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AP World History Chapter 32 Study Packet Name: AP World History Chapter 32 Study Packet The Building of Global Empires Table of Contents 2.......Overview 3.......Introduction 4.......A.P. Key Concepts 5...... Study Questions - Foundations of Empire 6...... Study Questions- European Imperialism 8....... Study Questions- The Emergence of New Imperial Powers 9....... Study Questions- Legacies of Imperialism 1 | Chapter 32 Study Packet Chapter 32 Study Packet The Building of Global Empires Overview In the latter half of the nineteenth century, the industrial powers of western Europe swiftly extended their control over vast areas of Africa and Asia. This new imperialism was rationalized by theories of racial and cultural superiority; it was made possible by new technologies of warfare. The United States and Japan, and to a lesser extent Russia, were late arrivals on the imperial stage but soon established themselves as well. Modern imperialism is characterized by the following: • Mixed motives. Imperial powers claimed economic necessity, strategic imperatives, and a high- minded "civilizing mission." Frequently motives were confused, so it became "the white man's burden" to convert Africans to Christianity while at the same time enslaving them. • Competition between imperial powers. The scramble for Africa and later for the Pacific islands illustrates the intense competition among imperial nations. The United States took over the Philippines in order to be on an equal footing with other powers already in China. Japan seized Korea and Taiwan for the same reason. • Different models of colonial rule. In practice, the new imperialism varied considerably, including settler colonies such as Australia, indirect rule as in British Africa, direct rule as in French Indochina, and even the private fiefdom of Leopold II in the Belgian Congo. In all cases, ultimate authority rested with the imperial state, and local rulers had little real power. • Economic colonialism. The purpose of the colony was to supply cheap raw commodities to the imperialist state and to be a market for manufactured goods. All resources, natural and human, were directed to this effort. Forests were transformed into plantations, and workers impressed into service. There was no effort to develop a colonial industry that might compete with the imperial state. • Contempt for local cultures. With few exceptions, the imperial powers regarded colonial people as their inferiors and treated them as such. The French made an effort to convert and educate colonial peoples. The British also employed colonials as soldiers and minor civil servants, but made little provision for education. This disrespect contributed to a growing nationalism in India. 2 | Chapter 32 Study Packet Chapter 32 Study Packet The Building of Global Empires Introduction Modern imperialism refers to the state of an industrial nation dominating another nation, sometimes through military force, but more often through trade, investment, and business. Imperialism was also connected to colonialism. The economic motives for imperialism included the desire for wealth, the need for raw materials, and markets for industrial products. The political motives included increasing strategic supply points for the military, as well as distracting the population from internal national problems by using expansion. The religious motives included saving the natives’ souls and taking responsibility for those less civilized (“the white man’s burden”). Much of this success was achieved through technology. Advanced technology and weaponry were used to conquer the natives and more quickly move people, goods, and information. British imperialism in India began the 1750s with the East India Company, a private company with a government charter. The EIC ruled India with a small British force and a large army of native troops (sepoys). The rebellion of the sepoy in 1857 caused the British government to move in and take control. The British took over the government, introduced export crops including opium, built railroads and canals, and put up telegraph lines. In some places, there was competition between the British and other nations. Between 1875 and 1900, in what was termed “the scramble for Africa,” the European powers first explored and mapped Africa, and then began to take over the continent. At the Berlin Conference of 1884–1885, the European powers set the rules for taking control of Africa and by 1900 all of Africa, except Liberia and Ethiopia, were controlled by Europeans. But whether by concessionary companies (like the EIC) or direct or indirect rule, colonial rule was both challenging and expensive. In the east and Oceania, European imperialism was accomplished differently. One single imperial power, such as the Dutch, British, or French, moved into a country and took over. This was the case in Indonesia, Burma, and Vietnam. The European powers were not the only imperial powers. The United Sates intervened in Latin America in the 1830s, purchased Alaska in 1875, and annexed Hawai’i in 1898. The Spanish‐American War (1898–1899) and the defeat of Spain gave the United States Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. Imperial Japan began its expansion in the 1870s by taking control of the nearby islands. The Meiji bought British ships, built a navy, and established military academies. They imposed unequal treaties on Korea (1876), and when the Chinese army moved into Korea, the Japanese declared war, defeated the Chinese, and won major concessions. In 1904–1905, the Japanese defeated the Russians in the Russo‐Japanese War and became a major imperial power. The legacies of imperialism are numerous. Colonial rule changed the crops produced in countries for economic advantage. Large numbers of people, both free and indentured, migrated around the globe, bringing new cultures and traditions to different areas. It also resulted in many conflicts and rebellions, helped reinforce racism and social Darwinism, and spawned both nationalistic and anti‐colonial movements, especially in India. 3 | Chapter 32 Study Packet Chapter 32 Study Packet The Building of Global Empires A.P. Key Concepts Key Concept 5.1. Industrialization and Global Capitalism IV. There were major developments in transportation and communication, including railroads, steamships, telegraphs and canals. Key Concept 5.2. Imperialism and Nation‐State Formation I. Industrializing powers established transoceanic empires. II. Imperialism influenced state formation and contraction around the world. III. New racial ideologies, especially Social Darwinism, facilitated and justified imperialism. 4 | Chapter 32 Study Packet Chapter 32 Study Packet Foundations of Empire (Read pages 1-8) IDENTIFICATION: PEOPLE 1. Cecil Rhodes 2. Rudyard Kipling IDENTIFICATION: TERMSICONCEPTS 1. Imperialism 2. Battle of Omdurman 3. Suez Canal 4. Panama Canal STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Summarize the economic, political, and cultural motives of nineteenth-century imperialists. To what extent did those motives overlap, and to what extent did they conflict with one another? 2. What were the principal "tools of empire”- the various technologies that gave the Europeans such an advantage? 5 | Chapter 32 Study Packet Chapter 32 Study Packet European Imperialism (Read pages 8-19) IDENTIFICATION: PEOPLE 1. Leopold II 2. Queen Victoria IDENTIFICATION: TERMSICONCEPTS 1. Sepoys 2. Great Game 3. Boer 4. Great Trek 5. Berlin Conference 6 | Chapter 32 Study Packet 6. Maori STUDY QUESTIONS 1. How did the British establish control over India in the early nineteenth century? How did the Sepoy Mutiny contribute to this process? 2. Which Asian states managed to maintain their sovereignty in the nineteenth century? Why these states? 3. Who were the major players in the "scramble for Africa"? What was the principal objective of this land grab? 4. Compare the British conquest of South Africa with that of Egypt and Sudan. 5. Why were the great powers less interested in the Pacific islands? What did they want from these islands? 7 | Chapter 32 Study Packet Chapter 32 Study Packet The Emergence of New Imperial Powers (Read pages 20-23) IDENTIFICATION: PEOPLE 1. Queen Lili uokalani 2. Theodore Roosevelt IDENTIFICATION: TERMSICONCEPTS 1. Roosevelt Corollary STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What did the United States gain from the Spanish-American War? Note the political status of each of these acquisitions. 2. Where did the Japanese direct their ambitions as a new imperial power? How successful were they? 8 | Chapter 32 Study Packet Chapter 32 Study Packet Legacies of Imperialism (Read pages 23-30) IDENTIFICATION: PEOPLE 1. Charles Darwin 2. Ram Mohan Ray IDENTIFICATION: TERMSICONCEPTS 1. Maji Maji rebellion 2. Social Darwinism 3. Indian National Congress 9 | Chapter 32 Study Packet STUDY QUESTIONS 1. How did the imperial powers transform the economies of their colonies? Consider especially India and Ceylon. 2. Summarize some of the significant migrations of the late nineteenth century What were the typical destinations? 3. How did subject peoples resist colonial rule? How did imperialism foster conflicts within colonial societies? 10 | Chapter 32 Study Packet .
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