HI7IVTI/I7D 11/11 ill The best plastic dress- ing made-gives your Uriil * fjlV IVlUU customers better quali­ ty, more quantity, quicker results, at almost half the price. Don’t let your customers be deceived—give them the best at Before the War Prices— 25c size Denver Mud $2.00 the dozen

50c size “ “ 4,00 the dozen

$100 size “ “ 8,00 the dozen 2,00 size " " 16,00 the dozen

$12.00 lot less 5% discount and 10% in FREE GOODS. 25.00 lot less 10$ discount and 10% in FREE GOODS. ORDER FROM YOUR JOBBER TODAY.


■ .....■■■ i' '■ ■■■.— •' ' 1 — ...... '■ — ...... ■ ■■■ . — [g ]

@ This head line

Has been before the public for more than forty years, resulting in great profit to the retail trade. Along came imitation Castorias and thousands upon thousands of dollars have been spent to connect the signature OF

with the original and Genuine Castoria sales may be promoted and our trade mark protected. Fletcher’s C? 'oria has been one of our greatest sellers, and our continued advertising will keep it at th> p. -V Our Candy B? md Counter Wrappers will Help You and Save*Money ASK FOR THEM sntaur Company, 250 West Broadway, New York City THEY TASTE VERY MUCH LIKE 10 $ r~ CIGARS ^ PACKAGE OF 5 for 40c

— the same, rich flavor and unchanging quality for over 35 years.

THAT’S WHY You meet men every day who are satisfied with no other— they’re enthusiastic boosters for Lewis Single Binder.

ORDER. NOW FROM 'Richardson Drug Co. [gar D epi. O M A H A . U. S. A

The following goods contain nothing to conflict with the Food and Drug Act, Send us your Telephone Book or Mailing List June 30, 1906, and require no label: and we will mail our literature with your name and address as agents.

Order your needs from White’s Cream Vermifuge Your Wholesaler

Campho Phenique MR. DRUGGIST Campho Phenique, Powder From time to time you suffer with Head­ Borozone, Liquid aches, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bilious­ Borozone, Powder, ness, Etc., and Swaynes All Healing Ointment Have tried everything in the store ex­ Swaim’s Ointment cept Veronica Water Now give Veronica Water a fair trial, Herrick’s Pills and get rid of these little grievances. Harvell’s Condition Powders Give it a fair trial and you will have One Eeal W ater to recommend to your cus­ Smith’s Bile Beans tomers. You know Hall’s Hog Cholera Remedy Satisfied Customers are Real Assets Remick’s Eczema Cure We have made them for ourselves and can for you. Use it yourself and you will know. J. F. BALLARD Write us today for eireulars and window display.

Proprietor and Wholesale Dealer The Veronica Medical Springs Water Company Proprietary Medicines Santa Barbara, California . H. KIMBALL, President J. H. THOMAS, Vice-President WESTERN WHOLESALE-DRUG COMPANt Los Angeles Phoenix OMAHA DRUGGIST

A Pain Killing Wound Healing-Pleasure Giving STOMACH AND LIVER TABLETS Are receiving some aggressive advertising, SUN ■ OF ■ A ‘ GUN the kind that goes right into the hands of the consumer, and sells the goods. No drug stock should be without them. Don’t lose a profit and disappoint a customer, by being “ just out.”

ORDER , THEM NOW OP “ The Marvel oi 20th Century Pain Killer*.** Richardson Drug Company Goes Further Repeats Oftener A t a Bigger Profit Omaha, U. S. A. Customers’ Like It? Land Sakes! Mr. Ring, Okoboji, bought fjU jj three bottles in thirty days. Says will’ never be with- I ]|| V A K II II I out it. Just one f j i|| of hundreds! / I \1=\ The Woman’slTonic \ V Thedford’s BLACK - DRAUGHT and <§iHierteon’s CARDOSEPTIC O Gowntrp Products of practical experience, scientific fientcJjp investigation and pharmaceutical skill.

kwmm ikimeni The Chattanooga Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn.



Sure Relief for Pains, Guts, Achna anil Sprains. Makes ’em Buy Again. We have moved into our new Stock Old Country Remedy N OW. Be pre­ building at 14th and Jones Street. pared for the demand we are creating by di­ rect advertising. Send us your mailing list. Better Facilities* We do the rest. Dealer’s Average Profit 65 per cent Better Serviee Three sizes; 50c, 90c and $1.50 Come and See Us Write for particulars Mannf acturedlby Midland Pharmacal Company PITTSBURGH O m aha PLATE GLASS O R D E R F R O M Richardson Drug Go., Omaha, U.S.A. COMPANY OMAHA DRUGGIST

A good product for you to stock because it shows a Good Profit, is being advertised in the leading Newspa­ pers amd gives results which bring to your store Repeat Business with an all year In­ jg ip t ^ creasing Demand. /. '• A ionic J §> r * « V * and diuretic .■ ;/ f*f uSejntfto treatment . BRIACEA is a medicine and - ' offcioodand nerv* , * tonic, useful in the treatment of .disorders run down or irritable conditions, >- - h m Hn c HOT to a i m » s caused by overwork either phy­

- DIRECrioNS w sical or mental. It is helpful in P B S S fe-i-o'fo' ifoor fluid drachm* of cases of debility due to slow or ; S: ^ S ^ d byphyW- incomplete recovery from such 1 f i r f w ' f * a medtcfne P " * " '* * under •. diseases as the “Flu/’ Pneumon­ , “ r « ,S «»- «»■> r ;r .«-.?»I •I -Chemlrtry' r»rtetf*»«;,«« ia, Typhoid Fever and kindred i V «*;^ ; Dha°v;, ^ «.. ;J.; ;,t Thi« medic|rt« ;.may.ha''e . Th«» d «* 4 ^ ailments. ^ but ***: Price per dozen, $12.00 • *•" t*'° " i;9," s' «h r * ': ' v^naratfon h*. Bw« '"ad° W*J 3 dozen lots freight prepaid 1 '. ' Th‘» ^ * S l , 9rtd the'*««*• ther*of r v*"‘ 6 doz. lots 5$ discount I a& »* V . >?*».•• “ ” r* freight prepaid Sole manufacturers, THE BRIACEA DRUG CO. •KANSAS CITY, MO.

O R D E R F R O M Richardson Drug Company Omaha, :: Nebraska m . . . . ■ : ■■■■■..■■,...... -t ...... -••-•••• - - ■ ■ 1 -■■■■■■■ = M = = \ n OMAHA DRUGGIST

& SON, Inc. JOHN F. STRATTON CO. 351.53 ■>•-•<=• Fourth-runo*son.,-. Ave. New York. Estab, 1895

“Russian” Gut Violin Violin Strings S trin gs 46 E or 1st. ..doz. i 28 E 4 lgths.bdl $4.50 47 A or 2 d ___ doz. 71 A 2% lgths.bdl 4.50 49 D or 3d wd..dz 91 D 2% lgths.bdl 5.25 49% G or 4th wd..dz. 109 G wd 1 1th.doz. 1.80 51 Set 4 s t r g s ..s e t Ponca Compound 29% Set 4 strgs.set .85 51% Asst 30 stgs.bx. 29 A sst. 30 s tg s.b x 5.40 Guitar Strings Tongaline Liquid, 4 oz., dozen $ 5.00 “Naples” Gut Violin 160 E or 1st.....doz. Tongaline Liquid, 8 oz., dozen 10.00 Strin gs 160 B or 2d...doz. Tongaline Liquid, 5 pint, each 28% E 4 lgths.bdl 3.70 160 G or 3d wd.doz , ,16.60 71% A 2% lgths.bdl 3.70 160 D or 4th wd.dz. Tongaline Tablets, 50 in box, 91% D 2y2 lgths.bdl 4.35 160 A o r 5th w d.dz...... dozen 5.00 108 G w d, 1 lth .d oz. 1.65 160 E or 6th wd.dz. 32% Set 4 strgs.set .70 161% Set 6 strgs.set Tongaline Tablets, 100 in box 32 A sst. 30 stg s.b x . 4.50 161% Asst 30 stgs.bx. _ ...... dozen 10.00 Silk Strings for Violins Banjo Strings 8 E 3 lg th s.b d l 1.95 J.86% 1st ...... doz. Tongaline & Lithia Tablets, | 9 E 4 lg th s.b d l 2.55 186%2nd ...... doz. 50 in bcx...... dozen 5.00 11 A 2% lgths.bdl 3.40 186% 3rd ...... doz. Tongaline & Lithia Tablets, 13 D 2% lg th s.b d l 4.50 186% 4th wound.doz. 14 G 1 lg th .d o z . 1.35 186% 5th ...... ~ d oz. 100 in box.„ ...... dozen 10.00 15 Set 4 strgs.set .85 186% Set 5 strgs.set Tongaline & Quinine Tablets, “Russian” Out Guitar A ss t 30 stg s.b x . S trin gs 50 in box...... dozen 5.00 154 E or 1st gt.doz. 1.65 Mandolin Strings Tongaline & Quinine Tablets, 155 B or 2d g t.d o z . 1.65 1140% E or 1st.. doz. 156 G o r 3d g t.d o z . 1.95 1140% A or 2nd..doz. 100 in box...... •...... dozen 10.00 170 D o r 4th w d .d z . 2.20 1140% D or 3d wd.dz. Ponca Compound Tablets, 501 170 A or 5th wdj,dz. 2.65 1140% G or 4th w.dz. 170 E or 6th wd.dz. 3.15 1143% Set 8 stgs..set in b c x ...... dozen 5*00 175 Set 6 s t r g s ..s e t 1.20 1143% Ast. 30 stgs.bx. Ponca Compound Tablets, 100 175% Asst 30 stgs.ibx. 6.00 Violin Pegs in b o x ...... dozen 10.00 “Russian” Gut Banjo 524 Imita. Ebing...dz. Strin gs 531 Gen’ine Ebing.dz. 188% 1st Gut ....doz. 1.65 No. 2' Violin Bridges 188% 2d Gut ....doz. 1.80 ...... doz. 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT 0NS20 LOTS I 188% 3d Gut ,....doz. 1.95 No. 1 Violin Bridges 180 4th w o u n d .d o z . 1.50 ...... doz. MELLIEE DRUG COMPANY, ST. LOUIS 188% 5th Gut ....doz. 1.65 867 Violin Resin, doz. 188% Set 5 s tr g s .s e t 1.15 870 Violin Book Form 188% Asst 30 stgs. bx. 5.00 ...— ...... doz. J For Salo by Richardson Drug Co. Omaha, Nebraska

: [ §

Allcock's Porous Plasters Allcock’s Corn & Bunion Plasters Brandretb's Pills Allcock’s Lotion Salva-cea ZShe Fi*Oe ^Reliables K N O X W E E D E V E R Y B O D Y H E L P clean out the dandelions and have a beau­ tiful lawn. Knoxweed very easily applied and kills top and roots.

Knoxweed, the chemical triumph of the age, kills Dandelions, Devil Grass, Bermuda Grass, Rib Grass, Buckcorn, Plantain, Burdock, Thistles and other obnoxious weeds. It is a liquid compound and put up in containers, with dropper attached ready for use. A few drops applied in the heart or center of the weed and it dies both top and root- If there are blossoms prevent them from going to seed by giving them a few Drops. They will close up immediately. No injury to grass from using K NOXW EED, when applied as directed. No matter how wet or how hot the weather, remember weeds grow just the same, and the more you dig at them, the more they “ stool” or spread from the root. Do not let them root all summer and freeze in ground in winter only to come up in the spring and multiply. Kill them now and for all time. Knoxweed will positively do all we claim for it.

Lawn Size can Hall-Gallon size can One Gallon size can

Manufactured by THE KNOXWEED CO., Omaha, Neb




have maintained a national reputation as a family medicine in all cases of



Any Jobber Can Supply You


The Great GeneralTonic

P a y s Y o u

i i “ As Strengthening B igger P rofits! is the Bracing Sea Breeze’

$ 1.00 s ize , 10-o z. $8.00 D o z . $ 1.50 s ize , 16 o z. $ 10.00 E ^ . $2.00 s ize , 24- oz. $ 14. 00E o L 111

6 dozen lots one size or assorted too Medicine Company 5 d i s c o u n t i * 1 * york -kansas city, MO. { F r e i g h t P r e p a i d . 16 FLUID OUNCES


This beautiful Litho­ graphed metal cabinet given free with the first two-gross order.



Cap and Fringe, all colors

Gray and White $ 2 1 . 0 0 Per Gross

Retail Price

DRUG STORE PROFITS, Can be greatly increased by featuring Rovina Hair Nets. No better side line has ever been offered to the modern druggists. Every Rovina Hair Net is unqualifiedly guaranteed for perfection, so there is no chance of loss on a single net. Rovina is a splendid repeat item, and t&tll not tie your money to the shelf.

Richardson Drug Company Distributors Omaha, Nebr. OMAHA DRUGGIST

A M o n t h l y J o u r n a l o f P h a r m a c y

V oi,. XXXIV. OMAHA, JUNE 1921. No. 6

Semi-Annual Examination. Success. On May 10 the Nebraska Board of Pharmacy held He has achieved success who has lived well, its Semi-annual examination in Omaha. There were laughed often and loved much; who has gained the forty-five applicants for examination and six for respect of intelligent men and the love of little chil­ license by reciprocity. Of the forty-five there were dren; who has filled his niche and accomplished six who failed to successfully pass the examination. his task; who has left the world better than he found Of this number only one was a graduate from a it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem school of good standing in Nebraska. Nebraska has or a rescued soul; who has never lacked apprecia­ a mixed law requiring four years of high school tion of earth’s beauty, or failed to express it; who and four years college work or three years’ actual has looked for the best in others and has given the practice under a registered pharmacist. By a ruling best he had; whose life was an inspiration, his of the board an applicant may take a two years’ memory a benediction. (short) course, and have two years’ actual practice BESSIE A. STANLEY. and then take the examination. Most of the appli­ cants in this examination were of the latter class. Don't Get Discouraged. The average grade made by all at this examination was 85. The darkest hour in your career may be just be­ C. W. Husted...... Brownlee fore you step into the brightest hour. Changes come Ruth P. McCormick...... Omaha quickly. Moves are made rapidly on the checker­ Frank Robert Grund...... Crofton board of business. Be patient. Your time will come George R. Lorge...... Wynot if you have the stuff in you. Success consists in re­ Dorothy Harlan ...... Council Bluffs, la. membering to steer clear of a mistake you have James C. Munn...... Bayard— Reciprocity once made. Success means the ability to overcome William R. Sturdevant...... Chadron obstacles and reverses. Success comes to those who Roy C. Holcomb...... Broken Bow move forward, be it ever so slowly, so long as you Lale Scofield ...... Lincoln advance some. Hold your head up, aim high, clench Maurice P. Roese...... your fist. Set your jaw firmly, and push forward Harold C. Wagey...... Cambridge with a determination. Let your watchword be “I Leonard R. Gillett...... Will.”— The Practical Druggist. Ernst T. Stuhr...... ___ Lincoln Earl W. Leeds...... Modern Version. Clarence J. Becker...... I am carelessness. Humphrey F. Murphy...... I am also a magic working mathematician. George Jay Barrett...... I can add to your troubles. Thomas W. Evans...... I can subtract from your earnings. Karem G. Oamel...... I can multiply your aches and pains. William P. Raitt...... I can take interest from your work. Charles M. Beigel...... I can discount your chances of safety. Marvin M. Bowles...... I can divide your thoughts between business and Harold A. Dana...... pleasure. Joseph E. Hultman...... I can be a potent factor in your failures. Marguerite Weir ...... I can be with you for a small fraction of time and Frank W. Schmeling...... lessen your chances of success. Louis J. Kelly...... I am a figure to be reckoned with. William B. H arlan ...... Harlan, la. Cancel me from your habits and I will add to your John J. Connors...... total happiness. Norbert M. Hannon...... Merven F. Myers...... Victor C. Wilson...... Power-Weightman-Rosengarten Co. of Philadelphia Severin J. Walter...... put out the following: “We draw attention to the Emmet M. Luby...... fact that spirit ether compound, U. S. P., eighth Merle Malcolm Sim pson.... rev., spirit ether compound, N. F., Hoffman’s anodyne, Wendell G. H ill...... Henry J. Burt...... does not come within the scope of the prohibition Glenn H. Fritzler...... act, and it is not affected by the ruling of the Com­ John A. McCluskey...... -Reciprocity missioner of United States Internal Revenue, and as Allan J. Croft...... covered by Treasury Decision No. 1341 of March 2, Augustus F. Jenning...... Omaha—-Reciprocity 1921. The above mentioned Treasury Decision No. Al. A. Lenocker...... -Reciprocity 1341 covered spirit ether, U. S. P., Hoffman’s drops, Ivan X. Lenocker...... Omaha— Reciprocity the manufacture of which article we discontinued in L. Willard Cooke...... Norfolk— Reciprocity January, 1920. A hearing has been called by Harold P. Coffin, At Last. referee in bankruptcy, at his office, 217 Broadway, in “I am sorry to tell you,” said the doctor, looking the case of the Acme Dyestuffs Co., Inc., for May 15 down at the man in bed, “that there is no doubt you at 3 p. m. are suffering from smallpox.” The discovery of shale in Illinois, which may prove The patient turned on his pillow and looked up a cheap American source of potassium for agricul­ at his wife. tural purposes, and which is rich enough in potas­ “Julia,” he said in a faint voice, “if any of my sium to increase the yield of certain crops grown creditors call, tell them that at last I am in a on peaty soil as much as 180 per cent, is announced position to give them something.”— Drug Trade Week' by the University of Illinois. Tests have been in ly. progress since 1915 to find a source of potassium. 10 OMAHA DRUGGIST

Mr. Thayer, owner of Thayer’s Drug store at Sid­ PERSONAL POINTS PERTAINING ney, says he would like to know what is the matter with those Robert Bacon cigars. They go out so to PHARMACEUTICAL PEOPLE fast. He has to order them about every week. Cash Pritchard, the genial drug clerk of Grand Island connected with the Pease Drug Co., was NEBRASKA. elected vice-president of the Grand Island baseball Reginald Good has accepted a position with club. Cash has only two hobbies— drugs and base­ Tucker & Farnsworth, Grand Island. ball. He stands at the top in both professions. L. H. Leavy, Jr., son of L. H. Leavy, druggist at Lynn Thompson, one of the leading druggists at Columbus, died of pneumonia May 6th. Scottsbluff, reports business conditions very good L. R. Johnson spent two weeks in Omaha last for this season of the year. Mr. Thompson recently month in the interest of the Robert Bacon. favored the Richardson Drug Company with a very A baby boy, Allan Stuart, weighing ten lbs., was nice drug order, including Robert Bacon cigars. born May 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Alvord, Miller. A baby boy, James Edward, was born April 20th A. V. Pease, popular druggist of Fairbury, Grand to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Henney of Tilden. Island and Lincoln, is spending the summer in Cali­ Hanson & Scofield, Tilden, dissolved partnership, fornia. ' and the firm will be known as the Hansen Drug H. E. Attebury, formerly in business at Powell, Company. Mr. Scofield expects to study to be an Wyo., has purchased the drug store of Attebury M. D. Brothers at Morrill. C. H. F. Steinmier, Ansley, who has been confined H. M. McHugh, formerly in the drug business at to St. Francis hospital, Grand Island, for the past Des Moines, la., has accepted a position with W. E. month on account of a broken ankle, we are glad Clayton of Grand Island. to report will soon be able to leave for his home. Robert Van de Yen, city salesman for Richardson Charlie will probably walk with a crutch for some Drug Company, was called to Ottumwa, la., on ac­ time, but feels very thankful that it was not more count of the death of his brother. serious. On April 27th a 9% -lb. boy was born to Mr. and George Barbee and wife of Syracuse left Tuesday, Mrs. F. C. Krenzien at Clearwater. Frank says he June 7th, on an automobile trip to Kentucky for a is going to make a pill roller out of him. visit with relatives there. They expect to be gone Oscar McCracken, president of McCracken Drug about six weeks and while there will visit the fam­ Co., Grand Island, spent a few days in Omaha re­ ous Mammoth Cave. During Mr. Barbee’s absence cently in the interest of the DeMolay boys. Nick Troup will manage affairs and we feel sure that Jonas Schuchat, sales manager for E. Popper & under his management Mr. Barbee may feel safe in Co., Inc., cigar manufacturers, New York City, called forgettting business entirely during his vacation. on the Richardson Drug Company last month. We are just in receipt of a letter from a former Bert Swalley, of the drug firm of Kastner, Nichol­ customer and friend, Mr. H. A. Baumann, who for son & Swalley, Nebraska City, has been a Lincoln many years was engaged in the drug business at visitor the past three weeks on the federal jury. Grand Island. Mr. Baumann recently purchased a Alex Harris, Chicago representative of Johnson & pharmacy on Sunset boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif., Johnson Co., New Brunswick, N. J,, died suddenly and is very enthusiastic over his business, as well at Illinois Athletic club Saturday afternoon, May as the city in which he will make his future home. We congratulate him and wish him every success. Mrs. Wm. A. Brokaw, wife of the pioneer druggist It is with sincere regret that we announce the of Cedar Bluffs, was called to her old home in Pekin, death of Mrs. Alfred Helsing, which occurred April Illinois, on May 25th by the serious illness of her 27th at her home in Wahoo after a short illness. mother. Mrs. Helsing was one of the leading workers in her Dr. C. F. Stockert, who for a number of years has church and an ever ready helper in all charitable owned and operated the Red Cross Pharmacy in work. She will be sadly missed by her host of Lincoln, passed away March 30th at the Lincoln friends. She is survived by Mr. Hosing and two beautiful young daughters, Marjorie and Dorothy, to Sanitarium. whom the Omaha Druggist extends sincere sympathy. H. E. Brown of the Brown Drug Co., Scottsbluff, was in Omaha several days last month and left a The Munn Drug Company at Bayard is one of the very nice order for drugs and cigars with Richardson nice stores in the western part of the state and they Drug Company. are always making improvements in and around their store. Their recent addition is a very fine Chas. E. Davidson, Ogallala, has favored the Rich­ prescription laboratory, which for neatness and for ardson Drug Co. with some very fine business during making everything handy, it cannot be improved on. the past month. Mr. Davidson says Robert Bacon It is certainly a great credit to the store, also a cigars are going fine. credit to the city of Bayard, to have a drug store Harry Stackhouse, owner of the Scottsbluff Drug that possesses a prescription laboratory of this kind. Co., and Mrs. Stackhouse and family are visiting Messrs. Fred and Bud Atteberry, doing business their old home in western Iowa. They expect to as Attebury Brothers, at Morrill, have sold their return about the 20th of June. store out to their two younger brothers, Harry and Fred Morgan, owner of Morgan’s drug store at Charley. The old firm name of Atteberry Brothers Kimball, says business is exceptionally good for this will be continued. Harry, for several years, was season of the year. Mr. Morgan has one of the finest in the drug business in northern Wyoming and is stores in the western part of the state. one of the best retail drug men in the west. Charley has been associated with his two older brothers for Mr. and Mrs. J. H. A. Thomas are making a visit a number of years in the drug store. In the future, to their old home town, Fremont, after spending the Fred and Bud will devote their time in looking after past two years in southern California. Mr. Thomas their stock ranch north of Morrill, which has grown was for many years one of the prominent retail to such a magnitude that it now requires the atten­ druggists of Fremont, but owing to the ill health of tion of both of them. The Omaha Druggist extends Mrs. Thomas he gave up business when they went best wishes to the Atteberry family, and especially to the sunny clime of California. to the younger brothers. A. W. Scott of Fort Collins, was a visitor for sev­ eral days in Denver last month. Mr. Scott reports business exceptionally good at his store in Fort Collins. Among those who sustained heavy losses in the recent flood are the Hausman Drug Co., Metropolitan Drug Co., Palace Drug Co., and Triangle Pharmacy, all of Pueblo. , George Myers, owner of the Sun Drug Co., Denver, has just returned from a two months’ pleasure trip to Honolulu. Both Mr. and Mrs. Myers enjoyed the trip very much. The Akron Drug Company at Akron, are sporting a new plate glass store front. They now have a pair of fine show windows. A windstorm in Akron last month demolished the old front in their store. Mr. E. F. Freytag, owner of the Atlas Drug Co., of Ed. F. Beranek, Ord, has just opened his new foun­ Denver, has just returned from a trip to Panama. tain. This part of the business will be known aa Mr. Freytag says he made the trip through the Ed’s Inn and is the pride of Ord. Part of the room Panama Canal twice, and enjoyed his entire trip very has been set aside for dancing, where the young much. people can enjoy themselves, and promises to become one of the most popular attractions of the town. Col. A1 S. Lamb of Aspen is thinking of taking a Mr. Beranek has one of the most complete and best year off from business cares and make a trip around arranged stores in Nebraska, having recently in­ the world. Col. Lamb says he has been looking stalled all new fixtures and is rapidly recovering forward to such a trip for several years, but then from the disastrous fire of two years ago, which he thinks a fellow should have some company making destroyed his plant entirely. a trip like that. Col. George F. Fonda, the Pioneer druggist of The men I have seen succeed best in life have been Boulder, at present is taking a little vacation. Mr. cheerful and hopeful men, who went about their Fonda requests that the Omaha Druggist continue business with a smile on their faces and took the its monthly visits as usual as it has been a welcome chances and changes of their normal life like men, visitor through his mails for the past thirty years facing rough and smooth alike, as it come, and so and he would feel lost without it. found the truth of the old proverb that “Good times Ed. H. Smith, formerly in the drug business in and bad times and all times pass over.”— Kingsley. Colorado Springs and later at Yuma, has been spend­ ing the winter at Cactus, Ariz. Mr. Smith’s health IOWA. has greatly improved during the early part of the Thomas Lehan, of the Lehan Drug Co., Dunlap, summer. He writes that he will be back in Colorado has been confined to his home the past three weeks and will hunt up another drug store location, getting by illness. back into active business again. S. M. Clem and J. W. Criswell have purchased the Haldeman and Roberts drug store at Malvern. Mr. Diagnosed. Clem, better known-to his many friends as “Steve,” He— There is an awful rumbling in my stomach­ has moved his family to Malvern and is in charge like a cart going over a cobblestone street. of the store. Mr. Criswell remains at Oakland direct­ She— It’s probably that truck you ate for dinner.- ing the affairs of Humbert and Criswell, well-known Lehigh Burr. drug firm of that city. E. S. Thomason, proprietor of the Red Cross Drug If you want to lose your good name, have it en Store, Red Oak, has completed his plans for remodel­ graved on your umbrella. ing the store and work is well under way. The plam include extension of the building, new front and WYOMING. fixtures and an up-to-date living apartment over the Miss Long, cashier and bookkeeper for the A. E. store. When the work is completed the Red Cross Roedel Drug Store, is taking a thirty days’ vacation Drug Store will be one of the finest in the state of trip in southern California. Iowa. R. H. Hopkins, owner of the Palace Pharmacy at Cheyenne, made several trips down to Denver on “Hey, McCarthy,” yelled Casey, “Dugan just hung business last month, via the automobile route. Mr. himself with a halter strap.” “Did you cut him Hopkins reports the drug business very good in old down?” inquired McCarthy. “Oi did not,” replied Cheyenne. Casey. “He wasn’t dead yet.” Dr. Hummer, proprietor of the Plains Pharmacy in Cheyenne, says he is going fishing in a few days. COLORADO. He knows right where to go. Doc says he left a George Hausman, the old-time druggist of Trini­ bunch of them in a certain hole last year and he has dad, has just returned from a six weeks’ vacation a hunch they are still there. down along the coast of Florida. W. A. Forbes, owner of Forbes Drug Store in David Stamper, one of the owners of the Fort Cheyenne, recently returned from a trip to Chicago Morgan Drug Co., Fort Morgan, was in Denver a and other eastern points. Mr. Forbes says he would few days on business last month. rather do business in Cheyenne than any of the Mr. Young, proprietor of Dakan’s Drug Store at towns he visited on his trip east. Yuma, was one of the callers at Richardson Drug Mr. A. E. Roedel, the pioneer druggist of Cheyenne, Company sample rooms in Denver last month. says business is exceptionally good for this season Mr. Hefley, owner of the Hefiey Drug Company, of the year. Mr. Roedel has quite a large force of doing a wholesale business in Colorado Springs, has help and all of them have all they can do. This is just returned from a vacation trip to the Pacific a good indication of an increase in his wholesale coast. business. 12 OMAHA DRUGGIST

A. H. Cordiner, owner of the A. H. Cordiner Drug other poisons— in fact, I have sold twenty-five or Co., at Laramie, reports business very good. Mr. fifty pounds of paris green to sand-hill store keepers Cordiner recently gave the Richardson Drug Com­ who later resold it in their stores. pany a very nice general order and included a I hope at your meeting this year you will take thousand of Robert Bacon cigars. Thank you very steps to have enacted a real pharmacy law which much, Mr. Cordiner; we will always do our best to will be both practical and protective and which will serve you. successfully eliminate this illegitimate sale of drugs. Harry Prahl, owner of the Laramie Drug Co., Lara­ When this is done and the N. S. P. A. settles down mie, recently sent the Richardson Drug Co. a very to a real business of bettering pharmacy and help­ fine general order and of course included 1,000 Rob­ ing the drug business as a whole— that is, from both ert Bacon cigars. Mr. Prahl says he don’t know a theoretical and financial point of view— mixing in what is the matter with those Robert Bacon cigars. a little sport, for the all-work and no-play rule They just will not stay in the cigar case and he had applies to druggists, too— we will have a one hun­ to reorder them three times last month. dred per cent membership and eighty per cent at­ tendance instead of the 150 or 200 members usually J. B. Coordt and wife, of Pine Bluffs, recently gave present. W© could round up all the druggists in a very pretty dinner party in honor of their young the state instead of the few who like to visit who daughter, Miss Vivian, who is the real boss of the have attended the past conventions, mostly for the household. The dinner spread was very bountiful fun of it, and have paid l ttle attention to the busi­ and it was truly a very pleasant afternoon for all ness end of the association. those present, and as the guests departed all wished It is all very well to listen to a good paper on the little Miss OOordt a very long and happy life chemistry read by a young pharmacy graduate; it with the greatest of God’s blessings. Mr. Coordt is is very good to listen to while he is reading it, but one of the owners of the Pine Bluff Drug Co., which we forget it before we got home. I would like to is one of the best stocked stores in the state. see all the druggists of the state line up for the upbuilding of the profession and also for the better­ ment of the business end of it, so that we may have North Platte, Nebr., June 2nd, 1921. pharmacists more thoroughly trained, better equipped Gentlemen and Fellow Members N. S. P. A.: and fully protected. An organization of this kind It is not often that this convention is asked to would be strong enough tc compel any manufacturer listen to a letter from a sand-hill pill roller and I to give us a decent profit on his goods by refusing hope the endurance which enables you to spend to sell such goods until hs did do so. As examples sixteen hours a day in your stores will prevent my of these small profit goods, we have Harlem Oil letter from getting you down. Capsules, Doane’s Kidney Pills, Poslam and many Even a sand-hill man has ideas and opinions, and others, all goods on which the small stores without I would like to present some of my views of the an outlet for large quantities, can hardly pay over­ problems of the pharmacy world. head expense on the sms,11 margin of profit. Let Let’s begin with the youth who is preparing to one state get together and refuse to sell the ex­ enter the business world. What inducements does treme short profit goods and in a few short years pharmacy offer to the young man or woman? How the condition will extend over the entire United are they protected by law after they have completed States. It is true the cut raters will handle such the four years of training necessary for registra­ goods, but they cut anyway, and would be no more tion and have passed the state board? This training powerful in the United States as a whole than they should be required, but why stop with just training are with us in our own state. In Nebraska, out of the student? It is like a parent turning his child all the large number of drug stores, only seven or out to shift for himself when he finishes the grades eight cut their prices, and these men have all made instead of helping him by giving advice and support their money, not in their drug stores, but in real when needed. Why not help these new pharmacists estate. — and the old ones, too— by securing a few laws to Gentlemen, this is not meant as a criticism of protect them? (, the N. S. P. A. and its active members, rather it As I see it, we have no pharmacy law to protect is a presentation of my ileas as to our needs and pharmacy— and we have an elegant law in our great the remedies for these nesds. A lot of we old fel­ state to keep young men out of pharmacy. Our lows will not attend the meetings unless we get young men and women toil through high school and more from them that will help our business in a pharmacy colleges and come home with their certifi­ financial way. We want ideas that are practical— cates, only to find that when they enter the drug not theories. game they are competing with the corner grocery, Thanking you for your indulgence and attention, the ten-cent store and the cross-roads store, stores I am, Yours very truly, that are started and owned by people who don’t GEO. FLETCHER. know the difference between “” and “astrin­ gent.” You all buck up against the same thing; you A Matter of Diet. know as well as I that there are dozens of places A negro employed at one of the movie studios in selling poisons, insecticides, etc., in violation of Los Angeles was drafted by a director to do a novel our pharmacy law. You ask: Why don’t we report comedy scene with a lion. . I them ? Well, we don’t for the same reason that you don’t report your next door neighbor who is “You get into this bed,” ordered the director, “and making corn or raisin or apricot whiskey. we’ll bring the lion in and put him in bed with you. If I may, I would like to suggest a few things that It will be a scream.” would make the drug store more profitable and, since “Put a lion in bed with m e!” yelled the negro. a man must spend two-thirds of his time there, more “No, sah! Not a-tall. I quits right here and now.” pleasant, also. “But,” protested the director, “this lion won’t hurt First, a pharmacy law should be enacted that will you. This lion was brought up on milk.” protect pharmacy as it should be protected, a law “So was I brung up on milk,” wailed the negro, that provides for a man or woman, paid by the state, “but I eats meat now.” to travel around over the state and put the welchers out as competitors of the legitimate drug stores. “You can’t hitch to that pole,” said the police­ I could name ten or twelve country general stores man. and grocery stores that are selling paris green, car­ Farmer—“Why not? It says, ‘Fine for hitching.’ ” bolic acid, paragoric, formaldyhyde and a great many — The Sandusky Register. OMAHA DRUGGIST 13

are heard comments concerning Sheridan’s lack of THE OMAHA DUUGGIST accommodations for convention audiences. C. F. W ELLER , PUBLISHER. An expert decorator, assisted by one man from T e r m s o f S ubscription ...... , ...... $2.00 p e r y e a r each of Sheridan’s stores, will be entrusted with the S i n g l e C o p y 25 C e n t s . decorating of the city in honor of the visiting drug­ R a t e s o p A d v e r t i s i n g o n A p p l i c a t i o n . gists, and Main street will be colorful in holiday at­ tire when the visitors arrive. We send the Omaha Druggist free to all of our Special Invitation to Women Members. customers. If you are not on our mailing list and wish to receive this journal regularly each month, let A special invitation to the women druggists of the us know. state, or the wives of members of the pharmaceutical association, will be extended, and a committee of local women will be appointed later to assist in Contributions pertaining to current pharmaceutical topics the entertainment of these visitors. In vited. Not of secondary importance will be a thirst com­ Address all contributions to mittee which Secretary Tyson says will be made up OMAHA DRUGGIST PUBLISHING CO. of some of the best drink connoisseurs in the west. N i n t h a n d J a c k s o n S t s , O m a h a . What kind of drinks will be served is being kept a secret, but some enticing formulas are being se­ NOTICE: After Hours, Sundays, Holidays cured. The convention sessions will open on Monday aft­ for emergency orders for Vaccine, Anti­ ernoon, August 8. If weather conditions are favor­ toxins, Serums, Etc., call Mr. CHANDLER able it is likely a great majority of the delegates from the southern part of the state will drive up, Harney 5619. and our very fine tourist camping grounds, with a bungalow for the use of those who do not care to Address all mail to Richardson Drug Co., sleep out of doors and who do not wish to put up at a hotel, are at their disposal. Monday evening a Harney Street Station, Omaha, Nebr. visit and program in the Country Club, which will by that time be housed in its new club building, is SHERIDAN PHARMACISTS PLAN the first entertainment feature. PROGRAM FOR BIG CONTENTION Tuesday morning and afternoon, August 9, will be devoted to business sessions, and that evening will be the time for a distinct novelty in the way of Annual Convention of State Druggists to be Held in entertainment, but the program committee insists Sheridan August 8-10—Meeting Held to that these plans be kept as a surprise for the visitors. Plan Reception. Piney Inn Will be Visited. Wednesday, August 10, the closing day of the ses­ “Come to Sheridan, in the heart of the Big Horns, sion, will be given over to business sessions, the for the 1921 convention of the Wyoming Pharma­ afternoon meeting being adjourned in time for the ceutical Association, August 8, 9 and 10. It will be delegates to motor to Piney Inn, where the banquet the best ever held.” of the convention will be served. This party will That is the slogan emblazoned on all letters sent close in time for those who desire to leave on Train out from Sheridan by L. R. Tyson, Jr., of the Wyo­ 43, to reach the city. ming Pharmaceutical Association which in its con­ Secretary Tyson announced this morning that the vention in Torrington last fall selected Sheridan for local druggists are confident that the convention will its 1921 convention city. be one of the best ever held in Sheridan, and that Last night local druggists met in the Commercial they are glad of the co-operation pledged to them club rooms and outlined plans for entertaining the by W. D. Fisher, secretary of the Sheridan Commer­ pharmacists of the state when they come to this city cial Club. Fisher is an expert convention man, and early in the fall. Mr. Tyson says his assistance will be an asset to W. H. Bdelman of Sheridan, chairman of the state the convention committee. association’s entertainment committee, is in general Roy Seney of Sheridan is a member of the state charge of arrangements for the convention, and is association’s transportation committee and is busy assisted by Edward Martin of Sheridan, George W. arranging for accommodations on the railroads for Storey of Burns, Ralph Seney of Buffalo, E. B. Kip- the Sheridan visitors. fer of Colorado Springs, Colo.; L. R. McGrath of Denver, Colo.; and A. G. Martin of Thermopolis. Magnesium Salts as Fertilizers. W. D. Fisher, secretary of the Sheridan Commer­ Magnesium plays an important role in the process cial Club, appeared before the druggists last night of plant assimilation and it has been shown that the and assured them that the business men of Sheridan chlorophyll is an organic magnesium compound with wanted to assist in the entertainment of the visiting a content of about 0.3 per cent magnesium. In a pharmacists, and a committee consisting of Verne recent paper Dr. A. Jacob described the experimental St. John, L. R. Tyson, Jr., and Charles C. Tomsik work done during 1917-19 on the influence of various will confer with the Commercial Club directors rela­ magnesia-containing fertilizers on harvest yields, tive to that organization’s co-operation in the plans. and showed that potassium-magnesium sulphate and Committee Named on Hotel Arrangements. potassium chloride-kieserite (MgS04H20) constitute Hotel arrangements for the visitors will be made efficient fertilizers for sandy and brackish soils.— through a committee, including James Brown, Ed­ Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. ward Martin and G. O. Daggy. To finance the convention some means other than If You Have Special Sales. taking the money from the organization’s treasury A novel use of price tickets is helping a Milwaukee will be determined, and Charles C. Tomsik of Sheri­ druggist keep track of the sales of specialty adver­ dan, who is local secretary of the state organiza­ tised goods. The price ticket is perforated so that tion, will have charge of this phase of the conven­ half of it may be torn off when the sale is made. tion. This half is pasted on the sales ticket. Aside from the hotel committee’s expected diffi­ When this ticket is brought to the cashier she lays culty in finding quarters for the 200 visitors the com­ it aside. Thus, with very little extra work, the sales mittee including Roy Seney and W. H. Edelman, manager knows every morning the sales on the ad­ which must find a meeting place lor the business vertised articles. Various colors are used to sessions, faces a serious task, an^l already there distinguish lines. i4 OMAHA DRUGGIST

THE TRADE AND THE “ANTIBACS* Facts and Figures. By Carl Avery Werner. In forty-five states of the United States, there are state laws restricting in some fashion or other the Editor of The Tobacco Leaf, in an Address to the sale and consumption of tobacco products. During Cigar Manufacturers’ Board of Trade, Declares the the past four months, since the middle of January, Real Objective of the “Antis” to be Total Ex­ there have been ninety-two measures, affecting the termination of Tobacco, and Suggests How Best tobacco industry, introduced in the legislatures of to Foil Its Enemies. twenty-eight different states. The provisions of these various bills included prohibition of smoking in pub­ All industries, at all times, presumably have their lic places, prohibition of the use of such harmless troubles. And at this time, when the entire com­ ingredients as licorice, sugar, etc., in the manufac­ mercial and financial world is laboriously undergoing ture of tobacco, the prohibition of teachers and oth­ a process of readjustment, industrial difficulties are ers using tobacco, provisions for instructing public unusually persistent and severe. The tobacco indus­ school pupils that tobacco is poisonous, providing try, on account of tobacco being both a luxury and licenses for retailers so high as to be prohibitive, a taxable commodity, is traveling a road that is as well as the usual measures prohibiting the sale somewhat rougher perhaps than that of most other ui tobacco to people under the voting age. hranches of trade. In the face of the many hard­ At the beginning of this year there were five ships which the tobacco industry is undergoing, some states of the union in which the antibacs had suc­ of you may feel that the subject, “The Trade and ceeded in passing legislation in which the use and The Antibacs,” is hardly of enough consequence to merchandising of tobacco in one form or another was bother about. If there is anyone in this audience absolutely prohibited; and this number would have who feels that way about it, I want to assure him been increased to seven a few weeks ago had it not that the organized anti-tobacco movement is many been for the fact that the tobacco trade’s appointed times more important to the industry than the trend representatives were on the lookout and by focus­ of prices, government taxation, the temporary con­ ing the attention of the public in the affected locali­ dition of business, or any other problem now facing ties, succeeded in reducing the number to three the trade. It is a thing that very few of us know prohibitive states— Utah, North Dakota and Kansas. much about and which works subtly, slowly and Gentlemen, do not allow yourselves to be deceived silently and whose poisonous shafts are aimed for one moment as to the target at which the anti­ straight at the heart of the entire industry. bacs are aiming. They are busy every minute, and What They’re Really Doing. like a certain much advertised patent medicine, they It is a matter of common knowledge that imme­ work while you sleep. diately after the passing of the Eighteenth Amend­ However, I am glad to be able to tell you that ment the antis started out with a rush to wipe to­ the time has passed when this crowd of Puritanical bacco and the tobacco business off the map of the parasites on our national happiness can have things United States. A few months after the rush began all their own way. There is now in active operation some of the shrewdest leaders of the movement dis­ a bureau having the authority and the proper ma­ covered that a mistake had been made. They found chinery to defend tobacco smokers and the tobacco they had misjudged the temper of the people and business against their enemies. I come here hold­ that they had stirred up a tidal wave of indignation ing no brief for any particular trade organiation, which almost swept them out to sea. Immediately but it is my privilege to know that at the offices of after this there was a right about face, and the the Tobacco Merchants’ Association, in this city, pussyfoot policy was decided upon as the safest and there is a splendidly organized bureau which makes best. Then they came out with the announcement a business of keeping an eye on the antibacs and that they had not the slightest idea of prohibiting taking the best possible measures to oppose their the use and manufacture of tobacco entirely, but un-American enterprise at every stage of the game. that they were going to confine themselves to teach­ I am not privileged to publicly describe the exact ing the public that tobacco is injurious to health; methods and activities of the bureau. They are and to securing legislation against the sale of tobacco honest, straightforward and clean. But an enemy to minors. that strikes in the dark must be opposed in the This is Only a Subterfuge. dark and I would be unfaithful to you and to your If the antis were sincere in what they now pro­ interests if I were to stand here and explain in detail fess to be aiming at, then, indeed, tobacco smokers the exact methods and policies of this bureau that and the tobacco industry would have little to worry has been constituted for your defense. about. The tobacco industry does not need to sell How the Trade Can Help. its products to children and is not seeking the patronage of growing boys and girls. And as to its Let us consider, rather, what you and I may do campaign of education, any anti-tobacco organization as individual members of the tobacco industry to­ will find it pretty difficult to convince the American ward safeguarding the welfare of the industry; I people that smoking is dangerous to health and to might better say what you and I can do as plain morals, when our greatest statesmen, inventors, American citizens to oppose these organized at­ bankers, artists, musicians, lawyers, judges and pub­ tempts to stifle the personal privilege and inherited lic leaders are all habitual users of tobacco, even freedom of a liberty-loving people. the president and vice-president of the United States. There are three ways in which we, the rank and But you and I know very well that, while the tem­ file, can do our part and help mightily. per of the people compelled them to change their First— We should be eternally watchful of the methods, the antibacs have not changed their ulti­ movements of tobacco’s enemies and promptly report mate purpose in the slightest degree, and their real to the central bureau everything we see or hear that objective is nothing more nor less than the com­ in our opinion may be useful to the defense. plete prohibition and extermination of tobacco and Second—We should not encourage the patronage the tobacco industry. Ostensibly education by, but of growing boys and girls. I know this admonition actually legislation, is the true policy of the “pro- is almost unnecessary, but there should be absolute­ hibs.” ly no exceptions to this rule, for it is vitally neces­ OMAHA DRUGGIST 15

sary that we should keep every branch of the tobac­ of merchandise a small slip of paper, urging the co business always above reproach and safely be­ smoker to be careful with his matches and cigarette yond even the smallest excuse for criticism. stubs. I appreciated immediately the value of this Third— And last, we should be ever watchful of suggestion and in the next issue of The Tobacco Leaf our own personal habits in the use of tobacco, never appeared an editorial, urging all cigarette, tobacco permitting our own enjoyment of the smoking privi­ and cigar, manufacturers to accede to the request lege to be annoying to those who do not use tobacco, of the Forestry Division and co-operate with the for by so doing we can make everyone tobacco’s division in every way possible toward the suppression friend. of fires. That, as I say, was several years ago. The Last is the Most Important, Four weeks ago a gentleman, in charge of the pub­ Now, gentlemen, 'many of you may regard this last licity department of the National Board of Fire Un­ suggestion as of little consequence, but if you have derwriters, called upon me at my office for the pur­ applied yourself closely to the psychology of the pose of consulting me regarding an article he was smoking question you are sure to recognize that this compiling on the causes of fires. I did what I could is vastly the most important thing we can do for. to convince him that the responsibility of smokers the preservation of this industry. The trouble with for the starting of fires was grossly exaggerated, most of us is that we live too closely within our­ but I assured him, nevertheless, that the tobacco selves and within the limitations of our own busi­ industry was heartily interested in the suppression ness; we have no perspective and we lose the faculty of fires, as every industry should be, and I told him of seeing clearly from the other man’s viewpoint. that I was sure that the tobacco trade would gladly It is a mighty good thing to stand off, once in a co-operate with the National Board of Fire Under­ while, and watch ourselves go by. writers in every way possible. He then astonished Now it so happens that I have a peculiar antipathy me by referring to the request made several years for the flavor of garlic. The smell of it literally ago by the Forestry Division and informing me that makes me sick. Occasionally I find myself in a of the seven large manufacturers to whom the Divi­ crowd in the subway, wedged so tight that I can’t sion appealed, only one consented to insert the fire- move an inch in any direction, with a man standing warning slip in their packages. in front of me with a garlic breath. Now, I know To complete the story, a few days ago, on Friday, very well that garlic is a wholesome food and that May 13, to be exact, I read in my morning paper the many people are very fond of it, and I know they following, under a large display headline; have a perfect right to eat is as often as they choose. Loss by Careless Smoker $91,000,000 in Five Nevertheless, when I am packed tight in a crowded Tears subway train and can’t get away from a man who The careless smoker is largely responsible is wafting his garlic breath in my face, I am much for many fires, according to the National Board peeved; and sometimes* I find myself wondering why of Fire Underwriters, which started a campaign that fragrant vegetable was ever discovered and yesterday for safeguarding America against fire wishing that there was no such thing as garlic in by way of a publication. the world. The National Board of Fire Underwriters say: The psychology of the non-smoker is very much “The careless smoker causes death* and de­ the same. It is only natural that the person who struction to an extent that can hardly be im­ reaps none of the comforts, pleasures and manifold agined by one who has not studied the statistics, blessings of tobacco, should be somewhat intolerant just as do the careless users of electricity, the when the privilege is abused by his neighbors. careless camper in the woods, the careless house­ Consider the Percentage of Non-Smokers. wife in the kitchen, and all the other familiar careless figures in the lives of our communi­ Of course, when you and I walk down Broadway ties.” of an evening, we are likely to gather the impression The magazine says outright damage wrought that almost everybody is a smoker. But if we sub­ by the fires attributed to smoking reached more ject the matter of cold and dispassionate analysis, than $91,000,000 in the United States in the five we find, of course, that such is not the case. It is years from 1915 to 1919, inclusive. undoubtedly true that ninety per cent, and probably I do not have to emphasize to you the irritating more, of the adult male population of the United effect that a story like this is bound to have on States use tobacco ■ in some form or another, and people who are not smokers, but who are paying high are consequently its natural friends. The number insurance rates on property. This story appeared of smokers in the United States has been estimated not only in every New York paper, but, naturally, variously from twenty millions to thirty millions. was sent out by the Associated Press to thousands Personally, I think that thirty millions is pretty and thousands of newspapers broadcast over the en­ close to the correct figure. But even so, with the tire country. You can easily imagine how organiza­ total population considerably over one hundred mil­ tions who have sworn to wipe tobacco from the lions, we have to recognize the fact that seventy-five face of the earth will seize upon material of this per cent of the American people do not use tobacco. kind and use it to very best advantage in their fight Do' you not agree with me, therefore, that about the against tobacco. And how easily this could have biggest things we can do to safeguard the interests been avoided if the tobacco industry had given proper of this industry is to do everything possible toward consideration to the suggestion made to them a few cultivating the good will rather than the opposition years ago by the Department of Agriculture and by of that vast majority of non-smokers? Did you ever their own trade press. stop to think that every time a smoker drops his Rules for Smokers. ashes on the clean floor of a private dwelling, burns It is because of my careful study of the psychologi­ a hole in a fine linen tablecloth, or puffs a cigar or cal phase of the anti-tobacco question that I am cigarette in a crowded elevator, he may be adding moved to submit to you something which I am con­ one more person to the list of tobacco’s enemies? vinced will have at least some influence on the tem­ Tobacco and; Fires.'! " per of the seventy-five per cent majority, on whose A few years ago I found on my desk one morning friendship the entire future of the tobacco industry a letter from the Forestry Division of the Depart­ most largely depends. The idea is to have printed ment of Agriculture, enclosing a copy of a letter on small cards and distribute a list of rules for they had just written to seven of the largest tobacco smokers something like the following: and cigarette manufacturers, calling attention to the Etiquette of Tobacco number of fires supposed to have been started by Approved by the League of American Smokers. the careless use of matches and tobacco and request­ Notwithstanding that those who derive happiness, ing that these manufacturers insert in each package comfort and good fellowship through the use of to-

: . , ...... J,.- • ..... : 16 OMAHA DRUGGIST

bacco, comprise ninety per cent of the male adult “ Cigars by the Box.” population of the United States, I fully realize that With spring at hand and summer fast approaching, the majority, counting women and children, are many opportunities for increasing business present non-smokers, and that among this majority there themselves to the live retailer who is a real sales­ are some to whom the fumes of tobacco are not man. “Cigars by the box” is the slogan every re­ agreeable. I take pleasure, therefore, in observing the tailer should keep in mind. following rules of courtesy and consideration: The “smoke” season of the year is naturally the 1— I shall not smoke or carry a lighted cigar or outdoor season, when men smoke more and buy cigarette in any place or at any time where or when, more from the real salesman behind the counter. either by placard or common understanding, smoking Suggesting box purchases to a customer is not an is prohibited. easy matter, and should be done very tactfully, so 2— I shall not smoke in any place or at any time that he is not made to feel small or cheap should where or when the fumes of my tobacco are ob­ he not buy. In your own natural manner, some re­ viously annoying to others, even though such ab­ mark as “Let me show you a box of your favorite stinence is not compulsory. brand in your desired color,” or “You may be able 3— I shall not smoke in any passenger car, public to use a box of your favorite cigars over the week­ or private. end or on your vacation” will bring a response from 4— I shall not smoke in a dense crowd of people, your customer. indoors or out, if I discover that my smoke is an­ If he shows the slightest interest, immediately get noying someone near me who, owing to the circum­ two or more boxes, place them in front of him, open stances, is unable to move away. the boxes very deftly by using your box knife to cut stamps and seals, fold back the flap, hold up to the 5— I shall not smoke in any home wherein I am a light for your own admiration, and then get your guest without first being assured that it is agreeable customer to hold the box in his hands for his in­ to my host and others present. spection. Once you get a man to take hold of the 6— I shall not smoke in the presence of any lady, boy, he' is half sold, and it will take but a few more until I have been assured that she has no objections words to close the deal. Never bring forth one box; to my doing so. let the customer see that you are letting him choose 7— I shall not approve of the use of tobacco by what he wants and he will feel much more pleased. growing boys and girls. If he has no favorite brand, learn what price he 8— I shall exercise caution in discarding the ends wants to pay, and whether he wants a Domestic, of cigars and cigarettes in order to preclude the Clear Havana, Porto Rican or Manila cigar; how possibility of fire. many he wants and of what strength. Never try to get a man to spend more than he intends to. Don’t 9— I shall, in my enjoyment of the smoking privi­ show him that you are anxious to get his money. lege, be always considerate of those whose inclina­ On Fridays, Saturdays and days before holidays, it tions happen to differ with my own, and always be is very advantageous to have a stack of 1-40 and guided by the finer instincts of true chivalry and 1-100 packings on the counter as week-end specials. American manhood. Never sell a man a box of cigars that have been 10— I shall not only faithfully adhere to the fore­ in the window on display. Always give your box going self-imposed rules myself, but I shall urge customer full value and he will come back for more. other true lovers of tobacco to do the same, so that —Abe Brown in Sweets and Smokes. the days of tobacco may be long and its friends legion in the Land of our Fathers. The bird that got up the income tax forms was Three Big Things to Remember. either a bug, a nut, a boob, or a friend of Satans— At the first reading it may seem to you that some working on a commission basis. of these regulations of the etiquette of smoking are a little too severe; but after calm reflection I feel Imported Papers Given With Bull Durham. that you will agree with me that we can well afford Smokers who roll their own of Bull Durham, and to lean over backward if necessary in order to lift the paper attached to bags of Bull Durham tobacco, the fair name of tobacco high above the criticism of are using French cigarette paper, according to a even its worst enemies. recent announcement of the American Tobacco Co. And now, in conclusion, let me urge you to re­ In giving an explanation of this fact, the company member these three big things that you can do to has the following to say: defend successfully the tobacco industry against “Our reason for packing Riz La Croix cigarette those who are trying systematically to drag it into papers with Bull Durham isn’t to give something disrepute: free away with Bull Durham. During the world war First— Keep your authorized bureau in touch with we found that American made paper for cigarettes everything coming within your observation, prompt­ was not good enough and so— in spite of the diffi­ ly reporting everything you see, or hear, or read, culty in securing it— we only used paper on our that is obviously intended to prejudice the public cigarettes— such as Lucky Strike— that was manu­ against tobacco or the tobacco business. factured in France, and we have never changed since Second— Conscientiously obey and see that other then, and we never will because they know how to members of the industry obey, all existing laws and make paper better over there. Because Bull Durham local ordinances that regulate the selling of this is the finest granulated tobacco made, we came to commodity, especially those regulations pertaining the conclusion that it was not fair to Bull Durham to the sale of tobacco to children. smokers and friends of Bull Durham to give paper Third— Give scrupulous attention to those unwrit­ manufactured in this country when a better paper ten laws of courtesy, politeness and consideration,, is manufactured in France. so that the non-smoker shall have no reason for re­ “The papers we have previously given with Bull garding tobacco with any but friendly eyes. In other Durham are made in America, whereas Riz La Croix words, let us see to it that our house is at all times cigarette paper is made in the South of France where spotlessly clean. Let us do only this much, and I the finest cigarette paper in the world is manufac­ can promise you that mankind will continue to enjoy tured. Riz La Croix cigarette papers are manufac­ the benevolent and Godgiven blessings of the pipe, tured from the finest materials. In the manufac­ the cigar and the cigarette, long after the last hypo­ ture of one pound of Riz La Croix paper, four hun­ critical, sanctimonious, anti-tobacco crank has gone dred gallons of pure mountain water are used. One to that asylum of sulphur and brimstone where he nound of paper makes about one hundred books. will smoke in spite of himself as long as the fires- They are the strongest and best cigarette papers of Purgatory continue to burn! jnade and are so recognized the world over.” OMAHA DRUGGIST 17

Canada’s Tobacco Crop Valued at $13,000,000. Irish Tobacco Output Shows an Increase. Vice-Consul John R. Barry at Montreal reports Tobacco manufacturing at the two factories in that the Canadian 1920 tobacco crop totaled 48,088,- Belfast, Ireland, had a combined output considerably 500 pounds, valued at more than $13,000,000. Quebec larger in 1920 than in 1919. Supplies of leaf were stands first among the tobacco raising provinces with plentiful, although the unsettled state of affairs a record of 26,400,000 pounds from 33,000 acres; in Ireland has affected the new Irish industry of Ontario is credited with a record of 21,688,500 pounds. tobacco growing and manufacturing. The withdrawal The industry is still in its infancy in the Pacific of troops from abroad largely affected the export provinces. trade. Cigarette manufacturing was somewhat dis­ turbed when the market for a time in 1920 was flooded with surplus government stocks. The Barometric Cigarette. “The instrument by which business conditions are Ten Demandments. measured, according to a high official of the treasury The following “Ten Demandments” are said to be department in Washington, is nothing more than hanging conspicuously in a salmon canning estab­ the little wad of tobacco wrapped around with paper lishment in Stevenson, western Canada. They are and known as the cigarette. It tells accurately full of suggestion to employes in all sorts of busi­ whether times are flush or otherwise; whether con­ ness. ditions are growing better or worse. When times 1. Don’t lie. It wastes my time and yours. I am are good cigarettes are smoked in vast numbers. sure to catch you in the end, and that is the wrong The possessers are generous in passing them around. end. But let a pinch come and they tighten up not only 2. Watch your work, not the clock. A long day’s in the number smoked but in their generosity also. work makes a long day short; and a short day’s work When lots of cigarettes are being smoked money makes my face long. reaches the treasury in volume. When the smokers 3. Give me more than I expect and I will give are hard up the revenue bureau knows it. you more than you expect. I can afford to increase Thus it is seen that the cigarette fills a valuable your pay, if you increase my profits. function.” 4. You owe so much to yourself you cannot af­ ford to owe anybody else. Keep out of debt, or keep out of my shops. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. 5. Dishonesty is never an accident. Good men, Prince Albert, 16c tin...... doz. $ 1.63 like good women, never see temptation when they Tuxedo, tin ...... doz. 1.63 meet it. Tuxedo, foil ...... doz. .96 6. Mind your business, and in time you’ll have a Velvet, tin ...... doz. 1.63 business of your own to mind. Lucky Strike, 16c tin...... doz. 1.63 7. Don’t do anything here which hurts your self- Old Colony, 16c tin..'...... doz. 1.53 respect. An employee who is willing to steal for Sweet Tips, 16c tin...... doz. 1.53 me is willing to steal from me. Checkers, 15c tin...... doz. 1.44 8. It is none of my business what you do at night. Bull Durham, 10c bag...... doz. .96 But if dissipation affects what you do the next day, Stud, 5c bag...... doz. .48 and you do half as much as I demand, you’ll last Piper Heidsieck, 10c foil...... doz. .96 half as long as you hoped. Piper Heidsieck, 20c foil...... doz. 1.92 9. Don’t tell me what I’d like to hear, but what Boot Jack, 15c foil...... doz. 1.44 I ought to hear. I don’t want a valet to my vanity, >, Maritana, 15c foil...... doz. 1.44 but one for my dollars. * Gravely Superior, 10c foil...... doz. .96 10. Don’t kick, if I kick. If you’re worth while Horseshoe ...... lb. .74 correcting you’re worth while keeping. I don’t waste Star ...... lb. .74 time cutting specks out of rotten apples. Haja Clippings ...... doz. .96 Cigarettes. All There Is to Life, Anyway. Ill Cigarettes ...... M $ 6.00 By Homer Croy. Lucky Strike ...... M 8.00 I’ve tasted defeat till it’s habit, Fatimas ...... -.M 10.00 I’ve failed till I fail with a grin, Camels ...... M 8.00 The top of the wall is a place whence to fall, Nebo ...... M 7.00 For me, when that high I can win. Home Runs ...... M 6.00 I’ve lost every sort of a contest, Spur ...... M 8.00 From marbles to love wildly sought, Chesterfields ...... M 8.00 And I’ve only one boast— that I never yet lost Piedmonts ...... M 8.00 A battle before it was fought . Omars ...... M 10.00 Royal Nestor ...... M 10.00 I’ve climbed where the climbing was risky, Fags ...... M 8.00 I’ve fallen as hard as they fall, Helmar ...... M 11.50 With bruises and scratches, a bandage and patches, Herbert Tareyton ...... M 12.25 I’ve started again up the wall. Red Kamel ...... M 14.40 I’ve acted the fairly good loser Mogul ...... M 16.00 In most of the games they have made, Murad ...... M 16.00 But I never yet crept to a corner and wept Melachrino No. 9...... M 16.00 Before the last rubber was played. Naturals ...... M 16.00 Richmond St. Cuts...... M 10.00 I’ve made a keen playmate of danger, English Ovals ...... M 10.50 I can’t say I’m stranger to fear; Egyptian Deities ...... M 21.t>0 I’ve known all the thrills and the starts and the Pall Mall ...... M 22.50 chills, Phillip Morris ...... M 22.50 That come when the Scythe whistles near. Lord Salisbury ...... gross 20.16 I know soon or late it will get me— Perhaps ere I ever climb high— Cigarette Papers. Yet I find life right now mighty good when I vow Army and Navy...... M $40.00 I’ll never say die till I die. III Paper ...... M 25.00 — From the Michigan Tradesman. 18 OMAHA DRUGGIST

SQBE RICHARDSON DRUG CO. CIGAR AND TOBACCO DEPT, We Aim to Furnish the Best Cigars from the Best Factories in America


CUESTA REY AND COMPANY, Tampa, Fla. N o . Price Made in bond, Tobacco imported from Cuba exclu­ in H oi P er SC sively. Spanish hand method under U. S. custom supervision. Each box of Clear Havanas bears the Prince Hamlet— Bayuk Brothers white Government guarantee stamp. Epicure...... 50 75.00 Cuesta, Rey— Cuesta, Bey & C o ,Tampa, Florida Blunts, Tins. 50 95.00 No. Price 50 110.00 in Box Per n Perfecto...... Conchas Finas...... 50 100 00 Panetela Extra...... 50 110.00 M apa C uba—Bayuk Brothers. Lexington ...... 50 115.00 B Panetela...... 50 11 .00 Blunts, T in s...... 50 75.00 Epicures...... 50 135.00 fc- tr a ig h ts ...... 50 75.00 Commanders, T ins...... 50 140.00 Invincible...... 50 95.00 Dips ...... 50 135 00 Grande...... 50 95.00 Predilectos...... 50 135.00 Cuban Foil.. , . .. . 25 110.00 Knickerbocker...... 50 150.00 Admirals, T in s...... 50 150.00 Cabinet Royal...... £0 155.00 Wellerettes Palmas...... 50 155.00 Ideal Invincibles...... 50 155.00 Pan tela Regala...... 25-50-100 57.00 Loudres,...... 25-50-100 57.00 Lafayettes...... 1...... 25 190.00 Invincible ...... 25-50 57.00 Reyes...... 25 225.00 Perfecto...... 25-50 57.00 Universals...... 25 250.00 Perfecto, tins...... 25 57.00 Cuban Foil...... 25-50 65.00 White Heather—Cuesta Rey & Co., Tampa, Florida. Presidents ...... 25-50 65.00 50 135.00 Ben Nevis. 25 150.00 25 155.00 El Dallo (Each cigar in its own Humidor) 50 155.00 25 200.00 Straights 8c,...... 50 60.00 -1 Invincibles, 10c...... ; ...... 50 65.00 Pastora— San Telmo Co. 50 75.00 50 75.00 Miscellaneous 50 95.00 25 100.00 95.00 50 110.00 Pershing. Prince Imperial De Luxe...... 100 95.00 Carmen .. 25 110.00 Las Ramos, Companions...... 50 85.00 Las Ramos, Perfecto...... 25 70.00 Armas Del Casa Philadelphia Hand Made...... 50 75.00 50 95.00 Las Ramos, Perfecto...... 50 65.00 Panet. 50 110.00 Las Ramos, Brevas ...... 50 50 115.00 65.00 65.00 Palmas. 25 140.00 Havana Ribbon...... 50 61.00 Lincoln Highway...... 50 61.00 Robert Bacon Lewis Single Binder...... 50 58.00 50 75.00 La Flor de Isabella, Perf...... 50 57.00 Panetela...... 50 75.00 R. D. Co. Tampa Blunts...... 50 45.00 Blunts, 4 in fo il...... 50 92.50 Bel Rio Invincible...... 50 55.00 Belvederes, 2 in foil...... 50 95. CO Corona Royal Perf...... 45.00 Apollo...... 50 95.00 Perfecto Grande...... 50 107.05 Marca Rica, 5 in foil package___. .. 100 35.00 Perfecto (in foil)...... 25 112.50 24.00

W e carry a full line of Imported Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, Pipes and Cigarettes. OMAHA DRUGGIST 19


Voxi’ll be glad y o u did.

So will the men who buy ’em. They’ve been making friends for 25 years and now they’re going stronger than ever. The new “Havana Ribbon” package teems with class. Put it where it will catch the smoker’s eye.


RICHARDSON DRUG CO., OMAHA, NEBR., DISTRIBUTORS iiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Quality Goods Have the Sale Cuesta-Rey, the Cigar of Quality is the most talked of and appreciated Clear Havana Cigar on the market today. Enjoying a wide popularity for more than thirty-five years, our policy during the war-period, of sustaining our HIGH STANDARD of QUALITY and ORIGINAL SIZES, won us many, many new friends. “CUESTA-REYS” are Made in Bond under Government supervision and are guaranteed by the Custom Department WHITE STAMP to be made exclusively of Imported Havana Tobacco Long Filler, Spanish Method. Are you missing the opportunity of catering to the Smokers who “know” Quality? THERE IS A FULL, FRESH LINE AT Richardson Drug Company Omaha, - Nebraska Distributors OMAHA DRUGGIST


Sumatra Wrapped Cigar

Invincibles, $55.00 Foil Special, $60.00

Why not give your customers better Cigars? -yes-for less money-too. -yes—and make a little more yourself at the same time.

Say how many! We’re waiting!


w —

C r o m m e s & E l s o n




QUESTIONS MISSOURI BOARD OF PHARMACY. Practical Work. Pharmacy. NO. 1— FOR MISS ROUGE. $ Tinctura Iodi ...... 8.0 1. Define: Pharmacy; Pharmacopoeia; National Glycerol ...... — ...... 4.0 Formulary. Aqua sterilisat. ad...... 30.0 2. What is a Dispensatory? Misce fiat solutio. 3. What is the name of the science which treats D. S. For local use. WHITENING, Dr. Med. of weights and measures? NO. 2— FOR MRS. FLEUR DE LIS. 4. What is the difference between the Apothe­ 5 Puv. Rad. Rhei granum pars quarta, caries system of weights and the Ayoirdupois sys­ Magnesia Carbonici pulv., tem? Pulv. Cortex Cinnamomi aa granum pars, octo., 5. Give the origin of the meter and name its vari­ Ferrum Carbonum oxydat granum unam, ous subdivisions and multiples. Oleosacchara Cassiae granas duas, 6. How is the litre and gramme derived from the Misce tere simul. dentur, tales doses sex, meter? 1 D. S. One powder every 4th hour. 7.' Give the equivalents of the following in Apoth­ NIEABER, Dr. Med. ecaries weight: (a) 0.450; (b) 0.065; (c) 0.016; (d) 0.30; (e) 1.35. . j ' NO. 3—FOR MR. SOULKISS. .j 8. What is the difference between Apothecaries R Pulvis Fol. Digitalis...... gr. v fluid measure, and Imperial measure? Pulvis Sem. Colchici ...... gr. x 9. Give metric equivalents of the following: (a) Natrum bicarbonic ...... gr. xv 20 minims; (b) fluid dram; (c) fluid ounce; (d) pint; Sapo Ruspanici q. s. ft. massa, et divide in pillulas (e) gallon. decem. (conspere cum pulvis cujus dibet). 10. What is the difference between specific gravity D. S. One pill every 6 hours. and specific volume? BLUES, Dr. Med. 11. What is maceration? How does it differ from Pharmaceutical Chemistry. digestion? 1. Describe the element Iodine and state in what 12. Define filtration and eolation. U. S. P. preparations it is used. 13. What is a spirit and an essence, U. S. P. and 2. Tell the difference between Nitrites and Ni­ N. F.? trates; Nitrous and Nitric Acids. 14. How is Pulvis Aromaticus prepared? Describe 3. Give the source of Acidum Boricum and de­ it and give pharmaceutic and medical uses. scribe the same. 15. How is Tinctura Hyoscyami prepared? What 4. Carbon.— Name its varieties and describe its is its dose? oxygen acid. 16. How is Syrupus Lactucarium prepared? De­ 5. What is the difference between Chlorine Water scribe it; give its dose. and compound solution of Chlorine? 17. How is Acetum Scillae prepared, and from 6. What is the difference between Ozone and . this, how is the official syrup made? Oxygen? v 18. How are pharmacopoeial Aromatic Waters 7. What is Ammonia? How prepared and give prepared, and name the *U. S. P. Aromatic Waters. names of its official aqueous solution. 19. What is an Elixir? How is Elix. Arom. made? 8. Give formula for Hydrogen Peroxide and de­ 20. (a) What is the strength of a fluid extract? scribe the official solution. (b) What is the strength of a solid extract, as com­ 9. What kind of salts are formed by the following pared to the corresponding drug from which ob­ acids: (a) Hypophosphorous Acid; (b) Hypochlor- tained? ous Acid; (c) Hydriodic Acid; (d) Hydrobromic Materia Medica and Botany. Acid; (e) Thiosulphuric Acid. ,, 1. Define: Pharmacology. 10. What is the difference between: (a) Acid 2. Define: Pharmacodynamics aqd Therapydyna- Salt; (b) Basic Salt; (c) Normal Salt. mics. a Chemical and Pharmaceutical Problems. 3. What is Botany? 1. From the pennyweight of twenty-four grains, 4. What is the science of Pharmacognosy? aclculate the number of grains in one Avoirdupois 5. Name the parts of an embryo and explain and one Troy pound. germination. 2. A fluid ounce of water weighs 455 grains. Cal­ 6. What is a bud? Name three kinds. culate the number of grains in a gallon wine meas- 7. Name and describe two different kinds of roots. use. 8. What is a fruit? Describe three kinds of them. 3. If the weight of an Imperial fluid ounce of 9. In studying and describing drugs what do the water be one Avoirdupois ounce, what will be the following terms mean: (a) origin; (b) habitat; (c) weight of an Imperial gallon in Avoirdupois weight? description; (d) constituents. (Show calculation.) 10. What is a poison? Name three kinds, having 4. Give the rule for converting Metric weights different effects. into Apothecaries weight. Convert the following: 11. What is a poison antidote? Name one chem­ (a) 0.005; (b) 0.7; (c) 0.3; (d) 0.30; (e) 500.0. ical and one physiological antidote. 5. Give rule for converting Apothecaries weight 12. What is the source and composition of Mel? into Metric weight. Convert the following: (a) Name one official preparation of Mel. 1/75 gr.; (b) % gr.; (c) 3 grs.; (d) 240 grs.; (e) 13. Give the source of Gelatinunti, and describe 1,000 grs. its general properties and uses in pharmacy. 6. A bottle holds 1,000 grams distilled water and 14. Give the source of Saccharum Lactis and give 1,250 grams of glycerin. What is the specific gravity its pharmaceutic uses. and what the specific volume of the glycerin? (Show 15. What is Chondrus? your Calculation.) 16. Give a description of the Hyoscyamus plant, 7. How many centigrams of Morphine will be and tell what part constitutes the official drug. contained in a four-fluid ounce mixture containing 17. Define: (a) Taenifuge; (b) Vesicant; (c) Vs grain in a teaspoonful? Sialagogue; (d) Hypnotid; (e) Mydriatics.Y 8. Give rule for converting degrees Centigrade 18. Define: (a) Escharotic; (b) Carminatives; into degrees Fahrenheit. (Convert 50° C.' intp F.°. (c) Antizymotics; (d) Anhydrotics; (e) Antilithics. Convert 15° F. into C.°.) 9. If a chemical is quoted at $4.50 per % ounce, 19. What is the meaning of incompatibility? Name what is the price of a grain? (Show calculation.) two or three kinds. 10. You pay for Cresol solution sixty cents per 20. Give the lose of the following: (a) Hydra- pint. What will you sell it for to earn a net profit gyrum cum Oocta; (b) Hdrarg. Chlor. Corr.; (c) of ten per cent, allowing 25 per cent for overhead Strychnina; (d) Santonium; (e) Resina Jalapae. expenses? 24 OMAHA DRUGGIST

SPEING HOUSECLEANING HINTS. upon it as something of a novel experience and a lark. When there was any objection, the representa­ Story of a Druggist Who Went After Customers With tive did not urge the prospect at all, but went instead an Automobile and a Full Line of Supplies with a little sample case fitted up for such occasions. for the Housewife. Variety of Services. A variety of services were offered. The store was By E. G. WALLACE. ready to fumigate after disease; or to use a poison Few men like to think of housecleaning. It sug­ to destroy bugs and insects; or to furnish advice on gests a general upheaval of furnishings, picked up many interesting points. For example, the store meals, and a cheerless stretch of life while the carries paints and oils, and the representative was weather is lovely outside. Perhaps that is the reason ready with wax and polishes, crack fillers and that most druggists do so little in the way of offer­ brushes and could explain how to refinish a floor, ing first aid to the thrifty and germ-chasing woman or to dress over an article of furniture. Estimates who has set forth upon the housecleaning warpath. were cheerfully furnished on the amount of ma­ And yet druggists are in business, partly at least, terials required in the way of paint for outside as to make money, and the process of housecleaning well as inside jobs, and a very large amount of paint calls for many supplies. Why not do as one drug­ was sold by this means, many building owners being gist did1 last spring? He made enough extra money ready to talk with the store man as long as he was on the sale of housecleaning goods to make some there. long-needed improvements about the store. Then Many a housewife who had never understood how he won a number of new customers so that business to use a sulphur candle or thoroughly to disinfect has been better all the year because of the effort a room, was instructed just how to do the work. A he made in the spring of 1920. surprising amount of hand lotion of a popular brand In previous years this druggist had put in win­ was sold, and a thriving business done in auto dow displays and advertised. Other druggists did sponges, chamois, auto polishes, and lacquer for the same, and nothing very startling happened. That preserving the finish of cars. is the reason that he decided to do something dif­ It was evident to the druggist that the traveling ferent, just to try out whether or not he could start service branch was a winner, for people were rarely things up a bit. This is what he did: too busy to step inside, and most of them saw some­ He assembled everything which an active house­ thing they wanted. Of course, the housecleaning keeper would want in spring cleaning and in so windows and advertising were used. The vehicle was doing he dug up a surprising number of things. suitably lettered on the outside, and its route an­ These were classified under the heads of disinfect­ nounced in the newspaper the day before, so that ants, deodorants, insecticides, moth preventives, those who wished anything which it carried could cleaning compounds, cleaners (sponges, chamois, be on the lookout for it. chemical dusters, and powder bellows), dyestuffs, When the month was over, the druggist was de­ paints, accessory helps such as ammonia, turpentine, lighted with the net profits and the general increase ox gall, toilet helps, rubber gloves, rubber bathing which business on the whole showed.— Drug Trade caps (for brushing down walls in) and special Weekly. brushes. * Impressed With the Showing. In short, he made such a showing that he was m quite impressed with it himself. For all he had handled these goods, he never realized that there were so many of them, and he doubted if more than ONCE YOU USE one-tenth of one per cent of the public would see his window display if he put it in, or be much im­ pressed by his advertisement even if he ran it two or three nights with a few changes. V e n u s So he took a different method. If the people would not come to him, he would go to them. He was THE INCOMPARABLE able to rent for a reasonable figure a motor vehicle with a box top upon it and doors in the rear. This TOILET PREPARATIONS had been built and painted for a special laundry service, but the firm had not been able to make good when pay day came. YOU WILL USE NO OTHER The druggist contracted to use the vehicle for a month, and he fitted up the inside with supplies for the woman who was going to clean house, for the 'Beyond Compare for Skin and Hair” gardener, and the one who kept poultry and stock. Formerly made in France and Asia. This constituted three lines which were all season­ able. He fitted the vehicle with an adjustable short flight of steps in the rear, where there was a com­ Prepared in the Laboratories of the Venus fortable seat. With the goods all showing attractive­ Mannfacturing Co., under the personal su­ ly about the inside walls of the square cover, he pervision of S. Hikell, 5922 Military Ave. was set for business, and a young chap who enjoyed Omaha, Nebr. this sort of thing was engaged to sell on commis­ sion. It was an easy thing for the druggist’s represen­ Sold by Leading Drug Stores Everywhere. tative to drive into the yard of a prospect, or if necessary, right out to the garage or barns. It was but the work of a moment to let down the automatic steps and invite a prospect to “step in” and make DISTRIBUTED BY himself comfortable. Richardson Drug Co. The novelty of the idea appealed to many, and none 900-910 Jackson Street refused this type of entertainment, when the vehicle was driven to a side or rear door. Some few, of OMAHA, U. S. A. course, did not care to go out and mount the steps in front of their homes, but plenty of them looked @ = OMAHA DRUGGIST 25

EXTRACTS FROM FARMERS BULLETIN NO. 801. [H— ■ == [□ ] Lice— Where Found. Both lice and mites are found in practically every locality where poultry are raised. Where present in any considerable numbers they seriously reduce egg production and hinder growth and reduce the VEGETABLE quality of flesh of all classes of poultry. Food Habits and Injuriousness. Poultry lice are not, fitted for sucking blood. They feed on portions of the feathers or on scales from the skin, and their presence in any considerable num­ SARSAPARILLA bers is responsible for serious injury. In the Southern States the loss due to lice prob­ ably is greatest among young chickens. Chickens hatched after April 1 and brooded by hens experi­ COMPOUND ence a high mortality, much of which appears to be due directly or indirectly to lice. Early chickens also are sometimes affected. The lice often leave the hens and pass to the chickens before these be­ come dry after emerging from the shell. BLOOD PURIFIER The Important Symptoms. The first symptoms of lice infestation usually are droopiness, lowered wings, and ruffled feathers. AND Diarrhoea follows, and the chickens then often die in a few days, or, when older, sometimes fall a prey to various diseases. Grown fowls sometimes may be very heavily infested with lice without show­ ing any ill effects, but in such cases the egg yield TONIC is likely to decrease. In other cases the fowls may lose weight and sometimes die as a result of the lice or succumb to some of the common chicken maladies. Other Fowls Affected. CONTAINS NOT IN EXCESS OF 10% Turkeys suffer to a considerable extent when young, and no doubt poults frequently are killed by ABSOLUTE ALCOHOL BY VOLUME gross infestation. Older birds do not seem to be so badly affected. This is also true of ducks and geese. Sodium Fluoride for All Lice. The writers (government experts) have tested a Containing in an agreeable form the active number of the materials most generally advocated medicinal properties of the most approved for lice destruction and several new compounds alternative and blood purifying remedies of which it was thought might be effective. In this the vegetable kingdom. Recomended as a series of tests nothing else was found to be as satis­ remedy fo r factory as Sodium Fluoride. The experiments have demonstrated that this chemical is exceedingly poi­ Poisoned Blood, sonous to all species of chicken lice. It kills both Scrofula, Pimples, adults and young, including the young which emerge from the eggs present at the time of treatment. Blotches, Cankers, Sodium Fluoride in a dry state does not deteriorate Rheumatism, quickly. It should be kept in a dry place either in bottles with stoppers or in closely covered cans. In Fever Sores, Boils, this condition it will remain active indefinitely. Ulcers, Tetter, Methods of Application. Tumors, Salt Rheum, In treating poultry with Sodium Fluoride, if proper methods are followed, a remarkable degree of con­ Scald Head, Ring­ trol is obtained. One application of Sodium Fluoride worm, to all fowls on given premises will completely de­ stroy all lice present. Sodium Fluoride may be applied in two forms, as Cutaneous Diseases of all kinds, Liver a duct and as a dip. In using either form the first Complaints, Jaundice, Costiveness, Dys­ step is to see that all fowls are shut in the poultry pepsia, etc. house or placed in coops prior to beginning treat­ ment. 1-doz...... $ 6 .0 0 Owing to its weight, this product should, if pos­ 3-d oz...... 1 6 .0 0 sible, be purchased from your local jobber. This will save transportation charges for you. 6-doz...... 3 0 .0 0 Purdue University (The State Agricultural CoUege 12*doz-...... 5 5 .0 0 of Indiana) Recommends Sodium Fluoride. A recent Purdue pamphlet, “Poultry Helps for the Farmer,” states: “A new lice remedy, Sodium MANUFACTURED BY Fluoride, is being recommended by the U. S. Depart­ ment of Agriculture, and has been tested by Purdue with very satisfactory results.” , RICHARDSON DRUG CO. In the same unqualified and enthusiastic way, other notable state agricultural institutions have added their endorsement. Can you do better, in ridding OMAHA, NEB. your flock of lice, than follow the method suggested by these poultry experts, the leading authppities pf the entire country? PRICE LIST CRYSTAL GLASS 3 in. to 7 in. inclusive, per pair 7£ in. to 8£ in. “ “ “ 8fin. to 9| in. “ “ “ 9f in. to 101 in. “ *• “ 10£ in. to 111 in. “ “ “ Less 25% Dozen pairs or less. “ 33£% In lots over one dozen pairs.

N E BI H A R D S O N D R U G CO O M A H A , N E BRIC We are Pleased to Announce ifijfe


A name that hasSrepresented the successful manufacture of SHOW CASES and STORE FIXTURES forlthirty years WILL BE DISTRIBUTED BY RICHARDSON DRUG COMPANY exclusively in the Omaha territory, operating in every respect as our direct factory representatives, and Offering A new line of STORE FIXTURES of striking orig inality — affording opportunity for systematic housing of merchandise A Product of the West For the West Store Planning|Service under able direction of trained Drug Store Designers offered without charge.

Your inquiries and requests for estimates solicited.

(Cut Out'and Mail) VAN DUYNE - MORAN FIXTURES Saint Panl, Minn. Without any obligation on our part please send us information on Complete *Drug Outfits .... □ □ □ □ □

FACTORY Candy iDisplay Cases .... Water and Eld ward Streets Cigar Display* Cases...... Saint Paul Settee Booths ...... Stove Planning Service .... Signed...... OMAHA DRUGGIST

11= The Great Western Line Of Stock and Poultry

We are now the exclusive distributors of this high-grade and extensive line of remedies. Established nearly twenty years ago, the line is well and favorably known in many localities and its manufacturers have never been called to account by the Federal Government for misbranding its preparations. Wormolene, the Santonin Hog Worm Expeller, is the leader of the line. It is put up in one-pound cans only, each pound containing enough Santonin for 60 pigs, 30 shoats or 20 hogs. The price on this article is always subject to change without notice because of the wide fluctuations in the price of Crystal Santonin, which often mark a change of as much as $50.00 per pound inside of 30 days. The line is stable and dependable, and in view of the fact that for more than a year past stock raisers have been purchasing requirements from the local dealers, we believe it good- policy to stock up on this line. Price-list and order blank attached: ...... Dozen Wormolene, $42.00 per dozen...... G. W. Sheep Dip, barrels (steel drums only), 85c per gallon...... G. W. Sheep Dip, barrels (steel drums only), 90c per gallon...... G. W. Sheep Dip, 10-gallon jacketed cans, $9.50 each...... G. W. Sheep Dip, 5-gallon jacketed cans, $5.00 each...... G. W. Sheep Dip, 1-gallon cans, $15.00 per dozen...... G. W. Sheep Dip, ^-gallon cans, $8.00 per dozen...... w.G. W. Sheep Dip, ^-gallon cans, $4.50 per dozen...... G, W. All Weather Dry Dip, 100-lb. wood drums, $7.50 each...... G. W. All Weather Dry Dip, 50-lb. wood drums, $4.00 each...... G. W. All Weather Dry Dip, 25-lb. wood pails, $2.50 each...... G. W. All Weather Dry Dip, 7-lb. cartons, 70c each...... G. W. All Weather Dry Dip, 3-lb. cartons, 40c each. .... ___ G. W. Lice Killer, 1-gallon cans, $15.00 per dozen...... G. W. Lice Killer, ^-gallon cans, $8.00 per dozen...... G. W. Lice Killer, ^-gallon cans, $4.50 per dozen...... G. W. Fly Chaser, 1-gallon eans, $13.50 per dozen...... G. W. Fly Chaser, %-gallon cans, $7.50 per dozen...... G. W. Fly Chaser, ^-gallon cans, $4.50 per dozen...... G. W. Conditioner, 100-lb. wood drums, $9.00 each...... G. W. Conditioner, 100-lb. sacks, $8.50 each...... G. W. Conditioner, 50-lb. wood drums, $4.50 each...... G. W. Conditioner, 25-lb. wood pails, $3.50 each...... G. W. Conditioner (50c size cartons), $4.00 per dozen...... G. W. Heave Remedy (50c size carton), $4.00 per dozen...... G. W. C. C. & D. Remedy (50c size cartons), $4.00 per dozen...... G. W. Horse Worm Expeller (50c size cartons), $4.00 per dozen...... G. W. Insect Destroyer (25c size cartons), $2.00 per dozen...... G. W. Poultry Tonic (25c size cartons), $2.00 per dozen...... G. W. Poultry Tonic, 25-lb. wood pails, $3.00 each...... G. W. Chickura, tablet form (40 tablets in box), $3.50 per dozen...... G. W. Chickura, liquid form, $3.50 per dozen...... G. W. Hog Remedy, 100-lb. wood drums, $8.50 each. ■ ...... G. W. Hog Remedy, 100-lb. sacks, $8.00 each...... G. W. Hog Remedy, 50-lb. wood drums, $4.50 each...... G. W. Hog Remedy, 50-lb. sacks, $4.25 per dozen. .... ___ G. W. Hog Remedy, 25-lb. wood pails, $2.50 per dozen. NOTE— The 50-gallon steel drums are charged at $5.00 each and the 30-gallon drums at $4.00 each. They are returnable at price charged when freight prepaid. Richardson Drug Co. OMAHA, NEBRASKA OMAHA DRUGGIST 29

Intermediate Quantity Prices on Patent Medicines

On Proprietaries where discounts are not provided for by the manufacturer’s lists, the following dis­ counts will be allowed: 25c to 40c items in 3 dozen lots @ 5% discount 50c to 75c items in 2 dozen lots @ 5% discount $1.00 to $2.00 items in 1 dozen lots @ 5% discount

ACORN SALVE BLACK AND WHITE PREPARATIONS 2 dozen lots, 85c a dozen, 1 dozen free. $13.50 lots assorted, 1 dozen Ointment free. ALLCOCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY $ 6.75 lots assorted, % dozen Ointment free. Allcock’s Porous Plasters, 1 gross, 5% discount. $27.00 lots assorted, 2 dozen Ointment free and 5% dis- Brandreth’s Pills, 1 gross, 6% discount. count. ALLEN’S ULCERINE SALVE AND BLOOD PURIFIER $54.00 lots assorted, 4 dozen Ointment free and 5% de- $12.00 lots, 5% discount. livered. ANGIER’S EMULSION AND GLYMOL 3 dozen lots assorted, % dozen Liver Pills free. $26.00 lots, 5% discount. 6 dozen lots assorted, 1 dozen Liver Pills free. ANTIPHLOGISTINE 12 dozen lots assorted, 2 dozen Liver Pills free. $12.50 lots, 5% discount. 24 dozen lots assorted, 4 dozen Liver Pills free. $100.00 lots, 10% net cash. $ 6.75 lots assorted, % dozen Theatrical Cream free. ANTIKAMNIA CHEMICAL CO. $13.50 lots assorted, 1 dozen Theatrical Cream free. 1 ounce, $1.15; 10 ounce lot, $10.75. $27.00 lots assorted, 2 dozen Theatrical Cream free. A. K. Tablets, $24.00 lots, 5% discount. $54.00 lots assorted, 4 dozen Theatrical Cream free. ARLINGTON CHEMICAL CO. BATHASWEET Peptonoids, etc. $12.00 lots, 5% discount. V $15.00 lots, 5% cash discount. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP $25.00 lots, 6%' cash discount. 6 dozen lots, $4.80, 5% discount and 1% cash. $50.00 lots, 8% cash discount. 12 dozen lots, $4.80, 8% and 1% cash discount. A R M O U R & CO. CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Extract Beef, etc., 2 case lots, 5% discount. 1 gross, $20.00, 5% discount. ABILENA WATER CASTORIA 1 case, 50c rebate from manufacturer. y2 g ross, $39.00, 5 % d iscou n t. 2 case lots, 5% discount and $1.00 rebate by mfr. CHATTANOOGA MEDICINE CO. 4 case lots, 10% discount and $2.00 rebate by mfr. 6 dozen, 5% discount and freight paid. And % dozen large free with each case. CUTICURA REMEDIES ALMOLINE BALM $28.80, 3% discount. 6 dozen small, 3 dozen medium and 1 dozen large, 10% COOR’S MALTED MILK delivered. 25-lb. cans, 100-lb. lots, 36c delivered. 12 dozen small or assorted, 5% delivered. 1000-lb. lots on contract, 5 and 5% discount. ANDREW’S PLUGS CALDWELL’S SYRUP PEPSIN 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. $19.20 lots, 3% discount. 12 dozen lots, 10% discount. $28.80 lots, 5% delivered. ALADDIN DYE SOAP $57.60 lots, 8% delivered. 1 gross lots, $9.60, with display stand. COX’S BARB WIRE LINIMENT ASPIRONOL $30.00 lots, 5% delivered. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. $60.00 lots, 8% delivered. 6 dozen lots, 8% discount. CACTINA PELLETS 12. dozen lots, 10% discount. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. ANALAX—35c Size CAMPHO-PHENIQUE 1 dozen lots, % dozen free. $19.20 lots, 5% discount. 1 gross lots, 10% discount and 2 dozen free. CAPILLARIS AEBOLENE_ LIQUID 3 dozen lots, 3% discount. 1 dozen lots, 1/12 dozen free. CASCARETS 6 dozen lots, 1 dozen fre e and 5 % delivered. $12.00', 5 % d iscou n t. 12 dozen lots, 2 dozen free and 10% delivered. CLAAS TILLY HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES ANTI-COLIC NIPPLES 3 dozen lots, 1 dozen free. 1 gross lots, 10% discount. COLORITE STRAW HAT DYE 5 gross lota, lf>% discount. 1 gross lots, 5 % d iscou n t. ARMAND’S FAiCE POWDER, ROUGE AND COLD CREAM COLORITE FABRIC DYE ™ * - ree' • % gross lots, y2 dozen free. BARKEEPERS FRIEND 1 gross lots, 1 dozen free and 5% discount. 6 dozen, $20.00 gross. nt i- srir iv r t t»t i> 12 dozen, $19.00 gross. CRE-SOL DRI-DIP BATTLE & CO. FREE GOODS OFFER NO. 1 Bromidia Iodia, etc., $28.50 lots, 5% discount. % dozen $1.00 size Cre-Sol Roup and Cholera Tablets BOOTH HYOMEI CO. FREE $28.00 lots, 5% discount. Retail BLISS’ NATIVE HERBS AND TABLETS Bach $10.00 lots, 1 dozen sm all o r % dozen la rge N ative O il i

m s . % I p E S S i t dozen 25 1 0 0 s 5 % d iscou n t Sma11 size tu b es- $2-00 Per dozen. RT A T K w a g INSECT POWDER ^ dozen 50c size, ^4 dozen 50c or % dozen 25c free. 1 gross small or equivalent, 2 dozen small free. i 6 dozen lots, one size or assorted, 10% discount. 30 OMAHA DRUGGIST

DENNOS FOOD ENO S F R U IT S A L T $10.00 lots, 5% discount. 1 dozen lots, 2% discount. $25.00 lots, 10% discount. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. DIAMOND DYES 6 dozen lots, T^% discount. 1 g ro ss, $13.56, less 5 % discou n t, 1 dozen free. 12 dozen lots, 10% discount. DIOS CHEMICAL CO. E C T O B A L M 2 dozen lots, 5% discount. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. DOAN’S KIDNEY PILES ESTE’S LAUNDRY TABLETS 3 dozen lots, $5.35, 3 % d iscou n t. 6 dozen lots, 5 % discou n t. DRAKE’S GEES SCO CROUP REMEDY EL VAMPIRO INSECT POWDER 3' dozen lots, $3.75 dozen, % dozen free. 1 gross lots, $10.80 and 3 dozen free. 6 dozen lots, $3.75 dozen, 1 dozen free. 5 gross lots, $10.80 and 3 dozen free, and 5% discount. 12 dozen lots, $31.75 dozen, 2 dozen free. EASONE DODD’S MED. CO. PREPARATIONS 1 dozen lots, % dozen free. $27.00 lots, 5% discount. 3 dozen lots, % dozen free and 5% discount. DALLEY’S 2-IN-l SHOE POLISH EVER READY FLASHLIGHTS AND BATTERIES QVz dozen lots, % dozen free. 1 unit packages, 40% discount. 12 dozen lots, 1 dozen free. 10 unit packages, 40 and 10% discount. D E N V E R MUD ELCAYA POWDER $12.00 lots, 5% discount. 1 dozen lots, % dozen free. $25.00 lots, 10% discou n t. ELCAYA CREAM Freight paid and 10% in free goods. 1 dozen lots, % dozen free. DU BOIS PILES 31 dozen lots, 5% discount. 1 dozen lots, 1/12 dozen free. FAIRCHILD BROS. & F O S T E R 3 dozen lots, % dozen free. $25.00 lots, 5 per cent discount. 6 dozen lots, % dozen free. FREEZONE 12 dozen lots, 2 dozen free. 6 dozen, 5% discount. DIEMER’S GRIP MALARINE F E L L O W ’S S Y R U P % gross lots, $10.00. 2 dozen large, 5% discount. 1 g r o ss lots, $9.00. FROG IN YOUR THROAT 2y2 g r o ss lots. $7.20. 14 gross lots, $16.00 net. nAVIS’ PAIN KILLER 1 gross lots, $11.00, 5% discount. 6 dozen lots one size, 5% discount. FLO VORO MALT AND HOPS I)E PREE’S FUMIGATORS 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 12 dozen one size or assorted, 10% discount. 12 dozen lots, 10% discount. D O N SUNG FECTO $24.00 lots. 10% discount. 6 dozen lots, 1 dozen free. DAISY FLY KILLER FAMO HAIR TONIC 3 gross lots, freight paid. $24.00 lots, 5% discount. DAWSON SPRINGS WATER FORMAGERMKILL FUMIGATORS $28.80 lots, 5% delivered. 6 dozen lots, 10% discount. $57.00 lots, 7% delivered. FROSTILLA DYANSHINE 1 gross lots, 5% discount. 1 gross lots, 5% discount, direct freight paid. FLEET’S CHAP STICKS 2 gross lots, 7%% discount, direct freight paid. 3 dozen lots, % dozen free. DIGESTOIDS 6 dozen lots, 1 dozen free and 5% discount. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 12 dozen lots, 2 dozen free and 10% discount. DRIDIP F IT C H ’ S SH AM P O O DANDY DEAL NO. 1. 1 dozen lots, % dozen free. FAULTLESS NURSERS 1— 25 lb . D rid ip sells f o r ...... $ 3.50 1 dozen lots, 1/12 dozen free. fi— 10 lb . D rid ip sells f o r ...... 10.50 GARFIELD TEA CO. 8— 5 lb. D rid ip sells f o r ...... 8.00 $12.00 lots, 5% discount. 16— 1 lb . D rid ip sells f o r ...... 4.00 $24.00 lots, 10% discount, net cash. 2—25 lb. Calf Meal sells for ...... 7.00 GLYCOTHYMOLINE 4—10 lb. Calf Meal sells for ...... 7.00 $30.00 lots, 5 % discou n t. 2— 25 lb. P ig M eal sells f o r ...... 7.00 $60.00 lots, 5% and 3% for cash. 4—10 lb. Pig Meal sells for ...... 7.00 $100.00 lots, 10% net cash. 4— 10 lb. H orse P o w d e r sells f o r ...... 7.00 GROVES CHILL TONIC 4— 5 lb. H orse P o w d e r sells f o r ...... 4.00 6 dozen at $6.00—5 % . 4— 1 lb. Santonin Worm Powder sells for ...... 10.00 12 dozen at $6.00—10% net Freight paid on one gross lots. $75.00 GLYCERO MEDICATED PLASTER C osts the D e a le r...... *...... 50.00 $6.00 lots, 8%% in free goods. $25.00 lots, 5%, and 8%% in free goods. $25.00 G U D E ’S P E P T O M A N G A N 24— C hicken L o u se P o w d e r sells f o r ...... 6.00 3 dozen lots, 5 % discou n t. G E T S I T Profit 62% or ...... $31.00 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. DANDY DEAL NO. 2. GRISWOLD’S MENTHO. CAMPH. 1— 25 lb. D rid ip sells f o r ...... $ 3.50 $6.75 lots, % dozen small free. 3—10 lb. Dridip sells for ...... 5.25 $9.00 lots, % dozen small free. 4— .5 lb. D rid ip sells f o r ...... 4.00 $13.50 lots, 1 dozen small free. 8— 1 lb. D rid ip sells f o r ...... 2.00 Sizes may be assorted to make up quantity. 1—25 lb. Calf Meal sells for ...... 3.50 GOLDMAN’S HAIR RESTORER 2—10' lb. Calf Meal sells for ...... 3.50 1 dozen lots, $13.50. 1— 25 lb. P ig Meal sells f o r ...... 3.50 GOLDEN GLOW 2— 10 lb. P ig Meal sells f o r ...... 3.50 2 dozen lots, freight paid. 1— 10 lb. H orse P o w d e r sells f o r ...... 1 75 4 dozen lots, freight paid, and 15% discount. 2— ..5 lb. Horse Powder sells for ...... 2.00 GEM B L A D E S 2— 1 lb. Santonin W o rm P o w d e r sells f o r ...... 5.00 12 dozen lots, $3.96. GILLETTE RAZORS AND BLADES $37.50 $50.00' lots, 25% and 5 % d iscou n t. Costs the D e a le r ...,...... 25.00 $100.00 lots, 25% and 10% discount. GLAZO $12.50 1 dozen lots, % dozen free. 12— C hicken L o u se P o w d e r sells f o r ...... 3.00 HOLLISTER’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA AND TABLETS 3 dozen lots assorted, 5 % discou n t. Profit 62% or ...... ■ • ...... $15.50 H A L L & R U C K E L Sozodont. $36.00 lots. 5% discount. DEVILBISS ATOMIZERS H A M L IN ’ S W IZ A R D O IL 3 doen lots, 5% discount. $14.40 lots, 5% discount. D. & R. COLD CREAM $57.60 lots, 10% discount; net cash freight paid direct. «••>* 'vi ir'ts, 5<% discount. HERPICIDE $50.00 lots, 10% discount net cash. $27.00 lots, 5% discount, freight paid. D E A N ’ S COUGH D R O P S $54.00 lots, 10% discount, freight paid. 5 b o x lots. $1.95. $9.00 lots, 1 dozen soap free. D E R M A V IV A HILL’S CASCARA BROMIDE QUININE 1 dozen lots, 1/12 dozen free. 6 dozen, 5% discount. 5 gross, 8% discount. EC KM AN ALTERATIVE 2 dozen large. 5% discount. HISCOX & CO. 3 dozen small, 5% discount. Parker’s Balsam and Tonic, $25.00 lots, 5% discount. E S K A Y ’ S FO O D „ . . HORLICK’S MALTED MILK $12 00, 5% discount and free goods value of $1.00 retail. $27.00 lots, 5 % discou n t. $25.00, 5% discount and free goods value of $3.00 retail. $54.00 lots, .10% discount, freight paid. ELY’S CREAM BALM HUMPHREY’S SPECIFICS 3 dozen small, 5% discount. $25.00 lots, 5% discount. OMAHA DRUGGIST

HAMBURG REMEDIES L Y O N ’ S T O O T H P O W D E R $24.00 lots, 5% discount. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. HANSON’S PINK PILLS AND CORN SALVE 1 g r o ss lots, $25.60. 3 dozen lots each, 5% discount. L U D E N ’ S COUGH D R O P S H U S B A N D ’ S M A G N E SIA One box lots, $1.45. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 10 b o x lots, $1.40. H O S T E T T E K ’ S B IT T E R S MENTHO-EZE 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 3 dozen 30c, % dozen free. HAY’S HAIR HEALTH—Medium and Large 6 dozen 30c, % dozen free. $15.00 lots, 5% and % dozen medium free. 12 dozen 30c, 1% dozen free and 5% discount. $30.00' lots, 5 % and % dozen m ediu m free. 35c and 70c sizes may be assorted to equal above quan­ HOFSTRA tities. 1 gross small or equivalent, 1 dozen free. MEADOW BRAND MALTED MILK HAND’S REMEDIES 25-lb. cans., lb. 35c. 1 gross lots, 1 dozen free and 5% discount. 10% and freight paid on 100-lb. lots. H U N T ’S S A L V E MILKOSE 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 25-lb. cans, 100-lb. lots, 30c, freight paid. 6 dozen lots, 10% discount. MALTINE PREPARATIONS HIND’S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM $24.00 lots, 5% discount. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. M E L L IN ’ S FO O D 12 dozen lots, 10% discount, net cash. Large size, $7.50 per dozen. HYGEA NURSERS AND NIPPLES Small size, $5.00 per dozen. 3 dozen complete or 6 dozen Nipples and Bottles, 5% 4 dozen lots, assorted, 5%. d iscou n t. MENTHOLATUM 12 dozen complete or 6 dozen Nipples and Bottles, 10% $12.00 lots, 5% discount. d iscou n t. MILES MEDICAL CO. HAJA GRAPE JUICE $25.00 lots, 5% discount, freight paid. 5 case lots, 1 case free. $50.00 lots, 7% discount, freight paid. IMPERIAL GRANUM $100.00 lots, 10% discount, net cash, freight paid. $10.50 lots, one size or assorted. MORSE’S INDIAN ROOT PILLS i/12 dozen small, and % dozen trial size free direct. 6 dozen lots, $2.10 per dozen. Less 5%. J A D S A L T S 6 dozen, 5%, regular. MELLIER DRUG CO. 12 dozen, 1 0 % , net cash. Tongaline Preparations, $20.00 lots, 5% discount. JAVA RICE POWDER MEYER’S TIN OINTMENT BOXES 6 dozen lots, $4.50. 10 gross lots, 5% discount. . 12 dozen lots, $4.25. 25 gross lots, 10% discount. JUST ONE TABLETS MONHEIT’S FOOT SALVE % gross lots, $15.00. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 1 g r o ss lots, $12.00. 6 dozen lots, 10% discount. JERGEN’S VIOLET GLYCERINE SOAP 12 dozen lots, 10% and 5% discount. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. MUSTEROLE 12 dozen lots, 10% discou n t. $24.00 lots, 5Yu discou n t. KUTNOW’S PREPARATIONS MIKKELSEN’S KILL EM QUICK GOPHER POISON 2 dozen lots, 5% discount. 12 dozen small or equivalent, 1 dozen free. KELLOGG’S ANT PASTE 1 MacLAREN’S MUSTARD CERATE 3 dozen lots, 10% discount. 6 dozen small, 3 dozen large, 2 dozen small, free, less 12 dozen lots, 10% and 5% discount. 5 % . KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE 3 dozen small, 2 dozen large, 2 dozen small, free. $27.00 lots, 5 per cent discount. 2 dozen small, 1 dozen large, % dozen small, free. K IL M E R & CO. MERRY WAR LYE Swamp Root: 4 case lots, $4.80 delivered.- $28.20 lots, 3% discount. MELBA PREPARATIONS $56.40 lots, 5% discount. $24.00 lots, 5% discount. $112.80 lots, 8% discount, net. $48.00 lots, 8% discount. KOHLER MANUFACTURING CO. MENNEN’S TALCUM POWDER Antidote, One Night Corn Cure, 1 gross, 5% discount. 1 gross lots, 5% discount. KELLOGG’S TASTELESS CASTOR OIL NESTLE’S FOOD 6 dozen 3-oz., 5% delivered. $18.00 lots, assorted, or % dozen hospital, 5% discount. 4 dozen 7-oz., 5% delivered. NO OUCH CORN REMOVER KILL-A-FLY 1 gross lots, 1 dozen free. $27.00 lots, 1 dozen 25c free. NELSON’S HAIR DRESSING $54.00 lots, 2 dozen 25c or 1 dozen 50c free. 6 dozen small, 1 dozen free. 1 gross lots 10c, 3 dozen free. NEURALGINE 1 gross lots 25c, 1 dozen free. 3 dozen lots, 1 dozen free. 1 gross lots 50c, 1 dozen free. NADINE PREPARATIONS KOLYNO’S TOOTH PASTE $25.00 lots free goods at list price, $2.25. 0 dozen lots, 5% discount. 50.00 lots free goods at list price, $5.62. 12 dozen lots, 10% discount, net cash. §100.00 lots free goods at list price, $13.50. LA CREOLE HAIR PREPARATIONS Freight or express prepaid on $15.00 lots and over. 6 dozen lots, 10% discount. Freight paid from stock. OLMSTEAD, ALLEN S. 2 dozen lots, 5% discount, f. o. b. Omaha. A llen ’ s F o o t Ease. LACTOPEPTINE PREPARATIONS Mother Gray’s Sweet Powders. $25.00 lots, 5% cash discount. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. $50.00 lots, 8% cash discount. ORCHARD WHITE L A N M A N & K E M P 4 dozen at $4.00 per dozen, 5% discount. M. &. Ij. Florida Water, 1 dozen, $9.00. ORIENTAL CREAM M. & L. Florida Water, 3 dozen, $8.75. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. M. & L. Florida Water, small, 1 dozen, $3.50. PALISADE MANUFACTURING CO. M. & L. Florida Water, small, G dozen, $3.40. $25.00 lots, 5% discount. $50.00 lots, 8% discount, freight paid. L A V OR IS PAPE, THOMPSON & PAPE CO. $13.50 lots, 5% discount. Pape’s Diapepsin. $27.00 lots, 5% and 2% discount. Pape’s Cold Compound. $54.00 lots, 7%% discount. Pape’s Diuretic. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE $12.00 lots, 5 % d iscou n t. 6 dozen $2.40 dozen, less 10% discount. PERUNA LIMESTONE PHOSPHATE 1 dozen, $9.00. D ozen $4.00, 3 dozen, 5 % d iscou n t. 31 dozen, 5% discount. 12 dozen, 10% discount, net. 12 dozen, 10% and 2% discount. 20 dozen lots, 1 dozen free. Freight allowed not over 40c per 100. LISTERINE PUTNAM DYES $20.00 lots, 5% discount. 1 gross lots, $8.00 and 3 dozen free. $48.00 lots, 10% and 1% cash discount. 3 gross lots, $8.00, 5% and 9 dozen free. LIVERTONE PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM 12 dozen, $4.80 less 8% and freight paid. $25.00 lots, 5% discount. 6 dozen, $4.80, less 5% and freight paid. POND’S VAN. AND COLD CREAM LYKO $14.25 lots, 1 dozen small free. 6 dozen lots one size or assorted, freight paid and 5% net cash. $7.13 lots, y2 dozen small free. 12 dozen lots one size or assorted, freight paid, 5% and POND’S EXTRACT 2 % cash. $4.50 lots, % dozen 25c free. L E W IS L Y E This does not include Toilet Specialties. 3 case lots, $5.40. Freight allowed in Nebraska. $27.00 lots, 5% discount. 5 case lots, $5.30. F re ig h t a llow ed in N ebraska. PEACOCK’S BROMIDES AND CHIONIA LA BLANCHE POWDER 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. PINEX 6 dozen lots, 10% discount. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. 32 OMAHA DRUGGIST

PHENYO CAFFEINE gross applies only to the special Rit combination as 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. listed below: CHAS. H. PHILLIPS CHEM. CO. 3 Dozen Pink Rit (Cake), $25.00 lots, 5% discount. 3 Dozen Flesh Rit. 1 Dozen Light Green Rit. PIERCE’S PREPARATIONS 1 Dozen Dark Blue Rit. 2 dozen lots, 5% discount. 1 Dozen Black Rit. PINKHAM’S PREPARATIONS , > 1 Dozen Lavender Rit. 3 dozen lots $1.25 Preparations, 5% discount. 1 D ozen R ed R it. P IS O ’ S R E M E D Y 1 D ozen R ose R it. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. 2 dozen lots and Catarrh Remedy and Tablets amount­ 12 D ozen. ing to $14.40, 5% discount. Free—1 dozen Pink (Cake) free. This assortment is packed in one carton ready for P L A T T ’S C H L O R ID E S shipment. Price is $0.50 per gross F. O. B. Omaha. 3 dozen large, 5% discount. 1 gross Rit and 1 dozen Zet with Cabinet, $12.25. PLUTO WATER RADIUM SPOT REMOVER 4 case lots, 10% discount, net. 3 dozfen lots, 5% discount. Freight allowed up to 40c per 100 lbs. RADIUM SOAP Freight not allowed to Sioux City or Lincoln. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. PYRAMID PILE REMEDY RADIUM WHITE-O $15.75 lots, 5% discount. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. PALMER’S SKIN SUCCESS PREPARATION R A T MUM OFFER No. I1—% dozen Bonus on 3-dozen order. 3 dozen lots, $1.75. OFFER No. 2—% dozen Bonus on 6-dozen order. R A T N IP OFFER No. 3—2 dozen Bonus on 32-dozen order. 3 dozen lots, % dozen free. Subjct to the Following: Conditions: 4 Double Your Money Cases, 1 Conklin Fountain Pen Orders to be filled through jobbers only, who will free. return to us the numbers that are stamped on each R O Y A L GLUE outside container of the goods to be delivered on this 2 dozen lots, % dozen free. order. When these numbers have been received by us, RUST’S SULPHUR OIL Bonus Goods will then be forwarded to retailer, who 1 dozen lots, y2 dozen free. accepts the Bonus Goods as compensation for the time RAm\A¥'S PREPARATIONS and services rendered in exploiting the sale of our $25X0 lots, 5% discount. goods in his store by means of window displays, dis­ REED & CAKNRICK'S PREPARATIONS tribution of samples and literature. Bonus given in $24.40 lots, 5 % discou n t. Ointment or Tablets only. All retail dealers who are RESINOL OINTMTNT entitled to Bonus Goods, will receive them direct, all charges prepaid, either by express or parcel post. 3 dozen small, 5% discount. Assortment may be made as desired on all offers. RIO CHEM. CO. PREPARATIONS 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. • POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL “RAT BIS-KIT PASTE” 2 case lots, freight allowed not to exceed 50c per 100 25c Size— ‘ , lbs. on shipments from Omaha. 1 dozen, one tube free. . . ', ...... $ 2.00 Full freight allowed on shipments from Kansas City. 3 dozen, six tubes fr e e ...... PARISIAN SAGE ...... 6.00 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. $1.00 Size— 1 dozen, one tube free..,...... 8.00 P A C K E R ’ S T A R SO A P 6 dozen lots, 5% (liscount. 3 dozen, six tubes . free v ...... - ...... 24.00 12 dozen lots, 7% discount. “RAT BIS-KIT" PETERSON’S OINTMENT 25c Size— 4 dozen 35c, 1 dozen 60c, % dozen 35c free. 1 dozen, one b o x fr e e ...... $ 2.00 3 dozen 35c, *4 dozen 35c free. 3 dozen, four boxes free ...... 6.00 2 dozen 35c, % dozen 60c, % dozen 35c free. 6 dozen, tw elve b oxes fr e e ...... 12.00 PINAUD’S EAU DE QUININE, ETC. 35c Size— $25.00 lots, 5% discount. 1 dozen, one box free...... 2.80 PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 dozen, four boxes free ...... 8.40 1 gross lots, $12.00. 6 dozen, twelve boxes free...... ,. . . 1 6 . 8 0 3 gross lots, $11.90. Special Combination Offers— 5 gross lots, $11.70. Vo dozen Bis-Kit, 25c size, and % dozen Paste, 10 gross lots, $11.60. 25c size ...... 2.00 25 gross lots, $11.50. One tube paste free. PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 1 dozen Bis-Kit, 25c size, and one dozen Paste, 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. 25c size ...... 4.00 12 dozen lots, 10% discount, net cash. Three tubes paste free. PEBECO TOOTH PASTE RIPAN’S TABULES r' 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. $24.00 lots, 5% discount. 12 dozen lots, 10% discount, net cash. PIVER’S PREPARATIONS ROUGH ON RATS $26.00 lots, 5% discount. $1200 lots, 5% discount. $50.00 lots, 8% discount. RED RAVEN SPLITS POMPEIAN MASSAGE CREAM 1 case, $7.50. $12.00 lots, 5% discount. 2 cases, $7.35. PHYSICIANS’ AND SURGEONS’ SOAP 5 cases, $7.25. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. 10 cases, $7.00. 1 dozen free with each case; % dozen free with each y2 12 dozen lots, 10% d iscou n t. PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSHES case. 3 dozen lots, $4.12. Freight paid on direct shipments. 6 dozen lots, $4.00. ROYAL PURPLE GRAPE JUICE 12 dozen lots, $3.75. 5 case lots, 5% discount. Q-BAN HAIR COLOR RESTORER 10 case lots, 7 % % discou n t; 2 dozen lots, % dozen free. RED WING GRAPE JUICE 4 dozen lots, % dozen free. 5 case lots, 5% discount. 6 dozen lots, 1 dozen free. RED CROSS COUGH DROPS Q-BAN HAIR PREPARATIONS 10 b o x lots, $1.55. The following special assortments with free goods S P O T F Y T E R i/2 dozen Spot-Fyters, 25c size (1 extra free). are limited one to a dealer: 1 dozen Spot-Fyters, 25c size (3 extra free). A S S O R T M E N T NO. 1. 2 dozen Spot-Fyters, 25c size (7 extra free). 1 dozen Q-Ban Restorer . -...... $ 6.00 y2 dozen Spot-Fyters, 50c size (1 extra free). V

SALINOS V IC K ’ S V A P O R U B $8.00 lots, 5% discount and display. Stand containing 1 gross small or equivalent, 5% discount. 1/12 dozen each size free. VERONICA WATER SWEENEY’S POISON WHEAT 6 case lots, 5% discount. 3 dozen lots 15c size, % dozen free. VINOL SAL, H E P A T IC A . 1 dozen lots, 5% discount. $16.80 lots, 5% discount. VOGUE STRAW HAT DYE $67.20 lots, 8% discount. 3 dozen lots, % dozen free. $134.40 lots, 10% discount, net cash. 6 dozen lots, 5/12 dozen free. SANATOGEN 12 dozen lots, 1 dozen free and 5% discount. $25.00 lots, 5% discount. VIRGINIA DARE SANTAL MIDY 10 case lots, 5% discount, 2 dozen lots, 5% discount. VILLIER’S TOOTH PASTE SCHENCK’S PREPARATIONS 1 gross lots, 5% discount. $20.00 lots, 5% discount. WRIGHT’S SILVER CREAM SCHI I’FMAN’S ASTHMADOR 3 dozen lots, manufacturer will send check for % dozen $25.20 lots, 5% discount. free. S C O T T ’ S E M U L SIO N 12 dozen lots, manufacturer will send check for 1 dozen $316.00 lots, including Kimoids and Cod Liver Oil, plain, free and 5% discount. 5% discount and % dozen Emulsion, small, free. WEEK’S COLD TABLETS AND LAX WAFERS 3 dozen lots, 1 dozen free. SQUIBB’S LIQUID PETROLATUM 12 dozen lots, 4 dozen free and 5% discount. 3 dozen lots, $7.75 and % dozen free. WAMPOLE’S PREPARATIONS SLOCUM’S PREPARATIONS $24.00 lots, 5% discount. $12.00 lots, 5% discount. SPIRO POWDER WATERBURY’S COD LIVER OIL 1 dozen lots, % dozen free. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 12 dozen lots, 3 dozen free and 5% discount. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. PREPARATIONS STEARN’S ELECTRIC PASTE • $24.00 lots, 5% discount. $11.20 lots, 5% discount. WIDEMAN’S GOATS’ MILK 2 dozen lots, 5% discount. STERLING PRODUCTS Cascarets, etc., $12.00 lots, .5% discount. W IN S L O W ’ S S Y R U P ST. JACOB’S OIL 4 dozen lots, 5% discount. $12.00 lots, 5% discount. WARNER’S SAFE REMEDIES Hamburg Remedies may be included. $24.00 lots, 3% discount. S W IF T ’ S S P E C IF IC WILDROOT PREPARATIONS $38.00 lots, 5% discount, freight paid. % dozen Hair Tonic, large. $100;00 lots, 10% discount and 3% cash, freight paid. % dozen Hair Tonic, medium. S. S'. S. dozen Hair Tonic, small. M oth er’ s F rien d. Mt dozen Shampoo. Bradfield’s Regulator. y2 dozen Soap. Lamarine Wafers. For $8.85 manufacturers will rebate dealer $1.50. $40.00 lots assorted, 5% discount delivered and $1.50 WAXIT rebate from manufacturers. $37.80 lots, 33%% and % gallon free. $100.00 lots, 10% and 3% discount delivered and $3.00 $57.70 lots, 33%% and 5% and 1 gallon free. rebate from manufacturers. STRAWBRITE W E L L S , S. C. & CO. PREPARATIONS 6y2 dozen lots, % dozen free, 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 12. dozen lots, 1 dozen free. WALNUTTA STEERO CUBES % dozen lots, 1/12 dozen free. $33.00 lots, 10% discount. W R IG H T ’S SM O K E STUMPFF’S MAGIC HOODOO ANT PAPER AND RAT 2 dozen lots, % dozen free. PASTE WELCH’S GRAPE JUICE 3 dozen lots, % dozen free. 5 case lots, 2%% discount. 6 dozen lots, % dozen free and 5% discount. WAKEFIELD’S B. B. BALSAM 12 dozen lots, 1% dozen free and 5 % discount. 3 dozen small, % dozen free. SAPOLIO WALKO REMEDY AND TABLETS 1 gross lots, $12.60. 2 dozen 60c or equivalent, 3% discount. SAYMAN’S SOAP* 4 dozen 60c or equivalent, 4% discount. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. 6 dozen 60c or equivalent, 5% discount. 12 dozen lots, 10% discount. WILLIAM’S BARBER BAR SOAP SEMPRE GIOVINE 5 box lots, $5.75. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. 10 box lots, $5.50. 6 dozen lots, 10% discount. WOODBURY’S FACIAL SOAP 1 dozen Sempre Giovine, % dozen each Van. Creme and 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. Rouge free. 12 doezn lots, 10% discou n t. 1 dozen Sempray Face Powder, % doezn each Van. W A K E L E E ’ S C A M E L L IN E Creme and Rouge free. 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. STERNAU CANNED HEAT WYETH CHEM. CO. PREPARATIONS 1 gross lots, $13.00, 5% discount. 5 gross lots, $13.00, 10% discount, net cash. A S S O R T M E N T NO. 1. SKAT V2 dozen Jad Salts ...... $ 3.40 3 dozen lots, $1.15. y2 dozen Sage and Sulphur, s m a ll...... 3.00 1 gross lots, $13.25. 11 dozen Sage and Sulphur, large ...... 2.50 5 gross lots, $12.50. y2 dozen E ly ’ s Cream B alm , s m a ll...... 2.40 S. B. COUGH DROPS % dozen Jad Salts ...... Free 1 box lots, $1.45. 10 b o x lots, $1.40. $11.30 TARRANT’S PREPARATIONS A SS O R T M E N T NO. 2. $24.00 lots, 5% discount, 1 dozen St. J a cob Oil, s m a ll...... $ 2.80 TIZ % dozen St. J acob O il, la r g e ...... 2.40 6 dozen lots, 5% discount. 1 dozen T iz ...... 2.80 TROMMER’S MALT % dozen St. Jacob Oil, small...... ___ F ree 2 dozen lots, 5% discount. TURPO $ 8.00 $7.20 lots, % dozen 30c free. $14.40 lots, 1 dozen 30d free. A S S O R T M E N T NO. 3. Double quantity of No. 1. $28.80 lots, 2 dozen 30c free. TWINK A S S O R T M E N T NO. 4. 1 g ross lo ts, $9.00. Double quantity of No. 2 THOMPSON’S MALTED MILK AND FOOD SHELF GOODS A S S O R T M E N T NO. 5. $25.00 lots, 5% discount. 2 dozen Jad Salts ...... $13i.60 $50.00 lots, 10% discount. 2 dozen Sage and Sulphur, small...... 12.00 10 and 25-lb. packages. 1 dozen Sage and Sulphur, large...... 10.00i 300-lb. lots, 10% delivered. % dozen Fly Cream Balm, small ...... F ree THERMOS BOTTLES AND FILLERS $50.00 lots, 331%% and 5% discount. $35.60 TETLOW’S PREPARATIONS All orders must be sent to Wyeth Chemical Co., 17 $10.00 lots, 10% in free goods. Battery Place, New York City, for their approval before $20.00 lots, 15% in free goods. shipm ent. $30.00 lots, 20% in free goods. YOUTHCRAFT USOLINE OIL 1 gross lots, freight paid. 3 dozen lots, 5% discount. ZENSAL 6 dozen lots, 10% discount. 1% dozen lots, % dozen free. 34 OMAHA DRUGGIST

TRAVELER'S ADDRESSES. F. H. Parsons...... 3719 Hamilton St. Rep. Parke Davis Co. C. Ellis Nichols, Tel. Walnut 2017.. .6015 Webster St. Rep. Sharp & Dohme. C. J. Caswell...... 1028 South 31st St. Guardian of Public Health Rep. Eli Lilly & Co. John A. Schall...... 2903 Webster St. Rep. Johnson & Johnson. Irving McEwin...... P. O. Box 333. Omaha Rep. Bauer & Black. A. B. Hunt...... 5916 North 24th St. Rep. Lehn & Fink. Geo. W. Murphy...... Rome Hotel Rep. J. Hungerford Smith Co., Fruits and Syrups M A H A is one of the leading Nat Quinn...... Phone Web. 0622, 1607 Binney Sfc. hospital centers west of the Rep. The Cleveland Fruit Juice Co. O Mississippi. Here are lo­ L. J. Inderbitzin...... Rome Hotel cated fifteen modern hospitals, Rep. Horlick’s Malted Milk Co. containing 1,425 beds, treating annually more than 70,000 pa­ S. Schoenfeld...... Delmar Hotel tients from Nebraska, Iowa, Rep. Chas. E. Hires Co. South Dakota, Wyoming and sur­ J. J. Elfers...... R. D. Co. rounding states. @ Rep. Detroit White Lead Works or Rogers Omaha is helping to safeguard Paints and Varnishes. the health of a vast territory. Fred E. Heinen...... Wellington Inn During the ”flu” epidemic a vac­ Rep. Thompson’s Malted Food Co. cine prepared in Omaha was fu r­ nished free to hundreds o f doc­ E. L. Martin,______Hamilton Apts., 24th & Farnam tors all over the country. Representative Liquid Carbonic Co. The medical colleges and hos­ R. E. Moore...... 312 Peters Trust Bldg. pitals of Omaha are annually Representative Garrett & Co. graduating hundreds of doctors W . S. Birdsall...... ,...... Carlton Hotel and nurses, who carry the les­ Represenative John Wyeth & Brothers sons they learn all over the W. F. Ottman...... 2425 Mar}’ St. M iddle West. Rep. H. K. Mulford Co. For "A-B-C Book of Omaha,** write F. B. Greusel...... 2108 So. 34th St. Rep. W. S. Merrill, Co. Chamber of Commerce, Omaha


FORMERLY RAT-KAKE SLEEPER’S Lightning Pnison Fly Paper

Large Sheets per ream $9.00 Large Sheets 5 CKNTS rarnjf I per quire 50c Envelopes, ready cut of 8 Mummifies Rats and Mice sheets, 50 envelopes to a They dry up with carton...... $1.25 N O S M E L L Retails at 5c a Sheet Exterminates Roaches, Ants, Bugs 5 c an Envelope and other Vermin Cats and Dogs vrill not eat Rat-Mum The Vermin Exterminator Co. Indianapolis. Ind, JU.S. A. u HUDSON-----SPRAYERS

PERFECTION Have you ever considered just why certain features are necessary in the high pressure compressed air sprayer? For handling' high pressure safely, a strong tank must be provided, one which will not leak or blow out. The riveted and soldered head, side and bottom seams of the Perfection take care of this point. A good strong pump is needed to de­ velop high pressure. In our Perfection, we use an all-brass pump I f inches diameter and 15 inches long, with which the operator can quickly and easily pump up the amount of press­ ure he desires. To handle spray solutions successfully under high pressure, an automatic shut-off nozzle which is sure and safe must be used. The Perfection automatic Shut off Nozzle is built for high prsssure work. It is equipped with a heavy spring which will close the nozzle tight under all pressures. With it there is no loss of solution and consequent damage to surroundings.

It is just the thing for general work around the house, in gardens and small farms. Used for potato spraying, whitewashing, spraying disinfect­ ants, cold water, paints, etc. Seams are all riveted and soldered, giving the great strength necessary for the high pressure it developes, and which is necessary for good results. P um p—1M inches diameter, 15 inches long, sesmless brass tubing. The plunger is equipped with Hudson special plunger leathers. The valve is brass. Tank—7^4 inches diameter, 20 inches long; capacity’4 gallons. Made of first quality galvanized sheets or all brass as ordered. Package—One in a heavy carton; shipping weight ten pounds. No. 110G. Galvanized Steel Tank, 4 gal. Price each. .$ 6 .6 0

N o. 4512. “ M IST Y ” Our old standby. The best selling quart size sprayer, made of good stock and carefully tested. The pump passing through the top of the can makes it very strong By using this construction the air nozzle and spray tube are always in line. No. 530. “ CRESCENT” Every sprayer a good one and you will have no comebacks. Made of a good grade of tin and can A strong practical glass jar sprayer. Double tube be furnished on special orders with a galvanized type giving a wide fan-shaped spray. Any quart size or brass tank. Mason jar can be used. Extra long pump. Finished in Pum p—1U inches diameter, 14 inches long. With Blue Lacquer. pointed nose. Hudson plunger leather. Heavy Pum p—Wt, inches diameter, 16 inches long. Hudson plun­ rod. ger leathers. Tank—4 inches diameter, 4l/z inches long. Lock seamed. Capacity one full quart. Length over Tank—Quart size Mason jar. Length over all 19inches. all 21 inches. Standard Package—One dozen. Shipping weight 28 lbs. Standard Package-One dozen. Shipping weight No. 530 Glass Jar and Tin Pump. Per dozen ...... $ 8 . 0 0 16 pounds. N o-4512. Tin. Price per dozen ...... $ 5 . 0 0 Brown’s Auto Sprayer No. 22, Qts...... Per doz. $4.50 Fly-ito - G allons...... Per doz. 1 3 .0 0 H a ll G als. P er doz. $ 7 . 0 0 ...... Q ts. P er doz. 4 .0 0 Is without a superior as a fly preventative. Knoxweed Gallons...... Per doz. 2 0 .0 0 Half Gals. Per doz.$12.00 ...... Lawn Size Per doz. 4.00 K ills Dandelions and other noxious weeds.



Order from Your Jobber m-'i

S. K. & F. Red Band Aspirin Tin Boxes of 12 Capsules


PRICE CHANGES. Grand Pa’s Soap, small; case (100) $4.75; Adam’s Pepsin Gum, 10 boxes 6 3 c ...... box .65 case (50) $2.40 ...... doz. .65 Andrew’s Dustless Erasers...... doz. .90 Grand Pa’s Soap, large; case (100) $8.00; Bromo Adonis, 1st...... doz. 10.25 case (50) $4.05...... doz. 1.10 Bromo Adonis, 2nd...... doz. 11.75 Hobb’s Kidney Pills...... doz. 3.50. Bradley’s Sea Salt, No. 229...... doz. 3.50 Houbigant’s Ext. Jasmine No. 740, 2^ -o z. .doz. 33.00 Bradley’s Sea Salt, No. 230...... doz. 5.00 Houbigant’s Face Po., Ideal, No. 545...... doz. 44.00 Bradley’s Violet Ammonia, No. 232...... doz. 2.50 Houbigant’s Face Po., Quelques FI. No. Beetham’s Glyc. and Cucumber Cream. . . . doz. 10.00 714 ...... doz. 44.00 Black Jack Gum, 10 boxes 63c...... box .65 Houbigant’s Soap,, Ideal Violet, No. 530..doz. 18.26 Beeman’s Pepsin Gum, 10 boxes 63c...... box .65 Hand Sprayers, full dozen lots 5 % ...... doz. 4.50 Best Tonic, 8 doz. 5 % ...... doz. 2.25 Haja Coffee...... See Page 3 Coty’s Jac Rose Sachet Powder, No. 923, Kis-Me Gum, 10 boxes 63c...... box .65 1%-oz...... doz. 25.08 Kingery’s Crystal Flake, lbs...... lb. 1.1$ Coty’s L’Origan Sachet Powder, No. 1123, Kingery’s Crystal Flake, *4 lbs...... lb. 1.40 1%-oz...... doz. 25.08 Listerine Talcum Powder...... doz. 2.00 California Fruit Gum, 10 boxes 63c...... box .65 Lilly’s Coco Quinine, pints...... doz. 14.40 Costello Felt Erasers, No. 5...... doz. 2.20 Lilly’s Coco Quinine, gallons...... each 8.00 Corona Wool Fat, small...... doz. 5.00 Luden’s Cough Drops, 10 boxes $1.40___ box 1.45 Corona Wool Fat, large...... doz. 10.00 Lustrite Traveling Sets...... doz., 4.00 DePree’s Fumigators, No. 2...... doz. 4.50 Lowney’s Cocoa, Gold Medal, 5-lb. tins___ lb. .39 DePree’s Fumigators, High Power...... doz. 4.80 Lowney’s Cocoa, Gold Medal, 10-lb. tin s...lb . .35 DeWitt’s Cough Syrup, small...... doz. 2.00 Lowney’s Cocoa, Gold Medal, 25-lb. tin s...lb . .34 DeWitt’s Cough Syrup, medium...... doz. 4.00 Lowney’s Cocoa, Gold Medal, 50-lb. drums.lb. .33 Eagle Milk, 4 dozen case $10.00, 2 dozen case Lowney’s Cocoa, Gold Medal, 100-lb. drums.lb. .32 $5.10...... doz. 2.60 Lowney’s Cocoa, Gold Medal, 175-lb. bbls..lb. .31 Fitch’s Dandruff Remover, small...... doz. 4.00 Lowney’s Cocoa, XXXX, 5-lb. tins...... lb. .31 Fitch’s Dandruff Remover, large...... doz. 8.00 Lowney’s Cocoa, XXXX, 10-lb. tins...... lb. .27 Fitch’s Shampoo No. 6— no free goods----- doz. 5.10 Lowney’s Cocoa, XXXX, 25-lb. tins...... lb. .26 Fitch’s Shampoo No. 12—no free goods.. .doz. 10.20 Lowney’s Cocoa, XXXX, 50-lb. drums...... lb. .25 Fraser’s Ant Gargle...... doz. 7.80 Lowney’s Cocoa, XXXX, 100-lb. drums___ lb. .24 Flo Voro Malt...... doz. 6.50 Lowney’s Cocoa, XXXX, 175-lb. bbls. . ___ lb. .23 Fel’s Naptha Soap, case (100) $6.75...... doz. .90 Mennen’s Kora Konia...... doz. 3.25 Graham’s Lana Oil S o a p ...... doz. 1.10 Mother’s Salve, 60c...... doz. 4.50 Geisler’s Bird Tonic...... doz. 1.80 Mahdeen ...... ♦...... doz. 7.20 Geisler’s Vegetable Ext...... doz. 1.80 Merrell’s Bromo Chloral, pints...... doz. 17.85 Graham’s Nail Enamel...... doz. 4.00 Merrell’s Bromo Chloral, gallons...... each 10.20 Griswold’s Mentho Camph., small...... doz. 2.40 Merrell’s Colorless Hydrastis, pints...... doz. 31.45 Griswold’s Mentho Camph., large...... doz. 4.80 Merrell’s Colorless Hydrastis, gallons.. .each 8.67 OMAHA DRUGGrlST 37

Merrell’s Sennamel, pints ...... *...... doz. 9.69 10.50 Merrell’s Sennamel, gallons ...... each 4.76 2.90 O’Cedar Mops No. 3 ...... doz. 12.00 12.50 O’Cedar Mops No. 4...... doz. 8.00 15.75 O’Cedar Mops No. 8 ...... doz. 12.00 2.00 O’Cedar Mops No. 9 ...... doz. 8.00 1.50 O’Cedar Mops No. 10...... doz. 12.00 36.00 O’Cedar Mops No. 11...... doz. 12.00 4.50 Peterman’s Discovery, small...... doz. 1.45 4.50 Peterman’s Discovery, large...... doz. 2.35 4.50 Pear’s Fullers Earth...... doz. 1.64 . .doz. 2.25 Perfection Bed Pans No. 1...... doz. 45.00 . .doz. 6.75 Perfection Bed Pans No. 2...... doz. 39.00 2.25 Phoenix Dispensing Tanks...... Each 4.50 2.25 P. D. & Co. Boro Chloretone, small...... doz. 4.00 1.10 P. D. & Co. Boro Chloretone, medium___ doz. 6.00 Gillette Razors— P. D. & Co. Boro Chloretone, lbs...... lb. 2.35 3.75 P. D. & Co. Agar, % lbs...... doz. 6.00 .each 3.75 P. D. & Co. Agar, lbs...... lb. 1.75 3.75 P. D. & Co. Uritone, lb. $2.00...... oz. .25 .each 4.50 P. D. & Co. Uritone Caps., 5 gr. 100s....each .60 .each 3.75 P. D. & Co. Uritone Caps., 5 gr. 500s....each 2.50 .each 4.50 P. D. & Go. Uritone Caps,, 5 ,gr. 1000s.. . each 4.50 .each 7.20 Powder Boxes, No. 64 ...... gro. 4.50 .each 8.00 Powder Boxes, No. 97 ...... gro. 4.50 .each 8.00 Powder Boxes, No. 126 ...... gro. 1.65 .each 6.00 Powder Boxes, No. 127 ...... »...... gro. 1.45 2.80 Powder Boxes, No. 128 ...... gro. 1.30 .doz. 4.80 Powder Boxes, No. 126-128 ...... gro. 1.65 4.80 Powder Boxes, No. 126 X ...... gro. 2.70 2.00 Powder Boxes, No. 126 X X ...... gro. 4.50 lozen Powder Boxes, No. 126 X X X ...... gro. 4.80 with 1 gross. Pill Boxes, No. 29 ...... gro. 1.35 :nond Antiseptic Soap...... doz. 1.75 Pill Boxes, No. 30 ...... I..gro. 1.60 3 dozen $1.60; 12 dozen $1.50. Pill Boxes, No. 31 ...... gro. 1.80 2.80 Pill Boxes, No. 29-31 ...... gro. 1.80 7.14 Queen Fly Swatters, gross $9.60...... doz. .85 1.00 Robinson’s Pat. Barley, % lb s...... doz. 3.00 2.00 Societe Hyg. Soap, No. 521, unscented... .doz. 2.50 .each 7.25 Societe Hyg. Soap, No. 516, unscented... .doz. 4.95 15.00 Societe Hyg. Soap, No. 515, scented...... doz. 6.60 18.00 Societe Hyg. Philocome Oil, No. 311...... doz. 13.20 36.00 Sen Sen Gum, 10 boxes 63c...... box .65 .doz. 4.00 Stein’s Lining Colors...... doz. 2.80 1.75 S. B. Cough Drops. 10 boxes $1.40...... box 1.45 1.20 Tyndale’s Syrup. No. 1 and 2 ...... doz. 18.00 1.75 White’s Dental Plaster, 6-qt. cans...... each 2.75 1.30 Wampole’s Creo Terpin Comp...... doz. 8.00 . doz. 1.30 Window Glass, S. S ...... 81% 2.50 Window Glass, D. S ...... 83% 2.00 White Stokes Mallo Topping, 1-gal. cans, .each 1.00 4.00 White Stokes Mallo Topping, 10-gal. cans.each 9.50 8.00 White Stokes Mallo Topping, 15-gal. bbls.each 13.00 $24.00 lots, 5% discount. White Stokes Mallo Topping, 30-gal. bbls.each 23.00 free. White Stokes Mallo Topping, 57-gal. bbls.each 39.00 12.00 Yucatan Gum, 10 boxes 63c...... box .65 2.75 Zematol, lbs...... doz. 27.00 1.35 CHANGES. .doz. 1.35 Lilly’s Borantin— Name changed to Solantin. 4.50 ' DISCONTINUED. 2.25 Brown’s Household Panacea. 3.60 Rex Tea. .doz. 7.20 NEW GOODS. 3.60 Ayer’s Luxuria, jars, $1.50...... doz. 14.40 7.20 Ayer’s Theatrical Powder, 75c...... doz. 7.20 5.40 American Fli-Catch, case $4.75...... carton .50 9.00 Ace Bandages, 2-in...... each .51 .doz. 7.20 Ace Bandages, 2V2 A n ...... each .60 3.60 Ace Bandages, 3-in...... each .72 3.60 Ace Bandages, 3%-in...... each .84 3.60 Ace Bandages, 4-in...... each .96 2.16 Ace Bahdages, 5-in...... each 1.20 3.60 Armour’s Prostrate Tamlets, 100s...... each .50 3.60 Black Leaf, 1-oz...... doz. 2.40 3.60 38 OMAHA DRUGGIST

SPECIAL OFFERS. FORI SALE— Drug store in northern Colorado Abilena Water. town of 11,000 people. Store up to date in fixtures 2 case lots, 5% and $1.00 rebate. and appearance. Stock clean and doing a cash busi­ 4 case lots, 10% and $2.00 rebate. ness of $40,000.00 per year. Will sell at lump or Adams Gum. invoice. Price $17,000.00. Address E. G. W., care Until June 30th we will make drop shipments of Omaha Druggist. Adams Gums, giving three boxes free. The only re- Rexall Drug Store for sale at discount. This store ouirement is that shipment shall consist of at least is doing $20,000.00 business a year and has small three brands listed below and that at least one box expense. Best location in town; brick building, 25x of free goods shall be Adams Chiclets, Tutti Frutti 100 feet; rent $25 per month; Artisian water in flavor. All shipments made direct, prepaid. store. Write for particulars ' and terms. Lyons Adams Black Jack ...... box .65 Pharmacy, Beaver Crossing, Nebr. Adams California Fruit ...... box .65 Adams Chiclets, 20s, Peppermint...... box .70 WANTED— Drug clerk, two years or more experi­ Adams Chiclets, 20s, Tutti Frutti...... box .70 ence, must be salesman, need not be registered, no Adams Chiclets, 20s, Spearmint...... box .70 soda fountain. Write or phone Fred Picard, Geneva, Adams Cinnamon...... box .65 Neb. Adams Cloves ...... box .65 Adams Kisme ...... box .65 FOR SALE— One Whitall Tatum No. 3 Suppository Adams Spearmint ...... box .65 Machine in good condition. Best offer takes it. J. D. Adams Yucatan ...... box .65 Brown & Son, Missouri Valley, Iowa. Adams Sen Sen ...... i...box .65 Adams Sen Sen Breathlets ...... ;...box 1.50 If you want to buy or sell a drug store in Colorado see G. R, Swan, 311 Colorado Bldg., Denver, Colo. Adams Beeman’s Pepsin ...... box .65 Diamond Dyes. For Sale—An interest in one of the best drug 1 gross lots, 5% and 3 dozen free. stores in one of the best towns in the state. Owner 5 gross lots, 8% and 15 dozen free. leaving on account - of his health. For further in­ Kellogg’s Tasteless Castor Oil. formation write to C. M., c/o Richardson Drug Co., 3 dozen small, % dozen free. Omaha, Nebr. Pond’s Creams $22.00 lots, 1 dozen small jars free. FOR SALE— Good paying drug store in county Tetlow’s Goods. seat town in western Nebraska. Will bear the 1 gross lots of Face or Talcum Powder, 2 dozen free. closest investigation. Good reason for selling; will Twink. take about $18,000.00 to handle it. Address H. S. W.., 1 gross lots $9.00, and 6 dozen free. care Omaha Druggist. FOR SALE—Rexall Drug Store for sale. Address FOR SALE. Moore & Copeland, Columbus, Nebr. FOR SALE— Only drug store in town of 400, hav­ ing accredited high school, Protestanlt churches. Fixtures $900.00, stock at invoice or lump. Sales $7,- Miscellaneous. 647.16 past year. One doctor here— good prescription SPECIAL ATTENTION— If you want to sell your writer. Will lump entire deal at $3,600.00. Invoiced drug store, or buy one in any state, or want any kind over $3,700.00 in January. Sales will go to $9,000.00 of position, or need any kind of employe, or need a or $10,000.00 with good management, as they have Doctor, Dentist or Veterinarian, guaranteed service, been increasing right along. Rich farming country, write F. V. Kniest, R. P., Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha, little credit. Place for a man of small capital. Have Neb. Established 1904. made money here and wish to get into a big deal. Can reduce both stock and fixtures if still tool large RELIEF REGISTERED PHARMACIST at your for you. Have been keeping up the stock. Income service at all times. Barbara C. Osborn, 1638 J St., tax report to SHOW what I made here. This can be Lincoln, Neb. Phone L7013. handled very reasonably. Address Cowles Phar­ macy, Yutan, Nebr. PHYSICIAN WANTED—In Brewster; 20 miles southwest, 50 miles west, 40 miles east to nearest FOR SALE— Only drug store in town between three Physician. Write Scott & Fish, Brewster, Nebr. and four hundred inhabitants, rich farming com­ munity in western Iowa. Sales largely cash, stock PHYSICIAN WANTED— In Saunders County. Big clean and up to the minute; wages are going down. territory open. Ithaca has no physician, Memphis Get in and own a business of your own. Will carry none, Swedenburg none. Write to druggist or banker part. Retiring. Address, H. M. W., care Omaha of Ithaca. Druggist. WANTED— Position by registered druggist with FOR SALE—One of the best paying drug stores in view to buying a good store in west-central, western Nebraska. It is so good you can not realize It until Nebraska or eastern Colorado. Have some money. you come and see. Located in new brick building, Can furnish best of references. 10 years experience. 25x70, with full basement. Fountain and fixtures Address, S. E. C., care of Richardson Drug Co. new, no competition. Expenses light. One side line alont pays $1,000.00 a year clear profit. R. G. Lynch, Roseland, Neb. CLERK WANTED. FOR SALE— NYAL STORE, only drug, confec­ tionery, sundry and soft drink, with ice cream store WANTED— Unregistered druggists to take Bowen in town. Has a good trade, all cash. Situated in Institute of Pharmacy Course and pass any State best location in town on corner. Will sell stock and Board. Mail and resident work. Chartered school. building or stock and rent building. Part cash and Our six weeks’ course will prepare you. Our 800 registrations to date. Send for full information. terms. Other business.— NYAL STORE, Witten, S. D. C. W. Bowen, M. S., M. D., Ph. G., TJ... B., Bruns­ FOR SALE—Am determined to sell my store at wick, Mo. Shelton, Nebraska. Stock will be sold in lump or invoice. Better come and look this proposition over, Position Wanted—By lady, experienced pharma­ it’s a money maker and it’s sure for sale. Address cist, industrious and capable; can give reference. J. L. Pell, Shelton, Neb. In care Omaha Druggist. OMAHA DRUGGIST O U R PAGE OF SPECIAL QUOTATIONS STAPLE, HEAVY AND CRUDE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS J ne 10th 1921

A c id , Blue Vitriol, bbl...... ft 07 Potassium Jhlorate.crys., or Powd Acetic, 28% Bbls...... ft 04* 1C 0-lb ...... ft 08 k e g s ...... lb 26 10-gal...... lb 05 * 5 0 -lb ...... fl- U9 50-lb. lo ts ...... _.lb 27 5 - g a l ...... IB OS 25-11)...... 10 25-lb. lo t s ...... ft 28 “ 1-gal ...... B> Ok) 1 0 -lb ...... lb 11 10-lb. lots ...... 1b 29 B attery, 1.225 c b y s ...... lb 03yi 5-lb ...... ir- 13 5-lb l o t s ...... ft 30 “ 1.400 c b y s ...... ft 03 Vi orax, I’owder or Cryst. bbl . .ft OS G ran u lar 15c per lb. h igh er. “ 1.835 c b y s ...... lb 05 “ “ 09* 50-lb ...... ft 10 Sal Epsom, Bbls ...... ft 04 Boraclc, Po., or cryst., 25-lb. 2 5 -lb ...... ft 11 100-l b ...... ft 04* lo ts ...... lb 20 io -lb ...... 11* 50-lb...... 1b 05 Yi 10-lb. lo t s ...... lb 22 5 -lb ...... ft 12 2 5-lb ...... ft 05 5-lb. lo t s ...... lb 23 Brimstone, Roll, bbl .. 4 00 10- l b ...... 1b 08 Carbolic, crude, 15*, bbl. incl.gal 47 100-lb...... S, 15 5 -lb ...... ft 06 * 15$, 10-gal. ca n ...... “ gal £2 5 »>5 G la u b er, L u m p b b l...... cw t 2 75 15*, 5-gal. ca n ...... “ gal 57 50-lb...... 25-lb ...... 6 15 1 00 -lb ...... cw t 3 75 8 0*. b b ls ...... “ ga l 65 10-1 b ...... ft 07 5 0 -lb ...... cw t 4 75 80V, 10-gal. c a n ...... “ g a l <0 Carbon Bisulphide, 10-gal., 100-lbft l i 25-lb...... c w t 5 00 5-gal. can.. i ...... “ gal 75 “5-gaL,” 50-lb incl ...... ft 15 Glauber, gran, bbl ...... cw t 3 00 U f ,b b l...... “ ga l 75 “2-gal..“ 20-lb. incl...... ft 18 M% 10-gal. can ...... *• ga l 85 “ “ 100-ft...... cw t 4 00 “ 1-gal.,” 10-lb incl ...... ft 20 “ “ 50-lb...... cw t 4 50 * * 5-gal. can ...... *• ga l 93 1-ft cans 5ft lots incl ...... ft 39 S I , bbC ...... “ gal 90 “ “ 25-lb...... cw t 5 00 1-lb ca n s 10ft l o t s ...... ,1b 38 “ pow d b b l ...... cw t S 25 ■>*, 10-gal. can ...... “ gal 1 00 1-ft cans 25ft lots ...... ft 37 80*, 5-gal, can ...... “ gal 1 08 “ ’* 1 0 0 -» ...... cw t 4 25 O itrlc, 118-lb.kegs...... ft £8 Chalk, Lump, bbl...... ft 03* 5 0 -ft...... cw t 4 75 50-lb. l o t a ...... '.ft 60 100-lb...... ft 05 “ 25-lb...... cw t 5 *0 8fr- lb. lo ta ...... ft #2 5 0-lb ...... ft 05* Nitre, gran., ICo lbs ...... ft 18 10-lb. lota ...... ft 84 25-lb ...... ft 06 SO lb s ...... ft 18H 5-lb. lo t s ...... ft 66 10-lb...... ft 06* 25 lb s...... ft 20 M u riatic. 16° c a r b o y ...... ft 03* French Powd., 200 lb. bags ...... ft 03* 10 lb s ...... ft 21 Uuratlc, O. P., carboy...... ft 11 100-lb bags ...... ft 0 4 * 50-lb b a g s ...... 06 Nitre, Powdered. 100 lbs ...... ft 19 Nitric, 36° carboy ...... ft 09 * 50 lbs...... » 19* Nitric, 48° carboy ...... lb llH 25-lb b a g s ...... o e * 07 25 lb s ...... ft 81 Nitric, O. P., carboy ...... lb 16 10 lb s ...... ft 22 Oxalic, 100-lb. lots ...... ft 33 Charcoal, Commercial, bbl ...... ft 03 #0-lb. lots ...... ft 34 100-lb...... 04 •Nitre, Sm all cry st., 100lb s .... ft 20 8 t-lb . lo t s ...... ft 35 50-lb...... 0 4* 50 lb s ...... ft 20K 10-lb. lots ...... ft 36 2 6-lb...... ft 06 85 lb s...... ft 21 5-lb. lots ...... ft 37 10-lb...... ft 06 10 lb s...... ft 23 Sulphuric 66° carboy ...... cw t 3 25 5 -lb ...... 07 R och elle, 25-lb...... ft 41 Sulphuric,O. P., carboy ...... ft 11 1-ton lo t s ...... T o n 50 00 10-lb...... ft 42 Tartaric, . 100-ft lots ...... lb 53 * -ton lots ...... 51 00 5 -lb ...... ft 43 50- ft lo t s ...... ft 51 Ji-ton lots ...... 52 00 8oda, b b l...... ft o*M 95-ft lo t s ...... f t 55 Copperas, Lump, bbl...... 1b 02 K e g ...... ft 02* 10-ft lo t s ...... ft 56 100-lb...... ft 0 3 * 100- l b ...... ft o2* 5-ft l o t s ...... ft 58 5 0 -lb ...... 04 5 0 -lb ...... ft 03% Alcohol Denatured, Form. No. 5 8 6-lb ...... 04* 25-lb...... ft 04 M bbls. 180*...... ga l 50 10-lb ...... ft 05 10-l b ...... ft 0 4* •• *-bbls Incl gal 5« 5 -lb ...... ft 05* “ 10-gal.. gal 58 G ran., b b l ...... 1b 0 * * Sassafras Bark, “ fl-gal.. gal 60 “ 100-lbs...... 1b 03k 100-lb b a g s...... ft 42 fiv e and tsn gallon lots containers extra “ 60-lbs...... ft 0 4* 50-lb b a g s ...... ft 44 Denatured 188® 1 cent orer. 25-lbs...... ft 04* 25-lb b a g s ...... ft 45 A le o h o l, grain 190° b b l. in c — . ga l. 7 25 “ 1 0 -lb s ...... ft 05* 10-lb b a g s ...... ft 48 “ “ “ *-bbl. inc. .gal 7 35 5-lb______...... ft 06 5 -lb bags...... ft 50 “ 10 g a l ...... g a l 7 65 Redrled Powd. bbls ...... 1b 03* 100-lb...... 05 “ 5 - g a l ...... g a l 7 70 Seed, Canary, 25-lb bags ...... ft lo (On 5 and lo-gal.. containers extra) 5 0 -lb ...... 05* 2 5 -lb ...... ft 06 “ 10-ft lots ___ft 11 M E T H A N O L 95)1, dru m s ___gal 1 05 ...... ft “ 5-ft lots ...... ft 12 * - b b l s I O on - ...... g a l 1 0 -lb ...... 06* 5-lb...... ft 07 Flax, ground 1001b bgs...... ft 09 10-gal.. Vtainer ...... g a l 1 15 Cream Tartar, C. P., 100-lb...... ft 50-lb b a g s ...... ft lo 5-gal.. ) Extra ...... g a l 1 20 48 5 0 -lb ...... 1b 49 25-lb bags ...... ft u Alum, lump, 25>-lb ...... ft 50 10- l b ...... *, is B b l...... ft 06 1 0-lb ...... 51 5 - l b ...... lb 13 100-lb. lots ...... ft 06*4 5 -lb ...... 54 Whole * c per lb. less. 50-lb. lo t s ...... ft 07 * H em p, 25-lb b a g s ...... ft io 25-lb . lo t s ...... ft C8 Form aldehyde, 40*, 400 lb. bbls. 1b 19 125 lb kegs ...... 20 10-lb. lo t s ...... ft li Powdered, Bbl...... '.lb C63£ 5-lb. lo t s ...... ft 12 100-lb. lo t s ...... lb 07U 60-lb k e g s ...... ft 22 1 gal jugs incl ...... 2 40 Sunflower. 25-lb bags...... ft io 50-lb. lo t s ...... 1b 98 M Sunflow er, 1 0-lb ...... ft 12 35-lb. lots ...... ft 08 X P. A. C. Works, 1 lb. bottles, 50 lb lo t s ...... ft 33 Sunflow er 5 lb s...... f t 14 Ammonia, Carbonate, 25-lb. lots. 1b 23 25-ft lots ...... 34 10-lb. lots ...... ft 24 10-lb lo ts ...... 35 Soda Bicarb., 400 -ft bbl...... ft 04 5-lb. lo t s ...... ft 25 5 -ft lo t s ...... 36 112-lb. k e g s ...... ft 0 4* Muriate, lump, 100-lb. lots ...... ft 27 5 0-lb s...... ft 05 50-lb. lo t s ...... ft 28 Glycerine, C. P., 50-lb. cans ...... ft 22 2 5 -lb s ...... ft 05* 86-lb. lots ...... ft 29 Gum Camphor, 1 0-lb ...... ft 06 10-lb. lots ...... ft 80 25 lbs. 10 lbs. !5 lbs. H yp osu lp h ite, cr y . b b l•...... ft 05 & 5 -lb. lo t s ...... ft 31 l - l b ...... 98...... 97...... 1 00 K e g ...... ft 06M Muriate, Gran., bbl ...... ft 12 16s ...... 1 07...... 1 12 ...... 1 15 5 0 -lb s ...... ft o«X 100-lb. lots ...... lb 13 2 4 s ...... 1 18...... 1 20 25-lbs...... ft 07 M 50-lb. lo ts ...... V...... lb 14 32s ...... 1 12...... Hyposulphite, Pea cryst.bbl. cwt 5 75 * - l b . lo t s ...... ft 15 K e g ...... cw t 6 25 10-lb. lots ...... lb 16 Moth Balls, bbls ...... 12 5 0-lbs...... cw t 6 75 S-lb. lo t s ...... ft 18 100-lb ...... 1b 13 2 5 -lb ...... cw t 7 25 Water, 16* carboy ...... lb . 05 5 0 -lb ...... 1 3* Hyposulphite, gran, bbl...... ft 06 10-gal. lo ts ...... 1b 07 8 5 -lb ...... 14 K e g - ...... cw t 6 50 5 gal. lo ts ...... lb . #8 1 0-lb...... ft 15 50-lbs...... cw t 7 00 1 g a l lo ts ...... lb . 09 5 -ft...... 16 2 5 -lb ...... cw t 7 60 Water, Conct., 26°, carboy ...... ft 12 Napthalin, Flake, bbls. 11 10-gal. lots, ...... ft 13 100-lb ...... 12 S u gar M ilk , is, *5-lb lo t s ...... ft 44 5-gal lots ...... ft 14 5 0 -lb ...... 1b 12* *• “ Is, 10-lb lo t s ...... lb 45 1 -ga l l o t s ...... ft 16 3 5 -lb ...... 13 “ “ Is, 5-lb lo ts ...... ft 46 A a ttm o n y , B la ck , Sub. b b l...... ft 06 1 0-lb...... ft 14 100-lb...... ft *7 5 -ft...... 15 Sulphur, Lgt Flour, 240-ft bbls.cwt 4 10 50-lb...... lb 0 7* Oil Cake, ground, ton. 88 00 100-lb. lo ts ...... cw t 5 00 16 l b ...... ft 08 39 CO 50-lb lo t s ...... cw t 5 50 Anaale, Kegs ...... ft 16 M -to n ...... ton 40 00 25-lb l o t s ...... cw t 6 00 100-ft boxes ...... ft 17 100-lb...... CWt 2 05 10-lb lots...... c w t 7 CO 5«w- ...... ft 800»lb.loita...... cw t. 8 45 40 OMAHA DRUGGIST

JUICES MINERAL WATERS, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED Slse No. In Per As wanted H t Size of No. in P er W ater*— Bottles case ease per dot. Juices— Bottles case ca se A b ile n a ...... 24 7.50 4.00 A p p lju ...... 14-oz 24 $5.25 50 7.50 2.00 Applju, Champagne Type ...... 8.25 6.50 ■ $■ *4 - n 5.25 5.50 Ha!a Grape,...... t ■ •» ' 9.50 12 6.09 6.25 12 8.40 Celestin Vichy ...... 3.35 24 8.85 30 ' 8.00 3.75 H a ja G ra p e ...... 72 9.25 30 2.40 1.10 H am by’s D aw son, Springs C o n e — 12-oz. 9.60 (1 ca se fre e w ith flve) H am by’s D aw son Springs C on e...... 30c 2.40 Island Queen Grape...... 24 7 75 24 7.50 3.75 72 8.50 50 7.00 1.75 L o ju L oga n berry...... 12 7.70 24 10.50 5.50 Loju Loganberry ...... 24 } 8.25 50 10.50 2.65 72 8.80 50 7.50 2.00 12 4.45 R ed R a v en ...... 50 7.50 1.90 National Brand Apple Juice ...... 6 5.50 V e r o n ic a ...... 12 5.50 6.00 National Brand Apple Juice ...... 12 3.25 W h ite R o c k ...... K-Gal 12 5.50 6.00 National Brand Apple Juice ...... 24 3.50 50 14.25 3.75 P h e z ...... 0 13.25 W h ite R o c k ...... 100 16.50 2.25 P h ez ...... i ...... 36 4.25 W h ite R o o k ...... wo 13.50 1.85 Red Wing Grape...... 8 9.50 12 8-40 Red Wing Grape...... 24 8.85 G IN G ER ALE Red Wing Grape...... 72 9.25 Reyal Purple...... 8 / 9.50 Royal Purple ...... 12 8.40 B eech n u t G inger A le, 16Vi o u n c e ...... oase 3.85 Royal Purple...... 24 8.85 Beechnut GingerjAle, 6 ounce ...... ca se 4.60 72 9.25 3.85 12 8.75 Beechnut}Birch!Beer, 15M» ounce ...... case 24 10.50 B eechn ut Sarsaparilla,'15K o u n c e ...... c a s e 3.85 S ham -P agne...... 12 6.50 Cliquot, p ts.,fS d ozin c a s e ...... ca se $3.85...... doz 2.00 5.80 Virginia Dare...... 12 * 25 24 6.65 Ha j a, ats- 1 doz. in c a s e ...... ca se 48 7.90 Haja, pts. 3 doz. in oase ...... case 3.60 W elch’s Grape...... 8 9.50 Haja,, H-pts. 2 dox. in case...... case 2.00 1* 8.40 W e lc h ’s G rape...... Hires Champanale, pts. 100s...... case 10.00 W e lch ’s G rap e...... ___ pts 24 8.85 W elch’s Grape...... 78 9.25 Hires Champanale,^splits, 100s...... case 6.25 Manitou GingerjChampagne [Medium 100 Case 14.50 doz 1.90 RIPE OLIVES CALIFORNIA Manitou Champagne.. Splits 100 Case 12 00 doz 1.60 Sylmar Blue Label Gals ...... 13.50 White Rock, pts ...... 100-case $16.50...... doz 2.25 7.50 White Rock, qts...... 50-case $14,25...... d o z 3.75 5.00 White Rock Splits,....100-case $13.50 ...... doz 1.85

:[5] Look Out For Imitations Why You Should Push and Counterfeits of Nuxated Iron

Othine Double Strength. ONE of the soundest principles of business practice is that there is more profit for a druggist in quick sates at a fair profit than in few sales at a Othine is never sold at less than the large profit. For instance—would you prefer sell­ regular price and is never given in ex­ ing a single bottle of tonic every three days at a change for advertising- or other service. profit of 70c or two bottles of Nuxated Iron a day, We do not employ any traveling sales­ six bottles in three days at a profit, of 35c each— $2.10 in all. This is a simple explanation. men or special agents or representatives. Nuxated Iron is the largest selling medicine of its BEWARE of persons soliciting orders kind in the United States. First because of its by phone, telegraph, mail or otherwise merit, second because of the advertising and third for immediate acceptance on cash or because wide-awake druggists everywhere are pushing it. They see the sound merchandising C. O. D. basis. principle is turning their money over quickly on a fast selling "Repeater”. Druggists know that Should you be offered so called Othine fundamental business policy of quick sales and at less than the regular price, PLEASE fair profits rather than slow sales and larger profits wire us at our expense and we will ad­ makes Nuxated Iron a profitable money-making vise you what steps to take. line.1 That is why you can afford to push Nuxated Iron.

Note New Address! OTHINE LABORATORIES 327 Washington Street DAE HEALTH LABORATORIES BUFFALO, : NEW YORK 11 East 36th St. New York City Is] Is] Is] RICHARDSON DRUG CO.

I Room 312 Charles Building SALESROOMS'! Denver. Colo. ( W. D. ZOOK, Agant OMAHA, U. S. A.



Guaranteed Goods by a Guaranty that’s Good’ ta lc u m B>owfc>ers

Melba Talcum Powder...... $ 2.20 Lazell’s Massatta Talcum Powder, old style.. 1.60

Melba Love-Me Talcum Powder...... 2.20 Lazell’s Orange Buds Talcum Powder, old style 2.25 Aubrey Sisters’ Talcum Powder...... 3.15 Lazell’s Rose Petals Talcum Powder, old style 2.25 Armand’s Talcum Powder...... 3.25 Lazell’s Sweet Pea Talcum Powder, square can 2.00 Violet B oric T alcu m P o w d e r...... 1.80 Lazell’s Wisteria Talcum Powder, square can 2.00 Cuticura T alcu m P o w d e r...... 2.80 Lily Borozin Talcum Powder...... 1.75 Colgate’s Baby Talcum Powder...... 1.90 Mennen’s Borated Talcum Powder...... 2.25 Colgate’s Cashmere Bouquet Talcum Powder.. 1.90 Mennen’s Violet Talcum Powder...... 2.25 Colgate’s Dactylis Talcum Powder ...... 1.90 Mennen’s Bath Talcum Powder...... 2.25 Colgate’s Monad Talcum Powder...... 1.90 Mennen’s Talc, for men...... 2.25 Colgate’s Flesh Tint Talcum Powder...... 1.90 Mennen’s Flesh Tint Talcum Powder...... 2.25 Colgate’s Unscented Talcum Powder...... 1.90 Mennen’s Sen Yang Talcum Powder...... 2.25 Colgate’s Violet Talcum Powder ...... 1.90 Mennen’s Kora Konia Talcum Powder...... 4.00 E n th ym ol V iolet T alcu m P o w d e r...... 2.40 Moon Kiss Talcum Powder...... 2.00 Jap Rose Talcum Powder...... 1.50 Merrell Talborate Talcum Powder...... 2.63 Jess Talcum Powder...... 2.65 Mulford’s Carnation Flesh Talcum Powder___ __2.00 J. & J. T alcu m P o w d e r...... 2.00 Nadine Talcum Powder...... 2.25 La-May Talcum Powder...... 2.40 Ostara Talcum Powder...... 2.75 L u xor T alcum P o w d e r...... 4.80 Severa Talcum Powder...... 1.90 Lazell’s Massatta Talcum Powder, New Style. . 2.00 Pasteurine Talcum Powder...... 2.00 Lazell’s Babykin Talcum Powder, New Style, Pond’s Talcum Powder...... 2.25 No. 254 ...... 2.00 Lazell’s Japanese Honeysuckle Talcum Pow­ Palmolive Talcum Powder...... 2.00 der, No. 253...... 2.00 Palmolive Bouquet Oriental Talcum Powder.. 2.00 Lazell’s As The Petals Talcum Powder, old Pompeian Talcum Powder...... 2.40 style ...... 2.00 Lehn & Fink Reveras Talcum Powder...... 2.50 Lazell’s Babykin Talcum Powder, old styl

talcum powder—Conttnuefc

Tetlow’s Borated Talcum Powders, lbs...... 2.50 Schadel’s Antichafe Powder...... 4.00

Venus Talcum Powder, lbs...... 2.50 Hudnut’s Violet Sec Talcum Powder...... 2.40 Hudnut’s Gardenia Talcum Powder...... 2.50 Vantine’s Sana Dermal Talcum Powder...... 2.00 Hudnut’s Extreme Violet Talcum Powder...... 5.00 Vantine’s Wisteria Blossom Talcum Powder.. 2.00 Hudnut’s Three Flowers Talcum Powder...... 5.00 Vantine’s Kutch Sandalwood Talcum Powder. 2.00 Velvetina Talcum Powder...... 2.00 Wms. Eng. Lilac Talcum Powder...... 1.90 R. & G. Sweet Pea Talcum Powder...... 7.00 Wms. Carnation Talcum Powder...... 1.90 Mary Garden Talcum Powder, tins...... 3.60 Wms. La Tosca Rose Talcum Powder...... 1.90 Regaud Trentine Talcum Powder...... , ...... 4.20 Wms. Violet Talcum Powder...... 1.90 Piver’s Talcum Powder...... 2.64 Welch’s Arbutus Talcum Powder...... 2.00 Djer Kiss Talcum Powder...... 2.40 Welch’s Bathasweet, small ...... 4.00 Chinwah Talcum Powder...... 2.00 Welch’s Bathasweet, large ...... 8.00 Frivola Talcum Powder...... 3.00 Madame Walker’s Floral Clusters Talcum Pow­ der ...... 1. 3.00 Mavis Talcum Powder...... 2.42 Creams anfc Xottons

Nelson Baker Snowatilla Toilet Or...... 2.80 G raham ’s Skin Pure ...... 6.00

Armand’s Cold Cream...... 4.50 Graham’s Complex Cream, small...... 6.00 36.00 Boncilla Set ...... G raham ’s C om plex Cream, la rg e ...... 12.00 Berry’s Kremola ...... 10.00 Graham’s Bath of Isis Oream Lotion ...... 12.00 Berry’s Freckle Cream, small...... 5.00 Griswold’s Hazel Cream Lotion ...... 1.75 Berry’s Freckle Cream, large...... 10.00 H in d’s H. & A. Cream , sm a ll...... 4.50 Berry’s Massage Cream ...... 5.00 H ind’s H. & A. Cream , la r g e ...... 10.80 Berry’s Creme Elite ...... 5.00 Howard’s Buttermilk Cream, tubes...... 6.00 Brunner’s Peroxide Vanishing Cream...... 2.00 Weber Huskum Lotion ...... 4.00 California Citrus Cream...... 2.10 J ergen ’s L otion ...... 2.80 C'oco-Bloom Cream ...... 6.00 K intho Cream ...... 6.10 Creme De Meridor, tubes ...... 2.00 K ra n k ’s Lem on C ream ...... 8.00 Creme De Meridor, jars, small ...... 2.00 Ivrank’s Pink Blush ...... 4.80 Creme De Meridor, jars, large ...... 4.00 L u xor Cold Cream , tubes ...... 2.40 Daggett & Ramsdell’s Cold Cream, tubes, 10c. .90 L u xor Cold Cream, j a r s ...... 4.80 Daggett & Ramsdell’s Cold Cream, tubes, 30c. 2.50 Crem e L ’Am e ...... 4.80 Daggett & Ramsdell’s Cold Cream, jars, small 3.50 L illy Cold Cream, tu b es...... 2.00 Daggett & Ramsdell’s Cold Oream, jars, med.. 5.00 Lilly Mentholated Cold Cream, tubes...... 2.00 Daggett & Ramsdell’s Cold Cream, jars, large. 8.00 L illy Cold Cream , ja r s ...... 4.00 Daggett & Ramsdell’s Cold Cream, jars, extra large ...... 14.00 L illy V anishing Cream , ja r s ...... 4.00 Derwillow ...... 9.00 L illy M entholated Cream , lb s ...... 4.00 Egyptian Cold Cream...... 4.50 Liska Cold Cream , tu b es...... 6.00 Exora Cold Cream...... 6.00 L ee’s H azel O ream ...... 4.80 Creme Elcaya Oream, small...... 2.00 Mellow Cold Cream, jars ...... 1.75 Creme Elcaya Cream, large...... 5.40 M ellow Van. Cream , ja r s ...... 1.75 Elcaya Witch Hazel Cream...... 5.40 Mellow Van. Cream, tubes...... 1.75 Elcaya Cold Cream...... 4.50 Mellow Cold Cream, tubes...... 1.75 JUNE SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT

Creams anfc Xotions

M ellow L otion Cream , tu b es...... 4.00 Enthymol Emollient Cream ...... 2.25

Mulford’s Cold Cream, tu bes...... 2.00 Viola Cream ...... 4.40

M ilkw eed Cold Oream, jars, sm a ll...... 4.25 Young’s Victoria Cream...... 6.00

Milkweed Cold Cream, jars, large ...... 8.50 Venus Vanishing Cream ...... 3.60

Massata Cold Cream, y 2 lb s ...... 4.00 Venus Cold or Cleansing Cream...... 3.60 Merco Vanishing Cream, jars ...... 2.68 Venus Rolling Massage Cream...... 3.60 M errell’s Cold Cream , tu b e s...... 2.60 Venus Skin Lotion ...... 2.16 M erco Cold Cream , lb s ...... 5.20 Venus Beauty Cream ...... 3.60 N adinola Oream, sm a ll...... 4.50 Woodbury’s Skin Lotion...... 8.00 N adinola Cream , la r g e ...... 9.00 Griswold’s Massage Cream...... 3.50 Orchard White ...... 4.00 R. & G. Creme Amena, tubes...... 5.00 P on d’s Cold Cream, tubes ...... 2.25 R. & G. Cold Cream, jars...... 7.40 P on d’s Cold Cream, jars, sm all ...... 3.00 Marinello Whitening Oream, small...... 4.80 P on d’s Cold Cream, jars, large ...... 5.50 Marinello Whitening Cream, large...... 9.60 P on d’s A ntiseptic Cream, sm all ...... 2.25 Marinello Lettuce Cream ...... 4.80 P on d’s A ntiseptic Cream , large ...... 5.50 Marinello Lettuce Cream, lbs...... 16.00 P on d’s V anishing Cream, sm all ...... 3.00 Marinello Rose Leaf ...... 4.80 Pond’s Vanishing Oream, large ...... 5.50 Marinello Acne Cream ...... 4.80 Othine Double Strength ...... 9.20 Marinello Motor Cream ...... 4.80 Othine T riple S t r e n g t h ...... 9.20 Marinello Astringent Cream ...... 4.80 Palmolive Cold Cream, tubes ...... 2.00 Marinello Tissue Cream ...... '...... 4.80 P alm olive Cold Cream , ja rs ...... 4.00 Velvetina Massage Cream ...... 6.00 T etlow ’s P u ssyw illow C rea m ...... 3.50 Velvetina Vanishing Cream ...... 4.00 Pom p. M assage Cream , s m a ll...... 4.80 Velvetina Skin Bleach and Freckle Cream.... 4.00 Pomp. Massage Cream, medium ...... 7.20 Velvetina Cream Lotion ...... 6.00 Pom p. M assage Cream, la r g e ...... 9.60 Uhry Ideal Skin Cleanser...... 3.00 Uhry DeLuxe Cold Cream...... 3.00 Pom p. Day Cream ...... 4.80 Uhry DeLuxe Bleaching Cream ...... 3.00 Pom p. N ight Cream , tu b e s ...... L...... 2.80 Uhry DeLuxe Vanishing Cream...... 3.00 Pomp. Night Cream, jars, small...... 4.00 Uhry Ideal Freckle Cream...... 3.00 Pomp. Night Cream, jars, large ...... 8.00 Aubrey Sisters’ Vanishing Oream, small...... 3.15 Sanitol P ace L otion ...... I ...... 4.00 Aubrey Sisters’ Vanishing Cream, medium.... 5.40 Aubrey Sisters’ Cold Cream, small...... 3.15 Sanitol Massage Cream ...... L...... 4.00 Aubrey Sisters’ Cold Cream, medium...... 5.40 Sanitol Van. Cream ...... r ...... 4.00 Djer Kiss Cold Cream ...... 5.00 Sanitol Cold Cream, tu b es...... 4.00 Djer Kiss Vanishing Cream ...... 5.00 Sanitol Cold Cream, ja r s ...... 4.00 Mdm. Yale’s Almond Blossom Complex Cream 4.50 Sem prey Giovine C om plex C ak e...... 4.75 Mdm. Yale’s Massage Oream ...... 4.50 Sem prey V anishing Cream ...... 4.00 Harriet Hubbard Ayer Ayeristocrat Cream, Satin Skin R ose Tint ...... 2.80 sm a ll...... 7.20 Satin Skin Greaseless Oream, 60c...... 4.80 Harriet Hubbard Ayer Ayeristocrat Cream, Satin Skin Cold Cream, small...... 2.80 tubes ...... 3.60 Satin Skin Cold Cream, large ...... 4.80 Harriet Hubbard Ayer Ayeristocrat Cream, large ...... 14.40 Stillman’s Freckle Cream, Single, small ...... 4.00 Harriet Hubbard Ayer Luxuria Cream, tubes.. 3.60 Stillman’s Freckle Cream, Single, large ...... 8.00 Cutex Cold Cream...... 2.80 Stillman’s Freck’e Cream, Double ...... 4.00 Hudnut’s Violet Sec. Cream...... 5.00 Thespis Cold Cream, tubes...... 3.00 Hudnut’s Marvelous Cold Cream, tubes...... 2.50 Thespis Cold Oream, V2 lb s...... 4.00 Hudnut’s Marvelous Cold Cream, jars...... 5.00 Creme Tokalon, Non-Greasy ...... 6.75 Melba Massage Oream ...... 4.40 Creme Tokalon, Non-Greasy, Roseated ...... 7.65 Melba Cleanser Cream ...... 4.40 Crem e T okalon , S lightly G reasy ...... 6.75 Melba Greaseless Cream ...... 4.40 W ood bu ry’s F acial Cream, tubes ...... 2.40 Melba Skin Lotion ...... 4.10 Woodbury’s Facial Cream, jars ...... 4.80 Melba Astringent Lotion ...... 6.60 Woodbury’s Cold Cream, tubes ...... 2.40 Madame Walker’s Vanishing Ceram ...... 4.00 Woodbury’s Cold Cream, jars ...... J...... 4.80 Madame Walker’s Cleansing Cream ...... 4.00 Enthymol Cold Cream, Non-Greasy, tubes.... 2.25 Madame Walker’s Cold Cream ...... 4.00 Enthymol Witch Hazel Cream .... \ ...... 2.25 Madame Walker’s Hazel Jelly ...... 3.00 JUNE SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT.

jf a c e l^ o w b e re

Aubry Sisters’ Rice Powder, small...... 3.15 Tetlow’s Swansdown Face Powder...... 1.70 Aubry Sisters’ Beautifier, small ...... 3.15 T ok a lon F ascin ation F ace P o w d e r...... 6.00 Aubry Sisters’ Beautifier, medium ...... 5.40 T ok alon P etalis F ace P o w d e r...... 6.00 Aubry Sisters’ Beautifier, large ...... 9.00 F. Uhry Rice Powder ...... 2.00 Armand’s Bouquet Face Powder...... 4.00 F. Uhry De Luxe Face Powder...... 2.75 Armand’s Cold Cream Face Powder...... 8.00 F. Uhry Poudre De Riz Surfine Compose...... 2.00 Armand’s Amabelle Face Powder...... 6.00 Im ogene F ace P o w d e r...... 4.75 Plough’s Black and White Face Powder...... 2.25 Venus Face Powder...... 3.00 Carmen Face Powder...... 4.00 Evening Jasmine Face Powder...... 4.75 Dr. Charles Face Powder...... 4.00 W ood b u ry ’s F ace P o w d e r...... 2.80 Dame Nature Face Powder, small...... 2.40 Queen Bess Complexion Powder...... 4.00 Dame Nature Face Powder, large...... 4.80 Melba Face Powder...... 4.40 Dabrook’s Face Powder...... 4.00 M elbaline F ace P o w d e r...... 2.20 Daggett & Ramsdell Poudre Amourette...... 2.25 M elba Love-M e F ace P o w d e r...... 6.60 La Dorin Face Powder No. 119, Compact...... 10.50 M arinella F ace P o w d e r...... 4.80 La Dorin Face Powder No. 124, Compact...... 4.95 R. & G. V iolette De Parm e F ace P o w d e r...... 8.05 De Meridor Face Powder...... 2.00 R. & G. Anthea F ace P o w d e r...... 11.50 Elcaya Face Powder...... 4.50 R. & G. Vera Violetta Face Powder...... 20.55 Elmo Face Powder...... 4.50 R. & G. P ois De Senteur F ace P o w d e r...... 6.60 Exora Face Powder...... 6.00 R. & G. Rice Powder Face Powder No. 7711... 4.75 Sempray Face Powder...... 4.00 Mary Garden Face Powder...... 10.80 Egyptian Face Powder...... 2.25 Coty L ’Origan F ace P o w d e r...... 8.50 Freeman’s Face Powder...... 3.75 Coty L ’E ffleurt Face P o w d e r...... 8.50 La Guilbert Violet Rice Powder...... 1.75 Coty La Rose and Jaqueminot Face Powder, Hind’s Face Powder...... 4.40 large ...... 16.50 Ingram’s Velveola Face Powder, small...... 2.40 Rigaud L ilac F ace P o w d e r...... 10.80 Jardine De Lilas Face Powder, large...... 8.00 D jer K iss No. 6026 F ace P o w d e r...... 5.00 Jardine De Rose Face Powder, large...... 8.00 D jer K iss No. 6008 F ace P o w d e r...... 8.50 Jardine De Lilas Face Powder, small...... 8.00 D jer K iss Com pact No. 6030 F ace P o w d e r .... 5.00 Jardine De Rose Face Powder, small...... 8.00 Am bre R oyal Face P o w d er...... 22.80 Kosmeo Face Powder...... 6.00 Houbigant Quelques Fleurs Powder...... 44.00 Luxor Face Powder...... 4.80 Houbigant Rice Powder ...... 10.08 Lazell’s As The Petals Face Powder...... 4.00 Vantine’s Wistaria Blossom Face Powder...... 6.00 Lazell’s Massatta Face Powder...... 2.00 Vantine’s Wistaria Blossom Face Powder, Com­ pact ...... 6.00 Lazell’s Rice Powder No. 54...... 2.00 Mdm. Yale’s Complex Face Powder...... 4.50 La Blanche Face Powder.: ...... 6.25 H. Hubbard Ayer Face Powder...... 7.20 L’Ame Face Powder, small ...... 2.40 Hudnut’s 3 Flowers Face Powder...... 7.20 L’Ame Face Powder, large ...... 4.80 Hudnut’s Violet Sec. Face Powder...... 4.80 L’Ame Face Powder, Compacts ...... 13.20 H udnut’s G ardenia F ace P o w d e r...... 9.60 La Meda Luxury Face Powder...... 6.00 Stein’s F ace P o w d e r...... 4.00 La Meda Cold Cream Face Powder...... 4.00 V elvetina Beautifier ...... •...... 6.00 Mdm. Isabell’s Face Powder ...... 4.00 Velvetina Face Powder ...... 4.00 Mdm. Isabell’s Tweetee Dear Face Powder----- 4.00 Velvetina Egyptia Face Powder...... 8.00 Nadine Face Powder...... 4.50 W hite C ross Queen F ace P o w d e r...... 4.50 Ostara Face Powder...... 4.50 Chinwah Face Powder...... 4.50 Pompeian Face Powder...... 4.80 F rivola Face P o w d e r...... 8.00 Pozzoni Complex Face Powder...... 4.00 Mavis Face P o w d e r...... 4.50 Pozzoni Boodle Box ...... 6.00 A zurea F ace P o w d e r...... 10.56 Palmolive Face Powder...... 4.00 Pom peia Face P o w d e r...... 10.56 Palmole Face Powder...... 2.00 Le Trefle Face P o w d e r...... 10.56 Cleopatra Divine Face Powder...... 8.00 F loram ye Face P o w d er...... 10.56 Pond’s Face Powder ...... 4.50 Madame W a lk er’s F ace P o w d er...... 4.00 Poi/d’s No. 88 Compact Face Powder...... 4.50 Camelline Face Powder, liquid ...... 5.50 Sanitol Face Powder...... 4.00 Graham Eugenie Face Powder, liquid ...... 9.00 Sanitol Compact Face Powder...... 4.00 Kijja Face Powder, liquid ...... 8.50 Satin Skin Face Powder...... 2.80 M agnolia B lossom F ace Pow der, liq u id ...... 6.50 Tetlow’s Gossamer Face Powder...... 2.00 Peachy Cream Face Powder, liquid ...... 6.00 Tet’ ow’s Sweet Sixteen Face Powder...... 6.00 O riental Cream F ace P o w d e r...... 13.50 Tetlow’s Rice Face Powder...... 1.70 Stoddard’s Peerless Face Powder, liquid ...... 6.50 Tetlow’s Pussywillow Face Powder...... 4.00 Z ona F ace P om a d e...... 4.00 Tetlow’s Pussywillow Compact Face Powder.. 4.00 Chaplin’s Luq. Pearl Face Powder...... 5.50 JUNE SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT.


No. 11— Heavy metal case, brown, egg shell enamel No. 10— Metal case, dark green egg shell enamel ~ * i-u.ii • u j r. ’ ° , finish, polished aluminum cup, shoulder and bottom, finish, large size drinking cup attached to case with pint eacb $2 75 bayonet lock fastener. Qua; t> each';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4;25 Pint, each ...... $2.25 Quart, each ...... 3.25 No. 14— Heavy metal case, dark green egg shell finish, nickel plated cup, shoulder and bottom. Pint, each ...... $3.25 Quart, each ...... 4.75

Food Jars— Heavy seamless brass case, polished nickel plate, handsome design. No. 601— Pint, each ...... $5.00 No. 602— Quart, each ...... 6.75

No. 15— Seamless brass corrugated case, heavily nickel plated. Half Pint, each...... $3.50 Pint, each ...... 4.00 Quart, each ...... 5.75

No. 55— Carafe. Heavy brass case, polished nickel No. 6— Seamless heavy brass case, polished nickel plate, ground glass silver stopper attached with sil- plate, beautiful design. ver plated chain. Pint, each ...... $4.50 Quart, each ...... $8.00 Quart, each ...... 6.25 Filler, each ...... 4.75 JUNE SUPPLEMENT. SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT.


“D” Shaped Fibre Lunch Kits— Made from long grain embossed fibre, metal lunch box sanitary lacquered inside and outside, leather handle, patent snap. No. 416— With No. 11 pint bottle, each...... $4.50 No. 417— With No. 14 pint bottle, each...... 5.00 No. 418— With No. 15 pint bottle, each...... 5.75 No. 56— Corrugated brass case, full nickel finish, perfection nickel plated stopper. No. 419— With No. 6 pint bottle, each...... 6.00 Quart, each ...... $6.50 Filler, each ...... 4.00 No. 234— Motor Restaurant for Four Persons. Basswood frame covered with therduc, metal re­ No. 51— Heavy nickel plated brass case, entirely inforced corners, sanitary lining. Equipped with covering glass filler, perfection metal and cork stop­ two No. 15 quart bottles, large nickel plated food per, nickel plated. box, salt and pepper shakers, four each knives, forks, Quart, each ...... $8.50 spoons, napkins, enameled plates and enameled cups Filler, each ...... 4.00 with handles. No. 553— Heavy brass case, solid cast handle, nickel Each ...... $31.00 plated; case entirely covers glass filler; perfection Dimensions—14%xl6x6 inches. metal and cork stopper, nickel plated. Quart, each ...... $9.50 Less 25% and 10% on all Thermos goods Filler, each r...... 4.00 No. 556— Heavy brass case with solid cast handle, HARMONICAS nickel plated; case entirely covers glass filler; per­ fection metal and cork stopper, nickel plated. Quart, each ...... $9.50 Filler, each ...... 4.00 No. 561— Thermos Lip Jug. Heavy brass case, solid cast handle, nickel plated; case entirely covers glass filler; perfection metal and cork stopper, nickel plated. Pint, each ...... $9.75 Filler, each ...... 3.50 No. 563— Same as No. 561. Quart, each ...... $11.50 Filler, e a c h ...... 4.00

Lunch Kit— Metal, black enamel finish outside, sanitary lacquered interior finish. No. 400— Hohner Harmonica Cabinet. Contains 38 No. 395—With No. 10 bottle, each...... $4.00 pieces of the best selling harmonicas, assorted in 16 No. 396— With No. 11 bottle, each...... 4.50 different styles, assorted to retail at the following No. 397— With No. 14 bottle, each...... 5.00 prices: No. 398— With No. 15 bottle, each...... ,... 5.75 16 pieces assorted at $0.50...... $ 8.00 Fibre Lunch Kits— Made from black seal embossed 6 pieces assorted at .60...... 3.60 fibre, reinforced metal corners, positive metal fas­ tener. 6 pieces assorted at .75...... 4.50 10 pieces assorted at 1.00...... 10.00 No. 399— With No. 10 pint bottle, each...... $4.00 No. 400— With No. 11 pint bottle, each...... 4.50 Total ...... $26.10 No. 402— With No. 14 pint bottle, each...... 5.00 Cost of assortment...... $17.50 No. 404— With No. 15 pint bottle, each...... 5.75 OMAHA DRUGGIST 1 COMPLETE PRICES-CURRENT -OF- Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Etc. Corrected Monthly by RICHARDSON DRUG CO. QUANTITY PRICES SEE SPECIAL PAGE. Omaha, Nebr.

l^~The following prices are merely nominal and are not to be considered as binding. The prices herein quoted include containers on chemicals in all size packages from 5 lbs. June 10th, 1921 down and those items marked inclusive, Otherwise a charge for container.

DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. DRUGS ETC. Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont. A lc o h o l A c id Aoetanilide, U,S. P. crys. 1-lb. ctns. 4 8 Grain Medic No.2 1 pt cb inc. ..pt 1 50 U.S.P. cryst. ctns ...... '.lb 65 F orm ic, O. P. Sp, Gr. 1.06 1 oz Grain Medic No.3 1 pt cb inc...pt 125 U.S.P cryst 1 oz ctns ___... . oz 09 g s v ...... o z 17 Grain Medic No.4 1 pt cb inc...pt 1 10 U .S .P . p ow d IB) ctn s ...... lb 48 Gallic, U.S.P. 1 oz ctn s ...... oz 16 Grain Medic No.5 1 pt cb inc.. .pt 175 U S.p powd ctns ...... lb 65 Hydriodlc lO# U.S.P lft gsb ...ft 1 28 Grain Medic N0.6 1 pt cb inc. ..pt 1 75 U.S.P. powd. lozctn s ...... oz 09 Hydriodic 10% U.S.P. 1 oz gsv..oz 22 Grain Medic No. 7 1 pt cb in c... pt 1 00 H y d r o c y a n ic 10% 35 A g ra r-A ga r...... to 90 Sulphate gran Pure lft ctns... 1b 28 Carbolic U.S.P. liq 5ft cb...... ft 30 G r o u n d .. .,...... to 1 00 Sulpho-cyanate Pure 1 oz cv ... oz 20 C a r b o lic cr u d e 15%...... ga l 57 P o w d e r...... to 1 00 Valerate cryst U.S.P. 1 lbcb ___1b 6 00 Carbolic crude 20# ...... ga l P0 Agaric, white ...... to 2 70 Valerate cryst U.S.P. 1 oz cv .. .oz 50 Carbolic crude 25# ...... gal 1 05 P ow d ered ...... lb 2 75 Amyl, acetate pure lft cb ...... 1b 1 10 Carbolic crude 30# ____ ...... gal 1 15 Agathin 1 oz tins ...... >___ oz 3 25 Acetate Tech lft cb ...... 1b 80 Carbolic sol 95# 1 ft c b ...... ft 35 A lb u m e n , E gg S c a le s ...... 1b 90 Acetate Tech ...... g a l 4 50 Albutannin 1 oz ctns ...... oz 55 Valerate lft cb ...... ft 5 75 Chromic pure 85% lft gsb & Alcohol absolute U.S.P. lpt cb..pt 2 10 V a le ra te , 1-oz. c. v ...... oz 45 t in ...... ft 1 85 Absolute U.S.P. %gal cb.incl gal 15 00 Anaesthesin, See Parathesin. Chromic pure 85# 1 oz gsv & D en atu red 180°...... ga l 65 t i n ...... oz 30 Denatured 188°...... g a l 66 A n n a t t o ln e ...... ft 50 Ohrysophanic. (see Chrysarobin) G rain 190° ...... gal 8 10 Anodyne, Hoffman’s, See Spirits Citric, U.S.P cryst ...... 1b 68 Grain Medic No.1 1 pt cbinc, ..pt 125 E th er Com p OMAHA DRUGGIST

DRUGS ETC. Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont. Antikamnia, powd ...... oz 1 16 Bark, Quebracho pressed tos — to 40 Tablet* 5 gr— ...... oz 1 15 Barium, Nitrate powd lto ctns...to 35 Sassafras...... ; ...... to 52 Sulphate, for X-Ray lie ctns. 30 Codeine ‘tablets ...... oz 1 15 ..to Sassafras, grd ...... to 50 10 oz lo t s ...... o z 1 07V4 Sulphide, gray lft cb ...... to 50 Sassafras, powu ...... to 50 Tablets 10c...... doz #4 Sulphide gray 1 oz cv ...... oz 16 S im a r u b a ...... to 40 Tablets vest pocket...... doz 2 00 Sulphide yellow lto cb ... ___... to 67 Simaruba, pressed, ozs ...... to 110 & Codeine Tablet vest p’k’t.. doz 2 00 Bark, alder, black, pressed, ozs... to 60 Simaruba, powd. Ex Sel...... to 90 Antimony, Black, powd sub...... ft 09 Angostura, pressed. ft>...... to 85 Soap Tree (quillaya)...... lb 20 Chloride, cryst I oz gsv...... oa 30 Angostura, pressed ozs ...... to 90 Soap Tree, pressed, ozs ...... to 60 Chloride, sol lto gsb ...... lb 55 Ash, prickly, pressed ozs ...... to 90 Soap Tree (qulliaya) cut ...... to 30 Fur# N eedle, p o w d ...... to 25 Ash, prickly, ground ...... to 50 Soap Tree (quillaya) powd ...... to 30 Pure Needle, powd. 25 lbs...... to 21 Ash, prickly, powd ...... Ib 50 Soap Tree, powd. Ex Sel...... to 40 Antipyrine, U.S. P. 1 oz cans.... .oz 28 Ash, prickly, powd. Ex Sel...... to 65 S u m ach ...... to 20 U.8.P. cans ...... ft) 3 25 Ash. white,pressed to...... to 45 Sum ach, pressed, o z s ...... to 45 A. plol Liquid 1 oz c v ...... o z 30 A sh , w h ite, pressed, o z s ...... to 50 Sweet Gum, pressed, ozs ...... ,.ft> 45 Argols, Ked, powd ...... ft> 20 Barberry, pressed, tos...... to l 40 Tamarack, pressed ozs ------to 45 Argonin, 1ozcv ...... oz 75 Barberry, pressed, ozs ...... to 1 45 Tamarack, grd — , ...... to 25 A r g y r o l, 1 oz c v ...... oz 1 50 Bayberry, pressed, ozs ...... to 80 Tonga, ground ...... lb 2 75 Arlstol, 1 oz cv ...... — .. oz 1 80 Bayberry, powdered ...... 45 W afer A sh , pressed, o z s ...... to 85 Arrowroot, American ...... ft> 20 Birch, pressed,‘tos...... — to 40 W a h o o ,...... to 135 St Vincent ------to 20 Bircn crusned ...... to 20 Wahoo Root, pressed, ozs...... to 2 15 T a y lo r ’s, K -to t o ll ...... to 75 Black Haw, pressed, ozs...... to 1 25 Wahoo. pow d ...... to 1 40 Walnut, pressed, ozs ...... to 45 Arsenic, Bromide, 1 oz. gsv ...... o* 35 B la ck H aw , g rd ...... to 75 B la ck H aw , P o w d ...... to 75 Wild Cherry...... to 30 Iodide, U.S.P. 1 oz gsv ...... oz 60 Wild Cherry, pressed, ozs...... to 55 Red, powdered...... to 75 .Boxwood, pressed, tos...... to 45 Boxwood, pressed, ozs...... ft 50 Wild Cherry, ground...,...... to 35 Solution (Donovan’s) U.S.P. Wild Onerry. powd ...... ft 35 lib c b ...... ® 35 Boxwood, powd., Ex Sel.. _____ft 25 Solution (Fowler’s)U S.P lto cb to 84 Buckthorn, pressed, ozs— .. — to 65 Willow, black...... ft 25 Buckthorn, g rd ...... ft 30 Willow, black, pressed, fts ...... 1b 40 Solution (Fowler’s) U.S.P. 1 gal Willow, white, pressed, ozs ...... ft 45 cb in c l...... gal 2 00 Butternut, pressed, fts ...... ft 45 Butternut, pressed ozs...... ft 50 Winters, pressed, ozs ...... to 80 W h ite pow d. co m ’l ...... to 25 ...... 1...... to 20 Yellow (Orpiment) 1 oz cv ...... oz 15 Canella, pressed, ozs ...... ft 65 Witch Hazel, powd Canella, powdered ...... ft, 100 B ay B u m Asbestos Fibre ...... <-to 60 Cascara Amarga, grd ...... 1b 2 20 Imported, incl ...... g a l 5 25 Aspirin.(Bayers)...... oz 85 Cascara Sagrada ...... lb 30 Imported, incl...... p t 90 Aspirin Capsules 12s Bayers..doz 1 68 CascaraSagrada,pressed, fts...to 55 D om estic. I n c l...... g a l 5 00 A sp irin C apsules 24s B a y e c s .. doz 3 12 Cascara Sag, pressed, ozs...... to 60 Domestic. Incl ...... pt. 85 Aspirin Capsules 100s Bayers...ea 1 04 Cascara Sag., grd...... to 35 Beans, Tonca Angostura ...... to 2 10 Aspirin Tabi. Bayers 12s...... doz 1 44 C a s ca rilla ...... Ib 45 V a n illa , B o u r b o n ...... to 3 00 “ “ “ 24s....,.doz 2 64 Cascarilla, pressed, ozs ...... to 90 “ “ “ 100s...... ea 8* Vanilla, Mexican ...... t o 680 Cascarilla, powdered ...... — to 50 Vanilla, Tahiti...... to 2 25 A sp irin , S. K . & F . Cassia. China ...... to 20 T a b le ts, 8s...... doz 45 Benzaldehyde, See Oil Almonds Cassia, China 5-lb lots...... to 19 Bitter Art. K-gross lots ...... gro 4 85 Cassia. China, powdered ...... to 25 ^-gross lo t s . ------gro 4 60 Cassia Saigon, rolls...... to 45 Benzin, Petroleum purif. Incl.gal 2 50 1-groBs l o t s ...... gro 4 40 Cassia Saigon, powdered ...... to 50 Benzin Petroleum purif lft cb..to 62 T a b lets, 12s...... p e r doz 70 Chestnut, pressed.fts...,,...... to 40 Benzol, (Benzine) pure lft cb ...... to 40 K -g ross lo t s ...... — g r o 8 00 Cinchona Calisaya, pres. ozs.. to 1 15 Benzole, 90# 1 gal. cans incl..,.gal 80 H-grosslots ...... gro 7 80 Cinchona Cal., powd. Ex Sel___to 1 00 5-gal cans incl ___ g a l 70 l-gros«lots ...... - ...... gro 7 50 C in ch on a, red, S. A m ...... to 65 Benzyl Benzoate lft cb. 98-10C#..to 2 50 T a b le ts, 13s t i n ...... doz 80' O in c h o u a R e d , S. A m . g r d ___ft 70 Benzoate 1 oz cv, 98-100# ...... oz 28 K .g r o s s ...... g r o 9 00 C in ch on a, red. S. A m .. p ow d — to 70 Benzyl Benzoate, U.S.D.Co. 20% K -g r o s s ...... — g ro 8 75 Cinchona, yellow ...... to 55 2 - o z ...... doz 9 00 1 g r o s s ...... gro 8 50 Cinchona, yellow, powd ...... to 70 T a b le ts , 16s...... p er d oz 70 Cinnamon Ceylon ...... to 45 B errie s, & -g r o ss lo ts ...... gro 8 00 “ “ p o w d ...... to 50 Cocculus Ind (fish berries)____to 25 K-grosslots...... g r o 7 80 G oto, p o w d ...... to 1 10 Cocculus,Ind Powd ...... to 30 1-g ross lo ts ., ...... g r o 7 50 Cotton Root, pressed, ozs ...... to 80 C ubeb, stem less...... — to 2 00 T a b lets, 2 4 s ...... p er doz 1 00 Oottonroot. grd ..., ...... to 45 Oubeb, powd ...... to 2 05 - g r o s s ...... -gro 11 60 Cottonwood, powd., Ex Sel___to 60 E ld e r ...... to 25 ■ Vi-grOss ...... g r o 11 30 Cramp, pressed, ozs ...... ,. .l b 2 15 Juniper, Italian ...... to 15 1-gross...... g ro 11 00 Cram p, g rd ...... ft 1 40 Ju n iper, p o w d ...... to 20 T a b le ts, 24s, tin b o x ...... doz 1 20 Cramp, powd ...... to 140 L a u r e l...... — j... to 20 T a b le ts, 100s...... each 23 Cundurango, pressed, tos...... to 50 P o k e ...... to 25 35 bottles of 100 tablets ...... ea 22 Oundurango, pressed, ozs ...... to 55 Prickly Ash ...... to 25 T a b lets, 500s...... e a 75 Dogwood chips ...... to 25 P r ic k ly A sh , p o w d ...... to 30 Tablets,1000s...... e a 1 25 D og w ood, p o w d ...... to 25 Saw P a lm etto, g r d ...... ft 40 T a b le ts, 5000s...... p er 1000 85 E ld er ...... ft) 20 8 u m a c h ...... to 20 CAPSULES S. K . & F. E lder, pressed, oz s ...... to 55 Beta Eucaine, Lactate H oz cv...Os 3 60 12s...... per doz 1 20 Elecampane...... to 20 Bism uth, Citrate 1 oz cv ...... oz 27 100s...... ea 55 Elm, select slabs ...... to 1 00 Salicylate 40# 1 to ctns ...... to 2 11 500s...... ea 2 25 Elm slabs5ft ...... to 95 Salicylate 4o$ M-lb ctn s ...... to 2 28 1000s...... e a 4 25 E lm , g r o u n d ...... to 45 Sal icy 1 ate 40 # 1 oz ctn s ...... , . . . oz 22 Subcarbonate U.S.P. lib ctns...ft) 2 90 A9PIRIK POWDER S. K . & F. Elm, powd, 2-oz. ctn. A. W.Co... to 75 Elm , p o w d ...... ft 45 Subcareonate, U.S.P. VL-Va ctnsto 8 05 l-o* packages ...... ea ch 15 Subcarbonate U.S.P' 1 oz ctns..oz 24 K -lb p k g s ...... ea 40 E lm p ow d 5ft — ...... ®> 43 Fringetree, of root, pressed, ozslb 1 35 S u b ga lla te U .S .P . lto c t n s ...... ft 2 90 H - l b p k g s ...... '.ea 70 Hemlock, pressed, ozs...... ft 40 Subgallate, u. S. P. H -lbcts...to 3 05 1-lb p k g s ...... ’...... ea 125 Hemlock, grd ...... ft 20 Subgallate U.S.P, 1 oz ctn s ...... oz 22 A to p h a n , T a b le ts , 20s 7% gr. ..box 1 00 H em lock , pow d. E x S e l...... Ib 25 S u b N itrate U .S.P . lft c t n s ...... to 2 76 Atropine, Sulphate, 1 gr U.S.P. Ivy, Amer. of root, pressed, lbsto 45 Sub Nitrate U.S.P. Kto ctns— ft 2 93 v i a l s ...... e a 10 Ivy, Amer. of root, pressed ozs. to 50 Subsalicylate U.S.P. lft ctns. ...ft 2 76 Sulphate, U.S. P.6 gr vials ...... ea 25 Jam Dogwood, grd ...... lb 25 Subsalicylate, U.S.P. J^-lbctnsto 2 93 Sulphate U.S, P. 15 gr. vials ...... ea 65 Jam Dogwood, powd ...... to 25 Subsalicylate U.S.P. 1 oz ctns.Voz 22 Sulphate U.S.P. % oz v ia ls ...... oz 11 50 Jersey Tea, pressed, ozs ...... to 50 Tannate 1 ozcv ...... oz 27 Balsam, Copaiba U.S.P. M ezereon, p ressed, o z s ...... to 60 Valerate 1 oz cv ...... oz 72 Moosewood, pressed, ozs ...... to 45 lto I n c l ...... to 80 Bisol, 1 oz cv ...... oz 70 C opaiba U .S.P. 5to cb i n c l ...... to 75 Oak, black, pressed. ft>s...'...... to 40 Copaiba, solidified ...... to 1 00 Oak, w h ite, pressed, lb s ...... to 40 Bladder W rack, pressed ozs...... to 55 Fir, Canada 1-to can incl ...... to 3 00 Oak, white, pressed, ozs...... to 45 O ak W h ite, g r d ...... to 20 B lo o d M e a l...... to 12 Fir, Oregon. 1-to can in cl ...... to 55 2 5 -lb ...... » 10 P e r u ...... to 2 65 O ak W h ite, p o w d ...... to 20 Persimmon, pressed, ozs ...... to 55 5 0 -lb ...... to 0 9* Sulphur,1-to bot ...... to §0 1 0 0 -lb ...... to 09 T o lu , 1-to can s I n c l...... to 75 Pine, white, pressed, ozs ...... to 40 Pine, white, grd ...... to 20 Blue Mass, U.S.P. lto cans ...... to 90 T o lu 1 oz ca n s i n c l ...... o z 11 P in e, w h ite, p o w d ...... to 20 U .S .P . 1 oz ja r s ...... oz 15 B a r b it a l, p ow d 1 oz c tn s ...... oz 1 85 Pomegranate, bark of root, tos..to 65 Dry powd lft ctns ...... lb 90 Tablets 5 gr 100 In bot...... bot 165 P om egra n a te root, pressed, Ozs. to 70 Dry Powd oz c v ...... *...... oz 15 Tablets 5 gr 10 in tube ...... tu b e 20 Pomegranate Bark of root po.. ft 35 Sodium powd 1 oz c tns ...... o s 1 25 Pomegranate root. po. Ex Sel... lb 55 B lu e V itr io l... , ...... 1b 13 P ow d ered — Barium. Garb., Tech. powd ...... to 80 Poplar, white, grd ...... to SO ...... ft 20 “ 10-lb. Tb 19 Poplar, white, powd...... to 20 “ 5 -lb s ...... ft 19 ...... 25-lb. ft> 18 P o p la r, y e llo w , g rd ...... to 20 “ 1 0 -lb s ...... to IS “ ...... 50-lb. ft) 17 Quebracho, pressed, ozs ...... ft 45 “ 2 5 -lb s ...... lb 16 •* 1-lb. ctns to 26 Rose Willow, pressed, ozs.,. . to 45 B o n e A sh ...... to 14' ' t OMAHA DRUGGIST 3

DRUGS, Etc., Cont. DRUGS, Etc.—Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont.

Bone Black. See Charcoal, Animal Cannabis, Amer loose ...... 1b 55 Chrysarobin. U.S.P. 1 oz ctns.. ..oz 25 B o n e , C u ttle fish ...... 50 C an d les, ( R a y l it e ) ...... to 20 Cinchonidlne, Salic 1 oz cv ...... oz 1 SI C u ttle fish 5 ft ...... ft 4K Sulphate U.S.P. 1 oz cv ...... oz 95 Cuttle fish, powd ...... 1b 75 Candles, Birthday ...... doz 75 Candles, Cordova 12 lbs .33___1b 40 C lr ln e ...... to 50 Bones, ground...... ft 05 Candles, Christmas...... to 18 C lt r a l ...... oz 40 B o n e M e a l...... OR C an d y, Citron Peel ...... to 15 25-lb s...... 05 Rock, white strings ...... to 37 Cltrophen, loz ctns...... oz 90 100-lbs...... 04 Rock, assorted strings ...... to 37 Borax, powd. or cryst., Dulk.. ...1b 13 Rock, selected, cryst ...... 1b 33 Clam Shells, gran., 100-ft bags, each 1 25 lft ctn s 48ft c a s e ...... case 6 45 R ock , selected , g ra n ...... 1b 36 Clover Blossoms, lto c t n s ...... 16 R o ck G ran. Mto c t n s ...... to 38 Red, prsd. ozs...... 1b 55 10 oz' ctns 6 doz cases ___.... case 6 45 Cantharides, Chinese...... to 1 40 Sw eet, pressed o z s ...... lb 50 10 O z ctn s ...... 1 20 Chinese, powd ...... to 1 55 White, pressed ozs...... ft 90 Mft ctn s 24 to c a s e s ...... case 4 00 Russian Powd ...... to 3 65 C lo v e r T o p s, red g r d ...... lb 30 Jito c t n s ...... 1b 17 2/^ft ctns 2dozcases...... case fi 20 , Pods...... to 40 Cloves, Zanzibar ...... 1b 40 2J4to c t n s ...... 14 P ow d ...... to 45 Zanzibar, p o w d ...... ; . . . lb 45 5ft ctns 601b cases ...... case 6 70 “ 5 -lb * ...... to 42 Powdered, A.W.Co. Ex Select,..ft -45 5ft c t n s ...... 14 “ 10-lbs...... to 41 C o a g u le n , Boraxo, Bath Powd lge 2 doz case “ 25-lbs...... ft 40 “ 5 g m ..'...... d oz 21 00 case 5 50 Powdered, Ex. Sel. AW&Co...... 1b 60 11 Ampoules ?0cc...... doz 10 70 Bath Powd lge...... ___ ... 3 10 Caramel lft incl...... 1b 30 Cobalt, Powdered...... ft 1 30 Bath powd small 4 doz case..case 5 50 1-gal. lots incl ...... gal 1 50 Batn Powd small...... 1 5ft 5-gal “ “ ...... ga l 1 40 Cocaine, Muriate U.S.p, Flake 1 oz c v ...... — . 12 10 Borax Soap, Chips sml 48s... case 6 00 Carbolineum, 1 gal cans incl....gal 1 20 Borax Soap Chips, lge24s.. case 9 85 Muriate U.S.P. flake % ozcv...oz 12 70 Carbon, Bi-Sulphide Tech 5to Borax Soap Chips, sml...... 1 65 Lge cryst, gran & powd 40c Higher Borax Soap Chips, lge ...... 5 50 c a n s ...... ft 37 C o c h in e a l,...... y.s . , . . . ____ 1b 1 10 Bi-Sulphide Tech lft cans ...... 1b 41 P ow d ered ...... ft 1 15 Bordeaux Mixture, Dry Tetrachloride Tech lft cans ___ft 35 17 Tetrachloride Tech 1 gal cans Cocoa, Butter %ft cakes fingers.lb 55 100-lb. d r u m ...... 18 in c l...... g a l 3 00 B u tte r 54 ft ca k es 51b___...... j .. ft 60 50-lb. d r u m ...... 21 Butter H ft cakes 18ft bxs...... ft 45 25-lb. drum ...... B> 24 C ard T e e th , (iron filin gs) — . . . . lb 15 Carmine, No. 40...... ft 7 40 Codeine, Aik cryst U.i.P. 10-lbctns...... fi> 26 l o z c v ...... oz 10 38 6-lb. c t n ...... to 28 No. 40...... oz 52 C a s e in ...... ft 40 H oz c v ...... oz 11 03 1-lb. c t n ...... Ib 32 Aik. powd. U.S.P 1 oz c v . ______oz 10 38 ...... ft 30 1009) lots In sizes from 50ft down lc less Cassia Fistula Aik. Powd.U.S.P .% o z c v ...... o z 11 C3 Bordeaux Mixture, semi-paste C a sto r F ib e r ...... oz 75 Phosphate U.8.P. 1 oz cv...... oz 7 88 5-gal cans...... gal 90 C era te , Phosphate U.S.P. % ozcv ,..... oz 8 53 1-gal ca n s...... gal 1 00 Cantharides, U. s. p ...... ft 2 50 Sulph cryst U.S.P. 1 oz cv ...... oz 8 48 Ys-gal c a n s ...... gal 1 10 Lead, Subacet, U. S. P . 65 Sulph cryst U.S.P. % oz c v ...... oz 9 13 B re a d , St J o h n s ...... \ .. . to 20 50 Sulph pbwd U.S.P. 1 oz cv.. ...,oz 8 48 Breast Tea, (Species Pectoralis). 1b 1 £0 ..lb 60 Sulph Powd U.S.P. Ya oz c v ...... oz 9 13 Brom ine, N.F. lft gsb & tin ...... lb 1 10 Simple,U. s. P...... lb 1 00 C o ffe e , N.F. 1 oz gsv & tin ...... oz 34 Cerium, Oxalate U.S.P, lft G eo. W ash in g ton , 1 -o z...... doz 4 25 B r o m u r a l T a b lets, 5-gr 100s...... ea 3 00 99 Geo Washington, 2^-oz ...... doz 8 60 Broom Top, Scotch, pressed ozs.. lb 70 ft 1 19 Geo. Washington, 4-oz ______doz 13 40 G rou n d ...... ft 35 15 Geo. Washington, 16-oz...... doz 46 80 Haja 1-lb pkgs 40 B u d s, B alm o f G ilead ...... 1b 1 75 ft — . — ...... ft 25 Haja, 1 0 -lb s ...... 1b 39 C assia...... : ...... lb 45 25 Haja, 85-lbs ...... ft 38 O r a n g e ...... & 25 3 Caffeine, Alkaloid U.S.P. 1 oz Haja, 50-lbs...... lb 37 gro 67 c v ...... oz H aj-i, 100-lbs...... ft 36 Hires Sol. 1-oz ...... d oz 3 36 Oitrated U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 0 78 b o x e s ...... doz. 4 80 Citrated, U.S.P. M-lb cb ...... lb 7 10 “ “ 4 -oz— ...... d o z 12 00 Crayons white school ICO gro Colchicine, alk 5 gr. vials...... each 70 Oitrated U.S.P. 1 oz c v ...... oz 52 ca s e s ...... !...... ea 36 00 Hydrobromide gran Eff Dublin Crayons, Alpha, 1-gr. bxs — gro. 84 Collargolum, % ozs c v ...... oz 3.50 Brand lib cb ...... to 1 25 Crayons, Alpha 25 gro cases gro 56 & Sod Benzoate U.S.P. lozcv. .oz 56 Collodion, U.S.P. lft cans...... 1b 61 Crayons. Oustless Dovorcliff..gro 60 Flexible. U.S.P. lft cans...,.,..1b 64 C a la m in e pink, com p ...... to 40 Calcium Arsenate, Powd. Crayons, Dovercliff, 25 gro..case 14 00 Colocynth, Apples, Trieste...... 1b 70 filCrayons, ■ Andu.septlc...... g ro .75 Apples, powd ...... 1b 75 200-lb. barrel...... to Crayons. Anduseptic, 25-gro.gro fO 100-lb. d ru m ...... to F ren ch , c u t...... ft 35 Columbian Methanol, See Methanol 5 0-lb' drum ...... to French, powd See Talcum ...... 25-lb. drum ...... to Copper Acetate pure 1 oz cv ,,..oz 20 Precipitated, English ______1b 14 Carbonate true lft ctns...... ft 56 10-lb b o x ...... to Prepared, Drop ...... ft in 5 lb . c t n ...... to Citrate 1 oz cv...... ; .oz 20 Prep. White drops. 8-ft boxes..bx 90 Oxide black powd lft cb...... ft P9 1-lb, ctn ...... to Prepared Pink drops, 8-lb box’sbx 1 15 K -lb . c t n ...... to Sulphate cryst U.S.P. lft ctns. 1b 33 P repared, p o w fl...... ft 10 Copperas, Lump ...... 1b 06 1001b lots in sizes from 50to down lc less P repared pow d. 5 -lb s ...... 1b 09 C alciu m , B rom id e lto c v ...... to 100 G r a n ...... lb 06 Prepared powd. 10-lbs...... 1b 08 Powdered...... — ft 07 Bromide, M-lb cb ...... to 130 R ed. in fin gers...... 1b 30 B rom id e l o z c v ...... Oz 17 White, lum p ...... 1b 07 Corn Silk, ground ...... '.ft 20 Carb Precip U.S.p. lto ctns ___to 23 Corrosive Sublimate, Charcoal, Animal (bone black ).ft OarbPrecip Tech lto ctns ...... to 21 21 Powd U.S.P lft boxes ...... 1 09 Calcium Chloride gran Tech 5 -lb s...... 1b 20 powd. to,S. P. Ji-lb boxes ...... 1b 1 27 10to ca n s in c . — , ...... to 12 1 0 -lb s...... 1b 19 Chloride, granU.S. P. lto cb ___lb 40 25-lbs...... ft 18 Cotarnine Hydrochloride (Stypticin) Glycerophosphate U.S.P. 1 oz W o o d ...... 1b 08 Powder. 1-oz gsv ...... oz 10 50 c v ...... oz 29 W illow , U. S. P. 1-lb. b o x e s .... 1b 35 Powder, H -ozgsv...... — oz 11 00 Hypophosphite U.S.p. lft ctns..to 115 Willow, XT. S. P. Vi-lb boxes ...ft 45 Powder, K-ozgsv ...... oz 11 25 Powder, 15-gr. vials ...... ea 50 Hypophosphite, u.S.P. J^-lb ctneto 132 Willow, U. S. P. Ji-lb boxes ...... ft 55 T a b le ts, 5£-gr. 20s...... tu b e 50 Hypophosphite U.b.P 1 ozctns.oz 16 Chlekweed, red, pressed ozs ___.ft 40 Iodide lft gsb ...... ft 5 50 Cowhage Down, &-oz. cans ...... oz 80 Iodide loz gsv ...... oz 46 China Clay.. ..*) 07 Chloral Bydrated, cryst U.S.P. Crabs’ Eyes ...... oz 40 Lactate lft ctns ...... to 75 Cream Tartar, U.S.P. cryst...... ft 56 lft c b ...... lb 1 55 L a cta te 1 oz c t n s ...... oz IS U.S.P. pow d...... 1b 56 Lacto-phos sol powd lft cb. ____ ft 1 66 Cryst U.S.P. X%> c b ...... ft 1 85 C re o lln , 1-lb b o t s ...... doz 9 00 Lacto-phos sol powd 1 oz cv ___ oz 20 Cryst U.S.P. lo z c v ...... o z 20 Phosphate, Precip Tech lft. Butyl (Croton) 1 oz cv ...... oz 42 W -lb b o ts ...... d o z 4 80 3 -o z b p t s ...... doz 2 40 c t n s ...... ft 35 Chloroform, Purified or U.S.P. phosphate precip pure lft ctns. lb 40 lft c b ...... ft 77 Creosotal, 1 oz cv , ...... '....oz 69 Sulphide U.S.P. lft cb ...... Ib 59 U .S.P. o r p u r if fito c b ...... to 68 Creosote, U.S.P. lib cb...... 1b 90 SulphideU_S.pl ozcv ...... oz 15 P u r if o r U .S.P. 7to c b ...... to 66 ...... 120 S u lph ite, 5-oz c t n s ...... d oz 150 H -V o c b P u r if Squibbs lto c b ...... to 1 22 l o z c v ...... oz 17 Sulpho-carbolate lft ctris...... ft 95 P u r if S qu ibbs K f t c b ...... ft 1 87 Carb U.S.P. 1 oz c v ...... oz 32 ...... lb 129 lalomel, U.S.P lft bxs Cresol, Tech 1 ft cb ...... ft 39 ...... 1b 1 48 Chlorophyll, Aqueous 1 oz cv ___oz 35 & -lb b o x e s ...... U. S. P. llb c b ...... f t 44 5ft bxs...... ft 125 Chocolate, B a k e rs ...... ft eo lamphor, Mono-bromated U.S.P. Chrom ium , Sulphate Scales >. i Crocus, M artis...... ft 10 cryst 1 oz cv ...... oz 29 1 ozcv.,,,,.,,,, ...... o z 19 C u d b e a r ...... ft 45 OMAHA DRUGGIST

nil* DRUGS ETC. Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont. Ether Motor K.D.Co. IB cans— B 41 55 Form ln, U.S.P. IB ctns ...... 1 52 A ce tic P u re 90# IB c b ...... B 70 ft 1 69 25 B u ty ric IB c b ...... ft 2 50 oz 15 5 - lb s ...... » 24 Nitrous Cone 1 to 21 IB c b ...... B 1 43 b o t 35 1 0-lb s...... lb 23 Nitrous Cone 1 to 21 cb ...... B 1 52 25-lbs...... ft 22 Nitrous Cone 1 to 21 cb ...... ft 1 77 Garantose, Sol 1ft tins ...... 1b 3 90 32 Cyanide Chloride, M ixtu re Nitrous Cone P.W.R. tubes ___doz 2 60 74-76$ Gran. 5-lb cans ...... lb (5 Nitrous Cone S-K.&F. tubes. doz 2 50 ft 60 74-76%, G ran. 1 -lb c a n s ...... 1b 58 Nitrous, spirits. U.S.P. IB cb. ..ft 1 55 gal 30 C arbon ate N o.I 35-38% G ran Ethyl Morphine Hydrochloride G elatin, IB c a n s ...... ft 48 ( D ion in ) Crystal Flake, lbs ...... ft 1 15 No. 8 28-31$ ...... ft 45 Powder 1 oz cv ...... oz 14 50 Crystal Fiake, M -lb...... ft 1 40 P ow d er % oz c v ...... oz 15 15 No. 3 2 1 - 2 3 $ ...... 1b 41 White, Silver Label...... ft 2 00 Cyanide-Chloride, C arbon ate Powder, 15-gr vials ...... ea 70 ft 1 05 M ix tu re T a b le ts f4 gr. 5 0 s ...... b o t 85 Shred b u lk ...... ft 1 05 74-76$ F u sed IB) c a n s ...... , .lb 58 T a b le ts X gr. 100s...... b o t 1 60 Glucose, 1ft cb i n c ...... ft 25 No.l 35-38$ Fused 1-lb cans..... ft .48 B u ca ly p to l, U .S .P . IB c v ...... B 1 65 No.2 28-31$ ...... lb 45 M -® >cb...... B 177 Glycerine, C u d a h y ’s, 50-lb can s No.3 21-23% ...... ft 41 U.S.P. lozcv ...... oz 20 ft 22 ft 22 Dextrin, Bndoxin, Tablets, 5 grain ...... oz 4 00 R. D. C o’s. 50-lb ca n s in c l...... ft 05 R. D. Co’s. 30-lb cans incl...... 1b 24 ft 06K B u g e n o l., U .S .P . 1 oz Cv...... oz 45 R. D. Co’s. 20-lb cans.. incl... lb 26 , ft 08 Eamenol, lozcv ...... oz 35 R. D. C o’s. 10-1b cans in c l...... 28 ft 09 Eunatrol. 25 gram vials ...... ea ch 75 R. D. Co’s. 5-ft bottles incl . ..ft 32 ..lb 10 Buqulnine, % -oz ctn s ...... oz 2 70 R. D. G o’s. 1-1b cb. in c l...... 42 Yellow, 5-lb ...... 1b 12 Euresol, 1 oz vials ...... oz 2 10 R. D. C o’s. 1 -o z...... doz 1 00 14 Yellow. 1-lb ...... E x tra ct, R. D. C o’s. 2-oz...... d oz 1 35 Diacetylm orphine, Aik U.S.P. H oz. Licorice, Y. <& S., ctns. 30 to bx .bx 2 10 doz 2 00 c v ...... ox 14 25 Licorice, Mass...... ft 50 Goats Rue, pressed, ozs ...... ft 70 Diacetylmorphine, Hydrochlor, Licorice, powd ...... B 95 U.S.P. K oz. cv ...... oz 12 90 L ogw ood l ’s ...... lb 62 Gold, D ia l C ib a , 12s...... d oz 8 00 L ogw ood , Vi’s ...... B 63 Chloride, 15-gr tubes ...... doz 5 75 D ial C iba, 100s...... e a 8 95 Logwood, Ji’s ...... B 65 and SodaOhloride,15 gr tubes doz 3 00 Diaataae of Malt U.S.P.l oz cv. ,o« i 48 Male Fern 1 oz cv ...... oz 42 Goose Grease 1ft cans incl___ ft 1 00 Dlgalen, H-oz. vials ...... e a ch 1 00 Extract W itch Hazel. Grains, P a ra d is e ...... 1b 50 Dickinson's, bblsincl ...... g a l 165 Grains, Paradise, powd ...... 55 D lg a le n T a b le ts , 12s...... v ia l 40 D ick in son ’s, Yi b b ls in c l...... gal 1 70 Digifoline, Tabl. 25s...... doz 11 50 D ick in son ’s, 10 gals in c l. . . ___ _ gal 1 85 Graphite, Dixons, 1-lb cans... ft 45 “ '• 100s...... ea 3 80 D ick in son ’s, 5 gals in c l...... gal 1 95 D ix o n ’s 5 -lb c a n s ...... ft 40 “ “ Ampoules 5s.doz 11 50 D ick in son ’s, as w anted ------gal 1 95 Dixon’s 10-lb cans ...... ft 37K “ “ 20s.doz 43 50 F e r r ip y r in e ...... oz 1 40 1b 10 Digipuratum, See Dlgitan Figwort, grd ...... B 40 Gray M in eral A sh , I s ...... ft 20 Digltan, %-oz vials...... ea 125 Fire Extinguisher, (Merck’s) M in eral A sh , 2s...... lb 17 H Tabl. ltt gr. 12s...... tu b e 45 Q t s ...... doz 12 60 “ Mineral Ash,5s ...... 15 Flake W hite,...... ft 25 Grind, Robusta, pressed, lbs. ...1b 55 Dionln, See Ethyl-Morphlne-Hydro- F lo u r, . ch lo rid e . ft 60 Barley, 6-oz cans M erck ...... doz 2 25 Squarrosa, pressed, ozs...... ft 60 Dip, Sheep. 50-gal Drums...... g a l 88 G lu te n ...... 15 10-gal, incl ...... g a l 93 G lu ten , 10 lb s ...... ft 14 Ground Ivy, pressed, ozs....‘. ft 55 5-gal. incl- ...... g a l 98 Gluten, 25 lb s ...... lb 13 Gualacol, liquid U.S.P. 1 oz cv ..O f 47 1 -g a l.in c l...... g a l 115 Gluten, 50lbs ...... ft 11 48 Dipof ectant, gals ...... doz 14 00 G lu ten . 100 lb s ...... ft 09 y2-g a l s ...... d oz 7 50 Gluten. F. & R. 3-lb. pkgs.... pkg 85 G uarana.. pow d ...... 1 60 Gluten, F. & R. 3-lb. pkgs... doz 9 60 Q ts ...... doz 4 50 Gum, Aloes, Barbadoes, Gourds 1b 1 60 Diuretin, Knorr. lozgsv ...... o « 1 85 R i c e ...... 20 Aloes, Barbadoes, powd.. ___1b 1 75 T a b lets, 8-gr., 20’ b ...... tu b e 80 F lo w e rs, Aloes, Cape...... 1b 30 T a b lets, 8-gr., 50’s ...... b o t 185 A rn ica ...... 30 A loes, Cape, p o w d ,...... 1b 35 Doggrau, pressed, lbs...... lb 85 A rn ica , pressed, o zs ...... ft 65 A lo e s C ape pow d 251b...... ft 30 Pressed, ozs ...... lb 90 A rn ica , g r o u n d ...... ft 30 Aloes, Socotrine ...... lb 1 00 O ut...... ft 45 A rn ica , p o w d ...... ft 30 Aloes, Socotrine, powd ...... 1b 1 10 G r o u n d ...... ® 45 Boxwood, pressed, ozs...... ft 55 C alen du la, pressed, o z s ...... ft 2 05 Arabic, first pick, ...... lb 50 Dragons’ Blood. Mass'...... ft 60 Chamomile, Hungarian ...... ,..lb 50 A ra b ic, 2nd p ic k ...... 1b 45 P ow d ...... 75 Chamomile, Hungarian..pressed A ra b ic, sifted s o r t s ...... lb 30 Arabic, sorts 5-lb 29 PAAri'ii .... lb 1 60 o z s ...... ® 80 ...... 1b D u o to l, 1 oz v i a i s ...... oz 1 07 Chamomile, Roman ...... ft 60 Arabic, sorts 10-lb ...... ft 28 Barth, Fullers ...... ft 10 Chamomile, Roman, pressed, Arabic, granulated ...... 1b 50 50 F u llers, p o w d ...... H> 10 o z s ...... 80 A ra b ic, p o w d e r e d ...... 1b E c h in a c e a , g r d ...... lb 85 Asafcetida, Calcutta,...... 1b 1 25 E lder, B u lk ...... ft ‘ 5 Asafoetida, Calcutta, 5-ibs— ft 1 20 Egg-Lao gallons ...... doz 10 00 Elder, pressed, ozs...... ft } Z5 V i-g a llo n s ...... doz 6 00 H o lly h o ck , pressed, ozs...... ft l 40 Asafcetida, Monroe, 20s...... 1b 1 60 Q u a r ts ...... doz 3 75 Asafoetida, Monroe’s, 40s...... ft 70 K o u sso ...... ® 3 00 1 40 E gg Saver, Merck’s 1-qt can s.. doz 4 75 Kousso, powd ...... ft 3 05 Asafcetida, powd ...... lb Kousso, powd. Ex Sel...... ft 3 25 A sp h a ltu m ...... ft 15 Klaterium, \i-oi. c v i n c l...... OB 3 20 A sphaltum , p o w d ...... — lb 40 E p ic a r in , V e t ...... oz 70 L a ven d er...... ft 45 50 Ergot, Spanish ...... lb 1 75 L aven der, pressed, o z s ...... ft 85 Benzoin, marbled ...... ft 60 P o w d ...... 1.80 Lavender, powd. Ex Sel...... lb 50 Benzoin, powd ...... ft Linden, bulk ...... ft 80 Ergotin, Bonjean. Lilly ...... oz 1 50 Camphor, refined ...... ft 1 05 L in den , pressed, o z S ...... lb i 35 Camphor, refined, 24s...... ft 1 25 E se rln e , M a lv a ...... ft 1 Salicylate, U.S.P. IX, 5 gr. tbs ea 65 Camphor, refined 1-oz blocks... ft 1 20 Marigold, pressed, ozs...... 1b 150 1 25 S u lph ate, 5-gr. tu b e s...... ea 50 C am ph or, refin ed 32s...... ft M u lle in ...... ft 195 Camphor, refined powd...... lb 1 10 Sulphate, lV4-gr tubes ...... ea 23 N ettle, pressed, o z s ...... lb 3 30 Sulphate, 1-gr tubes ...... ea 17 C atech u ...... ft 20 O ran ge...... — lb 2 65 Catehu, 5-lbs...... , ...... ft 18 E ssen ce, O range, g r d ...... ,.B> 2 70 17 Ginger, See Tincture. Catechu, 10-lbs ...... lb Poppy, red...... ft >75 C atech u, p o w d ...... ft 35 Ether, lor Anaesthesia Poppy, red, pressed, ozs...... ft 2 75 C o p a l...... ft 80 5H> c a n s ...... ft 42 Rosemary, pressed, ozs ...... ft 170 D a m a r...... ft 40 lib c a n s ...... ft 50 Saffron, A m e r ...... ft 150 Euphorbium, po. A.W.Oo. Vis..ft 1 10 V41b c a n s ...... ® 63 Saffron, Amer., pressed, ozs....ft 1 90 Euphorbium, po. A.W.Co. Jis...ft 1 20 l i f t c a n s ...... ft 81 Saffron, Amer. po ...... lb 1 55 Galbanum, tears ...... — lb 2 40 U.S.P. VIII Gone Saffron, Spanish, Valencia ...... oz 1 30 G a m b o g e ...... ft 1 75 51b c a n s ...... ® V io le t, pressed, o z s ...... ft 3 75 Gamboge, powd ...... ft 1 85 lib c a n s ...... ® 47 F lu o r S par, p o ...... ft 15 Guaiac, strained ...... ft 85 Yi 1b c a n s ...... «2 G u aiac, p o w d ...... ft 95 lb c a n s ...... ft 78 F ly N o, Sa ls...... doz 13 00 K in o, t r u e ...... lb 90 U .S .P . 1880 51b ca n s ...... ft 68 K in o , tru e, p o w d ...... lb 1 00 U.S.P 1880 lib cans ...... f t 75 V 4-gais...... d oz 7 00 Qes ...... doz 4 00 Mastic, tears...... ft 1 10 U .S.P. S q u ib b ’s IB c a n s ...... B 85 Myrrh, Turkey ...... ft 85 U.S.P. Squlbb’s tfft cans ...... B 99 Formaldehyde, U.SiP. 51b cb....ft 29 Myrrh, Turkey, powd ...... ft 95 U.S.P. Squibb’s JiB cans...... B 1 12 lib c b ...... ft 38 Olibanum, tears...... ft 85 W ash ed 5B ca n s ...... ft 59 Formalin, S.&G. 1ft cb ...... ft 55 Opium, oz .75...... lb 9 00 W ash ed IB can s ...... ® 67 O pium G ran, o z s ...... oz 80 M otor M all 1 lb c a n s ...... ft 45 tflb c b ...... ft M OMAHA DRUGGIST 5

DRUGS ETC. Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont. G u m , H erb s, I r o n Opium, gran. k s ...... ft 10 17 Water Pepper, pressed, ozs ...... ft 45 F ilin g ...... 15 O pium , pow u H ’s ...... ft 10 17 Water Pepper, powd ...... ft 25 Hypopnosphlte N.F. 1 oz cv.... oz 28 Wickup, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 96 Iodide, 1 oz gsv ...... oz 43 Opium Powd, ozs ...... oz 80 Lactate 1 oz cv ...... oz 18 R e d ...... ft 2 25 Wild Car rot, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 50 Wormwood, pressed, ozs. Phosphate scales U.8.P. S a n d a r a c ...... ft 80 _____ ft 60 W orm w ood, p o w d ...... ft 35 lft c a n s ...... 1b 1 30 S e n e e a l...... ft 55 Wormwood, powd. Ex Sel...... 1b 60 l o z c v ...... oz 18 Y a rrow , pressed, oz...... ft 40 Phos.. Quin.&Strych scales S h ellac, b le a c h e d ...... ft 1 20 l o z c v ...... oz 47 Yarrow,powd ...... ft 20 Shellac, bleached, ground ...... ft 1 25 Protochloride 1 oz cv ...... oz 19 Shellac, native, orange...... ft 1 00 Heroin Hydroch, % oz c v ...... oz 27 20 PyrophosphateU S.P. lft cans..lb i 36 Shellac, native, orange, 5-lbs..ft 98 M o z c v ...... oz 36 80 l o z c v ...... oz 19 Shellac, native, orange, 10-lbs..ft 95 15-gr. vials ...... ea ch 1 10 R edu ced 9056 lft c b ...... ft 1 60 Shellac,native, orange powd...ft 1 10 Hexamethylenamine, U.S.P. Reeuced 90$, }£-lb c.b ...... ft 1 90 S pru ce, s e le c t ...... ft 125 1 ft c t n s ...... ft 1 40 l o z c v ...... oz 22 Tamarac, true ...... ft 2 00 ■ M -lb.ctns ...... ft 157 Sulphate Sol U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 31 T h u s ( w h ite tu rp e n tin e ) ...... ft 30 l o z c n t s ...... oz 13 Subsulphate powd lft cb ...... ft 40 T ra ga ca n th , 1st fla k e ...... ft 5 00 H le r a P ic r a ...... 1b 1 00 l o z c v ...... oz 15 Tragacanth 2d flake,...... ft 4 00 H o lo ca ln , 5 grain v i a l s ...... each 2 25 S u ccin a te 1 oz c v ...... oz 40 Tragacanth, sorts...... ft l 50 Homatropine, Sulphate U.S.P. cryst lft cans ..lb 25 Tragacanth, powd ...... -...ft 2 50 Hydrobromide, U.S.P. 5 gr Sulphate, II. S. P. dried 1-lb ctns. ft 28 v ia ls ...... ea 40 Sulphide lumps lft bxs ...... ft 2* Hair Cap Moss, pressed ozs ...... ft 45 U.S.P. 15 gr v ia ls ...... e a 90 T a n n a te l o z c v ...... oz 29 Hair Cap Moss, grd ...... ft 20 Honey,Strained, 1-ft. cb incl... ft 38 & Ammonia Cit U.S.P. lft c a n s ...... ft 1 24 Hartshorn Shavings,...... ft 30 H op s ozs ...... lb 66 Ozs. L. P...... ft 75 J^ft c a n s ...... ft 1 42 H e lm it o l...... oz 63 L. P. 2 o z ...... doz 2 CO l o z c v ...... *...... oz 18 L . P . 3 o z ...... doz 3 00 & Quinine Cit U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 5 02 Hemo-Gallol, powd Merck K -lb L . P ...... ft 60 M -lb Cb...... ft 6 35 l o z c n t s ...... o z 80 K-loL PI0-lbs ...... ft 60 1 o* c v ...... oz 42 T a b lets, 4-gr. 100s...... ea 80 Ji-lb L. P25-lbs ...... ft 55 Quin & Strych Cit lft cb ...... 1b 5 67 Calif. T. P. « s ...... d o* 3 60 M -lD c b ...... 1b 6 00 Herbs, Agrimony, pressed, ozs... ft 60 1 oz c v ...... oz 46 Hulls, W alnut...... ft 26 Agrimony, powd ...... ft 30 & Strychnine Cit 1 oz cv ______oz 24 Hydrogen, Perox. Mallinckrodt’s U.S.P. Bellwort, pressed, ozs...... ft 60 I s a r o l, I s ...... 1b 2 00 Boneset. pressed, ozs ...... ft 55 One-Quarter Pounds Isin g la ss, A m e rica n ...... ft 140 G ross lo t s ...... g r o 12 50 Boneset, pow d ...... ft SO J o b s T e a r s ...... ft 20 Bugle, bitter, pressed, ozs ...... ft. 1 20 H -g r o ss ...... gro 12 75 K - g r o s s ...... g r o 13 00 Kal-Fos 1-lb ctns ...... d oz 4 00 Canada Fleabane, pressed, ozs.. ft 45 D o z e n ...... doz 1 38 Catnip, pressed, ozs...... ft 50 K a m a la P ow d ered ...... ft 7 50 One-Half Pounds Catnip, powd ...... ft 25 K a o lin ...... ft 18 Celandine, garden, pressed lbs.ft 1 00 G ross l o t s ...... g r o 19 00 Celandine, garden, pressed, ozs ft 1 05 Vi -g r o s s ...... g r o 19 50 K e le n e N o. 34, 30 g r a m ...... tu b e 1 12 Centaury, Am., pressed, ozs___ ft 1 15 K -g r o s s ...... g r o 20 00 D ozen ...... doz 1 85 Kldneywort, pressed o z j ...... ft 60 O h ickw eed. Dressed, ozs...... ft 1 60 K id n ey wort, g r d ...... ft 50 Ohiretta, pressed, ozs...... ft 80 O ne P ou n d s C larry, pressed, o z s ...... ft 68 G ross l o t s ...... gro 32 00 Lanum, Hydrous U.S.P. lft Cleavers, pressed, ozs ...... ft 45 *4-gross...... g ro 38 CO c a n s ...... ft 31 C o lts fo o t...... ft 29 H -g r o s s ...... gro 34 00 Anhydrous U.S P. lft cans ...... ft 36 C olu m bin e, pressed, o z s ...... ft 60 D ozen ...... doz 2 90 Lard, Benzoinatad 1 cans Inc... ft 40 Consumption Brake, pres’d, ozs. ft 90 Hydrogen Peroxide, R. D. Co. 6ft ca n i n c ...... ft 35 Digitalis, powd ...... ft .3 5 P oun ds L e a d A ce ta te , w h ite ...... 1b 25 Dittany, pressed, ozs ...... ft iO G ross lo ts ...... g r o 26 00 5 -lb ...... ft 24 “ “ “ 10-lb...... ft 23 Evening Primrose, pressed, ozs ft 80 H -g r o ss ...... i — g r o 27 00 M -gross...... g ro 28 00 2 6-lb ...... ft 22 F ev erfew , pressed, o z s ...... ft 88 D ozen ...... doz 2 60 “ “ “ p o w d ...... ft 27 Five Finger, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 60 ...... 5 -lb .... ft 26 Frostwort, pressed, ozs ...... ft 60 Half Pounds Acetate, U.S.P. Gran 1 ft ctns..ft 41 G ross l o t s ...... gro 16 00 Acetate. U.S.P. Powd 1 ft ctns..ft 46 Golden Rod, pressed, ozs ...... ft 55 l/4 -g ro ss...... g r o 16 50 Goldthread, pressed, ozs ...... ft 3 35 A rsen a te, paste, bbls. 6001b...... ft 14 k -g r o s s ...... gro 17 00 “ Half bbls 400ft..ft 14*4 Gravel Plant, pressed, ozs ...... ft 45 D ozen ...... d o z 110 Gromwell, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 90 “ “ 100ft k e g s ...... ft 16 Quarter Pounds “ 50ft kegs...... ft 18 H eartsease, pressed, ozs...... 1b 60 G ross lo ts ...... g r o 11 50 “ V 281b k e g s ...... ft 19 Horehound, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 55 K -g ro s s ...... g r o 11 75 “ IStfft kegs.... ft 20 H orsem in t, pressed, o z s ...... ft 55 K -g ro ss...... gro 12 CO “ “ 5ft c a n s ...... 1b 23 H yssop, pressed, ozs...... 1b 50 D o z e n ...... doz 1 20 “ “ lft cans ...... ft 27 Jacob’s Ladder, pressed, ozs... 1b 65 R. D. Co, 5pts ...... ea 100 100ft lots In 501b kegs & down lc less Labrador Tea, pressed, ozs...... 1b 50 R. D. Co. gallons ...... ea 1 60 Arsenate dry ZCOft drum s ...... ft 24 Life Everlasting, pressed, ozs.. ft 45 Hydroquinone, 1ft ctns ...... ft 2 23 A rse n a te d r y 100ft d r u m s ...... ft 25- Life Everlasting, po. Ex Sel___ft 30 >£ft c tn s ...... ft 2 40 Arsenate dry 50ft drum ...... ft 27 L ife R oo t, pressed, o z s ...... ft 45 1 oz c t n s ...... oz 20 A rsen a te d ry 25ft d r u m ...... ft 28 Life Root, grd ...... ft 20 Hyoscine H ydrobrom , U.S.P. 1 gr. Arsenate dry 101b drum ...... ft 31 L ife R oo t, p ow d. E x S e l...... ft 35 v i a l s ...... each 15 A rse n a te d ry 5ft c t n s ...... ft 33 Lobelia, pressed, ozs...... ft 1 20 H y p n a l...... t ...... oz 1 45 Arsenate dry lft ctns ...... ft 37 Lobelia, grd ...... ft 75 Iohthol. Mall 1ft cb ...... ft 2 15 Arsenate dry H ft ctns ...... ft 40 L ob elia , p o w d ...... ft 75 34 ft cb ...... ft 2 45 1001b lots in50ft drums & down lc less Maiden Hair, pressed, ozs...... ft 55 l o z c v ...... oz 25 Nitrate, pure cryst 1-lb. cnts ..lb 60 Mallow, low, pressed, ozs.... ___ft 45 I c h t h y o l, M erck . 3^f t ...... ft 5 50 P la ster, V4-ft r o lls ...... ft 125 Motherwort, pressed, ozs ___— ft 55 l o z c v ...... oz 40 Sub-Acetate, Sol U.S.P. Mountain Mint, pressed, ozs ___ft 50 I n d ig o , (Goulard’s Extract)l-lb.cb..lb 30 Pennyroyal, pressed, ozs______ft 45 B e n g a l...... 1b 3 50 L e a d e d B o r d o I s ...... 1b 3 7 ' S. F. M a d r a s ...... ft 160 P e p p e rm in t...... ft 30 Leaves, Aconite, pressed, ozs...... ft 1 60 Peppermint, powd ...... ft 40 Io d in e , R esu blim ed, U .9.P . 1ft Aconite, Allen’s...... ft l 25 Pipsissewa, powd ...... ft 35 g s b ...... ft 5 26 Aconite, powd ...... ft 95 Pulsatilla, pressed, ozs...... ft 2 15 M lb g s b ...... ft 5 72 Adder’s Tongue, pressed, ozs.. .lb 60 Ragweed, pressed, ozs ...... ft 45 l o z g s v ...... oz 45 Angelica, pressed, ozs...... ft 60 Rue, pressed, oz ...... ft 105 [odoform , powd U.S.P. lft cb....ft 6 69 A rb o r ViteB, pressed, ozs ...... 50 Sheep Sorrell, pressed, oz ...... lb 70 J^ft c b ...... ft 7 00 Balmony, pressed,...... o z s.... 1b 75 Smartweed. powd. Ex Sel...... ft 25 1 oz c v ...... oz 52 B a lm o n y .p o w d ...... 1b 80 Iron, Bromide lft gsb ...... ft 1 60 Soapwort, pressed, ozs...... 1b 45 Balmony. po. Ex Sel...... 1b 35 Bromide, lozgsv ...... oz 24 B ay , b u lk ...... ft 20 Stramonium ...... ft 35 Carbonate, precipitated ...... ft 18 Bay, pressed, lbs...... 1b 45 Sweet Basil, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 95 Carbonate Mass U.S.P.lft jars ft 71 Bay, pressed.. ozs ...... ft 50 J£ft ja r s ...... ft 1 04 B a y , p ow d . E x Sel...... 1b 30 Tansy, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 50 Dry powd loz ctns ...... oz 10 B eech , pressed, o z s ...... ft 40 T an sy, p o w d ...... ft 25 Carbonate, sacchar U.S.P. Belladonna, pressed, ozs...... ft 95 Thimbleweed, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 45 lft c a n s ...... ft 60 Belladonna, bulk ...... ft 50 Chloride lumps. U.S.P. lft cb... ft 40 Vervain, powd ...... 1b 25 Belladonna, grd ...... ft 55 Chloride Sol U.S.P for Tinct Belladonna, powd ...... ft 55 Wall Pellitory, pressed, ozs.... ft 00 l p t c b ...... p t 34 B en n e, pressed , ozs...... ft 61 & OMAHA DRUGGIST


Leaves, Borage, pressed, ozs ...... lb 1 50 Lemon Feel,...... lb 20 Marjoram, pressed, ozs ...... ft 65 B u c h u ,lo n g ...... -.v..lb 4 00 Lettuce, Garden, pressed ozs ___ft 65 Matches, Safety 5-gro. ,95....gro 100 B u ch u , s h o r t ...... ft 185 Lettuce, Wild, pressed ozs...... ft 1 00 M a zola , gals. 6s. .1...... ca se 11 00 Buchu, short, grd ...... lb 1 90 Lice Killer, Richardson’s “ pts. 24s...... ca se 6 60 Buehu, short, powd ...... lb 1 90 G a ls...... doz 14 00 Menthol, cryst 1 oz c v ...... oz 48 Buchu, short, pressed, ozs ...... lb 3 40 V4-Gals...... doz 7 50 Crystals lft cb...... ft 6 00 Butternut, pressed, ozs...... ,. lb 50 Q ts ...... doz 4 50 Crystals cb...... ft 6 25 Chestnut, pressed, ozs ...... lb 45 L im e , C arbola ted ...... lb 10, Mercury, Distlft cb ...... ft 1 10 Oicuta, pressed, ozs ...... — ft 40 Chlorinated, large ...... doz 1 75 Dist 51b cb ...... » 105 Coca, pressed, ozs...... ft 1 30 C h lorin a ted , m e d ...... doz 1 00 Redist U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 1 45 Ooca. g r d ...... ICO Ohjorinated, sml...... doz 60 Bisulphate pure lft cb ...... lb 90 Coltsfoot, pressed, ozs...... lb 55 Large cases, 50 cans ...... case 6 25 Bisulphate pure 1 oz c v ...... oz 19 Coltsfoot, powd— ...... lb 25 Mea. cases, 100 cans...... ca se 6 75 Cyanide 1 oz c v ...... oz 30 Conium, pressed, ozs ...... lb 85 Sm all ca ses, 200 ca n s...... case 7 76 Conium, Allen's ...... lb 2 00 Iodide red u.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 4 43 Chlorinated, 5-lb cans ...... lb 14 Conium, powdered ...... lb Iodide redsU.S.P. 1 oz. cv ...... oz 38 Chlorinated, 10-lb cans...... B> 13 Iodide yellow U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 4 30 Damlana, pressed, lbs...... lb Chlorinated 300-drums...... lb 06 Iodide yellow U.S.P. lozcv...oz 37 Damiana, pressed, oza...... lb Lime Sulphur Dry N itrate c r y s t 1 oz g s v ...... oz 29 Damian a, g rd ...... J 1 -lb ...... f t 23 Damlana, powd ...... ft Oxide yellow U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 2 70 5 - lb s ...... » 19 Oxide yellow U.S.P- lozcv....oz 27 D ig it a lis ...... Lime and Sulphur Solution Digitalis, pressed, ozs...... lb Salicylate U.S.P. loz cv ...... oz 27 B a rre ls ___ $3.50 ...... gal 25 S u lp h a te lft c b ...... lb 2 20 Digitalis, Allen’s, Eng ...... lb 1 50 ^ -B a r r e ls 1.75 ...... ga l 38 Digitalis, g rd ...... f t Sulphate 1 oz cv ...... oz 25 5-gal cans incl...... gal 85 S u ccin a te l o z c v ...... oz 65 D ig italis, pow d...... ft 1-gal can s iu c l...... ga l 95 Succinimidepowd lozcv ...... oz 75 Eucalyptus, pressed, ozs...... lb vi-gal cans incl ...... g a l 1 05 Sulphide black lo z cv ...... oz 25 E u ca ly p tu s, g r d ...... >■>.... lb Ji-gal cans incl...... g a l 135 With Ohalk U.S.P. lft bxs ...... ft 84 Ground Pine, pressed, ozs...... lb Liniment, Camphor Incl...... p t 90 M e s o ta n ...... : ...... oz 90 Hardhack, pressed, ozs...... lb - ...... ga l 5 60 M e th a n o l, 9E#...... g a l 125 Hemlock, pressed, ozs...... lb 1 05 “ Chloroform Incl ...... p t 90 M eth an ol, P u re, i n c l ...... gal 1 95 Henbane, pressed, ozs...... lb frO *• “ I n c l...... gal 5 60 Methanol. Pure,6-gal. incl.. .gal 1 90 Henbane, grd ...... J 45 “ , Soap Incl...... p t 80 Methyl, Salicylate lft cb incl. .ft 80 H en ban e, p o w d e r e d ...... — .'.-ft 45 “ “ ...... g a l 4 80 Methyl, Salicylate 6M lb,cbinclft 55 Henbane, Allen’s. ___ ...... J 2 00 Lipoidine, tabl. 2Cs...... doz 9 20 Methylene, Blue, U.S.P. 1 oz cv.oz 72 M ig r a ln ln ...... oz 8 00 H e n n a ...... ~ Liq-Cresolis Co. U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 47 Henna, ozs..... 70 5ft c b ...... ft 36 Milk, Cond. Eagle...... doz 2 60 Henna powdered...,...... *... lb 40 1 gal can inc ...... ga l 3 40 4 dozen cases...... ___ca se 10 00 Horse Radish, pressed, ozs ...... lb 40 Lithium, Benzoate 1 oz ctns ...... os 20 2 d'nen cases ...... case 5 10 Hound’s Tongue, pressed, ozs..ft <0 Bromide lft gsb...... f t 2 95 Wideman’s Goats...... doz 2 75 Jift g s b ...... ft 3 40 Wideinan’s Goats, 2 doz. cases .ea 5,40 Jaborandi, pressed ozs...... 1 CO 1 oz g s v ...... oz 31 Jaborandi, powd...... lb 55 Morphine, Acetate, % -oz. vials..oz 8 93 Carbonate U.S.P. 1 oz ctns ...... oz 21 Hydrochloride, U.S.P.H-oz. Laurel, pressed, ozs ...... lb 50 Citrate gran or powd U.S.P. v ia ls ...... oz 9 68 Laurel', powd...... — . ,B> 20 lft c t n s ...... * *6 9 Sulphate, U.S.P. in oz bxs. oz 9 08 Lettuce, wild, pressed, ozs i See I J^ft c t n s ...... ft 2 86 S u lph ate, %a in 2yt-oz. boxes. ..o z 9 oo 1 oz c t n s ...... *...... oz 23 Sulphate, oz. vials or tins _____oz 8 33 ft 1 10 Salicylate N.F. lft cb ...... ft 2 11 “ 10 oz lots 5c less per oz. ft 1 40 J^ft c b ...... ft 8 42 “ 25 oz lo ts 10c less p er oz. ft 1 00 l o z c v ...... oz 84 Valerate, powd %oz v ia ls ...... oz 19 50 ft 70 L od es to n e ...... lb 60 Lodestone, powd ...... ft 65 M oss, Ic e la n d ...... ! ..f t 25 ft 75 Irish, extra select ...... 1b 30 ,1b 40 Lozenges, Licorice, bulk ...... lb 55 Matico, powd ...... Mubk, Canton, 1-oz tins ...... % .oz 40 Meadow Fern, pressed, ozs ft 45 Licorice, 5-lb boxes ...... ft 60 Mugwort, pressed, ozs...... ft 2 35 L u m in a l. H -Ozs...... Oz 6 90 Tonquin, Grains...... D r 8 2 Mullein, pressed, ozs..— ,ft 50 Lum inal, Tabl 1V4 gr. 50s...... ea 1 25 Mustard, Coim&n’s, Durham, 6 lb. Luminal and Soda po. Vt ozs. ..oz 6 60 lb 1 20 c a n s ...... ft 79 P a tc h o u ly ...... L u n a r C au stic, U.S. P. 1 oz c v ___oz 77 A. W. & Co. Ex Sel po. 1-lb can.® *5 Peach, pressed, ozs— ..lb 45 No. 2-67%...... oz 69 ft 95 H aj a, 5-lb. cans ...... ft 34 Peppermint, pressed, ozs. Lung Moss pressed ozs ...... lb 40 Y e llo w , b u lk .5 lbs. .32...... ft 34 ft 45 L y c o p o d iu m ...... lb 5 40 70 Napthaline, Balls ...... ft 20 ft Lye, Lewis. 4 doz. case ...... ca se 5 30 1b 1 05 “ “ ...... dez 1 35 F la k e s ...... ft 20 ft 70 Cye, Merry War, 4-doz. case, case 4 95 Naphthol, Beta Resubl U.S.P ft 1 50 M erry W a r...... doz 1 35 lft c a n s ...... ft 1 45 R o s e m a r y ...... 1b 25 M a ce ...... ft 70 1 oz c a n s ...... oz 15 Sage, Domestic, ozs ...... lb 70 P o w d ...... lb 75 Beta Benzoate loz cans...... o t 37 ft 40 Madder, Dutch ...... lb 50 Neosalvarsan ft 55 6 - lb s ...... ft I 0.15 ...... p k g . 60 ft 40 1 0 -lb s ...... lb 47 I I 0.3 ...... pkg. 80 .lb 40 M a gn esiu m , III...... 0.45 ...... p k g , 100 .lb 70 Carbonate, 1-oz papers Tech— 1b 33 I V 0.6 ...... p k g . 1 10 .ft 35 Carbonate, 2-oz papers. Tech.. lb 31 ...... V 0 .7 5 ..pkg. 1 35 ft 40 Carbonate, 4-oz papers Tech.. 1b 30 V I 0.9 ...... p k g . 1.60 20 C arbon ate, U .S .P ., 2 -o z ...... lb 33 X ...... 1.5 ...... pkg. 2.40 1 25 C arbon ate. TT.S.,p.. 1-oz...... lb 35 Nicotine, ^oz cv...... oz 3 CO Scullcap, powd. ft 65 Carbonated powd Tech ...... ft 28 Nirvanin 10-gr. vials ...... *...... ea 25 . ft 60 Carbonate, Tech powd s lb 60 5ft ...... 1b 27 Novarsenbenzol .6 ...... n k g 3 50 lb 30 10ft...... »> 34 N o v a s p ir in ...... oz 1 SO ft 30 35ft...... lb 23 Novocain, 5 gram vials ...... ea ch 1 00 ft 30 501b ...... ft 22 Novacain Suprarenin Tabl E.tube 30 1b 20 751b b b ls ...... ft 20 Numoquin, Hydrochloride ..ft 60 Carbonate Tech Po. is K & M... 1b 30 J4-oz vials ...... oz 13 25 ft 70 Carbonate, Po U.S.P. Is K&M.. 1b 32 Ys-oz v ia ls ...... oz 13 50 ft 45 Carbonate small sa K&M ...... 1b 60 ft 35 M agm a K & M lft c t n s ...... ft 1 00 Nutgalls, Aleppo ...... 1b 45 ft 75 Metal, powd 1 oz can s ...... oz 28 Aleppo, crushed ...... ft 50 ft 40 Oxide, LightU S.P. K&M Is....ft 85 A lep p o, g r d ...... 1b 50 ft 40 Heavy, U.S.P. K&M Is...lb 90 Aleppo, powd ...... 1b 50 .lb 55 Oxide, Light Tech K&M Is ...... 1b 80 N u tm e g s...... Ib 40 ..lb 65 Oxide, Lisrht U.S.P. P&W is.... 1b 95 Nutmegs, powd ...... ft 45 ..ft 40 Oxide. Heavy U.S.P. P&W Is... ft 95 Sulphate, II.P. cryst lft ctns ..ft 32 Nuts. lb 55 Areca. powd ...... 1b 35 ft 30 & Ammon Phos powd lft cb .. ft 31 Manganese, Black Oxide, 85# Areca. powd. 5-lb...... ft 34 1b 20 * l l h ...... ft 25 Areca. powd. 10-lb...... 1b 33 45 51b ...... lb 23 Areca, powd. 25-ft ...... ft 3J ft 50 10ft...... lb 22 Areca, powd. 50-lb...... ft 31 Uva Ursi, powd.. ..ft 20 251b...... lb 21 % A reca , pow d,, 100lb s ...... f t 3( .lb 30 -5 0 ft ...... »> 20 K ola, g r d ...... ,..lb 2E 1b 55 Manna, Small flake ...... ft 80 K ola, p ow d ...... 1b 2! 1b 60 M a rb le D u r t , ...... ft 05 N nx V o m i c a ...... 1b 2! ..f t 1 70 B b l s . . . . , , ...... •.. - lb 03 P o w d e r e d ...... ft 3< OMAHA DRUGGIST 1


O a k u m B u l k ...... lb 30 Oil Oil, Sassafras artificial,5-lbs. 1.05..ft 1 10 S u rgen rs, 1 - lb p k g s ...... lb 60 Juniper Berries, ...... lb 4 60 Juniper Wood (Compound)... .lb 120 S a v in ...... ft 8 25 Oils, Essential Bulk prices Lard, W. S., Extra ...... g a l 1 15 Seneka...... ft 30 Extra charge for bottles. “ “ “ 5 gal ...... g a l 1 10 Skunk, com p ...... 1b 50 ...... - . . f t 10 1 -lb L a rd , W . S. E x tra , 10-gal . . . . . g a l 1-05 Skunk, pure ...... 1b 80 t f - l b ...... lb 15 Lard, Extra No. 1...... gal 90 S pearm in t...... ft 7 75 * - l b ...... ft 25 “ “/ “ 5 gal...... ga l 85 Sperm ...... g a l 2 60 K -lb ...... ft 50 Laurel, expressed ...... l b 2 75 S pike., ga l 1 75...... ft 30 1 - o z ...... i...... lb 100 Lavender Flowers...... lb 8 50 Stone, black, comp, gal 1.75___ lb 30 Lavender, Garden, Imit. ..— lb 1 50 Stone, white ...... 1b 80 Oil, Almonds, bitter True ...... oz 1 00 L em on , S an derson ’s ...... [»'...... lb 1 60 Sweet, bottles, 60 to gal ...... doz 90 Almonds, bitter. Artificial...... ft 2 00 L e m o n ,...... ft 1 50 Sw eet, b ottles, 50 to g a l...... dos 110 Almonds, sweet, T ru e ...... ft> 1 00 Lemon Grass...... lb 2 65 Sweet, bottles. 40 to gal...... doz 1 25 Almonds, swt., “Peach Kernel”lb 80 L im e s ...... 1b 1 50 Sweet, bottles, 30 to gal...... doz 1 65 Amber, crude ...... ft 2 00 Sweet, bottles, 20 to gal...... doz 2 35 Linseed, boiled ___bbl 94.. ..gal 104 Sweet, bottles, 16 to gal...... doz 2 70 Amber, rectified,...... 1b 2 55 Linseed, raw ...... b bl 92___ gal 1 02 Angelica, Rt...... oz 4 00 Sweet, bottles, 8 to gal...... d oz a 25 5-gal lots, incl. 20c higher A n ise S ta r ,...... lb 1 25 Tansy, pure, — ...... — ft 10 40 B a lm ...... oz 70 Oil Lubricating Tar.7...5-gal. 75— gal. 80 lb 20 Bay Leaves, true, ... — ...... lb 4 90 Haja Auto, Igt ___b b l 46 .g a l 52 T h u ja ...... lb 3 00 Benne...... g a l i 00 Haja Auto, med ..bbl 50 .g al 56 Thyme, Red, ...... 1b 2 25 B e rg a m o t...... ft 8 00 Haja Auto, hvy ..bbl 53 .g a l 59 Thyme, white, ...... 1b 2 50 Birch Tar, rectified ...... lb 4 20 HajaOastor, mch.bbl 42 -gal 48 T u rp en tin e, rc t.M ck ’s 1-lb cb incl 1b 55 B r itis h ...... doz 75 Haja Cylinder ___b b l 46 ■ Sal 52 V e rv a in ...... oz 75 Oade, (Juniper Tar)...... lb 1 35 Haja Engine ...... b b l 35 gal 41 Whale, winter bleached...... g a l 3 00 O a je p u t ...... lb 1 20 Haja Gas Engine .bbl 46 .g al 52 Wine, ethereal ...... o z 32 C a la m u s ...... oz 75 Haja Separator...bbl 31 • ga l 37 W ine, h e a v y ...... oz 48 Camphor, rectified ...... — lb 60 20 WinteTgreen Leaves, true ...... ft 9 10 Camphorated, 1 gal. incl...... g a l 6 00 20 Wlntergreen(Sweet Birch)...... ft 6 10 “ l i b in c l ...... lb 100 80 Wintergreen, Synthetic inc..... ft 80 C apsicu m ...... ft 5 25 gal 4 00 Wintergreen. 6% lb bots incl ea 55 Caraway, seed, Dutch ...... lb 350 1 75 Wormseed, Baltimore ...... ft 4 40 Cardamom. Ceylon ...... oz 2 00 38 Wormwood, pure...... ft 20 00 1t> 5 00 Y la n g Y la n g ...... — os 3 50 Cassia pure, ...... ft 2 00 Mustard, essential, true, ..oz 2 10 Ointment, Belladonna lib C astor, cased 1-5. i n c ...... gal 1 15 ..g a i 2 26 cans in c...... I.,.:...... f t 1 60 Castor, 2-gal inc ...... ga l 1 25 Myrbane..,101b 30 6 1b 33 1b 35 C astor iric...... ga l 185 Benzoated Lard lft cans inc ___ft 50 Neatsfoot, pure...... -gal 1 00 Benzoated Lard 5 lb ...... 1b ..g a l 95 45 Castor, 60 to gal...... doz 1 00 “ 5- g a l ...... Carbolic Acid lft cans inc...... ft 1 00 Castor, 50 to gal...... >...... doz 1 20 Neatsfoot, No. 1...... g a l 90 Citrine (nit mercury) lft 8b Castor, 40 to gal...... d os 140 “ 5 gal....;. ja r s in c ...... l b 83 Castor, 30 to gal...... dos 2 00 60 Diachylon lft cans inc ...... f t a oo 1 50 Castor, 20 to gal...... d oz 2 60 Neroli, Synth..___ . -OZ Io d in e lib ca n s in c ...... 1b 1 90 Castor, 16 to gal...... d oz 3 00 50 Iodoform lft cans inc ...... lb . ..lb 1 75 Castor, 8 to gal...... doz 5 50 Nutmegs, essential...... 2 25 Mercurial, 30# M. lft cans inc..lb ..g a l 4 50 87 Cedar.(com’l compound) ?lb. 651b 75 M ercurial V*-M lib ca n s i n c — ft 1 10 Cedar Leaf, pure,...... lb 2 15 .d oz 15 00 Mercury, Am. (white precip) • gai 6 00 Cedar Wood ...... lb 100 lft cans inc ...... lb 1 £0 C ed ra t...... i ...... oz 50 .d o z 11 00 Mercury, Oxide, red (red precip) C elery...... oz 2 00 .d oz 5 50 lft can s i n c ...... '...... ft 1 25 Chamomile. Roman ...... oz 3 50 3 00 Rose Water U. S. P. lib cans C in n am on , C e y lo n ...... oz 2 25 Olive, Calif. Mission, gals... . gal 5.00 in c ...... ft 2 10 Citronella, Ceylon ...... B> 70 doz. 3 25 Salicylic Acid lft cans inc. — . lb 85 C lo v e s...... Ib 2 25 5 75 Sulphur lft can inc ...... 1b 1 05 C o co a n u t...... lb 40 .d os 11 00 Olive, Haja, 5-gal cans...... gal 5 40 Zinc Oxide, Benz lft cans in c... ft 60 Codliver. Nor. <...... gal 1 50 O lea te, Codliver, Nor, 5-gal...... gal 1 40 Olive, Haja, gals ...... ga l 5 50 Olive, Haja, %-gals ...... j.___ ga l 5 60 Cadmium lozcv ...... oz 75 Codliver Nor. P ts.., ...... d o z 6 00 Mercury, 10# 1 oz jars ...... o* 18 Codliver, N.P. 5-gal. 1 20...... g a l 125 Olive, Haja, M-gals...... gal 5 75 Olive, Malaga yellow ___ ....gal 2 75 C o lo g n e ...... oz 75 O le o R esin C a p sicu m ...... oz 40 Olive, Malaga yellow, 5-gal...gal 2 70 “ G in g e r C o p a ib a ,...... •...... ^ ..lb 1 35 Olive Pompeian, gals ...... ,..gal 5 oO ...... oz 90 C o ria n d e r...... oz 160 Olive Pompeian, Vi- g a l ...... gal 5 10 Orange Apples ...... 1b 15 C otton Seed, Y e llo w ...... gal 95 Olive Pompeian, qts ...... ga l 5 20 Peel, bitter, ground ...... ft 25 “ “ “ 5 gal..-----.g a l 90 O liv e P om p eia n , p t s ...... ga l 5 40 P eel B itte r P o w d ...... 1b 25 C roton , ...... ft 2 25 O live P om peian , Vk-pts ...... g a l 5 70 Peel, Bitter, po. Ex Sel...... lb 50 Crude,...... gal 35 Less than 6-gal. lots, 5% advance. Peel, sweet, ground...... lb 25 “ “ P o w d ...... ft 25 C u b e b s ,...... Ib 10 10 Olive, Rion 5-gal cans...... gal 4 40 C u m in ...... oz 80 Olive, Rion Imp. gal bottle .. .gal 4 50 Orpiment, Yellow. See Arsenic Olive. Rion Imp, H-gal bottle gal 4 60 S u lp h id e . Cypress, ...... oz 90 Olive, Rion Imp, k-gal bottle gai 4 75 E rig eron , , ...... lb 6 00 Olive, Rion Imp. large size, .doz 9 00 Orphol, Von Heyden...... os 80 Eucalyptus ...... lb I 15 Olive, Rion Imp. med. size ___doz 5 00 Fennel Seed ...... lb 3 50 Olive, Rion Imp. sml size.....doz 2 75 O r t h o f o r m ,...... oz 3 75 Fish, s tr a its ...... ga l 95 Olive. Spanish, 5-gal cans ___ga l 5 00 O v ariin , p ow d 1 oz c v ...... oz 1 85 Olive* Spanish, 6-gal cans....gal 4 80 Fish, straits, 5 gal...... g a l 90 Orange, bitter, hand pressed. lb 3 85 Pantopon, Tabl 1-6-gr. 80s...... ea 50 Fish, straits, 10 g a l ...... g a l 85 Orange, sweet, hand pressed, ...... 1b 4 35 Paratnn, refined, (See Wax) Floor, bbls. inc ...... g a l 37 “ H-bbl. incl— ...... g a l 40 Origanum, comp. No. 2.7 ft 30.. ft 40 Paraldehyde, U.S.P. lft cb ...... 1b 135 Origanum, red, French com p... ft 1 50 “ 10-gal. incl ...... g a l 62 Parathesin ...... O z 2 15 5-gal. in cl... ____. — ga l 6? P a lm ...... f t 90 “ 1-gal inci...... gal 82 Parafine, ...... J ..g a l 45 Parawax (See Wax) P a tc h o u ly ...... o z 1 75 Fusel. Purified ...... lb 1 50 Parinol, pts ...... doz. 7 20 Peanut qts. Armstrong’s ....doz 8 60 “ 5 pts...... each P e n n y r o y a l ...... ft 3 00 2 75 Geranium Rose, A lg...... lb 8 50 “ g a l s ...... each 4 00 G in g er ...... oz 90 Pepper, black...... ,.'y ;..o z 1 83 G old en R o d ...... oz 50 P e p p e rm in t...... ft 5 00 ParisSreen, S.S.F. Arsenic keg ... ft 33 Harlem Claas, T illy ...... doz 1 25 Pimento (allspice)...... lb 4 50 35 Harlem “ Tilly ...... g r o 14 25 Pine 1 gal incl ...... ga l 2 00 14, 28 and 56-lb kits ...... H arlem Oil, Merrell’s ...... d o z 64 Pine N e e d le s ...... ft 3 75 2 and 5-lb paper boxes ...... 37 “ “ ...... gro. 6 51 Pihus PUmilio ...... oz 65 1-lb paper boxes ...... lb 39 “ “ Tilly G.M ...... doz 75 Pinus Sylvestris ...... 1b 3 75 V4-lb p a p er b o x e s ...... lb 41 “ “ Tilly 6 doz ...... gro 8 00 P op p y ...... ft 50 W-lb paper boxes ...... lb 43 “ “ Tilly. 12 doz ...\ .gro 7 50 Rhodium, No. 3 (Compound). .,oz 40 100rlb. lots and over 2c less H a rlem , S u ffo lk ...... doz 40 Rhodium. No. 1 (Compound).. .oz 75 Pastilles, Fumigating, black— 70 H a rlem , S u ffo lk ...... g ro 4 50 Rose, artificial..— ,— .....oz 4 00 Fumigating, red ...... ft 75 Rosemary, flowers...... ^...ft 1 35 Hemlock, pure,...... lb 1 90 R u e ...... oz 60 Pepper, black, Singapore,...... ft 20 Hemlock, com l ___8 lb 65...... lb 75 Sage...... oz 75 Black, powdered ...... lb 25 Henbane, coct ...... lb 1 35 Sandal Wood, EnglishE.l...... ft 9 75 Black, po. A. W. & Co. Ex Sel.. .lb 40 H o r s e m in t...... oz 44 Sandal Wood, GermanWI...... 1b 7 35 30 Horseradish ...... oz 1 60 Sassafras, Natural ...... lb 2 70 W h ite, powd...... ft 35 8 OMAHA DRUGGIST


Petrolatum. P o ta s s iu m Resorcin, Crystals, U.S.P. 35 ft 85 V£-ft c b ...... ft 3 70 Amber, 1-lb cans ...... ft 31 “ l - l b c a n s ...... doz 4 00 Acetate U.S.P. Jift cb ... ft 1 15 1 oz c v ...... oz 3 70 “ 5-lb caus ...... ft 81 Bicarb cryst U.S.P. lft ctns.....ft 40 Powd U.S.P. cb ...... lb 31 • 10-lb c a n s ...... ft 19 ..lb 40 1 oz c v ...... oz 30 25-lb c a n s ...... ft 18 ft Root, Abscess, pressed, lbs ...... ft 65 “ 50-lh cans ...... ft 17 ..ft 50 Abscess, pressed, ozs ...... ft 70 *■ 100-lb crns ...... ft 10 ft 54 A co n ite , pressed, o z s ...... ft 95 C a rb o la ie d , 1-lb c a n s ...... ft 40 Carb U.S.P. lft cans...... ft 44 Aconite, grd ...... ft 55 “ l - l b c a n s ...... doz 4 £0 5ft cans ...... ft 39 Aconite, powd ...... ft 55 <• *5-lb c a n s ...... ft 25 CarbC.P. Anhyd lft cans. ft 70 Alkanet (ahchusa)...... ,...... ft 45 < • 10-lb c a n s ...... ft 22 ft 30 Alkanet, pressed, lbs...... ft 80 Cream White. 1-lb cans...... ft SO ft 45 Alkanet, pressed, ozs...... ft 85 “ “ 5-lb cans ...... ft 40 ft 30 Alkanet, powd ...... ft 50 “ “ 10-lb cans ...... ft 37 16 Angelica, pressed, lbs...... ft 70 Snow White, 1-lb cans ...... ft 55 2 50 Angelica, pressed, ozs...... ft 75 *• 5-lb cans...... ft 45 ft 1 45 Angelica, grd...... ft 40 • < <• 10-lb c a n s ...... ft 42 Hydroxide U.S.P. Sticks Angelica, powd..— .... — ••• ft 40 Veterinary, 1-lb cans ...... ft 15 ft 75 Arnica, pressed, ozs ...... — ft 1 80 '• 5-lb cans ...... 12 ,.oz 20 Avens, pressed, lbs ...... ft 45 • OZ 23 “ 10-lb cans ...... ft 11 Bearsfoot. pressed* lbs _____ — ft 55 “ 25-lb cans ...... ft 10 Iodide U.S.P- cryst 5ft bxs. ft 3 71 09 B ella d on n a , pressed, o z s ...... ft 1 35 “ 50-lb cans ...... ft iK> b xs ...... _____ ... ft 3 74 85 08 It. Belladonna, pow d...... ft “ 100-lb cans ______® 3 92 Berberis Aquif. pressed, ozs— ft 70 Plain, 2-oz,...... doz 70 Iodide U.S.I*. Gran 5ft bxs. ft 3 71 Berberis Aquif, grd...... ft 35 3 74 “ Vf-gross — ...... g*'° 7 75 ft Beth, pressed, ozs.. . 3 ...... ------ft 70 ft 3 92 ** V i-gross...... gro 7 50 Betb, grd — ...... ft 35 “ 1 d ross...... g'O 7 25 ft 56 B eth , pow d...... < — lb 35 P lain, 4 -o x ...... doz I '0 permang U.S.P. cryst 1 80 76 Bistort, pressed, ozs...... ft M -g ross...... gro 11 ''O lft ca n s ...... - ft Bitter, pow d ...... ft 1 00 . .oz 16 “ V4-gross...... gro 10 75 Bitteh powd . Ex Sel— ...... ft 1 50 10 51 ft 75 55 1 g r o s s ...... g ro 50 Blackberry, pressed, ozs ...... ft Camphorated, ;-oz ...... doz 90 PrusSiat.e Vellow crvst. ft Blackberry, powd...... ft 20 )4-gross ... ___gro 9 50 ft 68 9 -5 1 Oz c v. . .oz 14 Blackberry, po. Ex Sel...... ft 35 “ V i-gross...... gro B lazing Star, pressed, o z ...... ft 1 90 1 g r o ss ...... gro 9 00 ..ft 48 Sulphate N. F. powd lft ctns. . ..ft 48 Blood, pressed, lbs ...... ft 6.5 Camphorated, 4 o z ...... doz 1 35 35 M -g ross...... gro 14 50 Sulphurated Pure lft cb .. ft 80 B lood , p ow d ...... ft “ V i-g ro ss...... g ro 14 25 ft 70 Blue Flag, pressed, ozs ■ • • — ft 1 75 “ 1 erross...... gro 14 00 ft 50 Blue Flag, powd ...... ft 1 20 Blue Flag, po. Ex Sel...... ft 1 20 “ P o u n d s ...... 65 P o w d e r , Oarbolated, 2-oz ...... doz 80 50 Bryonia, pressed, ozs...... ft 60 8 50 Arom atic...'...... --ft •• M -g r o s s ...... gro Chalk, aromatic...... ft 75 Bryonia, grd— — ...... , ft 30 “ V i-g ro s s ...... gro 8 00 50 Buckbean, pressed, ozs ...... ft 1 35 7 75 Chalk, compound ...... ft “ 1 g r o s s ...... gro Composition, bulk...... ft 85 Buckhorn Brake, pressed, ozs.ft 40 Oarbolated, 4-oz...... doz 1 10 Composition, 2-oz packages ... ft 95. Burdock, pressed, lbs ...... ft 60 •* M -g ross...... gro 12 00 O u rry .. .., . t.. •.*.•.*,•...... t•*/• • ■ ft 50 Burdock, pressed, ozs...... ft 65 V4-gross...... g ro 11 75 D overs 15) c a n ...... ft 3 44 Burdock, grd ...... ft 30 ‘ ‘ 1 g r o ss ...... g ro 11 50 Government Hog Cholera.. .bbls. Burdock, powd ...... ft 30 Cream White, 2-oz ...... doz 1 0!) lb 07Vi less quantity.,08Vi to 14 Calamus, white, peeled and split, “ “ Vi-gro...... gro 10 50 Insect, El Vampiro (See Patents) f a n c y ...... lb 90 “ “ V i-g r o ...... gro 10 25 Insect, Haja, 100 ft kegs ...... ft 45 Calamus, powd ...... ft 35 “ “ 1 -g ro ...... « r o 10 00 Insect, Haja. 50 ft kegs .... — .ft 48 Carpenters Square pressd ozs.. ft £0 “ “ 4 -oz...... doz 1 50 Insect. Haja, 25-ft kegs...... ft 50 Cicely Sweet, pressed, ozs. .. . ft 75 3 4 -s ro ...... gro 16 50 Insect,,Haja.10-ft can s...... ft 55 Cohosh, black, pressed, ozs ...... ft 55 H - g r o ...... gro 18 25 Insect, H aja5-ft cans... . — ..ft 60 Cohosh, black, powd...... ft 25 “ “ 1-grO;...... gro 16 00 Insect, Haja 1-ft cans...... doz 80 Cohosh, blue, pressed, ozs .. . 1b 55 Snow White, 2-oz ...... doz 1 05 Insect, Haja Vi-ft cans...... doz 5 10 Cohosh, blue, powd...... ft 25 “ “ ‘’3^-gross ...... gro 11 00 Insect. Haja Vf- ft cans...... doz 2 55 Cohosh, blue, po. Ex Sel...... ft 45 “ “ V4-g r o s s ...... gro 10 75 Insect, Haja2-oz cans...... doz C ohosh, rea , pressed, ozs...... ft 65 “ “ 1 gross ...... gro 10 50 Insect, Wild Mountain5 ft cans ft Cohosh, white, pressed, lbs,.,.. ft 50 “ White, 4-oz ...... doz 1 60 J ala p C o m p ...... ft ISO 95 17 50 C olch lcu m , pressed, lb s , ■. •.. ■ ■ ■ ft “ “ V i-gross...... gro Licorice Co. 5-lb. cans .38...... ft 49 Colchicum, pressed, ozs,...... ft 1 00 « V i-gross...... gro 17 25 1 25 Colchicum, powd ...... ft 60 17 00 Protargol, l-oz vials ...... oz “ “ 1 gross ...... g r o Vi-oz vials ...... • • • .oz 1 35 Colchicum, po. Ex Sel...... ft 90 63 Phenacetin, B ayer ...... oz 2 50 Coltsfoot, pressed, ozs...... 1b 55 25 Pyoktanin, Blue, 1-oz vials ...... oz T a b le ts 25s . . . . ea Y ello w , H -o z vials,...... oz 2 75 Columbo, Amer., pressed, ozs...ft 50 Tablets 100s...... ea 75 P y r a m id o n ...... oz 1 75 Columbo, Amer,, grd...... ft 30 Phenalgin, Po ...... oz 1 10 Columbo, powd ...... 1b 30 C a p su le s...... oz 1 35 Pyrox, 1-lb jars ...... ft 26 Com frey, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 1 (‘0 T a b s ...... oz 1 10 “ 5-lb drums ...... ft 23 C om frey, p o w d ,...... ft 55 Phenoiphthalein U.S. P. 1 oz cv.oz 30 “ 10-lb drums ______.ft 21 Vi “ 25-lb arums...... ft im Cranesbill, pressed, lbs ...... f t 55 Phosphorus, U.S.P. Sticks 50-lb p k g s ...... ft 16% Cranesbill. pressed, ozs ____ — ft 60 1ft c a n s ...... ft 1 20 “• 100-lb p k g s ..,...... ft 15 M Cranesbill, powd ...... ft 30 M -lb c a n s ...... ft 1 35 Quaking Asp, pressed lbs ...... ft 49 C raw ley, pressed, lb s ...... 1b 2 30 l o z c a n s ...... oa 20 20 Crawley, pressed, ozs ...... ft 2 35 Quassia, chips ...... ft 75 P lc h i pressed, lb s ...... ft 40 Granulated ...... i ... ft 20 Culvers, pressed, ozs ...... ft C u lvers, p o w d ...... ft 40 Pilocarpine, P o w d e r e d ...... ft 20 Hydrochloride U.S.P. cryst Q u in a lg e n ...... oz 1 25 Dandelion, true, pressed, ozs....ft 65 5 gr. v ia ls ...... e a 30 D a n delion , tru e g rd ...... ft 30 Quinine, Alkaloid. 1-oz vials...... oz 1 50 Dandelion, powd— ...... ft 30 P in e N e e d le s ...... ft 25 Bisulphale, 10-oz vials ...... oz 1 05 Dwarf Elder, pressed, lbs ...... 1* 80 Hydrobromide, 1-oz. vials— ..oz 1 39 Dwarf Elder, powd ...... ft 60 P ip e C la y ...... ft 07 Hydrochloride. 1-oz vials ___ ‘..o z 1 39 55 Pipe Clay. Vi-lb cakes...... ft 10 Phosphate, 1-oz. vials...... oz ‘1 39 Elecampane, pressed fts ... .ft P itc h , B u r g u n d y ...... ft 20 Salicylate. 1-oz. vials ...... oz 1 3a Elecampane, pressed, ozs...... ft «0 Pith Sassafras ...... ft 2 25 S u lph ate, 100-oz. c a n s ...... oz 91 Elcampane. grd ...... ft 35 Sulphate. 50-oz.oans...... oz P2 E lecam pan e, p ow d ...... ft 3.5 P i x o l ...... oz 10 Sulphate. 2.Voz. ca n s. 94 F ever, pressed, ozs...... ft 50 Plaster Paris,Dentl,2.50-lb bbls.bbl 6 25 Sulphate, 5-oz. cans ...... oz 96 Five Finger, pressed, ozs ...... ft 60 “ ’ 1(0 lb s ...... ft 0» ‘Sulphate. 1-oz. cans ...... oz 1 01 “ “ fO lh s...... ft 03 >4 Sulphate. 1-oz vials...... oz 1 (4 G a la n g a l...... 1b 25 2; f t ...... ft 04 Sulphate, L/4-oz. vials...... o* 1 17 G alan eal. p ressed, lb s...... ft 55 ...... ft 05 Sulphate, H-oz. via,Is...... oz 1 36 Galangal, pressed, ozs ...... ft 60 Plaster Paris. Dental, Whites’ 6 S u lph ate. V6-oz. via ls...... oz 1 Kfl G alan gal. g r d ...... ft 3d q t can s ...... ea 1 £0 S u lph ate. 1-16-oz. v i a l s ...... oz 2 21 G a la n ga l, p o w d ...... ft 30 Plaster Paris, Dental Whites’ 12 Tannate, 1-oz. vials ...... oz 1 05 G en tian ...... ft 20 q t c a n s ...... ea 2 75 Red Precipitate, powd U.S.P. G en tian , p ow d ...... ft 20 Gentian, powd, 5 fts ...... ft 19 Pomegranate Rind of FruM ___ft 30 lft b x s ...... ft 1 54 -lb b o x e s ...... ft 1 7^ “ lO fts...... ft 18 Potassa, Caustic Solution U.S.P. Red Saunders ...... ft 40 “ 25 l b s ...... ft 17 l f t g s b ...... ft 50 R e sin S c a m m o n y ...... oz 25 “ “ 50 lb s ...... a» 16 OMAHA DRUGGIST 9

DRUGS ETC. Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont. DRUGS ETC. Cont. B o o t B o o t Sal Gentian, For., pressed, ozs...... lb 55 Sanicle, black, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 95 N itre, p u re, p o w d ...... 1b 23 Ginger, African ...... lb 25 Sanicle, white, pressed, ozs...... 1b 65 Prunelle Balls, 1-lb boxes ...... ft 82 G in ger, A frica n , p ow . 10-Ib. 23 lb 25 Sarsaparilla, Am.pressed, ozs.. 1b 90 Rochelle, U.S.P. powd ...... ft 45 Ginger, Jamaica, bleached ...... lb 50 Sarsaparilla, American, powd.. 1b 60 Rochelle, C.P., cryst ...... 1b 90 Ginger, Jamaica, unbleached.. lb 45 Sarsaparilla, Honduras ...... 1b 96 S oda...... ft 05 Ginger, J amaica, grd ...... B> 45 Sarsaparilla, Honduras,ground. 1b 1 00 Soda, 1^-lb pks case 2.00...... doz 75 Ginger, j amaica, powd ...... lb 45 Sarsaparilla, Honduras, powd.. 1b 1 00 “ 2^4-lb pkgs case 3.00...... doz 120 Ginger, Jam. po. Ex Sel...... lb 70 Sarsaparilla, Hond. prd, ozs___ft 1 55 Ginseng, powd ...... ft 10 00 Sarsaparilla, Mexican, cut....ft 70 Salenal, ozs...... doz 6 75 Golden Seal, pressed, ozs...... lb 7 25 geneka, pressed, ozs ...... ft 185 Sallcin, .1-oz. Ctns U.S P ...... oz 60 Golden Seal, powd. oz. 55 ...... lb 7 50 Seneka, powd ...... lb 1 20 Hellebore, Amer.. pressed, lbs. lb 55 Serperitaria, P o w d ...... ,1b 2 70 S alol, U.S.P. lft c t n s ...... ft 1 39 Hellebore, Amer, pressed, ozs .. lb 60 Silkweed, pressed, ozs...... 1b 55 Hellebore, po. Am. Ex Select..lb 45 J4-lb c t n s ...... ft 1 56 Skunk Cabbage, pressed, lbs.... 1b 60 1-oz. c t n s ...... oz 15 Hellebore, black, pressed, ozs..lb 1 75 Skunk Cabbage, pressed, ozs... 1b 65 Hellebore, black, powd ...... lb 2 00 Skunk Cabbage, powd ...... ft 40 S alt, R o ck 20oft b a g s ...... ea 2 15 Hellebore, white, pressed, lbs ,1b 55 Snake, Button, pressed, lbs ...... ft 40 R o ck , 100-lb b a g s ...... ea 1 15 Hellebore, white, pressed, ozs..lb 60 Snake Button, pressed, ozs...... ft 45 T o n lots, $20.00 H elle b o re , w h ite, p o w d ...... lb 30 Snake, Canada, pressed, ozs ___1b 95 H yd ra n g ea , p ressed, lb s ...... lb 45 Snake, C an ada, p o w d ...... ft 05 Salts, Crab Orchard, natural ...... 1b 25 Hydrangea, pressed, ozs ...... lb 50 Snake, Sampson, pressed, lbs... 1b 90 Salvarsan 0.3 ...... 65 H yd ran g ea , g r d .,...... lb 25 Snake, Sampson, pressed, ozs..lb 95 Hydrangea, powd ...... lb 25 0.4...... p k g e SO Snake, Virginia, pressed, ozs.... ft 3 35 0 .6 ...... p k g e 1 20 H ydran gea, po. E x S e l...... B) 25 Snake, Virginia, po. Ex Sel...... 1b 3 CO Indian Hemp,black,pressed,lbslb 1 80 Snake, White, pressed, ftsj ...... ft 50 Santonin, Cryst. 1-oz vis. U.S.P. .oz 10 50 Indian Hemp, blk. pressed, ozs lb 1 85 Snake, White, pressed, ozs ...... ft 55 Santonin, po, 1-oz vis. U.S.P.. oz Indian Hemp, black, powd ...... lb 1 10 Roapwort. pressed. lbs...... ft 45 Sea Salt, 5-lb bags...... doz Indian Hemp, white, powd.. .lb 40 Solomon’s Seal, pressed, ozs... 1b 45 3 00 Indian Physic, pressed, ozs ...... lb 55 Spikenard, pressed,ozs...... ft 80 S e d o b r o lT a b . 30’s ...... 1 10 Indian Turnip, powd ...... lb 30 Spikenard, grd ...... Ib 45 “ 60’s...... each 1 80 Indian Turnip, po. Ex Sel...... ft 50 Squ ills, w h ite, s lic e d ...... ft 20 Indigo, wild, pressed lbs...... lb 45 Squills, powd ...... ft 30 Seed, Angelica ...... 50 Indigo, wild, pressed, ozs...... lb 50 Squills, po. A.W. & Co. Jtf-lbbotsft Po A n gelica , g r d ...... 60 I p e c a c ,...... lb 4 00 S tillin gia , p ressed, l b s ...... ft 65 Angelica, po. Ex Sel...... 75 Ipecac, powd...... ft 4 2o Stillingia pressed, ozs...... lb 70 Anise, Italian ...... 35 Jalap, powd ...... lb 50 Stillingia, g r d ...... ft 35 A n ise Ital, 5-lbs...... 34 Ladies’ Slipper, pressed, ozs — lb 2 80 Stillingia. powd ...... lb 35 Anise, Ital, 10-lbs...... 33 Ladies’ Slipper, powd — ...... lb 1 90 Stone, pressed , lb s ...... ft 40 Anise, Italian grd ...... 40 L ico rice , 5 lbs. .50 ...... lb 55 Stone, pressed, o z s ...... 1b 45 Anise, Italian powd ...... ft 40 Licorice, cut, ...... lb 30 Stone, p o w d ...... ft 20 Anise, Ital, powd 5-lbs___ 39 Licorice, grd ...... ft 30 Sw eet F la g, presssed, ozs...... 1b 60 Anise, Ital, powd 10-lbs___ 38 Licorice, powd.5-lbs 28...... lb 30 Twin Leaf, pressed, ozs...... ft 45 Anise, Star...... a 40 Anise, Star, grd ...... Lovage, po. Ex Sel ...... ft 1 25 Unicorn, true, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 190 45 Bird, mixed, 1-ft cartons...... d oz Unicorn, true, grd 130 1 50 M ale F ern , pressed, lb s ...... ft 60 ...... ft Bird 60 1b cases ...... ea ch 6 90 M ale Fern , pressed, o zs ...... ft 65 Unicorn, true, powd ...... ft 130 Bird Haja Roller ...... Unicorn, true, po. Ex Sel...... 1b 1 50 doz. 1 75 Male Fern, powd...... 1b 30 20 Manaca, grd ...... ft 60 Unicorn, false, pressed, lbs ...... ft 1 75 Mandrake, pressed, lbs ...... lb 60 Unicorn, false, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 180 C an ary, S m y r n a ...... 12 M andrake, pressed, o z s ...... ft 65 Unicorn, false, g rd ...... J.___ 1b l 20 Caraway, Dutch ...... 15 Mandrake, grd ...... l b 30 Unicorn, false, pow d ...... 1b l 20 Caraway, powd ...... ft 20 M andrake, p ow d ...... ft 30 Valeri an, pressed, lbs ...... 1b 65 Cardamom, Mangalore, bleach.ft 1 80 V a leria n , g r d ...... ft 55 Cardamom, powd ...... 1 8ft Man in the Ground.pressed.ozs. 1b 45 .... ft Valerian, powd ...... lb 55 25 Marshmallow, pressed, ozs...... lb 65 C elery 5 f t ...... 23 Marshmallow, cut ...... ft 45 V e rv a in , pow d. E x S e l...... ft 70 W ild Y a m , pressed, lb s ...... 1b 5? Celery, grd ...... ft 30 Marshmallow, powd ...... 1b 30 Celery powd ...... 30 Marsh Rosemary, pressed, lbs.. 1b 50 Wild Y a m , pressed, o z s ...... ft 60 W ild Y a m , p o w d ...... ft 30 C elery, p ow d. 5 lb s...... 28 Marsh Rosemary, pressed, ozs.. 1b 55 Yellow Dock, pressed, ozs ...... ft 66 O o lch icu m ...... ft 1 00 Mezereon ...... ft 40 Y e llo w D ock , p o w d ...... 1b 30 Oolchicum, powd ...... 1b 1 05 Milkweed, pressed, lbs ...... ft 50 O on iu m ...... 1b 50 M ilk w eed, pressed, ozs ...... ft 55 Yellow Dock, po. Ex Sel...... 1b 45 Conium, powd ...... 55 Musk (s u m b u l)...... — ft 190 Yellow Jessamine, pressed, fts.ft 55 Yellow Jessamine, pressed, ozs. 1b 60 Coriander, Bleached lft...... ft 20 Musk, powd ...... ft 1 95 Yellow Jessamine, grd ...... ft 30 ’ * 5;ibs. .... ft 19 N ettle, pressed, lb s ...... 1b 45 Yellow Jessamine, powd ...... ft 30 Nettle, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 50 Coriander, grd...... ft 25 Zedoary, pressed, ozs ...... lb 75 C orian d er, p o w d ...... ft 25 O rris, fingers ...... 1b 1 25 Zedoary, powd ...... ft 40 C um in , M a lta ...... ft 15 Orris, Florentine, gran ...... lb 35 Zedoary, po. E x S elect ...... 1b 55 Cumin, powd ...... ft 20 O rris, F loren tin e, p o w d ...... 1b 35 Rose Petals, damask, pressed, ...... ft 20 Orris, Verona ...... lb 20 o z s ...... lb 1 70 F e n n e l...... ft 25 O rris, V eron a, g r a n ...... ft 25 Pale, pressed, ozs ...... ft 1 30 Fennel, 5-lbs...... 1b 24 O rris, V eron a , p ow d ...... 1b 25 Bosin, Lump, bbls ...... 1b 05 Fennel, powd ...... 1b 30 Pareira Brava, pressed, ozs ___1b 85 Rosin Lump, 100lb s...... lb 06 Fennel, po. Ex Sel...... ft 45 P a reira B rava, g r d ...... 1b 50 Rosin Lump, 50 lbs ...... ft 67 Flax, ciean ...... 1b 13 Pareira Brava, po. Ex Sel— ..ft 55 R osin L u m p, 25 lb s ...... lb 08 Flax, ground ...... 13 F ow nugreek.pow d...... Parsley, pressed, lbs ...... 1b 85 Rosin Lump, 10 lb s ...... 1b 09 ....ft 15 Pellitory, pressed, ozs ...... lb 1 10 R osin L u m p , le s s ...... 1b 10 Foenugreek, powd 5-lb ...... ft 14 Pimplnella, pressed, ozs...... ft 95 1 0 -lb ...... lb 13 Pimpinella. powd ...... ft 75 R o sin P ow d ...... ft 20 “ 25-lb...... lb 12 Pink, pressed, ozs...... lb 3 10 5 0 -lb .... 11% P ink, p o w d ...... 1b 2 15 Rouge, (Jewelers) powd ...... 1b 60 “ S tick s...... ft 55 12 Pitcher plant, pressed, ozs ...... 1b 60 40 Pleurisy, pressed lbs...... 1b 65 S a b ro m ln , T a b l. 5 gr. 20’s ...... e a ch 60 Larkspur, Po ...... ft 45 Pleurisy, pressed, ozs...... ft 70 Larkspur, po. Ex Sel...... ft 60 Pleurisy, powd,...... lb 35 Saccharine, U S.P. refined, l o z c a n s ...... oz 30 ...... lb 1 80 Poke (Garget), pressed, ozs ...... ft 55 Lobelia, grd ...... 1 85 P o k e (G a rg et) grd ...... ft 25 M ft c a n s ...... It 4 CO lft c a n s ...... 1b 4 00 Lobelia, powd ...... 1 85 P ok e, p o w d ...... lb 25 Soluble U S.P. 1 oz cans-...... oz 30 M illet...... 08 Pond Lilly, white, pressed, ozs. 1b 4ft ^Ib ca n s ...... 1b 4 00 Mustard, black. Trieste ___ ...... ft 28 Pond L ily , w h ite, po. E x Sel — lb 40 lib c a n s ...... ft 3 75 Mustard, black, powd ...... 33 Pond T<111 y. yellow, pressed, lbslb 40 Tablets, Mercks 100s...... doz. 1 70 Mustard, yellow, California Pond Lily, yellow, pressed, ozs ft 45 “ “ 500s...... doz, 7 00 Queen of Meadow, pressed, ozs.lb 45 16 Queen of Meadow, grd ...... 1b 20 S a f r o l ...... ft 1 40 5 f t ...... 15 1 0ft...... 14 Rhatany, pressed, ozs...... 1b 55 Sa jo d in , p o w d . B a y e r ...... oz 2 40 Rhatany, powd ...... ft 20 Sajodin, Tabl. 8-gr., 20s...... ea 95 .... ft 30 , East India ...... 1b 65 Poppy, blue ...... 30 R h u b a rb , g r d ...... 1b 70 Sal Poppy, wnite ...... 1b 20 Rhubarb, East India, powd ...... 1b 70 E p so m ...... ft 07 30 Rhubarb, cut in cubes ...... 1b 2 60 Glauber, lump or gran ...... 1b 05 1 35 R h u b a rb , c u t in fin g e rs...... ft 2 85 Glauber, powd...... ft 07 R ape, E n g lish ...... ft 20 Rosin weed, pressed, ozs ...... ft 45 N itre, p u re, sm a ll c r y s t ...... ft 24 .....ft 30 Salep, p o w d ...... ft 1 35 Nitre, pure, gran ...... ft 82 Sabadilla, p o w d ...... ft 35 10 OMAHA DRUGGIST


S eed , S od iu m Starch Paper, Iodized ...... tu b e 16 S ta v e sa cre...... 1b 50 F lu o rid e lft can s ...... 1b 36 8tavesacre, powd ...... lb 55 Fluoride, bulk ...... 1b 33 Stearin See Acid Stearic. S tram on iu m ...... lb 30 “ 5 -lb ...... ft 81 S tram on iu m , p o w d ...... lb 35 1 0-lb ...... 1b 30 S te a r o i...... ft 16 Stramonium, po. Ex S el...... ft 45 2 5 -lb ...... ft 28 S u n flo w e r...... t...... lb 15 5 0 -ib ...... 1b 26 St. John’s Bread (See Bread) Watermelon...... lb 25 100-lb...... ft 24 Worm, American ...... lb 30 Glycerophosphate U.S.P. cryst Stone, Pumice, select ...... ft 16 “ 5 -lb s ...... ft 29 l o z c v ...... o z 35 10-lbs...... Ib 28 Pumice, 5-lb...... — ■> 16 Glycocholate 15 gr vials...... ea 15 W orm , A m erican , p o w d ...... lb 35 % o i c v ...... o z 85 Pumice, 10-lb ...... ft 14 “ 5 -lb s ... ft 34 lft c b ...... ft 800 Pumice, pow d ...... ft 10 “ 1 0 -lb s...ft 33 Worm, Levant...... ft 2 00 Hydroxide U.S.P. Sticks Pumice, powd. 10-lb ...... f t 09 Worm, Levant, grd ...... ft 2 05 51b ca n s...... ft 35 Pumice, powd. 25-lb...... ft 08 lft can s ...... ^.ft ,-45 W orm , L eva n t, p o w d ...... ft 2 05 Pumice, powd, 50-lb...... ft 07 “ “ “ 5-lbs...... ft 2 00 1 oz c v ...... oz 10 “ 10-lbs...... ft 195 Hydroxide Pure by Alcohol Rotten, English, powd ...... ft 80 lft c b ...... ft 95 Seidiltz M ixture...... ft 35 S tr o n tiu m Seidlitz Mizture, 5 lb s ...... 11> 32 Hypophosphite U.S.P. lft cb, ..ft 1 35 M -lb c b ...... ft 1 65 Bromide cryst U.S.P. lib cb....ea 65 Seldlltz Powders, R. D. Co. l o z c v ...... oz 21 k-tb. cb ...... 1b 95 108...... doz i 00 Hyposulphite Tech cryst ...... 1b 08 l o z c v ...... o z 15 3s 3 doz. fo r 2.75...... d oz 1 00 Hyposulphite pea cryst...... lb 08 Iodide U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 4 62 i s ...... doz. .40...... 100 3 00 Hyposulphite Tech. gran ___..Ib 08 M-lb- cb...... ft i 90 Senna Pods,...... 1b 20 1 oz c v ...... oz 42 Hyposulphite C.P. cryst Lactate lft cb ...... Ib 2 00 S ilica , p o w d ...... ft 10 lft. c a n s ...... lb 28 1 oz c v ...... 1...... oz 25 S ilv er, Hyposulphite Grau CPIIbcans.ft 29 Nitrate, cryst.,C.P. 1-oz cv ...... oz 60 Salicylate U.S.P. lft cb ...... lb 1 00 Nitrate, cryst. O.P. lft cv ...... ft 7 65 Iodide U.S.P. lft cb ...... ft 4 82 M -lb - c b ...... ft 130 M . l b c b ...... : ...... ft 5 10 N itrate, Oryst. M -lb c v ...... ft 7 90 l oz c v ...... oz 44 1 oz c v ...... oz 18 Nucleinate, 1 oz cv ...... oz 70 Nitrate Com’l ...... '...... ft 08 S tr y ch n in e , U.S. P. Slug Shot, 1 lb, pkgs ...... doz 1 92 10 Ib...... , v ...... ft 07 H 5-lb. p k g s ...... d o t 6 90 Nitrate Pure cryst 1 oz cv...... oz 10 A ik c r y s t 1-16 oz. v i a l s ...... o z 3 53 S n u ff, . ' ' l f t c t n s ...... ft 25 Aik., ^-oz vials, cryst ...... oz 8 28 Copenhagen, lCc rolls of 8___r o ll 64 Nitrate O.P. cryst l^oz ctns.....o* 10 Aik., 1-oz vials, cryst ...... oz 2 78 “ 16oz. jars ...... ft 102 Nitrate U.S.P. Gran lft ctns.,.;ft 26 Aik. powd. 1-16 oz. vials... — oz 3 43 Garrett’s Scotch— Nitrite U.S.P. Sticks lft c b ...... 1b 108 Aik., powd. % oz v ia ls ...... oz 3 18 D im e c a n s ...... doz> 98 1 oz c v ...... - ...... OZ 17 A ik ., pow d. 1 oz v i a l s ...... oz 2 68 5c ca n s ...... d oz 49 25c c a n s ...... doz 2 48 Phosphate acid lft cb ...... ft 86 Sulphate, cryst 1-16 02. vials...oz 3 18 35c bottles 5-oz ...... doz 3 75 1 o z c v ...... o z 15 Sulphate, cryst !>4-oz vials ...... 01 2 93 50c *• ...... doz 5 50 Phosphate Gran U.S.P. Sulphate, cryst 1-oz vials ...... oz 8 43 b la d d e r s ...... ft 96 l f t c t n s ...... -...... lb 22 Key, 10j rolls of i ...... r o ll 61 lft tin s ...... ft 24 S u lp h a te, pow d . 1-10 oz. v ia ls, .oz 3 18 Lorillard’s, Maccoboy. 1-ft jarsft 73 Phosphate Pure Dr po lft cans. 1b 39 Sulphate, powd, % -oz v ia ls ... . os 3 98 Lorillard’s, Rappee, l-lb jars... ft 70 Sulphate, powd, 1-oz vials ...... oz 2 48 Lorillard’s Scotch, 1-lb. jars ..lb 60 Salicylate U.S.P. lft ctns ...... ft 59 Seal Norkoping 10c, roils of 8 roll 64 M ft c t n s ...... ft 75 “ 5-oz lots, 5c oz. less Red Mill. 1-lb steins ...... ft 60 l o z c t n s ...... oz 09 “ 10-oz lots 10c os. lees S oap S ilica te L iq lft c b ...... ft 25 " 25-oz lo ts 15c oz. less 1 g a l ca n s i n c ...... ga l 75 Castile. Bocabelli green ...... b a r 1 40 5 gal cans in c ...... g a l 70 “ 5 0-ozlots 20c oz. less Castile, Bocabelli, green ...... b o x 15 25 10 gal cans in c ...... g al 85 Castile, Bocabelli, white ...... b ar 1 40 H b b l s i n c ...... gal 50 Styptlcin See Cotarnine Hydrochloride Castile, Bocabelli, white. ...box 15 25 1 b b l i n c ...... ga l 42 Castile. Bocabelli, white ks...ft 40 Castile, Bocabelli, grjeen ^s...ft 40 Succinate Gran 1 oz cv ...... oz 23 Styrax, Liquid 1-lb. cb. inc ...... ft 3 80 Castile, Contis, white ...... per bar 1 50 Sulphate Pure Dr po lft ctns. ..ft 26 1 o z ...... oz 27 Castile, Conti, white ...... b o x 12 50 Sulphate U.S.P. cryst lft cans, .ft 24 Oastile, Cyrilla...... b a r 1 20 Sulphite U.S.P. cryst lft cans..® 26 Sugar, Burnt (See caramel). Castile, Cyrilla,...... b o x 13 00 Sulphite recryst lft cb ...... 1b 30 Castile, powd ...... ft 70 Sulphite Dr powd lft ctns ...... lb 28 M ilk, p ow d U .S P . lb c t n s ...... ft 47 G reen, l l b c a n s i n c l ...... '.. ft 28 Sulphocarbolate U.S.P. Milk, Squibbs lft tins ...... ft 60 G reen, 5 lb. can s in c l...... lb 26 lftctn s....!...... ft 57 Green, 10 lb. cans incl...... lb 25 l o z c t n s ...... oz 10 Green, 25 lb. cans incl...... ft 24 Sulfonal, Bayer ...... os 1 70 Green, 50 lb. cans incl...... ft 23 Solution Cit. Magnesi»;i2-oz..doz 2 50 Sulfonal, tablets, 5-gr 25s...... ea 50 W h a le O il,lb s . in c l...... 1b 25 Spermaceti, in cakes...... ft 50 Sulfonal, tablets, 5-gr 100s___e a 186 S od a , A s h ...... b b ls. 04 ...... ft 08 S picebru sh , pressed, lb s ...... ft 50 “ “ 100-lbs...___cw t 5 10 S pices, H a ja 2 -oz...... doz 90 Sulphon—Ethyl-Methane U.S.P. “ “ 5 0 -lb s ___...ewt 6 60 Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Gin­ (same as Trional) lozctns..os 70 “ “ 2Mbs... ___ cw t 6 10 ger, Mustard, Nutmegs, Pepper Caustic Com’l, 10-lb cans ...... ft 14 red, white and black. “ “ 5-lb cans ...... ft 15 Sulphon—Methane U.S.P. (same Spirits, Ammonia U.S.P. lft as Sul phonal) 1 oz ctris ...... os 56 Sodium, Metai 1 oz gsv & tin ...... oz 40 gsb in c...... ft 169 .Vrsenite p u re l o z c v ...... oz 15 Ammonia Arom U.S.P. Sulphur, Flour ...... ft 07 Benzoate U.S.P. Gran lft ctns..ft 1 05 lib cb incl...... lb 1 37 Hypochloride 1 oz gs v & tin.... oz 83 34-lt c tn s ...... ft 1 22 Camphor U.S.P. 1 pt cb inc ...... p t 1 30 1 o i c t n s ...... :.. ..oz 15 Camphor 1 gal cb inc ...... g a l 7 25 Iod id e, 1-oz g s v ...... os 50 B ica rb A m e r ic a n ...... 1b 07 Chloroform U.S.P. lft cb inc ..ft 166 L a c, T e c h ...... ft 80 Bicarb U.S.P. powd lft ctns...,1b 17 Ether U.S.P. lib cb in c ...... lb 1 *6 P recip l-lb ca rto n s CJ.S.P...... ft 42 Bicarb Pure powd 1 ft ctns ...... ft 22 Ether Como N.F. 1 lb cb 1 nc... lb 3 00 Bicarb Squibb’s lft ’tins ...... 1b 27 Lavender Co See Tincture R o l l ...... ; ______ft 08 Bisulphite Pure Dry lft cb ...... ft 51 Nitre3F lptcb inc...... pt 80 Washed, 1-1b cartons U.S.P___ . * 20 Bromide U S.P. lft db ...... 1b 51 N itre 4F 1 p t cb in c ...... p t 1 00 Sulphur Candles, sml R.D.Co.. .doz 60 Bromide, U.S.P. M-lb cb ...... ft 81 Nitre U.S.P lft cb inc ...... 1b 165 Carbonate O.P. cryst lft cb— ft 3o 4ft c b in c ...... lb 1 40 Sulphur Candles, lge R.D.Co.dos 80 Carbonate pure cryst lft cans..lb 22 1 gal cb inc..),...... g a l 8 35 S u lp h u r o ld s ...... ft 86 Carbonate Dr powd lft ctns .... 1b 21 peppermint U.S.P. lft cb inc. . lb 1 75 Carbonate PUrif. recryst l o z c v ...... doz 2 25 S ure N o x e m , 200-lb. b b ls ...... ft 06tt lft c a n s ...... ft 25 S p ir o fo r m , 25-gram p k g s ...... ea 65 iCO-lb. drum...... ft 06 Carbonate Dr powd C.P. 60-lb, d ru m ...... , ...... ft 07 lft c t n s ...... ft 30 S ta n ola x , P ts...... doz 6 60 C h lorid e O. P. G ran lft c t n s ___ft 23 2 doz cases ...... case 12 48 25-lb. drum ...... ft 07X Citrate cryst U.S.P. lft cans...ft 116 1 gal cans inc ...... g a l 2 40 10-lb. b o x ...... f t 07H Citrate gran U.S.P. lft can — ft 1 15 5 gallon cans inc ...... g a l 1 83 Cyanide Fused U. S P. 1 oz cv..oz 15 10 gal can s i n c ...... g a l 175 6 -lb . b a g ...... ft 07K Ethylate Liq lozgsv ...... 0* 25 1 b b l i n c ...... g a l 145 l - lb . c a n ...... ft M OMAHA DRUGGIST 11


Sweeping: Compound.—Haja Tincture W ax, Fruit Can, 10ft...... ft 09 ...... ft 1 50 Fruit Can, 5-lbs...... lb 10 200-lb B bls ...... eace 3 50 1 30 100-lb. C arbide c a n ...... ea ch 2 0# ...... ft F r u itc a n l f t — ...... ft 11 ...... ft 1 65 100-lb. Garbage cans ...... e a ch 2 50 G elsem iu m ...... Fruit, can, Pontius, black &-gro. G en tian , c o m p ...... 1 30 Less quantity...... ft 03V4 ...... ft ca s e ...... case 2 65 G reen S o a p ...... ft 1 35 Fruit, can, Pontius black ___doz 45 Syrup, 1-lb bots. inc...... 1b 1 90 Haja pow. Floor, 1-lb lots ___ft 45 G in g e r .. ; ...... ft 50 1-q t. cb i n c l ...... 3 40 Haja pow. Floor, 5-lb lots— lb 44 Hy driodic A cid ...... ft 75 1 g a l cb in c ...... g a l 13 00 Haja pow. Floor, 10-lb lots ___lb 42 Iodide Calcium ...... ft 1 35 3 25 H aj a pow. Floor, 25-lb lots.... ft 40 Iodide Iron ...... ft 70 G u aia c...... ft 2 40 Haja pow. Floor. 50-lb lots ___1b 39 I p e c a c ...... R 126 Guaiac, Ammon ...... ft 2 10 H a ja pow . F loor, 100.1b lo t s — ft 38 • Lacto-phos, Calcium ...... ft 90 H y o s cy a m u s ...... ft 1 20 H a ja P re p a re d 1- lb c a n s ...... doz 5 00 Orange Peel...... ft 50 H yd rastis ...... 3 50 Johnson, Po 4-ozcans ...... doz 2 80 R h u b a rb ...... ft 80 Iodine . gal. 6.00 ...... ft 1 00 Johnson, Po 7-oz cans ...... doz 4 00 Rhubarb, aromatic...... ft 80 1 95 Johnson, Po 14-oz cans ...... d o z 6 80 Rhubarb and potass...... ft 1 <0 Iodine, com p ...... 1b 1 90 Johnson, Prepared,pint cns..doz 8 00 Rock Candy bbls. inc ...... gal 1 05 Ipecac and Opium ...... 3 25 Ironing, 3 doz in ctn ...... ctn 1 20 R ock C an dy V^bbls. in c...... gal 1 11 1 07 Nubian, 10 ctn. pkgs ...... e a ch 40 Rock Candy 10gals., inc...... gal 1 35 Iron, muriate ...... 1 30 “ 10 p k g s ...... e a ch 38 Rock Gandy 5 gals., inc ...... gal 1 27 Jalap C o m p ...... 1 35 “ 68 p k g s ...... each 35 Rock Candy 1 gal, inc ...... gal 1 37 1 20 Old English, Floor ...... ft 57 Sarsaparilla, com p ...... ft 95 L a v en d er C om p ...... l eo P ar affin e...... ft 15 S en ega ...... ft 1 00 L o b e lia ...... 1 20 Paraffine 5-lb ...... lb 14 S q u ills...... ft 60 M y r r h ...... ft 2 10 P araffine 2 5-lb ...... ft 13* Squills, com p ...... ft 95 N ux V o m ica ...... ft 1 30 Parawax. lb pkgs ...... lb 16 S tiliin g ia ...... ft 115 O pium , U. S. P ...... ft 3 60 Para wax, 5-lb ...... ft 15 Stiliingia, com p ...... ft 95 1 32 Parawax, 25-lb...... ft 14 T a r ...... ft 60 1 gal cb i n c ...... 6 00 Parawax, 100-lbs...... ft 13 T o l u ...... & 60 Opium, deodorized ...... ft 3 60 W hite Precipitate, l’mp 1-Ibctnsft 1 85 Trifolium C om p...... ___ ...... ft 89 Orange Peel, U. S. P...... ft 1 83 Yi. lb . c t n s ...... 1b 1 82 W ild C h e r r y ...... ft 60 Orange Peel, U.S.P. gal. incl. jc»l 14 10 I 72 T a lc u m P o w d e r ...... ft 10 White Precipitate, Po.l-lbctnslb Q u assia...... ft 1 15 J^-lb. c t n e ...... ft 1 89 P u r ifie d ...... ft 20 R h a ta n v ...... ft 1 10 W o o d , Tannalbin, powd 1 oz ctns ------oz 85 R h u barb...... ft 1 ;o Fustic, cut ...... ft 12 Tannalbin, tabl. 6 grs 100s — ea 1 00 Rhubarb, arom atic ...... ft 1 70 Guaiac, ra sped ...... ft 15 Tannigen 1 oz cv ...... oz 70 ...... ft 2 40 L ogw ood ch ip s ...... ft 15 Tar, Barbadoes...... — ft 30 T o lu ...... ft 2 30 Nicwood, grd ...... ft 10 T a r. C o a l...... b b l 12 60 V aleria n ...... ft 1 ?0 San dal...... ft . 85 Tar, pine, Vt pts. seal top ...... doz 1 20 Valerian, Ammoniated...... ft 1 75 Xylol. 1 lb. cb ...... ft 43 T a r, p in e % pts seal, 6 doe... case 6 30 Veratrum. Viride ...... ft 2 05 Z in c , M etal M ossy C. P. 1 ft c t n s .. ft 55 T ar, p in e % pts seal. 2 g r o b b l gro 11 50 Toluol C.P. lft cb ...... 66 Acetate U.S.P. lft ctns ...... ft 69 Tar, pine, pints seal top,...... g r o 18 00 T rio n a l, l oz ctns ...... 1 90 1 oz c t n s ...... oz 10 Tar, “ “ “ 4-doz...lot 8 70 Trional, tablet 25s.____ ...... ea 63 Bromide, lozgsv ...... o z 24 T ar. “ ■’ “ ...... d oz 1 75 T r io n a l, ta b le t 100s...... 2 25 Carb Precip U.S.P. lft ctns.....lb 77 T ar, q u a rts, seal t o p ...... d oz 2 75 Tripoli, Mount Eagle ...... 60 Chloride Gran lft cb ...... ft 43 Tar, M-gals seal top ...... doz 5 50 M issou ri...... ft 06 1 oz c v ...... oz 13 Tar, gals, seal to p ...... doz 9 00 Trisodium Phosphate___ ...... ft 15 Chloride Gran C.P. 1 oz cv ___oz 21 Tar, pts. cork top ...... d oz l 85 Tumenol O il ...... 85 Iodide 1 oz gsv ...... oz 45 Tar, pts. friction top ...... g r o 18 50 Tumenol, powd ...... i ...... oz 1 10 Oxide, Tech lft ...... 1b 20 • Tar, pts. “ 4-doz ...... lo t 7 00 Turpentine, spirits bbls.. 78 Oxide Tech 5ft...... 1b 19 Tar, pts. “ ‘ ‘ ,-i...... doz 1 f<5 Ms b b l i n c ...... 84 Oxide Tech 10ft...... ,. ..lb 18 Tar. pts. screw top ...... doz 1 90 10 gal. in cl ...... g a l O xide T e ch 251b...... ft 17 Tartar, Emetic, U.S.P. 5 gal. incl...... g a l 98 Oxide Tech dry proc lft ctns... 1b 29 Powd., 1-lb. cartons ...... ft 65 1 g a l. .g a l 98 Oxide White U.S.P. lft ctns ...... ft 42 Tereuene lft cb ...... f t 125 4 oz. .d o z 1 50 Peroxide powd 1 oz cv...... oz 36 lozcv...... oz 18 .doz 1 25 Phosphide 1 oz gsv & tin ...... oz 35 ' Terpin Hydrate, cryst 1-oz. ctn.oz 13 1 oz. .doz 75 S tea ra te lft ctn s U .S .P ...... 1b 55 ‘ “ •* 1-ft ctns..ft 85 Venice. Synth 1-lb cb in cl...... ft £5 Stearate, plain or scented, 1-oz “ “ “ }ilb,ctns... *6 103 White (See Gum Thus) ...... sp rin k le top . M e r ck ...... d oz 1 80 Terpineol, lft c b ...... ft 1 25 Twigs. Bittersweet, pressed ozs.,ft 60 Sulphate Gran. U.S.P. 1* ctn.. ft 25 l o z c v ...... oz 18 Vnguentum, Crede H-ozs ...... ox 1 00 Sulphate Dried, pure 1-lb ctn.. ft 35 Terra Alba ...... 1b 05 (Jranium , Sulphate Dried,Tech lft ctn... ft 22 Theobrom ine and Soda Salic U.S.P. N itrate. 1-oz. G. S. v ia ls ...... oz 40 Sulphate Coml. Cryst.l-lb. ctn.ft 17 lozcv...... oz 48 Urotropin, Schering’sl oz c v ___oz Suiphocarbolate U.S.P. lft ctn ft 53 T h e r m o l ...... oz 60 60 Urotropin Tablets, 5-gr., 30s..box SO 1 oz c t n s ...... oz 11 '■ Salic Co ...... oz 1 58 Urotropin Tablets, 7V£-gr., 20sbox 30 Thlocol, Roche...... oz 2 00 Vanillin, u S.P. loztln s.... ____ oz 85 DRY COLORS, MISCELLANEOUS T h io a in a m in e , 1 oz c v ...... o z 85 Veratrlne, U.S.P.H-Ozcv...... oz 3 83 PAINTERS’ SUPPLIES, Etc. Thymol, U.SP. lozcv...... — oz 72 Verdigris, powdered ...... ft 70 Alabastine, White, 5-ft pkgs, 100-ft Thym ol-Iodlde, U.S.P. lft cb .... ft 2 50 V e r o n a l...... i ...... oz 3 00 ft 15 • M*lb. eb ...... ft 12 85 Tablets 10s...... each 40 T a b le ts 100s ...... each 3 60 All tints. 5-ft pkgs, 100-ft case.. 1b 16 1 oz c v ...... oz 90 Except Nos. 33 and 58 Tin, Foil, heavy ...... ft 20 V e ro n a l, S o d a ...... oz 3 00 Veronal, Soda, tabl. 10s...... ea 40 ft 19 F o il, m e d iu m ...... ft 25 ft 19 Foil, tissue ...... ft 30 V erom al, Soda, tabl. ICOs...... ea 3 60 W afers, M. & R. Licorice ...... b o x 2 65 W hite,IOC-ft k e g s ..# !...... 1b 14 Muriate, cryst lft cb ...... ft 60 D iscoun t, 35%. 1 oz c v ...... oz 15 Walnut Halves ...... ft 1 10 100-lb. lots 40% O xide, w h ite ...... f t 73 , P ie ce s ...... ft 95 Alabastine, Positive Colors Tincture, lft cb inc. Waters, Prices inclusive 1 pound packages Aconite, root...... ft J 55 B itte r A lm o n d ...... ft 33 No. 1 ...... ft 27 No. 2 ...... lb 23 A lo e s ...... ft 1 40 No. 3 ...... ft 29 No. 5...... 38 Aloes and Myrrh ...... ft 165 Cherry Laurel ...... ft 50 ..ft 1 Gal ...... gal 3 09 ft 20 Arnica Flowers ...... ft 130 38 A sa fo e tid a ...... ft 3 25 Elder Flower ...... ft 40 No, 8 ...... ft 23 No. 9______ft L im e...... gal 40 No. 10...... ft 26 No. 12...... ft 39 Belladonna Leaves ...... ft 1 15 . .Ib 21 N o. 14...... ft 39 B e n z o in ...... ft 2 00 Orange, Flower, triple ...... ft 50 N o. 13...... 1 g a t...... gal 3 00 ..f t 29 No. 18...... ft 38 B enzoin , c o m p ...... ft 2 (5 36 B lood R o o t ...... ft 145 P e p p e rm in t...... ft 33 No. 17...... ft 22 No. 18...... ft fin . .ft 27 No. 9«...... ft 29 B r y o n ia ...... ft 1 70 R osp. t r ip le ...... ft N o. 97...... B u ch u ...... ft 2 65 1 sral...... gal 3 50 Discount 35 £ A lu m in u m Bronze, ozs ...... ft 2 00 C a le n d u la ...... ft 3*0 W ax , B a y b e r r y ...... ft 40 Bees, White Beehive ...... ft Aluminum Leaf ...... p a ck 2 00 Cannabis. I n d ...... ft 2 f5 1 It Black, v _ Cantharides...... ft 2 so Bees, W hite, No. 1...... lb 75 Bees, White, No. 2...... ft D rop, p o w d e r ...... 1b 16 C apsicu m ...... — ...... ft 1 95 50 lft Rees, yellow 1 ft cakes U. S. P..ft 45 Black, 1 vory ...... lb Capsicum and Myrrh ...... f t 2 on 24 C a r d a m o m ...... ft 2 10 Bees, yellow, refined. 1 -oz cakes, .ft 47 B la ck . Lamp,Ord Is cas lb 21 lb Be«*s.‘ V » llo w F e f. 1ft ca k es ... 74 tfs lb 28..lb 31 Cardamom, com D...... #> 110 Ms lb 33 lb 36 C atech u ...... , ...... ft 1 2« Bees, Yellow Country..___. . . . f t 70 C in ch o n a — ...... j...... ft 1 75 C arn a u b a ...... ft 1 10 Lam p, Gtw, bbls. Is 31___- — ft 34 C in ch on a, co m p ...... ft 1 50 C ook ’s D an ce F lo o r ...... ft 50 “ 'A s 3 8 ...... ft 41 nobooh. black ...... ft t 90 .lap an ...... ft 3’> “ Ms 43...... ft 46 C olch icu m Seed...... f t 170 Fruit, can red or white bbls ___ft 07 25-lb lots, m e less than pound price. C olu m b o...... -.ft 145 Fruit, can, 50-lb...... ft 07*4 10-lb lots, lc less than pound prices. C u d b e a r...... ft 1 35 Fruit Can, 85ft boxes ...... ft 50-lb barrels, 80c each 50-lb cases 50c each 12 OMAHA DRUGGIST

, DRY COLORS, Etc.-Cont. Y e llo w C h ro m e ...... ft 40 Rogers Paints—Continued B lu e , Zinc, White, American ...... ft 20 C o b a lt ...... to 25 Auto and Carriage Top Dressing White, in oil, Green Seal, 25-ft % -Pts. Pts. Qts. Prussian A, powdered ...... ft 2 75 ca n s...... to 17% S o lu b le ...... Ib l 00 $0.47 $0.72 $1.25 Ultramarine, H B ., ...... ft 40 ROGERS PAINTS AND VARNISHES Mohair and Leather Dressing. Brown, Spanish ___b bl 3 40...... to05@07 %-Pts. Pts. Qts. Vandyke, American ...... ft 07 House Paints $0.62 $1.02 $1.80 D ia m o n d D u s t ...... ib 60 Regular colors (Rogers)...... G al 3 05 D iscou n t i0% (Emery, C lo th ...... q u ire 1 70 Outside or Inside W hite ...... “ 3 30 P aper, N o. 0...... qr 55 20th Century regular colors... “ 2 30 Rogers Bath Tub Enamel, White “ No. 1...... v r 65 20th Century Outside or In­ «-Pts, %-Pts, Pts. Qts, “ N o. 2 ...... qr 85 sid e w h ite ...... “ 2 50 $0,25 $0.43 $0.73 $1.35 F lou r ...... ft 08 P rices N et P rices N et G r a in ...... ft 10 F ille r , E n glsh ...... ft 05 Inside Floor Rogers Old English Enantel Filler, Salix, H g a ls ...... ea 71 Qts. %-Gal Gal. Finest Enamel Made. Filler, Wheelers, 1-lb cans ___ft 23 A ll c o lo r s ...... $0 78 $148 $2 80 Filler, Wheelers, 5-lb cans ___ft 16 P rice s N et White or Ivory %-Pts Pts. Qts. %-Gais. Gal. Filler, Wheelers. 10-lb cans ___ft 16 Screen Enamel Filler, Wheeler 25-lb can ...... ft 14 $0.55 $0.95 $1.80 $3.30 $6.07 Discount 10# Qts. Pts. % Pts. P rim er F la k e W h ite , A m e r ic a n ...... ft 25 B l a c k ...... $0 48 $0 28 $0 19 %-Pts. Pts Qts. H-Gal. Gal. F l i t t e r s ...... lb 1 00 G r e e n ...... 87 49 26 $0,34 $0.55 $0.99 $1.86 $3,51 P rices Net Fiock, W hite ...... ft 60 P rice s Net Glass Cutters, Red Devil...... doz 175 Barn Paint Rogers Wall Tona (flat wall paint) Glazier's Points, %-to pkgs...... doz 1 75 5-Gal. Gals, IB beautiful shades and white. Red...... i so J 85 Glue. fl|BHrasirap' ; \ "' Qts H-Gal. Gal. 300 B row n ...... ft 30 G r a y ...... 2 45 2 50 10,80 $1.50 $2.85 S h e e t ...... ft 35 W h ite ...... 2 30 2 35 P rice s ISTot R ib b on , 25 lbs ,42...... — ft 45 P r ice s N et Rogers Floor Wax (P repared) F i s h ...... ft 45 Stain Floor Finish Is ...... $0.55 ea ch % s ...... $0.34 each G rou n d B row n No. 1 25-lbs..23 ft 25 No. 2 ...... ft 20 Best Varnish Stain for Furniture and all P rice s n et White Flake B ...... ft 50 interior woodwork. “ C ...... ft 40 Light Oak, Dark Oak, Golden Oak, White Ground 25 lbs. .40... ft 45 Cherry, Light Mahogany, Dark Mahog­ WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD AND Gold Bronze, No. 500 ...... ft 1 45 any, Walnut, Green, Velvet Black, Gloss LITHARGE. No. 2,000...... ft 1 80 Black, Flat White and Transparent. Collier’s, Red Seal, Southern, No. 4,000 ...... ft 190 G als. % G als. Qts. Pts. % Pts % Pts o r C arter No. 5,000...... ft 2 10 5 85 3 15 1 70 93 52 30 No. 6,000...... ft 2 20 ft 13% 1 ounce pkgs. 30c higher. Ground Color n % 4 n % Gold Leaf, Hasting, XX deep.pack 14 50 35 2 45 1 35 77 47 500 lb. lots 10% less. Green, Chrome, Com ...... 1b 18 Pure White Enamel L iq u id S la tin g , g a llo n s ...... e a c h 2 75 6 35 3 30 1 75 92 52 31 ft 21 Q u a r ts'...... e a ch 80 Screen Black to 14 P in t * .’...... each 45 2 20 1 25 75 47 32 Dry Red Lead and Litharge.. M e t a lllc s ...... ft 1 50 .'to 13% mineral Paint, Stove Pipe Enamel n % Chattanooga ..bbls 2.20 ___ lb 3^ @ 5 90 57 37 26 .to 14% P rin ce’s ...... bbls 2.95 ft 04@6 Flat Finish Varnish Rawlins, bbl. 1 75...... ft 02H 5 85 3 10 1 70 92 57 VALENTINES VARNISHES O oh re, Gold Enamel and Aluminum Enamel A m e r ic a n ...... b b ls 2.00 ft 03@5 One Coat G ear ...... g a l 5 50 31c, 52c, 77c and 1.05 sizes. Quick Leveling...... ,’” !g a l 6 00 F r e n c h ...... b bls 2.40 ft G3%@6 Discount 38H# G r a y ...... bbls 2.40 ft 3^@6 One C oat C oach ...... g a l 6 50 VARNISHES E la s tic G e a r...... g a l 7 60 P atty, pure, 100-lb cans ...... ft 05% W e arin g B o d y ...... g a l 8 00 Putty, pure, 50-lb cans ...... ft 05% Detro Interior P rice s n e t Putty, pure, 25-lb cans ...... ft 06 Gal. H-Gal. Qts. Pints Putty, Glaziers 1001b cns per ..ft 04 5 35 2 85 1 55 87 VAL-SPAR Putty, Glaziers 50ft cns. .per ..ft 04M Detro Floor and Water proof j s ...... ea ch 7 50 Putty, Glaziers 25ft cns. .per ..ft 04% % s....,— ...... each 3 90 P u tty , G laziers, 5 lb ...... ft 06 Gal. % Gal. Qts. Pints 5 85 3 10 1 70 92 Ms. — ...... ------...... / . . . . e a c h 2 00 Putty, Glaziers, 2 lb ...... ft 07% %?...... each 1 10 Putty, Glaziers, 1 lb ...... ft 08% Red Seal Aero Spar l-1 6 s ...... e a ch 65 6 35 3 35 1 80 97 Red. Cardinal...... lb 50 L ess 15

HAJA SHELLAC PREPARED WAX-BLACK WEIGHTED pRUSHES (Sizes and prices same as above.) P rice s n et Household Size I New Style j 8 00 W h ite, in g a llo n s ...... gal 4 00 POWDERED WAX Painters’ Extra Heavy ( | 10 CO Hs...... gal 4 10 C lub size, .22H l b ...... ea ch 15 00 15-pound size (Old Style (...... 7 00 Hs...... gal 4 20 L a rge ca n s 14-t>z...... each 85 9 00 H s ...... gal 4 40 Medium cans 7-oz...... ea ch 50 ELECTRIC SOLVO ga l 3 60 Small cans 4-oz...... each 35 H s. gal 3 70 G a llo n s ...... each 3 00 gal 3 80 UNDER-LAC H a lf-g a llo n s ...... each 1 65 H a. G a llo n s ...... e a c h 4 50 Q u a r ts...... ,each H s. gal 4: 00 95 H a lf-g a llo n s ...... each 2 40 P in ts ...... each 55 Berry Brothers Varnishes, Etc. Q u arts...... each 1 30 H a lf-p in ts...... each 35 D iscou n t, 25%. P in ts ...... each 75 Less 33H$ discount Elastic Finish Interior ...... g a i $6 00 H a lf-P in ts ...... each 45 Elastic Finish E xterior ...... ga l 6 25 FLAT VARNISH BOTTLES. Luxeberry Wood Finish Lgt ...gal 6 00 Acid Bottles, Green. Luxeberry Wood Finish, med ..gal 5 60 G a llo n s ...... e a ch 5 60 Half-Gailons ...... ea ch 2 90 4-oz., 2-gross in case ____ gro $21 60 Liquid Granite A,for new floors gal 6 00 8-oz., 1-gross in case ...... ■gro gro 24 00 Liquid Granite B, for old floorsgal 6 00 Q u a r ts...... each 1 55 P in ts ...... ea ch 85 16-oz., Vi-gross in case ...... ggro ro 30 00 Rogers Coach Tarnishes. H a lf-p in ts ...... e a ch 50 20-oz., H-gross in ca se ...... ■g gro ro 30 00 32-oz., H-gross in case ...... grogro 40 80 FINISHING. JOHNSON’S Less 25# discount 5-pt., %-gross in case ...... •gro gro 67 20 Carbon Remover, quarts ...... ea 2 00 Finishing Body Varnish ...... g a l 7 50 “ “ p in ts ...... ea 1 25 Am erican. Oils. Wearing Body Varnish ...... ga l 7 25 “ “ H-pints ...... ea 75 Pints k-gross in case ...... dozdoz 4 40 One Coat Coach ...... gal 6 50 Stop Squeak Oil, quarts ...... ea 85 Gear Varnish heavy ...... ga l 6 50 Atomizer Bottles. “ “ pints.,...... ea 50 2K-OZ., 1-gross in c a s e ...... gro 4 3323 Hard Drying Gear Varnish ...... g a l 5 75 “ “ H -p in ts...... e a 35 Biack-Lac, quarts...... ea 2 Off H a ja Ovals RUBBING. Washed and corked— Less 25# discount “ “ p in ts,...... ea 1 25 “ “ H-pints ...... ea 75 Packed in sealed cartons— Quick Rubbing Body Varnish....gal 5 75 A u to-L a k , qu&rts...... ea 1 75 L ess th an Gear Rubbing Varnish ...... gal 5 CO “ p in ts ...... ea 100 Cases c a ses ADELITE PAINT REMOVER Radiator Cement, quarts...... ea 2 00 p er gross p e r gross One gallon cans ...... e a ch 1 88 “ “ p in ts...... ea 1 25 y%--oz 5 gro. cases.. .. $3 69 $4 46 V4-gal. cans ...... ea ch 1 65 “ “ K-pints...... ea 75 i oz 5 gro. cases , 4 84 1 -q u a r t...... ea ch 60 Hastee Patch, sm all...... ea 50 2 oz 5 gro. cases... 4 72 5 43 1 -p in t...... e a ch 35 “ “ m e d iu m ...... ea 100 3 oz 3 gro. cases... 5 79 6 65 ^ - p i n t ...... e a c h 25 “ “ la rg e ...... e a 3 00 4 oz3 gro. cases.. .. 6 59 7 67 5 oz 2 gro. cases.. .. 7 27 8 35 BOYLEf? OLD ENGLlsS JOHNSON’S WOOD DYE 6 oz 2 gro. cases. 7 60 1 74 Floor Waz, l-lb cans ...... — doz #80 7 oz l lA gro. cases. .. 7 97 9 16 Boyles polishes ...... e a c h 2 63 No. 120 Fumed Oak No. 123 Dark Oak No. 124 Golden Oak No. 125 Mission Oak 8 oz 1% gro. cases.... 8 72 10 02 LIQUID VENEER No. 126 Light Oak No. 130 Weathered Oak 10 oz 1 gro. cases .. .. 1C 26 11 79 4 -oz...... doz 12 40 12-oz------d oz {4 80 G allon s...... ea 3 50 18 oz 1 gro. cases 12 91 Q ts...... doz 10 00 H-gal.... .doz 16 00 H a lf-g a llo n s ...... ea 1 90 14 oz I gro. cases. 13 64 G a ls ...... doz 28 00 Q u a r ts ___ ...... — .ea 100 16 oz 1 gro. cases . 12 74 14 65 Auto Spray Outfits...... doz 14 00 Pints ....' ...... e a 60 32 oz Vi gro. cases.. .. 19 40 22 37 C ra ck er J a c k D eals ...... ea ch 28 80 Half-pints. .... — ...... ea 35 5 case lots 5% disct. 10 case lots 10# disc Dandy Deals...... ea ch 16 80 No, 131 Brown Weathered L ittle G ia n t D e a ls...... e a ch 6 00 REGULAR WARE No. 140 Early English French Square Narrow Mouth D u st C lo th s ...... d oz 2 75 G allon s...... e a $4 50 M op s...... doz 16 00 Half-gallons...... ea 2 40 Pound Prescription M op S w a bs...... doz 8 40 Less than Mop Assortments ...... ea ch 15 20 Quarts ...... ea 130 P in ts...... e a 75 Cases cases Mop asst. New No. 1...... ea 32 40 H a lf-p in ts ...... ea 45 p er gross per gross Yt oz 5 gro. cases... Mop asst, New No. 2 ...... ea 20 40 No. 128 Light Mahogany $3 25 $3 73 ROGERS FURNITURE AND AUTO 1 oz 5 gro. cases... 3 53 4 06 POLISH. No. 137 Ext. Dark Mahogany 2 oz 5 gro. cases... No, 129 Dark Mahogany 3 93 4 52 4-oz. bottles ...... ea ch $0.30 3 oz 3 gro. cases... No. 110 Bog Oak 4 86 5 59 U-oz. b o t t le s ...... ■ .e a ch 0,60 4 oz 3 gro. cases... 5 53 6 36 Gallons...... ------. ea $5 00 5 oz 2 gro. cases... G a llon ...... • ■ • • •. • • .... • .e a ch 3-50 Half-gallons...... ea 2 75 6 06 6 96 Less 40# discount 6 oz2gro. cases... 6 37 7 32 Quarts...... ,...... ea 1 50 7 oz Wi gro. cases. 6 68 L IQ U ID W A X P in t s ...... ea 85 7 68 L ik w id W ax, 25c...... doz 2 00 H a lf-p in ts ...... ea 50 8 ozgro. cases. 7 82 8 42 Likwid Wax.60c...... doz 4 00 10 oz 1 gro. cases... 8 65 9 95 No, 172 Flemish Oak 12 oz J gro. cases... 9 44 LYKNU POLISH 10 85 G allons...... ,.1...... ,. .e a 6 00 14 oz 1 gro. cases... 9 97 11 46 25c s iz e ...... doz 2 00 Half-gallons...... ea 3 20 16 oz 1 gro. cases... 10 71 12 31 50c s iz e ...... doz 4 00 Q u a r ts ...... ea 170 28 oz V4 gro. cases. 15 50 17 83 A sst 2 doz 25c size, 1 doz 50c s iz e .. ea ch 8 00 P in ts ...... ea 1 00 32 oz % gro.cases.. 16 37 18 82 MAZOLENE H a lf-p in ts ...... ea 60 5 case lots 5# disct. 10 case lots 1C# disct D o z e n ...... 1 35 W A X IT PASTE WOOD^FILLER ROUND PRESCRIPTION Gals. H-Gals. Qts. 14-oz. 6-oz. ALL SHADES W id e Mouths, *42 00 $24 00 $15 00 $7 20 $4 20 No. 1 size, containing approx­ Full Less than L ess 33H# im a tely 1 p o u n d ...... each 35 Oases full cases STANDARD VARNISH CO. No. 2 size, containing approx­ imately 2 pounds...... each 70 V*-oz.. 5-gross in ca se .. 3 65 4 20 Elastic Varnish, No. 1, ...... gal 6 75 No. 5 size, containing approx­ 1-oz., 5-gross in case .. 3 92 4 51 Elastic Varnish, No. 2...... ga l 6 00 imately 5 pounds ...... ea ch 1 50 2-oz., 3-gross in case .. 4 32 4 97 E la s tic F lo o r V a r n is h ...... gal 6 00 No. 10 size, containing approx­ 3-oz., 2-gross in case .. 5 27 6 06 L ess 2 5# imately 10 pounds ...... ea ch 3 50 4-oz., 2 gross in case .. 6 08 6 99 JOHNSON’S SPECIALTIES No. 25 size, containing approx 6-oz., 1-gross in Case .. 6 P9 7 92 C L E A N E R imately 25 pounds ...... ea ch 6.00 8-oz., 1 ^-gross in case 7 83 9 00 12-oz., 1-gross in case .. 10 26 11 80 Cleaner, Household size, 5% oz.. ea 45 FLOOR FINISH NO. 1 16-oz., Vi-gross in case . 11 48 13 20 “ Auto size, 5 H oz ...... e a ch 45 G a llo n s...... ea ch 3 50 32-oz.. %-gross in case .. 17 15 19 72 “ 8-oz size ...... e a c h 45 H a lf-G a llo n s ...... ea ch 190 “ l- lb s iz e ...... e a ch 60 Q u a r ts...... each 1 00 Bali Neck Panels “ 2-lb size...... e a ch 100 P in ts...... ea ch 60 F u ll Less th an PREPARED WAX PASTE y% -p in ts...... — e a ce 85 Cases full cases No. 1 size, containing approx­ KLEEN FLOOR . $4 59 $5 28 imately 1 pint ...... ea ch 85 Half-gallons ...... ea ch 1 25 . 5 13 5 90 No. 2 size, containing approx Q u a rts...... each 75 . 5 54 6 37 imately 1 quart...... ea ch 1 70 P in ts ...... ' ...... ea ch 40 . 5 81 6 68 No. 4 size, containing approx­ H a lf-p in ts ...... ea ch 25 . 6 08 6 99 imately H-gal ...... e a ch 3 00 CRACK FILLER 2-oz. 2-gross case. . 6 08 6 99 No. 8 size, containing approx­ No. 1 size, containing approx­ . 6 48 7 45 imately 1 gal...... each 6 00 im a te ly 1 p o u n d ...... each 35 . 6 48 7 45 . PREPARED WAX-LIQUID No. 2 size, containing approx­ . 7 43 8 54 G a llo n s...... each 4 80 imately 2 pounds ...... ea ch 70 . 8 10 9 39 54-G ailons...... e a ch 2 40 No. 5 size, containing approx­ 6-oz, 1-gross case... . 9 32 10 73 Q u a r ts ...... each 1 40 imately 5 pounds...... ea ch 150 . 11 34 13 04 p i n t s ...... ea ch 75 POLISHING BRUSHES . 13 64 15 66 H -P in t s ...... e a ch 60 E a c h ...... $3.50 . 16 72 19 22 14 OMAHA DRUGGIST


Tall Blakes Dandy Flasks. Narrow Mouth PANELS. Screw caps, 12-oz., V6-gro. in case.gro 7 00 H-oz., o-gross cases ...... 3 65 4 20 Mffe • 11 1-oz., b-gross cases ...... 3 92 4 30 A rgyle. 2-oz., 3-gross cases _____ 4 32 4 87 Gin. Full Less than 3-oz., 2-g ro ss c a s e s ...... 5 27 6 05 4s, Im p orted S ty le, lA - gro in cse.gro 10 23 Cases full cases 4-oz., jj-gross cases _____ » 94 6 93 6-oz.( -gross cases ...... 6 75 7 76 Per Gro. Per Gro. 2-oz., 2-gross in case .. 6 75 7 60 8-oz., 1^-gross cases.... 7 70 8 85 Jo. Jo. Flasks. 12-oz., 1-gross cases ...... 9 86 11 29 16-oz., Vt-g ross cases — .. 11 61 13 35 1-qt. (24-oz.) yt -gross in case ___gro 5 35 32-oz., H-gross cases ...... 18 36 21 11 Oreen. 5 case lots 5% disc. 10 case lots 10# diet. Full Less than Olympia Flasks. Case Full Case 1 -qt. (?4-oz.) 54-gross in case ___g r o 7 50 X -o z ., 5-gross in case ... 5 10 5 67 ROUND PRESCRIPTION 1-oz„ 5-gross In case — 5 70 6 31 2-oz., 3-gross in case ... 6 75 7 50 P u ll Less than 4-oz., 2-gross in case ... 8 25 9 17 Oases full cases 6-oz., l-gr®ss in case ... 10 35 11 50 id ib e r KING OVAL PRESCRIPTION LIP 8-oz., 1-gross in case ... 12 60 14 00 4-oz., 3-gross in case .. 5 43 6 21 7-oz., 1-gross in case.... y...... gro 4 00 8-oz., iy%-gross in case 7 16 8 22 16-oz., 1-gross in case .. 10 44 11 98 Shop Furniture. 32-oz., 5^-gross in case . 15 96 18 34 5-pts. M-gross in case .. 39 15 43 50 NURSING BOTTLES. HEIGHT OF TINCTURES AND SALTMOUTH8 TO TOP OF STOPPERS. A m m on ia Ovals* Straight Neck. 2 -g a llo n _ ... 18 in W-pint...... 7 in 8-oz., 1-gross in case .. 8 40 9 33 1 -ga llon ...... 15 in 4-oz...... 6 in Full Less than ^ -g a llo n ...... 13 in 2-oz...... 5 in Cases Full Cases Q u a r t...... 11 in 1-oz. ______4 in Citrate of Magnesia. 8-oz., Plain, 1-gro. in cse. 5 3* 6 00 P in t ...... — 9 in 8-oz., Grad., 1-gro. in cse. 5 39 6 00 Porcelain Stop, tf-gross 12-oz., Plain, 1-gro. in cse. 7 58 9 00 in ca se ...... 14 43 16 80 12-oz., Grad., l-gr_. in cse. 7 56 9 00 Tincture Bottles, Glass Stopper.

Cork Finish, Vi-gross in 1-oz., 1-gross in case ...... doz 105 25 9 00 2 -oz„ |^-gross in c a s e ...... d oz 120 case...... 8 B en t Neck. 4-oz., %-gross in case ...... doz 1 59 8-oz.. ^ -g ro s s in c a s e ...... doz 2 CO 8-oz., Plain, 1-gro. in cse.. 6 72 8 40 16-oz., j^-gross in case...... d o z 2 90 Castor Oils. 8-oz., Grad., 1-gro. in cse.. 6 7a 8 40 32-oz.. M-gross in case ...... doz 4 10 % -gnl., 1-12-gross in c a s e ...... doz 6 80 12s, y*-gFoss in ca s e ...... 9 45 10 £0 1-gal., 1-12-gross in ca s e ...... doz 12 10 Daisy Nurser. 16s, H -gross in c a s e ...... 8 10 9 00 2-gal... . doz 16 60 24s, 1-gross in c a s e ...... 6 90 7 67 6-oz., Plain, 1-gro. in cse.. 4 90 6 13 85 6 50 40s, 1-gross in c a s e ...... 5 Salt Mouths, Glass Stopper.

Betsy Brown. 1-oz., 1-gross in case ...... doz 1 10 COOLER 2-oz., %-gross in case ...... doz 125 8-oz., Grad., 1-gross in case 9 36 1 00 4-oz., K-gross In case ...... doz 1 60 5-gallon___W ...... ea ch 1 50 8-oz., %-gross in case ...... doz 2 05 16-oz., H -gross in c a s e ...... doz 3 00 Olive Oil Bottles. 32-oz., K-gross in case ...... doz 4 20 lA-gal., 1-12-gross in case ___ . ....doz 7 15 Corn Remedy 3-oz., (M-pt )l-gro in case. 4 40 4 95 1-gal., 1-12-gross in case ...... doz 13 2a 2 -g a ...... l ...... d o z 20 40 2-dram with b r u sh ...... g r o 9 00 6-oz., (Vi-pt.)5>4-gro in case 6 00 6 75 12-oz., (l-pt.)H-gro in case.10 00 11 25 Shelf Bottles, Florida Water Bottle*. 145-piece set, sq u a r e ...... per set 70 00 3-oz., 2-gross in case— 4 20 4 73 PACKERS. ■' ■ - >;\v ■'v’:' ' ' ' Narrow Mouth. Glycerine Bottles. Sterilizing; Bottles. Full Less than 1-lb., 1-gross in case___ 7 20 8 10 Cases Full cases 8-oz., I-gro. in case, full case 5 39 Mi-gal., 54-gvoss in case. 25 92 29 81 less th a n c a s e ...... 6 60 H -gross in case. 35 24 40 52 Horse Radish Bottles. 5-pt., 1-gal. 1-6-gross in case 46 91 47 05 Soda Syrups, American 6-oz., 1-gross in case.gro 4 75 2-gal. 1-13-gross in caselOS 00 124 20 Quarts, 54-gross in case ____ . .doz 5 00 Ink Bottles. Wide Mouth. Green and Flint, cone— 54-gross in case. 26 46 30 43 2-oz.,5-gross in case...... 3 70 4 17 V4-gal. 1-gal. , 1-6-gross in case 41 45 47 67 Tonle Bottles. Flat, square— 8-oz., 1-gross In case..... 6 00 6 75 2-oz.,3-gross in case...... 3 99 4 80 POMADES Toilet Water, Chicago. Long Rd., Green. Screw Cap. 4-oz., 2-gross in case..... 4 60 5 18 2-oz.. 5-gross in case...... 8 90 3 27 8-oz.. 1-gross in case..... 6 00 6 75 3-oi., 3-gross in case...... 3 10 3 50 lW -oz. 5-gross in case ...... gro 4 25 2-oz. 5-gross in case ...... gro 4 25 4-oz. 2-gross in case ...... g ro 6 60 LIQUOR BOTTLES AND FLASKS. Toilet Cream. 2-oz., 3-gross in case ...... gro 5 10 Brandy. Cork Finish. 3-oz., 2-gross in case ...... gro 7 20 6s, Flint, 1-gross in case. 6 54 7 84 8s, Flint, 1-gross in case. 5 12 6 13 4-oz., 2-gross in case...... gro 7-95 Yi-oz., 5-gross in case ...... 8 70 3 05 . 1-oz., 5-gross in case ...... 3 05 3 66 Columbia Flasks. 3-oz., 3 gross in c a s « ...... 3 36 4 OS Gothic Cream. 8-oz., 1-gross in case...... gro 2 75 4-oz., 2-gross in case...... 4 62 5 54 4}<-oz., 2-gross in case 6 00 ...... gro 7 95 OMAHA DRUGGIST 15

CORKS. MISCELLANEOUS.—Cont. Miscellaneous. In Bags of 500 Each. Price per 1000: Cork Pressers. E ach Rotary, small...... $0 75 Less quantity 10$ advance. BED PANS. R ota ry , la rg e ...... 1 00 Iron, Small...... 30 Perfection No. 4 White Enamel.doz. 54 00 Iron , L a r g e ...... 35 Perfection No. 3, Gray Enamel..doz 48 00 O

£ R e g u la r P op u la r Circle B Circle B Circle R A e g u la r Circle A Perfection No. 2, White Porcelandoz 39 00 Ex. lo n g E x. L o n g DOUCHE PANS. XX XX G rad e 1 Perfection No. 1, White Porcelandoz 45 00 000 1 25 White Enamel...... doz 17 50 Odorless, White Enamel...... doz 22 00 00 1 25 Gray Enamel...... :...... doz 16 00 “ G ray “ ...... doz 21 50 0 1 25 1 58 2 65 2 85 2 00 2 20 1 1 25 1 58 3 65 2 85 2 00 2 20 Seam less, A lu m in iz e d ...... doz 14 00 “ Aluminized “ ...... doz 18 75 2 1 40 1 80 3 40 3 75 2 45 2 55 Z in c ...... doz 12 00 W h ite E n a m e l...... doz 20 50 3 1 65 2 07 4 10 4 65 2 75 3 05 Gray Enamel...... t ...... doz 16 00 4 1 90 2 40 5 20 5 85 3 35 3 70 5 2 10 2 66 6 30 6 95 3 95 4 30 DRUG MILLS. Easy Aluminized ...... doz 17 75 6 2 30 3 02 7 15 7 95 4 40 4 75 Porcelain, Y ellow ...... doz 14 00 7 2 60 3 42 8 60 9 45 5 85 5 55 Enterprise, No. 5 .., ___ ea ch 8 00 Perfection Style, No. 4...... d oz 37 50 8 3 10 4 82 10 50 12 00 6 70 7 55 Enterprise, No. 7...... each 11 00 9 8 80 5 54 13 00 14 80 8 20 8 90 Enterprise, N o. 9 ...... each 16 00 10 4 20 6 70 15 00 17 50 9 35 10 75 11 4 50 Quaker City, No. 4,with hoppereach 3 80 BEAKER CLASSES 12 4 90 Quaker City, No. 4, without 13 5 40 h o p p e r...... e a c h 14 6 20 j - 3 20 15 7 10 • f '-■■■'• 16 8 70 . " ’ !• 1 /' EVAPORATING DISHES. 1 45 17 9 40 ’■.. .. i {| ... P o r c e la lu . 3 -oz...... 1 70 18 10 20 . v \ i 19 11 30 296-in, 1-oz...... each 5-Oz...... 1 85 20 12 40 25^-in, 2-oz...... e a ch 7-oz...... 2 10 22 15 00 3J£-in, 3-oz...... e a c h 12-oz...... 2 55 24 18 00 26 22 00 3^-in, 4-oz...... each 18-oz...... 3 05 1-6 1 78 2 25 4 80 5 35 3 20 3 40 4-in, 6-oz...... ea ch Blow Pipes, Brass, 8-inch ea 35 2-6 1 88 2 38 5 25 5 85 3 40 3 70 4 ^ -in , 8-oz...... ea ch 3-6 2 0D 2 56 5 65 6 35 3 65 3 95 6-10 3 20 4 68 5-in, 12-oz...... each 11-20 8 OS 5 X -in , 16-oz...... each BOXES. 14-20 9 33 16-20 10 40 Steel Enamel. Tin Ointment. Meyer’s 5-in., 12-oz...... 80 63£-in., 16-oz...... 90 Gro. Pat. HAJA CO RKS-Extra Long 8-ln., 32-oz...... 1 00 H-oz., Flat ...... $ 0 80 No Per M 9-in.. 54-oz...... ea ch 1 50 H-oz., “ 96 1 40 1 Fits y3 oz. b ot...... 2 38 10y,-in. W-gal...... 1 65 4-o z ., “ ...... 1 42 1 75 12-in., 1-gal...... 2 F its 1 75 1 75 X -oz., “ . . . . * ...... 1 67 2 30 3 F its 2 25 FILTER RACKS 1-oz., *• ...... 1 90 2 60 6 -in c h ...... 50 4 Fits 3 and 4oz. bot...... 4 00 ltf-oz., “ ...... 2 40 3 40 7 -in c h ...... 65 5 F its 6 ...... 4 63 2-0*., “ ...... 3 00 4 15 75 6 Fits 8 and 12 oz. bot...... 5 13 2V4-OZ., “ ...... 3 43 7 F its 16 ...... 6 00 3-oz., “ ...... 3 90 5 00 FUNNELS, GLASS. 8 Fits 32 oz. b o t ...... 13 4-oz., “ ...... „ . 4 50 6 00 9 Fits Vi gal. b o t ...... 63 2-oz...... e a c h 17 6-oz., “ ...... 5 1*7 7 35 10 Fits 5pt. and gal. bot ___ ...... 11 63 4-oz...... e a c h 24 8-oz., “ ...... I . . . . 0 37 8 85 1-6 A ss t...... 3 69 8-oz...... each 27 12-oz., “ ...... 8 10 1115 3-6 Asst...... 4 25 P i n t ...... each 40 10-oz., “• ...... 9 41 >3 50 6-10 A sst...... y 8 10 Q u a r t'... ..e a c h 60 ^ -g a llo n ...... each 94 . 2-oz., Deep ...... 3 13 Corks—Specie or jar. Price per 1000 1-gallo n ...... each 1 30 3-oz„ “ ...... 4 14 D iam eter. K in . 2-gallo n ...... each 2 40 4-oz., “ ...... 4 70 X...... 13 71 6-oz., “ ...... 6 00 %...... 3 71 Chemical, Long Stem. 8-oz., “ ...... 7 00 1 ...... 4 19 1-oz ...... ____..... each 27 12-oz., “ ...... 9 32 1 H ...... i ...... 4 81 2 -o z ...... each 30 16-oz., “ ...... 11 50 IX ...... 559 6 -o z ...... each 40 IX ...... i... ..j...... 6 50 Blue Ointment Meyers 1 * ...... 7 41 Ribbed. 2-oz...... each K -o z ...... 140 ...... 8 81 17 W-oz...... 1 75 1 * ...... 10 21 4-oz...... each 20 1%...... 12 09 8-oz...... each 25 '■ . : ' - ’ ' ’ • *' Bunsen Burners...... each 50 2 ...... 13 98 P in t ...... each 30 ...... 15 28 Q u a r t...... each 45 Barrettes Stoppered, 25cc___each 2 20 2 H ...... *...... 17 55 56-gallon ...... each 67 2 X ...... 20 15 1-gallon each 1 00 2*4...... 22 75 2-gallon each 1 85 CHEMICAL FLASKS, FLAT 2 « ...... 26 35 2 * ...... 27 95 Funnel Tubes 12-in...... ea ch 20 BOTTOM. 2% ...... 30 88 3 ...... 33 48 GLASS TUBING. 1-o z ...... doz 1 80 3 H ...... 44 85 1-16to %-inch...... lb 75 2-o z ...... doz 2 04 3V4...... 55 90 M to 1-inch...... Id 75 4-oz...... doz 2 40 3 * ...... 66 95 8-oz...... doz 3 00 Corks—Wine XX Price per 1000 GRADUATED MEASURES 12-os...... - ...... doz 3 30 No. 7—1H inch...., ...... 9 46 E nam el VS are 16-oz...... doz 3 60 “ 8—IK inch ...... 8 48 250 c c ...... doz 8 00 3 8 -0 *...... doz 4 80 “ 8—1% in ch ...... 10 34 500 c c ...... doz 12 00 X -g a l...... doz 6 60 “ 9— IX in ch...... 10 04 1000 c c ...... doz 16 00 ...... doz 10 SO “ W H in ch ...... 12 19 2000 c c ...... doz as oo


MISCELLANEOUS.—Cont. MISCELLANEOUS.—Cont. MISCELLANEOUS.—Cont. MORTARS. Paper, Wrapping in Rolls CRADUATfcO CYLINDERS. Glass, 2-oz...... each 33 B on d — ...... lb 15 250 c c ...... e a c h 1 20 Glass, 4-oz...... each 45 O h ev rll F ib r e ...... Tb 15 500 c c ...... e a ch 175 Glass. 8-oz...... each 55 K r a ft ...... Ib 1L GRADUATES, CLASS, APOTHE­ Glass, p in t ...... each 96 S tripe...... lb 11 CARIES. Glass, q u a r t ...... each 1 40 G lass, %-ga.l...... each 2 75 Percolators, Syrup. Cons H ard esty , No. 1-4 g a l...... e a ch 12 50 Shapt I r o n Goblet shape...... % -p in t...... e a ch 50 “ “ 2-8 gal...... each 18 00 1-d rach m ...... ea ch 35 “ “ 3-25 g a l...... each 37 50 2-drachm each 40 Goblet shape,...... 1-p in t...... ea ch 60 Goblet shape, ...... 1-quart... each 75 C rystal, N o. 1- 5 g a l...... ea ch 7 15 Yi—oz ...... each 25 “ *• 2-10 g a l...... ea ch 9 75 1-o z each 27 Goblet shape...... J^-gal...... each 1 00 Goblet shape,...... 1-gal...... ea ch 175 “ “ 3-20 g a l ...... each 14 30 2-o z ...'.each 30 ‘, “ 4-30 g a l...... each 21 90 4-o z each 38 Goblet shape, ... . 2-gal...... ea ch 3 25 Porcelain, Shallow. Reynolds, galvan. iron, 5^gal. each 4 50 5-o z ...... each 40 Reynolds, galvan. iron, 10-gal. each 6 00 8 -oz...... each 45 No. 0, 28-o z ...... each 2 00 No. 1, 16-oz...... ea ch 1 30 Reynolds, galvan. iron, 20-gal. each 8 CO 16-oz...... ea ch 70 Rochester, galvan. iron, 4-gal. each 3 00 32-oz...... each 1 25 No. 2, 12-oz...... e a ch 1 00 N o. 3. 8 -o z ______e a ch 85 Rochester, galvan. iron, 8-gal. each 4 50 GRADUATES. GLASS, METRIC. No. 4, 6-oz ...... ea ch 75 Percolators, Glass. Single Double No. 5, 4 -oz...... e a ch 60 Seals Scale W e d g e w o o d . Oldberg, 1-gal ...... ea ch 1 25 1-drachm or 5-cc — each 35 40 0000, 2 -o z...... e a ch 90 Oldberg, 2-gal ...... each 2 25 2-drachm or 10-cc. .. each 40 48 000, 4 -o z ...... e a ch 1 00 Cone shape, 1-pt.... _. _____ e a ch 60 54-oz. o r 15-cc...... ea ch 25 35 00, 6 -o z ...... each 1 15 Cone shape, 1-qt...... ea ch 75 1-oz. or 30-cc...... ea ch 27 40 0, 8 -o z ...... e a ch 1 35 Cone shape, %-gal...... ea ch 90 2-oz. or 60-cc...... e a ch 30 42 No. 1, 10-oz...... each 1 35 C one shape, 1 -g a l...... ea ch 1 25 4-oz. or 120-cc...... ea ch 38 55 No. 2, 1 6 -o z ...... e a ch 1 50 Cone shape, 2-gal...... e a ch 2 45 8-oz. or 250-cc...... ea ch 45 75 No. 3, 26-oz...... i...... each 190 16-oz. or 500-cc...... ea ch 70 115 No. 4, 3 6 - o z ...... e a ch 2 00 Percolating Jars, Glass 32-oz. or 1000-cc...... each 1 25 1 95 No. 5. 56-oz...... each 2 55 Graduated, Yi-g a l ...... ea ch 1 90 STERLING GRADUATES N o. 6, 79-oz...... e a ch 3 00 Graduated, 1-gal ___ __ .. ... each 3 25 Apothecaries’ Measure, complete ' No. 7, 6-pints,...... e a c h 3 70 Graduated, 2-gal ...... ea ch 4 25 2 -d rach m ...... Doz. 6 00 No. 8, 8 -p in ts ______...... ___ each 4 10 G rad u ated D. S., q t s ...... ea ch 1 55 1-oz “ 5 00 No. 9, 10-pints...... each 5 65 Graduated D. S., % -gals. ______e a ch 2 20 2 -o z ...... “ 5 50 No. 10, 12^pints ...... e a ch 6 25 4 -o z ...... “ 7 00 No. 11, 15-pints ...... each 7 25 8 -o z ...... ‘ ‘ 11 00 No. 12, 17-pints ...... ea ch 9 90 PILL TILES. 16-oz...... “ 15 00 PAPER-FILTERING. G lass. 32-oz...... “ 25 00 8x10 ...... each 2 25 Apothecaries* Measure, Glass only F ren ch . g r a y , w h it ® 10x10 ...... each 2 75 2 -d r a c h m ...... Doz. 4 00 h o u n d p a ck p a ck 10x12...... ea ch 3 50 1-o z , ...... “ 3 00 No. 7— 3-inch...... fO 24 «> 28 12x12___...... each 3 90 No. 10— 4 -in ch ...... 34 45 2-o z .. “ -3 50 P o r c e ln in 4-oz...... “ 4 00 N o. 1 3 - 5 -in ch ...... 45 56 No. 15— 6-inch...... 56 67 8x10 ...... e a ch 2 25 8-oz...... “ 7 00 10x10...... e a c h 2 75 16-oz...... “ 10 00 No. 19— 8-in ch ...... 6,' 78 32-oz...... “ 19 00 No. 3 5 - 10-inch...... 88 100 No. 33—13-inch...... 1 34 1 55 PIPETTES. Apothecaries’ and Metric Measure No. 40—15-inch...... 166 190 Glass, graduated, 25cc ...... each 45 Duplex Complete No. 45-18-inch ...... 1 90 2 35 2 -d ra ch m ...... Doz 7 50 No. 50-20-inch...... 2 80 3 20 1-o z ...... “ 8^0 No. 60-24-inch ...... 5 26 6 60 RECEIVERS 2-o z ...... ** 7 00 No. 65—26-inch...... 6 60 7 56 Glass, 4-oz...... each 40 4 -o z...... ‘ 10 00 No. 80—31-inch...... 9 25 12 45 Glass. 8-oz...... each 45 8 -oz...... “ 16 00 No. 100—39-inch ...... 13 80 15 75 16-oz...... “ 21 CO Square, 21x17...... quire 80 100 RETORTS 32-oz...... “ 35 00 Glass stoppered, 1-qt...... each 1 50 Apothecaries’ and Metric Measure PAPER BAGS. Manilla or Striped. Glass stoppered, Vi-gal...... each 1 95 Duplex, Glass only Plain, M-gal...... r.....each 1 40 2-drachm Doz 5 50 P er 500 P er 50( 1-o z ...... “ *5 0 * - l b ...... $0 50 7 -lb ...... S3 50 RETORT STANDS. 2-o z . ‘ ‘ 5 00 H - l b ...... 60 8 -lb ...... 2 60 4 -o z...... * 7 00 1-l b 80 10-lb...,...... 3 00 3-ring iron stahd ...... e a c h 70 8 -o z...... f‘ 1.2 00 2-l b 110 12-lb...... 3 50 4-ring iron stand ...... each 1 10 1 6 -o z ...... '...... ** 16 00 3-l b 1 25 14-lb...... 4 35 32-oz...... “ 29 00 4-lb 1 60 lP-lb...... 4 70 R O D ?, Glass Metric Measure, Complete 5 - l b . ... 1 60 20-lb...... 5 45 4 -in c h ...... doz 30. 30 c c ...... “ 5 50 6-l...... b 2 30 25-lb...... 6 555-inc h doz 40 60 c c ...... “ 6 50 White Candy 8 -in c h ...... doz 50 120 c c ...... “ 9 00 lb ...... per 500 95 10-in ch ...... doz 60 250 CC...... “ 13 00 % lb ...... “ 1 20 500 CC...... “ 18 00 1 lb...... “ 1 47 STERILIZERS. 1000 CC...... “• 27 00 2 1b...... “ 195 A rn old s, No. 7 . . . , ...... each 2 75 B ases Only PAPER BOTTLE CAPS. Arnolds, No. 14 ...... each 4 50 30 CC...... Doz 2 00 Colors white, purple, pink, green, orange, 60 CC...... “ 2 00 yellow . SIEVES. 120 c c ...... “ 3 00 Gro. Brass, 8-in., No. 30...... each 1 15 250 CC...... “ 4 00 No. 1, for Yi-oz b o t t le ...... $0 80 500 CC...... “ 5 00 No. 2, for 1-oz. bottle. 30 STILLS 1000 CC...... “ 6 00 Tall Graduates in Minim. No. 3, for 2 and 3-oz. bottle... 30 L a tim ers, T in ...... ea ch 8 00 No. 4, fo r 4-oz. b o t t l e ...... 36 1-oz...... ea ch 31 “ C o p p e r ...... e a ch 10 00 No. 5, for 6 and 8-oz. bottle... 42 “ Copper, N. P ...... each 00 U n iqu e, S. S. No. 6, for 12 and 16-oz. bottle. % -oz...... ea ch 25 Tissue Paper, 1-o z each 30 R eam Qr. 2-o z each 35 Apple Green ...... $3 00 SO 17 TANKS 4-oz...... e a ch 45 3 00 17 P h oen ix D isp. 2-gal...... ea ch 4 50 8-oz...... each 60 B r o w n ...... 3 00 17 16-oz...... each 80 Blue, Light ...... 3 00 17 32-oz...... ea ch 1 50 B lu e, D a rk ...... 3 00 17 TUBES. Graduates, Materna C h erry R e d ...... 3 00 17 T h istle ...... each 55 D ozen ...... $27 00 Dark G reen ...... 3 00 17 F u n n el ...... each 11 L a v en d er ...... 3 00 17 HYDROMETER JARS^ Olive Green ...... 3 00 17 URINALS. 10-in ch ...... each 42 O r a n g e ...... 3 00 17 12-inch...... each 45 P ink, lig h t ...... 3 00 17 F em ale, glass, w ith h a n d le ...... d oz 7 40 15-inc b each 55 Pink, d a rk ...... 3 00 17 Female, glass, no handle ...... doz 6 75 16-inch each 75 P u r p le ...... 3 00 17 Female, Glass, no handle, grad, doz 12 20 1 8-in ch ...... ea ch 92 S c a r le t ...... 3 0^ 17 Female, glass, with handlo, graddoz 12 75 INFUSION MUGS. u nn/i White American ...... 2 75 15 M ale, glass, w ith h a n d le...... doz 6 65 Q uart ...... each 2 00 White Am. 1 dz in Env. doz 75 Male, glass, no handle ...... doz 6 00 K -gal ...... ea ch 3 00 White. Grass Bleached 4 00 32 Male, Glass, no handle, grad— doz 8 95 Medicine Tubes Y e llo w ...... 3 00 17 Male, glass, with handle, grad..doz 9 50 B e n t ...... doz 35 Silver Paper...... Qr. 1 20 Male, enam eled ...... ea 1 25 S tr a ig h t...... dox 35 Qr. 70 F em ale* e n a m e le d ...... ea 1 25