ASPHS Newsletter Published by the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (founded 1969) An annual newsletter Fall 2013 - vol. 4 Message from 2014 Annual ASPHS Research ASPHS at the AHA Recent Member “Medieval Law Calls for Back Matter the General Meeting Prizes Publications Still Matters” Submissions Secretary Information and Last year’s winners, ASPHS panels at Pages 6-7 The Fueros in Publication Membership Call for Papers for plus application the AHA meeting Contemporary opportunities and information, Page 2 the 2014 Annual information and in Washington, DC, Aragon, conferences of organization meeting at the deadlines for this January 2nd-5th, by Jennifer Speed, potential interest officers, etc. University of year’s competition. 2014 University of to association Modena in Italy Dayton members Page 11 Page 4 Page 5 Page 3 Pages 8-9 Page 10 Dear ASPHS members, Welcome to your ASPHS newsletter, volume four. In the following pages you will find some of the regular features of the past newsletter, including message from the general secretary, recent member publications, calls for papers, and announcements of the ASPHS prizes, as well as some announcements of publication and conference opportunities. If you would like announcements of your publications (for 2012/13), conference CFP, or recently defended dissertation to appear in the next issue, submit your notices to me at
[email protected]. Submissions should be received no later than September 15, 2014, but earlier submissions are strongly encouraged, especially in the case of ideas for pieces that might take a while to put together. We are pleased to include some member-generated content, including an essay by Jennifer Speed on the use (and misuse) of the thirteenth-century Fueros of Aragon in 21st-century Aragon.