The Newtown Bee


CHRYSANTHEMUM i AT LIBRARY CORNER. WEDDING. ; Goodyear 3 BEHEH ESSES EESBI Miss Beers Mr ,, Our "Rightly-Made- " Rare Bargains Sanford. Tin Kind Tint FilindWw, For this week. At Foster's. CEREMONY TAKES PLACE IN Clothing TRINITY CHURCH. I These Cash Producing Sale Bargains work wonders A huh' l.'ili r, ami itm.1 lk) urn! iUl l;iii r nun ,iH" r imu For the conservative dresser and our "COLLEGE-BRAND- " of Tin m (lli'itr Hi urn!) tinl Ibv Why miss taking advantage our prices saving Im..!. IiIiiVP IIUIHlll Ul.l .'Ullt !a De-- ,( ll.i.i or the man who wants the extreme in actual dollars and cents on the best of, Winter Suits-ne- west Large Congregation Present J i'rlni vut iwtr ttatouuii hjf lltr (.k us in to our customers not and finest spite Filling Snow It '"U latt iliuttl.tM wild ll r style, puts position give styles qualities. ur ruw.-r-li' it l iimi' "U iih.I ( the but the most in r HuM r.iii- - Mm! iimi , r. iirll.ilM only largest, comprehensive stock handsome fit- ln.i).- are perfectly tailored, perfect ' mJki- lur turn iul In t They A beautiful wedding wn tiolemnized jf inr. Connecticut to select from, a stock that cannot but ting In at Tuen-'da- !' Trinity church, high noon, please young and old, from those of quiet taste to the They are suits that any custom tailor would be the happy couple being Miu Alice more sporty element. This is the reason our business to own Sherman Beers, daughter of Eli Beach R. F. proud j FOSTER, has and then do not us Beers, and Stephen Ernest Sanford, ' grown every year, you pay But, Cash Producing Sale Prices bring them to you !mii-Mi- r lu It, F. IW.'r Co., nun of Mr and Mrs Stephen Sanford of as much as you pay others for clothing that does not at even lower figures than usually marked on ready to 246 fUln St., Danbury, Conn. Reddirg. Prof Charles S. Piatt pre-- J have one-ha- lf the or wear style durability. garments sided at the organ and before the cere-- I Suits from $10 to $40. We are disposing of the stocks early in the mony as the were ushered simply guests being Overcoats, $10 to $50. season, turning-i- t into cashnow realizing on our in- -' to their seats played the Festal march Trousers, $2 to 510. to-da- in P. Flat by Wely. As the wedding vestment y. Dr Algy. Decn French. party passed up the aisle the strains of Waistcoats, 52 to 510. It is rare indeed that you have choice of such your the wedding march from Lohengrin SOCIALIST. such little so in the season fine garments at prices early were wafted on the air. During the all reductions are bonafide all be Prom- garments guaranteed. ceremony played softly. "0 Cancer, Piles, Rupture' Don't wait, buy now. ise Me," by De Koven. As they left the church he played Mendelsohn's Cured Without the Knife. J. B. MULLINGS march." Rev H. k SON, wedding J. George, No quack or secret method)!, but mi- - j the rector of officiated in an Conn. Trinity, entillc, treatment. Special Waterbury, impressive manner. It was a chrysan consultant in all themum wedding, all the decorations HHP. MB8A CHRONIC DISEASES. aBEBaSBEBSHiEBHiHi B HSEHHl JIBRIDGEPORl.CONii being crysanthemums and greens. On the altar were beautiful chrysanthe- SlIKLTOX, Coxx. mum blossoms. The chancel rail was decorated with greens and bunches of chrysanthemums tied with white rib- bons. The front of the preacher's desk was decorated with running pine. The Bridgeport Hydraulic Company Stock, entire effect was artistic and rich in extremJ. bride Bridgeport Gaslight Preferred Stock, the The was charming in a gown of white satin messaline, New, New. Haven & Hartford Right, trimmed with Princess lace. She wore BRIDGEPORT a veil entrain, and carried a shower jJJ5? New York, New Haven & Hartford New Debenture 6's. FOURISTORES) bouquet of white bride roses. The ma- - u tron of honor was Mrs Louis R. Ed-

wards of Bridgeport, a sister of the 1119-112- 3 Main HINCKS BROS. & Bond Dealers, St., Bridgeport, CO, bride. She wore a gown of light blue 207 Conn Court Exchange BIdg, State St., Bridgeport, crepe de chine, and a light blue panne velvet hat, with blue plumes. Mrs 428 Edwards carried white chrysanthe- SURPRISE SPECIAL SALE NO. mums. Miss Elizabeth Chambers of For one week (Saturday) and ending next Friday. v Waterbury and Miss Ella L. Bears, only, Leginning The National two of the bridesmaids, wore vlile City Bnk. silk, with white panne velvet hats and of 105 Wall Street, Bridgeport, Conn., Grade Suits white plumes. They carried pink Finely Tailored High chrysanthemums. Miss Florence A. This Bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its custom- Warner and Miss Mabel O. Camp, for Men $10. ers the fac lities gained during fifty-thre- e years of continuous bridesmaids, wore pink crepe de chine, service and growth. and hats of pink panne velvet, with Swell new fancy worsteds and all wool Velour Cassimeres in handsome new pink carried white chrys in all plumes. They overplaids, neat stripe effects, checks and neat figurings new shades; Frank Miller, President. Chas E. Cashier, anthemums. correct new models, single and double breasted; tailoring and trimming strictly Hough, are to satisfactory service. Asst Cashier Miss Sarah Alice Beers made a high grade. These garments guaranteed give H. B. TerHII. to ; all beautiful patterns and latest fashions, charming little maid of honor. She Styles enough please everybody tailored by the most capable garment workers in our own factory. The fine wore white and carried pink roses, a qualities and perfection of workmanship can only be appreciated by personal ac-asa them in the of the 5WE jEStgStfeaig ji&z 3jt?3iK' ni atalgae ansae acac strewing pathway inspection. bride and groom as they left the church. 1 Fall and Winter Blankets, The best man was E. Burton Beers of Waterbury, a brother of the bride. Plush Robes. The ushers were Louis R. Edwards, I Lap P. a brother of the ' Emory Sanford, j A Fine and Complete Line to select from. groom, and John C. Beers, a brother of the bride, and Louis T. Briscoe. W. W. STEVENS m. CO.. A reception to the immediate rela I tives and friends followed at the home If 16 Whitest., Danbury, Conn. of the bride's father on Queen street. v The Andrews Catering Co., of Bridge- The Store's Double Guarantee Bond. port catered. One room was entirely Surprise IF YOU ARE ANXIOUS TO filled with the wedding gifts, which is re- SAVE MONEY were rich in the extreme, varied and If any purchase for any reason fails to please the money instantly funded without a or the goods cheerfully exchanged. All clothing VOUWILLBUVAT beautiful. Piles of gold, silverware, question bought here is pressed and repaired for one year free of charge. BUCKINGHAM'S pictures, linen and furniture were in- cluded. The Hillside club sent a hand Your Lace Couch Furniture, your Ruga, your Curtains, your Covers, your some chair. Linoleums, your every furniture need. You owe it to yourself to see our Foremost Fashions in for Men. stocks. The house was very prettily decorat- Clothing We are some in Bedroom ahd Parlor Furniture ed in white and The bride and a wonderful of new giving great bargains green. Smart new styles in Men's Suits and Overcoats at the Surprise Store in variety lines are to be some in 60c for correct reliable qual- that discontinued, bargains Linoleums, kind, groom received in the music room, fabrics and patterns. When you buy clothes at the Surprise Store you are sure of styles, 49cts ; the 50c kind for 39cts. in ab- the mantel banked with smilax fit, perfect tailoring and complete satisfaction. Every garment is guaranteed every respect A assortment of Dining Room Furniture all ready for being ity, proper great Thanksgiving. solutely. We are the store to save you money. and chrysanthemums. The dining room table had a handsome center Fashionable Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men, piece of carnations and chrysanthe $15, $18, N. & Co., Inc., mums, yellow and white. $5, $7.50, $10, $12, Buckingham out town of and in rich new browns, tans, grays and other new shades, in beau- , ESTABLISHED 1843, Among the guests from of In a great array novelty staple fabrics, new figurings and solid colors. 77 State - - Cooni were : Mr and Mrs btephen banioro, tiful stripes, plaids, checks, fancy Street. Bridgeport. Mr and Mrs Emory Sanford and chil dren, Mrs W. E. Duncomb, Mr and Knee Pant Melbourne Cancer Cure Mrs William Sanford, Mrs Henry San Boys' Stylish Winter The Co., ford, Miss May A. Parsons, Eliza J. 64 Bank Street, Derby, Conn. B. Meeker, and J. Harold Sanford of Suits, Cure Cancer at their Sanatarium and guarantee a positive cure. They also treat mild Redding. if and can send a blood cases and old sores at your home desired you medicine that will cure Mr and Mrs George B. Beers, Mrs internal growth of all kinds. Correspondence sollciSed. References gladly given. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $4, $5, . ESTABLISHED FOR EIGHT YEABS. Vinnie Bradley, Mr and Mrs Randolph Bradley, and Mr and Mrs J. Arthur In the latest styles for boys of 3 to 16 years-Dou- ble Breasted, Knickerbocker, Bloomer and' in all the newest fab- Sherwood of Easton. Blouse, Buster Brown' other Novelty Styles rics. Mr and Mrs Louis R. Edwards, Mrs Mrs R. Edwin Edwards, H. Whiting Overcoats. and son, Mr and Mrs A. W. Burritt, Boys Stylish Winter M. Miss Edna Dr Edwards Smith, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00. Smith, Miss Ida Burritt, Mrs Harry and other Gould, Mrs J. W. Beach, Ralph C. Cut in plain Box, Princeton, Tourist, Reefer, Russian novelty of 3 to 16 Well made and lined. Sherwood, Miss Louise B. Moore, Miss styles for boys years. durably 183 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Louise Pfau and Mrs Louis E. Edwards Winter for Dress and Wear, Between Main and Broad Streets. of Bridgeport. Men's Pants Daily Miss Mary E. Peck, New York. $1.50, $2, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00. Mr and Mrs George Camp, Merwin Prices for Exclusive Styles. Well made and Great of new patterns. Popular Cham- perfect fitting. variety Fall and Winter Hats Now Ready. Gaylord Camp, Miss Jennie M. '"''' bers, Waterbury. Pleased to Show Our Goods Men's fleece-line- d underwear 49c Men's new silk neckwear, 25c Mr and Mrs James Hall of South Men's Heavy Winter Gloves, 49c Men's extra strong suspenders, 25c Carolina. 12c j Hen's warm wool hose, fleece-line- ! Boys' d underwear, 25c Mr and Mrs Sanford left on the 4.19 Men's pull down caps, 49c WINTER MILLINERY ol 98c all-wo- ol sweater-coat- s, 1 .49 Boys' sweaters, train south for a trip which includes Men's Triihmed Hats and Custom Work A Specialty. Men's blue flannel shirts, 98c Boys' warm winter caps, 25c stops at New York and Washington. 1 Men's all wool cardigan jackets, .45 Boys' heavy fast black stockings, 12c On their return will reside for the MRS GEO. DUNHAM, they Hen's fladras negligee shirts, 45c Boys' Flannel school blouses, 25c winter with Mrs Sanford's father, Mr 1127 Broad Near Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. St., Sanford a in POPULAR PRICES. having accepted position Bridgeport. THE XEWTOWX BEE, FRIDAY, XOVEMBEIl 2D 1007.

Few Know This, mi i-- 5SB? c it-- . avs hoke-itad- e treat. murray x U)., Co . MfcNT CUKES RHEUMA 56e Lee Brothers' Furniture P"i. Bridgeport. Conn ' TISM. 1379 Main St., Bridgeport. Tells IIowTo Mix It. SHAKE THE INOkEDIENTS WELL IN THE B01TLE. Women's Gloves! Tike a Dose After Ket!s. V,m iin eminent authority in the Simndm (t'a.) Time Our Assortment of Long and Short Kid Is com. hi' hml fuiul ni w way to treat Ranges. tlut iln.'tul American diwa, Ithiu plcte. All the wanted shades In clasp, 8, 12 and 16-butt- on niiiiiiiii. with Junt roimoiin, every day ilrufK found in any druir ntun. the ithy- - style. and more coal in e If you want tiiiTCM in your Cooking, Making, llfatiiig. tiiiHitk wi-r- slow Indeed to attach your coal bin, try a mm h Importance tu hid claims. Thin wnii Hilly a few month oiru, To-ilu- y nmrly every newspaper In the country, Ladies' Neckwear. RANGE even mo rnvinipuiwin uaiutT. n nn- - QUAKER nmmeinir it unci l hi splendid results A in achieved. It is so simple that any one job lot Stocks, Bows and Ties, 10c each, worth 25c run prepare it at home at small cost. to 5OC each. HERALD RANGE is made as follows: It up Get from any We are the (rout p'escription pharmacy Huld fcx showing largest and most complete line of For Your Parlor Heater we can hIiow all the best makes at low Prinu t art Dandelion, one-hal- f ounce ; Com Neckwear for 25c and Mc ever offered in this you p mild K argon, one ounce ; Compound city. syrup Sursaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take in Ribbons. doses after each meal and at bedtime. These are all simple ingre Lots of new in Ribbons. New frozen steppe of Canada or Siberia. dients, making an absolutely harmless things stylish designs, SILVERWARE. There are silks from China, Japan, h ime remedy at little cost, new color effects, new weaves. Plain Satin Taffeta, Dres-den-s, France and Italy, and what is most Khemuarism, as every one knows, Plaia Plaids and Moires. wonderful to me, 1 was told at the is a symptom of deranged kidneys. It Taffeta, (Left aisle, front) silk counter that American silks com- is a condition produced by the failure pare well with those of foreign coun- of the kidneys to properly filter or Toilet tries, and they are as honest as any strain from the blood the uric acid and Deparnment. Establishment silks woven. other matter which, if not eradicated, ForOt There are laces that make one think either in the urine or through the skin Our special Perfumes this week will be Vantine's San- . JEWELRY. of the patient fingers that made them pores,, remains in the blood, decom dalwood or Hana Violet. Trial size bottle 10c. wAain t Bridgeport. Conn. and the long, long time it took to poses and forms about the joints and make a flower or an arabesque. mutclex, causing the untold suffering (Right aisle, front.) I a hour Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit, Cake and Pudding Dishes, spent pleasant among the and deforwty of rheumatism. china and wares. This is Tea Sots. Tureens, Bread Trays, But art Of course in a prescription said to be CUT museum one finds ter Dishes and many other ar many wonderful splendid healing, cleansing and invig- Jewelry Department. GLASS tides. things, but this is better, aa all the orating tonic to the kidneys, and gives things are useful and required in all almost immediate wlief in all forms See our Centre Table display of French Grey and Or- homes. The characteristics of nations of bladder and urinary troubles and molu Geld finish Jewel Hair are proclaimed in their dishes I think. backache. He also warns people in Boxes, Candlesticks, Receivers, rares. I wo or three times a year we The beautiful and honest porcelain of leading New York paper against the Puff Boxes, Card Trays, Crucifixes, Horse Hair Hat Brushes come to Bridgeport and buy a good Lngland. the graceful and daintv lines discriminate use of many patent med' and Prices from 39c to many things, a whole day of or ranee, the strong and substantial icines. Comports range up $150 each. LINONINE making it t Now 1 am always glad to get home though wares of Germany and the mvstic and is the time to select your Christmas presents while the enjoy the trip and am interested in the symbolical ideas of the Japanese. All Linonine a BROOKFIELD goods are new and fresh. is not patent new things I see. Z i this force on one the belief that a trreat (Right aisle.) A few days ago I receivedfrom The store bears a great influence and helps medicine in serine of the Mr any D. M. Read Co. the invitation to visit to educate and develop the taste of the and Mrs Charles Miller celebrated their 10th Notion word. It has been the stand their store on the occasion of their fif public, and among the influences I can- anniversary at the home of Department. not her father, William O'Hayer, Satur by of the most prominent tieth anniversary, together with the help think of thousands of people See finely printed book that gives a brief who throng such a store everv dav and day evening. Guests were present the new Elastic Shirt Waist Belt, adjustable, fits anv physicians in this country for history of the firm. When my wife and all day. There is a feeling of homelike from Bridgeport, Sheffield. New Mil ford and size waist, jOc each. I were married 40.'years ago we bought welcome with it and of course there Newtown. Music, dancing years and is prescribed ex and were We all our parlor carpet Irom Hall & Kead, cannot help but be a close relation be- games enjoyed. A very have sizes of the Setwell Hair Rolls from 15c to elaborate and tensively in all cases of throat It was a very handsome brussels with tween customer and clerk. One desires supper was served. Mr Mrs each; also the Setwell Hair Pads, pink roses and cost $2 a In to know all about a desired article and Miller ryeived many presents. Mr )c 25ceacy. and lung troubles and as a it yard. JOc about 15 years my wife thought it the other wishes to impart knowledge Miller is a popular brakeman on the Hairlight Pomps, each. Consolidated 64 system builder. Made from little old fashioned, though it seemed and to demonstrate the merits and road. Their home is at Sanford Mr bpecial value in heavy wide Elastic Side Garters, 25c the formula of the most emi- in good condition, bo we bought a new beauty of goods. They tell me that at avenue, Bridgeport and carpet from Hall & Read, and put the Kead a there is no definite ine drawn Mrs J. T. Sheehan of Newtown were pair. (Right aisle, center.) nent throat and lung special- old one on the spare bedroom. And all between the work of proprietors, man present. ' Miss ist in New York, it is through the years we have bought agers, superintendents, and clerks, but Josephine Barrett, teacher at widely from D. M. Read s. all work together and the combined Huckleberry Hill, district No. 4, has known-i- n many things the medical profes- was such tine weather we came ideas, energies, and abilities go to resigned her position after five years it of successful sion as the one remedy that down this week and found the store all make the life and individuality of the teaching. dressed up in white and gold, like whole concern. Probably that explains can he REDDING. & Co. depended upon every golden jubilee. I watched the carriages the ever increasing prosperity of 50 Smith, Murray time to cure all forms of and automobiles roll by and discharge years. FELTBOOTS. their and came the - even bron- occupants, they by A full stock, all prices from $2 up- coughs and colds, hundreds. Last December I was down ward, at French's, Bethel.' here in a snowstorm and it was HIS IDENTIFICATION. chitis. just PORSALE-T- he machinery completo for a the same. I it with the old Flourand Feed four-fo- ot Linonlne at all drugstores, , 50, fl. compared WORE MEIGS & CO. COAT. THAT PERCALE WRAPPERS. mlll.consistlngof 8 store, the humbler one down Main Fairbanks burr stone, with the necessary cleaners, WAS SUFFICIENT. Heavy and neat in style, 98c and and except lor the immense i sniutters, elevating and conveying machin- street, $1.39, at Bethel. ery. Hunt wheel. 1 size and number of A known local French's, Humming the greater clerks, well business man had Gasoline Bird wheel, all In g(X)d repair except bolt, the spirit of the store is the same. occasion to pay a visit to Chicago re which will need covering, Will be sold very The Newtown Bee. just FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS. Also one I suppose it is a Hall & Read spirit cently, and tells this story on himself. cheap, power horizontal 98c and Extra engine and one Burr mill on a hori- 29, 1907. continues. In of $1.39. , heavy quality, at Newtown. Friday, November that I have compared the lobby the Auditorium he Engines zontal shaft. For further particulars inquire with other large stores, but it appears pied a face which seemed familiar. French s, Bethel. of 8. R. Hill. New Mllford. U. to stand alone in its possession of and he spoke to the owner thereof and KENT. For All RENT The Blacksmith Haw-- x friendliness and welcome to every found him to be a fe Purposes. Shop at AN OLD CITIZEN VISITS READ'S vllle occupied by Capt. William Baldwin who comes with or without The man 35 person in, eyed the speaker suspicious John A. Keefe. an expert horse for more than years. A good si and for a ANNIVERSARY WEEK. intention of I and did not Also good man. of Robert A. Clark.Haw-leyvlll- e, the buying. spent ly, appear to be able to shoer, from has rented the Wood Sawine Outfits. Enquire whole afternoon about and him Torrington, Conn. walking place exactly. shop opposite the depot and is doing Power and Hand Fodder Cutters with those clerks who were not 1 ve met at the board trade JOTICE-A- II are OF A GREAT DE- talking you of splendid work in horse shoeing and of all sizes. persons hereby forbidden INFLUENCE and the establishment is like said the to shoot, hunt, trap or trespass with a busy, meetings," speaker, "don't wagon work. on gun PARTMENT STORE ON THE of merchandise know me?" Call, 'phone or write for my premises under penalty of the law. L. great exposition you See the bargains on the 5c and 10c partic Birdsey Parsons. Sandy Hook, Conn. PUBLIC AND THE ADVANTAGES grouped according to the utility and replied the other with a you-- ulars. "No," counters at Frank V. Zahn's. WANTED-- needs of the public. There are can't-bunco-- look on his face. A mill to grind rye, corn and DERIVED THEREFROM. gather " oats; must be in good condition and ings of useful productions from all over The local business man was morti t reasonable In L. W. R. W. L. Wendt, the is now price. Carrlngton, R. D. the world. fied, of course, and groped about for jeweler, no. oouHioury, iwnn. My visits to Bridgeport are rather in located in the Andrews block. 1 some means of identification. Sudden- 1 used to live nere saw rugs that came from Turkey T. E. PLATT & SALE-- My farm of about 300 frequent although his face SON, FOR acres, with the of my life. You see I and Persia, and on the same floor with ly lighted up. Pulling the Carlton Smith passes Thanksgiving and tools; said farm is one of the eirly part best farms in Is 21 and it is better them are that are designed and collar of his overcoat around over his with his Mr and H. Conn. Washington; there cows, 3 live in the country now, rugs day parents, Mrs Newtown, horses, one yoke of oxen, with tools to run the here in shoulder, he displayed the label to the M. than the city, especially when a man woven by the Reads right Smith. farm; there Is 5 barns. 3dwelllnghouses,plen-t- y in There is a Bridgeport. There are carpets, too, as doubting Thomas, and said: "You Telephone 53-- 4. of wood and never failing water for house gets along years. peace and stock in from handsome as those I know that label, don't you?" S. E. Sanford & Co.'s auction of dry timea: said farm will hnunlri and quiet one receives the open bought years ago as I am Is replied the other. wear a cheap too old to run it. Is situated fields and the woods that seem to more and not nearly so expensive. "Sure," "I groceries, etc., takes place on Decem- i mile from Depot, wood road, no snow banks & Co.'s coat and re .1. than balance benefit to be had from Fine furs that come from little ani Meigs myself," he ber 4. in winter. M. Black. WnOilnirtm Honnt any the of Conn. cities and crowded thorough- - mals trapped in the snowy north on the peated action the first speaker. ! great You must be all right if you wear J December 4 is the date of the auc- FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPERS recommend Silverall as Meigs & Co. clothes. Let's adjourn to Polish. Try it. Keid & tion at S. E. Sanford & Co.'s. Large stock of Men's, Boys' and Youths Todd, 1054 Main the dispensary." he said. And thev teitana uuooer uoots at Bottom Prices. street. Bridgeport. Call and see them. adjourned. TO)K SALE-- 00 fine young pigs now ready to the Deafness Cannot be Cured go. Also Chester White, boar for Telling story after he arrived terms service; local B. & cash. Newton M. Curtis, Sandy Hook, home, the business man said if he by local applications, as they cannot reach Hawley Co., Stepney. Ct. Tel. had not thought of the Meigs & Co. the deceased portion of the ear. There Is onlv label in his coat, he could not have one way to cure deafness, and that is by con- WANTED-Fre- sh Eggs. Best Cash Price stitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by 11 Paid and eirs t.aken r.lie vr nrnnnH convinced the other that he was what Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of Address Box 85, Stepney Depot, Conn. he claimed to be. The Meigs & Co. the Eustachian Tube, When this tube Is In HORSES! flamed lniper-uerfe- ct OPERATORS WANTED-Experie- nce t label identifies not alone good you have a rumbling sound or (11RL Auction! always hearing, and when It is entirely ;,' unnecessary. Permanent employment. clothing, but good men as well. closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the Just received at the stables of Fabric Fire Hose Co., Sandy Hook, Conn. Inflammation cai be taken out and this tube W. M. load SALE-T- wo restored to lis normal condition, will Keeler, a of Michigan FOR high grade typewriters, I will hold last Auction of this season, hearing f riOOI'IlT nnu A muul nnr. Mu my Easton. be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten Horset, workers and are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but drivers, gen- Irving 8. Holmes, fiidgetield, Conn. an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. eral purpose horses. One saddle CONGREGATIONAL We CHURCH will give One Hundred Dollars for any horse. One ITEMS. case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that green pacer. These General Dec. 5, cannot be cured by Hall's.Catarrh Cure. Send horses Repairing. Thursday, 1907, Rev Grimes are just as represented, or Harry will preach at the for circulars, free. Bicycles. Guns, Revolvers, Etc. Terms 0 Congregational church, De- F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. money refunded. Cash. Sunday, Sold 75c. at my stables, cember 1. by Druggists, 0 Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. JOHN W. BOOTH, The monthly consecration meeting of W. M. KEELER, Box 564. New Mllford, Conn. 304-31- 8 North Main Street, the Endeavor society will b held Sun Telephone 11. New Mllford, Conn day evening. The topic will be "The o WATERBURY. Beauty and Utility of Gratitude." Present Furs Ps. Ill : PETER H. The ladies of the Congregational Troubles LYNCH, church have sent a barrel to a mission- Long Hill, Conn. Made to You ary in South Dakota. leave behind when Practical Horse Shoer. cross our threshold. For forty-tw- o Order, 60 you years Also Re- I Will Have Horses, we all kinds of Carriage and Wagon have been serving the public of Bridgeport done and Remodeled, The fall term of the schools closed and vicinity with the finest Diamonds, pairing general blaeksmlthing. Satisfaction in all work guaranteed. General 9 on Friday and the winter term began Watches, Jewelry and kindred lines, always Redressed and Repaired. Gentlemen's Drivers, Purpose Horses, of the best but always at the lowest on November 25. quality Also a readv-to-we- All Monday, prices. We buy direct from the manufactur- showing of Furs Saddlers, Workers of Kinds. m Mr and Mrs H.-- Osborne and Miss ers, all middle are ob- awaitingyour Inspection. If It's fur. we have profits eliminated! and it. Nichols spent Sunday at the shore. tain the lowest cash price. C. F Our goods are exclusive and of the lasting CONGER, I Kev L. H EEMIZ & Besides my own have consignments from several contract- Harry (jrimes of Ya e Divimtv quality. CO., Botsford, Conn. 1304-- ors who are through work for the season. These are not old, brok- i school occupied the pulpit at the Co- Tel. 34 P. O. Arcade. Bridgeport. but nice fat ones that have been worked on ngregational church, Sunday, and spent Horseshoeing, Carriage and Wagon Repair- en down horses, big ing of all kinds and General"Blacksmlth. T a for at r . V. Silliman s. We double and single dump carts. This will be grand opportunity Sunday aim to please our customers. are T. W. Beard of Shelton FRED anyone wishing to secure a pair of big rugged horses that ready spent Sunday G. W. Fairchild & Sons, Shop closed every Saturday at noon until KLEIN, bethel, conn a few we have to offer : 9 with Mrs T. W. Turney. until October 1, 1907. At to work. Here is description of a sa-- Doran's Blacksmith Shop near Depot. Miss Mabel Hayes of IStepnev spent Telephone Call 5 Jewelers, Horse Shoeing, seal 5800 Sunday with Miss Louise B. Turney. One pair brown horses, pounds Carriage and Wagon Repairing of all kinds " Aurel Ruman, Sr.. of New York was The Lowest Price House in New 'England for This is the finest and General Horse " bays, 2400 pounds. Blue Ribbon blend of Coffee on Blaeksmlthing. clipping " home over Sunday. f Highyuality Hoods, done every week day at my shop. " bays, 2400 pounds. Willard Gillette Brand Coffee. " supplied the Center 997 Main St., Cor. P. 0. Arcade, e"$"gta&i . " gray mares, 2G00 pounds. schools with wood, the past week. pound. We want every one of our Coffee cust- " o sale and supper the La omers to give this famous blend a trial; they The " gray and bays, 2300 pounds. lhe given by BR1DOEPORT, CT. won't regret it. Northwestern Mutual Life dies' Aid society of theJCongregational Established 1865. Insurance Co. And dozens of others weighing 1000 to 1300 lbs. Will also sell new cnurcn, Friday evening, was very suc- STEPHEN FRENCH, Sale to at cessful. Over $40 was and second hand wagons and harness. begin promptly realized. STEPNEY. CONN. Issues the Safest and Strongest Life and En- of SALE CHEAP-T- wo workhorses dowment 1 o'clock. A delegation about 20 members of pairs Policies. the Grange attended the funeral.of Mrs weighing about 2600 each pair. Sound and R. H. Broderlck, Special Agent, No! Postponement on acconnt of weather. all right. Anthony Walberg, Koxbury, Conn. Room 20, 82 Cannon St., Bridgeport. Ct. 9 Marion Williams, last week. & A Canfield Davis, beeley Brothers butchered a Die for T OST tan female shepherd dog, answer-J- j STRAYED on to name of Foxle. Finder will my premises, the night ofNov. Mrs T. W. Turney, last: week. ing please Newtown, Conn. Telephone 32-- 3. 21, a cow. Owner can have same notify Mrs 8. K. Flock, Elm St., Monroe. by proving Miss Bessie Fanton has returned property and paying for this adv. A.TJlese-man- n, E. BENHAM. ' Painters and Jr., Bethel. Telephone 638--4. F. home from E. G. Jennings'. pOB SALE Registered Holsteln bull for Paper Hangers. Mrs John Z. Mellen sDent Tuesday service, Sired bv Clothllde Rodgers 31000. Biggest line of Wall SALE-Year- ling Holsteln bull from dam Perfect 4th, MK1. Frederic J. Paper Samples F)R milk with Mrs H. C. McCollam in Ford, stock. Price K5. B, F. Tuttle. MOOD0 Redding. Washington Depot, Conn. In town. Roxbury Station, Conn. THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1907.

THE BEST F ANY MAN in this town has a I reasonable doubt that Stein-- Linen Towels Bloch Smart Clothes will not better

' Evt'r()ircro(lntlluii'H'. Extra ipkkI til tlown tlio liw, ami his looks, we are ready for that man. iw complete nn assortrnt'iit as is possible U) obtain. Wenched Damask, hem-stitche- fririH, In Stein-Bloc- h Smart Clothes we 25c to $1 Each. have a. good for you, and we of-fs- thing These are the Ix'st towel values we were ever uUo to r. Come while the showing is at its fullest. want it believed. These clothes are so well made and are so much in McLEAN BR.OS.. that will make an instant 221 Main St., Danbury. Telephone 157. style they impression on any man. We want the doubter.

Suits or Overcoats, $18 to $35. Splendid values in Suits or Over- No Money coats, $10 to $15. Down! and Trial (pi Boys', . Free Regal Home. Children's In Your Shoes COR MAIN ST.Ci& FAIRFIELD AVE. Shoes. We will deliver the latest style 1908 Bridgeport. EDISON STANDARD tor's books necessitated reference to the Assessors' book, to determine the 'PHONOGRAPH Newtown. Bee correct total of the Grand List, and I The find that the Assessors' book for the Edison Flower Horn and Improved Horn Newtown. Friday, Xuvomlx'r, Si, years, 1903, 1904, 1905, and 1906 Grand Complete with Lists is not inasmuch as it in complete, Crane to you for a free trial for one week your home, does not contain the "Military Com- from If after have given it mutation Tax" or the "Sum Total of without one penny you. you each Person's Tax as given to the Co- the Town " a good trial you think it is the greatest entertainer in Saturday's llector of Taxes. The Assessors' book cash of $25 in week- is arranged with proper columns to world, pay us the lowest spot price s show the above and have been en- and is Wheth- they ly payments of One Dollar each it yours. Meeting tirely disregarded. In my opinion it is to it or not we will thank you for very important that the Assessors' er you decide keep book should be complete, and in full to . OF F. E. the opportunity of demonstrating it you. HEARS REPORT detail of the amount of each person's November 1st. EXPERT AC- tax from which the Tax Collector's This offer "expires S0ULE, book should be made, an exact dupli- COUNTANT, cate. The method of including the amount of the "Ten Per Cent Additional" in the column for Assessment On Condition of Accounts of "Property LEWIS PHONOGRAPH STORE, for Grand List" on the Assessors' book Town Officials. is, in my opinion, wrong, as the "Ten 266 Main Street, Danbury per cent Additional" is not a part of the Property and the arrangement of the columns on the Assessors is in- town meeting, called to Saturday's tended to show same separately. hear the report of Frank E. Soule, the The Tax Collector's books do not exnert1 accountant hired to make an prove to be exact copies of the As- examination of the books of the town sessors' books, as 'shown in report on Work . Tax Collector's accounts. Great care and Memorial called out an auc'ience that Cemetery officials, should be tanen to have the individual in while 75 filled everv seat the hall, and total amounts exactly equal to the or 100 men, stood throughout the meet amounts on the Assessor's book. method the Co- & Chapman, ing which lasted fully two hours. For The of payments by Hughes Constipation llectors to the Treasurer, without the to Ohas" J. Huoiikb, the first time in years ladies were Succeaw filing of a monthly list of the collec- 25 seats present, about cocupying in tions, as prescribed by law, has been a with Mine people, brtai Baked sweet applei, the gallery and watching with intense gross mistake on the part of both the jrompt relief for Constipation. With othen, Collector and Treasurer. Had such lists effect. interest. The meeting was temperate coarse bread will have the same been filed, this examination would have to tone and action, and there was Nature undoubtedly ha a vegetable remedy in its been determined to a certainty the if mani- relieve every ailment known to man, physician! no acrimony and but little heat standing of the items entered by the And this li can but find Nature' way to health. fested in the debate. In a motion made Treasurer as received on account of to rtrikingly true with regard Constipation. unani- taxes, in excess of amount claimed paid Cas-ca- Hon W. H. Hubbell, and The bark of a certain tree In California by the Collectors before referred to. the action of the select by Sagrada offers a most excellent aid to this mously carried, The matter of interest on taxes: I Slip- end. ,But, combined with Egyptian Senna, men in effecting a settlement with DANIEL G. BEERS,. have considered only the amuont en- Solid Extract of Prunes, etc., this pery Elm Bark, Northrop was heartily endorsed tered on the Collector's book as inter- same Cascara bark is given its greatest possible of Moderator in Inter-t- o The resolution ap- Who So Acceptably Filled the Position Saturday's est collected. Where taxes have shown to correct constipation. A toothsome and commended. power Town collection after interest bearing date, Manufacturers of and Lax-et- is now made at the a committee to continue the ting and Largely Attended Meeting. lini Candy Tablet, called pointing without payment of interest, I have from this and a Dr. Snoop Laboratories, ingenuous investigation, was carried by tully not considered it necessary to this ex- The Grade of Ceme most effective prescription. Its effect on Consti- to leave Highest two-thir- vote, an amendment amination to make any statement of Biliousness, Sour Stomach. Bad Breath, on Justice book, which has been made up at the from pation, of the selectmen less amount paid interest due and not collected. Work etc., ia indeed prompt and the matter in hands Town of each fiscal and is not a tery Sallow Complexion, Orders, not charged to close year, I would respectfully call attention There was de 2.12 book of which is Marble. latisfying. , being lost. emphatic in Treasurer's accounts. original entries, the to list, under cover, of liens Granite and effects are ex- separate No griping, no unpleasant after sire nn all sides to continue the investi only satisfactory book to audit. The filed and released. rThetown records Office and Salesroom: and lax-et- s are put up in beautiful $4123.81 fiscal of 1905-- 6 is not perienced, back, and to report to year complete, do not show any liens have been filed Ct boxes at 6 cents and 25 cents gation farther of entered in 300 Strattord Ave., Bridgeport, lithographed metal the with a possible further credit of $423.69 nd entries receipts being on 1905 taxes, and there are a number another meeting to be called by re- per box. due to amounts charged as taxes the book after March 20, 1906, and the of taxes for which the release of economical and paid, For something new, nice, new committee created. ceived in excess of amounts claimed receipts from Charles M. Beresford, lien is not recorded. of to date effective, try a box The committee appointed is a capable paid by the Collectors. Collector previous that being Statements of Oustanding taxes con- S. I would re- J. BATES, of representative Due the Town of Newtown from omitted, except one item, tain all amounts on the Collectors' one and composed recommnd Robert A. Clark, Collector of Taxes, spectfully that further effort books not and therefore in- Successor to Thb Bates Stonb Co., who propose to continue the collected, citizens, on tax accounts of the Grand list of be made to produce the original en clude such amounts as the selectmen as far as they deem ad- ot ot manes Monumental & Work, investigation 1903, $296.72. tries the receipts a. may have agreed to abate. I would Building Lax-et- offset Treasurer. s visable. This amount however may be Northrop, respectfully recommend that an abate- on taxes of pre- The vouchers for payments are not MoiumU, "ALL DEALERS" A stnrv of the meeting in detail fol by amounts overpaid ment book be with the Town re- CltMMg aii examina- evidence of as kept HtaiitoaM. Assistant ceding years lists, which this as good payments they cords, on which all abatements be en- t. lows: At promptly 2 o'clock should inasmuch as the town or-- tion does not cover. be, tered by the Selectmen giving reason Norwalk, Ct Clerk Oscar Pitzschler called rWa nre in nart endorsed hv the Treas 42 Water St., Town Due the lown of Newtown, Conn., of abatement over their signatures. the meetiner to order and after reading from Charles M. Beresford, Collector urer as paid, instead of bearing the I would also recommend that the on such of the tax ac- s endorsem"nt ot oi tne the warning, called for nominations for of Taxes, part payee receipt Treasurer show in his report in the counts of the Grand Lists of 1901, 1902, money. town each a state- chairman. Daniel G. Beers was named of Peace orders are printed report year 1903, 1904 and 1905 as was collected by The Justice the ment of the outstanding taxes. G. Keane's Nettleton and elected with- in evidence of ri. Michael Kilbride, by A. T. him. $226.02 also lacking payment, Respectfully submitted and attested of Newtown from one in case of out opposition. Due the Town since (with exception to, -F- rank E. Soule. Monumental of vs Ruhenwolf. filed in vouchers General Trucking and Teaming. E. Soule was then called upon John F. Houlihan, Collector Taxes, State Frank 1905-6- T. arose on tax account of the for year ) they do not bear re At this point A. Nettleton Works, Tel. No. 28-- 4. SANDY HOOK, CT. which was as fol the to read his report, list of 1903 '3.60 of marKea and spoke for C. M. Beresford. "If Ct Grand ceipt payee, simply being rlousatonlc Bridgeport, ' ,' 9.26 with the Treasurer. it should appear," said Mr Nettleton, Art., lows: 19JT ' paid, date, by si on examination the sum To the Selectmen of the Town of 19V 232.95 All Tnwn nrHers and Reistrars or "that further 1906 311.26 ders, and such part of the Justice's of $223.69 is due as alleged, Mr Beres- Newtown, ford will it. Horses, Carriages, Etc. In compliance with your instructions orders as are marked "paid, held by promptly pay Everyone to make an examination of the town $633.10 Treasurer and entered nn his hooks as in this room regards l-- Beresford as F considered thn "Selectmen. ' Town Owing to the unsettled conditions of paid, have been so by me. an honest man and he a ks an exten- accuuiiui, Town re- Collector of Taxes, and affairs this amount was necessarily in this examination and report. in- Clerk, Treasurer's sion of time that he u sy rther Treasurer, as reterrea to in voie ui tained by the Collector, and has, with I have verified all of the Octo- the matter. Auction Nov. 1907. i. hold Mondav. October further collections made during rpppints frnm the State Treasurer. vestigate 19, ot Treas- Clerk of moved to 7th, I have examined the accounts ber been paid to Frank Wright, County Commissioners, the J. Albert Blackman extend No Town anu uwu November 1. and the County Jailer, Fall Sale is to be big1- one. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. the Selectmen, uers urer, since Superior Court, the time for Mr Beresford. "There is Our annual going a' rr the fiscal vears end- - Hhnlrl the Amnnnt. of $423.69 re in addition to thereceiiits from the Tax or under cover. Free lunch at noon. tan a man in room but thinks Mr intermissions. Rain shine, 1906. and SeDtem- - found to be and Town not the 1 2 fine drivers, several other a w iKth ferred to hereinbefore be Collectors Treasurer Depos Ten horses, 2 pair heavy workera, saddler, Treasurer on account the unverinea Beresford is an honest man," said Mr berlbth. 1MU(, respectively, mm received by the it Fund, leaving cover- should be tne as follows : Fines from Jus- Blackman. 800TentrneCwUwagons, all 10 sleighs, 30 sets of harness, 25 second accounts of the Tax Collectors, of taxes, credit given amounts kinds, of 1903, was to Interests on De- ing the tnxes on the Grand lists Collector by whom it paid tices of the Peace, City Attorney J. A. Marr of Bridge- hand wagons in fine shape. of which would reduce above rent of 1904, 1905 and 1906, and such part Trepsnrer. posits, Sale of School books, Pen- - port, on behalf of numerous taxpay- the taxes on the Grand lists of 1901 amounts due from Collectors. Town hall, rent from Helen M. oi Uut- - asked Mr Soule several Our Specialty and 1902 as pertained to collections Tine the. Town of Newtown in ders, receipts from other towns lor ers, questions. ever seen. : noor neoiile ana Will be $2000 worth of the finest blankets, robes, etc., you have Charles M. Beresford, Collector only. standing taxes as follows .nun in fnvnished "Why didn't you go back farther and accounts which All above goods to be sold to the highest bidder. The examination of these tax List of 1903 $ tuition of children, investigate the sum of $422.59 in Mr etc, want to sell, enter same because of payments 1904 925.11 latter amounts reported received by If you have horses, wagons, furniture, you were necessary Northrop's report?" said Mr Marr. No commission if not sold. been made to the .Treasurer on 1905 1658.17 Treasurer however agree with report day of sale. having Mr Soule that in his account of each different years Grand 1906 3606.53 of School board. replied opinion do to lists - examination of the Selectmen's it wouldn't any good go farther cover My I file herewith under separate $6978.76. the correct total back as to this item. of the different accounts determines reports of the condition CONDITION OF BOOKS AND AC- amount of the orders for each fiscal "So far as the account of Robert A. The Derby Carriage Company, which show in Summary the GEO. B. CLARK, accounts, COUNTS. without reference to the correct- did Prop., : year, Clark, collector, is concerned, you following Cash book is in very ness of the individual order or reason Due the Town of Newtown The Treasurer's go back into the examination of the Near Opera House, Derby. condition to make a satisfactory of it. from Charles H. Northrop, poor on In the first place it is a My examination of the Tax Collec (Continued Page Six.) 76-- October 7. 1907, $4125.93 examination. Telephone 5 Treasurer, on 4- - THE NEWTOWN BEE, FKIDAY, NOVEMBER 21), 11)07.

Newtown Bee.! Bridgeport's The N.iiiii, I riiUi'. VunmlnrSi, l'r Horse Dept. Store. ! OUR NEIGHBORS. Kb AaxiotasMoments New Fairfield 762-76- 8 St. Carriage, Wagoin, Harm' Chapel i . HOUSE SAVKI FROM WhenYouBakeWithA t w I'll.-..- lONING, New ivuiM iii,M.K Haven,' Conn. t Tlure was a Are clisruverwl in the liluiikt't home ut Kdimin Klwt'll, onu nlulit lit I5uiin,hH Ixxmiiiif,'. . wt-ik- Tim family w-- r iiruii in (iH out iiiHimlini In turn "ur ur l'inj lime to rxtint'uUh it before m hilaiii-tf- l r lir ipiaiikn. W mii il ji i ir( liilll illri dune. 1tinluii mtliif n wad v iilli 1. I'ltuko ilHillla.'i1 of Frank Mixa, who dun hail a ii(iin in Nvw In Blue & llrilain, at home with his Velutina The Ribbon Auto pttrvnt, Co. Carriage ISrmlUy IWrs ha tonu to Dnnbury Bridgeport, Conn. to may with hi daughter, Mm llufu. fashionable Autoiiviliili' (iura'i', Kt'iil. during the winter. I ail Hi i An-- . Nvlaon Fuller hut sold his farm to I Mr Brady of Bethel. Carriiitfc Factory, for . t'llliiiill MrxvU Street Ernest Steven hai commenced doing blacksmith work in John Myers' hop. TheRangethat Makes Cooking Easy" Fred Tingler hai lost one of hi farm or . J. HALL, SANDY The Approaching horses and has bought another of a L HOOK. Brewster, N. Y dealer. House Wear. Holidays Fred Hall has been laid up with blood poison in his hand, but is at work limlili-n- i of irift k'lvlnif. Tlil iirolilcm luxiimwt again. and moved Into the rectory. with pleurisy at her home. Her moth- that he ia recovering nicely for a man If Jim tinku yuur wlivtliitu from Velutina is velvet; it has a l Eddie Martin of Patterson, N. Y., is er, Mra Frank Wooster of Huntington, of his advanced our inlii.'llon. Wihvtll lint Brewster is expected-t- o visit age. nd mlililli'mi'ii'a Bishop rii'w .ml ill pruHin spending this week at Arthur Chase's. is with her. v chiffon ntrlliuluilitlrJ ll iiK'iiu Hid luwiwl uoulhlu Christ church, Sunday, December 8. James A. Blackford, who is still finish and a charming S. Parks has been - c Richard Finn has moved from Mrs J. installing tome suffering from a severe attack of wi in- die lowmt nrli-- hnuw In softness and lustre which Conmirlli'ut for hlirh ijinlliy In Mead's house into the house with Levi machinery for C. E. Booth at his place pleurisy, improves yery slowly. l)ltmuii(l, WtU'liii, Jrwi'lry tud kindred Gilbert on White Plains. it most fab- Ultra. Redding. Mr and Mrs Bradley Jennings re- makes a desirable Mrs P. A. and Mr and Arthur Chase spent over Hendigan family have turned, last week, from a pleasant ric for street or house wear. Sunday with friends in Patterson, N. LOCAL NOTES OF INTEREST. closed their home here for the present four weeks' visit in Ohio and other Y. Mrs Henry Piatt has been ill for a and gone to Bridgeport where they are points in the middle west & TWIUIIHU VTVII W VWVVlii G. W. Fairchild Sons, but now able to be about making their home at 451 Wood avenue, f rArthur Reed is packing apples which few weeks, is Mrs W. E. Nichols returned home, her home and attend to her work. to either or In Jewelers, he bought of the different farmers, Saturday, from a delightful visit to ing pld young. several weeks ago. Mrs William B. Hill, Jr., was called friends in New York City and New tul anrl trimmlnc then 997 Mala Cor. P. 0. Arcade, ran St., Mr Cables, one of the woodmen at to Greenfield Hill, last week, to attend Branchville, Jersey. funeral of her John W. BRIDGEPORT, CT. work in Stevens' woods, cut his foot the father, S. C. Bradley and family have now be almost endless variety of Ferris. Established 1865. quite severely, last week. PERSONAL CHAT. moved in to their newly erected resi- effect. Nelson Fuller has moved to Danbury M. Taylor from Port Jervis, N. Y., Miss Helen Faulkner, who has been dence in Mill Plain district has rented the Arthur Hill on into the house that he bought on Greg- place enjoying a week's stay here with her Mrs Sidney Chichester of New Ca- We are a nice Nob Crook and will soon move his fam showing ory street parents, Mr and Mrs James Faulkner, naan will spend Thanksgiving day at ily here. has returned to her school duties. Miss her former home in Hull's Farms. range of desirable shades and Mn Piatt is making a number Faulkner is a three Brookfield. Henry taking years' Farmers are commencing to slaugh- and a few shadow checks. of on her house on Meek- course in three different Artesian improvements languages. ter hogs and are cleaning up outside er street She has had large new win Miss Pearl Faulkner, who has been work preparatory to winter. , Price a BLACKSMITH SHOP BURNED. side $12$ yard. dows put in, is having the of the ill for several has so re- weeks, far Mrs H. Burr Ogden has a nice flock Wells The blacksmith shop at the Iron house, newly shingled and has du- put covered as to return to her school of turkeys, which she is marketing this Samples sent on request. . Works burned down on the 13th at water into the house. ties. week at fancy prices. These birds are And Water about 12 o'clock at night The shop be- Supply Mr and Mrs Fred Strong of New very scarce throughout this section, longed to George R. Hawley and had York spent Sunday here the guest of the demand much than For Cities and Towns, Breweries, been leased to P. H. Dixon for the last Trumbull. being greater ' Mr and Mrs James Faulkner. 4he supply. Manufactories, Cemeteries, six years. Mr Dixon lost his entire Mrs Isaac B. Farms, Residences. stock, consisting of four new farm MISS CLARK-- MR SMITH. Nichols is said to be Mail orders amounting to lumber GREENFIELD much improved in health, but her son, wagons, and all repair materi- Edward Alanson Smith of Nichols HILL, and-ove- Addison, who is ill her $2.00 r delivered ree. al i, of which he carried quite a large and Miss Bertha May Clark, daughter seriously at home, is to be stock on hand at all times. Tools of of Mr and Mrs Edgar Clark of Daniel's FUNERAL OF JOHN W. FERRIS. reported failing grad When shopping in person all kinds were burned and were united in at the ually. up nothing Farms, marriage The funeral of John W. Ferris was and amount to saved. It was partly insured. Mr home of the bride's parents, Wednesday largely attended at his late home in your purchases Dixon has the sympathy of his many evening, Rev Judson L. Cross of the North Banks after- fare district, Wednesday Southbury. $0 and over we pay your friends. Mr Dixon is fitting up his Trumbull Congregational church per- noon at 2 o'clock. Rev Mr Beckwith home. barn for a shop. forming the ceremony. The bride was of the Flat Rock Methodist church, prettily dressed in cream batiste, lace conducted the service. The floral tri REV O. W. RICHARDSON RETURNS AFFAIRS ABOUT TOWN. FROM trimmed, and carried a bouquet of butes were beautiful, representing the ABROAD. Charles F. Beers visited friends in white chrysanthemums, and was at- family and close personal friends of Rev O. W. Richardson, pastor of the Newtown, last week. tended by her sister. Miss Myrtle B. the deceased. George, Charles and Methodist church, who Jhas been spend- Mrs Elizabeth Wilson of is Burton brother of de- Test Borings and (Core Drill Pros- Danbury Clark. J. Smith, William B. Ferris, all sons of the ing two months across the water for KILL the COUCH for a few the of the was best man. The house and his returned home pecting Minerals.Testing for Dam, spending days here, guest groom, ceased, William B. Hill of bed health, on Saturday, AND CURE the LUNGS and Pier Elsen-bos- s. Bnilding Bridge Foundations, her daughter, Mrs Leonard H. was prettily decorated with laurel and ding acted as bearers. The interment November 16, much improved in health. Shafts for Elevators and other any ' chrysanthemums. After the ceremony was in the at Oaklawn. and on Sunday November, 24, practical purpose. family plot occupied was served at which WITH Mrs Lucinda Folliotte and son, Rob- a wedding supper his pulpit here and at South Britain. Dr. King's Drilled Wells, ert Folliotte.of Southville.were guests, 40 of the relatives sat down. They PERSONAL NOTES. His parishioners in both parishes were handsome , Sunday, of Mr and Mrs L. H. Elsen-bos- s. were the recipients, of many glad to see him among them once more Driven Wella, M. vice and and useful presents. They left for a Henry Smith, president and gave him hearty welcome. Neu Discovery Test Borings to New York and have the best general agent of The Bee Pub. Co., Samuel G. trip pun M 1 ft PRICE (Esart Samples) Todd, the night operator visited numerous friends hi K B si.oo. wishes their friends. throughout SIX MEMBERS OF 1 at the has moved his qf many ONE FAMILY vn "uuvna Trial Bottle Free Any Pumping System Supplied. Junction, family the village, Friday and Saturday. OLDS NOW AT WATERBURY HOSPITAL. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. to a part of Mrs Martha Wildman's i Wind Mills, Hot Air Mr and Mrs Howard Beach spent The numerous friends of Tanks, Pumps, Capt Augus- Two more of Elmer Lewis' children Gas and Gasolene house. in GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY Eggines, Engines, Sunday Oxford, the guests of Mr tus S,. Jennings, who suffered a sljght Well were taken to the Waterbury hospital, OB MONET REFUNDED. Pipe, Drilling Machines, Supplies. Leonard Taylor of Danbury was the and Mrs Miles Shelton. home paralytic shock, last week, at his ill with last week, of Mr and Mrs P. H. Saturday, typhoid fever. guest, Mrs George Sherwood is quite ill in Green's Farms, will rejoice to learn C. Fennell. L. Grant, Mrs E. H. Brown from New Haven I Mrs Eugene H. Lake and children, Wiard 58 Belden St. Conn. a4 was in town, last week. Plows , Hartford, who have been spending a few weeks Mrs D. Dunham from Seymour visit- Sulky Plows, the Best in the World. with Mrs Lake's parents at Babylon, of all kinds. ed Mrs A. N. Agrlcultural'Tools L. I., have returned to their home here. In Piatt, recently. SEE ME AND SAVE MONET. the Presidential Year John C. Warner from Fred Pflorum has accepted a position Milford, Pa., visited his . J. B. Fairchild, with the Lenox Shear Co. uncle, Sanford Johnson, Horses! Read a Fair and Able Newspaper of Quality last week. Tel. No. U-- ,, Newtown, Ct. Miss Mary Bowdy has resigned her Mr Wilson is Mrs E. position at the postoffice at Brookfield NEW ENGLAND'S BEST. building Mary Stone's new residence on Main Horses! Center. street. Mrs Hermon and Hunters, Miss Frances Hart of Seymour and Perry son, Charles, are now able to' sit a few hours Mrs John Lee of Danbury were guests, up Springfield Republican each Driving and Big Auction Sale last week, of Mr and Urs William H. MASSACHUSETTS day. 2 M. Lee on Long Meadow Hill. Miss Edith Stiles from Yonkers, N. Saturday, at P. An Enterprising, Attractive and Independent Jour--- Skating Parties Fred Johnson is having a new houseJ nal Devoted and to the Y., is home for Thanksgiving. Can find 50 Head of Good Horses Conscientiously Intelligently entertainment built on his place, just north of the Puplic lnterests. Miss Martha Baldwin during the winter at the & Goodwin of for this sale. We havo one team of Bay Center. Calhoun Bridge- Establisned 'in 1824 by SAMUEL BCWLES is visiting her mother. Mares that welsrh Mill I'h' One pair of Blaik have the contract. full brothers woiirh 3,; 00 Ihs, We port Waramaug Inn, Horses, that DAILY $8 SUNDAY, . WEEKLY, $1 Frederick Perry of Southbury and have several small mated tali's. Business (Horning) $2 The new of the Congregation- Warama-ug- , horses, horses, horses, three chapel brother, Charles; from Watertown, are Lake New Preston, Ct. driving trrorery A m enables The Re- O" four tfenl lemen's road horses, these are all al church is now completed and the greatly improved chanical equipment their Brad- broke and can to visiting grandfather, Frank city step your pleasure. no work the to out in its and editions a Come and take a ride after one of these hor- painters are at painting publican put Daily Sunday larger ley. ses. and also the church. to meet the requ renents of. th times; but there is no SICK HEADACHE, We will have tine seeond hand chapel newspaper thirty horses deviation from rule of which char- Miss Lida Wooster has been visiting riirht out of work and these are coiiiK for the Charles S. Williams and family have the "Quality first," his always i hiuli dollar no matter what they brinir. Ham- 1 is her aunt in Woodbury. Hal-loc- acterized famous The editor! Largely a woman's is ilton liros do not take horses into their sta- moved into the upper part of the k Springfield's journal. page kept complaint bles i hat have been peddled all over the state fully up to the standaid of excellence which for years has caused Rev Mr Roberts has had a local tele chiefly caused by indigestion, consti- then paint them off to the buyers of Bridge- place near the creamery. port, Our reputation is to please our patrons The Republican to be more widely quoted than any other New placed in the pation and torpid liver. You can pre Mr and Mrs W. Griffin were ' phone parsonage. and we handle our own stoek and are behind Henry vent horse we is Jmore Erg'and newspaper. i . it by taking a dose of Dr David every sell. This than you made happy by the arrival of a little Charles Matthews from Detroit, can say of otpers. We are hereto stay and The news of the natio al campaign nf 1908 will be reported Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, once ev- not leavintr We are offerintr new daughter at their home on Wednesday Mich., visited his mother, last week. whiits and with special and the editorial treatment of the ery few days immediately after a meal. wagons, harness, robes, blankets, November 20. thoroughness, great anything for the 'horse at this big auction morning, be free Re- John Colepaugh, who has been ill Pleasant to the No sale Come rain or shine as we will issues involved will fiir, keen and earnest. The taste. nausea or Saturday. will be union Thanks- sell just the same. There service, publican is ever independent, vigoroas and courageous in its serv- with typhoid fever, is now gaining griping. Write Dr David Kennedy's 11 o'clock in the giving day at morning ice of tne people's interests. Besides "all the news and the truth nicely and able to be about his home. Sons, Rundont, N. Y.,'for a free sam HAMILTON BROS., at the Congregational church. Rev Mr about it," regular departments give due attention to literature, art, Contractor Harry Wilson is pushing ple bottle. Large bottles $1.00,, all Mullikin of the Episcopal church will and They Lead All Horsemen in the drama, music sports outdoor life, the distinctive interests the work on Mrs Mary E. Stone's new, druggists. preach the sermon. Connecticut. of women, science and education, business and progressive agricul- house and now has the building nearly Mr and Mrs Wilbur H. Lee of 749 Water St., Opp. the Long ture. inclosed. . Depot A from is Conn. Meadow Hill welcomed a little son at The of 16 is Thurs- tickling cough any cause, Bridgeport, Weekly Republican brpad pages, published Mrs Herman Perry and son, Charles, quickly stopped by Dr Shoop's Cough their home on Thursday, November 7. and all over the United States and to other conn-- days goes many who have both been ill, are now gain- Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm tries It is a general favorite with Americans traveling abroad, U ' less and safe, that Dr Shoop tells moth- ing nicely. ers to it without hesi- valued for Its intelligent summary' of the world's news, its able everywhere give Look Out for Tashua. ,H. F. Bertzel, who lived on the tation even to very young babes. The comments on passing events anri its rich literary and general fea- Sou1 Britain road near Flood bridge, wholesome green leaves and tender tures stems of a lung-heali- mountainous FROM OUR SCRIBE'S NOTE has moved to Southford into one of the Christmas ITEMS shrub, furnish the curative properties 70 3 cents BOOK. DAILY, $8 a year, $2 a quarter, cents a month, a copy. Diamond Match Co. 's houses, and his to Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms SUNDAY, $2 a 50 cents a 5 cents a copy, force of car- year, quarter, son, Harry, has taken a position In the the cough, and heals the sore and sen- Goods Mr McCollam with his $1 a 25 cents a 10 cents a 3 cents a WEEKLY, year, quarter, month, Diamond Match Co.'s I sitive bronchial membranes. No opium, the new ' factory. penters have nearly completed copy. no chloroform, nothing harsh used to in at barn for Mr Jones. Specimen Copies of either Edition sent free on application. or a resinous who jure suppress. Simply The Weekly Republican will be sent free for one month to any one extract, that to heal Miss Dorothy Mallette attended the plant helps aching Frank V: Zahn's, wishes to try it , lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub in New All Address Bmh ms mho ion Have Always Kent, Conn. Yale Princeton ball game subscriptions are payable in advance. a a Boip which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Haven, Saturday. THE REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Herb." Demand Dr Shoop'a. Take Have visited his 5 and 10c you J no other. Sold by all dealers. Miss Sweezy of New York has rented THE NEWTdWN BEE, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 'A 1007. 5

The Best injtht World I Ladies' and Men's The Newtown Bqc "The Corner of Good Royal Worcester R. Li. Beers & Co., Shoes." Tailoring. Codd. mm iianm a we aan awa ,Wtwrt,

, Also Bon Ton Corsets. Dressmaking. HOME NEWS. Ready Made and to Order. Prftct Flttlnt Ladlea' and Genu Garments OBITUARY. A Useful and a Good Value for the Satisfying Cleaned, Preaaed and Repaired. Thing Beautifying Money I A .Fall MILO A. TODD. Try ft ptlr, Wi nail nd rocotuiBtmcl them Joseph Brenner, Milo A. Todd, for about 12 year CUR.TIS & TAVLOR, Oaanoo Building, Newiowa, Oooq resident of Newtown Street, panned Footwear!! CO, away, Wednesday of at week, in Miller Grace New Haven. Mr Todd Tas Brick Stort, Sait'j Hook. hospital, hud been In health dure lut Undertakera and Embalmera. poor OIL eprlni; when he whs prostrated with an PARLOR HEATER. All of the good In Blacksmlthing, Carriage and things attack of pleurisy, An abscess of the H(on Repairing. Mr lung developed, cnusinir his death. On Inhibition at my Htom & Todd waa a of the old C. Prindle Horris gentleman I.. SMALLBY. school, courteous and alTuble. For sev- Shoes Ct. V U. UJ HuKiilH. .My Pt, eral yeari he was in the life insurance 1 KM. IKTBUBID Funeral Direct on business, but for year or more waa Practical Horaeaboar. and aod engaged with other in the coking of nd OnrrluK Embalrntra, Wtgoa resid- uU t'ninUsKi lo BlcluunlUilo( Id peet, near New Haven. While Winter Shoes. Oonn. til It tranche. Pint clut worknuuuulii here he wai a attendant at Rubbers (UHrMuuwl nd prtcne 1wt reaintbl ing regular Te ttpbonoUoarsotloai Bridgeport Dlrtnlon Trinity church. Ho la aurvived by a raleprioaa Call i wife and two daughters, Mrs William A new and complete line of the latest styles in tj-- R. W. H. Prlndla 1 L. 0 Morris, Clifton Todd of Brooklyn, Mrs L for Fall and Winter Wear 1 throw Winter Shoen not shop-wor- n but MV' mud nd Peard of Hartford, and two goods, dependable, nod. Tbai li the grand kind of hKM we put no four bone. Large daughters, Lillian Beatrice and Mar- - serviceable goods. at Stock of bow iml all wulgbuatmjoldiuuid. jorie Caroline Todd, of Brooklyn. Mr A of and misses' Shoes. " B M. TUTTLE, HALWEY, WILMOT & Todd was a charter member of Corin- big line boys' POPULAR No. 103. F. & A. M of BOUTHBUBV, OONN. REYNOLDS. thian lodtre, buop cloned every Saturday noon. Northford, and was the oldest living PRICES. UNDERTAKERS, Son Ameri- IM State Bridgeport. Oonn. member. He was a of the can Revolution. His ancestor, Christo- set- L Beers & AonouncemenU of,Trutnbull Oiortii R., Vine St. Near Park Ave pher Todd, was one of the original R Co., Marcbanta. Kdwakd H. Wilmot. W Oilutoo Ave tlers of the New Haven colony. The ioaa H. Ks'koi.iw, sw ''est Ave, funeral took from I tfwtown. Corn. Telephone i& place 'on Suturduy Hubbell Trumbu11- - St Andrews' church, Northford. Bros., JohnT. Porter, ,0onn Horiethoor Conn. Expert GRANGE BULLETIN. Derby, land LGeaeral Blaekimitn. make All kinds of (ferriage and Wagon Repairing P. F. been thinking for 03 years how to ent from Bridgeport and Westport. Jt I. - 1 .. Keating, ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFI- uuoe. ouuu upeu every wcdk uy iruui i . iu. them better. They fit and they to 6 p.m. Scnct attention paid to uuslueoo. FURNITURE DEALER. CERS, TUESDAY NIGHT. County Commissioner Simeon Pease Prices reasonable. Terms Uash. and the workmanship put i stylish, and have moved to Undertaking and Embalming In all IU to I family Bridgeport them is thorough and honest tl tranche, promptl y and carefully attended to. The annual meetinpr of Pootatuck for the winter. Drugs & BANDY HOOK. OONN. will next week highest degree.-Da- vis Savard, WE CARRY firancre take olace. Gowns foundation for Sole for H. P. has the Tuesday night. It is hoped every mem agents Bridgeport. Big stock of Felt and Rubber his large new stock barn and Boots, Arctics and Hubliera. Also line Hub of ber will be attend, as it is a meeting for the Men and Children. You New Milford completed and work on the barn will Shoes Ladles, Wm. J. Beehler, of Rev Timothy J. Lee of can save money by buying your footwear at great importance. now be pushed right along. Arthur my store. We carry all ages and can fit you FuTORAL DmiCTOR AMD will preach at the. Congregational Johnson of Bridgeport has the con- S. J. Trumbull, Ct. Embalkih, There was a very pleasant gathering church on Sunday. A large audience Groceries. Parks, in Taun tract. Lady Assistant always in attendance. at the home of Michael Honan will greet him. week infant son of Mr and Mrs Telephone Connection. Brookfleld. Oonn. ton, last Wednesday evening, Stanley, A the very com- If You Are the occasion being his birthday anni pamphlet containing Arthur M. Bulkley, died on Monday, ad- Looking and interesting historical 11. versary. A large number of his friends plete November The funeral was held C.H. For No. 1 quality In Flour, Feed and Grain, we dress delivered by Rev O. 0. Wright from Finch, have It. Just arrived two cars and neighbors were present to enjoy its parents' home, Wednesday containing Masonic build- Fancy Corn Meal, Fancy Cracked Com.Cbolce Mr and Mrs F. B, Bouton, occasion. at the dedication of the afternoon, November 13. The burial Successor to Mon- the ' Red Wheat, Kaffir Corn, Feed Barley, Dlrectora and at Hook, with other mat- arch Chop Feed, etc. We have some side lines Funeral ing Sandy was in Oak Lawn cemetery. Betts & you would do well to look up. Remember the Emhalmers. A Darty of young people from Taun ters of interest to members of the Betts, Place, Mr and Mr Leslie A. Jennings, Mr New fork State License. ton drove' to Brookfleld, last week lodge, is about to be issued. Hook, Conn. The Farmers' Feed Store. Day and NtKht Services, ani Mrs Bradley Jennings, and Mr and Saniiy where they attend Georgetown, Conn. Tel. 156-- 2 Thursday evening, Mrs Martin Jennings, who have been Mr Officials of the Consolidated railroad Branch Tel.: No. 1. ed a social dance at the home of Houn: 10 to 11 a. Chester F. Brinsmade, and in spending six weeks in Ohio with Sunday and Mrs W. S. Hamlin in Long Mead- were in town, Monday, company Trumbull, Conn. the work home last Friday. m.; 12 to 1. ow Hill. with the selectmen inspeeted that has been done on a new overhead D. Frank Brown, Mr and Mrs O. O. TELEPHONE SERVICE: E. W. TROY, JR.. Mr and Mrs J. A. Morris and Miss crossing above Hawleyville station. Wells and Edward Osborne from the Tbot's Bldo., Sandy Hook. Annie Morris of Bridgeport will be The work was left by the railroad in Greenfield Grange took in the National Woodbury Local, furniture A New Lia of N. T. Gloves tat Lm' on Thanksgiving, of Selectman an and dangerous condition Grange meeting at Hartford and took S. E. Co., 76. Gooda. guests, incomplete Mrs Peck. called their the seventh degree of the order. flaawtakiaf" la all it BratahM and Hermon H. and Selectmen Blackman and The railroad Telephoni Trov's Hotel. No. 348-- 1 attention to this matter. Frank Cushing and family have closed Mr and Mrs S. A. Blackman The Men's ! passed has already placed railings along the their home here and gone to New York Only Black-ma- Mittens Sunday with Dr and Mrs C. B. n embankment and will do the other for the winter. W. A. in Hawleyville. Tailoring: The kind that every HONAN, needed work in the near future. Mr and Mrs Robert Barmore of IN at . were of Mr NEWTOWN! .farmer wants, Fttneral Director and Embalmer, Miss Winnie Osborne has been Kid- Bridgeport guests, Sunday, quite When the Stomach, Heart or ' of her and Mrs N. W. Ogden. ill with pneumonia at the home nerves get weak, then these or- Ready Made and to order. ney Ladies' Garments Clean- parents, Mr and Mrs Alfred Osborne, the Herman Perry is having a well dug and Men's L. C. MORRIS', gans always fail. Don't drug Pressed and at Botsford. at his place. Henry Avery is doing the ed, Repaired. Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Children's Dresses, Corset Covers The Grocer, work. Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. and Ladies' Waist Patterns for Sale. Mr and Mrs A. C. Mc Arthur of Pal- NEWTOWN, CQNN. Get a prescription known to all drug- James Blackford has been critically estine entertained friend3 from Beaver L. and everywhere as Dr Snoop's Re- ill with pneumonia. Joseph Goodman, Stationery last week. gists Brook, storative. The Restorative is pre- PostOfflce Buildinsr, Newtown, Conn. Schnabel weak in- Phillip Periodicals. pared expressly for these A Starr Benedict of Palestine has Jjetn piionoifrHDh makes home brighter Dodglngtown 01b., Newtown, Oonn. s side nerves. Strengthen these nerves, and you will find in Danbury at the In each of these lines our stock Hunt-ingtow- n Elba Home Remedies P.O. Address: Bethel. Route 84. engaged to have charge of the 205 Main Isvery complete. We Invite inspection. build them up with Dr Shoop's Resto- Lewis Phonograph sf re, For all iimiiiklnd. Telephone connections. Gospel wagon of the Congre street, the largest stock in the state. f rativetablets or liquid and see how 111. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. News church in of Albert Boy-- Write for a catalog or when in Danbu- One Cure for Each Post Office Store, gational place will come. Free sample quickly help ry call and see what line music can be Orni Ghkat : Your monoy ehwr-hill- y Estimates given on all kinds of work who has resigned. Mr Benedict (icaranteb glady it Arcade, Bridgeport. son, test sent on request by Dr Shoop, Ra- had. refunded if uny f Ellia Homo by day or contract to satisfaction. began running it, last Sunday. Wis. Your health is worth Keniedy fails pivo entire For cine, surely sale only at this simple test. Sold by all dealers. & The selectmen and town treasurer For furs made to order, remodeled, English's Drug ; Store, A. M. Briscoe Son, and to H. will have their monthly meeting, Sat- repaired go L. Chas J. English, l'rop., BETHEL, CT. of Nichols is Reiniz & Co. P. 0. Bridge- Farm and of It is G. N. Clarke sending ,"34 Arcade, Carriages', Buggies, urday, for the payment bills, nn frea anmnlps of his celebrated Business Wagons, port. surprising what good fellows the se Liver Pills. People who are & Harnesses and Harness Vegetable TXyLOR HUBBELL. Supplies lectmen are when pay day comes troubled with biliousness, constipation, E. Stone & of All Descriptions. etc., Son, NEWTOWN STATION. around, particularly if they owe our indigestion, headache, dizziness, should trv them as thev cure the above 229 Main St., Danbury. Sandy Hook, Conn. Telephone 28-- John a bill. ailments where other pills on'" -- '"e temporary relief, bee his Ecvertise-me- nt PIxley House, to 0. HAWLIYVILL1, NlWTOWB, 0t. The donation visit Rev 0. in another cilnmn. New Line Now 'Open for guests the year round. Thank- Wright, by the people of St John's ing old patrons for past favors, we Invite all The Champion" to come and see us. Transient boarders care-ull- y The FALL church, last week Tuesday night, was PERCALE WRAPPERS. attended to, Styles WHITE AT very enjoyable affair, netting the and neat 98c and $1.39 WAISTS, Mr and M'l A. V. Fixity. Props. Heavy styles, rector about $100 cash, in addition to lor $5 Corbett's Shoe Store, at French's, Bethel. Suit Boys, $1.00. apples, potatoes, etc. The harvest sup- For Sale. SANDY HOOK OT. Is made to Cattle per served in connection with the gath- 'FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS. give Long or short sleeves, seven Oows a Fresh Specialty. aided in the of 98c and $1.39. Extra quality at extra long service oxen and steers for sale. Buy, sell We have a superior line of Shoes and Oxford ering making pleasure heavy different styles, would be cheap at Working Ties for Men, nnd Misses In all or trade any day but Sunday. Ladies, Boys the evening Bethel. under the hardest 1.25. the latest styles and lasts. If you are inter- complete. French's, Fraak Turkiagtoa, East Morris, Ct. ested call and net prices. usage to wear :ed Witch Hazel There is to be a meetirg for men on DeWitt's Carboli and save money Salve is and Good Saturday evening, December 7, in the healing soothing. and mending. S. E. Sanford & Co., C. F. lower room .of the Congregational for piles. Sold by Only the tough- The Place Beardsley, No Better Made ' ' church. Secretary W. Seymour Lacey Newtown, Conn. est fabrics are us- To GENERAL the and of Bridgeport Y. M. C. A. will be one ed; all seams are buy your Than, Carriages BOOTS. other FELT double-sew- n with AUCTIONEER, Wagons Made at our shop of the speakers. There will be Feed, Grain and A all Driers 'from $2 and speakers from Bridgeport. All men of full stork, linen thread and CONN. at French's, Bethel. Groceries, NEWTOWN, the town, and especially young men, upward, taped; stout linen 49-- - Telephone R. Hatch & Sons, are invited to come .no matter which stays resist strains; If you want the best at the lowest A have double is at store. Give me a Carriage Manufacturers, church they attend. very pleasant FAIRFIELD COUNTY. pants prices my all who attend. and knees. call. New Fairfield. Conn. evening isassured ttzt Handsome Hill. i im I nave moved Walter Beckwith of Bethel was a Greenfield suits4 Homer W. Atwood, my studio to JNo. 57 guest, last week, of Mr and Mrs Sher in medium and Southford, Conn. a aaai v w Fairfield the A SOCIAL EVENT. Ave., (over man Crofut. daii r8tandarcbfflce.) Will haveone of Si.. mixtures, 40 friends of Burr the latest improved Electric lights Hunters' Supplies About Ejgene"' sizes to 55. and ,7 lb, for Photographing Purposes a ; at 'his Notice. al Shelton hardware him surprise , D. N. Clark, the gave pleasant 4 test fowtaUo vnuv nhntn niffht Or daV. Shells Let your boy Special ui sue weaiuer. Loaded a nice wanu home on Burr street, last Frlda'yeve'i a naeuenaent man, has Dig line oi Champion Suit. I amfacent for tlie American Champion . C. A. Blackman, Hunting Coats blankets for your horse for out-do- frig:. Music and dancing were enjoyed' Clothes, hats, shoes and fur- Iioad Machine, the best make on the market. 65 Fairfield Ave . BridtreDort. Cnnn store and hours of the Also have all pans for repairs always on hand Powder and stable use. Call at his until the .small morning. nishings for boys d all ages. or can furnish them at short notice, and can Shot look over his stock. During the .evening rem,ns furnish ednes f(r all makes of road machines. Harry H. Crane, were served.and a good time was had A. W. CARTER, Bethel, Ct. We can save you money on these for the ladies is a pleasure Trading by all. Telephone: 463-- 12 Years Teacher Violin, ITandoIin, goods. when they visit the large light store GRANGE NOTES. IS INCORPORATED j Guitar, of Howard & Barber in Derby. No jm Greenfield had a very I Can Sell Your Farm Will accept limited class in Newtown. Ref.: H. H. CANFIELD, tice their advertisement m another JThe Grange New Conservatory Outfitters to Men, Women and H. H. Hartmann, England North Woodbury, Ct, gathering at the hall onJTues No Matter Where It Is or What It Is of Music, Boston, Eass. Advanced Pupils es- column. '' Northwest Cornet desired. Advanced course on Man- November 19, when afine old Worth. pecially day, Main A dolin Includes the Highest Grades of Duo. Street and Fairfield Send full description, state lowest cash price We are this. Be fashioned Thanksgiving supper was Quartette Styles of. Concert playing. High G. say. you reading Bridgeport, Conn. and learn my wonderfully successful plan. club formed, with special terms, will, C. STILES, Stein-Bloc- 75 school are . There' were about to lieve it: h smart clothes served. present loan free above instruments any pupils. Land Surveyor, ready-to-we- ar clothes and was Address the best in the'evening one'long tojie re; STEPHEN S. SIKSAY, SOUTHBUBY, OONN. - makers have membered all. , Visitors.werepres- '' 73-- America, because their 83 Conn 36FairfieId Ave., Bridgeport. Waterbury Automatic Tel. Co. Jiy Bellley Street, Bridgeport, THE NEWTOWN BEE, FIUI)AV,NOVE.MBEIt to, 1007.

The Newtown Beaj It Is Just Like Si . rulf, Ntm wWr , Wul. (.., j ' This. E. H. DILLON & CO., f Wovmgffeat No wotwVr It la talked Leading Milliners, Saturday's Town! tj"Ut, we sell it pure fur that purpoae. lnol(JtfiiUlly,- -e iiQ buy a largo ll'i.'i Mjin Siivt t, lilill't'lKllt. I'ollll, From Every Ounce ofI Utk of It u Mil. Meeting Have you boutiht any V Wliv litKlutt'f Are yuu tryliitf to Hod belter than HEARS RErORT OF F. E. "tuoUjluif FALL MILLINERY. SOULE. EXPERT AC- - MASURY'S VWn tta itotn ou! of and COUNTANT, mercury iiglif, Railroad Paint? in the We are displaying all the new fill hhapes Felt, you jukl can't krrp Iiouk warm, you'll Can yon Hud a paiut that will cover Silk and Velvet Hats, Trimmed and L'n trimmed. find it wonderfully convenient to use a mure On Condition of Accounts of aurfaouy New Chiilon and Lace Veils. N, If yuu could we would keep It, Town Officials. Coqtie Feather Boas. Fancv Shirt Waists. PERFECTION Harry Rider, (Continued From Pm;t Three.) Silk Rain Coats. Bridgeport, bk of thtf ulluT year he nerved a culliftor?" eontinud Mr Marr. j Oil Heater "My liirtrut'limia from the lact-- ! (Equipped with SmokcIcM Device) FAIRFIELD COUNTY. nun," iwiil Mr Souk "were to exam-- 1 ine back III il ibouV-h-eal cold to year.'" very light carry any Plains. Did you ak the trcanurer for hi room. Turn the wick high or low no Lyon's book of original entries?" asked Mr unoke no untlL danger ne Easily cared LOCAL BRIEFS. Marr. Hunters, lor and give nine noun ol Mr Soula, I did Mrs James Ward is very ill. "I did," replied "but com lor! al one (tiling oi not ray Mrs Frank has moved of ! got it." bnii lonL Finished in Lyons part "Why didn't you get It?" axked Mr i . n her furniture in the house she recently and Attention Marr. ipn. every of Mrs Rachel Banka. purchased 57 hutrr warranted. "I askod him for it, but it wa not Mrs Hiram McConkey and little aaid Mr Soule. We are headquarters for Loaded Shells, forthromlnif," The John apent Monday with her mother, Black and Smokeletw Powder, Shot, Guns, Kifles, Pistols, In reply to the question if he exami- Lamp wjLtbiuw Mrs L. Thorpe. the selectmen' account in .cXy& ned 1907, Mrs Philip Gerhardt has returned in fact the hunter needs for his tmi w k? troa'l LtM cutril Jackets, everything sjwrt Mr Soule replied, "yea." n kit ynr tyo. inpmnJ ink buma. Mxli al Wm, Kukri Umf tnnulW. from a visit in South Norwalk. And jliU. Ev7 "Did you an entry there: "Rent II Big Hue of nice warm par uW cuimI MptJr lU Rty Lm r ParkdiM 0J Mrs Jessie Patchen entertained the received for use of lock-u- p from Mr HaUr, tnV ur Rural Ik I iaayHn denial. ifracy Matinee Whist club,' Tuesday after-- ) Beckwith."$l6? Did you find one STANDARD 6IL CO. OF NEW YORK noon, the 19th. Horse Blankets item there: "Paid J. A. James $37 for ( Incorporated) Warren son of Mr? working roads and again $25 to the Andrews, only for out doors and stable. horse warm and save Isaac was buried N. Keep your same gentleman?" Thorpe at Dover, on feed. To these questions Mr Soule said J., Friday. they were a matter touching the ed stock of Warm Gloves and the favor of the committee employing F. heaven. "For where thy treasure is, Large Mittens, just report and he could not rem Greenfield Hill. thing for cold weather and our prices will please you. E. Soule in the future examinations. there will thy heart be also." This is Amotion offered by W. H. Hubbell the key-not- e of life. Our home, our j "In the treasurer's report did you find DEERFIELD ITEMS. Let us talk the question over with you before you was then passed that the town ratify happiness, and our all is where our paint anywhere interest on deposits credit- Miss Alice Nichols waa a guest of i the action of the so as We cannot have and serve stock. selectmen, far heart is. ( buy your ed," queried Mr Marr. Mrs Marsh in Bridgeport they have gone. "The selectmen are two masters. One supreme affection "I found interest credited in the two Mr Mrs in office, "said Mr Hubbell, "and I ia all that we can follow. is not God and Fred Dunham and Mis Mr yet It last years," said Soule, William Willis of were re- All kinds of and Tools. See hope they will continue the good work and Mammon ; but it must be God or Bridgeport Farming Machinery Attorney Marr said in part: "Mr cent of Sherwood to the best of their ability." . Mammon. We do choose whom we will guests Banks of us before you Soule has gone into this matter under buy. H. B. Coger stated that he waa in serve in our own hearts and minds. Greenfield. the instruction .of the selectmen to go All kinds of Hardware. favor of employing Mr Soule in future The prodigal son made his own choice. H. E. Dowd and family attended the back two years. But there are cer investigations. And Mary 'chose the good part, while funeral of his brother-in-la- w at Clin- tain things yet to be cleared up. The The meeting adjourned about 4.15. Martha was anxious and troubled about ton, last week. The Farmers' Store. tax payers now want to make one job During the reading of the report it many things. The rich manjdreesed in of it, and go to, the bottom. Here was noticed numbers of citizens held purple and tine linen, farjng sump- Stevenson. is the cash book. Here you make an in their hands copies of The Bee, and tuously every day made his choice. He investigation from a book written up followed Mr Soule in bis reading. An had his good time here, and torment ITEMS FROM OUR SCRIBE'S NOTE at the close of the year. It ought to be artist from The Bridgeport Herald in the world beyond. BOOK. laid before you whether or not it is a ID). BS. sat at one end of the stage and sketched book of entries. It the Worldliness is more than a great mis- Arthur McDonald, who has been sick original appears of the faces prominent citizens for his at the New Haven with ty- town has no abatement book. If a take ; it is a false theory of life. It hospital Conn paper. fever for three has near- Sheltoo, man has his tax abated you are enti- reverses the divine order of all our phoid months, recovered and is tled to know it. If you don't keep powers of being : body, soul and spirit ; ly expected home, week. books as a town you are alone to blame. LITTLE SERMON. and tends always to defeat the eternal this This report of Mr Soule has put you end toward which we should ever aim Mrs Nancy French is spending a few and strive in all To love God weeks with her Mrs Charles upon the road to further investigation. WORLDLINESS, BY O. O. WRIGHT. things. sister, W. Beecher at this with all our heart, -- mind, soul, and Botsford. Judge J. point "Work not for tlie fixxl that in'rlslicth, Imt took is the true and Steamer for the floor and went over point by for the food which alildi'tb unto rtttrnul lift'." strength only law, spirit Mr and Mrs John Treadwell and Miss Rugs jj point the actions of the selectmen. He John 6:37. of our life; and when we put anything Kate Treadwell of Tashua visited Mr spoke of the efforts to at the in that place which belongs first of all, and Mrs Charles J!j get Harang, last week, Christmas jj amount ot interest received by C. H. The son of God would set us right in and always to Him, we bring confusion, Miss Kate also visited her sister, Miss all our relations : to to Northrop at the City National bank. the world, our and weakness, and defeat upon Bessie Treadwell, at C. E. Bradley's. Not a bit too early to begin How he had called on Mr who Father in heaven, and to the hereafter. jotting jJ Hough Mrs Franklin Dring and two children down Christmas and a handsome steam told him it was almost impossible, He teaches us to put that first which 43 Suggestions, Worldliness is devotion to this world. are with her parents at Cromwell. owing to the rush of the bank's work. is greatest; and that last which is er is dozens of uses L It thinks only or chiefly of this life. Mrs 'Emma Northrop is in ,0 rugs always acceptable that you He stated Mr did least. The divine end of life is not visiting that Hough finally It is fixed on the cares and pleasures Morris. him of here, but the It is not can put tliem to. 3O.UU to J1U.UU. give the amount interest for beyond grave. seri- f of this present state without any Miss Sara Aldrich two and $85.92. things temporal, but things eternal is spending this years, $75.20 Averagi- ous regard for the future. It is there- this for other it would that most concern us, all the way week with her parents at Wingdale, N. " ng up the years fore, indifferent to the religion of Jesus the total amount to along. It is not this world, but the Y. r bring up $1,000. Christ. It prefers the pleasures of the Wooster-Atkinso- n He referred to J. A. Morris' examina- Kingdom of heaven which we should Will Booth is quite poorly and under The Co., j world to the joys of heaven. It values jj tion of Mr account and of be ever seeking. The one thing we the care of Dr Wales. Northrop's the things seen and temporal more Corner Broad and John Sts., Conn, 1 Mr the town a mort- must have, whether we live or die, is S. 4 Bridgeport, Northrop giving than the unseen things eternal. It R. Hinman was in Hartford apart ? on his to $1,888.-9- 2. the righteousness of God, or there can week. gage place amounting lives by sight and not by faith; and is of last November the selectmen called be no eternal life abiding in us. 16, Of the earth, earthy. Mr and Mrs Henry Wells have moved 9V The Son of Man the on y 4 on W. N. Northrop to see about C. H. puts emphasis to Oxford. of is Northrop's shortage He gave the town the divine ideal and supreme object of The spirit the world dangerous, be- a note for $2,000, with a life insurance this life. This world is not for itself. and destructive of the spirtual life, is and con Thanksgiving Post Cards. policy of $2500 in the Phoenix Life In- This earthly life is not just for the cause it subtle, deceptive, MY BEST FRIEND. surance as Mr Beecher present. The design of a watch is that tagious. It matters little what we Co., collateral, Alexander Benton, who lives on Ru- To friends far away, said it shall the measure of time. If may do, that is proper and good, the the selectmen were anxious to put keep ral roue 1, Ft Edward, N. Y., says: Send one for this min- and the and the end day. dollars in the treasury.' it does not indicate the' seconds, motive, purpose, "Dr King's New Discovery is my best AND UNIQUE FETCHING, At Mr Beecher stated further that utes and hours it fails of its one great may be good or bad. We may do busi- earthly friend. It cured me of asthma do six It has also understood object. And so the one supreme ob- ness to the glory of God, or we may years ago. performed Jackson's Book 990 Main Northrop that if a wonderful cure of Shop, St., Bridgeport. of this is our the same business to the honor of Sa- incipient consump- there was further shortage found in ject earthly life prepara- tion for my son's wife. The first bot- be and his son's accounts he would be called tion for the spiritual life of the eter- tan. Our pleasures may pure tle ended the terrible cough, and this sweet in the of heaven, or the other upon to pay it. nal hereafter of the soul ; and what- eyes they accomplished, symptoms left hold on that lead one by one, until she was perfectly Herbert W. said : ever in all that we may gain; of may ake the paths Wright iiu part "I well. Dr King's New Discovery's HALLIGAN to damnation. Our religion may exalt don't think there is an honest tax wealth, position, knowledge, honors, power over coughs and colds is simply or dishonor the Name of payer in the room but that desires to and pleasures, here, that does not help the Holy One, marvelous." No other remedy has ever and souls. It is in it. see this investigation continued to the us in some way to attain unto the life Christ, degrade our equalled Fully guaranteed by Millinery out of our R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown; end. a of 12 of God in us which is everlasting, must the spirit that we live, and During period years the Taylor, Curtis & Co., Sandy Hook; P. 989 Broad Street, Conn. down and loss. hearts are the issues of the manhood Bridgeport, town debt has risen from $25,000 to be set to our failure J. Garvin, Bethel; L. Gonlett, Stev- in us. And St Paul $40,0C0. What has become of the mon- The Spirit of Christ is always op- that is therefore enson; H. W. Osborne, Eastoh; W. us tnis rule "Whether B. Sherman ; Smith ey and what has caused the increased posed to the spirit of the world. gives of life: ye Hawley, Bros., Cornwail Bros, mid-ocea- sins. Our or drink, or whatsoever do, Bridge; Connery debt? We are as it were in n, Worldliness is a sin of treas- eat, ye The Alan Who Smokes Georgetown ; J. M. Sullivan, Redding should be in do all td the glory of God." and need to continue the voyage of in- ures are not here, they Ridge; G. F. Baker, Hawleyville; G. Should consult us and he Is sure to find some to the end." Mr W. Hurlbut & Co., Allen thing to suit his tastes, as our line Is large and varied. vestigation Wright Roxbury; You Joyce, Roxbury G. W. Hatch, can also find here a large line of sporting offered the following resolution : Statiou; (rxidsof all kinds. Bridgewater; W. N. Noble, New 44 Resolved, that Henry B. Coger, Ed- D4N D VnirteM Am. Opposite Foil's Theatre and Milf ord ; E. H. Beardsley, New Pres- SMITH RRinGEPOKT. C. Fur and Fur Lined CONN. gar Page, Charles E. Beers, Edward Driving ton ; Cogswell & Wettereau, Washing- Troy and Charles G. Morris are here- ton Depot ; Harry Brown, Southbury; Automobile Coats. C. P. Williams, South Perkins by appointed a committee with full Britain; SS Brothers, Warren ; W. N. Hurd, Long 6f ff power to and cause to be a Rubber boot with Leather sole S5SS:i investigate The Famous "Rubberhide" Boots, Hill ; Druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial It Doesn't Pay to Experiment With Your Eyes. investigated the books and accounts of that will wear three times longer than the ordinary Rubber Boot. bottle free. . ,.,., niir.A i at. l , , . . "Wear Well" Uloves and mittens, inspection inviieu. Vi un. KT1IIU .i. any other town official which ' Ju ireru Kinase: icii us ill .yuu, ffti .t.i lllf lUJIMfS ri(fll lnlOUr laCtOrV On they may ft the promises, thereby assuring Iporfwt satisfaction. We also make lenses on your deem necessary or convenient for this prescription. Reasonable prices always. The Peck & Lines Co., purpose and to employ an expert ac- I 185-20- CONN. F. 920 Main 7 Middle BRIDGEPORT, A LYMAN, Mfg. Optician,' St,, Bridgeport. countant to act under their direction St., . CASTOR For Infants and Children. ana to report oacK to tms- meeting or an adjournment thereof. The Kind You Have Always Bought An amendment was offered by Frank Visit the Beautiful Art Store names of the Bears the S You Ever Wright that the selectmen Have Examined the , a In Arcade. be substituted for those of the commit- the Signature ot 1 i I OOSF I FAP RI AMk' RflHV tee and said he believed that the select- Picture Framing, Kegilding, Bric-a-br- ac and Cut Glass, Artist's Ma- 7m n-- men should be allowed to continue the Novelties, etc. All CIvAd QM i- terials, Art, Statuary, Best remedy for mothers to use is good work they had already done. ' S & - Conn. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. It Hayes Betts,- The amendment was lost and the or- J. C. T. HUBERT, Arcade, Bridgeport, 993 Main ' tastes nearly as good asmaple sugar, Street, Bridgeport, Conn. iginal motion carried. it contains no opiates. Sold by S. E. Walter S. in answer to a Bradley Sanford & Co., Newtown, ' Conn. question of Attorney Marr wanted to The Original Reid Store. Established 1883. know if they were going to spend $2,000 An Exquisite Line of Fine Let Me Write to get $600. ' GOAL! H. W. said : Your Insurance on Wright the question was BROOCHES, WILLIAM EQAN, your home and Advs househola goods at once. LOWEST BATES Do the honest taxpayers want to see In Gold and Gold Filled Materials. Prices $2 to $20. Bee Bring consistent 'With absolutely secure companies. Successor to M. Kilbride. how the town stands? Have they been CCoal Yard at Sandy Hook Station, T. HENRY C. REID, Jeweler, 28- -t J. CORBBTT, Agent, L Telephone: taxed unjustly? Newtown. Oona. Conn. Quick Returns. W. H. Hubbellsaid he would be in 952 Main Street, Bridgeport, THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER h, 1017.

NEW ,170 Til NEW On HAVEN Saturday, ROWLAND'S mm HAVEN ttm Utorit Uttt Rllhbli Stm. Nov. 30,

1 1 Hold a w itrii i if k This Is The Time To Buy We are to a ONE DAY SALE of NOW, PrettyWaists to choose the new linen for Thanks- table. here to choose it. Doz- For Less Than They're Worth' Children's giving's Right place ens and dozens of beautiful patterns. Everyone worked in true, staunch linen; strong, hand- It's a sale of pure, t rousing Lovely Silk, Lace and Flan- some fabric untainted by the touch of cotton. nel Waists beauties, and enough under the reg- Coats ular price to tempt Mrs and Miss Connecticut to buj their winter and even next spring's supply, Uomstitchod sets, cloth and nap- Hemstitched cloths in graceful kins in matching patterns, S3 to patterns,-$1.- 23 to 2.50. "l A of Silk Should be of Interest to All 14.00. group stylish Wiiits pltidi and That and stripes. 16 and $498 Waists Carving cloths, nice of pattern, Hemstitched napkins, beautiful --Fop $1.0- 0- Parents. of pattern 1.50 to COO doz -2-5c to $1. Enchanting light blue and white Meiseliae Pat: ern sets, rich satin damask, Damask of good width in new S&k and Lacs Waists, $6.98 and $7.50 Waists Is new pretty patterns, $5.75 to 8. Our 'stock of children's Coats large and the pretty patterns, 75c yd; matching --For M.0-0- damask Fine double satin cloths, napkins, $2.50 doz. styles varied. round or square designs, $3.25 to $3.50 and $3.75 and $3.98 White aad ecru Lace The celebrated "Wooltex" Garments are to be 4.75; napkins to match, $3.75 Nice Irish linen damask, 72 in- and Net Waists, prettily lace trimmed. doz. In of well ches wide, full bleached, $1 yd; --For 12.9- 8- found here a wide range styles as as many Bleached satin damask chAis, $3 doz. napkins $5.00 White Laca and Ecru Waists, of less expensive make. $2.75 to 4; very many pretty patterns, prettily lace trimmed. be to match, $3 and $4 doz. satin damask, and Every Child's Coat in our stock will included napkins Heavy pure -- $3.9- several new $1.23 Fop 8- Pattern cloths of pure linen in fine, designs, in this sale, and the sale will last just one day. attractive designs, $2.25 to 3.25; yd; napkins, 3 doz. The best Scotch Flannel Waists, novelty ef napkins to match, $2.50 doz. fects, some lace yoke, Waldorf $6.98 Waist. Silver-bleache- d dsmask, becomes -- $5.0- linen table-clot- Fop 0- 25 Per Cent Heavy pure white after a laundering or Reduction, made with border all 'round, $2 pure Imported Madrass, in wkitt ground, figure to two, 60 to 72 inches wide, 4i)c to and 2.50; napkins match, and polka dot. Regular $1.38 Waist off doz. 1.00 Or one quarter the regular marked price. $2.50 yd. Fop 98cls This means that they will sell like this: There's beauteous and large collection of fancy linen will sell pieces too. Squares and centers and doylies and all such 3.98 Coats at $2.99 em- B Trumbull. are ready in several new styles. There are rich Irish The Newtown V. 5.00 Coats will sell at 3.75 broidered pieces, dainty bits of drawn work from Japan, Newtown. Friday, November 2(. 11107 MISS WILLIAMS-M- R LAUFER. A 5.98 Coats will sell at 4.49 handsome 'scalloped and hemstitched pieces. And prices pretty home wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon, November 20, are all notably fair. OUR NEIGHBORS. at the home of Mrs Marietta Williams, 7.50 Coats will sell at 5.63 wi.en her daughter, Miss Ruth Wil-- ! Long Hill. liams, and Frank H. Laufer, were united in marriage. Rev J. L. Cross 8.98 Coats will sell at 6.74 GRACE CHURCH NOTES. performed the ceremony. A reception The Rt Rev Chauncey B. Rrewater, immediately followed the ceremony at 10.00 Coats will sell at 7.50 which a served. Mr The Howland Goods D. D., will visit Grace church, Long nice luncheon was Mrs Laufer a num-ib- er Dry Hill, Sunday, December 8, at 10.30 a. ard received large of l 12.50 Coats will sell at 9.38 " m. and Christ chursh, Tashua, at 2.15 handsome an costly presents Mr Wild-ma- p. m. Laufer has leased the Samuel Company, place on Long Hill street and home Mr and Mrs James Nolan had an 11 J they went at once to their new which in readiness for them. Bridgeport, Connecticut. pounud boy arrive at their home on was all Come and the Children. Saturday, November 23. Mrs Thomas Both are popular young people and they bring McGuinn has been in begin life in their new home with the assisting the care out-of-to- wn of the little stranger. best wishes of a host of friends. Return carfare to customers. F. M. Canfiel ' md family of Easton, Miss Elsie Car i of Bridgeport and Bridgewater. David Levitt j i family will spend The Rochester Ra.dia.tor Thanksgiving T n Mrs Mary A. Poet. BISHOP BREWSTER AT ST Just receive! a car of fancy mid- MARK'S. & 1-- dlings and bri.i. You "wiil find my nf THE HOWARD BARBER 2 Fuel Bishop Brewster the Episcopal Salves the prices right and my goods of the best quality. John S. Hurd, the feed man. Decem and If placed on second floor will do as much heating as an ordinary stove Bridgwater, the first Sunday in Mr and Mrs F. J. of Nau-patu- CO., one cent extra cost for fuel--w- e have them. Northrop ber. The rector will have the pleasure without will be on We also have some bargains in the line of second-han- d stoves and guests Thanksgiving of presenting a class for confirmation. - - - from the when left us 1st. day of Mr and Mrs W. N. Hurd. Derby, Conn. ranges bought city people they Sept. Just received an invoice of buck- DEATH OF LEROY BEARDSLEY. We in stock wheat flour in packages, which gave carry Mi Mrs W. W. Welton such splen lid satisfaction last year; and received, orated for the occasion. After the wed- port, is in very poor health at the home sad news of the death of Wood three packages for 25c. Also have the Monday, the ding a reception immediately followed of his father, Isaac Nichols. Round Oak Steel Coal and Heaters, brother-in-la- Ranges, old fashioned buckwheat flour in stock a Leroy Beirdsley, in at which a nice luncheon were served. Los Mr and Mrs Beards-le- y Oaks and Wood Heaters, and we can furnish you the syrup to Angeles, Cal., Mr and Mrs McMillan received a num- Stamford Ranges, moved from to California Morris put on your cakes. Felt and rubber Roxbury ber of costly and handsome vpresents. Oaks and Wood Cook boots. We can furnish with the 10 or 12 years since. Andes Ranges, Stoves, you had misfortune to best made boots on the market. Rub- John States the LOCALNOTES. Coal ' There was a of the book and fall in front of Walter Booth's Glenwood Ranges and Heaters. bers, we have them for the la;lie3, meeting slip committee in the library, last week house, last Tuesday af ternoon, break- Dr Edwin Leonard was in town on gents and children ; also a good line of for the of se- a bone in one of his ankles. Dr Sunday, a guest of Robert Skilton. Wood Air $2.00 to $5, will radiate men s working shoes, the kind that Friday evening, purpose ing It Special Tights, price new books. set him and took seemed delightful to hear his voice. He wear. Our stock of groceries and feed lecting Pons the fracture tor heat a in them. The raised at the entertain- home in his was on his to by lighting newspaper is with the best the money him to his carriage. way spend Thanksgiving always complete ment the of Mallett dis- Mine Co. cosed with Rev Mr Leonard and Mrs Leon- at low given by pupils The Hill Quarry Granite and market ailords prices. ihe lwin-te- We also have a full line of Tin, Copper, trict under the supervision of the teach- down Rock Side for the r, ard at their home at Melrose High- Cneap Cash Grocery, Robert Staines, Quarry Blue and Whiteware. er, Miss S. G. Stuekey will be used last Saturday. lands, Mass. proprietor. to a clock for the schoolroom. Mrs Edwin Clark is not well. Mrs Lillian Wilcox of Bridgeport purchase feeling The next of the Shakes- Her daughter and husband, Eliott Pot- was a over Sunday, of Mrs & meeting guest, club will be with Miss Mary Mor- Oxford. ter, are trom San B. Weed. peare spending away their ris, Friday afternoon. Francisco home a six weeks' pleasure MISS BARNES-- MR CHURCH. Misses Sadie and Minnie Mallett Miss Beulah Pitcher is the guest of trip, where the roses bloom and the J. have returned from a visit of several her sister, Mrs Grace Housal, in New St Peter's church was filled to over air has the balm of summer. We would E. HALL, in Watertown. days with friends Britain. last week, Tuesday, by friends all like to be with her over the blizzard has a flowing, Sandy Hook, Conn. Mrs C. B. Weed returned from Aspetuck Grange was the guest of who came to witness the wedding of days. two with friends in Dan-bur- weeks' visit Bridgewater Grange, last week Wed- Miss Elizabeth Parker Barnes and Mrs Ruth Root has gone to Water-tow- n nesday evening, presenting a most in- Lewis Whitney Church. The ceremony for a change from her home, so on exhibition W. There is a turnip at teresting program. An elaborate was performed by the Rev George invaded by sorrow. She went on Sat- which was N. Hurd's store when it Thanksgiving supper was served to a Sutherland, the pastor of the church. urday last. We trust it will be a bene- 164 is the pulled weighed pounds. It large number by the local Grange. Rev After a short Mr and fit to her. ever weddiing trip largest one your correspondent and Mrs William E. Hooker of the As Mrs Church will go to housekeeping in Mrs Toohey of Stratford is a visitor saw. Emil Huber of Tashua raised Mr at her Business Progress and Commer- petuck Grange were entertained by the new home built by Mr Church op- sister's, Mrs Fletcher. the turnip. and Mrs E. R. Wooster in Treat dis- the Church homestead. Mr Swift intends going to his son' church posite The Methodist held revival trict. in New Haven to spend his Thanksgiv- cial services at their hall nearly every ev- Mr and Mrs Eli Roberts and daugh- ing. Development at- John Fanning, the blind man, is ening last week, which were well ter, Miss Ruth, attended a wedding an- el- out for Lee tended. Dr Adams, the presiding re- threshing rye niversary in Danbury, last week, WHOLESALE MARKET Demand Young Men and Women der, was present, last Sunday mornirg, turning Monday. Mr and Mrs Mackintosh of New York work. and preached a very interesting ser- for the visisted a few days, last week, at the QUOTATIONS. mon. home of Mr Mackintosh's brother, L. About 100 attended the Bethel. supper given F. Armstrong, of Christian street. BY BUCK & DARLING, BRIDGE- Stillman Businesss by the ladies of Grace Episcopal Miss has been vis- College. Tou-ce- Fanny Fairchild, PORT. church at the 'home of Mrs R. C. WOLF PITS. her Mrs S. P. Sanford. be- iting sister, 297-30- last week 3 Main Street, Danbury, Conn. Tuesday evening, At the West Haven poultry show, 6 8 o'clock. A fine Edward DeGraw of Middletown, N. Apples: Greenings, $1.50 to 2.25; tween and supper last week, Frank Ailing of the Red which all did Y., called on friends in this place, re- Baldwins, 1.25 to 1.75; Gillyflowers, was served to ample jus- farm seven pre- cently. City poultry captured 1.75 to 2.00 ; Russets, 1.00 to tice. There were also several musical miums with his White 1.50; Joseph Seeber has entertained his Wyandottes. King, 2.00 to 3.00 ; Pippin, 1.25 to 1.75 ; selections which were' much enjoyed by The Sunshine circle will a social son and daughter from Norwalk. give Baker, 1.50 to 2.25; Ben Davis, 1.50 the company. The supper netted the home of Mrs Lanehart on the Henry Wood is driving a new horse at the to 2.25; Snow, 1.50 to 3.00; Hurlburt ladies $30, which is to be used for buy- of December 3. try for the church. and it is a dandy. evening Stripe, 1.50 to 2.25; Maiden's Blush, .JP.,! ing new lamps S. C. Wheeler, E. B. Treat and G. W. 4f ekj Staines week Charles Williams is entertaining his 1.50 to 2.25; Hubbardson, 1.50 to 2.25; Robert returned, last Cabldhave been doing duty on J, from his to Boston and mother from Danbury. jury .50 to 2.25. Quinces, fa Thursday, trip the Common pleas court at New Ha- and reports a very fine time. A birthday party was held at A. B. 1.50 to 2.00 bbl. vicinity in honor ven. Mrs William Lyons spent Sunday in Wildman's, Friday night, of Potatoes. 5c to 80c bu. ; Onions, yel- his his 19th 85c to 95c bu. ; Bridgeport with friends. son, it being birthday. low, parsnips, 75c to 80c was till a late hour. A bu. ; 40c to 45c bu. ; Twenty pound3 granulated sugar, Dancing enjoyed Greenfield Hill. carrots, beets, 40c time was by all. to 50c bu. ; : 40c to 50c $1.00 ; new tomatoes, 10c per can ; three very pleasant reported turnips yellow, white 30c to 3oc bu. ; cab- cans Van Camp pumpkin, 25c ; three DEERFIELD PERSONALS. bu., egg, vsN&sBBBtsm cans corn, 25c. Our new dia- bage, (per 100,) $2.50 to 3.00 ; celery, fancy Roxbury. Rev E. P. of North Guilford mond brand seeded raisins have ar- Ayer (per dozen bunches,) $1.00 to 1.75. "or was a recent guest of Charles Nichols. Butter : 32c Are you in want of a Gasoline Engine; if so write for prices rived, 13c per pound. This is the best Creamery, first grade, WED- Mrs William Nichols has returned lb. ; second to 24c ; can ; also Not A Seed, THE FORBES MCMILLAN grade, 22c common, call and see. . brand you buy my DING. home, after a two weeks' visit with 14c to 16c ; 25c 2Gc 13c per pound package; also cluster Dairy, first, tc ; New York and JN. 14c raisins for the table. Try our new A home wedding took place on friends in JNewark, cheese, full cream, to 16c ; eggs, Air-Cool- pretty ed mixed nuts. All guaranteed good. Two Wednesday afternoon, November 20, J. fresh nearby, 38c to 40c; live chickens, Famous Engines barrels extra fine cranberries. Also at 1.30. at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Nichols of Bridgeport has vis 12c to 14c; live fowls, 12c to 14c; on Burr street. live ducks, 12c to 14c ; live 12c Which are ahead of else on the market. No water to freeze up or grapes, oranges, figs, dates, all new. Donald Forbes at the Station, when ited relatives geese, anything W. Nichols and Fred to 14c ; dressed 14c to 16c ; around for work. With very few exceptions we have not their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Grace E. Barber, Jr., chickens, carry portable new horses use in dressed 13c to dressed second-han- d both Water and d. advanced the, price of groceries only Forbes and Robert McMillan were unit- have each to their fowls, 15c; Write for list of e.gines 14c when we have had to pay more than our ed in marriage, Rev C. D. Chunn per- milk business. ducks, to 16c ; dressed geese, 14c to Conn. selling price. Remember you can al- forming the ceremony. The bride was Mrs Lucy King is visiting friends in 16c ; dressed turkeys, 24c to 26c ; pigs, S. B. CHURCH, 8c to 11c ; 10c Seymour, ways save money by trading at W. dressed in a handsome dress of blue Derby. hogs 8c to ; walnuts and 66 Street. N. Hurd's. The Long Hill Store. silk. The house was very prettily dec-- Addison Nichols, formerly of Bridge- - j chestnuts, $3.00 bu. Boston Store: High d 8 THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2t), li)07.

w m iu - i Mil fmm n a. mi ii i inc icvion Kn F)(imiu Buuth the Ni inn, Cuiin,, Trill)', Nuvi'iiiU'r J, I'".'. Aid at Uborie' hallt,,,tin Thurs- a day lat, It was a very stormy day Thanksgivings FAIRFIELD COUNTY. but nearly ai wt-- present ut dinner dd d treas- ;'AAr.'-- i vVVi t Thursday, g und almost $ i was to tho iMvjrva. i ;t"c ury. The Indies wnt Mr lloldeil $1" Nov. 28th. J Stepney, u u riitall token of their ymi'Htiiy fi r This la Thsnkn- - the family in their ii knem, the p iri:.M.s kuom oru sn;ii:i"s notk irlvillir Sturt. almiiKt ovnrvlliiner l!U()K. y needful U celubrate the trreat- - fcfr Westcn. t'"t of all l.rvi HubUII citntrlit u viry 4 holidays for family Ik ni'.i' ilay wnk. Ik' is iiiUi' 12 gutherings. Tho Ranges are iL A r FA IKS AliOUTToWN. 5 i i . l . 1 1 .i. t . LiW ii siicM-cufu- tr.ippi'r. nno mm inu i.isk nonsitTi The N'orllcld A d tdcty tsuw a very ..,ki..k ut...... ii i t rwj. (in Hi'i'iiunt of tliu sturni nil Smuliiy - enjoyable uneitible, last Week, lit the i "r stove as In the oven. Knives tin' (,'rtiiU r imii tiuii of our church j?m ts i r tiiib iuf of Mr and Mr Frederick 41.for Bread, for cske. ThIjIo took it "Jsililiuth I);iy Iicst." Hanks. A iirok'riiiu of mnk and reci- 4'f Knives, Curvors, Hutihfr Yh Mm Hmry S'l'k-y- , hu hus been Hi tations was presented and a basket Knives, anil lor tiuur tin- - xi" jugs Ifc I;ri(lk'i'i"ri lnHpita! for tho mt lunch r ... ,!i - . 1 lift n . Cw enjoyed. mn iTiiiijunui inn, mm n inc mru, I tliri.'D wivkn umliT treatment fureaUr-i- n Mm Patrick t'olk'an was tho guest, t of the eye. hits rilurni'il homo ami lust week, of Mrs Jacob Kennel. 41 Si ts, Cri'Hm SU, ColTeo and we tiro kIm'I t" report much Kid ha Mrs Clifford Putehun entertained the 4l Chocolate SfU, nd Pots. Per- - nine of the operation. colutors ami Dishes for Orna- - Matinee whist club, last week. The r;",',-;.."i:'i,- . 4i Mrs Wheelur and Mr Winton huve L'Vr mt-nt- , meeting, next week, will bo withJMrs and Dishes for use. Kune t Pitnfoury to siii'tid ThunkKiv-im- r mmmmm' Leroy Meeker of Cross Highway. with Mrs Ira iVnlielil. Jacob Faulhuhor still continues quite f Rev Mr Duncan, Mr Duncan and The Hard ill. Middlebury Green. Danbury Muster Robert ttturt on Wednesday for i Miss Jennie Hoyt returns to her the Adirundacks, where they will upend Confrefationil Church and Parsonage at North Side of Green. All the ware home in this week, after a to., the ThankKKivinff holiday. Ridgefield, her sister here. Buildings on the south tide of the Green, including store, residence 9 two months' visit with 249-2- 51 Main Mrs C. E. Osborne, Jr., and Minn and Methodist In of these build- 8t, M. T. and son, Thomas, parsonage, are to disappear. the rear Gladys have been in Shelton, guest of Donnelly a were at their summer home here, last ings is rising the Westover School plant, to cost more than quarter Danbury. Mrs Harry Nichols. week. ' of million dollars. John Burritt was born 85 years airo Miss Gertrude Colemun spent over on Thanksgiving day. Turkeys were Sunday at her home in Norwalk. then worth about ten rents a pound and Henry Griflin on Tuesday of last week. A NARROW ESCAPE ton; W. B. Hawley, Sherman; Smith rib Mrs Vanderbilt Godfrey goes to Bros., Cornwall Bridge; Bros., spare six cents. 'Miss Sarah Bradley has recently sold Connery Ridgefield, this week, to spend the Georgetown; J. M.Sullivan, Redding Professional Mrs Elizabteh Beardsley is spending her place to parties from New York. G. W. a of G. F. G. Cards. with relatives. Cloyd. merchant, Plunk. Ridge; Baker, Hawleyville few in of her winter hud W. a days Shelton, the guest Mrs E. N. Hawley is visiting Mr Mo., a narrow escape four years Hurlburt & Co., Roxbury ; Allen Mrs D. A. Nichols. William Hanford of Stamford has ago, when he ran a jimson bur into his Joyce, Roxbury Station ; G. W. Hatch, daughter, and Mrs A. S. Hawley in New York. W.J. Mr and Mrs thumb. "The doctor wanted to ampu- Bridgewater; W. N. Noble, New Mil-- BEECHER, A number of men who are been the guest of George telephone The annual union Thanksgiving serv- tate it but 1 would not consent. I H. Beardsley New Preston ; Cogs- Brown for several days. Attorneyat-La- working on the line here just now are bought a box of Bucklcn's Arnica salve well & Wettereau, Washington Depot; ice of the two churches will, this year, IIooniH H and il Ssnfurd Dlilir. Hrlilitiiport Mrs L. V. Mr and Mrs Woolsey Nichols have and that cured the wound." Brown, ; C. P. Wil- boarding with Mr and Slade. be held in the dangerous Harry Southbury entire In Ncwuiwn on Congregational church, 2.1c. R. & South oien giturclsys from moved to Stratford. at H. Beers Co., liams, Britain; Perkins Brothers, 8 . in. to 3. 30 Elder Dr Adams held a Mr p.m. Presiding Mullikin preaching the sermon. Newtown ; Taylor, Curtis & Co., Sandy Warren; W. N. hurd, Long Hill, Drug- York is at the Miss Nettie Gassett of New Hook ; P. ; L. Gou-let- t, 60c and service, Sunday afternoon, Robert Green, who has purchased the J. Garvin, Bethel gists. $1. Trial bottle free. F. J. M. Methodist church. a guest of the Misses Faulhaber. Stevenson ; H. W, Osborne, Eas Gale, D., land belonging to the Bungalow prop- several Office In tho Psvld Boers Mr and Mrs Henry Pettit entertained George Adams is spending erty, is stocking the farm quite largely Residence, the friends from out of town over Sunday. weeks in Redding, superintending with sheep, being about the only flock Newtown Street. mill. The Mrs operations of his steam saw in town. We in this case the auction at Ella Bromberg's, hope dogs Office Hours: 8 to 9 1. m I to 2 and 7 to 8 p. m Nichols has returned to him $$$$$$ $ Monday, was well attended and the James 0. will not make it necessary for to N. a week's visit stock brought a fine price. Stephen Garrison. Y.. after , give up the business. Dr. Walter H. Kiernan, ' Mrs Robert Hayes was the auctioneer. with his sister, Williams, Bishop Brewster is to be present at PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Miss Nellie Hayes spent Saturday Oscar Williams was an over Sunday St Paul's, rftxt Sunday, at the morn Conn. and Sunday in Easton with friends. guest of Ridgefield friends. ing service, when he will administer Sandy Hook, & Mrs Nelson Crossman has returned the rite of confirmation. Office nonrs: 8 to 9 1. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p. m Sherman Tyrrell are painting at Jtt-- from a few weeks' visit with her Telephone: Andrew Leavenworth's place. At the Country club, held last week, daughter, Mrs D. S. Hurlbutt, in Can Miss Emma Miller the with Mr and Mrs A. S. Mansfield, Miss is spending non. DENTAL PARLORS. week with Mrs John Somers in Hatter-tow-n. Alma Williams and C. B. Hawley re and ceived and Mrs C. B. Expert dentistry, painless reliable. the first prizes Most modern and wientlffic appliances used and B. the con- used tor painless operations. Mr and Mrs Burr Hawley spent a Brookfield. Hawley Percy Hawley solation. DR. C. B. BLACKMAN, few days, last week, in New York The fall term of the schools will Sunreon Dentist. Office In Post Office Block, City. ST PAUL'S GUILD SALE. New Mllford, Conn. close on of this week and Mr and Mrs William Tomlinson of The ladies of St Paul's Guild will Wednesday the winter term beins on De' Danbury were guests, one day last hold their annual Christmas sale in the Monday Celeste A. M. cember 2. Benedict, D., week, of Mrs Harriet French. Sunday school room on Friday evening, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Mail Carrier Edward Lyon is driving December 6. Oysters and many other Overcoats, Suits, Reefers, Kodol is offered on a 28 State Street, Conn. a new horse. good things will be served to all who guaranteed plan Bridgeport, is be for the relief of heartburn, flatulence, Electricity one of the & a desire. It hoped there will a Hats therapeutic agents. Canfield Osborne have completed , Furnishings, Office Hours from 10 a. ra. 13 2 attendance. All are in- scur stomach, belching of g'-s- nausea to m., to 4 p. m. painting contract in Shelton and have good cordially vited to be and all stomach troubles. It digests ' taken the contract for painting a large present. and Shoes. what you eat. It will make you DR. S. E. ALLEN, factory in Derby. LOCAL JOTTINGS. healthy. Sold by S. E. Sanford & Co., HATTERSTOWN. CONN. William Homer Hubbell of Newtown Mr Conn. Men's blue to 30 A daughter was born to and Mrs Newtown, Overcoats, black, greys, $10 P. O. Address: Route l.', Stepney Depot, Conn is making extensive repairs on his Men's Suits, black, blue or fancy, $10 to $25 Admlnstor of Magnetic Treatment. Speci- place here. Levi Preston Hubbell is do- alist In treatment of piles, eczema, catarrh, Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Reefers, $4 to $10 heart failure, stomach trouble and headache. ing the work. Medicine furnished for this treatment. Terms reasonable. Consultation free. The singing school will meet next SHoes -- Furnishings, Hats and week Wednesday evening, December 4, i .'1 rm for Men and .11 Boys. 4, at the lower room of the Baptist CHARLES S. PLATT church. All are requested to be pres- Teacher Piano, Organ and Theory, ent. NEWTOWN, CONN. Remember we carry a full stock of ' the best canned fruits and vegetables Hub House, Clothing Mrs. James Gordon, on the market at popular prices. Try 929 Main one can and you will buy more. Steph- Street, Corner Bank St., Teacher Violin, Piano, Mandolin, en French at the Depot. 1 Conn. Class Lessons, Ensemble, has been ,. " if Bridgeport, Emil Mattegat doing some, I . - innrI NEWTOWN, .Tf .'fL-- Jfsnull 111. CONNECTICNT. good work for the town blasting out rocks in the road on the hill just north Oscar Pitzschler & Son, of C. S. Curtis' house. BARBERS AND HAIRDRESSERS, Mr and Mrs L. J. Wheeler of Hunt- Newtown, Sandy Hook & Hawley ville Newtown and E. C. Wheeler and of shop open every day. Hawley- ington family ville shop open Wednesday afternoon and Bridgeport will Thanksgiving bunday morning. Handy Hook shop open enjoy Mi tirst-cla- ss every week day. Only work. turkey with Mr and .Mrs Edwards S. O POOL TABLE. Beardsley. P. ON THE O Mrsteslie L. Burr, who underwent ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE OF HON WILLIAM TYLER, o i Griswold AND PIANOS- ft Bragaw.M.D., an operation at her home, last week HILLSIDE A MILE NORTH OF MIDDLEBURY CENTER - o Thursday, is now doing nicely. Dr Hill COMMANDING A FINE VIEW OF THE VALLEY TO THE EAST Physician and assisted a doctor from by Bridgeport 9 Surgeon, performed the operation. A and a Question Suggestion. Office United Bank Butldlmr. New Milford, Conn. ' Huntington. Office Hours: 8 to 9 A. M. 1 to a, 8 P. A GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVER- Would you buy a poor, Piano when 7 to M. , SARY. can a thoroughly good Piano for a little you buy Resilience and Office, United Bank Mr and Mrs Wells celebrated Henry II money? Building. of their the 50th anniversary marriage Telephone 200. on Tuesday, the 26th. We, with a host J! Not if you know it? of wish them re- friends, many happy Pi That's the trouble lots of times people don't Dr of 1 turns the day. tf ' Battam, - J know it. rV H H DENTIST, It is reported that D. H. Chatfield 4 Come where you can't buy a poor, Bank Street. Nsw Milford.

has sold the David Lane to . i property l! !i ' Piano because there isn't any in the store its as safe Ansonia parties. LEONARD'S INSURANCE i Vt-- as buying Government bonds. There was no service in the Congre- 1 V f, AGENCY, . gational church, last Sunday, owing to the quarantine for diphtheria in the CHICKERING GABLER CROWN FIRE. ACCIDENT. Holden family. KRANICH & BACH Mrs Wooster is with her V Old Companies, Frank f i "daughter, Mrs George Sherwood, who STERLING . HUNTINGTON Lowest Rates. has been seriously ill with pleurisy. K1 Mrs Eleanor Judson has closed her Dr E. 8. Todd, Siouse and left for the winter. VETERINARY SURdEON, Mrs D. A. Nichols and Mrs Seymour New Milford, Conn. IK M. SONNENBERG PIANO Blackman are spending a week at the Jamestown exposition. CO., Alexander Noe,' Mrs George Benham of Waterbury 9 Veterinary Dentist, spent last week at E. S. Hawley's. 9 1056 Main Street, Bridgeport) Cona P. 0. Box Mr and Mrs C. L. Benham of JJMid-dlebu- 164, Ansonia, Ct. 9 H. W. HART, Manager. Near Fairfield Avenue. were at E. S. Hawley's over JOHN BASHAM, p Mall orders promptly attended to. Sunday. A Prominent Resident of Middlebury Center Who Consented to the Sale Nichols and Mrs Sarah ? can be to Miss Louise and Removal of the Buildings Occupied by His Wagon Repairing and Terms They arranged suit your Betts are keeping house for Mrs D. p Blacksmithing Business in order to Make Way for the Great Plant of wishes. OA0TOR1A. A. Nichols, during her visit to the ex- BMntk The Kind Yon Haw Umjt BciffiH schooL Mr Basham has built a new for his bus-ne- ss ) position. the Westover plant Blfiatw mile of Center. Mrs E. S. Hawley will entertain the a quarter west Middlebury THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1007. 9

Financial laitlN Uons. The Newtown Bee A Perfectly 6 per ct. Bondr Cumi., Friday, Kuvtmtlwr '3, lu7. The Randall Company, irrigation WANT to from ,cwuiii, Well Woman hear (luouryumiod) Land i7l0rlgagS. who are not New Milford, Conn., IS Years Business, Nt Losms. I people Tells Suffering Sisters How satisfied with 3ji TOWN TOPICS. She Was Cured. and 4 per cent in the savings banks. OBITUARY. HAD DIZZY SPELM AND WOULD RJiEL AND FALL. lean show them how JULIUS THEODORE HEARDSLEY. ' 6 they can Invest their JuliuD Thwxlore jittHsd Was Subj ct to Headaches, Wetk, 1 savings with away, Thurmluy nltfht, lit hin homo in Nervous and Depressed Dr equal DtMluiturtown, at?wl "i year. A broth- Williams' Ttuk Fills Saved and , safety get 6 per er, John IScurdHh-y- and three tialvn, Her Llle Men cent. Mr Willium Dick, uml thu MiMvi For Gold Bonds an elustic Uvurdlt'y iiurvivo him. The funeral Bright eyes, rosy cheeks, There Is In and a should be the llnw tliiii il.i- - Ni-- nrU U OnVrwl ami ImumI hy tlu deposited took place, Sumliiy fUrnKn. Rev J. step good appetite (iwm.rhliiuf Klm of American and Women the savings banks of H. (leorgo ollitiiitinir. The pull bearers birthright every girl. and wo- were MifMHM F. W. Piatt, E. E. Pale, sullow, languid girls American Real Estate ver Ferry, This mark identifies the highest Company Connecticut men have either inherited ill health or John C. Hue, I. W. Amlrewa, Georire type of men's and women's shws (r'uullilitl III low) two hundred and Crane hihI Reed. have disregarded some rule of right forty Gforgo The buriul ml J at $3.50. And though leather Assets, $0,446,005.80 Capital and Surplus, 1,310,318.21) living. million in the wm in the DiHlk'inetown cemttery. and labor are now more costly, we dollars; But Nature is constantly striving to Tlilaiiiinimiiy latluiorlirliiil iwlulihi real I'.inn iiirpiratluii monir tin' hun maintain the which has Ihiui-oHi- i Massa- high standard drwU now an wiiillyi'iiroiti'l III lh liu.lih".. uf Imyliw iii'l Nw York banks of restore the natural, healthful condition - savings Mr Laura A. Leonard and Mra M. made Zenith Shoes famous and ivnl csiiic fr or fur uli'. In Lit.- further mmIuu'iii ml of lit In a over ttx hundred million and, with aid, will do so in (iircrliiiralniiMi iiiilluiluklumrtuuUlifiir prultiaiilu iiivt'iliui'iil, lloftVii el far lu chusetts II. Flamiburir left on Wednesday, for proper which our label iiiukliMi'.ul Jiuu. a total of over hun- most cases. guarantees. dollars; eight St Petersburg, Fia., where they ex- Zenith Shoes for men and women dred and forty million dollar in A TONIC FOR WOMEN. pect to gpend the winter, having taken arc made of the finest quality materi- Ten Year Six Per Cent Gold Bonds. the savings banki of these two Dr Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic a furnished house there. als by expert shoe makers, and have Tin"1 lloml for and women .n.tiif'ur by tln Comiiaiiy'a wiilruawu, Ini'lwlinr capital en d New England itatei alone. especially adapted girls hand-wor- InieivM U attm'hiil. more k in them than any surplus; iiayaliln liy iuup'iih Aifordlinr liberal Ton know and I know that A very pleasant event was tho whist of all ages and give ;just the aid re- nrtum. almiluut safety audciih availability, tl jih lnu- the thruw ewiulal of thu other $3.50 shoes. They come in lili'ul liivuKiuii'iit. Mapuf Nmw Vork City ahiiwliiit tliti loeailon uf pniiiertle. with there U certain percentage of party given by the Hillside club, last quired to bring health and strength to KIkIiIwiiiIi Annual Kuumiviil and other circular cuiilelnliiif full particular will the latest styles, in all leathers, and on which would be in for the benefit of the tho nervous and exhausted. ik mint, niiuvitt, this money, Friday night, in sizes which insure " a fit for vested In safe securities a Newtown The honora of the Mrs Frank Hensell, of Augusta, Amoi ican Ikal Estate netting library. every foot." Company, rate of If these were divided as follows : First Mich., that she is a well NlKlit and Hay Hank llullilliur. Stli Avu. and Ulli Hu. New Vurk. higher interest. evening says perfectly Zenith Special Shoes are $4 a knew where to get prizes, a silver Jardiniere and fern, Mrs woman and her appearance does not depositors special high grade. uch securities. C. F. 39 show that she has ever been ill in her Beardsley, points; fancy We control Zenith Shoes exclus- This Is I am in clock, Frank Blackman, 44 ; sec life. But a short time she was an L. H. why advertising points ago ively and sell them in our new and Prindle, this newspapcr-- to yon-ev- ery ond prizes, a silver mustard Mrs almost hopeless invaild as she tells in New Haven cup, enlarged shoe section in our base- Manager Agency, W. silver Elmer the interview : 2 Ht day. J. Beecher, 36; watch, following ment salesroom. Room Ht) First Nation Hunk Htilldlnif. Church New Haven, Conn. I want you to write me for my Fairchild, 42; third, fancy plate, Miss PAINS IN THE BACK. latest investment list. Mary E. Blackman, 35; box of cigars, "I was badly run down in health a Edwin Camp, 39 ; fourth, cracker jar, few years ago," she says, "and had Thomas C. Perkins Mrs C. S. Piatt. 34; a bill book, J. B. terrible fainting spells. I would often Capital, $250,000. Surplus, $315,225.89 Conn. Mutual Building Nichols, 34 ; fifth, fountain pen, Miss stagger and reel until I dropped. The F. V. Daniels, 32; box of candy, C. B blood rushed to my head at these times, L Hartford, Conn. Outfitters o Men, Women and Children CHARLES Q. SANFORD. Prest. EDWARD W. MARSH, Vice Prest 32 ; a water Caro me headaches. I be- Glover, sixth, color, giving raging Northwest Corner O. H. BROTnWELL, Cashier. line George, 29 ; silver paper cutter, A. came weak, nervous and depressed and Main Street and Fairfield Avenue, Mon- T. Nettleton, 30; seventh, bon bon had aching pains in the small of the Trustees, Administrators and Others Holding Conn. dish, Miss Eva Blackman, 28; fancy back and loins. My stomach was sour, Bridgeport, eys In Trust plate, L. C. Morris, 27; eighth, a liver torpid and the whites of my eyes Find a checking account of special value and convenience. It facilitates matter when call ed for of account. The checks for the the Mrs S. C. Glover, 27; and complexion were yellow. I upon a statement the (vouchers expenditure) plus whip, picture, my 3 bank balance equals the total amount of money In trust. Simple, 18 It not? South Britain Announcement. Edward Pitzschler, 26; ninth, bric-a-- had a cold most all the time and We solicit your account. brac novelty, Mrs J. W. Gordon, 26 ; coughed until my friends thought .that First National Bank. whip, William Hawley, 24 ; tenth, sil I must have consumption. off Hot toTieMuerar Be jjour 023 PUMP ON EARTH, Address: Main Bridgeport, Conn. ver stick pin, Miss Alice Scudamore, SURE THEY SAVED HER LIFE. BEST egf Temporary Street, Manufacturers' -- A 23 ; pocket knife, Horace Gilbert, 23. "I had taken all kinds of medicines Sale The consolation prizes, which "were a and paid doctor's bills until I was dis- large potato for the lady and a sau- couraged. I received no benefit from Established 1866. Of Decorated Crockery. sage for the gentleman, fell to Mrs A. their medicine and might as well have J. Smith and W. A. Canfield. taken so much cold water. At last I The Oldest Banking Firm In Connecticut. Just iwi-lri'- direct from tho Manufacturer a consignment of Decorated Crockery made up my mind to try Dr Williams' of Cups and Saucers, dales. Vegetable the a Dishes, Platters, I'ltcliers, Howls, etc. Elijah's manna, just thing, Pink Pills and bought them. It was Anythinti In the lot for 10c. Come In and food made of corn, sugar and salt, and marvelous to see the great improve- T. L. Watson & Co., See them. They arc going fast. Meyer Lift and Force Pumps for deep or Morris, the grocer, keeps it. Try it. ment in my health after 1 had taken shallow wells. BANKERS BROKERS the pills only a short time. I continued C. P. Williams' Up-to-Da- te W. B. Newtown, Ct. Bonds At Oranges, lemons, .grapes, figs, dates, their use and have been a perfectly Qlover, Stocks and Store, nuts, etc., at Morris'. He has some well woman ever since, do all of my Corner Main and John Streets, Bridgeport, Conn. South Britain. fine oranges as well as the rest. work and have no more need of medi- cine. I am cerain Dr Williams' Piink INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. Take some good reliable and safe Pills saved my life." like Kodol for Dyspepsia. Wm. J. Veness, digestant Many women suffer as Mrs Hensell Weak Kodol is the best remedy known y South Britain, Conn. did and we want all of themjto know for heart and all trou- burn, belching is a suited & The "177.V brand of coffee pleases that there remedy exactly James Staples Co., We drink- bles arising from a disordered diges- when others fail. also have a good for their condition. Thousands have CauseKidneysmore trouble than other organ of coffee fur iV. Our and to any ing Oolong Japanese tion. It is pleasant take and affords the body. The funotion of the kidneys Is to bridgeport Bankers and Brokers, teas are as tine as the market affords. Come taken this treatment with equally good In ank relief Sold S. E. Sanford separate Inorganic salt and water the pro- 189 and get a sample. Our fall and winter stock promptly. by and to remove them and Ravings State Street, Oorner Court, and rubber boots lias result. cess of circulation, of rubbers, artlcs, felt & Conn. ' from ., BRIDGEPORT, OONN. Kresh and all kinds at Co., Newtown, theirattondant poisons theliody through 1842. arrived. suit meat of A helpful book, "Plain Talks to W- the bladder. Therefore when the kidneys Incorporated reasouble prices. Groceries and general be to become diseased and weak they are naturally OOK. MAIN and STATE STS. Deposits received subject to check and in- No Ixitter place to trade. omen," will sent any address upon terest al lowed i of 3 bal- Rubber goods, a large assortment, at unable to perform their work properly, and at he rate per cent on request in a plain sealed envelope. pains In the back, Inflammation of the bladder Bridgeport, Conn. ances of JoOO or over. Finch's. and urinary disorders are the result. It Is Bonds furnished. Dr Williams' Pink Pills are sold by relief be Surety Imperative that a prompt afforded, Will CASH TALKS. Is unless remove the act as Trustees or Administrators In all or direct post- which impossible you the settlement of For rinVsand goods druggists, by mail, cause, $6,227,921.99 Estates or in the care of puns, sporting Deposits, property generally. Rex shaved beef In jar, 23c. Rex call on Dan D. 44 av- paid, oh receipt of price, 50 cents per - Smith, Fairfield Bladder Pills Assets, $6,781,461.98 corned and roast beef, ZM- per can. Nice DeWitt's Kidney and Safe deposit boxes to rent, with private r 3 25c. enue, Bridgeport, opposite Poll's box ; six boxes for $2.50, the Dr rooms for use of customers. canned corn can. for All oilier by from low for promptly eliminate poisons the system .groceries at corresponding prices theater. Williams Medicine Sche- make the well received from $1 up. cash. Company, and at the same time kidneys Deposits N. Y., and strong. Interest paid on all amounts, large P. L. Holzer. F nectady, In- T. Staples. A nice line of assorted cakes at t For Weak Backache, small. JOHN M. SQUIRES, South Brltain.Ct. Kidneys, all or Finch's. flammation of the bladder and urinary troubles De Wilt's Kidney t. b. deforest, President nd Bladder Pill8 are unsurpassed. i to hurt his head quite badly while edward stirling, Vice Presidents Removal Notice. Trial Catarrh treatments are P. B. HAWLEY, f being felling a tree, one day last week. A Week's Treatment for 25c mailed out free, on request, by Dr ALEXANDER HAWLEY, Treasurer The Bridgeport Trust Ilavo removed my Barber Shop R'.oney bac It if they fall. rom Munson Hall to rooms over l'ostoftice Snoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are where I shall do all kinds of Tonsorlal work. proving to the people without a pen- Mr and Mrs A. M. Booth will enter- Company, Satisfaction in all work Shop cost-th- guaranteed. ny's e great value of this scien- tain, Thanksgiving day, at dinner, Reu- open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. tific known to 1 State St.. "fldgeport, Oonn. prescription druggists ben M. Booth, Mrs James B. Secomb, MARTIN OR AN E, South Britain, Oonn. everywhere as Dr Shoop's Catarrh 60 YEARS' National Mrs Luther M. lat- 4j Bridgeport Capital, surplus and undi- Remedy. Sold by all dealers. and Barnum, the EXPERIENCE vided profits, On 1 1 be ter from Danbury. $300,000.00 NOTIOE-- and after May will at my Bank. in uth II r Halo prepared to do Hecel es Deposits subject tocheck, allowing any business in my line. Thanking my friends Incorporated 1806. Interest on accounts averaging 1500 balance. for their patron ige in the past and solicit a LITCHFIELD COUNTY. Kents Safe Deposit Boxes. share of It in the future. New Preston. Capital, $215,850. Acta as Executor, Administrator, Trustee A. I. Munson, Surplus and Profits, $260,000 or in any Fiduciary Capacity, Ot. South Britain, visited the shoe depart-ment,i- n A F. W. MARSH, New Milford. Haye you All Trade Marks President.1 the store of Cogswell & Wet-terea- and a Desire to ORANGE MERWIN, Vice Pres't. Ability, Integrity EGBEHT MARSH, Secretary. Roxbury Announcements. GAYLORDSVILLE. It has the most complete stock Serve You, E. H. JUDSON Treasurer. Anyone nenfllng a sketch and description may of store hereabouts. There are de- ancertain our free whether an any quickly opinion Is we will find If Miss Bessie Kennedy has returned Invention Is probably patentable. Communica- that what believe you you values here. HANDBOOK on a of National from a weeks' to pendable tions strictly confidential. Patents become patron the Bridgeport H. E. GARLICK, three trip Syracuse, lent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Bank; land behind this desire there is great ; Patents taken throuoh Munn Si Co. receive financial and N. Y. without In the strength solidity. J special notice, charge, of mil- Newtown Veterinary WONDERFUL ECZEMA CURE. Resources to the amount about two Savings Miss Susie Hatch is in New York. lions piotect the account you place In the ROXBURY, CONN. Scientific America it. Bridgeport National Bank. The an- cir- Bank. 208-- Epworth League held their Illustrated weekly, tamest Distance Telephone 5. "Our little boy had eczema for five A handsomely B. Long culation of any sclentlBc Journal. Terms, JS a T. DEFOREST, President. nual New on N. A. Henriet- L Bold all (I.NOOHPOHATED 1S55.) P. S.: Any one wishing to communicate with England supper Friday years," writes Adams, year; four months, by newsdealers. F. N. BENIIAM. Cashier. lil-- of doctors me over Local Telephone Call evening of last week in the church par- ta., Pa. "Two our home MUNN &Co.36,B'oadway New York said case was his Oct. 1, 1907, lor. There was a good attendance and the hopeless, lungs Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C. Deposits $946,384.42 being affected. We then employed Surplus, 30,000.00 FALL and an enjoyable evening was spent by all. other doctors, but no benefit resulted. Assets at par value, 1 ,000,636.52 - Mechanics' and Farmers WINTER GOODS. Rev and Mrs Van Keuren are in c, By chance we read about Electric Bit- Assets at market value, 1,029,571.52 tess ; bought a bottle and soon noticed Bank stock of felt Mass., and in Stockport, N. Financial. Savings Big improvement. We continued this med of one dollar to ono dol- and rubber boots, arctics and rubbers to Ht week. will Deposits thousand Y., this They spend New Balk , Wall lars received from all. Our sheep skin lined coats keep out the icine until several bottles were used, BuiUiij St.,BrUprV any one person in one year. cold. Nice line of warm mittens and gloves Thanksgiving at the latter place, when our boy was completely cured." chil- 1906, $3,873,773.29 for cold weather. Ladles', gents' and son and Dr Best of all blood medicines and body Deposits, Oct, 1, President: DAVID C. PECK. nice warm all sizes. Groc- guests of their his wife, dren's underwear, health Surplus and Interest, 160,681.68 T. eries and general merchandise. and Mrs Van Keuren. building tonics. Guaranteed Treasurer: ARTHUR NETTLETON by R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown ; THE MONEY SAVING STORE. Taylor, Miss Mary E. Paine is spending some Curtis & Co., Sandy Hook; P. J. Gar- We Offer, Assets, $4,034,454.97 time in N. vin, L. Goulett, Stevenson; Number of depositors, 11,587. Allen Ridgewood, J. Bethel; to sale- Joyce, Haw- Sulijivt the of 11000 received and Interest H. W. Osborne, Easton ; W. B. ncsiotialed Deposits fl to Roxbury Station. Conn. E. N. Minehardt and Howard Gid-- first mortuaees by us on from first of each People's Sherman ; Smith Brothers, Corn- Real Estate. Notes have credited the month, payable ley, Improved Hrlilin'purt In and of each year. Incorpor- at the Power Interest coupons and in- January July dings, employees House, wall Bridge; Connery Bros., George- allnrhed, principal ated 1873. terest payable at our bank. Notice. spent a few days, last week, in New town ; J. M. Sullivan, Redding Ridge ; OFFICERS I Savings Bank. Special Amount. Appmisa'. Hate. Insurance. G. F. Baker, Hawleyville ; G. W. Hurl-- If need anything in the 'line of Paint- York City. liill li John L. Wessek, President I860. you & Allen $ 150 $ per cent Vacant lot INCORPORATED ing or Paper Hanging, call at Cole Brothers burt Co., Roxbury; Joyce, siw turn n " " Marshall E Morris, Barber Shop and leave your order. Satisfac- On Saturday evening last the choir Station; G. W. Hatch, yice PrealdenU. Roxbury " Fredk. B. Hall. ) New Bank Building, Bridgeport. tion in all work guaranteed. W. 3.V) 7(10 ti " met in the church parlor to hold a Bridgewater ; N. Noble, New Mil L. and Treasurer. KM) 2.3ml " 1.200 8. Cstlin, Secretary Cole Brothers, ford ; E. H. New Preston ; choir the first one held in Beardsley, Ml 1..M1) " Vacant lot Roxbury Station, Conn. rehearsal, " Cogswell & Wettereau, Washington 1,000 2.100 (i I.S0O some time. As there are new mem- " Deposits, $4,515,867.49 Depot; Harry Brown, Southbury; C. 1.500 2.500 5 1.500 2.500 4,500 5 " 3,0O() bers it is hoped that there will be more P. South Perkins " Andrew Puchala, Williams, Britain; 2.H00 5,000 5 3,1X10 Deposits of $1 will start you in the Warren ; W. " The ROXBDRY. CONN. interest taken in this work. Brothers, N. Hurd, Long 3.250 5,(Klt 5 3.500 niddlesex saving line. 50c (i.000 6 " 3.500 Hill; druggists; and $1. Trial bot 3,500 " Horse and Ox Shoeing, Carriage and Wagon Mrs Couch has closed her house for 3,71X1 0,000 51-- 2 3,700 tle free. " Co. Repairing and General Blacksmithing. Also 4,500 9.000 ti 5.000 Machine Work done. the winter. Banking : all kinds of Every day A similar line of Bridgeport Morttraires can OFFICERS after 4 p. m., all kinds of Plumbing work done be furnished. Slocks and Bonds, Organized In 1875. Now In Its 30th year of home when desired. open week Mr and Mrs John Presten were guests usually SAMUEL W. at your Shop listed or unlisted on the New York (Hok business, on the same as Savings BALDWIN. from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. being plane days at F. Kennedy's, last week. I Also deal in Real Estate, Insurance of President. 201-- Banks and under the supervision the State Telephone calls 135-- 5 and 5. CASTOR A and Surety Bonds. Guests at Paine Farm recently were For Infants and Children. Bank Examiners. State Trust Funds since HENRY ATWATER, ENOCn P. HINCK8, the Statute of 1889. Mr and Mrs P. E. Clark and family of BURR & KNAPP, Vice Presidents. W. T. OALLAOHBR, The Kind You Have 5per cent Debentures of 1100, 1200, 1600, $1000. New Milford, Thompson Barton of Always, Bankers and Brokers, EDWARD W. MARSH, Main St., Sandy Hook, Oi. East Kent, N. G. White of Ridgewood, Tel. 423, 991 Main Street. Secretary and Treasuier. Shop near New England Station. Barber Bears the L. D. Sanford & Co., and Hairdresser. Satisfaction In all my work N..J. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. FRANK HUBBARD. and of I Shop open ever? day Signature 150 Conn. Book and Teller. Juaranteed. A Specialty . Lyman Stone had the misfortune Meigs Bldg, Bridgeport, Keeper 10 THE NEWTOWN NEE, Fill DAY, NOVEMBER 21), 1007.

The Newtown 13ca

V.l-lil.- ! Full Stock i rl..ll, fiiUl, I'.' LITCHFIELD COUNTY. All the Latfht 0 (iok I New Milford. Remember, Kverj tiling that tr to inuko the ilrujj 0 I). A. It. ACTIVITIES. IfYouVVanttOvSee the in tUxom completo is Latest Styles Suits and Overcoats, tunini'im hero. Now ihhU At a mretinir of tho l'al 0 a chapter of the U. A. K. at thi? That We Have Them. always arriving. of Mm C M. Heath, Saturday ami Uilft ar- afternoon, about lit were Fancy AUo rcmcinlxT thai w lien you want to tin' IVst Vulno ssil)l for and in alti-mlnru- A ule will be get Clothing your money, garment that will lit ticles in profusion. rake mailt hi'UI at the residence of the Mi.wi as though to your measure That this is the store where you can get precisely what you want. In our allowing of lioartlmun on UeeehmiT fc. Four Ur meetim? will bo held with W. N. Noble, December Wmthinirtun' Suits and Overcoats at $10, 12.50, $15, $18 and $20, birthday, and Kilmer Sherman' birth-dit- y 111. liiid DRUGGIST, on April You'll values you're not likely to mutch outside of this nton Tho suits nt these prices consist of tTio very newest single and e uouuif uiriiMtn Nii ht in unn wnne a-- WAR.NKU-MRDAII.- iiikii t'ni'io me uvereoats of distinctive cut Dank Street, New Milford. MISS EYi risi,iires cneviots, single breasted, oi medium ami mane oi tins season a most 1 on not w lengtn lasiiionaDie coatings. do have to look rery hard to see the suHriority e A inttrt-x-t fl. wedding of great took 0 of our Clothing at the asked, over that of any at a mmilur on the market. luce on 'I'ui'it'liiy afternoon at the prices price iomeof Mr and Mr Stanley Warmi In LaneHvllk', when their daughter. You Have Mis KJith Wiirner. and Frunklin U. But Do to Look. of Mt Vernon. N. were unit- Dailey V., JfiC a is all we and in Kev B. ofll- - Jtisl fair comparison ask; run in see the values we are in Suits and Overcoats at Notice. ed marriage. F. Draper j giving 10.00, ciated. The bride waa formerly a pop- 12.5W, 13.00, 1.00 and 20.00. Just iwcIvmI a new lliii" of Men's tml boys' ular instructor at the Inifleside and y, 1.. - if k .1 i:.. ... I. ..I. Pant ami ( gi: Clill,lriMi' N'luml lirewi-.- : ib a aimer ui wra Aim is, who oi juuk Lilli'' mil Children's t'oau; Ladles hklru J. Jr. Audi. and Hhlrt llln.'k baleen Skirt tml I If HATCH & full line of general dry Ouud. Uoud good DEWEY, 0 at low irltv;it DOGS, ORDERED MUZZLED on. Everything Man or . Boy Wears, Including Shoes, Felts, Arctics, Boots and Kublxsrs, CONFINED. Miller's Dry Goods Store, New Milford. TWO STORES. Great Assistant Commissioner R. J. Averill Barrington. Church Street. Town Opposite Hall, of Washington hug ordered the doiri of New Milford. Phone a period of six months. comply with the order means a $7 fine and a possible imprisonment of 30 The Best Lino in the days. a pretty bay mare, bought of W. M. Keeler. County of SECRET SOCIETY NOTES. Those Hard Times Drive at Davis' Market A FINE ADV. AND. FINE GOODS. St Peter's lodjre. No 21, F. & A. M., The large and handsome adv. of Dun- For Friday and Novemlier 2(J and 30: will hold a meeting, December !), to Saturday, can & Canlield, the Bank Coats Fancy Driving work the M. M. degree. Refresh- hustling Covert AND ments will be served. street clothiers, suggests the timely Cod Steak to Boil or Bake, 5c per pound. and remarkable bargains they are offer For out-do- or workers are a great A regular meeting of Palm Rcbekuh If Is, out of on Half 1 for your money the bank the Shell, l.,.i.. ..,;n .n n 1...... ,, a ing in winter suits and overcoats, the bargain the money. Oysters Escallops, IWUfStS win UV II11U Ull LSUlCIIIUll Long Clams, Halibut, Salmon, Smelts. Work Harnesses. Mio.i... r. .,m. t... !. kind of goods that stay by you. They incr trm will h m,ln Th have an especially large and attractive See me and Save Money. will be conferred two candidates.A? line of overcoats and invite Bee read-- upon era to call. Their adv. week's Members are urged to attend. in this Great Pant Sale! Bee, by the way, is a model of typo-- Good Shepherd lodge, No. 65, 1. 0.0. Save the Broken Frank will confer second and third graphical excellenc. 162 pair of $3 pants at $2. These The Money-Savin- g Store Evitts, F., the ! on December 5. ' must be sold. ' Pieces of degrees METHODIST (CHURCH NOTES. Jewelry for Railroad Street, New Milford, "Lights and Shadows of Chicago" Itrlntr thorn ti us for REV T. J. LEE PREACHES ANNI- lec- repairs. When returned you will hard- is the subject of the stereopticon know it ever was broken. The MADISON. ly that VERSARY SERMON AT ture next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. repair charge will he nominal, (ilud An in New York lo tell you what it cosls before we un- Rev T. J. Lee, who is recognized as unexpected delay Along caused a from last Mon- At der! ake the job. one of the ablest in the Con- postponement McMahori's, We do Hrst class watch repairing al- Paint, preachers There are 100 fin D. gregational denomination, preached day night. views, so. We are Just as particular alxnit R. R Routes about 90 in colors, showing the sights clock repairing and eye glass flxings. the sermon at the 200th anniversary of As a wecan Michigan avenue, the beautiful matter of fact, replace any Goods may be ordered by the Congregational church at Madison, along broken part of any piece in our line. Lake front Mtoatt-Pluii- b mail or telephone, All orders will receive Sunday. In the course of his eloquent Michigan driveway, among Block, If not open for repair work, you may Wall prompt attention. the skyscrapers and department stores, want to replace some worn out chain Paper Mr Lee said : Cor. Bank and Railroad sermon, into the commission market Streets, or charm, or some other piece of Jew- Albert We ministers nowadays do not weary greatest elry. The old jewelry will be tiought Evitts, Druggist, our delicate constitutions and still more of the world, visiting homes among the NEW MILFORD. by us for the full vrlue of the old gold. and Telephone 33, NEW MILFORD. "submerged tenth", getting eye sight While talklngof charms and lockets, delicate congregation by the length of we to to tell of children in friend-lessne- don't want forget you our nor their the need, poverty, that several new numbers were In sermons, yet by depth. and much put It is a time when the popular young yet hopefulness, stuck that are really worth swing. ! One Half at the Boys' Club where prac- Callender Bros., Several new chains have also arrived. Glass no more than fif- stopping Olive Oil theologian requires tical manliness is inculcated. This is Some of them were neck chains, others The teen or twenty minutes to prove to'his Half Dime Lunoh Rooms, guard chains and a number of them entire satisfaction that Moses was a a rare treat, entertaining, inspiring, men's chains. I Sold in this Is and Admission country adulterat- myth, and that there never was such educational, religions. The line of Glass ed with linseed oil or gome other ingredient, free. A collection will be asked. Ev- 138 South nain St., Waterbury, Ct biggest and a article. For absolute- a thing as a miracle, except, of course, usually very poor is invited. a cun of nor arivllent Ooftea. in town.) pure olive oil perfect 'In flavor, put up In himself. eryone Try ly M. W. HILL, , cans direct from Italy go to "The Restoration of Man" is the PastrrfalMioixia madt We can save you money. subject for Sunday morning. The Jeweler, G. b. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH schiappaoasse, "Humanity's Great Question, 'Who N EW MILFORD, CONN. New Milford. NOTES. art Thou?" is the subject for Sunday evening. This will be a short sermon Warren. Rev H. W. Smith will John of Lee, Mass., with evangelistic service. Hannon, Cleaned, Tuned, be the preacher at the Congregational - V Miss Flora Hartwell lead the LARGE DELEGATION WARREN fiDfiANQIVVJ tL y & and Repaired. church, Sunday. Rev Dempster D. Nicholas League and the topic is "Making PATRONS TAKE IN NATIONAL Square, Gorton of Southboro, Mass., supplied the Most of Life." Have concluded to follow my old occupa- last and two GRANGE MEETING. Nuts, tion once more. Orsans should be cleaned the pulpit, Sunday, gave Missionary Sunday in the Sunday Grapes, New Milford, Ct. excellent sermons. and overhauled every two years to prevent school at noon. Special exercises by There was quite, a delegation from the moths from eatinir the felts. Will do the Warren, Wichita Grange, No. 132, at etc., work at your house and save you the trouble the boys. Figs, i convention in of shipping the orpan away. My prices are Edward Addis of New Rochelle, N. the National Grange For the Thanksgiving Table. reasonable, so anyone can afford to have the Y., has returned to New Milford to The Christmas Century is now on Hartford. Among the number were work done. Satisfaction guaranteed. make his home. sale at P. M. Cassedy's. the Worthy Master Frank Voisard and tarr & Dean, Temperance Pool Room. Miss Nellie has returned to her E. M. Miller of Danbury has moved Mrs Voisard, the State Steward, b . P. Riggs Postopfice Block, New Milford. A. H. McMahon, old position in the restaurant of C. H. into Young's block on Railroad street. Johnson, and Mrs Johnson, Miss P. A. W. Hipp. The attractive Christmas Harper's is Gossley, Miss Fanny Ohmen, Miss Au Agent for tho Dayton, Rev D. Gorton now on sale, at Frank E. Soule's. gusta Ohmen, Mr and Mrs Justis Corn-stoc- k, New Dempster preached Opp. England House, New Milford sermon at a union When into New Milford to Mrs Max Schnell, Charles Per I', U. Address, Lock Box 115. the Thanksgiving driving GURNEY service of the Methodist and Congre- trade, the sheds at the store of Ackley, kins and Mr and Mrs N. B. Strong, Edward P. Martin Steam and Hot Water Heaters. gational churches, at the Methodist Hatch & Marsh will be tound conven It was a very interesting and instruc church, Wednesday ient, while this firm s stock of tive meeting. The time ws very in Cnntractor and Builders. night. large and Plumbing all its Branches. Castle coffee peo- groceries, meat and feed will be found 'and profitably spent. The PLUMBING pleases particular pleasantly Estimates free. Call Ask to economical of Hartford before you buy. ple. Charles I. Leach about it. attractive buyers. people gave the patrons HEATING The West Shore and Hound Oak Stoves need A of the F. E. Soule has the sole for of a welcome and no are & prime quality celery for agency Husbandry royal All Kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work puff. They the best. Taylor Buckingham, Sunday dinner at Charles I. Leach's. New Milford for the Buck Cigar. everything was done to make it an ex- Coatraetors aid Parsnips of prime quality. Druggist W. N. Noble is offering a perience to all who had the pleasure 180 Railroad St., NEW MILFORD, CT. Builr, Wallace Albert H. Railroad Street, New Milford, Ot. Gold Medal buckwheat flour and the complete line of the famous of being there, one of the pleasantest McMahon, to it. At Starr confections. memories of a life-tim- Estimates cheerfully furnished on large or prime syrups accompany Bridge Street, New Milford. small contracts. & Dean's. D. McMahon, the popular tailor, has Mrs P. is Frances Hava Yon of Mr and Mrs W. M. Keeler will pass a good line of shoes, guaranteed to F. Johnson in.St Thought where she went to .thanksgiving with Ur and Mrs How- wear and stand the storm. A line of hospital Hartford, ard Staub in Stamford. stylish hats just received. Also some have an operation, which was success- N. a of two E. BURWELL, Mrs Albert Sterling ivas surprised by hanjsome winter caps. Good values in ful, but will necessitate stay Photograph or before home. and a company of her neighbors, one even- meivs trousers. three weeks coming Painting Paper Hanging. Ohmen still remains for a Birthday aift. CoisiJcr how i- - ing last week, the occasion being her Miss L. E. Spatcher in the United Mrs Wlliam very First Glass Work and Reasonable Prices. of sirabls valnatl picture would Alcohol 62d birthday. Bank building is showing the latest ill, with very little hope recovery. ai b. Welmville New and Miss BtatfM it io act bacama a mar Ave., Milford. Richard Meaney of Danbury has a and styles in fall and winter Mrs Robert Swift friend, in mamory. It aavar loaaa ita charm aor Orders may be left with O. A. Way Oo. of W. M. Keeler. A cordial invitation is ex- Matson, have returned from a visit Denatured driving horse, bought millinery. aaaeciatiaaa. Call at Edward Peabody, the well liked and tended to the ladies of New Milford Bridgeport. iataraatiag New Britain Tav es the of Grain Alcohol capable oculist, is making one of his and surrounding towns to inspect the Miss Flora Strong from place Puritan and B. M. C. Best Patent regular visits to New Milford, with new hats. spent a week at her father's, N. B. for bathing, rubbing, burning,etc, Strong's, recently. The 19th a number er headquarters at M. W. Hill's jewelry C. E. Riddlford Is for Hine and any-oth- purpose except in- Flour. headquarters of her friends gave her a genuine sur- The Studio, store. Mr Peabody has been unusual- correct and satisfactory work in watch ternal use at 4 cost. ly successful in the of his pro- and clock prise party. Postofflce Block, practice repairing. storm of wind and sleet fession, and is liked for his gentleman- Watch and clock The severe NEW CT. New Milford repairing promptly and snow of afternoon reminds ' niLFORD, Grocery Co., ly and affable qualities. attended to at store of M. W. Hill Sunday the to as a forerunner of C. A. Eaileoad St, Nbw Milford. Neils Nelson, now in the employ of us what expect WAY CO., Mrs W. D. Black as will leave the winter soon to be upon us. butler, For a refreshing glass of soda water Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Shades, Screens.etc. on December 1, to take a similar posi- with pure syrups call at the drug store New Ct. tion in the family of Loui3 Nixon at Monroe. Milford, of Albert Evitts 143-- St George, Staten Island. Not Going: Out Telephone Newport E. L. Osborne has been visiting ST PETERSHURCH. friends at Mill Plain. Rev T. Jefferson of Darien Mrs Griswold Bragaw is visiting in Washington. Ralph of business officiated at St Peter's church on Sun- Coffee. New London. Dr Bragaw passes in New London. OPENING DAY, WOMANS EX- - day, November 24, and is expected to Thanksgiving in two which will but to the Andrews Fowler & None Better. A trial Miss Henrietta Bosworth of New CHANGE. supply again weeks, moving block, Toquet, be December 8. will be of one will con- York will pass Thanksgiving day with Sunday, Main St., where I better package The of the Woman's Ex- vince Mrs Henry Ives. , opening day GRANGE NOTES. able to serve the public with a Civil and Hydraulic Engineers, you. Mrs Jennie Blakeman has returned change will be on Wednesday, Decem Grange entertained, last complete line of Jewelry and - from Great where ber 11. It is well to keep the time Harmony Surveyors. Barrington, Mass., week Friday evening, Patrons from Watches. she has been some time. in mind as one can not help but be staying for Stratford, Trumbull, Easton, Farmill Brown & Knapf Building, C. I. LEACH, S. glad of this opportunity to buy useful Harry Wengrow, the Bank street River. Somers and Clinton Granges. BANK ST., NEWMILJOBDOT tailor, ir. addition to his local busi- and pretty things for Christmas. Church Street, New Miltord. Between 80 and 90 were present and Telephone 114. - ness, is engaged with two other gen- as- R. W. L. Wendt, a. members of the different Granges Telephone 5-- tlemen in the wholesale woolen busi- DEATH;OF MRS GEORGE HARPER. sisted in the program and a very pleas- New Milford. ness in New York City. " sad news of death of FMrs ant evening was passed. Clarence Blakeman of Bridgeport The the of Watertown on last Steam and passed Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ed George Harper, Miss Edna Wheeler has returned to came a shock to her win Fairchild. Saturday as many her home in Easton for Thanksgiving. Hot Water Deerihg friends here. She was Mr and Mrs M. W. Hill will pass the daughter Mrs George Bennett is visiting in of the late Charles N. Beach of this Com and Unique Heaters, Corn and Grain Thanksgiving day with Mr and Mrs Shelton. L. P. Treadwell in New York. place. Besides her husband and sisters, James Gould, who was so badly hurt Manufactured by A booth has been Stella and Edith Beach, she leaves and is at the Bridgeport hospital, is Look public telephone who will Harvesters. in the store of P. M. Cassedy. three little children keenly somewhat better. J. A. NORTHROP, placed Men's Prop., Golden York miss her. Miss Clara who has been very Over our large stock and New Joseph was in New City Lewis, Boys' Felts and Kubber Beets, Arctic's and Milford, Conn. You the first of the week. ill with bronchial pneumonia, is now Unbbers; also Gloves and Mittens. Prices SeejMe If Sarah who has been - Harry Golden has embarked in the Miss Dagnon, supposed to be out of danger. low. Give us a call before purchasing- else- Want to seriously ill for the past five weeks, where. Buy. dry goods business at Great Barring- . has so recovered under skillful "H. Flaxfeed," the new feed for cows. ton, Mass. far the ' auction sale of and de- Cotton Seed treatment of Dr that she is The groceries Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay, Meal, All Kinds of Mr and Mrs Henry Donnelly visited, Wersebe, merchandise at S. E. Sanford Gluten, etc. Also coarse Salt tor packing Farming now able to be and around the pendable pork at low prices. ! last week, in Bridgeport. up & Co.'s takes on Decebmer 4. house. place First Class Meat Market. We butcher only Tools. Jay Griffith of New York was the Native Steers. Eestaurant & the Washing- guest over Sunday of Mr and Mrs W. Cogswell Wettereau, Select line of groceries. M. Keeler. ton Depot merchants, offer tremendous C. M. Hunt is at White Plains, N. Fenn Montana, values in and A E. B. BUCKINGHAM, Dr Smith of Redding Ridge has a gloves mittens. big Y receiving treatment from a New Ackley, Hatch & Marsh, MygattBlk., Railroad St,, New Milford. tock inside the main door en- nice driving horse, of W, M. just friends Railroad and Streets, Heals served at All Hours, Northville, Conn, bought Look them over and fitted York physician. His many Bridge Keeler. trance. get New Milford. Ql ve Me A Call. cold weather. hope for his speedy convalescence. 154-- is before Telephone 2. Dr Leslie of Bridgewater driving


MMMIIM clue of what had (won a busy sommer. W0S60 U Wdl !1 CIS Art R8d8 ;svUantbolweiroU,il.Un. The Newtown Bee j uiion ana that make help mur rdi-- t Ilcadccho miserable and Bj Kidney able, The country around baa a Can be, cured wly by heavy j flay subsoil make a remedy Uwt will Bladder Trouble. that heavy travel some of the and fPiUSHtB BT trouble jtarta year thew are Klduey prey iijmhi the mind, ' ; Mm stretche of ruad ta be Tl ufin you the ICE PUBLISHING COAFaNT, 4ituitn!ci(ii(iUb-iii4iHl4Uiii- beauty, corduroy ti'ilt ill4 vigor ami iiieeriui. wen. On our way to the railroad at a. (M)Wilrnt or ill Ilia Iit-- soon libiiiieal tiun on our return, we ossm by a lit u Urn tliekldlicysitre quick will It Mara, 1 tie at hoo houM (omewhut like the one U,JN P.umTH. mi of unlcr or d '5'!" r Ooitornlly.hNKlwhs 'mipst sua Iti'inm at Walnut Tree Hill. As I wante.rlo . comes from a K PI I'll J. 8HITH. , trouble hat see muiw children in a Vlr-- di. HWHfTJlir, Thikphim. Kidney Virginia' j turlml Ntouuitb or iU It II l HIM HUlUUiK Uii'lliq SO ptcvtlluil itlnia Kt'hoolliouMi went in, irave them tiKNKV St. lli.'t it H ii"l umoiii irregular ImwuU, nit 4 SMITH, a little talk, closing by telling them VICI PlMII'IWT A0 ni'iii fir a child tut almot Invariably j Uirii ttillicied with that my home is in ('miiiecticut and I Wt'ilk kidllt'YlL If the had been ll to foine Intu their Heigh- - j Lane's child urinutmtontiftrn, if the urine cMt burhood to visit my old teacher tji Family the if, whrn thechild reacheniiii fleli,or whom I went to li'i when 1 wtu on- hit fun I Muailta. Vuur Ltanu nc when it huld lie able control the Oxuui Ouyv. f ten old. l brU-we- ly year They aeemed ur Medicine ifi4K!i it yet afmrtttl Willi i

bunt-aelt- it, tliecmihcof tlicdilli. prised, but they could not have been ( ton to liijuttlT) will cur a tii)K,ilfjiciiUiuii cutty U kidney trouble, uud the firi as much so & I I lu am, when think of short order by retiUtiitg nhould be tnwiinU the treatment of ,,, Newtown, Conn,, r'rldsy. Syvwiulwr' 3, ItW. Mop k,..,.,,,, w ho la still tbt bowol and mluvltJoratUiiJ tb theW Thi u..nleaint mi "V (earlier, . Impurtanttwwna, a will ttonutcn. trouble in due to a dicad condition of preserved woman, both of body and bladder and not to a and mind, of 83 and xrs the It U rest blood medicine kidneyi years, the recol I habit a mot people lection TaLMi'UONi, 4- -. ujitwc. of that visit will ever remain t ' - ' and the fevorlte laxative of old Women as well a men are made miser- if one of the sweet memorle of my later nd young. able with kidney ami bladder trouble, both need the Mine life. E. L Johnson. At 25a. and Mc and great remedy. druggist', lomrwwe Ritm i The mild and the Immcdiute effect of Swamp-Ro- ot in wxhi realized. It is told Rev J. H. Davis IMMMMMMMMMIMMt Iw tmo lino 6roo yen in fifty-ce- nt I I neb I.M tOO 1.00 t.00 by urugKisU, Of r NEW HAVEN COUNTY. Sherman, who bai accepted call to the Pastorate of Leading Wasblngtoi HusIdm I Inch t tOO 4.00 t.00 10.00 and i ! loch 1.00 4.00 TOO 10.00 18.00 size bottL. Youinuv Ibe Confrcfationtl Cburcb it Torrinjford HentM I.M 1.00 10.00 U.00 K.00 mchM have a sample bottle iS I UlChM too too u.00 moo k.oo 4 4.00 tOO 10.00 14.00 40.00 mail free, also a ot ', coliima by sniiooi 411.00 bm l- -l 1.00 10.00 M.00 W.OO column all about Swamp-Roo- t, D0NT PAY ALIMONY. To check a cold quickly, get from 11.00 M.OO WOO WOO pamphlet telling Middlebury. -l column tOO testi- 14.00 48.00 M.OO including many of the llimiNHids of druggiot some little Candy Cold M ouloma I.M 8.00 To your 1 10.00 M.W 40.00 U.00 100.00 monial letters received from sufferers be divorced from your amendix. column Tablet called I'reventic Druggist ev- cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., THE NEW WESTOVEK SCHOOL There will be no occasion for it if you N. V lie mention erywhere are now dispensing I'reven- You! lOe Una. Binghamton, sure and A I Are Heading notices, brevier type, great transformation under way TZ' . I Mmall Ic a word this Don't make mistake, SnTO ! for they are not only safe, but nonpareil alt. par (Ml, paper. any at Center. K'.L tic, t, Middlebury The store on the no the never ha but remember the name, Swamp-Roo- gentle appendix cause decidedly certain and prompt Pre- ad- south side to make Going to Builtl Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t, and the of the Green has been re-- the least complaint Circulation : Guaranteed at R. H. Beer 4 Co., New-.!,- ! vents contain no quinine, no laxa- ' dress, Dingbaiuton, N. Y on every moved, and soon will disappear the old Paint or bottle. town; Taylor, Curti & Co., Sandy Tak- aoo the Methodist tive, nothing harsh nor sickening. January t. IWi house, parsonage Hook: Bethel Gou- - Ilcpair Your BuilJinjfs I Garvin, ;L " ana Blacksmith simp. One hundred and lett, Stevensonpj, ; Osborne, Eas-- en at the "sneeze ataire" Preventica e ton W. II. Last week, 4600 twenty-fiv- carpenters and laborer are ; Ilawlcy, Sherman: Smith will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, son as of long 'ago. Her son, Albert, now at work on the new Wcstover Uro.. Cornwall Bridire: Connery : Bros., Georgetown M. Sullivan, Red- La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Pre-venti- IF SO seven years old when left Rox school, a building 300 x 30 built J. they feet, ding Ridge ; G. F. Baker, Ilawlcy ville; Good for feverish child- bury and now in middle life, whose in the form of a hollow with G. W. square, Hurlbut. Roxbury; Allen Joyce, ren. 4 Preventics 25 cents. Trial Boxes wife isdead.Jis the main stay of his court in the Center. Miss Theodate Roxbury Station; G. W. Hatch, Buy your Shingle, Lum- A LETTER 23 cts. Sold by all dealers. motherland has the care of the large Pope of Farmington is the architect. Bridgewater; W. N. Noble, New ber, etc., at Yard. Milford; E. H. Bcardsley, New Pres- my farm. On the farm is a tract The school is built by the Tide large being ton; Cogswell & Wettereau, Washing- A line of Hard- of timber that lumbermen Water Co. complete are looking Building of New York and ton Depot ; Harry Brown, Southbury ; OABTOniA. Bmm The Kind You Han Always Bought ware, Nails, etc. at with longing eyes, but it is not in R. F. Jones of Hartford. The building C. P. Williams, South Britain; Perkins it Warren ; W. N. From E. L its dotage and will increase in value as will require 1,000,000 feet of lumber, Brothers, Hurd, Long Hill ; Druggists. 25c. Try them. the years goby. Wheat, corn, pea will contain 1500 windows. In the con- nuts, tobacco and grass are staple struction there will be 90,000 cubic feet though the limit of production is of stone work. About 1350 barrels of - crops, When burini Ilka to KNuW that they are getting- the real Axes, Rope, curtailed much by the great scarcity cement will be required. In the build- thing; that the qunilly 18 eiactly its represented to them, Most People ind to feel that ibe urlcm Dld are lust. Then shopping TO NEWTOWN S DEAR of help. ing will be .300,000 square yards of become, a pleasure and a satisfaction. This pleasure may be yours In the future. i dd i hen looking for things In gold or silver of th. boat makm ware, choice On a gentle elevation well back from plaster. W. F. Jones, a popular gen- Htorllogor plated Twine. CHILDREN cut glass, timepiece. Mint will tell you the truth, diamonds and other precious stones, opera the highway stands the house, of Vir- tleman, is the efficient superintendent oeia glasses. pocKeiDook. billhooks and card cane, art ware, fans. Whiting's boi paper, Kepalrtng. Diamond setting and ngravlng. Eves .iftmlnad dar or nlffht. Prenerlv ginia country architecture with the in charge. C. L. Calhoun is the gentle- fitted glasses made and guaranteed. Goto Bee's large open fireplace that always brings manly and well liked time-keepe- r. And Those of The Wider TAYLOR OREOOPV. , along with it horns of good cheer, Field. Practical St-- i Cona. F. around which we gathered and talked JewelfM, Ellipwtr Dtrty, S. SEELEY, about people in New England homes. Quaker's Farms. Richmond, Va., October 23., 1907. The wide between the house Washington Depot, Ct, space Among the interesting side trips we and highway is well shaded by massive AT CHRIST CHURCH. DEALER IN was one took out from Richmond, Va., oaks of more than a century's growth, Services at Christ church at 2 p. m., to the town of Hebron in Dinwiddie which with the house were Coal, Lime, Cement, together November 24, Sunday school following. Notice. county. It was a fifty mile ride by the unmolested when the armies marched Hardware, REAL ESTATE Paints, Norfolk and Western railroad to Wilson over the country for the siege of Rich CHANGES. Edison etc. mile ride across Phonographs 8t(C., and from thence a five mond, for although they' destroyed the James T. Tomlinson, who was mov- and the county to our place of destination. old raided barns for ing to the Sanford place, has to look Virginia fences, Victor The chief incentive for making the grain and hay, and cellars for hominy for another rent as the place is sold to Talking Machines (&58itl63e5a?5t&8lfcTiaa5MaHjiS' trip was that I might meet a personal and bacon, stripped the farms of cattle Seymour parties, who are moving in. Sheet Music friend of my childhood days, and that and poultry they did not burn, or in and ALL the Miss Marian Lum has a fine black Records, Washington Mutual friend the last teacher to whom I went any other way destroy buildings. spaniel puppy, a present from her un- Foreign and Domestic, to school in the old brown schoolhouse Mrs Lathrop's Mr Young, Fire Ins. Co., cle in Williamsport, Penn. in Stock. of '65 years ago. She was known then who married the second daughter, lives Always as Miss Henrietta Peck and later Chicken thieves are around. People Incorporated istil. (as on the plantation adjoining and has, Mrs Frederick Lathrop, living with her beside the large landed area under cul- must have their shot gun in readiness, POWELL G. SEELEY, President. Edison Phonographs, husband in Roxbury, Conn., until after a thousand acres or more of as over 40 fowls were taken from E. H. FRANK J. K1LBORN, Secretary. tivation, (Cylinder Type) the Civil War, when, buying a planta- timber land, much of it free enough of Hubbell's and six from Mrs Jane Wi- Washington Depot, Conn. tion in Virginia, they, with their four underbrush, so that a horse can be lliam's on Hallowe'en night. Mrs Wil- Victor TaikingMachines moved there in the 1869. liams is a hard woman and children, year driven in circuitous ways in and out working (Disc Type) Rates Furnished on Farm and Residential We could not well leave Richmond for among the big pine trees, some of has a sick husband, who is partially and Live Stock. are far to all the imita- Property our Connecticut home and forego the them three feet at the butt, paralyzed. It is a shame they cannot superior A Mutual No Hiirh Ton- through We sell them on Purely Company. would be tions. THREE ed Expenses, and Rates at Lowest Notch Con- pleasure we were sure it be to see limbless for forty feet from the ground caught. Interests of the MONTHS APPROVAL, you are to be the Judge, and It are not sat- sistent With the Policy her and her children, her husband hav- and of cut five four Mrs Emma of you many them would Northrop Stevenson isfied, we will buy you are other make of machine you name. We ing died a few years ago. teen foot logs. He is a true lover of has returned home after visiting her guarantee satisfaction. We carry a COMPLETE stock, so that you Ladies Should Investigate the Twenty miles south of Richmond on Nature and it was a drive long to be daughter, Mrs C. A. Davis. can always get what you want HERE. Good Points of the we reach sit- Terms-Ca- sh or credit-- to suit YOU. our way out, Petersburg, remembered, for along with all else, C. H. and A. J. Lum have been en TALKING Machines of all kinds repaired; we have an uated on both sides of the Appomattox, of October in the the spirit was air. tertaining cousins from York state. repair shop and can repair your machines at short notice. covering an area of three miles square Crimson and in the for Demorest yellow ran riot Mrs L. A. Nichols and Mrs Frank EVERYTHING the Talking Machine can be had at and still expanding. Of this city we woods. Among the trees, along with Machine. Ailing visited at their father's, C. H. Sewing will write later as we have visited it the flame of maple, the dull red of the Lum's, one day recently. Can be seen at our store and sold at a price and made it a matter of some study. oak, the clear gold of the hickory, the to beat city department store figures. Mrs George S. Hubbell and sister, The The 50 miles of country through which bronze of the dogwood and the dark Century Company, Inc., An Stock of Groceries Miss Mary Ward, of Riggs street, visit- we passed was typical of the south- green of the pine, with the leaves of all 837 Main and Dry Goods. ed, last Thursday, with Miss M. L. St., Bridgeport, Conn. eastern part of Vjrginia stretching out not yet falling, but tenaciously cling Hawkins and mother. toward the seaboard and back toward ing to the living branches, while the Next to Smith's Theatre. & Edwin has sold on Coggswell Wettereau, the mountains, a sandy loam with now uncultivated waste beyond the woods, Hinman his farm 2mm Lower on Washington Depot, Ct. and then a marshy place of limited ex sported its annual carnival of golden Pisgah the road from Quaker to va- tent, or a stretch of timber in acres ex rod and sumac. I peered into the dis- Farms Hull's Hill, but will not tending into the thousands, and, al tance far but saw neither deer or wild cate untilspring. Carl Bader, though the steam saw mill has done turkey to satisfy curiosity. Mr Young The squeal of the porker is heard much destructive as Market, work, following is a native Virginian of truest type among the farmers these days. Washington Depot who does the woodchoppers, cut, and the home is on the plantation C. B. Johnson's barn Washington Depot. large was slash, and fell the timber without any where he was born. A of ten on boy raised, last week, and is covered and A A Meats hand. Game Town. full line of always of to the trees that may at outbreak Leaky n the season. Meats always prime quality regard younger years the of the war, he shingled. Mr Thayer and sons of Sey- and reasonable. prices be wantonly ruined in the crash, yet remembers well the raiding of his fa- mour and Bernard Davis of Oxford are all the timber is notwithstanding this, ther's farm and home by the Union doing the work. There is in a radius of 20 miles of llawleyville, by actual not there is exhausted and then, too, army as it swept by with the war cry estimation, roofs to 305 houses, 219 barns and 4G5 smaller build- The Best such a dearth of farm that thous- help, "On to Richmond," leaving not a ves- ings that are leaky. They need new Shingles, and there is not and of acres of land that were under Flour on the Market is tige of grain, hay or live stock on the a place or spot that you can do better in buying Shingles than at cultivation in the ante-bellu- are ! days farm, or poultry, hog or eatables for Piatt's. Our stock is complete and assortment second to none in Prize Medal trees fast growing with deciduous that the family. All of these are living Thousands of the State. Just note the different kinds enumerated below, Makes more bread and the best that 40 hence will furnish a of years crop memories ; the war is over, but with no which we can show and sell you. can be had. timber worth $30 an acre. The crops feeling of bitterness for the past, or of Full stock, of the best Groceries, of wheat and tobacco that had been antagonism for the present, he cheer- Vancouver Red (none Feed and Grain on hand at Samples Free! Cedar, better). always grown along the line of our travel had and the reasonable prices. fully hopefully regards perma- Red as good). been gathered, potatoes were being of our Washington Cedar, (nearly nency government secured for Write to the T)i. David Kennedy's Sons, both Irish and sweet be- and N. Y., for Brunswick both 16 and 18 F. G. Haeublein, dug, potatoes all time, no man in our northern Itondout, a free descriptive New White Cedar, ing grown, large fields of corn in homes isTmore loyal than he to the pamphlet, containing much helpful medical inch best manufactured in the market). Adams Easton, Conn. advice, find a free sample bottle of that shingle Corner, shocks, and the peanut crop, of which Stars and Of the family of Stripes. great Kklney, Liver and Blood medicine, California Redwood, (a new for these there is large acreage, had been pulled three daughters, the oldest is at col- shingle a , and put into small stacks to stand out lege, the second is teaching school and parts and good one). I. F. LEWIS, in the open a few weeks to come, be- the one is her DR. KENNEDY'S kind Manufacturer of youngest pupil. Pennsylvania White Hemlock, (the that fore the nuts can be picked from the A drive over this tillable land re- and lasts forever). Harness, Blankets, Robes vines and taken to market. So we had vealed the thoroughness with which in AVORITE (one that never rots). Stable Goods. a moving picture before us the the crops are cared for. The tobacco Louisiana Cypress, miles of travel.before we reached the on forty acres had been cut and housed, Dismal Swamp Cedar, (millionaires use this John St., Bkidohpowt. of the sta- place our destination. At but the condition in which the ground kind). tion we were met by a son and a w had been left and the stout stumps of Remedy of Mrs Lathrop's and an hour the plant left behind was assurance of And anything elso in lumber, timber, doors, sash, blinds, rv X BE AFRAID to call 31 I Cornell's Florist Store of pleasant companionship we had on a big crop, the large crop of wheat A remedy backed by over years of mantels, house trim and mouldings that you may be in need of. a-- '"JOn " remarkable success. Used in thousands of t for anything you may the drive across country to the home, gathered, and ground for need to Cut Flowers or Floral Designs. homes. Pleasant to take powerful to We make a of Floral De- where we found the "latch Specialty string out,"' next year's crop and the extensive heal. Stops that backache, clears up the signs and Wedding Decoration. and, a warm welcome awaiting us. fields of corn well shocked to say noth urine, relieves frequent urination, stops the and E. C. CorneU's Horist Store, Those still living who remember Mrs ing of the large pile of ears on the scalding pain; cures constipation dys- PLATT, 91 White Street, Danbury, Conn, as she was in her pepsia. Lathrop younger ground ready for the corn husking that Remember: The name is Dr. David Ken. Conn. 619-- 457-- Hawleyvule, Store Phone 6. Greenhouse 6 would find days, her to be the same was to come off in true Virginiajstyle, nedv'i Favorite Remedy, mice $1.00 (6 sweet, even tempered, self-poise-d per-- that night, all told of the drawing to a $5.01); ana prepared at Xionatvc, jv. I

12 THE NEWTOWN BEE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21), 1007. The Newtown Bea


New Milford.

MKIJRYALI. NOTES. . f v Mr C. IlfiH'iliit ha lu'i-- nick with jr. the crip, hut U Utter now,

Mr E. T. Sfdifwiik him been vinlt-in- ir nlativci here, She expect to upend the winter in Wuithinittun. Nine member uf the Anietuek Val- ley Granite attended the Ilriduewater Crunge, WediU'liiy evening, November 20, and furnished the program and

were treated to a fine chicken pie-- Blip-pe- r, which the good sinter of Bridge-wat- er are skilled in preparing. F. C. Merwin hai been visiting hii brother and family. in Winutctl. Again comes the audden and sad news of the death of a former resi- ded Thia time it is Orange Merwin of Bridgeport. He was born and brought up upon a farm in our little hamlet, where he with two brothers and two sisters spent a happy childhood and young manhood. And the writer thinks must of attended school when the late Cyrus Todd taught here. Teacher and pupil went to make a home, one in town, the other in a city, bothpf whom made a success in life financially, and left a record of an honorable, upright life. In behalf of the community where he spent his early life we wish to ex- tend our heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends who are called to part with this loved one who has been so suddenly" taken from them in the prime of life. Mrs Alice Merwin and son, F. C. Merwin, attended the funeral of Orange Merwin in Bridgeport, Sunday. Rev and Mrs Hooker, George W. Squires, Mr and Mrs G. N. Abbott and Mrs Alice Darling attended the Na- tional Grange meeting and took the seventh degree. t

EIGHTY-TW- O YEARS YOUNG. Dewitt Ford, who has been sexton of the church for 13 years, and is 82 years young, finished moving on Sat- urday and is now a resident of Well-vill- e . Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner & Marx avenue. He will continue his car- 0 pet weaving there. NORTHVILLE. Santa Claus is on the way, and a Christmas tree will be provided foe .the them Sunday school. The committee chos- Getting ready en to raise funds is Wytie Kinney and Harold Soule ;committee on recitations, Misses Elizabeth Baldwin and Grace can see what's and don't Have to who's to the Buckingham; musical, Mrs S. D. 'V'OU coming; you guess going get best Woods, Miss Mabel Marsh and G. C. A Bristol ; procuring tree, Superintendent of it, either. With clothes it's different; we're getting lots of men ready for winter ; W. C. Hine and Assistant Superinten- dent Walter D. Soule. the difference is that both sides of the transaction "get the best of it." Some beautiful chrysanthemums adorned the church on Sunday, fur- time sell Schaffner & Marx nished by Miss Laura Hatch. Every we a man a Hart suit or overcoat we make a profit Nelson Kinney who was so severely and hurt by a falling tree, is improving and a friend; he gets a bigger profit, and cause for Thanksgiving that will last a good deal able to be about a little. Miss Laura Hatch spent Saturday in longer than the dinner he'll ever have. New Haven. j)est A. S. Hill and wife of Bridgeport, If you have clothes to buy, you're foolish to accept anything less when can with other relatives, will .spend .you get W. C. Thansgiving at Hine's. all-wo- ol, 'Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; - Rev S. D. Woods and Mrs Woods will perfect tailoring, correct style; and fit V be guests over Thanksgiving of C. L. Camp. guaranteed. Fred Straight has procured pure spring water from the land of George Plenty of good things, too; underwear, such ' Barnum for his place. s as you want for winter wear; shirts, hosiery, 1 CHESTNUT LAND. gloves, hats, men's wear generally. Raymond Erwin and friends from New Haven visited his parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Erwin, recently. Fred Anderson and lady friend at- tended the dance at Mygatt's hall, Duncan & Canfield, Friday evening. Head-to-Fo- ot Mr and Mrs J. Gould of Oregon ate Outfitters.j Thanksgiving dinner with her nephew, Charles Chapin, and family. New Milford; Conn. Miles 0. Camp is improving. Miss Moore of New Haven is visiting at Frank Erwin's. Mrs William Hawos and son, Charles, have returned to Orange. - are naan, Conn. picked and about ready for the in Darien with his mother, Mrs Mary Mrs Frank Carlson is on the gain. Eoxbury. FAIRFIELD COUNTY. winter. Botsford entertained his Tyler. Mrs Edward Galvin is slowly on the Hyland GIFT TO THE" METHODIST schoolmates, last Saturday afternoon. ' Miss Frank Silliman will close her gam. MISS FORBES-M- R MCMILLAN. CHURCH. ' A bountiful lunch was provided and home here about December 15 and Grace Forbes was united in go marriage games were enjoyed by all. Redding. The Methodist church will soon re- to Hartford for the winter. Bethlehem. to Robert McMillan of Stony Creek, The Mine Hill Co: closed ceive the $400 gift from Mrs B. God- cer- Quarry Mr Wednesday, November 20. The of She was a member and Mrs Henry Rolf have moved their plant, last Saturday, for the win- frey Bethej. of SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT was performed by Rev C. D. from John Goodsell's house to the Min- emony ter. Anumber of families have moved CHICKEN THIEVES ABOUT. the church. .A SUCCESS. Chunn at the home of the bride's par- eral Spring farm and will take charge away from the Station. Chicken thieves raided George A. Mrs Lois Rumsey, who has been se- 1 The supper and entertainment given ents, Mr and Mrs Daniel Forbes. Only of the farm for Emory P. Sanford. Sanford's henhouse, Friday night, and riously sick, is improving. Mrs Henry by the ladies of Christ church, last the family and intimate friends were Victor who lives in the War- Zoleski, took four of his fine white Plymouth Sanford is nursing her. Joseph B. Hill and Carl Silliman week evening, was well attend- present. A lunch was served and the was before Friday ner Mills district, brought rock hens. Mr Sanford was thankful leave about December 1 for a few ed and a affair. The net happy couple left on the 3.15 train for The funeral of Mrs Ephraim Barlow very pleasant Justice Trowbridge on Saturday, that they only took four, as he weeks' the west. York only was heldj Sunday afternoon. The inter- trip through They proceeds were $40. New City. with disturbing the peace and charged had a few. They did not even close in will visit Mr Hill's brothert Rev school. ment was the Umpawaug cemetery. Mr and Mrs Jessie Vidler will close interfering with the publit the door. If they make another visit Charles Hill, in Minnesota, for a few Suf-fkl- Mr Mrs from d sentenced him to Litchfield and H. Rupfhave closed Miss Katherine Sweeney their house, this week, and spend the His honor they may meet with a warm reception. days on the trip. , Attor- their store on the Ridge and moved to visited her sister, ,Miss Margaret winter with relatives in New York jail for 20 days and $7 fine. Parties are suspected. . Newtown. Ei Sweeney, the first of the week. City. ney Addis and State Agent Charles E. P. Mills is building a retaining Milford for the prosecu- Harry Saunders expects to go to Tor-ringt- wall and about Mr3 B. H. Johnson visited her son in Booth school closes, Wednesday, for Hall of New grading his store at but to work in a factory before the Eastern. Watertown the first of the week. a short vacation. Miss Coats will tion. Mr Zoleski had no lawyer, Aspetuck and in the near future is to He will be missed two-stor- first of January. erect a large y 40 x E. was of spend Thanksgiving with her brother plead guilty. 'SALE building, Mrs A. Johnson the guest the Methodist church choir. AND SOCIABLE. , in by 33 feet, just south of his store for a Miss Mary Kasson in Woodbury over Mystic. will be Con- Commencing Sunday there The churches were slimly attended, The Ladies' Aid society of the wagon the second floor O. R. repository, of Sunday. Mrs Camp of Canaan spent last held in the hall at church held a sale and so- prayer meetings Sunday, on account of the cold storm gregational which he will use for a factory. week with her sister, Mrs Leverett Wed- C. Lake attended the poultry Roxbury Station at 3 p. m., and of hail and snow. ciable at the Center, last Friday even- Castle. rain, Mr and Mrs "show in West Haven.last week.' nesday evenings at 7.30. All are invit- ing, which was well attended. There Arthur Hubbell, B. Wes- ed - The painters are nearly through Burr and of Edward Crane and Ray Hurlbut were Benjamin Davenport and family of to attend. was also a short literary program ley family Greenfield Hill, Sanford in Snwo hv huvirnr vour drugs the homestead San Albert M. and South-por- t, from to attend the sup- Bridgpeort are spending the week at mnnpv painting which was enjoyed by all. The sale Bulkley family of up Waterbury the store of H. H. Noble and groceries at fordtown. Unly the picket lences to netted the about Mr and Mrs Arthur W. Hall of per and dance, Friday evening. Davenport's. North Courteous society $40. Canfield, Woodbury. paint the second time. Bridgeport were all Mrs Leverett Castle will treatment assur-- 1 guests, Sunday of Chester Hull from Redding Ridge spend treatment and square ts 1 Most of the farmers have their corn James Tyler spending a few weeks Mr and Mrs George F. Parrack. was in town a few days recently, j Thanksgiving with her sister in Ca ed. THE NEWTOWN' BEE, iVJDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1007.' 13


I can show you a splendid line of wjuure blanket, rngiiig In priee ECONOMICAL BUYERS from $1.60 to $7.00 each. They are all new and everyoye a barimin at my price. lilHnkt-t- , W. G. If yOu are looklnir for a stable hcrels where you will find Among the Ladle Will Barton's, one to tit your home and the price to lit your jMxkel Go Home BatUfiod If The Store Where Your Dollar i Robes. they Virtit the Store of Han 1 Power. A large line of fur and jilunh rolm nuiublu tut cither full or winter Purchaning we. Tobacco Paper and Twine. A umwl, am hemlqinirtori for tobacco paper and twine, a la rue nhip-me- in. want Golden Just If yuu good it here, Brothers paper tt Sale of ' Special Clearing M. H. MALLETT, and St'H the Splendid Value Iu Millinery. Corner Main nl Church Su., NEW" MII-FOK- CON'N.

We munt have room in thla department to diitplay our Christmas Ladies Sweaters, e in life" was stufT that it coming ritrht in now, and to do this have put clearing-sal- Newtown Bea "Poetry every tiny the prices on every hat in the whole Btock. Nothing rese rved. If you ra The subject. Ready-to-We- ar Hats, use hat now is your chanre. Those who attended Newtown, KrltUy, Nu? uilxr it. WO!. the football game in Near Haven, the lllth, were Mr and Ladies' Waists, Mrs II. S. Hitchcock, Mr ana Mrs Sam- uel Tomlinson, Mr Mrs and Cloaks and Suits. OUR NEIGHBORS. and Fred Wraps Coats, Milton Mr and Mrs 4 Strong, Karrman, Terrill and Mr and Mrs Ladies'' Skirts. A .... Ut. t...L kmniva Vttn lanoftmnnf ' Int A George Winfred New Preston. Dawson, exceptionally good things at Bargain Prices-o- ne, a black Broadcloth 60 inches Coat, full satin lined, newly tailored, braid trimmed, long, Mr and Mrs Gray of New Berlin, would be value at $15 ; are marked special at $11.98. AN INSPIRING THANKSGIVING good they Florida, are caring for Mr and Mrs G. A lot of coaU in the popular mixtures, would be good SERVICE. P. Allen value at $10.76. Special price, only $7.98. through the winter. to have made no A service was ob- Also a lot of Short Coats, worth from $10 $15; Thanksgiving Mrs Edgar Galpin has taken the price, and you select from the lot at $5 to $6.60. A rare chance to get served at the church here, last Sunday Golden rooms vacated by Mrs L. A. Treat in Brothers, a good garment at little price. morning.and Rev Dr Herman delivered N. Munson's Extra good values in suits from $10.98 to $25. J. place. a sermon most appropriate for the occa- Railroad Street, Carl Munson of Taft School spent sion. A large congregation was pres- Thanksgiving with his Mr and ent to hear him. It has been decided parents, New Milford, , Conn. Mrs J. N. Munson. that all connected with the Sunday school of the church here observe Philip O'Brien has moved his family W. G. BARTON, to will close Christmas by placing a tree in Pavilion Waterbury. They their Bank New Milford. house here for the Street, hall and lading it with good things for winter. the children, attended with proper mu- Frank R. Smith of Westville was in WW sical and literary exercises. Proper town over Sunday. committees have been appointed and Fred Parkins has moved from F. R. the rehearsal by the children was held Smith's house to F. R. Ford's, back of at Mrs A. E. Coming's, last Saturday the tannery. with Mrs F. Hosford as afternoon, J. Miss Harriett Percy of Hazel Plain leader. had the misfortune to fall, last week. Friends of Orange Merwin of Bridge- Miss Lowry, the trained nurse, who Sale! port in this vicinity, were shocked to has been caring for Mrs Harriet Mit- Card so Post chell for weeks has I - of his sudden death on , life learn Thursday many left, Nov. evening of last week. another nurse taking her place. Saturday, 30th. Mrs Ida Bronson passed last Sunday Miss Fannie Isham visited relatives in Litchfield. in Washington, last week. --jjft To make room for a stock of Christmas Post large Charles Douglass of New Haven, Cards we will sell Post Cards at was again at H. Mc Can's, last Sun- Middlebury. . day. GRANGE ENTHUSIASM. 10c Dozen W. still about Per H. Beeman lingers At the regular meeting of the Grange to Bethlehem ponds, resolved secure on December 3, the Lecturer's Hour for one only. Don't forget the date. all the "Shiners" he can before freez- jj day will be the annual Roll Call, and it is 6 comes to in ing weather hold them desired that every member be present Looking It Over. their beds. to respond Jo his or her name when Frank E. Soule, The wheels of the cider mill still roll called. ' You fflflv dlscnver nn Innlrfntr nu rA..M . and the of cider apples at 0. E. Bank New Milford. j crop December 10 will be the annual elec- m that you have been paying your tailor, too much for Mygatt Block, Street, here has exceeded If your clothing. Brinsmade's mill tion of officers for the ensuing year. so, why not turn over a new leaf and give us a chance? We will serve i that of last year. O you well and give you the best value for money your possible The following Patrons attended the to get-ma- klng the standard. The household to the (Q) quality Try us for your next Sultjor goods belonging National Grange at Hartford and re- W Overcoat, and join the ranks of our satisfied customers. Mrs G. W. in New late Mr and Corning ceived the seventh degree, Mr and Mrs York arrived the railroad sta- City at A. F. Greene, Mrs Sadie Wheeler, ;Mrs tion here to F. J. last Hosford, week, M. E. Judd, Miss Addie J. Fenn and C. A. for final disposal. ' Miss Gertrude E. Benham. Trowbridge, Mrs Lida White of Wassaic, N. Y., CLOTHINGFURNISHINGS, C. E. A Thanksgiving program was fol- RIDDIFORD, visited her sister here, Mrs Nelson Bank lowed in the Methodist church on last Street, New Milford. . The Bank Street Jeweler, Morey, last week till Saturday, when Sunday morning. Mrs A. "J. Abbott she returned home. Is a sang a beautiful solo. having Mrs Eaward Hull last Satur- passed Mrs M. ii The neighbors and friends of day in New Milford. on E. Judd gave her a surprise party, last sale Watches, Granniss attended the funeral and Special J. E. Friday night, a genuine surprise. Mrs ROUND LONG CLAMS! Mrs at clocks, of his cousin, Gilbert, Milton, Judd was 50 years old on Friday. on Monday of this week. Mrs Sadie Wheeler has gone to Fresh Water Fish : Or in the store. Call and look over the .woods. No S Edward Rydall has been engaged at anything Brooklyn, N. Y., for the winter. Pickerel, Silver trouble to show , carpenter work in East Kent for two Eels, Bullheads Perch. goods. Mrs B. B. Atwood and daughter, weeks ' All the Salt Water Fish in Season. VEGETABLES. Gladys, of Thomaston, were recent Mrs Charles Tompkins of Woodville ' Watch and Clock jRepairing. guests of Mrs H. S. Judd. L. C. DAVIS, Bank New Milford. district visited Mrs, Minerva Cogswell Street, All Work "Warranted. here, the latter part of last week. South Britain. John Griswold has suffered with a . v C. E. RIDDIFORD. severe cold the past week. A SOCIALSUCCESS. M. D. Burnham The supper and sale given in the Bank Street, New Milford. E. Cable of the Co., passed the first part of last week in parish house by the children was a New York City. great success. About 80 persons were Out Of present to enjoy the feast of good Going In the congregation at church, last things to eat and the musical enter- Sunday morning, was noticed Mrs R. chil- Dens-lo- w tainment furnished mostly by the H. Armstrong and sister, M. H. dren. About $26 was taken in, which and wife of Marbledale, F. A. Tyr- Business. is to be used for Christmas entertain-m$i- t. rell and F. S. Brown. v F. Raymond Beardsley of Bridgeport " is passing a few days at his home LOCAL NOTES. Everything to be sold at 'COST and of the of here on account suspension Dwight Hubbell's little boy is ill of the much of the work Graphophone with diphtheria. Below Cost. Co. in Bridgeport. Roger Williams, son of C. P. Wil- f L. of Stephen Wright reshingled part liams, is very ill with bronchial pneu- Come in and Take Advantage of the Tremendous his last week. house, monia. Reductions. of Hon H. O. Averill The condition William Mitchell is doing jury duty at present writing has seemed to slight in New Haven. Tailor-mad- ly improve the past week. SPECIALREDUCTIONS in e Mrs Elvira Mitchell has presented Suits, made S. home. Dea George Humphrey passed last the library with a portrait of .her hus at N. Sunday in New Rochelle, i. band, Asa Mitchell, who by his gener- ous gifts of money and books made it Woodbury. possible for us to have the library. Mrs Arthur Mitchell several INTERIOR oF METHODIST spent last week, in New York H. S. CHURCH BEING RENOVATED. days, City. Wengrow, Miss Mabel Tuller is ill with inflam The Methodist church is being matory rheumatism. Clothier, thoroughly renovated with new carpets Miss Judith Mitchell is her and, paper the improvements being visiting Bank Street, next to Evitts' Drug Store, NEW MILFORD sister in largely a gift from Mrs Jesse Burton. Middlebury. At the business meeting of the La Miss Lillian B. Shook has been quite dies' Aid, Mrs Arthur Munson was the week, with a trained sick, past elected president, Mrs George Cass nurse from New Haven in attendance. and Miss Judith Mitchell vice presi SPAT CHER'S Mr and Mrs George B. Cowles and dents, Mrs Carrie Manville secretary Your Authentic for Fall and Win- Gordon Styles Mr and Mrs Alex take their and treasurer. ter. Come and Inspect our display A Line of of Complete Thanksgiving dinner at Charles Gor model Hats, Toques, Tailored Lame Horse and Traveling and Sporting Hats. don's in Bristol. WASHINGTON. AlsoShirt Waist and Skirt Samples. Amateur .The Sunshine Circle of the North Can be shod to and United Bank New Milford. Mr and Mrs A. C. Titus, L. D. Lo- t go Bld, church met with Mrs Stanley Munsell not if to MULCAHY. gan and Miss Maud Allingham attend- limp you go Photographic Supplies. on Thursday afternoon. ed a matinee in Waterbury on Monday If it interferes that can be stop- ' TOP of the JOB The Biggest line in the County. The Alonzo Hatch Co. gave their afternoon of last week. They were so ped at the same time. in hall IN Everything in the line of Typewriter Supplies. entertainment the Town on pleased with the trip they returned on THEJMOENING. under tne of Monday evening auspices Wednesday evening to see Mrs Leslie Fresh, Clean MILK from the the Ladies' Aid of North church. P. M. Carter in the famous French play, T. Mulcahy, New Milford Cassedy, The lecture in the North church, last which she.has been acting in the near- j. Creamery. Elm New Milford. was well attended. cities. Street, New Milford. W. A. PAECELLS, Prop. Tuesday evening, by CHAS. A. PAECELLS Mgt 14 THE NEWTOWN BEE, Fill DAY, NOVEMBER 21), 1007.

The Newtown Rcc. i SWOWWOGW'C'O WMWGM

3 Mmi-ml- Vi li.n, I'riiin), t It'1. SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE

Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like yj educating young pople lor LITCHFIELD COUNTY. office work make to c&ll it, ii one of the most weakening diieates known. Trusses Washington. j BROWN'S A I.K1TKK HioM WILLIAM fOAD. Scotfj Ematjtcn, which is Cod BUSINESS Mm OrrittcH Hickojc hit ruciivcd di- j COLLEGE, Liver Oil and Hypophoaphitei in easily ' from WilllHin the 4fS-5- at Cowl, fulluwinir vtry ft 4 Cannon is strength-builde- r St., Britlgejwrt, htter, written from Thamca, gested form, the greatest New Zt'it'ifiiiil, Mr Cimil hits liituly been known to medical science. 'j The premier school In Connecticut. During the past term wa had ulllii in the (kiith of hit wife. Mr Low tl fj 450 POSITIONS Cowl write: I li ft home on t!iu l!ith It is so easily digested that it sinks into wince of March ami then I have traveled ft We filled about one-thir- d. the new blood and new fat, tor Bookkeepers and Stenographer. nearly thMuh the entire length of both system, making I The demand la much greater than the supply. All graduate are Prices. of the inlands, 'paHMinir New Zealand, and strengthening nerves and muscles. J. furnished with good positions. (toiiitr part of the journey by sea and TEXT BOOKS FREE rail. the whole I Can part by During nearly Use Scott's Emulsion after "We Fit of my holiday I experienced splendid i with all courses. Send for Catalog and new College Journal. Influenza. 3d. Anyone." weather, only mcetinic with two or f) Write at Once. Fall term begins September three wet dayi, and you may be assured 1 Invaluable for Coughs and Colds, IfHard had a real good time, and have come Waterpad Elastic, back home much improved in health. Rubber, Leather Covered. Upon leaving home I at once if ALL ORU00I8T3I 60o. AND II.OO. of proceeded Georgetown. Danbury. to the city of Dunedin in the South Business Manager of Choir, E. A. Island. There I remained a whole Pinkney. A PRESENTATION FROM MRS GIL- week. I found it much cooler down The BERT. there than it iB(here in the north and I packed our suit cases and went for an lying at anchor. Among them were the Mrs Edwin Gilbert has recently pre- was obliged to make good use of my Plattsville. Hindle auto ride around the city before taking Texas, the Rhode Island, the new Mon- sented to the school in George- Pharmacy, overcoat, which I hardly ever wear public the steamer, Norfolk, for Old Point itor, a relic of the old Monitor, which town a magnificent work of 'reference, NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD. 987 Main when I am at home. From Dunedin I Street, In that two hours' ride about the city is never moved and many others of the entitled The National Cyclopedia of traveled northward by train to Christ-churc- h, A. F. Keuhne has just purchased a we caught glimpses of the Longworth fleet which move up and down the American Biography in 14 large vol- Briclgeiort, Conn. a very pretty city, and at new 20th Century Kemp manure house, Admiral Dewey's home, theTal great waterway. These great ships umes, the gift being a memorial to her which place a large International exhi- spreader for use on his farm. mage residence, the house where Pres are very beautiful at night when their late husband, Edwin Gilbert president bition was being held under the aus- Horace who has been ill for ident Lincoln died, also Lord Theater thousands of lights twinkle over the of the Gilbert Manufacturing Company. Gilbert pices of the N. Z. government. I re- a few weeks is now gaining slowly L 1 where he was assassinated. It was dancing waves. We were almost for- This is a new publication, which is mained at Christchurch eight days, and able to be about his house. near the supper hour when we boarded getting the beauty of the Exposition claimed by the publishers to be the about four of which I put in at the ex- A. F. Keuhne is out with a fine new our steamer and hoping for a clear day grounds at night and those two wonder- most complete and comprehensive work hibition and the remainder in going low down milk for use on his we went early to bed in order to be on ful search lights. Just after we left on the subject of American biography wagon about the city. The exhibition, which milk of Massachuetts deck in the morning to see the sun rise our hotel piazza for the wharf enroute ever issued and a recognized standard route, purchased had been in progress for a period of Wo were rewarded for home the Governor of The parties. He also has a fine pair of new interest- - over the water. Pennsylvania of authority in the United States. MAKE about tour months, proved very team of the Nauga-tuc-k by a glorious sunrise. The great orb and staff arrived and we had a fine op- fullness of its articles and the very horses, purchased ing to me, for there was a great nuni-- J Ice Co. seemed to climb out of the water and portunity to see their beautiful uni- and YOUR OWN ber of interesting'exhibits to look at. complete analytical leave a track of rainbow lights forms, but not until we were well star- index make it also a of Daniel Hall is having a large new One of the greatest attractions to me ripling Cyclopedia behind ted on our did we find that we had The school will toe shed built back of his house. GAS. were the Canadian exhibits. From it way American History. We reached Old Point with a good the governor, staff and two bands on so valuable a A. F. Keuhne has had water that country there was an excellent col- greatlybenefited by gift, runnnig appetite for breakfast, which we found board. The bands played while we and Mrs Gilbert deserves the thanks of put into his barn and expects in the Com try Homta, 1 lection of mineral ores, agricultrual M at Old Point Tavern. Next we took were at supper and the music on the the community for her thoughtful gen near future to, connect it with his CaureBi,FaeUrii ihould implements, vehicles of all descript- tkair own Gas Plait our steamer for the Exposition water was like magic to our tired erosity. house. on ions, motor cars, bicycles, organs, pi- for Lighting, Htatiig ground. It would be impossible to minds. It seems like flying to travel Thomas Astle has moved from Mrs Power. Tir- -, anos, stoves, pictures, and a host of GILBERT MEMORIAL CHURCH. Cooklag aad describe, half we saw. Of course we over 200 miles so quickly. We were due rill'a Gaa other things, including a splendid dis- Tuttle's place just south of Plattsville Equaliziig" D. 7 a. but The annual meeting of the Gilbert Maehiae i aba aafa thought that Connecticut had the finest at Washington, C, at m., Center to Fairfield woods. olutaly play of fruit, grain, male syrup and Memorial church and society was held to baadle, always state building and the exhibit made we could not land until nine. We saw aimpi sugar, oils, etc. fl spent a good bit of on November 8. The F. L. Staples is quite seriously ill ready, eheaply operated. one feel proud of belonging to the Mt Vernon as we passed, Alexandria, Friday evening, my time in thai court, as it reminded of the clerk and treasurer and confined to his bed. Mrs Staples sturdy little Nutmeg state. When we and they rang a bell as a salute. The reports Wa also maaufaetur me of American course is also laid with rheumatism. my days. Pf to land showed the church to be in a flourish- up Gas-le- ae tired of the exposition grounds we took current was too strong here, all kiada of Gas aid all of the Australian colonies were well The of the Ei-eia- ing condition. receipts anppliaa Gaa ea the trolley for Elizabeth City, the Sol so we left the steamer at Washintgon, represented with a large collection of amounts to about Acces- aid Intomobila diers' home where we visited the Ad- D. C, and went to the National for a year $1,600. Taake. exhibits of all sorts of produce, min- sions to the church number 18. It was The postmaster of Gascona'do, Mo., Storage ministration building, hospital, Conva- 10 o'clock breakfast, for which our erals, manufactures, etc., amidst voted to increase the salary. Daniel A. Bugh, says, "I cannot say Seadfor cata- lescent house, etc. There were were most keen. We found pastor's oompltte which one could well and chapel, appetites too much for & Bladder be spend days The following officers were elected your Kidney logue aad eoaviaead. sixty-seve- n buildings which covered that we had a little time before our looking at and gaining informa- - for the ensuing Pills. I feel like a new man." t's seventy-si- x acres. At the present train left for the north and we spent year: tion. The art gallery was really splen- Mrs C. B. Kidney and Bladder Pills are time there are about 250 soldiers liv- this time looking at the city market Clerk, Dyckman. did, for it included beautiful pictures Treasurer, M. Burr Mills. sold by S. E. Sanford & Co., Newtown,, ing there. The death rate averages 24 and enjoyed it as only country travel- from the most celebrated "painters all Deacons, M. Burr Mills, John Jen- Conn. per month so that it wont be many ers could. Every thing was so clean over the world. It,was a real treat to nings. years before Jhese veterans will have and sweet, the place being inspected be able to look at them and I put in Ushers, A. B. Clark, Lester Remsen It will interest you to call and see passed on to tneir reward. Merytning daily. Here were the bright flowers a good deal of time in that depart- Che iter Mills, Charles Glans. those white fleeced lined robes at the seemed to wear the air of comfort and and the rosy fruits, meats and vege- ment. There was also a most delightul Miss Alice Dyckman. store of Frank Evitts. They are just Tirrill Gas Machine Light- we were proud that such a home had tables and even the choicest of baking Organist, fernery to go into where there was a Chorister, Miss Deborah Didrickson the thing for zero weather. been provided for those men to whom turkeys, browned to a turn ready to ing Co., good collection of fernsand native our country owes so much. y set in the oven to heat for the table. 75 Fultoa St., New York. trees growing and where real little Our next ride was to Hampton and We did not neglect to pay our re- Established 1863. streams, ponds, and waterfalls were here we were the well spects to the Smithsonian Museum, but formed in order to make the scene as impresssed by kept grounds and the industrial train- one hour could not do it justice and we DO YOU WANT TO BE CERTAIN Call at the house tid see our real and natural as possible. It was ing, which is such a feature of this soon were obliged to turn our faces and how we do all the Cook- in extent light about a quarter of an acre That Prescription is filled as your physic-a- n ' great school. Newport News was the homeward. your ing, Heating and Lighting and was covered in by a glass house. next point of interest. Here we visit- It was dark and raining hard when would like to have it? If so, bring it here. The Aquarium was alsojmost interest ed the ship yards in order to see the we reached the ferry to cross to New ing. There was to be seen large num- ' two new battleships, the Louisiana and York and it was with a sense of rejoic bers of different kinds of fish in re- the Montana, which were just being ing that we found our train at the Curtis' Pharmacy, Smith Brothers, ceptacles specially prepared into which finished. From the ship yards we went Grand Central, New York, which car- Conn. streams of fresh water were contin- Corner Main and Elm Sts., Bridgeport, Agents, on to Norfolk where we took an auto ried us back; to fireside and friends, Bee ually pouring. The fish included sever- Newtown Office, ride around the city. Night wa i upon who were anxiously awaiting thetale al varieties Americantrout, some of CT. us when we turned our thoughts to- of our travels. NEWTOWN, which were just like the trout I used to ward the exposition grounds. It was so of Bethel Business Men. catch in the streams about your old Announcements dark on our long trolley ride that we place when I lived with you, and could not see anything of the country Kent which reminded me of my boyhood ' CIGARS SOFT DRINKS were crossing. When we reached the days. Lots of amusements were pro- E. E. wharf we boarded the steamer for Old WHAT THE MACEDONIA REPORT Mlllspaugh, "lFhe"jQern Lunch vided of one kind or another, and those Room, Point. Next morning we started out ER WRITER of a musical turn were also well pro- and Builder. bethel. old Carpenter from our hotel to visit Fortress Stone attended the Gran K. vided for. Organ recitals and orches- Miss Grace Greenwood Ave., Near fi. Crossing, Monroe, where we hoped to see a drill, convention in last Plans and Estimates furnished. tral performances were available ev- gers mrtiora, promptly attended to. TOJiAUCO UKAK'S PIES but it was pay day and a hoilday be- lobbing ery afternoon. The organ at the Exhi- week. sides, so there was nothing of thekind P. O. Bo 106, Bethel, Ct. --r bition was a most powerful one, be- George Chase has two or three sons to be seen. There was a parade later Telephone connection. ing the largest ever erected in this col- of Italy in his employ getting out ,ties. in the day, too late tor our program. YOUR BOY ony. The orchestra comprised 150 in- Alvah R. Chase had a few off, So we contented ourselves with ex days Fred A. Hickok, "Would like one of these SPLENDID EN- struments and was I Hartford really splendid. the and the old last week, and attended the GINES. Why nnt give him one f his birth- did amining great guns Gilbert-Mill- him a saw enjoy the latter functions. convention ; also took a look through The er bth day and give start. Let himt ynur revolutionary relics ; also those of the Co., icm8x, V wood, cut your dder. pump your water, run While at the Exhibition I posted you the Connecticut Sttte prison at Weth-ersfiel- the sepnrator. and do of the work civil war. How odd these instruments center Bethel, Conn. that yon hire done. Made In 3 sizes 3H, 1 and a post card on which you will see a pic- is St., Sanitary Plumbing, 14 for 30 of war looked beside those great bright H. P. Send nlrculars and days frpe ture of the front view of the Exhibi- Dealers In Steam, Hot Water and Gas trial plan. We also have a full line of Wind and shining new ones, which were only Charles Whitney, Jr.,' has finished Mills, Towers. Wood and Steel Tanlrs, Steam tion buildings, but that picture gives a Engines. Saw Mills. Machines, used for practice ! It was easy work at Joseph Wathley's and is help- Hardware Woodei Jin and Enameled Ware, Fitting. Threshing target . Bllos, Cutters, Manure Spreaders. Stanch ons, very inadequate idea of the dimensions on Longman! & Martinez Pure Paints, to a whole forenoon these ing Lewis Parson Fuller Mountain. Jap-a- - OyllnderOll. Farm Implements and the best for linger among Oil, Turpentine and Varnishes, EstimatesFurnisued. of the same, the buildings cover and Ohl Namel (or Furniture and Attended To. tuxmng manufactured send for circulars. historical treasures and it was with re Although living within a few rods of lac your - Jobbing Promptly several acres of ground. I posted the Floors. Harnesses, Stable and Square Blan- we Old Whips, Garden Tools. Netting, gret that returnelto Point, a schoolhouse the children of Egbert kets, Poultry - card while I was up in the tower, and WhlteIad.Tar Paper. Glass. Putty. Flint- ly Fred E. packed our suit cases and made ready Barton, Mr Hopson's foreman, have to Barb Wire, Bread Makers, Field, if I remember rightly I marked it to kote Booting, IVUgCC INdllgCb. SOHERS, CONN. for our via Steamer Norfolk for over two miles to attend school, the Knives and Scissors. that effect Christchurch itself is a trip go Winchester HteR. Washington, D. C. Fuller Mountain district being consoli very pretty city, and carries a big pop- As we sat on the piazza that atfer-noo- n dated with Macedonia. ulation. From there I went on by None Better Hade 1 and looked out over Hampton FREE FREE! steamer to Wellington, situated at the Roads, we saw the great battle ships Than the Bread, Rolls, Cake and Pies that PlnfllltTIPn s northern extremity of the North Island come Irom our bakery. None but the best 1 fc Rollman Meat and Food Chopper for Bantam. Is as clean IVftlUlllVllLo and there I a week. material used and our bakery kept 150 Ozone Trade Marks or 50 Trade spent as any tidy housewife's kitchen. Watch for Cemetery Work of all bell ijj Harks and 50 cents. our wagon when the rings. Wide ta mj Gramite or Marble. Eeti-- i mat aid igia oa applieatioa. Let- - A VISIT IN THE SOUTHLAND. MRS W. H. PALMER. ErdlTiann CC CO., teriagatreaeoaabUpriw. It Opens Belief that it is good for The Bee funeral of Mrs W. H. Palmer The Bethbl Bakeks, Here readers who travel, to share their ex- LINONINE No H. Mr3m was attended at her late residence, Fountain Place, Bethel, Ct. Jamea Paean, periences with the is the Prevents Pneumonia. vember 11. Rev H. B. Goodsell conr Successor to 0. W. Bolles BETHEL. OONN prime reasonfor this letter from one of ducted the services. She leaves one its 5,000 readers. sister, Mrs Frederick Landon, of Wa-- Pointers down we found A fact that has been prov- Putting our papers terbury, a husband and mother, both From our store. Rib Roast of Beef cases 12c Wedgewood edge butter ourselves at the Grand Central station, en many times in right in feeble health. expect soon to per pound. gilt NOTICE. They 33c per pound. Five gallons best kerosene oil I CLEAN to Jer- SI. N. Y. After crossing'the ferry here at home. remove to Waterbury to reside "with 59c 19 pounds best Granulated sugar 10c can . We hiU un- - brand milk per for but we iciJ there were no more stops 1 Manila thing nothing, sey City Not does it cure sim-- Mr Landon. for all kinds of poultry for uftgojao areXngThe FOUR CUTTERS, only Leave years of arrived in Washington, D. C. Thanksgiving at reasonable prices tlce wh , KT,our tiljwe COlds occasional store. We to Ke shM pie and the absence of Rev J. B. Smith, your order at our guarantee j)reimanSi 0ur motto: "Honest work for Our destination for the present was the i please you. honest Prices." COUghs but it g. Glover conducted the Sun- - Nationar.hotel. Bright and early in goes deeper services, a. The Fairchild & Shelton medicine for the 17th. McDowell & henry brennan, the morning we went the usual rounds than any other day evening, Taylor, 14 Greenwood Hand Side Center St.. Avenue, BETHEL, OONN. Co. of sight seers, getting acquainted with these ailments and fills the '" Thumb Bethel, Conn. . . 305 Ilousatonic 'Ave., the Capitol, the Pension bureau, post Mod with vital forc that JT-SET- office and the dead letter office. We . Bridgeport, Conn. Con-i- overcome obstinate colds that & Co., Newtown, S ffih-tocusa- Dr. E. were all particularly struck by the Frank Judson, "NFVFR is the collection of odd and beautiful are apt to choke the lungs Clear Lehigh." Newtown large way one customer puts it. DENTIST, of- - this t C. B. JOHNSON, Oonn, objects which had been lost by Uncle and on the dreaded, We are putting in lots of Clear Lehigh bring fall for who tried it last winter. It 57 CONN ojlbwotltjLoThe Kind You Haw Always Bought people Ciktib Street, BETHEL, Sam's mails. The and the -it wiU Deputy Sheriff, Auctioneer, treasury ten fatal pneumonia. Seantb pleased them- please you. Opposite M. E. Church. Notary Public. White House grounds occupied our time Linonine all at drug stores 25. 50, $1. Blgnanue X , Jf--? I Ct. ,t0 -- , SMITH BEERS, Bethel, aSii30tol?aild Telephone 22-- until luncheon at 1, after which we of 4Utr7f. ' THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 1007. 15

Auction ! The Newtown Bea NdwUiwii, Friday, Novwtuf , HUT. Have One The D. M. Read Co. W will i Pulilli' Auction Oil BttabUthtd 1857 Wednesday, Decombtir 4th, TOPICS. AI la A. M... TOWN Doctor At (Mir Hmrw, Main Hi., Nitwuiwu, t'uiin,, If lil I'tv diiuMl of r MRS0ULFSREP0RTS No iense in running from one Tlirw ImrM-t- : I I'iihiiiiiiiIi' lire lliiinn'i I Huimliml Urn huirtfi'i I uli lulu l of litlil THE DETAILED ITEMS OPEN TO doctor to inoiber. Select the IuIhi uliiuli' mul iIhuIiIk lutnuiui I nu-a- i cart i Winter Coats and Bonnets best then miw i if luv: ldi ami ini.: j move: PUBLIC INSPECTION. one, mnd by him, I iO'KBll'in nil 'auks More Huurr i'oii.iiing , Do not but consult him t( show Hrali-- l.mni, i'lii, AUo tho The selectmen have placed on file delay, ('!,our tuck or uihtiu'uuf with the assistant town clerk, Oscar In time when you ire sick, For Little Children. Groceries and General Pitxitchlor, the complete report of Ask his opinion of Ayer's Frank E. Soulo, the accountant, who Pectoral Bearskin Coats in ami whitn. Khh and liwtroiw. MurchandirtH. has gone over the town's book. These Cherry for coughs gray If stormy. Hull, will Hike I'lmn XU lv. ttemixetl accounts cover in great detail snd colds. Then use it or Chinchilla in gray, browu and ivd. Rough littltj coatn that will b very the following: Statement of collection not, is he warm. of taxes by J. P. Houlihan on the lint just says. S. E. SAN FORD & CO., of l'J0;M-- 5 and 6; statements of collec- W, ukliak aur furaulu Broadtail and Astrakhan Plush Coat.s with bras and enamel buttons, tion of taxes by C. M. Bereaford for Newtown, Conn. from and now and then a touch of scarlet or Persian the years l!W3-- 4 and 5; statement of our kMiiiiih trimming. ' W to collection of taxes by It, A. Clark for urn y which HONDN Willi Individual ! i yew Gray Curly Astrakhan h always popular. PKollATK the 1!MJ3: of examination A often uiianfu and frenneiitly year report yers Cloth Coats In all red has uimall-fai'iur- y U a Ui colors, though preference. helm. Don't aik friend of town clerk s accounts for year 1915-- 6 no mi rnur bond, for In' would always railirr Always keep s box of Pills in the on ana 7; report or examination of select Ayer's Checks and Plaids with velvet collars and bright buttons. not. II Unurhualiicii toai't a security house. Just one no Fancy Probate and all other kinds of bond. men 's accounts for 1905-- and 1906-- pill si bedtime, and H. will ward of? Bonnets silk, and fur, novel little fashions that afe and fur Information any evening, I'. report on treasurer's accounts for year then, many an attack ot Jofjilush, dainty & Co.. Charles U. Morris. sick Fidelity (iuaraniy isuo-- 7 with supplementary account; biliousness, Indigestion, headache. Switching. ti&rft4$ Ncwuiwii How has doctor known statement of tax liens ; report on exam- many yesrs your Tarn and warm Probate Notices. ination of accounts of agent town de- these pills ? Aik bim all about tbem. O'Shanters, Toboggans Leggings. - um posit fund : also an itemized statement xmu by j. c iwc.lou. DISTRICT OK KOXHI.'KY, m. I'robate of all IWh. IW7. outstanding taxes on lists of Eslau of Mary K. II. Smith, law of Kox- 1903-4-5-- These reports are open to bury, In sold District, deceased. the inspection of the public and anyone OBITUARY. Warm Winter Gloves. The Court of I'robatu for the District of who wishes to inform themselves Roxtmryliath limited and allowed nl montha really from tlir date hereof for tlui Cnillloniof said as to the standing of the various town ' WILLIAM J. KIRBY. Knitted Golf Gloves. In scarlet, gray; brown, navy blue, and black, Estate settle- to exhibit their claims for officials should take the time to look William J. Kirby, one of the ment. Those who neglect to present their these aged for men, women and children. They are the most popular of all winter gloves, aeeouiiK properly attested, within said up reports. residents of Sandy Hook, passed away, time, will lie debarred a recovery. All per- last week Thursday nit(ht, aged 76 because they are comfortable, with long wrists. 50 eta a pair. son Indebted KaUl - to EtaU- aru requested to TRINITY years. Mr Kirby came to Hook make Ittinicdlale'payment to PARISH. Sandy Scotch Wool Gauntlets. Of gray wool, long and heavy. They come Burton Hodge, Executor. from Portchester, N. Y., alwut 1865, entering the employ of Mr Gibson, up nearly to the elbow, and can be drawn over an ordinary kid glove. Fine for OF WESTPORT an. Probate THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE. DISTRICT father of Henry T. Gibson, as coach- i:ith. Iim7. On ser driving or golf. Fownes make, $1.50 a pair. Estatu of Catherine Sherwood, lam of Wen-to- n, Thanksgiving day, Thursday man. Later he went to work for the In said district. deceased. vice will be held in the church at 10.30 New York Belting & Packing Co., and The Court of 1'rolMlu for the District of a. m with sermon A by the rector. remained there over 40 years, or till WtMlnort hath limited and allowed alx cordial invitation to all is extended to The Christmas Calendars are out. months from date hereof, for the creditors of the shop shut down. He is survived said Estate to exhibit their claims for settle- this service. by a son, Frank Kirby, of Sandy Hook, ment. Those who neglect to present tbelr ac- and a Mrs of New counts, proiierly altested, within said lime, SUNDAYSERVICES. daughter, Rumsby, will be debarred a recovery. All persons In- York. He has four grandchildren, two debted to said cHtattt arc requested to make At 11 a. m., morning service, with residing in Torrington and two in New The D. M. READ Co. immediate payment to Holy Communion ; at 12.15, Sunday York. took Sun- Burton 1'. The funeral place on Merwln, Administrator, school ; at 7.30 p. m services. Aspetuck.iConn. evening day afternoon at St Rose's. The pall bearers were Thomas J. Corbett, Wil- TUSTRICT um I'nmntA The annual meeting of the Woman's U SALE house, harn. amn. OFROXB0RY, liam C. Iioum-- . lOam-s- . x Court. Nov.&lWuT. will be Corbett, Martin F. Houlihan, it 41 Jim; ham. fruit, Auxiliary held at the Rectory, SO 1 Estate of J. lata of Rox- - Martin Lillis, Edward McGran and Pat-; ioum, harn, frull. ii'nw. To he Farmer. Sally Beardsley. Thursday, at 3 p. m. ham. bury, In said District, deceased. rick Kelly. The burial was in St l.i: houw, fruit, ai'rvs. The Administrator havlnir lexhlhlted On 3 lii.MM! Ifitithi'r farm harifa nn. Hi vxivllem Friday at p. m., the singing Rose's Funeral In G. W. his administration account with said estate to cemetery. Director oiip and two family houws Danhury, from Coggawtll acta at tat farmtr'i If thy class will meet for rehearsal. 04 Grand agat. this Court for allowance, it Is Troy had the arrangements in charge. lo 10.000. J. J. Hrophey, utrtitl, htT Poultry, ApplM, or farm aid Uonn. aay Egja, aiy product Ordered, That the 5th day of Dec, A. D.lflO". ' Danhury. wait to th hifbMt cash prie aid quick raturaa Mid it to 10.30 o'clock In at the Pro- MRS gt at the forenoon, DANIEL GREGORY. SALE-S- aw in worKine AUo ia Office In be Is as- ST ROSE'S. L)11 mill complfln ma. daaltr Rtal EitaU. bate Koxbury and the same A urcl.T. s. Mead sumed for a hearing on the allowance of Mrs Daniel Gregory, an estimable liioulraattliuiituriiolL). ELIZABETH said administration account with resident of Taunton Hraui'liville, Conn, C. W. COGGsSWCLL. ST R RET. Dwhy, Conn. ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY NIGHT. district, passed said estate, and this Court directs the Ad- on Sunday, 78 One VDNE BETTER MADE Than tuo Famous ministrator to cite all persons Interested away aged years. An entertainmen the children for Mrs Ferris Mead, survives ' International Ua)lluu MiKine ami tncy therein to appear at said time and place, by by daughter, irivDtwllafaiTiioii. Nol ono complaint In some always publishing this order newspaper hav- the benefit of the St Rose's church will her. The funeral took place on Wed- In tlnvti Call or writ for particulars. a In said and years. ing circulation District, by post- take place on Friday evening, Novem- nesday afternoon. Rev J. H. Georee 8. J. I'm ks, Trnmbull.Conn. G. N. Clarke's Liver Pills ing a copy on the public sign-po- st In the Town Vegetable of the deceased last dwelt. ber 29, at St Mary's hall, beginning at officiating. The pall bearers were A. Koxbury.'where A farm. stocked. Rood JEdward W. Preston, Judge. 8 o'clock. A and pro- W. A. C. Moore. S. B. WAXTED-- Fully Have a wonderful reputation for Bilious and Ailments. As bright attractive Fairchild, Camn buildings. Must be bargain curing Dyspeptic gram has been provided and all who and George R. Wilson. E. W. Nash. 411 llolllsterave., Bridgeport. Ct a remedy for Biliousness, Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, Dizziness, DISTRICT OF ROXBUKY, ss. Probate Once SS, 1907. attend will be repaid. etc., they stand Unrivalled. tried, Always used. For sale by Drug- Rox-bur- y, a Estate of Darwin H. Beardsley, late of AT FINCH'S LfOMEH We will build or buy you bomp gists. Free sample by mall. In said deceased. or You pay for district A anywhere, city country. The Administrator having exhibited his ad- union service of the Methodist and It In small monthly sums. IHm't pay rent. ministration account with said estate to this St John's churches will be held, Sodium Phosphate, 25c box. Own your home. In event of your death Q. N. CLARKE, Nichols, Conn. Is ceases, fund Court for allowance, It at 10.45, Sugar of Milk, 40c. furiher payment (iuaranjee Ordered, That the 5th day of December, A. Thanksgiving day morning at protects you. Agents wanted. Home Secur Os- Russell's Emulsion, $1.00. D. 1907, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the the Methodist church. Rev J. A. ity Co., Inc., tii Grand street, Danhury, Ct, ATOTICE Hereafter the services of my bull Probate office In Koxbury, be and t he same Is borne will preach the sermon. Lazell's Talcum powder, 10c box. IT will be $1 Terms Cash. r. W. I'latt, New- - A avenue assigned for a hearing on the allowance of Foley's Honey and Tar, 50c. jioli SALE house, on Wellsvllle town, Conn. said administration account and this Court Address J. F. Addis, New Milford. Conn, For Sale. lnter-terest- The has Eagle brand dates, directs the Executor to cite all persons general impression gone prime quality ll blood 2 old holstein bull FOUSALE--Fu- year Good therein to appear at said time and abroad that the shortage of Tax Co- oranges, white grapes and nuts. LVIK Ilolsteln stock. John J. Reynolds, Redding Estey Organ, price $20, this order one time in E sired l'rlnce HoiK'ful KeKol No. with stool. All in place, by publishing llector J. F. Houlihan amounts to $626. calf, by Ritlge, Conn. good order. , some a circulation In said run .mi newspaper having A Mr The voting men of Sandy Hook have ;i;:i7(W, nam, I'ericri re jiiso and a on sign- careful reading of the report of a) full blooded strain of hj.kock -: 3 In W. L. district, by posting copy public formed social riyniotitn pui or girls to work button j CHADEAYNE, In the Town of where the de- Soule will show that all of a organization called lets. J. It. Stillson, New l'restou. Conn. WANTED- post Koxbury, practically Box 23s, Derby, Conn. ceased last dwelt. the was collections "The Niantic Social club." The offi Conn. Phone 40. W. $626 made during In tenement Edward Preston. Judge. cers are President, sanford Bar-tra- WANTED Married man to lire the month of October and withheld and work on farm. Mnull family, it any, HALE A vice Lillis: " ipOIi lot of hemlock lumber and from payment to the former treasurer president, Peter I. L. Kandall, Washington Deiwt, D. S. Mead's John preferred. posts. Immire store, by order of the selectmen. As soon as treasurer, J. Carmody ; secretary, Conn. Branchville. Ct. Sbernjarj & Tyrrell, John Madigan. They have rented the Sandy Hook the new treasurer took office the STEPNEY, CONN. amount due the town was turned in. room over the market of John H. ! and intend to ENTERPRISE Yards, Painters, Decorators, Paper Hangers. Mr Houlihan feels that the wrong im Blackman, have a pleas- Poultry Market ant to the winter Class Work pression that has gone forth does him place pass evenings. LadiesNotice! NO. 99, RIDGEFIELO, First Guarantee !. Prices rea- sonable. Estimates K'adly given. an injustice. A. dis- (Augur's Old Stand) Rev J. Osborne attended the Ji. fine BACK COMB with your mon-oera- trict preachers' meeting in Stamford, in 60 cents ; in or Gustavus Betts is in the encraved gold Black Orpingtons. At the Sandy Hook Market will be found assisting Tuesday and Wednesday. whether want a or the best the market affords In Fresh and Salt store of C. H. Finch, the ab- - dering say you iight White in during color. tne Leghorns. Notice. Meats, Canned Goods and Vegetables their senee of the latter in Boston. The lights in the Methodist church dark If you order betore Special season. It will be my aim to conduct a First first of will be Stock very low to reduce to winter Quarters were burning all January you presented the Blacksmith Class Market. night, Sunday night, set of capacity. Having opened C. H. Finch went to New Haven, to the amazement of those who hap- with a gold plated beauty pins. Shop at Upper Stepney, am now ready to do I ask for your patronage. on send Horseshoeing. and Wagon Tuesday night, and will pass Thanks- pened to be out late. If you desire your initials pins Carriage Repair- two cents extra. ing and General Blacksmith. Shop closed giving day in Boston, Mass., where Mrs per letter It has Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. H. Mrs J. P.. Miss Claribel taken us First Class Work Guaranteed. John Blackman. iinch and baby have been passing sev- Smith, & Fall Mr and Mrs Smith of Field Eocles, Pointing twelve On 1 eral weeks. Smith, Joseph In our business to build a and after July my terms will be strict- 1121 Stratford Ave.. years reputation cash tor all work Bridgeport, Mrs E. A. Bennett and Bridgeport. for first class honest work. We Intend to ly at my shop. Dr W. H. Kiernan was in New York, Mrs Susan Hall will be guests, Thanks- maintain it and respectfully ask for a share STEPNEY, and of your patronage. We are Agents for the CONN. giving of Mr and Mrs E. J. Hall. SALE-T- Henry Pettit, Wagons Tuesday. day, TpOR ho Carriage and Blacksmith largest Wall Paper Mills In the country, If ! shop used by the late Charles 11. (lay In the jou want it right gul Harness Mr and Mrs W. T. Cole of New York manufacture of Carriages foi 40 years. Avery Connor Haugh of Bridgeport visited passed Sunday in Philadelphia. desirable location, being near Newtown Sta CRAFT & LYON, Conn. tion and Borden s and on the most Stepney, If you want a Carriage, Hook Creamery A want a Sandy friends over Sunday. traveled road In Newtown, ine tools ana Paperhanglng Specialty. Julett Stock If you Runabout, Mr Mrs will are Farm, If you want a Business Wagon. and Charles Stevens a hlir line if earrlfturH makers supplies business. To a TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE- -I will be at BETHEL, CONN. If you want a Harness, spend Thanksgiving in Danbury. there all ready for quick buy I want a Miss Celia Peterson has been visiting er a price will be made that Is attractive. the Brick Building on Saturday, June 15, If you Blanket, 11 5 each second a Mrs Frank W Aam., rvewiown, uonn. from a. m. to p. m., and and Grade and Thoroughbred'Jersey Cattle. If you want Whip, her sister, Fred Keuhne, the past Brown of New Britain and Fred right, of from If want Robes of kind, Guy last Saturday each month thereafter, Pedigreed Berkshire Swine. you any week. HITY-O- 12 4 want Harness of kind, Brown of Hopewell Junction, N. Y., WANTED TO iie horse tread power m, to p.m. John F. Houlihan, Collector, Prize Winning White Wyandottos, t If you Supplies any Conn.. 4, 11H17. If you want Harness Supplies of any kind, will pass Thanksgiving with Mr and In good condition. Ernest Hice. Hawley Newtown, April If you want to save money and secure satis- James Lamer of New Haven has Mrs F. L. Brown. vllle, Conn. faction, been passing a week with his parents, If you want anything In the Wagon or Har- TO RENT A farm In first class Piano Mr and Mrs Patrick Lamer. Felt and rubber boots. Fit yourself WANTED with stuck and tools from WO Tuning. I ness line call and look over our Max A. Will before elsewhere. for the strenuous weather at Taylor, to 200 acres. Can furnish best of references. Grass, well known piano tuner of Pay goods purchasing Bridgeport, conn.. lormerly ot stetnwav s Oliver Lhuiller has moved from Mrs Curtis & Co.'s. A stock of gloves Address A. IS., care Newtown Bee, Newtown, A & great Conn. Sons, Mir. N. Y., and successor of late Fred The highest market price for W. Bassett Son, Bennett's house on Washington avenue and mittens. Beyer, will lie pleased to attend to your Piano Live Stock, Cows, Calves, Fat Steers, Chick- - lie Mr S. Will Hook, Conn. to Mrs M. C. Bradley's on Gas street. SPECIAL NOTICE-Sh- all finish Cider mak- Tuning. Orders may left at Charles ens, etc. receive Tuesday at Washing- Sandy 13 Newtown. Will be at my mill in district on I'latt s, in Newtown every ton Depot; Wednesday at Roxbury; Thurs- Some fine values now in overcoats lng Iluntingtown 43S season. ,101111 11. month. Bridgeport address West avenue. day at Litchfield. SALE Good black work horse, not John H. Blackman has moved to the and at Curtis & Co. 's. Saturday, .Nov. ft lor tne FOR sweaters, Taylor, Frank, liuntiiigtown district, Newtown, Ct. of anything, faithful in all harness. residence of Edward so as to be W. s BLAKEMAN, Bethlehem. J. near the Cen- Troy, Antldtie maliggany furniture' F. Crouch, Redding, Conn., felt-line- WANTED ter. near his market business. Ladies' warm d .shoes and WANTED good, honest man for general good price. Charles II. Martin, A nice line of winter farm work. Married man preterreu. au 101 South street, Stamford, Conn. slippers. heavy e.vnected and refer A good road horse suitable for Charles H. Meeker of New York is a box dress, stating age, wages WANTED shoes in calf and Dongola with ences, A. M. Frost, 11 East Main street, Wa POM SALE Two covered meat carts. Wanted To drive. M. B. Hawley, Stepney, G. Buy. Conn. Thanksgiving guest of Charles heavy soles. Prices $1.50 to $3 Sandy terbury, Conn. Minott Augur or A. M. Briscoe. Hook. Meeker. Hook Shoe Store. a woman from 35 Sandy Fat Cattle, cheap Cows or Bulls, Calves, Good 15 old. WANTED Immediately, TJiOR SALE bull, months For 50 on a farm with 3 of P. ' ' to to do housework T?OR SALE A new I. BERMAN, service. Chester White Boar. R. Davis, R. H. Beers & Co. some Feed Inernational food to stock old and upright grand piano, not are showing your a family; we are want steady help; 11 tlrst-cla- 1224 Stepney Depot, Conn. Route 15. well recommended. soiled, make, warranted ten North Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. splendid values in winter shoes for and poultry and have healthy stock and would like man and wife, Also a Piano in J. M. Depot, Conn. years. Regal Player perfect Telephone; 2189-- SALE Good pair farm horses, weight men and women. Mr Beers has always laying hens. Taylor, Curtis & Co. sell Black, Washington condition. Must be sold. Death cause of FOR 2 E pounds, good age; also good driving in it. AMERICAN HOUSEKEEPER selling. Address Bee Office, Newtown. One JO. One prided himself his shoe department, WORKING horses. surrey, price, f In a widower's cart and one truck. C. securing his stock from one of the best Desires a position family dump platform Frank E. Benham of Waterbury will or with nn elderly couple In city or country. T?0 THE BOARD OF County Commissioners Of all kinds repaired at B. Weed, Long Hill, Conn. houses in New and has never 1 England, hold the last horse auction of this sea References. Call or address Housekeeper, of Fairtield County: hereby apply for a Clocks reasonable prices. Have had a 81)3 Broad St., Conn. Hotel license tosell Spirituous and intoxicat- Y'ou An Old Colonial Clock complaint. son, December 5, at Bridgeport. Thursday, lyuv, ing Lliumrs. Ale. Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and or Grandfather Clock that needs repairing so his stables, 304-31- 8 North Main srteet, WANTED-R- ye straw and good hoy; also Cider at Grand Central Hotel, Main Street, it will run If sol am For 5ale. A accurately? prepared Miller parlor heater will do you Waterbury. He will have 60 horses, ' nrlee nnr lie ad on boarding horses tor Town of Newtown. Ui serve you. I refer you, by permission, to Finely bred S. C. Brown Leghorn Cockerels, good service any time a little extra wlntes. Horses to be fed hay. We have about My place of business is located within Allison P. 'Smith, Editor of The Bee, for $1 each. Mrs A. J. McMahon, 191-- 4, gentleman's drivers, general purpose to board out. or write 200 feet in a direct line of a church edifice, Pa whom I restoreu to Telephone heat is desired. R. H. Beers & Co. twelve horses Inquire its old time efficiency a New Milford, Conn. hosres, saddlers, workers of all kinds. to Naugatuck Valley Ico Co., 421 Housatonlc rochial School or public schoolliouse. or the fine old Colonial clock. E.E.Meeker, New sell them and they are very reasonable Besides his own stock he has consign- Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. premises perlalnlngtliereto, orany Postofllce, Preston, Conn. TO BUY a goat giving about a quart in Public Library or Cemetery. WANT Rox-bu- price. ments from several contractors who 1 daily. George A. Beatty. "POR SALE-O- ne good family horse, S; Dated at Newtown tins 13th day of Novem Falls, Coun. Telephone are through work for the season. These r open milk wagon. .'0; 1 toe board wagon, ber, A. D. l!H)r. Mrs Henry Schaf of Dodingtown are not all broken down but $15; 1 milk tank, SMs 1 bottle tank, I5; JlicliaelJ. White, Applicant. Mrs Carrie just horses, 1 Simpson, 1 run- CLIPPING. A. W. Bassett & Son, has returned set of double harness, 25; rubber tire We. the electors and HORSE home, after spending a nice, big, tat ones that have been of undersigned, taxpay Hook, Conn. about, J50; 3 sets single harness. ers, as defined by law, of the town of New- week in Brooklyn with relatives. worked in double and cart s all Barhlte.3S2 Warren St., First Class Dressmaker, single a. A. Bridgeport. town, hereby endorse the application of the WANTED- - man for farm work are named J. White such general summer, and guaranteed. This will WANTED By a above Michael for license CONN for the winter: must be a good milker SITUATION thoroughly we do each for himself HAWLEYYILLE, " Mr and Mrs H. N. Tiemann be a good opportunity for anyone wish- aged woman as housekeep- and severally certify for 6 or 8 cows. Good treatment assured. An passed that we are taxpayers owning real estate sit- Latest Style Gowns made for Ladies and A. C. in ing to secure a pair of big, rugged er for aged people, single man or Invalid's elderly man preferred. Lake, Bethle- Monday Danbury. moderate. Address A. A. uated in said Town of Newtown and that we Misses. Perfect lit guaranteed. hem. horses that are to into hard attendant. Terms have not endorsed the of oth ready go W.. TO Broad St., Bridgeport, or call. application any The Round Oak steel range is as work. Among some of the horses he er person for a license to sell spirituous and TOR SALE- - heavy working oxen; also just use CORSALE-- An : A on a good milker intoxicating liquorsduringineeiisuiiig lice extra good Estey organ with " crtvui hnslnpss wagon. William n. Lee. good for its purpose as the Round Oak has to offer are One pair seal brown, place farm; 11 Will Mrs R. WANTED teamster. M. V. A., care New- year. stops. he sold cheai). D. Brookfield, Conn. heater is for and most 2800 lbs. ; one 2400 lbs. ; one Dated at 'iVowtown tins lath or Novem Smith, U. 1). No. 34, Conn. heating every pair bays, town Bee, Newtown, Conn. day Newtown, TJiOR SALE Large Mann bone cutter, also one knows how good are. E. J. 2400 lbs. ; one gray ber, A, I). HW. they pair bays, pair B. - one horse lumber runmn? ffcar. F. G. 2600 AWAY A Satur-1- 3 1). Beardsley. Michael r. Keating. Pat Hall of Sandy Hook sells the Round mares, lbs. ; one pair gray and QTRAYED bay mare, last B. Heaublein, Easton, Conn. wit h a of around her neck. rick Ready, Michael J. Keating, Richard I Sell Farms Oak steel range. 2300 lbs. ; and dozen of others day. piece rope bay, Weighs 1100 pounds. Jerome Piatt. H. F. D., Uapp. -3 . 3 1000 to 1300. will I certify that the above named en FIR SALE- good Holstein cows, 6, and weighing from He Bethel, Conn. hereby And all kinds of real estate, years old, all due In January. Am selling A regular communication of Hiram also new and second hand dorsers are electors and taxpayers as defined Giverae a description of your farm or J sell wagons of the town of Newtown, and place, as am short of hay. Miles Gordon, Easton, P. &.' A. will occur next WANTED A good second hand cook stove; by law, that and the terms and I do the rest. Write or 1. lodge, M., and harnesses. The sale will no other Conn. P O Bridgeport Route begin Must be in good condition. Albin I'latt, they have signed application. call and see me. I can do you good. JACOB Wednesday night. 1 " Dated at Newtown this 8th of Novem- promptly at o'clock. D. G. Beers place, Newtown. Conn. day BLOCK, Middle Gate District, Route hi, New- ber, A. D. llHi:. town, Conn. Tel. Dr W. H. Kiernan has been Second-han- d wood Oscar PlUschler, Asst. Town Clerk. appoint- four-in-ha- WANTED cast iron Notice. A stunning line of neck- POR SALE-Go- od black horse, 1100 ed medical examiner for Newtown to heating stove, to take wood; must L weight men R. H. & " E. OR SALE Two bronze male lbs: good worker and driver, or will ex succeed Dr A. L. who has re- ties for at Beers Co.'s. be In good condition. J. Hall, Sandy Hook, Mr Dixon wants to announce to bis custom- Schuyler, uonn. F turkeys, for breeding purposes. Mrs John change for new milch cow. Ernest E. Hunt- - ers that he Is fitting up bis barn for a shop, moved to New Haven. R. Peck, Newtown, Conn. lev Stepney l.)epot, Uonn. situated near his residence, and that he will Extra good values in boys' and men's TOR SALE A new milch cow and first call. SALE A To be ready for business at his new place about & and com cut- TOR Ladles' Riding Saddle. May CIDER-- keep it sweet, use (Smith's Cider Rev and Mrs J. A. Osborne were caps at R. H. Beers Co.'s. Also one horse power stalk L be Nov. 26 and will be pleased to see bis old cus- one. Frank Wolcehowski, Zalmon seen at The Bee Office. A. p. smith, By mall 35c. S. W. Smith & ter, a good Newtown. tomers and friends. He will have new stock given a donation visit, Tuesday night. Peck's Farm, Newtown. Co.. Ansonia, Conn. and tools, Never Slip Shoes of all kinds In A goodly number were present and the W. Walter Finch, a popular clerk at kinds and all work done About 12 chickens SALE 4 yearling heifers fresh 1JWR8ALK- - A work or will stock and all other occasion was an to R. H. Beers & will Thanks- TOR SALE CHEAP IjOR coming " good horse, at short notice. Mr Dixon Is a first class me- enjoyable one all Co.'s, pass E suitable for the table. W. II. Sanford, Main next spring; or would take in trade 2 fresh change for a good new milch cnw. Lnclen chanic. P. H. Dixon, Brookfield. concerned. giving in New Haven. St.. Newtown. cows. C. L. Hingle, Redding Center, Conn. Plerron, Lynch Place, Sandy Hook, Conn. 16 TIIK NEWTOWN BEE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2i, 11)07.

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j PERSONAL CHAT, i Mr John Mtdtt of South Nurwalk ! c itllitl on frit mU In thin dme, Friday, j Mr and Mr Andrew Godfrey made r buaint-- trip to Nurwulk, last wwk, and railed on hi brother, Joel God- -' frey, who h returned from th ho-- ! piul much improved,

j miif ! Si Autfunt Johnmm in improving; his houito with paint, which makwi a great change in thu appearance of hi new hoUKD. Mix Florence Meade fpeitt Sunday with her mother, Mr Urania Meade. Mr John William of New York i spending several day with her daugh- ter, Mr Ferri Morehoue, and call- ing on old friend. The many friend of Mr and Mr M. I Mohr are to know they are to pleased pvnd the winter at Life Farm. Mr J. Runro ha been visiting her brother, Charles Cogswell, on Hitch street You Need Mrs A. J. Partridire received an in- vitation to attend the wedding of a nephew, Edward Nichols. Tho bride An Overcoat. is Mins Gertrude McDonald of Little Rock, Ark.

Perhaps the one you want U here $6.50 to $25.00. Bedding. PERSONAL CHAT. Boys' Overcoats, $2.48 to $8.50. Mrs Harriet F. lluckmnn has re

turned to her home in Ridgefield , much Youths' Overcoats, $4.95 to $18.00. improved in health after a three.weeks' viwitVith'her sister, M. J. Scribner, 'iij Kciiuiiifel. ,4 They visited friends at Shoes for Ladies, Men and the home of Mr and Mrs George F. Purrack in Easton und at B. Wesley Children. Burr's in Greenfield. Mrs M. J. Scribner entertained over Sunday her son, Levi A. Gilbert, and wife from New Fairfield. S3 Kent I WHAT THE MACEDONIA REPORT- Hi ER WRITES. lira Mrs Joseph Wathley is quite ill with HEAD TO FOOT CLOTHIERS. grip and bronchitis. 56-- 8 AAJM St Mr and Mrs Perry S. Thompson made a short visit to .friends in Clay- Bridgeport, Conn. ton, Mass., Friday. Clark Post was home from Bridge- port, last week. What is the reason Clark can't pass South Kent without stopping oil? William Cribley is hewing ties in W. K. Stone's woods. One of John A. Peter's cows man- aged to get doors open'and"helped her- self to feed with disastrous results; the animal died. Henry W. Post butchered two Mollan's pigs, Saturday ; one weighed 252 pounds and the other 22C. It is reported Luther Hall is to move to the Winegar house at the State Stout Shoes Pine. for Easton.

LOCAL BRIEFS. A. . Thomas of Bridgeport moved, Women, last week Thursday, into Mrs Anna H. Ferry's house near Adam Corner. Mr Thomas has taken a position with P. G. McCollam on his steam saw mill. Especially for Cold and Wet Weather are ready now. No better bread made than that from For the woman who is out of doors in the Fall and Prize Medal brand of flour. It takes the lead. We are selling 19 of are the for she need pounds Early winter they just thing best granulated sugar for $1.00. We not to beUburdened with rubbers or overshoes. A always have on hand a full stock of of fine footwear for women and children grain and feed of all kinds. Remember big variety the place. F. G. Haeublein's store, in Box Calf, Gun Metal, Heavy Kid and all the best Adams Corner. leathers for out of door wear, now. The Ladies' Aid society of the Con. gregational church shipped a barrel of Women's Shoes from $5 down to 1.50. clothing to a missionary in South For Children up to $3. last week. Roxbury. ITEMS FROM OUR SCRIBE'S NOTE W. K. BOOK. MOLLAN, James McNiff of Bridgeport is vis- iting friends here. 1026 Main St., Bridgeport. of Constable Robert Cypher took a man The above illustration shows one our pop- from Flag Swamp to Litchfield jail, Saturday, for disorderly conduct at the of Warner's Mills school. ular $15 Overcoats. These garments are made Mr Ford is an ill- 92 convalescing after ness of several weeks. D. A. PARKER K. 8. KOLB 1 best Mrs James Mathison ,is on the sick both medium and heavy material and are the The Parker-Kol- b Co. list, but is much better at this writing. Our merchant has had the interior of of. JEWELERS his store freshened and brightened with coats for the money that we know Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Silverware and CutGlass a new dress of paint. D. Coles was the architect. WATCH REPA1RINQ A SPECIALTY. Mr and Mrs Frank Dickinson visited m n D n Rrldvennrt.-r -- C.nnn . v. .Arrarii , n- - i 2 iw. r jjt the metropolis, last week. Mr Ingersoll is to hold a meeting in the hall here, Sunday afternoon, at 3 D. G. BEERS f& CO., o'clock, All are cordially invited to attend. Shoes M nKs, Bags NEWTOWN, CONN., Zenith l& M SI WliA fhcn Trading in Waterbury Station Agent Erwin and Assistant M Manufacturers of Get Your Meals at the for Men and d Other Trowbridge are kept busy with extra IT CHILDREN Luggage. work trains coming up in the night as Women. OUTFITTERS TO MEN WOMEN & Automobile Tops, Canopy Tops, well as day. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Park Lunch Room Buggy Tops, Cushions, C. E. CRANE, Pbop.. Backs, For Ladle and Gentlemen. And all kinds of Trimmings for Carriages and Wagons. Send for OASTOKIA.The Kind You Have Conn Catalogue. th Always Boagtit 11 West Main St., Waterbury, fin