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1> In what year did The Big Bang Theory make its debut?

2> Where do Sheldon and his friends work?

3> , from The Big Bang Theory, was born and raised in which state?

4> Although a social misfit, what popular sport does Sheldon know inside out and backwards?

5> is a supposed genius. How high is his IQ?

6> What is the name of Sheldon's girlfriend?

7> On the show The Big Bang Theory, which character is unable to speak to women?

8> As of the fourth season, who is Leonard's new girlfriend on The Big Bang Theory?

9> Which actor from star trek is a semi-regular on The Big Bang Theory?

10> Who refers to Sheldon as dumbass on the show The Big Bang Theory?


1> 2007 - The show is about four extremely intelligent geeks, who have little knowledge about women and the real world. 2> Cal Tech - Although the four men work together, they are also good friends. 3> Texas - Sheldon began attending the University of Texas when he was eleven. 4> Football - In one episode, he attempts to teach Leonard the basic rules of the game. 5> 173 - Leonard graduated from Princeton at the age of 24. All of his siblings are also gifted. 6> Amy - Amy Farrah Fowler is a neurobiologist. The character is played by . 7> Raj - Raj can only talk to women when he is under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. 8> Raj's sister - Raj's sister first appears in the fourth season. She is a lawyer. 9> Wil Wheaton - Wil played the role of Wesley Crusher on Star Trek Next Generation. 10> Dr. Leslie Winkle - Leslie is Sheldon's archenemy. She is an optical physicist.

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