CENTRE FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH The evolution of social protection policy in Ghana’s ‘Fourth Republic’: Contributory social insurance reform and limited social assistance for the ‘extreme poor’ under NPP and NDC governments, 2000-2014 Eduard Grebe CSSR Working Paper No. 360 Legislating and Implementing Welfare Policy Reforms August 2015 Published by the Centre for Social Science Research University of Cape Town 2015 http://www.cssr.uct.ac.za This Working Paper can be downloaded from: http://cssr.uct.ac.za/pub/wp/360/ ISBN: 978-1-77011-347-3 © Centre for Social Science Research, UCT, 2015 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (C.C. by 4.0) licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ About the author: Eduard Grebe is a research associate of the Centre for Social Science Research at the University of Cape Town.
[email protected]. Acknowledgements: The author would like to acknowledge the contribution of Prof Jeremy Seekings, who helped conceptualise the paper and provided useful comments on various drafts. We are grateful for funding for the LIWPR research programme from the UK Department for International Development, through the Economic and Social Research Council, through their Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation. The evolution of social protection policy in Ghana’s ‘Fourth Republic’: Contributory social insurance reform and limited social assistance for the ‘extreme poor’ under NPP and NDC governments, 2000-2014 Abstract During the 2000s, Ghana introduced substantial social protection policy reforms. The contributory pensions system was reformed from a single statutory defined- benefit scheme and a colonial-era unfunded scheme for civil servants to a new system with additional mandatory and voluntary privately-administered ‘tiers’ augmenting the statutory scheme.