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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Vol. 129 No. 40 Friday, December 9, 2011 Minnedosa, Manitoba Canada R0J 1E0 90 cents + tax All aboard the Holiday Train Photos by Darryl Holyk Th e Canadian Pacifi c Holiday Train rolled into Minnedosa shortly before 8 p.m. on Sunday, December 4th. On-board were Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman and Canadian music legends Tracey Brown and Valdy (pictured at left). Canadian Pacifi c presented the Minnedosa and Area Food Bank with a $2,000.00 donation during the Holiday Train visit. See full story on Page 9 ONE DAY ONLY - FOR NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS The Minnedosa Tribune 20% One Year Subscription $26.40 off ! – Anywhere in Canada plus tax! Subscripti on Sale (New subscripti ons only) Visit Th e Minnedosa Tribune at 13 4th Ave. S.W. or call (204) 867-3816. nd THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (By phone or in person only.) 2 Friday, December 9, 2011 Th e Minnedosa Tribune Children share wish lists with Santa By DARRYL HOLYK he annual Santa Day Tcelebration hosted by Th e Minnedosa Chamber of Commerce was once again a huge success. For two hours on Sat- urday, December 3rd, a steady stream of children lined-up at the Minnedosa Community Conference Centre for their turn to meet Santa, tell him what they want for Christmas and have their photo taken on his lap. Photo by Amanda Boyd Local Photographer, People of all ages enjoyed wagon rides compliments of Minnedosa Denis of Photoz by Dez Credit Union during Saturday’s Santa Day. and his elf helper, Deb, captured the children’s Christmas oranges were compliments of Minnedo- “Th e Chamber is hap- visit with Santa with the provided to children com- sa Credit Union. py to provide the grad com- Chamber providing one pliments of Saler’s Back- “It’s always so awe- mittee with this opportu- free 4 x 6 colour print for hoe and Trucking with some to see the hayrides nity to support their cause,” families. Th roughout the the Christmas tree used in going past,” said Cham- mentioned Beth. event, a total of 74 photos the photos on loan from ber representative and lo- Besides the Santa Day were taken. Photos can be Minnedosa Home Hard- cal business owner, Beth activites at MCCC, this an- picked up at Th e Fashion ware. McNabb. “It really enhanc- nual event gives people an House. Th e horse-drawn wag- es the day.” opportunity to visit local In addition to photos on rides through down- In the MCCC canteen, businesses and do some Photo by Amanda Boyd with Santa, children in at- town Minnedosa were en- students from the 2012 Christmas shopping in the tendance enjoyed holi- joyed by people of all ages. MCI Grad Class provided Minnedosa business dis- Free photos with Santa continue to be a hit day treats, colouring and Th e wagon rides were pro- lunch as a grad fundraiser trict. with participants of Santa Day. other festive activities. vided by Bruce Sharpe and and raised a total of $83.00. )RXU6HDVRQV5HSDLU)RXU6HDVRQV5HSDLU $UPLWDJH$YH 0LQQHGRVD0%0LQQHGRVD0% TheThe Fashion House 0RQ)UL6DW ¶<RXUSODFHWR&KULVWPDV6KRS·S 25% OFF WinterWinter Coats & *LIWV7KH\·OO/RYH*LIWV7KH\·OO/RYH SelectedSelected SportswearSportswear :DUPDQG&RPIRUWDEOH:DUPDQG&RPIRUWDEOH NO TAXTAX SAVINGSSAVINGS 0DQ\6W\OHV&RORXUVDQG0DQ\0DQ\6W\OHV&RORXUVDQG6W\OHV&RORXUVDQG continuecontinue on Sweaters & 6L]HVDYDLODEOHLQVWRUHIRU66L]HVDYDLODEOHLQVWRUHIRUL]HVDYDLODEOHLQVWRUHIRU CoordinatesCoordinates .LGV:RPHQDQG0HQ.LGV:RPHQDQG0HQ Just arrived from MexicoMexico :HDUH\RXU2QH6WRS6KRS:HDUH\RXU:HDUH\RXU2QH6WRS6KRS2QH6WRS6KRS DUNESDUNES CRUISE & BEACHBEACH WEARWEAR IRUDOO\RXUVQRZPRELOHDQGIIRUDOO\RXUVQRZPRELOHDQGRUDOO\RXUVQRZPRELOHDQG *GIFT CERTIFICATES*CERTIFICATES* $79QHHGV)URPEHOWVRLOV$79QHHGV)URPEHOWV$79QHHGV)URPEHOWVRLOVRLOV *FREE GIFT WRAPPING*WRAPPING* VSDUNSOXJVDQGPRUHVSDUNSOXJVDQGPRUH *CHRISTM*CHRISTMASAS WISH LISTSLISTS** Extended ShoShoppingpping HourHourss :HKDYHLW DecemberDecember 22nd 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.p.m. December 23rd 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.p 3RODULV&),,4FOHDQVKDSHUHYHUVH3RODULV&),,4FOHDQVKDSHUHYHUVH 7KH)DVKLRQ+RXVH7KH)DVKLRQ+RXVH The µ<RXUSODFHWR&KULVWPDV6KRS¶µ<RXUSODFHWR&KULVWPDV6KRS¶ 3RODULV)67,4/;HOHFWULFVWDUWUHYHUVH3RODULV)67,4/;HOHFWULFVWDUWUHYHUVH Fashion HousHousee 0DLQ6W60LQQHGRVD0DLQ6W60LQQHGRVD 3RODULV7UDLO7RXULQJHOHFWULFVWDUWUHYHUVH Minnedosa,Minnedosa, MB 3RODULV7UDLO7RXULQJUHYHUVH3RODULV7UDLO7RXULQJUHYHUVH Th e Minnedosa Tribune Friday, December 9, 2011 3 Community talent Junior Girls headed to Provincials featured in Mecca By AMANDA BOYD innedosa’s Junior MGirls curling rink Production of Annie of Jennifer Curle, Gillian Lewis, Paxton Johnson and Hailey Surovy will be com- By AMANDA BOYD It was right up my alley. peting in this year’s Mani- I’ve always admired Carol toba Junior Curling Cham- ecca Productions Burnette, who played Miss pionship. Th e girls won opened Annie, its Hanigan in the1982 movie, M both of their games last 13th musical, to a packed so to get this role was really weekend during the West- house Th ursday evening, special.” man Regionals, held in Ha- November 24th at the Dylan Woodcock, who miota; the fi rst against Ani- WMCA in Brandon. Th e played Rooster Hanigan, sha Brown of Hamiota and story of precociously op- is also from Minnedosa the second against Genelle timistic orphan trying to and is currently attending Vachon of Brandon. Va- fi nd her family in depres- Brandon University. Dylan chon’s rink also won a spot sion-era America, Annie has been performing since at the Provincials after win- features the well-known 2002 and fi rst performed ning their game against songs Hard-Knock Life and with Mecca in 2008. Al- Brown. Tomorrow, and is a story though school takes up a Th e Manitoba Curl- everyone can relate to. lot of his time now, Dylan ing Championship will be Annie ran from Th urs- enjoys being able to escape held in Minnedosa January day, November 24th until into the world of musical 5th to 9th, 2012. It is the Sunday, November 27th, theatre. “It’s nice to know fi rst time in 20 years that Photo submitted with a rehearsal matinee that even though I choose Minnedosa has hosted the for over 800 Brandon and not to make a career out of (L-R) Paxton Johnson, Hailey Surovy, Gillian Lewis and Jennifer Curle event. Interestingly, 1991 area students Th ursday af- it I’m still active enough in have won a place at the Manitoba Junior Curling Championship, was also the last time a ternoon. Although Mecca it to learn new things, enjoy to be held in Minnedosa next January. Minnedosa rink won a spot has staged Annie before, myself and hopefully bene- to compete at the Junior the 2011 version features fi t other people’s lives too.” Provincials. many new aspects for au- When asked why he audi- diences to enjoy, such as tioned for Annie this year, a revised script and a new Dylan replied, “Rooster is song. a part I’ve wanted to play Performers from com- since I was a little kid.” As munities across west- with any production, there Correction ern Manitoba including were some stressful mo- Souris, Rivers, Minnedosa ments, especially when ncorrect information and Erickson had travelled Dylan’s microphone broke Iappeared in last week’s for weekend rehearsals on opening night, but roll- edition regarding the since early September in ing with the punches is all Minnedosa Kinettes do- 1(:/81&+0(18 preparation for opening a part of theatre and Dylan nation to the Bugg family. night. More than 60 young said he had the most fun Th e money donated will DPWRSP girls, from Grade 1 to when he and his two other not be used to purchase a Grade 9, were members of cast members, Janice Dal- service dog, but will fund the orphan chorus and the ton and Allison Isaak, were its care and equipment re- 1(: lead role of Annie went to practicing together. “We quirements. Th e dog is be- Jessica Granger and Avery were the three bad guys ing provided to the family Boneless Wings Th e Tribune 1(: Praznik. so when we got together it at no charge. With two diff erent made for some pretty in- sincerely appologies to all $2.49/100gr casts, audiences were given teresting dynamics.” involved for this error. Soft Taco’s Teriyaki & a glimpse into two similar, A place to learn and Honey Garlic yet unique interpretations grow together, Mecca Pro- $2.49 of the story. “It turns the ductions prides itself in show into an entirely dif- being a family-orientat- If your label reads ferent experience,” agreed ed theatre company and Minnedosa cast member, as such there are always 11 /12 /31 Janice Dalton. “For exam- many children, parents It’s time to renew! ple, the character of Daddy and grandparents working $OVR$YDLODEOH Warbucks was portrayed in together every year. Annie two very unique ways by was no diff erent and orga- Call 867-3816 +RW'RJV :UDSV two people, and both were nizers are looking forward incredible.” to staging their next pro- )DUPHU6DXVDJH 3L]]DE\WKHVOLFH Janice has been per- duction, Nunsense. forming in community 6XEV 7DFR6DODG theatre since she was a 0DLQ6WUHHW1RUWK child, but this was her fi rst FARMS WANTED time working with Mecca. 0LQQHGRVD0% “Th at was my fi rst time Grain Farms Ɣ Mixed Farms on the Westman stage. It Considering Selling was terrifying. I got the shakes lots of times, but your Farm? the people there are really I have clients looking to supportive and encourag- buy now! ing.” Janice played Miss Rick Taylor 867-7551 TRIBUNE PRINTING Hanigan, the cruel owner Phone: (204) 867-3816 [email protected] of the orphanage where Email: [email protected] Annie lives. “Th at was fun. 4 Friday, December 9, 2011 Th e Minnedosa Tribune Darryl A. Holyk - Publisher & Editor- [email protected] Shop local, shop Canadian By DARRYL HOLYK before heading out-of-town to support out-of-town Around businesses and communities.