Kehilath Jeshurun Bulletin

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Kehilath Jeshurun Bulletin Kehilath Jeshurun Bulletin Volume LXIX Number 3 December 3, 1999 24 Kislev 5960 DEDICATION OF SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL GOTTESMAN CENTER DINNER DANCE OF RAMAZ SUNDAY TO CELEBRATE DECEMBER 5, 1999 – 26 KISLEV 5760 THE COMPLETION OF CEREMONIES BEGIN THE GOTTESMAN CENTER WITH A CHANUKAH SHACHARIT AND MIDDLE SCHOOL BUILDING AT 9 O’CLOCK The sixty-third annual Dinner Dance, sponsored by the Ramaz Parents Council, will serve as a celebration for the Sunday morning, December 5, the second completion of the Benjamin and Esther Gottesman Center day of Chanukah, will be a great day in the and the new Ramaz Middle School on the south side of history of the KJ/Ramaz community. On the East 85th Street. As part of the festivities we will honor the Festival of Dedication we will officially dedicate memory of the late Benjamin and Esther Gottesman and The Benjamin and Esther Gottesman Center which we will pay tribute to their children, Dr. Ruth and David S. houses the new Ramaz Middle School. Gottesman who made the founding gift which launched The ceremonies will begin the expansion effort for the school. with a Shacharit service at 9:00 We will also honor all those who AM in the Main Synagogue of the have contributed ten thousand congregation. The ba’alei tefilah dollars or more to this effort by and the Torah readers will be giving them a beautiful memento of students from the Middle School. this extraordinary communal Following the service there project. Each memento will be will be a festive Siyum Hasefer — personally inscribed for the donors. the completion of a Sefer Torah — The proceeds from the Ramaz contributed to the school by Judy Dinner Dance are devoted and David Lobel. The closing exclusively to the Scholarship letters of the Torah will be filled in Fund, the Curriculum Fund, and the by the families which have dedicated the six Torah scrolls Special Education Fund of the School. They make possible that are used in the Middle School. They are Miriam and the attendance at Ramaz of many students whose parents Eric Feldstein, Linda and Michael Jesselson, Deborah and would otherwise not be able to afford a Ramaz education David Kahn, Helen and Dr. Daniel Potaznik and Janie and and they also give the school an opportunity to enhance the Robert Schwalbe. They will be joined by a number of educational program for all students. leaders in the building program. In addition, the Ramaz Dinner is the most enjoyable Following the completion of the Sefer Torah event of the season for any organization. It is the only the entire assemblage will proceed to 85th Dinner that does not have speeches. It is pure fun and the Street, where all of the Torah scrolls will be carried under evening is capped by an outstanding performance of the the chupah with song and dance, into the new Ramaz Upper School Chorus and Dance Troupe, school building. After the singing and dancing strengthened by a delegation from the upper grades of the have been completed there will be opportunities new Middle School. for a tour of the building and also the serving of a Reservations for the Dinner are $375 per person and light collation. may be made through the business office of Ramaz The entire congregational family is invited (774-8040, ext. 6185). Ad blanks can also be obtained to participate in this great moment in the history through that office. We hope that many members of the KJ of the community. This will be a Chanukah unlike any family will want to participate in what promises to be other which we have celebrated. another great event and a most enjoyable evening. Page 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN In Memoriam PROCEDURES FOR LIGHTING CHANUKAH CANDLES Dr. Beatrice Friedland A grand lady in the New York BEGINNING WITH FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3 Jewish community was taken from us after a short but difficult While the practice of gift right — starting with the newest illness. She was a warm, giving has become an integral part candle first. We begin by lighting exceptionally loving person who of the Festival of Lights, the lights the “Shamash.” Then the blessings was cherished by her family, by themselves are the principal are recited — three on the first her many friends and by the observance of the holiday and night and two on the other nights. communities in which she was should be highlighted as the After the blessings are recited, we active. central feature of Chanukah in light the candles by the flame of Dr. Friedland received her the home. the “Shamash.” Ph.D. in biology from NYU in The reason for using the 1944, long before women generally achieved such an The following are a few items “Shamash” is in order to avoid any academic status. She was the which should be kept in mind. practical use of the Chanukah founding chairman of the Biology candles. These lights are holy and Department at Stern College for 1. The Menorah — While one their sole purpose is the ritual one Women where she educated a Menorah suffices for the — to proclaim the miracle generation of young women who household, it is customary — and of Chanukah. both learned from her and loved desirable — for each member of her as a person. She was Teacher the household to light his own 5. Concluding Songs — of the Year in 1977 and the guest Menorah. This is particularly Following the lighting of the of honor at the Stern College recommended for the children of candles, we sing ha-Nerot haLalu, Dinner last year when she the family who will take special which explains the reasons for the received a Doctor of Humane delight in kindling their own ceremony, and Maoz Tzur, Letters Honorary Degree. She was generous to many Chanukah lamps. a ballad which describes in several causes and particularly to our stanzas how Divine Providence congregation in which she made 2. The Time for Lighting — has intervened at various points her home over the past twenty- The candles should be lit as soon in history to save us from eight years. She suffered the loss as possible after nightfall our enemies. of her beloved husband, Arthur, (30 minutes after sunset). They twenty years ago but carried on a should be allowed to burn for at CHANUKAH CANDLES vigorous, joyous, enthusiastic and least 30 minutes. Through the courtesy of the productive life right to the last On Saturday night at home, the Kehilath Jeshurun Benevolent moment. She was an inspiration candles are lit after Havdalah. On Fund, Chanukah candles have to her children, grandchildren and Friday afternoon, they are lit been sent to every recipient of the to a wide circle of friends. before the Sabbath candles and KJ Bulletin. they should be large enough so The proceeds of this Fund are KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN that they will remain lit for about used for deserving individuals Published: Aug, Sept, Nov, Dec., an hour and a half. who might not otherwise come to Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun $15.00 Membership Dues of the attention of public charity. Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun 3. Arranging the Candles — Those who wish to make a covers subscription cost. The candles are set from the right contribution should make checks 125 East 85th Street, New York, NY 10028 Phone (212 ) 427-1000, Ext. 5500 side of the Menorah as the candle payable to the KJ Benevolent USPS-292-0600-Periodicals Postage lighter faces it. Each night an Fund and send them to the paid at New York, New York additional candle is lit. synagogue office. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun 4. Lighting the Candles — May you and your family have a 125 East 85th Street, New York, NY 10028 The candles are lit from left to happy Chanukah. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Page 3 AM HASEFER BOOK DISCUSSION CLUB INVITES YOU TO JOIN AUTHOR WENDY SHALIT To Discuss Her New Book A RETURN TO MODESTY: DISCOVERING THE LOST VIRTUE At the Home of Rabbi and Mrs. Haskel Lookstein 993 Park Avenue (at 84th Street) Rabbi Lookstein will moderate the discussion. y RAV HERSHEL k 2k SCHACHTER j TO DISCUSS MEZUZAH WEDNESDAY, Celebrate our Future DECEMBER 15 The Shulchan Aruch provides the foundation for Jewish Law which governs every potentiality of at the life. Rabbi Hershel Schachter will offer the third in a series of lectures on Wednesday evening, December Annual KJ Dinner Dance 15, at 8:00 PM in the Etra Chapel. His topic will be Mezuzah. Every Jewish home needs them. Find 12.11.99 out why! Rabbi Schachter holds the Nathan and Vivian Fink Chairs: Debbie Born & Rena Hoffman (former KJ members) Distinguished Professorial Chair in Talmud at Yeshiva University. He is Rosh The KJ Sisterhood Invites You To . Yeshiva of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and the Rosh A BACKSTAGE TOUR Kollel of the Marcos and Adina Katz Kollel. OF All members of the congregation THE METROPOLITAN OPERA and the community are invited. preceded by lunch at LEVANA MUSIC Tuesday, December 14 Shabot Entertainment 12:30 - 5:15 PM Lunch and Tour Tour Only $50 $20 (212) 874-7138 (212) 861-6280 Fax: (212) 861-6287 Page 4 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN AM HASEFER SPECIAL SHABBAT PROGRAMS BOOK DISCUSSION CLUB Over the Next Few Months Sunday Evenings at 8:00 PM January 14-15 Shabbat Scholar January 23 RABBI AARON RAKEFFET Author of the New Two Volume Work: A BRUSH WITH DEATH: THE RAV: THE WORLD OF AN ARTIST IN THE DEATH CAMPS RABBI JOSEPH B. SOLOVEITCHIK By: MORRIS WYSZOGROD Senior Faculty Member Sue Robins, Moderator Midreshet Moriah and Beit Midrash L’Torah The Author will be present.
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