United States Patent [191 [111 ' ' 4,239,156 Skinner Et A1
United States Patent [191 [111 ' ' 4,239,156 Skinner et a1. [45] Dec. 16, 1980 [54] PAD FOR RAILWAY RAIL FASTENINGS FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [75] Inventors: David H. Skinner, Donvale; Jeffrey 2253360. 5/1974 Fed. Rep. of Germany l6/DIG. l3 H. Brown, Armadale, both of 186334 11/1963 Sweden .................................. .. 238/349 Australia 896471. 5/1962 United Kingdom . .. 238/283 [73] Assignee: The Broken Hill Proprietary 938736 10/1963 United Kingdom ................... .. 238/283 Company Limited, Victoria, Primary Examiner-Randolph A. Reese , Australia Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Cushman, Darby- & Cushman [21] Appl. No.: 968,813 [57] ABSTRACT [22] Filed:' Dec. 12, 1978 An insulation pad for rails on sleepers, the pad compris [30] Foreign Application Priority Data ing a base section adapted, in use, to be interposed be~ tween a rail and an underlying sleeper, and two upper Dec. 23, 1977 [AU] Australia ............................ .. PD2885 sections adapted, in use, to extend over the respective [51] Int. Cl.3 .............................................. .. E01B 9/68 upper surfaces of the rail foot, the upper sections being [52] US. Cl. .................................... .. 238/277; 16/150; formed integrally with the base section, wherein the 16/DIG. 13; 238/196; 238/197; 238/283 upper sections are hingedly connected to the respective ' [58] Field of Search ............. .. 238/264, 265, 275, 276, side edges of the base section, which hinges are formed 238/277, 283, 287, 310, 382, 154, 187, 195, 196, by sections of pad material of reduced thickness, and 197, 205, 349; 16/143, 150, DIG. 13; D8/323, wherein the upper sections and the associated side edges 325 of the base section adjacent the respective hinges incor porate interlocking knuckle and groove arrangements [56] References Cited for resisting differential movement between the upper U.S.
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