were three mid-deck the Mesoscale Lightning Experiment. Atlantis experiments. All had flown before. Mission also was used as a calibration target for a third Specialist Cleave used a portable laptop experiment involving ground-based electro- computer to operate and monitor the Fluids optical sensors at the U.S. Air Force Maui Optical Experiment Apparatus (FEA). An eight-millimeter Station in Hawaii. video camcorder, flown for the first time on the Atlantis touched down at Edwards Air Force shuttle, provided the opportunity for the crew to Base, Calif., on May 8, 1989. The mission lasted record and downlink in-orbit activities such as a total of 4 days and 56 min. Big Science in Small Canisters Four tiny canisters, carrying science specimens in petri dishes, arrived Magellan synthetic aperture radar to the International Space Station April 20 aboard the SpaceX-3 Dragon mosaics from the first cycle of mapping are compiled onto a computer-simulated spacecraft. The Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC) experiments, globe to create this image of the surface BRIC-18-1 and BRIC-18-2, will be activated in the U.S. Laboratory module a look online of Venus in 1991. Image Credit: NASA/JPL to study better prevention and treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, and make it easier to grow plants in space. Bacteria that have mutated while in space will be studied, giving scientists an opportunity to better understand how these mutations occur. --ANNA HEINEY

50 SPACEPORT Magazine Project Mercury astronauts, recover the astronaut and the NASA was seeking pilots for are here after a long, and spacecraft. spaceflight. perhaps unprecedented, President Dwight D. “I think that I was series of evaluations which Eisenhower’s decision that enthusiastic about the told our medical consultants the military services could program from the start and I and scientists of their superb provide the pilots simplified the enthusiastically volunteered,” adaptability to their coming astronaut selection process. he said. flight.” From a total of 508 service Carpenter pointed out that Pioneering Mercury On Oct. 7, 1958, the records screened in January his eagerness extended to his space agency announced 1959, 110 men were found to wife. astronauts eager to plans to launch humans meet the minimum standards. “When I was notified that launch 55 years ago into space. Project Mercury This list of names included five I was being considered during became NASA’s first major Marines, 47 Naval aviators and the second and third days of BY BOB GRANATH undertaking. The objectives of 58 Air Force pilots. the competitive program, I was the program were simple by NASA officials were on duty at sea,” he said, “so my From ancient astronomers today’s standards, but required pleased so many agreed to wife called (NASA Headquarters to fantasy authors to modern- a major undertaking to place participate in the man-in-space in) Washington and volunteered day scientists, visionaries a human-rated spacecraft into project. At the introductory for me.” dreamed for centuries about orbit around Earth, observe news conference, Shepard said When the group was asked travel beyond Earth into outer the astronaut’s performance that he was eager to participate why they wanted to travel space. On a spring day in 1959, in such conditions and safely as soon as he learned into space, Slayton explained America’s fledgling space agency introduced seven military test pilots who would turn the stuff of science fiction into the “right stuff,” launching the nation into the future. Over the coming years these new astronauts would make frequent trips to Florida’s Space Coast and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station These seven men composed the first group of astronauts selected by NASA in April of 1959. Photo credit: NASA training for flights into the “new frontier.” All would go on to announced the names of the Grissom, and Donald K. (Deke) become early heroes in space long-awaited first group of Slayton; along with Marine exploration and in the Cold War astronauts. Now known as the Corps aviator John H. Glenn Jr. competition with the Soviet “Original Seven,” they included “Today we are introducing Union. three Naval aviators, M. Scott to you and to the world these In a Washington D.C. news Carpenter, Walter M. Schirra seven men who have been

conference on April 9, 1959, 55 Jr., and Alan B. Shepard Jr.; selected to begin training for President John F. Kennedy honors astronaut John Glenn at Cape years ago, Dr. Keith Glennan, three Air Force pilots, L. Gordon orbital spaceflight,” Glennan Canaveral on Feb. 23, 1962, just three days after his historic first piloted orbital flight by an American. Photo Credit: NASA NASA’s first administrator, Cooper Jr., Virgil I. (Gus) said. “These men, the nation’s

52 SPACEPORT Magazine SPACEPORT Magazine 53 THE ORIGINAL SEVEN ASTRONAUTS John H. Glenn Jr. his belief that aviation had physical environmental tests very early aviators,” he said, Alan B. Shepard Jr. (Born 1921) L. Gordon (Gordo) Cooper Jr. (1923–1998) (1927–2004) extended around the globe and at the Wright Air Development “so I feel going into space Mercury Atlas-6 (Friendship 7) Mercury Redstone-3 (Freedom Mercury Atlas-9 (Faith 7) – May it was now time to start looking Center in Dayton, Ohio. is an expansion in another – Feb, 20, 1962 – Glenn be- 7) – May 5, 1961 – First piloted 15-16, 1963 – Final Mercury up. When asked to name dimension, much as aviation came the first American in orbit, Mercury flight in which Shepard mission which became the first “I feel that this is the future the toughest test during was an expansion from the circling the Earth three times. became the first American in American spaceflight to last of not only this country but the extensive evaluations, surface of the Earth.” Elected to the U.S. Senate, space. more than a day, totaling 22 for the world,” he said. “It is Glenn pointed to the physical Grissom saw volunteering representing Ohio from 1974 to orbits. an extension of flight and we examinations. to be an astronaut as another Apollo 14 – Jan. 31-Feb. 9, 1971 1999. have to go somewhere and “We had some pretty good way to help America as an Air – Commanded the third lunar Gemini 5 - August 21-29, 1965 that is all that is left. This is an tests,” he said. “It is difficult to Force officer. landing and became the fifth STS-95 Discovery – Oct. 29-Nov. – Command pilot of the first excellent opportunity to be in pick one because if you figure “My career has been person to walk on the moon. 7, 1998 -- Payload Specialist eight-day space mission which on something new.” how many openings there are serving the nation, serving the aboard the space shuttle. At the also was the first to use fuel The initial battery of on a human body and how country and here is another Virgil I. (Gus) Grissom age of 77, Glenn became the cells. written tests, technical surveys far you can go into any one of opportunity where they need (1926–1967) oldest person to fly in space. and medical history reviews them, you answer which one my talents,” he said. “I am just Mercury Redstone-4 (Liberty Donald K. (Deke) Slayton were administered to 56 would be the toughest for you.” grateful for an opportunity to Bell 7) -- July 21, 1961– M. Scott Carpenter (1924–1993) pilots during February 1959. During the introductory serve in this capacity.” Second suborbital Mercury (1925–2013) While training for the second Those who declined or were news conference, Schirra noted Cooper was quick to flight; Liberty Bell 7 sank after Mercury Atlas-7 (Aurora 7) – May orbital Mercury mission, he eliminated reduced the total that his father was a pioneer express faith in the thousands splashdown and was retrieved 24, 1962 – Second three-orbit was grounded due to cardiac at the beginning of March to in the early days of flight. The of people who would be July 20, 1999. Mercury mission idiopathic atrial fibrillation, an 36. They then were invited to elder Schirra went to Canada designing, building and Gemini 3 (Molly Brown) – March erratic heart rate. undergo extraordinary physical during World War I and earned preparing the launch vehicles 23, 1965 – Command pilot for Walter M. (Wally) Schirra Jr. Served as NASA’s director of examinations at the Lovelace his pilot rating, later becoming a and spacecraft for flight. the first piloted Gemini mission. (1923–2007) Flight Crew Operations and Clinic in Albuquerque, N.M., barnstormer. “I have faith in the people It was the first spaceflight Mercury Atlas-8 (Sigma 7) – was later returned to full flight and extreme mental and “My father was one of the that I am working with in this to change its orbital plane. October 3, 1962 – Six-orbit status. program,” he said, “and I know Grissom also became the first Mercury flight Apollo-Soyuz Test Project – July it will be a success.” person launched into space Gemini 6 - Dec. 15-16, 1965 15-24, 1975 – Docking module Glenn compared Project twice. – Command pilot on the first pilot on the first joint American– Mercury to the Wright Brothers’ Apollo 1 – Jan. 27, 1967 – rendezvous in space. Gemini Soviet space mission, the first first powered aircraft flight in Commander for the first piloted 6 flew within one foot of the docking of an American and North Carolina in 1903. Apollo mission. He and his already orbiting Gemini 7. Russian spacecraft in space. “My feelings are that this crew were killed in a fire during Apollo 7 - Oct. 11-22, 1968 – whole project with regard a launch pad test one month Commander of the first piloted to space is like the Wright before the planned launch. Apollo mission. Schirra became Brothers standing at Kitty Hawk the first person to be launched about fifty years ago, with into space three times and Orville and Wilbur pitching a the only person to fly Mercury, coin to see who was going to Gemini and Apollo missions. shove the other one off the hill,” During the April 9, 1959, news conference that introduced the Mercury astronauts, they were asked, “Who wants to be the first man he said. “I think we stand on launched into space?” All seven raised their hands. the verge of something as big Photo Credit: NASA and as expansive as that.”

SPACEPORT Magazine 54 Shepard Grissom Glenn Carpenter Schirra Cooper Slayton International Space Station Expedition 39 began March 11. The crew members are, ascending from left, Russian cosmonaut and NASA astronaut Rick Mastracchio, flight engineers; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut , commander; Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov, and NASA astronaut Steve Swanson, flight engineers. High-definition camera equipment, growing plants in space, and a variety of physical science, biology and biotechnical experiments define the research of Expedition 39. more online more

Image credit: NASA

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