Mineral Res. Expl. Bul., 125, 1-11, 2002



ABSTRACT.- This study was carried out in the Attepe (Yahyalı) iron mineralization zone of Kayseri province. The main mineralization zone is 500 m long and lies approximately in the NNW/SSE direction. The study covers the geothermometric analyses which were carried out on the fluid inclusions of siderite, quartz and barites in relation within the iron mineralization. In this study samples were taken from five different rock groups observed in the field and were evaluated as a, b, c, d, e. Four different fluid inclusion types were determined in the siderite, quartz and barites of these rock groups (type I, type II, type III and type IV fluid inclusions). As a result of these studies three different formation processes were determined within the ore mineralization zone, namely (1) early stage, (2) late stage and (3) final late stage. Homogenization temperatures were 300-350°C in the early stage, 180-270°C in the late stage and 170-250°C in the final late stage. Early stage first group quartzes have in average 43 % NaCI in the early stage, the late stage guartzes of the first group on average have 35 % NaCI and the final stage barites have 3 % NaCI equivalent salinity. According to the macro observations in the mineralization area and the homog- enization temperature measurements made in laboratory whatever the origin of the fluids, the deposits were formed in the hydrothermal stage conditions and hypothermal, mesothermal and epithermal stages were active in these hydrothermal stages.

INTRODUCTION and mineralization are also present (Ayhan The region within the Attepe iron mine and İplikçi, 1980; Metin 1983; Henden et al., which covers the study area is the second 1978; Henden and Önder, 1980; Önder and largest iron basin of Turkey. This deposit is Şahin, 1979, Şahin and Bakirdağ, 1985; Dağ- described firstly as Faras mine by Lucius in lıoğlu, 1990; Dağlıoğlu and Bançeci, 1992; the year 1972. In the region, The first comp- DağlıoğIu et al., 1998). This region is very im- rehensive studies on ore deposits were star- portant for steel-iron sector in our country that ted in the year 1967. After this period, studies ore production has been going on since have been corried out by various researchers 1969. and the region were investigated in detail in Mineralogical, petrographical and geoc- the terms of regional geology and ore depo- hemical studies have revealed that the iron sits. First geologic studies dealing with the ores in Attepe and its vicinity were present in chronostratigraphy were done by Blumenthal three different genetic types (Küpeli, 1986; (1944) and Abdüsselamoğlu (1958). Most de- 1991; Dağlıoğlu et al., 1998). In the region, tailed petrographical, geochemical, genetical mineralizations have been seen in the units and ore microscopy studies in the terms of which are of Mesozoic, Lower-Middle Cambri- mineralization were done by Küpeli, (1986, an, and Lower ages (Dağlıoğlu et 1991 and 1999); Ayhan et al., (1992). Other al., 1998; Küpeli, 1999). These are sediman- detailed studies dealing with regional geology tary pyrite and hematite occurences (type, I), 2 Ali Rıza ÇOLAKOĞLU and Gülay SEZERER KURU

hydrothermal siderite and hematite occuren- of these geothermometric measurement stu- ces (type, II), and karstic iron ores occuren- dies" were the determination of the homogeni- ces (type, III). Pyrite and hematite occurences sation temperatures of these minerals and the (type, I), in the Lower Cambrian aged bitumi- determination of the fluid inclusion types de- nous shale-phyllite and metaquartzites which veloped in connection with the mineralization are deposited in the sedimentary type are processes, attempts were also made to obta- firstly described by (Küpeli, 1986). The argu- in new data to support the previous data and ment that the ll'nd. type mineralization in the to determine the formation processes of the Lower-Middle Cambrian aged metacarbona- ore deposits. tes formed as a result of the hydrothermal processes are accepted by the all researc- GEOLOGICAL SETTING hers except Unlu and Stendal (1986). Based The Attepe iron ore deposits are boun- on the geochemical data Ünlü and Stendal ded by Geyikdağı unit, considered as otocton (1986) suggest a sedimantary model (Küpeli, by Özgül (1976), in the south, by Aladağ unit 1999). The ll'nd type mineralization were for- in the west, by Kireçliyayla melange in the med in the Paleocene-Lower time pe- north and by Göksun metamorphics in the riods on the other hand the lll'rd type minera- east. The oldest rocks of this region within this lization are formed at the beginning of Tertiary area are the Sicimindağ formation of Geyikda- epoch, by storage in endokarstic holes in the ğı unit. This formation contains Attepe mem- form of secondary ironhydroxide group of mi- ber on the top which is formed by alternating nerals within the framework of terrestrial mo- bituminous schist, phyllite and shales and vements and karstic processes of multiple Kandilcikdere member at the bottom compo- phases (Küpeli, 1991). The most important sed of schist and phyllite metquartzites (fig. 1). mineralizations in the region are classifed as On top of this formation lies the Çaltepe for- type II and type III ores. mation of Lower-Middle Cambrian age (Dean Mineralization have developed in tecto- and Monod, 1970). On top of these formati- nically controlled form and found as veins, ons lies the Seydişehir formation of Upper lenses and irregularly shaped masses. Pyri- Cambrian and age containing El- te, tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, marcasite, side- madağı ve Eğrisöğütdalı members and the rite, barite and little hematite and magnetite unit is composed of calcschist, phyllite, limes- are observed as ore minerals in all of these tone with nodules and metasandstones. On type mineralizations (Küpeli, 1999). In order top of these formations the Karakızoğlu for- to determine the conditions of the mineraliza- mation of Mesosoic age are present with an tion process and for the purpose of clarifying angular discordance. It is composed of schist, the previous observations and conclusions, phyllite calcschist and recrystallized limesto- geothermometric measurements were made nes. The mineralization is observed as lense on samples of five characters (a, b, c, d, e) in and vein shaped in all formations older than the field studies (fig. 1). In this study siderite, the Miocene age. The most important minera- quartz and barite in connection with the mine- lization are observed in metacarbonates of ralization zones are evaluated. The purpose Lower-Middle Cambrian age (fig. 1). GEOTHERMOMETRIC STUDIES ON THE ATTEPE IRON DEPOSITS 3 4 Ali Rıza ÇOLAKOĞLU and Gülay SEZERER KURU

FLUID INCLUSION PETROGRAPHY Type II. fluid inclusions: three phases (li- Samples are taken from the quarry ope- quid + vapor + solid). rated by open-pit method for studies of fluid Type III. fluid inclusions: one phases (li- inclusion. These samples are, (a) siderite ve- quid). ins cutting through grey colored limestones, Type IV. fluid inclusins: one phase (va- (b) light brown-dark brown colored siderite por) transformed into iron-hydroxite group mine- As a result of the studies similar types of rals, (c) quartzes found in siderite and partly fluid inclusions were differentiated into pri- cutting through it, (d) quartzes in iron-hydro- mary and secondary origins however only the xite zone and (e) less observed barite seen data from the fluid inclusions of primary type in the mineralization zone. were evaluated. Fluid inclusions which are classifed into Dimensions of these fluid inclusions of four groups in are further subgrouped into five four types are generally within 2-18 microns. group samples (fig. 2). According to the com- They provide different fluid inclusion types position and fluid inclusions in the samples (a, with regular and irregular forms morphologi- b, c, d, e) are grouped into four different gro- es. For example in siderites fluid inclusions of ups (Roedder, 1984): type I and II, in quartzites types I, II, III and IV; Type I. fluid inclusions: two phases (liqu- and in barites only type I fluid inclusion is id + vapor). observed. GEOTHERMOMETRIC STUDIES ON THE ATTEPE IRON DEPOSITS 5

Geothermometric studies of the primary characteristics of the fluid inclu- Geothermometric measurements are sions by heat cold adhesives (entallan) is made according to the USGS fluid inclusion used and two sides are polished and 35 mic- systems. During the heating and freezing me- ron thick special fluid inclusion sections are asurements liquid and gaseous nitrogen is produced. Results of geothermometric me- used. The instrument is calibrated as ± 0,2°C asurements made on the fluid inclusions of si- for temperatures below 0 °C and as ± 2,0°C derite, quartz and barites taken from the mi- for higher temperatures. Synthetic fluid inclu- neral phases related to the ore are given in summary form (Table-1). sions containing CO2 and liquid phases are used in the calibration. To prevent the spoiling

Siderites they have very few fluid inclusions. The se- Lenses of siderite are usually of 10-80 cond group of siderites have larger crystals cm thickness. In some locations siderites are (0.3 mm to 1 cm) and they contain few amo- in the form of crack fills. Siderites are divided unts of type I fluid inclusions of 6-10 microns into two groupes. First groups of siderite dimensions. Homogenization temperatures form siderite veins cross cutting to grey colo- obtained from the heating experiments made red limestones and schist rocks (a), second on these fluid inclusions indicate two sepera- group of siderites are of light dark brown colo- te phases. In the first stage the homogeneza- red. These are siderites (b) which show wide tion temperatures are in between 180-290°C. scale spreading compared to the first group of In the second stage the homogenezation tem- siderites and gradually inserted into ironhyd- peratures are in between 310-370°C (fig. 3). roxide group of minerals During the freezing experiments as the mel- ting points were not properly observed a clear First group of siderites (a) have--relati- melting point temperature interval could not vely small crystals (0.1-0.3 mm) and the side- be given. For this reason the salinity values of rites in this group were not taken into account this type fluid inclusions could not be determi- since sufficient data is not obtained during the ned. geothermometric measurements because 6 Ali Rıza ÇOLAKOĞLU and Gülay SEZERER KURU GEOTHERMOMETRIC STUDIES ON THE ATTEPE IRON DEPOSITS 7

Quartzes the heating tests the daughter crystals of silvi- Quartzes are investigated in two different ne melts at higher temperatures than halite groups. The first group of quartzes, are the crystals (Roeeder, 1984). Thus it is conside- kind of quartzes which are observed together red that in this study the crystals which had with siderites. They also contain pseudomorp- melted before the disappearance of the hic pyrites transformed into ironhydroxide gro- bubble is halite and the others, that is those up of minerals (c). Quartzites are present in daughter crystals which had not melted at hig- the mineral phases related to the above men- her temperatures is silvine. The melting tem- tioned minerals and are observed in siderites peratures of daughter crystals (for halites) of in the form of stockvork and vein type structu- ll'nd type of fluid inclusions varies between res. In other words they form the gang mine- 23.4-53.7°C. By consideration of these ral within the ore mineral zone. Fluid inclusi- melting temperatures it is determined that the ons of types I., II., III. and IV. are observed in salinity of this type of fluid inclusion is equiva- these veins. The dimensions of fluid inclusi- lent to % 31-45 NaCI. From these salinity va- ons vary from 3 to 16 microns. Homogenizati- lues the equivalent NaCI for the first stage is on temperatures of I'st type fluid inclusions of % 31-38, and for the second stage % 40-45. first group quartzites indicate two different For the first group of quartzes geothermo- stages. In the first stage the homogenezation methric measurement result of type I and II temperatures are in between 180-270°C, in fluid inclusion indicate similarities. the second stage it is in, between 300-450°C The second group of quartzites are tho- (fig. 3). Homogenization temperatures of ll'nd se quartzites which are coincident with the type of fluid inclusions of first group of quart- ironhydroxide group of minerals and which zes also indicate to distinct stages. Homoge- cross them (d). Among them only the I'st type nization temperature of the first stage are in of fluid inclusions is observed. The dimensi- between 170-280°C, in the second stage it is ons of this type of fluid inclusions vary from 4 in between 300-440°C (fig. 3). Simultaneous to 18 microns and show high inconsistency. observation of fluid inclusions of types Ml and The presence of high inconsistency behaviour IV in quartzes indicates the occurrence of bo- of fluid inclusions makes the performance of iling event. For this reason no pressure cor- the freezing tests on fluid inclusions difficult. rection was applied to the homogenization The homogenization temperatures obtained temperatures measured from the geothermo- from the heating tests of I'st type of fluid inc- metric measurements. lusions of second group of, quartzites are dis- It is observed that solid phases persed between 180-350°C and the most fre- (daughter crystals) of some of the ll'nd type quently observed homogenization temperatu- fluid inclusions of first group quartzites did not res are 220-320°C (Refer to fig.3). melt at temperatures higher than 450°C while some of the daughter crystals of the same Barites type of fluid inclusions melted before the di- Barites are encountered stratigraphically sappearance of the fluid inclusion bubble. In in the upper levels of the all the iron ore 8 Ali Rıza ÇOLAKOĞLU and Gülay SEZERER KURU

outcrops in the Mansurlu region. Due to the Based on the fluid inclusion results three removal of cover layers of barites are rarely distirict formation processes were determined encountered in the ore zones. The presence in the region. These are, (1) early phase for- of barites in stratigraphic order necessitates mations (first group of quartzites of having the geothermometric studies in the barites. type I. and II. fluid inclusions, second groupe Barites have larger crystals and are more of quartzites having I'st type of fluid inclusions transparent as compared to other minerals. and second group of siderites having I'st. type Among the barites type I fluid inclusions of 2-18 micron dimensions and generally with of fluid inclusions), (2) late phase formations regular dimensions are encountered. As a re- (first group of quartzites having I'st and llnd. sult of the geothermometric measurement type of fluid inclusions, and second group of studies homogenization temperatures varying siderites having lst type of fluid inclusions) from 170 to 250°C are determined (Refer to and (3) final late stage formations (barites of fig. 3). As a result of freezing tests equivalent type I fluid inclusions) (fig.4). salinity values of % 2,5-2,7 NaCI are determi- Homogenization temperatures are deter- ned. The considerably low homogenization mined as 300-350°C in the early stage and temperature values of barites indicate that 180-270°C and 170-250°C in the late and fi- they are formed in a rather late epoch. It is known that the barites characterize the medi- nal late stages respectively. The equivalent um and the low temperature minerals in the salinity of the first group of quartzites formed hydrothermal siderite veins (Mondadori, 1990). in the early stage is % 43 NaCI while the sali- nity for late stage is % 35 on the average It is THE ORE AND GANGUE MINERALOGY determined that the barites formed in the final AND PARAGENESIS late stage, having fluid inclusions of type I ha- Within the study area siderite, hematite ve equivalent salinity of % 3 NaCI. The fact and pyrite are observed as the most frequent that the initially high and later low salinity va- ore minerals while barites are scarcely obser- lues can be explained by the possibility that ved. Gangue minerals are seen generally as meteoric water mixing into the solutions quartz and calcite. Among these minerals si- (fig. 4). In the vein type of deposits after the derites, quartzites and barites are used in the formation of the first quartzite occures which fluid inclusion measurements. While the me- plaster the crack, a temperature increase in asurements made from the first group of qu- the vein is observed (Akıncı 1976). Most pro- artzite inclusions of types I and II ( c ) indica- bably, this temperature rise creates a model te a two phased temperature interval, the flu- id inclusions of second group of quartzites which is in agreement with the hydrothermal (type I) give a single phase interval. In the se- thesis and it probably caused the decreases cond group of siderites a temperature phase in the degree of salinity and temperature valu- similar to the first group quartzites had deve- es in the time in which by the inclusion of me- loped (Refer to fig. 3). teoric waters (fig. 4). GEOTHERMOMETRIC STUDIES ON THE ATTEPE IRON DEPOSITS 9

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION means of the study of geothermometric me- Attepe iron deposit and the neigh bour- asurements in the fluid inclusions present in ing iron mineralization that have been formed the samples (a, b, c, d, e) taken from the mi- in three different genetic types have been re- neralization zone, four different type of fluid ported by the previous studies (Küpeli, 1986; inclusions are determined. The dimensions of 1991; DağlıoğIu and et al, 1998). These are these fluid inclusions are generally in the ran- sedimentary pyrite and hematite occurances ge of 2 to 18 microns. As a result, different (type, I), hydrothermal siderite and hematite types of fluid inclusions that have regular and occurances (type, II) and karstic iron ores irregular shaped morphologic structure were (type III). The argument that the ores of type observed. Since siderites in the first group (a) II were formed as a result of hydrothermal have small crystals (0.1-0.3 mm) and there proceses within the Lower-Middle Cambrian were insufficient data due to less fluid inclusi- aged metacarbonates are accepted by alI in- ons in the geothermometric measuring studi- vestigators except Ünlü and Stendal (1986). es, siderites in these groups were assumed to In this study in order to support these views, be negligible (since not considered), only se- studies of fluid inclusions were performed. By cond group of siderites have been evaluated. 10 Ali Rıza ÇOLAKOĞLU and Gülay SEZERER KURU

Therefore, considering the geothermo- solution system of NaCI + KCI + H2O with metric measurement on siderite, quartz and high'"salinity. The conditions of this formation barite content at Attepe iron mineralization, process matches the mesothermal and hypot- the quartzes with I. and II. type fluid inclusions hermal stages of hydrothermal stage (Lindgren and the siderites with I. type fluid inclusions 1933). It is known that waters of magmatic ori- represent same type homogenization heat gin as well as the waters of meteoric origin intervals (Table 1). were influential in the conditions of the forma- Based on the geothermometric measu- tion process (Roedder, 1984). With the further rement results three different formation pro- decrease of the temperature (170-250°C) and cesses were determined for the region. These the salinity (approximately %3 NaCI equiva- are: (1) early phase formations (first group of lent salinity) of the environment in the final la- quartzites of having type I. and II. fluid inclusi- te stage formation of barites are added to the ons, second group of quartzites having Ist NaCI + H2O solution system. These formati- type of fluid inclusion and second group of si- on conditions represent the final periods of derites having I'st. type of fluid inclusions), (2) epithermal stages of the hydrothermal stages late phase formations (first group of quartzi- and the mesothermal stages (Lindgren 1933). tes having I'st and ll'nd. type of fluid inclusi- The decrease of the high temperature and sa- ons, and second group of siderites having Ist linity values of the early stage indicate the type of fluid inclusions) and (3) final late sta- probable mixing of meteoric waters into the ge formations (barites of type I fluid inclusi- environment in the final late stage. ons) (fig. 4). Finally "hydrothermal thesis" for genetic Homogenization temperatures are deter- types of II and III are supported. mined as 300-350°C for the early stage and Manuscript received January 28, 2002 180-270°C and 170-250°C in the late and fi- nal late stages respectively. The equivalent salinity of the first groupe of quartzites having REFERENCES type II fluid inclusions, formed in the early sta- Abdusselamogiu, Ş., 1958, Yukarı Seyhan Bölgesin- ge is %43 NaCI, while the salinity for late sta- de Doğu Toroslar'ın jeolojik etüdü: MTA ge is on the average %35. It is determined Rep. 2668, Ankara, 38s (unpublished), that the barites having type I fluid inclusions Ankara. formed in the final late stage have equivalent Akıncı, Ö.T., 1976, Bulancak guneyindeki sülfid da- salinity of %3 NaCI. Simultaneous observati- marlarında sıvı kapanım çalışması. TJK Bül- teni, 19, 45-52. on of type III and IV fluid inclusions indicates boiling event. For this reason no pressure cor- Ayhan, A. and İplikçi, E., 1980, Adana iline bağlı Ko- zan-Feke-Saimbeyli dolayının jeoloji Raporu. rection were applied to the homogenization MTA Derleme No: 6737. temperatures measured from the geothermo- , Küpeli, Ş. and Amstutz. G.C., 1992, Attepe metric measurements. (Feke-Adana) demir yatağının bitişiğindeki The mineralization in the region took pla- pirit oluşumları. MTA Dergisi 111, s. 85-94. ce at homogenization temperatures of 300- Blumenthal, M. M., 1944, Kayseri-Malatya arasında- 350°C (early stage) and 180-270°C (late sta- ki Toros'un Permo Karboniferi: MTA Dergisi, ge) in acidic and in reductive conditions, in the 31, 1, 105-133. GEOTHERMOMETRIC STUDIES ON THE ATTEPE IRON DEPOSITS 11

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Mehmet ÖZKUL*, Baki VAROL** and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK*

ABSTRACT- Quaternary to Recent travertines in the Denizli basin are distinguished in 9 lithofacies according to the field and microscobic features. These are: 1) Crystalline crust, 2) Shrub, 3) Pisolith, 4) Paper-thin raft, 5) Coated gas bubble, 6) Reed, 7) Lithoclast, 8) Pebbly travertines and 9) Palaeosols. Various combinations of the distinguished lithofacies are deposited on slope, depression, mound, fissure ridge and channel depositional envi- ronments. In addition, these main depositional environments are divided into subenvironments. As to isotope analy- sis made of some travertine samples, d3C and d8O values show a wide distribution. The d13C values are between 0.35%o and 6.70%o; d18O values are -6.47%o to -15.10 %o. Consequently, an isotopic grouping have been brought up based on lithofacies variation and depositional environments.

INTRODUCTION Riding, 1998, 1999; Guo et al.,1996; Srdoc et The Denizli basin is an important region al., 1989, 1994). Most of the studies made on in sense of travertine formation both in Turkey the Denizli travertines are generally focused and the world. A part from modern Pamukkale on Pamukkale and related to hydrogeology of the hot waters, geothermal potential, wasting travertines where a lot of tourists visit every and conversation. (Koçak, 1971; Şentürk et year, there are extensive travertine masses at al., 1971; Canik, 1978; Eşder and Yılmazer, different parts of the basin, especially along 1991; Gökgöz, 1994; Gökgöz and Filiz, 1998; the northern margin (fig. 1). The total area Ekmekçi et al., 1995). Some studies have occupied by modern and old travertines is 2 been subjected the stratigraphical position of more than 100 km in the basin and their travertines in the basin, dating, morphological thickness is up to 60 m (fig. 2). Some of the classification, relations between travertine old travertines have been quarriying by marb- and neotectonics-seismicity of the region le industry for a long time. (Altunel and Hancock, 1993 a,b and Altunel, Travertines are limestones that form 1996), travertine geochemisty and physico- where hot ground waters, rich in calcium and mechanical features (Demirkıran and Çalap- bicarbonate, emerge at springs (Guo and kulu, 2001 and Özpınar et al., 2001). In the

Riding, 1998). CO2 outgassing causes rapid previous works, depositional features (litho- travertine precipitation. Travertines have a types, facies, etc.), organic and inorganic complex internal architecture frequently components, petrography of the travertines changing both in lateral and vertical directions have not been sufficiently investigated. in short distance. This complexity is originat- Phototrophic microorganisms, their distribu- ed from many factors such as spring position, tion and influence on the travertine deposition underlying topography, chemical composition investigated by Pentecost et al. (1997) are of travertine depositing waters, organic activi- only confined modern Pamukkale travertines. ty and surfacial waters. Recently, there are Aim of this study is to describe the different increase in the studies made on geochem- lithofacies of recent and old travertines in the istry, morphological types, macro- and' basin context, according to field and petro- microorganic components, stable isotope graphical features and to determine environ- variations and dating of travertines both in ments where the lithofacies have precipitated. Turkey and the world (i.e. Chafetz and Folk- In addition, some stable isotope variations 1984; Pentecost and Tortora, 1989; Guo and were studied. 14 Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK

GEOLOGICAL SETTING 1990, 1993). Pre-Neogene basement rocks The depression 50 km long, 25 km wide of the basin that crop out at the horst areas located at the eastern end of junction locality are consisted of metamorp-hic rocks of where Büyük Menderes and Gediz grabens Menderes massif represented schist, marble was named as Denizli basin (Westaway, and allochthonous Mesozoic carbonates PETROGRAPHY OF DENİZLİ TRAVERTINES 15

and ophiolites and Paleogene limestone, dolomite and evaporites. The basin filled by Neogene-Quaternary deposits was bounded by normal faults both in the north and south margins (Fig. 1). The Neogene sequence, which are deposited lake and river environ- ments and Late Miocene (Meotian-Pontian) in age (as ascribed by Taner, 2001), exposes commonly at the basin margins and some uplifted areas in the middle. The basin extends in NE-SW direction. According to Westaway (1993), the extension has begun in the Middle Miocene (ca 14 Ma. ago). Traverti- ne masses in the Denizli basin have deposit- ed where dip-slip normal fault segments dis- play step over along strike (Çakır, 1999). The spring waters take required ions from the basement carbonate rocks for the travertine accumulation. The travertines deposited by emerging waters along the extentional fis- sures and normal faults rest on the Neogene sediments. Travertines at the quarries to the northwest of Kaklık (Fig. 1) are transitional in lateral and vertical directions with greenish gray, cream-coloured lake-marsh deposits, reddish-brown coloured alluvium, palaeosol and coarse-grained ephemeral river sedi- ments (Fig. 2). Travertines in this region have gained a stepped structure from north to south by normal faulting series. Nevertheless, age of first travertine accumulation in the basin have not been clarified yet, the oldest travertines at Pamukkale are at least 400.000 years in age, as pointed out by Altunel (1996). During our study, some vertebrata teeth and jaws were found at the travertine quarries to the northwest of Kaklık. By the preliminary description, it has been found out that these vertebrata bones belong to Equus, who is an ancestor of modern horse in Quaternary (Ş. Şen and G. Saraç, 2001; personal communi- cation). 16 Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK

METHODS crust surfaces are usually ornamented by Samples are collected from the different microterrace pools. travertine lithofacies, by investigating the field Previously, the vertical crystalline crusts properties. SEM analysis of the collected developed in the extensional fissure ridges at samples were made by using Jeol JSM-840 Pamukkale were named as banded type electron microscope in the Turkish travertines by Altunel and Hancock (1993a) Petroleum Corporation Laboratuary, Ankara. and Altunel (1996). Crystals in the banded In order to perform that, polished surfaces of structure are perpendicular to the vertical fis- the rock samples were etched by %5 HCI dur- sure walls of which depositional surfaces. By ing 3-5 seconds and than coated by gold in a reason of that, the banded travertines precip- vacuum system, the images were taken. itated along the vertical walls of extensional Stable isotope analyses were made at the fissures (Plate I, fig. 1) also have been Isotope Laboratory of Tubingen University. accepted as crystalline crust travertines in this study. These vertical banded crusts filling the PETROGRAPHY OF THE DENİZLİ fissure space display slower and entirely inor-

TRAVERTINES ganic precipitation by degassing of CO2. Travertines precipitated at different Crusts at the Kamara hot spring in the Büyük depositional conditions display variations of Menderes valley to the northwest of the colour, appearance, bedding, porosity, tex- Denizli basin and at Karahayıt near ture, and composition. In this study, different Pamukkale are consisted of alternation of travertine precipitates in the Denizli basin white, red, and brown colour layers due to were separated into the lithofacies based on high iron content of the hot spring waters. field scale and petrographical features of the Guo and Riding (1998) determined that old samples taken from each lithofacies were crystalline crusts were compact and hard, but investigated. when young, as at Terme San Giovanni, near Mainly travertine lithofacies: 1)Crystalline Rapolano Terme, Italy, they can be delicate crust, 2) Shrub, 3) Pisolith, 4), Paper-thin raft, and easily crushed. 5) Coated gas bubble, 6) Reed, 7) Lithoclast In the microscopic appearances, it is and 8) Pebbly travertine. Paleosol horizons seen that micrit and sparit laminae are alter- (9) are formations that point out erosion and nated (Plate I, fig. 2). The micritic laminae nondeposition periods and frequently coin- commonly are dark-coloured and in millimet- cided with travertine sequences. ric scale. In dark micritic laminae, the solution pores have developed in places. The sparite 1) Crystalline crust travertine lithofacies laminae, which are centimeter and decimeter Crystalline crust travertines (Guo and in scale, may contain iron of various ratio. The Riding, 1992, 1998) commonly form as a spar crystals have grown radially on the result of rapid precipitation from fast flowing micritic basement and organised as bundles waters on smooth slope, rims and vertical walls of terrace pools, cliff surface of waterfall in some places. Better development of one subenvironments and in extensional fissures side of the crystals gives a cedar tree appear- (fig. 3). Crystalline crusts are commonly ance (Plate I, fig. 3) (Folk et al., 1985). These dense, crudely fibrous, light-coloured, con- crystals that are 10 micron in width and 100- sisting of elongated calcite feathers, devel- 200 micron in lenght are distinguished with oped perpendicular to the depositional sur- the smooth crystal boundaries from each oth- face. The crystalline crusts change from a few ers. In addition to unfractured crystals, frac- centimeters to meter in thickness. The outer tured pieces are also fairly abundant. The PETROGRAPHY OF DENİZLİ TRAVERTINES 17

fractured crystals are seen as a fill of the fields are observed where the shrub forms interspaces or randomly distributed in a have densely packed. The densely packed micritic floor (Plate II, fig.1, 2). In SEM shrubs consist of euhedral and subhedral images, calcite crystals forming the crust dis- crystals, 5-10 urn in size, without having any play blade edge like appearances (Plate II, internal architecture. These have been com- fig.1, 2). monly found in the shrub formations in mixed Due to high flow velocity of water, the with spar crystals. crystalline crust develops where biogenic Loosely packed micrites, in the form of activity is limited (Guo and Riding, 1998). thin levels in places, comprise abundant Formation of the radial calcite crystals is a diatome (Plate III, fig. 1). The micritic clumps result of direct crystallization from hot water. are very common in the mottled texture and Any trace reflecting the microbial activity is form the structures resembling bubble and not coincided with the microscopic appear- pustule (Plate III, fig. 8). The cloudy micrites ances of the samples. The alternation of light have developed on the spar crystals. They and dark layers have been interpreted as compose of the micritic grains that are 5-15 diurnal variation near spring area (Folk et al., urn in size and wholly unhedral. In addition, 1985; Guo and Riding, 1998). the rod-shaped micrite crystals and calcified tubes are found within them (Plate II, fig. 3). 2) Shrub travertine lithofacies The spar crytals followed in the form of Travertines represented by small bush- residue under the micritic clumps support that like growths are common deposites on hori- those areas have become sparmicritization. zontal-subhorizontal surfaces (Chafetz and Kahle (1977) has described this event as Folk, 1984; Guo and Riding, 1994, 1998 and micritization forming by dissolution-crystal- Chafetz and Guidry, 1999). They are bounded lization in spar crystals from the way of biotic by the micritic layers from both bottom and and abiotic. In the samples, the bacterial fla- top. The shrup lithofacies is the most common ments that is widely seen in the fields where one in the Denizli travertines. Individual shrub the sparmicritization is present, supporting layers in the macro samples are light cream- the micrite has a biogenic origin. coloured, 3-16 mm in thickness and seen as According to Guo and Riding (1994, irregular horizons (Plate I, fig. 4). 1998), shrub forms are ordinary components Under the microscope, they are com- of terrace pools, but the shrubs in layers are posed of the crystal associations of spar and the most common and the thickest lithofacies micrite organized in different ways. In gener- of shrub flats (shallow, extensive pools) and al, there is not a clear boundary between two subsequently marsh-like environments in kinds of crystal shapes. In thin sections, pre- depressions and on low angle slopes (fig. 3). pared perpendicular to the bedding, the In the studied travertines, the shrubs display spaces among the dark-coloured micritic transitions to the crystalline crust, reed, shrub forms that expand upward were filled paper-thin raft and irregular radial pisoliths by secondary spar calcite mosaic (Plate I, fig. (bacterially mediated). According to Chafetz 5). Whereas, in the thin sections, parallel or and Folk (1984), shrub layers represent grow- slightly oblique to the bedding, dark micritic ing season (spring-summer), whereas micritic clumps in the sparite constitute a mottled tex- layers represent the non-growing season ture as islands or patches. The densely and (winter). Bacterial shrubs formed from heated loosely packed micritic fields can be separat- waters, i.e., water temperatures were above ed in the shrub samples. Completely micritic 18 Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK

ambient water temperatures for a region microkarstification and dissolution structures (Chafetz and Guidry, 1999). For this reason, that do not show lateral continuity (Plate III, shrub forms are not observed in cool water fig. 2, 3) and also transform into a microstro- travertines (=tufas). Abiotic origin was also matolitic structure in some places. The proposed for shrubs (Pentecost, 1990). This microkarstification and dissolution structures kind of shrubs display needle crystal shrubs' point out most probably desiccation periods in of Guo and Riding (1994) and 'crystal shrubs' the terrace pools. Concentrically laminated and 'ray crystal shrubs' of Chafetz and Guidry pisoliths have been accepted to be inorganic (1999). (Folk and Chafetz, 1983). 3) Pisolith travertine lithofacies 4) Raft travertine lithofacies Coated grains as pisoliths are common The rafts are thin, delicate and brittle in travertines. (Chafetz and Meredith, 1983; crystalline layers precipitated at the water Folk and Chafetz, 1983 and Guo and Riding, surfaces of pools and main fissure aper- 1998). Pisoliths form in small terrace pools of tures filled by hot waters of the travertine the steep slopes, and wide pools in depres- ridges (Plate I, fig., 7, 8). They are com- sion fields (fig. 3). In addition, pisoliths were posed of calcite and/or aragonite crystals found in the self-built channels of Pamukkale and their extend quietly limited, in meter during this study. Pisoliths occurred in the scale. Present day rafts are going on to wide pools are generally associated with precipitate at the water surfaces of the shrub form and micritic carbonate. Grain pools located both on terraced steep slope shape ranges from spherical to discoidal, in and near the hot spring orifices at control of water agitation and microbial activi- Pamukkale and Karahayıt respectively. ty (Folk and Chafetz, 1983). Previously, three Dense raft concentrations are commonly types of pisoliths are distinguished based on associated with coated gas bubbles at the texture: 1) Concentrically laminated (Folk and Çukurbağ hot spring (Plate IV, fig. 8), of Chafetz, 1983), 2) Radial shrub (Folk and which temperature is 58°C. The colours of Chafetz, 1983) and 3) Stromatolitic mammi- the rafts range from white to brown, based lated(Guo, 1993). on chemical composition of the hot water. First two types are observed in the The horizontal rafts occurred in the main Denizli travertines. Concentrically laminated fissure of an old travertine ridge near the pisoliths were originated from splashing and Kocabaş, village (Plate IV, fig. 7) are asso- turbulent water in terrace pools and self-built ciated with lithoclasts and vertical crys- channels. The grains size of spherical partic- talline crusts (Plate I, fig. 7). The old exam- les are up to a few cm (Plate I, fig. 6). ples of the rafts are thickened a little due to Although their nuclei are always not clear, secondary encrustation in early diagenetic they have usually grown on a dark micritic stage, as exemplified by Guo and Riding nuclei. Crystals forming the nucleus are (1998) from Rapolano Terme, Italy. coarser (10-15 mm ) than those in thin micritic Previously, the rafts are named as 'hot layers of the pisolith microstructure (Plate III, water ice' (Allen ve Day, 1935), 'calcite ice' fig. 6). The thin micritic layers that cover the (Bargar, 1978), 'calcite rafts' (Folk et al., radial calcite crystals are entirely ksenotopic, 1985) and 'paper-thin rafts' (Guo and consisted of grains of 3-6 mm in size. There Riding, 1998). The Similar occurrences are are interfaces that have restricted the growth also well known from cool water cave pools in pisolith microstructure. The interfaces are (Baker and Frostick, 1951; Black, 1953). PETROGRAPHY OF DENİZLİ TRAVERTINES 19

5) Coated bubble travertine lithofacies is usually associated with the rafts. The reed The coated gas bubbles are common in travertine lithofacies are ordinary component depositional environments of travertine such of both marsh-like shallow depressions drying as terrace pools and extensive equivalents in time to time and reed mound. The organic the depressions. The origin of the gas bub- matter content and pore ratio of the reed bles is microbiologic activity in the base sedi- travertine are much more than the others ments of the pools. They are mainly trapped lithofacies. The lithofacies is seen at the beneath the paper-thin rafts, among the upper levels of the quarries located to the plants and in the crystals and preserved by northwest of Kaklık town. rapidly coating by calcium carbonate. Therefore, the coated gas bubbles are usual- 7) Lithoclast travertine lithofacies ly observed together with the crystalline crust, Lithoclasts are penecontemporaneous, raft (Plate I, fig. 8) and reed travertine lithofa- angular to subangular travertine fragments in cies. The shape of the bubbles is spherical different size, by erosion of the upper slopes and oblate and their sizes range from millime- and collapse of waterfalls and terrace cliffs. ter to centimeter. Guo and Riding (1998) The fragments derived from the slope are pointed out that some coated bubbles have commonly light-coloured. The fragments are gained a tubular appearance by joining each subsequently deposited at the lower slope other. Chafetz and Folk (1984) have termed and in the depressions. In addition, more the coated bubbles as 'lithified bubbles' and locally, some fragments broken off from the 'foam rock'. Coated bubbles have a similar upper part of fissure walls have fallen down structure to that of paper-thin raft with an into the fissure apertures (Plate I, fig. 7). The inner micritic layer and an outer (water side) dark-coloured lithoclast interlayers in the hor- veneer of euhedral, mainly aragonite crystals. izontal travertines that have deposited in the The bimineralic wall structure has been shrub-flat and marsh-pool subenvironments attributed to variation in supersaturation level of the depressions is 20-100 cm in thickness. of the water (Chafetz et al., 1991 a). This lithoclast interlayers show pedogenic alteration and caliche formation at the lower 6) Reed travertine lithofacies and upper parts. The brecciation, colour and Reed lithofacies are one of the promi- texture variation are common in the lithoclast nent elements in the Denizli travertines travertine lithofacies that has been observed deposited marsh-pool, mound and self-built locally. channels. The travertines rich in molds of reed and coarse grass were named 'reed 8) Pebbly travertine lithofacies travertine' by Guo (1993) and Guo and Riding Some travertines investigated in the (1998). Reed, grass and similar water plant Denizli basin contain sparse rounded pebbles grow in distal areas where hot spring waters of limestone, marble, chert, radiolarit and ser- cool and dilute due to rain influence. The plant pentinite. The pebbly travertines are seen clusters obstacles the water flow and the around the antique tombs between roots stabilize the sediments and encrusted Küçükdere and Irlıganlı villages and some mostly by micritic carbonate. The remaining quarry fields located to the northwest of spaces from the plants were partly or entirely, Kaklık. In addition, they have been observed filled by the same material. The cylindirical as dropped down pebbles into the fissure molds up to 2-3 cm wide. The calcite crystals spaces of the ridges. These rounded pebbles of 20-150 mm that have form from space wall in the travertines have probably derived by to the center are typical. The reed lithofacies the ephemeral floodings from the basement 20 Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK

units of Neogene and the older sedimentary extensional fractures and the other self-built rocks adjacent to the travertine depositional channel called fourth and fifth depositional environments. The pebbly travertine lithofa- environment respectively. cies described here may be partly correlated with 'cemented rudites' recognized in the 1. Slope Depositional Environment British travertines by Pentecost (1993). Slope depositional environment are divided into three subenvironment: 9) Palaeosol lithofacies a) Terraced slope, b) Smooth slope and Decrease in water supply and diversion c) Waterfall. in flow direction result rapid exposure of a) Terraced slope subenvironment.- The travertine surface to rain water, subaerial des- most spectacular and present day examples iccation, biological activities and soil forma- of the slope environment are formed at tion. Although palaesol formation is not direct- Pamukkale (Plate IV, fig. 1). The terrace pools ly a travertine lithofacies, closely related to are developed on the slope morphology. The the travertines precipitated especially in terraced slopes consist of vertical terrace depressions and lower slopes. The palaesol walls, pools and rims confining the margins of interbeds in the Denizli travertines are fre- the pools. The vertical terrace walls and rims quently seen at the quarries to the northwest are composed of crystalline crust lithofacies. of Kaklık. In the sequence logged at one of Paper-thin rafts, pisoliths and coated gas bub- these quarries, four different brown-coloured bles are the additional lithofacies formed at palaesol interbeds were separated ranging the base of pools. The terrace pools occur on from 40 cm to 3 m in thickness (fig. 2). The the prograding slope where waters flow turbu- bed thickness increases from the slope to the lent. depressions. The each palaeosol bed has b) Smooth slope subenvironment- The constituted a sequence boundary between smooth slope forms where the slope dips are the two travertines. The thickness of between 10-40°, on which the terrace pools palaeosol is related to how long the travertine have not developed. The recent smooth slope is exposed. subenvironments at Pamukkale are transi- tional with terraced slope both in vertical and lateral direction (Plate IV, fig. 1). The domi- TRAVERTINE DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS nant lithotype precipitating on the smooth The lithofacies described above have slope is crystalline crust as seen on the walls been represented in state of various combi- and rims of the terrace pools. The thickness nations in different depositional environ- of crust is range from centimeter to a few ments. They are found mainly three deposi- decimeters. Feather crystals forming the tional environments: 1) Slope depositional crusts are perpendicular to the slope surface. environment, 2) Depression depositional Smooth slopes develop where waters usually environment; 3) Mound depositional environ- flow in laminar. Thicker crystalline crusts rep- ments. This kind of classification was previ- resent rapid deposition under high flow rates ously made at the Rapolano Terme hot spring whereas thinner crust precipitated by slower travertines (Italy) by Guo and Riding (1998). flow (Folk et al., 1985; Guo and Riding, 1998). But thin crystalline crusts were deposited by In addition to the three environments alternating with shrub layers on the low- explained above, two additional main types of angled slope where water supply and flow depositional environments were also defined velocity are low. Thin lithoclast levels are in this study. One of them is fissure ridge even observed at lower parts of slope. formed by emerging hot waters along the PETROGRAPHY OF DENİZLİ TRAVERTINES 21 22 Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK

c) Waterfall subenvironment- The palaeosols and desiccation surfaces respec- waterfall subenvironment is much more local tively. In addition, red mudstones and con- and restricted than the others. An active glomerates interpreted as products of flood- waterfall is located at the left slope of B. jngs and ephemeral streams are associated Menderes river valley, three kilometers south with the shrub travertines (fig. 2). In the stud- of Güney town in the northwest of Denizli (fig. ied area, lower parts of the quarries in Belevi 1). It is forming by cool spring waters of 16°- and northwestern of Kaklık (Killiktepe and just 18°C. Therefore, these porous travertines are north of the Denizli Cement Factory) com- considered as tufa that calcium carbonate posed of the travertines of shrub flat subenvi- encrusts the plants. At the same locality there ronments (Plate IV, fig. 4,5,6). Transitions are inactive counterparts. from the shrub flats to marsh-pools subenvi- A second inactive example has been ronments are represented by alternation of formed on the steep slope facing to the north light and dark coloured layers in a travertine of Keltepe, along a fault scarp, near Dereköy unit as seen on the wire-cut surfaces (Plate (fig. 1). The waterfall travertines are deposit- IV, fig. 6). ed on a vertical substrata, resembling an At the bottom of the Alimoğlu quarry overhanged curtain (Plate IV, fig. 3). The located to the southern slope of the Killiktepe, overhanged deposits have been mainly com- a shrub flat travertine unit is up to 5 m thick. posed of crystalline crusts. The waterfall The thickness of 5 m at the north decreases travertines have been passed into the smooth to 2.5 m in distance of 90 m. In the same slope at the lower altitudes in the time, direction, the colour is become darker lateral- towards north. ly. The unit are underlain by a brown palaesol bed and overlain by gray, green-coloured thin 2- Depression depositional environment mudstone deposited in the marsh. In the other These kinds of depositional environ- quarry near Alimoğlu, four different travertine ments have been introduced during the stud- units have been observed from the bottom to ies made on Rapolano Terme travertines the top, which are precipitated in the shrub flat locating south of Florence, Italy (Guo, 1993; subenvironments (fig. 2). Their thicknesses Guo and Riding, 1998). They are flats and change between 1.5 and 5 m. hallows in areas of relatively low topography b) Marsh-pool subenvironment. - Domi- and divided into two subenvironments: nant rock types of the marshpool subenviron- a) Shrub flat, b) Marsh-pool. The depression ments are horizontal, gray, brown-coloured depositional environments are located in front travertines that are rich in reed lithofacies. of the slopes and around of the fissure ridges The marsh-pool deposits are interbedded with (Plate IV, fig. 8). light-coloured travertines of the shrub flat a) Shrub flat subenvironment- Shrub subenvironments and transitional in lateral flats are subenvironments in which the hori- direction. They comprise lithoclastic interlay- zontal and subhorizontal, travertines have ers and common pedogenic indications. deposited. The travertines deposited in these Gastropod tests are locally abundant. The environments are light-coloured, thin-bedded travertines near Kocabaş village deposited in laterally extensive and consist of mainly shrub the marsh-pool subenvironments of the lithofacies (Plate IV, Fig. 5,6). The shrub flat depressions located around the fissure ridges travertines comprise some lithoclast have not been sufficiently consolidated yet. interbeds. Long-term erosion periods and These are darker and more porous relative to short-term precipitation interruptions result the slope travertines. Therefore, we think that PETROGRAPHY OF DENİZLİ TRAVERTINES 23

Kocabaş mass is younger than the 4- Fissure-ridge depositional environment travertines at the quarries in the north, four Fissure ridges (Bargar, 1978) are narrow km far from there. linear mounds formed where hot spring On the other hand, these types of waters emerge along a joint or fault on an ele- travertines that are widespread at the vation (Guo and Riding 1998). Fissure ridges Honaz, Karateke, Pınarkent and Gürlek entirely have diverse depositional morphology areas have formed a plateau stepped from relative to the slope environments. In the the south to the north (fig. 1). The Denizli basin, both active and inactive exam- travertines of these areas are darker, more ples of the fissure ridges are observed porous, rich in organic content, with high (Altunel and Hancock, 1993a; Altunel, 1996; pedogenic effects and reed appearance in Çakır,1999; Özkul and Alçiçek, 2000; Özkul et lithofacies and much more in tufa character. al., 2001). The fissure ridges at Pamukkale On the road cuts between the railway and and Kocabaş have been investigated earlier the highway near Pınarkent, angular traver- in neotectonic and seismic aspects (Altunel tine lithoclats in different sizes eroded from and Hancock, 1993 a, b). According to Çakır southern part of the plateau were redeposit- (1999), fissure ridges occurred along the ed as colluvium on a slope surface of 25- northwest margin of the basin are preferen- 30°. tially developed at the ends of the normal fault segments or in step-over zones between 3- Mound depositional environment them. The most fissures are parallel to the Reed mound depositional environment faults, but some are oblique. Although the are those that the water plants densely ridges are located along the northwest margin located in depressions and near lower of the basin, there are a few examples slopes. The travertines of this environments occurred near the southern margin and in have been previously introduced as 'mound central parts, as is well seen at the west end depositional system' and its reed mound of the Honaz fault (Bozkuş et al., 2000) and fades by Guo and Riding (1998). In the around Kocabaş respectively. B. Menderes studied area, travertines of the mound envi- valley (near Yenice), Gölemezli, Pamukkale- ronments have developed in association Karahayıt, Akköy, Kocabaş and Honaz are with the horizontally bedded travertines of main locations where the ridge morphologies shrub flat and marsh-pool subenvironments are observed completely or partly, (fig. 1; belonging to the depressions, at the upper Plate IV, fig. 7 and 8). parts of the quarries both around Killiktepe Both the Kamara ridge in the valley of and just north of the Denizli Cement Factory Büyük Menderes river and the Kırmızısu fis- in the northwest of Kaklık (fig. 2). The most sure ridge near Karahayıt are active and all prominent deposits of the environment is reed travertine lithofacies. The reed clusters the others inactive. The ridges seen straight in the growth position expand upward. At or sinuous in plan view are 100-1400 m long, the slopes of the mound, the beds dip away up to 20 m high and 20-125 m wide at the from the crest with angles of 10°-35°. The base. The width of individual fissures is maxi- subsequent lithofacies such as micritic lam- mum in the middle and become narrow inae, paper-thin rafts and coated gas bub- towards both terminations. Fissure width of bles are accompanied by the reed east-west trending Kuşgölü ridge is 7 m in the travertines. Some voids of the reeds were middle, 5 m in the western end, at the north- filled by micritic laminae and paper-thin west of Kocabaş village (Plate IV, fig. 7). rafts. Vertically banded crystalline crust lithofacies 24 Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK are precipitated on the walls of fisures that the shape in plan view and cut-cone or 'M'- hot waters emerge (Plate I, fig. 1), The crys- shaped (term of Altunel and Hancock, 1993a) talline crusts in some fissure fills are associat- in cross section. The channel thalweg are ed with coarse-grained lithoclasts and crystal restricted by rims from the both sides. The rafts and coated gas bubbles (Plate I, fig. 7). - rims have developed along the points where The fissure space that the hot water does not precipitation is maximum, similar to those that emerge are filled by red palaesol, angular in the terrace pools. travertine lithoclasts, and gravels. The self-built channels show lithofacies On the both slopes of the ridges, the variations in a short distance as well as the bedded travertines are deposited in flanking fissure ridges and the terraced slopes. The away from the main ridge axes. The dips of channel thalweg grow as gradually upward in the bedded travertines range from almost ver- time by alternation of micritic laminae and tical to 5°. The terrace pools in macro- and crystalline crusts. The pisolith clumps microscales have been formed on some ridge observed in some hollows placed along the slopes. The inclined travertine layers on the thalweg are formed by agitated water. At the fissure slopes include almost all the travertine same time, the channel slopes are developed lithofacies. The most prominent lithofacies are in small scale on the both sides by overflow- micritic laminae, crystalline crust, shrub, rafts, ing and splashing water. The slopes are com- and lithoclast. The lithoclasts have been posed of inclined crystalline crusts, thin micrit- resulted by both erosion of the upper slopes ic layers and reed lithofacies. The combina- near the crest and repeating extensional frac- tions and the ratios of the lithofacies change turing in time. The inclined layers distally pass from place to place along the channels. into the adjacent flats and depressions around the ridges (Plate IV, fig. 8). The facies STABLE ISOTOPES in the fissure slopes rapidly changes in short Oxygen and carbon stable isotope anal- distances, even a few meters. Rapid facies yses were performed on the nine samples of variations in short distance are typical feature the Denizli travertines. d3C isotope values for fissure ridges (Guo and Riding, 1999). changes between 0.35 and 6.7 %o while d18O values varies from -6.47 to -15.10 %o (Table 1). 5- Self-built channel depositional environment Groundwater isotopic characteristics are Self-built channels are linear travertine modified in case of water emerging from masses built up by spring waters in flow direc- spring. Main reasons of this event are intensi- tion. Active and inactive examples of the ty of depositional rate and kinetic effect that channels are common in Pamukkale and accompany to rapid degassing of CO2 around Kocabaş. The inactive channels are (Usdovski and Hoefs, 1990). partly destroyed, eroded and collapsed in Both biotically induced geochemical pro- places due to human activities and natural cesses such as photosynthesis and decreas- processes, such as earthquake shaking, as ing of temperature on during flow process, seen in Pamukkale (Altunel, 1994). The chan- evaporation, mixing from soil profile or sur- nel formation are realized either by natural face waters effect the variations of isotopic process or man-made for irrigation. Marginal values (Chafetz et al., 1991b; Guo et al., slopes range from vertical to flanking sur- 1996). faces. Morphologic and structural properties 18 13 and distribution of them have been previously d 0 %o PDB and SMOW with d C %o investigated by Altunel (1994) and Altunel PDB values of the travertine examples of and Hancock (1993a). They have sinuous Denizli basin and their bivariate distribution PETROGRAPHY OF DENİZLİ TRAVERTINES 25

show three different areas that indicate the lithofacies deposited within the different shrub+raft, pisolith+reed and crystalline crust environments (i.e. smooth and terraced (fig. 4). slopes, shrub flats and marsh-pools of The variations of stable isotope values in depressions) under the various conditions 26 Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK

(i.e. water temperature, flow velocity and dis- 2- The travertine lithofacies are found in tance from spring, surface area and biological different rates in the depositional environ- effects) are possible. Isotopic fractionation ments. The crystalline crust lithofacies are at the thermal waters going away from the seen commonly on the smooth slopes, rims of source cause a getting rich of d13C when the terrace pools, vertical surfaces of the removing of d12C together with continuous- waterfall subenvironments and in extensional ly degassing of CO2 from the thermal fissures of the travertine ridges. The light- waters at the orifices (Chafetz et al., coloured shrub lithofacies is the most com- 1991b). Similarly, the increasing of microbi- mon and typical component in the shrub flats ologic and photosynthetic activities in pools of the depressions and comprises abundant and depressions also result d13C enrich- diatome and bacterial filaments. ment of the system (Guo et al., 1996). All 3- The dark-coloured reed travertines these data show that going away from the are particular to the reed mounds and marsh- spring, travertines are enriched relatively in pool subenvironments in the depressions. 13 terms of d C. The same event is valid for The reed travertines are the second order 18 d O as well. Cooling of spring water in the lithofacies in widespread, in related to the 16 flow direction and leaving of d O from the shrub travertines. Pisolith, Paper-Thin Raft, 18 system by evaporation increase d O value. Coated Gas Bubble, Lithoclast and Pebbly Linear relation of increasing of both these Travertine Lithofacies are the local and two isotopes in relation with distance of restricted occurrences. The solution cavities spring has been revealed in many studies and microkarstic features seen in a pisolith on recent and fossil travertines (Chafetz inner structure reflect more probably desicca- and Lawrence, 1994; Guo et. al., 1996). tion periods in the terrace pools where This linear relation could not be pisoliths formed. observed at the isotope values at the litho- 4- The Travertines in the study area are facies representing the Denizli travertines. mainly precipitated on the slope, depression, 13 The d C values of the shrub, raft and fissure ridge, mound and self-built channel pisolith lithofacies, precipitated in the pools environments. The slopes and the depres- and flats away from the springs, display a sions are divided into smooth, terraced and distinct decrease unexpectedly (Table 1), shrub flat and marsh-pool subenvironments, 18 although the expected increase of d O val- respectively. Transitions in the vertical direc- ues has been appearantly realized. tions have been observed usually from the depression to slope or mound depositional CONCLUSIONS environments. Conclusions inferred in the study are 5- The travertine precipitation in the as follows: depressions have been ceased by palaeosol 1- Hot water travertines of the Denizli formations, green mudstones and marl beds basin have been separated into lithofacies in field scale. These are: Crystalline Crust, deposited in the marsh and shallow lakes. Shrub, Pisolith, Paper-Thin Rafts, Coated 6- According to the stable isotope analy- Gas Bubbles, Reed, Lithoclast, Pebbly sis of the travertine samples, the values of Travertine and Paleosol Horizons. d13C and d18O changes between 0.35 to 6.7 %o Petrographical investigations (including and -6.47 to -15.10 %o, respectively. When SEM studies) have also been made on the 18 13 d O %o PDB and SMOW and d C %o PDB representative samples taken from each lithofacies. values are intersected with each other, the PETROGRAPHY OF DENİZLİ TRAVERTINES 27

clumping occurrences in three different fields Baker, G. and Frostick, A. C., 1951, Pisoliths, ooliths represent shrub+raft, pisolith+reed and crys- and calcareous growths in limestone cavesat talline crust lithofacies. Such a isotopic clump- Port Campbell, Victoria, Australia: Jour. Sed. ing supports that the travertines have precipi- Pet., 21, 85-104. tated in different depositional conditions and Bargar, K. E., 1978, Geology and thermal history of 13 environments. d C values are unexpectedly Mammoth hot springs. Yellowstone National low in the travertine lithofacies that character- Park, Wyoming: U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 1444, ize the pools and stagnant water conditions. 55. This statement means that the biologic induce Black, D. M., 1953, Aragonite rafts in Carlsbad of the CaCO precipitation in the environment 3 Caverns, New Mexico: Science, 117, 84-85. have not been enough effective enough. Bozkuş, C.;Kumsar, H.;Özkul, M. and Hanger, M., ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2000, Seismicity of Active Honaz fault under The fieldwork and SEM analysis of this an extensional tectonic regime. In study were supported by The Scientific and International Earth Science Colloquium on the Technical Research Council of Turkey Aegean Region, Dokuz Eylül Univ., Dept. of. (TÜBİTAK, project no: YDABÇAG-198Y100). Geology, Izmir-Turkey. (Edited by O. Ö. Dora, The authors thank to Muharrem Satır İ. Özgenç and H. Sözbilir), Proceedings, p. 7- (University of Tubingen, Germany) for isotope 16. analysis. We are grateful to Nizamettin Canik, B., 1978, Denizli - Pamukkale sıcak su kay- Kazancı (Ankara Univesity) who encouraged naklarının sorunları: Jeoloji Mühendisliği us to study the Denizli travertines and Robert Derg., 5, 29 -33. Riding (University of Wales, Cardiff, UK) and Allan Pentecost (King's College London, UK) Chafetz, H. S. and Meredith, J. C. 1983, Recent for some comments and literature support. travertine pisoliths (pisoliths) from southeast- During the fieldwork, the owners of ern Idaho, U.S.A.: In: Coated Grains, Ed. by Kömürcüoğlu, Mayaş, Alimoğlu, İlik, Çakmak, T.M. Peryt, 450-455, Springer - Verlag, Berlin. Emek and Ece quarries and the Kamara ther- and Folk, R. L., 1984, Travertines: Depositional mal hotel have provided logistic support. morphology and the bacterially constructed Manuscript received November 2, 2001 constituents: Jour. Sedimentary Petrology, 54, 1,289-316. REFERENCES ; Rush, P. F. and Utech, N. M., 1991 a, Allen, E. T. and Day, A. L, 1935, Hot springs of the Microenvironmental controls on mineralogy

Yellowstone National Park: Carnegie Inst., and habit of CaCO3 precipitates: an example Wash. Publ., 466, 525 pp from an active travertine system: Altunel, E., 1996, Pamukkale travertenlerinin morfolo- Sedimentology, 38, 107-126. jik özellikleri, yaşları ve neotektonik önemler: ; Utech, N. M., and Fitzmaurice, S. P., 1991b, MTA Derg., 118, 47-64. Differences in the d18O and d13C signatures and Hancock, P. L., 1993a, Morphology and of seasonal laminae comprising travertine structural setting of Quaternary travertines at stromatolites: Jour. Sedimentary Petrology, Pamukkale, Turkey: Geological Journal, 28; 61,6, 1015- 1028. 335 - 346. and Lawrence, J.R., 1994, Stable isotopic vari- and , 1993b, Active fissuring and faulting ability within modern travertines: Geographie in Quaternary travertines at Pamukkale, west- Physique et Quaternaire, 48, 257-273. ern Turkey: Z. Geomorph. N. E. 285 - 302. 28 Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK

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Fig. 1 - Light-coloured, vertical crystalline crust (cc) filled in a extensional fissure. Light and dark coloured travertines on the right are deposited in the shrub flat (sf) and marsh-pool (mp) subenvironments respectively. Kocabaş village, the Fidan travertine quarry. Marker as scale =13 cm

Fig. 2 - Thin section views of white, fibrous crystalline crust (cc) developed perpendicular to depositional sur- face and dark micritic interlayers (m).

Fig. 3 - Thin section view of the crystalline crust. Better development of one side of the clump of the calcite crystals display a cedar three appearance.

Fig. 4 - Light-coloured, dendritic shrub layers (s) expanding upward in the growth position and dark micritic laminae (ml). The wire-cut surface, the Ece subquarry, south of Belevi village.

Fig. 5 - Thin section views of dark and micritic shrub forms (s) expanding and branching upward in the growth position. The peripheral voids between the shrubs are filled by sparite (sp).

Fig. 6 - Pisolith travertine. Thin section views of the pisolith grains composed of smooth concentric laminae.

Fig. 7- Paper-thin raft (r) travertine laminae precipitated in the space of an extensional fissure and the litho- clasts travertine (It) dropped down into fissure space. The Kuşgölü fissure ridge hot spring travertines, northwest of Kocabaş village.

Fig. 8 - Modern paper-thin raft (r) and coated gas bubbles (gb) formed together. The Çukurbağ hot spring, Pamukkale. Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK PLATE-I PLATE - II

Fig. 1, 2- SEM photomicrographs of smooth-edged, elongated calcite crystals (Fig. 1) and crushed crys- talline crust (cc) in a micritic ground (Fig. 2).

Fig. 3- SEM photomicrographs of micrites (m) developed on the relics of spar crystals (sp), due to spar- micritization and calcified bacterial filaments (bf) at the upper left corner.

Fig. 4- SEM photomicrographs of alternation of the micrite interlayers (shown by rows) and calcite layers with radial growth in a pisolith grain. Microsolution pore (mp) on the upper right was filled by light coloured, secondary lime mud (Im).

Fig. 5, 6, 7- SEM photomicrographs of euhedral-subhedral spar crystals growing on the micritic ground. Rhombic edges of the crystals are preserved as seen in Fig. 7 or partly fractured or rounded (Fig. 6 and 7).

Fig. 8- Radial calcite crystals (cc) developed perpendicular to micritic ground (m). Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK PLATE-II PLATE - III

Fig. 1- SEM photomicrograph of diatome relics (d) on a micritic ground of the dark coloured travertines pre- cipitated in a marsh-pool subenvironment.

Fig. 2- SEM photomicrograph of microkarstification (mk) in internal structure of a pisolith grain and microstro- matolith structure.

Fig. 3- SEM photomicrograph of close up view of a pore resulting from microkarstification between pisolith interlayers.

Fig. 4- SEM photomicrograph showing radial calcite (rc) crystals covered by thin micritic interlayers (ml) in a pisolith structure.

Fig. 5- SEM photomicrograph showing calcite crystals with radial/feathery growth in a pisolith structure.

Fig. 6- SEM photomicrograph showing the aggregate composed of ksenohedral coarser micritic grains (mg) in the nucleus of a pisolith.

Fig. 7- SEM photomicrograph showing the euhedral spar crystals as a pore fill.

Fig. 8- SEM photomicrograph showing probably bacteria-induced structure in the micritic levels of the travertines. Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK PLATE-III PLATE - IV

Fig. 1- Smooth and terraced slope subenvironments of a slope depositional environment at recent Pamukkale travertines. ss= smooth slope, ts= terraced slope.

Fig. 2- Microterrace pools developing on a vertical wall. The Kırmızısu hot spring, Karahayıt, Scale: Marker=13 cm.

Fig. 3- Vertical travertines deposited a waterfall subenvironment resembling an overhanged curtain (ohc) and composed of mainly crystalline crust lithofacies, The northern slope of Keltepe, near Dereköy village.

Fig. 4- General view of bedded travertines deposited in shrub and marsh-pool subenvironments of depres- sional fields. Emek guarry, Kocadüz locality, northwest of the Denizli Cement Factory.

Fig. 5- Horizantal bedded, light coloured travertine deposited a shrub subenvironment, wire-cut surface, the İlik quarry, southern slope of Killiktepe, northwest of Kaklık.

Fig. 6- Horizontal, light coloured shrub flat (sf) and dark colured marsh-pool (mp) travertines deposited in the depressional field neighbouring a fissure ridge and stratified layers of white crystalline crust litho- facies (arrowed).

Fig. 7- The view of the Kuşgölü fissure ridge from the west. E-W trending main fissure at the west part of the ridge is 5 m in thickness.

Fig. 8- North-west trending the Çukurbağ fissure ridge (arrowed in the middle) and adjacent depressional deposition environments (de) with low topography lying on the each sides of the ridge. The Çukur- bag thermal spring located at the southern end of the ridge (arrowed in the lower left), Pamukkale. Mehmet ÖZKUL, Baki VAROL and M. Cihat ALÇİÇEK PLATE-IV Mineral Res. Expl. Bul., 125, 31-57, 2002


Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU* and Güler TANER**

ABSTRACT.- In the study, six stratigraphical section has been measured through mollusc-rich Uçarsu and Kasaba formations, outcropping at Kasaba Miocene Basin in western Taurides. By evaluating the paleogeographic and chronostratigraphic denotations of mollusc , it has been concluded that, most of the samples were Mediterranean Tethyan in origin and the other forms, such as Divaricella ornata subornata Hilber, Cerithium zejs- neri Pusch and Pitar (Paradione) lilacinoides Schaffer, that were peculiar to the central Paratethys have also been determined. So, for the investigation area, the Paratethyan marine stages were pictured too. By these findings, the age of the shallow-marine Uçarsu formation has been inferred as Upper Burdigalian (Upper Eggenburgian- Carpathian) and that of the other shallow-marine Kasaba formation as Langhian (Lower Badenian). The former is transgressive in nature at its basal parts and characteristically regressive toward the top, while the latter, grading into continental environment from a steady shallow marine, displays regressive character throughout. By context of the paleontological data from Uçarsu and Kasaba formations and superposing of the (studied) units, it is sug- gested that the emplacement of the Yeşilbarak nappe and the Lycian nappes into the region had initiated in the Upper Burdigalian and continued until the end of the Langhian.

INTRODUCTION GEOLOGY Initial works at the region were carried Kasaba Miocene Basin lies at the western out by Lucius (1925), Kirk (1932), Mankiewicz side of gulf of Antalya, on the Teke peninsula, (1946), Colin (1955), Holzer (1955), Flugel between Elmalı and Kaş townships (Fig. 1). (1961) and Pisoni (1967). Within the investigation area, the Miocene- aged units are observed within the Beydağları The units at the region were subdivided into Beydağları autochton, Lycian nappes and Autochton and Yeşilbarak nappe. Yeşilbarak nappe (Şenel, 1997a,b,c), and one In the course of study, just two amongst of which, the Beydağları autochton has been the mollusc-bearing Miocene-aged units, the subjected to detailed studies by several Uçarsu and Kasaba formations has been researchers (Colin, 1962; Poisson, 1977; looked at thoroughly, and four sections from Önalan, 1979; Erakman et al., 1982; the former and two on the latter were tra- Yalçınkaya et al., 1986; Şenel et al., 1989, versed (Fig. 1). Along these, totally sixty-nine 1994). The lowermost portion of the taxons have been recognized (İslamoğlu, autochton is -Upper - 2001) and by examining the paleogeographic aged Beydağları formation, that extends over and chronostratigraphic denotations of those, large areas and deposited at carbonate shelf ages of the formations could have been environment, including patch reefs composed inferred (Table 1). of rudists at its basal part (Şenel et al., 1989, 32 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 33 34 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 35 36 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER

1994). Covering that unit, the Gedikbaşı for- the unit has been separated into two sub- mation, neritic limestone in nature, accumu- structural units, the Gömbe group and Yavuz lated during Paleocene and sits on probably formation by Şenel et al. (1,989), and of which, unconformably (Önalan, 1979; Şenel et al., just one, the Gömbe group can be seen 1989,1994). Resting unconformably upon the through investigation area. Gebeler forma- Gedikbaşı formation, the Susuzdağı formation tion, characterizing the base of the Gömbe represents Upper Lutetian-Priabonian age group, deposited during Cenomanian- and settled down at shallow carbonate shelf Santonian (Upper Cretaceous), outcrops out- fades (Önalan, 1979; Şenel et al., 1989, side the area. The overlying unit, transgres- 1994). The following units are transgressive sive Elmalı formation is composed entirely of Karabayır formation, Aquitanian in age and turbiditic elastics, representing a Upper Burdigalian-aged Sinekçi formation, respec- Lutetian-Lower Miocene age (Önalan, 1979). tively. Sinekçi formation is also transgressive That formation appears around Gömbe and and has been subdivided into three members, Elmalı. Gömüce algal limestone, Kıbrısdere clayey The area and the surrounding region had limestone and Çayboğazı claystone by undergone the compression regime, caused Önalan (1979). Kasaba formation, sediment- by the Alpine orogeny (Colin, 1962; Brunn et ed during Langhian (Lower Badenian) over- al., 1971; Özer et al., 1974; Poisson, 1977; lies that unit. Both Kasaba and Sinekçi forma- Önalan, 1979; Erakman et al., 1982; Akay et tions are tectonically capped by Elmalı forma- al., 1985; Şenel et al., 1987, 1989, 1994; tion, which is a component of Gömbe group in Robertson, 1993; Şenel, and Bölükbaşı,) Yeşilbarak nappe (Şenel et al., 1989, 1994). 1997. Antalya nappes had initially moved The uppermost unit extending in the region is from east-northeast during Senonian and Felenkdağ conglomerate, blanketing the consequently, during Danian they placed on Miocene-aged units unconformably. the eastern and northeastern flanks of the Lycian nappes have previously been autochton. Later on, these nappes had been called as Elmalı nappes and Lycian nappes pushed onto the Beydağları autochton, in by Colin (1962), Brunn et al. (1971), Önalan east-west direction (Şenel et al., 1992, 1994). (1979), Erakman et al. (1982), Günay et al. Lycian nappes, had probably clustered at the (1982), Bölükbaşı (1987) and that has been north of Menderes massif by the closure of subdivided into Tavas nappe, Bodrum nappe, Cretaceous, lodged in the south at the end of Dumanlıdağ nappe, Marmaris ophiolitic Eocene. All these allochthonous units, over- nappe, Gülbahar nappe and Domuzdağ riding the Yeşilbarak nappe, fell into the north- nappe by Şenel et al. (1987, 1989, 1994) and ern and western sides of the autochton during Şenel (1997a,b,c). Miocene period (Şenel et al., 1992,1994) and Another tectonic unit, seen in the region that movement produced considerable effects is Yeşilbarak nappe. Resting at the base of on the Lower-Middle Miocene-aged sedi- the nappes, that unit displays a lateral conti- ments. As a consequence of oppositely nuity between the autochton and the nappes thrustings, a huge amount of the elastics was (Önalan, 1979; Şenel et al., 1986, 1987, transported into the basin, and that material 1989, 1994 and Şenel 1997a,b,c) (Fig. 1). formed the alluvial fans and fan deltas on the MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 37

coastal zone and the submarine fans in the through a northeast-southwest direction. basin, as a result of deposition. During tec- Stretching for 137 m, it has been introduced tonically steady-state phases, the small-scale at X1: 36130, Y1: 49580 intersect and of which patch reefs accumulated over the fan deltas termination is at X2: 35900, Y2: 49500 point (Hayward, 1982, 1984; Hayward and (Fig. 5). Robertson, 1996). Depending upon the exten- Boyacıpınar section (EE').- Going over sion regime following the emplacement of the Fethiye P23-a4 sheet, this section has been nappes, Upper Miocene-Pliocene aged practiced between X1: 31750, Y1: 18800 and grabens developed (Şenel, 1997a,b,c). X2: 32750, Y2: 18400 points, at nearly 950 m southwest of Boyacıpınar. Given a thickness LOCATIONS OF THE MEASURED reaching 67 m in Kasaba formation, it stretchs toward south firstly and then turns up to SECTIONS southwest (Fig. 6). Bozgediktepe section (AA').- This sec- Ortabağ section (FF').- That section tion lies in Fethiye O23-d quadrangle and 4 extends in Fethiye P23-b quadrangle, has been measured at almost 400 m north- 2 between X : 49800, Y : 32740 and X : 49820, west of Bozgediktepe. Extending southeast to 1 1 2 Y : 32500 intersects. It has been examined in northwest, it is introduced at X 33750, Y -,: 2 1: 1 a north-south direction at 3 km south of 44350 and that terminates at X : 33630, Y : 2 2 Ortabağ and is 18 m thick (Fig. 7). 44600 intersects. That has been crossed in Uçarsu formation and ranges 92 m, of which the basal 52 m is represented by sandstone- STRATIGRAPHY mudstone, and the following 40 m by poly- Uçarsu formation, one of molluscs-bear- genie conglomerates (Fig. 2). ing Miocene units, is included in Gömbe Akçasupınarı section (BB').- That sec- group, a member of Yeşilbarak nappe and tion, in the Fethiye O23-d4 sheet, has been overlies the Elmalı formation while the other traversed in east-west direction at some 1.5 one, Kasaba formation is in Beydağları km northeast of Yaskam locality. It begins at autochton and covers Sinekçi formation.

X1. 34350, Y1: 47075 intersect and comes up Generalized stratigraphic columns of both the to an end at X2: 34650, Y2: 47100. Reaching autochton and Gömbe group are displayed in up a thickness approximately 225 m, that also Figs. 8 and 9. characterizes part of Uçarsu formation (Fig. 3). Uçarsu section (CC').- Depicted from Uçarsu formation

Uçarsu spring in Fethiye O23-d4 rectangle, Description.- Although Önalan (1979) that section ranges from X1: 34375, Y1: 48380 has observed the unit, consisting of light- to X2: 34250, Y2: 48600 points and of which brown colored limestones around Uçarsu and thickness reaches to 66 m. That also repre- Akçasupınarı and has thought that as a part sents a portion of Uçarsu formation (Fig. 4). of Çayboğazı member, included in Sinekçi Sıradona section (DD').- That section formation, Şenel et al. (1989) has called it as has been picked up at some 850 m northwest Uçarsu formation, since it has appeared in a of Çukurbağ, in Fethiye O23-d3 quadrilateral, different structural unit. 38 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 39 40 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 41 42 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 43 44 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 45 46 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER

Type locality.- Uçarsu spring. Akçasupınarı section is predominated by Localities of the sections.- Akçasupınarı, an alternance of thin-medium layered and Siradona locality, Bozgediktepe and southern greenish gray colored mudstone with thin la- and southeastern flanks of Akçağ. yered, calcareous sandstone interbeddings (Fig. 3), stretching for approximately 200 m. Contact relationships.- Uçarsu formation Then, a 5.5 m thick sandy pebblestone and sits on Elmalı formation with angular uncon- conglomerate, reaching up to 10 m, blanket formity through Uçarsu and Sıradona sections that level, respectively. while covers it conformably at ones, so-called Uçarsu section initiates with poorly-stra- Bozgediktepe and Akçasupınarı. The formati- tified and greenish gray colored sandy muds- on is underlain tectonically by Dumanlıdağ tone, including poorly-sorted and weakly-ro- nappe, the lowermost slab of Lycian nappes. unded pebbles (Fig. 4). That level is 70 cm Lithology.- Uçarsu formation consists up thick. The next interval is a greenish gray co- of light-dark gray and greenish gray colored lored sandstone and mudstone alternation, conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and reef reaching to 4.5 m in thickness. That sequen- limestones occasionally. The lower parts are ce goes on with the brown colored sandstone predominated by macrofossil-rich sandstone (1 m) and gray colored mudstone. The mud- and mudstone whilst the upper levels are cha- stone encloses limestone lenticules, involving racterized by polygenic conglomerate. algae and corals, in its upper part. Further on, At the base of Bozgediktepe section, coarse grained sandstone and the terminating gray colored and unstratified mudstone (Uçar- deposit, polygenic conglomerate have been penetrated. su formation) overlies conformably the gray colored sandstone of Elmalı formation (Fig. The basal part of Syradona section exhi- 2). Along the first 20 m of the section, a medi- bits a polygenic conglomerate, embracing an- um-layered, gray colored sandstone and gular, moderately to well-cemented, poorly sorted, graded pebbles-gravels and finer elas- mudstone alternates with each other. Then, tics (Fig. 5). Measuring 6 m, that horizon is sandstone grades into sandy limestone by overlain by a greenish gray-green colored, increase in carbonate content and that sands- medium-layered pebblestone-sandstone- tone and sandy limestone interval reachs up mudstone alternation. The latter reaches to to 15 m. On that, a sandstone including scat- 5 m The superimposing is the green colored tered gravels sits and the uppermost sect is mudstone, spreading out 5 m. The lower parts made up of polygenic conglomerate including of the section is Gastropoda and nannoplank- poorly sorted and angular limestone and ophi- ton-rich, although the upper parts enclose 3 to olite pebbles. Dumanlıdağ nappe overlies that 4 m thick reef limestone lenticules, made up sect tectonically. Through the section, fining of algae and corals. The further one is the 8 m upward in grain size, presence of intervening thick, poorly sorted and gray-brown colored reef limestones consisting of algae and coral gravelly sandstone. The 7 m thick polygenic and then grain size coarsening again imply conglomerate, comprising angular and po- that the sequence was transgressive at first orly-sorted pebbles-gravels is the successive and then regressive. rock-type. At top of that succession, large MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 47

olistostromes, reaching 2.5 m and including pan, Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus (Reus) ophiolite pebbles-gravels are seen. and Globorotalia sp., implying Burdigalian pe- Thickness.- The formation displays a riod were determined (Sample Bgt-1, determi- thickness, reaching 225 m. nation by Hakyemez, A.). The overlying gray colored sandstone, from which Sample Bgt-2 Fossil content and age.- The formation was taken, embraces molluscs at high quanti- contains Upper Burdigalian (Upper Eggenbur- ties. Gastropoda, Turritella terebralis turritissi- gian-Carpathian)-aged mollusc assemblage ma Sacco, Turritella (Turritella) turris Baste- (Table 1). Especially, Cassidaria tauropomum rot, Turritella (Haustator) striatellatus Sacco, (Sacco), Vexillum (Uromitra) pluricostata per- Turritella (Zaria) subangulata (Brocchi), Turri- costulata (Sacco), Pecten zizinae Blancken- tella (Peyrotia) desmarestina Basterot, Cypra- horn, Chlamys (Macrochlamys) latissima pra- ea (Bernaya) fabagina Lamarck, Natica mille- ecedens (Sacco), Pitar (Paradione) lilacino- punctata Lamarck, Cassidaria tauropomum ides (Schaffer), Cardium praeculeatum Hölz (Sacco), Ficus (Ficus) geometra (Borson), and Venus (Antigona) burdigalensis producta Galeodes cornutus (Agassiz), Vexillum (Uro- Schaffer are the species that had disappe- mitra) pluricostata percostulata (Sacco), Ath- ared at the end of Lower Miocene. Turritella leta ficulina (Lamarck), Athleta (Athleta) raris- terebralis turritissima Sacco and Turritella pina (Lamarck), Clavatula asperulata (La- (Peyrotia) desmarestina Basterot are the spe- marck), Conus mercati Brocchi, Conus cies, that have been found only in Upper Bur- (Chelyconus) puschi Michelotti, Conus (Co- digalian so far. Meanwhile, the species Pitar nolithus) dujardini Deshayes, scaphopods, (Paradione) lilacinoides (Schaffer), Cardium Dentalium (Antalis) cf. bouei Deshayes and praeculeatum Hölzl and Venus (Antigona) , Anadara (Anadara) fichteli (Desha- burdigalensis producta Schaffer have only be- yes), Glycymeris (Glycymeris) cor (Lamarck) en found in Eggenburgian stage of central Pa- Chlamys (Macrochlamys) latissima praece- ratethys. It is also known that, several speci- dens (Sacco), Lutraria (Psammophila) oblon- es are introduced in marine stages of central ga Chemnitz, Callista (Callista) chione (Linne) Paratethys too, namely Eggenburgian, Ottan- and benthic foraminifera, Operculina cf. gian and Carpathian. Therefore, referring to complanata Defrance (representing usually both names for those stages has been prefer- Miocene period) have been sampled (deter- red. miation by Sirel, E.). The ages hold by the planktonic forami- Within that level, from which Sample nifera and nannoplanktons support the sug- Bgt-3 has been collected, a nannoplankton fa- gested periods for the formation. The follo- una, exemplified by Helicosphaera kamtneri wing lines will explain the determined fossils Hay-Mohler, Helicosphaera recta Haq, Reti- and the intervals that they have been conta- culofenestra pseudoumblica (Gartner), Sphe- ined in, through the sections. nolithus conicus Bukry, Coccolithus miopela- a) Bozgediktepe section departs with gicus Bukry, Cyclicargolithus abisectus (Mul- gray colored, unstratified mudstone (Fig. 2). ler), Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay-Mohler-Wa- In that level the planktonic foraminifera, Ca- de), Ericsonia formosa (Kamptner), Discoas- tapsydrax unicavus Bolli, Loeblich and Tap- ter deflandrei Bramlette-Riedel, Discoaster 48 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER

lenticularis Bramlette-Sullivan characterizes to 20 cm thick sandstone levels. The next late Lower Miocene-earliest Middle Miocene one; 60 cm thick calcareous sandstone has time interval (determined by Karakullukçu, been penetrated to gain Sample Bgt-6, disp- H.). Besides those, a species belonging to laying the presence of Gastropoda, Natica ahermatype corals, living in beneath the pho- millepunctata Lamarck. The sequemce conti- tic zone of open shelf and characterizing the nues with a parcel, consisting of 70 cm thick deeply waters, Acanthocyathus transilvanicus mudstone, 2.5 m thick, light gray colored (Reuss), Balonophyllia sp. was held in (deter- sandy limestone, embracing algal remains mined by Babayiğit, S.). That finding stresses and corals, at which base shell accumulation that, until that level the environment has inc- has been met, and over which a 4 m thick reasingly deepen. mudstbne-sandstone alternation. The following 30 cm thick, gray colored Examplified by Sample Bgt-7, the next sandstone is also productive for different spe- lithology, the 20 cm thick sandy limestone, cies of , illustrated by Gastropoda, including algal remains and corals, exhibits a Turritella terebralis subagibbosa Sacco, Turn- shell accumulation at the base and also inclu- tella (Zaria) subangulata (Brocchi), Cypraea des Gastropoda, Clavatula asperulata (La- (Bernaya) fabagina Lamarck, Natica mille- marck). The units lying on that, are mudstone- punctata Lamarck, Ficus (Ficus) geometra sandstone alternance, exhibiting a 6.5 m (Borson), Scaphopoda, Dentalium (Antalis) thickness and the sandy limestone, including cf. bouei Deshayes, Dentalium sp. and Bival- broken shells, respectively. The Sample Bgt- via, Glycymeris pilosa deshayesi (Mayer), 8 has been collected from the latter and that Glycymeris (Glycymeris) cor (Lamarck), Cal- submits no paleontological form. Continuing lista (Callista) chione (Linne), Nemocardium on by the 1 m thick mudstone-sandstone and spondyloides (Hauer), Nemocardium spondy- 1 m thick sandy limestone, 40 cm thick and loides herculeum Dollfus-Cotter-Gomez, Pa- including algae and pebbles, all these litholo- nopea (Panopea) menardi (Deshayes) (Fig. gies suggests a gradation into a shallow-wa- 2, Sample Bgt-4). Amongst the covering pac- ter from relatively deep waters. The capping kage, consisting of 1 m thick mudstone, 40 lithologies are 14 m thick sandstone, compri- cm thick sandstone and again 1 m thick sing limestone and mudstone interbeddings mudstone, from bottom to top, has only the occasionally, 1 m thick sandstone, with gra- last been exemplified by Sample Bgt-5, and vels scattered throughout and the 40 m thick that has been disclosured to include Gastro- polygenic conglomerate, that is made up of poda, Turritella terebralis subagibbosa Sac- poorly sorted and angular limestone and ophi- co, Turritella (Zaria) subangulata (Brocchi) olite pebbles. The sequence is covered tecto- and Conus (Chelyconus) puschi Michelotti nically by the lowermost slab of the Lycian and Bivalvia, Glycymeris pilosa deshayesi nappes, the Dumanlıdağ nappe. (Mayer), Glycymeris (Glycymeris) cor (La- marck), Pecten zizinae Blanckenhorn, Callis- Through the section, coarsening in grain- ta (Callista) chione (Linne). The succession size upwardly, increasing in sand percentage goes further on by a gray mudstone, having a while the mudstone and claystone dominate thickness of 12.5 m and interbedded with 10 the lower parts, presence of algal and coral MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 49

reef limestones within the succession and int- and ill-rounded pebbles-gravels scattered roducing to conglomerate, all these imply a throughout. The Sample Uç-1 from that basal regression. portion possesses Gastropoda, Turritella te- b) Akçasupınarı section characterizes rebralis turritissima Sacco, Turritella terebralis Uçarsu formation, at the base of which rests subagibbosa Sacco. The greenish gray colo- conformably upon the Elmalı formation (Fig. 3). red sandstone-mudstone alternation having The section generally consists of mudstone- 4.5 m thickness sits on that lithology. The fol- sandstone alternation. The sample numbered lowing rock-type is 1 m thick, brown colored Ak-1, picked up at around 30 m, contains sandstone from which Sample Ug-2 was gat- Gastropoda, Turritella terebralis turritissima hered. That sample contains Gastropoda, Sacco, Turritella terebralis subagibbosa Sac- Turritella terebralis Lamarck, Turritella tereb- co, Turritella (Turritella) turris Basterot, Turri- ralis subagibbosa Sacco and nannoplank- tella (Haustator) striatellatus Sacco, Turritella tons, Toweius gammation (Bramlette-Sulli- (Haustator) tricincta (Borson), Turritella (Pey- van), Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, Cycli- rotia) desmarestina Basterot, Turritella (Zaria) cargolithus abisectus (Muller) depicting a Mi- subangulata (Brocchi), Conus conopondero- ocene age (determined by Karakullukçu, H.). sus (Sacco), Scaphopoda, Dentalium (Anta- Sample Ug-4 is devoid of any fossil form lis) cf. bouei Deshayes and Bivalvia, Anadara and the Sample Ug-5 includes planktonic fo- (Anadara) diluvii (Lamarck), Glycymeris pilo- raminifera, Globigerinoides altiaperturus Bolli, sa deshayesi (Mayer), Glycymeris (Glycyme- Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus (Reuss), Glo- ris) cor (Lamarck), Pitar,(Paradione) lilacino- bigerinoides cf. bisphericus Todd, giving Up- ides (Schaffer), Callista (Callista) chione per Burdigalian age (determination by Hakye- (Linne). mez, A.). The sequence goes further on by 32 The other sample numbered Ak-2 has m thick, gray colored mudstone and again a 8 been taken from the sandy limestone at 140 m thick, gray colored mudstone. Sample Ug-6 m and embraces Gastropoda, Turritella (Pey- from the uppermost of underlying and Samp- rotia) desmarestina Basterot, Xenophora des- le Ug-7 from the overlying lithologies respecti- hayesi (Michelotti), Ancilla (Baryspira) glandi- vely, holds Upper-Burdigalian aged Ca- formis (Lamarck), Ancilla (Baryspira) obsoleta tapsydrax unicavus Bolli, Loeblich and Tap- (Brocchi), Clavatula, asperulata (Lamarck) pan, Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus (Reuss) and Bivalvia, Anadara (Anadara) diluvii (La- and Globorotalia sp. forms (determined by marck), Glycymeris (Glycymeris) inflatus Hakyemez, A.). (Brocchi), Cardium praeaculeatum Holzl, Ve- Sample Ug-8, taken from greenish gray nus (Antigona) burdigalensis producta Schaf- colored mudstone involves Gastropoda, Tur- fer, Pitar (Paradione) lilacinoides (Schaffer), bonilla (Mormula) aturensis (Cossmann and Callista (Callista) chione Defrance. Peyrot), Natica millepunctata Lamarck, Ficus c) At the base of Uçarsu section, Uçarsu (Ficus) geometra (Borson), Clavatula asperu- formation rests unconformably upon the El- lata (Lamarck), and Bivalvia, Anadara (Ana- malı formation (Fig. 4). The formation initiates dara) fichteli (Deshayes), Glycymeris with the 70 cm thick, greenish gray colored (Glycymeris) bimaculatus (Poli), Pecten sp. sandy mudstone, containing poorly sorted and besides those, an ahermatype coral, 50 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER

Acanthocyathus versicostatus (Michelin), gi- gether. By reviewing these samples, the ving Upper Burdigalian-Langhian age (deter- Gastropoda, Turritella (Turritella) turris Baste- mined by Babayiğit, S.). rot, Turritella (Archimediella) bicarinata (Eich- The blanketing 6 m thick mudstone wald), Scaphopoda, Dentalium (Antalis) cf. comprises 50 to 100 cm thick reef limestone bouei Deshayes and nannoplanktons, Cycli- lenticules, including increasingly algae and cargolithus abisectus (Muller), Helicosphaera corals. The concealing, 1.5 m thick, gray colo- kamptneri Hay-Mohler, Sphenolithus belem- red mudstone exhibits a sandstone lenticule nos Bramlette-Wilcoxan, Sphenolithus delp- and examination of the Sample Ug-9 from that hix Bukry, Sphenolithus predistentus Bramlet- lithology has displayed the presence of te-Wilcoxan, Ericsonia formosa (Kamptner), Gastropoda, Turritella (Turritella) turns Baste- Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay-Mohler-Wade), rot and Bivalvia, Venus (Ventricoloidea) multi- Discoaster deflandrei Bramlette-Riedel, Chi- lamella (Lamarck). Another finding from that asmolithus gigas (Bramlette-Sullivan), Reticu- is Catapsydrax dissimilis (Cushman), claiming lofenestra sp., Pontoshaera sp., and Rhab- a Burdigalian age (determination by Hakye- dosphaera sp., giving Lower Miocene age, mez, A.). were found (determined by Karakullukçu, H.). d) Siradona section has been commen- The Sample S-5 from 60 m thick muds- ced with polygenic conglomerate, 6 m thick, tone embraces Cypfaea (Bernaya) fabagina having grain-matrix and of which pebbles-gra- (Lamarck), belonging to Gastropoda. Conti- vels are angular, moderately and/or well ce- nuing upward with an alternation of mudstone mented, poorly sorted and displaying normal and reef limestone, in the rest of the section grading (Fig. 5). This rock-type rests uncon- no mollusc form has been encountered to ob- formably upon the Elmalı Formation. The fol- tain age determination. Reef limestones con- lowing 3 m thick and gray-green colored tain algae and corals. Upward coarsening of conglomerate (pebblestone)-sandstone- the grain size has been considered as a clue mudstone alternation pictures medium-laye- for the rapid shallowing. The sequence termi- ring and is underlain by 2.3 m thick, green co- nates with the ophiolite pebbles-gravels. The lored mudstone. The sample numbered S-1 whole succession is capped tectonically by from that contains Gastropoda, Turritella te- Dumanlıdağ nappe, a constituent of Lycian rebralis turritissima Sacco, Turritella terebralis nappes. subagibbosa Sacco and Subula (Oxymeris) Depositional Environment.- The formati- plicaria (Basterot). on represents a transgressive shallow marine Through the testing of Sample S-2 from setting at initial stages and includes tropical- the uppermost part of mudstone, the Gastro- subtropical molluscs. Over the time, the envi- poda, Turritella terebralis turritissima Sacco ronment has increasingly deepen and aher- has been encountered. matype corals and planktonic foraminifera The capping lithology is 34 m thick, gre- were become plentiful. Seemingly, the envi- enish gray colored mudstone, bearing thin ronment has intensely shallowed later on. The claystone interbeddings and of which bedding upper intervals of the formation consist of co- planes are invisible. At 9.5 m of that lithology arse pebbles and gravels throughly. Accor- the samples S-3 and S-4 were gathered to- ding to Şenel et al., 1989, causal effect for the MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 51

regression and variation in grain size has be- In Boyacipman section, the formation ini- en the approach and emplacement of the tiates with the claystones, 3 m thick and be- Lycian nappes. By that view, it could be con- aring thin sandstone and clayey sandstone cluded that the thrust movements have been beds occasionally. The overlying molluscs- effective toward the end of Upper Burdigalian rich sandstone suggests shallowing. Toward throughout the region. the upper sect, that rock-type alternates with the sandy limestone and mudstone. The suc- Kasaba formation cession comes to an end with a thick conglo- Description.- Rathur, 1967 and Zaralıoğ- merate, reaching to 8 m. lu, 1967 had described all Miocene aged The Ortabağ section begins with the gre- rock-units within the region as Kasaba forma- en colored claystone, 3 m thick and bearing tion. Önalan, 1979 has restrained the unit, greenish gray colored and 5-15 cm thick subdividing it into two. That researcher has sandstone layers occasionally. On that, 1 m called the Burdigalian-aged units as Sinekci thick, gray-green colored gravelly-sandy formation and that has considered the ones mudstone is observed. The 2 m thick conglo- recording Helvetian-Tortonian age as Kasaba merate, that is gray colored and made up of formation, Helvetian-Tortonian in age. Şenel rounded and poorly sorted pebbles-gravels et al., 1989 have claimed that Kasaba forma- covers that. Going further on by muddy-gra- tion has been observed within Beydağları velly sandstone, the succession terminates autochton and so reexamined its extension. with the conglomerate. Type locality.- Ortabağ township at Ka- Thickness.- The thickness varies betwe- saba plain. en 0 and 200 meters. Localities of the sections.- Ardıçlıburun, Fossil content and age.- The species Di- Dikenlialan stream, Çamköy, Ortabağ and varicella ornata subornata Hilber and Cerithi- Boyacipman. um zejsneri Pusch, found through the section, Contact relationships.- Kasaba formation are peculiar to the Lower Badenian stage of rests unconformably upon the Beydağları for- central Paratethys. Moreover, it is known that mation and Kıbrısdere and Gömüce members several species, introduced in the formation of the Sinekçi formation, although it covers are also included in marine Lower Badenian the Çayboğazı member of Sinekçi formation stage of central Paratethys. Thus, for the in- conformably. Toward northwestern it is under- vestigation area, the ages Langhian and Lo- lain technically by Elmalı formation, involving wer Badenian, that is contemporary with the in the Gömbe group of YeşiIbarak nappe, former were demonstrated loo. The formation while at Sidek plain in southeast, Felenkdağ has been determined as characterizing that ti- conglomerate overlies it with an unconformity. me interval (Table 1). The ages acquiring Lithology.- The formation consists of from the corals, benthic foraminifera and nan- thick-layered polygenic conglomerate (pebble- noplanktons, found in also support that estab- stone), light gray, brownish-greenish gray and lishment. The species and the levels at which yellow colored sandstone-mudstone and in- they were captured through the section has tercalated reef limestone lenticules. been explained in the following lines. 52 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER

a- Boyacıpınarı section is characterized The overlying package consists of a by a 3 m thick, green colored claystone, be- 20 cm thick, gray-green colored sandstone, a aring thin sandstone and clayey sandstone in- 30 cm thick siltstone, bearing Operculina sp. terbeddings (Fig. 6). Sample Fd-1a at that le- abundantly, and a 3 m thick, green colored vel contains Gastropoda, Bulla sp., Bivalvia, mudstone, sampled by Fd-3, containing Gast- Corbula (Varicorbula) gibba (Olivi) and Mioce- ropoda, Ancilla (Baryspira) glandiformis (La- ne-aged nannoplanktons, Helicosphaera marck), Clavatula (Clavatula) calcarata fran- kamptneri Hay-Mohler, Coccolithus miopela- cisci Toula. The section advances with a 50 cm thick, gray-green colored, fine-grained gicus Bukry, Sphenolithus conicus Bukry, sandy limestone and a 1.6 m thick, green co- Cyclicargolithus abisectus (Muller), Cyclicar- lored mudstone. The sample numbered Fd-4 golithus floridanus (Roth-Hay), Dictyococcites from that submits Gastropoda, Turritella (Tur- bisectus (Hay-Mohler-Wade) and Toweius ritella) turris Basterot, Turritella (Turritella) tri- gammation (Bramlette-Sullivan) (determina- carinata (Brocchi), Turritella (Haustator) stri- ted by Karakullukçu, H.). By those specimens, atellatus Sacco, Ancilla (Baryspira) glandifor- the environment is suggested as being at off- mis (Lamarck) and Bivalvia, Glycymeris pilo- shore and deeply waters of open shelf. sa deshayesi (Mayer) and Divaricella ornata The following rock-type is the 50 cm subornata Hilber. thick, gray-green colored clayey sandstone, Going on through a 2.5 m thick, medium bearing Operculina sp. That is underlain by layered sandy limestone, at which the section 1.2 m thick, medium-bedded, greenish gray has been sampled by Sample Fd-5, bearing colored and fine-grained sandstone. Chan- Gastropoda, Turritella (Turritella) turris Baste- ging in lithology reflects becoming shallower rot, continues with a 60 cm thick, green colo- increasingly. The Sample Fd-1, gained from red mudstone, overlying that. The upcoming that sandstone exhibits Gastropoda, Ancilla lithologies are 15 m thick, massive sandy li- (Bayspira) glandiformis (Lamarck), Conus mestone, bearing gravels scattered througho- (Conolithus) dujardini Deshayes and Bivalvia, ut and a 2 m thick, green colored algal muds- Lutraria (Psammophila) oblonga Chemnitz. tone. The Sample Fd-6 from that displays the presence of broken and washed coral frag- The next one, sampled by Fd-2, is 1 m ments, as exemplified by Tarbellastrea sp., thick and green colored, molluscs-rich clays- and algal flocculations (determined by Baba- tone and that bears Gastropoda, Xenophora yiğit, S.). The following lithology in the suc- deshayesi (Michelotti), Strombus (Strombus) cession is 60 cm thick, green colored mudsto- bonellii Brongniart, Natica millepunctata La- ne. marck, Ancilla (Baryspira) glandiformis (La- The rock type resting upon that is 17 m marck), Clavatula asperulata (Lamarck), Co- thick, gray colored, massive limestone, be- nus (Chelyconus) fuscocingulatus Bronn, Su- aring fine grained sandstone interbeds. Within bula (Oxymeris) plicaria (Basterot) and Bival- that, small algae-coral reefs, including bioc- via, Glycymeris pilosa deshayesi (Mayer), Ne- lastic material and made up of large coral he- mocardium spondyloides (Hauer), Venus ads and red algae enveloping them are ob- (Ventricoloidea) multilamella (Lamarck), Cal- served. Those reefs lenticulate laterally. The lista (Callista) chione (Linne). corals constituting the reefs are the ones such MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 53

as Coloria sicilae Chevalier, Defrancia irregu- cor (Lamarck), Glycymeris (Glycymeris) infla- laris (Defranee), Heliastrea tchihatcheffi Che- tus (Brocchi), Amusium cristatum (Bronn), valier, Favia sp., Porites sp. These suggest a Venus (Ventricoloidea) multilamella (La- Upper Burdigalian-Lower Langhian time inter- marck) and Nemocardium spondyloides (Ha- val (determined by Babayiğit, S.). The Samp- uer). le Fd-7, taken from the covering gray colored b-Ortabağ section is introduced with sandstones embraces Gastropoda, Cerithium approximately 3 m thick, green colored clays- (Therichium) europaeum graciliornata Sacco, tone, bearing greenish gray colored sandsto- Conus conoponderosus (Sacco) and Bivalvia, ne interbeddings, of which thicknesses vary Barbatia (Barbatia) barbata (Linne), Anomia between 5 and 15 centimeters. The Sample (Anomia) ephippium rugulosostriata Bronn, Çb-1 from that claystone yields Turritella (Tur- (Pseudochama) gryphina ta- ritella) turris Basterot, Turritella (Archimediel- urolunata (Sacco) and Venus (Ventricoloidea) la) bicarinata Eichwald, Aporrheis pespeleca- multilamellata (Lamarck). ni (Linne), Natica millepunctata Lamarck, The sequence continues with 30 cm owing to Gastropoda; Anadara (Anadara) di- thick, green colored claystone and another lit- luvii Lamarck, Corbula (Varicorbula) gibba, hology, 10.5 m thick and gray colored, medi- the species of Bivalvia and Scaphopoda, um-layered sandstone, from which Sample Dentalium sp. Fd-8 has been picked up blankets that. That The section is extended by 1 m thick, specimen envelopes Gastropoda, Turritella gray-green colored gravelly-sandy mudstone. (Archimediella) bicarinata Eichwald, Turritella The Sample Çb-2 from that produces huge (Haustator) tricincta (Borson), Cerithium amounts of mollusc species, exemplified by (Pychocerithium) turritoplicatum Sacco, Cerit- gastropods, Turritella (Turritella) tricarinata hium (Thericium) vulgatum miocenicum (Vig- (Brocchi), Turritella (Turritella) turris Basterot, nal), Clavatula (Clavatula) calcarata francisci Turritella (Zaria) spirata (Brocchi), Turritella Toula and Bivalvia, Pseudochama (Pseudoc- (Archimediella) bicarinata Eichwald, Cypraea hama) gryphina taurolunata (Sacco), Venus (Bernaya) fabagina Lamarck, Polinices (Poli- (Ventricoloidea) multilamella (Lamarck). nices) redemptus (Michelotti), Natica mille- Sample Fd-9, taken from the 1 m thick, gre- punctata Lamarck, Distorsio (Rhysema) tortu- enish yellow colored mudstone covering that osa (Borson), Ficus (Ficus) geometra (Bor- lithology, contains gastropods, exemplified by son), Murex (Bolinus) subtorularius Hoernes- Turritella (Turritella) turris Baste rot, Turritella Auinger, Galeodes cornutus (Agassiz), Lati- (Haustator) tricincta (Borson), Turritella (Arc- rus (Dolicholatirus) dispar (Peyrot), Ancilla himediella) bicarinata Eichwald, Cerithium (Baryspira) glandiformis (Lamarck), Clavatula (Pychocerithium) turritoplicatum Sacco, Cerit- asperulata (Lamarck), Conus antiquus La- hium zejsneri Pusph, Cerithium (Thericium) marck, Conus clavatulus d'Orbigny, Conus vulgatum miocenicum (Vignal), Ancilla (Chelyconus) fuscocingulatus Bronn, Conus (Baryspira) glandiformis (Lamarck), Cojnus mercati Brocchi, Conus (Chelyconus) puschi conoponderosus (Sacco), Conus striatulus Michelotti, Subula (Oxymeris) plicaria (Baste- Brocchi and bivalves, embodied by Barbatia rot); bivalves, exemplified by Anadara (Ana- (Barbatia) barbata (Linne), Glycymeris pilosa dara) turonica (Dujardin), Glycymeris pilosa deshayesi (Mayer), Glycymeris (Glycymeris) deshayesi (Mayer), Glycymeris (Glycymeris) 54 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER

cor Lamarck, Pecten fuschi Fontannes, Pec- countered in Kasaba formation, are the spe- ten (Flabellipecten) solarium Lamarck, Pyno- cies peculiar to Lower Badenian stage and donta germanitala (de Gregorio), Codokia le- Pitar (Paradione) lilacinoides (Schaffer) can onina (Basterot), Nemocardium spondyloides only be seen in Eggenburgian stage of the (Hauer), Nemocardium spondyloides hercule- central Paratethys. These species, may not um Dollfuss-Cotter-Gomez, Venus (Ventrico- be come across in Burdigalian and Langhian loidea) multilamella (Lamarck), Callista (Cal- stages, are the ones distinguishing Tethyan- lista) chione (Linne), Corbula (Varicorbula) fauna-rich central Paratethyan stages (Eg- gibba (Olivi). That sample also surrenders genburgian and Lower Badenian) from Medi- benthic foraminifera, exemplified by Borelis terranean Tethyan stages. Therefore, for the melo (Fichtel and Moll), Amphistegina sp., investigation area, Eggenburgian-Carpathian- Operculina sp., implying a Late Burdigalian- Lower Badenian marine stages of central Pa- Tortonian age (determined by Sirel, E.). By fa- ratethys have pictured along with the Upper unal assemblage it has been inferred that, Burdigalian-Langhian with which the former that environment was shallower than the for- ones are contemporaneous. mer and represented the shallow parts of the 2. None of the species included in Uçar- shelf. su formation, Cassidaria tauropomum (Sac- Depositional environment- Mollusca-rich co), Vexillum (Uromitra) pluricostata percos- Kasaba formation pictures a subtropical cli- tulata (Sacco), Pecten zizinae Blanckenhorn, mate and shallow parts of the shelf. Diversifi- Chlamys (Macrochlamys) latissima praece- cation in species implies that the environment dens (Sacco), Pitar (Paradione) lilacinoides has unchanged over a long time. It is thought (Schaffer), Cardium praeculeatum Hölzl, Ve- that, the grain-size coarsening and disappe- nus (Antigona) burdigalensis producta Schaf- aring of the fossil records afterwards have re- fer, Turritella terebralis turritissima Sacco, sulted from the moving in of Lycian nappes Turritella (Peyrotia) desmarestina Basterot, and regression, due to that approaching. characterizing Lower Miocene could be regis- tered in Kasaba formation, while the ones, fo- und in Kasaba formation, namely Divaricella CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION ornata subornata Hilber and Cerithium zejs- Uçarsu and Kasaba formations, which neri Pusch proper to Lower Badenian, can not have been examined for mollusc-contents, be observed in Uçarsu formation. Thus, these are observed within different tectonic units. two formations are not contemporary and tho- For the ages and environmental characteris- se developed in different periods, following tics of these units, different persuasions have one another. been proposed. By those, 3. Poisson, 1977 has claimed that the 1. Overviewing the paleogeographic and green colored marl, including levels with chronostratigraphic denotations of the speci- Operculina sp. at lowermost part of the Kasa- es, it has concluded that, several are the ones ba formation is Upper Burdigalian in age and found in Lower and Middle Miocene marine the overlying marl and conglomerate repre- stages of both Mediterranean Tethys and sents the Langhian stage and he also has central Paratethys. Divaricella ornata subor- proposed a Serravallian time duration for the nata Hilber and Cerithium zejsneri Pusch, en- following parts of that section. Hayward MOLLUSCAN FAUNA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF KASABA MIOCENE BASIN 55

(1982, 1984), has emphasized that the Kasa- those emplacements have been estimated as ba formation is Upper Mocene in age and that Langhian by Poisson, 1977 though conside- unit depicts a fan-delta, picturing a regressive red as Lower Langhian by Şenel et al. (1987, marine sequence terminated with the alluvial 1989, 1991, 1992, 1994) and Şenel 1997 fan systems. Şenel et al., 1989 has stressed a,b,c. But it might undeniably be clarified thro- that, Kasaba formation typifies a Upper Burdi- ugh the search that, the Nappes had begun galian-Lower Langhian duration and that has effective toward the end of Upper Burdigalian undergone the tectonic movements. Tuzcu et and that phenomena continued until the clo- al. (1994) have also proposed that the forma- sure of Langhian, as attested by the paleonto- tion characterizes a Upper Burdigalian-Lower logical findings in both formations and stratig- Langhian time interval. For the auther of the raphic relationships. text, by the context of mollusk-fauna, Kasaba formation deposited at a warm and shallow ACKNOWLEDGMENT marine environment and that implies a regres- That research comprises part of "Ph. D. sive succession, giving a Langhian (Lower Thesis", has been performed at Department Badenian) age. of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Ankara Uni- 4. The age of the Uçarsu formation has versity. The authors would kindly respect to previously been considered as Upper authorities of General Directorate of MTA for Burdigalian-Lower Langhian by Şenel et al. their supports in field surveying and labora- (1989,1994) and Tuzcu et al. (1994) although tory examinations, to executive committee of it has been concluded as Upper Burdigalian TÜBİTAK since their helps in having a scho- (Upper Eggenburgian-Carpathian) through larship abroad, coded NATO-A2, to Dr Musta- this investigation, by the molluscs determi- fa Şenel for his helpful efforts in the studies ned. Planktonic foraminifer and nannoplank- performed at field and office, to Dr Margit ton findings also uphold that approach. Uçar- Bohn-Havas for paving the way for examina- su formation offers a sequential development, tions at Natural History Museum of Hungary introduced with transgressive levels and co- and Geological Institue of Hungary, to Dr Ort- mes up to an end through regressive charac- win Shultz because of leading to have oppor- ter. On the contrarily, Kasaba formation sub- tunity for benefits from Natural History Muse- mits a Langhian (Lower Badenian) duration, um of Austria, to Dr Alfred Dulai for the cour- by the presence of Divaricella ornata subor- tesy of his special collection at Natural History nata Hilber and Cerithium zejsneri Pusch, ap- Museum of Hungary, to Aynur Hakyemez at pearing at the initiation of Middle Miocene, MTA for determinations of planktonic forami- These forms, as specified previously, are pro- nifera, to Hatice Karakullukçu (MTA), since per to Lower Badenian too. determinations of nannoplanktons, to Sedef 5. It is known that at the region the Lyci- Babayiğit (MTA) for descriptions of the corals an nappes had firstly lodged and then the Ye- and to Dr Ercüment Sirel (AU) for descriptions şilbarak nappe had been fallen beneath tho- of benthic foraminifera and for fruitful criticism se. All these have overlain the Lower-Middle on manuscript to Ergun Akay (MTA) and Dr. Miocene aged units technically (Poisson, Kaan Tekin (HÜ). 1977; Önalan, 1979; Şenel et al., 1989,1991, 1992, 1994; Şenel, 1997). The duration of Manuscript received November 28, 2001 56 Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU and Güler TANER

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ABSTRACT.- There exists oolite and pisolite occurrences within travertine of Pliocene-Quaternary age at north- east of Mut (İçel). The oolite grains are smaller than 2 mm, whereas pisolite grains are between 2 mm and 1 cm in size. These are rounded and ellipsoidal in shape. Each oolite and pisolite grain contains a nucleus at its centre, elastics carbonate sand grain, surrounded by laminated concentric calcite layers. These occurrences developed from roof, mixing grains in the splashing pool. LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND FACIES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONTINENTAL - SHALLOW - MARINE MIOCENE DEPOSITS (ZARA - SİVAS)

Erdal KOŞUN** and Attila ÇİNER***

ABSTRACT.- The and space relationships of sedimentary environments and depositional evolution of Sivas Miocene Basin is studied south of Zara town. 2 formations and 4 members are defined. Early Miocene Ağılkaya formation (1900 m) is composed of Karayün member (alluvial fan and fluvial deposits), Hafik member (sabkhaic gypsums) and Karacaören member (shallow marine). On the other hand Early-Middle Miocene Eğribucak forma- tion (550 m) is only represented by Sekitarla member (fluvial deposits) in this part of the basin. Facies analyses reveal 13 lithofacies representing deposition in lagoon to shallow marine, tidal flat, playa and sabkha, alluvial fan and fluvial environments. The currently debated and controversial relative age of the Hafik member gypsum deposits is assigned to (?) Oligocene - Early Miocene based on the stratigraphic relations observed throughout the basin. Petrographic data together with North-Northwestern paleocurrent directions indicate an ophiolithic source area situated to the South-Southeast of the basin. LATE PLIOCENE PELECYPODA AND GASTROPODA CONTENT AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE DATÇA PENINSULA (MUĞLA - SW ANATOLIA)

Sevinç Kapan YEŞİLYURT* and Güler TANER*

ABSTRACT.- This study examined the paleontology and stratigraphy of the Neogene rock units exposed around Datça Peninsula basing on the pelecypoda and gastropoda fauna. One of the fosil specimens (Hydrobia tanerae n.sp.) which are determined from the taken measured stratigraphic sections belonging to Yıldırımlı formation was described as a new species. The age of Neogene units in the investigated area is determinal as Late Piacencian with the pelecypoda and gastropoda fauna. According to these marine and fresh water fauna, it is found that the area was a lagoon in Late Piacencian. ESR (Electron Spin Resonance) Age Method was applied on the four fos- sil specimens and found 1.891-1.988 million years. This result supported the Late Piacencian age. CLAY MINERALIZATION IN HYDROTHERMALLY ALTERED TEKKE VOLCANICS (ÇUBUK, ANKARA NE)

Asuman BESBELLİ*** and Baki VAROL****

ABSTRACT.- The Neogene volcanics represented by andesites, andestitic tuffs and trachy-andesites in the north- east of Ankara contain hydrothermally altered clay mineralization in places. In the alteration zones developed in the areas where the hydrothermal fluids leaking along faults and joints alter volcanic rocks, silicifications and iron oxides and sulfides are observed next to the clays minerals. As a result of alteration starting from the unaltered rocks, different zones poor in clay and silicified have been developed. In this aspect various petrographic types have been distinguished in the from of unaltered volcanic rocks, volcanic rocks poor in alteration, highly altered volcanic rock and silicified rocks. In addition, gold has been found in the samples around Gicik. The clay minerals formed as a result of hydrothermal alteration of the Neogene volcanics have been determined as kaolinite, mont- morillonite and illite, the silicate minerals as quartz and cristobalite, and ferrous compounds as pyrite, very little calcopyrite, hematite, lepidoclorite and goethite. Kaolinization has generally been obsered around the Gicik village and llgaz hill, smecticization around the Kurtsivrisi village, and illitization in both regions. Their zonation has been developed in the form of kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite from the inner zone which is nearest the fault, mont- morillonite and illite have been formed in the more outer zone. In the fluid inclusion studies carried out, the homog- enization heat of quarts has been found to be between 170 °C and 140 °C. This datum shows that the clay min- eralization due to alteration within the volcanic rocks has been realized under epithermal conditions. However, the presence of gold in the environment makes us think that the hydrothermal solitions coming from the magma have also been effective in the alteration in addition to the main factor, the meteoric waters.