Therapeutic Drugs Monitoring ISO/IEC 17043 | ISO/IEC 17025 | ISO 9001

TDM Therapeutic Drugs Monitoring

The LGC AXIO Therapeutic Drugs The operation of the LGC AXIO TDM Monitoring (TDM) proficiency testing scheme is supported by an Advisory scheme provides independent Group consisting of members of the performance assessment for the routine professional bodies, scheme quantification of a wide range of anti- participants, and others experienced in epileptic and other therapeutic drugs. the field. The scheme reports on the performance of U.K. participants (who TDM is a measurement of specific drug have clinical responsibilities) to the concentration levels at timed intervals in National Quality Assurance Advisory patients, usually through blood/serum Panels for Chemical Pathology. samples, and is necessary where control of drug concentrations is required to achieve optimum treatment for the patient, or where there is a narrow range between the therapeutic and toxic levels. TDM Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Test Material* Analyte*

Therapeutic drug ; CBZ-epoxide; Carbamazepine+CBZ-epoxide; Clonazepam; mixture Lamotrigine; Phenytoin; Ethosuximide; Phenobarbitone; Primidone; Valproate; (lyphilised Caffeine; Digoxin; Lithium; Theophylline; Methotrexate; TD-Amikacin; TD- human serum) Gentamicin; Clobazam, Norclobazam. TD-Tobramycin; TD-Vancomycin.

Anti-epileptic Brivaracetam, Felbamate, Gabapentin, Lacosamide, Levetiracetam, OH- drugs (lyophilised , Pregabalin, Perampanel, Retigabine (Ezogabine), Rufinamide, human serum) Tiagabine, Topiramate, Vigabatrin, Zonisamide.

Cardiac drugs , Desethylamiodarone, Flecainide. (lyophilised human serum)

Analgesic mixture Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, . (lyophilised human serum)

Substance abuse Buprenorphine, EDDP, , Norbuprenorphine. & treatment (lyophilised human serum)

Psychoactive , /, /Dehydroaripiprazole, drugs (lyophilised /Norcitalopram, /, / human serum, Norclozapine, /, Dothiepin/Northiaden, , new born calf , , , , /, serum) /Norfluoxetine, /Normaprotiline, , / Normirtazapine, , , , /Norquetiapine, /HO-risperidone, / Norsertraline, Sulpiride, , , /Nortrimipramine, / Norvenlafaxine, , . , , , .

Psychostimulants , . Ritalinic Acid. (lyophilised human serum)

Non-smoking Cotinine, Nicotine. compliance (lyophilised human serum)

Antibiotics and Amikacin, Gentamicin, Teicoplanin, Tobramycin, Vancomycin, Antibiotics, Antifungals (liquid Antifungals. human serum)

Anti-hypertensive Drug identification. drugs (urine)

* The full range and availability of test materials and analytes is determined on an annual basis and may be added or removed. For accredited and non-accredited status please see current application form/scheme description.

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