The Newtown Bee VOLUME XXX. NEWTOWN, CONN., FHIDAV, NOVEMHKU '."J. 1U07. NUMBKIl 47. CHRYSANTHEMUM i AT LIBRARY CORNER. WEDDING. ; Goodyear 3 BEHEH ESSES EESBI Miss Beers Mr ,, Our "Rightly-Made- " Rare Bargains Sanford. Tin Kind Tint FilindWw, For this week. At Foster's. CEREMONY TAKES PLACE IN Clothing TRINITY CHURCH. I These Cash Producing Sale Bargains work wonders A huh' l.'ili r, ami itm.1 lk) urn! iUl l;iii r nun ,iH" r imu For the conservative dresser and our "COLLEGE-BRAND- " of Tin m (lli'itr Hi urn!) tinl Ibv Why miss taking advantage our prices saving Im..!. IiIiiVP IIUIHlll Ul.l .'Ullt !a De-- ,( ll.i.i or the man who wants the extreme in actual dollars and cents on the best of, Winter Suits-ne- west Large Congregation Present J i'rlni vut iwtr ttatouuii hjf lltr (.k us in to our customers not and finest spite Filling Snow It '"U latt iliuttl.tM wild ll r style, puts position give styles qualities. ur ruw.-r-li' it l iimi' "U iih.I ( the but the most in r HuM r.iii- - Mm! iimi , r. iirll.ilM only largest, comprehensive stock handsome fit- ln.i).- are perfectly tailored, perfect ' mJki- lur turn iul In t They A beautiful wedding wn tiolemnized jf inr. Connecticut to select from, a stock that cannot but ting In at Tuen-'da- !' Trinity church, high noon, please young and old, from those of quiet taste to the They are suits that any custom tailor would be the happy couple being Miu Alice more sporty element. This is the reason our business to own Sherman Beers, daughter of Eli Beach R. F. proud j FOSTER, has and then do not us Beers, and Stephen Ernest Sanford, ' grown every year, you pay But, Cash Producing Sale Prices bring them to you !mii-Mi- r lu It, F. IW.'r Co., nun of Mr and Mrs Stephen Sanford of as much as you pay others for clothing that does not at even lower figures than usually marked on ready to 246 fUln St., Danbury, Conn. Reddirg. Prof Charles S. Piatt pre-- J have one-ha- lf the or wear style durability. garments sided at the organ and before the cere-- I Suits from $10 to $40. We are disposing of the stocks early in the mony as the were ushered simply guests being Overcoats, $10 to $50. season, turning-i- t into cashnow realizing on our in- -' to their seats played the Festal march Trousers, $2 to 510. to-da- in P. Flat by Wely. As the wedding vestment y. Dr Algy. Decn French. party passed up the aisle the strains of Waistcoats, 52 to 510. It is rare indeed that you have choice of such your the wedding march from Lohengrin SOCIALIST. such little so in the season fine garments at prices early were wafted on the air. During the all reductions are bonafide all be Prom- garments guaranteed. ceremony played softly. "0 Cancer, Piles, Rupture' Don't wait, buy now. ise Me," by De Koven. As they left the church he played Mendelsohn's Cured Without the Knife. J. B. MULLINGS march." Rev H. k SON, wedding J. George, No quack or secret method)!, but mi- - j the rector of officiated in an Conn. Trinity, entillc, treatment. Special Waterbury, impressive manner. It was a chrysan consultant in all themum wedding, all the decorations HHP. MB8A CHRONIC DISEASES. aBEBaSBEBSHiEBHiHi B HSEHHl JIBRIDGEPORl.CONii being crysanthemums and greens. On the altar were beautiful chrysanthe- SlIKLTOX, Coxx. mum blossoms. The chancel rail was decorated with greens and bunches of chrysanthemums tied with white rib- bons. The front of the preacher's desk was decorated with running pine. The Bridgeport Hydraulic Company Stock, entire effect was artistic and rich in extremJ. bride Bridgeport Gaslight Preferred Stock, the The was charming in a gown of white satin messaline, New, New. Haven & Hartford Right, trimmed with Princess lace. She wore BRIDGEPORT a veil entrain, and carried a shower jJJ5? New York, New Haven & Hartford New Debenture 6's. FOURISTORES) bouquet of white bride roses. The ma- - u tron of honor was Mrs Louis R. Ed- wards of Bridgeport, a sister of the 1119-112- 3 Main HINCKS BROS. & Bond Dealers, St., Bridgeport, CO, bride. She wore a gown of light blue 207 Conn Court Exchange BIdg, State St., Bridgeport, crepe de chine, and a light blue panne velvet hat, with blue plumes. Mrs 428 Edwards carried white chrysanthe- SURPRISE SPECIAL SALE NO. mums. Miss Elizabeth Chambers of For one week (Saturday) and ending next Friday. v Waterbury and Miss Ella L. Bears, only, Leginning The National two of the bridesmaids, wore vlile City Bnk. silk, with white panne velvet hats and of 105 Wall Street, Bridgeport, Conn., Grade Suits white plumes. They carried pink Finely Tailored High chrysanthemums. Miss Florence A. This Bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its custom- Warner and Miss Mabel O. Camp, for Men $10. ers the fac lities gained during fifty-thre- e years of continuous bridesmaids, wore pink crepe de chine, service and growth. and hats of pink panne velvet, with Swell new fancy worsteds and all wool Velour Cassimeres in handsome new pink carried white chrys in all plumes. They overplaids, neat stripe effects, checks and neat figurings new shades; Frank Miller, President. Chas E. Cashier, anthemums. correct new models, single and double breasted; tailoring and trimming strictly Hough, are to satisfactory service. Asst Cashier Miss Sarah Alice Beers made a high grade. These garments guaranteed give H. B. TerHII. to ; all beautiful patterns and latest fashions, charming little maid of honor. She Styles enough please everybody tailored by the most capable garment workers in our own factory. The fine wore white and carried pink roses, a qualities and perfection of workmanship can only be appreciated by personal ac-asa them in the of the 5WE jEStgStfeaig ji&z 3jt?3iK' ni atalgae ansae acac strewing pathway inspection. bride and groom as they left the church. 1 Fall and Winter Blankets, The best man was E. Burton Beers of Waterbury, a brother of the bride. Plush Robes. The ushers were Louis R. Edwards, I Lap P. a brother of the ' Emory Sanford, j A Fine and Complete Line to select from. groom, and John C. Beers, a brother of the bride, and Louis T. Briscoe. W. W. STEVENS m. CO.. A reception to the immediate rela I tives and friends followed at the home If 16 Whitest., Danbury, Conn. of the bride's father on Queen street. v The Andrews Catering Co., of Bridge- The Store's Double Guarantee Bond. port catered. One room was entirely Surprise IF YOU ARE ANXIOUS TO filled with the wedding gifts, which is re- SAVE MONEY were rich in the extreme, varied and If any purchase for any reason fails to please the money instantly funded without a or the goods cheerfully exchanged. All clothing VOUWILLBUVAT beautiful. Piles of gold, silverware, question bought here is pressed and repaired for one year free of charge. BUCKINGHAM'S pictures, linen and furniture were in- cluded. The Hillside club sent a hand Your Lace Couch Furniture, your Ruga, your Curtains, your Covers, your some chair. Linoleums, your every furniture need. You owe it to yourself to see our Foremost Fashions in for Men. stocks. The house was very prettily decorat- Clothing We are some in Bedroom ahd Parlor Furniture ed in white and The bride and a wonderful of new giving great bargains green. Smart new styles in Men's Suits and Overcoats at the Surprise Store in variety lines are to be some in 60c for correct reliable qual- that discontinued, bargains Linoleums, kind, groom received in the music room, fabrics and patterns. When you buy clothes at the Surprise Store you are sure of styles, 49cts ; the 50c kind for 39cts. in ab- the mantel banked with smilax fit, perfect tailoring and complete satisfaction. Every garment is guaranteed every respect A assortment of Dining Room Furniture all ready for being ity, proper great Thanksgiving. solutely. We are the store to save you money. and chrysanthemums. The dining room table had a handsome center Fashionable Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men, piece of carnations and chrysanthe $15, $18, N. & Co., Inc., mums, yellow and white. $5, $7.50, $10, $12, Buckingham out town of and in rich new browns, tans, grays and other new shades, in beau- , ESTABLISHED 1843, Among the guests from of In a great array novelty staple fabrics, new figurings and solid colors. 77 State - - Cooni were : Mr and Mrs btephen banioro, tiful stripes, plaids, checks, fancy Street. Bridgeport. Mr and Mrs Emory Sanford and chil dren, Mrs W. E. Duncomb, Mr and Knee Pant Melbourne Cancer Cure Mrs William Sanford, Mrs Henry San Boys' Stylish Winter The Co., ford, Miss May A. Parsons, Eliza J. 64 Bank Street, Derby, Conn. B. Meeker, and J. Harold Sanford of Suits, Cure Cancer at their Sanatarium and guarantee a positive cure. They also treat mild Redding. if and can send a blood cases and old sores at your home desired you medicine that will cure Mr and Mrs George B. Beers, Mrs internal growth of all kinds. Correspondence sollciSed. References gladly given. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $4, $5, . ESTABLISHED FOR EIGHT YEABS. Vinnie Bradley, Mr and Mrs Randolph Bradley, and Mr and Mrs J. Arthur In the latest styles for boys of 3 to 16 years-Dou- ble Breasted, Knickerbocker, Bloomer and' in all the newest fab- Sherwood of Easton.
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