r o to g le will not travel fa p How can we improve? Use Citizen input; not impose urbanization on unwilling rural areas. Have more open houses around Metro. Peo outside their communities to attend so the Core 4 must them. WE NEED AN OPEN HOUSE IN WILSONVILLE! Ok Yes Yes Was this open house (event) useful to you?

h Metro g E-mail process probably Following Newspaper about this event? Throu How did you learn y ive oredinar g ot that it will Reserves process? p Additional Questionnaire Questions Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural My area (Beavercreek) needs to remain rural as foodshed for the area. Our small farm needs certainty as we invest in it. citizens a greater opoprtunity to have voice in decisions long controlled by developers and speculators. Because I ho We have lived in the area for 31 years and we care about the quality of life which now exists. I wish that any future planning safeguards that quality of life.

for e. g le to the area. p eo to the concept of adding p ular basis will encoura g lus p

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions on a Re ] sic vehicles, bicycles and peds. another million The Beavercreek area is too far out and not served by adequate transportation. City is already facing hundreds of millions dollars in unfunded transportation infrastructure costs ($200M for the Beavercreek Road Concept Plan, more for Park Place). unsafe Rural roads are nearly all substandard and * More public input, mail out surveys to all tax-paying households. * Metros stated goals fo "enhancing the Enfirmontment", "improving the quality of life", "improveing air and water quality" and "fostering sustainable communites that preserve the regions enviable quality of life" are diametrically opposed *Measure 49 pass for a reason: People don't want the kind of growth and sprawl that expanding the UBG's[ * Read Jack Hart's editorial/opinion piece in the Sunday June 15th Oregonian Titled, "treading on a Taboo" * This kind of expansion will negate any attempts at maintaining livablity, fostering sustainabliity and off set any carbon footprint reductiosn we try to put in place. Hold Core 4 meeting outside Metro Offices. There is very minimal "public" attendance currently, so the process is hidden. Don't be afraid of tough questions. Get out and meet as many citizens possible. Beware of special interests How about a 20 year review? Spread new business around the state so as not to burden metropolitan area with a million new residents. That's win/win for the state. Sorry to say, there are few good examples of planning in the Portland area. 97070 97070 97004 Zip code Respondent

A from , too much . THE STUDY ARE roblematic g p ort Road would be p hbors than factories Response to Question 2: g ortation costs are increasin p What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? traffic. Keep as bounadry NO traffic. Keep Willamette River as bounadry FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY IS SEVERAL TIMES TOO BIG. - Like the rural feel Traffic and Trucks on Air Urban Growth south of the River. additional development. Should be rural resere due to high value farmland. Consider Rural Reserve: as historic site, several "Century Farms", buffer between incorporated cities (Tualatin, Wilsonville, West Linn, Canby). No water available for development being sucked dry already for polo field watering. This area should be considered for Urban Reserves. Much of it is no water already to impacted be foundation farm land, Langdon Farms - NO CASINO! traffic Golf course existing is ok, but no trucking and extra This area is key agricultural ("Foundation" by D of Ag) and nursery land that needs to be protected. Both industries are prime contributors to Oregon's economy. If not protected we will also lose an area which was part of the Stat's early histor - where first boernment in the Northwest was establised and wher George Currie, former governor lived. Any attemp to convert even a part of this EFU Zoned Area to industrial would be a disaster, satisfying the greed of a few individuals. It needs to be preserved as Rural Reserve Keep it as is - RURAL Nurseries are better nei Concerns for area circled: Traffic, loss of historical integrity, sufficient water. I fear a rush to develop because there is open space. There are too many see through buildings right now in the Wilsonville area. There is not a need to expand the UGB because any grrowth can be handled within. The rural areas are needed to provide food and timber since trans Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction

r o to g le will not travel fa p How can we improve? How can we improve? outside their communities to attend so the Core 4 must them. WE NEED AN OPEN HOUSE IN WILSONVILLE! Have more open houses around Metro. Peo Yes Was this open house Was this open house (event) useful to you? (event) useful to you? E-mail about this event? about this event? Through Metro How did you learn How did you learn y ive oredinar g ot that it will Reserves process? Reserves process? p Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural citizens a greater opoprtunity to have voice in decisions long controlled by developers and speculators. It will shape our future Because I ho e rohibituve - our farmland will be mor p ets g

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Additional comments and suggestions ) y eciall p As the cost of oil and transporting goods (food es valuable than ever. We must protect and preserve all farmland indefinitley! Other cities (Canby, Aurora, Donald etc) should be individually represented. Protection of entire , honor geological history, value of food production. Stafford Basin either brought into UGB 2009-2010 or designated Urban Reserve Area with Draft Study is critical watershed Stay north of the Willamette Bring in Stafford [basin to the UGB] Maintain ag land "greenbelt" between OC and Canby Stay north of the river This area should be rural reserve, prime farmland, natural barrier Good for urban reserves, within proximity of a great deal of industrial development Good for urban reserves, logical future extension of Tualatin Good for urban reserves, logical extension of Wilsonville area Hold Core 4 meeting outside Metro Offices. There is very minimal "public" attendance currently, so the process is hidden. Don't be afraid of tough questions. Get out and meet as many citizens possible. Beware of special interests 97070 Zip code Zip code Respondent Respondent Response to Question 2: Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Do not create islands, the Urban Reserves should fill in existing gaps between expansion areas This area is key agricultural ("Foundation" by D of Ag) and nursery land that needs to be protected. Both industries are prime contributors to Oregon's economy. If not protected we will also lose an area which was part of the Stat's early histor - where first boernment in the Northwest was establised and wher George Currie, former governor lived. Any attemp to convert even a part of this EFU Zoned Area to industrial would be a disaster, satisfying the greed of a few individuals. It needs to be preserved as Rural Reserve Response to Question 1: Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Committee should study and analyze further? CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, CC,MC, WC,Metro WC,Metro Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

h like to meet & chat wit How can we improve? y I reall You are doing a good job! Keep it up? the folks involved in these sorts of processes. That makes me understand them better/more thoroughly. Thanks for that! (Go Ken Ray! :-)) Yes Yes Yes Was this open house (event) useful to you? Email Informational Keep trying probably called me A neighbor Yes Newspaper MCCI email My neighbor Hamlet email Tualatin High paper/Stafford about this event? Public meeting Yes Open House at How did you learn d Reserves process? et our wishes known and listene g to Additional Questionnaire Questions y Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural I co-chair the Metro Committee for Citizen Involvement (MCCI). Would like to see a controlled approach. The infrastructures need to be addressed before any urban growth is considered. The bridges, the roads, water supply, etc. "Infrastructure before development." to. We have lived in the area for 31 years and we care about the quality of life which now exists. I wish that any future planning safeguards that quality of life. To preserve our rural lifestyle Internet Yes Rural reserves are important to the future enjoyment of all people the region and should be carefully maintained. Tr To help keeping Portland with its special identify as a beautiful city I would like the livability of area to continue has it in the past. Our area is an agriculture area and should remain that way. We live here because of the space, quiet, and solitude. Otherwise we would live in the city. y. uickl q reat farmland too g

g urban sprawl to spoil our region. , is losin y

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Who speaks for the trees? (Thanks, Dr. Seuss, that.) The questions is serious, though -- there land that can't/won't be "urban" or "rural," but will provide opportunities to wildlife of different sorts travel the region? Keep this in mind, please. If urban growth is allowed at this point in time, you have the "cart before horse." Orebon, especially Willamette Valle Stop or slow the growth. How about a 20 year review? Spread new business around the state so as not to burden metropolitan area with a million new residents. That's win/win for the state. Sorry to say, there are few good examples of planning in the Portland area. The Hamlet of Mulino wants to be designated as a "rural reserve." Consider the viability of contiuing rural lifestyle by talking with the residents/families on how they view their future. What are plans? Don't just decide about an area based on soil type or past use because situations change. What was good 10 to 20 years ago may no longer hold true. Not everyone who is affected by the process comes to these meetings because they either don't believe they will be heard or have been promised results and then had them taken away. Like Measure 37 and 49. Any wonder why people don't believe government? 97266 97070 97070 92068 97070 97070 97062 97070any Please do no allow 97042 Zip code Respondent t r corridors fo g /(re)creatin g reservin p with y Response to Question 2: the STUDY piece of this process prioritize land ecificall p concerns is s y ollution out of our beautiful environment where we call home swee What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? uses of that sort? I hope big issues like this will continue to be considered @ all stages. animals and plants to travel -- essentially with establishing a web of transit opportunities for populations that will be challenged by Can global warming. p home! M Don't igmore "character" of areas. If there is development, consider how it would impact the immediate area. Don't throw out baby with the bathwater. Concerns for area circled: Traffic, loss of historical integrity, sufficient water. I fear a rush to develop because there is open space. There are too many see through buildings right now in the Wilsonville area. Metro _____ shows a population increase from 2005 to 2030 of 608,700. OEA is 564,560. Why the 1,000,000 number used in this program? Make our city different from Los Angeles or New York. Keep Stafford Triangle: This aea meets the urban reserves factors criteria almost to a "T." 1. Urban densities can be developed efficiently. 2. Develop capacity is available to support healthy economy. 3. Public sci___ are in place within the area. 4. Open spaces allow for suitable designs of walkways, streets & roads and public transportation as needed. 5. Natural systems (waterways and streams) can be preserved. 6. Various housing types can be supported by sufficient land. 7. Natural features (rivers and waterways) can be preserved. 8. Will have minimum affect on farm and forest practices because sufficient largescale profitable farming operations are a thing of the past. Farming is largely non-existent in the area. Some small scale operations are having a difficult time being profitable. 1. Urban sprawl should be minimized. 2. Rural areas need to be protected. 3. Rural areas need to be set aside for food production close urban areas. a are y Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? [southeast to Highway 211] Clackamas Co. wants to add stud CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? Do some joint CPO/neighborhood association presentations I didn't get in at the beginning and had trouble hearing. Yes Yes Yes helpful Yes, Metro and county staff very Was this open house (event) useful to you? House attend Tualatin network Friend in Willamette organization homeowners' Charbonneau Open House - A friend called Tualatin Open Weekly article about this event? and asked us to How did you learn e erativ p compatible with Reserves process? of all America. It's im y Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural My desire for our land south of the Willamette - I-5 corridor to remain farmland - rural no industrial area/no warehousing. Our road system (I-5 and arterials) is maxed -- need repairs can't handle more industrial traffic. that these lands south of the Willamette River be designated Rural Reserves to protect these lands into the future. I am particularly against any authority allowing the area of Langdon Farms to be developed into an alternative use other than a golf course or equal. Stop development south of the Willamette River. Preservation of the northern Willamette Valley, a signature area indicative of the beauty and natural landscape so important to its citizenry as well the citizenr existing development. To maintain the livability of Tualatin in particular, and the Metro area Oregon in general. Future of our area, both livability and economics. We live in Charbonneau and were drawn to the rural feel of area -- nurseries with Mt. Hood in the background, etc. We would resist strongly the "urbanization" of Langdon Farms area -- especially the idea of a casino which would increase traffic considerably and change the whole culture of the area. We live in Charbonneau District of Wilsonville. There are many stories about development south of Willamette not River that are - e over Willamette - g stem -- I-5 brid y road s

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions g ortin pp needs more lanes Su 97070 97070 97062 97224 97070 97070 Yes 97070 97070 Zip code Respondent not Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? The nature of agriculture is changing dramatically, especially with rapidly escalating transportation costs. Rural reserve land should be examined not by current criteria but with a view to the future. Smaller, artisan, organic farms close to urban centers will become more and economically viable we need to provide them with a place to flourish. Areas that are currently farms or forest may, in the future, be better suited for recreation or wildlife rather than conversion to urban land. The current tax structure should be examined to determine whether it works effectively ensure that rural-designated areas can stay that way without significant negative impact to the owners (i.e., build in better tax structures encourage owners to keep rural land rural). In addition the urban/rural reserve designation, this process should also recommend hard edges to growth of the UGB. just what we've had in the past. Would request that there be no development south of the Willamette River. Why would you destroy the wonderful farmland/soil south of Willamette River? It makes no sense to me. No additional development south of Willamette River, i.e., no warehouse/industrial development. Make sure to include communities of distinction -- new downtown areas. Not just more single family houses. Include entertainment (restaurants, condos, bars/music, book stores, cute shops, etc.). I future, attend Bright Lights and want to make sure we plan for e Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? protected from urban development. Areas just outside of current urban areas [Canby, Molalla, Estacada] should be included in the study area. The pressure to expand outward will be tremendous and, unless these areas are included now, they will have to be added later (or will be developed contrary to their best use). Area south of Willamette River should b CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? More public input; less political. Yes Have more home business Yes We'll see. Was this open house (event) useful to you? d Email Yes Metro Various interest My mom Yes Website - me about it. My mom told ublications an about this event? Metro website Yes How did you learn p e Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural On the Steering Committee, concerned about growth, transportation and preserving our natural resources; keeping our footprint small. I have 3 children and I want them to enjoy, thrive in the greater Portland region. in a city-like area. I want to have a good future and live in the country. Because I live in it and don't want to liv I am a real estate developer and student of Oregon's land use system.

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Transit, transit, transit. High density urbanization will not work without viable transportation options. Public infrastructure on transportation is greatly lagging. 97035 97068 97068 97068 See attached. 97070 If we don't save the farmland, who will? I have six grandchildren! 97004 97004 Zip code Respondent irreplaceable resource. and growing up rather than out is Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Stop here [line in study area on east side of Metro region, southwest to northeast, fairly close current Metro boundary] The Stafford triangle should be brought in to/designated urban reserve. As trustee of a century old farm on Borland Road that once supported several families 30 years ago, the crops grown last 5 years will only pay the taxes. Nobody can make a living on farm in this area. To keep a farm and pay the taxes, requires having good outside job as a professional. It is already urbanized with 2 schools, 6 churches all within 3/4 mile radius. It should be allowed to develop. It is close/has an interchange with I-205, easy access to I-5. A small town center concept with shops, apartments, parks, paths would be my plans for Borland/Wanker's Corners. Don't cut down forests because wild animals have to live in them. Try to make houses that several generations can live in. Keep rural areas rural. very important. Climate change, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and diminishing oil/rising price of gas are critical factors to fold into the decision. The decisions need to be fair for those who have the fewest resources and provide access to opportunities affordable housing. High priority to protect waterways, floodplains and wetlands within urban areas. Preserve existing residential areas' character; put higher density along transportation corridors and centers. Thanks for the opportunity comment! Suggestions: 1) Repeal of OR660-040-00468(e) - anything within one mile of UGB must be 20 acres -- seems redundant, unnecessary after reserves are established. 2) I'd like to see Pete's Mountain area remain FF10 -- it's an oasis in an increasingly urban area. Stafford triangle - excellent area for urban reserves: Great access to existing infrastructure; Poor quality soils and limited farming activity; Ample area to accommodate employment lands, commercial concerns, mix of housing types, parks and open space. Surrounded by urban development; north of Willamette River. Realistically a lot of growth will occur in Clackamas County. This should be taken into consideration. Also, how we grow within the maximizing efficiency urban areas Let's admit Charbonneau was a mistake and stop repeating. Save the only farmland for farming. It is the

r inne [ ht into g built in le needs to be brou g Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Stafford trian Metro. home business houses with part of study area from Canby northeast to Clackamas/Multnomah line) Don't grow here at all [study area on few western side of metro area]! A CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? Implement my suggestions of additional information to help educate more people. I'll know better as the process proceeds. Rob Rebe, professor at U of O Landscape Architecture, students demonstrated 1 house/5 acres, 1 house/2 set-backs of 50-75 feet. Tried small clusters. Very helpful to see different configurations. Also have seen different pavement and stormwater management techniques.

reat g s were Yes p overview) late and missed Was this open house (event) useful to you? is a good first step. and for people that are not involved this Somewhat (I arrived The ma

Bulletin process. involved. I am CPO and already I am informed involved in the about this event? Word of mouth Yes How did you learn and Beavercreek s y lus man p land would be useles y ards in our area y Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Protection of my rural living and farm practices. As with everyone in the metro area, we will all be affected in a myriad of ways. The impacts can be painful or healthy for all concerned. Please, please really think of all the aspects when making these monumental decisions. streams (some with salmon!). and worthless if put in a rural reserve. I live in the Hamlet of Beavercreek and have always strived to keep our area "rural." Although ODOT considers Beavercreek Rd. "adequate," those of us who actually reside on the road know how crowded and dangerous the traffic has become. We have tree farms, nurseries, vine As a landowner, m r , uiet q et. One owne y lanned p to have animals. Part o

y g thin y (old barns, houses), dark skies, y

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions -- don't have an ment would lose abilit p p rou g The "soils" conversation is also due to be reevaluated. Large food producing are not the only valuable soils. Small farms grow many specialty crops. There is more to understanding soils and the way they can be used than is currently acknowledged. Don't SHORT SHEET us all! privacy, old growth trees (cedar 110 years fell last year), lack of density. Working on hamlet vision. Have value statement. Want to present Metro and counties. Borland group wants to develop. Listening to wanted to put 500-2500 units on 240 acres -- would dump hundreds of cars on roads, kids in schools, radically change area. But some commercial, town center close to freeway could work. No apartments. People too transient. Better to have 2-acre homes. Some tired of farming. Could develop large parcels. Locally grown food on small plots. well represented. It lacks any rural, unincorporated representation and this may be an overwhelming weakness of the entire process. character we like -- country roads, open space, wildlife corridors, histor Part of study area makes sense. triangle is conflicted surrounded by cities -- kind of backyard for cities. Some want to develop; many do not. Mixed feelings on farming. Aside from wineries, most accept not economically viable for farming. Semi-hobby farms/gentleman farmers -- most have livestock with develo I think the next go around should include serious discussions and questions/answers that are well not documented. The Metro Steering Committee is ted 97017 97068 97004 97045 - Zip code Respondent unincorpora y e and ver g Response to Question 2: they are to urban areas. They need be the . reserve farms of all varieties and scales lar p to g What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? importantly small buffers -- transitional lands between heavily populated areas and the even more rural farm, forest lands. If buffer zones become reserves, they add value to all areas in a variety of ways, i.e., preventing conflicts between farm practices and urbanites, adding nearby and easily accessible open spaces can help with food production close to home. Please don't sacrifice areas urban sprawl -- those areas can never be replaced. Designating them may be the most important part of this entire process. Live in Stafford Hamlet on West Linn end near exit 6, about 1.5 miles from there. Fox, bobcat, raccoon, deer, oppossum, river otter (in fall), beaver, mink, double-crested cormorants stay near Tualatin for winter. In spring, mallards, wood ducks, migratory flights of 200- 300 geese, widgeons, ruddy ducks, golden eye. Bald eagles in spring and fall. Now seeing in summer, too. Blue herons year round, green herons, pileated, downey, hairy, flicker, red-breasted sap sucker Photo and verbal information needs to reflect livestock their requirements for quality existence. Horses, cows, chickens, goats, pigs, llamas, sheep, etc. require vast amounts of space as does the feeds and grains necessary to support them. Urban dwellers rarely recognize what the lands produce or sustain. More acknowledgement for rural practices, including hay production and farm equipment usage and storage. Livestock is a natural living to preserve. More information is required for urban dwellers to realize the connection to their own sustainability. The absolute necessity for workin Include as rural reserve [area to Highway 211 on southeast side of study area] I live in [Stafford area]. This area should be developed for a wide variety of reasons. 1) The soil is not as good we would hope for in an agricultural area. About the only thing that can grow is Christmas trees. 2) This area is "land-locked" by the river and Wilsonville -- not conducive to any type of farming. 3) Next the proposed industrial land along Stafford Road. 4) Perfect for a new city about the same size as Wilsonville. 5) Easy to install services such water and sewer. When designating rural reserves, the most critical consideration how close should be Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? Traffic on Miley Road shows that the traffic authorities are not doing their job. The map needs to be bigger, easier to use, and more instructions on how to move about. Have a legend -- what do the varous colors mean? Was this open house (event) useful to you? email friend website website newsletter Newspaper about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions We missed all the summer meetings about reserve Our designations but we definitely have an opinion. place is a 7.24 acre parcel that we bought couple of years ago with the purpose in mind of doing some hobby farming, perhaps even finding a way to make some money. That’s the short term of it. Our underlying purpose and long term plan is to develop the property into at least a few homesites, perhaps 1 per acre or some such once the growth boundary gets out here hopefully within the next 15 years. So, we want Beavercreek to become the next Happy Valley with some great attractions (like McMenamins at the old Schuebel School) and some shopping. Along with some decent housing on 1 acre plots or larger so that people can do some hobby farming and enjoy this country life. That said, make this an urban reserve. Thank you. Protect region. our neighborhood. Opportunity to be proactive - not reactive. Keep French Prairie rural. I have lived in Washington County my whole life and have seen the changes that occurred in 40+ years. In travels across the country I have seen how urban sprawal does not work and makes me appreciate the process we have in our area. While preserving as much valuable farmland as possible, taking a realistic look at where development will have to occur for residential, commercial, and industrial growth. Where are people living and commuting to/from how they will get to those destinations. Not allowing nursery "farms" to ruin good farm land by just throwing down gravel over the valuable soil and not actually planting anything in the ground. It will shape our future. Do not create islands, the Urban Reserves should fill in existing gaps between expansion areas. What the current owners have as a vision for their property -- ask them. 97116 97124 97070 Quality of life 97006 97004 Zip code Respondent e e e cannot handl g ical extension of Wilsonville Ar g Response to Question 2: reater distance, but the I-5/Boone Brid g save this prime agricultural land south of the Willamette it a g What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? River. Once paved over, it will never be returned. Not only would development take away from the growing of crops to feed heavy populated areas further north and saving the high cost of fuel truckin 3s2w:The study area should also past the Sherwood and continue into Newberg, Lafayette, and McMinnville. Thousands of people commute to Portland area jobs from this and farming is also important. 1s4w, 2s4w: All of the Gaston area, Yamhill, Carlton, and all of the area surrounding Henry Hagg Lake should be included in the study area for same reasons mentioned above. I realize that this is mostly about the tri-county area, but these areas are already have residents working in the Portland area and will be growing in population along with the rest of Portland Metro area. 3S1W - Good for Urban Reserves, within proximity of a great deal industrial development. 2S1E - Good for Urban Reserves, logical future extension of Tualatin. increased traffic on I-5 north across the . Wilsonville has stated they won't extend their services further south. Oregon is known for agricultural production, so let's keep it that way -- creating jobs and having it ocntinue to be the state's second largest industry. 3S1E - Good for Urban Reserves, lo We MUST Yes -- however, it is not clear what the colors mean. It would be useful to have a legend. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? CC CC CC CC CC What is Marion County viewpoint on French Prairie growth? 97070 CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction s outside Metro offices. g How can we improve? Have more open houses around Metro. People will not travel far outside their communities to attend, so the Core 4 must go to them. WE NEED AN OPEN HOUSE IN WILSONVILLE!! Hold Core 4 meetin How about a 20-year review? Spread new business around the state so as not to burden the metropolitan area with a million new residents. That's win/win for the state. Sorry to say, there are few good examples of planning in the Portland area. There is very minimal "public" attendance currently, so the process is hidden. Don't be afraid of tough questions. Get out and meet as many citizens as possible. Beware of special interests. We strongly believe that the area south of the Willamette River should be left as earlier designated: foundation lands. This area should be designated rural reserve and kept as farm/agricultural areas. Was this open house (event) useful to you? email community Newspaper metro email neighbor email about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Because I hope that it will give ordinary citizens a greater opportunity to have a voice in decisions long controlled by developers and speculators. We have lived in the area for 31 years and we care about the quality of life which now exists. I wish that any future planning safeguards that quality of life. 97070 97070 97070 To ban industrial zoning south of the Willamette R. mail Can I help? 97070 Preserves farms, nurseries and timber (trees). 97070 97070 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? The Willamette Valley is a superior agricultural area. Oregon Freeze Dry Foods, Inc. located in Albany because their customers wanted the strawberries from Valley to be freeze dried. The food industry feels there are no better berries than the ones grown in Valley. Crops grow in fertile land, not cement. Fertile land is south of the Willamette River. This has been proven to be the highest quality farmland and the best groundwater in Oregon. Less means higher prices. If we keep on urbanizing (urban reserves), will distance the availability of local vegetables, fruits & grains. Farmer markets & nurseries can disappear. There will be more imports, meaning outsourced to other countries with questionnable disease control. Imports means higher prices, lower quality. Scary, isn't it!! We have to stop. You are the elected guardians of this excellent agriculture area south of the Willamette. Planning for future does not mean urbanizing everything. Please for the sake of your descendants and mine, make sure that south of the Willamette is classed as Rural Reserves. Continued updates to the citizens that will be most affected by encroaching industrialization and commercialization of this rural reserve. Explain the negative long-range implications if this high quality farmland is urbanized. I see no reason for another commercial or truck distribution station in the areas question -- Langdon Farm Golf Course. The logistics of increased commercial traffic would be catastrophic. There is already a truck stop at the _____ off ramp area. This property should be kept for farming or nursery development as the soil is very fertile. , w y rit g ht no g s ri g h buildin g Response to Question 1: see throu y Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? This area [French Prairie] is key agricultural ("Foundation") and nursery land that needs to be protected by Department of Agriculture. Both industries are prime contributors to Oregon's economy. If not protected, we will also lose an area which was part of the State's early history -- an area where the first government in Northwest was established and where George Curry, a former Governor, lived. Any attempt to convert even a part of this EFU zoned area to Industrial would be a disaster, satisfying the greed of a few inidividuals. It needs to be preserved as rural reserve. sufficient water. I fear a rush to develop because there is open space. There are too man in the Wilsonville area. Concerns for area [French Prairie] circled: traffic, loss of historical inte CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? How can we improve? Hold group meeting first to give broad overview before adjourning to small groups. Was this open house Was this open house (event) useful to you? (event) useful to you? email Local newsletter newspaper Country Club Charrbonneau about this event? about this event? How did you learn How did you learn Reserves process? Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Additional comments and suggestions Oregon has been known as a state with many unique features. One of those is our use the land. Our agriculture economy would be at risk if we allow urban growth to expand south of the Willamette River in boundary area of Clackamas & Marion counties. Our nursery stock economy is very important to Oregon. Concern about proposed industrial development in French Prairie area. I have always been proud of Oregon's stand on limiting development. We don't want to wind up like California or Washington! I feel the usual reason for development is to make money for a few individuals with the detriment for livability of community. 97070 97070 97070 97070 Zip code Zip code Respondent Respondent h and Willamette rivers. It is t g Response to Question 2: Response to Question 2: lain of the Molalla, Puddin p What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? The area south of the Willamette River (French Prairie) contains very high agricultural soil which should be preserved for the future food production needs to supply a growing urban population. Develop in this area will not only create a domino development effect but will place an unnecessary traffic burden on the Wilsonville-I-5 area which is already unable to handle weekend/holiday traffic and totally blocks emergency responders during traffic emergencies. most fertile soil in our state. I am also concerned about increased traffic on roads that are already overloaded, particularly the from I-5 to Canby and the bypass roads past Aurora Airport. These roads will be gridlocked with more traffic. Who pay for the water and sewer pipes to supply development in this area, with Wilsonville sewage treatment facility operating at peak capacity, who will pay for improvements? 1. TRAFFIC 2. 3. 4. Costs of additional infrastructure requirements 5. Expansion of rural reserves would play right into the agendas of Maletis group and possible development of an OFF-RESERVATION Indian casino complex. To allow any further development on prime farm land south of the Willamette River seems like a very bad idea. This is land that was in the flood g d sellin suited y y oorl p industr y et another ke infrastructure is Response to Question 1: Response to Question 1: y area south of the Willamette y be maintained. The current roa y Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Committee should study and analyze further? Any development south of the Willamette River urban/industrial site will encourage more urbanization onto more farmland down the I-5 corridor. The entire their products across the U.S. and overseas. The Oregon Nursery Association is very concerned that their industr and utilit River should be designated rural reserve. This excellent agricultural region makes a very significant contribution to the State's second largest industry, and to agricultural exports of over $1 billion per year. Further, it provides employment for many. With the price of agricultural products escalating dramatically, it does not make sense to urbanize prime agricultural lands out of production. Farmland south of the Willamette River that is currently not being farmed may be needed to provide a local food source for the metro region. Planning for future means not paving this valuable resource. The area of French Prairie just south the Willamette River contains many nurseries, CC CC CC CC CC,MC, CC,MC, WC,Metro WC,Metro Jurisdiction Jurisdiction f is one o y e ll amette Va ll How can we improve? e Wi h the most fertile agricultural areas in the United States. Created during the Lake Missoula flood. It was one of the largest floods in earth history that occurred by breaking through an ice dam many thousands of years ago and happened in a period of about 48 hours leaving us a valley that is a treasure to be preserved. Metro needs to be aware that the very agricultural area that was created in such a I strongly favor a hard urban growth boundary at the Willamette River. [How could we improve?] Continual joint dialogue of the 3 counties working together -- not self-interest. Assuring urban growth does not progress south of the Willamette River. Prohibit/discourage any commercial development on what agricultural land we have left. Reevaluate area with cities for re-use -- apartments multilevel homes in all areas. Redesign from old practice. Continue such open houses (all three counties) so the residents are informed of changing updates. T Was this open house (event) useful to you? Newspaper Country Club Country Club Country Club Charrbonneau Charrbonneau Charrbonneau about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions To avoid urban sprawl as witnessed in California. preserve Oregon farmland and related industries. We live in Charboneeau -- an area that should not have been taken out of the urban and rural reserves. We strongly feel that any further commercial development from the Willamette River (such as a casino or restaurant), especially the land adjacent to Langdon Farms Golf, should not be changed to commercial usage. We do not want Langdon Farms turned into a truck stop! Showing interest and support in planning preserving what agricultural land we have. I live in this area and am concerned about continued liveability as well property values and balanced, reasonable development within existing urban boundaries. We need to stop any further urbanization of the Willamette Valley south of the River. Valuble farmland must be perserved. 97070 97070 97070 My home and community are directly impacted. 97070 97070 97070 Zip code Respondent

area south of the . 4. The entire . 4. The Response to Question 2: ment of too much farmland down the I-5 corridor. p e develo g What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Willamette River should be designated rural reserve. 5. French Prairie contains some of the highest quality farmland in U.S.A. and should NOT be lost to industrial development. 6. The French Prairie is historical and should be preserved. 7. The City of Wilsonville does not have funds or the desire to expand its services south of the river. Once lost it is gone forever Once lost it is 1. Development south of Willamette River will detract from existing industry (nursery business), reduce greenspace and lower present liveability. 2. Existing agriculture use contributes significantly to our economy, including exports. 3. Current road and utility infrastructure is poorly suited -- indeed, completed unprepared for further extensive industries or urban development. 4. Sufficient open land exists north of the Willamette River to accommodate growth needs, both industrial and urban, for the forseeable future. Develop land within the current urban areas north of Willamette River. Create a new additional corridor over Willamette River in addition to I-5 which is already overloaded. The new north-south corridor through urban areas north ofriver would encourage more commercial development already marked urban and thereby preserve our valuable agricultural lands south of the Willamette River. 1. Agriculture is very important to our Oregon economy and must be preserved for the future. 2. French Prairie just south of Willamette River contains many nurseries valuable to our economy. 3. Development south of the Willamette River will eventually encoura - t ar p Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? We are opposed to any further big commercial development south of the Willamette River and east of I-5. This valuable farm land needs to remain as of the agriculture Willamette Valley. We ceertainly do not need another truck stop that would duplicate the one we have at Aurora exit off of I 5. Thank you. This area [French Prairie] south of the Willamette should be retained for agriculture, not development or industrial. CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction

e w enerated valuabl g How can we improve? reason to allow a a casino. If Metro and the resentation three counties don't do the right thing, this matter will be in litigation for years. We are Oregon -- let's show the rest of the west how good one's quality of life can be. Forget the east! It's done! p discussion. I was surprised that my son-in-law, a Tualatin City Council member, did not attend and didn't seem to kno the reason for meeting. The agricultural area south of the river should be a Rural Reserve. It is tremendously fertile, incredibly beautiful, and historically significant. This is no warehouse/distribution center or [How could we improve?] It [the open house] was very informative and the Was this open house (event) useful to you? email open house open house Newspaper Country Club Country Club Charrbonneau Charrbonneau about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions I would hate to see valuable rural land turned into asphalt and buildings. I would hope to see the nursery and other agricultural businesses continue to prosper along I-5 south of Wilsonville. I also believe that Oregon should protect the open views of mountains both east and west for travelers on I-5. I live in the Portland Metro area and do not want to see additional traffic congestion and air pollution added to an area ideally suited to rural use. Do not want to see more urban sprawl. The beaufiful farmlands should be preserved. Lots of warehouses and pavement would be a waste of wonderful agricultural land and, would also ruin the approach to Portland. I left New Jersey in 1975, largely because could see the writing on the wall. Fertile farmland became commercial and industrial complexes, now the area is high rises and shopping malls, as well industrial "parks." This can't happen to Oregon, especially not the French Prairie area! 97070 97070 To preserve the French Prairie area as agricultural land. 97070 97070 97070 97070 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? French Prairie is a beautiful, historical area of natural agricultural land that is also highly productive. It houses a large part of our nursery plant growing business; which, is one of our largest agricultural businesses. 1. French Prairie land is quality farmland and should be preserved to be used as such. 2. Development along I-5 south of the river will open "Pandora's Box" and eventually cause more gridlock in the area of Boone Bridge. It is already heavily travelled. 3. The nurseries are a large industry in the French Prairie area. Why risk running them out of business? 4. The historic area should be preserved without being surrounded by development. Leave it alone for future generations to enjoy. Traffic issues. Noise pollution. Increased vehicle emissions. Insufficient infrastructure. Water quality and possible threats to it. . obs j I do not (rural) reserve. roducts as well p

y Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Valuable farm land that once used for urban sprawl is gone forever, The quality of life those living in area would be drastically altered by congestion, smog, crime and pollution. South of Willamette River - French Prairie region especially either side of I-5 south. The land south of the Willamette River agricultural should be an The river define the Willamette Valley, which should be primarily used for farming. This area currently provides farm and nurser Both sides of I-5 should remain rural for view! nurseries and farmland know how far east and west those boundaries should be set. The Boone Bridge on I-5 is already crowded, and this essential interstate bridge should not be burdened with additional "urban" traffic. The cost of widening or replacing the Boone Bridge must be considered before opening up the area south of bridge to more development. CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? [How can we improve?] Present public is very good and is important to all of us. We must fight their greed with equal force. Was this open house (event) useful to you? newsletter Community presentation Country Club Country Club Country Club Charrbonneau Charrbonneau Charrbonneau about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural e of lif y ualit q There must be other rocess to maintain the p ortant

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions p It is an im It is important to maintaining the quality of life in Oregon. in Oregon. Because of the fertile land French Prairie area just south of the Willamette River. It should be preserved for agriculture. alternatives. I am not in favor of "if you build it, they will come" as a method of expansion. The land in the French Prairie should remain as farm/nursery. 97070 Because I care about Oregon! 97070 97070 97070 97070 See above! 97070 97070 Zip code Respondent l d d d ene? Medfor g for its historica y the Willamette Valle g Response to Question 2: reservin p incidents. Highway Patrol reports would have this about y l p in to industrialize farmland, where will it end? Eu g What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? value and its agriculture/nursery industry. The entire area south of the Willamette River should be designated "rural reserve." Once we be You can't take back the land! Let Oregon serve as an example of a State that values careful planning for the future. Bigger is not always better. Please leave the Willamette Valley alone. Do not pave over valuable resource. not be developed and should designated rural reserve. *French Prairie contains some of the highest quality farm land in United States. *It does not make sense to urbanize prime agricultural lands. *The area of French Prairie, just south the river, contains many nurseries, a key industry selling throughout the U.S. *The current road and utility infrastructure is poorly suited for development. *The City of Wilsonville does not want to expand services south the river. *Any development south of Willamette River will create a domino effect. not be developed and should designated rural reserve. *French Prairie contains some of the highest quality farm land in United States. *It does not make sense to urbanize prime agricultural lands. *The area of French Prairie, just south the river, contains many nurseries, a key industry selling throughout the U.S. *The current road and utility infrastructure is poorly suited for development. *The City of Wilsonville does not want to expand services south the river. *Any development south of Willamette River will create a domino effect. congestion already has traffic slowdown at peak travel hours and high accident I believe the French Prairie area south of Willamette River shoul documentation. I care dee Any development (especially commercial) south of the Willamette current River must take into consideration the 4 lane bridge. The I believe the French Prairie area south of Willamette River shoul It is essential to maintain farmland for Oregon's future and the welfare of the country as a whole -- we must maintain our independence and ability to feed ourselves! If the French Prairie area use designation is changed, it will cause nursery land and farm to be at risk. Once the businesses disappear they are gone forever. Preservation of these resources is vital to their industries. The historical significance of the French Prairie should not be ignored. Also, the additional auto and truck traffic other designations would bring be devastating to an infrastructure that is already beyond capacity. Industrializing Langdon Farms only leads to greater industrialization and declining property values. I'm sure the Malites Brothers don't care about us. If they want to develop the property, legislation should encourage (force) them to put in comparable homes. I know the market is down, but it will come back. If forced to, we should all donate to hiring a lawyer fight them. Match their money with ours. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction s Hold a } rove? p How can we improve? How can we im [ many open houses as possible all along the process. Listen to citizens or let take charge in making the choices on designated areas. Was this open house (event) useful to you? email friend meeting local news open house community community Country Club Country Club Charrbonneau Charrbonneau about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions When "Langdon Farms" was built, they did not allow homes. This is not a time to reverse our position. The traffic would impair the transportation to and from Charbonneau. Plus it would lower of the standard of living in our area. I am totally against a casino or truck distribution center. Want to keep area from Wilsonville Salem farmland - - best in the U.S. This area impacts all our homes and liveability. We do not need more casinos or truck distribution sites. Oregon and the Portland Metro area has done such a fine job in planning for future growth. Other areas the nation pale in comparison and consequently pay a high price in a lowering of quality life. This current process is the logical next step in a decades-old policy. Preserve farms, nurseries, trees, pleasant "country" views on the I-5 corridor, south of Willamette. 97070 97070 97070 97070 97070 97070 97004 I think there should be large and many rural reserves. Zip code Respondent r wate g classify south of the roblems, includin p

y valuable farmland (rural reserves) y sustainable. Response to Question 2: of Wilsonville man y . It will destro g ) is wron g What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? We should keep farm and timberlands close to urban metropolitan area to provide a local source of food and resources. Don't let urban development push farmlands further away from where its needed. Fuel and energy concerns prices are not going not to go away! Growth is A single industrial site will open this door, which cannot be closed. Precious pristine land will be "cemented." Once cemented, it is gone forever. There will be more imports outsourced to other countries. Countries that have questionable disease control. We to stop "cementing" everything. We have to fairly priced, obtainable, healthy food. The Oregon Department of Agriculture has classed south of the Willamette as: Foundation Land (its highest Please classification). Let's keep it that way. There is plenty of development room to the north and truck traffic is now a mess. Include the area south of Willamette River and west Pudding River in the study area and designate it all as rural reserve. Willamette as rural reserves. South of the Willamette must be designated as rural reserves. Opening the door to urban development (truck stops, industrial buildin The nursery business is a $1 billion in total sales for Oregon and the nation. Should be protected. The I-5 corridor is already poorly suited to add more development and the Boone Bridge could not handle the gridlock that industrial development would bring. This would cause the Cit s e y a ensit p ro p e. I believe that if this area i g Response to Question 1: choked with traffic south of th y act of more trucks and cars. This are p Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? The area I have circled is the Charbonneau area of Wilsonville. My main concern for not developing the area south of the Willamette River is im is alread Boones Brid developed, there will be more accidents and congestion which is a mess now. An accident in the area from North Wilsonville to the Willamette River can and does cause major delays. high grade soils there should not be any development south of the Willamette River considered. Urbanization of any sort in this area will create the for more urban growth. These lands are far too valuable for agricultural production to be paved. Thirty years from now our children and grandchildren may be depending on the Willamette Valley for the majority of their food. Land south of the Willamette River and west of the Pudding River is prime agricultural soil. Even though Metro and the counties are moving away from soil grade as aprimae factor in determining such rural areas, this particular areas has CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction e e wher g How can we improve? Let more people know. Use existing housing and don't encourage population growth by building it; acknowledge that extrapolation (continuing trends beyond a data set) is unscientific and extrapolating for many years (40-50) is unbased (least accurate) in science, logic, demographics and that extrapolation is the worst in a time of chan Get speakers out to neighborhood associations, CPOs, etc. This is a big deal and people better be informed and involved. Question: What role does the 2040 plan have in this new look? the past does not predict future because we have never experienced peak oil or climate change before. Was this open house (event) useful to you? open house open house open house open house about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural

ion for the next 40-50 g

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Former member of Washington County Planning Commission; retired farmer from Hillsboro area; former co-chair of Multnomah County/Portland Food Policy Council; member of Portland's Peak Oil Task Force. I'm concerned about future food needs of metro years. Keep region sustainable through peak oil/climate change transition. area population. We need to hang on the local farmland -- western Washington County, Sauvie Island and northern Willamette Valley. I am a member of the Beavercreek Hamlet Rural Reserve Action Committee. Expansion of UGB -- urban and rural reserves south the Willamette River will bring huge changes to infrastructure, water, traffic and it would take valuable (to society) land that produces crops so close to the population center. Preserve the foodshed for re 97201 97070 97070 97004 97004 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? The agricultural production of the Beavercreek Hamlet area -- this area is still a viable productive farm and ranch woodlot area. It a valuable production area and should be preserved as such. 1. Water -- the area circled [French Prairie area] is probably best agricultural land in Oregon. It requires water for crops and livestock as there are several dairies, one egg farm and a wide variety of crops. Water is vital and how would expansion of urbanization impact water use. 2. Urban sprawl - going south of the Willamette River along I-5 will add to sprawl, traffic congestion. 3. Loss of valuable farm land -- study should include how to replace this valuable asset once it is covered with warehouses or housing tracts. The reason for my concern is that I farmed in the circle area for 25 years and am quite aware of the above concerns. Clackamas County has too much housing and not enough jobs. Industrial land is being used for housing/commercial rather than industrial. Confidence in the process is lost when expansions aren't used as promised. Clackamas County does not need more housing because it would further distort the job to housing ratio, and harm the transportation system with more commuters. The other counties may need more urban reserves but Clackamas County does not. A thin band of rural reserves is all that needed. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Development of the land south Willamette River will encourage urbanization onto the highest quality farm land that is so needed for us. The Oregon Department of Agriculture has given this area the very highest agriculture land classification. It makes a huge contribution to our second largest industry in Oregon. Don't even think of paving over this area for commercial expansion. Just say No to development of farm land south the Willamette River. "Areas that will require no reserves designation": seems odd! Are these lands in land use purgatory. All of the farmland in Washington County not currently inside the UGB should be included in study area . And should be designated rural reserves. Likewise, Sauvie Island in Multnomah County. The area circled (Beavercreek area) has a substantial agricultural production industry (Christmas trees, berries, filberts, pasture, hay land, cattle and other commodities, and should be protected as rural reserve, from the proliferation of housing developments, industrial areas and other urban encroachment on valuable agricultural land. CC CC CC CC CC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction for How can we improve? vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. [How could we improve?] Use citizen input; not impose urbanization on unwilling rural areas. The Beavercreek area is too far out and is not served by adequate transportation. Oregon City is already facing hundreds of millions dollars in unfunded transportation infrastructure costs ($200M for the Beavercreek Road Concept Plan, more for Park Place). Rural roads are nearly unsafe all substandard and Was this open house (event) useful to you? Other Friend process Website following about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural The Reserves process is the future of development in the Portland Metro Area I own property in Multnomah Co bordering Washington Co. on Springville Rd I see the delicacy of ecology up here where I live. From an economic position, better to build up a downtown Beavertown area than to keep sprawling out which also encourages further driving (global warming) a e coveted are y hl g

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions All areas within Forest Park should NOT be th Between areas 87/93/94 this area should be considered for Urban Reserves as it is a logical expansion fo Washington County and the City of Portland Area within the Draft Study is critical wildlife habitat Area within the Draft Study is critical wildlife habitat Area within the Draft Study should be rural [reserves] Comment 2: How do you study Sauvie Island south w/out looking at the north area? Not prime farmland, next to UGB - Bring in Please exclude prime farmland. We need to have local sources of food and nursery stodk. Stay away from Forest Park Bring this are into urban reserve since it is adjacent to UGB/Portland and services are nearby ro expansion UGB (centered white area) This is a hi for nature recreation, and animals. Area around Germantown should be considered for rural preserves only, not urban. My area (Beavercreek) needs to remain rural as foodshed for the area. Our small farm needs certainty as we invest in it. 97004 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Reasonable extension of services, proximity to current expansion areas, organized interest from property owners There is not a need to expand the UGB because any growth can be handled within. The rural areas are needed to provide food and timber since transportation costs are rising. THE STUDY AREA FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY IS SEVERAL TIMES TOO BIG. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? CC MCMC Good plannned growth Long term overall ecology to NW Oregon, Safety 97231 97053 MC MC MC MC MC MC MC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? How can we improve? From an economic position, better to build up a downtown Beavertown area than to keep sprawling out which also encourages further driving (global warming) Was this open house Was this open house (event) useful to you? (event) useful to you? other Other Mary Manseau about this event? about this event? How did you learn How did you learn Reserves process? Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural We have 62 acres which abuts the UGB and North Bethany I think it will determine the quality of life for those who will live here 50 years from now. Whether there is open space, and food being grown within 5 miles from the Pearl or 20 miles from the t y 5 o end 3 p s y cause man

y Conflicted or even and devastating to to work with the Reserves S g unjustified ear restraint. We have alread Prime, Important y should be Urban Reserve or inside the put into Rural Reserves. Our property

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Additional comments and suggestions Limits. There are no commercial farms next t y regarding ansion), these corners will undoubtedl p ex more fatalities. Multnomah County has the responsibility to correct and prevent deaths. 6. Neighboring homeowners to the East are 4 5 acre parcels and, as mentioned, the encroaching high density to the south. We are surrounded by UGB and Cit us. This property UGB, NOT does not fit within the key factors of ODA farmland. It would be years as condemned land, having lost our right to build and raise our families. We are more than willin 5. There is a bad blind corner (Germantown Road), which seperates the barm from house. Continuing West on Germantown Rd to the Kaiser intersections there are severe sharp curves, which have caused fatal accidents. This should be straightened to avoid future With the continued growth (North Bethany deaths. I think it will determine the quality of life for those who will live here 50 years from now. Whether there is open space, and food being grown within 5 miles from the Pearl or 20 miles from our family to be considered rural reserve, locking us into a 40 to 50 97231 97232 97229 97229 Zip code Zip code Respondent Respondent e r s u

w y s p the g ardin g This land is ear over Kaise re y

y y able to walk across thi y . Difficult to have cro lack water rights Below I have listed a few of the many Response to Question 2: Response to Question 2: (Parcel 2) abuts the UGB (the North Bethan y ert p ro p ou can understand the extreme difficult y ; y What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? How the rural lands, and Ag lands in MULT support Forest Park Biosphere How the rural lands, and Ag lands in MULT support Forest Park Biosphere 1N1W08D TL400 and 600 (Parcel 1), 1N1W08C TL500(Parcel 2). The above 2 properties have been owned by our family beginning back in 1904. The 5 Barker children were raised on Parcel 1: we are now between the ages of 49 and 57 years. The Barker family has owned this land continously for more than 100 years. Unfortunately, back in the mid 1970's we were erroneously zoned EFU. not suitable for farming. serious issues related to our property. 1. The slopes (we are on the Skyline foothills), soil (upper 37 was once considered as a rock quarry), creeks (Alder and Abbey seasonal creek), and wetlands (lower 24 floods ever Road and the upper has a seasonal creek flooding it)completely rule out farmable crops. Our parents owned a bakery in Portland as their means of support. It has been used a pastureland due to its non- farming capabilities. 2. It is divided by busy Germantown Raod. Bisecting the upper 37 acres from the lower 24 arcres. We are barel road safel 3. My understanding is we 4. Our lower Long term overall ecology to NW Oregon, Safety 97231 I see the delicacy of ecology up here where live. other Response to Question 1: Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Committee should study and analyze further? All areas within Forest Park should NOT be within the UGB (centered white area) This is a highly coveted area for nature recreation, and animals. Area around Germantown should be considered for rural preserves only, not urban. MC 1n1w MC MC MC MC CC,MC, CC,MC, WC,Metro WC,Metro Jurisdiction Jurisdiction How can we improve? Was this open house (event) useful to you? NRCS Mailer Yes News-Times Yes about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural To maintain the agricultural lands for farming. I am also interested in helping to establish greenways, trails, green corridors, and open spaces before development takes place. Personal as well professional, I am a farmer. City Councilor Newspaper Yes Our property is adjacent to the current UGB lines.


● . y NOT Fed Rules. . y g ear b y reat for count g Trail could be utilized ● ht and Fire District g Lake Dam Prefer Urba it unsuitable for farmin gg g

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Creek from North Plains to Hillsboro y at Ha y 17,500 acres can be watered/ y Glencoe becomes main thoroughfare connectivity to All utilities are there already (72" waterline TVlD on east side of Glencoe would be isolated and Crossing Road becomes difficult with farm The areas that have (steep) a slpe - i.e. foothills of the coastal range, should not be included in the urban reserve.Watersheds (origin) and water reservoirs should be outside the development zone. The example that comes to mind is Henry hagg lake has already being planned for increased water needs in the future. This could mean raising water levels 40' above current boundaries. Why allow further building here when it may be flooded in the future. Prefer urban Reserve: Natural boundary of Tualatin Rive, Farmington Road and River Road. Road and River are major arterials. 2n4w is marked Rural Reserves 2n3w marked Banks UGB Urban Reserves 1n4w would like to consider adding urban Reserves (4143 NW Thather Road) ● neighboring cities. on McKa 1) Area is in the service location of current city Forest Grove Power and Li Stabilit ● @evergreen) gas, etc. Why is Yamhill Co. not included - Newberg? Roads of Public Transportation Services. 2) Adding this land to the Urban Reserve will reduce farmable acreage. This property has several ravines makin 3) The City of Forest Grove is interested in including this porperty for its future expansion plans. Reserve Prefer Urban Reseve south Hillsboro Urban reserve potential ● onl ● equipment and a liability to traffic. Good for utilizing the Sunset and Glencoe commercial uses which will be 97116 97116 97116 97106 97006 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? No building or zoning for development should be allowed in the 100 year flood plain areas. Based on questions asked after the presentation, and discussions heard by the maps, I think it would be valuable for people to get follow exposure to the general overview of process which will urban/rural reserve designation. What happens - or doesn't happen to land whihc is in one or another band of reserve? Concept plans, UGB expansions (or not), governance discussions, annexation not) zoning/re-zoning, development. Good background material to help someone appreciate how these very early deliberations will convert to subsequent tangible actions that affect them. maybe just one stand-up easel card would do it. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? This is an odd and somewhat surprising junction. Why tight to the Mult. Co boundary but not Wash Co.? [refers to Northeast corner of Washington County adjacent to Columbia and Multnomah county lines] East of Glencoe between North Plains and Hillsboro should be included. [Area described is already in the DRAFT Reserves Study Area - staff] WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? Do some joint CPO/Neighborhood Assoc. presentations. Was this open house (event) useful to you? Open House Yes News Letter Yes about this event? How did you learn n randchildre g Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural and our collective quality of life. Future of our area, both livability and economics. Effect on self, children, and

Term Plan g

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Good for Residence and Sewer available now Rethink area as industrial if in Lon If we need to winnow down the Draft Study Area, Tualatin River would be a logical natural boundary North Wilsonville - either brought into the UGB in 2009 - 2010 (1st priority) or designated Urban Reserves (2nd priority) Cornelius growth for complete community Area within Draft Study is critical wildlife habitat Hagg Lake is drinking water source Area within Draft Study is critical wildlife habitat (in particular Steelhead) We need a citizen advisory committee like the other two counties These areas in the Draft Study Area have watershed issues Lacks transportation infrastructure Concerns: Conserve resources by reducing Washington County road standards (too wide roads) - create connectivity - not huge 6 lane arterials 97140 97224 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? make sure to include communities of distinction - new downtown areas. Not just more single family houses. Include entertainment (restuarnts, condos, bars/music, book stores, cute shops, etc.) I attend Bright Lights and want to make sure we plan for future, not just waht we've had in the past. I belive a process such as this should prepare the areas for both good economic times and bad. To that, please consider energy costs for today and the likely costs in future. Good planning now can help the area achieve a high degree of self-sufficiency in terms food supply, potable water, and transportation. Assume, if you will, that energy costs will continue to increase expotentially - how much that cause a loaf of bread or gallon milk to cost if these items cannot be reasonably produced locally? The next 50 years are likely to be critical as the US develops other energy sources that can perpetuate the agri-business and urban living relationship. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? Was this open house (event) useful to you? about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural The Reserves process is the future of development in the Portland Metro Area ht into the UGB in 2009 g

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Between areas 63 and 64, Roy Rogers Beef Bend, should be considered for Urban Reserves, as it is a logical extension of West Bull Mtn. South Cooper Mtn - either brought into the UGB in 2009 - 2010 (1st priority) or designated Urban Reserves (2nd priority) South Hillsboro - either brou This is in the outer neighborhood, this w/I UGB This area should be designated as urban reserves Between areas 64 and 67 (South Cooper Mtn) should be considered for Urban Reserves as it is a logical extnesion of the City Beaverton 2010 (1st priority) or designated Urban Reserves (2nd priority) West Banks - either brought into the UGB in 2009 2010 (1st priority) or designated Urban Reserves (2nd priority) North Plains area of concern - annexation issues Tualatin Refuge/Tualatin Nat Wildlife Refuge compatibility - mix w/ surrounding uses/provide refuges. Mix w/floodplain. Comment 2 - should be a rural reserve due to regional importance Us all of the higher elevations for homes. Quit giving it to the wineries. Since it is not prime farmland - build houses on it and save the "real important" areas Make this area part of the new UGB Reserve it for rural designation Bring land east of 175th into Urban Growth Boundary, existing water TVWD 97006 97006 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Reasonable extension of services, proximity to current expansion areas, organized interest from property owners Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? The proposed study area is too large - this is prime farmland [referring to western edge of Draft Study Area in Washington County] WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction

How can we improve? Explorer. Please look for cross- browser support in future versions. I can not view the map since I don't have IE and it is not available for Apple Mac computers. Make materials accessible! Microsoft and MapOptix are not the solution. To view the map requires MS Internet Explorer, the only browser supported by Washington County's program. The error: MapOptix 5.2 Mapping Interface can only be viewed with Microsoft Internet I live on the edge. Was this open house (event) useful to you? other other other Newspaper, website and about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural I believe its important to the community in which I live to have a well thought out plan that will serve my family and their children for many years to come. Appropriate planning for transportation is greatly important to me. As gas and other energy costs continue to raise finding more efficient routes to get different parts of town is becoming increasingly important. Additionally, the ability to have access by bike various parts of the city is desirable. I have involved myself in the planning of area 63 and 64 to the fullest extent possible without being included on the Stake Holders Work Group despite my extensive attempts. I want to live and work in a community that will be pleasant and desirable for generations to come. I also work in the real estate development industry and do not want to see mistakes made that will prevent appropriate development to meet the needs of future users. Oregon land use is messy. I am a CPO leader in Washington County. My concern is citizens feel an erosion of land use rights, and the cost of regulation is opposing housing affordability. Transportation is lacking the concurrency of needed funding. I advocate for less regulation based on the theory that land owners should have the freedom to do as they please with the responsibility of completely mitigating impacts to others. Public access to the map should be available to all browsers. The map could be a PDF which can also zoomed in on. The map could even be a Google overlay. You are excluding respondents. e k o believ y in each y 26. I firml y want to live and wor y

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions these areas specifically the Tualatin and Willamette Rivers. These resources provide a natural line of demarcation for separation of urban and rural areas. Based upon figures provided by Metro, Planning and Transportation authorities as well the market point to these areas for desirable growth. Transportation and infrastructure can be easily contained within the area and 40 years of growth can be accomodated in these and well as areas north of hw that the market, people who actually live and work in these areas, to decide where the rather than having government decide for them. 1S2W-2S1W-2S2W-3S1E: These areas should be considered among the highest priority for inclusion into Urban areas. There is a natural boundar 97007 97224 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Proximity to existing freeways. Using that tool will reduce costs and headaches associated with new infrastructure Reviewing recent expansion errors or omissions to identify those areas where bringing additional land inside the boundary will allow areas like Area 63 and 64 to be planned more efficiently creating a complete community. There are should also be consideration given to future connectivity/transportation of areas such as South Hillsboro, West Beaverton and Sherwood. Additionally, take advantage of existing transportation and infrastructure. Any land north of the Tualatin River from Hwy 99 in Tigard west to Hillsboro Hwy into is better suited for growth than long term agricultural use. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? Have a legend -- what do the varous colors mean? more open houses after summer Was this open house (event) useful to you? Other A friend Website newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newspaper, about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural We live here we work and anything you do will have a direct inpact on us. We are here for the dark skies that will be lost if you urbanize this area To see that rural reserves are set aside from development. To protect the livability of land and I care about our environment and the negative impact we are creating with high density. Let the people move some place else, if we have fewer houses then the house prices will go up and people will move else where. The older trees that are cut down for developments the best at cleaning our air, handling water run off, keeping houses cooler not the twigs that get replanted will take 40 years to do what the bigger older trees do now. It affects our property and values concerning private property rights I have adjoining land and need some direction as to the future so that I can plan the best ultization of land h ackson school Road and Glencoe, sout J

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions ) between p What are the chances of getting appropriate raodage into this area with all the environmental constraints. Don't we have enogh traffic nightmares already? Area north of Hillsboro (had problem with link to ma Area 2S1W: The entire area between Beef Bend Road and Hwy 99W (along the Tualatin River out to Tualatin National Wildlife Refuge) should be set aside as a Rural Reserve. Area 2S2W: The area along the Tualatin River should be set aside as a Rural Reserve. 2s1w area, I would like to keep this area as it is currently. I don't want mass density in this area, we already has mass density two blocks over. This is an older established neighbor and current growth should be constant with the setting of neighborhood. No more mass density until the streets are able to handle the increased traffic and Roy Rogers has already failed and 99W is over crowded. The deers in the neighbor need someplace to go. Keeping trees should be a number one priority and build around the trees or have the developer build one/two less homes for more trees. The mass density is having a negative effect on the environment and the liveability of this area! and including Waibel Creek. 1. Such additions such as the North Bethany Project should be encouraged. The need for UGB expansion is greatest in this region due to growth green manufacturing, educational facilities serving these industries, and the service industries connected to such growth. This would help the overcrowded hyways. Promote jobs, increase tax income and releive stress on builders and land holders who are experiencing financial problems due to indecision and delaying manuvers The North Bethany Project is a well planned project meeting the requirements and desires of planners. It is largely self contained which will eliminate travel and provides plans for schools. All conflicted ag lands should be considered for boundery expansion if the individual parcels meet environmental regulations. We also need land set aside for low cost housing within these conflicted lands. The amount of tax income from ag lands and the amount of actual contribution to overall ag income of the state is much exagerated.. 97123 97217 97124 97124 97224 97224 Zip code Respondent d don't have trees an y Response to Question 2: for farm fields that alread y What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Reserve mass densit What the current owners have as a vision for their property -- ask them. proximity to utilities, highway and communter roads, close urban growth boundary Why do we continue to allow population forcasts force people who move to Oregon in the future only go where people are now? Why can't we build in different areas that give a diverse picture of Oregon and spread the positives negatives of development across the state. is already flat lands. Don't allow builder to cram houses in because of wetland/slopes. When the developer buys a piece of property and it can only have three houses because of the slope, then they build three houses not cram five into the same space. Roads need to be widen and improved before any more development happens. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Yes -- however, it is not clear what the colors mean. It would be useful to have a legend. Why are we taking this farm and forest and watershed land into the urban growth boundary? Between gas prices and food prices shouldn't we be considering local farming as a good benefit to Hillsboro? [refers to Bald Peak area of Chehalem Mountains] WC WC WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction y How can we improve? Add dates inside each and ever UGB expansion area shown on map ("UGB Expasion over time"). The legend on the right isn't enough (at least for some of us) for us to understand easily the expansion over time Figure ut a way to allow people to continue looking at maps around room while presentation is going on (or don't talk so long) Yes Was this open house (event) useful to you? A Friend about this event? Metro meeting Yes How did you learn d d Area, an y line and Germantown Roa y Reserves process? in California, the Ba p Additional Questionnaire Questions rew u Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural I want some say in how the region grows I live near Forest Park and want to preserve the valuable natural resources and recreation resources in the area. I I want to protect and improve the ecosystem and quality of life our region. We live at Sk and we'd like our area to be in a Rural Reserve. g watched that area lose it valuable farmlands and cover many of its hillsides with homes. I hope we can learn from their mistakes. I represent Beaverton & Aloha Coope Mtn on Washington County Board of Commissioners

i n e, are g e. This g hts to the Coast Ran g e homes on small acrea g lar y

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions from Forest Hei g This area has man 2s2w Off Bald Peak Rd. A unique landscape. The uniqueness of the site. If there are other protections, i.e. the land is a State Park, etc. 3. It's so important to protect our rural area. There's wildlife like elk, incredible number of residents from both side of the ridge use if for cycling and running, urban traffic that cuts through Forest Park, the healthy streams that nurture the ecosytem, etc. 4. The rural farms and forests on the south side of Tualati Mountains provides a strong "sense of place" for the Tualatin Valley plus can be a growing source of fresh food for residents in the area. These green hills, stretchin part of what makes this area unique. If we can protect the south face of these hills, it will protect all wildlife habitat in the mountains behind. the "bedroom" community above Sherwood. Sherwood should annex this area and then move the UGB. Then areas outside of this new boundary should/must be set aside for the Rural Reserve. 97231 Keep up the good work! 97219 97229 97007 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Area near Urban Growth or considered South Hillsboro - water access not good for this area - some properties have wells, but most is dependent on rain - some areas are lowland or scrub forest small acreages not profitable for farming. Consider including in Urban Reserves Make sure that inner-suburban ring areas (e.g., Beaverton, Aloha, Milwaukie, etc) do not suffer as a consequence of future urban expansion and development Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? I feel your doughnut is too large - Do not touch this area [referring to western edge of Draft Study Area in Washington County - staff] The draft map looks pretty good, but: 1. We like the current map, especially for our area. 2. Please be sure that the study area includes the hills north of Hwy 26 at Banks. They added the highway interchange (hwy 26 at 6 and 47) plus a nearby wetland to the study area. But they should also include the hillsides north of the interchange too (see item 4 below). Make sure the study area north of Hwy 26 at Banks includes the southwest flanks of the mountains. The long sweep of the Tualatin Mountains stretches from Forest Heights all the way to Coast Range and these green hills provide a definitive sense of place for residents the Tualatin Basin and anyone driving on Hwy 26 between Portland and the coast. Hillsides south of Beaverton are rapidly developing, we need to preserve these views to preserve our unique regional identity. Otherwise this map is great, thanks for including all of NW Multnomah County. WC WC WC WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? have youth focus group or community college focus groups keys on the maps, more readable provide a meeting location north of Sunset hwy Yes Was this open house (event) useful to you? s email Yes email Yes email Yes friend Yes oregonian "Big Look" newspaper newspaper Yes Followed the about this event? progress/proces How did you learn s to allow thi y Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Have small 20 acre farm surrounded by 2- 4 acre parcels now and want to conform to our area as what it is now. We want the Metro Council here to recognize how unfair this is for WA Count this effects both the current quality of life but for future generation. This effects also the quality of homes, crimes, cultures, etc. Try not to weight the developers input more then the general public or youth. They seem to have too big a say in both these policies/plans and who is elected. Because I'm 16 and this is my future. What happens now effects my generation. Our farming operation is affected by it. Have 3 areas on West Union Rd, north of Intel property. I am surrounded by other small parcels also. We are all interested to know the future of our lands building around us, yet not let us do this after changing once before. People must be allowed to conform changes that the County already allowed. Please we live in unhealthy environment for families in our area. Please help us. Long term impacts on quality of life will be huge. t n d roun g . Farm y en house should have bee p rowth boundar g lans. This o p

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions read what I've written and see that there are alo ht into the urban y g L shaped properties by areas 63 and 64 need to be brou Most of the individuals in meeting tonight will not be alive in 50 years. You need to focus more on the youth or younger adults input since they will have to live with these This area is inconsistent building on Mtn Home Road. We want to be able make our 20 acre farm like all the other around us, as they are 2-5 acres in our area and none are farmed. This should be urban reserves now. You should allow up to 5 acre parcels this close town. Farming here is conflicted. Would hope plan would be initiated sooner than later. We want to see this in our life-time. Decisions must be made on consistency. Our area is conflicted as there are some 30+ homes around our farm on Mtn. Home Rd! We cannot and cover the taxes! There is NO incentive when they give us no breaks. Neighbors complain about pesticides, dust, etc. and not healthy for families any longer. done during school and a hs or community college. They are the future, not a current adult. Please focus on the 16 to 30 year old group. of young and older people that believe the same thing. This is a problem, but it really hasn'g been displayed publicly. is not prime and it very hard to farm around house developments. Thanks for sharing your progress and the steps moving forward If we're taking up so much space from the environment, so we could save the environment and not take so much space in the future Rather than passively accepting that growth will happen, whenwee we start to ask how can preserve our economic viability without growth and what can we do to limit population growth? well, even with urban reserves there is something that really makes me kind of angry. From what I've seen with new urban developments the homes are really close together and they have no backyards. I know we need to fit a lot of peopole into this area, but maybe close isn't always best. More spread out developments alson with the rural reserves would be, in my mind, best way too go. Hence alot of people wnat more land but still being able to be close family and friends. So I say we put limits on how close homes can be, because I know wouldn't want to buy this houses because there really is no space. Reall 97124 97140 97229 97007 97007 97007 971410 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? 2s2w excellent farm land 1s1w (Cooper Mtn) need to expand housing area. Finally you are looking at rural communities. Do not put everyone in cities in sardine boxes or rural large farms. There has to be an "in between". We see rural buffers as this in between that needs to be allowed to conform their neighbors now. Take action on areas help people who live there now. Let our area have 2 -4-5 acre parcels to better support schools and businesses growth in towns like Sherwood. How much emphasis is being placed on the view shed provided by the Tualatin Mts from Washington County? These mountains provide an important benefit to those living in Bethany. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? WC WC WC WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction y world. And, the

How can we improve? You’re doing well with · outreach. We suggest adding high schools (civics or history classes, and “assemblies?”) to your list of places (hence, people) to visit. We’re planning their may tell or involve their parents. Can you encourage more newspaper/radio/TV coverage? Many neighbors are still unaware. Was this open house (event) useful to you? Yes - very well done email email yes email start on time open house Yes Association Neighborhood about this event? How did you learn e Reserves process? to be such a nice place live . .” Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural I am interested in preserving the rural nature of our community. As a 20-year resident of Old Germantown Road, I hav It’s critical to our collective future. We don’t want to wind up living in one of those places about which people say, “It used Instead, we want ecological values, agricultural productivity, and natural beauty to be here into the future, along with the human-oriented community/economic values which always have plenty of advocates. seen the destruction of farmland in Bethany area and the development of acres and into residential tract homes. I would like to preserve the wildlife paths (elk especially) and stop the development from encroaching on our rural neighborhood. public input is the easy part.

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions (lots of work thought that is) with the incentive if not sufficiently engaged, there will be considerable public outcry at the last minute, as 40- 50-year designations are about to be voted into place. I think Metro needs to lead this effort, and not rely on the three county advisory committees. The selection of a broad area to study The selection of a broad area to Note also that these forested slopes provide a sense of place for the Metro region, providing a claming, pastoral setting for the Tualatin Valley. Practically wherever you are in the Washington County, when look to the north, you see this forested range of hills that bounds us in and reminds we are part of a large landscape where the natural world can still be found. Our sense of pace would be quite different and much poorer if these slopes were covered with the same urban environment that threatens to engulf the valley floors. I’m worried about our shrinking wildlife corridors and agricultural areas near Portland. I hope my neighborhood can be/stay a rural reserve for the enjoyment of all the Portlanders who live and recreate in the neighborhood around Forest Park. From Sept. ’08 through the study/designation period more will be an opportune year to engage 97231 97231 97231 97229 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Factors in the enabling legislation are quite specific, but we mostly concerned about instances where data may be incomplete. For instance, the FEMA Floodplain Map for Washington/Multnomah County’s Rock Creek shows the floodplain extending upstream only to the county line. We have seen Abbey Creek (an eastward tributary) flood its floodplain repeatedly, a mile east of the county line! Similarly, for a 40- 50-year planning horizon, consideration should be given to the latest credible projections not too conservative, but applying the “Precautionary principle”) for sea- level rise, landslide vulnerability, water shortages in summer, etc. The ecological, carrying capacity of the Portland Basin and its watersheds needs to be part of the discussion. A final note: On the lower reaches of Tualatin Mountains, where the slopes begin to flatten and lands are suitable for farming, there is some fairly productive farmland. These lands are important to the migratory species and edge wildlife (including elk many small mammal, amphibian and bird species) that depends on them for food, while nearby forested land provides shelter, protection and connection to the larger habitat. But they are also increasingly important to urban dwellers for produce (especially fruit, vegetables and meat products). As fuel prices escalate we become more aware of the carbon costs importing our food, these local farms will become increasingly important to Metro residents, and the farms themselves will become more profitable. We need to preserve these agricultural lands from urban development as well. Not only are they important for local food production, but will continue to serve as a buffer between the urban developments and wildlife habitat of the Tualatin Mountains. n . t s men p or urban develo g hasis is on rural reserves p ricultural land in the Tualati g Response to Question 1: a is a reasonable selection of area g p e the em p Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Should study this too. [refers to Bonney Slope area - already included in study area] This ma The southwestern slopes of the Tualatin Mountains between Forest Park and the Multnomah/Washington County line are particularly suited to the designation as a rural reserve. These are where the northeastern portion of the Tualatin watershed has its origins, with the headwaters of Abbey creek and Rock Creek coursing down occasionally rugged and steep canyons. The hills are mainly rural lands, with good habitat for wildlife and a still-functioning ecosystem that supports many native species as well the Roosevelt elk that frequent area. Additional housin to study for Urban & Rural Reserves. Since this map includes virtually all of the remainin Valley, plus critical forested uplands such as the Chehalem and Tualatin Mountains, we ho After all, the area shown in white (inside the UGB) is already a large “Urban Reserve,” and still has lots of unbuilt underbuilt land! will inevitably sever the wildlife corridors that connect this area to the larger coast range ecosystem, and now is the time to make a commitment to the wildlife, both plant and animal, to the watershed of these slopes by designating the area as a rural reserve. WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? Was this open house (event) useful to you? WCRCC about this event? Participation in How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural City Official, but this is not the official position of my city. h r lan to deal wit p

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions rowth and cut down on some of the causes fo g ers and citizens that we have a

p y Bigger isn't necessarily better, as Tom McCall recognized a long time ago! Sadly, we're seeing substantially increased housing density, traffic congestion, over croweded schools, ctc. I believe we've already lost some of our high value farm land to the North Bethany development. We are blessed with some of the most fertile and productiove farmland in the entire country! Agriculture is important to our economy, and I believe we must support our small family farms and fiercely resist covering up even one more square inch of that farmland with housing or businesses! Given the projected continuing growth of our Portland Metro Area, I ask that you and the board of commmissioners stand firm to protect our farmland!!! I support strong protection for Oregon's agricultural lands. I support ofr greater farmland protection: like to eat fresh, locally grown produce and the popularity of farmer's markets shows I am not alone. Reducing uncertainty about ruban growth will reassure farmers, develo the future growth and a commitment to preserve rual lands that provides the crops support all of us. The designation of rural reserveds areas will ensure my family eats fresh for a long time. I think the idea of designating ruarl and urban reserves is a great idea. Getting Metro and the 3 urban counties to support this would go a long ways promote health global warming. Please support protecting farmlands. We have the opportunity to protect remaining farmland in the three counties. I urge you to take a strong stand in favor of doing so. Please act to preseve the remaining farmland and woodland in Washington County. I support strong protection for Oregon Agricultural Lands. This is a historic opportunity to support family farms and local farmers markets, while promoting efficient urban growth and reduced greenyouse gas emissions. I urge you to protect our valuable. Your decision will shape our region for generations to come. I support strong protection for Oregon Agricultural Lands. This is a historic opportunity to support family farms and local farmers markets, while promoting efficient urban growth and reduced greenyouse gas emissions. I urge you to protect our valuable farmland and the livability of our commmunites. 97113 97123 97223 97229 Zip code Respondent

n acent areas/roads. j ad g Response to Question 2: rotect watersheds that will be within the urba p What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? reserve areas. 3. How to creat/preserve wildlife migrationary areas. 4. How to use/protect gravel resources while not burdenin 5. How to utilize sob - regional data so that not all land use, job, housing and transportation allocations are made within only metro- wide averages. 1. How to bring socio-economic equity areas bypassed by rich development. 2. How to use Goal 5 standards to l Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Reserve Study these areas as urban reserve - rural buffer Study these areas as urban reserve - Area south of Tualatin River should be in Ruar WC WC WC WC WC WC Ruarl Reserve WC study for urban reserves WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? t g in pp Yes Yes our ma y portland. good home! down town grow crops? to have these west boarder 219, and on the bounded by the are you going to aside to protect Asphalt will not ricultural areas se south by sw bell I was not able to Tualatin wild life of life intact that refuge, going to a Leave this area as bounded by, hwy work! And where quality of life, and Was this open house does not require a Farm Land, where aside are the lands will the animals go help to keep a way g 1.5 hour drive from (event) useful to you? think is ideal to set it is very important road, on the east by to? Cement is not a software. The area I Elwert road. I think utilize a CPO CPO#6 website, website, postcard, newsletter newsletter Newsletter newspaper, about this event? CPO 4M letter Yes How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural I'm concerned that we are setting ourselves up for diastrous (sic) population growth with the continues expansion of the UBG's (sic) doubling our population will reduce the livability of the area and we'll become just an ordinary place to live. I would like to see the "south hillsboro" area which includes our property designated as an urban reserve and included in the UGB The South Hillsboro area (now rural but Hillsboro's number one priority to urbanize) is across the road (209th) from where I have lived for sixty years. South hillsboro is 2500 acres and will house 50,000 new residents, upwards toward within the next ten years.

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions because I have a vineyard and winery business, would like to valuable agricultural areas relatively close to urban areas, be set aside as agricultural areas. The benefits are protecting existing agricultural businesses (vineyards and wineries included), preserving a way of life, and providing for breaks in the urban/suburban development. I live in the Reserve Area, and this was family property, passed down to the third generation on my Mothers side, Churchley. And a lot of the third generation still lives here, on the land that was my Grandfathers While these open houses are useful, I think that the 3- county area and Metro should do a mail out survey to every tax-paying household and ask for input. The end of 2009 is much too soon to make such important decisions. Treat the west side of region as east has been treated. We need north south limited access within our county and access across the Columbia as Clackamas County & East Portland have via I-205. *A west side interstate would be an earth friendly planning effort. 97140 97223 97007 Zip code Respondent 97007-9779

a ust j rocess. not p oods & services and utilities. g le, p oe p art of the urban reserve p ort of Response to Question 2: p g modes of trans y What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? The traffic is already very heavy on SW 229th Ave. and there NO MORE room for any other traffic, unless better traffic lights (a left turn signal light) is put in, and much wider roads, unless it posted: no bicycles! The west side of the region needs an I-205 type limited access interstate corridor connecting I-5 to Hwy 99 then 26 30 and across the connecting to I-5 in North Clack Co. Planned and built as car freeway, but an express limited access public r-o-w for 21st centur *This important corridor needs to be in and on the plan as new urbanization is planned so the planning can take advantage of this trnasportation corridor. Right of way can be obtained much cheaper as planning occurs instead of after the plan is evolved (such now existing south hillsboro plan). Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? I am not able to access your mapping software. That said,I am sure you must have had many concerned and interest citizens who were not able to complete this survey. S. of T.V. Highway, West 229th, and just N. of Rosedale rd. This was Churchley family, and still is in the families, and should be kept OUT of the UGB. WC WC The wishes of property owners & their plans for the future 97123 WC WC Reconsider inclusion in UGB WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve?

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ly rocess of reserves. atent g p

p y ou for the o y political agency’s Explorer. natin limited the It is time to jurisdiction. other search regardless of g only Internet should not be and all lands tha area to remain within the tri- be, such a limit close to the tri- Metro jurisdiction and encourage more y line information. development for compatible with In particular, the within 50 years – later worry about study area should Was this open house may be developed applied so early in to its connotation reach out to cities implications – and area should live up (event) useful to you? county area, i.e. the expedient this may that it will examine Clackamas County. Firefox, rather than However politically the planning for rural reserves study Make surveys/maps reserves. The study proposed urban and jobs and housing for engines, particularly the mess Thank desi an work other CPO6 newslw newsletter postcard, at about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural If planning minimizes or maximizes driving, it will affect the quality of my life. l hborhood become industria g nei y

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Land use planner with general interest in urbanization and protection of agricultural lands, particularly in the southeast portion of the county. It is a chance to do both regional and long-term planning in support of smart growth and new urbanist goals, something yet to be done successfully in the U.S. Want to maintain city boundaries, services municipalities so we can maintain high quality agricultural lands land. Since Metro has looked at this in the past I continue to watch any new proposals regarding land use in my area. I don't want to see m 97124 97124 97062 97224 97007 Zip code Respondent Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Changes in the marketplace and consumer preferences for Locally grown food produced near and even within urban areas. Driving distrances/commute time to the job growth areas near outer edges of the current UGB. Ability small towns, such as Banks, North Plains and Gaston, to expand. Agricultural priority of above described lands in the next 20 years or so. With gas prices going up, sitting in traffic will be much more expensive. Today (on my drive in) NPR mentioned places in the country where bedroom communities are seeing lower occupancy. Metro needs to set planning so growth makes sense. Regarding 1n22, I am intereste in seeing the long term vision for land north of West Union being residential, I grew up in the Stafford area, and Helvetia would make a lovely candidate for similar option west/north of Portland.

l ackson Schoo J osed reserves for area South of Response to Question 1: p ro p 26 between Glencoe/ y Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? 1s4w. The study area should include the around Gaston to give this rural town a little room to expand. Demand for more locally grown food produced near or even within urban areas; commute distance/time to the new job growth areas on the outer edges of current UGB Hw Rd. and Evergreen Rds? The areas look good to me. I am primarily interested in 1n2w as I live there. I cannot read the map; it is in a compressed window and only partially viewable. Can you send me a better map of the WC WC See the answer to survey question 7. See the answer to survey question 7. WC 1n2w Need for more white collar jobs 97124-2540 Protect the farmlands WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? How can we improve?

on g d ive l ave h farm. We from these had a lot of subdivision our farmin dust, debris, where we had a it, it seems they around our farm last five years on farm. The rest is to happen our our small 20 acre We land surrounding Was this open house Was this open house We have even had 18 years. We have area, but since the constantly have to small part in a tree now in clover. We trimming the trees (event) useful to you? (event) useful to you? the Sheriff called as in farming our land. development in the our farm for almost listen to complaints County had allowed would back us up in neighbors about the chemicals, etc., used they did not like our NEVER wanted this other CPO6 Yes Mailer Yes about this event? about this event? How did you learn How did you learn Reserves process? Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Our property is adjacent to the current UGB lines.

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Additional comments and suggestions We have been surrounded by some 30 homes in our farm area in the last five years. We have seen our taxes go out of sight in trying to support the growth Sherwood Community and the new tax assessments from fire, police, school bonds, library, etc...... We have a lot of problems and concerns trying to farm in an area that is inconsistent from nonfarm uses we are surrounded by. We need this problem solved. 30 of the following statements were delivered: I support protection for Oregon's agricultural lands. Metro and the counties of Washington, Clackamas Multnomah will be jointly designating rural and urban reservs. This is an historic opportunity to support family farms and local farmers' marekets, while promoting efficient urban growth and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Your decision will shape our region for generations to come. I urge you to protect our valuable farmland and the livability of our communities. 97116 97140 97007 Zip code Zip code Respondent Respondent reduce farmable NOT Response to Question 2: Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? The enormous growth of the towns that these parcels support and the economic impact development could have for supporting tax base of these areas where new schools and other needs are prevalent. Proximity to Freeways Burden to existing systems Burden to existing communities 1) Area is in the service location of current city Forest Grove Power and Light Fire District 2) Adding this land to the Urban Reserve will acreage. This property has several ravines making it unsuitable for farming. 3) The City of Forest Grove is interested in including this porperty for its future expansion plans. Response to Question 1: Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Committee should study and analyze further? We think the area we are talking about is 2S2W, West of the town Sherwood. WC WC WC WC CC,MC, CC,MC, WC,Metro WC,Metro Jurisdiction Jurisdiction How can we improve? Was this open house (event) useful to you? NRCS NRCS Mailer Yes News-Times Yes about this event? How did you learn Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural To maintain the agricultural lands for farming. I am also interested in helping to establish greenways, trails, green corridors, and open spaces before development takes place. Personal as well professional, I am a Farmer. Personal as well professional, I am a Farmer. Our property is adjacent to the current UGB lines.

i e g

● ● . . y y Fed Rules. y TVlD on east ● Trail could be ublic benefit. I ur ● ear b p y reat for count reat for count g g Trail could be utilized for ● y ert p Fed Rules. ublic. A Metro natural area on h ro y p p le's ear b p y eo p

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Creek from North Plains to Hillsboro y 17,500 acres can be watered/ y Glencoe becomes main thoroughfare connectivity to All utilities are there already (72" waterline All utilities are there already (72" waterline Crossing Road becomes difficult with farm TVlD on east side of Glencoe would be isolated and Glencoe becomes main thoroughfare connectivity to Crossing Road becomes difficult with farm Watersheds (origin) and water reservoirs should be outside the development zone. The example that comes to mind is Henry hagg lake that has already being planned for increased water needs in the future. This could mean raising water levels 40' above current boundaries. Why allow further building here when it may be flooded in the future. ● neighboring cities. I understand Metro and the counties of Washington, Clackamas and Multnomah will be jointly designating rural and urban reserves. I urge you to protect the rights of private property owners. The owners of private land are always Metro's last consideration if considered at all. Oregon has become a poster state for abuse of property rights. Dorothy English went to her grave never realizing the value of her land. She was impoverished by Multnomah County in their zeal to provide "green space". Dorothy's home was in a state of disrepair. The carpets wre worn, her furniture was old and everything needed paint repair. It was obvious she had no resources to keep her moe looking nice. Yet she owned land worth many millions of dollars that she couldn't use. What Multnomah County did to Dorothy was shameful. Now Metro is embarking on another path to find ways to use other on McKa ● @evergreen) gas, etc. ● @evergreen) gas, etc. ● equipment and a liability to traffic. Good for utilizing the Sunset and Glencoe commercial uses which will be ● onl ● neighboring cities. utilized on McKay Creek from North Plains to Hillsboro side of Glencoe would be isolated and only 17,500 acres can be watered/ ● equipment and a liability to traffic. Good for utilizing the Sunset and Glencoe commercial uses which will be you to stop the madness. Portland has plenty of parks. Metro already has many "natural" areas hled in reserve that are closed to the 97116 97116 97106 97106 Zip code Respondent reduce farmable NOT Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? No building or zoning for development should be allowed in the 100 year flood plain areas. 1) Area is in the service location of current city Forest Grove Power and Light Fire District 2) Adding this land to the Urban Reserve will acreage. This property has several ravines making it unsuitable for farming. 3) The City of Forest Grove is interested in including this porperty for its future expansion plans. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? The areas that have (steep) a slpe - i.e. foothills of the coastal range, should not be included in the urban reserve. East of Glencoe between North Plains and Hillsboro should be included. East of Glencoe between North Plains and Hillsboro should be included. WC WC WC WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction How can we improve? Yes Was this open house (event) useful to you? other Email from Newsletter Yes Open house News-Times Yes Charbonneau about this event? meeting on 7/10 How did you learn s s r w , Censu y reflect ho y ton Count g should clearl ] Reserves process? school on Elwert Rd. A wate y . 99 and the Sherwood YMCA. It ha y Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Following up on my visit to Metro this morning, I was advised to write you, expressing my strong support for the inclusion of [our] property within the current Urban Growth Boundary. A close examination of this parcel [19525 SW Kruger Rd., Sherwood, OR 97140, 7.88 acres in Washin The direct impact on where I live. visual impact on those driving I-5 through and south of Wilsonville. The impact on agriculture and recreation. The impact on the quality of life residents and visitors to the area. To maintain the agricultural lands for farming. I am also interested in helping to establish greenways, trails, green corridors, and open spaces before development takes place. Effect on self, children and grandchildren and our collective quality of life. Tract 322.00/1 under-utilized it is and its flexibility for a variety of immediate and future uses greater value to the neighborhood and its surroundings. Our property is located approximately one-quarter mile west of Hw excellent access to commercial traffic and retail amenities as well the new elementar tower has been erected on a nearby parcel across the street, and a new community church has recently been built in close proximity, a few 100 feet down the street. Additionally, it has a clear vista of Mt. Hood as well city lights and other features desirable for multi-family development or public projects offering neighborhood support services.

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Oregon land use is messy. I am a CPO leader in Washington County. My concern is citizens feel an erosion of land use rights, and the cost regulation is opposing housing affordability. Transportation is lacking the concurrency of needed funding. I advocate for less regulation based on the theory that land owners should have the freedom to do as they please with the responsibility of completely mitigating impacts to others. Watersheds (origin) and water reservoirs should be outside the development zone. The example that comes to mind is Henry hagg lake that has already being planned for increased water needs in the future. This could mean raising water levels 40' above current boundaries. Why allow further building here when it may be flooded in the future. 97116 97140 97140 97007 97002 Zip code Respondent l can -- how much wi y onentiall p Response to Question 2: costs will continue to increase ex gy What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? Designating rural reserves is of utmost importance. In our area that would be to stop development south of the Willamette River. The creation of a corridor similar to Seattle Tacoma would be the most negative impact on the quality of life our cities and counties that I can imagine. Any development of agricultural and recreational lands in that area would create a cascade of sprawl. Most Oregonians live here for a high quality of life and that includes the beauty farmlands. Proximity to existing freeways. Using that tool will reduce costs and headaches associated with new infrastructure. help the area achieve a high degree of self-sufficiency in terms food supply, potable water and transportation. Assume, if you will, that ener No building or zoning for development should be allowed in the 100 year flood plain areas. I believe a process such as this should prepare the areas for both good economic times and bad. To that, please consider energy costs now for today and the likely costs in future. Good planning that cause a loaf of bread or gallon milk to cost if these items cannot be reasonably produced locally? The next 50 years are likely to be critical as the US develops other energy sources that can perpetuate the agri-business - urban living relationship. Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? The areas that have (steep) a slpe - i.e. foothills of the coastal range, should not be included in the urban reserve. WC WC WC Yes WC WC CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction

e. g ts. p extensive attem y ite m p Make materials accessible! Microsoft and MapOptix are not the solution. All the puplic meetings were during a short period and in the summer. My work travel and vacations fill this period of the year and didn't allow me to attend. I hope there will be additional public review and comment periods in the future. I have involved myself in the planning of area 63 and 64 to the fullest extent possible without being included on the Stake Holders Work Group des I want to live and work in a community that will be pleasant and desirable for generations to come. I also work in the real estate development industry and do not want to see mistakes made that will prevent appropriate development to meet the needs of future users. Rural preserves along HWY 26 are terribly important to this preservation. In the 25 years we've lived in Rock Creek we've seen significant and noticable reductions in the birds and other wildlife in our neighborhood and surrounding areas. The amount of development already allowed within the urban growth boundaries has got to be balanced with maintaining corridors for wildlife, watersheds and plants to follow towards the coast ran other friend Just keep us informed website newsletter Newspaper, website, other Additional Questionnaire Questions e in which I liv y ortant to the communit p Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input I believe its im To see that rural reserves are set aside from development. to have a well thought out plan that will serve my family and their children for many years to come. Appropriate planning for transportation is greatly important to me. As gas and other energy costs continue to raise finding more efficient routes get different parts of town is becoming increasingly important. Additionally, the ability to have access by bike to various parts of the city is desirable. I own property in Multnomah Co bordering Washington Co. on Springville Rd Quality of life for my family in this area, protection wildlife migration corridors, maintaining fair development rules across current zoning areas. We want access to sustainably grown local produce and eggs and meat, since urban lot sizes are decreasing, we need small farms interspersed. 97035 I live on the edge. 97229 97224 97224 p should be available to all browsers. The ma p could be a PDF which can also zoomed in on. The map even be a Google map overlay. You are excluding respondents. Reviewing recent expansion errors or omissions to identify those areas where bringing additional land inside the boundary will allow areas like Area 63 and 64 to be planned more efficiently creating a complete community. There are should also be consideration given to future connectivity/transportation of areas such as South Hillsboro, West Beaverton and Sherwood. Additionally, take advantage of existing transportation and infrastructure. Any land north of the Tualatin River from Hwy 99 in Tigard west to Hillsboro Hwy into is better suited for growth than long term agricultural use. Why do we continue to allow population forcasts force people who move to Oregon in the future only go where people are now? Why can't we build in different areas that give a diverse picture of Oregon and spread the positives negatives of development across the state. Public access to the ma You might look at historical bird count information from the Portland Audubon Society as a source of wildlife impact due to development in these areas. f d g Metro, Plannin y rovided b p ures g aration of urban and rural areas. Base on fi p p 1S2W-2S1W-2S2W-3S1E: These areas should be considered among the highest priority for inclusion into Urban areas. There is a natural boundary in each of these areas specifically the Tualatin and Willamette Rivers. These resources provide a natural line of demarcation for se u and Transportation authorities as well the market point to these areas for desirable growth. Transportation and infrastructure can be easily contained within the area and 40 years of growth can be accomodated in these and well as areas north of hwy 26. I firmly believe that the market, people who actually live and work in these areas, to decide where they want to live and work rather than having government decide for them. Bend Road and Hwy 99W (along the Tualatin River out to the National Wildlife Refuge) should be set aside as a Rural Reserve. Area 2S2W: The area along the Tualatin River should be set aside as a Rural Reserve. To view the map requires MS Internet Explorer, the only browser supported by Washington County's program. The error: The MapOptix 5.2 Mapping Interface can only be viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Please look for cross-browser support in future versions. I can not view the map since don't have IE and it is not available for Apple Mac computers. Area 2S1W: The entire area between Bee WC WC WC 1n1wWC Good plannned growth Yes, please include all areas in map 97053 WC f How can we improve? How can we improve? The North Bethany Project is a well planned project meeting the requirements and desires of planners. It is largely self contained which will eliminate travel and provides plans for schools. All conflicted ag lands should be considered for boundery expansion if the individual parcels meet environmental regulations. We also need land set aside for low cost housing within these conflicted lands. The amount o Keep the older tree groves! We all need our trees now! more open houses after summer tax income from ag lands and the amount of actual contribution to the overall ag income of the state is much exagerated. Was this open house Was this open house (event) useful to you? (event) useful to you? other friend newsletter Newspaper about this event? about this event? How did you learn How did you learn Reserves process? Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural l lanted that wil p et re g s that g

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Additional comments and suggestions I have adjoining land and need some direction as to the future so that I can plan the best ultization of land To protect the livability of land and I care about our environment and the negative impact we are creating with high density. Let the people move some place else, if we have fewer houses then the house prices will go up and people move else where. The older trees that are cut down for developments the best at cleaning our air, handling water run off, keeping houses cooler not the twi take 40 years to do what the bigger older trees now. It affects our property and values concerning private property rights We live here we work and anything you do will have a direct inpact on us. We are here for the dark skies that will be lost if you urbanize this area 97217 97123 97124 97224 Zip code Zip code Respondent Respondent d don't have trees an y Response to Question 2: Response to Question 2: for farm fields that alread y What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? 1. Such additions such as the North Bethany Project should be encouraged. The need for UGB expansion is greatest in this region due to growth in green manufacturing, educational facilities serving these industries, and the service industries connected to such growth. This would help the overcrowded hyways. Promote jobs, increase tax income and releive stress on builders land holders who are experiencing financial problems due to indecision and delaying manuvers. is already flat lands. Don't allow builder to cram houses in because of wetland/slopes. When the developer buys a piece of property and it can only have three houses because of the slope, then they build three houses not cram five into the same space. Roads need to be widen and improved before any more development happens. Reserve mass densit proximity to utilities, highway and communter roads, close urban growth boundary What are the chances of getting appropriate raodage into this area with all the environmental constraints. Don't we have enogh traffic nightmares already?

e y is y lac p hbor need some g Response to Question 1: Response to Question 1: hborhood. No more mass densit g Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Committee should study and analyze further? until the streets are able to handle increased traffic and Roy Rogers has already failed and 99W is over crowded. The deers in the nei to go. Keeping trees should be a number one priority and build around the trees or have the developer build one/two less homes for more trees. The mass densit having a negative effect on the environment and the liveability of this area! Area north of Hillsboro (had problem with link to map) between Jackson school Road and Glencoe, south including Waibel Creek. 2s3w Why are we taking this farm and forest and watershed land into the urban growth boundary? Between gas prices and food prices shouldn't we be considering local farming as a good benefit to Hillsboro? 2s1w area, I would like to keep this area as it is currently. I don't want mass density in this area, we already has mass density two blocks over. This is an older established neighbor and current growth should be constant with the setting of the nei WC 1N1W WC WC WC CC,MC, CC,MC, WC,Metro WC,Metro Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Thank you for facilitating this public process and all the meetings you are setting up for comments. friend News-Times Additional Questionnaire Questions

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input To maintain the agricultural lands for farming. I am also interested in helping to establish greenways, trails, green corridors and open spaces before development takes place. I want to protect and improve the ecosystem quality of life our region. 97116 Our property is adjacent to the current UGB lines.97116 mailer 97219 I want some say in how the region grows 97016 Personal as well professional -- I am a farmer. NRCE 97229 e d of Forest Grov y rotections, i.e. the lan p . 3) The Cit g reduce farmable acreage. This property has several it unsuitable for farmin g ueness of the site. If there are other q ravines makin is a State Park, etc. is interested in including this property for its future expansion plans. No building or zoning for development should be allowed in the 100- year floodplain areas. 1) Area is in the service location of current city Forest Grove Power and Light Fire District. 2) Adding this land to urban not reserve will The uni t d d e too (see g 26 at 6 an y e (hw g , the urban traffic tha g line and Germantown Roa y interchan y rotect the south face of these hill p and runnin hwa g g clin y item 4 below). 3. It's so important to protect our rural area. There's wildlife like elk, incredible number of residents from both side of the ridge use if for c We live at Sk The areas [on west side of metro area] that have steep slope, i.e., foothills of the Coastal Range, should not be included in the urban reserve. Watersheds (origin) and water reservoirs should be outside the development zone. The example that comes to min is Henry Hagg Lake that has already being planned for increased water needs in the future. This could mean raising water levels 40' above current boundaries. Why allow further building here when it may be flooded in the future? East of Glencoe between North Plains and Hillsboro should be included [in study area]. *Glencoe becomes main thoroughfare connecting to neighboring cities. *Trail could be utilized on McKay Creek from North Plains to Hillsboro. *TV/D on east side of Glencoe would be isolated and only 17,500 acres can be watered per year by federal rules. *Crossing road becomes difficult with farm equipment and a liability to traffic. *Good for utilizing the Sunset and Glencoe for commercial uses which will be great for county. *All utilities are there already (72nd waterline at Evergreen), gas, etc. and we'd like our area to be in a Rural Reserve. The draft map looks pretty good, but: 1. We like the current map, especially for our area. 2. Please be sure that the study area includes hills north of Hwy 26 at Banks. They added the hi 47) plus a nearby wetland to the study area. But they should also include the hillsides north of the interchan cuts through Forest Park, the healthy streams that nurture the ecosytem, etc. 4. The rural farms and forests on the south side of the Tualatin Mountains provides a strong "sense of place" for the Tualatin Valley plus can be a growing source of fresh food for residents in the area. These green hills, stretching from Forest Heights to the Coast Range, are part of what makes this area unique. If we can Property location: 4143 NW Thatcher Road, Forest Grove, OR 97116 2s2w Off Bald Peak Rd. A unique landscape. WC WC WC WC WC How can we improve? How can we improve? Was this open house Was this open house (event) useful to you? (event) useful to you? website Newsletter Newsletter about this event? about this event? How did you learn How did you learn Reserves process? Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural In the 25 years we've lived in Rock Creek we've seen significant and noticable reductions in the birds and other wildlife in our neighborhood and surrounding areas. The amount of development already allowed within the urban growth boundaries has got to be balanced with maintaining corridors for wildlife, watersheds and plants to follow towards the coast range. Rural preserves along HWY 26 are terribly important to this preservation. I am very concerned with preserving our open spaces,and the problems of over population. rovided for? Or are rural reserves p

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions Additional comments and suggestions by definition different from open space? Overall concerns: High cost of gas will affect agricultural transport Expanding public transit Maintain close-in farming Close in recreation Community gardens Biking/walking opportunities everywhere Overall - Look for natural barriers Sandy River, Willamette River at Wilsonville, Sauvie Island The Reserves Process is the future of development in the Portland Metro Area. Overall - We need overlays [on the questionnaire maps] of DOA designations Additional comment: need a better map - more overlays - soils & drainage, forests Overall - if an area is ultimately deemed "urban reserve", how do we play for/assure that open spaces (as a form of rural reserves) are Quality of life for my family in this area, protection wildlife migration corridors, maintaining fair development rules across current zoning areas. We want access to sustainably grown local produce and eggs and meat, since urban lot sizes are decreasing, we need small farms interspersed. This on line news letter is all I know of the 'STUDY'. What will be the expected outcome? More houses? More crowding? Not good. 97229 97006 Zip code Zip code Respondent Respondent Response to Question 2: Response to Question 2: What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? You might look at historical bird count information from the Portland Audubon Society as a source of wildlife impact due to development in these areas. Reasonable extension of services, proximity to current expansion areas, organized interest from property owners. of Beaverton. y Response to Question 1: Response to Question 1: ical extension of the Cit g Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? Committee should study and analyze further? I think all 3 counties lands should be included in the study area so that there is long-term planning for the entire area - not just part of it. Yes, please include all areas in map [agrees to Draft Study Area] 2S1W - Between Areas 63 and 64, Roy Rogers and Beef Bend, should be considered Urban Reserves, as it is a logical extension of West Bull Mt. 1N1W - Betweeen Areas 87/93/94 this area should be considered for Urban Reserves as it is a logical expansion of Washington County and the City of Portland 1S1W - Between Areas 64 and 67 (South Cooper Mt.) should be considered for Urban Reserves as it is a lo Metro Metro Metro Metro Metro Metro Metro Metro I don't know what "information" they are considering to start with. 97133 CC,MC, CC,MC, WC,Metro WC,Metro Jurisdiction Jurisdiction How can we improve? more open communications The map needs to be bigger, easier to use, and more instructions on how to move about. A map that works Was this open house (event) useful to you? work website through newsletter Newspaper postcard, at Charboneau Country Club about this event? How did you learn g ional and lon g Reserves process? Additional Questionnaire Questions Why are you interested in the Urban and Rural Land use planner by profession, and interested as a citizen in the future of region. Yes term planning in support of smart growth and new urbanist goals, something yet to be done successfully in the U.S. It is a chance to do both re I have property in the reserve that owned for over 50 years am trying to sell and thanks to the economy your thinking the land is yours I have lost a small fortune the last 4 years? I have lived in Washington County my whole life and have seen the changes that have occurred in 40+ years. In travels across the country I have seen how urban sprawal does not work and makes me appreciate the process we have in our area. . n f r s y roces p state o robabl

ortion o oose. B ed withi y y p p p pp boundaries ion y g e of Sca g be develo y to this re about the mess g y orates I-5. 2. That p le movin p to the southern ed ion without state or count p g and all lands that ma y

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input Additional comments and suggestions ion and the reserve areas without an g borders. Peo y ine the re lications – and later worr g p 50 years – regardless of jurisdiction and political im of designating reserves. In particular, the study area should reach out to cities close the tri-county border and along major transportation routes extending out of the tri-county area. More specifically, the study area should include: 1. That portion of Yamhill County west to OR 219, south 214, and east to the Willamette River. This brings study area to Newberg, St. Paul, Donald, Hubbard, and Woodburn. It also incor Columbia County along U.S. 30 west to the Washington County line, east to the Multnomah Channel, and u In fact, it would be interesting to see a map of the Metro re count do not consider those boundaries very much in their locational choices. The taxpayers and people who live in the area should take a high priority in this decision making over paid lobbyists! Ima Metro patently limited the proposed urban and rural reserves study area to remain within the tri-county area, i.e. the agency’s jurisdiction. However politically expedient this may be, such a limit should not be applied so early in the planning for reserves. The study area should live up to its connotation that it will examine an 97116 97202 97070 97224 Zip code Respondent t et to those destinations. No g will y Response to Question 2: to/from and how the g What additional information should be considered in defining these study areas? allowing nursery "farms" to ruin good farm land by just throwing down gravel over the valuable soil and not actually planting anything in the ground. French Prairie has themost fertile land for food/nursery products in the USA. Once developed and paved with concrete, it will be gone forever. This area is favored with rain, fertile land and farmers who wish to continue farming. Thers is no need for service jobs in casinos, warehousing, retail, etc, over the need for food! Our agricultural products are the state's biggest export and we must fight ot keep land uses for agriculture. Development of resort destinations, warehousing and trasnportation must not be allowed along the I-5 corridor. This area is unique in the USA and must remain rural. Food production must take precidence and priority over business. Needless to say, water/woods/I-5 interchanges and other costs will make this development extremely costly. Keep French Prairie Rural! While preserving as much valuable farmland possible, taking a realistic look at where development will have to occur for residential, commercial, and industrial growth. Where are people living commutin Changes in consumer preferences for locally grown, organically produced agricultural products that may favor smaller parcels, close to or even within urban areas. Ability of small rural towns (Gaston, Banks, Aurora, Barlow, etc) to grow. Impact of growth in neighboring counties, particularly Yamhill and Marion counties. See the answer to survey question 7. 97062 Response to Question 1: Are these the areas that Reserves Steering Committee should study and analyze further? 3s2w:The study area should also past the Sherwood area and continue into Newberg, Lafayette, and McMinnville. Thousands of people commute to Portland area jobs from this and farming is also important. 1s4w, 2s4w: All of the Gaston area, Yamhill, Carlton, and all of the area surrounding Henry Hagg Lake should be included in the study area for the same reasons mentioned above. I realize that this is mostly about the tri-county area, but these areas are already have residents working in the Portland area and will be growing in population along with the rest of the Portland Metro area. 4s1w. The area west and north of Auora, near the airport, should be considered for future industrial uses. The study area should include the area between current boundary (the creek) and I-5 (even though it is within Marion County). Metro Metro CC,MC, WC,Metro Jurisdiction This on line news letter is all I know of the 'STUDY'. What will be the expected outcome? More houses? crowding? Not good. other newsletter

Urban and Rural Reserves - Phase II Compiled Public Input I am very concerned with preserving our open spaces,and the problems of over population. I have property in the reserve that owned for over 50 years am trying to sell and thanks the economy and your thinking the land is yours I have lost a small fortune the last 4 years? 97202 I don't know what "information" they are considering to start with. 97133 a map that works Metro Metro