Phillips Phonograph, Aucust 24, 1900

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Phillips Phonograph, Aucust 24, 1900 VOL. XXIII. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1900. NO. 2 SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SU Pi’Ll Es SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES HOTELSAND CAMPS HOTELS AND CAMPS 4494499944934949999999999999999993999994999999999 * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦♦♦ ^ Ä ----- ------- — ♦ Announcement.===Season of 1900. ♦ « ♦ .............................. ' v ” ....................................................... ♦ < r W l N C H ♦ “ON THE FENCE” ♦: W e refuse to take sides In that oit recurring discussion Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. SMALL BORE vs. LARGE BORE. u . Eitlur one will bag your deer if you hold right hack of “Leader” loaded with Smokeless powder and “New the shoulder and use M. Riv a l ” loaded with Black powder. Superior to all U. n. C. AMMUNITION. other brands for UNION-flETALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. * Factory Bridgeport, Conn. Agency New York, 313 Broadway. e . i❖ UNIFORfllTY, RELIABILITY AND ♦ ♦ STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES. l Winchester Shells are for sale by all dealers. Insist upon ♦ ♦ having them when you buy and you will get the best. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ HOTELS AND CAMPS HOTELS AND CAMPS RANGELEY LAKE HOUSE—I 9OO. V ia Eustih. For HEALTH, REST, or PLEASURE, Since the close of the season o f 1899 fifty new rooms, en suite with bath New Y o r k Ci t y . Blakesley Camps. 1 have opened the camps at Blakesley for business and solicit the pat­ have been added to the hotel. Additions have also been made to the mam Ashland House. ronage of sportsmen. Fishing is excellent | THE RANGELEY LAKES are unsurpassed. Corner 4th Avenue and 24th street. Ameri­ here and big game signs are umlmited. Mrs. W. S. Em e r y , Eustis, Me. ♦ Write for a copv of the descriptive book, “The Rumford dining room and kitchen making them more than twice their former siz« can and European plans. A t The Forks. ♦ Falls Line and the Rangeley Lakes Resorts,” issued by the Otter Fond Camps are situated 23 miles from ♦ Portland & Rumford Falls Railway. Great improvements have been made in the G olf links, Groves and Hotel Rooms, per day, $1.00 and upwards. Bingham, Maine, terminus of Somerset rail­ road, 20 miles by carriage, three by buck- ♦ It contains half-tone cuts of every hotel and public campon grounds. Write for descriptive circular relative to the Hotel, the Rangeley Or Rangeley La k e . board. Camps, boats and furnishings new last season Fishing good, square tailed J the Rangeley Lakes, and is sent free to any address. Mingo Spring Camps. trout weighing from J to 8 pounds. Hunting The Rumford Falls line is the only all rail, S T A N D A R D Spring Water and Rangeley as a hay fever resort to as good as any in the state. Deer can be seen Located on Mingo Point, Rangeley Lake at most any hour through the day from ▲ GAUGE route direct to the heart o f the Rangeleys— and is Best of salmon and trout fishing; cosy cot­ camps. Guides furnished upon application. ♦ the only line running Through Cars from Portland to the tages; open fires; the famous Mingo Spring For terms and particulars address, JOHN B. MARBLE, water; pine and balsam groves. Everything ♦ Lakes. Excursion Tickets on sale during the season for all for the comfort and convenience of Sportsmen __ M. L. French, & Co., The Forks, Me. Rangeley Lake House, j * j * Rangeley, Maine. and summer boarders. Send for circular. At W ilson’s Mil l s ,M e . i Rangeley Lakes Points. Steamer connections at Bemis for Chas. E. Belch er , Rangeley, Me. Aziscohos House. $1.50 day. $7 to $10 week. ♦ all parts of the Lakes. ♦ Licensed guides furnished. Fred F lin t, Pr’r. Rangeley Lakes. X Buy your tickets via the Rumford Falls Line, 4 V ia Bingham . 4 "Write for one of our pocket maps of the Rangeley Lakes. 4 Camp Bemis and Birches Carry Pond Camps, Beinis, terminus of Rumford Falls & Range- 13$ miles above Bingham, terminus of Som­ 4 PORTLAND & RUMFORD FALLS RAILWAY, 4 J* J* THE GREATEST INLAND j* ,* ley Lakes R. R. Two trains daily. Steamers erset R. R., are the Carry Pond Camps, which connect to all points on the lakes. Birches ^ R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Manager, Portland, Me. 4 1 is six miles distant on Student’s Island. Cosy will be opened May 1st., 1900. Those seeking log cabins, open fires at both places afford a fishing trip can have their sport at this re­ sort. Twelve thousand trout caught in season {♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ comfortable homes for the summer for ladies of 1899, not including a large number that Summer * Resorts and gentlemen. Excellent fishing close at I were returned to the water. New cabins were hand. Send for circular. built last season. New boats and other im­ £ AND RETREATS FOR FISHERMEN Capt. F. C. Bar ker , Prop*r, Bemis, Me. provements will be made In the early spring. Via Rangeley or Bem is. Buckboard road only 3$ miles. Send for cir­ IN MAINE ARE THE . , . , cular. Hen ry J. La n e , Prop., Bingham, Me. ♦ S. L. Crosby & Co., Mountain View House. £ On Ph illips & Ra n g e le y R. R. X Our Deer, Caribou and Moose Heads are the standard of the world. We always have a tew £ Redington House, 4 choice heads for sale at reasonable prices. Our artistic and thorough manner of mounting fish, has 4 3 RANGELEY LAKES 4 already given us a national reputation in that line. 4 One minute’s walk from station on P. & R £ And~«~ R. R. The best of pond and stream fishing in i Branches at Rangeley, Me. C I f r n s h v & f n * close proximity to house. Deer, fox, wood­ T Also North East Carry, Moosehead Lake. *-• u s u y *A Y 3 f cock or partridge shooting unexcelled any­ 4 E. J. nURCI, Prop’r, 203 Exchange St, Bangor fie, 4 where. Address £ DEAD RIVER REGIONS. Mr s. W. H. Harrison, Prop’r, Redington, Maine. 3 1 ^ REACHED At Jackm an. £ s Heald Pond Camps, Jackman, Maine, Fred Via. SANDY RIVER, PHILLIPS & RANGELEY, Henderson, Proprietor. Fine lake and brook Just . the . Place . for . Fishermen. 3 fishing, not only in the spring but every day FRANKLIN & Nl EG ANTIC RAILROADS. during the entire season. “ All the trout you £ £s want to catch.” Comfortable, separate cabins with good spring beds. Excellent 3 3 table and beautiful location, 2700 feet above Par’or Car service direct frem Boston to Farmington and return. Here is situated a li otei of rare attractive­ the sea. Large and small game In abundance. £ ness in beautiful location for summer board­ Send for circular. ers and at the same time in close proximity Write for new 1900 booklet of information, with 1 to the best places for fishing on Rangeley Milo, Me ., P. O. map, t o ............... lake. Hunters in the season also find plenty NoUesemic House, on Mollesemie lake, 5 miles I £ of deer, partridge and woodcock near the F. N. BEAL, Phillips, Me. FLETCHER POPE, Redington, Me. hotel. The cuisine here is such as to hold from the railroad ¡it Millinoket. Reached by 3 patrons year after year, the rooms are what canoe or buckboard. One of the best regions j Supt. 5 . R. R. R. Get?. Man’g’r. P. & R. R. R. people from the cities like, large, well lighted in the state for hunting. Pickerel and perch \ I G. M .VOSE, Kiiigfield, Me., Supt. F. & fl. Ry. £ and pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, fish and game at appropriate times in the at the door, while the trout can’t be beaten, j £ 3 year ana the table is always supplied with Camps newly furnished. Pure sirring water. ! excellent fresh milk and cream. Pure water W m. L. Hobbs, Prop’r., Milo, Me. runs to the house from a spring above. This is a particularly good place for safe and Moosehead La k e . ; pleasant boating and the drives and walks are unsurpassed. Croquet and lawn tennis Mount Kineo House. grounds adjoin the house. "Write for a free Send your address and receive a copy of | circular to L. E. Bow LEY, Mountain View House, ‘Picturesque Kineo,” which contains a full Mountain View, Rangeley Lakes, Me. description of this famous resort. At Er r o l , N. H. C. A. JUDKINS, Manager, Hmbagog House. Good accommodations. N ear Kineo, Maine. fishing grounds. O. C. Bumford, Prop.r. Where shall I go to get the best Spring spend the"summer with their families as they Dead River House on the line of P. & R. R. R. In I >ead R iv e r R e g io n . Fishing? Will be asked by hundreds of can be accommodated with Log Cottages Hotel Blanchard. Hunting, Fishing. J. S. Good stream fishing near house. Deer and DURRELL, Proprietor, Stratton, Me.___________ partridge shooting. “ Registered guides fur­ sportsmen the coming season, and to those where they can be by themselves, or they nished. For terms address we would say, go to Angler’s Retreat. Sit­ can have rooms in the house. Here Hay At Flagstaff. Gust Johnson, Lake House and Camp. Camp is reached from Box 103. Rangeley, Me. uated at the outlet of Welokennebacook or Fever is never known. Pure sp riu wter L hotel by boat. Great hunting. Moose and lower Rangeley Lake, here one always finds first-class table and the best of beds. The deer seen daily. S.C. D u r r e l l , Flagstaff, Me. Via Eu stis. the best of fishing and it also holds the dining room has been made twice its former King and Bartlett. Via Ra n geley. record of the largest trout taken in the size and has a capacity to seat 75 people.
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