TDM – Therapeutic drugs monitoring proficiency scheme

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) range may result in a high or low serum is a measurement of specific drug concentration if not monitored and concentration levels at timed intervals controlled. in patients, usually through blood/ ISO 15189 requires that medical laboratories serum samples, and is necessary seek confirmation for confidence in their results where control of drug concentrations through participation in suitable proficiency testing is required to achieve optimum programmes (PT) or external quality assurance (EQA). Accreditation bodies consider participation treatment for the patient. For most in PT/EQA an important tool for demonstrating the drugs, monitoring is not required as technical competence of the laboratory. they have a wide therapeutic index. However, drugs with narrow therapeutic

LGC Quality - ISO/IEC17043 • ISO9001 Scheme operation The main TDM scheme year operates from January to December and test materials are despatched three rounds at a time four times per annum. Round despatch dates and reporting deadlines are available on the current TDM application form, and further information can be found in the TDM scheme description. These documents can be downloaded from our website

Test material Analytes Therapeutic drugs mixture Lyophilised human Caffeine, , Carbamazepine+CBZ-epoxide, CBZ-epoxide, Clonazepam, Digoxin, Ethosuximide, serum Lamotrigine, Lithium, Methotrexate, Phenobarbitone, Phenytoin, Primidone, TD- Amikacin, TD-Gentamicin, TD-Tobramycin, TD-Vancomycin, Theophylline, Valproate Lyophilised human Anti-epileptic (AE1) serum Gabapentin, Levetiracetam, OH-, Pregabalin, Tiagabine Lyophilised human Anti-epileptic (AE2) serum Felbamate, Lacosamide, Rufinamide, Topiramate, Vigabatrin, Zonisamide Lyophilised human *Anti-epileptic (AE3) serum Retigabine (Ezogabine) Lyophilised human *Anti-epileptic (AE4) serum Perampanel Lyophilised human Cardiac drugs mixture serum , Desethylamiodarone, Flecainide Lyophilised human Drugs for the treatment of substance related disorders serum Buprenorphine, EDDP, , Norbuprenorphine Psychoactive drugs /, /, /Norclozapine, /. Lyophilised new born , /Dehydroaripiprazole, /Norcitalopram, Dothiepin/Northiaden, calf serum & human /, /Norfluoxetine, , , , , , serum /Normaprotiline, /Normirtazapine, , , , / Norquetiapine, /HO-risperidone, /Norsertraline, Sulpiride, , , /Nortrimipramine, /Norvenlafaxine, , Lyophilised human *Smoking related drugs urine Cotinine, Nicotine **Antibiotic drugs Human serum Amikacin, Chloramphenicol, Flucytosine, Gentamicin, Netilmicin, Teicoplanin, Tobramycin, Vancomycin

*Not included in our scope of accreditation. **These analytes are produced in collaboration with the Bristol based UKNEQAS antibiotics drugs scheme and distributed monthly.

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