he Newsweekly 011i


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TOP OF THE WEEK Unbiased commission The FCC sends a letter to Fox denying allegations that the agency is biased in its investigation into allegations of foreign ownership of the network. / 6 New Year's resolution The commission is planning to consider major new policy moves at its first meeting of 1995. Among them: writing new rules for telcos carrying video (in the wake of court decisions overturning bans of telcos providing video programing in their telephone service areas) and allocating spectrum for digital audio. / 6 CBS adds shows In some network schedule moves, two of three new CBS sitcoms (from Carsey -Werner) pulled in strong numbers last week, while a third (from Shukovsky English) lagged far behind. / 8 TW eyes Cablevision Industries Time Warner is considering a deal that could boost it close behind TCI in number of subscribers. Financing on the deal has not been outlined. / 11 Fox making news move Network executives are proposing a $20 million investment to its Fox News Service to add staff and satel- lite trucks and increase feeds from one per day to five or seven. 16 PBS President Ervin Duggan and Sen. Larry / Pressler debated government funding of pub- lic broadcasting on ABC's `Nightline.' / 10 HDTV deadline extended The Grand Alliance of companies developing a high -definition transmission system said last week they will need up to two more months (beyond their own Jan. 31 deadline) to complete the prototype. / 18

COVER STORY especially those with ethnic characters. The top -rated Hispanic prime time show was Fox's Beverly Hills, 90210. / 49 broadcasting Radio making waves & cable With greater numbers of listeners spawning more Span- Spanish- language services ish- language stations, the medium now is developing are booming -in both num- new formats. Also, more and more, Hispanic radio is ber and advertiser interest. turning to the FM band. / 49 This special report begins The cable connection with an interview with Ray More Hispanic networks are Rodriguez, president /COO being developed in an effort of -the top -rated to increase penetration in Hispanic Spanish- language TV net- Univision's Rodriguez out- households, now about 30 %, to work. Cover photo by Lauren lines num- his plans for the the national figure of 60 %. 50 Radack / 40 ber-one Hispanic network. / Image problem On the grow This week the first Latino Sum- A Nielsen study of Hispanic TV viewing shows that in mit will meet to develop strategy Fox's 'House of 1994, the medium's viewing universe grew 7 %, com- Buggin' is a high -pro- on how to force the TV networks pared with 1% for the overall television universe. In file Hispanic - Chemed to 51 show. / 51 addition, ad revenue for each of the two Spanish -lan- open access to Latinos. / guage networks, Univision and , has grown PROGRAMING by 30 %. / 46 `Dove' on drawing board Viewing preferences In an effort to attract more younger viewers, Rysher A BBDO study finds that the favorite TV shows among Entertainment is retooling its `Lonesome Dove' syndi- Hispanic households include serial dramas and sitcoms, cated drama. /22 4 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable "Why is there this small, elite group at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting that gets to spend money they didn't earn ?" -Rep. Newt Gingrich

JANUARY 9, 1995

News Channel gets E! introduced to eliminate Major League Baseball's long- E! will be the exclusive supplier of entertainment news standing antitrust exemption. / 64 to NBC's affiliate news feed service. In return, the TECHNOLOGY cable channel gets access to News Channel footage for Digital construction its nightly E! News Daily. / 22 Two new cable networks, the `Stewart' moves up Game Show Network and About 20 stations are moving Paramount's Jon Stewart Home & Garden Television, Show to earlier time slots. The show also is being re- have built production /distrib- vamped in an effort to boost ratings. with /23 ution centers an eye The Game Show Network's ESPN and USA: They're basic toward the future. The serial state -of- the -art digital pro- digital facilities will be com- duction center. / 68 The sports network was the top -rated basic cable chan- patible with new advances in technology. 68 nel in prime time for fourth quarter 1994, according to / Nielsen rankings. For the year, the top honor goes to USA. /27 nE Telem CBS spending on sports `Times,' NY1 ,Afv Following its loss of NFL games, the go CD-ROM THE network spent more than $2.4 billion Newspaper and cable news last year for broadcast rights to a GREAT channel join to produce a CD- variety of events and franchises, includ- i ROM highlighting news events NETWORK ing an NCAA package and the '98 'New York Time Cap- of 1994. The deal is represen- SHIFT winter Olympics. / 30 sule': Wrapping up tative of a growing trend among 1994 on CD -ROM. 54 print and video outlets. 54 of Baltimore's WMAR -TV used ads like / this one to explain the market's DBS flying high ß'dWSytl 6pE recent affiliate switches. / 35 highlights Winter P.!!!S!n One of the of the upcoming Consum- er Electronics Show is expected to be home satellite AM fans equipment. As a number of services begin consumer advertising, interest in the new technology has sky- The latest listening survey from Statistical Research rocketed. 55 indicates that older adults are more likely to listen to / AM stations, while younger listeners prefer FM. / 62 GTE plays games w®cMtNr.ToN The telco has set up a joint venture with Nintendo to develop videogame TV dereg hot topic in Boca software for today's markets and future interactive networks. 56 The NAB board meeting later this / month in Florida will consider how VideoGuide to bypass cable it should respond to the FCC's pro- A new electronic program guide ser- MTV's Matt Farber posal to revise its TV ownership vice will be "cable independent" and and others dis- rules. Some members think the com- will transmit data to homes using cussed adapting TV properties to mission is going too far and that the paging technology. / 56 Newt Gingrich says multimedia last changes would benefit networks Congress should Setting a standard week. / 59 rather than group broadcasters. 64 open up to TV. 66 / That's what Macromedia and Online Media hope they Strikeout looming for baseball? will do with their "Author Once, Play Anywhere' inter- active authoring tools. 58 As the new Congress convenes, two hills are being /

Changing Hands 60 Datebook 81 Fifth Estater 85 Classified 73 Editorials 90 For the Record 81 Closed Circuit 89 Fates & Fortunes 86 In Brief 88

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 5 r FCC denies bias in Fox inquiry Action follows Quello's criticism of staff conduct in probe, Fox allegations of bias

By Christopher Stem rett said. Barrett also feared Quello had In an extraordinary move, the FCC last put his own reputation in jeopardy by crit- week issued a letter asserting that its icizing his own agency's staff. investigation into Fox's ownership is un- Fox executive Preston Padden, along biased. "[T]his proceeding is being handled with Fox's outside counsel William Reyn- by the commission's staff in a fair, objective er of Hogan & Hartson, had accused the and impartial manner," the agency said in a FCC of conducting a biased investigation. letter to Fox. Two weeks ago, Fox told the commission The letter was released two days after that it would not "participate" in the ongo- Commissioner James Quello sent a letter ing investigation unless several conditions highly critical of the agency's handling of were met. the Fox investigation to Senate Commerce Padden said last week he was satisfied Committee Chairman Larry Pressler (R- James Quello that the FCC had taken action to address S.D.). Quello referred to "troublesome" and "misguid- his concerns. "We hope for a general lowering of the ed" staff decisions. rhetoric and will bend over backward to make testimo- However, Quello endorsed the agency's letter to Fox, ny and information available to the staff." saying the agency had taken corrective action. "My Eleven top Fox officials, including CEO Rupert Mur- concerns have been addressed; now let's move for- doch and Fox Television Chairman Chase Carey, are ward," Quello said in an interview last week. scheduled to be deposed by the FCC beginning Jan. 18. Commissioner Andrew Barrett said last week that he The FCC is looking into allegations that Fox misled the endorsed the letter only after language implying that commission about the extent of its Australian owner- staff had acted improperly was deleted. "The staff has ship when it won FCC approval to purchase the Metro- never done anything other than operate in good faith. media stations. Federal law limits the amount of for- My concerns were that the staff not be maligned," Bar- eign ownership in TV stations.

FCC to advance telco TV, satellite radio Agency set to launch telco programing proceeding, allocate channels for satellite radio

By Christopher Stern and Chris McConnell "I think there is little room for doubt FCC officials say the agency is that what Bell Atlantic and the other seeking to bring its rules in line with The FCC is expected to launch a telcos are providing is cable," said Dan recent court decisions. "We are work- rulemaking at its open meeting Brenner, National Cable Television ing our way to reconcile what the this Thursday (Jan. 12) aimed at Association vice president for law and Fourth Circuit did with what we are establishing rules for telephone com- regulatory policy. trying to do on VDT," says one FCC panies that offer programing over The FCC's current regulations do official. Bell Atlantic won a decision their own video dialtone networks. not take into account cable service in the Richmond, Va., federal appeals The agency also is slated to award provided by a telephone company court affirming its right to carry video spectrum for broadcasting audio via because it was banned by Congress. programing in its own service area. satellite, a service broadcasters op- But courts in almost every region of In addition, US West won its federal pose as unfair competition. the country have struck down the appeals court case in San Francisco on Cable lobbyists complained last ban, saying that it violates telcos' Dec. 30. The California court's deci- week that the commission is "giving First Amendment rights. sion applies to US West and PacTel. away the store" with the proposed Telephone companies claim that So far, there have been five deci- telco programing rulemaking. They their video dialtone systems are sub- sions at the district court level affirm- insist the FCC does not need new rules ject to common carrier regulations ing telcos' right to provide cable ser- for telco programing. They say they and are not subject to the obligations vice in their own markets. should be subject to cable regulations. of a cable company. The FCC is planning to allocate

6 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable And Great Storytelling. The Audiences Came. Peter Brennan, the creator of "A Current Affair" and the man who made "Hard Copy" a hit, has a vision. He has seen the future of newsmagazines and it is DETOUR. The reality is that today's crowded field of tabloid -style shows is getting old, in more ways than one. DETOUR breathes new life into the format with a fresh attitude and compelling storytelling style that goes beyond shallow sensationalism to examine subjects in- depth. Instead of shouting, DETOUR listens. Instead of rushing to judgment, DETOUR waits for the truth. Instead of following, DETOUR leads. It's where all newsmagazines will be tomorrow. Get there today. Take a DETOUR to the new reality of the 90's. The Truth Is, The Best Story Wins. "The difference between tabloid and non- tabloid? It comes down to a simple question before going on the story: Why are we doing this story? The answer is: the moral. What do we get from it, what do we learn, what do our viewers learn? The idea for DETOUR is to walk thoughtfully into people's lives, experience what they feel, and hopefully walk away with a moral that our viewers can embrace."


2310 -2360 mhz for satellite radio or casters has opposed satellite radio as a satellite digital audio radio (DAR). threat to local, terrestrial broadcasters. Pressler to hold The allocation will be the first step in In a report filed late last month with a two -step process to launch the the commission, the NAB charged hearing without satellite -delivered business. Once that CD Radio's satellite -delivered spectrum is allocated, the FCC must service would fragment radio audi- Hollings, devise regulations for the industry, a ences and render local radio unprof- administration process that could take another year. itable. "Why risk the financial stability "It means the first step in the pro- of 11,000 radio stations in the U.S. in Senate Commerce Committee cess of implementation," said Robert order to offer new services ?" asked Chairman Larry Pressler's (R- Briskman, president of CD Radio NAB spokesman Doug Wills. Jeff S.D.) promise to work closely Systems, a proponent of the new Baumann, the association's general with the Democrats in forging technology that hopes to implement a counsel, also voiced concerns about telecommunications legislation subscription -based service of 30 CD- the potential effects of a satellite com- was short- lived. quality channels. Other applicants petitor: "You're interjecting all of Pressler announced last week proposing satellite- delivered radio these services into every market" he would hold his first hearing on services are Primosphere (New CD Radio disagreed. "Under telecommunications today (Jan. York), American Mobile Radio Corp. NAB's theory, the FCC could not have 9), while the committee's ranking (Washington) and Digital Satellite inaugurated FM radio, let alone televi- Democrat, Ernest Hollings (S.C.), Broadcasting Corp. (Seattle). sion, for fear they might have harmed is expected to be out of town and The National Association of Broad- AM radio." Vice President Al Gore and other administration policymakers are hosting their own telecommunica- tions "summit" across town. Pressler's hearing is to be a showcase for Republican lead- ers: Majority Leader Bob Dole (R- Kan.), House Commerce Com- mittee Chairman Thomas Bliley (R -Va.), and House Telecommu- nications Subcommittee Chair- man Jack Fields (R- Tex.). "We were asked if the senator would be here," said a Hollings aide. "We told them no, but the hearing was scheduled anyway." Lobbyists felt Pressler's scheduling was calculated to one -up the administration and its E RV IN SEN LARRY summit. "It was pure politics," said one. DUGGAN PRESSLER The administration, which had scheduled its summit of federal, Pressler, Gingrich hit public broadcasting state and local officials before Public broadcasting was under attack again last week from Hill Republicans. Pressler had set his hearing, was Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Larry Pressler (R -S.D.) says he's ready harboring no ill will. "We've been to introduce legislation to privatize public broadcasting over a three -year period. "We're not advocating abolishing 'Sesame Street' or 'Barney.' We're saying it assured it's not partisan," said should be run as a business from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting," Press- Larry Irving, head of the Com- ler said in an interview last week on ABC's 'Nightline.' Debating the senator was merce Department's National PBS President Ervin Duggan, who said privatization would drive public TV into the Telecommunications and Infor- "arms of commercial television, with all their violence, with all their exploitation." It was a testy exchange between the two, with Duggan defending public TV mation Administration. "We look and insisting that "no one is collecting a huge salary, and very few millionaires foward to participating in future are created." He said the federal funding is needed to keep the satellite intercon- hearings." No Hill Republicans nection and the infrastructure intact. "If you destroy that, you destroy the small stations, you destroy the very things that make the nonprofit service available." were slated for the summit. Also last week, House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R -Ga.), in a C -SPAN interview, Meanwhile, in the House, John said he'll work "fairly hard" to eliminate funding for CPB. "Why is there this small, Dingell (D- Mich.), the ranking elite group at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting that gets to spend money Democrat, introduced H.R. 4111, they didn't earn? What right do they have to dole out your money ?" he asked. This week public TV and radio managers are expected in Washington to dis- essentially the same telecommu- cuss, among other things, how to combat congressional efforts to eliminate feder- nications bill passed overwhelm- al funding. Also, CPB hopes to meet with Gingrich to discuss the matter. -KM ingly by the House last year. -KM

10 Jan 91995 Broadcasting & Cabk TOP OF THE WEEK Time Warner eyeing Cablevision Industries Deal could make MSO almost as big as TCI By Rich Brown say the company might pull it off solidation in the cable system opera- It might be a little tricky to pull off, through creative dealmaking. tions business. Larger MSO's are but Time Warner is said to be con- "I don't think it would be a straight looking to acquire smaller MSO's that sidering a deal with Cablevision acquisition of CVI for cash," says will enable them to "cluster" systems Industries that could give the media analyst Jay Nelson of Brown Broth- and better compete with the increas- giant a stake in additional cable sys- ers Harriman. At the going rate of ingly aggressive direct broadcast tems serving more than 1.3 million about $2,000 per subscriber, an out- satellite, telephone and wireless cable subscribers nationally. right sale of CVI in its entirety could companies. Virtually all of the top 20 Already the nation's second largest cost more than $2.5 billion. MSO's in the past six months have cable multiple system operator with Time Warner could take a minority made a deal or are considering one. its 7.3 million cable subscribers, equity position in CVI, says analyst In fact, Time Warner has long been Time Warner is poised to become Larry Petrella of J.P. Morgan Securi- rumored to also have an interest in almost equal in size to top MSO Tele- ties. He says the company has the cable systems owned by Wood- Communications Inc. Time Warner already shown its ability to make cre- bury, N.Y. -based Cablevision Sys- expects by mid -year to close on a ative deals through its planned joint tems Corp., many of which are adja- previously announced deal with venture with Newhouse. It is also cent to Time Warner cable systems. Newhouse (1.4 million subs) and likely that banks will provide loans to "My guess is there are only so could close even sooner on another Time Warner despite the company's many massive acquisitions a compa- deal with Summit Communications large debt, says Petrella: "Fifteen bil- ny can make," says Petrella. "But now (160,000 subscribers). lion dollars in debt is not necessarily is the time to do it. They don't have a Complicating matters in closing a a problem when you have over $3 bil- choice." deal with CVI is Time Warner's lion in cash flow." Representatives at Time Warner already considerable debt of $15 bil- Word of a possible Time Warner- and CVI refused to comment on lion. Nevertheless, industry analysts CVI deal comes during intense con- rumors involving a possible deal.

Frank Washington: Cashing in on his idea If anyone understands minority tax cer- the two graduated in the same class at tificates, it's Frank Washington. Yale University Law School ('74) and Eighteen years ago, while working for have met on several occasions. the White House Office of Telecommuni- Since 1987, Washington has cations Policy, he devised the minority described himself as a consultant/ tax certificate program to encourage entrepreneur helping various entertain- more minority ownership of broadcast ment, communications and computer and cable companies. This week, the information services with their strategic African -American executive and his busi- direction and acquisitions and in secur- ness partners are expected to close on a ing financing. involving largest media From 1984 to '87, Washington was deal the -ever tax Frank Washington in 1980 with break for a minority owner. the FCC broadcast bueau vice president of electronic communi- Viacom is expected to get a tax defer- cations for McClatchy Newspapers, ral of up to $400 million by selling its cable systems to overseeing the operations and eventual sale of the the Washington -led partnership. Washington will own company's 90,000- subscriber cable operation. He also 21% of the systems; Intermedia Partners will own 79 %, was a vice president of Times Mirror Cable in 1981 -82. and top multiple system cable operator Tele- Commu- The completion of the Viacom deal is expected to nications Inc. will own 19.75 %. It is not yet clear how be announced this week along with the settlement of much each of the partners will contribute in the $2.2 various matters between Viacom and Tele- Communi- billion deal. cations Inc. Sources say Viacom has agreed to drop In 1977 Washington took the job at the White House its long- standing antitrust suit against ICI and that the Office of Telecommunications Policy (now the NTIA). number -one MSO has agreed to certain carriage He moved on to serve as legal assistant to FCC Chair- guarantees for Viacom's Showtime and MTV net- man Charles Ferris from 1977 to '79 and was deputy works. A long- expected merger between Viacom's chief of the FCC's Broadcast Bureau in 1979 -81. He Showtime and ICI's Encore operations will likely be also has ties to current FCC Chairman Reed Hundt- addressed in late January or early February. -RB

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 9 1995 11 TOP OF THE WEEK Fox up, CBS down in switched markets But for individual stations, it's another story By Steve McClellan

The Fox network is making dra- Switched Stations -How They're Faring matic ratings gains in markets Switch date Market Stations and Affiliation Changes Rating/Share /41N where recent affiliate changes have taken place. For the most part, 9 -3 -94 Cleveland W010 Fox to CBS 5 / 11 ( -9 %) those gains are coming at the expense WJW CBS to Fox 4 / 11 ( -36%) of CBS. That's according to an analy- 9 -10 -94 Phoenix KPHO Ind. to CBS 5 / 13 1 +62%) sis by Seltel, the New Yorkbased rep KSAZ CBS to Ind. 4 / 9 1 -44 %) firm, of the Nielsen ratings in markets where the switches have taken place. 9 -12 -94 Kansas City KSHB Fox to NBC 4/11- Nevertheless, the individual sta- WDAF NBC to Fox 4 / 12 ( -25 %) tions Fox is using to make those gains 9 -12 -94 Atlanta WATL Fox to Ind. 4/9 ( -18 %) are down in many cases. For example, WAGA CBS to Fox 7/16( -16 %) in Cleveland, where Fox's post - WGNX Ind. to CBS 4 / 10 ( +42 %) switch prime time performance is up 20% or more, the new Fox affiliate, 9 -12 -94 Detroit WKBD Fox to Ind. 4 / 9 ( -18%) WJW -TV, is down 8 share points, sign - WJBK CBS to Fox 4 / 10 ( -42%) on to sign -off, in November 1994, WGPR Ind. to CBS 3 /6n/a compared with the previous year, Sel- -94 Milwaukee WCGV Fox to Ind. 3 7 ( %) tel reports. WJw -TV was affiliated with 9 -12 / -36 CBS before the switch. WITZ CBS to Fox 5 / 13 ( -28 %) In Kansas City, Fox's prime time WDJT Ind. to CBS 2 / 6 ( +200 %) performance is also up at least 20 %, 12 -12 -94 Tampa WFTS Fox to ABC 4 / 11 ( +37 %) but WDAF -TV, which moved to Fox from WTVT CBS to Fox 5 / 13 ( -28 %) in is 4 NBC September, down share WTSP ABC to CBS 6 / 15 ( -7 %) points sign -on to sign -off in November. Two other stations gained from the 12 -14 -94 Phoenix KSAZ Ind. to Fox 5 / 11 ( -32 %) switches in those markets: WBNX-TV KNXV Fox to Ind. 3 / 8 ( -12 %) Cleveland and KSMO -TV Kansas City. Notes: Rating/share figure for each station represents sign- on -to- sign -off average Dec. 12 -31, 1994, except In new for September Phoenix switches, where ratings are for Sept. 10 -30. Number in parenthesis represents aver- Cleveland, CBS affiliate age sign -on- sign -off share drop or gain from May 1994. Source: Seltel wolo is down substantially in prime time, but up across the board in the compared with its performance last of life. According to Seltel, both of the local market. The same is true for the year on KSAZ -TV. stations, WDJT -TV Milwaukee and new NBC affiliate in Kansas City, The third stage in the Phoenix WGPR -TV Detroit, were 1- or 2 -share KSHB -TV. switch occurs today (Jan. 9) when stations in just about every daypart The CBS Evening News has taken a KNXV -TV signs on to ABC and KTVK before they switched on Dec. 12. substantial hit in the six switch mar- becomes an independent. However, in their first three weeks kets involving CBS because none of In Tampa, where three stations as CBS affiliates, both stations are the new CBS affiliates has local swapped affiliations on Dec. 12, the averaging between a 7 share and a 9 news. In those markets, the network's new Fox affiliate, WTVT, is delivering share in prime time and sign -on to newscast is down by as much as 80 %. a 29% higher rating and a 20% high- sign -off. In some cases in daytime, the In Phoenix, where KSAZ -TV er share of audience in prime time stations are achieving double -digit switched to Fox three weeks ago, the than the former Fox station, WFTS, shares with the CBS soap operas. station's prime time ratings are up delivered in 1993. In Atlanta, CBS switched to a more 29 %, compared with the average There's good news and bad news established independent, Tribune's prime time rating delivered by the for- for CBS in Milwaukee, Detroit and WGNX. So far, the station has grown mer Fox affiliate, KNXV-TV, in 1993. Atlanta. The bad news: The net- approximately 4 share points in prime The affiliate switches in Phoenix are work's delivery in prime time in all and sign- on -to- sign -off, to an 11. taking place in three stages. Indepen- three markets is down roughly 50% For Fox, the trend is up in Milwau- dent KPHO -TV switched to CBS on compared with the performance of kee and Atlanta, but down in Detroit, Sept. 10. For the past three weeks, the previous CBS affiliates. Seltel reports. In Atlanta, new Fox according to Seltel (whose analysis is The good news is that the new CBS affiliate WAGA-TV is up 26% in prime the basis for all the ratings data report- affiliates in two of those markets, time since switching on Dec. 12, com- ed in this story), the CBS rating and nearly invisible independents in Mil- pared with the average performance of share are 21% lower with KPHO -TV, waukee and Detroit, are showing signs former Fox affiliate WAIL.

12 Jan 91995 Broadcasting 8r Cable


BUILDING IN LATE NIGHT BUILDING IN LATE NIGHT +21% 3.5 Rating +47% 2.9 2.5 Rating Rating I;TI 1 1 1.7 TIME tJon4'. ;;411111 PERIOD Rating EJI111 TIME PERIOD Nov.'93 Nov.'94 Nov. '93 Nov.'94

WOMEN 18.49 WOMEN 25.54 BUILDING IN LATE NIG BUILDING IN LATE NIGHT +50% 2.1 +38% Rating 1.8 Rating 1.4

.. Rating i'4 1 viI 1.3 Lone. Rating i; il`1 TIME rJoue PERIOD TIME PERIOD Nov.'93 Nov.'94 Nov.'93 Nov .'94 j



ing news source. "When you read those stories, you Fox pondering have to wonder about the long -term availability of $20 million CNN as a supplier of news to the general market," said one Fox affiliate executive. news increase Now, sources say, Fox's plan is to build up its in- By Julie A. Zier and house news feed service Steve McClellan into a strong secondary source of news -a source Fox executives are meeting today that could be upgraded fair- to decide on a dramatic expan- ly quickly to a primary sion for the Fox News Service. source if CNN becomes The proposed $20 million -plus Fox is investing in a greater news presence. unavailable. investment would provide for a signif- The expansion still icant addition of jobs and at least five the service moved into wTTG(Tv) could include a news partner, possi- satellite trucks, a source told BROAD- Washington. According to a source, bly Conus. Last fall, Fox proposed CASTING & CABLE. It also would the headquarters might move to New buying the news cooperative, but increase the number of daily feeds York or to new Washington facilities. owner Stanley Hubbard reportedly from one of one hour and 15 minutes The video packaging service for didn't want to sell. That offer result- to five or seven per day. affiliates would work in tandem with ed from pressure by New World Another topic under discussion is Fox's primary news source, CNN. Communications and other news - the service's headquarters. When the But talks between NBC and CNN heavy affiliates to get into the news operation was cut back in 1993 have made some Fox affiliates skit- service quickly, Fox affiliate because of overlap, what remained of tish about relying on CNN as its lead- sources say.

Controversy over Chung- Gingrich interview

"What we have here is a short-term rating gain for CBS and a long -term black mark for media credibil- ity." That's how Everette Dennis, executive director of the Freedom Forum Media Studies Center at Columbia University, summed up the impact last week of a Connie Chung interview with Kathleen Gingrich, mother of new House Speaker Newt Gingrich. The interview aired last Thursday on Eye to Eye with Connie Chung. But others believe the whole incident was a non - issue. In the interview, Mrs. Gingrich said her son, "Newly," told her that First Lady Hillary Clinton was Chung interviews Mrs. Gingrich on CBS's 'Eye to Eye' last week. a "bitch." That tidbit of information threw the news media and the political world into a bit of a tizzy last Dennis termed Mrs. Gingrich an "innocent" when it week because of the circumstances under which Mrs. comes to handling the media and said that CBS exploit- Gingrich revealed her son's use of the epithet. ed that fact, to the detriment of the media at large. But During the interview, the house speaker's mom said David Bartlett, president, Radio -Television News Direc- she couldn't say what her son thought of the first lady. tors Association, said the issue was a "tempest in a But Chung persisted, saying that it would be "just teapot." Mrs. Gingrich, he said, "clearly made the reve- between you and me," as the cameras continued to roll. lation in a stage whisper," with full knowledge that the With that, Mrs. Gingrich made the revelation. Speaker cameras were rolling. "There was no attempt to deceive Gingrich, without denying it, termed CBS's use of the or trick anyone into saying something on camera they tidbit "despicable." Mrs. Gingrich, who Dennis said was didn't want to," he said. Meanwhile, last week's pro- "ambushed" by Chung, did not denounce the network gram averaged a 10.9 Nielsen rating /16 share, a couple or Chung for using it. of share points boost over its recent average. -SM


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By Chris McConnell will I be willing to meet with you HDTV video system as the "critical The seven -company Grand once again to establish a new and, path" to wrapping up the prototype Alliance building a high- defini- hopefully, final schedule (a schedule system. tion TV transmission system on which we can rely)," Wiley wrote. "This is the first time anybody's said last week that they will not meet The group had hoped to complete ever done MPEG -2 [compression] in their scheduled Jan. 31 target for the prototype in time to begin a bat- high -definition," said Rast, facilitator wrapping up their work and will need tery of system tests in February at the of the Alliance Technical Oversight up to two more months to complete Alexandria, Va. -based Advanced Committee. "It's a multidimensional the system prototype. Television Test Center. problem." The news was greeted "with consid- Although the group last month told He said the group is producing pic- erable disappointment" by Richard a Technical Subgroup meeting of tures with its video encoder and Wiley, chairman of the Advisory Com- ACATS that it was en route to meet- decoder but still needs to refine the mittee on Advanced Television Ser- ing that target, they now are hoping system to comply with a series of vice (ACATS), who in a Jan. 5 letter to to deliver the system in time to begin scanning formats called for in its alliance members insisted he would testing in late March. HDTV system specifications. not set a new schedule until an Adviso- Alliance members attributed the "It's just that things are taking ry Committee inspection team was delay to the complexity of the task longer than we had hoped," says able to visit the alliance labs and assess rather than to any specific problem, Robert Graves, video technology and the state of the system construction. although alliance member Bob Rast infrastructure vice president at "Only after this team reports to me of General Instrument cited the alliance member AT &T.

18 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable

Regis & Kathie Tee) .2.6 Maury Povich 2.6' Donahue 4.4 2.1 2.3

Sally Jessy Raphael 4.4 2.9 . 2.9 RicHi Lake 3:9 49 3.7

Moütel. Williams 3.8 : 3.4 . . .. . 3.0

Jenny Jones 3.9 . 3.2 Geralde 2.0 1.9 Jerryprìnger. 2.5 2.2 Gordon 'Elliott 1.5 1.5


Soave: N. '94 Nielsen /SNAP DMA Weighted Average Ratings.' ©1995 Ring World. AN Rights R d. . 3.4 2.7 2.5 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.7 1.9 2.1 1.4 Quality Speaks For Itself! Rysher to retool `Lonesome Dove' Seeks to attract younger demo with more action, younger guest stars

By David Tobenkin tive Vice President of Married cowboys Creative Affairs Rob and young audi- Kenneally. ence demograph- "We discovered that ics don't mix, or so it by marrying him, we seems. A decision by limited our ability to Rysher Entertainment develop our lead," says will kill off the wife of Kenneally. "This will lead character Newt Call allow him to travel more, next season in the syndi- be involved in other cated drama Lonesome romantic relationships Dove in an effort to and toughen up his char- attract young viewers. acter." The last episode of the Although the show is first season ends in a the top -rated new action cliffhanger, with Call's hour this season, with a wife, Hannah Peale (por- 4.4 Nielsen national trayed by Christianne Rysher is toughening up 'Lonesome Dove's' lead charact er. household rating in the Hirt), trapped in a burning building. to more action and romantic encoun- November sweeps, it has been criti- Allowing her to meet her demise will ters when the show's second season cized by some as slow and lacking open Scott Bairstow's Call character begins in the fall, says Rysher Execu- action and has skewed to an older- E! to supply NBC News Channel E! Entertainment and NBC News new element in the extended agree- Channel have entered a long -term ment is a 90- second weekly movie pre- news exchange agreement, BROAD- view segment that E! will produce. In CASTING & CABLE has learned. E! will addition, the service will provide some serve as the news channel's exclusive custom packages for the NBC -owned supplier of entertainment news "outside stations. the immediate NBC News family," con- In return, E! gets access to the NBC firms Robert Horner, president, NBC News Channel footage for its nightly News Channel. half -hour entertainment news program The two services have been working E! News Daily. Dale Hopkins, senior on a trial basis for the past year, leading vice president, marketing, E!, says that to the extended long -term deal. During access would be a valuable resource the trial, E! has produced a daily two - for covering hard -news stories with an minute entertainment report with an- entertainment slant. "NBC has affiliates chors Steve Kmetko and Bianca Ferrare around the country we can rely on for for the Charlotte -based News Channel, E! Entertainment anchors Bianca news stories, like the Kurt Cobain sui- Ferrare and Steve Kmetko NBC's affiliate news feed service. cide, instead of sending our own crew," "Entertainment news is clearly a niche we want to she says. build on within our general interest news service," says But Hopkins says the deal also was key for E! be- Homer. The news channel surveyed its affiliates this cause it gives the cable network "exposure to a new summer and received a "strong positive reaction" audience" beyond its 27 million cable household uni- regarding the quality and overall value of the E! reports, verse. "We've been looking for a partner that we could he says. provide a service to and get enhanced exposure, and In addition, E! provides voiceovers, background we think we have the ideal partner in NBC News Chan- footage and reporter packages to the news channel. A nel," Hopkins says. -SM

22 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable than- expected audience. in an effort to reach out to younger not to stray from the elements that Next season's shows will feature potential viewers. made a success of the blockbuster clues to the crime, more action, At the same time, Kenneally says network miniseries of the same name. younger guest stars and the addition that the Suzanne de Passe and Robert "We don't want to destroy the loyal of contemporary background music Halmi Jr. production will be careful fans of the miniseries," he says. 'Stewart' gets host of upgrades Paramount convinces some 20 stations to move show By David Tobenkin Feb. 6 -10 week in Los Angeles, to 12:30 a.m; on WCPO -TV Cincinnati Arguing that weak clearances where it will tape day- and -date from from 1:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.; on rather than a weak show are Paramount Studios' facilities. KASA -TV Albuquerque from 11:30 responsible for the lackluster The show's upgrades include a p.m. to 11 p.m.; on KZIA-TV El Paso ratings of its new late -night Jon Stew- move on KCOP from 12:30 a.m. to from 11:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.; on art Show, Paramount Domestic Tele- midnight; on WTXF -TV from 12:30 WMSN -TV Madison from 2 a.m. to vision has persuaded about 20 sta- a.m. to 11:30 p.m.; on WJBK -TV from 11:30 a.m., and on KLRT -TV Little tions to upgrade the talk show to ear- 12:30 a.m. to midnight; on KTXA Rock from midnight to 11:30 p.m. lier time slots. from 11:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; on Upgrades in an additional eight to Many of the stations that have KTXH -TV from 11:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; 10 markets are being finalized, agreed to the upgrade -which in- on WISH -TV Indianapolis from 1 a.m. Berman says. clude big- market clearances KCOP (TV) Los Angeles, WTXF -TV Philadel- phia, WJBK -TV Detroit, KTXA -TV Dal- las and KTXH -TV -will move the show from 11:30 p.m. or post- midnight clearances to earlier in late night next week. "The numbers for the show this fall were not what we wanted them to be, but the temper of the stations toward the show has remained very posi- tive," says Joel Berman, president of distribution at PDT. "They believe in Stewart and see the same things we do. This is a show that is taking time to build and has been hampered by late -night time periods." The show earned a 1.1 Nielsen na- tional household rating for the week ended Dec. 18, the most recent re- leased by the rating service. The show Voiceovers by comic Top will part of The Network's revamp. debuted last September and is cleared Carrot be Cartoon in 90% of the country on 148 stations. Stewart also will be revamped Cartoon makeover somewhat to feature the former MTV Magilla Gorilla is getting a face -lift. The Cartoon Network this month rolls talk show host in fewer comedy out a new on -air look designed to create a cutting -edge environment for the sketches and talking more with big- network's classic cartoon lineup. The revamp marks the first on -air over- ger -name, more mainstream guests. haul for the network since its Oct. 1, 1992, launch. The network is replac- "It's harder to do a great bit of ing virtually all of its on -air packaging with 3 -D versions of Fred Flintstone, comedy as a regular part of the show Huckleberry Hound and many other Cartoon Network stars from the Turn- each night, and a great guest is easier er Broadcasting library. The network also is adding new voiceovers by Car- to advertise and more of a draw," says rot Top, the off -the -wall stand -up comic who plays to sell -out college audi- Frank Kelly, president of creative ences around the country. "The challenge is to take the inventory and affairs at PDT. make it modern and relevant to a '90s kid," says Stephen Croncota, vice The New York -based Stewart will president of on -air and creative director, who has been developing the new showcase those changes during the look since joining the network two years ago. -RB February sweeps by spending the

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 23 AS MER,,,NA

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Cable ad spending from Twentieth Century Fox and its coverage of America 3, the first Fox pictures. all- women's team to race for the rise 15% Searchlight to America's Cup. The network Cable advertising revenue is expect- Cablevision gets Golf planned to run its first documentary ed to top $5.3 billion in 1995, a Cablevision Industries has become on the team last night (Jan. 8) and 15.2% boost over the $4.6 billion the fourth cable MSO to reach a car- has a second special scheduled for total projected for 1994, according riage agreement with The Golf April. If the team makes it to the to the Cabletelevision Advertising Channel, joining Comcast Commu- finals, Lifetime has an option to do a Bureau. The CAB says cable net- nications, Continental Cablevision third special. Meanwhile, the net- works will attract $3.6 billion in ad and Newhouse Broadcasting. The work is looking to delve yet deeper revenue, a 13% boost over 1994; 24 -hour network debuts on Jan. 17. into sports with two as -yet- unnamed local and spot cable advertising will sporting sponsorships in the works climb to $1.5 billion, a 15% boost for 1995. over last year; and regional sports /news channel ad income in Bacall picks flicks 1995 will climb to $195 million, Actress Lauren Bacall has joined marking a 12% increase over 1994. American Movie Classics as its Choice gets Fox AMERICA3 national spokesperson for 1995 and will host a weekly feature that will Twentieth Century Fox, the last The It'omeri's Te debut on the cable network this major studio that did not have a deal spring. The Friday evening series with Viewer's Choice, has agreed to 1m n.d l'¡, `')95 will feature Bacall introducing and make its titles available to the pay - commenting on classic movies she per-view distributor beginning selects from AMC's library. March 1. Included in the deal are Lifetime looks for sports recent Fox hits such as "True Lies" Lifetime is planning a second and Free looks and "Speed" as well as future titles possibly third documentary tied to Showtime Networks Inc. this week will run free previews for Showtime Top cable (Jan. 14 -15) and The Movie Chan- shows nel (Jan. 10 -13). So far, 1,090 sys- Following are the top 15 basic cable programs for the week of Dec. 26 -Jan. 1, ranked by tems reaching more than 21.5 mil- households tuning in. The cable -network ratings are percentages of the total households each network reaches. The U.S. ratings are percentages of the 95.4 million households with TV lion basic subscribers have signed sets. Source: Nielsen Media Research. HHs. Rating on for the Showtime preview; 637 Program Network Time (ET) (000) Cable U.S. systems reaching 17.5 million basic 1. Bowl Games ESPN Fri 9:O1p 2,916 4.7 3.1 subs are on board for the TMC pre- 2. Movie: 'The Outlaw Josey Wales' USA Tue 8:OOp 2,485 4.0 2.6 view. 3. Movie: 'Sunstroke' USA Sun 4:OOp 2,448 4.0 2.6 4. Bowl Games ESPN Thu 8:OOp 2,427 3.9 2.5 Dutch Boy on H &G 5. Bowl Games ESPN Wed 8:OOp 2,422 3.9 2.5 Newly launched I tome & Garden 6. Bowl Games ESPN Sat 8:OOp 2,412 3.8 2.5 Television has signed a multiyear 7. NFL Gameday ESPN Sun 12:OOn 2,396 3.8 2.5 charter advertiser agreement with Dutch Boy Paints that will include 8. Murder, She Wrote USA Mon 8:OOp 2,131 3.4 2.2 sponsorship of Room by Room, an 9. Gator Bowl TBS Fri 7:30p 1,970 3.2 2.1 original weekly half -hour series air- 10. Movie: 'Linda' USA Sat 4:OOp 1,912 3.1 2.0 ing on the cable network. 11. Sportscenter ESPN Sun 11:30a 1,896 3.0 2.0 12. Ren & Stimpy NICK Sun 11:30a 1,854 3.1 1.9 More subs for Court 13. NFL Prime Time ESPN Sun 7:30p 1,830 2.9 1.9 Court TV has gained 7.8 million 13. Aaahh!! Real Monsters NICK Sun 11:OOa 1,823 3.0 1.9 subscribers as a result of the FCC's 15. Rocko's Modern Life NICK Sun 10:30a 1,821 3.0 1.9 going-forward rules, according to CEO Steven Brill, bringing the net- Following are the top five pay cable programs for the period of Dec. 26 -Jan. 1, ranked by the number of households tuning in. Source: cable networks based on Nielsen Media Research. work's total distribution to more than 20 million basic subscribers by 1. Movie: 'A Perfect World' HBO Sat 8:OOp 2,338 11.5 2.5 early 1995. New system launches 2. Movie: Talking Now' HBO Tue 8:OOp 'Look Who's 2,148 10.5 2.3 include Continental Cablevision of 3. Movie: 'Beverly Hills Cop Il' HBO Fri 8:OOp 1,717 8.4 1.8 Jacksonville, Fresno and Dayton; 4. R Simmons Def Comedy Jam HBO Sat 2:OOa 1,670 8.2 1.8 Metrovision of Chicago; Time 5. Movie: 'Ground Zero' HBO Tue 11:OOp 1,641 8.0 1.7 Warner of Orlando, Houston and Boston, and Viacom of Seattle. -RB

26 Jan 91995 Broadcasting & Cable PROGRAMING ESPN tops basics in fourth quarter

Virtually all basic cable networks undergone significant programing dropped from 2.3 (1,383,000 homes) showed ratings boosts in fourth changes, The Nashville Network to 1.8 (1,108,000 homes) with the quarter 1994 over the same period and Lifetime, saw gains. The Nash- absence of Atlanta Braves baseball. last year, with top -rated ESPN ville Network climbed from 0.9 MTV also saw a slight drop, from showing a prime time A.C. Nielsen (545,000) to 1.2 (718,000), thanks 0.7 (397,000) to 0.6 (377,000). rating of 2.6 (1,649,000 house- in part to a lineup of strong holiday TBS led all basic cable networks holds). specials. in total -day household delivery for Among others showing prime Among the few networks to show fourth quarter 1994, averaging a time gains during the quarter was prime time declines during fourth 1.2 rating representing 744,000 the second -place USA Network, quarter 1994 was TBS, which homes. -RB climbing from 2.2 (1,335,000 homes) to 2.3 (1,452,000 homes) in a year -to -year comparison. USA actually had its highest -rated month Basic Cable Ratings: 4Q 1994 vs. 4Q 1993 ever in December 1994 with a 2.8 Primetime (Mon -Sun 8 -11 p.m.) Mon -Sun 24 Hours prime time rating, helped by hit 40 1994 40 1993 40 1994 4Q 1993 movies like the "Star Wars" trilogy and the continued strength of off - HH HH HH HH net series Murder, She Wrote. Rating (000) Rating (000) Rating (000) Rating (000) USA also finished 1994 as the ESPN 2.6 1,649 2.0 1,258 0.9 572 0.8 522 top -rated basic cable network of the 1.1 1.1 year with a 2.3 rating (1,443,000 USA 2.3 1,452 2.2 1,335 663 651 homes), marking its fifth consecu- *TNT 1.8 1,112 1.8 1,064 0.9 565 0.9 528 tive year in first place. TBS 1.8 1,108 2.3 1,383 1.2 744 1.4 836 Other top -rated basic cable net- works for the year were TBS with NICK 1.3 784 1.0 621 1.2 706 0.9 538 1.9 (1,204,000 homes), down 1% TNN 1.2 718 0.9 545 0.5 318 0.5 274 from 1993; TNT with 1.8 (1,088,000 homes), a 6% boost over 1993; LIFE 1.2 690 0.9 547 0.7 392 0.6 371 ESPN with 1.7 (1,096,000), a 6% A &E 1.1 642 0.9 522 0.8 476 0.6 333 drop from 1993; Nickelodeon with CNN 1.0 620 0.9 587 0.6 355 0.5 336 1.2 (753,000 homes), up 9% over 1993, and Lifetime with 1.1 DISC 1.0 607 0.9 561 0.5 334 0.5 311 (664,000 homes), a 10% boost over FAM 1.0 571 0.9 517 0.4 243 0.4 249 1993. USA's 1994 rating equaled its 1993 performance. WGN 1.1 390 1.1 390 0.6 217 0.7 233 Prime time ratings for the other MTV 0.6 377 0.7 397 0.5 285 0.5 289 basic cable networks in 1994 (as HLN NA NA 0.3 173 NA NA 0.3 179 supplied by Turner Broadcasting): CNN with 1.0 (619,000 homes); TOON 1.3 150 1.0 80 0.8 99 0.9 74 A &E with 1.1 (614,000 homes); VH1 0.3 NA 0.3 NA 0.2 NA 0.2 NA TNN with 1.0 (609,000 homes); Dis- covery with 1.0 (606,000 homes); PREVUE 0.4 120 0.3 100 0.2 65 0.2 55 Family with 0.9 (547,000 homes); TLC 0.4 137 0.4 109 0.3 96 0.3 84 MTV with 0.7 (390,000 homes); SCIFI 0.6 109 0.6 88 0.4 68 0.4 54 WGN with 1.1 (370,000 homes); Headline News with 0.3 (175,000 CMT 0.4 94 0.4 98 0.3 72 0.4 94 homes); TLC with 0.4 (138,000 COM NA NA 0.3 98 NA NA 0.2 65 homes); Cartoon with 1.3 (137,000 NA NA NA NA homes); CNBC with 0.2 (127,000 BET 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 homes); Comedy Central with 0.4 CNBC 0.3 162 0.2 115 0.3 146 0.2 104 (111,000 homes); Sci -Fi with 0.6 USA's prime time is 7-11 p.m.; Family's is 7 -10 p.m.; CNBC's is B -11:30 p.m. Mon. -Fri.; Discovery's (93,000 homes), and Court TV with and TNN's full day is 9 a.m. -3 a.m.; Family's is 7 a.m. -1 a.m.; Lifetime's is Mon. -Fri. 7:30 a.m. -1:30 0.1 (17,000 homes). Court TV num- a.m. and Sat. -Sun. 10 a.m. -1 a.m.; A &E's is 8 a.m. -4 a.m.; E!'s is 6 a.m. -3 a.m., Mon. -Sun.; TLC's is Mon. -Fri. 12 p.m. -3 a.m. and Sat. -Sun. 9 a.m. -3 a.m.; BET's is Mon. -Fri., 9 a.m. -4 a.m. All other net- bers are for fourth quarter only. works are 6 a.m. -6 a.m. Source: A.C. Nielsen Co. data supplied by various networks. All ratings At least two networks that have based on coverage homes for each network. NA -not available.

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 27 Now IT GET


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`Top Cops' busts 3.0 rating star John James and will include tive technology. The live- action segments on nutrition, exercise and show is being offered on a barter Genesis Entertainment's Top Cops It is with a -minute off-net syndicated strip earned a healthy lifestyles. being basis, two- and -a- half a with a minute 3.2 Gross Average Audience offered on barter basis national/ two- and -a -half- Nielsen national rating for the three -and -a -half- minute local split. Reality Check's execu- is Mishkin. week ended Dec. 25, up 52% from local/three-and-a-half-minute tive producer Ira national ad split. its Sept. 12 premiere week rating `Land's End' lands of 2.1. New `Reality' Chris Craft/United TeleMarc's `Feelin Great' New World syndication wing Gen- Buena Vista Television's Land's Syndicator TeleMarc Entertain- esis Entertainment will launch an End action hour has been cleared ment is pitching a new first -run, FCC -friendly, weekly half-hour on all Chris Craft/United stations weekly health and fitness maga- kids show already airing on New and now is cleared in nine of the zine -style series for launch in fall World's O &O stations in fall 1995. top 10 markets and 35% of the 1995. The half -hour show, Feelin' Reality Check features kids inter- country. The show launches in fall Great, will be hosted by Dynasty facing with computers and interac- 1995. CBS keeps its eye on the ball Despite losing football, network still racks up rights By Steve McClellan

A'though it won't broadcast a Super Bowl, World Series or NBA Championship series for years, CBS has committed billions in 1994 to let the world know it's still in the sports business. The network spent more than $2.4 billion last year for broadcast rights to events and franchises that in some cases extend to 2002. The bulk of those have come under the direction of David Kenin, who last April replaced Neal Pilson as president of CBS Sports. Pilson's swan song came last January, when he signed a deal giving CBS rights to the 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan, for $375 million, a record price for a winter Olympics. Kenin's biggest deal came last month -an eight -year, $1.725 billion With NFL gone, CBS has spent billions to get other franchises, Including the NCAA. renewal of a multisport rights pack- age from the National Collegiate to 2001. (ABC acquired the other chises, including Big East and South- Athletic Association. Bowl Alliance contest, the Sugar eastern Conference football; Big 10, Kenin also committed approxi- Bowl, in a six -year deal valued at Southeastern Conference and Big mately $150 million to acquire long- about $50 million.) East basketball and the Army -Navy term rights to two of the three bowl Beyond that, CBS Sports has corn - football game. The network has games in the so- called College Bowl mitted more than $100 million to rights to all those franchises through Alliance, created to crown an annual lock up rights to various PGA golf at least 2000. national college football champion tournaments, including the PGA In addition, Kenin has earmarked starting in 1996. CBS spent about Championship through 1998. Anoth- millions to build an anthology fran- $75 million each for the rights to the er $100 million has been used to chise, Eye on Sports, as well as vari- Fiesta and Orange bowls from 1996 extend or acquire new college fran- ous figure skating events and a new

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ALL fMERICAN United Entertainment Group, Inc. INC. ,/n/ /;//ri\vT\ELFVISION. and .,,...a Ml MIFNUN COAWUNIUTIONS, ING Chris Craft Television Productions, Inc. The talk show.. that's got peö c laughing as well as talking! PROGRAMING boxing series. programing." he says. The package and gymnastics. Despite the huge "It's been a pretty busy eight includes the men's basketball cham- price tag, Kenin says the package months," he says. "In a very work- pionship tournament, which the net- and the division will be profitable manlike and non -flamboyant manner work has promoted with its "March for the foreseeable future, "unless we've started adding events. It was madness" on -air theme for the past the economy heads south in a terri- never the case that we as a sports several years. Last year, revenue for ble way." division should have been written off. the tournament was at an all -time Meanwhile, the network has tried We were never out of the business, high. Ratings for the tournament to create new figure skating and box- and it was never our goal to leave the were the third highest in a decade. ing series. It's had more success with business." The package also includes a slew the figure skating, despite competi- Kenin says the new NCAA pact is of other sports, including some tion from NBC and, to a lesser extent, his most important deal to date. "It's football telecasts, the college base- ABC. a huge investment for many hours of ball world series, track and field, In the fourth quarter, CBS aired more than 18 hours of figure skating and averaged a 5.2 rating and 10 share in households and a 2.2 rating 1995 SMPTE Advanced Television among adults 18 -49. NBC aired only six hours, but did as well with it, and Electronic Imaging Conference averaging a 5.2/11 in households and a 2.3 among adults 18 -49. ABC aired St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. four hours of skating in the quarter, February 9 -11, 1995 averaging a 3.3/8 household and 1.3 with adults I8 -49. CBS's boxing series drew far fewer viewers, but Kenin remains New Foundations for Video Technology committed to trying to make it work (the technologies that are changing the face of the television industry) at least through next summer. Nine hours of matches in the fourth quarter averaged a 1.8 household rating and a mere 1 rating among the target men 18 -49 demographic. But the series attracted a major sponsor in Quaker State motor oil, and came close to paying for itself, Kenin says. "It's a competitive issue," he says. "If you're up against NFL and college football, it's hard to score. That's why we want to try it again in the spring and summer." CBS's anthology Eye on Sports came within two- tenths of a rating point of tying ABC's Wide World of Sports in the fourth quarter. For 25 hours of programing, CBS averaged a 2.8/7 household rating, compared with a 3.0/9 for ABC's 12.5 hours of programing. Among men 18 -49, however, ABC had a solid lead with a A day -long seminar will focus on storage technologies, video servers, 1.5 rating, compared with CBS's 0.9 networking and ATM technologies. Participants at the Opening average. Reception will also be treated to a demonstration of "Cinema of the NBC aired 11.5 hours of anthology Future: transmission of high- definition television over fiber -optic programs under the Sports World ATM /SONET telephone networks. anthology banner, and averaged a 2.5/7 in households and a 1.0 among men 18 -49. For brochure and advance registration forms, phone or fax Kenin says it's too early to say if Eye will make it as a long -term fran- Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers chise, "but it's something we are 595 W. Hartsdale Ave., White Plains, NY 10607 going to invest in and make more of. optimistic on what we can do (914) 761 -1100 Fax: (914) 761 -3115 I'm from a quality standpoint."

34 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable


special called "A Survival Guide: The Great Network Switch of '95." The Baltimore show earned an 11 household rat - ing/17 share on Thursday night, Dec. 29, according to General Manager Joe makes the switch Lewin, and aired four more times before the switch. The main idea was Stations go all out to inform to stress that only the network product viewers of affiliation swaps would change, says Lewin. With all the prep and publicity, the hype and the type, Stolz says the first there is no viewer benefit to these few days of the switchover have gone changes," Arrington says. smoothly. "When we run a spot, peo- WBAL-TV Vice President and Gen- ple call," he says, referring to the 800 eral Manager Phil Stolz says that sta- line each station set up to answer tion has taken a "straightforward ap- viewers' questions. "But no station WMAR -TV sponsored print ads to help viewers understand the affiliation swaps. proach" to preparing viewers. It pro- has been overwhelmed because there duced and aired a one -hour special has been plenty of time to promote By Julie A. Zier the night before the switch -"The and discuss the changes." Big Switch" -which called on NBC Although the execution of Balti- Baltimore TV viewers would be entertainers and newscasters to more's switch may seem timed to the well advised to hold on to their explain and promote the change. new year, swap dates are a function local TV guides. During the first week of the swap and of expiring affiliation contracts and The 22nd largest market, home to on the weekends, the noon news will marketwide negotiations. Phoenix, several powerhouse broadcasters, take calls from viewers with ques- which swapped two affilations in underwent a shake -up of all three net- tions. October, will see two more changes works last Monday (Jan. 2). WMAR - WMAR -TV sent its anchors around on Jan. 9. Dallas and Seattle won't TV dropped NBC as part of the blan- the country to interview ABC enter- make their transitions until July, ket deal its parent, Scripps Howard, tainers and newspeople for a half-hour according to CBS. made with ABC. wiz -TV recovered from its loss of ABC when owner Group W allied with CBS. And to complete the network circle, Hearst's WBAL -TV picked up NBC following Why it takes legwork the loss of CBS. To prepare viewers for the chan- ges, each station launched a multime- to flatten your stomach. dia advertising campaign. Network realignment announcements have appeared in print and on television, Nothing redefines your stomach 1; Bum maximum like NordicTrack. e calories with the cable, radio, buses, billboards and World's Best Aerobic direct -mail flyers. It's a fact. You can't reduce stomach Exerciser. fat just by doing sit -ups. Research "We focused our efforts on the Lower-body exercisers only give you shows exercises that only work things not changing, like news prod- half a workout. But NordicTrack gives your abdominal muscles don't burn the you a total-body workout that burns uct and anchors," WJZ -TV's Creative calories necessary for trimming fat. You more calories. Studies show it burns up Services Director Phil Arrington ex- need a total -body workout. Experts agree that to 72% more calories than steppers, NordicTrack, with its patented flywheel and plains. exercise bikes and treadmills. With one-way clutch system, most accurately The station took a two -phase superior results like this, simulates the best aerobic exercise approach, according to Arrington. In - isn't it time you gave cross-country siding. So you'll burn September it began to promote its . NordicTrack a try? up to 1,100 calories per hour tw^6Tiag, news shows without mentioning the and get fast results. impending affiliation swap. It not Trim your stomach ndirtrack Pro only strengthened the station's iden- in just 12 weeks. FREE VIDEO & BROCHURE tification, Arrington says, but also In recent studies, people got amazing results in just ' CALL:1-800-4417891 Ext. 01 LA5 encouraged news viewing for the fall 12 weeks with NordicTrack.*You can too! sweeps. Phase two of the campaign Trim 3 inches from your waist Please send me a FREE brorhure directly addressed wtz -TV's change Ü Also a FREE His videotape Lose 18 pounds from ABC to CBS. Reduce your body fat weight by 30% Name Phone ( ) "The temptation of some is to Nlreel advertise the change as a celebration, City stale Zip which makes no sense at all, because Call or send to: NordieTrack, Dept. 01LA5 c a 104 Peavey Road, Chaska, MN 55318 -2355 NordiFckML Company ousl1 N,,rdlrT ack, lnc., A CMI. Company All rights r r' mid. Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 The World's Best Aerobic Exerciser Individual results may vary.

Ratings: Week 15, according to Nielsen, Dec. 26-Jan. 1 abc ABC <> CBS NBC M FOX MONDAY 16.8/29 10.3/17 11.4/20 3.9/6 55. Coach 8.5/15 22. The Nanny 11.5/20 8:00 42. Fresh Prince 9.8/17 90. Melrose Place 4.4/8 8:30 57. Coach 8.4/15 19. Dave's World 11.9/20 Brown 9:00 1. NFL Monday Night 27. Murphy 11.1/18 17. NBC Monday Night 91. Party of Five 3.3/5 Football -San Francisco 50. Love and War 9.2/15 9:30 Movies -Danielle Steel's 49ers vs. Minnesota Vikings 10:00 'Once in a Lifetime' 12.2/21 20.4/36 51. Chicago Hope 8.9/15 10:30 TUESDAY 12.7/21 10.5/18 10.2/17 5.0/8 32. Full House 10.8/18 39. Wings 10.2/17 8:00 88. Fox Tuesday Night 8:30 29. Sister, Sister 10.9/18 22. CBS Tuesday Movie - 43. Smthing Wilder 9.7/16 Movie- Teenage Mutant 9:00 5. Home Improvmt 15.4/25 Quick Change 11.5/19 22. Frasier 11.5/18 Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze 5.0/8 9:30 9. Grace Under Are 14.6/24 47. Friends 9.3/15 10:00 17. NYPD Blue 12.2/21 57. Chicago Hope 8.4/15 38. Dateline NBC 10.3/18 10:30 WEDNESDAY 12.9/22 8.9/15 9.1/16 6.1/10 Sister 8:00 35. Sister, 10.5/18 75V. T Nation Ye ar -End 78. Beverly Hills, 90210 26. Beyond Belief 11.3/19 8:30 40. On Our Own 10.1/17 Special 6.7/11 6.6/11 9:00 12. Roseanne 13.4/22 41. Dateline NBC 9.9/17 87. Party of Ave 5.5/9 9:30 15. Ellen 12.5/21 63. Kennedy Center Honors 10:00 7.7/13 6. Turning Point 15.3/27 33. Law and Order 10.6/19 10:30 THURSDAY 8.2/14 9.2/15 13.9/23 6.6/11 8:00 67. Lassie Unleashed: 280 16. Mad About You 12.4/21 71. Martin 6.8/11 47. Due South 9.3/15 8:30 Years 7.4/12 14. Friends 12.7/21 68. Living Single 7.3/12 9:00 57. ABC's World of 3. 16.3/26 82. New York Undercover 44. Chicago Hope 9.4/1.5 9:30 Discovery 8.4/14 21. Madman /Peop 11.8/19 6.2/10 10:00 54. Eye to Eye with Connie 51. Primetime Live 8.9/16 7. E.R. 15.1/26 10:30 Chung 8.8/15 FRIDAY 11.4/21 7.3/13 9.1/16 5.9/11 8:00 36. Family Matters 10.4/19 61. Diagnosis Murder 51. Unsolved Mysteries 89. M.A.N.T.I.S. 4.9/9 8:30 36. Boy Meets WId 10.4/19 8.1/15 8. 9/16 9:00 29. Step By Step 10.9/19 79. Under Suspicion 6.4/11 33. Dateline NBC 10.6/19 71. The X -Files 6.8/12 9:30 27. Sister, Sister 11.1/20 10:00 13. 20/20 12.9/24 65. Chicago Hope 7.5/14 63. Law and Order 7.7/14 10:30 i SATURDAY 6.9/14 7.2/15 6.4/13 6.4/13 8:00 61. Dr. Quinn Medicine 86. King Orange Jamboree 75. Cops 6.7/13 8:30 69. ABC Saturday Family Woman 8.1/16 Parade 5.8/12 70. Cops 7.0/14 Movie -The Flintstones: I 9:00 Yabba -Dabba -Do! 7.1/14 83. Five Mrs. Buch 6.1/13 84. America's Most Wanted 75. Movie of the Week 9:30 85. Hearts Afire 5.9/12 - 6.0/12 Ray Alexander: A Taste for 10:00 65. Walker, Texas Ranger 79. The Commish 6.4/14 Justice 6.7/14 10:30 i 7.5/16 SUNDAY 10.8/17 14.8/23 15.1/24 9.6/15 7:00 44. Am Fun Hm Vid 9.4/16 71. Top Secret Television II (nr) NFL WIldcard 17.8/30 4.60 Minutes 15.5/26 7:30 29. Am Fun Hm Vid 10.9/18 6.8/11 81. Encounters 6.3/10 8:00 11. Bowl Pre -Game 14.0/23 55. Simpsons 8.5/13 47. Lois & Clark 9.3/14 10. Chicago Hope 14.1/22 8:30 60. Married w /Chld 8.2/13 9:00 44. Married w /Chld 9.4/14 19. ABC Sunday Night 2. Orange Bowl-Nebraska 9:30 8. CBS Sunday Movie -A 71. George Carlin 6.8/10 Movie-A Dangerous Affair vs. 18.9/31 Father for Charlie 14.8/23 10:00 11.9/19 10:30

WEEK'S AVGS 11.4/20 10.0/17 10.9/19 6.4/11 12.0/20 11.6/19 11.3/19 7.6/12 SSN. TO DATE


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Discover the 01f frrne. SPECIAL REPORT

Spanish -language TV now supports two or networks and the His- more Spanish stations panic television market- i on the FM band (page place in general are Broadcasting & Cable 49). During the past booming. Advertising five years, the number figures prove it: $800 million went into TV ads targeting the of Spanish -language and other ethnic stations has grown U.S. Hispanic population, which spent $250 billion in 1994. by 33 %. Cable, too, thinks Hispanics offer an opportunity The two Spanish- language networks, Univision and Tele- for growth. In Hacienda Heights, Calif., a cable system that mundo, each reported an ad revenue increase of $30 mil- added Hispanic women's network GEMS reported a 4% lion (page 46). And in radio, every major Hispanic market increase in Hispanic subscribers (page 50).

Ray_ Rodriguez: Leading Univision to new heights

Univision, the Spanish- language network, is atop oth Univision and Telemundo signed with Nielsen an industry that, unlike its English -language more than two years ago. Now, for the first time, the Hispanic networks have been getting research counterparts, is on the grow, adding viewers and that is on a par with that of the other networks. building viewer loyalty. Guiding the number How has that affected your business? one is Ray Rodriguez, -rated Univision president It has given us legitimacy [with] both the clients and the and chief operating officer In this interview with agencies, which use it to measure Spanish television per- formance and, in our case, Univision's performance. They BROADCASTING & CABLE'S Steve Coe, Rodriguez can actually measure effectiveness; they can see how discusses the challenges that face his network, his many eyeballs are watching Univision compared [with] efforts to attract younger audiences, and the pos- the general market and [with] our Spanish competition. In doing that, they can plan their media buys on an almost sibility of a new network in the current two -net- mathematical basis, whereas before there was a lot more work Spanish -language universe. subjectivity to buying Spanish television. Now there's

40 Jan 91995 Broadcasting & Cable .'RT.7.741 ASAWF!191rPf:$' s LOS ANGELES

NEW YORK Ltt- 1-1


SBS EPNF9ER® PY K'M Spanish Broadcasting System rz HIeau.c Mou Corporate I leadquarters, 26 W 56th St., New York, NY 10019 212 541 9200 HISPANIC BROADCASTING & CABLE

objectivity. The numbers are right there, and they're mea- had the most growth. But that's on top of a general base. sured by the same people that measure English. We've been Has trying to attract the younger Hispanic viewer become telling the story for a long time, and now we have facts to a recent priority in Spanish -language television overall? prove it. And the story is that the Spanish market is a huge No, not really. For instance, in Los Angeles, the most market. People do watch -a lot of people -and it is not just popular radio station-in English or Spanish -is a Span- the old folks that watch Spanish television. As a matter of ish station, KLAX -FM. That's the most popular station out fact, our biggest increases have been in the youth market. there. So young people were listening to Spanish music. Well, if young people were listening to Spanish music, Is a recent that phenomenon? then it would make sense that if you gave them the right I would say it has happened over the past two years. programing, they would watch Spanish television. And We've made a concerted programing effort to [attract] that in fact happened. younger viewers because we [think] we have a large op- Now, if there is a large opportunity like that, what you portunity in younger folks. So in the programing that we have to do is to give them something they will be attracted produce, and a lot of programing that we buy, we select to, and that's what we did. We thought there was an oppor- what we think is going to appeal tunity; we went after it, and we got to the youth market. it. I think radio has done a great job Top 10 Spanish TV Programs in doing that, in pulling in all these For example? young people. If you asked some- There's a show called Control that body five years ago, "Are young has an MTV -type format, and Spanish kids watching Spanish another, Onda Max. [Both] are 1. Marimar (Uni) 23.9 television ?" they would have said. "What, are you nuts ?" targeted to the youth market. 2. Dos Mujeres, Un Camino (Uni) 22.2 What impact did World Cup soccer Are those new shows? 3. Valentina (Uni) 19.8 have for Univision? We started them in late '93, and 4. Clarisa (Uni) 19.4 The significance of the World Cup they have been tremendously suc- 5. Agujetas de Color was that a lot of people discovered cessful. In addition, we have select- de Rosa (Uni) 19.3 Univision for the first time. They ed some novellas, which often are 6. Corazon Salvaje (Uni) 19.0 didn't know it existed. Univision is considered older-type programing, one of the largest networks in the 7. Buscando El Paraiso (Uni) 18.5 that are specifically produced for U.S., but a lot of people out there younger audiences, where the stars 8. Volver A Empezar (Uni) 17.8 don't even know it exists. It's like are very young people -like a Bev- 9. Mas Alla Del Puente (Uni) 17.7 being a good performer, a good erly Hills, 90210. After all, Beverly 10. Bienvenidos (Uni) 16.8 singer, and all of a sudden you

Hills, 90210 is really a novella. Source: Nielsen Hispanic Television Index have one hit song, and everybody Actually, all our prime time novel- says, "Hey, that person really las are very much youth- oriented. knows how to sing." Well, they And in a show that's established, like Sabado Gigante, which knew how to sing all the time, but you have to have a hit is our three -and -a- half -hour show on Saturday night, we've song for people to recognize you. I think that the World developed segments just for young people. Now we have a Cup was our hit song. It was our version of crossing over, segment at the beginning of the show -"Single and Unat- to a certain degree. A lot of people that weren't aware of it, tached," The literal translation would be -that was inserted including some clients, some executives that normally precisely to lure the younger audiences. wouldn't know us, all of a sudden knew us, and they enjoyed watching the way we did the World Cup. We had Have you seen results from these moves? some competitors -ESPN and ABC -that had the same games on the air, and a lot of people said they enjoyed The results have been huge. Our shares of youth audience watching or hearing our guys. Even though they couldn't and our audience ratings have increased substantially in understand them, the excitement that they were putting the past year; 18 -34 is booming, and 12 -18 as well. across was exciting to them.

Each of the English- language networks tends to target a What was the financial impact from the matches? particular demographic group. Are you, like Fox, interested It was very significant, let's put it that way. The money in mainly in the 18 -34 audience? World Cup was significant, the ratings were significant. We're not specifically targeting that group. I'm not going But I'm even happier that, after the World Cup finished, after just 18 -34 -year -olds or, like MTV, the 12 -18 -year -olds. which was mid -July, our ratings increased substantially. We're a general -level broadcaster. The point I was trying to make is that we have gotten tremendous growth from the So there's been some holdover, then? youth area; we knew that we had a lot of opportunity three I don't know if it's holdover or not. Whatever it is, we years ago to grow youth, so that's been the area where we've have been increasing since Nielsen started in November

42 Jan 91995 Broadcasting & Cable L.A.s 6PM LOCAL NEWS LEADER NOTICIAS 34 Delivers More Adults 18 -49 Than All Other 6 PM Newscasts! Monday through Friday 6PM Program Averages Adults 18 -49 DMA Ratings

KMEX NOTICIAS U 34...3.4 KNBC Channel 4 News. 3.0 KABC Eyewitness News 2.7 KCBS Action News [5PM] 1.4

Source: Los Angeles Nielsen NSI, NOV.' 94 KMEX-TV U 34 HISPANIC BROADCASTING & CABLE

'92. We have increased our share of market every single years. The Spanish population is growing so much, and ratings period, all the way through November '94. We had the purchasing power of the Spanish population has grown a 57 share of our market versus Telemundo. Now we're so much, and will grow so much, that obviously we will be up to 74% of the market. benefiting quite a bit from that.

You mentioned that your share of the audience is 74 %, So a third broadcast network is a possibility? which is pretty remarkable. Three -quarters of all Hispanic viewers are watching Univision? I think that would happen after Telemundo gets settled and starts bouncing back, which I'm sure they will. Then Yes. I think you'll see some people thinking about it. Miami right now has four Spanish -language broadcast is that a good thing? Obviously it's good for Univision, but stations. L.A. has three. Houston, I think, has three. So in is it good for Spanish -language TV? some of the higher- concentrated Hispanic markets there Well, the answer is yes-so long as you can continue to are additional Hispanic stations that would be able to link. grow the overall market. That market has increased substan- tially. When you add Univision and Telemundo, the two Have the affiliate changes at the English- language net - have grown substantially over the past two or three years. works had an impact on Univision or Hispanic television? Even though Telemundo has declined, the combined Span- I haven't heard that it's been one way or the other. We've television market is ish growing substantially. been acquiring stations where we thought it was neces- sary for us. We just acquired a station in Chicago and a Given that growing market, is it conceivable that a third station in Houston, so now we have 11 full-power Spanish- language network might emerge? p owned- and -operated stations. Well, we have a third network, Galavision. That's a cable network, and that's pretty big-actually, over a million- Are you eyeing any new market to get to the current limit something subscribers. I'm sure that will grow. We think of 12 stations? that the whole market will be growing for the next few Are we looking at one specifically? No. If there [were] one




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WPM DIT ETERIANMENT LTD. AD RIGHTS RESERVED. AND MANY, MANY MORE HISPANIC BROADCASTING & CABLE we thought was important, would we buy it? Probably yes. and we hope to have a great sales year next year, but we're far, far behind where we should be based on the viewer- In addition to the World Cup, are there any sporting events ship that we have. And I think that's our challenge. that you're looking to acquire? Yes. Next year we're going to have several important soc- You mean Univision is not getting the kind of advertising cer tournaments we will bring to our viewers, including prices you feel you should based on the size of your audience? team and coverage of the U.S. the tournaments they play. We're not getting as many advertisers to commit to Span- ish as we should be. Their commitments have been Will you be trying to appeal to English- language viewers as increasing quite substantially. We've had probably eight well as advertisers to expand your advertising base? years of large increases in sales, the last three years show- Not really. We're happy to get our Spanish viewers. We had ing the most growth, and '95 will be the biggest year of no intention, really, of bringing English viewers into the all. But, still, Spanish TV is way behind where it should World Cup. We didn't advertise for it. I think it was just be based on the viewers that we have. people switching around who found us, and that could hap- pen with other programing as well. But that's not our inten- Is your Inventory always sold out? tion. We still have a long way to go in the Spanish market. No, but there are times of the year when we're entirely I'm certain we're on the right track, but we've got a lot left sold out. We're always sold out in the last quarter. And in to do just to get the 25 million Hispanics in the U.S. all the major markets we are tight with inventory. There are times of the year, though, where we could sell more. What's the biggest challenge you face now in trying to I don't mean to sound so much like a dollars- and -cents, expand your business? greedy kind of guy. There's a lot of value to Spanish tele- I think that we've made a lot of progress bringing the vision, and I think that we need to tell the story to people. audience in. Our biggest challenge is to let people know And when we get that story out, every time we get a that all these people are watching. I think that is the prob- chance to make a presentation, people open their eyes and lem we have had in the past. We've had a great sales year go, "Jeez, that sounds great," you know, "Sign me up."


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1995 DTI E IIRIAINMENI ITO AIL RIGHTS RESERVED. HISPANIC BROADCASTING & CABLE Boom year for Hispanic TV networks Ad revenue grows by $30 million for Univision, Telemundo; Hispanic viewership up 7% By Steve Coe

growing and prospering during the UNIVISION Quietlypast year while the English -language networks experienced turmoil and uncertainty, the Spanish - language networks and the Hispanic television market- place in general are in the midst of a boom. And more than ever, the Spanish -lan- guage networks are target- ing younger viewers. 'Lente Loco,' a weekly Nielsen, which began program similar to 'Can- did Camera' or 'America's measuring Hispanic televi- Funniest Home Videos.' sion two years ago, recently completed a study on His- a broad Hispanic audi- panic television viewing. ence, including young According to Ceril Shagrin, listeners. senior vice president, mar- Rodriguez says the ket development, Nielsen, network then began to the estimated growth of the `Marimar.' a telenovela, has schedule programs been a blockbuster since overall television universe its debut last October. geared specifically to a was 1% last year, while the younger audience and estimated growth of the Hispanic Prospering to make existing shows viewing universe was 7 %. the most from more attractive to teens 'Sabado Gigante,' a four-hour Sat- Statistics in the Nielsen study the growth in urday night variety show, rates con- and young adults. In coincide with other growth figures Hispanic televi- sistently among the top 10 on addition to an MTV-like for Spanish -language television, sion viewing Spanish TV. video show and several including consumer spending (ex- has been Univi- novellas stocked with pected to be more than $250 billion sion, the dominant network in the His- younger , Univision added a for 1994) and television advertising panic television universe. In the past segment solely for younger viewers revenue, which should near $800 year, Univision has seen its audience to the long -running and highly rated million this year. Advertising rev- share increase from 66% to a high of Sabado Gigante. enue for each of the two Spanish -lan- nearly 75% this season. One area in According to Doug Darfield, vice guage networks, Univision and Tele- which the network has seen its biggest president, research, Univision, the mundo, jumped $30 million in the growth is among younger viewers. strategy has paid off with significant past year. According to Univision gains in all the key younger demo- As is the case with the English -lan- President /COO Ray Rodriguez, the graphic groups. "From October 1993 guage networks, programing is key network has made a concerted effort to to October 1994, our audience of 18- and suppliers are kept busy. Ed bring in more of the younger audience. to-34- year -olds increased 66% on a Baruch, president, Baruch/BET En- "I think if you asked someone five total day basis," he says. "In prime tertainment, which produces pro- years ago if Hispanic kids and young time alone we had a 77% increase grams geared to Hispanic and black adults were watching Spanish -lan- [among 18 -to -34 -year- olds]." audiences, says his company will guage television, they would have Univision's growth has not been produce 25% more programing tar- said, 'What, are you, nuts?'" solely at Telemundo's expense, geted to Hispanics this year than last. Rodriguez says the network saw the according to Darfield. "The sum of "Absolutely, it's growing," said opportunity to grow its audience with Univision and Telemundo's audience Baruch when asked if the Hispanic younger viewers about three years is greater than a year ago. Telemundo television marketplace is in a growth ago. He points to the success of Span- has declined, but our growth has been period. "If you bring out a nice, qual- ish- language KLAX-FM Los Angeles, greater than their drop -off. So our ity Hispanic program, [viewers and the number one -rated radio station in growth has been at their expense as advertisers] eat it up." the city thanks to a format that attracts well as by bringing new viewers to the

46 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable In the world of international television, one name is on everyone's lips.

Broadcasting & Cable International

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Bonus Distribution: The Monte Carlo TV Festival, American Film Market Advertising deadline: January 13, 1995 Materials deadline: January 20, 1995

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'Ocurrio Asi' is a daily news maga- zine with host Enrique Gratas. compete from 7 to 9 p.m. with that type of programing, which 'La Casa,' one of Telemundo's top -rated shows, is a is culturally in tune with the comedy /variety on Tuesday night. majority of Hispanics, it is a dif- ficult proposition," says Blaya. ing, [the difference in ratings] is direct- Telemundo will not be without that ly attributable to our lack of access to type of programing for long, however, Mexican telenovellas," he says. since the network has entered into a Raul Peimbert, anchor of Tele- Televisa, the largest producer of co- production deal with -based mundo's twice -nightly news Spanish- language programing, is also TV Azteca. The deal will yield, most show, 'Telenoticias con Raul the largest producer of Mexican tele- important, telenovellas, as well as Peimbert.' novellas, the most popular form of other types of programing. set," he says. programing on Hispanic television. Blaya says the network tried to Joaquin Blaya, president/CEO, Tele- Televisa owns Univision, which bene- develop other programing prior to the mundo, says inaccessibility to certain fits through that relationship by hav- TV Azteca deal, but without success. types of programing has hurt his net- ing access to the most popular shows. "We developed some tabloid shows work's ability to close the gap with "Although we've had success with and comedies, but the novellas con- Univision. `At the risk of oversimplify- other programing, unless you can tinue to be important to Hispanic television and especially among women 18 to 49. Fortunately, we have turned that corner." Telemundo emerges from bankruptcy Telemundo, like Univision, has After a three -year reorganization process, Telemundo has emerged from made a recent push to attract younger protection of the U.S. bankruptcy rules. A primary creditor and equity hold- viewers including the addition of a er in the company, Leon D. Black, has been named chairman of the board. youth- oriented series, Padrisimo, Black runs Apollo Advisors LP, a major financial investment manager with which features music similar to that offices in New York and Los Angeles. played on KLAX -FM. But Blaya cau- As a result of the reorganization, Apollo holds the single largest interest tioned about trying to attract too in Telemundo, about 15 %, controls three seats on the board, and continues young an audience: "The problem is to hold a major piece of Telemundo's outstanding debt of about $117 mil- that you have to be careful you don't lion. Initially, Apollo was to hold more than 24% of Telemundo, but the stake do what Fox did, which was to attract was reduced because the company manages major portfolio holdings of the too young an audience and then have French bank Credit Lyonnais. A Telemundo spokesman said the stake was to try to broaden. The Hispanic audi- reduced in light of the recent emergence of foreign ownership control issues ence in general is younger than the at the FCC. In addition, Black holds a separate piece of Telemundo equity general audience. Our core audience in his own name. Other major equity holder /creditors include Reliance target continues to be 18 to 49." Group Holdings (about 12.5 %), the Telemundo management group, head- Despite the huge ratings gap, Blaya ed by president and chief executive officer Joaquin Blaya (6 %), and Bastion remains optimistic about Telemundo's Capital Fund LP. Bastion's equity stake wasn't available at deadline. future. "Nothing is eternal on televi- In addition, for the first time, about 13% of Telemundo's equity is being sion. The cycles are getting shorter. It sold publicly on the Nasdaq exchange. On Jan. 3, the first day of trading, used to take six years for the networks the stock ended the day at 9 3/4, down 1/4. -SM to change positions. But now, things change almost every year."

48 Jan 91995 Broadcasting & Cable HISPANIC BROADCASTING & CABLE Hispanic favorites differ from U.S. households By Steve McClellan younger and older viewers. For population is growing at seven times Serial dramas and sitcoms, espe- example, the report shows, Latino the rate of the total U.S. population. cially those with ethnic charac- teens had 16 out of 20 shows in com- As networks and producers begin to ters, were the most popular mon with all teens, while Latino target the Latino audience, says Alli- prime time network programs among viewers 50 -plus had 13 of the top -20 good, their challenge will be to Latino households during the 1993- shows in common with their total - develop programs featuring Latino 94 television season. That's one con- U.S. counterparts. The report states lifestyles and culture, "but which clusion in a study of Latino house- that Latinos currently represent $190 appeal to a broader audience of view- hold viewing patterns conducted by billion in spending power, and their ers as well." advertising agency BBDO. Fox's Beverly Hills, 90210 was the highest -rated network prime time show in Latino homes, says the report, which analyzed Nielsen ratings. By Spanish radio coming comparison, the show was ranked 36th among total U.S. television households. Only Roseanne and ABC Into its own Monday Night Football were common to the top -10- ranked shows for Latino households and U.S. households. By Donna Petrozzello MNF was ranked second among Lati- has grown by 33% over the past five no homes, followed by Roseanne and ith more Spanish -language years, from roughly 360 stations in The Simpsons, which tied for third. programing on FM radio, 1989 to 420 stations as of September, Living Single and Melrose Place tied Hispanic broadcasters 1994, according to the M Street Radio for fifth, and tied for seventh were increasingly have been able to tailor Directory. In addition, Arbitron rated Blossom and Sinbad. The Fresh Prince their programing to a variety of Span- listener polls for 1994 found that 44% of Bel Air and Married With Children ish listener preferences. of all radio listening by Hispanics is finished ninth and 10th. Markets with a relatively large to Spanish -language programing, up Among shows with Latino stars, Hispanic population now sustain two slightly from 42% in 1993. which the report notes are few and far or more Spanish stations on the FM Cecil Heftel, of Heftel Broadcast- between, only Beverly Hills, with Mark band, which program music formats ing, contends that as a wider variety Espinoza, fared well in Latino homes. such as Tejano, La Caliente and and greater number of Spanish sta- L.A. Law, with A. Martinez, ranked Salsa, which had little airplay prior to tions have emerged, radio listening 81st, and John Larroquette, with Liz the early 1990s. Mac Tichenor Jr. of by Hispanics has increased. Torres, was 102nd. But as BBDO's Tichenor Media System Inc. Heftel, who began purchasing Doug Alligood, author of the report, described the evolution as making Spanish language stations in the mid - notes, both Law and Larroquette fared "Spanish radio stations' personalities 1980s after serving as a congress- poorly with all U.S. homes. "The addi- more focused and refined." man, now owns and operates nine tion this season of Jimmy Smits as a "In the late 1980s and early 1990s, stations in the U.S. Like Tichenor, leading player in NYPD Blue will pro- you would see AMs switching to Heftel contends that most Spanish vide an excellent opportunity to study Spanish formats left and right when stations did not "have an identity in how well a Latino draws Latino their owners couldn't figure out what music" in the late 1980s because the viewers," says Alligood. else to do with their AM facilities and few stations that were operating tried According to the report, ABC and either decided to try Spanish or sell to appeal to a wide variety of audi- Fox have the most appeal to Latino to an entrepreneur who would make ence tastes. viewers. ABC had 10 of the top 20 the switch," said Tichenor. But, he said as the trend shifts shows among Latino homes, while "As some of these stations became toward more specialized FM pro- Fox had eight. NBC had the remain- successful, especially in terms of rat- graming by Spanish broadcasters, ing two, while CBS, which ranked ings, people began to understand and radio will gain a larger Hispanic first for the season among all viewing develop the Spanish opportunity on audience. homes, failed to place a single show the FM band," Tichenor said. "Now "In Spanish, there was no choice of among the Latino top 20. But despite you have very successful Spanish FM formats," Heftel said. "Now as we differences among the viewing pat- stations, usually two or more, in expand in the number of stations terns generally, age does appear to every major Hispanic market." operated in language, the total time make a difference. Viewing prefer- The number of both AM/FM Span- spent listening to Spanish radio will ences were more similar among ish- language and other ethnic stations increase."

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 49 CASTI CABLE

studios in Miami. Existing U.S. networks also are Programers' message finding ways to expand into the His- panic market. NBC is tapping into its news resources to program yet anoth- Add cable services, er Hispanic news channel, NBC Noticias. MTV in October 1993 introduced MTV Latino, aimed at subscribers will follow Hispanic audiences in the U.S. and Latin America. The music video net- Low household penetration leaves plenty of room for work now is available in 4.8 million growth in Hispanic market households. And HBO has debuted a pay TV service, HBO By Rich Brown Ole, modeled after the domestic service. While U.S. GEMS is likely to enjoy some hile system distribution through cable sys- W operators tems owned by parent company look to expand their Cox Communications. The channel capacity, Miami -based service, which many new Hispanic launched on April 1, 1993, cable networks are reaches more than 3.5 million cropping up with pro- households in 18 countries. Pro- graming tiers specifi- graming includes movies, come- cally aimed at His- dies, musicals, novellas, docu- panic subscribers. mentaries, talk shows, minis- As many of the Edith Serrano, VJ for MTV eries and a new daily talk show, Latino, which is seen in Latin new programers see America, the Caribbean and Sin Fronteras con Maria Laria, it, Hispanics are the U.S. produced by GEMS and Maria Laria, host of GEMS talk underserved by the show 'Sin Fronteras con Maria Spain's government -owned cable industry and Laria,' debuted last month in 18 Television Española. there is great oppor- countries. Similarly, Hispanic tunity for growth. sports network La Cadena Although the U.S. cable industry are imported Deportiva has the advan- enjoys 60% penetration, the pene- from Mexico - tage of being owned by tration of U.S. Hispanic households based Televisa, Liberty Sports, the sports is only about 30 %. The message one of Gala - programing arm of TCI. So from programers to cable system vision's parent far, the network has operators: Add new Hispanic ser- companies. focused much of its distri- vices and new Hispanic subscribers Galavision bution on the West Coast. will follow. itself offers a A more aggressive rollout For example, a Tele-Communica- variety of pro- is planned for next year. tions Inc. cable system in Hacienda graming, in- ccer on Other Hispanic services Heights, Calif., experienced a 4% cluding news, ' La Cadena seeking to build cable dis- Deportiva, a increase in Hispanic subscribers after sports, weath- Hispanic sports tribution include Los Ange- adding the Hispanic women's net- er, talk shows, les -based Viva Television work GEMS to its basic lineup, sitcoms and Network, featuring enter- GEMS executives say. movies. tainment, cultural and edu- The new Hispanic services come TeleNoti- cational product; and from a variety of sources. Galavi- cias, a 24 -hour Miami -based TeleCompras sion, the nation's most widely dis- news service owned by Telemundo, Shopping Network, which debuted in tributed cable- exclusive network Reuters, Artear of and November. with 1.5 million subscribing Hispan- Antena 3 of Spain, debuted on Dec. Meanwhile, the broadly distributed ic households, in May introduced 1. The network's launch coincided Univision and Telemundo networks four new Spanish- language net- with the debut of Telenoticias con continue to find their way into cable works: Eco, a 24 -hour global news Raul Peimbert, a newscast that airs households across the country. In service; Telehit, a music video net- weeknights at 6:30 and 11:30 ET on addition to their delivery via over - work; Ritmo Son, a younger -skew- the Telemundo Network. The show the -air TV stations, about 10% of the ing music video network; and Telen- will draw from TeleNoticias' distribution of each network is tied to ovelas, a drama -based network. All resources and is produced at new cable -only transmission.

50 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable When Hispanic television HISPANIC BROADCASTING & CABLE syndication results are important, Baruch /BET Latinos unhappy with TV Entertainment delivers for its clients...

portrayal, representation Career Communications Group Networks get low grades, but Latino projects are in works "Success Through Education: A To By David Tobenkin Salute Hispanic Excellence" Anew Fox Broadcasting show, a 86% clearance host of studio producer deals and plenty of new series pilots suggest that the end of a long Hispanic Designers, Inc. drought of network projects featur- "Hispanic Designers ing Latinos may be near, but Latino Fashion activists from around the country Show and Gala" will meet this week to consider 88% clearance punitive actions if networks fail to deliver. ZGS On Wednesday and Thursday, just Communications three days after the highest -profile "Hispanic Heritage Latino -themed show in years Awards" debuted on a network- Latino- themed sketch comedy and variety 85% clearance show House of Buggin' launched last Sunday night (Jan. 8) at 8:30 p.m. on New For 1995 Projects: Fox -members of a variety of Latino advocacy groups will hold the first Fox's 'House of Buggin' has been called Latino Summit on the Media in Los the Latino 'In Living Color.' MCA/Universal Television Angeles to develop a strategy to shows in proportion to their num- and The National Hispanic force the networks to open access to bers. Media Latinos. In fact, television representation Coalition Measures under consideration to of Hispanics has declined from 3% "The Hispanic Heritage draw attention to the problem of rep- to 1% of all television characters Film Project" resentation include a national adver- since the 1950s through 1992 -93, tiser boycott of networks seen as despite rapid Latino demographic unfriendly to Latinos and a blackout growth, according to a study released Hispanic Heritage of television during which Latino last September that was conducted Movie Network viewers nationwide would be asked by the Center for Media and Public to turn off their sets. Affairs for the National Council of "Hispanic Heritage Month "We have met with the presidents La Raza. The study also found that Cinema Celebration" of the networks for the past two or Hispanics continue to be dispropor- three years and all we've had from tionately portrayed as uneducated the network folks is lip service," said and as criminals. Esther Renteria, national chair of the The study issued "report cards" to A leader in quality National Hispanic Media Coalition, the networks grading them on their Hispanic programming a Latino advocacy group. "This portrayal of Hispanics. ABC and Fox meeting is designed to make sure both received "Fs," NBC received a they see us as a priority." "D" and CBS received a "C -." While Renteria's emphasis on "We have been successful in over- punitive measures is not shared by turning some negative Latino por- all Hispanics in the entertainment trayals like those of the Frito Bandi- OA OW business, many say they continue to to [potato chip ads], but we hoped be frustrated by the lack of Latinos that when those roles disappeared, ENIERIIIINMENI on television, especially when con- other roles would replace them," trasted with the success of African says Ricardo Montalban, actor and Americans -who represent only board chairman of Nosotros, an 1232 31st Street, NW slightly more than Latino's 10% of organization that has worked for 25 Washington, DC 20007 the nation's population -in securing years to improve Latino images in 202- 833 -1777 Fax:202- 338-0510

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 9 1995 HISPANIC BROADCASTING & CABLE

film and television. "That hasn't hap- network or in syndication some time NYPD Blue and two cast members of pened." this year. It is being produced by Fox show New York Undercover are The good news is that all that could Nely Galan under a production deal the most prominent examples. change in short order, say network she signed in September with Fox Mark Adair Rios, whose mother is executives and a number of Latino Television, and directed by Risky from the , has actors and producers themselves. Business and A Bronx Tale cine- one of three main roles on new Unit- House of Buggin', dubbed by some matographer Reynaldo Villalobos. ed Paramount Network action -hour the Latino In Living Color, features Sabrina, a Galan- produced sit- show Legend, which has received a stand -up comic and feature film star corn in development for ABC about a production commitment from the John Leguizamo as well as sketches, 13- year -old Latina growing up in the network. And Mexican -American dancing, music and humor that paro- U.S., based on Galan's own experi- Robert Beltran will play first officer dy contemporary urban life and pop- ences. Chakotay on UPN's Star Trek Voy- ular culture with a Latin edge. Salsa 'Til Sunup, a Galan show in ager. "With a Latino voice as creative development targeted at syndication "The [demographic] numbers now and ingenious as John Leguizamo on and described as a Latino Soul Train. speak so loudly they can't be the air, we think this has the potential Two versions would be produced, ignored," says Valdez. Still, many to be a real groundbreaking show," one for the U.S. and another for Latin wonder why it has taken so long. The says Fox Entertainment Group Presi- America. reasons appear numerous. dent John Matoian. "And the success A sitcom pilot by stand -up comic "It's a combination of things," says of one show could breed success for Carlos Mencia for FBC that Matoian Dean Valentine, president of network similar [Latino] shows." describes as a Barney Miller -like television for Walt Disney Television Leguizamo praises Fox executives show centered on Mencea as a Latino and Telecommunications. "There's a for not attempting to micro -manage cop from the wrong side of the tracks mindset among executives in the the show or water it down in an who finds himself torn between his industry that black shows are easier, attempt to make it more accessible to backround and his job. The show is that black is not a different culture. a mainstream audience. "I've cast the still in development. Then there are almost no Latino pro- people I've wanted and the show is Valdez, a sitcom pilot about a ducers to lend a voice of authenticity. being produced the way I wanted," he Latino family. It has been sold to Finally, viewing patterns of African - says. "The thing is, if comedy's good, NBC by comedian and producer Jeff Americans and whites are radically it's universal and if it's bad, no one Valdez under a development deal different. Latinos and whites tend to will like it, not even Latinos." with TriStar Television. watch the same shows so there's less Other network and studio execu- A possible sitcom project featur- incentive for networks to do some- tives also say they recognize the ing Luke Torres in development for thing different to program to them." problem and are trying to develop CBS and produced by Quincy Jones The lack of a hit show in which a Latino shows. Entertainment. Latino drives its success is seen as "It's an increasingly diverse soci- A CBS Entertainment Produc- perhaps the largest problem. Such a ety and it's important that the shows tions sitcom in development for CBS show, they say, could open the flood- we put on the air reflect that diversi- that would star real -life husband and gates to more Latino shows the way ty, especially that of a rapidly grow- wife team Ada Maris (Nurses) and the success of The Cosby Show result- ing population like Latinos, and Tony Plana (The Burning Season, ed in a proliferation of African - frankly, to date, our actions have not Bakersfield P.D.) in a show about a American sitcoms. met our promises," says Steve Warn- Latino couple. The show is being And some Latino actors say they er, senior vice president of program executive produced by Dave's World try to incorporate their identity into planning at CBS. "We are redoubling executive producers Jonathan Axel- their roles. Veteran actor Hector Eli - our efforts and have a number of rod, Donald Todd and James Wid- zondo, who plays Dr. Phillip Watters Latino -themed shows in development does. on CBS's Chicago Hope, had nothing which we hope will allow us to do A sitcom featuring stand -up in his role to peg him as Latino, until that over the next couple of seasons." comic Jackie Guerra being developed the producers, at his suggestion, Projects in development for net- by Columbia Pictures Television for added a background to his character. works or other forms of distribution the new WB network. "Why not plug [my character] into include: Many of those projects are the the Latin community. So, without any Crystal Empire, the first attempt result of Hollywood studio commit- introduction, they had me speak to produce an English- language ver- ments to Latino producers. Latino Spanish -which I speak fluently - sion of a Latin American programing producers signed to production deals on an episode and introduced me as staple, the telenovela, a serialized include Valdez at TriStar Television, having a Spanish mother. We have drama that lasts up to a year before Mencia at HBO and Galan at Fox. some hell of a culture that influences ending. Fox Television and Mexican In addition, there has been an everything: food, style, music and media giant Televisa have committed uptick in the number of shows featur- thought. It's part European, Indian to 120 episodes of the telenovela that ing Latino actors. The addition of and African. It's very rich, rich stuff. will run either on a cable or broadcast Jimmy Smits to the lead role on So why not use it ?"

52 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Frankly speaking, you can't afford to miss the third annual: t ut ntia on iriuusti y i.-critTerence sponsored in part by Broadcasting & Cable

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The recent subway brokers in tandem with Vic- and photos from the 'ILe `IUIIfInedÌa bombing, the inaugura- arious Inc., a CD -ROM pub- New York Times plus YearI,.NIk of I9q4 tion of Mayor Rudolph lisher, and is due out later 90 minutes of video Emita Giuliani and the ticker -tape this month. and audio from New cbe ;Sew Doric parade celebrating the The deal is representative York 1 News, a 24- Rangers' Stanley Cup victo- of a trend of print publishers hour cable news chan- ry are just a few of the news and video producers jointly nel for the metropoli- events from the past year creating compelling CD- tan area. featured on a new CD -ROM ROM products, which lever- The producers boiled combining the editorial age text and photograph down more than 75 of strengths of the New York libraries on the newspaper the top stories from last year, be commercially available Times and Time Warner side with a wealth of and the partners quickly are by the end of January. It will Cable's New York 1 News. archival video footage and patching the archival news sell for $19.94. New York Time Capsule sound bites from television. content so that the disk will Continued on page 59

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Nit.4 g4k44,/ Seatet,T4 decoders from General Instrument. PRIMESTAR President John Cusick says the company thinks that quadrupling the number of subscribers during 1995 is possible. DIRECTV President Eddy Hartenstein expects daily acti- DBS business vations to jump to the 4,500 -5,000 range during 1995. He says the company is on track to reach its projected "break - even" point of 3 million subscribers during the second half flying high of 1996. Hartenstein says his company will benefit from expansions at Thomson Consumer Electronics that will boost its produc- By N.4;, M,Ce.:4.dl tion of DSS units by 50% in 1995. The company plans to expand its digital set -top receiver factory in Juarez, Mexico, gusiness is booming, program and equipment suppli- by about 150,000 square feet to accommodate a third auto- ers in the direct -to -home satellite business said last mated assembly line. week. Discussing the sales figures, executives from the compa- Reviewing subscriber tallies at the Winter Consumer nies say that competition among DIRECTV, USSB and Electronics Show in Las Vegas over the weekend, PRIME - PRIMESTAR has helped broaden the overall market for STAR, DIRECTV, United States Satellite Broadcasting direct -to -home satellite services. (USSB) and Thomson Consumer Electronics all say they "I think the combination of all the advertising has exceeded targets for 1994's national rollouts. helped," says Jeff Smith, PRIMESTAR's vice president of While RCA says it has shipped nearly 600,000 of the Digi- marketing and programing. Smith's company, which tal Satellite Systems used to receive DIRECTV and USSB, launched a $55 million advertising campaign in July, plans PRIMESTAR says it tripled its subscriber count between to boost its marketing budget in 1995. "If you look at com- August and January, putting more than 250,000 receivers into peting with existing technologies, we have to explain why service by the end of 1994. DIRECTV says it slightly exceed- this is different," Smith says. ed its 1994 goal of signing 350,000 subscribers and also says "There's no question there's an awareness of satellite - its new -subscriber activations were averaging 3,500 a day at delivered entertainment that did not exist six months ago," year's end. USSB says the rate of subscription sales during Hartenstein says, adding that DIRECTV's advertising budget 1994 surpassed prelaunch projections by about 60 %. for 1995 will approach $40 million. USSB Chairman/CEO The companies say they expect more big numbers in 1995. Stanley S. Hubbard agrees and says that PRIMESTAR's ad PRIMESTAR says its distributors are prepared to invest $500 campaign has generated business for USSB by raising con- million to order more than 1 million additional digital sumer interest in satellite -delivered programing.



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software and affordable pricing. Call 1- 800 -642 -2525. DataT/mes Telemedia V G.0.0,,. gains access to GTE's vast national and global telecommunications network, GTE, Nintendo sign while GTE connects with Nintendo's global software distribution network and accompanying established retail channels. video -gaming deal The two companies will co- publish 16 -bit, cartridge -based video games Telco taps into Japanese giant's future plans and plan to migrate their hardware and software to Nintendo's future gy, genz.+úen. F-1444 growing videogame market, but lately videogame platforms as well as tap into GTE Interactive Media has has faced tough competition from Sega the emerging market for multiplayer achieved a major coup-its joint Enterprises. Sega steadily has been video games transmitted over interac- venture with Nintendo to create gaining market share and has entered tive TV networks. software for today's video games with into a deal with leading cable operators Ultra 64 is Nintendo's new 64 -bit plans to link them to future telecommu- TCI and Time Warner for the Sega home videogame platform, which is nications networks. Channel, which is receiving positive still under development and is not The far- ranging deal spans product initial response from the limited num- expected to hit the consumer electron- development, joint marketing and ber of subscribers using the videogame ics marketplace until the fall, or possi- widespread national and global distrib- service over upgraded cable systems. bly as late as next year. The partners in ution of video games on Nintendo's Nevertheless, Nintendo has an enor- the venture say that multiplayer net- systems. Plans also include multiplayer mous installed base of more than 15.5 worked gaming will not be widely video games available via interactive million 16 -bit SNES players, 17 mil- available to consumers until late 1996 television networks. lion Game Boys and more than 35 mil- or early 1997. Nintendo and GTE Interactive will lion 8 -bit Nintendo Entertainment Sys- The partners say several of Ninten- display their joint development efforts tems. But as the market evolves to 64- do's video games will be used as part of at the Winter Consumer Electronics bit and multiplayer networked gaming, GTE's planned interactive TV trial in Show in Las Vegas. They will feature it remains to be seen whether Nintendo Manassas, Va., scheduled to begin later Nintendo's new FX2 graphics enhance- will be able to maintain its position. this year. It also is possible that Ninten- ment chip and FX Fighter, a 3D fight- The new venture serves both compa- do games will be incorporated into ing game for the Super Nintendo Enter- nies by opening each to aspects of the GTE's Main Street interactive TV ser- tainment System (SNES). market that previously made them vul- vice now available over cable systems Nintendo once was the leader in the nerable to the competition- Nintendo near Carlsbad, Calif., and Boston.

VideoGuide to bypass cable

.WelveGuibe El 1) ae4 16A4Le4W444.1, x :out Atóur.EST iMüV1(mxE dew Y181Jsi Pom,aaawy snnqpyatcia ate_,.aL c°^ne11,04 1t44 VideoGuide's service roster will 44tmi+m.coriOvr_... knot xa,rar Ant tes ht:r,r Atlitil s crnlMÙe Ùüpitè lsr_ »'rm,ar logic a.emn: include seven days of TV listings, one- In4YtoCr.i+rFr;ry'ryy, 'AP, tCl 22ä pz32. Ma iavc h nta 4t xue.n aCg r. The electronic program guide market- touch VCR recording and smart sorting, 24SEEr .aM1xrt ISM =Ws OttlUAOrnkErappetrk. gag 2nemlSYGr:xvuyry ^ -- - kaxlhlNSNmm, mown place grew more intense last week which will arrange the on- screen pro- b.a(24550r`aDluxc,ytrapaN, aaaa,m,acwscamta as VideoGuide, a new company gram grid according to personal view- %tot,'t pram tot Iwo formed by former videogame producers ing habits. The company also will offer and electronics executives, announced a premium news and sports services. All full- featured "cable independent" ser- services will be on virtual channels that vice that will provide many of the same don't require channel space. features associated with StarSight Tele- The news service, described as a "per- cast, Prevue Interactive and TV Guide on sonalized video newspaper," will fea- Screen as well as some services that have tured edited AP and UPI wire copy of not been seen before. regional, national and international sto- Based in Boston, the service will be ries. The sports service, provided by tested this spring in East Coast markets Dow Jones Sports Ticker and The Sports including Boston, New York, Philadel- Network, will feature up -to- the -minute phia and Washington. A national rollout sports scores, lines and detailed game is scheduled for fall. summaries of completed games and

56 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable THE POWER OF ATTRACTION CONTINUES...

Richard Dean Anderson Anne Archer Adam Arkin Justine Bateman Lloyd Bridges Michael Caine Keith Carradine Linda Fiorentino Louis Gossett, Jr. Dennis Hopper C. Thomas Howell Anthony LaPaglia Anthony Perkins Cheryl Pollak Mia Sara Lindsay Wagner

Hearst VISIT US AT NAIPE 235 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 455 -4000 1- 800 -526 -5464 Fax: (212) 983 -6379 BOOTH #7350 &'1995 Hearst Entertainment, Inc. Worldwide Rights Reserved Télemirek

those in progress. Program that covers 70% of the U.S. Westberg, VideoGuide's Software developers information is being sup- Other paging companies chief technology officer. for PlayStation plied by TV Data. also will be contracted. "Another advantage is that Sony Computer Entertainment Consumers will pay $4.99 The settops may be located we can download informa- of America has signed licens- per month for the core pro- anywhere in the general tion at 1 a.m. when it is real- ing agreements with nearly gram guide. The news and vicinity of consumer televi- ly cheap." 100 software developers and sports services are an addi- sion sets, and will be cus- Westberg concedes that videogame publishers to pro- tional $2.99 for the first ser- tomer installed. They are the bandwidth provided by duce software for the Sony vice, with a second service being manufactured by Sanyo paging currently is limited, PlayStation, the company's available for $1.99. at its Tijuana, Mexico, plant. allowing relatively slow new CD -based home Backed by two silent part- The hardware includes a cus- transmissions at 1,200 baud. videogame system expected ners from Japan, VideoGu- tomized remote control and The slow speed may limit to be released later this year. ide intends to bypass cable will retail this week at the the service's graphics capa- The videogame licensees operators by transmitting Winter Consumer Electronics bilities, although Westberg include Acclaim, Virgin data to Show in Las Vegas. the will be Games, Lucas Arts, Crystal customized program says graphics Dynamics, Electronic Arts, thin set-top devices smaller "One advantage of using extremely sophisticated, Software Toolworks/Mind- than 8 inches by 11 inches paging technology is that with color coding of channel scape and Sierra On -line. via BellSouth Mobile you can get a nationwide RF logos and other features to Sony also announced it has Comm, a paging company infrastructure," says Tom be offered. established Sony Computer Entertainment to market the PlayStation in Europe. Sex-Zo $444 Motorola releases Marco Motorola has introduced the Macromedia, Online Media Marco Wireless Communica- tor, a device based on Apple's Newton hand -held operating aiming for interactive standard system. Marco can conduct two -way communications Olivetti subsidiary connects with leading authoring tool developer operating over the ARDIS wireless data communications network. The device does not g. H4 g lw. several other companies are making the plug into a phone line and can same claim. All the different solutions will send and receive messages to Before interactive television arrives, remain proprietary until standards bodies computers, fax machines and software developers and television pro- convene and come to some agreement. over the Internet as well as ducers need standardized tools to Beyond the complexities of creating an other public and private net- develop compelling applications for a vari- interactive application and porting it to mul- works. Marco is expected ini- ety of set -top boxes to attract consumers. tiple platforms, there has been a recent flood tially to cost roughly $1,000. Macromedia, a leading multimedia of new set -top box manufacturers, which authoring tool developer, is moving in that further complicates matters. NTN, America Online direction with a joint development and mar- Online Media is one of those new set -top sign interactive keting deal with Online Media. Online is a box manufacturers. Its unit is equipped with sports and trivia new set -top box manufacturer that is repre- the Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) RISC game deal senting Olivetti's interests in the emerging processor. (Advanced is a subsidiary of NTN Communications and U.S. interactive television market. Cambridge, England based Acorn Comput- America Online will jointly But while Macromedia is making a bid to er Group, whose parent company is Olivetti.) provide interactive sports and create a standard for developing interactive But Online Media has yet to crack the U.S. trivia games to AOL sub- television applications with its new partners, market, and it remains to be seen whether the scribers over the online net- it is just one company seeking to fill the stan- specifications it has created for its set -top work. Expected to be part of dards vacuum. Microware, Oracle, Sybase box will be in accord with future standards. the deal are NTN's QB1 foot- and others also are staking their own claims Nevertheless, Macromedia already has ball game, "Uppercut" box- to creating a de facto standard for interactive proved it can create a multimedia authoring ing, "Powerplay" ice hockey television tools that can communicate with tool, which software developers are using and "Showdown" and video servers, the network and set -tops. for interactive applications. Macromedia's "Countdown" trivia games. Macromedia is calling its interactive tele- Director 4.0 has been the tool of choice for AOL subscribers will be billed vision development strategy "Author Once, many CD -ROM applications, and the com- on a per -use basis when playing the NTN games Play Anywhere," which theoretically will pany- through its deal with Online through the America Online pave the way for developers to create an Media -is aiming for the inside track in cre- network. application and port it to multiple platforms ating a standardized interactive television from CD -ROM to interactive television. But authoring tool.

58 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable 1elemfe

Adapting TV properties to multimedia e4.41. Jan. 13- 16-- -Milia '95: Inter- The consensus of a panel considering whether TV projects migrate well to new national Publishing & New multimedia formats is that the two media have development and consumer Media Market, sponsored by needs that are entirely different. Milia. Palais des Festivals, "You really can't take a television property and simply make it interactive," Cannes, France. Contact: said Matt Farber, MTV's vice president of programing/new business, speaking at Diana Butler, 212 -689 -4220. Showbiz Expo East 95 in New York. Jan. 17 -18 -1-lome Shopping: Farber said developing an interactive multimedia product has more to do with Technologies and Opportunities, "creating an experience" and making sure The new product can "stand on its sponsored by Interactive Media own." Farber said the reason MTV is making a major push into multimedia is in Retail Group. Dorchester partly a function of trying to create new business, especially since the young Hotel, . Contact: Gillian demographic that watches the channel is also the group most interested in video Charlton or Caroline Bishop in games, CD -ROMs and online. London, 44-71-637-4383. "It's a separate entertainment experience in itself," agreed Frank Lantz, senior designer for R/Greenberg Interactive. Lantz said his company is developing video games, CD -ROMs and other new media products, Jan. 18-20-Mobile Commu- and the budgets of those projects border on the scope and scale of a small -film production. nications '95 Conference: The Stephan Fitch, president of Thinking Pictures, spoke broadly about creating intelligent human interfaces Next Generation, sponsored by and virtual environments, which would allow the viewers to choose a variety of pathways within a storyline. Frost & Sullivan. Westin Hotel But he admitted that he is not sure whether viewers really want interactive movies where they control the Galleria Texas, Dallas. Contact: plot and ending. Amy Arnell, 415- 961 -9000. While several panelists debated the differences between screen -based media and computer software, The issue Jan. 23 -25-- Content for the that emerged as a sticking point was electronic rights, copyrights and intellectual property. "A whole new set of Interactive Age, sponsored by problems surrounding rights are coming up," said Stephen Rodner, attorney, Pryor, Cashman, Sherman & Flynn. -MB the Institute for International Research. Buena Vista Palace, Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Con- NEW YORK TIMES tion -based CD -ROM. The The Times will promote tact: 800 -345 -8016. continued from page 54 Times Co., CBS News and the new CD -ROM product Apple Computer are com- through in -house ads in its Jan. 23-26- ComNet, spon- sored by IDG World Expo, "CD -ROM publishing can pleting a CD -ROM about the various newspaper editions Washington Convention Cen- conceivably become a busi- Vietnam War that is expect- as well as on its radio station ter. Renaissance Hotel and WQXR-FM ness for us," says Steve ed to be released by March. New York and on Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washing- Rago, group director for new The multimedia disk will television through Time ton. Contact: Barbara Inglese, media, New York Times Co. be able to access the library Warner's cable systems. 800 -545 -3976. Information Services Group. of 1994 news stories through Rago adds that the Times He says the development icons organized by subjects, is upgrading its @Times Jan. 23 -26 -32nd Annual NAIPE Conference & Exhibition, costs of New York Time Cap- including City News, Busi- online service, which is sponsored by NATPE. Sands sule 1994 were quite low, ness, Sports, Culture, People accessible through America Expo Center, Las Vegas. Con- and he thinks the break -even and Politics, and will enable Online. Those additions may tact: NAIPE, 310 -453 -4440. point shouldn't be difficult the user to scroll to various include bringing the co- to attain. areas of interest. owned Boston Globe onto Jan. 24- 27-ITA Information Rago says the company The selection of the top the @Times service to create Superhighway Conference and intends to produce similar news stories was made by a real -time news and infor- Exhibition, sponsored by Inter- annual CD -ROM news Sam Roberts, the Times's mation for the national Tape Association. directory Santa Clara Convention Cen- review yearbooks in the urban affairs correspondent, Northeast. ter, Santa Clara, Calif. Con- future as well as other multi- who also hosts New York Rago's unit is working on tact: ITA, 212 -643 -0620. media titles that will com- Close -Up, a nightly news and ways to develop an editorial - bine the Times Co.'s various interview show on New York advertising model for the Feb. 1-3-Wireless '95, spon- sored by Cellular Telecommu- media properties with a vari- 1 News. Phil O'Brien, news online platform, similar to nications Industry Association. ety of other partners. director of New York 1, and the way the newspaper busi- Ernest N. Morial Convention "The newspaper does not Art Daley, the channel's ness operates today. Center, New Orleans, La. Con- were is create news video, so work- executive producer, also The Times also planning tact: 301 -694 -5124. ing with New York 1 is a involved in story selection. a presence on the Internet. natural outgrowth of an New York Time Capsule Rago says the media compa- Feb. 5- 8-- Interactive News - existing relationship with 1994 is a dual -mode CD- ny is planning to create papers '95, sponsored by The the station," Rago says. ROM, meaning the multime- "home pages" and will begin Kelsey Group, Editor & Pub- lisher International News- He adds that the Times dia disk will work on both to offer classified advertis- and paper Marketing Association, Co.'s new media division is Macintosh and PC /Win- ing opportunities for its Hyatt Regency, Reunion Cen- negotiating with CBS News dows -based personal com- newspaper through the Inter- ter, Dallas. Contact: Natalie and CBS Enterprises to pro- puters equipped with a CD- net within the next few Kaye, 609-921-7200. duce a news and informa- ROM drive. months.

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 59 This week's tabulation of station and system sales

WWMT -TV Kalamazoo, Mich. Pur- by Rick Dames and Steve Bunyard) chased by Granite Broadcasting (Don Proposed station trades from Liggett Broadcast Group (Robert Cornwell, chairman) from Busse By dollar volume and number of sales Liggett, president) for $1.4 million. Broadcasting Corp. (Lawrence Busse, This week: Buyer, through an affiliated entity, is president) for $95 million. Buyer owns AMs n $2,865,000 6 buying KDUK -AM -FM Eugene, Ore. Sell- KNTV -TV San Jose, Calif.; WPTA -TV Fort FMs n $17,125,000 O8 er owns WFMK(FM) /WJIM -AM -FM Lans- Wayne, Ind.; WEEK -TV Peoria- Bloom- ing, WHNN(FM) Saginaw, WLHT(FM)/ Combos u $5,100,000 0 1 ington, Ill.; KBJR -TV Duluth, Minn.; KSEE- WGRD -AM -FM Grand Rapids and TVs u $95,000,000 01 TV Fresno- Visalia, Calif.; wTVH -TV WBCK(AM)- WBXX(FM) /WELL -AM -FM Battle Total o $120,090,000 n 16 Syracuse, N.Y.; plus 49% interest in Creek, all Michigan. KMGG has oldies parent of WKBW -Tv Buffalo, N.Y., and is So far in 1995: format on 97.7 mhz with 1.8 kw and pending assignee of KBVO -TV Austin, AMs $4,997,000 9 antenna 1,201 ft. Broker: Media Ven- Tex. WMMT -TV is CBS affiliate on ch. 3 FMs 0 $19,160,000 14 ture Partners. with 100 kw visual, 20 kw aural and Combos $9,175,000 4 KTFX(FM) Tulsa, Okla. Purchased antenna 1,000 ft. TVs n $284,000,000 n 5 by NewCity Communications (Dick WRNO -FM New Orleans Pur- Total $317,332,000 n 32 Ferguson, president) from Central chased by EZ Communications (Alan Broadcast Co. (William Payne, presi- Box, president/CEO) from Associat- dent) for an undisclosed amount. by Asterisk Inc. ed Broadcasters (Tom Galloway) for Communications Buyer owns KRMG(AM)- KWEN -FM from $7.5 million. Buyer owns WEZB(FM) (Fredrick Ingham, president) Tulsa; WEZN(FM) Bridgeport, Conn.; Broadcasting Corp. New Orleans plus 3 AMs and 12 Greater Ocala WDBO(AM)- WWKA(FM) Orlando, Fla.; FMs, and is pending assignee of (Robert Hauck, owner /founder) for WSYR(AM)-WYYY(FM) /WBBS(FM) Syra- WTRS -FM wvBu(AM) New Orleans. WRNO -FM has $2.1 million. Buyer owns cuse, N.Y.; KKYX(AM)- KCYY(FM) San rock format on 99.5 mhz with 100 kw Dunellon, Fla. Seller owns wocA(AM) Antonio, Tex., and WZZK -AM- and antenna 1,004 ft. Broker: Gary Ocala, Fla. WMFQ has light AC format FM/WODL(FM) Birmingham, Ala. Seller Stevens & Co. on 92.9 mhz with 50 kw and antenna has no other broadcast interests. 476 ft. KVJY(AM) Pharr and WTEX -FM KTFX has '705 format on 103.3 mhz with 100 kw and antenna 1,278 ft. Brownsville, both Texas u Pur- KALF(FM) Red Bluff, Calif. Pur- chased by July Broadcasting Inc. chased by Park Lane Chico Inc. WFIV(AM) Kissimmee (Orlando), from Tate Communications Inc. (Har- (James Levy, chairman /president/ Fla. Purchased by Kissor Commu- vey Tate, president) for $5.1 million. CEO, 10% voting stockholder) from nications Inc. (Jorge Peres, presi- An affiliate of buyer, May Communi- McNulty Broadcasting Corp. (Chuck dent) from Radio Florida Broadcast- cations Inc., is licensee of KBFM -FM Wilkinson, CEO, and Laura Wilkin- ers (Edward Allmon, president) for Edinburgh, Tex. Seller owns KMCK -FM son, president, 22.5% shareholder) $900,000. Buyer and seller have no Siloam Springs (Fayetteville), Ark. for $1.6 million. Buyer is subsidiary other broadcast interests. WFIV has KVJY has MOR format on 840 khz with of The Park Lane Group, licensee of country /Hispanic format on 1080 khz

5 kw day, 1 kw night. WTEX -FM has KPPL(FM) COIUSa, KSHA(FM) Redding with 10 kw day. Broker: Hadden & country format on 100.3 mhz with 100 and KFMF(FM) Chico, all California. Associates. Seller has no other broadcast inter- kw and antenna 1,125 ft. Broker: WZZP(FM) Kankakee, Ill. Pur- ests. KALF has country format on 95.7 Media Services Group. chased by Milner Broadcasting Co. mhz with 7 kw and antenna 1,265 ft. KFIA(AM) Carmichael, Calif. n Pur- (Timothy Milner, president /director; Filed Dec. 6 (BALH941206GS). chased by Vista Broadcasting Inc., a Gene Milner Broadcasting Co., 90 %) subsidiary of Salem Communication WSBH(AM) Miami Beach, Fla. from Rollings Communications of Corp. (Stuart Epperson, chairman, Purchased by New Birth Broadcast- Kakakee Inc. (Dale Rollings) for 50% stockholder and Edward ing Corp., a subsidiary of New Birth $425,000. Buyer owns WBUS(FM) Attsinger, president, 50 %) from Baptist Church (Victor Curry, presi- Kankakee, Ill. Seller owns wzNx(FM) Olympic Broadcaster Inc. (Douglas dent) from Margolis Broadcasting Co. Arcola, wuFI(AM)- wzNF(FM) Rantoul, Kahlie, president) for $4.1 million. (Edward Margolis) for $1.5 million. wwDz(FM) Danville and WKJR(FM) Sulli- Buyer owns 15 AMs and 8 FMs. Sell- Buyer and seller have no other van, all Illinois. wzzP has classic rock er owns KssJ(FM) Shingle Springs, broadcast interests. WSBH has talk format on 95.1 mhz with 3 kw and Calif., and Kncv(AM) Reno, Nev. KFIA format on 1490 khz with 1 kw. Filed antenna 328 ft. Filed Dec. 19 has religious format on 710 khz with Dec. 9 (BAL941209EA). (BAPLH941219GN). 10 kw day, 250 w night. Filed Dec. 7 KMGG(FM) Monte Rio (Santa WWWB(AM) Greensboro -High (BAL941207EA). Rosa), Calif. u Purchased by Pacific Point, N.C. Purchased by Winston - WMFQ(FM) Ocala, Fla. Purchased Radio of Santa Rosa Corp. (controlled Salem Radio Corp. (Bishop L.E.

60 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Willis, president /100% stockholder) from HMW Communications Inc. BY THE NUMBERS (Owen Weber) for $250,000. Buyer BROADCASTING owns 16 AMs and 11 FMs. Seller Service Total Total owns WRDU -FM Wilson, WTRG -FM Service Commercial VHF TV 559 Rocky Mount and WMFR(AM) -WMAG- 4,923 Commercial AM Commercial UHF TV 598 FM/WFXF-FM Greensboro -High Point - Commercial FM 5,070 Winston- Salem, all North Carolina, Educational VHF TV 123 Educational FM 1,708 and is pending assignee of wJMZ- Educational UHF TV 240 FM/WLYZ-FM Greer and wwMO(AM) Total Radio 11,701 Total TV 1,520 Eden, both North Carolina, and VHF LPTV 527 WXWX -FM Easley, S.C. WWWB has CABLE UHF LPTV 1,023 MOR format on 1320 khz with 5 kw. Total systems 11,385 Filed Dec. 7 (BAL941207EA). Total LPTV 1,550 Total subscribers 58,834,440 WBRJ(AM) Marietta, Ohio Pur- FM translators 2,233 Homes passed 91,433,000 chased by RASA Phoenix Corp. VHF translators 2,253 (David Stock, president /52% share- Cable penetration* 62.5% UHF translators 2,441 holder) from Tschudy Communica- Based on TV household universe of 94.2 million. tion Corp., debtor -in- possession (Earl Total Translators 6,927 Sources: Nielsen, NCTA and FCC Judy, CEO /sole shareholder) for $100,000. Buyer has no other broad- tions Inc. (Frank Kinney, president, cant for new AM at Bridge City, Tex. cast interests. Seller owns wMoc(FM) 33.3% stockholder; F. Michael Wix, Glinter owns wREN(AM) Topeka, Kan., Westover, W.Va.; WEYO(FM) Marietta, 33.3% stockholder; Paul Kratzch, and is permittee of wMlw(AM) Atlantic Ohio, and wsKo(FM) Buffalo Gap, Va. 33.3% stockholder) from Michael Beach, wBAJ(AM) Blythwood, both Earl Judy owns wKov(AM) Bluefield, Glinter for $15,000. Buyer owns South Carolina, and KGGN(AM) Glad- WKMY(FM) Princeton and WPDX -AM-FM wsKY(AM) Asheville, N.C. Seller is stone, Mo. wMIY is unbuilt licensed to Clarksburg, all West Virginia, and officer/director /stockholder of Satel- 880 khz with 1.1 kw day. Filed Dec. 2 WSVG(AM)- WSIG(FM) Mt. Jackson, Va. lite Radio Networks, which is appli- (BAP941202EB). wBRJ has news/talk format on 910 khz with 5 kw day, 61 w night. WTZX(AM) Sparta, Tenn. Pur- chased by Austin Broadcasting Corp. (Wylie Austin, president, 100% stock- THOUSANDS OF $$$ DOLLARS EXTRA INCOME holder) from Robert Gallaher for FOR YOUR STATION /CHANNEL EVERY MONTH! $100,000. Buyer owns WSMT -AM -FM Sparta, Tenn. Seller is pending Interactive communications offers income never before available to broadcasters. assignee of new commercial FM at Now a constantly changing events- oriented service, activated by listeners to meet Montery, Tenn. WTZX has country for- their need for up -to- the -moment real time investment information and analysis. mat on 860 khz with 1 kw day, 9.9 w night. Filed Nov. 1 (BAL941101 ED). Audio Information Inc. will pay you $1.00 for each complete call generated by WRLD(FM) Valley, Ala. Purchased your station to our nationally advertised phone service "America's Best by Pearce Broadcasting Co. Inc. Financial Minds," a true value to any investor (try it-1 -900- 933 -8487). (David Denner, chairman/director, 4% stockholder) from Pearce Broadcast- Over 1,000 calls documented from one station, in a top 20 market, in a single day. (Local broadcasters adjust projected returns to market size). Each call is count- ing Partnership (Alford Pearce, presi- ed, certified and credited to your station by special digital phone code assigned for inter- dent, 34% stockholder) 34% to your station exclusively. est in buyer corporation and 3,400 shares of voting common stock. Buyer Your special phone code and full payments will continue for a full year, even was established by parties to help cap- after you have stopped airing our commercials. The financial addict (as in italize and acquire certain assets used sports addict) continues calling each week even months after all promotions with station and has no other broad- end. cast interests. Seller is 100% owner of Royal Broadcasting Co. Inc., licensee Run our ads often in slow times, less in busy times. Get paid all the time. of wRLD(AM) West Point, Ga. WRLD has nostalgia format on 98.1 mhz with 3 kw For full details and start date, call or fax today. and antenna 328 ft. Filed Dec. 20 AUDIO INFORMATION INC. (BAPH941220GJ). 465 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011 WMIY(AM) Fairview, N.C. CP pur- Tel. (212) 924-2469 Fax (212) 9294908 chased by River City Communica- Exciting 40 sec stock market forecast and analysis daily. Free! Ask for details

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 9 1995 61 Older audiences skew toward AM By Donna Petrozzello reported no radio listening. to AM or FM at least once each Older adults are more likely to The survey also concluded that week, with 24 million tuning in dur- listen exclusively to AM radio more than 202 million people listen ing the average quarter-hour. stations than are younger adults, according to Statistical R I D I N G G I N Research Inc. A The Westfield, N.J. -based research Interep to launch new clients is the Dr. Laura Sch- firm surveys radio listenership sever- oldies format lessinger Show, produced by SMI al times annually and publishes its Broadcasting. Radio Today Enter- findings in RADAR reports on radio The Interep Radio Store plans to tainment, the show's syndicator, audiences. In a recent survey of roll out a new format network, will continue to handle affiliate 12,098 people nationwide, 25% of Best of Oldies Music (BOOM), in marketing. Williams, chairman of men 55 and older reported listening the first quarter. The network will MultiVerse, formerly was vice only to AM radio, while only 2% of group oldies -formatted stations, president /managing director of men 18 -24 said they listened to AM allowing advertisers buying Media America Inc. Landau, radio exclusively. inventory on the network to target MultiVerse president /CEO, was The findings were similar for listeners aged 30 -50, Interep says. president of Unistar Radio Net- women. Twenty -four percent of those BOOM will comprise 110 stations work. 55 -plus reported listening only to that contract with Interep to rep- AM radio, while 1% of women 18 -24 resent their national ad sales. Adding to 1970s format Interep also operates country, listen to AM stations exclusively. Banking on the popularity of the a result, listeners FM sta- urban and news /talk format net- As the of 1970s -era hits format, New York - works plus a "next generation" tions skewed younger. Seventy -four Entertainment intro- format network targeted to listen- based SJS has percent of men 18 -24 said they lis- duced a production library to com- ers age 12 -24. tened only to FM radio compared plement such formats. SJS's with 54% of those 25 -54 and 31% Decade: The Ultimate '70s Pro- age 55 and over. Sales reps form new venture duction Library includes sound Among women, 84% of those 18- Advertising sales and marketing clips from movies, TV show theme 24 said they listened exclusively to entrepreneurs Ken Williams and songs, news events and comedy FM, compared with 64% age 25 -54 David Landau have formed Mul- skits. A variety of material, those 55 and and 32% of over. tiVerse Networks to handle designed to accompany morning - The survey also found that among national ad sales and affiliate drive shows, will be available each 12 and lis- people over, 9% reported relations for national radio show week to stations on a market - tening only to AM; 57% reported lis- producers. Among Multi Verse's exclusive basis. -DP tening only to FM; 30% reported lis- tening to both AM and FM, and 4% Radio on the scene

House Republicans hit the airwaves in force last Wednesday to mark the opening of the 104th Congress. They didn't have far to go. Instead, lawmakers only had to walk down to the basement of the Capitol, where a group of talk show hosts were broad- casting live. Pictured at left is Armstrong Williams, whose pro- gram The Right Side airs on WAVA(FM) Arlington, Va. Others broadcasting from the Capitol basement: Talk Ameri- ca's Doug Stephen, Judy Jarvis, Jack Anderson, Jerry Brown, and Ellen Ratner; Larry Bensky, Pacifica Radio, and Mark Gilman, also of wAVA. The Rush Limbaugh Show actually broadcast live from House Speaker Newt Gingrich's chambers in the Capitol. Columnist Tony Snowe filled in for Limbaugh, who was on vacation.

62 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Commitment Comes To Charlotte!

WBT-AM in Charlotte, North Carolina has selected CBS Radio Representatives for national sales representation!

We are delighted to welcome this News, Talk, Sports and Information dynamo to our exclusive list of America's best -repped radio stations. And we are proud to add another fine Jefferson Pilot property to our small family.

We believe that shared values and a commitment to excellence are the keys to the success of the station -rep partnership, and we look forward to the opportunity to sell in such and exciting and fast - growing market.

CBS RA DIO REP RES ENTAT! VES ...representing America's most influential radio stations.

Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas Detroit Los Angeles Minneapolis New York Philadelphia St. Louis San Francisco Seattle Linda Weaver Amy Caplan Chad Brown Laude Montoya David Rice Scott Springer Karen Miller Peter Burton Bill Burns Chuck Gerding Marco Camacho Larry Adams 404/233.8281 617/728 -1916 312/951.3286 214/526 -0557 810/351 -2161 213/460.3701 612/371 -9051 212/975 -6769 610/668ó990 314/444 -3221 415/765.4006 206/654 -4104 17 O n

= S In NAB cautious on ownership dereg The association's board may not back FCC proposals

By Kim McAvoy support the concept of local TV. " The National Associa- This time, Jones's views may gain tion of Broadcasters more backing. "I'd like to see some may not sign off on the loosening of the limits -more than FCC's proposed deregula- we have today but less than 50 %," tion of its TV ownership says John Zanotti, chief executive policies. officer, Great American Communica- At least that is what Phil tions Co. Indeed, Zanotti thinks that Jones, president of Mered- what the FCC has proposed is more ith Broadcasting and vice likely to benefit the networks than chairman of the NAB TV broadcaster groups. board, hopes will happen. A 50% cap is not "unacceptable" When the NAB board to TV director Jim Babb, president of meets this month, Jones Outlet Broadcasting, as long as the a hopes that the broadcasters Station limits top NAB board agenda in Florida. cap is lifted on "staggered basis." will decide "they don't want Babb would rather see the FCC insti- as much relaxation as the FCC has supporting a 30% cap and eliminat- tute anti -trafficking rules.. proposed." NAB's position on the ing the current 12- station TV limit. "This is an issue that's been perco- proposed new ownership rules should He thinks a 50% ownership cap will lating," says NAB President Eddie be fleshed out during the annual win- "harm small broadcasters" and affect Fritts. The ownership debate is impor- ter board meeting on Jan. 14 -18 at the the "balance of power between net- tant to NAB's radio board. He says Boca Raton Resort & Club in Boca works and affiliates." radio broadcasters would like the FCC Raton, Fla. Jones was in the minority at NAB's to lift its radio ownership limits in The FCC is proposing new rules June meeting when he suggested larger markets and relax its rules on that would allow TV broadcasters to there be no relaxation of the rules. duopoly in smaller radio markets. own as many stations as they want as "Anything that takes a more national Currently, the FCC restricts radio long as they remain within the cap on scope is wrong. I think we should ownership to 20 AMs and 20 FMs. total national audience reach. The commission also has suggested rais- ing that cap, now at 25% of the nation's TV households, by 5% every Three strikes for baseball three years to a maximum of 50 %. The agency would permit broad- casters to own two TV stations in antitrust exemption? some large markets (creating a duop- oly rule for TV), and it proposes By Harry A. Jessell eliminating rules barring the owner- Congress, Michael Bilirakis (R -Fla.) ship of a TV and radio station in the Owners of Major League Baseball introduced two bills -one that would same market. If the proposed duop- teams have been able to band repeal the blanket antitrust exemp- oly rule is adopted, however, local together to negotiate national tion baseball has enjoyed since 1922 marketing agreements would count TV rights deals over the years without and another that would exclude base- toward a station's ownership limits. worrying about antitrust suits. ball from the anti -trust exemption on The rules will be "the subject of a But owners' immunity from TV deals granted all major sports spirited debate" says Dennis J. charges of anticompetitive conduct bytheI961 Sports Broadcasting Act. FitzSimons, president of Tribune on TV contracts and other matters is Senator Daniel Moynihan (D -N.Y.) Television and a TV board member. again being threatened by a Florida also last week introduced a bill that Tribune favors the FCC proposals, congressman unhappy with base- eliminates the blanket exemption, but says FitzSimons. "We'd like to see as ball's continuing inability to resolve specifically preserves the TV protec- little regulation as possible," he adds. the players' strike. tions of the 1961 Sports Act. Jones, for one, would like to see Last Wednesday, the first day of Baseball seemed confident it could NAB maintain its earlier position of the Republican- controlled 104th defeat the attempts to tamper with its

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Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas Detroit Los Angeles Minneapolis New York Philadelphia St. Louis San Francisco Seattle Linda Weaver Any Caplan Chad Brown Laurie Montoya David Rice Scott Springer Karen Miller Peter Burton Bill Bums Chuck Gerding Marco Camacho Larry Adams 404/233-8281 617/728-1916 312/951 -3286 214/526 -0557 810/351 -2161 213/460-3701 612/371 -9051 212/975 -6769 610/668 -5990 314/444-3221 415/765-4006 206/654 -4104 WASHINGTON antitrust immunity as it has in the past. "We were prepared in the last Quello angered over FCC's session," says MLB lobbyist Gene Callahan. "We are preparing again." The difference between the Moyni- handling of Fox han and Bilirakis bills "is the differ- ence between pressure and punish- Commissioner James Quello a blanket gag order on the Fox investi- ment," says Phil Hochberg, a Wash- blasted his agency's handling gation. "[A]n order this extraordinary ington lawyer who represents sports of the Fox foreign ownership should never have been issued under interests. investigation last week in a strongly the pretext of routine delegated The Bilirakis bill would jeopardize worded letter to Senate Commerce authority but rather should have been baseball's lucrative national TV Committee Chairman Larry Pressler. carefully considered and specifically deals, Hochberg says. The deals Quello singled out the Mass Media voted by the full commission," wrote would be "open to attack" by any Bureau and the general counsel's Quello. broadcaster or network that felt it was office for criticism for a "series of Quello told Pressler that he would unfairly denied rights to the games, unusual staff decisions [that] have not have voted for the gag order had he says: "A station disappointed it raised troublesome questions about he been given the chance. He also said couldn't carry the New York Yankees [FCC] procedures." Quello said the that he hopes "the atmosphere of sup- could sue." agency's objectivity is in question. pression that has unfortunately per- Moynihan's bill clearly is aimed at But by midweek, Quello appeared vaded this proceeding will not dis- strengthening the hand of the players to have been reassured about the com- courage individuals from testifying." by giving them the antitrust card. mission's impartiality. On Thursday, Last week, Quello complained "Repealing the exemption will help he signed a letter to Fox countering about his access to information: equalize bargaining power between the network's claims of bias. "When I requested a copy of the the two sides and will permit unfair Quello was particularly upset that questions the staff prepared for Fox, I labor practices to be challenged in he was not consulted about the was told they would not be made federal court" the senator says. bureau's decision on Dec. 7 to impose available to me." -CSS

House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R -Ga.) made good ther by creating a new subcommittee leadership struc- on his promise to open up the House to greater TV ture. They've added the position of subcommittee vice - coverage. Last Wednesday (.Ian. 4), Gingrich permitted chairman to assist the chairman. On the House TV cameras to cover, for the first time, a speaker's brief- Telecommunications Subcommittee, chairman Jack ing with reporters. The speaker, in his opening address Fields (R -Tex.) named Michael Oxley (R -Ohio) also pledged to keep the House open to TV cameras. as his vice -chairman. Oxley, who chairs the Also, the House approved a new "sunshine rule" that Trade and Hazardous Materials Subcommit- requires all committee meetings to remain open to the tee, chose Fields as his vice -chairman. public and media unless the entire committee votes Outgoing Senate Majority Leader otherwise. Meetings George Mitchell (D -Me.) is joining the Washington law be closed only forfo matters involving national security firm Verner, Liipfert, Bern- hard, McPherson & Hand as or ethical issues. Previously, it was up to individual committee special counsel. The firm has a chairmen to decide growing communications practice whether a meeting was with clients in the broadcasting, open or closed. cable, satellite, cellular and tele- More open coverage of Edited By Kim McAvoy phone industries. His appointment is the Senate is closer to effective today (Jan. 9). becoming reality as well. Senate Majority and Minority Leaders House Telecommunications Subcommittee Chairman Bob Dole (R -Kan.) and Tom Jack Fields of Texas (r) Newt Gingrich Daschle (D- S.D.), respectively, greets veteran public affairs introduced resolutions that would executive Arthur Sando at an allow TV coverage of so- called dugout press briefings open house in the congress- man's office marking the first held before the Senate goes into session, and of confer- day of the Republican -con- ence meetings between the House and Senate. trolled 104th Congress. Sando stepped down Dec. 30 As the 104th Congress convened last week, as Comsat's vice president. corporate affairs. to consult and explore opportunities in the TV business. Republicans were consolidating their power even Fur-

66 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable BlAIR TLLflISI0N Not llEPlwsuxrs h =TV Lrrrn Rock, AmsAs


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New cable networks going digital Game Show and Home & Garden building multimillion- dollar production centers By Chris McConnell the digital- compo- Two cable programers are ring- nent format, adding ing in 1995 with new serial dig- that it will improve ital broadcast centers. the shelf life of Both the Game Show Network HGTV's program- (GSN) and Home & Garden Televi- ing. The network, sion (HGTV) are stocking up on he says, eventually Sony Digital Betacam machines to may want to place support a pair of new multimillion - some of its pro- dollar broadcast centers that will graming on CD- deliver the fledgling networks. The ROM products or programers, which began transmit- other interactive S ting material in December, hope that formats. E the digital- component format will HGTV also is keep their facilities compatible with venturing into the The Game Show Network has stocked its new Culver City, Calif., broadcast center with 22 Digital Betacam machines. unforeseen upgrades in digital tech- world of hard nology. disk -based storage with its new cen- application. Decisions by ABC and "We did not want to outdate our- ter. The network is installing a BTS PBS to try out the BTS disk technol- selves," says Mark Hale, HGTV's Media Pool to handle the playback of ogy also helped to assuage concerns vice president of operations. His net- promotional spots. "We didn't want about investing in a new technology, work, which for the time being is the cost associated with two automat- he says: "That definitely helped the transmitting programing from HBO's ed cart machines," Hale says, adding sell on it." communications center in Long that one Odetics cart machine will In addition to the Media Pool, BTS Island, N.Y., hopes to take its handle playback of program material. is supplying its Venus router and Sat- Knoxville, Tenn. -based facility Hale says the network also plans to urn master control switcher to the online in March. use the BTS machine in graphics and broadcast center, while Sony is sup- HGTV has stocked the $ 10 million post -production applications, and plying a production switcher. Three facility with about 20 Digital Beta - selected the BTS disk machine in graphics rooms will carry a Quantel cam machines. "We'll be future -com- part because of its ability to vary Hal machine along with two Onyx 3- patible because of it," Hale says of compression ratios according to the D modeling computers from Silicon New facility goes interactive

Sending out programing is not the only function of the ern International has developed software that allows Game Show Network's new broadcast center. those interested to punch in their Social Security num- The facility also is conducting interactive games bers and dates of birth over the phone. The company among its viewers, a task for which it has tapped West- compares the information with other data banks to ern International Media to help with the viewer partici- create a file containing information such as the view- pation. The GSN games call for viewers to phone in to er's name and phone number. The system then the Culver City, Calif., center and, through their phone assigns callers an eight -digit number that they can keypads, to punch in answers to trivia questions. In one enter when calling in to compete in the games. game, for instance, viewers have 30 seconds to select When the network conducts the trivia contests, the decade in which a photograph appearing on the Western randomly selects the ID numbers of two screen was taken. incoming calls and routes them to Culver City, where "It's our hope to continue rotating games," says Vice the callers then can compete against each other, says President of Network Operations Russell Myerson, dis- Dan Sager, vice president of Western's interactive cussing the network's plans to add games. division. To enable viewers to compete with each other, the Sager says that in addition to assisting the interactive network has adopted a system in which viewers first play, the system will provide the network with informa- dial an 800 number to register as contestants. West- tion on who is watching. -CM

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Graphics Inc. HGTV also has bought Myerson's center, which went like a media server by allowing an Avid 8000 Media Composer for its online last month, carries 22 of the operators to devote tape units to dif- off -line edit suite, which will supple- Digital Betacam machines. GSN has ferent departments as needed. The ment two online suites. The network used the machines to digitally remas- network's master control room oper- has gone to Alamar for software to ter some 42,318 episodes of game ates 24 hours a day with six opera- automate its playback system. shows dating back to the 1950s. "You tors, Myerson says, adding that the Such is also the strategy at the really wouldn't know that this is broadcast center's staff numbers Game Show Network, which is using older programing," Myerson says of about 50. Alamar software to automate its new the remastered picture quality. The center's graphics department serial digital facility in Culver City, While striving for compatibility, carries a Chyron iNFiNit! machine, Calif. Like HGTV, HSN invested in the GSN plant designers have held along with a still -store station from the Digital Betacam format in an off on investing in hard disk-server Pinnacle. The network is investing in effort to stay compatible with future technology for now. Although he Sony's Destiny editing system for equipment. does not rule out an investment in the post -production, along with a Sony "This is kind of a pivotal time," disk servers, Myerson voices con- 9100 editing system. Myerson says GSN Vice President of Network cerns with the current state of com- describes the four edit suites as Operations Russell Myerson, who pression technology: "We want to be online rooms, maintaining that the estimates the cost of the new plant at 100% sure all of the compression network stayed away from off -line $8 million -$10 million. "We wanted operates efficiently," he says. machines in designing its plant. to make sure the physical plant we In the meantime, Myerson says, "We wanted to take the off -line designed was not going to be obso- the facility's automation system will piece out of the production scheme," lete in six months." allow the tape machine to function Myerson says.

Relay satellites. The FCC Series studio recorders late last year granted a and AU -63H studio play- request by the company ers as well as 11 AU -55H to provide domestic ser- portable recorder /play- Cutting Edge vice as well as interna- ers. tional service from the By Chris McConnell tem has replaced four satellites. Avid Technology last tape machines previously week said PBS affili- assigned to the task. Panasonic Broadcast & ates in New Hampshire Orion Atlantic last week Television Systems Co. and Maine are using Avid said its satellite has IDB Communications is supplying its MII 1/2- AirPlay systems to air all arrived at its final geosta- has completed its merg- inch component analog their spots and station tionary slot at 37.5 orbital er with long- distance video gear to the news IDs. New Hampshire degrees west. The carrier LDDS Commu- departments of two Public Television is using Orion 1 satellite, nications. At separate Scripps Howard Group a single -channel AirPlay launched Nov. meetings on Dec. 30, TV stations. WFTS Tampa, system to handle play- 29, 1994, "shareholders voted to Fla., and WEWS Cleveland back of its special onboard an Atlas merge the companies. have selected the MII announcements and pro- 2A rocket, is equipment as the stan- mos and is planning to scheduled to Columbia Communica- dard for their news oper- install a second channel begin operation by the tions Corp. is using its ations. Panasonic says to the system. Maine end of this month. The recently granted the Scripps Public Broadcasting satellite, which carries 34 domestic service Howard pur- 1 1 I also is installing an Ku -band transponders, I authority to carry satellite chase includes AirPlay sys- currently is undergoing a transmissions for Associ- 63 MII VTRs A tern and plans battery of in -orbit tests. i ated Press Television and players VED to begin broad- (APTV). Columbia is along with 18 casting from disk Audio Video Corp. says using transponders on AU -410 MII this month. Avid also ABC's Rapid City, S.D., both Atlantic and Pacific dockable VTRs. Pana- said it is shipping profes- affiliate is using its Virtual satellites to carry APTV, sonic also is supplying sional video editing soft- Recorder system to which will use earth sta- Mil gear for the edit ware for Silicon Graphics receive and air network tions in London, Hong suites supporting the workstations. Avid's feeds. KOTA -TV is using Kong, Washington and America's Talking cable Media Suite Pro system the Virtual Recorder to Denver. Columbia leases network. The network will function with the Sili- handle broadcast time satellite capacity on two has purchased 32 AU- con Graphics Indigo delays and says the sys- NASA Tracking and Data 66H MII Enhanced product family.

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Box ty Communications and were looking for a Human Resources Director, WASK, IN 47903 -7880. talented General Sales Manager to build a sales Box 7880, Lafayette, team at STAR 103 FM, an exciting new 70's hits - based Tulsa radio station! If you have de- ICI /American University Journalism GENERAL MANAGER monstrated the ability to sort out and hire the best Reporters: for Excellence in Personal Finance Report- sales talent, and instill the sales philosophy of Awards KOVR -TV Sacramento seeks dynamic, radio stories for $2,500 award. Entries partnering with customers, then we want to hear ing seek experienced general manager to lead must have aired in 1994 and arrive by March 15, from you. You should have a minimum of two station with established momentum. or information write: Jour- years experience in agency and direct radio 1995. For entry forms We are looking for a marketing-oriented Awards Program, Eagle Station, P.O. Box advertising sales, plus successful experience as a nalism individual with a proven track -record in 79, The American University, 4400 Massachusetts sales manager. Marketing knowledge, research all phases of broadcast television.This is Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016. knowledge, and training skills a must. Computer an equity opportunity to join River City skills in spreadsheets and word processing work Broadcasting as it continues to expand desirable. Send your resume and letter to: Sharon its broadcast group.All replies will be 103, 7136 HELP WANTED ANNOUNCER Adams, Personnel Manager, STAR strictly confidential. EOE. South Yale, Suite 500, Tulsa, OK 74136. NewCity Communications is an equal opportunity Cape Cod's "Clear Classical" WFCC seeks An- Please send resume to: employer. nouncer. Minimum 3 -5 years commercial broad- RICK BIANGIARDI, GROUP PRESIDENT cast experience, pleasing voice, good diction, RIVER CITY BROADCASTING board and commercial production skills. Classical KOVR-TV and computer skills helpful. Salary Radio Syndication Exec - Once ever opportunity programming 2713 KOVR DRIVE Please for top exec. Join syndication powerhouse. commensurate with experience and ability. WEST SACRAMENTO, CA 95605 demo tape to Manager, Package includes equity in company. 301 -251- send resume, references, Villages Drive, Brewster, MA 02631. 8818. WFCC, One WFCC is an equal opportunity employer. General Sales Manager, WCYB -TV, Bristol (Tri Cities) Virginia/Tennessee. A dominant NBC al Successful HELP WANTED SALES filiate with a strong local news product. SITUATIONS WANTED MANAGEMENT candidate must possess a minimum of two years experience as a national television sales man Account Executives: Put your accomplished GM - over 13 years with the same company at the ager, three successful years as a local television radio selling skills to work for you with an excellent most successful station in our group. Bottom line sales manager. Candidate should possess the boasting broadcast company in a medium market oriented. Secure and stable, but now I need more following: college degree, computer experience, one of the best economies in the country. Our personal growth. Experienced in all areas, espe- knowledge of Nielsen ratings including computer combo features a format exclusive, heritage CHR cially sales and fiscal control. Sterling references. research, recommendation by national T.V. rep FM and cutting edge, News/Talk AM. Both provide Reply to Box 00253. firm and ability to motivate and guide a solid local regional coverage from a state capitol with a large sales team. Resumes before January 20 to Judy university system. New and existing lists will pro- Baker, WCYB, 101 Lee Street, Bristol, VA 24201. vide outstanding opportunities for outstanding GM or Group Management. Valuable experi- EOE/WF/HN. performers. Send resume documenting your expe- ence. Excellent leadership and sales skills for rience and success to: General Sales Manager, Z- music, talk and sports station, including duopolies. 104/WTSO Radio, 5721 Tokay Boulevard, Call Ken Patch at 803 -588-9737. Director: KSL -TV, the #1 News Station in Salt Madison, WI 53719. EOE. Lake City has an immediate opening for a skilled director with at least four years of successful pro- SITUATIONS WANTED PROGRAMMING duction experience and two years of on -air direct- include T.D. and pro- PROMOTION & OTHERS ing. Other responsibilities duction work. An application form and other essen- H you love small market sales, and want to ex- tial job requirements may be obtained from the cel and advance your career in a professional Seeking PD position with Oldies or AC. I'm expe- KSL Human Resource Department, Broadcast environment; fax your resume to WOLF -FM, -literate. Let's talk! Jim Ayers. rienced, computer Utah Marion, N.C., 704- 652 -7491, or telephone House, 55 North 300 West, Salt Lake City, 404/933-0147. (801) 575 -5777; fax (801) 704- 659 -2000 for information. 84110 -1160; phone 575 -7625. When you submit your completed application, plan on providing a tape demonstrat- ing your work. KSL will fax or mail an application. Executive in major market sta- Senior Account BLIND BOX An equal opportunity employer. tion. Minimum 3 years media sales only. List available. Rush resume: B -103 Radio WBZO -FM, P.O. Box 1030, Long Island, NY 11706. An equal RESPONSE Director, Broadcast Operations for educational all opportunity employer. television station (Cable, ITFS, IN). Involves Box Number phases of TV operation in new facilities. For job 245 West 17th St. flyer and application, call (805) 636 -4747 or write: Kern County Superintendent of Schools, Person- WHKR FM Melbourne/Cocoa Beach seeks local New York 10011 New York nel Department, 1300 17th Street, Bakersfield, CA sales rep to handle premier list. Minimum 3 years now 93301-4533. Applications must be received by radio sales and experience in vendor. P.O. Box Tapes are accepted January 31, 1995. 7010. Rockledge, FL 32955. EOE.

73 Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 CLASSIFIEDS

Hot Shot Art Director. Want to break into the National Sales Manager. Fox affiliate in top 100 Clear Channel Television's newest Fox affiliate best market in the country-and make a name for market has an opening for a National Sales Man- in Albany, New York is looking to add hard work- yourself ? ?? San Diego affiliate is looking for a ager. The position requires an understanding of ing, aggressive broadcast sales representatives. dynamic Art Director to lead our design team to both local and national sales management re- Emphasis in cultivating new direct business. Ex- the top in a highly competitive market. The require- sponsibilities. A strong background in research, perience helpful, but not required. To join the Fox - ments: great work, 3 years as art director, knows vendor, co -op and client contact at the local level 23 team, send resume to Sales Personnel, WXXA how to build a winning team, can develop station is a must for any candidate. Negotiation and Fox -23, 815 Central Avenue, Albany, New York look from A to Z, good people skills, loves a communication skills are very important for this 12206. EOE. challenge, loves to win. You'll work closely with a team management oriented affiliate. Inventory and great promotional team in a growing department. pricing control management, to best serve our Opportunities in San Diego don't come along customers, is a mandate for our next NSM. This Account Executive for dominant CBS affiliate. every day, so if you've got what it takes...rush position will be offered only to a career -minded Hardworking, motivated, career oriented individual your resume and best shots to Judy Vance, broadcaster. No phones please. Send resume to: to develop direct retail and agency accounts. Min- KFMB-TV, 7677 Engineer Road, San Diego, CA Paul M. Nugent, General Sales Manager, WEMT- imum two years broadcast sales experience. Send 92111. No phone calls. EOE/M/F. TV Fox 39, P.O. Box 3489, Johnson City, TN resume to: Skip Painton, Director of Sales, WCTV, 37602. EOE/M /F. P.O. Box 3048, Tallahassee, FL 32315. No phone calls please. WCTV, John H. Phipps, Inc. is an Local Sales Manager. Organize and lead sales equal opportunity employer. staff in new and existing account development, plan and implement sales projects and conduct Program/Operations Manager - A recent promo- has left with Pro- sales training. Candidate must have minimum of 3 tion to the UPN us a position of HELP WANTED MARKETING years broadcast sales, understand sales planning, gram /Operations Manager. You must have all of have the basic skills and excel at them. You must know expense management and a thorough Marketing Director: River City Broadcasting, one knowledge of the local market. Strong orientation independent television cold and be an active of the fastest- growing broadcast companies in the to details is must. The ideal will have participant in launching the United Paramount a candidate nation, is looking for an outstanding Marketing working knowledge of inventory management, Network on its O &O station in Washington, D.C. Director for our Station in North Carolina, WLOS- comparative selling skills, understand Nielsen rat- Computer skills a must. Send work history, salary TV. if you meet the following qualifications, we ings research evaluate same. High requirements to Dick Williams, 5202 River Road, and systems to want to hear from you: 1) You know the difference school diploma required. Please send resume with Bethesda, MD 20816. Equal opportunity between marketing and promotion, 2) You have cover letter detailing your philosophies man- employer. of demonstrated success in all the elements essen- inventory agement, training, hiring, maximization, tial to an effective marketing effort; on -air promo- special sales, budgeting, motivation and rewards. tion, advertising, publicity, public affairs, design, Local -Regional Sales Manager: Northern Cali- Mail or fax to: WJPR /WFXR Fox 21/27, P.O. community events, research, sales marketing and 2127, Roanoke, VA 24005, Attn: Tony Kahl, GSM fornia's top rated ABC affiliate is looking for an ag- strategic planning, 3) You have excellent oral and 703- 703- No gressive candidate to direct local sales efforts in (fax) 345 -1912 or 342 -2190. phone written communication skills and excel in building Chico -Redding, plus 2 satellites on the North calls please. EOE. teamwork that transcends departmental boun- Coast. Earning potential of $70,000+ and with 2 daries, 4) You are a strong leader who can teach growing satellites, can be much, much more! and inspire, 5) Two to three years experience in Local Sales Manager - WMC -TVs, An Ellis Great opportunity for the right candidate. Minimum television marketing and a bachelor's degree in a Communications property and market leading of 2 years small market television sales manage- related field. WLOS -TV is the ABC affiliate in the NBC affiliate, seeks "hands on" management ment experience required. Submit resume, re- beautiful Asheville -Greenville- Spartanburg market. leader that can fulfill revenue potential of strong ferences and details of 1994 sales records to: We're making a competitive attack on the future station and experienced staff. History of "real" sell- G.S.M., KRCR -TV, P.O. Box 992217, Redding, and our Marketing Director will be key to our suc- ing success and relationship skills with business CA 96099. No phone calls. EOE. owners and agency principles. Send resume to cess. We're looking for someone special. Tell us Scott Leslie, General Sales Manager, 1960 Union how you qualify. EOE. Send reply to WLOS, P.O. Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104. WMC is an equal Box 1300, Asheville, NC 28802, Attn: Jim Con - opportunity employer and an affirmative action sta- Dominant Top 50 Southeast Network Affiliate schafter. tion. is looking for top -notch National Sales Manager. Strong TV sales background, minimum one year in sales management required. Good communica- HELP WANTED TECHNICAL National Underwriting Manager. Excellent op- tion skills a must. Please send resume to Box portunity securing and managing national un- 00246 EOE. derwriters for line extension productions and pro- r jects of "The Nightly Business Report," the most viewed business news program on TV. Reports to V.P. /Marketing. Candidates should have proven HELP WANTED SALES MASTER CONTROL track record w /ability to develop and present sales materials. Media sales w /previous PBS underwrit- OPERATOR Television Sales Representative for NBC af- ing experience and relationships w /Fortune 500 filiate in mid -size New England market. Minimum companies a plus. Degree preferred. Resume in Minimum 8 years experience 3 years broadcast sales experience. Send resume confidence to V.P. /Admin., WPBT/TV2, Human Re- to: WPTZ -TV, 45 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester, and FCC license required. sources, P.O. Box 2, Miami, FL 33261 -0002. Vermont 05446. EOE. EOE, M /F /DN. Midnight shift. Send resume to Box 00238 EOE. United Paramount Network affiliate and New Local Sales Manager - Oklahoma City Fox af- L J Orleans, LA's soon to be newest TV station, is filiate, good staff in place, need experienced now accepting applications for the following posi- leader with Columbine, Tapscan, computer tions: General Manager, General Sales Manager, networking, marketing and promotion skills a r Account Executives, Business Manager, Engineer- mustl Opportunity to grow into GSM slot. Send in- ing, Traffic Director, Clerical/Receptionist, Produc- MAINTENANCE formation selling me on youl Harlan Reams, GM, tion Manager, Switchers. Send all resumes ASAP KOKH, Box 14925, OKC, OK 73113. EOE. to Box 00248. No phone calls please. Channel 54 ENGINEER is an equal employment opportunity employer. T.V. Station UHF transmitter and studio Local Account Executive(s): Affiliate in the 12th ranked market looking for experienced television experience. Maintain 24-hour on-air sta- TV Station Manager: Looking for qualified man- account executives who are seeking rewarding tion. Assist with camera maintenance, ager who knows how to run TV station operations, growth opportunities, unlimited earning potential at microwave Sony Beta sales and production with strong track record and generous commission rates. Please fax resume transmitter, and background in people and time management to: Local Sales Manager, 216 -535.5370, or send Cam SP/Sony LMS. Burbank. Send resume skills. Send resume and salary requirements to resume to: Local Sales Manager, 853 Copley to Box 00238 EOE. Box 00250 EOE Road, Akron, Ohio 44320 -2994. L J

74 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable CLASSIFIEDS

Assistant Chief Engineer: Rapidly growing Director of Engineering and Operations for network affiliate in mid -size market has an im- WTHR, Indianapolis, IN. State of the art facility, mediate opening for an Assistant Chief Engineer. state of the art news operation. Requires B.S. in Requirements include: hands -on maintenance of Electrical Engineering or related field. Must have beta, 3/4 ", 1" videotape, cameras, studio equip- at least 5 years experience as Department Head. EXECUTIVE ment, ability to diagnose /repair complex equip- Equivalent combinations of education and experi- ment at the component level, previous supervisory ence will be considered. SBE Certification is pre- PRODUCER experience, and the ability to teach others. ferred. This is the dream job you have been wait- Transmitter experience and computer literacy a ing for. EEOC. Qualified women and minorities Special News Programs plus. Send resume, references and salary history are encouraged to apply. Please respond to Mr. To head unit looking at life in the to: Chief Engineer, WOWK -TV, 555 Fifth Avenue, Marvin C. Born, Dispatch Broadcast Group, 770 community as it has never been done Huntington, WV 25701. Twin Rivers Drive, Columbus, OH 43216. Phone before. (614) 460 -3914. Fax (614) 460 -2812. Phone calls Also responsible for a ground -break- and faxes are welcome. ing children's show that kids want to watch. Broadcast Maintenance Technician - Southern Network affiliate needs full -time technician. Must Must be experienced, creative, fear- HELP WANTED NEWS be proficient in maintaining full service multi - less and able to prove it. format broadcast station. RF experience helpful. In- Send non -returnable tapes and -depth hands -on experience a must. Excellent op- resume to: portunity for right person to possibly move up to NEWS 1 5- SPECIAL NEWS PROGRAMS Assistant Chief. Send letter, resume and salary Does your competition KNXV -TV history to Box 00255 EOE. want you to 4625 SOUTH 33RD PLACE PHOENIX, AZ 85040 No calls please. FOE. Chief Engineer for Cox CBS TV affiliate: WHIO TV, Dayton, OH's number one station is looking for the right engineering manager to complete our GET OUTTA' team. We want an excellent engineer to provide leadership and management for our department. NEWSIS Responsibilities will include designing, installing and maintaining all technical facilities. If you enjoy TO1Y? managing by example and servicing customer News Talk Show Host/Producer. Small station in needs, if you're player with 17hen think top ten. ten a team excellent skills Think major market looking for right person to fit this to offer and you want to help build for the future gallon hats. And, join our gang unique opportunity. Please send resume and non- you'll want to be considered for this opportunity returnable tape to Box 00251 EOE. Women and with of industry's of ratings rustlers in 1-Iouston. one the best broadcast groups. minorities encouraged to apply. Send /fax resume to: David Lippoff, VP and GM, You've got: superior writing WHIO TV, 1414 Wilmington Avenue, Dayton, OH talent. "Bang it out" topical 45420. Fax 513- 259 -2058. No phone calls please. ability in addition to high end Producer, WYFF, the NBC affiliate in Greenville, EOE. SC is searching for an aggressive producer who concept and production skills. understands pacing, graphics, teasing, live and de- Off -line editing is required. mographics. Must think out-of- the -box, motivate Chief Engineer - WYZZ -TV Bloomington, Illinois. On -line ability would be a others by example and constantly strive to im- Experienced in all areas of television engineering. prove the newscast. Demonstrate these skills on To oversee /maintain all transmitter and studio major plus. your tape. Send to Human Resources Manager, equipment. FCC General License required. EOE. We've got: GVG 200/A -51 WYFF, P.O. Box 788, Greenville, SC 29602. EOE. Submit resume to: David Wittkamp, Director of Edit Operations, 2250 Seymour Avenue, Cincinnati, Suite, Avid, Quantel Paintbox, Ohio 45212 or Fax 513- 631 -2666. Macintosh, DP Max, infinits1 Producer. News Producer needed to coordinate newscasts. and a ton digital toys on the and direct the production of daily of Strong writing and organizational skills and at Chief Engineer: Looking for highly qualified expe- way. least three years commercial television news pro- rienced CE in all aspects of broadcast engineering Best of all: we're a Post - ducing experience required. Send resume to: Hu- to oversee /maintain transmitter and studio equip- man Resources, KGW -TV, 1501 SW Jefferson ment. FCC general license. SBE certification re- Newsweek station. That means Street, Portland, OR 97201. EOE. M /F/DN. quired. Submit resume w /salary requirements to you'll have the time, tools and Box 00249 EOE. management support to do Sports Director - KCBD -TV is looking for so- your best work. meone to take over the top small market sports Chief Engineer: Seeking hands -on Chief Most important: Please rush job in the country. Candidates must possess Engineer. Must be knowledgable in maintenance resume, and non -returnable strong desire to be the best. Willing to emphasize and repair of Harris VHF Transmitters, beta, 1" local, represent the station in the community, and and 3/4 " formats. Experience in Micro -wave also tape to: be a team player. Knowledge of Texas sports, and required. Send resume to John Rogers, GM, Texas Tech in particular, are a must. Experienced WABG -TV, Box 1243, Greenville, MS 38701. Fax Larry Parker applicants should send qualifications and non- 601- 335 -7029. EOE. Dir. of Advertising returnable VHS tape to Dave Walker, News and Promotion Director, 5600 Avenue A, Lubbock, TX 79404. EOE. KPRC -TV LARCAN -TTC is seeking a high -power television 8181 SW Freeway Sales and Service Engineer. Hands on experience WTLV, a Gannett owned NBC affiliate of Flor- required. Excellent compensation package for the Houston, TX, 77074 ida's Atlantic Coast, is seeking an experienced, right individual. Please rush resume in confidence No phone calls please. creative and, most importantly, enterprising re- to: Director of Marketing, LARCAN -TTC, 650 An Equal Opportunity Employer porter. Minimum two years experience necessary. South Taylor Avenue, Louisville, CO 80027. We want a reporter who doesn't like being spoon fed by an assignment desk but would rather dig their own stories. We want a reporter who un- SNG /Maintenance Engineer. Minimum 2 years Immediate opening small market CBS affiliate derstands what being a part of a team is about. experience. FCC License, SBE Certified, CDL for a Weekend News Anchor to complement fe- Send non returnable tapes and resumes to: Kevin Class B Drivers License required. Send resume male anchor. Experience preferred. Call: Miles Re- Brennan, News Director, WTLV, 1070 East to: Personnel Director, P.O. Box 510, Palm snick 304 -232 -7777. Be prepared to send non re- Adams Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. No phone Beach, Florida 33480. EOE employer. turnable VHS or 3/4 tape. calls please. EOE.

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 75 CLASSIFIEDS

Directors: Do you welcome a challenge? Here's TV Reporter. Northwest ABC affiliate looking for HELP WANTED PROGRAMMING your chance to join a start-up news team in beauti- News Reporter. Minimum 3 years experience. No PRODUCTION & OTHERS ful San Antonio with River City Broadcasting's phone calls please. Send resume, writing sam- KABB -TV. We're hiring two News Directors - M -F, ples, tape, salary requirements and references to: and Weekend plus some commercial production. Michael Espinoza, Executive News Director, Must have at least 2 years newscast directing ex- KXLY TV /AM /FM, 500 West Boone Avenue, perience. Directors will work on GVG 200 -1 Spokane, WA 99201 by January 15. KXLY is an SHOW PRODUCER Switcher, Chyron Max, GVG DPM -700 DVE, equal opportunity employer. Quantel Paint and Picture Box, GVG VPE -141 KGO -TV is seeking a producer with at Editor. Send your resume, references and non- Get that On -Air TV news opportunity as you least 5 years of major market television returnable tape to: Alan Little, KABB -TV, News producing experience. Responsibilities Director, 4335 NW Loop 410, S.A., TX 78229. No build your resume tape. Long Island N.Y.'s "L.I. calls or faxes, please. An equal opportunity News Tonight" can give you hands -on TV news re- include developing show ideas, writing employer. porting, shooting and editing experience while scripts, crew supervision, developing and earning graduate and undergraduate credit. Con- coaching talent, scouting locations and tact L.I. News Tonight, Attn: A.F. Piazza, New supervising show budgets. Must have the Co-Anchor /Producer: Looking for a Co- Anchor/ York Institute of Technology, Box 8000, Old ability to fully produce regularly scheduled Producer to join a veteran anchor team. No be- Westbury, NY 11568 -8000. specials and Candi- ginners. Must have anchor and producer experi- programs, segments. ence. Newsroom computer experience helpful. dates should be well versed in all aspects of production from researching through post Minorities encouraged to apply. Send resume and Meteorologist: Northeast network affiliate is look- In non -returnable tape to: News Director, WTOV 9, ing for meteorologist/reporter. Degree is impor- production. addition, candidate should be Altamont Heights, Box 9999, Steubenville, Ohio tant; but more important is to be a great com- familiar with live and remote studio produc- 43952. No phone calls. EOE. municator who explains, not describes, the tion. Must be creative, energetic, have excel- weather. Also desirable if you can do some report- lent technical and writing skills along with ing. Reply to Box 00252 EOE. exceptional organizational skills. Good peo- Bureau Reporter for top -15 affiliate. WTSP, the ple skills are a must. Applica -tion deadline CBS affiliate in Tampa -St. Petersburg is seeking a is January 20, 1995. Please send resume, general assignment reporter to establish a mobile Morning Co- Anchor /Reporter. West Texas, CBS cover letter and videotape to: bureau in Sarasota, FL- -about 60 miles south of affiliate, seeks a Morning Co- Anchor /Reporter. our station. You will live and work in this part of the Must be able to gather, write and edit three - KGO-TV PERSONNEL market and with a photographer, file daily stones quarter inch video for broadcast. On -air affiliate 900 FRONT STREET out of Sarasota and Manatee Counties. We need experience and degree required. Send resume SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 a self- starter who can generate contacts and and tape to Personnel Director, KLST -TV, 2800 stories on a daily basis. If you need the assign- Armstrong, San Angelo, TX 76903. EOE ment desk to motivate you --don't apply. If you like the independence and responsibility of working in a bureau setting --this job may be for you. Experi- News Anchor /Producer opening for major ence in a remote news bureau preferred, but not newscasts by affiliate with growing news opera- required. Send resume, non -returnable tape (Beta tion. Live unit, remote bureau, BASY newsroom EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/ or 3/41, salary requirements and a page on why with aggressive staff, experienced management SENIOR PROGRAMMER you'd be right for this job to: Mike Cavender, VP/ and stable ownership. Great resort community to News, WTSP, P.O. Box 10000, St. Petersburg, FL live in. Send non -returnable tape and salary re- A unique opportunity to begin at the beginning 33733. No phone calls, please. EOE. quirements to Neil Bayne, ND, WMDT TV, 202 as Executive Producer - to help design, create, Downtown Plaza, Salisbury, MD 21801. EOE. M /F. and produce satellite delivered entertainment programming for a new, national, out-of-home Creative Services Producer. West Texas, CBS television network. Must have magazine for- affiliate, seeks a Commercial Producer. Must be News Director: Palm Springs ABC affiliate look- mat or network programming experience. able to write, shoot, and edit three -quarter inch ing for a News Director who will embrace our con- Send resume ASAP to video for broadcast. Must be organized, able to cepts of Total Quality Management and take us to meet strict deadlines, possess people skills, and the next level of excellence. Don't let the market R. Jeffries, P.0 Box 8002, NY, NY 10022. have a good driving record. Degree and prior ex- size fool you. KESQ -TV is an innovative and ag- perience preferred. Send resume and tape to gressive station with advanced technology, and a Personnel Director, KLST-TV, 2800 Armstrong, vision for the future. Previous News Management San Angelo, TX 76902. EOE. experience is preferred. Send cover letter, resume Production /Post- Production Marketing Re- and statement of news philosophy to Bill Evans, presentative. Looking for talented individual to VP and General Manager, KESQ -TV, 42 -650 market the services of "SeaGate 11" a top notch Weekend Anchor. KMOL -TV, the NBC affiliate in Melanie Place, Palm Desert, CA 92211. Equal op- post production facility associated with WTOL -TV San Antonio, is looking for a Weekend Anchor/ portunity employer. Women and minorities en- in Toledo, Ohio. Applicant must be a strong pro- Reporter. We're looking for a solid journalist with couraged to apply. ducer and have excellent knowledge of top- of -the- exceptional presentation skills to compliment our line production and editing equipment. Must be female Co- Anchor. The right person must be a able to prepare proposals and accurate cost good communicator whom the viewers will News Director. Southern Minnesota's #1 estimates for a wide range of projects. Will work welcome into their homes. Must also be a hard Newschannel, located in America's most livable closely with clients, creative staff and post - worker with high ethics, have a positive attitude, city, seeks energetic, aggressive leader to direct production personnel to insure client satisfaction. heart of a champion and a will to win. Tapes and top -notch staff of seasoned veterans and bright We offer a great working environment and ex- resumes to: Tim G. Gardner, News Director, young talent. Excellent group with great benefits. cellent pay /benefits. Send resume to Personnel KMOL -TV, 1031 Navarro Street, San Antonio, TX Send resume to Jerry Watson, VP -GM, KTTC -TV, Administrator -14, WTOL -TV, 730 North Summit, 78205. No phone calls, please. 601 1st Avenue, SW, Rochester, MN 55902. EOE. Toledo, Ohio 43604. No phone calls, please. WTOL -TV is an equal opportunity employer.

Photographer: WYFF, the NBC affiliate in Greenville, SC has an opening for a news photo- Meteorologist, preferred, for aggressive station grapher. NPPA standards, college degree. One Commercial Production Editor: Affiliate with that's shaking up the market and the market is re- year experience. Tapes /resumes to: Human Re- large volume of commercial production with all the sponding! If you have a dynamic presentation that sources Manager, WYFF -TV, P.O. Box 788, latest toys has opening for 2nd editor/Assistant can hold viewers, let's talk. Full time weekend posi- Greenville, SC 29602. EOE Production Manager with hands -on experience tion open now. Send non returnable tape, (no r with time code editing, 2- channel DVE, Still Store more than 1 week old), resume, references and and CG. Work at the beach with good salary and salary required to: Al Sandubrae, News Director, For all dour Classified Needs call Boloineffe Fasulo benefit package. Send tape, salary requirements KARK -TV, P.O. Box 748, Little Rock, AR 72203. Tel: 212- 337-7073 Fax: 212-206 -0327 to John Cannon, WMDT TV, 202 Downtown EOE. M/F Minorities are encouraged to reply. L J Plaza, Salisbury, MD 21801. EOE. M -F.

76 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable CLASSIFIEDS

Writer/Producer /Director. KPTS -TV seeks a pro- fessional television Writer /Producer/Director. Posi- tion demands strong thinking, planning and man- agement skills. Responsibility entails producing PROMOTION WRITER/PRODUCER program production for fund -raising, public affairs and cultural formats. Duties involve planning, writ- WVEC -TV is looking for a strong writer who knows how to ing, organizing program elements and supervising create compelling promos. Candidates should have 2 years the efforts and results of the assigned production experience in television news promotion. Should have high staff. Arrange for outside talent and support re- sources as necessary. Ancillary directing duties standards of both quality and creativity. WVEC -TV offers will be required with the ability to operate /learn competitive benefits in a unique living and working studio switcher and post production editor. environment. Qualifications: Minimum, five years experience If interested, please submit resume and (full -time) writing, producing and directing. Experi- ence with Public Television Broadcast production non -returnable tapes (Betacam or VHS) to a plus. Applicants with a strong commercial expe- PERSONNEL, WVEG7V 613 Woodis Avenue, rience base in spot, news, documentary and pub- 13 Norfolk, VA 23510. No phone calls please. lic affairs programming are encouraged to apply. SPIRIT College degree needed, preferably in a discipline WVEC-7V is an equal opportunity employer. that requires research, analysis, writing, planning Of Hampton Roads and conceptual skills. Understanding and commit- HAMPTON N O R F O L K ment to principles of public directed journalistic in- tegrity. Personal interest in the arts, literature, his- tory and culture. Propensity for management and On -Air Programming and Promotions Man- HELP WANTED RESEARCH professional commitment to be part of the man- ager. USSB is looking for applicants with 5 -10 agement team. Salary negotiable. Send inquiry years experience, for monthly management of and application to Carl Chance, Director of Pro- Channel 999 (a proprietary brand information duction and Contract Services, KPTS -TV, P.O. channel) in concert with brand strategic direction Box 288, Wichita, KS 67201 along with letter, re- and promotional needs. On -air brand identity sume, samples of writing /research, resume tape which will involve all editing, integration and man- RESEARCH and reference contacts cleared for qualifications agement of interstitial spots as well as high in- evaluation. No open letters of reference. Applica- volvement in the development, integration and use Identi- ANALYST tions taken through February 3, 1995. KPTS -TV, of any USSB 'station identification' creative. fying, developing and executing all on -air promo- Channel 8 is an EOE/AA employer. Fox Broadcasting Company has tional activity focused at the subscriber base In- volvement with and assistance in the development an excellent opportunity available Producer/Director: WCBD -TV Charleston, S.C. and execution of brand marketing TV creative and for a Research Analyst in our New Needed, versatile and creative person to work production. Cross channel promotional activity York Research and Marketing with the creative team. Must be able to oversee and on- screen menu updating. Submit resumes Department. and execute commercial production from concept to: Amy J. Stedman, EEO, 147 -94, USSB, 3415 to post. Experience in all aspects of video produc- University Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55114. No phone In this position, you will be respon- tion is essential. Send resume to Attn: Richard calls please. Equal opportunity employer. sible for processing ratings data, Fordham, WCBD -TV, P.O. Box 879, Charleston, working with both national and EOE. M /F. Applicants SC 29402. drug screened. local rating computer databases, Promotion Director. Hands -on creative individual as well as assisting in the produc- Producer /Director: WCBD -TV Charleston, S.C. with previous promotion experience. Will plan and tion of sales sports and marketing Needed, individual who loves directing news and implement on -air and outside media, help pieces. live programs. Previous news directing experience coordinate special projects, heavy news and is essential. Send resume to Attn: Richard topical promotion. Looking for a team player to The selected candidate will have Fordham, WCBD -TV, P.O. Box 879, Charleston, help our station continue to grow. Send tape and computer proficiency and excel- resume to Clay Milstead, WCTI -TV, P.O. Box SC 29402. EOE. M /F. Applicants drug screened. lent written verbal communi- 12325, New Bern, NC 28561. EOE. and cation skills. Requires 1 -2 years' Art Director. Top 20 independent with news research experience, and working seeks talented Art Director. Paint system and Mac MicroNode, experience a must. Send resume to Box 00239 HELP WANTED RESEARCH knowledge of Nielsen EOE. Dailies Plus, Lotus 1 -2 -3 and/or Excel. Manager of Research. USSB is looking for appli- HELP WANTED PROGRAMMING cants with 5 -10 years experience in consumer re- For consideration, please send search - industry research experience preferred. PROMOTION & OTHERS resume and cover letter to: Fox Planning and executing all forms of quantitative ex- Broadcasting Company, 1211 ploratory research to uncover marketing insights Consumer Promotions Manager. USSB is look- and marketing opportunities (A &U, tracking Avenue of the Americas, 3rd ing for applicants with 5 -10 years experience, for studies). Coordinate and manage cooperative re- Floor, Research & Marketing developing and executing all forms of promotional search with programmers. Establish and conduct Dept., New programs. Promotion experience or relevant expe- qualitative focus groups to probe various con- York, 90036. rience within the PPV, home video or broadcast- sumer and subscriber issues. Conduct on -going No phone calls ing industry preferred. Development of the brand's subscriber database research and analysis. Estab- / O annual promotional plans in keeping with the lish and conduct subscriber attitudinal and behav- please. EOE. approved strategic objectives. Execution of all pro- ior tracking studies. Subscriber segmentation and motional programs and promotional events. Man- monitoring by package level and on the basis of agement of the development and distribution of all geography, demographics and psychographics. promotional materials. Coordination of promo- Analysis of various kinds of data as it relates to tional activity with programming partners, DSS advertising, direct response and other consumer SITUATIONS WANTED MANAGEMENT partners and the trade marketing group. Plan and promotion activities including creative and media manage all aspects of promotional budget. research. Monitor competitive information, pro- Coordinating with on -air promotions manager to gramming trends and develop an on -going market Hispanic Manager with solid record in production execute on -air aspects of promotions. Submit re- intelligence plan. Submit resumes to: Amy J. and program development. Bilingual broadcasting sumes to: Amy J. Stedman, EEO - 148-94, USSB, Stedman, EEO - 149 -94, USSB, 3415 University credits (with Academia) in public and private in- 3415 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55114. No Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55114. No phone calls dustry. Box 280543, Northridge, CA 91328. (818) phone calls please. Equal opportunity employer. please. Equal opportunity employer. 772 -5361, 885 -2872, rsoto @huey.csun.edu.

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 9 1995 77 CLASSIFIEDS

SITUATIONS WANTED NEWS HELP WANTED RESEARCH ALLIED FIELDS Minority broadcaster seeks TV reporting or anhconng opportunity, any market. Ten year radio DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES veteran with some, limited TV background. 302/ 477 -1407. Anchor, male, twenty -plus years on -air sea- 0).141: 0)* soning, including major markets. Credible, DisPouery nroTHE LEARNING knowledgable, affable, available soon for quality- CHANNEL. Inside Job Openings, Nationwide of -life, long -term commitment. Reply to Box 00254. PRESS O Radio Jobs, updated daily 8 Television Jobs, updated daily Hear "Talking DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS, INC., parent Q Resumés" ® To record "Talking Resumés "and RESUME TAPES company of The Discovery Channel and employers to record job openings The Learning Channel, currently has the @ Entry level positions Career Videos prepares your personalized demo. following opportunities in the Research Unique format, excellent rates, coaching, job Division of our Corporate Headquarters, I- 900 -726 -JOBS assistance, free record. search dubs. Great track based in Bethesda, Maryland. .199 per min. JOEPHOHE, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 708 -272 -2917.

PROGRAMMING RESEARCH MANAGER Devise and maintain comprehensive program ANCHORS -REPORTERS -PRODUCERS CABLE development research plan to assist in LOOKING FOR A JOB? OUR EXPERTISE: evalution of programs on Discovery Networks. COVER LETTERS RESUMES TAPES Candidate must have 7+ years of survey and HELP WANTED NEWS NEWS DIRECTOR STATION GUIDE - focus group research experience at market - CLTV News, a regional 24 -hour cable news chan- research company, N network, or nel located in suburban Chicago, is looking for a production company. Hands-on experience Call CJ: 603 -888 -6788 full time weather anchor. Candidates must have at with Nielsen audience ratings required. least two years professional broadcasting experi- ence. Meteorology degree and AMS Seal pre- ...MARKETING WORKS INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH MANAGER ferred but not necessary. Some general reporting "Together. We will pur your besr -Aerforward' implement duties included. Excellent employee benefits are Design, and analyze re-search offered. Non -returnable tapes and resumes should projects to support DCI's International be sent to Linda Bennett, CLTV News, 2000 York, efforts, primarily in Latin America and Asia. Suite 114, Oak Brook, IL 60521. We encourage Must have 3+ years managing international PROFESSIONAL JOBS women and minorities to apply. Any phone calls consumer research projects and must be WITH ENTERTAINMENT COMPANIES will disqualify the candidate from consideration. bilingual, Spanish preferred. Experience BROADCAST & CABLE TELEVISION, DISTRIBUTORS, with CHOICES and /or MEMRI a plus. MOTION PICTURE, POST PRODUCTION 8 MORE Substantial travel required. HELP WANTED PROGRAMMING Entry to senior level jobs nationwide in ALL fields PRODUCTION OTHERS (news, sales, production, management, etc.). & SENIOR RESEARCH ANALYST, Production Supervisor. Aggressive cable pro- CONSUMER RESEARCH Published biweekly. For subscription information: duction department seeks hands -on production Provide research and analytical support for (800)335 -4335 supervisor to continue tradition in nationally - various departments including Marketing, In CA, (818)757 -3025. acclaimed local programming. Excellent "people Programming and Multimedia. Minimum 2+ and heavy Entertainment Employment JournalT" skills" experience producing /directing years experience in survey and focus group multi -camera remote and studio events. Re- research. Must be proficient in 5P55 or sponsibilities include team -building, training of lead similar statistical analysis software package. Entry level TV News Reporter hot sheet. ENG photographers, reporters, editors. Not an $5.50.1 week, $19.95 -4 weeks. MCS, Box 502, entry level position. Send resume and tapes to: Santa Ysabel, CA 92070. 619-788 -1082. Personnel Director, Vision Cable of Pinellas, Inc., RESEARCH ANALYST, 2530 Drew Street, Clearwater, Florida 34625. No PROGRAMMING RESEARCH phone calls please. Help maintain Ad Sales ratings Government Jobs $16,040- $59,230/yr. estimates in computerized databases. Now Hiring. Call (1) 805 -962 -8000 Must have 1+ years research experience in Ext. R -7833 for current federal list. ad agency, broadcast or cable network YOU research department. Hands -on experience WE'LL GIVE National Sports Jobs Weekly. The Sports Indus- with Nielsen audience ratings required.. try's Employment Journal. Media, Administration, ALL THE CREDIT Marketing. 8 weeks - $48. Call (800) 339 -4345. All candidates for these positions must have VISA AMEX excellent organizational, communication, and analytical skills. Must be familiarwith PC-based HELP WANTED INSTRUCTION programs like M5 Word, EXCEL, and Harvard VISA Graphics. Media experience preferred. MC Fl Graduate Assistants (9), Miami University, in DCI offers excellent benefits, competitive Mass Communication Master's degree pro- salaries. For immediate consideration, send gramme. The following assistantships are avail- able: (1) work for WMUB FM, full time 24.5 Kw resume with salary history to: NPR affiliate, Big Band -Jazz -News format - 2 posi- Fax: 212-206-8327 tions in news, 1 position in operations, 1 position M.V055, RESEARCH DEPT in marketing. (2) 4 positions as teaching and re- or mail to: Antoinette Fasulo DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. search assistants. (3) 1 position as video produc- 7700 WISCONSIN AVENUE tion assistant for educational access cable chan- nel. Stipends for 1995 -96 academic year approxi- 245 West 17th Street BETHESDA, MD 20814 mately $7,300, plus fee waiver. 3.0 GPA required. New York, NY 10011 (No phone calls please) Send letter of inquiry immediately to Dr. David Sholle, Williams Hall, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. AA/EOE.

78 Jan 91995 Broadcasting & Cable CLASSIFIEDS

HELP WANTED INSTRUCTION AM and FM transmitters, used, excellent condi- tion, tuned and tested your frequency. Guaran- teed. Financing available. Transcom. 800 -441- 8454, 215- 884 -0888, Fax 215 -884 -0738.

Broadcast equipment (used): AM /FM transmit- ters, RPU's, STL's antennas, consoles, pro- QUINNIPIACACOLLEGE cessing, turntables, automation, tape equipment, monitors etc. Continental Communications, 3227 Magnolia, St. Louis, MO 63118. 314 -664 -4497, Department of Mass Communications Fax 314 -664 -9427.

Quinnipiac College has an enrollment of 3,000 full -time undergraduate and 2,000 FOR SALE STATIONS graduate students in its nationally recognized Schools of Business, Health Sciences, Liberal Arts and Law. The College is also home to several nationally and internationally recognized Institutes, including the National Institute for Community Health Burt Sherwood Education, the Quinnipiac College Polling Institute and the Albert Schweitzer Institute for & Associates, Inc. the Humanities at Quinnipiac College. r:ì4 6415 MIDNIGHT PASS RD. SARASOTA . FL 34242.813 -349-2165 The School of Liberal Arts' Department of Mass Communications is undergoing significant growth Jason Sherwood and development. Undergraduate Mass Communications enrollment has more than doubled during 9300 ARABIAN AVENUE, VIENNA, VA 22182.703.242-4276 the past two years, and a new Master's degree in Journalism is presently under study. Over $2 MEDIA BROKERS APPRAISERS AM/FM TV LPTV million in equipment was recently added in two broadcast -quality television studios, a radio studio and a print journalism laboratory, all part of the College's new Ed McMahon Mass Communications Center. New faculty recently hired include Bill McLaughlin, who worked as a Broadcast Journalist for over 25 years at CBS Television, and Lou Adler, who worked as a Broadcast Journalist, Vice W. John Grandy President and News Director for over 25 years at CBS Radio and WOR Radio. BROADCASTING BROKER PH.D: MASS COMMUNICATIONS JOURNALIST 117 Country Club Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 We are a with a Ph.D. in Mass 1Ve are seeking a Journalist with substantial seeking Generalist Phone: (805) 541 -1900 experience experience as a working for a major Communications and solid teaching a Journalist Fax: (805) 541 -1906 range of introductory and intermediate Mass newspaper or magazine. A Master's degree is Communications theory courses. Preference will preferred; teaching experience desirable. be given to candidates who can teach courses in Responsibilities will include teaching courses media and society, media structures and in print journalism and other formats, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA economics, and media ethics and law. A providing leadership for the print journalism Top rated FM station with specialization, based on research and course concentration within the undergraduate implementation, in new communications program, contributing to the anticipated MS established audience and sales. technologies and/or international communication program, and serving as the faculty advisor to Duopoly available. is desirable. the student newspaper. Reply to Box 00173. A normal teaching load for nine months is four courses per semester. Course reductions for research are possible. Committee work is expected, especially since the department is in the r process of exploring a graduate program. FOR SALE OR LEASE Review of applications will begin February 6, 1995, and will continue until the positions are filled. For Offshore high power AM, covers N. confidential consideration, please send your resume to: Raymond Foery, Chair of Mass Caribbean. Florida & Gulf Coast. Per- Communications Department. Quinnipiac College, Mount Cannel Avenue, Hamden, Cr 06518. fect for religious broadcaster. Let's talk!! Quinnipiac College has a strong commitment to the principles and practices ofdiversify 809-946-1095. throughout the college community. Women, minorities and disabled individuals are invited L J and encouraged to consider this opportunity and to apply. FLORIDA COASTAL 100kw FM WANTED TO BUY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE EQUIPMENT PRICED TO SELL $4.5M } HADDEN & ASSOC. PH 407 -365 -7832 FAX 407 -366 -8801 WANTED DEAD rar ALIVE; CLEARLY UPLINK TRUCKS For Sale 50kw AM and Class C FM in fast grow- ing Southwestern Top 50 market city. Serious will consider any condewn and will pay cash buyers only. Call 808- 845 -1111. P.O. Box 25670, BLR COMMUNICATIONS PRUDENT. Honolulu, Hl 96825. 1- 800 -442 -9199 For video duplication, demos, audition reels, work tapes, our recycled tapes am technically Manchester. New Hampshire 5kw -U, WKBR. up to any task and downright $290k, plus optional 46 acre site. 617- 449 -5618 Need a 55 to 60 KW UHF Transmitter (complete), bargains. All formats, fully guar- in daytime. Covers Manchester, Nashua and Antenna: Skull Pattern turned to 36., Michael A. more. Hershman, 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1260, (800j23 -4300 CARPEL Dallas, TX 75240 (214) 770 -2257. VIDEO FOR LEASE

Lowest prices on videotape! Since 1979 we 1 -900 lines for lease. Lines for: audience opinion, Used videotape: Cash for 3/4" SP, M2 -90's, have been beating the high cost of videotape. Call dating, sports scores or your idea. Call Bill at 916- Betacam SP's. Call Carpel Video 301- 694-3500 Carpel for a catalog. 800 -238 -4300. 344 -6818.

Broadcasting 8. Cable Jan 91995 79 CLASSIFIEDS EDUCATIONAL SERVICES r On- camera coaching: Sharpen TV reporting and anchoring /teleprompter skills. Produce quality demo tapes. Resumes. Critiquing. Private lessons with former ABC News correspondent. 914 -937- 1719. Julie Eckhert, ESP. Classifieds FINANCIAL SERVICES Order Blank (Fax or Mail) Immediate Financing on all broadcasting equip- ment. If you need $2,000 -$500,000. Easy to qualify, fixed -rate, long term leases Any new or CLASSIFIED RATES used equipment & computers, 100% financing, no down payment. No financials required under Display rate: Display ads are $160 per column inch. Greater frequency rates $50,000, refinancing existing equipment. Call Mark Wilson at Exchange National Funding 800- are available in units of 1 inch or larger. 275 -0185. Non -Display rates: Non - Display classified rates (straights) are $1.85 per Loans By Phone: Lease /finance new or used broadcasting equipment. Flexible payment plans. word with a minimum charge of $37 per advertisement. Situations Wanted Flexible credit criteria. Call Jeff Wetter at Flex rates are 95 cents per word with a minimum charge of $19 per advertisement. Lease, Inc. 800 /699 -FLEX. Blind Boxes: Add $20.00 per advertisement

BROADCASTING A CABLE'S CLASSIFIED RATES Deadlines: Copy must be in typewritten form by the Monday prior to publish- All orders to place classified ads & all correspondence per- taining to this Section should be sent to BROADCASTING & ing date. CABLE, Classified Department, 245 West 17th Street, New York, NY 10011. For information call (212) 337 -7073 and ask Category: Line ad 7 Display O for Antoinette Fasulo. Payable in advance. Check, money order or credit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express). Full and correct pay- ment must be in writing by either letter or Fax (212) 206 -8327. It payment is made by credit card, indicate card number, expi- ration date and daytime phone number. Ad Copy: New Deadline is Monday at 5:00pm Eastern Time for the following Mondays issue. Earlier deadlines apply for issues published during a week containing a legal holiday. A special notice announcing the earlier deadline will be published. Orders, changes, and /or cancellations must be submitted in writing. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS, CHANGES, AND /OR CAN- CELLATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. When placing an ad, indicate the EXACT category desired: Television, Radio, Cable or Allied Fields; Help Wanted or Situa- tions Wanted; Management, Sales, News, etc. If this informa- tion is omitted, we will determine the appropriate category according to the copy. NO make goods will run if all information is not included. No personal ads. The publisher is not responsible for errors in printing due to illegible copy -all copy must be clearly typed or printed. Any Date(s) of insertion: and all errors must he reported to the Classified Advertising Department within 7 days of publication date. No credits or make goods will be made on errors which do not materially Amount enclosed: affect the advertisement. Publisher reserves the right to alter classified copy to conform with the provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Publisher reserves Name: the right to abbreviate, alter or reject any copy. Rates: Classified listings (non-display). Per issue: Help Wanted: $1.85 per word, $37 weekly minimum. Situations Company: Wanted: 95t per word, $19 weekly minimum. Optional formats: Bold Type: $2.15 per word, Screened Background: $2.30, Address: Expanded Type: $2.85 Bold, Screened. Expanded Type: $3.25 per word. All other classifications: $1.85 per word, $37 weekly minimum. City: State: Zip: Word count: Count each abbreviation. initial, single figure or group of figures or letters as one word each. Symbols such as 35mm, COD, PD etc., count as one word each. A phone Authorized Signature: number with area code and the zip code count as one word each.

Rates: Classified display (minimum 1 inch, upward in half inch increments). Per issue: Help Wanted: $160 per inch. Situa- tions Wanted: $80 per inch. Public Notice & Business Opportu- Payment: nities advertising require display space. Agency commission only on display space (when camera -ready art is provided). Check 71 Visa MasterCard O Amex J Frequency rates available. Blind Box Service: (In addition to basic advertising costs) Situations Wanted: No charge. All other classifications: $20 per issue. The charge for the blind box service applies to advertis- ers running listings and display ads. Each advertisement must have a separate box number. BROADCASTING & CABLE will Credit Card #: now forward tapes, but will not forward transcripts, portfolios. writing samples, or other oversized materials; such are Name on Card: returned to sender. Do not use folders, binders or the like. Replies to ads with Blind Box numbers should be addressed to: Exp. Date: Phone: Box (number), c/o Broadcasting & Cable, 245 W. 17th Street, New York, NY 10011 Confidential Service. To protect your identity seal your reply in an envelope addressed to the box number. In a sepa- Clip and Fax or Mail this form to: rate note list the companies and Subsidiaries you do not want B &C your reply to reach. Then, enclose both in a second envelope addressed to CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE, Broadcasting & Cable 245 W. 17 Street NYC 10011 Attention: Antoinette Fasulo Magazine, at the address above. FAX NUMBER: 212-206-8327 For subscription information call 1 -800 -554 -5729. L J

80 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable Abbreviations: AFC-Antenna For Communications: Granted app. of Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp FACILITIES CHANGES AU-Administrative Law Judge: alt.- alternate: for CP to relocate main studio location to out- ann.- announced: ant.- antenna: aur.-aural: aux.- side primary service contour. Action Nov. 16. Pueblo, CO KERP(FM) 91.9 mhz -Dis- auxiliary: ch.- channel: CH- critical hours: chg.- change: CP-construction permit: D-day: DA- Monroe, MI WHND(AM) 560 khz- Granted missed app. of Colorado Broadcasting directional antenna: Doc.- Docket: ERP-effective app. of Greater Michigan Radio Inc. for CP to Foundation Inc. for CP to make changes: radiated power: Freq-frequency: H &V- horizontal and verticle: khz -kilohertz: kilowatts: lic make changes in antenna system: change ant. 193 m. Action Nov. 18. kw- - license: m- meters: mhz- megahertz: mi.- miles: TL to One Radio Plaza, Royal Oak Town- mod.- modification: MP-modification permit: ML- Orlando, FL WUCF -FM 89.9 mhz- Granted ship, MI; modification license: N-night: pet. for recon. -peti- Oakland Co., power night: 0.0139 app. of University of Central Florida for mod. tion for reconsideration: PSA- presunrise service kw; power day: 0.5 kw. Action Nov. 23. of CP to make changes: ERP: 4 kw (H) and authority: pwr.- power: RC- remote control: S -A- Muskegon, MI WMUS -FM 106.9 mhz 40 kw (V); ant. 53 m. (H) and 59 m. (V) and Scientific- Atlanta: SH- specified hours: SL- studio - location: TL-transmitter location: trans.- transmitter: Granted app. of Greater Muskegon Broad- to change antenna height above ground for TPO- transmitter power update: U or unl.-unlimited casters for CP to make changes: ERP: 15.5 horizontal. Action Nov. 15. hours: vis.- visual: w- watts: .-noncommercial. Six groups of numbers at end of facilities changes items kw; ant. 112 m.; TL: .6 km S of M -46 (Apple Pensacola, FL WTKX -FM 101.5 mhz - refer to map coordinates. One meter equals 3.28 feet. Ave.) and .2 km E of Hilton Park Rd., Mus- Granted app. of Southern Broadcasting of kegon, MI. Granted 11/14/94 in error. Action Pensacola Inc. for one-step app. to change Granted app. of Appalshop Inc. for CP to Nov. 25. frequency from Cl to C. Action Nov. 18. make changes: ERP: 1 kw; ant. 448 m., Olive Branch, MS WRXQ(FM) 95.7 mhz change class Cl and DA. Action Nov. 16. - Hilo, HI KPVS(FM) 95.9 mhz-Granted app. Granted app. of S.E. Licensee GP for CP to of Pacific View Broadcasting Co. for mod. of Arcadia, LA KWQN(FM) 92.5 mhz- Grant- make changes: correct coordinates; con- CP to make changes: ERP: 27 kw; ant. -110 ed app. of Reid Broadcasting Inc. for mod. of struct new tower. Action Nov. 23. m.; TL: 58 Manaolana PI., Hilo, Hawaii CP to make changes: ERP: 2.2 kw; ant, 151 Co., California, MO KZMO -FM 94.3 mhz HI. Action Nov. 18. m.; TL: .12 km S of Hwy 9, Bryceland, - Granted app. of Town & Country Communi- Bienville Parrish, LA. Action Nov. 9. Owingsville, KY WKCA(FM) 107.1 mhz- cations Inc. for CP to make changes: ERP: Granted app. of Gateway Radio Works Inc. Lynn, MA WFNX(FM) 101.7 mhz- Granted 50 kw; ant. 150 m.; TL: 3.5 km at 60 degrees for CP to make changes: ERP: 3.5 kw; ant. app. of MCC Broadcasting Co. Inc. for CP to true from Russellville, Cole Co., MO. Site is 113 m.; change frequency to 107.7 mhz. make changes: ERP: 1.65 kw; ant. 137 m. 0.8 km N of State Rd. C and 1.9 km E State Action Nov. 28. Action Nov. 22. Rd. U; antenna supporting- structure height Whitesburg, KY WMMT(FM) 88.7 mhz- Grand Rapids, MI WBLU -FM 88.9 mhz- and change class to C2. Action Nov. 9.

Feb. 7.8 -Cable Television Association of THIS WEEK Georgia annual convention. Westin Peachtree Jan. 12-The Caucus for Producers, Writers & Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: Nancy Home, Directors general membership meeting. (404) 252 -4371. Independent Television Stations convention. Las Chasen's Restaurant, Beverly Hills. Contact: Feb. 11 -14 -52nd annual National Religious Vegas Vegas. David Levy, (818) 843 -7572. Convention Center, Las Contact: Broadcasters convention and exposition. Opryland (202) 887-1970. Jan. 12- Associated Press Television -Radio Hotel, Nashville, Tenn. Contact: (703) 330 -7000. Association of California-Nevada roundtable dis- Jan. 23- Nebraska Broadcasters Association cussion on Hispanic media issues. Radisson 1995 state legislative reception. Cornhusker Hotel, MARCH Hotel, San Diego. Contact: Rachel Ambrose, Lincoln, Neb. Contact: Dick Palmquist, (402) March 14.17- MediaVisión'95, Latin Ameri- (213) 626-1200. 333 -3034. can conference on programing and promotion, Jan. 12- "Joumalism and the New Media," Jan. 23 -26 -32nd annual National Associa- co- sponsored by NATPE International, Promax seminar presented by the Freedom Forum Media tion of Television Programing Executives (NATPE) International and NIMA International. Hyatt Studies Center. The Freedom Forum, Arlington, Va. program conference and exhibition. Sands Expo Regency Santiago, Santiago, . Contact: Contact: Shirley Gazsi, (212) 678 -6600. Center, Las Vegas. Contact: (310) 453-4440. Christine LeFort, (310) 453 -4440. Jan. 2425 -South Carolina Cable Television Jan. 13 -16th annual CableACE Awards APRIL (non -televised ceremony), presented by National Association annual winter meeting. Adams Mark April 3-5-Cable & Satellite 95 conference Television Association. Plaza Hotel, Columbia, S.C. Contact: Nancy Home, Cable Century and exhibition, sponsored by Reed Exhibitions. Hotel, Los Angeles. Contact: (202) 775 -3629. (404) 252-2454. and the Courts," seminar The Grand Hall at Olympia, London. Contact: Jan. 14- Associated Press Television -Radio Jan. 25- 'Television presented the Museum Television and 081 948 9800. Association of California-Nevada regional seminar by of Radio and TV Guide. Museum of Television and April 9.13- National Association of Broad- on "The Digital Revolution." KESQ -TV, Palm Des- Radio, . Contact: Dana Rogers, casters annual convention. Las Vegas Conven- ert. Contact: Rachel Ambrose, (213) 626 -1200. (212) 621 -6705. tion Center, Las Vegas. Contact: (202) 429-5300. Jan. 15 -16th annual CableACE Awards Jan. 26-27-Alfred I. duPont-Columbia Uni- April 10-11-Television Bureau of Advertis- (televised ceremony), presented by National Cable versity Forum/Alfred I. duPont Awards, Columbia ing (TVB) annual sales and marketing confer- Ange- Television Association. Wiltern , Los University, New York. Contact: (212) 854-5047. ence. Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas. les. Contact: (202) 775 -3629. Jan. 30-31 -Third annual Midwest Broadcast- Contact: Robert Romano, (212) 486 -1111. JANUARY ers Conference and Broadcast Electronics Trade JUNE Show, sponsored by the Minnesota Broadcast- Jan. 19- Federal Communications Bar Associ- 18 annual Banff Television ers Association. St. Paul Radisson Hotel, St. June -24 -16th ation luncheon featuring FCC Commissioner Festival. Banff Hotel, Banff, Alberta. Paul, Minn. Contact: (612) 926 -8123. Springs Rachelle Chong. ANA Hotel, Washington. Con- Canada. Contact: Jerry Ezekiel, (403) 762 -5357. tact: Paula Friedman, (202) 736 -8640. Jan. 31 -Feb. 1 -1995 A.N.A. Television Ad- vertising Forum, sponsored by the Association of Jan. 19-Producing the Big Game: ABC SEPTEMBER National Advertisers. The Waldorf-Astoria, New Sports Presents the Super Bowl," seminar pre- Sept. 6-9 -Radio Show & World Media York City. Contact: Pat Hanlon, (212) 697 -5950. sented by the Museum of Television and Radio. Expo, sponsored by The National Association of Museum of Television and Radio, New York FEBRUARY Broadcasters, The Radio Television News Direc- tors Association, The Society of Broadcast Engi- dCity. Contact: Dana Rogers, (212) 621 -6705. Feb. 6.8-- "Sorting Through the Information neers and The Society of Motion Picture and Jan. 20 -The New York Festivals 1994 Interna- Super Puzzle," conference presented by the Television Engineers. New Orleans, La. Contact: . tional Television Programing Awards presenta- Cable Television Administration & Marketing Lynn McReynolds, (202) 429-5350. tion. Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers, New Society (CTAM). Hyatt Regency Scottsdale York City. Contact: Anne White, (914) 238 -4481. Gainey Ranch Resort, Scottsdale, Ariz. Contact: Major Meetings Jan. 22.23 -22nd annual Association of Grace Ascolese (703) 549 -4200. -Compiled by Kenneth Ray

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 9 1995 81 FOR THE RECORD

Cleveland Heights, OH WZJM(FM) 92.3 Madison, WI WIBA -FM 101.5 mhz- Grant- WCHX(FM) Lewistown, PA (BTCH940816- mhz- Granted app. of Zebra Broadcasting ed app. of Double L Broadcasting LP for CP GG)- Action Nov. 7. Corp. for CP to install auxiliary antenna sys- to make changes: ant. 308.8 m.; TL: 8559 WPPA(AM) -WAVT -FM Pottsville, PA (AM: tern (for auxiliary antenna purposes). Action Mineral Point Rd., Madison, Dane Co., WI. BTC941109G1; FM: BTCH941109GJ)- Dec. 7. Action Dec. 2. Action Dec. 8. WVNU(FM) WY KFNB(TV) ch. Granted Greenfield, OH 97.5 mhz- Casper, 20- WEOZ(FM) Saegertown, PA (BALH- Granted app. of Ohio Broadcast- app. of Wyomedia Corp. for CP to change Southern 940201GE)- Action Dec. 6. ing Inc. for CP to change ERP: 3.25 kw. ant: 582 m.; ERP (vis): 58.9 kw. Action Nov. Action Nov. 28. 23. WNAC -TV Providence, RI (BTCCT9409- 02KK)- Action Nov. 7. Streetsboro, OH WSTB(FM) 91.5 mhz- Dismissed app. of Streetsboro City School OWNERSHIP WNAC -TV Providence, RI (BALCT941007- KI)- Action Nov. 7. District for CP to make changes: ERP: 1 kw; WHUC(AM)-WRVW(FM) Hudson, NY (AM: change channel to 205A. Action Nov. 17. BAL940906G1; FM: BALH940906GJ)- WRCP(AM) Providence, RI (BTC940926- Naguabo, PR WYQE(FM) 92.9 mhz- Action Nov. 8. EA)- Action Nov. 14. Granted app. of Efrain Archilla -Diez for mod. WKJA(FM) Belhaven, NC (BALH941019- W W KX(FM) Woonsocket, RI (BTCH- of CP to make changes: ERP: 3.9 kw; ant. GK)- Action Dec. 7. 941026GF)- Action Nov. 28. 229 m.; TL: Cerro Corozal, Municipio Ceiba, WBBO -FM Forest City, NC (BALH941013- WTCB(FM) Orangeburg, SC (BALH- PR. Action Nov. 4. GE)- Action Nov. 8. 941019GE)- Action Nov. 10. Cheney, WA KEYF -FM 101.1 mhz -Grant - WKOO(FM) Jacksonville, NC (BALH9410- WCTZ(AM) Clarksville, TN (BAL94110- ed app. of Pourtales Radio Partnership for 19G1) -Action Dec. 7. 4EA)- Action Nov. 23. CP to make changes; ant. 490 m.; TL: Krell Hill, communications site 24 km NE of WPTM(FM) Roanoke Rapids, NC (BALH- WPTN(AM)- WGSQ(FM) Cookeville, TN Cheney at 61 degrees true; antenna sup- 940923GF)- Action Nov. 28. (AM: BTC941017GE; FM: BTCH941017- porting- structure height. Action Nov. 4. WXKL(AM) Sanford, NC (BTC940912- GF)- Action Nov. 4. Eatonville, WA KJUN -FM 104.9 mhz- EC)- Action Nov. 15. KYYI(FM) Burkburnett, TX (BAPLH- Granted app. of Barbara Geesman for MP to WSMY(AM) Weldon, NC (BAL940923- 941003GH)- Action Nov. 23. change; ERP: 2.5 kw; ant. 151 m.; TL: site is GE)- Action Nov. 28. KSDO(FM) Denison- Sherman, TX (BALH- .4 miles S intersection on Turner Scott Rd. WKQK(FM) Wilmington, NC (BAPED- 940928GE)- Action Nov. 29. and East 44th St. Action Nov. 9. Action Nov. 29. 940916GE)- GGQK(FN 3ton , TX (BTCH940705- Webster WV WAFD(FM) 100.3 Springs, KBTO(FM) Bottineau, ND (BALH940318- GG)- Actionn Nov.N 3. mhz- Granted app. of Cat Radio Inc, for GE)- Action Nov. 16. mod. of CP to make changes: ERP: 33.1 kw; KYOK(AM)-KMJQ(FM) Houston (AM: ant. 181 m.; TL: on Payne Knob, approx. 1.6 KYIS(FM) Oklahoma City (BALH940906- BAL941011 EB; FM: BALH941011 GH)- km SW of Webster Springs, WV; change GF)- Action Dec. 6. Action Nov. 23. class to B (per MM docket 93 -210). Action WDKC(FM) Covington, PA (BTCH940902- KYOK(AM) Houston (BAL941017GH)- March 17. GG)- Action Nov. 23. Action Dec. 6.



datawopld RF Systems, Irle. Saín!CSC, inc. MAPS TronSminer and Stu(AO Instalation A Ou of Mob, Lang& L,hnson. lo, Coverage Terrain Shadowing RF Test and Measurement AM, FM, TV. H -group databases New Towers, Antenna Structures Allocation Studies Directories Microwave and Satellite ' Coverage. allocation and lera,n studies Engineering and Instalation Engineering Studies, Modifications PO Box 30730 301-652 -8822 ' FCC research Inspections, Erection, Appraisals lan world's Fair Drin North Wales, PA 19454 Bethesda. MD 20814 800-368 -5754 703 FAX LAM- SOI.1144 Somerset, NI 110171 824 -5666 703 824 -5672 215 699 -4871 FAX 699-9597


Tinse, Designami Analysts FIRE FLOOD QUAKE TnwerInsP¢mns contact PROFESSIONAL/SERVICE tower ne.,gnM,d,r atan. VIDEOTAPE BROADCASTING MAGAZINE DIRECTORY RATES (ln.intonInµ,amni Decontamination 1705 DeSales St., N.W. 52 weeks - $55 per insertion -Sieallh,ng"T.ahni4u+ Rejuvenation Restoration Washington, D.C. 20036 26 weeks - $70 per Insertion KCI Puhhc Ins Wvvntni Pmgrum> for availabillties 13 weeks - 685 per insertion IH1N4r[h\' ti,n,ulunrl Vule Imagog 800 -852 -7732 Phone: w.,l.,,,.t. M.rutkin..r..,,,,.nra ,,.n (202) 659 -2340 mere is a one time typesetting charge Wlnt,nn uwn.k4i.,m of $20. Call (202) 659.2340.

82 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable PROFESSIONAL CARDS

du Treil, Laurin & Rackley, Inc. =CARL T. JONES LOHNES AND CULVER COHEN, DIPPELL AND AS bed natAD. Ring.PC. CORPORATION CONSULTING RADIO ENGINEERS EVERIST, P.C. 8309 Cherry Lane CONSULTING ENGINEERS 240 North Washington Blvd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Laurel, MD 20707-4830 Suite 700 7901 YARNWOOD COURT (301) 776 -4488 1300 "L" STREET, N.W. SUrTE 1100 Sarasota, Florida 34236 SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22153 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 (813) 366 -2611 (703)569 -7704 1202) 898 -0111 Ma30CMAPCCS Since 1944 Member AFCCE Member AFCCE MEMBER AFCCE

Jules Cohen & Associates, P.C. MLJ HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. CARL E. SMITH Moffet, Larson & Johnson, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS Consulting Engineers Consulting Telecommunications Engineers Box 280068 AM -FM -TV Engineering Consultants Two Skyline Place, Suite 800 San Francisco, California 94128 Complete Tower and Rigging Services 1725 DeSales Street, N.W., Suite 600 5203 Leesburg Pike 'Serving the Bromic-ass Industry P.O. Box 18415 Falls Church, VA 22041 (415) 342 -5200 for otter 50 /ears" Washington, D.C. 20036 -8415 703 -824.5660 (202) 396 -5200 Box 807 Bath, 44210 Tel: (202) 452 -5630 Fax: (202) 452-5620 FAX: 703 -824 -5672 Ohio AFC e -mail: infoOjca.com Member AFCCE MEMBER AFCCE NrmM, CF (216) 659 -4440

HATFIELD & DAWSON HANNEL & ASSOCIATES E. Harold Munn, Jr., Mullaney Engineering, Inc. F.W. Engineers CONSULTING ENGINEERS & Associates, Inc. Consulting Telecommunications Registered Professional Engineers 4226 SIXTH AVE. N.W. Broadcast Engmeerng Consultants 9049 Shady Grove Court 911 Edward Street Box 220 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98107 Henry. Illinois 61537 301-921-0115 Coldwater, Michigan 49056 (206) 783 -9151: Facsimile: 1206) 789 -9834 (309) 364-3903 517 -278-7339 Phone: Member AFCCE MEMBER AFCCE Fax (309) 364 -3775

C.P. CROSSNO & ASSOCIATES JOHN f.X BROWNE 8 ASSOCIATES '°xF CONSULTING ENGINEERS T ENGINEERING COMPANY .. D.C. WILLIAMS, P.E. Consulting Radio Engineer P.O. BOX 180312 BILL CORDELL, P.E. Member AFCCE TEXAS 75218 BLOOMFIELD HILLS Broadcast Cable 11111 Katy Freeway. Sum 360 DALLAS, Post Office Box 1888 610- 642.6226 Wireless Houston, Tams 77079 TELECOMMUNICATIONS (FCC. FAA) Carson City, Nevada 89702 18001966 -8885 Fex: (7131984.0066 CHARLES PAUL CROSSNO, P.E. WASHINGTON Communications Enginaning COnaultente Member AFCCE (702) 885 -2400 Mon br AFCCE (214) 321.9140 MEMBER AFCCE 202-293-2020

George Jacobs Suffa & Cavell, Inc. Contact & Inc. Consulting Engineers Associates, BROADCASTING MAGAZINE eco nerelnminc mmin.r:.rrs Consulting Broadcast Engineers 10300 Filon Place, Suite 450 1705 DeSalea St., N.W. International EEMMu51h1ONSTHN0'.od1t51 Fairfax. Virginia Domestic 8 Washington, D.C. 20036 Clarence M. Beverage 22030 Member AFCCE Laura M. Mivahi 1203) 333 -0110 (703) 391 4110 for availabilltlaa Suite 410 8701 Georgia Ave. Marlton. Fax (703) 591 -0115 Plane: (202) 659 -2340 P.O. Box 1130, N108053 (301) 587 -8800 Silver Spring. MD Menh,AFCCE (609)985-0077 FAX: (609) 985.8124 20910

PROFESSIONAL /SERVICES DIRECTORY NEW RATES, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1994 52 weeks - $55 per insertion 26 weeks - $70 per insertion 13 weeks - $85 per insertion Saluting Malara 16th, Portland, OR 97201, or call dollars in the market can only Dick Althoff at (503) 227 -7202 or enhance that prospect. I have no idea EDITOR: It was with great delight Richard Ross at (503) 636 -5202. how many dollars catalogue compa- that all of us in New York state dis- -Richard Ross, co- chair, reunion nies and shopping networks gross covered Tony Malara's smiling and committee, Lake Oswego, Ore. every year, but as someone once unmistakable countenance on the said, "A billion dollars here and a cover of BROADCASTING & CABLE Think local billion dollars there and pretty soon (Dec. 19, 1994). EDITOR: Shortly before Thanksgiving you're talking real money." Your coveted covers are rightly I started receiving the usual cata- "Shop locally" is one of the themes and properly reserved for the most logues urging me to buy their mer- this station will adopt throughout exalted in our tribe-those who are chandise and send check or credit next year in various ways. This cam- leading figures in our profession. In card number to various places around paign is not a vendetta against cata- Malara you have chosen not only a the country. For the first time it logue companies or shopping chan- senior and respected network televi- occurred to me that by doing so nels. I live in a small community sion executive, but also one who is ( "from the convenience of my where local businesses do not neces- greatly beloved in an industry not home ") I would effectively take my sarily offer some of the specialty much given to those endearing quali- business away from the local busi- items that are available only by cata- ties like a sense of humor and con- nesses that my business depends on. logue or the likes of QVC or HSN. cern for people. Since no local sales tax is charged on I do believe that over 90% of my My colleagues in the New York catalogue merchandise (shipping needs and wants can be met locally. State Broadcasters Association, charges make up for that), I would I further believe that this television where he began his climb up the net- further erode the tax base that my station will provide a vital service to work ladder, will confirm that Tony, community depends on. remind people to shop locally and no matter how impressive his title or In other words, sending money to tell them why.-M. / . (Bob) Groot - standing, never forgot his roots in Maine (L.L. Bean) et al. would be of hand, vice president /GM. KRCG(TV) Watertown or Albany or Westchester. no benefit to my community, where I Jefferson City, Mo. By designating Malara for your can buy shirts, boots and sweaters cover you honor us all. Even his that are just as stylish, rugged and WNUR reunion friend Mario Cuomo was sufficiently warm. Spending my money here in EDITOR: Northwestern University's impressed: "Did you see Malara on the community I serve keeps people School of Speech is trying to locate the cover of BROADCASTING & employed, adds to the tax base, and I alumni who worked at WNUR(FM), CABLE? Only in America!" can return merchandise with a smile. Northwestern's student -operated We're all delighted you picked In my 25 -plus years in the televi- radio station. The school is trying to one of our own. And one of our very sion business, I do not ever remem- find these radio alumni to invite best. -William O'Shaughnessy, pres- ber receiving spot dollars from the them to a celebration marking the ident and editorial director, wvox catalogue business. I did always completion of WNUR's ambitious ren- (AM)- WRTN(FM), Westchester, N.Y. depend on local business. ovation and expansion project in the Having the power of television at spring of 1995. King get -together my disposal, I conveyed that mes- Founded in 1950, WNUR remains EDITOR: Former employes of King sage in the form of a series of in its original location in the Annie Broadcasting Co. in Portland, Ore., PSA /editorial messages that made May Swift Building on Northwest - are planning a huge reunion of the exactly that point. The result was ern's Evanston campus. Its renova- hundreds of people who worked at overwhelming. Total strangers came tion (which began in December and KGW -AM -TV or KINK -FM during the up to me saying, "You made me feel will give the station state -of- the -art first 25 years of Channel 8's exis- guilty; now I'm buying locally." radio broadcast facilities) is made tence -from 1956 until 1981. Businesses, including chain stores possible by the generous support of The date is May 13, 1995, at the that employ locally, were elated. The NU alumnus Arthur McCoy. Red Lion Jantzen Beach. Plans call "thank yous" came from all direc- A 10 -watt station when it began for a fine dinner-Woody Hite's Big tions. Warm and fuzzies? You broadcasting almost a half decade Band and lots of remembering and betcha! Did it open doors for my ago, WNUR broadcasts with 7200 story swapping. Price is $35 per per- local salespeople? Absolutely! watts and can be heard from Chica- son. They are preparing for a thou- It also dawned on me that the vari- go's Loop to Wisconsin. sand people. ous cable shopping networks siphon Alumni should contact station The reunion committee is searching much -needed revenue and tax money adviser Rick Morris at 708 -467- for current addresses of former em- out of the market. 1160 so that they can be included in ployes. If you, or someone you know Every television station in every the station's first reunion. Wendy of, fit into the 1956 -81 time bracket, market wants all businesses in its Leopold, Northwestern University, please let the committee know. market to do well; after all, it is in Department of University Relations, Write "KGW Reunion," 1329 SW their own best interest. Keeping the Evanston, Ill.

84 Jan 91995 Broadcasting & Cable Joseph Alan Saitta Bringing at least 25 Fox affiliates wrro(Tv) Washington. "His success is into the news fold in 1995 may a combination of knowing what looks seem a daunting task, but Fox good on TV and how the news works." news guru Joe Saitta loves a good The basis of his newscast formula challenge. is market research. Saitta realized its The vice president of affiliate news importance while a consultant for for the group that turned the televi- McHugh & Hoffman with responsi- sion industry upside down last year is bility for 10 stations' news organiza- swamped with work. Saitta is busy tions. "Once I learned the desires of building news outlets for the growing viewers, I never failed at a newscast. number of Fox affiliates and "Foxify- Research has been my whole focus ing" them, or branding local news- from that point on." casts with the network's attitude. Saitta cites his restructuring of WTFG Since then -Fox Inc. Chairman Barry during his tenure as station manager Diller created the position for him in and news director in 1987 -90. He 1990, Saitta has multiplied the num- polled his market to find audience ber of news outlets from 15 to 50. likes and dislikes of w'rro's and the "This is our biggest year," Saitta nalism training program. After stints competitors' newscasts to determine says. "Our affiliates are seeing the with army newspapers in Seoul, South what changes he would make. successes of stations that have Korea, and the White Sands Missile "I subscribe to every female maga- recently started newscasts. We're just Range in New Mexico, Saitta decided zine published to learn about the booming." to break into television, and he took a trendy colors and hairstyles," Saitta Saitta's knack for news is not inci- job as a switchboard operator at laughs. Research tells him that view- dental. He developed the model for xtvtPC(AM) Los Angeles just to be close ers strongly relate to women anchors. the "Live at 5" newscast while a con- to a newsroom. He "I have to know more sultant for McHugh & Hoffman Inc., spent his spare hours VP/affiliate news, Fox Broadcasting about fashion than Co., Washington; b. Nov. 7, 1944, and the format now is used widely studying the reporters, Pittsburgh; U.S. Army, 1962 -64; women." across the country. He rebuilt the learning the newsroom KNBC -TV Los Angeles: production At 49, Saitta is con- facilities and staff of Metromedia's and waiting for an assistant, 1964 -65; assignment edi- tent in his position as KTry -TV Los Angeles and elevated the opening. When the tor /writer, 1966 -68; executive news Fox's news authority. producer, Km(iv) Los Angeles, station's nightly news to first place. opportunity arose for a He has a strong loyal- 1968 -70; news director, NIKO-N He was responsible for the Emmy production assistant Seattle, 1970-71; assistant news ty to Chairman /CEO award winning City Under Siege job, Saitta was the nat- director /director of news operations, Rupert Murdoch, series at WrFG(TV) Washington that ural candidate. mar (now KcBs -rv) Los Angeles; which Saitta attributes chronicled the problems and solutions That became the executive producer /weekend news, to the media mogul's urn, 1977 -78; segment producer, of drugs and violence on the streets. pattern of his career accessibility and corn - - PEOPLE, New York, 1978; consul- As Fox's news "troubleshooter," becoming knowledge- tant, McHugh & Hoffman Inc., mitment to news. And Saitta doggedly resists mediocrity. able in the workings of Washington, 1978 -81; VP/director he prefers the compa- When he is not traveling to an affili- a news organization, of news, broadcasting division, ny's style of "break- ate station in need of a makeover, he then making himself Times Mirror Inc., New York, 1981- ing from tradition" to is thinking of ways to change the pre- invaluable to those 82; VP/executive director of the "sameness" of news/special programing, ktty, sentation of news. around him. He moved 1982-83; VP/news, Metromedia network news. "I love At Fox affiliate WFLx(TV) West up in a steady succes- Television Inc., Los Angeles, 1983- this company because Palm Beach, Fla., VP /GM Murray sion of jobs at KNtBC- 86; VP, news, Krrv, 1986-87; VP/sta- it lets you go out and Green credits much of the three -year- Tv: overnight assign- tion manager/news director, wrrc(rv) create," Saitta says, as old news show's success to Saitta. Ac- ment desk, associate Washington, 1987-90; current posi- he gears up to conduct tion since 1990; children from previ- cording to Green, wFLx's 10 o'clock producer, assignment ous marriage: Joelle, 24; Joe Il, 22. the first round of news beats the competition's 11 p.m. editor, writer. focus groups for Fox's newscasts in 18 -49 and 25 -54 demos. Saitta's self- education carried him Roanoke, Va., affiliate. "It fits my "Joe did focus groups, selected the to KIRO -TV Seattle, where he became personality." anchors and decided the content of the news director at the young age of 27. Saitta's private challenge is to news," he explains. "Now he regularly There he propelled the station from avoid staleness, to consistently reviews and critiques our newscasts." fourth in the rankings to a solid sec- improve and learn. In 1995 he will The calling to news was something ond within one year. have at least 25 chances to flex his Saitta "always knew." After high "Joe is a real talent," says Ruth creative muscle. As 011ison puts it: school, he joined the army for its jour- Allen 011ison, Saitta's right hand at "Joe is always on the move." -JAZ

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 85 1 n

BROADCAST TV American Urban Radio Networks (AURN) hosted a historic radio address Tom Mazza, with South African President Nelson senior VP, cur- Mandela and President Bill Clinton Sat- urday, Oct. 8, 1994. AURN's White rent programs, House correspondent, Bob Ellison, Paramount Net- presents the `White House Report' daily work Television, and Clinton's weekly Saturday morning Hollywood, address is carried over the networks. AURN, the only African -American named executive owned radio network in the U.S. and the VP, current pro- Caribbean, has more than 250 affiliates. grams and strategic plan- KSTP -TV St. Paul in same capacity. capacity. Mazza ning. Steve Mosko, VP, Western region, Fred Cantu, news director, KVET(AM)/ Cynthia Scheller, sales marketing man- Columbia TriStar Television Distrib- KASE(FM) Austin, Tex., joins KVUE- ager, WLNE(TV) New Bedford, Mass., ution, Culver City, Calif., named TV Austin as anchor. named LSM. VP, senior syndication. Appointments at KOMO -TV Seattle: Appointments at wctu -Tv Chicago: Vic Lombardi, sports reporter /anchor, Farland Chang, reporter, WTxF(TV) David Doré, executive producer, KSMO- KXAN -TV Austin, Tex., joins KPHO -TV Philadelphia, joins in same capacity; TV Kansas City, Mo., joins as direc- Phoenix as weekend sports anchor/ Jill Ballo, weekend producer, named tor, on -air promotions; David Ward, reporter. news producer; Jodi Flynn, associate program/marketing manager, wxcF(TV) Clermont, Fla., joins as Sallie Kartus Datnoff, director, commu- producer, Northwest Afternoon, director, programing and promotions. nity affairs, WBRC -TV Birmingham, named news weekend producer. Ala., named VP, community affairs. Rowland Martin, attorney, Federal RADIO Kathi Lester, account executive, Communications Commission, wNRw(Tv) Winston -Salem, N.C., Washington, joins WNBC(TV) New Kenneth Maness, president/GM, Tri- named LSM. York as director, station relations. Cities Radio Inc., Tennessee, named Kevin Martin, Robed Mauro, VP, president, Bloomington Broadcast- director, finance production, ing Corp. (parent), Bloomington, Ill. and operations, CBS, New York, Brian Thomas, GSM, KMTT-AM -FM Independent joins wrrw(Tv) Tacoma, Wash., joins KIDR(AM) Television Ser- Chicago as Phoenix and KCHT(FM) Bakersfield, vice, St. Paul, senior VP, Calif., in same capacity. Minn., joins National Televi- Twin Cities Pub- sion Production Eric Marenghi, news director/morning WPNT -FM lic Television Center. anchor, Chicago, joins KRLD(AM) as there as VP, Dallas news director. Appointments at finance and Appointments at Westwood One Martin Mauro KYTV(TV) CFO. Radio Networks, New York: Lisa Springfield, Mo.: Marci Burdick, news Valentine, director, promotion ser- Appointments at WBNG -TV Bingham- director, named director, news and vices, and Stephanie Brown, promotion ton, N.Y.: Allison Seymor, anchor, operations; Mike Scott, GSM, named assistant, MediaAmerica Inc., New wUTR(Tv) Utica, N.Y., joins as director, sales and marketing. reporter/co- anchor; Michael Fowler, York, join as director, promotion commercial producer /studio supervi- Appointments at KDFW -TV Dallas: marketing and promotion coordina- Jennifer Johnson, writer, WFAA -TV Dal- sor, WTAE-TV Pittsburgh, joins as tor, respectively. las, and Perla Sarabia, promotion director, creative services; Mark Pnrtis- Marty Griffin, program director, manager, WMTV(TV) Madison, Wis., to, manager, programing and promo- KFMF(FM) Chico, Calif., named join as senior writers/producers. tion, named manager, broadcast oper- director, programing operations, ations. Timothy Mason, marketing director, KFMF(FM) and KPPL(FM) COIUSa, Yvette Perez, director, promotion and wyou(Tv) Scranton, Pa., joins WBNS- Calif. TV Columbus, Ohio, as promotion advertising, WCVB -TV Boston, joins Harry Fromme Jr., VP, sales and mar- KOAT -TV Albuquerque, N.M., as director. keting, Singapore Broadcasting, director, marketing. Troy Kimmel, chief meteorologist, joins Metromedia International Inc., Mike Smith, production manager, Lower Colorado River Authority, Dallas, as director, sales and market- WHO -TV Des Moines, Iowa, joins joins KTBC -TV Austin, Tex., in same ing, Radio Seven, Moscow.

86 Jan 91995 Broadcasting & Cable Fort Myers, Fla., joins Hubbard ness develop- CABLE Broadcasting, Minneapolis/St. Paul, ment, United Appointments at Showtime Networks as director, human resources. International Inc., New York: Kenneth Hershman and Pictures Pay -TV, Clara Kim, counsels, named VPs/coun- SATELLITFJWIRELESS Europe, joins as sels; H. Gwen Marcus, senior VP /chief Appointments at United States Satel- VP, pay TV and counsel, named executive VP/general lite Broadcasting, St. Paul/Min- new technology counsel; Michael Ward, counsel, sales neapolis: Mary Pat Ryan, VP, market- licensing, Lon- and marketing, named senior VP/ ing, named senior VP; Carl Wegener, don. deputy general counsel; Andrea Simon, director, con- Lee Toole, VP, VP/counsel, entertainment, named sumer electron- Malatesta international, senior VP /deputy general counsel. ics marketing, GTE Personal Communications Ser- Lisa Prestwich, director, public rela- named VP, deal- vices, Stamford, Conn., named presi- tions, Asia -Pacific, Turner Broad- er marketing; dent, GTE China. casting System, Hong Kong, named Jonathan Hill, Randy Freedman, VP, business affairs, deputy VP. sales manager, Northeastern Turner International, Atlanta, named Jim Burgoyne, coordinating producer, region, Dennis deputy managing director, Turner Sportschannel New England, Lumley, sales International Network Sales Ltd., Woburn, Mass., named manager, manager, West - London. production and programing. Ryan ern region, Paul Cathy Smith, Europe correspondent, Jim Sutherland, Malmquist, sales manager, Southeast- Reuters, Brussels, joins ITN, London, producer, The ern region, and Joe Miller, sales man- as co- anchor. Weather Chan- ager, Southwestern region, named nel, Atlanta, directors, dealer marketing. named executive DEATHS Del prod- producer. Carlos Castille, director, new uct development, KBLCOM, Hous- Jack Thayer, 72, Mark Ringwald, ton, joins United Video Satellite COO /executive director, produc- Group, Tulsa, Okla., as director, spe- VP, Gear Broad- tion and opera- cial markets. casting, Provi- tions, Nostalgia dence, died Jan. Sutherland Television, WASHINGTON 1 there of heart Washington, Michael Schoenfeld, director, communi- failure. Thayer named director, programing and pro- began as a DJ in duction. cations, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Washington, named Minneapolis. He Steven Reifschneider, regional manag- senior VP, corporate communications. rose quickly to er, Crown Cable, Newtown, Conn., become GM at Thayer joins Jones Intercable, Englewood, Michael McKinley, associate professor, WDGY (AM) St. Colo., as GM. communications, Penn State Univer- Paul. He managed WHx(AM) Cleve- sity, joins National Association of land, KxoA(AM) Sacramento, Calif., Broadcasters as director, Employ- and WGAR -FM Cleveland before MULTIMEDIA ment Clearinghouse. becoming president of NBC Radio Frank McComas, chairman /publisher, Adlai Amor, head, Conservation News in 1974. In 1980 Thayer moved to The State, Columbia, S.C., joins Service, Switzerland, joins the Center WNEW(AM) New York as general Knight -Ridder Inc., Miami, as VP, for Foreign Journalists, Reston, Va., manager, then on to Gear Broad- operations. as director, training. casting. He is survived by his brother, Tim; daughter, Tracie; son, Appointments at Metro Networks: Terry; and five grandchildren. Dave Vanderslice, director, operations, INTERNATIONAL Washington, named regional direc- Graham Cooper, president /CEO, BIS Melva Chernoff, 83, broadcaster, died tor, operations, Northeast region; 11m Strategic Decisions, Norwell, Dec. 15 in San Diego after a long Carroll, assistant director, operations, Mass., joins ICT Europe, Dublin, as illness. After graduating from col- Washington, named director, opera- president. lege, Chernoff hosted general inter- tions, Philadelphia. est and educational radio shows at Appointments at WB International wcHS(AM) Charleston, W.Va., Ed Hinshaw, manager, personnel and Television Distribution, Burbank, before marrying Ambassador editorial affairs, WTMJ Inc., Mil- Calif.: Catherine Malatesta, VP, interna- Howard Chernoff, who is her only waukee, named VP, human resources tional, Westinghouse Broadcasting survivor. and a director of the company. International, Los Angeles, joins as Frank Bilotta, VP /director, human VP, international television sales; Mal- resources, Palmer Communications, colm Dudley-Smith, VP, sales and busi- -Compiled by Denise Smith

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 9 1995 87 Hundt wants to reexamine HDTV transition timetable

FCC Chairman Reed Hundt suggested last Friday that analog channels. the FCC may revisit its proposed transition period for Hundt also suggested that broadcasters pay for their HDTV broadcasting. "Is it really necessary to have a 15- digital channels through fees, auctions or by devoting year transition ?" Hundt asked during a speech at the "time to children's programing, national and local news Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. "After all, the and free time for political debate to occur in the elec- quicker broadcasters move from one place in the spec- tronic forum." trum to another, the faster we could recover the valu- "Reserving a few hours of free time for a fair presen- able public property of the airwaves. Then we could tation of competing views in every election session is auction [spectrum] for other uses." not a new idea," he said. "Now as TV enters the digital The FCC has proposed granting broadcasters a sec- age it is time for the public to decide what it expects from ond channel for HDTV broadcasting. But after 15 years, broadcasters' use of the public property of the air the broadcasters would have to give up their original waves." -CSS

San Antonio, Tex., has entered Ricki Lake for 1995 -96 and likely cable subscribers in California. The the affiliation fray: Fox switched will use the show as a 3 p.m. lead -in order was second only to the its affiliation from KRRT -TV (ch. 35) to to Oprah next season. Ricki previ- $900,000 ordered against Time River City Broadcasting's KABB -TV ously was on KRON -TV, and KGO -TV Warner. (Ch. 29). KABB -TV, until now an inde- reportedly at least doubled the week- Cannell Distribution Co. will pendent, will begin carrying Fox pro- ly sum KRON -TV was paying for the launch two first -run talk and reality graming Jan. 16 and will launch a 9 show. KGTV San Diego also has shows in syndication this fall. U.S. p.m. newscast on March 20. This will acquired Ricki as a lead -in to King Customs: Classified, a new weekly, be River City's third Fox affiliate. World's Oprah in 1995 -96. one -hour law enforcement series, Capital /Cities O &O KGO-TV San The FCC hit Viacom with a which will be hosted by producer Francisco has gotten Columbia $450,000 refund order last week Stephen J. Cannell, will use a combi- TriStar Television Distribution's hit for overcharging more than 200,000 nation of actual footage and re -cre- ations to depict Customs cases. The series will be produced in coopera- tion with the agency, and producers will have access to official records and surveillance tapes. The show will be produced by Tradewinds Enter- tainment and Grab Productions. Ex- ecutive producer is Gary Bernstein. The barter show will be sold with a 7 minute national /7 minute local split. Cannell also is launching The Arm - stong Williams Show, a daily half - hour talk show featuring the African - American conservative political and social commentator, who hosts a Washington -based radio talk show and is a columnist for USA Today and the Wall Street Journal. The show's executive producer is Linda FCC Chairman Reed Hundt has responded to at least two of the New Ellman. The barter show will be sold Year's resolutions proposed for him in a Jan. 2 BROADCASTING & CABLE edi- with a 4 minute local /3 minute nation- torial. "Beef up the chairman's staff," the editorial intoned. Hundt put that al split. The company also will renew advice into play by bringing eight staff members (four pictured) into his its Renegade action hour for a fourth office for lunch last Tuesday, "beefing them up" with fare ranging from bar- season but has not decided whether becued ribs to Big Macs. The editors take this picture as evidence that the to renew action -hour Hawkeye for a chairman is heeding still another of BROADCASTING & CABLE'S injunctions: second season. "Don't take yourself too seriously." L -r: Judith Harris, head of the office of congressional affairs; Bill Kennard, general counsel; Hundt; Blair Levin, New World Entertainment syndica- chief of staff, and Michael Katz, chief economist. -DW tion wing Genesis Entertainment this fall will launch in national syndi-

88 Jan 9 1995 Broadcasting & Cable cation an FCC -friendly, weekly, half - hour kids show already airing on New World's O &O stations. Reality HOLLYWOOD asked to make statements under Check features kids working with oath, they are being asked to sign computers and interactive technolo- Paranormal occurrence declarations that their statements gy. The live- action show is being AC1 is expected to announce it will are truthful. The FCC will begin offered on a barter basis, with a 2 launch a weekly, half -hour drama taking sworn testimony from Fox on the paranormal receiving 1/2 minute national /2 1/2 minute series officials Jan. 18. local split. Ira Mishkin is executive a first run on the USA Network for producer. a fall 1995 syndication launch. The INDIANA syndicator is offering a full season Syndicator TeleMarc Entertain- of 26 episodes of Beyond Reality, Free fight ment is pitching a new first -run syn- with a second season's shows avail- Boxer Mike Tyson, a top pay -per- dicated weekly health and fitness able. The anthology show features view draw prior to his imprison- magazine -style series for a fall Shari Belafonte as a parapsycholo- ment for rape three years ago, launch. The half -hour Feelin' Great gist who explores different facets recently got into a fight behind bars is being offered on a barter basis, of the paranormal, supernatural and with another prisoner over a loud minute local with a 3 1/2 /3 1/2 extraterrestrial. The show is being radio. An internal investigation minute national ad split. produced by Paragon Entertain- found no punches were thrown by ment in association with Four Point the fallen champ, who is expected to resume his boxing career follow- NSS POCKETPIECE Entertainment. It is being offered on a barter basis with an even 3 1/2 ing his release on May 9. (Nielsen's top ranked syndicated shows for minute local /national split. the week ending Dec. 26. Numbers represent NEW YORK average audience/stationsi% coverage.) Water show 1. Wheel of Fortune 13.6/226/98 Money matters Tribune Entertainment Co. will 2. Jeopardy! 11.8/218/99 Veronis, Suhler & Associates is 3. Fox Hollywood Theatre 10.0/202/97 pitch stations a new weekly, half- 4. Oprah Winfrey Show 8.3/238/99 hour syndicated comedy show about putting together a private equity 5. Entertainment Tonight 7.6/177/94 fund to invest in communications 6. Roseanne 7.3/183/97 an aquatic theme park for launch in 7. properties. The company has Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 6.8/237/99 fall 1995. Out of the Blue will be 8. Inside Edition 6.4/168/93 already raised $100 million and 9. Cops 6.1/181/93 filmed at Sea World in Orlando, Fla. it to $150 10. Hard Copy 6.0/176/94 The show's 22 episodes will target a says hopes raise another 10. Married...With Children 6.0/175/93 by the 12 -34 teen and young adult audi- million second quarter. The 12. Hanna -Barbera Special 5.8/150/94 fund is being managed through 13. Family Matters 5.71187/93 ence and will feature sea life and 13. The Simpsons 5.7/115/80 music video montages. It will be affiliate company VS &A Commu- 15. A Current Affair 5.2/170/93 nications Partners. The company 15. Fresh Prince of Bel Air 5.2/127/86 offered to stations on a barter basis. 15. Ricki Lake 5.2/215/98 The show will be executive pro- created a similar fund in the late duced by Al Burton (Charles in 1980s, that acquired such television Charge), Miles Christensen and properties as WOKR -TV Rochester, Sam Riddle (Star Search). KUrv(TV) Salt Lake City and KWCH -TV Wichita, Kan. All have WASHINGTON been sold or are pending sale. Printed in the U.S.A. Founded in 1931 as Broadcasting, According to VS &A Communica- the News Magazine of the Filth Estate. Broadcasting - Old home week Telecasting introduced in 1945. Television' acquired in tions general manager Jeffrey 1961. Cablecasting' introduced in 1972. It's homecoming week at the FCC. Broadcasting/Cable introduced in 1989. Broadcasting & Stevenson, the first fund earned an Cable introduced in 1993. Broadcasting & Cable is a reg- As part of the ongoing Fox investi- over -30% return on investment. istered trademark of Reed Publishing (Nederland) B.V., used under license. 'Reg. U.S. Patent Office. gation, several former commission- Broadcasting & Cable (ISSN 0007 -2028) (GST #123397457) is published weekly, except at year's end ers and top officials have been when two issues are combined, by the Cahners Publish- asked to make "voluntary" state- ing Co. Cahners Publishing Co., at 245 West 17th St., New York, NY 10011, is a division of Reed Publishing ments about their 10- year -old rec- USA, 275 Washington St.. Newton, MA 02158 -1630; Robert L. Krakoff, Chairman/Chief Executive Officer: Tim- ollections of the decision to othy C. O'Brien. Executive Vice President/Finance and approve Rupert Murdoch's pur- Administration; John J. Beni, Senior Vice President/Gen- eral Manager, Consumer /Entertainment Division. Sec- chase of Metromedia. Among those ond- class postage paid at New York. NY, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster, please send address asked to make the return trip to the changes to: Broadcasting & Cable, PO Box 6399, Tor- rance, CA 90504 -0399. Broadcasting & Cable copyright FCC are former FCC chairman 1995 by Reed Publishing USA. Rates for non -qualified Mark Fowler and onetime commis- subscriptions, including all issues: USA, $117; Canada, $149 (includes GST): Foreign Air, $320; Foreign Surface, sioners Dennis Patrick (he was $169. A reasonable fee shall be assessed to cover han- dling costs in the event of cancellation of a subscription. later chairman) and Mimi Dawson. Except for special issues where price changes are indi- Former officials who are expected cated, single copies are $3.95 US. Please address all subscription mail to, Broadcasting 8 Cable, PO Box 6399, to make statements are Robert Torrance, CA 90504 -0399. Microfilm of Broadcasting & Cable is available from University Microfilms, 300 North Petit, Diane Killory, Jerald Fritz Drawn for BRonocns11Nd & CABLE by Jack Schmidt Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (1 -800- 521 -0600). and Thomas Herwitz. Although the "You're spending way too much time on former FCC officials have not been that nuclear waste dump story."

Broadcasting & Cable Jan 91995 89 itori=1s COMMITTED TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND THE FIFTH ESTATE

ize that bias, and likely won't be satisfied until they tilt it Free at last? to the right. To the extent that the Republican intent is simply to Public broadcasting is in for a bumpy ride. That's not all strip federal funding from CPB (and hence from PBS bad. and NPR) we say hear hear. Federal funding supplies This page has long expressed reservations about the only 14% of public broadcasting's sustenance, an noncommercial medium, beginning with the initial reser- amount that might just equal the fat between its tissues. vations of frequencies that created it. We came steeped This is no longer a tin -cup industry; overall, its revenues in the tradition of "the American Way" of broadcasting, come almost to $2 billion. The loss of $285 million will by which the founders meant "a system of free, competi- be felt but won't be fatal, and might just sharpen public tive and self-sustaining radio enterprise" (Vol. 1, No.1, broadcasting into a more effective instrument. Oct. 15, 1931). In many ways, public broadcasting is the The CPB layer, for example, designed primarily to antithesis of that ideal. insulate federal funding, would no longer be necessary. The historians among us will remember that those fre- The redundancies that have multiple stations moving the quencies -242 of them (80 VHF) representing more same national programing around in the same market - than 11% of the total U.S. channel allocation -were set and eating up valuable cable channels under must aside in 1952 for noncommercial, educational broadcast- carry -could go overnight. The intramural bickering ing. The idea was that they'd be used to occasion a among licensees that has made it impossible for PBS to renaissance of learning, not a cozy cultural experience. effect a strong national network should be put down. The term "public broadcasting" was coined with the Most important, government would be kept out of the Carnegie Report in the 1960s, to the accompaniment of sponsor's booth, whether it's Newt Gingrich's govern- editorials in this journal protesting that the real public ment or Tom Foley's. broadcasting was that watched and listened to by the No one knows how the battle will go, or what will be mass audience. We don't rest our case on that distinc- its outcome. Senator Larry Pressler, chairman of the tion, but it's worth remarking. Commerce Committee, has promised a bill to privatize More than anything else, we've opposed the intrusion public broadcasting. The President's budget will trigger of government into programing. All those in public the process on Feb. 6. Our hope is that the subsequent broadcasting who pooh -poohed that concern may be review will be thorough and thoughtful, taking into having second thoughts as they watch the partisan rogue account how far both public broadcasting and the rest of elephants of the GOP trampling through their play- the media world have come since 1952. ground. When they were out of power, the Republicans We can't wait to welcome public broadcasting's excel- were driven crazy by what they perceived as the liberal lence into the camp of "free, competitive and self-sus- bias of those running the Corporation for Public Broad- taining" broadcasting, where it belongs. Our guess is casting, the Public Broadcasting Service and National that, 10 years from now and on its own, it will tower Public Radio. Now that they're in, they mean to neutral- above the force it is today.

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