No. 99 Exchange St

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No. 99 Exchange St mm 1 PORTLAND ME DAILY PRESS WM. M. MARKS REAL ESTATE. WANTS. TO LEI. REMOVALS. published every day (Sundays excepted) by the THE any young man below twenty-five deserts PRESS. this PORTLAND Card & Job Printer district you will be held responsible.” PTBLIRHING CO., Book, Wanted. To Let. Car- “My responsibility will sit very lightly on me 109 EXCHANGE Shifting Top. Jnmp Scat 65 Removal. THURSDAY at 109 Kxohangk St. Portland. 0T., Real Estate for Sale. ®T9?E No, Washington Street, with two flnlsli- MORHMj, MAY 14, 1874 gracious answers the with the ASECOND-Handriage. Enquire of E. T. MERRILL, rooms in sir,” agent, St. !>? adjoining rear and good cellar. An ironical — — myl3tt 241 Middle old and which Germans of his class Terms: Eight Dollars a Year In advance. Tc (DAILY PRESS PRINTING HOUSE.) BY successful stand. Rent low. Apply at 8 humility mail Pantorth to and a subscribers Seven Dollars a Year If paid in ad- St., J. DUKPHY.myl3d3tjg« Treasurer of the Gossip and Gleanings. religion (for Herr Fischer is Jew)much vance. H. ROSS, Portland, attect in their of work and WM. Real Etate Ten House Painters Wanted WILLIAMBangor and Machias Steamboat Co.,baa rcmov- wilh the or, Every Description promptly carefully JERRIS, Ag’t, Rent on dealings pairician 11 Reasonable Terms. edhfeOffice from 179 Commercial Street to Railroad der. whom xecuted, and at the lowest prices & CO’S Paint Shop, Danforth Very There was they hate: “I follow a Next East of Hail. L1IVE Wharf at the a man, John Morrissey, cordially THE MAINE"STATE PRESS ap22 tc City ^T^MORRELL minutes’ walk trom G. T. Depot. Very landing ol the Co’s Steamer. business which is and if mar23 Ami lie was wondrous quite lawful, you find 13,1874. the heallliv lo- dtf game, Portland, May myl3dtw« cation 6?™nt rLK,n!8’ overlooking city; it is because I have been sutnmon- Is published every Thdrsdav Morning at f- 50 a desirable piece of on cation, near school, &c. of He hit John me,here, property Spring street, store, Inquire Fox, and gently put cu. 'Summoned year, if paid iu advance, at §2 00 a year. SMITH & THEopposite Thomas Street, house of brick, French B’ F' I” echoes the Prince, throw- BIRD, Wanted. mvl-d1w» PUNLAP, A head upon the same. keen roof, twelve rooms, warmed by steam, gas through- ^myi-diw* Maine. glance at old aud this a small Michael, Rates of Advertising : One inch of space, Counselors at out. hot and cold Sebago, nice Grapery, Stable, and TENEMENT of tonr or live room?, by _Falmonth, venerable Caw, And when he saw the head was tenant, quite cowed by the of constitutes a “square.’* splendid lot of 20,000 square feet. A family. A central part of the city preferred. To on, rubs glance, engtli column, AND IN myl2-lw Let. “Don’t It” his withered hands 50 first week; 75 cents Address “WANT.” P. O. Box 1605. myl2tf With all his a down the $i per square daily per a* 133 Pearl you might rid main seams ol hi. ruefully with or forget leather or f 1 continu- a new T?00MS St., board without. waek after; three insertions, less, 00; PATENT CAUSES. French roof house, fifteen rooms, in He boldly ducked bis knob and tried breeches. It remains for other after first 50 cents. Thomas his son Wilhelm to ing every day week, Manasseh Smith. ALSO near Pine street. water, gas _______mylld*lw To give an explanation, insertions or Geobge E. Bird. Spring Wanted—Agents. butt it off again. and, Hall square, three less, 75 cents; one throughout, bay window, first class neighborhood. nudged thereto by his wile, this week. 00; 50 cents per week after. 4S Me. Members of the Masonic Fraternity. Splendid House to Let. sturdy fel- $1 Exchange Ml., Pcrllnnd, Only $2000 cash required, balance on very easy time. low to a drawer Special one third T.O chance to make money. Smart men make $12 goes and pulls out a letter Notices, additional. Special attentiou given to American aH'l A good chance, upper RENT at No. 7 Wilmot Street, (Juder head of and procuring myl2-lw to $15 per Address, JAS. T. HILL, very May, we are is a with American and a “Amusements,” “Auction Foreign Patents. Causes conducted in the U. S. day. ANpleasant aud convenient. Rent $300. to told, pet name for Mary. postmarks, bundle of 00 89 Boston, Mass. Apply Sales”, $2 per square per week; three insertions Courts. a nice three story brick house on Danforth mylldlw Washington St., L and the snow storms It has an r in it newspapers: “We received these from Mis- or less $1 50. ap23eodlm&w4t invoke Taylor, April therefore, and the right to eat ALSOstreet, near Brackett, 12 well finished rooms, lu- Commercial Street. souri, where wife’s Advertisements inserted in ‘_178 until sir, my brother emigrated the “Main* Stat* hot and cold water, bath room, gas throughout; Traveling Salesman, or Book- oysters the first of Jute is vindicated. Press” has a five years ago’and has a farm now with 200 (which large circulation in every part KINGSBURY & JORDAN grates set in sleeping rooms, nice McGee furnace, keeper. Board. are oyer; and fine of the State) for $1 00 per square lor first &c. Terms favorable. May head" ot cattle. We have but thanks insertion, myl2-lw or Gentlemen nr a nothing and 50 ceutB per square for each inser- wanted as Traveling Salesman Gentleman and his Wile can A New subsequent m be York paper considers to give you lor kindness to us; hut we tion. Counsellors at Book-keeper by a young man of experience TWO accommodat.d with first class Board and ,that Biet your Law, 4 TWO STORY HOUSE on Chestnut ten SITUATION weather are are a street, both Acquainted with the Grocery trade fvogm^at No. 20 Brown Street. at hand, and Harte is “more than the large tamily, and should like to better Address all communications to rooms, for oue or two families. water. positions. mySdlw* successor of Dick- S3 Middle Sebago in Eastern Maine, and can furnish references from ourselves, so alter tLese we PUBLISHING CO. Street, Large lot. Price $2800—half cash. my 12-1 w To ens.” Our own is reserved reading papers _PORTLAND former employers. Address *'C.” 37 Franklin St., Let. opinion until we wrote to for Opposite Canal Bank, lw* so is Lubeck information, and this Portland. may 8 CTORE No. 00 Commercial Thomas find out who the successor of SMALL two six in the rear Street, Block. Dickens is. gentleman came down to us.” PORTLAND, HAINE. story house, rooms, Al'ply to F. J. BUSINESS CARDS’ A of Mechanic street. Price $1200—half cash; ^ ROLLINS, Wilhelm's voice breaks into a and MENJ. KINGSBURY, JR. Street. stammer, balance to suit. myl2-lw Situations Wanted. _J^i4tf____22 Exchange the LEONARD G. San Prince, the JORDAN, in want of Scandinavian male heip Francisco feels that she will have to coldly taking up newspapers, aprl4eod3m persons Rooms to Let Witb Board. runs his over (Notary Public.) good house lots on Elm street. the month or can be call- eye them. They are German CHAS J. ALLby year supplied by get up another Vigilance Committee. Chi- SCHUMACHER, TWO my 12-1 w ing at M. N. BRUNS, Show Case Manufacturer, unfurnished Rooms for Gentleman aud wife, W.H.KOHLIMr journals printed in St. Louis tor wide circula- TWOwithout children. At No 4 namen mar24-eod2m Market Square. Locust St. mc28tf are beginning to manifest an aversion tion in the Vaterland and full ol ac- EDGAR nice house lot on street, between 19J glowuig Fresco S. BROWN, Emery counts ot Fainter, AVERYSpring and Cushman, 50 feet front. Terms To Let. to being stoned to death. the prosperous condition of Ger- at Schumacher easy. my!2-lw Pleasure Boat Wanted. man colonists iu the United States. They Office Bros.. 5 Deering Counsellor At Law. BOARD, large pleasant rooms. Suitable with his WITHfor families or large variety of also ieeui with lo Germans at home Block. good lots on Franklin street—one near the 20 more or Less. Bingle gentlemen. The appeals All collections attended to by E. A. Feel, At 52 Free rumblings of the Commencement to shake promptly TWOPark—for 35 and 50 cents per foot. then tf Day oft'the “degrading of I inform that I will be LEIGHTGN, Constable and Bill Collector. myl2-lw J. P. lOO Exchange St- Street._ja24*lw Volcano are to be slavery military respectfully my patrons, SMITH, beginning heard and felt service and caste and to attend to which be entrusted mel7 eodtf and rule,” they come over happy any jobs may LOT on Smith street, above 34 bv 90 To Let. soon the eruption will burst forth, cover- in to me, large or small, and that no one is authorized 80 MIDDLE ST. Oxford, envelopes, for the Post Otti e authorities A feet, only 28 cents per and $200 cash tenement in House 114 ing the whole land with the to take jobs in my name. mc6d3m my9 foot, only No. Spring Street. burning lava ol have orders to seize them dtf required. 12-1 w Wau ted. of when they arrive my LOWERInquire MATTOCKS & FOX, 83 Middle virgin thought.— Richmond rtie Excellent Enquirer. openly, Prim e’s features so stern PARTNER with cash capital of $700. Business Street.fe4dtf Goods! grow a< he these W, SIMONTOIi, A in the city well established and paying a good peruses dangemns sheets that H, Clothes Cleaner ! For Herr Fischer deems it F.
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