Rapid City Beach & Reservoir Committee April 12, 2018 Ms. Tracey Braun, M. Sc. Director, Environmental Approvals Sustainable Development 123 Main Street, Suite 160 Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 1A5 RE: PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE RAPID CITY RESERVOIR. ENVIRONMENT ACT PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FOR A CLASS 2 DEVELOPMENT. Dear Ms. Braun On behalf of the Rapid City Beach and Reservoir Committee, Cando Contracting, and our main proponent, the RM of Oakview, please find attached our Environment Act Proposal submission for the above‐mentioned project. This application is for Environmental Approval to carry out the restoration of the Rapid City Reservoir by excavating the large amount of silt and debris that has accumulated over the last 20 years including the two major flood years of 2011 and 2014. We trust that the enclosed application contains sufficient information for your staff to complete a licence for our project. Should the reviewer require any additional information or require any clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact myself. Yours truly Robert Christie Project Manager/Rapid City Beach and Reservoir Committee
[email protected] ENVIRONMENT ACT PROPOSAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following Environment Act Proposal (EAP) is submitted on behalf of the Rural Municipality of Oakview ( Main Proponent ), Cando Contracting Ltd. And the Rapid City Beach and Reservoir Committee. The EAP is for a Class 2 Development Licence under the Manitoba’s Environment Act for the restoration of the Rapid City Reservoir. This document provides the information required from Sustainable Development’s Environment Act Proposal Report Guidelines. Attached to this EAP is the Project Proposal : Rapid City Reservoir Restoration presented by the Rapid City Beach and Reservoir Committee.