Interested in greater visibility with investors, angel groups and promising entrepreneurs? A great way to do so is by listing your firm on the Angel Capital Association’s Web site as a “Member Recommended Service Provider”.

For five years, ACA has been the trade association of leading angel investment groups in North America - providing professional development, best practices, networking and collaboration opportunities for angel investors who belong to member angel groups. The organization also serves as the public policy voice of the angel community.

With a membership including the leading angel groups from the United States and Canada, ACA offers the opportunity for firms that serve investors and innovative entrepreneurs to strengthen their relationship with the community. In 2009, we discovered that a significant number of our Web site users were entrepreneurs – more than 10,000 – and that some were asking for recommendations on legal, accounting and other professional experts.

Listing Fee: $1,500 per year

Benefits: Web site profile, including contact information for any lead office, 300 word firm description, listing of all firm locations, and link to firm Web site Recommended vendor program will be included in three parts of new ACA Web site – “ACA Partners,” “Info for Investors” and “For Entrepreneurs”

Firm Types: Initial categories are listed below, but ACA may add new categories as needed: - Accounting Firms - Insurance Agents/ Firms - Background Checks/ Investigation Services - Law Firms - Business Consulting - Public Relations - Financial Services - Technology Provider - Human Resources Outsourcing/ Search

Application: Firms may submit an application directly to ACA or through an ACA member. A copy of the application is attached. The application must either include the signature of an ACA member group or a separate reference from an ACA member group by letter or email. ACA reserves the right to check references before approving the application and to remove firms if they lose ACA member support.

ACA itself has national partnerships with a few firms and those companies will be listed in this program as well as separate Partner pages.

About ACA: ACA’s mission is to support the growth, financial stability, and investment success of member angel groups. As of January, 2010 ACA has 160 member angel groups and affiliate organizations throughout North America. These angel groups: • Fund approximately 800 new companies per year that will need professional services, and have an on-going portfolio of more than 5,000 entrepreneurial companies throughout the U.S. and Canada. • Have as their members just over 7,000 high-net-worth individuals, all of whom are high-net-worth individuals and have their own professional and personal needs and requirements. Specifically, they are “accredited investors” under SEC guidelines, having a net worth of at least $1 million, an annual income of at least $200,000, or both. Most have a net worth many times that minimum requirement. • These individuals also serve on thousands of other public and private boards, including audit committees (for example, one group in the northeast, CommonAngels, has 67 members who currently serve on the board of directors of over 160 companies, including 19 public, 77 private and 65 non-profit companies; in the past, they have served on over 400 boards, including 58 public, 217 private and 134 non-profit). • ACA member groups are based in 44 American states and 5 Canadian provinces.

10977 Granada Lane, Suite 103 Overland Park, KS 66211 913-894-4700


Firm Name: ______

Address (for ACA “lead” office): Street: ______City, ST Zip: ______Main Phone: ______Main Fax: ______

Additional Offices: (List as many as appropriate)

Key Contacts: Key Contact #1: ______Email: : ______Key Contact #2: ______Email: ______

Firm Description: (Up to 300 words, which will be replicated on the ACA Web site)

ACA Member Group Recommending Firm: Organization: ______Contact Name: ______Signature (or send reference separately)______

Email or Mail application to: Marianne Hudson, Executive Director [email protected] 10977 Granada Lane, Suite 103 Overland Park, KS 66211 913-894-4700