.. •

{ I !I') VENONA - · , I MP Jl!lllJ

OSSR . . l •.u.ed: 'w-~ • c...... __ Cc;>7 llo.: ~· (-.. ~

Jfo. :

To OORSblDV(i)

Tor •xprmaee ir. the t.biri ~uart•r ye.a UY• been •llotted i"4S6.92Cii] .. roublt e, ccmpri.ein;:-


. . • .. •



Lo:'lct :• ~t i ::-ei:..a• ; Living Cipherfn.ductior:e: s ~: rv :co Li -~~:U!',;•3 .'>llow~ nu Work (State][it.i .' Lean I GORSblalV 5348 15S7 I .. . •(iv FAS'l'OVShCllOIC( v J 6}48 1587 ' ••• • S'!'DIASOV( vi] 5899.sc 1: ?9.9'.J j589-95 6)0 PUDOV{vii) 5899.51> 804.92[ii];29';.97(viiiJ 11 .• llEDVEDEV[ ix] 55ZIJ 1104 12?6 57.J . . EDDtChUZhlflXOV[•ii ' 3795 }79. 50 I;;•9 . ;o 2;; ICl'A.T 1 E'l(xiii] 4554 683. •·: [,,....'.~ 0 KROTIIWV[xi•] I411tO ~?1 . 9:5• [ xv ( 9 gro\lp8 Wlft-COVOl"r.hle J ~"; :, ~5 7•0 ShIR. ••[XYiJ I !., [6-:: gl"Oup:- -...,i•.::c-::-t•?rt: ":.11'! ) KOPTELOV[XYii J . t :- . • .?.) 7' 2 l· ~:h ~...:: .. ; ~ !.:? ~:-3. :!C'? KA.RllAUIChOV[niii) }'5:l I':;t2. 1)9 420 : tth 5~~ .i. .l..L:> ~.-n r.eo: SOLJ:IV'EVA[xix) RYaBChll!OV[xx] I i PAV!DV[xxi] :, ....,, ro~ °=amufOV(xxiiJ


• • L/3 ..


Socir1 Ir.suro.nce ~ ':'5(,

tnt"r'UinLu!nt cxptnats •• J t'revtllins txptnaee ••• K•intenanct ot vehicle• 150.)

Rent of •ccor:lllOdation ~

Pliyaent ( 1 poup unnco•tred) (} groupe unreconreblt --)000 . . ~ [°' Orpniu ti-1 ·--•l Repair of pre:::dM8 ' • Deductions tor the (Stat t ](1ii) l oan •r·• c:o.ade o•er a ~tb peri od. [Ill Pl.tOM report] pereoa&l.ly t iw. tot>: dodu ctiOM for tht [Stoto][iUJ loon for Ht.7 and June. .... 20581 ,/ BLIZNIQlllQID(xxiii]

} July ------·- -·· ------Footnote.is: [i} > OORShXOV: C.,l C' :., l 'iako" Petrovich OORShl

.. (U]

( Ui]

[ iv]

>' [v] FASTOVSllcbUK : ;.:,1onel ltikol.a,j Petroricb FASi'OVShcbUK, Soviet Assiat ~.:'l t Milital'J' Attachi, i n the UX al lopril 1945 - 16 April 191'7 •

• • .. -

rootnotes . ~ ContiAutd: [,,"ij ~ ' s:!:-:ASOV: Lt Colon.el S : ep#.C lv:!.nOYicb Sfl>tASov, Soviet Aaietant Milit e~ Att•cM (tor ~ir), 't(/:' 111 nd radar expert, in t.he Uk 9 Hlrch 19'o-4 · 12 J une i948.

PUDoV: ~t Ool on•l Viktor Mikba jlo•ich Ptnx:>V, Soviet A••iat.llnt Military &nd Air Att4cht. in the UX 18 Dectc1ber ':9'.4 - 26 A"'C'llt 19516.

(viii] G~ .98.

' ,. (ix] KllDVEDBV: Lt Colonel Alek.sej V:iirt!>lomHYich K!:DYEO!V . &oYiet A.. iete.nt Hilital"1 and Air At tach ~ . in the Uk ~ Septef!lber "94) - 12 June 1~ .

. . ' (x) ~.jor S.rg-ej :..lekNndrc-Yich El:ID-.sltl.J, So•ttc Junior ~a.sUun t Hilit.zry Attach, in tt:~ or 7 ra..o 1')44 - 2'o llilrch 191-6 ...i • £ No• ~her ~ ~ - 2'9 October ,9't8 •

Lt Cclo.-i.el '?i~!ej 21.coreerlch SAHA.!UJf, s,v!.at A..-ietant Hillta?'J' and Air Attach•. ir. ~!\e mi'. t".t vai-ioaa t bea bet ween 1} C'ctol.·er ~~~ ..net 2't Sep t~mber 1949.

• ' [xii] &ni -:>r L t 7\&rij Stepano\•ich UlDtc:hUZh.N l t

·' (rlv] JCRVrtr.OV: StniQr Lt ?etr Nikol:;,rich KR'11'UOV 1 clpher elertt i:l the So.-:.~t :-aiita.ry tiuion and !at• r U: the >'ilitar,r -'ttadM•e of! :.ct, • · tho UY. ' } J~ ,944 - V F•b...aq 1950. [ XY] Or 94•. [<,t.JL ,,,w ' M '1 't.! ] -' [XYi] Slalll •.. ' Pre""""bU C..ptaio Gr~ri j GeorgiOY1c~ AlAOOOICOV, clerk ic, the SoTiet " llitra ry Kioolon, l '.tar s c:-ereto17/inter,,r.t•r to t h• Ni.lit· ry i-.ttaeb8, in the tit 27 Ha,y VFNnN ~ · 194~ - ' 9 Jw.1 194~

• • .. • •


f'ootnot•• ,.., Conti.auod: (xvii] KOPTEL

lonatantiD Mi kbailo•i ch XAJINA~V. cbtvtr.ur N'&d bodJpard to the So•iet Kiliteey and Air AttacM, in the UK 17 o.-ber 1943 - 4 Sept-•r 191o8.

SOLOV 1 SVA.: AleU.nd.ra Dl.a.rianoYn& SOUN' EVA , clerk/ lntorpreter in the SoYi e t Mili ta17 Att1cM•a . Office , iA t be tll 1.lf J~ 19" ... 1} Octot•r . 19'o8. • IY ( xx] Junior Li.wteunt (or Sa-g.an.t) Vl.adic.ir A.lekand.rorleb R?aBCbl'IOV, c1-erk/doo rko~i · •r ill t.be Sortet Mi.l.it&l7 MiMion, later cl"rk Ot'l tho ltilitQ7 At·taclM•e staff, 1.n the UK 17 Mal'Ch i\)45 - 1} Octol>w 19'o8 and 10 J an....,. 19'19 - i5 JuJ.7 19'1.

(xxi] Uek.Mj Ivanovich PAYUN~ m intenance :i11n/ ~oo rke .,per, attacbed tirat to ttie Soviot Militorzr Attach9•a ottict, later to th.'

D::ibsee7 1 in tM UX 22· April 1944 - 1 MArch 1\)4?. ' (xxiil Senior Serg-.ant Veltntin Valentinovich TaYOANOV, cUu.!feur/aecuri.ty guard tor t ht Soviet ~ilitar;y Attacb•e office, in ti\" enc ,, May 1\)45 - ,, luguat 19'19 •

• •