Martyrs at the Hearth the Social-Religious Roles of Resistance Women During Nazi Germany

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Martyrs at the Hearth the Social-Religious Roles of Resistance Women During Nazi Germany Martyrs at the Hearth The Social-Religious Roles of Resistance Women During Nazi Germany Barbara Okker Hassell Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in ASPECT (Alliance of Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought) Brian M. Britt (Chair) Stefanie Hofer Timothy W. Luke Michael B. Saffle May 5, 2014 Blacksburg, Virginia Else Niemöller’s Prayer for the Children of the World: “Lover of humanity, who cares for even one sparrow’s fall, we thank You that Your infinite eye is upon all the children of the world. Whatever the circumstances, we pray that we may help to release them from the forces that scar: hunger, homelessness, hatred, and lies. Give to each of us some sense of responsibility that all children everywhere may come into their full human heritage.” (Else Niemöller, 2008) Keywords: Confessing Church, resistance women, Nazi Germany, neue Frau, Weimar Republic © Barbara Okker Hassell MARTYRS AT THE HEARTH Martyrs at the Hearth. The Social-Religious Roles of Resistance Women During Nazi Germany. Barbara Okker Hassell ABSTRACT: German resistance to Nazi oppression existed within the ranks of academe, the military, the working classes, and the established churches. The Catholic Church, under the leadership of Pope Pius XI, entered into a non-interference agreement with Hitler, but the Evangelical Church experienced a severe split. From this division grew the Confessing Church. A number of leaders within the Confessing Church were arrested or killed during Nazi Germany, and it was the women of the church who continued the work overtly and covertly. The work of these women has mostly been marginalized by history – in part because historic writings belonged to the male hegemony, and in part because the women did not seek recognition. As most of the women about whom I am writing came of age during Weimar Republic (1919-1933), I argue that the women of the resistance received their empowerment to rise up against Nazi oppression from the women's movement of the interwar years. To understand the normative influences, one must consider the societal and political forces that helped shape that time. What led Germany on this path of destruction and caused it to vote for a leviathan in 1933? How did the work of the resistance women serve to fight against the forces of evil that threatened to drown out all reason? What motivated these women to disregard their own safety in their struggle against evil? MARTYRS AT THE HEARTH DEDICATION THIS PROJECT IS DEDICATED TO MY MOTHER (1925 - 2013) WHO TAUGHT THE VALUE OF HARD WORK AND TO MY DEAR FRIEND EMILY DONNELLY WHO ENCOURAGED ME TO BECOME A TEACHER iii MARTYRS AT THE HEARTH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to the members of my committee for their guidance in this process. First and foremost I want to thank Dr. Brian Britt, my committee chairman, for his support and input as I have moved from the initial idea of researching the women of the resistance to completing the research project. His encouragement and enthusiasm were a constant source of renewal for me. I also want to thank the other committee members, Dr. Stephanie Hofer, Dr. Timothy Luke, Dr. Michael Saffle, and my late friend Dr. Klaus Phillips for their support throughout this time. I am even more indebted to a number of individuals in Germany who have provided me with major resources in the completion of my research. Those individuals are: Frau Natalia Alekseeva at the Zentralarchiv der Evangelischen Kirche Hessen Nassau in Darmstadt. Frau Alekseeva provided me with unlimited access to the archives; Frau Angelika Lanig at the Niemöllerhaus Peace Center in Berlin-Dahlem who made it possible for me to stay at the Niemöller Haus in Berlin during my research and put me in contact with Dr. Hermann Niemöller; Frau Knop at the archives in Sachsenhausen Gedenkstätte who gave me unrestricted access to the archives; Herr Pfarrer Eckart Wragge of Berlin, who sent me numerous documents in connection with my research of Marga Meusel; Frau Gisela Oppel who took her own time to show me Marga Meusel’s grave and taught me about the Stolpersteine in Berlin. Frau Dr. Traudel Himmighöfer at the library and media center of the Evangelische Kirche Pfalz who provided me with some of Marga Meusel's publications. I also want to express my gratitude to Mr. Jeffrey Martin at the Roanoke College library. Jeff found books in American libraries that had long been out of print in Germany. All I needed to do was give him the title of a book and somehow he was able to find it. I want to thank my friend, Ms. Gerri Johnson, who accompanied me on a number of trips to the concentration camps and various historic sites in Berlin and helped in the gathering of information. I also want to express my deep appreciation to my son, Mr. Philip Hassell, for his insightful editorial comments on my paper. iv MARTYRS AT THE HEARTH Finally I want to thank two very special individuals, my dear friend and former teacher, Dr. Theresia Reimers, Professor emerita and my husband, Mr. Bob Hassell. Theresia spent endless hours discussing my project with me and reading my paper. I always came away from our conversations with a renewed sense of the importance of my project. Of all the people who have enriched my life, my husband, Bob, has had the greatest impact. His never-failing support, his encouragement, his believing in me even when I could no longer believe in myself has been the driving force behind my completing this project. He was always “the wind beneath my wings.” I want to thank him for giving me the space to pursue my passions, and never placing any demands on me or my time. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful friend, husband, and soul-mate. May the God of heaven reward him richly for all that he has done for me. v MARTYRS AT THE HEARTH Table of Contents 1. Foreword ............................................................................................................................... 1 2. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4 3. Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 17 3.1 Interdisciplinarity ....................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Historical .................................................................................................................... 21 3.3 Cultural ..................................................................................................................... 23 4. Theoretical Framework ..................................................................................................... 25 4.1 Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) .................................................................................. 26 4.2 Max Weber (1864 – 1920) ........................................................................................ 27 4.3 Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) .................................................................................. 29 4.5 Michel de Certeau (1925 – 1986) ............................................................................. 33 4.7 Max Horkheimer (1895-1973) and Theodore Adorno (1903-1969) ......................... 36 4.8 Feminist Theory ........................................................................................................ 38 4.9 Summary of the Theoretical Framework ................................................................. 40 5. Literature Review Dealing with Weimar Germany ....................................................... 41 5.1 Cultural ..................................................................................................................... 41 5.2 Fictional Portrayal of Weimar Women ..................................................................... 44 5.3 Social Developments and Phenomena of Weimar Germany .................................... 49 6. Literature Dealing with Nazi Germany ............................................................................. 52 6.1 Political ..................................................................................................................... 52 vi MARTYRS AT THE HEARTH 6.2 Cultural .................................................................................................................... 57 6.3 The Confessing Church............................................................................................. 65 6.3.1 Development of the Confessing Church. ...................................................... 67 6.3.2 Theological Foundation ................................................................................ 70 Karl Barth........................................................................................... 70 Martin Niemöller .............................................................................. 71 Dietrich Bonhoeffer ........................................................................... 74 7. Women of the Resistance................................................................................................... 77 7.1 Else Niemöller - Wife of Prisoner 26679 ................................................................. 80 7.2 Marga Meusel - The Righteous Among the Nations ................................................ 90 7.3
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