Hindawi Publishing Corporation Shock and Vibration Volume 2016, Article ID 4671302, 15 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4671302

Research Article The Effect of Modifications on Tram Traffic Noise and Vibration

Stjepan LakušiT, Ivo Haladin, and Maja Ahac

Department for Transportation Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Fra Andrije Kaˇci´ca Mioˇsi´ca 26, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia

Correspondence should be addressed to Ivo Haladin; [email protected]

Received 26 December 2015; Accepted 7 March 2016

Academic Editor: Rafał Burdzik

Copyright © 2016 Stjepan Lakuˇsic´ et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Tram system is a backbone of public transportation in the City of Zagreb. In the last decade, its fleet has been renewed by 142 new low-floor trams. Shortly after their introduction, it was observed that they have a negative impact on the exploitation behavior of tram , primarily on the durability of rail fastening systems. Because of that, it was decided to modify existing rail fastening systems to the new exploitation conditions. When the (re)construction of tram infrastructure is carried out by applying new systems and technologies, it is necessary to take into account their impact on the future propagation of noise and vibration in the environment. This paper gives a short overview of the characteristics of the two newly developed rail fastening systems for Zagreb tram tracks, their application in construction of experimental track section, and performance and comparison of noise and vibration measurements results. Measured data on track vibrations and noise occurring during passage of the tram vehicles is analyzed in terms of track decay rates and equivalent noise levels of passing referent vehicle. Vibroacoustic performance of new fastening systems is evaluated and compared to referent fastening system, in order to investigate their ability to absorb vibration energy induced by tram operation and to reduce noise emission.

1. Introduction changes in tram track exploitation parameters have caused more frequent rail fastening system failures, which reflected Tram system is a backbone of public transportation in the in the increased rail wear and accelerated City of Zagreb. It consists of more than 116 km of tram tracks, degradation. In event of such mayor rolling stock renewal, used daily by 180 tram vehicles. In the last decade, systems track structure parameters have to be evaluated [2, 3] and manager Zagreb Electric Tram (ZET) Ltd. has renewed its modified. Because of that, ZET Ltd. has decided to adjust fleet by purchasing 142 new low-floor trams TMK 2200, produced by CROTRAM consortium. Another 28 low-floor existing rail fastening systems to the new track exploitation trams have since then been commissioned from the same conditions. This was done through technical collaboration consortium. Shortly after the introduction of new low-floor with the University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, trams, it was observed that this fleet modernization has considering the vast experience and expertise in design and increased exploitation demands on other components of tram supervision of railway and tram track structures. Through infrastructure, that is, the power supply system and track similar cooperation, there have been several successful design superstructure. changes to basic tram track superstructures in order to Regarding the effects on the track superstructure, the achieve better vibroacoustic performance and durability, that main consequences of the new vehicles introduction have is, in tight curves [4], at busy level crossings [5] and tracks been increase in loading forces, altered load distribution, constructed over underground garage structures [6]. Apart and altered geometry of wheel and rail contact surface. This from acoustic properties, major concerns in designing a is because new low-floor trams are heavier (on average, suitable fastening system are vibrations and impact loads due up to 60%), with differently located center of gravity and torunningsurfacediscontinuities,whichoccuratswitches different wheel profiles compared to the old ones [1]. These and crossings [7, 8]. 2 Shock and Vibration

When developing any new rail track system, calculations, (ii) indirect elastic fastening system with decreased stiff- modeling, and testing of new systems individual components ness PPE (Figure 1(b)) with 50 MN/m stiffness, devel- material, and system as a whole, are not sufficient for its direct oped during the 1990s in order to increase tram track application in everyday engineering practice. It was therefore life span and used on about 10% of network; decided to conduct monitoring of new fastening systems (iii) indirect elastic fastening system DEPP (Figure 1(c)) exploitation behavior. This was done by construction of the with 40 MN/m stiffness, developed in order to solve test track section with built-in new fastening systems [9]. On all the essential flaws of its predecessors and used on it, the following continuous and periodic measurements were about 50% of network. made: By reducing the fastening systems stiffness, vehicle load is (i) Visual inspections of track superstructure. transferred to greater number of bearings (supports). This reduces the strain of individual bearing and the speed of load (ii) Measurements of track and weld geometry. increment and prolongs the life of both the bearings and rails. Reducing the stiffness also lowers the rails frequency, which (iii) Measurements of stresses and strains of tracks rein- reflects positively on the overall construction of the track and forced concrete foundation slab. reduces tram traffic noise and vibration. However, the above- (iv) Measurements of the tracks dynamic properties (i.e., mentioned indirect elastic fastening systems reflect state of vibration damping). the art and the demands on the exploitation behavior of the tracks from the beginning of the 1990s, which do not meet today’s highly complex exploitation requirements on Zagreb’s In urban areas, due to the proximity between the tram tracks tram tracks: and the residential buildings, from the perspective of the surrounding residents but also the tram users, the problem (i) large tram traffic volume (individual sections of of rail traffic noise and vibrations is particularly pronounced. Zagreb’s tram tracks that have a traffic volume of up Therefore, if the (re)construction of tram infrastructure is to 15 million gross tons per year), carried out by applying new systems and technologies, it is (ii) high vehicle passing frequency (vehicle frequency necessary to take into account their impact on the future which is less than 90 seconds between vehicles on propagation of noise and vibration in the environment. individual sections), Thispapergivesashortoverviewofthecharacteristicsof the two newly developed rail fastening systems for Zagreb (iii) high wheel loads on low-floor trams (more than 3.5 tram tracks, their application in construction of the test tons per wheel), track section, and performance and comparison of noise (iv) strict tolerances regarding the narrow, 1000 mm and vibration measurements results. Data on rail vibrations gauge, track geometry. occurring during passage of the tram vehicles will demon- strate the ability of the track experimental constructions to Basedontheaboverequirements,duringthelastfewyears absorb vibrations and thus prevent their propagation in the the faculty has developed five different concepts for new environment. The greater is the ability of the rail fastening fastening systems. Two of them, with working titles 21-CTT systems to effectively attenuate rail vibrations induced by (Classic Tram Track) (the name was chosen because the passing tram vehicle, the lesser will be the propagation of structure of the system is an upgrade of the existing indirect noise and vibration in the environment. elastic systems) and 21-STT (Slab Tram Track), were chosen for further development. Their characteristics, production requirements, and installation methods best match previous 2. Development and Characteristics of experiences in the construction and maintenance of tram New Rail Fastening Systems tracks in Zagreb. 21-CTT system (Figure 2(a)) places the rails discreetly The primary role of the rail fastening system is positioning onthelevellinglayer,madeoutofmicrosyntheticconcrete, andfixingoftherailsandtransferringthevehicleloadfrom built on reinforced concrete slab (Figure 3). The distance the rails to the track substructure. Generally, the type and between supports is one meter in the tram rolling direction. characteristics of fastening system are chosen depending on The rail foot is supported by neoprene pads placed on therequiredelasticityofthetrack,plannedload,andtype ribbed steel plate, laid on the levelling layer. To ensure the of rail. On major part of Zagreb tram tracks, grooved rails durability of individual components and ease the installa- are discreetly laid on the levelling layer, made out of micro tion during construction and dismantling during the track synthetic concrete, and built on reinforced concrete slab. The reconstruction,theundersideoftheribbedsteelplateisfitted, distance between levelling layer supports is one meter in by vulcanization process, with elastic pad. Vulcanization the tram rolling direction. Rails are fixed to these blocks by process enabled production of a compact element electrically several different types of fastening systems [7], mostly by isolated from other components (anchors) but also provided additional elasticity of the whole fastening system. (i) direct elastic fastening system ZG 3/2 (Figure 1(a)) 21-STT system (Figure 2(b)) represents a completely with 140 MN/m stiffness, developed during the 1980s new solution for tram tracks superstructure construction and still used on about 20% of network; in Croatia. Its main advantage over the previous systems is Shock and Vibration 3

ZG 3/2 Vossloh clip SKL 2 PPE Vossloh clip SKL 1 Rail pad 1 Rail pad 1 Steel baseplate Steel baseplate Levelling layer Rail pad 2 Levelling layer

(a) ZG 3/2 fastening system (b) PPE fastening system DEPP Vossloh clip SKL 1 Rail pad 1 Steel baseplate Rail pad 2 Levelling layer

(c) DEPP fastening system

Figure 1: Schematic cross sections of rail discrete bearings with ZG-3/2, PPE, and DEPP fastening systems.

CTT Vossloh clip SKL 12 STT Vossloh clip SKL 14 Rail pad 1 Rail pad 1 Steel ribbed plate RP-180 Concrete block Rail pad 2 (vulcanized) Levelling layer

(a) 21-CTT fastening system (b) 21-STT fastening system

Figure 2: Schematic cross sections of rail discrete bearings with 21-CTT and 21-STT fastening systems. that the levelling layer (which is quite difficult to construct) 3. Construction of the Test Track Section is replaced by two block precast concrete sleepers laid on reinforced concrete base slab, one meter apart (Figure 4). In order to determine exploitation characteristics of newly Upper reinforced concrete slab is constructed after track developed tram track fastening systems and get detailed horizontal and vertical alignment adjustment. This is a direct insight into the behavior of its elements and the track elastic fastening system, with one elastic pad between the rail structure as a whole, in the spring of 2014 a plan and program foot and block sleeper. of test track section construction and monitoring in Savska 4 Shock and Vibration

4. Noise and Vibration Measurements The main sources of noise and vibrations on rail tracks are the propulsion noise of locomotives and power cars coming from the engines, aerodynamic noise that occurs at very high train speeds, and wheel/rail interaction. The latter is the main noise and vibrations source in urban rail traffic, where the vehicle Figure 3: Design model of tram track structure with 21-CTT speed is not high enough to take into account aerodynamic fastening system. noise [12]. When vehicles run on the tracks, their weight coupled with the dynamic forces resulting from running surface irregularities causes oscillations, that is, vibrations of rail vehicles and whole track construction. At high frequencies (100–5000 Hz), the energy of these vibrations is propagated through the air in the form of sound waves (noise). Lower frequency vibrations (0–100 Hz) are transmitted from rails to the lower parts of track structure and surrounding soil [13]. The contribution of noise emitted by rail vibration is a significant component of rolling noise up to 5 kHz [14]. One major factor affecting track noise performance has been identified to be the attenuation rate of vibration on the rail as a function of the distance from the excitation point [15], referred to as track decay rate measured in dB/m. Namely, the longer the section of the rail that vibrates, more noise is emitted to the environment. If the rail vibrations attenuate Figure 4: Design model of tram track structure with 21-STT rapidly along the rail, and high decay rate is achieved, less fastening system. noise is emitted. This parameter is often used to describe vibroacoustic behavior of a railway track in order to (i) assess the track side influence on noise level emitted Street was adopted. The said track section was, according by rail vehicle during pass-by test according to EN to track maintenance program, planned for reconstruction ISO 3095 [11], due to its deterioration. For the purpose of the research, (ii) determine dynamic parameters for separation of the section was divided into three subsections. The first noise sources [16], subsection is designed as a reference and reconstructed using the standard PPE fastening system. The second reconstructed (iii) determine total efective roughness of a vehicle on a subsection is fitted with a 21-CTT fastening system, and the test track [17], third is reconstructed as 21-STT system (Figure 5). (iv) evaluate applied vibration attenuation devices (i.e., Figures 6–8 show a brief photodocumentation of entire rail dampers) [18], test track section construction. It included the following (v) tune and adjust rail dampers [19, 20]. phases: demolition of existing track (Figure 6(a)), con- struction of the new mechanically compacted base layer On test track in Savska Street, noise and vibrations have (Figure 6(b)), construction of new reinforced concrete slab been measured under tram traffic load. Measurements have (Figure 6(c)), construction of the bearings with fastenings been conducted at all three test subsections under referent and rail mounting (Figure 7), embedding the tracks with vehicle, that is, tram type TMK 2200 (Figure 11), pass-by. Pass- prefabricated concrete plates (Figure 8(a)) and sealing the by noise and vibration measurements have been conducted expansion joints between the rails and the cover plate under constant speed of 30 km/h of an empty tram, garage (Figure 8(b)), completed tram track, and being paved with number TMK 2266 (Figure 13). This measurement setup prefabricated concrete plates, in service (Figure 9). has been used in order to establish unified excitation of In the phase of construction, all three test track subsec- noise and vibrations during the experiments and to measure tions were fitted with elements necessary to perform contin- track side contribution to equivalent noise levels. Namely, by uous and periodic measurements during track exploitation. using unloaded tram with the known characteristics given Forthepurposeofmeasurementsofstressesandstrainsof in Figure 13, under constant speed, throttle condition, wheel tracks reinforced concrete foundation slab, relative deforma- roughness condition, and so forth, it was presumed that tion (strain) sensors have been built in the concrete slab difference in measured equivalent noise levels on different (Figure 6(c)). For the purpose of visual inspection of bearings test track subsections is solely related to track vibroacoustic and fastening systems and also for easy access and instal- properties. The measurements were performed during the lation of accelerometers for rail vibration measurements, night hours, in order to eliminate the influence of surround- revision shafts have been built in prefabricated concrete ing road traffic noise, which makes a significant contribution plates. to overall noise levels during daytime. Shock and Vibration 5


Savska PPE 21-CTT 21-STT Savska



S Vukovarska E

(a) Test track section layout

PPE 21-CTT 21-STT 󳰀 󳰀 󳰀 55 m 60 m 53 m

Grooved rail Ri-60 Reinforced concrete slab (C 25/30, 20 cm) Reinforced concrete slab (C 25/30, 25 cm) Reinforced concrete slab (C 25/30, 25 cm) constructed after track alignment adjustment Reinforced concrete slab (C 20/25, 15 cm) 2 Gravel subbase (Ms ≥50MN/m , min 25 cm)

2 Subgrade (Ms ≥15MN/m )

(b) Test track subsections longitudinal section

Figure 5: Test track section in Savska Street.

Accelerometers have been positioned inside each test technical specification for interoperability relating to the sub- track subsection respecting the minimum distance of 5 m system “rolling stock—noise” [21], have been used. Namely, from rail welds, 40 m from rail expansion joints according to for type pass-by noise measurements the regulation pre- [17]. Based on previous research on these tram track sections scribes use of EN ISO 3095:2013 standard [11]. It can be [9], it has been established that the substantial length for both adapted to noise measurements of passing tram vehicles vibration and noise measurements is twice the distance from with certain deviations related to tram speed and distance microphone and accelerometer to each side along the track. of microphone from the track axis. The mentioned standard Thisaddsupto10mlongtrackmeasurementsections(5to prescribes measurement of two railway track parameters in each side of the microphone and accelerometer position) on order to evaluate the track side contribution to overall noise each investigated tram track subsection structure. levels measured in a typical pass-by test. These standards are In lack of regulations related to noise levels of passing relatedtorailsurfaceroughness,HRNEN15610:2009[22], tram vehicles as well as vibrations of tram track respon- and to track dynamic properties, HRN EN 15461:2011 [10]. sible for noise generation, European standards suggested Rail surface roughness has not been measured because newly in Comission Regulation (EU) number 1304/2014, on the constructed experimental track section had the same rails 6 Shock and Vibration

(a) Demolition of existing tram track

(b) Construction of the new mechanically compacted base layer

(c) Fitting strain gauges to slab reinforcement (left), casting of new reinforced concrete slab (right) Figure 6: Tram track substructure construction on test track section. installed along all three subsections and they are exposed method of determining track decay rate and is currently to same operational conditions; hence, the rails are assumed published as a CEN Technical Report [17]. This approach has to be equally smooth/rough in the time on the conducted been selected for conducting decay rate values of test sections measurements. duetoseveralpracticalreasonsthatinclude The parameter that describes the attenuation of the track vibration amplitude (Figure 10) is referred to as the track (i) shorter measurement procedure (measurements are decay rate (TDR). Track decay rates in vertical and lateral conducted simultaneously with pass-by noise mea- direction with respect to rail cross section are determined surements using the same multichannel equipment according to [10] by using instrumented hammer as excita- for data acquisition), tion force. Decay rates can alternatively be measured using (ii) measurements which are performed under realistic vehicles pass-by and recording time signal of vibrations loading condition of the track (under dynamic tram in vertical and lateral direction. This approach has been vehicle load), extensively investigated on standard rail track structures and discribed in [23–27]. It has been proposed for inclusion (iii) better coherence of measured data than the measure- in future version of European standards as an alternative ments taken using standardized method [10], Shock and Vibration 7

(a) Construction of the levelling layer with PPE fastenings and rail mounting

(b) Construction of the levelling layer with 21-CTT fastenings and rail mounting

(c) Positioning of the sleepers with 21-STT fastenings, rail mounting, and construction of upper slab Figure 7: Tram track superstructure construction on track subsections.

(iv) less equipment needed for conducting measurements (vi) creating safer environment for operators conducting (there is no need for instrumented hammer as vibra- the measurements (apart from fixing the accelerome- tions are induced by passing vehicle), ters to the rail, measurements can be made from the safe distance, further away from rail and road vehicles (v) avoiding traffic closure and disruption on tram passing at the test sections). lane (measurements using hammer impact method require around 2 hours on track time, which would 4.1. Vibration Measurements Setup. Vibration measurements lead to partial traffic closure or a lot of measurement related to dynamic track properties are measured on rail disruption due to passing rail and road vehicles on the foot and rail head in order to record accelerations in vertical test site), and lateral direction. To conduct vibrations measurements 8 Shock and Vibration

(a) (b)

Figure 8: Embedding the tracks (a) and sealing the expansion joints (b).

Figure 9: Test tram track section after the construction completion.

Accelerometers used for conducting measurements are piezoelectric single directional Bruel¨ and Kjær, type 4508B units with sensitivity of 100 mV/G. They are fixed to the rail by means of magnets and linked to the data acquisition unit.

4.2. Noise Measurements Setup. Noise measurements have been conducted in accordance with [11] with the exeption of Figure10:Representationofverticalandlateralvibrationdecay pass-by speed that has been limited to 30 km/h (following the through the rail, from the excitation point. normal operational conditions on tram network in Zagreb) and the distance of microphone to the track axis. The distance of 2.5 m from track axis has been selected in order at rail cross section, certain deviations from the procedures to reduce the influence of the surroundings (reflective and described in [10, 17] had to be made regarding the positioning absorbing surfaces) that coud influence the noise propagation and fixing of the accelerometers to the rail. Namely, measure- if standardized axis to microphone distance of 7.5 m has been ment position in lateral direction had to be moved to the used, Figure 12. center of rail web instead of rail head, as described in the For conducting noise measurements microphones Bruel¨ standards, due to track being embedded in lane shared with and Kjær (type 4189) able to record sound pressure in road vehicles (paved with RC plates as described in Section 3). frequency range from 6.3 Hz to 20 kHz have been used. For this reason, small revision shafts have been installed Microphone wind guard has been used in order to eliminate during construction of the track, providing the access to the thewindgusteffectofapassingtramvehicles,Figure15. rail foot and rail web for accelerometer positioning. Rail head outer side had to be sealed in order to create a gap-less surface 4.3. Data Acquisition. For successful determination of equiv- for road vehicles, Figure 14, making it impossible to fix the alent noise levels and track decay rates, measured quantities third prescribed accelerometer. hadtoinclude Shock and Vibration 9

TMK 2200

2.0 2.0 2.0 11.02 11.02 32.04

Empty vehicle weight 40.0 t Number of passengers 156 + 46 Wheel load 3.33 t Maximum velocity 70 km/h 󳰀 󳰀 󳰀 1.000 Configuration Bo Bo Bo m

Figure 11: Tram type TMK 2200 used as a referent vehicle for pass-by measurements.

55 60 53 42.35 12.65 8.35 51.65 18.35 34.65 ACC 1 and 2 ACC 3 and 4 ACC 5 and 6 PPE MIC 1 MIC 2 21-CTT MIC 3 21-STT

W 2.5 2.5 2.5 N


Figure 12: Test site layout with marked accelerometer (ACC) and microphone (MIC) positions.

Figure 13: Conducting noise and vibration measurements under TMK 2266 pass-by at 30 km/h.


V (a) (b) (c)

Figure 14: Accelerometer used for measurements (a); positions of accelerometers on grooved rail cross section: green indicates selected measuring positions in vertical and lateral direction and red indicates an accelerometer position proposed in [10], not applicable (b); revision shaft with accelerometers attached to the rail (c). 10 Shock and Vibration

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 15: Microphone used for noise measurements (a); data acquisition and microphone positioning on different test sections (b and c).

2 𝑎(𝑡) 100 (i) time record of rail accelerations – [m/s ], T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 ) (ii) time record of sound pressure level – 𝑝(𝑡) [Pa], 2 75

(iii) vehicle pass-by time – 𝑇𝑝 [s], 50 (iv) vehicle speed – V [m/s]. 25 0 Data acquisition of vibrations and sound pressure has been carried out using a Bruel¨ and Kjær PULSE Analyzer using −25 three input channels: two for vibrations and one for sound −50 pressure. Data has been acquired using sampling frequency −75 of16.384kHz.Noiselevelshavealsobeenmeasuredusing (m/s Rail acceleration—vertical aBruel¨ and Kjær sound level meter 2270 as a reference, −100 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 Figure 13. Time (s)

5. Data Processing and Analysis Figure 16: Determining axel positions out of a time signal of accelerations of a passing vehicle, where 𝑇𝑛 determines axel position All gathered vibrations and sound pressure time signals first in a time signal of rail accelerations. hadtobeanalyzedintimedomaininordertoidentify vehicleaxlepositions.Withknowntramgeometryandaxel positions (Figure 11), exact vehicle speed and pass-by time couldbederivedbasedontheaxelpositionsidentifiedfrom 𝐴(𝑥) presents amplitude of vibrations along the rail, 𝐴(0) raw acceleration signal in vertical direction (Figure 16). All presents the amplitude at the wheel-rail contact, and 𝛽 is the vibrations and noise levels observed in frequency domain are vibration decay exponent. then analyzed and presented in a third octave band of central According to (1), decay rate can be given as frequencies between 𝑓𝑐 =100Hzand𝑓𝑐 = 5000 Hz.

𝛽 5.1. Vibration Analysis and Track Decay Rate Determination. TDR =20log10 (𝑒 ) ≈ 8.686𝛽 [dB/m] . (2) For determining track decay rates out of a time signal of rail accelerations, energy iteration approach has been applied. Namely, vibration decay through the rail can be estimated TDR can be derived from the ratio 𝑅(𝑓𝑐). This is the ratio of foreachwheel,byfittingaslopetothecurveofdecaying integrated vibration energy over length 𝐿2, which includes vibration signal from the point of each wheel passing over 𝐴2 (𝑓 ) the whole vehicle pass-by ( ∑𝐿2 𝑐 )andtheintegrated themeasuringposition[28].Theinfluenceofneighboring vibration energy on short distance 𝐿1 around the observed wheels has to be eliminated in order to achieve comparable 𝐴2 (𝑓 ) 𝐿 wheel ( ∑𝐿1 𝑐 ). 1 is determined as a shortest distance results with standardized method [10]. Energy iteration between two axels of a vehicle which is in this case equal to method takes into account and eliminates the influence of 1.8 m. Observed vibration length around the wheel is −0.9 m neighboring wheels through 2 to 5 steps of iterations. to +0.9 m from the wheel position, Figure 17: The basic assumption is that the vibration level decays exponentially from the point 𝑥 = 0, the point of vibration excitation (tram wheel): 𝐴2 (𝑓 ) ∑𝐿 𝑐 −𝛽𝐿 𝑅(𝑓)= 1 ≈1−𝑒 1 , −𝛽|𝑥| 𝑐 2 (3) 𝐴 (𝑥) ≈𝐴(0) 𝑒 . 𝐴 (𝑓𝑐) (1) ∑𝐿2 Shock and Vibration 11

15 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 ))

4 12.5 10.0 )/(s 2

m 10 ( ( 1 7.5

5 (dB/m) rate decay Track 1.0 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800

2.5 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 ALL-ACC-H-Sq Frequency (Hz) 0 TDR0 TDR3 6 7 8 9 1011121314 TDR1 TDR4 ALL-time (s) TDR2 TDR5 T T T T T T L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 Figure 18: Example of determining track decay rate (TDR) in TL vertical direction using energy iteration method for a pass-by of a 2 tram TMK 2266 on 21-STT section. Initially, measured level of decay Figure 17: Squared vibrations of a tram TMK 2266 passing by (𝑓𝑐 = rate is displayed in red and final value of decay rate after 5 steps of 𝑊1 𝑊6 iterations in green. 100 Hz). to are wheel positions, TL1 is the integration time around the wheels, and TL2 is integration time over whole tram passing by. To eliminate the influence of neighboring wheels, iteration procedureisusedasfollows[17]: where (i) A formula for estimating the decay exponent 𝛽(𝑓𝑐)at 𝑁 𝑁 𝐿1/2 2 2 2 −𝛽|𝑥−𝑥𝑛| each band frequency is based on Formula (3), similar 𝐴∑𝐿 = ∑𝐴𝑛,𝐿 = ∑ ∫ (𝐴𝑛 (𝑥𝑛)𝑒 ) 𝑑𝑥 1 1 𝑅(𝑓𝑐) 𝑛=1 𝑛=1 −𝐿1/2 to Formula (5). The vibration energy ratio is determined for the whole train pass-by as in Formula 𝛽𝐿 𝑁 1−𝑒 1 (3) and multiplied by 𝑁/𝑤𝑘(𝑓𝑐),where𝑁 is number = ∑𝐴2 (𝑥 ), 𝑛 𝑛 of axles and 𝑤𝑘(𝑓𝑐) is weighting coefficient: 𝛽 𝑛=1 (4) (1 − 𝑅 (𝑓 )𝑁/𝑤 (𝑓 )) 𝑁 ln 𝑐 𝑘 𝑐 2 𝛽 (𝑓 )=− . 2 −𝛽|𝑥−𝑥𝑛| 𝑘 𝑐 (6) 𝐴 = ∑ ∫ (𝐴 (𝑥 )𝑒 ) 𝑑𝑥 𝐿1 ∑𝐿2 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛=1 𝐿2 A starting estimate for the initial decay exponent 𝛽𝐿2 𝑁 𝑁 1−𝑒 2 1 2 𝛽(𝑓𝑐)isobtainedwith𝑤1 =2𝑁. This initial condition = ∑𝐴𝑛 (𝑥𝑛)≈ ∑𝐴𝑛 (𝑥𝑛). 𝛽 𝑛=1 𝛽 𝑛=1 assumes that half the vibration energy at each wheel transmits from other wheels. The approximation at the right-hand side in the above (ii) The subsequent iterations are then calculated until the formula is valid for sufficiently large 𝐿2, for example, a tram decay exponent 𝛽(𝑓𝑐) is stable to within 0.5 dB, which length. 𝑘 𝐴2 (𝑓 ) 𝐴2 (𝑓 ) is often achieved after four iteration steps =2to The quantities ∑𝐿1 𝑐 and ∑𝐿2 𝑐 can be determined straightforwardly from measured acceleration signals. The 𝑁 𝑁 −2𝛽𝑘−1|𝑥𝑗−𝑥𝑖| transducer time signal is passed through third octave band 𝑤𝑘 (𝑓𝑐)=∑ ∑𝑒 , (7) pass filters resulting in a filtered time signal in range from 𝑗=1 𝑖=1 100 Hz to 5000 Hz. Then, for each frequency band, the integrated squared vibration is determined over every wheel where 𝑥𝑗−𝑥𝑖 is the distance between the current wheel over length 𝐿1,andforthewholepass-byfor𝐿2.Using 𝑗 and another wheel 𝑖. 𝑅(𝑓 ) Formulae (3), (4), and (5) the vibration energy ratio 𝑐 for 𝑤 each third octave frequency band is determined [17]. The weighting coefficient 𝑘 represents a sum of the squared contributions from all wheels, viewed from each wheel and Time intervals T that correspond to length 𝐿1 contain L1 mostly vibration energy of one wheel, but neighboring wheels then summated over all wheels. If the decay exponent is large, the effect of adjacent wheels is small and 𝑤𝑘 quickly converges also contribute to energy level, especially the wheels on the 𝑤 𝑁 𝑤 same bogie. T is hence determined slightly shorter than the to 𝑘 = .Ifthedecayissmall, 𝑘 becomes larger. Sufficient L1 shortest distance between the axels on one bogie (1.8 m) in convergence is often achieved within around five steps [17], order to avoid energy overlapping. Figure 18. From (2) and (3) track decay rate can be determined as Using this method, decay rates on all three test subsec- tions have been determined in vertical and lateral direction. 8.686 Displayed results are averaged values of track decay rate TDR (𝑓𝑐) =− ln (1−𝑅(𝑓𝑐)) . (5) 𝐿1 (TDR) of 3 tram pass-bys. 12 Shock and Vibration

100.0 100.0

10.0 10.0

1.0 1.0 Track decay rate (dB/m) rate decay Track Track decay rate (dB/m) rate decay Track

0.1 0.1 100 125 150 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 100 125 150 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) PPE 21-STT PPE 21-STT 21-CTT Limit V 21-CTT Limit H Figure 19: TDR in vertical direction on three test sections displayed Figure 20: TDR in lateral direction on three test sections displayed alongwithlowerlimitproposedby[11]. along with lower limit proposed by [11].

95.0 ItcanbeobservedfromFigure19thattheverticaltrack 90.0 decay rates are very similar on all three test sections in lower Pa) 85.0 20 𝜇 frequency range. In frequency range from 1000 Hz to 5000 Hz dB dB better performance of vibration attenuation is achieved by 80.0 −10

T −10 21-CTT fastening system. 21-STT fastening system has the 75.0 p 2200 lowest TDRvalues,that is,less vibrationattenuationdueto its 70.0 TMK (dB(A) ref. construction with only one elastic under-rail pad and overall A 65.0 T L rec 60.0 stiffer slab track structure. Nevertheless, all three tested track 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 constructions fulfill the standard prescribed lower limits, in both vertical and lateral directions. Time (s) Lateral track decay rates (Figure 20) are significantly Figure 21: Sound pressure level during tram TMK 2266 passing by higher than the limit values since the rail is embedded on 21-CTT section at 30 km/h; 𝑇𝑝 represents a measurement time and sealed in a shared running surface of road vehicles, as interval of a whole vehicle pass-by and 𝑇rec minimal recorded time described in Section 3. interval.

5.2. Tram Pass-By Noise. As proposed by the European Table 1: Equivalent noise levels of tram TMK 2266 at 30 km/h for standards [11], time signals of sound pressure recorded during all test sections with standard deviation of measured results. tram TMK 2266 pass-by have been expressed as sound 𝐿 pressure level in dB with the reference value 𝑝0 =20𝜇Pa: Test section 𝑝𝐴𝑒𝑞,𝑇𝑝 [dB] SD PPE 84.5 0.3 𝑝 2 21-CTT 80.9 1.4 𝐿𝑝 =10log ( ) [dB] . (8) 𝑝0 21-STT 82.9 0.8

Time signal of sound pressure levels has to be recorded in minimal length 𝑇rec which corresponds to 𝐿𝑝𝐴𝑒𝑞,125 ms level pressure at running time 𝑡 in Pa; and 𝑝0 is the reference sound that is at least 10dB lower than sound pressure levels in front 𝑝 𝜇 of and after the vehicle (Figure 21). pressure ( 0 =20 Pa). Recorded sound pressure levels of 2 pass-bys at each test Measurement time interval 𝑇𝑝 corresponds to total tram length which is used for calculation of equivalent sound subsection have been recorded for tram TMK 2266 pass-by at 30 km/h and the average value is expressed as final equivalent pressure level of a passing vehicle (𝐿𝑝𝐴𝑒𝑞,𝑇 ) according to 𝑝 noise level, Table 1. 𝑇 2 It can be observed that the same referent vehicle at 1 𝑝 𝑝𝐴 (𝑡) 𝐿𝑝𝐴𝑒𝑞,𝑇 =10log ( ∫ ) [dB] , (9) constant speed of 30 km/h emits different noise levels at 𝑝 𝑇 𝑝2 𝑝 0 0 different track sections. Lowest noise levels are recorded at 21- CTT test section that also corresponds to highest track decay 𝐿 𝐴 where 𝑝𝐴𝑒𝑞,𝑇𝑝 is the -weighted equivalent continuous rate measurements. At reference test section, PPE, highest sound pressure level in dB; 𝑇𝑝 is the measurement time noise levels are recorded (up to 3.6 dB higher than 21-CTT interval in s; 𝑝𝐴(𝑡) is the 𝐴-weighted instantaneous sound and 1.6 dB higher than on 21-STT subsection). Shock and Vibration 13

85 Table 2: Comparison of the characteristics of the surveyed tramway

Pa) 100 80 track constructions. 20 𝜇 75 System Characteristic 70 21-CTT 21-STT 65 Construction/installation speed = + 10 60 Construction/installation cost + ++ 55 Stray current protection ++ + 50 Maintenance = +

Track decay rate (dB/m) rate decay Track Exploitation life + ++ 45 Vibration attenuation + − 40 1 Equivalent noise level (dB(A) ref. level noise Equivalent Noise attenuation ++ + 100 125 150 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 4000 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3150 5000 =: similar to reference PPE track, +: better than reference PPE track, Frequency (Hz) ++: significantly better than reference PPE track, and −: worse than PPE Laeq PPE TDR-V PPE reference track. Laeq 21-CTT TDR-V 21-CTT Laeq 21-STT TDR-V 21-STT system. Table 2 gives a summary of the characteristics of the Figure 22: Spectral representation of equivalent noise levels on test surveyed track structures. subsections with respect to track decay rates in vertical direction. The experience gained during the construction of test subsection and measurement results led to the following conclusions: In order to assess the influence of track-side contribution (i) 21-CTT represents an upgrade of existing rail fas- to the equivalent noise levels of a passing vehicle at all tening solutions. For its creation, standard rail track test subsections, spectral analysis of noise levels has been materialandelementswereused.Duetotheirserial conducted in the same frequency range as track decay rates, production, this system can be constructed for much 100 Hz to 5000 Hz, in 1/3 octave bands, Figure 22. Vertical lower market price. By vulcanization of certain parts decay rate has been selected for further analysis, since it was of the fastening system, tram track is isolated and concluded that the horizontal decay rate is much higher due becomes resistant to the occurrence of stray currents. to rail being embedded in the road surface and had much lower effect on the noise emissions. It can be clearly observed (ii) 21-STT is a new concept for construction of the tram that the tram pass-by at 30 km/h emits highest noise levels in track structures in Croatia. It is characterized by very the 500 Hz to 1000 Hz frequency range. It has been observed high resistance and low deformation under traffic that there is a correlation between lower noise levels and load and good stress distribution through the track higher track decay rates on all three subsections, especially in structure. It is created by using standard elements 1000 Hz to 3150 Hz frequency range. In this particular range, of conventional rail tracks, its installation is fast and highest track decay rate values clearly contribute to lowest simple, and its maintenance is easy. noise levels on 21-CTT subsection. This indicates higher (iii) By measuring the vibration of track test constructions decay rate of the track which still contributes to lower noise and comparing them to reference values recorded of vehicle pass-bys although the requirement by EN ISO 3095 on reference PPE subsection, it was found that there [11] has been met on all subsections, Figure 22. Since rolling is an increase in the overall level of vibration on noiseisnottheonlycontributingfactortooverallnoise subsection 21-STT (caused by the greater stiffness levels, engine noise and other noise sources can also affect of track structure), and small reduction of vibration equivalent noise level difference between subsections. levels at the test subsection 21-CTT. (iv) The effect of vibrations on the track noise attenuation 6. Conclusion has been observed by determining track decay rate. Allthreetesttracksubsectionsarewithinthestandard Due to high traffic loads, tram tracks in the City of Zagreb prescribed value. It was observed that both new sys- are exposed to high stresses; they rapidly degrade and deteri- tems have better vibration damping ability at higher orate. To answer the harsh tram traffic operation conditions frequencies and that they behave very well in terms of and to optimize maintenance procedures, two new solutions low noise emission. for rail fastening systems were developed, named 21-CTT 21-STT systems. The main objective in developing the new (v) Results of measuring track decay rate have been systems was to develop a tram track structure which would be confirmed by measurements of tram pass-by noise. quick and simple to construct, have longer exploitation life, be At reference test track subsection, PPE, highest noise easy to maintain, and have good exploitation characteristics. levels are recorded (up to 3.6 dB higher than 21-CTT Exploitation characteristics of the developed systems were and 1.6 dB higher than on 21-STT subsection). investigated on the test tram track and compared with a (vi) 21-CTT makes a commercially cost-effective alterna- reference track built with commonly used PPE fastening tive to existing rail fastening solutions, while meeting 14 Shock and Vibration

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