Campus Prepares for Possible Pandemic

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Campus Prepares for Possible Pandemic BUCKING THE BRONCOS P.9 CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING P.5 TOO MUCH DEBT P.11 THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 2009 Volume 132, Issue 48 FRI SAT SUN MON Spartan Daily 70 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 69 67 69 71 THE WIRE HEALTH BAY AREA Campus prepares for possible pandemic Local drug bust destroys 7,000 pot plants their hands, and imploring stu- Elementary School in Pitt sburg SJSU’s president issues dent feeling symptoms of the fl u have been closed due to students SARATOGA — Santa Clara statement about outbreak to stay home. having swine fl u. County authorities said they Symptoms of the swine fl u, Pat Lopes Harris, SJSU’s direc- arrested a 28-year-old San according to a statement issued tor of media relations, said, “Th e Jose man and destroyed 7,000 MICHAEL LE ROY by Whitmore, are, “very similar administration is taking this seri- Staff Writer marijuana plants in a raid in the to regular seasonal fl u symptoms. ously and is carefully monitoring rural hills above Saratoga. Th ese include fever, coughing, each and every development.” The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s With more than 90 confi rmed runny nose, sore throat, head and Harris said a team of campus Department said that 28-year- cases of swine fl u in the United body aches, lack of appetite and administrators will meet to dis- old Othoniel Rivas Buelna was States and one death, SJSU Presi- lethargy. With swine fl u there cuss the current university pan- taken into custody Tuesday dent Jon Whitmore has issued an may be additional gastrointestinal demic plan today. on charges of cultivation of alert on MySJSU to inform stu- symptoms, such as nausea, vomit- According to the alert issued marijuana, possession of dents of the fl u outbreak. ing and diarrhea.” Monday, there are no confi rmed marijuana for sales and carrying Th e alert, which was sent out Th e San Francisco Chronicle a loaded fi rearm. He remains on Monday, asked students to has reported that Branham High Some people have begun Photo illustration by CARLOS A. MORENO in Santa Clara county jail on $1 take precautions, such as washing School in San Jose and Highlands See FLU, page 2 wearing masks due to the outbreak of the swine fl u. million bail. Authorities say the plants had a market value of $10 million. HISTORYHISTORY SERVICE — Associated Press Building a community behind barbed wire Day offers NATIONAL Students learn the Japanese American Museum She said it showed how US set to ask world to of San Jose, visited Sweeney Hall people have overcome personal students reduce greenhouse gases about life in Japanese on Tuesday to speak to about struggles. 30 students in a “Concepts of “A lot of us have never been community UNITED NATIONS — The internment camps Childhood” class about his ex- through an experience like this,” Obama administration, in a periences in a Japanese intern- Castillo said. “It kind of gives us major environmental policy ANDREA MUNIZ ment camp. a diff erent perspective on life and connection shift, is leaning toward asking Staff Writer One student said that hav- how people have gone through 195 nations that ratifi ed ing Yasutake tell his story was so many diff erent things to get to RALPH WARNER the U.N. ozone treaty to Th e bombing of Pearl Har- benefi cial. where they are now.” Staff Writer enact mandatory reductions bor in 1941 dropped more than “It’s good to know, because I Robin Love, an associate in hydrofl uorocarbons, bombs on American soil. Th e at- had no idea myself that this basi- professor of childhood and ado- according to U.S. offi cials tack also heightened racism and cally had gone on with younger lescent development, said she Students, faculty and other and documents obtained by war hysteria among the Ameri- people,” said Sharon Castillo, a had Yasutake speak to her stu- members of the SJSU community The Associated Press. “We’re can people. senior psychology major. “He dents to bring awareness of cur- will meet on May 8 to partici- considering this as an option,” Joseph Yasutake said he was said that he was a child when he rent confl icts and their aff ects pate in various service projects Environmental Protection one of more than 110,000 peo- was fi rst put into an internment on children. across San Jose such as painting Agency spokeswoman Adora ple of Japanese ancestry impris- camp, so it’s a really good op- houses, planting trees, cleaning Andy said Wednesday, oned during World War II. portunity to actually hear from Courtesy of Joe Yasutake local parks and helping students emphasizing that while a fi nal Yasutake, a board member of somebody that was there.” See SPEAKER, page 2 Joe Yasutake at local elementary schools. Aft er decision has not been made, it the community service projects was accurate to describe this as are completed, participants will the administration’s “preferred meet back on campus for refl ec- option.” tion and a celebratory barbecue. Since its inception in 2007, Fed says recession Partying participation in the SJSU Day may be easing of Service has grown from about 750 members three years WASHINGTON — The Federal for Pacquiao ago to an expected 1,500 mem- Reserve said Wednesday that bers this year. it sees signs that the recession Cathy Busalacchi, associate is easing and that the economic at the pit vice president for campus life, outlook has “improved said Day of Service is an oppor- modestly” since last month. tunity for students to connect Against that backdrop, Fed with the city of San Jose rather Chairman Ben Bernanke and than just viewing it as the loca- his colleagues left a key interest tion of their university. rate at a record low of between “I think this is truly a partner- zero and 0.25 percent, and ship with our community and the decided against taking any new city,” she said. “I think it’s really steps to shore up the economy. important because part of our Aggressive action already taken educational mission is the im- — including a $1.2 trillion effort portance of community service last month — should gradually See NEWS • Page 4 and giving back to our commu- help bolster economic activity, nity. Especially since San Jose is the Fed said. It did, however, an urban campus, it’s important leave the door open to future for us to be part of the greater action if needed. community.” — Associated Press Diane Quinto, a sophomore kinesiology major, performs with the Mangalay group at the Pacquiao MICHELLE GACHET / Spartan Daily Pride in the Pit Event organized by the Akbayan Pilipino Club at the Student Union Amphitheater on Wednesday. See SERVICE, page 3 THE NEWSNE PHOTO BLOG StaffStaff writers Marcos Check out more of staff SPARTAN BlancoBlanc and Scott photographer Stefan ReyburnReyb review the Armijo’s photos of DAILY. new album by rock/ SJSU’s creative arts COM electronicaelect band Julien-K. program. Sports Blog: www.spartandailysports.wordpress.comailysportss.w.woro NEWSNEW BLOG Photo Blog: NewsNews Blog: Why TV www.spartandailyphoto.wordpress.comlyphoto.worddprresess.s com can’t give a good News Blog: approximationappro of life in www.spartandailynews.wordpress.comnews.wordpress.comm prison.prison CHAD ZIEMENDORF / Spartan Daily 2PAGE NEWS THURSDAY,,, APRIL 30, 2009 SPARTA FLU Cases of swine fl u confi rmed in Santa Clara County I heard that there were cases are naturally resistant, it tends died from the disease in Mexico. GUIDE here,” she said. to reach a lot of dead ends and Th e fl u is spreading around Continued from page 1 Anayansi Munoz, a senior ac- doesn’t go anywhere,” Gerst- the globe and according to the 30 Today counting major, said that SJSU man said. “When you put it Associated Press, there are now cases of the fl u at SJSU and should be closed if students on into what they call an ‘immune- confi rmed cases in Germany Akbayan of SJSU there are no plans on closing campus contract swine fl u. naive population,’ it sort of and Australia. General meeting. the campus. “People are dying from it, so spreads quickly.” Tariqu Khalil, a senior me- 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Almaden Jeff Hughes, a senior history if it gets close to home then I Gerstman said there is a chanical engineering major, Room of the Student Union. major, said if students contract think defi nitely we should take degree of sensationalism tied said the fl u is, “a big scare tactic, Contact Justin Lacap at the fl u, the campus should not measures, but since it has not into the swine fl u, and that the I would say — especially in the be closed. happened yet I don’t think we media is always looking for the U.S. it won’t be a big deal. All “People that are infected should worry,” she said. next “Andromeda Strain.” the deaths in Mexico should Bible Study should stay home and the rest Bud Gerstman, a professor Th e fi rst confi rmed case of not be compared to what is Acts 2 Christian Fellowship hosts of us should live our lives just as of epidemiology in the health the swine fl u can be traced back happening in the U.S.” a weekly study. we did,” he said. science department, said there to Mexico. According to the Th ere currently is no vaccine 7 p.m. in the Pacifi ca Room at Jeanett e Hileman, a senior is reason to be cautious, be- Washington Post, 5-year-old for the swine fl u, but accord- the Student Union.
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