Phylum Porifera Introduction

• Grade Parazoa Without tissues Without embryonic layer Without localized gonads Totipotent


• Definition

Porifera are sessile, suspension feeding , multicellular that utilize flagellated cells called choanocytes to circulates water throught a unique system of water canals (Aquferous system) Characters Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan

Bauplan Bauplan Bauplan Support

• Spicule calcareous silica spongin Reproduction

Gemmule in Spongilidae Reduction body in marine Budding Asexual larvae

Asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction Asexual reproduction Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

Hermaphoditic = Monoecious Protandric Protogyny Gametogeesis Sperm form from choanocyte Ovum form from archaeocyte or choanocyte Fertilization in mesohyl Transfer choanoyte

Sexual reproduction Embryology

Cleavage is unequal holoblastic Stomoblastult Olynthus Rhagon Embryology Embryology

Larval form Amphiblastula =Calcareous Coeloblastula-Stereoblastula=some Calcareous Paranchymula

Embryology Embryology

Phylum Porifera Subphylum Cellularia ( All member possess distinct choanocyte) Class Demospongia 95% all existing All freshwater Support element silica, spongin or both All leuconoid Class Calcarea All species are marine Spicules composed of calcium carbonat Have three form of complexity Subphylum Symplasma ( Epithelial and choanocyte tissue are syncytial) Class Hexactinellida ( The glass sponge) All have 6- sided spicules of silica Taxonomy

Grade Grade Mesozoa

• Have some tissue • Have localized gonad • Have some embryonic layer Phylum Phylum Monoblastozoa Phylum Rhombozoa Phylum Grade Mesozoa

Placozoa adherens Grade Mesozoa

Monoblastozoa Grade Mesozoa

Rhombozoa Grade Mesozoa Grade Mesozoa Grade Mesozoa Grade Mesozoa Grade Mesozoa

Orthonectida Grade Mesozoa