Breast Implants: A Raw Conversation with Diane Kazer

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1 00:00:04.350 --> 00:00:09.179 Betsy Greenleaf: So I'd like to welcome with me today. Diane Kazer. Thank you, Diane for joining us.

2 00:00:09.630 --> 00:00:12.090 Diane Kazer: Oh, thank you for having all of my parts. But see,

3 00:00:12.840 --> 00:00:19.470 Betsy Greenleaf: So I would like to know a little bit about your background. You started out actually as a professional soccer player.

4 00:00:19.530 --> 00:00:26.100 Diane Kazer: And now has worked your way into now you're into holistic health care. How did that journey happen.

5 00:00:26.850 --> 00:00:36.990 Diane Kazer: Here's my panda bears background, so I'll be drinking that during metal show today Um I, my life has been pretty pretty all over the place. Pretty fun

6 00:00:37.560 --> 00:00:49.230 Diane Kazer: Super abundance super chaotic super the black white rainbow. You'll hear the multiple some of my parts in the show today. And as much as wants to come out of hiding

7 00:00:50.520 --> 00:00:56.970 Diane Kazer: Let's see, I'm 41 now and I was four years old. I started playing soccer. So I've been playing soccer. My whole life.

8 00:00:57.690 --> 00:01:09.930 Diane Kazer: And as I got older it a bit about the age of 17. I was like, I'm not liking this anymore. I'm not really enjoying it. And I didn't know back then. Hmm, no a deeper part of me intuitively knew

9 00:01:10.920 --> 00:01:20.310 Diane Kazer: I wasn't playing soccer for me anymore. I put myself in a prison with one of the biggest bars being my mother's approval.

10 00:01:21.630 --> 00:01:35.820 Diane Kazer: And I got scholarships to like eight different schools and the back of my mind, I'm like, I don't want to go. I don't want to play soccer anymore. I'm burnt out. Why am I doing this. And I was like, well, it's free school

11 00:01:37.350 --> 00:01:49.800 Diane Kazer: So that's pretty cool. And I got to pick whatever split wanted to go to, but I was just burnt out and like what, when. Do any of us ever get burnt out, it's usually when we put herself in a prison and literally like society or

12 00:01:50.820 --> 00:01:54.270 Diane Kazer: Or perennials I'm parts of ourself.

13 00:01:55.320 --> 00:02:04.860 Diane Kazer: Culture gives the hands of these bars and says this is who you should be so that you fit in and we go okay I guess I'm supposed to do them build that bar.

14 00:02:05.280 --> 00:02:15.360 Diane Kazer: As we get older related with the teachers and our peers before you know we've built a whole prison around us with every bar representing some point in our lifetime, where we've given ourselves away.

15 00:02:15.840 --> 00:02:18.930 Diane Kazer: For survival and your first survival means like attention.

16 00:02:19.380 --> 00:02:31.920 Diane Kazer: You know, fitting into a tribe, so we don't get kicked out of a try. Because, oh my God, being alone is the scariest thing for all of us. Right. I don't want to be alone. So I'll do what I do play small put myself in this cage to conform to please love me. Please see me please approve of me.

17 00:02:33.540 --> 00:02:36.540 Diane Kazer: I said that was the biggest one for me is I was like, well, free school

18 00:02:37.620 --> 00:02:46.860 Diane Kazer: Okay, my mom and dad worked really hard to get to this point, they're only proud of me. Like, I guess I have to. And then I went to college and I played like shit.

19 00:02:47.550 --> 00:02:54.900 Diane Kazer: Um, it was not excited to be there and just like anybody suffering happens when we have an expectation of what we want and then what's reality.

20 00:02:55.320 --> 00:03:01.380 Diane Kazer: And I didn't want to be there. But the reality is, is that I had to be there. And so I was suffering inside. I was drinking a lot numbing it all out.

21 00:03:02.700 --> 00:03:14.970 Diane Kazer: And being the bench, bitch. That's my phase of my life of when I call myself the bench bench. I put myself in an even smaller prison and didn't like where I was and I lost my gift and then

22 00:03:16.110 --> 00:03:23.310 Diane Kazer: I end up quitting. And then after college, I ended up getting invited to play us a semi professional team in California.

23 00:03:23.850 --> 00:03:34.710 Diane Kazer: And then from there I got scattered into play and the Pro League in Germany, and that's where they were paying a lot more than America. So I said, yeah, that sounds exciting. So I went to Germany.

24 00:03:35.460 --> 00:03:49.170 Diane Kazer: I still really wasn't excited to play. I wasn't doing it for me. And I got paid well but I was still kicking my feet, dragging myself going, What am I doing this for doing this for approval. I'm doing and intuitively, I knew that, but on the outside.

25 00:03:50.700 --> 00:03:56.970 Diane Kazer: I knew I was cheating and myself and I pretended like I enjoyed it, but really on the inside. I was

26 00:03:57.210 --> 00:04:09.750 Diane Kazer: Really cheating on me and that's the greatest form of self sabotage and that's what we'll talk about throughout the entire theme of this show, because I think that's the greatest the greatest risk to our health today. Yeah, I agree.

27 00:04:11.520 --> 00:04:18.300 Diane Kazer: Did your did your health, start to suffer. And all because of you're doing something that you didn't want to be doing.

28 00:04:19.350 --> 00:04:24.510 Diane Kazer: Yeah and you know it's always hard as it. So I'm a practitioner and functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner now.

29 00:04:25.590 --> 00:04:29.550 Diane Kazer: So I think it's very difficult to really pin down

30 00:04:30.960 --> 00:04:39.750 Diane Kazer: Why, any of us suffer so we like to point the finger at one thing for the reason why we get ill or

31 00:04:40.500 --> 00:04:54.810 Diane Kazer: Have symptoms. I call it you know sickness sadness and suffering with symptoms and only you are the one that can break the bars down of your presence so that you can fly it out of the cage that you co created with, you know, the people around you.

32 00:04:56.370 --> 00:04:58.590 Diane Kazer: And so for me, around the age of 2223

33 00:04:59.970 --> 00:05:09.990 Diane Kazer: I was having chronic urinary tract infections, to the point that I had to go to the ER and they give me antibiotic after antibiotic around that same time, I

34 00:05:10.650 --> 00:05:20.280 Diane Kazer: really felt that there was something wrong because my hands and feet are always cold like annoyingly cold and I was doing, you know, Dr. Google back then. Dr. Google do little and

35 00:05:20.910 --> 00:05:23.700 Diane Kazer: I was like, oh, must be my thyroid. So I'm 23 and

36 00:05:24.090 --> 00:05:32.880 Diane Kazer: Gone. There's something on my thyroid has to my thyroid. I've read tons of things online as resourceful back then, but they're like, nope, your blood tested normal said, I went down that treadmill for years.

37 00:05:33.300 --> 00:05:41.160 Diane Kazer: And years kind of UT eyes ended up on antibiotics semi permanently and after about six of these, I went

38 00:05:42.180 --> 00:05:48.720 Diane Kazer: This doesn't sound right like taking an antibiotic, something that you do when you really sick and you do it for like a week.

39 00:05:49.410 --> 00:06:01.830 Diane Kazer: But you're telling me to take this on a regular basis. You tell me take it before and after sex as a preventative I have sex a lot because of an active boyfriend. So technically, I could end up on an antibiotic every day.

40 00:06:02.880 --> 00:06:11.700 Diane Kazer: What's in antibiotics. Well, the petroleum based. No. Um, it got a lot of things in them to kill bugs, which are good and bad bugs that we kill

41 00:06:12.120 --> 00:06:24.000 Diane Kazer: And it creates superbugs antibiotic resistance which can actually make me sicker and deplete my immune system. So, wait a second. Isn't there an alternative to this and I found myself at age of 23 asking the question, why

42 00:06:25.680 --> 00:06:35.970 Diane Kazer: Why am I getting these and I also was on birth control at that time. So that really could have been that connection because birth control is a death sentence for the job in the vagina.

43 00:06:37.110 --> 00:06:55.080 Diane Kazer: For most women you everybody reacts differently, but they're made of chemicals and our body doesn't know what they are. And so it tends to disrupt the vaginal flora, so no one can answer the question. My question why around that same time, I developed some lovely sores in my vagina.

44 00:06:56.160 --> 00:07:03.870 Diane Kazer: And they itch and they itch and after about three or four days of that I went through something really wrong with me and I went to the doctor.

45 00:07:04.890 --> 00:07:10.110 Diane Kazer: I was afraid of what they're going to say, and they said the thing that every woman never wants to hear

46 00:07:11.220 --> 00:07:13.590 Diane Kazer: Yep, you have herpes. And I was like,

47 00:07:16.770 --> 00:07:21.930 Diane Kazer: Okay, there's con. There's my confirmation. There's the belief. I'm not lovable.

48 00:07:23.100 --> 00:07:26.580 Diane Kazer: I'm not lovable and now I'm even not lovable or

49 00:07:27.810 --> 00:07:30.390 Diane Kazer: Know, who's going to love someone that has herpes.

50 00:07:31.470 --> 00:07:38.940 Diane Kazer: How am I going to tell people this am I gonna have this every month. It's like more antibiotics. Well, this is a this is like a virus. So now what do I do

51 00:07:40.590 --> 00:07:50.250 Diane Kazer: And that was in and out of the hospital for about six months, I went to my dad came with me. I didn't have a good relationship with my mom at the time, which is another big part of this whole thing I was

52 00:07:51.000 --> 00:07:58.800 Diane Kazer: Not I was also not willing to admit that my, my mom and I didn't have a good relationship. I was doing whatever I needed to do to perform for her.

53 00:07:59.910 --> 00:08:12.900 Diane Kazer: And this is not i'm not pointing my finger at her clarification, I believe we choose our parents for the lessons that we intended to learn in this lifetime love my mother, she did her best. And I chose her for the lessons that I got from her.

54 00:08:14.220 --> 00:08:28.050 Diane Kazer: But she wasn't very kind to me is very, very nasty words I dressed like a slot or, you know, I was to Boy crazy instead of asking the question why Diane, why are you dressing like this going to help you understand. She was just shamed me

55 00:08:30.480 --> 00:08:36.420 Diane Kazer: So there was a lot of this and that is also our energetic area called your, your sacred

56 00:08:37.440 --> 00:08:42.840 Diane Kazer: And your sacred is your sacred chakra. If you think about calm. Whoo. So I think about everything. I think about

57 00:08:42.960 --> 00:08:50.370 Diane Kazer: The loose I the Western medicine Eastern medicine I've traveled 25 countries. So I love to grab little bits and pieces of everything and go okay this resonates with me.

58 00:08:50.700 --> 00:08:57.660 Diane Kazer: And can be a tool for some of my clients later on or myself. And so the sacred chakra is the seat of our, our creativity.

59 00:08:58.440 --> 00:09:05.760 Diane Kazer: As women. That's why it's important to get our hips moving and CO creates and to dance and the flow and

60 00:09:06.270 --> 00:09:19.680 Diane Kazer: That is the seat of our sexual organs and we receive their we receive other people's energy and we also give from that space to so my mother wound was so disrupted that that area. All I felt was shame.

61 00:09:20.010 --> 00:09:26.820 Diane Kazer: And it was happening over and over again I UT eyes. Now, I had an STD. And I was on birth control.

62 00:09:27.930 --> 00:09:36.900 Diane Kazer: Holy triple whammy. Yeah. And then a mother wound on top of that energetically with a mother that just didn't understand me or seek to understand me because she was a very young soul.

63 00:09:37.530 --> 00:09:44.490 Diane Kazer: So, wow. Wow, I wonder, I wonder if I would try to have babies at the time I surmise they wouldn't have been that healthy

64 00:09:45.240 --> 00:09:58.620 Diane Kazer: Because I was not healthy in that area to create a baby so STD thing my Dad's going with me to the hospital, seeing my my doctor at the time. And I'm like, what is, what do I say to my partners like

65 00:09:59.880 --> 00:10:03.930 Diane Kazer: How do I say this without getting rejected and abandoned over and over again.

66 00:10:04.950 --> 00:10:14.910 Diane Kazer: With a constant stream of messaging that you're not lovable. You're not lovable your big gigantic herpes sore and that's all people can see and they're like, this is what we think the worst of us. Right. Yeah.

67 00:10:15.480 --> 00:10:26.910 Diane Kazer: This is a reality though, like the clients. I've had, I've had one in four women in my practice have herpes, as I say that the national the national statistics is one in three has it in their system now.

68 00:10:26.940 --> 00:10:35.160 Diane Kazer: Wow, that to my patients when they're diagnosed. I'm like, you know, look around. A lot of times it's like you know we're go look around any room like

69 00:10:35.190 --> 00:10:50.340 Diane Kazer: Yo people has it. Yeah, that there's such a stigma behind such a stigma, but it's just a virus. You know, it's like a cold, it's just unfortunately cold that can become reoccurring. Right, right. So, and and

70 00:10:51.540 --> 00:10:54.120 Diane Kazer: Yeah, I want to get too far western but like

71 00:10:55.230 --> 00:11:02.040 Diane Kazer: Talking about a vaccination for that now, too. And I'm just really reluctant to take something like that when we can ask the question of, well, why

72 00:11:02.400 --> 00:11:09.600 Diane Kazer: You know with all of these that my body's clearly stating your immune system is low. Like, you can't have all of these viruses.

73 00:11:10.200 --> 00:11:23.220 Diane Kazer: And so what's really causing your immune system to be low. Like, I don't believe that artificial inoculation is protection, I believe that asking the question why every single time. My favorite letter of the alphabet. Why

74 00:11:24.270 --> 00:11:34.800 Diane Kazer: Why are all these viruses showing up on me. Oh, it's my genetics. I don't think so. That's a very disempowering statement doctor but thank you. I'm going to own my own reality and I'm gonna go do my own research.

75 00:11:35.370 --> 00:11:45.030 Diane Kazer: Oh, OK. I found that my secretary IgA is extremely low. And that's the gold standard and testing stool to see like how robust is your immune system, how likely are you to be able to fight off infections.

76 00:11:45.360 --> 00:11:52.470 Diane Kazer: mycotoxins bugs food sensitivities heavy metals and your inner bitch. How you know

77 00:11:53.370 --> 00:12:01.680 Diane Kazer: I look at secretary IgA like our gold standard immune system marker which doctors don't test in Western medicine. Yeah, emotionally, mentally, a look at that.

78 00:12:02.340 --> 00:12:12.390 Diane Kazer: As as above, so below as above, and our mind so below in our immune system in our gut, which most of our immune system lives in our gut and that's why I test it there so

79 00:12:12.960 --> 00:12:20.670 Diane Kazer: If I have a low for immune system. I have low barriers to entry and bugs can attack me anytime. What do you think about that.

80 00:12:21.120 --> 00:12:28.290 Diane Kazer: As a sensitive empathic woman, which most of us are most of us when you're having in your pocket. I know you are to Betsy.

81 00:12:29.040 --> 00:12:35.760 Diane Kazer: We're sensitive we care. We're compassionate. Sometimes we put our needs. Most of the times, other people's needs ahead of our own.

82 00:12:36.750 --> 00:12:42.300 Diane Kazer: Our guard is down our boundaries are low, where people pleasing we're making it all about pleasing and

83 00:12:42.690 --> 00:12:54.570 Diane Kazer: About the judgment of others before we think about ourselves. And that started at a young age with the mother was trying to please the mother putting herself second after her or anybody right so my see the immune system is poorly functioning.

84 00:12:55.590 --> 00:13:03.810 Diane Kazer: Below. I think about the mind and how we have poor boundaries above those two I see him in hand and lab testing a lot

85 00:13:04.560 --> 00:13:12.450 Diane Kazer: Especially with empathic woman who really wants to please. Other people, they're not comfortable with other people's discomfort. They just want to see people happy. Sometimes not our business and our job.

86 00:13:12.990 --> 00:13:18.120 Diane Kazer: So going back to that going into the back and forth, back and forth to the hospital. My dad's with me. And I'm like,

87 00:13:18.900 --> 00:13:31.050 Diane Kazer: One point I thought this is kind of weird that my dad's in here with another woman, Dr. We're talking about vaginas of groupies. Yeah, my dad's always been like that feminine kind of surrogate mother and that's been confusing for me in the dating world, as you can imagine.

88 00:13:33.330 --> 00:13:40.470 Diane Kazer: Because most guys always talk about this stuff. My dad's like, oh, you know, we have three sisters and so he's like whatever, you know, let's talk about periods in herpes. No big deal.

89 00:13:43.020 --> 00:13:53.880 Diane Kazer: And so eventually the doctors like there's nothing that you can do about this, you will have herpes for the rest of your life and you should tell every single partner. Like, this is terrible. This is, this is another prison. Like how did I get here.

90 00:13:54.960 --> 00:13:59.100 Diane Kazer: And all share other parts of our journey along the way but but let's just say

91 00:14:00.960 --> 00:14:07.650 Diane Kazer: 15 years later, Betsy, which was a year and a half ago, I was going through old blood tests from a long time ago.

92 00:14:09.060 --> 00:14:16.470 Diane Kazer: I always thought I had herpes, to which is herpes of our reproductive organs. Yes, I've only ever had one

93 00:14:17.610 --> 00:14:26.280 Diane Kazer: One which has herpes of the mouth, which is what 90% plus people have. Yes, I've only had one. Yes. So for 15 years

94 00:14:26.460 --> 00:14:28.140 Betsy Greenleaf: You've been telling every partner.

95 00:14:29.400 --> 00:14:38.010 Diane Kazer: Every partner. I have herpes. I'm so embarrassed, but eventually I learned to just accept it and forgive myself and just accept my herpes.

96 00:14:39.420 --> 00:14:42.960 Diane Kazer: So I told every partner. I only ever had one that

97 00:14:44.130 --> 00:14:45.420 Diane Kazer: broke up with me because of it.

98 00:14:46.590 --> 00:14:57.030 Diane Kazer: But it taught me compassion for myself along the way. And it also taught me that just because your doctor says, so don't take it at face value do digging become your own best doctor

99 00:14:57.540 --> 00:15:07.350 Diane Kazer: Look at your labs and do some work with people who understand the eastern side of things, which is holistic and treating something. And that's how I became a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner.

100 00:15:07.680 --> 00:15:15.870 Diane Kazer: I was sick. I was sick. I was sick. I was sick and nothing. I was doing helped me get better. I became a competitive bodybuilder. I got breast implants.

101 00:15:16.500 --> 00:15:26.520 Diane Kazer: Within about a year of that I found myself very ill, and I couldn't figure anything out and I became a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner ran my labs and I'm still to this day this sick is person I've ever seen on any web

102 00:15:27.330 --> 00:15:31.680 Diane Kazer: Based on my markers. Wow. But I, but I feel amazing. I was bad.

103 00:15:34.320 --> 00:15:41.610 Betsy Greenleaf: So what happened, you know, and that's one of the things that we're going to get into is the breast implants and

104 00:15:42.090 --> 00:15:53.670 Betsy Greenleaf: breast implant illness. When I'm very interested to find out more about this because you know this is something we've been hearing more and more of and definitely not something I was ever taught in medical school.

105 00:15:55.260 --> 00:16:11.670 Diane Kazer: You have leave me up to the, I guess, why did you get the implants. And then, what made you learn about the breast implant illness. Yeah. Yeah. So the breast implants. So if you think is important way I set this whole thing up is that

106 00:16:12.750 --> 00:16:25.560 Diane Kazer: Someone doesn't just wake up one day at the age of five and say I want breast implants. Maybe they do, maybe it's more common today because we are being conditioned from a very young age, I'm

107 00:16:26.490 --> 00:16:37.050 Diane Kazer: Here, play with dolls specifically Barbie. Look how small sure her waist line is compared to the disproportionate size of her gigantic cantaloupe Buddhism. Yes.

108 00:16:37.680 --> 00:16:47.430 Diane Kazer: And now it's brat dolls Bratz dolls with gigantic lips. There's something called If You guys look this up. I'm, I'm afraid of this, it's

109 00:16:48.120 --> 00:16:59.910 Diane Kazer: Hashtag brought style challenge. Oh no. Yeah. And you can see images of the before and afters of these women, they're spending three hours to put their makeup on which you sure makeup.

110 00:17:00.420 --> 00:17:03.480 Diane Kazer: Again, this is not judgmental, please. Anything I say today.

111 00:17:04.170 --> 00:17:13.980 Diane Kazer: To give her a grain of salt. I may trigger you good if I did, because I'm triggering the parts of you that are driving the bus toward your illness. I want to trigger you

112 00:17:14.220 --> 00:17:25.590 Diane Kazer: I want to trigger these stories that you believe that you're not lovable and enough, the way that you are because that's the shift that needs to break so that you don't break so you may get really upset with me today. And I've done my job if you have

113 00:17:26.850 --> 00:17:38.430 Diane Kazer: Because we want these false stories out these false narratives and conditions out. These are the formulas that we were given as little girls were beautiful and brilliant. The way that we are

114 00:17:39.360 --> 00:17:52.230 Diane Kazer: We're are now but minus all of the conditions and all the things that we've done to to cut our body open and inject our body with the most lethal substance known to man that is known as Botox. So, at the age of

115 00:17:53.640 --> 00:18:00.990 Diane Kazer: Like they've done a test by NASA and they tested genius scores of creativity. From the time that the kids were four or five years old. Can a garden.

116 00:18:01.680 --> 00:18:09.150 Diane Kazer: Have you heard this one study before. Yes. Yeah. Now, so they test them for the five. I don't have the exact numbers and top my head, but there's a TED talk on this.

117 00:18:10.260 --> 00:18:23.520 Diane Kazer: Test and creativity geniuses five and they test them again when they were like 1213 and a testament to get an eight to then they test them to get like 25 every time I tested them their creativity genius scores went down and down and down.

118 00:18:24.900 --> 00:18:35.610 Diane Kazer: So they were 98% 98% of them were considered geniuses when they were four, four or five talking about nerd kid. You're just drawing and you don't give a shit about what other people think.

119 00:18:36.300 --> 00:18:43.920 Diane Kazer: You know, like, here's a stick figure of my unicorn. It's brilliant. Yes, I'm going to give it to you, and I'm gonna be so proud. I made this for you.

120 00:18:44.490 --> 00:18:50.340 Diane Kazer: And you're like, wow, that's wonderful. You know, as a mom. You're like, That's great, or whoever your caregivers.

121 00:18:51.150 --> 00:19:00.810 Diane Kazer: Then at the age of 13 you get hormones, you start to get boobs, you start to get sexual desire and you start to want to gain the approval of others, you lose your creativity over time.

122 00:19:01.680 --> 00:19:05.550 Diane Kazer: Around this time, it's like 30% they tested people that were creative geniuses.

123 00:19:06.000 --> 00:19:13.800 Diane Kazer: Then it gets even more bread out and they're like 15% at the age of like 22 or I can't remember the exact, but you get the idea drops and drops and drops

124 00:19:14.310 --> 00:19:25.830 Diane Kazer: And then by the time they test them when they were adults like 25 or so 2% legitimises wow this is a study by NASA and I believe it was like 100,000 kids they follow

125 00:19:26.970 --> 00:19:30.510 Diane Kazer: This is not a small study. Yeah, sure. This is huge.

126 00:19:31.620 --> 00:19:36.720 Diane Kazer: So where this leads us is that we've lost our way.

127 00:19:37.740 --> 00:19:39.540 Diane Kazer: Our creativity is who we are.

128 00:19:40.860 --> 00:19:55.110 Diane Kazer: It dictates the purpose and the mission that we're here to serve in this world you know there's a question that's lingering and going around and circulating. Now the question is, is if money were not attached to it. What do you love doing. What would you do for the rest of your life.

129 00:19:56.220 --> 00:20:06.210 Diane Kazer: That's going back and asking your inner five year old. What do you love doing. What do you, what do you believe you're skilled at doing and what can you enjoy in this moment.

130 00:20:06.780 --> 00:20:10.770 Diane Kazer: Irrespective of what anybody else thinks simply for the joy of it.

131 00:20:11.220 --> 00:20:22.650 Diane Kazer: When you're in your joy. Your infecting others with that same joy that same vibrational frequency which is way up here instead of these fear based I'm doing this just for money for approval for attention seeking and to be loved and etc.

132 00:20:23.430 --> 00:20:32.790 Diane Kazer: That's low vibrational egotistical dark energy, where I need money. I need power I need influence. I need people to approve of me I need like sweet follows right

133 00:20:33.840 --> 00:20:45.180 Diane Kazer: So this all comes back to purpose when I work with my clients. The first question I asked them if we're going to get you better if we're gonna if you're going to feel better post X plant, you know, getting these implants out

134 00:20:45.390 --> 00:20:57.930 Diane Kazer: Or we're going to get you feeling better. We're going to reframe this whole story of what it is that you want with your life because most women come to me and they have this epidemic of what I call it the parasite of perfection.

135 00:21:00.600 --> 00:21:10.200 Diane Kazer: They want to be perfect. They're afraid of not being perfect. It's a control drama. They're afraid of other people seeing them as who they are because they're afraid of getting rejected or abandon the way that they perceive, they weren't childhood.

136 00:21:11.160 --> 00:21:20.730 Diane Kazer: So they all they can think of as being perfect and doing their supplements perfect and doing their, their diet perfect and their sleep. Perfect. I'm like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's this all for

137 00:21:21.300 --> 00:21:28.740 Diane Kazer: That narrative blocks us from our purpose. So it's like, I want to be perfect. And one of the perfect you've lost yourself.

138 00:21:29.400 --> 00:21:36.690 Diane Kazer: You've lost yourself to what you think other people want you to be. So what is it that you really want to do here. What do you believe your purposes in this life. I don't know.

139 00:21:37.680 --> 00:21:47.850 Diane Kazer: Because we've spent so much time being perfect because we're afraid of rejection for when we step forward as an inner beautiful five year old as just being who we are and living in our creativity.

140 00:21:48.570 --> 00:21:58.620 Diane Kazer: So this is the epidemic ice Betsy, is that women are having people having a hard time landing in and stepping into the purpose which drowns out fear all day long.

141 00:21:59.160 --> 00:22:04.410 Diane Kazer: You have no worries or no fear if you're living in your purpose. That is the antidote for everything right now.

142 00:22:05.070 --> 00:22:20.550 Diane Kazer: Love your mission live your purpose live on apologetic live fearlessly live passionately, but we don't have permission to do that as long as we're living for other people and their stories. I call that open up other people pleasing. So bringing this all back full circle.

143 00:22:21.720 --> 00:22:26.070 Diane Kazer: I got breast implants, because I was open up I was other people pleasing.

144 00:22:27.180 --> 00:22:40.890 Diane Kazer: I thought I need. I was still trying to gain the approval of my mother and others hives. At this time I was stepping on stage and I believe bikini and a fake tan and 10% body fat. Feeling Like Crap, having CBOE super bloated can't bring it in, can't have a six pack when you got belly bloat.

145 00:22:43.320 --> 00:22:52.590 Diane Kazer: lights flashing on my body. I have the worst valuable whatever can't can't get rid of it. This is where you see a lot of people breast implants are not a belly bloat can't figure that out.

146 00:22:53.280 --> 00:22:59.640 Diane Kazer: Your gut is the seat of your power that is your shocker of your power and your immune system.

147 00:23:00.300 --> 00:23:14.220 Diane Kazer: So that's when I got really sick. That's when I became an SDN, that's when it took matters in my own hand, that's when I started for the first time building walls around my inner child that needed me to step up and have boundaries for the first time.

148 00:23:14.760 --> 00:23:23.280 Diane Kazer: And that was in 2000 that was a eight years ago and it became an SDN, so it's taken me eight years to build these boundaries of learning.

149 00:23:23.970 --> 00:23:34.290 Diane Kazer: How many places in my life, I've given myself away and where I still was unconsciously, and it took this last year. It took me removing my breast implants.

150 00:23:34.860 --> 00:23:46.890 Diane Kazer: In May, May 31 2019 before all of the attachments started to fall away. It started with the acknowledgement that I'm no longer going to need 34 double D's

151 00:23:47.700 --> 00:24:03.810 Diane Kazer: To get attention from others. I want to get attention from the place behind those implants, which is my heart I want my heart to shine and as long as I have these synthetic silicone 1.2 pound bags on either side of my heart.

152 00:24:05.160 --> 00:24:10.560 Diane Kazer: People can't connect to it energetically it's blocked with the narrative that I'm not enough and I need them to you.

153 00:24:11.700 --> 00:24:19.440 Diane Kazer: And so that was my very first cord cutting to the synthetic world out there of what we're supposed to be to look like Bratz dolls to look like Barbie.

154 00:24:20.190 --> 00:24:31.140 Diane Kazer: Sorry, by the bed, no more. Yeah. Wow, that's really deep I connect with your story on so many levels. I can't even begin to tell you, like I was thinking

155 00:24:31.830 --> 00:24:39.450 Diane Kazer: With even my medical career. Not that anybody ever wanted me to be a doctor, but it was I was interested in medicine, but then

156 00:24:40.320 --> 00:24:44.580 Diane Kazer: Have like a quick I'll do a quick because I don't want to take forever with my story because I want to hear more your story, but

157 00:24:44.910 --> 00:24:55.080 Diane Kazer: Basically, where I connect with it is I think the first time I became very self conscious of myself was elementary school wasn't being made fun of because I was fat.

158 00:24:55.740 --> 00:25:04.560 Diane Kazer: And then I moved to a new school system, and I was treated really poorly and I had that interested interested in medicine, but then there was the drive of

159 00:25:05.310 --> 00:25:20.880 Diane Kazer: I'm going to show you. I'm going to be a doctor someday. OOH YES came that why I became a doctor, even though deep down I wanted to help people. But then once I became a doctor, he was the one I only feel good about myself when I can make others feel better.

160 00:25:22.260 --> 00:25:33.660 Diane Kazer: heal others. No, I found over time, I did my job, but I did it. Great. But I did it at the expense of my own health. My own sanity and my own my own soul.

161 00:25:34.140 --> 00:25:47.310 Diane Kazer: Basically, I got to the point where I would say that, you know, people would say, I got burnt out, but, um, I was emotionally burned out, but I still wouldn't give up. I wouldn't quit. And it wasn't until

162 00:25:48.270 --> 00:26:01.140 Diane Kazer: I think when there's subconsciously. The truth is not you can't bring the truth out yourself, your body's going to go. Haha, well, then we're going to do it for you. Yes. And the fun of symptoms.

163 00:26:01.200 --> 00:26:09.870 Betsy Greenleaf: And so that's what happened. I ended up getting so sick to the point where I needed surgery and I lost function in my arm from a car accident.

164 00:26:10.770 --> 00:26:24.120 Betsy Greenleaf: And putting this in, you know, and putting off the surgery too long, but I also I think that maybe if I was happy with what I was doing and my my bars my wall at that point was that I was giving too much to my patients and

165 00:26:25.200 --> 00:26:35.280 Betsy Greenleaf: Not taking care of myself and I was in a job where I was working for a hospital that was treating me like absolute crap and nothing I did was making them happy.

166 00:26:36.210 --> 00:26:47.250 Betsy Greenleaf: So those bars and my body was like no, well you know what, forget it. We're gonna, we're gonna stop functioning for you so you don't have the choice. We're going to make the decision for you and you're done with this and

167 00:26:47.970 --> 00:26:59.940 Diane Kazer: Honestly, with people will say to me. Do you miss being a doctor. And I'm like, I missed some of my patients I missed the parts of medicine that I liked, but I don't miss anything else because for the first time and probably

168 00:27:01.980 --> 00:27:05.460 20 3040 years. I feel like myself again.

169 00:27:06.510 --> 00:27:10.980 Diane Kazer: The person I was meant to be. And now I'm trying to figure out, okay, well what. Now, what, what's the next step.

170 00:27:12.330 --> 00:27:16.200 Diane Kazer: Well, you were on it, right, like we're on the next step. And the next step. Doesn't have to be

171 00:27:16.650 --> 00:27:24.810 Diane Kazer: This huge step where we're like, I'm finally the Phoenix. It's like a rising from my ashes. It's like, no, I'm still down here in the ashes.

172 00:27:25.530 --> 00:27:39.570 Diane Kazer: Sifting through my belongings wondering is this still me, do I want to keep this part, do I want to build from here and that's that's that's what's happening. I've seen as a medicine. I'm glad you brought that up. But see, like people listening doctors are not

173 00:27:40.830 --> 00:27:48.180 Diane Kazer: You know, at some point in our career or in our lives, we, we have this big mirror that goes. Here's your life.

174 00:27:48.840 --> 00:27:55.260 Diane Kazer: That this is happening outside of you because of what's happening inside of you and that's radical accountability.

175 00:27:55.740 --> 00:27:59.910 Diane Kazer: I don't work with anybody, one on one, unless they're ready to face that mirror and go

176 00:28:00.660 --> 00:28:10.770 Diane Kazer: How did I take part in creating this because anything else is a victim story which is disempowerment, and you'll never be able to pull yourself out of your own prison, and no one will ever do it for you.

177 00:28:11.010 --> 00:28:17.430 Diane Kazer: Because that's a prison to think that anybody will ever pull pull you out of your own prison because now you're attached to them and then you're there, your Savior.

178 00:28:17.940 --> 00:28:24.810 Diane Kazer: Someone might say saviors God our Savior was my higher power cool to take ownership because God's not just going to come save everybody, you have to

179 00:28:25.290 --> 00:28:38.100 Diane Kazer: You have to function from the tools that God gave you two. So sometimes we can get, you know, shattered in that to like someone's coming to save me. It's like no, do what you can. You know, you've got protectors, whatever those are so

180 00:28:39.330 --> 00:28:45.750 Diane Kazer: Western medicine is now you know MDS are saw whale on my window. That's pretty cool.

181 00:28:46.920 --> 00:28:54.270 Diane Kazer: Looking at the ocean is a whale or just like poof outside my window, those people. Awesome. Yeah, yeah, as well as these right, I forgot anyway.

182 00:28:55.440 --> 00:28:55.800 Diane Kazer: The

183 00:28:56.850 --> 00:29:08.220 Diane Kazer: Western doctors are now the number one suicide the profession and what you just said is the very reason why Betsy and it's so important is that if we marry our worth

184 00:29:08.880 --> 00:29:18.630 Diane Kazer: And attach our ability responsibility to someone else's wellness freedom from symptoms.

185 00:29:19.350 --> 00:29:30.450 Diane Kazer: We also have lost ourselves, it's my responsibility to make my kids happy. It's my responsibility to make well and the kids, the kids thing is debatable. Right, we raised them to a point, but you give them freedom.

186 00:29:31.170 --> 00:29:38.700 Diane Kazer: And just like you give your own parts your inner child parts freedom as well. Right. So all of that ties together. I do a lot of inner child work with my clients.

187 00:29:39.720 --> 00:29:48.510 Diane Kazer: So we have this part that says it's my job to save other people, because people are taking less and less accountability. These days, but that's starting to change.

188 00:29:49.470 --> 00:29:57.540 Diane Kazer: The less people take accountability, especially in Western medicine. Oh, you guys are trained to is take this pill. There is no accountability. There's zero accountability. Right.

189 00:29:57.900 --> 00:30:09.240 Diane Kazer: Except for take the pill that's some accountability, I guess. So we're not getting to the root with those things. So it will fall back on you a well intended human with a consciousness as am I failing. My patients.

190 00:30:11.070 --> 00:30:21.120 Diane Kazer: And and it's not you, it's the whole society, it's it's shaped. But this is all that you can offer as a doctor, like you're you're far more gifted than that. So you've got out of a massive prison.

191 00:30:22.080 --> 00:30:34.680 Diane Kazer: Because as people around you don't get better and you're married to. They're getting better and their wellness then as they get ill. So to to you because you have, you know, you have

192 00:30:36.480 --> 00:30:36.960 Diane Kazer: You have

193 00:30:38.010 --> 00:30:44.850 Diane Kazer: Responsibility to the system irresponsibly to your soul linked arms with someone said, I'm going to do this with you.

194 00:30:45.360 --> 00:30:53.190 Diane Kazer: But only they can save themselves only and any of us can save ourselves. And you know what, now that I'm out. I can see that I can see that.

195 00:30:53.550 --> 00:31:05.040 Diane Kazer: You know, I was beating myself up that people there were certain people in my practice that weren't getting better and I kept on looking at it as a failure on my part and then now that I'm out of it and can see clearly I realized

196 00:31:06.150 --> 00:31:11.010 Diane Kazer: People don't get better unless they want to get better and I can't make somebody want to get better.

197 00:31:11.910 --> 00:31:19.050 Diane Kazer: Just give them the tools and that's another thing now that I'm outside of traditional medicine. I see the tools that I was missing.

198 00:31:19.590 --> 00:31:26.730 Diane Kazer: And I see the whole the whole picture now and so i don't i couldn't go back to doing what I was doing. Now if you know

199 00:31:27.570 --> 00:31:34.410 Diane Kazer: You know, even if you paid me millions of dollars because right i don't believe in the same the same type of practice of medicine.

200 00:31:35.070 --> 00:31:44.640 Diane Kazer: Can't see you can't see the whole picture when you're in the frame. Yeah. So you got out of the frame. And what, oh wow look at the big picture now I

201 00:31:45.180 --> 00:31:54.060 Diane Kazer: I was limited. I was in a cage myself and I couldn't help my clients with patience you know with with these root cause, things that are plaguing them and

202 00:31:54.750 --> 00:31:59.940 Diane Kazer: I'll bring this back to the question that you had a little bit ago because I kind of start popping all over the place. Wherever Spirit takes me

203 00:32:02.400 --> 00:32:14.190 Diane Kazer: I'm like, I hope people are following what we're saying right now. Or maybe, maybe I don't. It's not my shouldn't attach myself to what I want other people to feel right. Okay. Um, so going back to, there's a moment.

204 00:32:15.240 --> 00:32:23.310 Diane Kazer: Last year it was a month before two months before it got my implants out around springtime 2018 and

205 00:32:24.720 --> 00:32:25.260 Diane Kazer: I said,

206 00:32:26.580 --> 00:32:38.790 Diane Kazer: I am sorry body. I'm really sorry. I was for a long time. I've been sick with rashes, that wouldn't go away. Years of prednisone

207 00:32:39.540 --> 00:32:47.520 Diane Kazer: With one of the worst drugs that I always recommend my clients get off of. If we get to the root cause and help them reverse the root cause of their autoimmune disease and

208 00:32:48.210 --> 00:32:55.290 Diane Kazer: Helping. Helping clients but autoimmune diseases remission. Like I had done with my own harsh motos and I put my Hashimoto intermission.

209 00:32:56.040 --> 00:33:05.640 Diane Kazer: You don't want to have breast implants, but the implants themselves are an invitation for autoimmune disease, especially for those who have a history.

210 00:33:06.090 --> 00:33:22.170 Diane Kazer: And family history and genetic predisposition to that. So I believe that women who have autoimmune disease in their medical history in the family history. I don't believe that they should have. They could even have a choice of having implants and because think about the the

211 00:33:23.400 --> 00:33:28.080 Diane Kazer: The whole system of inviting autoimmune disease is the the genetic predisposition.

212 00:33:29.460 --> 00:33:40.650 Diane Kazer: And a leaky gut and environmental trigger and then the whole body swarms around that and then you start to have antibodies self attack. And so the environmental trigger

213 00:33:41.130 --> 00:33:48.510 Diane Kazer: Is the influence their non self there's 30 plus different chemicals inside of these things, and over time.

214 00:33:49.020 --> 00:33:56.370 Diane Kazer: Some say that they all believe they all you know when they're removed we start to see these things that come out of the capsule. You can see like little beads of residue.

215 00:33:56.730 --> 00:34:08.430 Diane Kazer: And what we find in the pathology reports is that we find that there's one specific type bacteria that is that pretty much every woman has. And that's the same bacteria that that causes acne.

216 00:34:09.150 --> 00:34:17.310 Diane Kazer: And so what I see and I saw myself is that there is happening all over my face. There's actually a lover. I had it more so in my chest. My armpits. I had nodules.

217 00:34:17.520 --> 00:34:23.670 Diane Kazer: The golf ball sized is my lymph nodes were just going nuts underneath my armpits. I couldn't go scuba diving in Bali when I discovered them.

218 00:34:25.170 --> 00:34:31.110 Diane Kazer: So lots of skin issues, lots of hair loss. Lots of depression. A lot of difficulty breathing.

219 00:34:32.070 --> 00:34:45.180 Diane Kazer: difficulty sleeping well inflammation. I was chasing inflammation like crazy. I lost 15 pounds of inflammation in six weeks after I removed my breast implants. I didn't know I had weight to lose lost a lot of pain gained a lot of life.

220 00:34:46.860 --> 00:35:00.000 Diane Kazer: But, but what brought me to my moment was feeling these nodules around my breast implants specifically on my right side. I was in my infrared sauna when I felt them and I sat. My son and I said,

221 00:35:01.920 --> 00:35:02.190 Diane Kazer: What

222 00:35:03.570 --> 00:35:09.000 Diane Kazer: What have I done to myself. And what the hell for and who they are, for

223 00:35:10.230 --> 00:35:10.440 Diane Kazer: Do

224 00:35:11.970 --> 00:35:14.640 Diane Kazer: Do I have cancer, breast cancer is this it for me.

225 00:35:16.050 --> 00:35:24.330 Diane Kazer: Is cancer death sentence. It is this, what is this. Maybe they're fibroids, but I don't even know. But when I live my life.

226 00:35:25.470 --> 00:35:35.880 Diane Kazer: What, what if this is it. What if this is my last year. Have I done what I came here to do. So if I serve the mission, the purpose that I came here to serve. No, that was the answer. No.

227 00:35:36.990 --> 00:35:46.650 Diane Kazer: And then my tears and my sweat and I didn't know what was, what that point so snotty and sweating and tearing in the sauna holding myself so tightly

228 00:35:47.670 --> 00:35:58.080 Diane Kazer: That I've never been held like that before. By myself or anybody because I never let myself get that vulnerable and real to ask the wrong questions.

229 00:35:59.550 --> 00:36:10.230 Diane Kazer: Why did they do this to me and how I live my life. And what is this all happening for right now. And in that moment, it was this is not happening to you.

230 00:36:10.830 --> 00:36:22.530 Diane Kazer: This is happening for you. I put you through this. You put me through this so that you can tell the story to other women so they can see this illness in a different way. And then I heard the next voice and it said

231 00:36:23.670 --> 00:36:32.040 Diane Kazer: Do not remove your breast implants until and unless you have learned the lesson that you got them to teach you

232 00:36:34.080 --> 00:36:38.880 Diane Kazer: And what that lesson is still and was then was very clear to me.

233 00:36:40.140 --> 00:36:41.910 Diane Kazer: Love your body as it is.

234 00:36:43.470 --> 00:36:51.150 Diane Kazer: Love all of the choices that you've made live without any regret, because you're always doing your best in that moment.

235 00:36:52.680 --> 00:36:57.780 Diane Kazer: You can't hate the experiences that shaped you and when I made the choice to get double D's

236 00:36:58.110 --> 00:37:05.670 Diane Kazer: I did so in the middle of a forest on one of my first fitness photo shoots when the guy said to me, Diane, you need to get double D's, if you're going to make it in this industry.

237 00:37:06.060 --> 00:37:14.580 Diane Kazer: You want your pro card. If you want to be in a cover of oxygen magazine, you need to get breast implants, you get double D's, to which are applied. Fuck you, at the end of that photo shoot.

238 00:37:16.560 --> 00:37:26.280 Diane Kazer: And then that moment I realized I was hooked. And I grabbed another prison bar, which was his words and I put it right in my heart right where my breast implants went

239 00:37:27.570 --> 00:37:36.900 Diane Kazer: I gave away another part of myself for a narrative of a man that said I needed them to win. And you know what, Betsy. Whatever it takes, right, whatever it takes to win.

240 00:37:38.490 --> 00:37:44.910 Diane Kazer: At the expense of my body, but the conversation that I had with myself over the next six months.

241 00:37:46.590 --> 00:37:51.960 Diane Kazer: Forgiveness lots of mirror exercises. Lots of crying. Lots of holding myself. Lots of

242 00:37:52.410 --> 00:38:02.940 Diane Kazer: Introspection I couldn't really help clients as much as I as I needed to help and be there for myself at that time I went through a whole remodel, I went through darkness. I had to go in quiet.

243 00:38:03.270 --> 00:38:09.090 Diane Kazer: I did my own plant medicine journeys. I did the pasta is I couldn't talk at times. I couldn't articulate what was going on.

244 00:38:09.540 --> 00:38:15.450 Diane Kazer: But I knew, I knew this was a spiritual journey that I only I can walk and no one can fix me no doctor can tell you I've held to take

245 00:38:15.960 --> 00:38:36.690 Diane Kazer: No, nobody could tell me but me. I knew what I had to do. So I walked through that alone, which often felt at times. I was a victim of I would get angry at the breast implant creators at our gang. I was pissed at the FDA. I was pissed at my mom let me play Barbies.

246 00:38:38.670 --> 00:38:47.850 Diane Kazer: Um, I just went through my anger. I had to go through that anger and really like let that out. And that's been a bigger purge than the breast implants removal

247 00:38:48.540 --> 00:38:56.100 Diane Kazer: Ever has been being angry at myself and the parts of myself that gave me a way the gave myself a way that ever thought that I wasn't beautiful as I was

248 00:38:57.150 --> 00:39:03.060 Diane Kazer: This is the journey. And this is what I see. And this is this is the main thing I teach with a lot of my clients and as it is to women all the time.

249 00:39:06.420 --> 00:39:10.260 Diane Kazer: If there is more power in your six story.

250 00:39:11.820 --> 00:39:19.740 Diane Kazer: Then you won't ever get better because there's a lot of benefit to gain being a victim of something

251 00:39:20.880 --> 00:39:25.110 Diane Kazer: That you feel as though, and you have a narrative that you can't heal from

252 00:39:26.130 --> 00:39:35.250 Diane Kazer: The belief I hear a lot of women say is, I'll never get better from this whatever illness. I don't believe I can get better, whatever you believe you conceive. Yeah.

253 00:39:36.120 --> 00:39:52.470 Diane Kazer: But there is power in being the victim and if people don't have power and another story and narrative, they won't ever get better because everybody's we think about, like, and we learn this young baby baby cries and the baby gets held

254 00:39:53.850 --> 00:40:03.240 Diane Kazer: What we don't have enough of a is in our society is touch being held pugs love true, authentic love that's all oxytocin power that's powered by the love hormone

255 00:40:03.600 --> 00:40:11.850 Diane Kazer: We are oxytocin deficient, as a society, I believe it's an epidemic. And because we are oxytocin deficient. When we cry and we're a victim of something or we're sick.

256 00:40:12.300 --> 00:40:21.480 Diane Kazer: Where we do we get love we get attention we get held we get some sort of nurse or someone going, you poor thing. We get petty, but my question to all of you.

257 00:40:22.590 --> 00:40:23.640 Diane Kazer: Is, what do you want more of

258 00:40:24.720 --> 00:40:25.410 Diane Kazer: My pity.

259 00:40:26.760 --> 00:40:28.740 Diane Kazer: Or do you want power in your purpose.

260 00:40:30.810 --> 00:40:31.800 Diane Kazer: And you get to decide.

261 00:40:33.210 --> 00:40:40.050 Diane Kazer: So that's what this whole journey has taught me. It was all for very good reason that was to be here with you today. And right now, sharing this journey.

262 00:40:41.550 --> 00:40:44.310 And it. It's really scary, but I'm

263 00:40:45.360 --> 00:40:47.820 Going to come out of the closet, but

264 00:40:49.980 --> 00:40:53.520 Diane Kazer: Hold on. Do you do do the doors open, Betsy.

265 00:40:56.100 --> 00:40:56.640 But

266 00:40:57.990 --> 00:41:13.470 It was things that you're saying it made me think about my own journey and how almost 10 years ago I had implants put in. And I think the scariest thing about articulating that is

267 00:41:14.760 --> 00:41:17.610 People finding out that I have implants and

268 00:41:18.960 --> 00:41:20.580 That that meaning that

269 00:41:22.080 --> 00:41:23.310 I'm imperfect.

270 00:41:24.900 --> 00:41:25.860 Because

271 00:41:28.350 --> 00:41:37.740 Once again, I'll go through my story real real real quick. But, you know, right around the time of puberty. I was probably one of the last kids to go through it.

272 00:41:38.340 --> 00:41:45.300 And I remember the boys in school, going up to the wall and rubbing their hands up on the wall saying what am I doing feeling up, Betsy.

273 00:41:46.380 --> 00:41:49.650 Was the big joke because I was so flat chested

274 00:41:51.180 --> 00:42:10.020 But then in college. I didn't really develop until college and all of a sudden boom breasts and, you know, thinking about it now i i looked fine but in my head. I did it. So in my head. I was still in. I thought it was a fat kid. But then I got really thin once I went through puberty.

275 00:42:11.070 --> 00:42:15.930 But the fat kid image stuck with me and probably still sticks with me to get to that.

276 00:42:17.010 --> 00:42:20.430 And so that flat chested image stuck with me.

277 00:42:21.510 --> 00:42:30.630 Now I didn't think about getting breast implants. During that time, number one, they were expensive and I was in college student and medical student very poor.

278 00:42:31.650 --> 00:42:40.770 Diane Kazer: And then I remember hearing about how bad silicone was because I remember when that went through, like, it was an ad is how it has an autoimmune diseases and this and that.

279 00:42:41.280 --> 00:42:50.610 Diane Kazer: A lot the market for a while. Yeah. And then combination to medical school. I started hearing about while those studies weren't done well and I'm

280 00:42:50.640 --> 00:42:53.940 Betsy Greenleaf: doesn't cause autoimmune issues and

281 00:42:55.230 --> 00:43:08.010 Betsy Greenleaf: You know, women just get auto, and this was, this is how they justify women just are more predisposed to autoimmune issues to. It was the fact that it was women in the study that was the problem. It wasn't the silicone

282 00:43:09.330 --> 00:43:13.680 Diane Kazer: Weight is how it was explained to me as a physician even until recently.

283 00:43:14.580 --> 00:43:21.210 Betsy Greenleaf: So I still didn't still didn't, you know, still didn't do that, the implants. But as I got older.

284 00:43:22.740 --> 00:43:31.740 Betsy Greenleaf: Now I have breasts and I have gone through gaining weight losing weight, gaining weight and the overtime. I gained weight the boobs will get bigger return to lose weight, the gate boobs would get smaller.

285 00:43:33.630 --> 00:43:37.920 And then I had children. And then of course with children, all of a sudden boom boobs.

286 00:43:39.090 --> 00:43:50.160 Diane Kazer: And so that was great. And then what happened was I had a little issue with one of my C sections and they kind of messed up my incision and I was at a plastic surgeon

287 00:43:50.940 --> 00:43:59.670 Diane Kazer: To get my incision fixed because it was, it was pretty disastrous. And they were like, Well, why you're here. Is there anything else that you want to get done.

288 00:44:01.410 --> 00:44:14.190 Diane Kazer: And I thought about it and I said well I had had boobs and I was happy with it. But now that so I had boobs. Didn't you know didn't have boobs, you know, with the weight changes. And now, so this was way after

289 00:44:14.940 --> 00:44:35.790 Diane Kazer: My kids and and way after breastfeeding was done, and all of a sudden my boobs had deflated to like floppy pancakes. And so I was like, I looked at the plastic surgeon. I was like, Well, I want my boobs where they were not necessarily bigger I want them where they were. Yeah, when I was younger.

290 00:44:36.360 --> 00:44:37.890 Betsy Greenleaf: I don't want them down at my waist.

291 00:44:38.310 --> 00:44:39.030 Which were doing.

292 00:44:40.140 --> 00:44:54.960 Diane Kazer: furthers out, but I was like, I want them when these, like, wow, really, you need a left and as well. I don't want all those disfiguring incisions. Is there anything else. Well, we could put implants and and that will give you a lift up top to pull everything up.

293 00:44:56.160 --> 00:44:56.490 Diane Kazer: Watch it.

294 00:44:56.700 --> 00:45:07.770 Betsy Greenleaf: smaller incision. I said, okay, but that was it as never was there discussion that these were temporary devices and that you shouldn't use them more than 10 years

295 00:45:08.280 --> 00:45:18.870 Betsy Greenleaf: And then they need to be replaced. Never. Was there a discussion about that there are certain types of cancer. They're actually associated with and studies have been done that they know

296 00:45:19.590 --> 00:45:34.260 Betsy Greenleaf: The implants in certain implants in particular can cause a certain type of rare cancer and never was there this breast implant illness. So now I'm at the place where I'm like oh god like

297 00:45:35.280 --> 00:45:41.700 I've gotten away from those other bars that you know changed me now.

298 00:45:42.810 --> 00:45:46.890 Betsy Greenleaf: I have these things in me and I did it because honestly

299 00:45:48.360 --> 00:46:03.690 Diane Kazer: It came down to I wasn't, I didn't have the self confidence. I didn't feel good about myself. I thought these things are going to make me feel good about myself. These are the things that are going to motivate me to keep you know in shape. Where did the word colossal conference from from

300 00:46:06.990 --> 00:46:28.560 Diane Kazer: I think that all came back. I think it came from sixth grade when I boys bullied bullied and bullied by girls and boys in sixth grade because I think up until that time I felt I felt like me. Mm hmm. So I really was your first prison bar. Yeah. Yeah. And it was the I want to

301 00:46:29.640 --> 00:46:45.630 Betsy Greenleaf: I want to look pretty. I want to fit in. I want to be like, I want it. You know, I think it was all all that. So now that i i know that in, like I said, Now that like my eyes are opening up now like okay I don't care, don't really give a crap.

302 00:46:45.900 --> 00:46:59.370 Diane Kazer: About what other people think about me but now the scary thing is I also want to be healthy. And that's something I've put off is taking care of my own health because of taking care of everyone else.

303 00:47:00.420 --> 00:47:03.060 And for someone who is have

304 00:47:05.610 --> 00:47:12.420 Diane Kazer: I have a lot of health issues. Do I know if any of them are connected to the implants or not. I'm not sure. Yeah.

305 00:47:12.540 --> 00:47:13.230 Diane Kazer: It's hard to know.

306 00:47:14.460 --> 00:47:14.850 Diane Kazer: Do I

307 00:47:15.900 --> 00:47:21.750 I know I don't need the implants anymore to feel good about myself. So I think that's more of the thing, but

308 00:47:22.260 --> 00:47:33.300 The scary thing is I'm coming up to 10 years on these things, not knowing that you're supposed to get them replaced in 10 years and I scariest thing for me is the idea of

309 00:47:34.020 --> 00:47:44.520 Going through a surgery because I know the rest of surgery. And I'm like, well, if they could just make them go away without actually having to remove like that's like

310 00:47:45.570 --> 00:47:56.250 You know, whether you're somebody who has a problem or just wants to get them out because you want to feel better. How do you deal with the emotional. How did you deal with the emotional part of. Okay.

311 00:47:57.540 --> 00:48:03.930 Diane Kazer: How getting them out going through that. Oh, yeah. In the end, I'm sure there's a loss.

312 00:48:04.560 --> 00:48:15.030 Diane Kazer: Oh yeah yeah there is. Because I remember when I first got them in my surgeon, saying, oh, there's going to be a time period where these are not going to feel like part of you. They're going to feel foreign

313 00:48:15.300 --> 00:48:25.830 Diane Kazer: And I remember they did at first I was like, oh, this is weird. I changed my mind. You know, you kind of go through this out. Like, what did I do that, then all of a sudden they do because you forget, and then they do kind of become you

314 00:48:27.150 --> 00:48:35.760 Diane Kazer: going the opposite way. Yeah, yeah. Well, the for me. And this is how I helped a lot of my clients is process to is

315 00:48:36.480 --> 00:48:44.640 Diane Kazer: Okay, let's really map this whole thing out just like anything. And so sometimes it can be very basic, but there's really a lot of layers to this and it's not

316 00:48:45.030 --> 00:48:52.140 Diane Kazer: Logical we don't make these choices from a logical perspective, you get them in obviously very emotional, and this is why

317 00:48:52.980 --> 00:49:01.590 Diane Kazer: Even just removing the implants there. We haven't really gotten the lesson yet because you're still a part of us that I mean to say that like

318 00:49:02.130 --> 00:49:13.560 Diane Kazer: You and I are 100% exempt from what would people think would be a lie because we're human, there's a part of us. And this is how you communicate all the time. I think it's very effective for all of us to communicate this way. Is that a part of me gives a shit.

319 00:49:15.420 --> 00:49:24.720 Diane Kazer: A part of me will always give a shit. But maybe it changes and it goes lesser and lesser maybe it's for looking at a pie chart of who's driving the bus, most of the time.

320 00:49:26.520 --> 00:49:34.740 Diane Kazer: You know, at one point, it might have been 90% of us that really cared about what people thought, and then over time, it becomes smaller and smaller because we've done our inner work.

321 00:49:36.600 --> 00:49:48.060 Diane Kazer: To love ourselves for who we are and that sounds so cliche, but really there's a lot of layers there and there's a lot of connections there because it's always replicates something in our childhood as a person, parent, if you're

322 00:49:49.050 --> 00:50:01.020 Diane Kazer: Something, and we have to go heal that aspect we to go back in time and there's a part of us. Let's say 41 year old Diane has a conversation with 13 year old Diane and says, hey,

323 00:50:02.010 --> 00:50:14.640 Diane Kazer: Or in the in the jungle or the forest. It was like I was 20 through no sorry I was 29 at the time and I 41 year old Diane, which is me now can go into the forest.

324 00:50:15.210 --> 00:50:21.960 Diane Kazer: Meditate on this as my 29 year old and as a coach I facilitate this with people so they can have their own conversations with these parts.

325 00:50:22.290 --> 00:50:30.480 Diane Kazer: I love the name of your show its parts. There's all these voices in our head. So which age. It's a great first question is, what age were you

326 00:50:31.170 --> 00:50:35.880 Diane Kazer: When that when you physically have the breast implants done. What age were you when you decide that you were not lovable.

327 00:50:36.540 --> 00:50:45.930 Diane Kazer: Based on what other people thought, okay, let me go back and have a conversation with all these parts to resolve the stronghold that they have to your decision making process.

328 00:50:46.290 --> 00:50:57.660 Diane Kazer: So the root of the illness is not the breast implants. The root of the illness is the decision that we make that we're not enough as we are that says I need to amend my body.

329 00:50:58.740 --> 00:51:07.650 Diane Kazer: And so then we get the breast implants that is the biggest route that that very few people are touching because really healing begins in the mind.

330 00:51:08.940 --> 00:51:23.160 Diane Kazer: And then everything follows biology belief which is the work of Bruce Lipton says that 95 yes 95% of our choices are sometimes are based on choices we make based on our subconscious programming.

331 00:51:23.490 --> 00:51:32.760 Diane Kazer: Which was most the time developed up until the age of eight. That's when all of our subconscious programming was pretty much shape. And then beyond that point our ego starts to get developed

332 00:51:33.210 --> 00:51:42.690 Diane Kazer: So we have to go into our subconscious to heal anything there is no more band aids, there's no more creams. There's no more pills. You can't get to the root.

333 00:51:43.500 --> 00:51:57.600 Diane Kazer: This is only working at the branch level and trimming the leaves and you know spring some pesticides or even fertilizer on the flowers but really it's in the roots, you want to change the fruits you must go into the roots so I do not recommend

334 00:51:58.560 --> 00:52:08.340 Diane Kazer: That anybody go into an excellent surgery until they've begun to address the mental, emotional, spiritual aspects of this journey because

335 00:52:09.330 --> 00:52:18.390 Diane Kazer: I have worked with women who were extremely suicidal on the other side of this surgery. And the reason why, of course, there's a lot of chemicals, we're working with here.

336 00:52:18.840 --> 00:52:35.370 Diane Kazer: But by and large, it's the mental. It is the. Who am I without these breast implants and now we're kind of cheating the system a little bit too because there's something called fat transfer. Now, which makes this, I would say a little bit more doable. I still don't really have

337 00:52:38.850 --> 00:52:51.540 Diane Kazer: I can't. Hundred percent say that this is what I recommend for everybody but but fat transfer says that you can remove that from parts of your body, like let's say your products, your inner thighs, your, your, your lower stomach, your, your flanks.

338 00:52:52.770 --> 00:52:57.240 Diane Kazer: Parts of your arms, if you have enough that they can sounds really really funny word to harvest

339 00:52:57.720 --> 00:53:05.220 Diane Kazer: That from your body and put it up into your breast tissue and fill that were the ones was breast implants for someone like me.

340 00:53:05.940 --> 00:53:15.750 Diane Kazer: And you're thin you're fit your body is probably going to use that fat. I don't care what surgeon. Say, listen to me. I spent $15,000 and I have fat transfer done

341 00:53:16.500 --> 00:53:27.210 Diane Kazer: I would not do that again. That would have saved me 5000. The reason why is because I was 15% body fat when I went, No, I was 18% body fat when I went into that surgery.

342 00:53:28.140 --> 00:53:41.070 Diane Kazer: Anything less than 15% a woman loser period or hormones. It's just not super healthy right so i was 18% i was i was healthy weight, but I was very inflamed with chemicals my lymph nodes were screaming and yelling, screaming at me so

343 00:53:43.170 --> 00:53:49.890 Diane Kazer: If I could do this again. And if your lower than 25% body fat. I, I strongly urge you to consider.

344 00:53:50.700 --> 00:53:58.410 Diane Kazer: Just having them removed and doing a lift at first. And I know that's your question is what are your thoughts about doing a surgery really scared. No.

345 00:53:58.920 --> 00:54:07.500 Diane Kazer: I was more afraid of not getting these things out and continuing to live a life of illness that I was living. I was more afraid of them killing me. Then some

346 00:54:08.100 --> 00:54:17.880 Diane Kazer: Unlikely risk factor within you know going under. And I would also say that people who have a fear of going under and surgery have control dramas. They're afraid of other people have control of their life.

347 00:54:18.990 --> 00:54:22.200 Diane Kazer: And there really isn't that many complications in surgery that we've known

348 00:54:23.400 --> 00:54:32.070 Diane Kazer: Them the bigger risk is having these things inside of you 24 seven for the rest of your life, slowly killing it. So that was logical to me get these things out.

349 00:54:33.270 --> 00:54:41.160 Diane Kazer: And I would have done it differently. I would have done a lift, which means that I, they don't harvest any fat, they just

350 00:54:41.520 --> 00:54:45.810 Diane Kazer: looked me up. So me up. I have scars. Great. They look like two little anchors on my nipples and Ernie

351 00:54:46.320 --> 00:54:50.700 Diane Kazer: I don't look at them and think, oh, they're ugly because they've kind of faded at this point that like little white lines.

352 00:54:51.330 --> 00:54:59.610 Diane Kazer: I love my breasts for how they are now. I love me for who I am now and the spirit that I am now I am the most me that I've ever been in my entire life.

353 00:55:00.030 --> 00:55:07.920 Diane Kazer: So those were all the things I intuitively knew or the other side of this, the moment I saw my breasts for the first time I was definitely mortified.

354 00:55:08.790 --> 00:55:17.250 Diane Kazer: I was like, it's an identity crisis, it is an absolute identity crisis because you go from this and you go to that, but then they grew on me.

355 00:55:18.480 --> 00:55:28.230 Diane Kazer: In the next two weeks because I felt so much better. I didn't feel all the way better because there's still so much work to do on the other side of X plant. There's a lot of detox work. There's a lot of healing your hormones.

356 00:55:29.010 --> 00:55:33.480 Diane Kazer: I literally the second one that I've seen on our labs have been women who have had breast implants.

357 00:55:33.690 --> 00:55:40.740 Diane Kazer: Are the most neurotoxic they have one or two years of heavy metal detoxification to do usually because it's not just the breast implants all the other things to

358 00:55:41.010 --> 00:55:45.660 Diane Kazer: Their personal care products in our diets and our water other prescriptions that we were taking birth control.

359 00:55:46.110 --> 00:55:52.530 Diane Kazer: Birth. We're born with 250 chemicals and it's already as it is so breast implants are not we are living in the most toxic time in history.

360 00:55:53.190 --> 00:56:01.530 Diane Kazer: So I think that everybody needs to cleanse, no matter if the breast implants or not I am now six months post X plan and I my body has kind of grown into itself.

361 00:56:02.280 --> 00:56:05.820 Diane Kazer: And my ability of fitness my agility and flexibility.

362 00:56:06.810 --> 00:56:18.450 Diane Kazer: In my my vitality throughout the day has amplified. I don't even know if I can quantify it, but maybe I'd say maybe three times. I can stretch and move in ways they couldn't afford to have these two huge things on top of me and 15 pounds lighter

363 00:56:18.960 --> 00:56:28.590 Diane Kazer: And I'm operating from my heart now instead of from my silicone implants. Because when you leave like this and you have double D's, it's the first thing that people see

364 00:56:29.460 --> 00:56:49.620 Diane Kazer: Body Dysmorphic I look back on those pictures. And I'm like, How did I not see this before. Sure, they were huge. Yeah, but I was in the delusional state that they fit my body and I'm looking back going oh my god is just, it just shows us how blindsided we can get to our own state of disillusion

365 00:56:50.730 --> 00:56:56.160 Diane Kazer: So closing that thought up. Do not go through this process alone, please.

366 00:56:56.880 --> 00:57:06.840 Diane Kazer: There are so many mental, emotional, spiritual, chemical, biological things that change within you that you're going to want to not suffer in silence, you're going to want to know if what you're going through is normal.

367 00:57:07.290 --> 00:57:16.380 Diane Kazer: For if it's weird, you're going to have dozens of questions and unless you have worked with somebody who has what I call the three E's empathy experience and education.

368 00:57:17.370 --> 00:57:26.580 Diane Kazer: They don't know what you've been through because they've never been through it. If you work with a male doctors never had breast implants. They don't have the emotional support in the space to hold for you when you're going through a really tough time

369 00:57:27.870 --> 00:57:31.170 Diane Kazer: In your need someone with education on this stuff. This is a new field.

370 00:57:31.770 --> 00:57:41.820 Diane Kazer: And there's very few people who actually understand the concept of what happens, it doesn't look I know, I know the best I can, but I still think there's still so much to know. We have tons of studies, we need to do on these things and then experience.

371 00:57:42.840 --> 00:57:45.750 Diane Kazer: With it, and knowing, like what labs. So in my need

372 00:57:46.770 --> 00:57:54.600 Diane Kazer: Toxins hormones gut infections. There's all different kinds of things. And a lot of people are wasting a lot of money on unnecessary labs like food sensitivities.

373 00:57:55.200 --> 00:58:02.490 Diane Kazer: usually don't need to do that until we start working on the gut, so there's there's really, I'm not saying there's a right way or wrong way. I'm saying there's a faster way.

374 00:58:03.450 --> 00:58:10.590 Diane Kazer: And there was a way to save you money, not doing it on ways that were you haven't thought of all through. So there's a lot of different ways to do it.

375 00:58:11.250 --> 00:58:17.760 Diane Kazer: But I think that there's a happy medium. And I think that's important to have someone who's walked that path before and can go don't fall down that pothole

376 00:58:18.270 --> 00:58:24.480 Diane Kazer: Don't need that supplement. You don't need that supplement yet or whatever because there's literally thousands of decisions to be made here.

377 00:58:25.020 --> 00:58:32.820 Diane Kazer: But there are only a few dozen for you. And that's where it can get really dizzying and most women don't have

378 00:58:33.570 --> 00:58:38.340 Diane Kazer: Any more energy than they already have lost to this process in this journey or money or time

379 00:58:38.970 --> 00:58:44.250 Diane Kazer: This is something that every woman needs a guide with in my personal experience based on all of these things considered.

380 00:58:44.640 --> 00:58:48.420 Diane Kazer: And if these women that I've been working with didn't have a guide. I don't know where they'd be now.

381 00:58:49.050 --> 00:58:57.810 Diane Kazer: They have super sick babies, because they birth them when they had the breast implants and the baby's new treatment. So this is something that we all need to put on the map.

382 00:58:58.320 --> 00:59:03.120 Diane Kazer: And it starts with our heart really questioning where we learn these things. And while we have them in the first place.

383 00:59:04.350 --> 00:59:06.570 Diane Kazer: You know it's scary because

384 00:59:08.070 --> 00:59:09.330 Thinking about

385 00:59:10.890 --> 00:59:15.570 The way things are. And I'm trying to figure how to politely word this but

386 00:59:17.400 --> 00:59:27.630 Betsy Greenleaf: When I was in medicine to I expected that the FDA was there to protect me. And so I really thought. And as I've gone through

387 00:59:28.680 --> 00:59:46.440 Diane Kazer: And learn things I found out that most of the devices that are implanted in our body, the approval process, at least in the past. They're getting more stringent now, but in the past wasn't much of an approval process that these devices had to do to get to get

388 00:59:47.700 --> 00:59:54.090 Betsy Greenleaf: You know approved. And I think that's one of the scary things are they were talking about implants, but

389 00:59:54.510 --> 01:00:03.690 Betsy Greenleaf: You know, I was trained in the years when vegetal mesh came out and that's a whole nother subject for like all other time that we could talk about for hours, but

390 01:00:04.020 --> 01:00:13.080 Betsy Greenleaf: You know, I put these things in people, because that's how I was trained. That's what I was told was going to help lift them their bladders and put their pelvis back where it was supposed to be.

391 01:00:13.680 --> 01:00:24.270 Betsy Greenleaf: And then over the years like seeing the issues with the mash and now we're at a point where it's probably like 2020 years later now.

392 01:00:26.670 --> 01:00:41.730 Diane Kazer: It's about 20 years later. Now they're like virtual machines have been banned race, you know, leading edge talks about that the documentary. Yeah. So I think if it's not BAM to. Yeah, so it's you know it's it's scary. Everything about

393 01:00:42.810 --> 01:00:54.300 Diane Kazer: You know, I think, find a way they're starting to look at some of the devices, but I don't even think that they're looking at. I mean, close enough. You know, no, no. And it's just like replicas afraid. So I'm glad you brought this up.

394 01:00:55.770 --> 01:00:56.400 Diane Kazer: Because

395 01:00:57.840 --> 01:01:03.210 Diane Kazer: I six weeks after my ex plant surgery. I felt the best that I had

396 01:01:03.810 --> 01:01:12.180 Diane Kazer: Probably my whole life because I've been doing mental, emotional, spiritual stuff on myself for 20 years you know as a yoga teacher and traveled the world meditated with monks and

397 01:01:12.870 --> 01:01:21.690 Diane Kazer: You know, cows and things and pushes and in India in the middle of nowhere temples. I don't even know how the heck I got to where I got my life and my cupboard and up here. How did I end up here.

398 01:01:22.170 --> 01:01:32.880 Diane Kazer: Supposed to, I guess, so lots of different really cool things in situations. I've been put in and okay, this is a great gift. So I've learned a lot today.

399 01:01:34.320 --> 01:01:46.170 Diane Kazer: You know, after 20 years. I'm like, I should feel better, like I should feel like I love myself at this point, but I've been been doing this for 20 years and I still don't love myself like what's the problem here why

400 01:01:47.280 --> 01:02:01.380 Diane Kazer: Oh, this is deep. Oh, this is the programming and its cultural conditioning to get us to hate ourselves so we have to buy become consumers of Botox and breast implants and bad beauty products and

401 01:02:02.070 --> 01:02:11.280 Diane Kazer: fad diets and just like dogma like Titans, a million like you know wonder why we're so brain fog you we don't know we're supposed to do, because we listen to what it really tells us we're supposed to doing so.

402 01:02:12.240 --> 01:02:22.800 Diane Kazer: I ruptured my Achilles tendon. So I was running around like I feel so great and I went played soccer and I ruptured my Achilles tendon. I did take fluoroquinolones the year prior to as well. Betsy, so

403 01:02:23.670 --> 01:02:30.510 Diane Kazer: I'll add that I didn't know that. But if you take fluoroquinolones your leads to more subject to tendon rupture.

404 01:02:31.350 --> 01:02:40.950 Diane Kazer: And I was in Peru in the middle of Peru, the jungle traveling by myself at the, the seventh one or what whatever number of the world that is I was at Machu Picchu.

405 01:02:41.490 --> 01:02:49.020 Diane Kazer: And I got sick there and I got sick and the jumbo came back on a gnarly parasite you gave me some fluoroquinolones I didn't think twice because I felt like crap.

406 01:02:49.710 --> 01:02:56.730 Diane Kazer: And then that's, you know, there was a year prior to a ruptured it. So anyway, it could have been that I don't know. Probably I into it more

407 01:02:57.210 --> 01:03:03.390 Diane Kazer: That when you remove breast implants. There's a lot of adjustments that your body makes because your ribs start to end he's

408 01:03:03.990 --> 01:03:10.020 Diane Kazer: To, you know, tissue start to cave into each other. That's why it's hard to take a deep breath. So working with a really

409 01:03:10.470 --> 01:03:16.830 Diane Kazer: Skilled doctor in this is really important. That doesn't just remove the breast implants, but removes the capsule and also considers all the tissues around it.

410 01:03:17.400 --> 01:03:24.300 Diane Kazer: So that you can breathe again. That's the first thing you'll notice is, you can read a lot better with these things out depending on how large they weren't how long you've had them in

411 01:03:25.380 --> 01:03:32.490 Diane Kazer: So you can see clearly you can breathe that are you, you make decisions from different place. But my point saying all of that is that a ruptured my Achilles tendon.

412 01:03:33.090 --> 01:03:39.780 Diane Kazer: And I still didn't learn my lesson because I didn't ask the question of, hey. Okay, so you're going to repair this

413 01:03:40.110 --> 01:03:45.300 Diane Kazer: What are you going to put in my body to do so, did not ask the question, except for he did say that they might use a cadaver. And I was like,

414 01:03:45.690 --> 01:03:59.160 Diane Kazer: Well, as long as it's like some superhero because I want a superhero half so that's cool, but like, you know, if it's not a superhero. Please don't use that part. So I got a superhero, I think, but then they used polyethylene

415 01:04:00.240 --> 01:04:11.910 Diane Kazer: Which is the same material, the vegetable math and her nation math mesh is made up. And it's the same thing that they use to make Nalgene water bottles. So it's essentially it's like it's based and rooted in

416 01:04:13.200 --> 01:04:24.030 Diane Kazer: And gasoline and petroleum and then I got that surgery and my leg got extremely infected. I had to go in for a second surgery, which was my third surgery and four months.

417 01:04:24.570 --> 01:04:28.380 Diane Kazer: Talk about going under and having a lot of chemicals, you know, moving out your body

418 01:04:28.920 --> 01:04:38.100 Diane Kazer: So I don't know what the cause of all of these things are. I just know that it's. It was a severe amount of toxins. We're going to trauma and I still have this mesh material crop of my leg.

419 01:04:38.430 --> 01:04:45.870 Diane Kazer: I'm not stoked about it i at some point when I got back in and have another surgery to get it out, you know, but they said they needed it to keep me sewn together.

420 01:04:46.230 --> 01:04:53.730 Diane Kazer: But I'm challenging the medical space. Why do we need us to smash of any kind, petroleum based, which is essentially plastic and Xena estrogen that's endocrine disrupter

421 01:04:54.210 --> 01:05:02.580 Diane Kazer: Can we do better, because this could also be the cause of autoimmune disease chaos and people who reject foreign materials so

422 01:05:04.680 --> 01:05:08.760 Diane Kazer: Yeah so box. I just hate seeing this for us.

423 01:05:09.090 --> 01:05:15.300 Betsy Greenleaf: I agree with you because I had district place to my neck last year and I have no clue what they're made out of.

424 01:05:15.570 --> 01:05:16.200 Diane Kazer: Yeah.

425 01:05:16.230 --> 01:05:23.190 Betsy Greenleaf: I have no clue. And then I have mesh. I had I'd had I've had to hernia surgery. So I know I have that

426 01:05:23.790 --> 01:05:26.040 Diane Kazer: Girlfriend. We're a hot mess, aren't we

427 01:05:28.140 --> 01:05:30.480 Diane Kazer: Just a swarming cesspool of hot mesh.

428 01:05:34.290 --> 01:05:34.890 Betsy Greenleaf: Mesh that

429 01:05:35.400 --> 01:05:37.950 Diane Kazer: He was so messed up. No girl that's messed up.

430 01:05:41.610 --> 01:05:42.450 Diane Kazer: To this mesh.

431 01:05:48.300 --> 01:05:52.260 Diane Kazer: If you can't laugh at yourself, then my yeah one step closer to the grave. Right.

432 01:05:53.640 --> 01:05:59.490 Diane Kazer: But it's true. It's like as a doctor, I want to commend you and I know I gotta get going to my next call

433 01:06:03.270 --> 01:06:11.820 Diane Kazer: I've enjoyed the conversation so much. Let's keep going. Let's keep going to do we consider for hours that I, you know, maybe people should know by now, or whatever. Hopefully they're enjoying it, too. It's

434 01:06:13.560 --> 01:06:21.480 Diane Kazer: As a doctor, I just want to acknowledge what you did earlier says to come forth and like you did and acknowledge something that's hard for you to share

435 01:06:22.320 --> 01:06:32.970 Diane Kazer: I acknowledge and it's hard for me to share. But really this is what did detaches the stigma and the power and control over what these things, whether it's a disease or

436 01:06:33.870 --> 01:06:42.090 Diane Kazer: An illness or thing that causes the illness, you know, the breast implants, a memory of virus, you know, we start we stopped giving us things power we find the power within

437 01:06:42.690 --> 01:06:49.380 Diane Kazer: And so that for you. It was a huge courageous leaf that you took to share this with your audience. And I want to give you a Bravo.

438 01:06:50.250 --> 01:06:54.450 Diane Kazer: Because that's not easy to do and it's not easy to say that you're a doctor.

439 01:06:55.260 --> 01:07:01.650 Diane Kazer: And you were recommending these things that later on, you know, found yourself watching the documentary the bleeding edge doing. Oh, these things are killing women.

440 01:07:02.430 --> 01:07:07.500 Diane Kazer: And that's not an understatement there. These are things that we all need to come forth and say,

441 01:07:08.100 --> 01:07:18.900 Diane Kazer: No, we don't always have the answers you know we're we're doing our best, but I can look back at something, five years ago and said I could have done better for that patient back then, but I just didn't know. But I did my best. And where was that so

442 01:07:20.520 --> 01:07:20.760 Betsy Greenleaf: Yeah.

443 01:07:21.210 --> 01:07:31.320 Diane Kazer: Yeah. So we're always just doing our best. So the thing that I teach the most well yes I do teach cleansing and to cleanse our body heal our hormones in our life.

444 01:07:31.860 --> 01:07:38.010 Diane Kazer: The two things I teach are really truly three things. It's curiosity. Why are these things happening.

445 01:07:38.790 --> 01:07:46.800 Diane Kazer: It's compassion. Okay, I did my best, and I love me for every moment and all of the memories that have shaped me because I am where I am now because of them.

446 01:07:47.310 --> 01:07:54.000 Diane Kazer: And Courage, Courage to step into the soul and your mission your journey you came here to serve.

447 01:07:54.990 --> 01:08:00.870 Diane Kazer: So that's what I teach and I i think that this is when we all start to really

448 01:08:01.440 --> 01:08:17.400 Diane Kazer: Treat our bodies like this holistically that we can all start to come together because we're speaking from a place of authenticity and there's no more power for shame or guilt or fear because we're all the same at the core of all of us. We really are one in the same.

449 01:08:19.020 --> 01:08:25.260 Diane Kazer: Spot love those want to be approved of want to fit in, but yet stand out at the same time.

450 01:08:26.430 --> 01:08:28.980 Diane Kazer: We all just want to be present but we don't realize how to get there.

451 01:08:29.850 --> 01:08:37.410 Diane Kazer: And I think the first step that you shared earlier yourself is acknowledging that there's something that's holding you back to think it's less about what more to add

452 01:08:37.890 --> 01:08:43.860 Diane Kazer: To make you feel better or whatever, it's, it's, what can we take away what bars. Can we get rid of from the prison.

453 01:08:44.400 --> 01:08:54.240 Diane Kazer: That get you one step closer to sovereignty and away from suffering and symptomatic and sickness and only you know that and only you can make the decision that that's that's the number one priority that you have in mind.

454 01:08:55.320 --> 01:09:01.260 Diane Kazer: Only you can and then when the student is ready. The teacher is appear urea.

455 01:09:02.760 --> 01:09:11.700 Diane Kazer: That's beautiful. I couldn't have said it any better than that. Is that was wonderful. So where can people find out more about you. Yeah, so

456 01:09:13.170 --> 01:09:23.400 Diane Kazer: If you google my name or duck, duck go my name. I don't like Google anymore because of filtration so Duck Duck goes to my recommended browser.

457 01:09:24.240 --> 01:09:31.800 Diane Kazer: Search engine. But you can duck, duck go my name, which is dying occasional calm and you get the spelling D ay ay ke are calm.

458 01:09:32.340 --> 01:09:36.270 Diane Kazer: And then from there you can I have a Facebook group where we talk about this stuff openly.

459 01:09:36.660 --> 01:09:45.600 Diane Kazer: You know the number one question I get from women after breast implant removal is, what do you think about Botox and like, here we go. No Botox is the number one most toxic substance known to man and we are

460 01:09:45.840 --> 01:09:54.090 Diane Kazer: Now, seeing massive, massive side effects of women, children who've been doing this unknowingly that it does move outside the area of injection site.

461 01:09:54.420 --> 01:10:00.750 Diane Kazer: So we talked about that my facebook group, but we talked about the solution. Talk about the, you know, getting better and taking ownership.

462 01:10:01.560 --> 01:10:07.470 Diane Kazer: So you can find me there I to have a podcast I have a summit that's coming out in March of 2020

463 01:10:07.800 --> 01:10:18.090 Diane Kazer: It's called the non toxic Food Revolution, and I also have a book coming out. It's called killer breasts, a step by step compassionate guide to overcoming breast implant illness and it talks about many of the things we talked about here.

464 01:10:18.330 --> 01:10:31.230 Diane Kazer: Some statistics that history and every step that you need to take from the point of. Do I have breast implant illness to what's next. And how do I heal from an overcome breast implant illness and step into the soul that I came here as

465 01:10:31.590 --> 01:10:39.180 Diane Kazer: So many things many gifts that I have for everybody because the gift became my pain and now it's my purpose.

466 01:10:39.750 --> 01:10:44.820 Diane Kazer: To help you go from symptoms to sovereignty. So these are my gifts to you and I also have a you know my website, you can

467 01:10:45.210 --> 01:10:55.800 Diane Kazer: A great gift as you can watch. I have a master class where I put all this stuff in one place where it's a lot of truths and one on what are really holding us back from, you know, living our best life.

468 01:10:56.610 --> 01:11:07.290 Diane Kazer: I like that. Great. Yeah, thank you so much for being with us today and sharing. Thank you, Betsy. I really appreciate you having me for all your parts. All right thing