1Iiii{4|,,'Iliiri':I5\Epknber Fliltle:Tr.Hji Sreralneerirg Helo Un '4' .Ot7 S Per Rhe Prori.Ion
(! dd, of hdrt h6!D;; tffiF44 ,F4, Rlz{ {q, rr, Peed on<nd nod, GE i rffiftmiA, -rm, q.&, rilr@ - ea_ LA, Nctuw!, Rajfhar (otkab. tF!!!sE!r&2!l@e4!!4! FA! o33 23246sr0 4+Y+ @&!O@!qli€ n c N. L2l t00wBtq7lcolo28844 crN -!2ll!9lr'B r e7Jcoro-aaa RetNo.CrL:Xr(D):04156:201?: / ?/?, Dared l5 09.2017 Dombay srock Exchase tinired, -,1,iff l;fl ':;::','^;:: ::1iiii{4|,,'iliiri':i5\epknber fliltle:Tr.HJi sreralneerirg helo un '4'_ .Ot7 s per rhe prori.ion. .rC".p** e",rrlii. This h for you! infomation ad ecords ptede. yous fairbfillr, \\v,,-^v\r+ rv visqart a,qq.Aq{nr;i\''' Comley Sed€iary/i{ff qR-{ & Cobplidce OliertfEalFiq qifu{R CO AL INDIA LIM ITED COAL INDIA LIMITED A Maharatna Company Coal Bhawan Premise No-04 MAR, Plot No-AF-III, Action Area-1A, Newtown, Rajarhat, Kolkata-700 156 COAL INDIA LIMITED A Maharatna Company PRODUCING QUALITY COAL. TRANSFORMING LIVES. ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2016-17 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2016-17 www.coalindia.in P rinted by - P rintrade Issues (I) P vt. Ltd., (M um bai) CONTENT: 05 Member of the Board 06 Management During 2016-2017 07 Banker, Auditors and Corporate Office 08 Chairman’s Statement 12 Performance of CIL at a glance (Graphical Representation) 18 Operation Statistics 37 Director’s Report 32 Brief Profile of Directors 80 Comments of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India on Standalone Accounts of Coal India Limited 82 Auditor Report on the Standalone Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2017 89 Comments of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India on Consolidated Accounts of Coal
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