^^mfeUOBlSEM :fllEutrl;«sit»)r lEttenlns l|«ralii MONDAY. OCTOBER IS. M" ' ■ , io|8h..( h Temple Chapter, No. S3, OB8, WtafbW T IfRTkraMraU Wtovlrara mwsA A If.. ^1|,«uh&4f ra aarawi.. ------^ A b o u t T o w n WlU meet Wednesday at I p. m. to Hal* PTA jriU be LMnorrow night Corps League A nxiiiaty -will bold munleation at tha Maaoalo Teams Fogg, (ha Sovlaga Baok of Mao- the Masonic Tem)|il*. An entertain­ There wlU be an opan houaa at 7:15 Its iastellsUoa of new offieeis an tomorrow night at 700. Falloenag Chester. Thm help o f sVsrySn* to ment and social period with re- p.m. when parents may meat the Wednesday, O ct 38, at 8 p. m. at tha huatoera maettog tha fellow- needed to make the driva a auc- SPECIALIZINq IN Meiaorisl Th n i^ Pythton Sis­ freahmsnte wUl follow the bustoem teaohora to the ctowrooms. A the Arm y and N avy Club! Mrs. craft deares w ill be conferred and ters, will m4*t tomorrow at 8 meeting. Membera are requested hnainrae meeting wU| be held at Alice Ansovto, atate department there wiU be a social hour and re­ CUSTOM BUILT HOM^ Maneheiter^A City of VUIumo Charm p. in. In Odd. Fellows Hall. Plaiu to bring articles for tho rummage 8:30 and rafreahmente w ill be president, wiU be tha. {natalling freshments. Tha Divine Spiritual CZrefe wUl WlU be ma(l* a t this Ume fo r the sale, to be held at the Temple, served throughout tho evening. officer, with members from other mrat In the UUnianton Sactal MaU GENERAL CONTRACTING ’ official vialt of the grand chief Thursday a t 9:30 a. nr. unite attending. VOL. u p m L NO. 11 (OlsacIflM iUfertW ttt m Ittg e 1 «) S t Bridget’s icothats Circle wiU on Oolway St. teal|bt stM e’eleok. REMODELING AND REPAIRING MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1953 (EIGHTfeEN PAGES) iMxt month. A social Urns with hold a meeting at tbe home of rtfreahAienta wiU foUow the bOai- The HolUater PTA will have Its Tha epeaker wtU ba WlUtom The Manchester Garden Club first meeting ot the eeaaett tomor­ The Holy Family Mothers Circle Mrs. Ruth.Aceto. 365 Parker St., Bralnard of thto town. FREE ESTIMATED ~ MORTGAGES ARRANGED nera sessioa. wUl meet thia eyening at 8 o’clock row night at 8 o’clock. Registra- will meet Wednesday at 0 p. m. to n l^ t * t 6 o’clock. f 1 in the RobUna room of Oenter Uon WiU taka ptoca to the home with Mrs. 'Gena Andrelnt, 60 Tha Uncoln School PTA will The Inunacutots Conception Church House. John McIntyre o f rooms, where the teacher* will W eaver Rd. Mambera are reminded OontribtiUons to the Boy Scout Violence Along Brooklyn Walerfronf Mothers CIrtds w ill meet Wednes­ meet prompUy at 3 o'clock tonight 3FB I Hunts the West Hartford Garden Center hold a brief discussion, after to bring cloUiea for the missions. Drive can stui be mad* by .those tha Nathan Hale School ERNEST A. RITCHIE day at a p. m. with M is. Joseph 'Will- speak oh bulba. A ll persons in­ which a business meeting wUI be who were not home yesterday to Voto; S3 Dclmont 8L auditorium, at which Ume Profes- 15 LIBER TY ST. TEL. MI-S-8173. MANCHESTER terested WlU be welcomed. held. Refreshments wUl be served. Manchester Ledge No. 73, A. F. whan donatloM wera pdeked up •or Virginia McCauley wUI apeak. Lost Share - A .J. Russia Demands * OfRansom

Kansas City, Oct 18 FBI agents today continued to search fo r the missing 00,000 ransom money in the Handle Trieste Issue " by Greenleose kidnaping cose after drug addict Can Austin Hall and his woman HARVEST OF VALUES SALE friend confessed to the pre­ Tito Speaks oi^ Trieste Situation meditated slaying of the 6- West Three Three-point yesr-old boy. Hall, admitted to the FBI yester­ day that ha killed the boy when he Call Parley Resolution Double Green Stamps Given W ith Cash and Mrs. Bonnie Brown Heady were confronted with a mounting pile of evidence. Btlll a mystery la For London the whereabouts of the missing Cites Action $300,000, h a lf o f the $600,000 the pair obtained from the slain bey's Washingioii, Oct 13 (JP)— Sales All Day TUESDAY, October 13 father. Secretary of State Dulles will United Nations, N. Y„ Oct. '■ t ' * • Retureed to Keaeee City meet with the British and 13 (ff)— RuMia demanded ttt- The oonfesaed kidnaper-killers French foreign miniaters in day that tbe U.N. SMuritF ofwie Council try again to set up on \ I today were returned under heavy London F r i^ y for confer­ guard to Kansas City, wli«rs the ences on Trieste, Korea, Rus­ international odminlatratlon abduction of the 6-year-oId boy for the Free Territory of HRST QUALITY PAISLEI BRAND took place Just 10 days ago. sian relatioiM and other world Special For This Sale Only The day after their arrest the problems. Trieste.^ FAMOUS BRAND SHEETS and PILLOW CASES body of Bobby, son of a multimil­ A Joint announcement o f ar- Chief Soviet Delegato Andrei T. $1 GAUGE. 15 DENIER lionaire Kanaaa City automobile rangemente for the conference Vtohinaky OaUed on the council ta TYPE 132 OUR ENnRE STOCK OF dealer, was dug from a shallow wpe made today in Washington, Jump into the explostva TVleata TYPE 144 TYPE 180 qui^on "forthwith." ^ -a s ——^ ■*— e_ grave in the irard of Mrs. Heady's London and Parts. DUPONT NYLON HOSIERY ^M8i WP M m ■HHW nQr WOHefm WGOI WUnWVW MMFinp home at St. JoMph, Mo. Ho Bubmitted a resolution for I GW. SWVGWiyB wBWPRaGII* m Pte/W sGVKe Dulles Leaves Tenwrraw action by tha 11-naUon council xHole's Finespun DRESSES The pairie departure from 8t. Dulles will leave here tomorrow WiUi, S” hema on both enda o f ahMU. Fun faahioned nylon with dark aeama. Reinforced heel and toea whidi would: Lady PepperoH Lady Pepperell Louie Was Kept Bacret."They were night. Two advisors, Douglss Mac- 1. Appoint C!ol. Hermann for axtra wear. Sisea 8>a to 11. brought here by automoibUe in cus­ Arthur II, Rtate Department Fluekiger of Switsertaiid aa gov­ Rag. $^ 8 — 72x1 iO ...... $2.29 tody of- U. 8. Marsbal Omar counselor end Robert Bowie, chief ernor of the disputed region at tlw Rag. $3.98^1x110 ...... $2.49 RE8. SO I VALUE S Ppiice Cleveland's Mayor Schnatmeier. Both were m anacl^ of department policy planning, will head of tha Adriatic Sea. Superfine Muslin Officers placed them in lUh accompany him. 2. Sat up a provisional council Combed Percale RERUDEO TO...... ^ floor detention cells in the county Dulles expects to remain in Lon­ to help him govern the area. T Y K 130 |C Pair courthouse Jail. don until Sunday. 3. fcetabllah tha complete inde­ Reg. $3.29— 72x108 ...... $2.49 Reg. $3.49— 72x108 ...... $2.89 Officers vriio made the trip here State Department officials told pendence of a Frca Tnrltory a' Dock Violence iFi7/8 Taft Vacancy with them said Hall atUl inalsted this was not an emergency ses­ Trieato—including both Yugoatov- Connpn Fino Muslin FAILLES — MEN'S WEAR — RAYON he doesn’t know what happened to sion, and that there was ao one occtmied Zone B and Zone A which the mieaing $300,000 o f the $600,- overriding problem which made it Rag. $2.98— 72x108 . .x-. $2.29 Reg. $3.49— 81x108 ..... $2.99 Reg. $3.79— 81x108 ..... $3.19 JERSEY AND CREPES OOP ransom paid. haa baea oenteoittd by Britirii and Rag. $3.29— 81x108 .. . K $ l4 9 necessary now. American troopa—within thraa BtJboBT SHOP—ALL SALBS PINAL ^ They quoted hbn aa saying he The offlcial announcement said: months after the appointment a t xj thc BMoklvn waterfnwt la etteed fott^m ® DUtyor o f Ohio's largest city, today holds the hoped the Graenleaae family "gets •This meeting is in keeping With a governor. Rag. 69e— 42 6 Casas .. .\ SSc Reg. 69c— 42x36 Cases .... S9e Reg'. 79c<-^2x38'/2 Cases .. 49e HARVEST SALE-HAHDBAQS. ' trucka aa 1,000 policemen ^patrolled Senate Poet vicant aince July 31 by the death of Sen. Robert back all ths money." the practice of the three ministers Rejoetod In 1040 the area to thwart any renewal of A - Toft of Cincinnati, Republican majority leader. Gov. Frank HaU admitted he kUIed Bobby by to consult together at frequent in- ilM t t e l TUgo ateeUitmt et'Vmaeel^eiM^ ^ 4^ Regular SZ.08. New-fall.atylea'ln plaatlc calf and faille. Alao firing a pistm bullet into the right The council rejectod a elmltor tha violence which Sared twice J. Laueche of' Ohio appeintad tbe"]:^ tervala in one of the throe capi­ DlhMtiM tG G tferoar e i t n j m ta Hue fS S S m tei^Ute <5?r Gf L sg- Russian iraolution May 10, 1060, euedene. Many atylea with aipper compartmenta. yeaterday. Cleveland Democrat late ywter-' aide o f hia head after driving him tate.’’ . havMk Ba aihrad Italy a deal that weald ptaea the p ort «4ty a t acroas the Miesouri-Kanaas atate Ruaaia haa already aocuaed tha Mambera of. the AFL dock- day. It wae a aurpriaa announce* I There was a aeation in Wash­ Trieato under Itollan rule while Tugeetovto weald take eeverrigaty United States and Britain of • Childveii*® Dresaes ment by the Democralio governor.' 'line from Kansas City shortly ington last July, attended by •U Mto reed at tha dieputed fne teftltory. (AP Photo by ra- FITtED BOTTOM SHEETS Olaea 7 to 14. worker'a ualo% which ie battling after the kidnaping. "grave violation" of tha .Itatton the old IntamaUonal Longahore- who called hie private eecretary French Foreign Minister Georges Ponca- Treaty by their dectoion to TYPE 128 TYPE 144 TYPE 180 rneii’a Asm., for control of New from Cleveland and told her to ro--| The .government died charges Bidault end the acting British For­ turn over admintotratlon of their O j . 5 9 Plua TSx Tork pier work, held the morning leaM neora of the appolnUneat j here under the Lindbergh Kidnap­ eign Secretary, Lord Salisbury. REG. S2.9S . • a a • • 0 occupaUon sons of Tricsta to tha N O W $2.59 hiring ehapeup at union head- Drperrote Have Edge ing Law Immedlatsly after they The timing of the new meeting Italtona. Pepperell Lady Pepperell tiaiiaehe'a'aelactlon of hie clbee signed tonfeaeions that Bobby was wee explained.by S tate'D c^- Lady Pepperall qumiere, aeveral blocka from' tha taken aeroae a atate line. The Italian Peace TVaoty caUeM waterfront Then they were trene- friend and loaf-time political ally ment officials In terms of British Burma Airlift Slated REG. S3.9S ... "Ilie admissians cleared the miia- for a aoIuUon almitor to that pror N O W $3.49 portad by vpn to their etavedorlng gave tha DenSgsrsUc party a fS-sr-: Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden's Red Label Superfine Muslin edge in the Beesie. ing Tbomaa John Marsh, 37, ex- return to hia peat after a long Ul- today by Ruaaia. hut tha . Combed Percale OboM. convict named earUer by Hall as eWd War haa preveatod imple- Reg. $3.19 Twin Sii;a ..... $2.39 REG. $4.98 ... A number of member* of the bid ■enator tt ladependeat Wayne'- Reg. $3.39 Twin Size . ^ x . $2.79 Reg. $3.59 Twin Size . . . . . $2.99 HNE QUALITY DURENE COTTON Moree of Oregon. Vice Praridentj Bobby's killer, o f any part In. the mentation. N O W $4.49 ItA, headed in Brooklyn by Agenda OMItoed Reg. $3.39 Full Size ...... $2.59 Reg. $3.59 Full Size ....?: $3.09 Reg. $3.89 Full Size ...... $3.29 Nixoa holda the decidlaf vote, crime. . For Chiang Forces MoanwhUa. in Brigrada. an Anthony (Tough Tbny) Anaataete, ahould the Senate deadloek. Morse r I . U .B . XMstrict Attorney Edward State Dapartmeat offietols tora« Amaricaa student and a Tugorisv REG. $$.9S .. a a a • • a ' were In the deckfront area, polim Wes SOcted aa a-TUpubUcan Hit K .'fldbeu8et...seld In Kanaaa C U y east dtocuanona along foiu: mader nrere hasten up today by aa angty EHQLISH RIB AHKLETS N O W $5.49 amid, hut made no affort to halt later bolted tha party In • haaala yeetorday a federal grand Juiy, hoeeJ wflBUtot'.deaienatraled in iksnt s t the trucks. 1. The prolonged excAange United Natieng, N. Y., Oct IS NatidnaHst HEAVY QUALITY with reinforced nylon" heel and toea for extra wear. AH whita Plalda, twaeda, aolids, etripea or prinU. For 5 daya only., over policy. now In reeeaa, w ill be called ba«A the U. S. lafonnatlon Serviee at- Another Shipment! Thirteen longriioremen were ar- with Ruaaia about a foraign mln- 8ourM6 ooid today a nibve is underway to airlift out o f Burma floe as tans* Slava waited a ra- and colors.' Slaea S% to I L The word that the aomotimea Into aeaston to bear all the evl OIRL8' DEPT.—2nd FLXXIR ' roeted after aklrmlahea yaeterday. BoUUcally • independent govenior ttters masting on the futura of some of the , roving Chineoe'Army which has plagued the aetion fr a « the West on Prasideat REG. $1.49 HEAVY All are membera of ths old ILA had hamad Burke to the Senate (Oenttoned aa Page Twe) Onmany and on Austria. Tha Buimese govmment for the post three years. The imormanta Tito's thrrate and notra designed which was recmtly ovietsd from ended speculation in some quar­ AlUea proposed a meeting, begin- •aid the plan calls fob rerooringT—---- — ------— to halt transfer of northara MATTRESS COVERS QUALITY. FLANNEL BLACK DRILL Bing a t ths ATT. because of-racksteering ters and set other circtoa bumtag. imano, Switeettond, 8i ‘ I, Oct. about 2* AgrtcuUural Ecoao- actually participaUng in open industry today, there' were ao ooint procedure. An-attorney, but Tht Nnr Eajlmit Pidiri: signs of any strikes in other Naw Tarh, Oct. MMT) Soars PURE WHITE HLLING. WASHABLE WDLTONE COTTON PLAIDS ALL B R iisIs REDUCED CaDed Yrooi A P Wires never before a Judge, W anen ba- fielda. tary at the Araqy Raheet T« Stevena said today any i liMliq_ KLEENEX TISSUE ...... I .... 2 for iSe ^ 1 5»S*iIdTtoa!fc**^‘ ■^**** f prtnt^ Slaa* Sica he h S atil^to?>^5Srh5;I Koran oast ttmrtm nf .. V. j proposed vtouM put all of tha in g farmaUUos. Visitor Is Confronted those of his brother Sirpaul Sad to anawir qaeaMerai aff^ h a z e l DISHOP REAL RED LIPSTICK ..... % iM plahi they or* geiOng toe asael vtt^le?^ **** ***** * * *** **••"*■ • 4 ’, service agcnciM under fourimoin . Byfora calling ease No. IS for of Rory Weatmaaa, daseribod by hafarwMw Seokto REG. PRICE |2.9B . . . NOW $ 2 J 9 •hlekan, tnrfcey, veal and ham in groupa argument, Warran announced ho the British as a ringlaader la the REG. $3.98— 39x76 Colorful ptaida fo r draaaea. Jumper*, aMrta, etCL their tl.S. rations ....Harvard reitt A ny auggarted dtatigesi he paid, L Federal-atata relations, under had not participated in the court’s alleged Red plot, were among veaMgattira "w U ha M t Mb ttatonatlen enrpet for lU ahould be submitted Nov. L ‘ ' J. Earl Ooke, aariatant aecretaiyi decisioBs o n . about SOO an>oala thoM raided. REG. PRICE S3.9C . . N p W $3.49 24th preatdant, Nathan M. Puaey, With Many Changes t w in BED SIZE 9 ^ * 7 9 REG. S9e THks WlHk Newemaa 2. Marketing and foreign agri­ which, were filed during the sum- Troops mounted machineguns in fiie t non-Bastemer chosen to head In his talk irith nawemen. Ben- culture, to be headed by John U. mer. Tha tribunal tBen relaaaed a trucks blocking off aoM streets, BASE FOR TURKEY « University in . three centuries. Aakara, ‘nuhey, Oct. 10 (O t—" . . eon emphaalxed that no major Daviee, aaaiatont eecretary. long list of the decltlona, making (Bditor'a Natot WIMk ckaraa-Tthat It to not facing up to thaaq including those leading 1u> tha par­ REG. PRICE $4.98 ; N b W $4.49 Sen. Bush ' (R-OHm) aaya In known whether hearinga fvoiild be tortottoa penevaraaee. New Bag- proUema and trying to solve ty baadquarters. " ha Uattad S4a$ra s s u h a tin to­ REG. $4.98-154x76 AJJL and PDNJAB PRINTS A P R O N S P E C IA L Whitefleld, N. H., major goal of funcUdna o f tha department would Sf Agricultural stabUtsation, ho eliminated. under Howard JL Gordon, present •— • — ■---- ^ warklag tbelr ■ to- total• - myth. Hew New England - day It Is ready to tors aver ta KUanhower admintttraUentt flnan- way-- f u l l -b e d SIZE ..,...i,.....:, .^ REQ. PRICE $5.98 . . "There have been a lof of ru-. PMA admlnlatrator and pi^dent (Oeattoaed aa Page Twa) U doing this ahould ba o f vital V an Pago T w o) Twhay eempleto OMrinl of lha _^Dalnt]^ print percala aprona in waMband,-neckband o r covar all ’ N O W $5.49 olal poUciea "la to peevmt naanl What they are iatereat to younger regional broth­ I'aan d i Btylea. Buy new fo r Chriatmae gifta. thief, ttWaUen, from getting loose mora that we are going to emaa- of the'Commodity Credit O drpon - 4 -c:- ' culate a lot of ageneiM—that a Uon. faetog la New Kngtaad. the ers and siatera. ropalr hara at ^ ^ 6 .'Y ard again," .... Agilcultura Selretary real o f eeaatry aray face to ______Utile MadftMraaarai pert '*«• , fo S iU e !* mattreaa or make your old one more com- BanSon aaya aldddlng prices of lot o f agencies wlU be dlasolvod, 4. Agricultural credit, under R. For moat thoughtful New Eng- but' that Is not ao,**.he said. Town Is Readied *•••• !■ Mto laaxambtt evalattoa j tondera agiea on thia: "The prob- pi Cook in Custody TWrUMto.. /. - Good looking pattema fo r draaaea, aprona, draperies, etis. REG $I.29.$I.39^ALE ...... farm produets snd current farm Byrta harder. SOCKS 3 r» $1.00 sunriusss can he laid to "tea lty "nila reorganisation straam- (Ooatianed ea Pnga rant) toward "aeeaaale uraarity"—the lame we face today the rest of- the For Ike Birthddy ehaaga frora farmlag to maaaton country wiU fa cf la Ume." For Knife Killing Keg. SSc pr. SUMS 4 to S. Sale pricy, for s daya. pseonma and enwtoo pallrles" of WING FAUUr FOUND RIG. S2.9S 100% WOOL past. “Be^Ttoek'IS£"S2'^ ^ theory, ad- Radio Bucharaat roports mili­ I vanoed by Gabrge taia, aconomtot Our Tth Shipmuntt Haralura. P ^ , O ct IS OH— Penn- aad wbra New Kngtoad- New York, Oct. 13 UP) A dim­ irMoSt&uL^f^&a*^ tary ' court In OommunlaC Ro­ aylvanla Chitch farmers rubbed el­ fo r tha Federal Raaerve Bank to. inutive Chinese cook has admitted mania has Bantwaesd IS peraana W icks ’ Political Fate Rests era ara detag aheat IL) Boston, to that Naw 'S!Ogie««t leads am Amaricaa hlrtaia Owvair* EHUEnWOOlEItt TRANSLUCENT ENCLOSED HEAD bows with gbvsrnora and .cabinet Maying Ray Gibbons to a fit of that nreehed hara Sept. U re­ SUftHT IMEeilLAas Of Ei.iy NY-RON CREPE SLIPS to death oh apytaf nod sabotage officera in a gay circua-Ilka atmoa- the naUon to traaaitioa to "eco­ JfSlousy and then carving bar body chargee . . . mgypt hnage firet *f By CHARIJM MKBCBR nomic m aturity." That maana a vealed a 0Mhna la It a " ' ~ phera today as thousands of Re- AP Newureatafo Writer to pieces with a steak kalfa. a O I* 0 tta eltlawM convieted in current On Vote by State Senators publicana poured Into thia central change to the employment struc­ Tito cook. Jamas Lew, 34.. was Yard ttstoa, Oct. IS (P>— New Eag^ ...... •OH . EXTM HNE QUSUTY, ' Fin^u allty ay.roa crepe with nylon lace trim or taUorad stylo.- VENETIAN BLINDS series of triOIa of persona charged PannaylvOala "Chocolate Town” ture: First, frmn agriculture to sehaduled for arraignmaat today * 2 - * ’ Blsea 32 te 40. . * Otth traaaan''and ploUlng with ■ 5- laad, oldest of the naUon’a ro- manufacturing. Thm, qa manufac­ Albany, Ke T*, Oct 13 :(JVV-IU«-Kov«mb9r to comidGr roappor* for a unique celebration of Praet- giqnal oeoaomie ckiMren. coo- on a charga at homicide. Beautiful quaUty 100% wool in froeted flannel In plain oslors foreign power to undermine Bgyp- turing becomes more complicated, MaonwhUe, police eonUauad a ^ JACQUARD CANNON and matching novuty weave. Navy, brown and gray c^biaatlona. REG, $5.29 Each publican Oenaton will decide next*'"'"Uonmont------of A toambly and — Saaate dant Etoenhower’s 6Srd birthday. froata the viaitor today with a Ban SUto. ipmth if Ben. Arthur H. Wlcke, District*. Nearly 30,000 ware expected to workars demand more aarrleee to day-night search o f tha OOtuototo REGy $2.98~—SALE $ ^ . S 9 SALE PRICE for 8 ^ . 0 0 H igh RO K govemmant Sobrea s tra fe mixture of myth and fact, each Reids aa tranaportation, edu­ whom Gov. Dewey considers unfit, 8gmg3g MoRvam to on hand to groat the Prorident Tha blggoet myth, readily ac­ University section of Manhattan dlaclosaa V . S. SU te D ep t has will be lepttcod as acting Ileuten- and the to s t tody fa r their sehad- cation and commuuicationa. Thera tor tlM atiU mlaatog head sad throa HAND iRd FACE aZE TOWELS RIG. $1.49 CROMPTON'S at Praaidant Syngntan Rhaa a Bacauao o f tha raaignatlon two cepted la most aectlona of tha foUoWh, naturally, an toereara to Whitt our p r ^ t etock lasts at thia tpeclal price. Ivory colored aat govenior by another QOPGOP law- wariu ago o f L L Gov. Frank C. uled arrival tote to tha afteraaon. country, to that Naw England to fingers a t the slain w osua, whbae nuiktr. Moore, the 68-yaar-oki Senate the number of service employes. totsa was found aarty 0uadoy. a” over recant l ISonth Mora than 6,000 o f th an paid slipping dconomicaUy. - pMUay ^ cluppliif. S3 , tV*^ I t " , M , 81”, siiM now nvallable. Wteks tote yeaterday rajectad Mader automatically earvea aa act­ $100 a p la te tor • reaet beef bitf- . Employment Oguras show thto PoUca OiwmiaMwtoi' Gaarga P. nEW EiEeMNiyr 0 K orea . . . Undlsclo ; nuBtoer of ■WpliiuiiBt la High to happening to New England. In Peway’a raqueat that ha resign tm- ing Ittutenant fOTornor. fot supper ta ba asrvad in the Iba fact la that amployaMBt to Monaghan annomiaad tost night I® Each U. S. m Mtatong fighter ptopes toadwety as Senate majority Jead- Ittwey and Wieka twa atrong- othar words, if you aubeertbe to that Law had admitted ktnisg the oiito* ta lOHBh tor BWMpiriM Air "B ig Top,** a nwauMth teat hor- at an all-Umt high, with 3,000,000 a t ^ t m a s s q ( U s ytttra to conviet- mlnded man, met for four boute rowad for the occarion from Ring- tha tbaory, yqu wlU agrra that SS-year-old aonvietad atraat-walk Pbreo tadto XJ. S. BDlitory Ao- w Itogtoadara a t work.on 'non- New Engtond M to a later ataga Mr and drug addicL Yard iJaaqdiFaylB yesterday to the geveriwria office. Uag BrothatoRarnum and Bailay fa rm Jobe— a reicard aurpaastog ^ *»***^*y ******* Cannon ~*~T~mrT P a ce - - Wicks strode amlUng ftom the of devel^nnent than other regioaa AdataeShtolBli OORMnitUf inWERW«RE SET ...... tOvetea Mkrt- Ctoeoa Tbg rest of tha crowd tha Warld War U paak by oaariy to— .M W -ta. paat^ TMrty colors in wonOutuX CnnptOEi ouslity. .Buy this weak •xeeuUve chamber and ahortly brought Itmcbes. atof* widch the 0outh and la w woo qiiptod M H ffilff IM 'iiiff-ffUTim fiT tMe f . j i f beg 106000. Weat; win In time. Thus, abbwlMtoa GMOM toT only at thia price, ■ / , N iiptock atnlisbie..A dUptiao. afterword litoMdra sUtamant Bap> Oddly totRtgii. it win ba tha non- Itkls also a fact .that New tag- 'tca tS M B b y Bttrinr. lag ha wauld not rnUgn Im ai^- whUe N ew tagtoO d atUl to _ hatnntay offer aho peytag guaste who hava tha privl- toad has eicowoHilc probtooM aUm- lag. It to la a lara dtamoUe phoae phnaad to raony oasthas tatog from a vortoty o f cauraa. l - l i r (C ( ■ ' t •) « lanthselWe) But tha witoly'slTCulatad Idra (O^dhraei ea 1 J d ih ) ^4 ■o MANCmSTER EVENING HERALD, MAyCHESTSR, OONN« TlflSSDAY, OCTOBER 18.1968 USNCHriiSS EVEmWG BEBAte. H A N C rifriB , CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBEB M, UtS ...... ^ ^ ^ ------— for* they eneeuted the Wdnanfag town haalth proHams are urfM hlA* bean living in tsiatonbury, tag Um 173th .aaaivsnaqr at tm plot ERifrgtHcy. Doctsra* Attead. Wapmhg Etovad last week to th* Center. Local Marinie Unit United States MartaaOofps. F B I H u n ts Mrs. Heady's eariter claim that Warren Takes Bri^sh Raiders T " J 4: OongreaaasAA ' fforACa ■M ly' IVwey Vaa a former local real- All profits attatacS from thta she was an Innocent party in th* Broam, Jr., of th* Seewid Con­ dent. case was also wiped out with th* Physicians of th* Manches­ Presented To Install Officers venture will be for tha bam ^-of necticut Dtkrict will have "roving Mrs. Lola JfolnMS of Newtown, tha Marina Oorpa Laague, Its chib, admissions. It was Mrs. Heady who Decisive Step ter Medical Assodatton who Hunt Evidence ^sRequested oStea hours" throughout tha town* L o s t S h a re will respond to emergency calls Mass., has been a guest at the welfara and building funds. Monies took Bobby from an exclusive in hla Congressional district. Hours By iUinbow Girls bom* of her cousins, Walter Foo­ .The Marin* Chib of Manchaster derivad from this souroa is used Catholic school Sept. S3 on th* tomorrow afternoon and eve­ Wsdnaaday will b* from 3 to 4 p.iA. 'Will instetl officers next Monday In Case No. 13 ning ar* Dr. WiUiara Stroud, 0£ Leftist Pldt ter and Mr*. May Baiiier of Fos­ and will ba used for many good pretext she was hts aunt By Firemen fory Pumper to th* Town HsU in WUllmanlic Wapplng, OcL 18 .(Speciall— ter St., th* past week. .evening at their club bouse, on W. welfara purposes locally and tel. MI 9-4768 and Dr. Robert and tk*< following day from 10 a.m. Middle Tpke., where State Com­ O fRa n so m She had Insisted ah* thought th* Butterfield, tel. MI 9-4343. Evergreen Lodge, AF and AM, SeoAer Team to Play throt%tooat tha state amoag unfor­ boy was Hall's son. In th* Custody (OeuHnue i ftsss Tisg^dM ) i Fag* Oas) until noon, at the Sheriff's oAc* to met at the Masonic Tempis last Ellsworth High soccer team will mandant Rickert of OSnbury, and tunate Marines and thair famiUea. Covantry, Oct, IS (Bpaolal)— Simmons oa' SUvar SU, to work ca the Journal Building in-ftoekvilte. his staff, will conduct tha cere­ (CMtlBiied from Pag* Oae) of an ex-wlf*. night. Th* Manchester Oitler of play th* William Hall, West Hart­ A large tehivishm act hat baan held, or had bqsn th* Observers figured the PPP' 32*a South Covantry Vciuntssr drJsS arrangamants and dlacua- Congraasman Saely-Brown will ford team here tonight, and the mony...... - Bobby apparently was killed In Flra.Dapartmant officials prsaant- sioaa at Soral aresngamanta for Rslnbow for Girls put on the ven to the Veterans Hospital at Mrs. Heady's station wagon after appeals. / Chapter which I* named after the called strike would halt at least be avAllabia to hla conatltutenta Initiary degree of their order. The Manchester team Friday' night Jerry Sapienxa will be Installad S dene*. H* aald th* aummona wroutd ad te th* Board of Shlaetmen yaa- winter us*. for paraofMl confarencaa on prob­ for his second term as commandant eOdngton, qiill* a fiahtag trip the couple had driven him to Case* granted kterlngs, which deceased famou* old circua down 50 par cant o f British Guiana’a Evergr8en-Wood Chapter, OES, •way. waa sponaond for the Rocky Hill b« aent out aa aoon *a poaaibla. Bluch Landoff. terday a pat|tkm for a apacial town W ilaeato Fe reign Sjadpat* lems in udilch th* federal govam- of th* Frank J. Mansfield Detach­ point near U. S. Highway 39 In will be achedidsd Uter, embraced masting as s6on aa poaalbl*. Tha were invUrd to attend, Board Sehtidulis Meettogs Veterana. TGia Manchaster Marines Jackaon County Proaacutor Hoy* will dlacuaa the actlvitiea sugar industry in a fsw daya It Mrs. John M TVler 1* area chair­ mant is involved. The South Windsor Bosrd of ment. Other officers to be sworn Kansas IS miles from K a n w Ctty. these laaues:/ petition will aak that an appro­ Layasea to Meet sponsor entertainment shows to Richard Phalpa agreed to 1ft the of the Circua Fana Aaan. which got off U a alow start yaaterday man of th* fqraifA atudanta "Wel- Paraaaal MeaUsa Selectmen voted last night to hold In are Chester Yaworsky, t^s A bullet found lodged In th* May th*/gavamin*at ban radio priation of IISJIOO already rseom- Friday evening the Laymen's these hoapitel veterans every year. etudies and records tha interest bacaus* th* Pan-Americaa Day eoAM to Oaonsetlcut" program Patricia Roa* will observe her meeting of the Hartford East As- a public meeting on the .second commandant; Harold A. Osgood, federal government proaecute the blood-stained car was shown by and tsievimaa giveaway shows? mendsd by th* Board of Finance, Saturday baing aponaored by tb* adjutant and paymaster; Russell The Manehaater Marina Club ballistic tests mad* by th* FBI in ing facte connected with th* clretu holiday. be mad* toward the purchaa* of A seventh birthday tomorrow. Sh* is soctatlon arlll be held In the En­ Monday of every month from 7:30 two. kidnapera A aUte charge of MsyH^lsndroquirs menehanU Ilf* and its performer*. This asi Sarvica Bureau for Woman's Potterton, chaplain; Winston extends its aMraelation to the ad­ Washington to have been fired ^ pumper truck. a daughter of Mr. aad Mra. Earle field Church with dinner at 7 p. to T p. m. at tha Town Hall. The vertising . ai^ ticket patronage kidnaping waa Sled by Phelps and in oUisr states to ooUoct n uas elation is not connacted with any By nightfall thraa of th* col­ Organlaationa. Or. Stephen. Ballsy, W. Roa* of Wall St. townspeople will be invited to at­ Chevslisr, Judge adVocste; Ray­ a murder charge was Hied against from a .33 caliber revolver taken t s x ^ goods sold to Maryland ony’s 14 sugar factories h Equlpmant would ba purchased The speaker will be Ward Duffy, mond Sullivan, chief of staff; Her­ from Mandteater citiaaaa In help­ circus or tha organlsaUtm of profaesor at Waaiayaa OoUage, will Mrs. lha Baaba of Proroect St. Editor of the Hartford Times. The tend the meetings and present any the pair in Buchanan County, from Hall upon his arrest her*. cwomers ? , Saints and Sinners. It aSo does closed, howavar, aad soma 40 par ntun Qi* Zabec Motor Sales in man WierxbIckI, service officer; ing them to make this annual Palmer, Maas., on thair Sapt 1 bid apeak, *t th* maatlag at 3 p.m. in left ever the weekend t'o visit with men of the Community Church suggestions or grievances to tha money raiatag avant a aucceaa, ao where the boy's body was found. FBI agents wers reportedly rei sUlI /-Dose s Texes tax on natural gns not accept any gratuities from tha cent of th* native cea* cutters re­ CantiiiAl HiU UaU, HArtford. her daughter, Mr*. Victor Snyder, Board. and Anthony Angelo, sergeant at searcliing a wheat field near ef $15,384 based on apecifieations have been invited to attend. they may continua helping lass Murder charges also ar* ached' field near th' ■upplied to consumera in 38 etstea circuses or their managemente. portedly had left th* pUatation Thera wUl b* an exhibit of an and family in Greenfield, Maas. Daniel C. Cavanaugh was ap­ arms. Three trustees elected for Ah OthenWhiske^... ONLY uled to be filed in Johnson County, ihurder scene for the bullet violate the constitution? nalda. - submitted that day by th* local The fall meeting of the Hartford ona year are Earle Caton, Bernard fortunato vateran*. Hoye will accompany hla talk with Rrd company. American aquar* dance by tka Mra. Snyder and two eons spent a East Association of Congrega­ pointed town attorney by., th* Kansas, scene of the slaying. killed the boy. A mechanical pen' Did Ohio go too far in banning picture slides of circua .life. Little vlolsncs was reported in Wieser and John Dysenchuk. . His Board of Finance voted th* prta* winning Farm aad Homa fsw ditys arltl\ her slater, Mrs. Dcl- tional Churches will be held Sun­ board for a one-year peri^. Dr. Death Penalty PoaslUe cil, advertising one of th* uttomo- a motion picture called - * ^ " ? th* atrika’s initial atagaa. A t one Week dance fasUval group from msr W. Potter, and family, of The Marine Club of Manchester, bile agencies operated by Robert plantation wortiar* bumad 13 fecommendatlcm for th* appropria­ day in th* First Congregational Arthur Trantoio of East Hartford are co-sponsors with the Nutmeg Conviction on all charge* carries (The Ohio Supreme Court aald the tion on Sapt. 39. Storra. After a tea th* ctudeate School St before returning home Church of South Windsor. The waa named town health officer and a possible death penalty. Scheufler C. Greenlease, Sr., 7>^ear-old picture was Ailed with bruUI acres of can* and took after their with Mr*. Beab*. Detachment ef a first class profes- AR Tear BaMteg AM Naads father Of the boy, was fptmd at the Fir* Chief Delauir W. Potter will be taken into numerous Ooa- Wapplng Community Church is a Alex Blozie was named special has said he will ask for the death crime.) Washington School ovaraser with their long cene-cut necticut homaa for Saturday aup^ Mr. and Mr*. Wilfred E. Hilt of sional.vsudevine show direct fr m scene. Bobby' was known to have ting knivea. k He aacapad on horae- said that the company's decision te member of this association. constable attached to the Are de­ New York at the Bushnell Me­ PERSONU. FIEISCIIMANNR penalty. Could Congress require deporta­ present tbs firs truck purchase to per, over-nigbt and a traditional Silver St. visited her uncle. Edgar Old Home Day partment. been carrying a pencil of this type. back. Another group of strikars morial in Hartford, commemdrat- * lf conviction and death sen­ tion of aliens who, at any time Conducts Auction A town msatlfig was prompted by Amarican Sunday. Sweat, in East Greenwich, R. I. Old Home Day and a service of tences result from a federal trial, Marsh's whereabouts still rC' after entering this country, be atoned the houae of an Indian- who Sunday. HESRIM SERYKE e iV iS YOU THE rsfusad to Join them. following factor*: Anyone Intarastad in partid- rededication will be held Sunday, Bbaebeater Evealag Herald the government would use Mis­ malned a mystery. There has been came members of th* Communist Tomorrtfw'a maotings include Wapptog fe irespsadeat. Mrs. Aa- SOS Mata St. ^ m-stoni speculation he may be dead. The Washington school auction, ' Th* unfalmcB* of axpacting pating and walcoming on* or mors Ladies Aasociation of the First .Oct. 35 at the Community Church souri's gas chamber at its State party? Ths P P P called for a noa-vio- Members and officara of th* fir* at 10:45 with a dinner in the Com­ nie Cetttos, telsphsae SatcheU Haartag Is p a r Raelaeee A St. Joseph attorney, Bernard cake and rummage sale S a tu ^ y lanc* campalni agntnat Britain, students over tb* waakand la aakad Congregational Church country Prison in Jefferson City to carry Waa Julius Emspak properly Company to aign paraonal notes to to conUc9 Mrs. Tylar. To data tha munity Houae following the aerv- 3-4413. out th* executions. Patton, s i^ yesterday Hall made convicted of contempt of Con­ was well attended and provM to but British Governor Sir Alfred stora and doughnut aala from 11 two telephone calls to him in an be most successful. sovar th* purchase price; th* sav­ local homaa antortaialng -will In- a. m. to 3 p. m. in the vestry; lc». Th* FBI said Hall and his wom­ gress for refusing to answer ques­ Savage was backed by 800 troop­ ing of a lerg* lAterest rate If th* Grange to Meet effort fo cover up his trail. Benches' were set up and a loud er* of th* Rqya) Welih FusUlera clud* OapL sad Mrs. Walter S. Frsfment Society of the Second an friend admitted they dug Bob­ tions asked by the House Com­ irehaa* waa mad* in cash and Kallsr, Or. and Mm. Robert There will be a meeting of the Patton said he got the call on mittee on Un-Amertcan Activi­ speaker was installed by John ruahad here from Jamaica last Congregatlonel Church, 3 p. m. in by's shallow grave behind Mrs. Oct. S, the day after Hall collected Maloney for the auction which 1* axprasaed feel|ng of townapao- Clevardon, Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Grange tonight at the Community Heady's St. Joseph, Mo., home be- ties? Emspak is an official of weak. la thft th* purchase of major th* Church (Community House; SPECIAL the ransom and th* day before Hall took place outdoors.. William Da- .Aa if to dramatlsa their Smith. Krafty Klipptrs 4-H Sewing Club, House. The topic of the program la the United Electrical Workers. . uipment should ho m*d* by tha "Autumn.” Mrs. Elaie Hmi is in ENDieOTT-JOHNSON and Mrs. Heady were arrested in The court refused to review ap­ Han's sarvlces as auctioneer were strangthi th* FusUlera held a “tar- own.' Mrs. Skigan* Bramhall will after sehool, at the Hana Hansen WORK or DKESS LECLERG St. Louis, greatly appreciated. He was as­ home. charge of the refreahmenta. peals which raised these ques­ gat pracUca” yaaterday, firing ^ Potter aald that ih* purchase entortain th* hoata and their hom£ comfort FUNERA.L HOME Patton also said he received a sisted by th* president of th* powerful mortars who** noise gueeto Sunday aftornoon during a First Congregational Church Personal Mentton tions: rouid rcprecent Icaa than a ona- William Parks of Deming St. SHOES lria4oiliit-8tarYtil request a rental agency to change May Charlotte. N. C., ban mov Washington PTA, Mrs.* Raymond reverberated through the tropical hill Incraas* on the tax date for traditional Amarican ton to include choir rahaarsal, 7:30 p. m- in. the Its record* so they would not show Donahue, and Robert Leyden, vice Capital on th* Aor^aast coast of hot doge, BAlad and appto pi*. Tb* sanctuary; PArent-Teacheria Assn, Ext., is a patient at Manchester FUNERAL ie* and ether entertainment dur­ his year only, and would not ra- iSM yw rSit BLOOD ui BUNDS Mrs. Heady rented a car from th* president. South Amarica. foreign etudents ar* from all'over matting, 3 p. m. in the Robertson Memorial Hospital. MORIARTY Bros. 9 0 MOOT ing church service hours on Sun­ Sur for 30 years. H* also aaid th* Sebdol; set-back party, 3 p. m. in Mr. and Mrs. Lev! T. Dewey of $ 5 .8 8 Leave Thousands Feeling Arm. days? *1 1 1 * cake and rummage sal* waa Jagan took to th* fialda yaster- |2,500 already contributed te th* th* world. More home* ar* needed 3 1 5 CtNTtP ST SERVICE held in the cafeteria. AH' arUclas th* Nathan Hal* Community Cen­ Buckland Rd., In the company of The car was not the one used in Was ths Korean conflict a war day, visiting plantatlona to anliat (ompany by townspaopla would be to entertain them. Walter N. “Only Hnlf-AHve” the abduction. *f clothing left over will be do­ strikars. At on*,farm, ena-flfth of ter auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chamber­ Q o i i r a in th*'legal aense? applied to the purchase price of Mrs. IVIer aald tha other area lain and daughter, Faye, have MORRY'S Leclerc, Patton laso said he received a nated to the United Natlona drive. tha can* cutter* raportedly walktd Chls new truck. homes acting aa boete will includa Director Did ths Gtorgia Supreme Court Refreahmenta wers sold by Mrs. MaMbester Evealag Herald gone on an autio trip to Grand WORKINGMEN’S STORE FUEL OIL letter from Hall containing 3300 err in ruling Invalid that state'! out aftsr hla vlait. Promotion ef­ Food Bale Hikes FwMl Dr. and Mra. Robert Wlckwar* of 3 DEPOT 84)UARE . and asking him to pay for the Santa Leone, chairman and her forts war* hempered by an emer­ Oaveatry eerrespoadent Mrs. Rapids, Michigan, to visit relatives 33 Mata Street, Manchester fair trade" law? (The highest The wive* of mambera of the Windham Center, Dr. and Mr*. Gharie* L. Little, telepfcoae Pil­ and friehds. Opea every day 3 a.aL-3 p.as. rental on the car. This letter was committee, who did a line jqb. gency government ban on public South ' Coventry fire company T«L MHcImI 3-5135 tribunal did not act on another Jamas H. .Tipton of Winham Otn- grim S-SUI. > Mr. and Mrs. Elmer, DeWey who Call MI-9-5869 Intercepted by pRI agents and was Mrs Donahue thanks all who.had aaeemblies, end Jagan said h* waa Bllaad 3208.13 from the food tar, Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. House opened in the presence of Patton appeal in Which a federal court In a part In making the affair so suc­ New Orleana said such laws are “ followed around by police in a S1* Saturday. Th* money went to­ of Brooklyn, tho Rav. SWth WoUe '-X- c cessful, and especially appreciates and Postal authorities. valid.) J*M everywhere I went." / ward the fire truck purchase. of Brooklyn. Mr. and lira. Harold Patton said he previously had the work of Mrs. Jack Allen, The *x-Preml*r and - Another wMttWT. ♦© m oor. «s% o r a in im inuu. s m u t s . May Corona, Calif.' validly re­ William Naden made 120 dosen Bamea of Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. #1 represented Hall in civil matters. chairman, and members of th* leader of hie party, L. F./B. Bum- doughnuta. aaristed by Handd j m lUISCHMANN DtSmUNO COWORATIOHr mU(SICIU« N. * quire newspapers to get a license Ways and Means committee for ham, aaid they still war* planning Joseph WUllams of BrooUya. Mr. Crane. All doughnut and coffee and Mrs. Richard Duniung of CRACKPOTS WERE ACTIVE and pay a tax before publishing? their Ane cooperation. to travel to England to seek sup­ (Justices DouglSa and Black aald mppjlea were donatOd by Leo F. Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ash­ Tulsa, Qkla.. Oct. 13 (ff)—At The pony rides too, were a great port for their fight/ But Jagan Tremblay. ’Three epccial pftaee I f you are rundown, feel tired— least 16 different peraoni repre­ the court ahouM rule on this ap­ attraction to the children. added they, had to wait until tha worth of Brooklyn, and Mr. end peal. They caned thr levy “a Aat were given to Mr*. Haiw Haneen, Mrs. Walter Sandholm of Denial- worn-out, discouraged—lack en­ sented themselves as the kidnapers “money can be ra lM for th* trip.” Mrs. F. Jorgensen and Milton ergy-poor appetite, don't feel dis­ of little Bobby Greenlease and de­ tax imposed on. the exerolse of a Jsfan added that Jiia American- son. WE HAVE NOW IN privilege" protected by th* biU of Burmuhlen. S'TOCK THESE NEW heartened. Chances are you are manded ransom ranging from born wife, the former Janet Roaen- , In observance of Fite Preven­ Mnst File Tax Blanks GARAGE MEN! not getting enough of the impor­ 35,000 to 3600.000. righU.) Bowers PTA Hears berg, would n^t go with him. James W. Green, aaseesor, ad­ AND REBUILT AUTO PABT8 Did the Federal Trade CommlS' tion Week all fire fighting equip­ tant B Vitamins—with plenty of This was disclosed in an inter- ment waa on display at th* flre- visee that all recipients of tax ex­ WHY « CM tlH W U M txm Iron and precious Iodine from your Sion validly ben distribution of Mrs. Jane Cheney -7“ empt property blanks are requaat- vie(v with Robert L. Ledtermsn. punchboards and push cards? houae during the aal*. Firemen • WATER PUMPS • FUEL PUMPS food. Tulsa auto dealer and bustneM were on duty to explain details. *d 4o flie them on or bofer* Nov. 1, EXCHANGE What yoii should do is try FER- In a separaU ordfr. tha court otherwise such proparty will b* EXCHANGE aasociate of the 6-year-oId mur­ Mr*. Jane Cheney, curator of the Named te Executive Board RIZAN for 30 days to pick yoi^ dered child's father, Robert C. told ths Federal Trade Commission Albert F. Kalber and Emeat O. Usbib for taxation at th* regular • STARTERS right up and make you feel that to take more evidence in a case in­ Children's Museum in Hartford rate. This is in accordance with • GENERATORS Greenlease of Kansas City. was the guest apeaker at last EA.STWOOD LeDoyt have been named to the EXCHANGE life is worth living. Still grieving over the tragedy volving “Cartar's Little Liver Nathan Hale Community .CMter section 1781 of the Ganonl Sts- EXCHANGE Pills." Tb« commiaaion had charg­ night's Bseating of the Bowers FBRRIZAN (in tablet form) and exhausted from 10 days of Ira H anI * Onr BianS New ExecuUva Board. Mrs. Richard C. totes. brings you a generous supply of ed various clalma made about the PTA. Her talk on “Museum Naatoi Tree Warden • CARIURETOR • KNEE ACTION SHOCK fruitless .vigil. Ledterman told the pill* were false. / Fan State Snow has beea alacted.a mamber the valuable B. Vitamin*, plenty of story after returning home for the Experiences," was humorous, en­ of ths Board of Trustees for q Arthur Olaan has qoan appointed EXCHANGE EXCHANGE lightening and particularly timely, / Miracle Mirror 01 Iron for richer, redder blood, but UUNIMCI n U R PEESRR CM Arst time since Sept. 28. That was three-yaar pariod, replacing Mrs. tree warden and Delmar W. Pot­ most Important of all, the full the day his multi-milllonali* part­ now that Kaachester is starting Cinencecope Screen ! Harry R. Ryan, Jr„ leeignad. ter as town road boas by tb* Board • FORD DISTRIIUTOR • LEAP SPRINGS minimum dally requirement of the its own Luts Mnaeum. ’ EXCHANGE ner and friend issued a plea for K. of C. Planning Tap Entertainment The, CrKsnlaatlOnal Commltta* of Selaetmcn. NO EXCHANGE precious Iodine for the ductless help when Bobby was kidnaped Th* AmsHdan tradition of th4 will aarva a turkey dinner Nov. 7 Health Oraap to Meet glands. right to learn things, and th* from school. Bay" the She Devil" at a Ladiaa' Night of Laurel For- There will be a special masting “Mercu/y dealers sell more cars per dealer For more strength and energy It was a heartbreaking vigil, For Entertainment righ t to do things, is on* of/the la CaUr . eat. Tell Odars of Lebanon. Ma­ of tho Advisory Haalth CouncO to help you shed your years and he said — 10 days and nights of most. Important purposes jot a eaawt Mewert . tag BariMr sonic Order, in tha auditorium of Oct 23 at 8 p.m. in the Georg* musdum, she said. In theas/timas JwBM Dm *.r«* M>ie.li feel younger—be more optimistic frustration, virtually without sleep. The second in a series of enter­ . *:St - *iM *its the Cantetr building. Mrs. Herman Hqreey Robertson School to be lvldl1Cn6Si6lr Auto Parts and correct diet inadequacies you when everything la so/highly than any of Qur competition. We still make Ledterman said he arrived tainment .programs for mambars — mm:: •S fiU O F. LeDoyt aad Mn. Edward open to tb* public. Hw council will 270 IROAD ST. — TEL MI-9-4528 should try FERRIZAN. Satisfac­ Kansas City at 6 p. m. the day of of Campbell Council, Knights of epeclalixad, museums arw abl* to Schulthelea wfll be in chars* of explain their planned program and tion guaranteed or your money the criiAe. Columbus, will b* presented next broaden th* educattw « f our dinner arrangamente. ; the work it ie doing. back. Thirty minutes later he said the after th* regnlsr- children,. / ' Herb Claas to Meet There will ba an opportunity to money operating on a. lower profit margin^ famHy received a special delivery A announced by Mrs. Cheney stat*(rtbc/ grow Th* herb class wU] AM*t Thurs­ glva aunaatlona and commante. letter from Carl Austin Hall, who .. OraiM Knight tram needs to UaUn. -QUldran day at noon at the • Gaprilanda Town m BcUlIs and various civic Halt’s Dipt Siojt with Mrs. Bonnie Brown Heady Thee* pcagrame, aponaorad by here ar* sMe to hay* IM P aatural Herb Farm of Adelma.. Cranlar groups and othara intarasted in Advertise in The Herald— It Pays IM Tablets o n ly ...... SIAS confessed the kidnaping, demand' th* newly formed lecturer'* com­ curioaity satlalled/4* to “4iby the so you can get a higher trade-in allowancer* 330 Tablets ...... gdJiO Ing 3600,000 ransom. mittee under the chairmanahip of graaa is graea." sM “why tha sky Mall orders lOe extra. It stipulated that 3100,000 was Past State Deputy Bernard Fo­ la blue.'' By M ually producing to bb in 320 bills and 3300.000 in garty, have become a popular in­ soma of naturaa wonders, wa ar* 310 bUls, the money to be ob­ novation to tha actlvitiea of th* batter able ter' produce a ” aaeing" Wdea is*i»d*y~All Siihta Seteraed.RT. tained in equal portions from alt council this year. generation. “aealng" ganaratton 12 faderkl reserve banks. lAst month, Nick Coco, of the la a “knowing ganeration, aad “Fifteen other parties called UncasvlUo Council, gave a very knowledge'Itaelf is' power. demanding ransom from 35,000 to interesting lUuatration at black­ TTi* teachers at mriaeMma ar* always 3250,000," Ledterman said. “ Had board writing. The demonstration abl* to/ak* .children from all so­ Mr. Greenlease complied with all was well attended. cial lavela and glva them a faaling of the demands, he would have The succaa* of this first pro­ of "togetherness’' that soma do not plenty o f paid IH million dollars in ransom. gram Slid also the promise of get at home, and becauaa of lack But we knew which of the callefs more equally anjoyable functions of time, cannot get at school. parking area waa the right one." planned for the fu^r# months ie a Following Mr*. Cheney's talk, As it waa the 3600.000 was the maaaur* of tho activity of this tha buaineas meeting was hHd. Ra- IMPORTANT NOTICE lecturer's committe* this ysar. A here largest ransom ever paid. freahmanta wars served 4n the SI Complicating negotiations, he large turnout of tha membarahlp cafeteria. 277 MOAO added, was a report from an under­ is expected to attend n talk by world character that gSngstars James Hoys next Monday evening would Intercept the money when it 'nt th* Council homa. T E I E V I s I 0 N RADIO ■AUBSaaS FROM THE Hoy*, who la chief purchasing finally was delivered to the MANCHiSTiK SERVIOB ignsted wp-nim ^itB asM.h.. ADMITTED TESTERDAT: HARTFORD GAS CO !ul Terror'' 3 Mala SL — Phaaa MI-3-U3B Daniel Creamer, 361 Spring . St.; >LAYL- \ . If the Shriver Conversion men have not ,mor* Rd.; WilUam Wilson, 68 ’ BCSI- Jensen St.; Mis* Mary Sweatland, l:S ni aifloq fhdiaiaii. “ ow Host 30 Cottage St. Rockvnie; Charles .... ">abt Umitrd•• Dickens, 34 Avondale Rd.; Silas (U) TOE WEamaMhE gained admittance to your home this fall Barrett Columbia; Karen Sue Mil COWBOY nanroi'SB <*i> naaa boom ro a dabdv,. Tpung. 71 Cooper S t; Georg* Glenney, 443 East Oantsr St.; Mrs. tiw <4a -7) n v a r im u '^ ^ Aceetmi- RoeelU Giraiti*. 395 North Mala MVIS BAKERY (**1 ^YB O CBB -or aTABS, to adjust your gas appliances, please call S t ; John Kamm, 8 Lincoln St. . dr.m* SPECIAUZOro IN K iu c a aaviaw LOOK HOW MUCH MORE YOU GET WITH MERCURY ADMITTED TODAY: aarenca PLUS SELECTED SHIMtTS Barber, 34 Oak St.^ Linda Cher- Scotcb.lrisM«9iish ^*** ^ B a ft * * * Osorge usatonce... rone, 59 Glen wood S t; Roy J<^- PASTRIES o ^ UtM t$t tn}jvooK rQB TOVB8ai.r aon. 513 Lydall St Wed. aad ners. '■■APPY tIMR" a PRICE SCALE * BIRTH YESTERDAY: a dsugta- Mat. ASniteBte. Evealag 7Sa EARED GOODS "a R s a T m m i n i M m "' - Weddlag-Party Oakas ■Cer to Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Di- CUM, AB Time* 39e PVI., "Plrese Bet* Te BtefsHr** Salvatore, 18 Hartland.St U. S. Tax ' OAIX 10-3-MM ■- - _ ._ EwalBb '' » BIRTH TODAY; A daughter to < anm r, Adeiph 819 Mala 8 t -.A t tha Oeator Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, RFD <») BBgm MOW, R. DISCHARGED YB8TBRDAY: ( < •» U rru tT a ow Mrs. Eleanor Mloganskl, 48 Grand­ “Ledio. Cbolc.' U.M Mitchell■ i - 9-0543 view St.; John iUnbroe*. 135 Bran­ Ctm tDiVOVB FROM iitie ----- vpaacasT UiW < b r y tjya, Jobs DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. (H>- TODAY Mary Parker, 71 Charter Oak S t; i/ 1 A Xbp 3-D HR for Whldi UtU (M> ITB 'FBtiMr th is work must be done by October 15th, . «*i) _____ Oeed Mr*. Grace Rose. 7 Nye S t; Mr*. K.; ITf'N Gladys Casters. 893 West Middle No Spociol GIchsos ?SIS!mn55*Y%i“,WT. UiM < ______Tpke.; William Wilson, 58 Jenssn -'f r, . ./ A l o M W TMOI you li j ^ y o n get a car HiSl’s IbRaking tales WHEN YOU DllVE— you’ll be thrilled by Mercury’s pmta V-8 WHEN YOU TIAOE IT IN*^you’ll find that Mercury’s pepidmty; otherwise your gos supply must be shut off. St.; Mr*. Lorraine Mlrtl, 53 Over­ ncordf. And because our high voluaw kts us tske a lower land St.; Charles Dickens. 34 performance. Here ie no newcomer V.8! Mercury has never style 'leadership, proven V4) economy ceeriiine te give it the I iS } ?l ™ profit per tor, we are now in a posiltoa to o l ^ you the best Avondale Rd.; Mrs. Eilxabeth La- used anything but V.8 engines. And you have your choice higheit trade-in value in it* field. B ^ u te yon get amre ef uS«-* trade-ta deals in our history. You now can get a Mercury for Brie, South Coventry; Paul Hna- of more optional features—including d-way power seat, power your investment back in the future when you tra^ it in, the an initial cost that's little more than the lowest priced cars. tulk, Stafford Springs; Woodman braket, power steering, electric window lifts, and imm^iste final cost u f a Mercury makto it the "hottett’* buy oa tha baby boy, Glastonbury; Lorsn - - ‘jg), much awrq when you get a Mercuryl delivery on no-shift Merc-O-Mstic Drive. Fracchia, Andover; Miss Clar* market. Get the fact*—and drive a Mercury (odty/ Manchester Division Gallagher, 9 Eldridge St.; Georg* ' ’ %U."SS®n5ef W»WAaDi aiamaen. 73 Horton Rd.; Mrs. Jen­ ^ ■arSleM 6ee €•• nie Hoff. 300 East Canter S t f —with AAsrc-O-Motic—I - < » » J.M fte. no-ahift drive, tpeciflcolly daiignad for Mercuryl Penoiial Notfoes ' coim MBDOrS ARY BESFTIME IYER TO BUY A am ( s4i> nu,TOM a E a u aaow SriiSS.'TJL'TSa;, Vi'I'EL'"'- Quest St*r._Vle^ii(Sir *

an ef our aelabbers. UuekdBter O ffk t, 187 Main S tm t, Open Tharaday Evaninia and frW^s end rolaUveo for th. auuiy mete ef UiMlnMa aad sjrmpethr shewn «e is MORiARTY BROTHERS, Inc; Satwdajr Morainca for Appliance Dcaionatratioa and Saka 3ei-3u cB im n tiR — M ANcim m J* ^ * ■"■i' .i-J- It^CHESTER^VENmO HiaUU;j);i([ANC^^ CONN, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 18 1958 * ' ^ ...... ■' _... . ■ ^ ^ ■ ... __ MANCHESTEE-EiqaaKS-HBaALI). CONN* rUESpAV, OCTOBER 13,1958 Cliamber Warrant Out ' A l j u t t t T o ^ MUIard M itcheU aqasB-aMBMMISiMiiMaaMSMSisiMS^ est Three program of Christmaa siiiisMlHis dent, Hundro^ of high atOtoffi, r Thaaa jttendlng am.gakaa to biMf Toim Is Readied collogo stud^ffii fionnoS' The Italliin-Ameri^’' ladles' I Seriously III a host luaoh.. - . For Youtl^ 16 AuxUiary will hold a msetlnig to­ of -pUgrtqK- econ-akinaod il^zed at CMteag. Bveate Schedule^ and Pilgnmima for the show. night at 8 o’clock at tha ^ubroems Call Parley SanU Monica, CAlif„ Oct. l8 (ffi For Ike Birthday on Bldridgs St. ■ ce WSya Tho-Arat session of tho Evening Doaona of pj-efasslenal showwarr Witness in Liqutfr Sale /■ - 'I , — Millard Mttchsll of ths broad- School wUI-bo held from 7 to 8 p.m. Wadnaaiay. Oet. 14 and sports stars will provlds the lecdon pf Officers I To Minor Faces Pros* way stags and tba movtss, is In a tonight at.thw H Igh Srtiooi with (CsattnwA from Pago Om ) entortainmsnt of thO svo of tbo RepreaentativM of tha farioua For London Sdesand Seryiee olsssss In woodworkiw’beginning Midnight—8 a. m. . . . k. Votaateera Needed _ New Civic Group Condition Critical nsUonsl groups which ak« ((Ang to coma at St. John’s Hoppltal and Raided.^ctrked Can typing and sowing. 'Tnoso inffir- 3- a. m.-k.4 a. m...... VMaateavs NeedrA President's birthday, i I ecution for Purchase entartaln at the United Nations Icga^of eating with titO Eisen­ doctors say h t Is not sxpsctsd to 2i;i 8PRUC*; STn MANCHESTER TEL. Ml~S-5095 ostsd in attending who have not 4 a. m .~d a. m...... Votaateers Needed howers. . Hundrsds of other youngsters A Scheduled for Oct. 19 birthday party. Dot, 24,- At tha Vsr- (Ossit Fage Oae) Uvs. At ths rsqusst of Itia wlfs and registered may do so at tonight’s 8 a, m.—8 a. m...... Vetaateers Needed prsparsd for a hugs ohorst and Proaecutor W. David Keith aaidi phmek School will meet tomorrow ** IlShts; modsmlaed two 8.000 Ike and Mamie will go first to two chUdrsn, a t ths bsdslds, ths rouco hosdqusrters sxhtbttad an »«d roamvod 17 of tha 1,000 lumtn Session. 9 a- m.—Noon ...... L u cy Burke band program to bo presented in nmip o( yaunc UanchMtar today he has laeued a warrant for night at 8 o'clock at tha llunjeipal there waa no pmaaure on the part RINDIX — MOTOftOU — tCA ' Noon~S p. m. .. f...... Katharine RuUgsrs tho Hershey Stadihm to partake of the stadium for tho non-psytng , lataicbMl a local Janior Cham- the arreat of Patrick Daley, 16, of Building. ■ Anyone else laterssted of the British to fores this issus. natum of hls 'uineas waa aot dia- Unususl array of merchandlae'ffila ‘ Ths Homemsasrs will meet to­ 8 p. m.—4 p. m, guests. LET 118 Demlng St., who Saturday MITCHBi. Am CONDmONIRS School Strsst, Installsd one 3A00 night at 7:80 p.m. at the home of ...... Jacqueline Bennett their'own box lunches with the of Oomiaarca laat itfcht with is Invited to attend this nMUhg. Brlteos Favor SettleiMt cldbed. ■ morning, conalating of 14 flqaSk 0 p. m.—8 'p. m. • • ...... - William Simpson, Barbara Waltett throng. The entire affair la being staged adopUoa of .a aat of by4aws, was a proeecution wltneaa m t)u. Uebts, clgamtts case*, oysglaasts, and slsvsn 4,000 lumtn lights; i«- Mra. Doris Weller. Mra. Evelyn 8 p, m.—40 p. m. by the Pennsylvania Republican casa of a part-tima package store Both Edsn and Prims Mintetsr He made his atage debut in 1825 Steytd Ayo 1.000 and one 8,000 Hosring and Mrs. Berths Gerich ...... Myra FlUgerSjd. Flertneo Plitt 'Then they will move over the namlna ot a nomination com- Intermsdists Girl Scout Isadora In ’’The Holy Terror.’” and followed keys, small tools, ons wrist watch, lumsa lights. 10 p.„ m.—MIdnight . . _ ...... Hy*H Sutllffs, Russell Wright colorfully decorated tent — 100 Finance Committee. It expocte to k. DiittM, ana Uio appointment ot a clerk charged with selling liquor will meet tomorrow nlsht At 6 OiurchlU said in spstchsa loot will lead ths group on the subjoct net 1400,000 for state and national to minora. this with parts ia 50 othsr plays, «*blng rssla. oigamtte ligbtsra, Pox Hill Drive—Installsd six of “Holiday Breads." Volunteers may rsgtster at Civil Defsnas Hsadquartors. Mu­ yards sway to have coffee with the ’ ' temporary treaeurer to collect duea o’clock St Camp Merri-Wood on weak thsy sUU favorsd negotiaticftis MitchsU’s sensa dsbut was in nicipal Building. Msnehsstar, on Mondays, Wsdnssdsys and Fri­ cam pal^ purposes. ^ '^ ^ c h were let at ttO annually. with Uw SovleU .St ths highest and a 880 camsra. 3500 and two 4000 lumen Iti^te. Mrs. Leopold to Speak buffet diners. Judge- John 8. C. Rottnar found Gardner St. FoUowmg the busi­ ”Mr. and Mrs. North.’’ In 1940. Hs CUANING AND INSTALUNft Hate and Earl Sirsots, installsd days from 1-5 p. m. Highlight Comes Tonigilt T’^ Prmident planned to enter About 40 men between the ace of the clerk, Jerome O’Brien. 42, of ness meeting a costume Halloween Isvsl. Ths Unitsd States has bsSn Dbwgtwica report- Secretary of State Mrs. Alice the arena tonight at the reins of a Called f«r sod n and 35 have Joined the organiia- cool to this Idsa In visw of in- gmlnsd promlnsace with his rols In ons 3500 and removed one' 1000 Leopold will he the guest speaker Highlight of the affair comas Andover, guilty and fined him $78, party will be enjoyed. "■My Six Convicts,’’ and as ths mo- showing off ths eollse- lumsp fights. tonight on , tho 6,400-sest indoor typical Pennsylvania - Ammish promptly st so tloa or committed themaelvea to do but at the same time eaid Daley abilHy to gat togsthdr with' the vis produMr in ‘‘Singing in ths SEPTIC TANKS asd CESSPOOLS uon, that many of our local towns- St ths meeting of the Woman’s R«- sports arena where the Eisen­ horse and buggy and take several W LibM nifht'a meetinf. the third Communists on problsms such si Main itrsat, lasteUml two 8000 publiesn Club tonight at 8 p.m. in said ho put the lego ih a Mack cbfirge, - ■hould be "punished’’ for hla part The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Rain.’’ Rscsntly hs p ^ s d with A conapteto ergaalaatioa of TRAINED BEWAOE SPECIALISTS PMple who went to ‘‘prsy" over lights. Cook in Custody valise. The legs wars found In a howers will Join in “a real old turns around the building before cattwrinc preliminary to orcanlsa- In the affair and ordered Keith to Sholom wdll meet tonight at 8:15 ho Garmaa and Korsan negotia using the most naodsm equlpnwnt and mackInary—RESULTi A the weekend were easy “prey’’ <«>r Wssleyan Hall. Members of the fashioned birthdsy party." The taking his place of honor. Than he tien, took place in the Community Jimmy Btswsrt in "Ttis Nsksd Ths Improved U ghtl^ program Young Republican Club and men trash can In ths asms Manhattan find a atatute' under which the o’clock ih tha Tempis vSstry to Spur." BETTER Job at a LOWER PRICE. thrss 10 tq. 13-ysar-old boys. Dow- waa in charge of ths Lighting For K ni/e KiUing arsa. Police said someons prob­ program . includes such parlor will Join tho audience to eat a Jtoom at Waddell School. youth could be charged. hear Rabbi Elisssr Levy of Temple Ths subjsct of non-aggrssaion gewlcs referred to the chureh- who are interested are also Invited games as “pin the tail on the don- piece of home-made cake and ice PINE niMUU^i laecttoa Set for Oct. ip guarantees to ths Sovist Union MItchsU, 48, bom In'-Hsvsas, be- THIS IS WHY fows who Mrfcsd thoir cars on Commlttss of tho Common Council to attend. ably found'ths valise snd'dumped Keith today said that Daley Beth El, SpringSeld. Hoeteeees for came ill several months ago. Hs o Waterprooflag of cellars, consisting of Alderman John out Ks mscsbro contents. key-” cream. Oftieere of the newly>formed would be prosecuted under a stat­ the social hour to follow will be- also might come up, although of­ . . . moro psopl* call School and Park Streets and were The Vemon Conter Men's Club (Continued from Fago One) Hundreds of workmen hurried Eight hundred cakes were baked elvte group will be elected at a ficials hare eaid them sppesrsd to underwent an operation, retumsd o New uadergronad water eb rto ^ y leaving their cars un- Schllphsck, Charles Osgna and Ths bead and throe fingers, Lew ute which prohibits the purchase Mrs. Benjamin-Bursack, Mrs. WU horns, but soon was bsetewgaia. lines InstsIteA McKinney Bros. John Paters. WMI meet tonight st 8 p.m. at the this morning to pu| the finishing for the occasion by Pennsylvania meeting Oct. It, elated for • p. m. of liquor by minora, an offense lism Cooper. Mrs. Julius Fradin be no present undemtanding that . S?^J!T***** •Handed Mission church social rooms. The speaker Sunday — ths day her torse was sold, were put in s paper bag and touches to the elaborate set up, A housewives. Oae of the cakes will "tiat the Community Room at Wad it would be raised. ChurchIU has a New "rootpreof" sewer -(1) Prompt SenriM at S t Bernard’s Church, Water Rate Hearing Hold tossed into a sidewalk trash can. deU School. calling for a fine of hot more than Mrs. Max Glaiber, Mrs. David lines Install^ will bo Raymond LeBlanc, presi­ found In an expcnslvs loathor suit­ huge 5-Uered platform, design­ be chosen by lot for the Presi­ $80. Keith said Daley would be Grossman. M rs Philip Hsrrtaon, been talking about a broad non- ITALY STRIKE SLATED (2) QuaUtyWork Ths pollco had rpesivad only ons Since tha action of the City dent o^'the New England Camera' Lew, speaking good Engilsh ed to resemble a birthday cake dent’s private birthday celebration Under ternui of . the by-lawe aggression traaty. Dulles has been e Plugged sewer fines clesa- c ^ p lsin t shout ths thsfU and Council last week to protest ths case on a Manhattan sidswslk. later told newsmen that the ac­ adopted laat night the nominating presented in court Saturday. Mrs. Leon Kramer, Mrs. Herbert ed etectricslty. (3) Reaaonablo Prkoa Club. chaJrinsn of the Hartford In- The other man was identified as was erected in the center of the tomorrow in the White House. SfftSiMJbl In court Saturday, Daley related Lieb, Mrs. Benjamin Shankmsn, studying the question from the Rome; Oct. IS (F) — Com- this dsspits ths fact the boys must application of the Water A Aque­ terastionsl Salon of Photography, count rslsssed by Monaghan was "BIS' Top." It was loaded with The President was scheduled to ocommittoe muot aubmlt two for more specific view of whether Mualst and aatt-Cominnalst Ital- ■ESAK . . . IE SURE have Upped a score of victims. duct Co. to the Public Utllitiss Murray Spivak. eorract. each of the eight otflcerahipe in the how he bought a pint of whiakey Mrs. Hsrry Tarlow and Mra. Thso- and teacher at the Hartford Art Lew, who is Just over flvs feat mors than four tons of Pennsyt- motor from Washington - to from O’Brian at a Manchester ddre Weiss. something might be gained from laa nnteas today called a 84 hour OTis complaint that finally led to Commission for a gonsral increase School and Hartford Evening Polics had first picked up the r n i a frulte and vegetables. HerShey, accompanied by Mrs. fratp. The eommlttee conaiota ot reassuring R u s s i A against a ■attenal geaetnl etrlke for aext their apprehension was lisiiod by in the water rates, which would tail and wslgha 120 pounds, said cook when they learned he was a u u r y DeMato, Robert Oorman, Green package store and how he. School. Uis. s u b ^ t will be "The ho met. Miss Gibbons in a ysstau- / In the arena, bandleader Fred Eisenhower and sevsral close rets- along with Richard Bsgsni, 17, of St. Elisabeth Mothers’ Circle revival of German militarism. Tueeday. H w call to tte up the Coll McKINNEY BROS. Mrs. Arthur ChstUrton of High St. ssriously affect tha rate for firs Possibllitlee In Photography.’’ friend of tho woman. 'waring ran through a last minute Uves. They will return to the jStou^ton Ellaworth, Herbert nation's Industry is pnrt of an who said she opansd ths gtovs rant about 18 months ago. whelon, and Robert'Alley. lOS Demlng St., and a 15-ysar-oid will hold a mesting tomorfdw at 8 Asked whether Dulles would hydrant water, taxpayers have The Bixecutivc Committee of the Monaghan and polics gsvs this ’The victim, whose full nai rehearsal of a gigantic pageant to Capital tonight by plane from the p.m. at tha b ^ s of Mrs. Lswrenos talk with Churchill as well as with Increasingly bitter stmggte by SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY compartment in her car and found shown groat interest. Council of Oiureh Women .will was Florence Pearl Gibbons, oi be presented in honor of the Prest- nearby Olmsted Air Force Bese. * The group wilt elect a preeident, boy, latsr drank it before going to the Mg unions to force general tho flashlight mtaslng. account of the qucstMihmg of the - vice-preeideht in charge of ex* ; a high school dance. Kramer, 38 Horton Rd. Members Edsn. officials said ths fomign Sesbury Lewis, president of the meet tonight at 7:80 p. m. at,the epok andT his statement’ admitting worked as s practical* nursq" In mlnlstsm may vary well see wage Increases, partteolarly to TEL. Nltcbell 8-8808—180-188 PEARL ST.. MANCHESTER home of Mrs. Forrest Musder, MassachuaetU. She later W arns tenul affaire, a vice-preoident in I Police were called into the esse srs reminded to bring canned milk piece workers. night Supsmumsrsry Chamber of Commerce said yaster- the criUM; M/! .charge of internal affaire, a treao* after school chaperones dstseted for shipment to Korea. Churchill since he will be in Policeman Fred Lippman spott^ dsy Uutt gt Ute last.piaatlng of the Prospect St. At this time plans for The cook, who was bora in afidictsd to narcotics and two sr- I urer, a eecretary, and three ditpe* the odor of alcohol on Uis boys’ London. two boys with a flashlight acting dirsetora of the Chamber, no men­ the annual World Community Day dHna and cams to ths United rosts in New York on profUtuthm f tore. brssth. Keith eaid the two other Officers of Ttmpls Chapter, No. InformsnU said ths London auspiciously in the School St, aros. tion waa mads of the changes in of Prayer tho first Friday in No­ States 10 years ago, was first charges- followsd. Samuel J. Turkington, Jr., ia boys involved would not be prosc- 53, O.E.8., are requested to meet session Is not sxpected to produce After quosUontng tho pMr, he water rates. vember will ho mode. quostloned Sunday night and rs- SEPTIC TANK CLEANIN6 ^^Hbmporary chairman of the or- cuted'because he could find nothing tomorrow evening at 7:45'for re­ any world shaking decision, as

tiBPBWSd th* prspsanl . w A agraad upon in Ue armiatlca is necticut Yankee, and his ooatuma tecalvad in tha l o ^ chaptar offica MANCHESTER EVENING i|ERALO, MLNCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1958 f M nwde iMAMsy. ever earrtad out waa only part of his dramatic ex­ by Nov. 18. fT* ' one thinf, British and Amer- cellence. The air of aupercilloua Last yaar, Mrs. 'B<-.tta aald, ' , ■ I V V , M K JK ir-lld proved by tba Board of Bdiieatloa icAR ptdicy. tiava coma cloaer to- disdain with whUB -hs wandered many organisatons donaUA a sum fVTlp|V.ltl9 \ Andover to supervise tba use of tba kltcSaa T latly DiscBverjr about oh tha edge of hhnorblng of money to take «are of one or Guest Speaker R o a d Safety C ro u p geitbr W l^du#;reaiiMta;'.ih^^t ipaily Badto W B A t— M9 aquipmeht The group must aa- ' Back iltfibox S bliaae xlnea to the school library. ‘Tba for the mayoralty nomination. Dear Si.' We have never since worn a straw S-4410. riC;^niicluuaa WUa Andover, Oct. IS (Special)—The children will derive much enjoy­ tional . Foundation for Highway REPAIRS! parently lost its capacity for try­ hat or overalls In to Hartford. ”Thta la a real opportunity to M il INSURAHCB ^ TOP WACMS 1 WOMS^fVank JMwarda local girl Scout troop No. 7 spent umc« an tu ieh ^ cr, m Wagner got 380,474 votes and the We notice by tha papara that, So youxan aae, Si, that tha Yan­ pRC—R -eara Simp ment from this contribution. Safety at a recent meeting of the ad CUM Moll JUtUn______^ ing to capitalise «n the caiurchill Uklng aami-Judicial notice -pt a bring a little Cbriamas warmth ^ 5N9—Jack Dowoar Sunday at the Timet Farm work­ Volunteer help la ntaded in tha Mayor 1M,17S. Wagner thus won kee can hardly be expected to de­ Into tha baarta of soma tonaly organisation ,a t Decatur, III. propoeal. Eltlier Russia is not cap­ vacancy M the'^adanu Mnchrand sert Judge MacDonald In any am OTHIK IMPLOYIIINIPITS " ^AY -SIO Polka Hop ing oa their camp craft badgea ’library. 'Call the school and offer Other officers elected were Paul the Democratic nomination, and alao acknowledging tha UMoua ssrvicemen,” said Mrs. Watts. WrCC—Racord Reviaw your servicea If you arc willing to . _ - ,#BbU In Ad^uw* able of pttaCnUng a head of .state bitlon of hla Ha la a Idvely, able Many of them will be eligible for D. dcLahunta, of East Hartford, J ••••••«••■«*••* * ImpelUtterl was forced to try to efforU of certain fritnda who-have WKNS—Jukebox MaUnaa jjNOiW—diarllgbt Symphony help. ' ter a conference wNo could-mUy fellow, and an tncisiva Judge of APPLY IN PIRSON vm o-Stalla Dallaa the honor after this outing. Other president; Clayton M. Wallace, of I •••«•••■••••*»**••••••* run aa an Independent. suggested you as %.een«date for ieharacter to boot. YTHT—Counlry Muala J^Y -N lie Watch Other Sekaal Nates TllBM EtoflUM •«■•«•’••••*tl****i function in that capacity, or Rua- tha Judgaahtp involvad. yoa have ScotiU were buey working on their Mrs. Wrobllnski spent Wednaa- Washnigton, D. C„ vies president OpflJCoMtli •««••••»•*•••••••••••• On Sunday, Oct. 11, nearly a Yourt atneerely In previous com ^.VS—Jack Dowa.v • 2 I i£ r ’Ks'*4 *:! “ “rio WSplUj^^ ,.•••••••••■••••••••••••• Sion policy Is not Capable of com­ professed a wilUngnssa to ba mitment, WTHT—Three Buna aeeond d ata requiroanenta. day at tha school helping wdUi the William H. If sale, of New Haven, month aftar tha primary, Mayor 'premdtad.” WDR^Nawa; Muale Tbs Scouts are meeting each : health cards. ing to any diplomatic showdown. The Yankee Polka Hap ^^arowB—SiarUgat SympiMmy secretary; Directors representing ImpelliUeri suddenly discovered This, in true friendship, is to MORIUTY BROTHERS wCOC—RocorS R«*l-« Monday afternoon, now at tha Mra. Hohmann took charge ot BUDG^NTER At any rate, Russia- no longer o r WKlfB—Jukebox MaUnea WHAY—Wewt home of their leader, Mra. George the office making it poaalbla tor 13 states and the District of Co­ 91 CENTERSTREET M A N C H B S m t TBS ASaOCIATBD PRS8S seems capable of using the that the primary should be de­ nottty yb^ that wa cau|ol ha for 315 CINTM ST. « T IL MI-3-i13i WTIC-Wldder Brown AMOcUUdKUUd PreH U excluilrelrexcluilTtlj clared null and void. A t least, that you. / * : • ; ^ArUNir B ill Stout j WTHT-Joa OIrand Munson. 8oma 16 girts ana In tha tha principal to spend much tlma lumbia wers appointed for the en­ ina iaa st rfmihllitatlwi w Chitrchin proposal In its orfginal Red Cross Seeks i W D ^—Record Jliiop WDRC-Klaenbower group. In the classrooms. suing year. potiSM eredlRd to ft7 or would be the only thing, to do with Our failure to lially-to youfoah' f HOVBS S A. M. to 11 P. M. 1 rols for Russia—th at of a ppaalble didacy in this pprUculsr Uuitallcc WOWS—Jack Downey ^^^W S-duirUgto Symphony While at camp the girls did their Mrs. Richards was on hand to Purpose of the Foundation is the So cfMItn.' iB thli paper .It if the Mayor's new description promotion of highway safety with J o U p ^ loeel atwipablUbed Deri, wedge between Britain and Amer­ is not to ba attributed to. adiat Help on Projects *'WHAT—SIO Polka Hop WHAY-NIte Walch own cooking and camp hotue- bring the banking syatem up to ll rlfbtx ot«. repoblleiuon —of -m~~- epeeUl ;of It were to be accepted as the m irtt be the or^aiy raaatgis. -WCCC—Record Re.lew WTXC-Wewa keeping. Among the tntereating readiness for Tuesday momlng:'a particular attention to the fast­ ^ - herein ire eUo roMnred. ica. truth. The primary, said the Mayor Wa do not a rM e 'lb a t yqu ('al­ WKWS-Jukebox Matinea WTlJ’r-H m ; VnlenUno delicacica they prepared were: banking program. growing problem of-drunkeii driv­ WT1<>—Tba Woman WDRC—Me■>wa Anti-Fire Program Held ing. A comprehensive national pro- HARVEST SUPPER uU leiTtce client ot M. S, A. Serr- And, unleas Churchill himself is Sunday, was nothing more than a ready have a Jim, and aSouht ^be Mrs. Lillian Watts, volunteer WTHT-rJoe OIrand ------WOWS»-Wr Com bread, chicken and dumpling, going to follow up Ms words with content. After all; what la polltica, WDRC->Rrcnrd Shop iiiia— com beef haah and chocolate cake The first and .second grades am featuring outdoor bulletins ubluhere KepreeentiUTvj. Communlat plot against him. Not servicea chairman for the local WOWS-Jobk Downey WHAY—Mite Watch s been undertaken and it la an­ UBitad Methedlsf CliHreli at QiiatryvWB, l oit oa deeds of some kind. It can be but a willlngneas to accept new with frosting. have learned a great deal about R lu i Metbewi SpecljU A i j n e ^ the DemocraCa of New York, but and higher responsIblUtles as Red Cross, has again issued her ( ) •ito - WTIC-worldw 1 lu —fvoria «(Newa fire prevention, this week by tak­ ticipated that other media will be ii X Chlcxco. Detroit and Bbotc guessed that he himself is hot WiUY—Your Hoateaa WTHT—Sporta ReportIt School Buies Listed Val PHceasn .AMBER AUDIT BUREAU o r the CommunisU licked him. They swiftly aa they become available? annual appeal for help with the WCCC—Record Review WDRC-^ght■ ■ ; Cooka< Rules and regulatlona governing ing trips to the fire house and added as rapidly os conditions per­ Friday, O c t. 76 - 5 ;30-7 P. M. tCULATIONB. pushing the proposal with much Nor, Si. do We Join with those ’’Christmas on the High Seas' * JhU 9a JAc 5 co4d/i--- i WKNB-Jukebox H^lnea WOKS-Atriclly .Jaaa the use of the Andover School listening to firemen tell about the mit. had him marked for defeat, he WTIC—Jiial Plain BUI t i i s a - department. All the rooms made ' Emanuel Lutheran church ct Bernld Prlr.UnS Cenpeny. Inc., present vigor. For all the specula­ of your frienda who are somewhat project which collects wraps and WTHT—loe OIrand WHAY-NIte Watch Building have recently been made Asaurancea of full cooperation said, sad cited attacks on himself Wnc-Boaton BUckIt postecs which were sent to the de­ this town, together with 38 other hava already been received from Priea: $1.25. CMMrwi MidBr 12: «5c Baea no SnaneUI roaponalblllljr for tive fanfare which prec ^ WOWS—Sat Preaton ol. Yukon W DRC-NIgM Owl ly interested are thoae responsible partment for Judging at tha next Augustona Lutheran churches of interested governmental agencies Jsenenti and other reading matter Churchill speech Saturday did not tary personnel who will be out­ Saturday of this weric the hunting season opens • its— W Owi-Stri^y Jaaa meeting. rbe Moncheatar Brenlng Herald. Now Mayor ImpelliUeri, of too great a mixture of busineaa WHAY-DInah Shore 11 Its— for group busineaa and aociah meet­ the etate, will hold their etxth an­ and many police chiefs. RESERVATIONS: MI-3-5973 and MI-3-5224 revive, his heads of state proposi­ course, la not aeeking to have the and farming with your legal ca­ bound for duty on Christmas Aay. in Connecticut and buhters will venture forth for WCCC—Record Review WHAY-NIte Watch ings, movie programs, PTA meet­ The teurth grade'.went to the nual Christian Life and Growth’ It is reported that contributions tion in very lively terms. He reer. In our opinion, hnylmdy in The Red Cross has carried on W TlC-rrnnt Paae Pnrrell wnc-BoMon Blackla home of William Kowaiakl where to the National Foundation for Menu: Coraed beef aad cabbage., harvard beets, earrets, oaleBB, mbpUt at.'rertlBlac^eiaflng hoorn; primary run over.' That, if that a day afield with dog and gun. WTHT-Jo- OIrand WDRC—Night Owl ings and acUvitlea, and public pro­ Dedication Servics at historic potatoes, rolls, coffee, ponipMa, apple ar mlace pie. . TorlloBdajr—X p. m. PVlday. any -profession Is a little bettor this program for many years. WONS-Sirictly Jaaa grams involving cither children or he explained to them about his Center Church on the Green, New Highway Safety are exempt from Fot-Tneeday—1 p. m. Mor^to. seemed almost psrfunctory In re­ were possible, would be the last Mis. Watts stated, and the men WDRC—Record Shop carrier pigeons. The eighth grade or Wedneedajr—1 p. tn. Tueaday. calling i t for a little farming on tha alte. WONS-Set.roNS—flgt. PreatonPre of Yukon adults. Haven, Sunday a t 8 p.m. Last ytal- taxation. # or niuriday—1 p. m. Wedneaday. thing in the world he would waid Finally, Si. we do not resent the receiving these little glR pack­ Despite every precaution, not infrequently a hu­ • : » - To uaa tha building, call the tied messages to the birds this annual svent was held in Man­ for rrldai—1 p, u>. Thuraday, Churchill's plainest speaking, ages are grateful in being remem­ man being is failed by the blast from a hunUt'a WHAY—Croahy school between the hours of 8:30 at school auid let them fly away. chester at tha South Methodiat for he would ba licked again. What idea that you-should seem to re­ WCCC—Record Review Saturday, was dsvoted to a polat gard a period of two month/ spent bered on what might be a bleak •gun. It’ihay'be'due to a stray shot. It may badua WTIC—Lorenxo Jonea a.m. and 4 p.m. Arrange with, the Mrs. Colburn’s group waa at homa (jhurch. ha-la doing la very clear. He 1s and lonesome holidayi 8 and received the messages. which is diractly in Itoe with in your present office as aufflelent to a gun being discharged accidentally or it may WTlIT-^oe OIrand , Weddingi principal for the use of the school Vai Peterson,' former governor :inanufdcturlng‘ » Communlat basis for what you call a “promo­ Aa one army prlvata wrote, ”I WDRC-Memory l.naa \ on the date wanted, and make of Nebraska, who was appointed American policy In Europe. This ‘be due to a person being mtataken for gams. WO.N3-Sky King V i Manchester Evening BemM An­ bogayrman in gn effort to pose as tion.” We don’t believe in dead know that others oa well as my­ I l l s - ' ■ Kingmsn-McIatMh such arrangements far enough in Administrator of the Federal Civil Tue*lgy,,October IS was his Warning to Franee that If the anti-OMnraunist hero of the end situations for anybody. self thank' you for the gifts we WHAY—Newa advance so that the teachers and dover eorrea|MMdent. Mrs. Oeoirge Defense Administration by Prasl- It did not approve the European have received from you people ]^< ’C—Record Review Mlaa Margaret Glynn Nelson, telephone Pilgrim 8-9783. mayoraltjrcnmpaign. it la a cheap These may be the scuttlebutt WTIC—Pnya to Marry daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robhri? custodiM can plan their work dant Eiaenhowar last March, win Defense Community, the procem critieisma of your candidacy, hut back home on this Christmas. .Before you go hunting why not protect WTHT—Joe OIrand accordingly. . be the guest speaksr aad will be ‘ The Future Of Trieste ahattow and frequent trick in You’ll never know how much we E. Meintoah, of Harvard Rd., and of German reaimament would atill we’ll have none of thorn. yourself and your family an extra precau­ WDRC—Maaaey. Tilton Raymond Ralph Kingman, son ot Hie area of thq.bu(ldlng that can Introduced by AUy. H e r b e r t polltica these days, and when it is We are against you for the vary appreciate it since our Christmas WOWS-8ky King ba used includes; tha all-purpooc 8o far, the qno really threatan- go forward, and he accompllahed tion by purchasing a Feraonal Accident t m - Mr. and Mrs. W, Leonard King- Bmanuclaon of New Haven. UOKS DIFEBENT was spent at seS this year, Mj^y assorted to one can Judge that the understandable reason that we are WHAY-Bpotllaht on Sport. man, of Hemlock St., were mar­ room, the kitchen, the toilet facil­ Open Forum Sponsored by the laymen of the Itiff commltmeht Marahal Tito haa by bringing Germany Into NATO. candidate doesn’t have much else for somebody clae, for a reason we thanks to all who are helping~ us policy which will provide 'round the clock WCCC—Oond Evening, tJood Muale ities. the claos-rooma for parent dlatrict chWches with Conrad to have a Itttls -better Christmas Vmc-Newa ried- Saturday, OcL 10, in St made with regard to Trieste is to So, if the British Prime lilni«ter to stand on. Shd compelling. Bridgets Church. neetingx and the librai’y- UNAM Clothing Drive Rohs of Naugatqek as president, We more or. Icaa have to be lor than we expected,” coverage for accidental loa.s of life. It will WTHT-Joe OIrand Enter the school . through - the ...IT IS DIFFERENT the effect that he will move his is back in harness, we’suspect it Tba Oeremony waa performed at To the Editor, this vesper service is their special former State Senator Herbert 8. The local Red Cross chapter pay a liberal weekly indemnity while you terrace entrance oin the west aids, observance of Laymen’s Sunday, troops into Zone A, which Is the Is not exactly the same kind of has been asked to supply SO pack­ 11:30 a, m. by the Rev. Theodore The-Vnlted Nations Association MacDonald, and it's' all because of are disabled and in addition-pay, up to the Gubala. White chrysanthemums the entrance to the alt-purpose traditionally celebrated, by the city destined for Italy, if Italian harness he was wearing last May, an incident in his. career, most ages for this program and, since WHAY—Supper Serenade room, and tha front door.' of Manchester, in connection with General Dept, of Churchmen of they must be uniformly Wrapped . WCCC—Oood Evening, Good Muale predominated in the decorations. troops begin to enter it. Then he waa offering a confer­ people have forgotten. Maybe he limit purchased, all doctors’, hospital, WTIC—StrIciH- SporU Parking facilities are available the observance of United Nations the National C o u n cil'o f the INSIST ON Open Forum himself haa tergottan it, too, but and sent ta ports of embarkation W nrr-Joe Clrand The bridal attendants were Mias on the drive at the rear entrance. But before we put this threat ence of heads of state to a Russia nurses’ and X-ray fees. Call us today for Mary Metntooh, slater of the bride Week next week, is Oils w-eek and Churches of Christ in the UAA. we haven’t. in time to be put oh hoard before WDRC-Jark Zatmon On the upper level, park paral­ Peterson recently returned from to any test, there are things that which at least pretended to want - . ^ Warning the servicemen-iwl, they must be WONS—Palteraon aa maid of honor, and Thomas E. Judge MacDonald was one of the complete details. . ____ StSa- lel facing the new buildings, and next conducting a clothing drive an official inspecOon trip to Eu­ can be done, and they would not one. Now Russia does not seem to To the Editor: Glynn, of Southwtek. Moss., was bumper to bumper on east side of bright young Republicans of the ( WHAV—Supper Serenade beat man. Allan Schubert and Rob­ in Various parts of town, the rope. Prior to hie appointment to 'bine coal Involve any sacrifice of principle UnqueatlonaWy. tp« term of the WCUC—4 .0 ^ Kvenlnf. Oood Muale circular drive. Use east play­ clothing to be sent to the As­ -want any kind of showdown mset- 1947 aaasion of the State Senate, WTIC—Home Ownera ert Kingman served as ushers. head the nation’s program to pro­ on our part, if indeed we have any pmaent Board of Dltectors in and the Laurel Club show of that ground for parking when neces- sociation for Relief to Korea. ing on anything. l^cheatar arlU go down into rec- WTHf—Rlectlon Relurna The bride wore a blue dress­ tect itself against enemy attack, BIGGEST TON OF COAl IN TOWN such thing left in our handling of yaar had one scene in which legis­ WDRC—Iximbardii sary. Returning soldiers have 'told of the guest speaker served for a Then British and American *4Pte8entation TRUSS FITTiNir WONS—Bill Steyn maker suit with white acccseorles the Trieste issue. lators were concedad a courteous (• and carried a white bible with a Persons In chorga of building the great devastxtipn in Kprea and short period in the White House policy had not yet got down to that the people ever elected to opportunity to giva-their dramatic whan open after school hours are; of the dire need of especially old Naturally it’s the aeine ia eiee end What Tito wants eventually, ac­ such a body alnce tha adoption of By AKRON Oradxated Rxperto r Serenade floral arrangement of white poet aa the president’a administra­ cases with one another, as they Impreosions of the gentlemen of 'CC—Good Kvenina, Good Muale orchids and stephanotls. the euatodian, tha principal or people and children for clothing. tive assUtant. He was governor of but tbouMUMie of familiee call 'blue coal’ the cording to his own words, is an town manafttrthip form of govern* the press. Perhaps you do remem­ Alee AbdonslBal Sopporta, Blae- R o b er t J. S m it h 0 X 9 M A IN -1C—Three Star X prlncipal’a delegate. Their need Is especially great ter have obviously done In the mean­ »ent, back In the year of 1947. ‘ WTHT—Elecllim Relurna After a honeymoon tour of tha Nebraska for three terms from higgnt Ion of coal in town. Tliey’ve found it’s agreement upon an autonomous time. ber, Si, thst Herb played a certain tte Hosiery, aad aB types ot INCOBPOBATBO 7 0 ^ S T R E E T WDRt>-l.. Thomaa Berkshirea, the couple will make Theae people must close all win­ such Hems as women’s sensible 1947 to"1983, and was bom In Oak­ tope in comfort, aetirfection, economy. Bums A majority of the present board rola In this akit, garbed in straw WONS—Dinner Date dows, turn out lights, check locks ehoes, boots, bedding and warm Italian regime in Zone A and mMea me think considerably of surgical appUanoeo. Private Fit- BEAL ESTATE — IN8UBANCB their home in Canted Conn. land, Neb.; July 18, 1908. better, laato longer, so it actoelly ooite lass ia If, as he aays. Prime Minister and ovtralls, and demonstrating a thig Beona. GROUND FLOOR on (iop>w. check stoves and faucets. clothing for the cold winter A graduate of Wayne State Yugoslav regime In Zone'B, which Churchill is staying in office in Vheckara," with the town mana­ part-thna farmer slouch about the TELEPHONE MltohaU 9-8341 WHAY—Supper Serenade He raui^t alao see that there Is a montha Just ahead. tha lo ^ run. is the territory surrounding. the ger moving them around at ran­ WTIC-Mu.lc with a Beal Teachers College in I93Y, Peterson the hope of accompliahing some­ stege. *TN8rBANSMITH8 SINCE 1914” •WTHT—Klecllon Relurna functioning clean-up committee to Two years ago Manchester biti- rscaived his master’s d^toe in n Every lilue ooaJ’ dealer ie a qualiAed heat­ city. This proposal of his is, it dom. In order to win whatever Anyway, Si, Herb waa giving an QhIm ^s Phamiaey WDRC—Knmily Skeleton ieave'the G liding In the same good sens donated five tons of clothing thing toward peace, that no might be up for discussion or on WONS—Pulton Lewla poUticaJ science from the UiUver- ing expert. . . equipped to give n n advice would seem, just about what we immortal' caricature of ^ e Con­ condition In which it was found, and last year, three tons. Is there longer seems to mean that he is the agenda. This may seem fan­ 1it»— Local Stocks any reason why the amount col­ Bity of Nebraska In 1931,' and on ell heating pteMeme. Get the tmt in coal ourselves propose for Trieste. The WHAY—Supper Serenade 'The thermostat ahould be adjusted later served ai superintendmt of going to try any spectoculac end tastic to the public; nevertheleaa, WTIC—Muale with a Beat by the person in charge. lected this year cannot at least OROMARY COAL MIGHT K OOOD . . . the best in aarvioe. Always epedfy/blue real differences seem to be, first, very true indeed. tVTHT—Kleciion Relurna QBotatteaa FBfBlahod By schools at Etgki, Neb., where he runs on his own. Wa think he Those who uee'the bnildinzs can' equal that of two years ago? It. coal’—B ioom r TON OP coal in tow n! that Tito would be consulted, and, ^m a of our directors do not WDRC—BeuUh CobBiB B MMdIebfook. bw use only, the eqiiirwMnt and sup- all of us rummage through clooets maintains his Ifome. During World YOU MOW IlilM CMT is 0000 now considers there is a team WONS^Tbrae Sona 1 g. M griaao War II, he. served as Plans and second, that the condition result­ approve of certain functions ex­ 1 >sa- >pllea belonging to thexorganizatlon and attics we certainly ahould dis­ policy in existence which is worth isting under the leadership of dif­ WHAY—Supper Serenade Baaii Stocks or group unless special\permiasion cover some long-forgotten articles Operations officer In the Northern RECAUSE ITS TRAOEMARKEO... ing from the eventual evacuation his support and prestige, and we ferent departmental heads but, WTIC—Newa of World Bid Aakad has been granted for iiic of school A/n;c.t would be greatly appre­ Air Service Command, With Uie . YOUR AUmORUI B ' of American and British ' troops WTHT—Star Prom Space First National Bank rank of lieutenant coloneL THITED BLUE FOR YOUR PROTECTION; think that Washington and Lon polltically-wlae. have refrained WDRC—Chorallem BUppIlea and material. LeaV<^ equip­ ciated by aome KoVean, whose would be forniallsed by some inter­ from doing anjrthing to iucertain WONS— go home would have to come to the SNEAKERS Italian atid Yugoslav sections of WHAY—Newa. Nila Watch Maeetoatorieg Cam peak conclusion that both aides have 8E8E8 3^ to g BOYS’ W nc—Dragnet Am. Hardware“ ■ . i2 \i it, .ahd the relationstUp of the to 13 MEN’S WTHT—Town Meeting been ataUing—and ara likely to WDRC—Johnny Dollar Arrow, Hart, Hag...... '3 S - 83 wdiole territory to the rest of the WONS—Newa; S p o ^ Asaoc. Spring ...... 35 38 stall aoma more. $ $ 9:U— Bristol Brass ...... 18 17 world, to Italian and Yugoslav 3.47 3.67 WHAY—Newa, Nite Watch statesmanship. Aa tha time for intervievHng ar­ WTIC—Dragnet Chaney Bros...... 9% 11 WTIT—Town Meeting COUint ...... 98 100 Yet we ought not to get out of rived, spokeamen for our side WDRC—Johnhv Dollar REAT A PONllAC! MORRY'S Bhn-Hart .. 34 37 our own mess so easily. We ought openly admitted that they wera In WORXINOMEN’S STORE WONS-Newareel Fafnir Bearing ...... 33% 86% to assist in the process of no hurry to get on with the busi­ 8 Dvpat Sgw e WHAY—Newa, NIte Watch H art COoley . . . ___ .. 87 40 negotiating a sensible relatlortship ness of trying to talk to pie UJI. WTfC—Newa; Rocky Ptortuhe. Landers. Ftory, Ctk.. . 35 37 WTHT—Town MeeUng New Brit Mach. Co.. . 87 40 between the two parts .of Trieste. prisoners who did not want to WDRC—aiai Precinct WONS—Search llin i Navar Enda North and Judd .. 34 37 GMs Lowest Ptfesef And we have an even more im­ coma home to our ^de. They f :« — Russall Mfg. .. .. 10% . 13% calculated that the longer these WHAY—Nawa. Nile Waich portant duty to try to preserve, for WTTC—Newa; Rockr ywrtuna Stanley Works com.. . 43 46 ■ 7. the future, that. principle we prisoners could aUy within neu­ WTHT—Krwtn Cnnhem Terry Steam ...... 88 99 tral custody, free of Cbmmuniat Btd-Wettiiig WDRC-riat Precinct Torriiteton ....t... .. 39% 33% Originally re.cogniied with regard WO.NS—Search That Nevtr Soda U. 8. Envelope com. .. 74 84 to Trieste-the principle that the pressures, the better the chance U. 8. Envelope pfd. ..*58 S3 political Identity of the territory they might eventually, decide to Television Programs Vaeder Root ...... SO S3 ' was Ie» Important than its eco­ come home after aU. CiR Be Stopped! The above quotations ara aot to On Page Two nomic role. Its grsat economic, im. The Conununlsta likewiao have ba coaatruad aa aetoal marbaU. 40.000 C«MS PIHVB portancn Is stUl t a that portion ot been acting aa if they, wore, In no central Europe far which It dieuld hurry to come,to giipa with the I bhU w w 's tiiCBfg w M ' iserve as a port* Against the po­ attitude of the prisoners who do litical and ethnic claims which not want to go back to them, b«d^WBtthi9 HaMf Italy and Yugoslavia hold, there either beca^ they too think that ' YM-Hli’i'! WilK’' is the fact that the use of Trieste time in naiitral custody may work No longer dMB .yo«r chiid Is sheer necessity to Austria. in their favor, or because they iuiTe to siiffct duune and diagrace enused by bed-wet­ • It was in the realization that have given up hope of persuading oouna, then ere— fdainAt-Qw bn-’ ting. ENURTONE meth­ the economic role of Triute was 'many prisoners anyway.. come appnrent tha m o m t^ foa tUp easentiiU to a region which had no od, patented by n doctoTr under tbd wheel aod c b ^ your In any case, the two sides have has proved in over 40,000 ethnic claim there, that thd joritfi been engaged "In bickering back own road. nal post-Wiu- decision to interna eases that it can eorrect the And forth, each criticising aa un- distressing habit in 2 to 4 TM CgsRaS! CUPPgRfhnaaaotody. tionalfie Trieste was taken. It was accepUblt the faeilitias the other aaty-handling feel that Pack.ard • good and right decision, and we weeks — without drugs or haa provided for the business of Attachments. builds into a car ao'wcii. And, as the ahould Have held to it. Now that prisoner lifterviewing, and /each a ear oomei to life under your hands, PACKARD Ave have abandoned it, however, a«?cuaing the other of deUy.Ai ad-‘ you begin to see and feel the wfnder- INURTONI: - 'A now "'that we are prepared to diOon. the United NaUon/ com­ This ear Is mshliig nswsl All fuL spirited-dtfeaento between this DEALER divide th? territory politically, mand, at least, hSa been indulging Tested by Doctors tbrt^Hgh. ihp country, people are and other cars In its price range. ahould still seek some guarantee in criUclsm iSt the Neutral Com­ talking abM t the new P s e h ir d Recommended by Doctors CfHiewiieawtola^ H ynnnrn ahepstag for a car in the SECOROS that the two sovereignties there mission, as if it feared that body CLIPPER. . . aod iMve been linoe the MA.NCHE8TEB medium-price, held, don’t overJook Quality Rxives It! Patented by Doctors BsifoTmance Piuveslt! will follow policies which will let was being too neutral. day it waa fint annouoced. ftice ftuves It! ru n Mate aod local uaoa U aar. OpcItXHl aanlpHtai. iod ^ MW Pmeiord CLIPPER, Compare U K f U i K U K i m Austria breathe economically. ^b*-Neutral, Commission, mean­ (US No. ' S.1S7AS8). ENUB- Mqawell lim, extra. M na aav eaty tliaktir ia aHrtj i Thorn niM t bn nnimd, tolid rsnaoat TONE avas Aovelopag after oaitiH it with other cars at any price. Drive If Tito maintains, for reasons of while, has begiim to sense the pos­ 4ua M ihippma durai.. behind this oews-naking car’aad the tece and bombast of his' own, that omay yaars of p^i—'-irf-g itr-by nil mcnas. Set your ncarot SYMPHONY NO. 4 ...... Tsehottowsky sibility th st the tactics of Uis two oacdlcal leaaarrh. aatloBwida awing to buy ic And, of Packard dealer soon, won't you? Be hsud to pieaae when you compare auto­ This one’s easy! Simply OMne in and drive a Pontiac offers you all of this extra valua the problem hasn’t been se.Uled sides combined may be reducing SYMPHONY NO. 7 ...... ItttiwvtB mobiles—and you vfUl be pleased with Pontiaic. You’ll feel the eag^ reeponsc of A rn ica ’s at a price just a few doltars dbtAe the yet, there are other reasona why ita own role to one of futility, in M il INFORMATION N-IIS4I Pontiac. Ouality shows up in Pontiac wher­ best-proved high-compretsion engine. You’ll see smallest, lowest-priced cars! And when we ourselves are not yet free of it. which It will never a x e rc ise ^ e His face, and what there is left of Pbr FREE coinpleto Aetaila, SYMPHONY NO. 5 ...... Dvte^ ever you look; In rise—with Ita long, road- how Pontiac’s jrawer reserve suppliee all the pep it comes to resale value, Pontiac rimka function for which it was created aosU toapM today. our moral obUgation, might be •that of supervising the "ex­ MIDSUMMIR VIOAL...... Al Pib b leveling 133-inch wheelbase... unmatched you’ll ever need and provides a velvety tmoothnees with the leaders year-in and year-out. saved together. planations” agreed upon in the at the price! In beauty—with smart Silver ’ that makce highway driving a pleasure. 4Vith That’s our final reason why. dollar for armlaUce. ' INURTONI CO. Streak styling and surprising luziuy. In Pontiac 'dependability, you can go on and on like dollar, you can’t beat a Pontiac. Now N o E n d R on 8o the war of nerves and tecs OPEN T0NI8HT aiN THURS. UNTK I the ima«en quality of engine and chassis— this-with an abaolute minimum of service. So come in and givg quality, pcrformanca goes on. If the Communists doubt I n s Am SL (MH) featurss that are revealed in the long, don’t eettle for leee than the plw ure of Pontiaff and price a chanca to prova that Prims Minister Churchill’s pro­ their abUity to convert many pria- OTHER DAYS UNTIL 5:30 , Hartford, Ooaa. economical life Pontiac cart always deliver. parformance when It coats ao little! Pontlite’s the beet buy—/or you, toot posal iqr a direct masUng of haada onera into going back boms, their INCLUOWO WEDNESDAY of stato is at variance with Amer- only formula for saving fnca la to nnnsnssddnsBnna lean IfnHiKS .llsalres, and is contrlva to'have the "explanation” ■ ftjj H>aaH4traTly. ' fbsrsfore, a thing proceaa navar complatsd, so that • * • •••annsnnnndnns BRUNNER’S, INCORPORATED V 'i rgpgea«to.division botwoon thay will hava at laaat aoma kind I C W # n ac * a d ■ • nsdsnenns I.top ommtetea. H ot the Indlca- of nUM for thalr failura. Wa aiiaii TAINTOR-PONTIAC, Inc: iC hilito dnnnnnnnnnnnnts^ W NOW AT GAitlUTY liO TH n s. TALCOTTVILLI HATS — r 6 c K V I^ ROAO ilh^-jaoajr thtags havo- ba' surprised If tha proca


•tartiag compel Lauache to name a eue- Weatsm Itoasrve Universities. Ha HEp aaom awweo—• moat bouses, and Local 82E of the Eighth District Tugs Lausche Picks ceeeer to Toft. is married haa two •morriad vlee-prsolilent of the AFL Operat­ AFL Building' Sarvice Employae . _ nilee . Now 0nt-Thii4 CoUcctMl Paul M. Hartwrt, former Re­ daughiera u d ■averol'' grofidehu- State Senators tha ear ^ n atie— may < dran. ing niginsare Unleii trantfarrad to Union. publican lieutenant governor and CMnton Priaeu, in Donneinora. That Ths union local was bsadsd by IbW n time upon oae day'e ttoUc*. Eighth UUliUes Diatrict Tut- Thomas Burke Columbua attorney, aought a writ FOOD priaou la on a windswept Mil In a Bromley had sold previously m To Determine Thomas F. Lewis, Yonksn Roes- 'H Communiat!, who want to CoUactor Walter Lecicre aaid of mandamus before the high court Camali were found In America NATHAN HAU P.TJk. Week eeetton -ot Northern that his Investigators wsro conoid- intorvlaw the T,S00 Koreau and today that about one-third of srakspiiuiriu Confronted way hiring boos whose murder lost in jui effort to get.on immediate until the Pliocene pfriod, about TlMil toUltBe aring isilisnec of a Moakst sub­ August touebsd off the raceway if of Buriiia 14,000 Chineee PQWa Indivldualty, that diatrict’a taxes have bisen iFor- Taft Post surcasaor to the laU Senator. IS mUUon yoora ago. In Me eUteasant ased# foUowtng poena to "cover evarythtof," Ho preaumably will begin the cxplana* collected aince they became due T t H A L E 'S ST O R E Fate of Wicks added that be pttferrod thla way probae. tiana by Thuraday. Hariiert argued Ohio aUtuto ro- the eenferanoa with Dosrey, Wleke District attorneys ore condue-. ractO M ) on Oct 1. qulred the governor to name a new With Many Changes id; of obtaining track stock recorda The UNC, however, haa oaid it A« bf thii noon, he eald, 315,* (c Rage One) / v u i i D c n A ^ ting asporato pntoss at Ydnksra wpa in ho hurry to atart meeting Senator “forthwith," which he said THURSDAY, OCT. 15 "The governor's request was ro- Tbs S-mon eommisslon hsadod Raceway, ia Westchsster County, BurmeM fovemmtnt con- 601.91 of the diatrict'a collect­ for a fifth term oa Cleveland may­ meant at once.. ^tooad on'.tha ground that It was by Bromley was oppeintsd by with the 23 Americana, 1 Briton able tax money haa been re­ (Ceatlanad frosn Page One) eUly os requeetod, but would do and at Roosevelt Raceway, in tbat tlM forc«. la part of and 335 South Koreana who have or reoaonod it waa the only logieiU But Leuache refuaed to be hur­ A VAMITV OF HOMf lAKH) OOOOS not within hts provlnee os govor- Dtwsy lost week to take over on Naeeou County. mnujt and la maintained ceived. North Ekid residenta are ried. He said sines the Senate waa ■o later to the BsmSte nwjortty, nor. to oak for my raalgnatton. I tavaatlgaUoo of the eUto'e banMes refuaed repatriation. aying a 2ti-mill tax on an appointment — that such on ap- toon seme of Uael# Sam'a younger Openo Own Office whicb bed elseted btoi in 1849. waa xlactod to my goaitien aa tracks from tbo SUto Honuos by VbRIIOML not In seaslon and probably would IN C LI^ e COOKHS, CAMS ANO PUS fdgionol chtldren~tha Deep South, Natloaaliat CMaa haa anpiad 19,427,932 grand list to pro­ p^tm ant would glVa Lauachs and not convene before January, saw RMBAto to wemS s ub be ST B§~ majority, leader of tbe'Bsuale by Boeing Oommlssioa Tbs prObe Is About S72,fSS poopls mlgratod out flUt tlM forca la not part o f ttu rvide the , treasury with $45,* Burke tha upper hand in upcoming no need-to appoint an immediate for exampIe-*-a gorgeous girL who. putflieene end 19 Democrats. Only the menibera of that bodv. to cover labor rackatosilng, quse- of Kentucky between 1040 and 1160 028.57. recently has blossomed lUce the; the RepuMIcena would vote In 4 “Inoemuch, however, as a queo- tionabls stock dkols, employs according to aa esUmoto by a Uni- CSdnaae army and not under the Police Patrols Ohio gubernatorial and U. B. sen­ successor. He cut newsmen abort AN veralty of Kentucky eoclologist. central of the Bormota poVem- Tax money would be allghtly atorial elecUono. several times when asked in press magnolia In outgrowing her odoles-' tost af coeiAdanee in Wloks. Uou has been, raised ooncernlng oxtortioo, employment ef criminals Bent. higher, but some residenta, who They figured Burke would etep conferences about th possible ap­ cent farm economy. The governor did not ask Wicke my fltnasa to hold this office, I and ether such matters. ITS FALL Xaatwhere in the V.N., the Help to, Avert use'South End aewer services, ■side in 1954 If Lauachs dacidad to pointee. So comparisons of regional to give up bis Senate scat which shall submit my raoignatlon at tha Bromley said yssUrdsy be hod ■pedal political committee had be* are granted tax cuts amounting del $25 to $S0D economic growth ore rather like be hod bold slnoe 192T. next saaaion of the Leglaixture and studied a 12-page questlonnetro to 91,049.13. seek the Senate seat — and that The Republican-controlled State ON SIONATURI N, let the Senate pose upon my fit- gpeeial by-Moll Offerl And H’s tint to grtpart ftr tin cbM tir o it a tufw, acaled*dowa Ruaelan Burke might then try for gover­ Legielature gave some considera­ Larson Driving School compering the rate of pKyeibal Almost Simultaneously with which had been prepared by the eCter to withdraw the Soviet veto Dock Violence Deadline for tax payments ia nor. tion to a proposal to have ’Taft's A lO N I ' gnwkh in children. It all depends YYlcks’ sU tsm snt Dewey said be ■pstfol counsel of th# Harneas agalnet two weetem*backed appU- Nov. 1, and anyone failing to bod failed to couvlneo Wicks tbo: Wicke boa stated rtpsstodly dsys sbtsd. Art tbt diildrtn’s SBwwselUl Latiadie was considered a poe- successor elected instead of ap­ on how eld they are. that ha saw Fay only to seek tho Racing Commission but hod not cante for U.K. memberehip if the pay by then will be penalised sible Bucceseor to tha late ,’Vr. pointed. u LEARN TO DRIVE Sturdy Teuxg Mon be should act Immediately. been sent out it was latondsd to welt would eupport three Soviet (OantiBiiei rig o Om ) one-half of ont per cent in­ formar union leader's help in solv­ u d dad’s liMvy gait and topetat rtady?. Republican’’ until two weeka ago Burite accepted the appoint­ astoV la On the beau of federal statistics Wicks ioid Dewey told him bs ing labor difficulties in the Sena­ gat information from the llcsnsoes ■atellite candidatee. terest a month. when the governor removed him- ment humbly.. He borrowed a McHr T T f l r QUIGKLYI EASILY! ECONOMIOALLY! . Nsw England Is n mighty sturdy wanted actloa because the vMts to opsraUag tracks ia Nsw Terk Soviet Delefate Jacob A. Malik for a aupporter of tha new ILA* T * .» tor's boms district. If not b ttttr emit Ml-3-8072 for pronpt eelf from consideration. phraae from his favorite sport •200 24.25 19.2$ young man: Fay “wars a soureo of embarrses Msanwhile, in New York City, Bute. told the committee lait night Rui- AFL union, who diaappeared two when he said; •so o 39.05 S0.7Q THi SCHOOL THAT SATISFACTION M ILT Meeeuring only 2,2 par cent nC. XMnt ‘to tha Deway adminlstim- d a would not oppoee Italy and Lauache, who now is serving hia the chairman of the SUto Com- MsonwhUs, Bronx County XMs- NEW MODEL dry d tu h if stnriet. weeks ago while working on a fourth two-year term as Ohio ’T feel somewhat in the poeltion OViR IS YfARS' EXFERIINCI the n ito n ’s land area, it contains tton," miMion to probe harness racing triet Attornsy Georgs B. Do Luca finland if Romania, Hungary and pier allegedly controlled by Albert A IM. •« SIM na> IM.M wti» 6.1 per-cent of the population. •n»e outcry against - Wicks de­ Bulgaria were approved- govanrr — no other man ever haa of Lou O ehri' following Babe Ruth tnmmaf mrmlt 1. II mmmmSm soyc initial quecUoning ef peopw •aid he has bean oenducting on in­ Ackalltli, powerful JLA figure Tour of Homes served aa many — said thou|^ he to the plate." ■ ^1, immimmi tl sia.asMS. These p ^ l e last year held 7A per veloped after diecloaure that the quiry into ollegatlona of a tie-up 10% Byiwee le Silent and ex-convict. The miaaing man PHONE MI-f-S075 cent of the -national bank deposits.- connected with tracks may be ' South Carolina Oev. Jamee F. could legally appoint himself Sen­ Burke observed it is not easy to ■anator, along with labor leaden done by the questionnaire method. between the Bronx Raolty Board, la'Michael Brogan. 50. ator, to do so would be “vain and follow “a great Senator, one of the Latest available figures show and other poUtieiane, bod visited Cash and Carry Grasa Stamp* Bymei, U. S. delegate on the com­ Taaterday'a outbreak of violence Route Outlined # Get tho esih vou nood their per cApitn Income in 1951 Tho cboinnan. Bnico Bromley, representing 1,200 Bronx opart- 5 L O M B A R D Y mittee, tdd a reporter he caught Improper.” greatest.” pfwnptfp at Rm m m wbafo it’s Fay 14 Sing Bing. wae the first in tha three weeki Tnie governor said he did not was $1,715 compsir^ to 1i national Fay la serving 4 term of 71k to the propoeal “on the fly" and Burke, like Lauache, is popular "yet” to 4 out Of S employed average of $1,584. ’Thrir per coptU, since the AFL ousted the ILA for speak to Burks prior to toe ap­ at the polls. Whtti Lauache re- man and women— eserried 15 years for conspiracy to extort m u R S q y , wanted to “read it before I make failing to rid itself of racketeering Program-folder Given pointment. savings in 1950 tothlea|t.SA Cof^ $8SS„000 from contractors on tha any comment" A U. S. delegation elements. The AFL then chartered signed as Cleveland mayor in 1945 tingle. YES SIAN mOkse qa kk pored to a national overage of ■pokeaman wee unentliualaatlc, "He had no commttmenta to me to become governor, he appointed daeiBipo on ynor roqueet. Dslawars Aqueduct project, a part the new imion. With Each Ticket for of any character whatsoever,’’ Burke. Burke then waa stected |l,239. Thie year’s economta trend ef the New York City water sup- (19 for $2) however. The 13 ILA members arrested fttimaf a ^ he anUated coes- CHILDREN’S PURMRS Indicates that thoM basic figures Here’e the foeteet-grewlng ef In Waehington, the United Saturday Open House Lauache aaid. “except that I an­ mayor in 1945, 1947, 1949 and paniai are now the largMt loon ^ y systom. were charged with riot and un­ ticipate he wiU take no action to 1951 by overwhelming majorities. group in tho U.Sv—vroi ovor AT THE should be os’good or better today. After asking public offlelals on nU yard treee ot enr oO-ttme Statei and Ite IS Korean War lawful aaaembly. They were to be Since 1939,' New Ihigland boa law price. WMIe they Mat you NEW MODEL partnere etood firm today in a de- A program-folder giving the change in any manner toe pres-, Lauache was the only Democrat 800 ofllcot to aorvo you th ro u ^ Fay's visitiag list to explain theiir arraigned today, and Brooklyn Aa- ent organization of the Senate, and to gain high state office in the Re­ Increased the number of iU oumi-: Attg. Artimr A. Ledoite, Jr. get i Btreog, yaung treee ot clelon to bar neutral natkma from aiatant Diatrict Attonwy Aaron Itinerary of the Tour of 'Manches­ out America. PheiiM Irtt for BRIDCWRY MILLS leoat lU-S feet taS. aa exceUeut LAUNDRY t DRY CLERNIND the prt^iooed Korean Peace Con­ that, in the fulfiOinent of his publican landslide lost November. 1-viiit loan. Coma ftuturing .plants .50-.per cent, Koota aaid he would seek grand ter Homes to be held this Saturday duties he will constantly keep In creating 400,000 new Jobs in the Atty. Arthur J. LeClsire, Jr., troneplenting atse. far S1.19 er ference. Jury action tomorrow, Burke said he planned to oerve, in or write NmsmI bettor ettn 19 far $2. SEND NO A formal meesage on behalf of has Jiut coma off the preea and is mind the intereots and the welfare out his present term, which ends' todmr. proeees. Inveetsaents in equipment, associated with the law firm ^ y Among the 13 ia Gerardo Anaa- of the general public." INFANTS’ machinery and new construction MONiZY! On deSvery pay ceet, United Nation! aide, aent to taaio, SO, brother of Tough Tony. being preaented to each purchaser Nov. 10, unless business in Wash­ Lessner and Rottner since Nov. 1, CO.D. and peatol chargee. OQtomuniat China and North Korea, of a ticket for the event. lamacbe Seen In Race ington required his presence there. •rs better than generally oseumed. RMA 8E They spell their names different­ Some observers interpreted -P /? f c - J Worker! have a higher -take-home 1949, haa sitnouncsd that he will When yau aend meoey, we poy ■red to aend an American rep- ly- Printed in brown and orange- ^rk e ia in his fourth term as SLEEPERS open his own tfRce for the genera) oB paetal chargee. U net de- lentatlvo to Panmunjom on Oct. Four longshoremen were report­ Lausche's emphasis on “no cbm- Cleveland mayor, and haa served t e / i s c n a i n s v s ( i pay and otondard of living than to diacuaa the peace parley with red on. a buff stock in Colonial mitmenta ’ aa meaning Lauachs re­ longer than any other mayor In (with feet) t h ^ ia other regions of the practice of law Friday, m E Sgbtad return far FREE ro­ ed Injured, none seriously, in tha served the right to run for toe o Msee 1-S. The tffice will be I<^ted at ar yeur. meuey bdefc ^ oCfIciala. skirmishes. style, the folder will not only be an the ctt^B history. country, soya Msassebusetts’ —year ehalee. ne note atreaaed, how- aid to those making the tour but Senate. He declined to seek a nomina­ MMAINtnittf o Motae, Blue, i Democratic Ban. John F. K «m t6y. Main St., in tbs Cheney.BIpch. SIALY MATTRESSIS $29.91 The first occurred when -aome 60 Mint, ORAINIE HALL EXTRA GIFT—• flowering Red ir, that the U. N. rep- AFL dockers reported for work at alao a souvenir of the day. 'The appointment of the Jovial, tion for a fifth term, saying he 2nd floor. Over SkooHsortli's In short, the economy of New Before beceming sssoelaMd wttli antatlve would be prepared to good-humored Burke brought wanted to return to private law Mltchgll i-TSW eRlinliirtir e Wann England on tha whole is neither the local law firm, LeCtalre Twig D eseed. the pier. About 350 ILA men lined On the cover ia a pencil sketch FfamoeL BASEMENT only “a- time and ' place" up in front of the pier to bar their of the Herman Tlemann house, one criticism from one Ohio CongrcM- practice. Imufd I. Sem kite *„ m MMkair depreseed nor undeveloped. claims supervisor and atto rn ^ for Kruae Naraeriee, DepL 189SS, ithe Mace conference along with AFL rivals from going to work of the oldest homes in town and mon. Rep. George H. Bender, a Burke is a Catholic and holda oriM THOitoAv m N m ei unm a Why, then, the myth that New several insurance companies. TlMiiiay, Oct 15 KEMFS, Inc. Blaearingtau, DSaois. . cedural, adminiatratlve, and which is Included in the tour. The Clevelander, called it “part of a degrees from Holy Cross and l-re mmtt it mUoSi tl di wmetOtf Nmi England is slipping? LeClsire graduated from Am­ under police escort. There were STAETINO AT I AJL Minted queationa aa to orronge- shouts and stone and bottle throw­ sketch ia by Mrs. Richard S. Olm- shabby deal:’’ PAJAMAS Probably the biggest contribu­ herst Collage in 1927 with an A.B. FINI KDDIN9 Print Nonto menta.” ated, local artist, whose water Bender sold Burke “will not and the University of Connecticut Anepleee of the ing. but the 250 policemen on duty ting factor to the myth is the de­ AfflSoted Ofooge Ledgee «SS MAIN STREET TEL. The new Communiat demand that prevented a direct clash between colors have been exhibited ait the represent the majority of Ohio; cline of the New England textllee College of Law in 1940, receiving Addreee Advertise in The Hendd-^Tt Payt the membenhlp of the projected the two labor groups. A Coast annual Avery water color exhibits he will substantially misrepresent industry. In itself that decline is hie LL.B. cum laude. He was im­ peace parley alao be thraahed out Guard helicopter hovered overhead. in Hartford. "~i.” Bender said Laiuiche'a action no myth. It's a fact—perhaps the mediately admitted to the Con­ anew at Panmunjom waa rejected At tha end of the day, the AFL A map'Of Manchester covers the was “in keeping with his sorry 2-Pe. PRJRMRS best-knowii sconomto fact about necticut bar. by the U.N. AUiea. workers left the dock, traveling in back of the program, showing the record on national Issues.’’ New Ihigland. While at Amherst, he was presi­ The American repreaentative, two trucks and under police escort. streets on which Open Houses are Sen. John W. Bricker, Ohio Re­ seek men who inspire BOYS’ and GIRLS’ But another fact, leas known, la dent of Delta Tau Delta national ^>ecial State Department con. The ILA men Jumped into auto­ situated and with homes indicated publican aaid he would have noth­ the extraordinary growth of other fraternity and was active in ath­ oultant Arthur Dean, waa inotructed by red numbers. On tha inside of ing to say on the appointment. e Msm 4-lC *1 letic and other extra curricular to. diacuaa thla Communiat demand mobiles, following the trucks aav- fbrma ef manufacture, particularly eral blocks to AFL union head­ the folder la a brief description of The selection of .Burke, like the slectronica Industry. While ocUvitlee. He eerved In 1949 as “to the extant conaiatent" with a tha 11 houses, and the South Lauache a crusader and crime- _ _ o Aasortod captain of tho Hartford team rais­ U.N. General Aaaembly reaolutlon quarters, whert more ILA men trust and esteem textna employment has declined were waiting. A fight started when Methodist Church, which axe in­ fighter, came only one day before about 55,000 since 1939, other in­ ing funds for tha Amherst SscenO which limlta participation to the cluded in the tour, each being a . schedule hearing in the Ohio • 9 0 Oelora. Century Fund.. Here’s something natlona which contributed to fight­ the trucks arrived, end the AFL dustry has created 400,000 new men Jumped out. But police quick­ numbered to correspond to the Supreme Court on an action to a Aaoortod Active in GOP politics, LeClsire ing forcea. map. - Jobe. la a.membsir of the Town Republi­ In new notea over the weekend. ly intervened end with drawn Four thousand years ago, practitioners of the heal* » Nearly everybody has seen pic­ guns, made the 13 arrests. 'Those making the tour are ad­ StyiM. can Committee. He has eerved as to think about before buying any cor! Red China and North Korea had vised in the folder that they can ing arts were impelled to organize in order to tures of empty textile mills, but president of the Young Republi­ Inaiated anew that India, Indoneaia; ILA men previously had worked few have heonl how citisens of the piers in the Erie Basin, but atart at No. 1 and follow the tour shield the public from the impostures of quacks imvB’ cans Club of Hartford and as 4 Burma, Pakiaton and Ruaaia be map. ■’They may reverse the order SPECIAL ICEN’S LADIES* “depressed” communities have member of tta Board of Trustoee permitted to attend the peace talki yesterday morning they refueitd to GIRLS’ bandmf together and attracted new do so in proteat against a new and work backwards on the niltp, and charlatans. Similar organizations have been and Board of Governors. Ha wae 4 aa “neutrala." The U. N, took the or atart the tour at any one of SANFORIZED NYLON NYLON industries Which are taking, up eamlidsta ior the SUto LsgtsloUMU poaltion Rusala could attend-only hiring boas, who belonga to tha carried along the current of history to the present NYLON employment slacke. AFL. ‘Ttie basin’s braakwatar pier the houses. in 1948 and for the town's Board if invited by Red China and North ’The prografn was designed and DRESS SHIRTS day. Today the great national associations of The New Oeneratlen Korea. and until the AFL men showed up SOX SOX A lot of people have heard that Of Directors in 1952. edited by 'Mr. and Mrs. Herbert physicians, pharmacists, dentists and nurses woric 10-1$ sox S ^ -ll Currently, LeClsire is an fit- Bed Conditlona Recalled remained idle through the womlng W. Swanson. 7'/,-11 New England induetry etlU de- in the afternoon. ’The atevedoring separately and harmoniously to keep educational pendi on antiquated customs sad Btructor in law at the UnlversitV The Communiat! were reminded company that operates the pier The tour includes tea which will 1.97 methods. Once that was true and of Connecticut extension in Hart­ In the neweat United Nationa mea- had dismissed the ILA hiring boss be served from 3 to 5 p. m. at the standards high, the impostors out. examples might still be pointed ford. aage that Red China inaiated dur­ South Methodist Church. SOc 39c 39c Ha is a member ef the local ing the Korean armlatlce talka lest Saturday. ent here and. there. But tour New CHEVROLET ADVAMTAGES The ILA announce^ laat night ‘Dekets and programs, are avail­ MORRY'S IRigland today and you'll find a Llone' Club and a member of its that “participation be limited to able from any member of the spon­ WORKINGMEN’S STORE You cannot exercise too great care in securing new generation that hoe awakened Board of Directors. He is slat the govemmenta concerned on that it would ask Judge Weinfeld soring Women's Auxiliary of the 8 Depot Square both oidea" today to extend the Taft-Hartley Manchester Memorial H^pital, the advice of those whose ethical concepts inspire Ml opr«rttmitl4e. eolE nffw metfeGR. "It la not correct, therefore/’ injunction to include AFL unions. NORTH END trust and esteem. When ill, consult a registered .^Dto little resort to'.^sret oM or Patrick J. Connolly said actions by from Mri. Morgan Porter, ticket local tax torse the new generattoiv a member ef the Nathan Hsie the meaaage conUnued, “to aay chairman, 70 Wellington Rd., or at Doctor of Medicine. If medication is needed, bring FTA. He la married to the former that your aide held all along that ILA Exscutive Vice Praaident the Hospital Gift Shop, Watkins BRIDGWAY MILLS is welding x new regional econo- AFL teamstera and sailora had 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE—TEL. Ml-S-g4S4 toy. May J. Smyth. The couple live at neutral nationa ahould participate Brothers, Hale's and Center Phar­ your prescription to us. i There is one other curious fac­ 140 BiomU St, with their three In the conference.” ■ >. kept some ILA men from working macy. children. At Panmunjom the Korean ahlps. Tickets will also be on sale at tor ia the myto that New England Repatriation ConuQiaaion today OPEN DAILY 9:00-9:00 la slipping: Tha public attItuG* of all Open Houses on Saturday but nony New Englanders themselvss. Rose and lees Henry David Thof* are the Greatest ■oked the U. N. Command and the there is a saving for those who OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Many Texas millionnsirea like to CommuniaU to atart Thuraday in purchase their ticketo prior to SHOE RCPCIIR eau.” their attempt! to pe'nuade war JUiller to Address aariilMMie 11 Show bow rich they are. Many Oct. 17. New England millionaires atom a priaonera to return home. Proceeds of Auxiliary projacto The commlaaion requeat came FREE PARKING sBsplay of wealth as a Puritan Management Unit such as the Tour of Homes ore shuns sin. abortly after the UNC announced uaed to furnish patlanta at Man­ U niiiirs A b o u t T o w n it would complete by midnight to­ One prominent btisinsea toi Jacob Miller, a member of the chester Memorial Hospital with PTillTTl U UJflIT who frequently pedals Us bicycle night a permanent center tor the extra comforts which the hos­ * * h a m H | | c y The Yankee Dirleion will meet Rada to uae in interviewing 22,300 Town's Board of Directors u d an about the streets of Boston, ap- official Of tha HaHiord Machine pital budget cannot provide. ptoni to be fond of dsUvsilag pub- tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at th# North Korean apd Chineae POWa Army and Navy du b . All membera There waa no Immediate anower. Screw Co., will addrees the evening Ue statements benxMnlng the stats seaaion of the aU*day Society for m nnrcvif ui of Nsw England bustnsas. But ha are urged to nuke a spsctsl effort from tha Communiata. to attend. An Allied apokeaman aaid an of- Advancement of Management keeps Investing hssvlly In it—and mealing to be held ’niu n i^y In making more money. Sclal requeat to atart hka not bean Tha Queen of Pease Mothers been received the UNC and Newington. Doltful public etatemeata, taken Miller, who ia aaaistant general with S ev ern groins of salt by Nsw Circle will meet tonselTow at S that if any repfy ia forthcoming it p.m. at the home of Jdrs. John W. will be delivered Wedneaday. sales manager of the Hartford Englsndera, ore accepted eolcmnly firm, will apeak on Production Con­ around the eountry. Aa one la- Andreoli, 87. Bretton Rd. Mrs. The UNC announcement that Chadwick R 'Whiteacit. 91 Bratton faclUtiaa had bean completed paved trol in the Job Shop. ’The meeting dustrtslist put It: “All New Eng. will be held li\ Newlngton’e Ndt* land really aeeds Is more Billy ltd., will be co-boctoat. the way for the delay-plegued megger House, 84 Market St., and explanatlona to get under way. anyone interested may attend. The Reda had ateadfaatly re­ Miller Joined Hartford Machine l i fuaed to meet with the POWa Until Screw Co. in 1937 as aircraft pro­ Easy, Thrifty To Saw Baby Accassorias the UNC completed new facllltlea. duction control manager, spe­ Tha explanations originally were cialising in the expediting and PENNSYLVANIA ochedulcd to begin Sept. 26 but scheduling of aircraft accoimta. CbawaWt -ilrilJee Bal-AIr 1 Seer tedea. wno I areal aow both sides reJecUd eXtetUig aitea Since then he hka moved up aa inadequate. through various pealUona os gen- K t Y S T O N S An Indian spokesman for the arM production control mankgar Repatriation Commlaaion aaid he and ooaiatant oalaa misnagar on could not new aee any furthar special- aeeounto. '' SAVINGS&LOAN CHshion Tirest

Tbs Ofset . A with U af Mulchtr Saving h AT ottachfiwnt for Easy Hare CHEVROIET PRICES

384 cftucobitii to Mi# ■OTAIY.MOWIRS of any lit Here’s a quick, practical L— I — S w rlw t b EMsyl 6.70-1$ $ 1 3 b 9 S HARTFORD ROAD way to get rid 01 leevee end flue FREE lube, tax provide utural lawa fertil­ and oM tirs. izer. Just once over, the VIMf OTV Vw 9 in its held! . , There*9 a modern market with Leaf Mulcher attachment old-fashioned principles and a for your Jecobaen Rotary F.M. D«ly ThiiriMinf Er—iwy f r M I FAI. Mower grind! leavea into New... at hml A Mg not*A mlicy based on your ideas—and fine particle! and drops -j, devoted to the principle that th f W>dw idpy e ra eloo« «t rooii. 9-HbCusbian H n au ptk* amiy- them MCk into the grass as eas o a aflatdl D atig ^ to givt most important asset we can mulch . . . climiaatos rak­ have is YOURYOl good-will. ing, burning or sweeping. maxissum milsagc aod a softer, dh*vrttl*l— and only ,Ch*vrol*l— brings you oil that* f*ofur*t of highoit* The leaf mulcher attach­ H f yowr oi^ fi y itiiiii up lo $10,> mitr fide, Pcaasytvsola Keyimee Foihion-Fint Bodies by Fisher . . . Your patronage during the ment is eoaileble for Jacob­ Cesluoa Tires ere the ^umc priced eora ot th* lowest prices ond with such outskmding gotelin* •ednomy I Extra-Easy Poowr Stcerina* . . . sen IS-inch end 20-inch ber- 000 a t M • x tra c o st to 115-b.p. hi^- * ■st; m jteriel wqulremiuta «i ' For thla pattern, sand SOc In etltch UraetraUeas. L’L ' AAORE FiOFlE SUY CHEVROIETS THAN AHY OTHER CARI 8:30 A. M. t^ 9:00 P. M. Coins, your noma oddraos, alna da- Send 25c In Coins, your name, SUNDAYS 8:30 to «:00 P. H. alted and Ur ------addreee .aad the ^oU en Humber '■ J (pavings ^ £oan aUB BUT"" to Am(B CAEOT, THE H A N - CHEBWat ------——------BBlHElEyBHlVO HEEAM. ' ■ -'f- FAIRFIELD MARKET CAPITOL I AYE.7MUBIGAS, MEW f QUIPMINT CO.. IBC n a a a y e . -AMERicas, n e w CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc Ed Adams, Prop. YORE. SR N^T. Mqnchetftr Sovingt & LoonAMociafion -1007 Moin St. - . i Presenllng the New Anne Cohet Tel. MI^3-6387 38 BIAIN S T K E T ' Winttr, U ■ esmatote guide to Needlswerh Album. Directkme for f 1 COiTSi ST,— pimpet mittens, boale embroidery 311 MAM STREET ^ MANCHBETR TEL. MI-S-7958 ■lllrhee and gimsd deeigne ora ■Me tbehoek. ilf d 25-ceuU t o ^ . printed te t^ie Muao. 25 eeatx. 4 . T

/. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY; OCTOBER 18.1988 MANCHESTER EVBNINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13,1968 spondent for’tba New York Times, ] *’Hial e#*» to, to the ssssasors oa p r will be from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Rc- much relieved to get into their per­ EUingtoh Boyle' Deaths Last author, ■ and slnct 1801 aastami Hebroh / 1 sponslbilHy for the young people manent home at last. repreaantativa of the Fund fori before ^ the first huilness day of KorpfH^ t. The list muM bo aup- i!f assumed ^ Ui* FTA only dur­ They sold their house on the Property Tax List By THE AdulL Education, an organization ing . the hodra when i claaaeii Otis Green to Mr. and Mrs. Howard E x t r a set up by the Foird Foundation. I plloo *oy ,^tha as’sssoors and ap­ Women’s Guild Husbands Sfaoidd Nag Bluaflald, 'a,—Hugh Ike proved by'4ho tax commissioner. held. Parents are asked to' come to Thompson, who are now' Itvtng In Shott, 87. Bluefteld newa- Bom In S t Johns, Mich. Dtsd | F o u i the school promptly at 9:30. it. The Taylbrs at first planasd to Due in November Monday. On the Itaf will be o stotement paper pah r and former Re- of all premrty, both real and per­ Bazaar, Dinner The young people will be cloeely buy a pises in ..Granby, but . tha W e d n e s d a y M o i gublican^~ S. Senator and mem- Hesidton. Okie.—Grsgory John I sonal, betonging to the taxpayer guarded in desses and during the proposition fe|l through and they lClliii|ton, Oct. IS (Special)—, Wives in Subtle Way Houaa of' Repreaenta- Alveres, 77, king of tbs AIvsrM SALES and SBRYICB From Poor Traffic Control intermission, when they may be decided to remain ners. Uve Dicd Monday. and subjsct to taxation in the Set At School The Board of Aaseuora will be In tribe of Gypsies and advisor to tee^ oa the first day of this allowed to leave the auditorium to ew York—Delbert Clark, 53, other Gypsy tribal leaders. Disd ] get a drink of water or attend to Maorhester Evening Hornld He­ aeeslon this month In various places New York (dV-Are you nagging j " f t Bolton, Oct-IS (Special)—Aiv-vhoar reports on all pbasas of the month. 'former reporter aiid foreign corre­ Sunday. -FORD- All places of bustnsss must file Hebron, Oct. IS* (Speclal)- any needs. None of the members bron . earrespondent. Miss Snaan deaicaaMl on the town notices. your wrlfe enough? i .P"' R 1» It? Well, tu^ oUiar traffic accident at the Inter regional high school proposal at a of the class will be allowed to P en d le ten , telephone HArrIaon iDOWN Probably not. A husband today It around. Soma night when v o a single meeting. Inventories. Ten per cent will People Intoreeted are reminded of leave until parent or guardian 8-9889. • ' Make sure you do not n t your often is “the stranger In the cpme home 'early, hang iia/^ur 819 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER eectlon of Route 44-A and South be added to each list not given in the Bazaar and boiled dinner, Oct. added 10 per cent by listinf your Church' Sapper Set - comes to ths door for him. house," the man nobody else in the coat and hat, and then^vifi your .Rroad Sunday afternoon has only The annual meeting of Bolton and awom to according to law on"117,. at- tna Hebroq, EleiMnUry :WIU BEUVER ONE holdings before Nov. 3. family really knows. wife enters the livinc jrtom, say to addad to the conepm of neighbor­ tho-OO* R-(aUa fb(0. ' x The first meeting of ths dancing AUTO-UTE. PENNSYLVANIA. . Meeting roatponed Oongragettonal C h u r c h will be ;,(fenool "OndltAlum, aportim ^ dosses brought out more than 60 He eata his meals at home, | her, “Oh! I t’s you—'V iettlng your hood residents, about traffic condi­ held Friday with a potiuck supper 'The Board of AXsessora will the Women’s Guild of St. Peter*# FOR A GOOD BUT Of The Crystal lake FTA meeting reads the newspaper, pats the chit- { voice fall at the tions at this spot. meet on the following dates to re­ from the sixth, seventh and eighth I OF THESE OARS has been postponed from Tuesday, M M invntoteJi In thta i^W ^d H •:80 p. m. Election of of- Eplsoepal Church. The supper wM grades. Mrs. Ralph Boyington and » dren absent-mindedly on the head j “U there, anytbing wrong with DeCORMIER MOTORS Says: Four cme. wera Involvpd In tWa ^ ensuing year, annual ceive tax.Usta on thO)'Oct,J as- begin 4t 9 p.m„ an d ' will constft TRADE IN YOUR OLb Oct. 30 to Wednesday Oct. 21 at when hit wife skya they've been • me?" she sayk, vexed. moat* recent' ooeident. which oto seosment: Community Half, Wed- Miss Lois Hildlng assisted Mrs.: VENETIAN BUNDS 8 p.ip. The speaker Will he Miss A-1 USED CARS reports and plans for next yaar'a of corned beef, and all vegetable Nypen si instructors. Onll good, apsinka them abaent-mlnded- "Why, oTcourae hot, my pet,' eurred about 6:30 p. m. when Rob-* ,work win highlight the business aeeday, O ct 36; Thursday, Oct. from away back which hava .been Marjorie Nichols, a. supervisor of- ly on the bottom when she says art LaBranche of Shelton found 39; Friday, Oct. SO; Saturday, Personal Mention ' Window Shade Company BATTERY TODAY FOR schools In Connecticut. you rush over and shower '*Who's Kidding Whor^ meeting which will follow the siippdbed to aocoffipany the meal, . Mato St. Mnneheater ; IN I HUDSON they've been bad, and brings her her w it h kiSaea. “I t’s only your 1*52 OHEVROLET PORDOR SEDAN himself unable to atop In time to supper. Ort. 31 from 1 to 7 p. m. and Mon- topped off with a desaert of pump> Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bevln of 349 N. Grange to Meet his paycheck regularly. imMination.'' avoid a collision with one of three Nov. 3, from 3 to I p. m. East Hampton and the latter’s Trt. MI49AM1 {Commodore 8 4-Door Sedan. Radio, Heater, Seat Covers. C l AALR care ahead of him which had Camera Otub Meeta kin pie, Wednesday the Grange will But many wives want more low you've really got her puz- W« art NOT.vdum* dddtn osd DON'T, wost Is Mra. Daniel G. Horton and M?a mother, Mrs. Gertrude M. Hough, Gray. Radio and Heater. meet in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. VeryCleanI stopped. Hia collision with a Rhode The Camera Club meeting last jMaaeheator Evenlag Hemld havs returned from's trip by motor from a husband than this. A1-, zled. This la nagging a t Its peak night heard three new suggestions Charles M. Larcomb will hsvs when the first and second degrees though they take him for grant bs. X Island car aat up a chain reaction M ten eerreapoadeat, Mr*. Joseph charge of the white elephant booth?' to the northern New England She knows at leaat 100 things Of locked burners and crushed for membership activity. Tha eoeay will be conferred on a class of can* they don’t want him to take^'em wrong with herself, but la myatl- B'ltolla, totophoM Mitchell 8-6646. Mrs. Frederick Wythe Mrill praelde states. They brought back d t ie r t p - didatea. The Ladles* Degree Team W s o r t NOT g h fiii9 core sway, r o s h s Id. 1151 FORD TUDOR I CYL 0UST9 m fenders. contest aponsored in the locM tlon of beautiful foliage oq every U. N. A. M. for granted. fiad as to which ones ydu have school by the fire department at tha apron booth; Mra. Henry 1M0 HUDSON will do the initial work. Refresh­ Radio, Heater. Overdrive. O A Rs Officer Richard E. Powera of tha A. Jones will be In charge of the hand, and of snow capped moun­ They want some Mgir^ of love found out. You have her on the State Police Barracks at Colches- brought a auggcstlon of Walter F. tains. 2-Door Sedan. 8 CyL ments will be served In the lower from him, or else th^y mope and ropee. But don't uee this “Oh, It's W s a n makiRR fair Irads s No w o ec m , Exeellent Condition! booth where home made jams and hall following the degrees. tar Invastlgated the miahap and Elliott that a photograph be taken Bazaar to Feature .Mrs. Bevln, who underwei^t a CLOTHINe On on« of the above listed power packed batteries tad Radio and Heater. become unhappy. you—’’ buainess on her foo often. warned LaBranche for speeding. of the winners,. jellies a rt to be sold, and Mias Meeting Be-8cheduled The ^mart thlpif for a husband It wears out fast. W s A LW AYS hsvs in ths p « l. ,Msrjoria H. Martin will prasids hospital opeVatlon several weeks be safe .for the cold months' ahead. ^ The speed at which traffic In a talk bn Civil Defenaa, and Children’s Booth ago, is now in fine health. The The Ellington Catholic Woman’s to do- In this c|UK is start nagging Another sure-fire method—say, 1^1 FOBS TUDOR moves along Route 44-A from a psrMcuIariy tne local CD training over the candy booth. DRIVE Club will postpone their regular his wife InuiiMlately, aa nagging W s srs ssMiiig HNE cor*. LIBERAUY GUARAN- exerciae Sunday, Chief Warden Proceeds will go into the fund Bevins apent Sunday in Hebron. for instance, she has atarted dress­ point just wpst of the United which is being raised tor s Church Mr. and Mrs. Albert 8. Taylor 1M1 OLDS October meeting, whicH would be is the simplest and easiest way to ing like a range-rider in her home Methodist ChUEch to the Twin Julius L. Strong auggasted that Under the supervision of Mrs. Thursday, due to the Mission being show affection In a marriage. A TEED ss4 ALWAYS hovs, il is not a NEW policy RaMq^Heater, Shat Covers! $ 1 2 9 5 School room. have moved In to their new home NOW GOING ON {4-Door Sedan. Blue. Model and has become a bit careleaa ' Hille In Coventry has long disturb­ club members make a pictorial Nowell Smith, the chlldren'e booth on U. S. Route 6-A. a half mile held at the St. Bernard Church in wife nags her husband (she says) about her looks—la to pay your w M l HS. , ed residents in the arfa. A petition record of some of the work that of “Holiday Bazaar," echaduied tor Dance Class Slated ENDS OCT. 23 66. Radio and Heater. Rockville. Mra. Stanley K. Nygren, chalf-' or ro weit of Kebron Green. The only because she lovea him. So if. wife the wrong compliment, such 1*51 FORD I DE LUXE TUDOR a few yeare ago rented in the will be carried out. Wbdneaday, Nov. 4, at Center house, while not comnletely fin­ The meeting will be held Thurs­ he doesn't nag her back, is he be­ aa: man of the PTA Dancing Commit­ ArUcles may be left at: Center posting of speed limit signs by the A cash prise has been offered by Church, wilt offer a delightful ar­ tee, hae given out regulations to ished can be conveniently used tor Chiirrh, South Methodist BUDGI^^NTER day Oct. 23 at the home of Mrs. ing fair? Doesn't he want to re­ "Baby. I’m certainly glad you’ra state marking the highway as a Bruce G. Ronson for a cover pic­ ray of clothing for the younger set, 91 CENTER STREET HANCHESTES Mary Bedard of Upper Butcheir turn her love ? be In fores in the cisaaes, which oocipancy. ^ s Taylors have oc­ Churrii, Community “Y", An»er- not like Mra. Jones—always These Cars Are In Fine Condition VeryCte.li! $ 1 1 7 5 40-mile-per-hour zone. Although ture for a new edition of "News up to six yeare. A disUnctlve setec- cupied fanslent quarters during mt i fONTIAC Rd. X This may not'be logic, but wom­ this‘was a gesture, citizens even ar^ being held Friday evenings tor Ican Legion Home. dressed up and thinking about and Views of Bolton" on which he tiqn of skirts, blousca, slips, ahtrta, an eight weeks course. Sessions the building of the house, and are Sedan. 4-Door. Radio and Church Supper Set en pay no aittention to the manly nothing but her looks." then grumbled It was too foot Is now working. Another contest, mghtwear, etc.. In addition to aa- The church supper Md auction laws of logic. iFairly Priced I I FORD OUSTtMl TUDOR It Is rumored that the oeeur- Heater. Will paint to cus- "You mean I look dowdy?” asks 1 5 seeking more pictures for the sorted knitwear for youhgstcrc will be held in the social rooms of How should a husband go about the wife. New Paint. Good Tires: CIAAE venca of at leaat a half dozen acci- booklet, will be sponsored among and Infanta, will compiisa the tbmer’fl order. the Congregational Church Friday nagging hia wife to prove hia love ? "Baby, how could you look Seat. Covers. denla in a faw weeks at the Inter the school children for cash select collection of handmade night with supper at S:30 p.m. '^Vhy, that's easy," you might dowdy?” you say raproachfuily. 1950 W IU Y S A CYL. SPORT PHAETON • Oectlim of Route 44-A and South awards. There was some discus- ortlclea on this booth. The auction starts at 7 p.m. The say. “Just find out something she “You look—>veU, you look the way Excellent. Road may result In a cltlsehs Sion last night on Camera Club The toy booth, always a feature proceeds will be for the Church did wrrong, and pick on her for It." a real wife ought to look. Ooih- 12SI FORD GONVERTIBLr ' meeting in the near future to dis­ member! serving aq judgea (or this attraction of each yearia fair, will m i BUIGK Building and Loan Fund. Wrong, wrrong, absolutely wrong! fortable." cuss wMt maasures can be taken conteei. carry a uniqua aaeortment of hand­ That la tha way the may nag you. Ah, that's real nagging. She will 1951 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN New PaHit. New Top. t t l l O E a to Increase highway safety at that CKSrlee Steffene of Windsor esf made toys', according to Mrs. John 4-Door Sedan'. Black. Manchester Evening Herald El­ But you can't do that to her. She De Lnxe. Dark Mue, fully equipped Inclndlng powergllde. location; tablishcd a sea-faring mood for the break a leg galloping off to stare IM y come no cleaner anywdtere. A Real Sport Job! ^11^9 dtomberlain, chBirmah. Stuffed lington correspondent, Mrs. G. F. will regard It, not aa nagging, but into a mirror gnd find out why sha Plan Valt To Meet group' ss he showed two movie animals, dolls, a variety of push Bperr. telephone Rockville 5-9818. aa criticism. And what self-re­ looks comfortable, the one. way no Paul Arnold. Ronald Grose, reels in color of sailing trips In the toys, as well as an Interesting IMS HUDSON specting woman is going to take wife wants to look to her hus­ 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN 1951 FORD TUDOR I CYL OUSTOM ^ John Rothwell aad Harry Pellerln double-ended ketch "Fore 'N' Aft." variety of manufactured toys will STARTS TOMORROW criticlim from a man? band. will apeak at the PTA meeting Viewers, watching the sea break ha among tha popular Items for Super 6. Conv. Gub Coupe. She will fiy into a terrible tem­ The proper w^ay to nag a wits la De Luxe. Radio, heater, defroater. Immacalate gray car. AO XJ tomorrow night at the school in over th* bowsprit, found It- easy BU Club to Hear pest. and counterattack. Then new W. W. Gres. 1919 FORD OONYERTIBLE program designed to outline the M e on this booth. New Top. to do It In such a manner the ab­ to Imagine themaelvea aboard. Donations to these or ether fair 999 CENTER ST. you'll have to listen to her itemize solutely has no comeback. And Radio, heater, overdrive. $ 9 9 5 •ignlfloance of the proposed reg* School Beard to Meet booths may be made by contacting Professor, Wife all the errors you made from the there's no deep secret to IL You X tonal hlgtf school. All speakers The newly-elected Board of Edu­ time you left for work that morn­ 1951 EUlCK 4-DOOR SEDAN have been .engaged in the inves­ booth chairmen, or “Holidey Ba- just let her know you'd do any­ Riviera ModeL One owner. Velvet biack. Loaded aad Hke cation will hold Its first meeting aaar’’ co-chairmen, .Mre. W. J. TEL MIA9914 1M7 HUDSON ing back to the harried moment at thing for her and that you are tigating work of tha Temporary at tha school tonight. Chairman Prof, and Mrs. Lowell S. Trow­ the altar when you- told the minis­ wild about her for what she feels new. ALL CARS LISTED AlOVE CARRY 'Regional High School Planning jncid, or Mra. R. P. Landis. bridge, both of whom are teach­ Howard P. Jensen. Vincent Krzes- Super 6. Pick-up Truck ter, “Who, m e?"—and then put are exactly the wrrong reasons. ^m m lttee for the towns of Ando­ Icki and John McDermott are tha WNE PHARMACY ers at Boston University, will be 30-DAY UNCONDITIONAL GUARANKE. with Nestor. New Paint. the ring on her wrrong finger. That’ll keep her in loye with you— 1951 CHEVROLET CONVERTIILE CLUE COUPE ver, Bolton, Hebron and Marl- three veteran members of tha guests of the Boston University Nagging that gives a wife An and off balance forever. ho ro u ^. Club of Hartford, at Its meeting Very low mileage car. Excellent throughout Fully equipped boariL Thoae who were elected to opening to point out your owm de­ Arnold and Pellerln are two of their first term a weak ago In­ Thursday, Oct. 16, at the YWCA, ficiencies is no good at all. You're Inclndtiig powergllde. four local Commltteenien. Grose Is WlDNiSDAYihs SATURD^ 262 Ann St., Hartford. A tray sup­ EXTENDED FORECAST clude Pearl D. Jewell. F. Weldoh IMS NASH too vulnerable. 1952 FORD 6 MAINLINE a member of the mib-eommlttee on Miner. Norman J. Prauas and Lil­ per is planned for 5:3o p.m. The The best way' to nag a woman hulldlng and RoUmell of the sub­ Sui^r Sedan. Green. Radio program will follow about 7 p.m. Boston, Oct. 13 WPt—^The tem­ 1951 WILLYS $ CYL. STATION W AGON POLICE CARS—FORDORS. Driven by A A C lian Van Zander. OCT. 14, 15, 14, 17 is indirectly, such as by praising perature in New England during A real dolL Fully equipped. committee on aite^Rpth these men Chico Retumrd to Owaer and Heater. Both Mrs. Trowbridge and her her when she knows she doesn’t Manchester’s Finest. A Real Buy At ft I W D will discuss points-of tntereet and husband are on the faculty of the the next five days, Wednesday Harold Ellis of Vernon Center deserve it. If, for example, she has through Sunday, will average 2 to Each (act in tbs work of thelreommit' claimed his pet monkey, Chico, at College of Business Administration promised to dust your books dur­ tees. at BU. Prof. Trowbridge is now 7 degrees above the seasonal nor­ 1951 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE CLUE COUPE tho Aldo Paac* farm Friday night ing the day and you know she mal. Cool weather a t the begin­ You’D think It's brand new. Atnold win speak on the', cur acting head of the Department of really won’t get around to It, the rlculiim report accepted by the The monkey had been cauipit tha Human Relations. Mrs. Trowbridge ning of the period will be followed prevloua day by Peace aftqr having thing to do right after dinner that by risthg temperatures with a re­ Dilloi civtt yM a ‘‘DANDY DEAL’ planning group and Pellerln, whd is a lecturer In this department. night Is to go up the unduated H chairman of the sub-committee bMn sighted at least twice in va- Psychology is their special field turn to slightly cooler weather on 1949 FORD 2-DOOR CUSTOM V-B rlotu parts of town within a few McCLURE shelves, then turn and tell her; the weekend. i Equipped aad priced right oa a jaaw Fari an finance, will speak oa the work and their aervices are in consider­ “Gee, honey, the books aura look of his committee. Precipitation during thtk period Ellis * ih o has been Chlco’e own­ able demand aa apeakera on this brighter. I don’t know what Fd do will on the average total less than A general dtscuoaion and quae- AUTO COMPANY subject without a girl like you." tion period will follow the remarks er for th i^ yearn 'reported he had one-tenth, of an inch occurring i SEE THESE FINE CARS TODAY AT teen missing tor five weeks. All members of the club are If you can put exactly the right light rain near the end of the pe­ of the speakers. Although all de S73 Main St.—^Manchi^d^ urged to be present and all gradu­ note -of admiration'-In your voice, ri cxi. liberations of the Planning Com Tax Urts Dde ates in this area will be wrelcome you can wortc this gag nagging mUtee are open to the general pub^ All persona U a^. to pay prop­ to attend this meeting. act 1,000 times in a row—and An organization of people wrho DeCormier Motor Sales, loc.. tie. th ie jf tha first tlma local erty' taxes here must return a leave her with a giiilty feeling have saved their sight by using 34 MAPLE STREET — MANCHESTER paeplp have had an opportunity to printed list properly Xigned and each time. eye protective devices such as gog­ BROWN ______------In nagging a wife, alwrays try to gles, called the “Wise Owl Cl\ib,’’ A WILLY8 FRANCHISE DEALER throw her off balance. Many times lie growing rapidly and now hi you probably hava com. home late ' more than 5,000 members. BEAUPRE BEST ^ S a f e - B u y * BUYS yours] U s e d G a r s the FOR SAFE DRIVING DURING amazing THE BEAUTIFUL FALL SEASON GOME IN AND BROWSE AROUND OUR T H IS IS A IKW HOME-9 5 9 EAST CENTER ST. new WON OCR WHCCL This Week^s Specials Everyone A Good Buy When you see this seal m i DODOE CORONET 4«OOE 1M7 FORD 2-POOR SEDANS jByrenmUc drive. Radle, heater. A completely flae car. SEIW INa MACHINE men romrcT 4 9 BB 1950 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4-DOOR COO u v n on,rM.....Ms u Jb / I b I.9 1 3-OMrtVWarto Ikka your pick...... $595 A gergeoue fiae car. ResuUful black flalah. Fhild-matta PANOVIfl CAMUtif 4 .4 || YOU’VE drive. Radio, heater, aew Uree aad seat cave re. IMtbhrNaMHisICMnSslOriMatLM C lV d .ll HOT WATER lO m E KUN20 tSmamSatomBtnmSt 1M0 MERCURY A-UOOR SEUANS POIYCAK 4^1 ii fWSMStMMBWi Five to choose from. Aasertment of colors. C lO O E S Mil1p*towto4hrci«ns77sMSnJI d lB l.M ISO. 91-Sf Radio, heater, overdrlw...... ^ 1 X 7 9 1951 OLDS CONVERTIBLE COUPE ANTtSiTTK' A real sharp car. Radle; heater, efe^ric wiadowa. A [ OlycMriM i Mpp o eh ario s 4 . l i e , oteal at 8I798A0. frr Mtoi tr aOMh. iri------.ZM. Mr 4 Bf 4 4 DHEVROLET 2 aid MOOR SEDANS GOT A DEAL! . . . that’s the way yoH’H drive «S9|gN.CN|iElU ^ ^ SACCHAMN TABUn : * « 4* ■ " s s r l w l i K PM • ICSSIIS HimuMtort IN0TSH|ti...MS1IJI 2 IB 1.27 Blacli. A bargaia at ...... $895 1950 CHEYSLER W INDSOR 4-DOOR l4|rahMrat««IHIT4kWi...U.1IM'2 fB 1.01 ED C A X :’~ ‘S S 2 h. 61* Here are just a few of our “SAFETY .TESTED” used Klee blue flalah. Oao owaer car. Radio, heater. KeW th# gfoaming new MMiO ADBIB4NI BATH BOWM 4 .1 4C tlrm aad seat covers. nm s —------«a TVt 4MC44...... ^^SltJI 4IBI.4W OilUXIASSOOTMINT cars. Che^ each one! We’re sure to havs just the car 1KI FORD TUDORGUSTOH M R . SEDAN UPSTICKSi UVENDEK BODY BOWMft 4(.1 W & ss^ :i’sr;iM2iorli)l yoO’re looking for! ^ 1 nnett. ^ ...... MSttJI AIBI.4B Radio aad hieater...... ‘“’$1295 1949 PLYMOUTH SPEC. DLX. CLUE COUPE SHAVING L S : TMATtlCAl Oae owaer car. Radio, heater, good Urea. Nice dark Moo CREAM CLEANSINO Mr COLD CUAM 4 - 1 1 1 Lord Bobiiworo finish. 1953 NOW...YqWCIIOIOC-laI4llhiHS1IM A lB l.B I 11M DODDE CORONET 0.00 COUPE 1952 OLDS‘W ’ DE LUXE 4-DR. SEDAN PWMveiB IprW WMo W Bit Unei POUND PAPBI Radio, heater, hydramatle, powror atoeriag, whlto waN DuMNwH A mS Pre-CMR A dkearvtTM M 4 ^ J l e Lralima(i4sl‘'iSrwW...... MS Mr a In 4 b * U o p S bI liM lB I Dyraasatle drive, radio aad heater. C 1A O C Urea. BeaaUfUl Mack ftalak. 1949 PLYMOUTH DE LUXE 4-DOOE OHIEFTMN SFEOUL UOOR 94YL smit---- Drive* 34.000 aiUea...... Radia, heater, goad Ore*. Oae owaer. Buy wHh a drivw KLEARm COIMBS ' 4._11a Ui 1 i ■iiiJiMto 2fir1 •H.1IJI 2w 101 tMtWtaMnSMm'WmcriataMlNr 4 Bf 15” OM. tsr oox 1952 WILLYS TUDOR SEDAN MMUna tsta l am ...... M.n« I hrB t _____ tn a tm o m MS Hr I hr Mr S i m MERGURY.2 siA MOOR SEDANS Badio, heater. Overdrive, eUp covere. MetalUe blae. 1940 CHEVROLET CONVERTIILE COUPE m u n ii n M wnman a*««*>«■...no ■< I hr Be oisH. HIM unMi tn|n*t.»ih,MS1lr IhrM r Radio, heater, overdrive. Asoortnacat of eolora^ C O A C Radio, heater, aew palat Kood top, aew arat coven aad tvaiMm' M touw'i nM soMiM. m oi. ito. n< i hr )t< MT nai rw ...... '.MS Mr IhrM r -o, ..Thho yo«r.dtoioe at ______ttreo. ■naan naaei $ mm, ...... ms n, i tn i(< umaa vni tom uma 4 ..MSMr IhrM r MONEY-SAVCRS 1950 UNCOLN ODSMOFOUTAN DEL. . amiaiUBi aam MB tm mo*, t tn. m i m m Mixn RtoMMa? ewa m ..« l4m itoM r PISH BUT SIHSATIOHAL SPi Cl AI S Of f I R1 D OURIMC I SAlf OHIT ' n i - wPER WEEK 2178 MUiraManXI MamrMams.rM. .MS 4K threty me ttt X Iw IIr. IS a STUDEBAKER CHAHF.'m R. SRIAN MOORSEDAN 1947 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR m i aanaan i w m ...... m ta r ?•« OIUOiMBCn I'll. I , rwws w tqi^MSMr th r llr Radio, heater, overdrive. ( K O O C ^ Mlitallic gray. Ratfo, heater, hydransatlc, eleetrle wla- Radio, beater. A goad car. «aauoi noN simr *««« ...... m . mi 2 hr«« isao Ml TMim MSDr^IhrMr dowe, white wall Urea, slip eovera, Immacalate laaMe . a • 4 I u m u s MTi...... Ml tIJI tin IM tsaan m iim nw.ne.r'ff...... IhrM r Neat coYert...... ^ W d HME THURSDAY W1C0 aUR |in -40 tiff 1 hr Mr 1MT m ttM in NK l.wsrncMw . MS llr I hr Hr aad o a t ■A ERING US A TEADE ★ HfCMM lom ti...... MSflff thiTIr TMnHO»at-IBM*irW.)it|Wi...... MSMr Ihr4to IMt.MERCURY 2 M i MOOR SEDANS 1947 CHRYSLER C L U l COUPE Mrs. Fasihit Ktis Man VCMMM I MM...... tin Mr MOT MnU HMO ...... MSMrIhrMr Radto, heater, extra cleaa. a M ING US A CREDIT RATING ★ . J9BC tea Ntou « cmwi. 4 ffmw MS »ff I hr Mr - amoMO CMS i s mm-...... •MMi IhrM r NYLONS Aseoftineet o f colon. dCOC 1951 STUDEIAKERUNDORUnER FROM 1 P.M. »• 9 P.lL ITSHin IMmw.lWff M-tlJI Ito lM SOM UCB MrU. Im w «Ma...... M StrllM ir tonly SI soqt-lS Bm M e, ImbIct aad overdrive.^...... ^ I d V d it M ING US A SHARP PENCIL -k Tn demonstmta the now Necdd I Mhh M m-iw> na ti Ji I hr I Jt MMIM n sm Kom Mn-tom ... MSMt IhrM r SHhrJml^laMt MDDR SED4N 1944 PLYMOUTH SP EtlA L DE LUXE 4-DOOR Sewlag Maeblae 4nr Sffs ntoai uM.. .MS M< I hr Mr THi tu r n Humss aw-iSWMw'MStlJe IhrIJI MTHTt nsM P4SO- Radio, heater, autotaatle trmaamlaaloa. white wall tires, ^ O P E N Radle, heater, good ttreo. FnU price ISMdS. . ■ailJlMaB WOM Iioto...... MSMsthrMr isomubit'i Msitr IhrMr a 2 l i r 8 6 ' nr0nfn.Mihis IS a PONTIAC OATAUNA HARDTOP MetalUe gray. ' ■Ml...... M S'tint hr IM THteco rwco nmt w*q nni ms Mr i m n r Omt...... Ito U l $2.StVotoo 2 'S ! ? 1 .5 1 t-toae gnea. Radio, heater aad auay other C A C O C W e'll figure such a fiiie deal «rt»as. Low adleage...... 1919 MERCURY OONVERTIILE GDUFE EVENING • i^cor MMu iMMiwiTM mm mm2 Ilf 61* YOUU BE RIDIND IN STYLE GREAT BONUS BUYS. m . .SIMas- HU,mainionn*Mi - 1E» WlUVS AERO “6” Badio, heater, overdrive, white wall ttiea, aew aUp eov* Col ike satsisa N O U R U SALt PLAN BUT TCRRIflC VALUtS ere, light greeS palat aew msekiac last IIRT»Saw%lwO(m2fire« ------*^***®™» Sedaa. Radto, heater, eeat covers, C Y C A C HOMO • coanix ctnoia w m m riM m'ik *...... 2 fir'W B E S T B U Y 1*S» ..I’lnamtth 3.do«r. Geed without pulling the purse strings «sa do otf luun averdrlre. Dritva leas thaa 10,000 mlies...... ^ I d y d ■ eeadlUoa. Iloaler, geed ttreo. your Mwii»! Tara Marti IM.*...... '...... 2IVZM MTI IMA « 4. . -lOr 1997 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN 1 nmnaontmcMOTNaia.. _ ^ itew black palat, radto, beater, eUp eeverik OF tH iW E E K Fwi prtc *s6ds. out kmutiluL ___ _ t w o To T c h o o s e ROM it HYDEA-MATIC OR» STANDARD DRIVE ★ inlNrsle alilrlMe 4 4mm '...... ZM fjB' MuoaMMoctan * 4. . os, sowatos'mffr. Ssvo iR tE n m c i r m w m m r m • * « « » * j ...... * jj[ 1ES2 BUIGK SPECIAL MOOR SEDAN •A MODELS WITH OR WITHOUT EXTRAS ★ liaio, Bioncy,.. Sour ptoStoM wrar. ds awsT wiik ti laton towto* Mo* Sts SS' $2095 TAKE AS LONG AS-X YEAI| TO PAY^ ~kiadksuk' attodWMnto U u n m U o N m . C Q g MW oa raMto. Mr MM-SMl m m 3w99 AT - A ¥ 0 ^ EpAMlMit ■ rsrtMO, ...... $ooo iBVhil PHARMACY s a ... MOTOR SALES N O W AT 35B lA S T CENTER ST— T IL ML9-I234 812 WEST C B IT p ST. otnemeonoOT. TIUPHONR MI-9-4427 TAINTOR POETUe, Im . Tnil r IMNCHESTER • Opaw Eves. *tU t:90 • HflA 2-7878 St--T 0L ait-1 AdiVstlsa itt TIm Pay§ N

/ Ir.% f* ■ \ .■’

f ' f i n a i V B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13,1988 MANCHUmSK BVENINO HIUUUA MANCHBBTBR* CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1963 rULE9 BY FONTAINB FOR FUNNY BUSINESS BY IWR8HBKRGBR DAILfY CROSSWORD PITZZLB te Capehart, wer* Ben*. McCarthy Anewer to Previoua Punlf M rs. Foulds, Sr. ObBervers See and Wiley of Wisconsin. BuUtr of IIV fl* ,uto jp^alers, O b i t u a r y Nekrarira and two chairmah whp Stogt*ScrM n Stor Sense and Nonsense Aflmiiiistration ashed not to ba named. H Ffi9sesat96 ' ’Nkmed among thoae coot to the a n d ' ACSOM 6tYou can w— on Use of Radar prepesal were Sens. Knowinnd, THIS K ’ THAT Men; The only paopla on aaitli In Voting Tett Hendrlcfcaon and Smith o f N ew liA eter Mm on the A kitchen used to be a place, of who thiak thayf have more silver screen Oldest Known Resident Jersey, Saltonatell of Massachu­ — Douflaa comfort and a homey grace. The than Women. The viewa of the Mancheatert setts/ CarieoA.of Kansas and Case 24 Hour MWmry U r r W l ^ e ii 60 Presently Mrs. Marin d l . Anfleraan Eau aairs, Wi*., Oct. IS (ft-Ob- WA’ - □ old coal atova sent out a glow; the utomoblle Paalera Aasn., which- O f Town Was Widow of South Dakota. V- '• /. premlaent oa DOWN oatmeal simmered real slow. Mrs. Marin Ciirietinn Lnraon servars saw a posaibls test of the M ary had a Uttta wolf; Bha ompriaea moat o f the new car ----- And in a Boston rocking chair, fleeced him white as snow. O fPa^p Manufaeiurer Anderaon, 63, ot 163 Etdridge St., Bisanhower administration today 1 Irish fuel News Tidbits died this morning at the Manchea- THREE CAPTAINS •crceauid 3 Italian river grandma would sit a-Tocklng there. ealera tn Maacheeter, and thoae as voters selsctsd a aucceasor to video The soup stock, bubbling tn a pot, Mrs. Winiam~~i^ld*, Br„ 76 ter Memorial Hospital, aftac n Gainesville, Fla. (NBA)—The 3 Distinct psrt A young couple and their four- f Chief o f Police Herman O, CaHad fraM AP WIrta ths late RepuHlcan Rap. Marlin MORIARH BRO’ • He i e ------was stirred and sampled (juite a Princstoa 8L, died at bar home to­ lingering iUness. 1953 Florida footbaU team ha* 4 Man’s ntms yaar-old son were invited to dinner hendel claihed today over the HuU of B lad i R iver Fells. three captain* Fullback Rick 816 CENTER STREET Philedelphia lot; the fam ily dog, too old to rova, day after a long period of failing She was bom tn Varmland, Swe­ TpeLlil-iaiit' 5 At that place at a neighbor's home. On the way oHee tiae at radar. Both Republicans and DemocraU Casares, End Jack O'Brien and la See eagle slept In a corner near the atovC. health. den, April 6, 1670. She waa a m em ­ 6Postestcd 26 raise |od 44 Male aheap Ip their host’s house, the methar In lettera that want both to arc 'Watching tha election in the 13 Head Lt. Qsil Rsuben Jenkins tuns The widow of William Foulds, ber of the Emanuel Lutheran Center Sonny May, 7 Infinite 27 Lions (Pl.) Upon the Kitchen table spread, a said to her little son. , general Xanagar Richard Martin predominately rural 11-oounty dU- A covering over eagwiuwd of U. 8. KHh Cbrps Sr., who was a widely known paper Church. duration 26 Flower 43 Cry of checkered cloth o f white and rad; nd Bchendel, tha aaaociatlon com­ trlct as an indication espectalty of 114 Interpret Mother . Clifford,,! want you in Iforea to Lt. Gen. Bruce M. manufacturer, Carrie Ann Straw She leaves one son, Henry O. 6 r r o m 29 Arabian gulf bacchanels w h ich ... ‘neath the oil lamp's plained that the to«m ia loatng the government’s prides. 19 Blackbirde of to be a little gentleniaa. You know CIsrka and heads for U. S. and re­ Foulds Was born in Manchester Anderson of (his town; on* daugh­ 9 City In 30 Meadows 40 Term of kindly light, becama a thing of ^raffle aecaaaary to Ita Inirineae be- StsU Sen. Arthur L. Padrutt„M . cuckoo fam ily what bcihg a little gentleman tirement . . . The Veteran* Ad­ Green. Dec. 6, 1666, slid was the ter, Mr*. Haig* E, Paaraon of Nevada 33 Ocean veeaels cadearment beauty bright. When alt the house Tneana 7 '' rauM of ,the "wholaaale arrasta of Inglewood, Calif/; one eidlar, Mrs. Oiippews Falla Republican, aitd 16 City in The ministration says mere than 99 daughter of Samuel and Caroline 10 Smell 38 Air raid 41 Chinese was cold as ice, the kitchen woigd Son Yea, m ^ e r . I t means I ■driver* caught apeeding tn radar Karin Anderson of Manchester; lAster Jobasou, 62, the Democratic Netherlandi bn* been gTaated to Qibbcna Straw. Had aba lived until 11 neth food alarms (comb, form) be warm and nice. We children. In five grarydchlh^rcn; two great Jackson Oounty dletrtct attorney won't have a yood time. |tr»p».’* 9,129 aariousiy dlssbisd veterans next Daeember ahe would have 17 Wild ox of 19 Abstract being 39 Pedal digit 49 King of that cosy rove, would dress beside grandchildren, and saveral nieces from Black fUver Falls, both llnfaverahta PwbHelty for "wheelchair homes.’*' reached the great age of 97. Be­ Cclebce 21 Consume 40 Cravat Germany the kitchen stove... The modem and nephews. stressed. their opinions of the ad- From an fndlanola, Iowa, ghureh Tde lettar, which waa aigned by U. 8. Department of Commerce lieved to hav* been the town's old­ II Seesaw 24 Cicatrix 41 Expunges 90 Gaieout kitchen well may be, a model of The funeral will he held Friday HL'nlafralion during their enargatlc hiilletln: "The Junior Ladies' Aid fartin Anderapn, aecretary of the mveals about 9>t per cant of est resident, ahe was accustomed campaigns. 20 Account clement efficiency; with gadgets here and afternoon at 3 o'clock at . tha Ihe best buy in timni 23 Ocean 43 Bodily laaaoclation, aaid that becauae o f 22 CompaM point gadgets there. . . hut wtth no real will serve an oyster at tha ohureh total family income tn 1960 was to spend htr winters in Florida for The electorate, however, was movement structure S3 Prevarication "the unfavorable publicity" that Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main 23 Snooxe warmth to share. That big white Saturday evening." absorbed by federal lueome taxes many years. apathetic and seemed only dimly ■radar operationa are receiving, “a St., with the Rev. Carl E. Olson, slab may ba a stove, but It Is , , . U, S, Vic# President Nixon Mra. Foulds leavta one son, W il­ aware o f the .possible national P 24 Mixes 1 L \ r ” 1 r ” ■good deal of traffic ia now circling pastor of. the Emanuel Lutheran 1 says in Wellington. New ZdUand, 27 True to the nothing you could love. And that On one. of the battlefielda fai liam Foulds, Jr, with whom she Church, officiating. Burial will he significance of the election. iManrheatar and tha town is sut- "peaceful world trade with our C c fact steel thing, with rods for feet; la Koi'ca, two O. I.'a in a foxhole sud­ made her home; and a stepdaugh­ in the East Cemetery. Aa a result, the election may It 1 Ifering from thia.” aillcs must increaas . and the 21 Spanish hero that a table where you eat ? Bring denly found themselves In tha mid­ ter, Mrs. Edith Foulds Weidner of Friends may call at the funeral draw no more than 30,000 per­ IP The aaeociatlon, which diecuaaed Clsentaower administration U fer- the Wbltahall Apartments, Center tthaK liim idcM kllm ial W 1*1* Iw. C 32 Harden, back that kitchen table spread, dle of a barrage from the enemy's V k ■the altuatioa a t a meeting Monday home from 3:30 Thursday after­ sons— leas than 26 percent o f the at cement with checkered cloth o f white and big guns. BMilatlng poUciea to carry out thia 8(* moved 4o make Ita complaint noon until the hour of the funeral. districr* esUmated 160,000 eligible II red. Bring back the coal stove’s First Soldier- Come on, let's get I waa program. Mr*. Pbuld* was one of the old­ I “ I hav* to wear my drum major hat to work—the wife t >22 Poem ■after the laat r«dar net, on OcL voters, despite the crisp, fair warming g lo w ... out of the patha out of here! est members of the Center Con­ threatened to cut the top off for a muff!" !J4 Bustle 13, reaulted in 43 arraata. autumn weather which mad* goiKg '35 Plaything It I of long ago. Second Soldier—Walt, I dropped gregational Church, and retained to the polls comfortabis. Anderaon aald that practically .36 Body of water —Karl Piaater my false teeth. Boston Youth Dies her membership in that church A b o u t T o w n h 8 ^ IT ■ all of tha dealers repmed out- during her life. The election Is not expected to OUT OUR WAT BY J. R. Wn,I,IAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE ■37TelU ’ p IP IP First Soldier-The heck with provide sny indicatlsM as to the lof-town motorists who complained Clifton — What sort of fellow your false teeth! What do you Funeral aervicea will hi held '40 Years between I to them of being arreated and who St. Mary’s Guild will meet voters’ feelings about Joseph R. B” R” is RmitH to camp out w ith? think they're throwing at, ua— After Knife Duel Thureday afternoon at 9 o’clock at WE J U S T ’ : 12 and 20 I aald thay would not return to Thursday at noon. The members McCarthy, Wisconsin's controver­ TOOICTHI& VEAH, I'LL LOOK POR 42 African worm .Qirtla . , He's one of those fel­ sandHlchcs 7 tb * Holmas Funeral Home, 400 IP f m K R I Mancheeter. Main 8L will bring sandwiches and the hoe- sial junior Republican Senator. He SHORT CUT A DOS OR SOKT,TOO/ ‘43 Evergreen lows who always takes down a Boston. OcL 19 (JPt— Ona youth NOWJWiase. HERE'S A LIST OP 27 i W i The aaaociatlon also raeommand- Ih* Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, teases, Mrs. John Trotter, Mra. waa seldom mentioned In the cam­ HOMC.SO m mandolin shout tha time it's up to Garry Moors reports tha ex­ 0 . 0 BLUE LAWS >OU MISHT P in D say, This is a wowDec 44 Ransom SP was dead and another held on a Herman Schendel and Mrs. paign, even by Johnaon, and took % •4 « homebody to get busy wtth the led that consideration be givan to minister of Center Church, will J u s t ic e cjuinichv v i o l a t i n s /— PUL L IS T -W E COULD 47 Motive clamation point has practically murder charge today after they Wyville Peabody will provide des- no part in iL frying pan. laauing warning tlcketa rather officiate a'nd burial wilt be in the WHEM 1 WAS INkTARCERATEtS PILL Th e S a s t il l e SI Aseeverete it Km disappeared from American litera­ fought a knife duel while their serL tea and coffee. The presi­ Republicans were confident of ture. than summons waha tha offense family plot in the Buckland Ceme­ IN HtS SPEED T R A P r ^JOTlCED 10 SwR.O. WITH ;52 Note in friends cheersd them on. dent, Mrs.Arthur Bumap, urges victory, on the strength of their Ha— You must think my unem­ “People,” he says, "aren’t sur­ is not aeriou*. tery. A CAT AROUMD THE JAIL— LEADiNS , Guido’s fcale » I 5 P W Chief Kalla Radar The victim was Richard Cash- all membm to attend and new past record—the district never 94 Location ployment checks grow on trees! prised at anything these days!’* Friends may call at the funeral CHE OP THESE A^USTy OTIZEHS Rchendel, however, bluntly aald man, 17, a Boston Technical High home Wednesday from 3 to 6:50 ones wiiybe welcome. Work will be has elected a Democratic' Con­ O H TH SSe |S9 Castle ditch IP u R w School student, -who died of i STATUTES STIPULATES c a r n iv a l I that the aaaooiation . members p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. on artMes for the fair, the date of gressman—and their Intensive C AilM^T CMARSES/ Ji 136 Edge BY DICK TURNBK "don’t know-what they’re talking hunting knife wound that punc whic^is set for Thursday, Dec. 3. campaign on behalf of PadruU and BT n [57 Inner ' about,” adding that the' protest la tured his h eart Tbe/wlld food sal* last week was hia platform of all-out support of I (comb, form ) Paul T . Hynes. 16, a ninth-grade a ^ r r a t success and thanks is due the administration. # . AT h i s h t -^ A u the result of "one or two” of the {56 Weights of members having been arreated for student at the Mary Curley School Jury Is Drawn tp the generosity of so many of DsnocraU ware cautious, dc- MiMMlimlRSlMbbalw ' ' India * f| waa booked on a murder charge. he parishioners. ciartag only that they had a good speeding themaelves. BUGS BUNNY "They dob’t know what we're Police gave this version ot the For Larrabeef chance to win in the agricuiraral trying to accompilah or the prob- fracas; Mr. and Mra. Henry Thornton district because of what they cWm oirt-aliMd style insurat you fop m ole volueT iema liwolved,” achandel aald. Tha Mrs. Anna Sperrasaa, 34, Cash are moving from Madison St., this U a "farm revolt over- declining HMMM, ■youRg PUTT1N8 chief has described radar aa the man’s sister, made a remark about Manchester, Vt., OcL 13 week to their newly-built home on prices.” They also point to John­ HffffS TMOSB PlOCrPB Hynes' girl friend. The state impanelled a' jury/Coday Wellington Rd. son's adherence to the principles The ’S3 $6w4ahnher is m '54 in sfyiel Studebaker's far- best meana fo r cutting down the n o faef-nlrrSew; C0N\i5 ELMER TOO AAR number o f accidents, or where they She slapped Hynes twice and to try the Larrabee brotMrs, of of Hull, the Republican raipresen- advaae«t Raynsond Loewy deeign b out ahead now and it T' m ic k l e m b tative whose death last spring OampUm. M u a r GMp* ARART.' do occur, the aeriouanaaa o f in­ then sent ior her young brother. Willtamstown, Mass., on/a series Mrs. Katherine Mikoleit is chair­ won’t be ootnMtded a few moaths frmn now! AgAiN ABOUT TM' ' hmm! juries. Cashman and Hynes came to blows of charge* which ted to/me of the man of the Manchester group and created the Ninth District va­ ooa I'm doin' biggest manhunts in t ^ history of cancy. • "People have come out to 4henk and Hynes ran home to get a Mrs. Martha Hallchcr of Rock­ ' The 'S3 Sfvdebnker is «n ecenem y atansi-ewtl Low in price 0*1 MIg PINCB.’ ^ us for what we’re doing, and we hunting knife after he suffered a the state last summer ville, formerly of thl* town, is Hull, who served 11 terms In only use radar where there have bloody nose. The brothers, B c ^ m ln . 22,-nnd chairman for the Lutheran League Congress, won election early in his —low in fa* consumption — km in upkeep— high in resale career as a LaFollette Progieaaive. »1958“ been complainta' o f speeding,” Cashman had a breudkaif*. when Richard. 16, are /represented by Missionary Zone Rally tomorrow eekie—a sensation in thb year’* Mobilga* Run! Srhendat aald- Hynes rsturned and they mad* court-appointed Counsel for their In Trinity Lutheran Church, Pros­ Although he was a Republican in DELIVERED IN He said William Oreane. director passes at each other jmUl Cash- trial on chargep of armed assault pect St., (Rockville, Sessions will recent years, the Congressional The 'S3 Mwdebnker is-lew-swunfl far snfelyt Huge ex- > Record shows he votad with the MANCHESTER LEUTHIMS of the State Safety Ooaiuniaeion, man fell m ortally wounded. with Intent ra kill CpI. Foster begin at 10 a. m. with devotions GOP only 24 per cent of the Ume panara od'glaas provide all-around big visibility. OPERATlOHS has complimented him on the uae Police said members of the Corlisa of tiM State Police; grand by the Rev. E. O. Pieper of the JPvwiUlAM^ in ^ e last seiraon Of Congress. mM iSisdsrd sfslgsMsf. GO IhVTO MkSH' of radar and told him that ‘Yt waa youths’ respsclivs crowds stood by larceny of ra automobile, breaking hostess church and a t 1:30 p. m. THE TMRlH. HUKfTER. Both Johnaon and Padrutt, like The *53 Slndghnlier lands in nshrancad anginaaringl It’* Su m sb4 hml issw, ff say, ests*. L S ttS : GEAR* something that long since should and cheered during tha knife and entermg tw o Pownai camps, the Rev. Paul G. Prokopy o f Zion have been done.” Church, this town, will open the Hull, arc former LaFollette Pro- balaneed'anperbly-designed free from m m ecesaary bulk rU to $U*wmU Sir** ead brew* battle. and arm*d assault with intent to greaaives, As fo r issuing warnings, Schen- rdb. afternoon session at 1 :30. Speakers and power-wasting excess weight. Champion engine surges mknl U ta tpHtm t at asSw mtt. ALLEY OOP Uncanny Kitty '.A- BY V. T. HAMLIN del said, polio* give out more of ,StAm’s Attorney Stephen GJT will be the Rev. Paul Kreyllng, Johnson has stressed the fact in his campaign and has pledged him­ with xip and pep. Commander has motoring’s moat^ them than they do tlcketa.” A man/Mid he would seat a 13 th missionary to Japan and the Rev. UKEtEMQ OSCAR, self "to vote as Hull.did.” HMh.'HEB SOT TO __ _ month ago 77 waminga were given Blond Murderess Juror along with the usual 12 Ernest K. Scherer of Willaton tbrillingly.rMpanaive V-8 engine. lasalaa J3EC6A DGG6A BE SOMEWHERE THAT ANV Padrutt has not mentioned that out and only 23 ticket*. And on ajyaltarnat*. Park. Long Island, N . Y. Mias IS AM06T ABOUT.BUTI he also once waa a Progressive in Oct. I, the ratio was about 2 to Emily Kiasman, eone prasidenL The *53 Stwdehnkdr e x c ^ in qjunlMy werlinwnakipl Every UNUSUAL o o n ts eeim / -S P U N ^ ‘ Sentenced to Die The brothers are charged with the days when the party held the 1.” ring a Bhbi at Oorliss as he will conduct the league meetings. car in the line reflects the^painstaking care o f Studebaker’s balance o f power in Wisconsin He also aald that police are In­ sought to question them about the poUtida The party was led by the iather-aaid-aoa teams and thousands o f other craftsmen. structed not to give out sununona Los Annies. Oct. 13 (F)—Blon breaks and the theft of an auto­ late Sen. Robert M. La FuUctU unless tha driver goes over the Barbara Grahtm, 30. mother mobile last August. Gartner’s Stock and hia brother, Philip, who waa The 'S3 Hndahnkar is senseHenelty lew pritedl Stude- •arvaias «alava ia speed lim it by five or 10 milea, de­ three children, was sentenced /to­ The brotbers fled tha car and three times Wisconsin governor, pending on the location. day to die in San Quentln'a/gaa were hunted five days by a posse beker sedans, coupe* and hard-top* are all down to earth asad card- chamber for the'murder of/crlp- before member* voted to diaaolvc of more than 100 State Police, - Sokl At Auction 1b |>*iee. Tlie Stndebaker Champion shown here U pled Mrs. Mabel Monahan./ It in 1946 and rejoin Republican BIp BOlodlOM*^ deputy sheriffs and other police. ranks. 9M oj!h s lowest piieed can in America. Biiperior Judge Cha^s W. 'They eluded the poaae, and po­ •rfcml tn mnva nat fleek Bishop Maintains Stock and fixtures of Gartner's. Frick* turned down a mbtion for lice said their trail led over the The winner of fedays contest a new trial and then pronounced state line into Willlamscown, Ine.^ bankrupt department Adore. win serve Hull's uMteitred term ’7T7 Main 8t„ were sold at flubllc Satan Old Enemy sentence. He had glvoi the same A car stolen in Wliilamstoiyn and must run agaliiltoct year to auction today -for $12,700 ;to X keep the post K a v a s A a e a , aentence last w * A / t o John A. was found later In N ew Jersey and SanU and Emmett/Pcrklns, also one from that state was aban­ Marc Rosenblatt, New Britain since the district is largely fipringfleid, Maas., Oct. 13 UPf— convicted in the sli doned^ Pennsylvania near where merchandiser. rural, the labor vote was not CHORCHES MOTOR SALES *01112 a im gll bo(M|UBt— Tm a man of few w ords!" Catholic Bishop John J. W right o f Pronouncement / of Mrs. Ore- On the basis o f the 612,700 sale expected to play much part. Only CHRIS WELKIN. Planetm a truck was stolen. m 6 a x l a n d s t r e e t , Ma n c h e s t e r Questioas BV RUSS WINl-ERBOTHAM Worcester says that Communlam ham's fata waa/delayed a week The brothers were captured by today, the Federal Bankrtiptcy In the city o f Eau Claire is doors AND HER BUDDIES is only one aspect of the enemy the when her new attorney asked addi­ Pennsylvania State Police at for the, District of Connecticut Kill the labor segment aiseable. Not A Bad Idea church has been fighting for 20 tional time to ^u dy Uie records. Pottsville Pa., and yvere returned determine the percentage to be W4-OH.-7J»eW*UVK ^ BY EDGAH MARTIN •a* wEtvECEOF^ A t THE WACE $TAT/ON„. centuries— "ifstsn himaelf.” Barbara sh^ed no emotion as here. paid creditors. hostile V.KTTEC ^ SEAT...I THOUEHTOL-P. Against It. Im told the conclud­ ahe heard the sentence, but . burst WM IVnOM MHAT State’s Attorney Gilman aald Judge John 8. G. Rottner, at­ tUMOe. WM^ ing meeting of a 9-day New Eng­ into tcara/whil* being led back Senate Policy Unit COCECr WA$ ON THE WELKIN'4 COCkBT €>»«. tWOtST S fk M that police In Masaachuaetts, N ew torney for the First National I HXFft.TWWX land Congreks o f the Confraterhtty to her ceu ^ n C B PLATFOEM._EE AFfVQAC»lna,KALLO(ty V IW V W M t O A\KfT A 1>A\»36 Jersey and Pennsylvania notified Bank of Manchester, one of the ''BC...HEH-MEH... I , Perkin* and Santo catered death ...y-\346 , York Herald Tribune aaid today a PNITIW’ with the armor o f <3hriat.” r the brutal murder of the H ailfofdc list MD«V\y V400VOW T propowU by Sen. C a ^ a rt

Om k p M lL a d d H u . d y e A e n .-— Wo rflgrot oxcoodingly any incaovanknea which may ba cauaad aor cueto- VIC FLINT Planted Death BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY n iE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE mars, and wo will do our boat to^tako caro af avoryona's uaadi. Hawovov, thank You, Doctor BY WILSON SCrIuG^S SLIP THE LOOF DM Tl.»5 fT TAUT...-ni TV»a thk gBvetnnMot ordar, and athars whkh will undoubtedly folt^, all ^tr’fnid OF THE CORD O vaC THE I d to VIC MOLAIIBI EHF to the LOUP FaWk.*'Y*U. rMOMY...4NDOO>fr , HOaOER— TVATg.^ to aM our .country’s mobiligatkn, art of nocoaaity b k d ii^ on ovoryono. 'n * r T w n t o W A P y ^ ^ BOOT TD TRW TlUMiNOriOTMX.„'< fu jN M A L a a TURTS TUB a n r TiMO ia a > A T i e C o ir e c t ic u t ^ P ower C o h m i t [5!

¥ i r . " *1 S'*.*

is ' ^ , ** . — ^

■IIANCHESTER E T E N l^ ^ K iiD . HANCHSdTBR. CX)NN« *hjESDAV. O C T O ^ ^;l958 X. IUNCHS8X»B BVraONO HERALD. MANOnaTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER l i 1953 ~ 7 T -’ Idle Notra Banije Retains No.* I College Football age 'erees to Look Raschi Shows How H eG rips His Curve Ball Percy Bafisett Also Cleveland Browns Are the Yankees THE JSpartans and Mary] Told to Risk Title Herald Angle 6 i er Way on Minor Fouls Of Pro Football; Li<>ns Would Be Dodgers S f TraU Fighang Washington, Oct, 13 (FV—Archta EARL W. YOST m. Louia. Oct 18 (iTV-A dcclBioh Moore, the aging S t Louia votarui, fiporto*BdHor New York — (NEA) — TIM ^ « • I New York, O ct 18 (f)—Ndtrfi .tar taakattell offidala to turn State Coachies waa under instructions from the t tM(r back! on minor foula yoater- Browns and Lions hava ahown the U r O S S K f l n k i n g |I>6«»4 remiUBed at the top «< tlw Giants Hope Galiffa National Boxing AaaoctaUon ■i*i fiY nsT NO. 1 BATTEB dagtwaa termed “ the greateat ahot customary early toot In their re­ rival coaches who will havo to map , ( 9 jeoUegiaU footbaU world tod6y-< (NBA) today to dsfand his Ught- Without any question the moat dafenaiva strategies to stop the In the arm IntercoUo^ate baaket* Dislike Change heavyweight championship within I baU haa racalved ainca the elimina­ spective divislona ot the National feared better in Little League promising Weet Stder. j \ 1 V ¥T T T lgsargsw aitk e third straight wMk tha Iriah tion of tha center Jump." tha next few months or lose It by Fsotbalt League. baseball play'durtng the past sea­ MIKB IS GONE ' - 5 ^ * ^ Y d * have ruled the roost Is Answer to Success default That wad the way E. I* Romney, Four ol Five Prefw • • • The aging B row ns are tha son W3U Dangerous Danny Renn Mike Ooughltn, one of tho best ------I The weekly Aaeoelattd Pries commlaaioner o f the' Mountain of the American League Red Box. known, beat liked sad most re­ IN ITS EAIX RATINOS Ifsued Tankaet of prbfattional footbaU. Crusaders Have Rolled "Ports »3m«6 Btatea Oonfarence, fall about the New York, Oct. 13 (A1--Amold Two IPlatoon Football Tha Lions oould bo tho Oodgors. Tho standout ewatsman and short­ je c te d cttlssna of Manchester's offlciala action at their annual i Qaliffa, who won 11 aporta' lettera _ , -1 last night tha NBA pointedly con- stop also pitched several key wins North End, passed away , recently. CT rrn c . 1 fond Sports castors gave tha South Scribes Are T o l d tended It waa retyontible for After winning the ebamplonthip U p T h r e e S t r a i| ^ t ; Bend squad . a# pohite aseplts Announce Banquet of tho late and unlamented AU- for .OMch Paul Murjdiy'a cham­ Mike and aporting events in 13 .. Moora'a chanca to win the eham- pionship nine. For Little League America Conferonee for tho four Manchester went together like Trinity Ranked 6th,the fact that it was uua ust sat* lillili n^.^fiii I Um srw4d«.throwlnr m im u m i .iI New Haven. O ct 18 ( « - ^ i e I P“ «»h>P *»i the first place. It eaid Renn, a four year veteran of ham and egge. There wasn’t any ______urday. Tha burden ef proof Mfis oa he ahould feel obligated to riak hla falls of Us oxistancs, ths (Ueve- the by-paaaln( of "frinfa foola and the Korean war, la anxioua to get new application of an old tangled land club demonstrated that it Little League play, is one of the •ports attraction that Mike didn't Boston, O ct 18 (AV-Holy Oosa'f*** other ttams and none o f j ^ berdaritaaTMatlena in the back a taate of pro football—and Annnal little tieagne base­ title In a bout with Harold John­ brighteot beseball imspecU to nttend, until his last few wieeks. ball banquet wUI be held Tues­ football rule—namely, one platoon son of Phnadelphia, logical cen- could do tho tamo thing In the and New Hmnpritlr— a couple of i S ^ l * * * ** coort" tkat have Uttla effect on the chancea are It'll come next Sun­ football—isn't coming off too welt elder circuit and has been tha run­ come down the pike ih yoara. Tht Mike aad his soa-la-law, Jock Wll- *‘oontiattlty of play" durinc the day. day evening, Oct. ST at 6:80 at tender In that division. West Side youngster Improved tre­ •OB, were always oa head whether undefeated teama with 8-4) records the Garden Grove. Paul Mnf- with four out of five Connecticut Fred J. Saddy, chairman of the ner-up the past two wintara. IKS-M aeaaon. The New York Gianta make grid coachee. The defending Detroit sido Is mendously lest season and ahould it waa a baaketball game sit the —ruled the roost today In their N iy n s DAME coUeeted 74 test Hiia meana officiala will over­ pby, coach of the champion NBA Ratings Board, noted that their home debut againat the Chi­ Voting yesterday at a Connecti­ young. not hove any trouble stepping Into Armory or Roe on a freesing win­ respective major and smaller col­ tlocas on the ballots, eemporod to look Buch thlnga aa a defenalve cago Cardlnala at the Polo American league Red Sox, Is only persiatent NBA nudging the faster Alumni Leagua next ter Bight or a baseball gome at the 17 for all the ethar tsanu eom- general chalroum of the ban­ cut Sports Wrttera Alllanee lunch­ prompted Joey Maxim of Clave- Tho Browns, IrenlenUy enongh. lege divisions of the New England Bwipe at the baU that winda up aa Grounda and Coach Steve Owen eon were Yale'c Jordan Olivar, tevo shosvn two or thiwo wonk- season. Oval. Mt. Nebo or Charter Oak blnsd. Tha points were tabulated a BUp on the wriat of the oppoang promlBM to unveil—for a few quet committee. Other mem­ lend to take on Moore In a title The blond-bairod youngster Lots on a hot, humid August eve­ footbiUl parade. by tlw usual method o f 10 for teat, dilbbltf. bers are Harold Geer, Frank University of Connoctlcut'a Bob In- bout, which Moore wen handily. ntnoeo. PnnI Brown saeko to tbe plays at least—his new quarter­ Trintty'a Dan Jeeaee. New •nhM greup Graham. Motley. Ln- didn't break down any fences in- ning. With eueceasive victories over nine for second and ao on.- *T am confidant,” Romney aaid, back from the fighting fronts who, Kooak and Mrs. Hay Ponti- In its ratings, tha NBA took out 1989, his first Utile Ltagus sea­ Dartmouth, (tolgato aad Bueknell, Michigan State, which hod to "our coacbea acroaa the nation avan Teachers' Jeaa Dow and after one other boxer, Percy Bas­ veiU. wnUo, Orotn and aa down Hie keen tbterost in sports never he Bays, “WUl be another Otto ceU. son. He played in 18 gamos and dimmed over the pasting years. It the Crusaders from Holy Cross come f r ^ behind to lick Taxaa wUl cooperate with- tha officiala— Tickets wUI be available to Wealeyan'a Norm Daniels. sett ef Philadelphia, the uiterim the Uae. Marion Motley It glow­ G r a h ^ " Daniel's, whose Wesleyan team ing 4m. Otto Graham is not gotting came up with but six bits in 48 at just won't be the same at sporting poUsd 179 points in yesterday's Christian, stayed in second place, becauae that’a the way it ia going * • • the pobBe. Detaiki wUI be an­ feathcrivetght champion, and told beta for a .133 average. weekly voting by the Boeton Foot­ hut gathered only 14 first placa to be." haant won a game tbia season, him to put hie title on the line er any younger. The Iwlfbacke den9 ovents in tho future to s«e Jack THE 8K-FOOT-TWO, 1»S- nounced later this week. A east the only vote In favor of the r t a ceneistcntly en tbe gronnd. Wilson without Miko at hia side. ball Writers, leading Yale (149 votes, as comp4ured to 18 Mat waak The commiaalonera, repreaent- pound onetime steel hand from crowd of 800 la expected. face NBA action stripping him points) and Harvard (129). and 877 points cempnrad to 1,033 Ing college conferencea from every new aubatltutton rule. of it. The team lacks punch taaide tbe bonora. Pa., became a Giant over And moat avidly against the new 18-ynrd-liae. The Crusaders got 34 first place in the second poll. aection of the country, met to the weekend after his discharge Bassett holds only an taitsrim The biggest ehaage in tbs ailta formulate a atandard interpreta­ Vic Raachl of the New York Yankees shows Detroit's huge Srat baseman Walt D ropo^ n d'sM rU ruling la Jordan Olivar, whoae epoch Brown gets by with the Turner May Join votes while the EHs sad Crimson from the service and watched his some Communist holes, that's all. title becaUise or faathsrwaight u tha dtaappearanea of Ohio tion of the rulea for next aeaaon. Editor Earl Yost of The Herald how he holds his curve ball. Scene waa Bulkeley Stadium whsn Rasrehl Tala team la unbeaten snd seem­ champion Sandy Saddler Is In the eanie old formule trape for the drew one each. teammates ^ lose their third Nothing to it." and Dropo appeared with Spec Shea's Major League All Stare in .an exhIblUon game. Raachl U a ingly headed for a top notch fullback, sideline passes by Auto­ The rest ef the reglea’e "Mg State from tbe top 10, The Book- straight game in Washington Sun­ Army. But even so, Bassett is 160-Pound Class eyes, shattered by underdog nu- The former Army star's closest native of West Springfield, Mass., and Dropo wras born In Moosup, Conn. aeaaon. rated no higher than fourth In his matic Graham, plaeaMeks by The •even” : Beaton College 96, Beaten day. bowing to the Redskins. 13-9. Shave came later when the Chinese Tfie limited subatltutlon rule, Toe Gross. Unhrerslty 98, DortmeaU 48 nod noia. 4Jr30, last Saturday, i^um- Olson Will Wear “I'd never seen pro footbaU own division behind Saddle, WUlie meted to n tie for ISth with Mis- were'' swarming all over his pla­ eald Olivar,' haa created ."a big Pra end Jtedtop Devls. - MM, The only rap against Brown who Philadelphia. O ct 13 idV-Be- Brown 88. from BO close before," the dark­ toon. morale problem" on hie Yale team. has been a ^ winner eince hla •iasippl Southern, the little oebool haired fohner All America quar­ Sports in Brief Rocky Marciano, the heavy­ ALVI^ cauae Gil Turner ia losing his New Hampshire’s Huskiss, with that beat Alabama at tho atari of Down Foe-Manager “They were all around us and Real Players Back Again—-Grange "1 wlali eeme of tbeae peepla who weight champion, and Jimmy Car­ H tA M O days at MaaSUlon'b Washtngtoif girlish figure, the 33-year-old verdicts over Upeala, Rhode terback said today. they’re like the new rule would ceme eut High, la that after developing the the aaaaon. big guys and they hit mighty givit^ us the dickens. 1 had left ter, the lightweight' title holder, fighter’s aspirations to the welter-. Island and Maine, received 199 niinola. for iU part In the big- New York, Oct. 13 m — “Bobo my carbine outside the hole when The YMCA swimming team In Ctiicag^—(NEA) —Red Giaage says he Is enjoying the college aad talk te aeme ef eur beys." were given strong votes of con­ nucleus of his great money squad, weight crown of Kid GevUaa may votes but only three firsts. North­ hard. College ball was never like Tucson, Ariz., is a family affair. OHvur said. He Upted a aumber ef he hasn't brought along reeruiU ist upset of the aeaaon, roaa to wiU throw too many punchea for this." I saw a Communist coming football campaign this fnll for the first time In n deende. fidence by the ratings board, be scrapped forever. eastern was second with 181 points b. 9 in the ranklnga. straight at me with his machine The squad is composed of four sets kla playeni who either dida't get which could see no logical con­ to work into the llnoup. At least, Still ranked aa a leading con­ aad two firsts while third-place him." Gal Ufa may have been impressed "Now we ha>’« some renl footbnll pUyers," the Illinois great he's only done it on a Uialted s ^ o . Maryland, which many obaerv- Sid naherty. manager of Carl by what he saw but he couldn't gun blasting away. of brothers and three sets of sis­ lato the CokimMa gapse S alarby tender In either division. tender for GevUan's title. Turner Amherst got 189 points, including ters. asserted. ‘They’re pUylng the game again with Individnnis In­ ar who played oaly a mtaate sr Inatoad, he’a had to coax t h ^ he ara think la the top team In the "Bobo” Olaon, the A m erican have been scared. E\'cn pro foot-' “ I thought I waa going to have stead of platoons. Some of those specialists of the past e e u ^ That put Marqieno in a position nevertheless tipped the beam at IS firsts. South, rated third, only 16 potato The first time Detroit Lion two. like tha one long occupied by Joe cells his old men to come l ^ k 186 while plodding to a 19-round middleweight champion, waa doing ball must look like chUd's play to to take on thei machine gun with of years weren't even nthletee, let alone faetball pinyem. year after year. Rhode Island's Roma were right bMilnd Michigan State. The Terpa my bars hana when somebody rookie Lew Carpenter got the ball "How ars we going to get those Louis, who had no trouble beating decision over Italo Scortlchlnl at behind in fourth spot with 178 and the talking. the officer who spent six months' "SflsaUer ooUeges are also benefiting greatly. Fewer playera boys enthuBlestic about preparing The Lions on the other hand are were a diaUnt fourth last weak. “Bobo throwa punchea aU the on the Korean fronts when the drilled the Commie in the head. He in a. regular National Football any challenger who ceme along Detroit last Wednesday night And Connecticut fifth at 171. Rhody UCffJt waa fourth and Michigan League game he ran for a touch­ are needed, making It easier for the smaller Tastttutloas to field for Cornell?" Olivar asked. and who for years reigned all alone much more tmpreealve physically. way. three minutea every round." fighting was fiercest back in 19S1. feU about two feet from me. In addition to bolng young, they he's doubtful whether he can ever :alned only ona first place ballot fifth. ■ The reel ef tbe first 10 ■aid Sid. “Ten rounda. fifteen He wras decorated with the Com­ • • » down on a 73-yard Interception a team. A boy who can’t make the grade at a major coBega Hkely Against Columbia, he said, "we atop the heavyweight section, make the 147-pound welterweight lut the UConns got five. will go to a smaUer school and become a hero. Lant year he sacitficed a poaslble opportunity to • • • are. comparatively swift, ^ aad waa rounded out, ta order, by rounda..Jta wiU be in there throw- bat Infantry Badge, the Presiden­ AT WEST POINT, the swarthy, return . against the Pittsburgh strong. * limit again. - Hien come the real of tha top Georgia Tech. Duke. Baylor, Illi­ tial Unit Citation, three overseas Steelers. probably would have atayed at the bigger sclioel aad spectaltsed sepra because we bed to pUy our DAN BUOCEROM of Philadel­ “ And we won't try to find out tng aU tSe time. 20-yesur-old janitor's aon won four in kicking extra points." hart defensive men to m'otact the Bobty 'Layne Is tbe smst ver- 13 among smaller coUega elevens: nois aad Weet Wglnla. *Turpin wUl have to huatle a ribbons and two Korean battle CraWi-ford Mims, senior gusrd on phia was given second place among until it's necesaary,” said Manager 6—^Trinity 94; 7—Springfield 76; 0 0 0 letters in basketball, four in base­ utac point lead." Tale won 13-7. the heavyweights in a four-man aaUI# quarterback In tbe game, is lot more than he did with Humex stars. ball as a first baseman and three' the University of Mississippi grid T Mend Texan who doesn’t beeitatc George Kata yesterday. Katz, 8—Maine 47; 9—Bowdoln 84; 10— SOUTHEBN CAUTOENIA, In February. 1951. he won rec­ team, has started In the last 70 For exaanple, he jnentloned* 5-9. fitld rated aa outstanding 'boxers. noting that GO ia working to make If ha expecta to beat Bobo. Even in footbaO. He was All America 169-pounder Bob Poole, "our best to ran instead ef pats- He keeps Ooaay Eean Williams 39; 11—Brandies 87; 13 Which fought a dlaappolnttag 18- If be doea I feel Bobo wlU win." ' ognition fw his grenade marks- college snd high school’ games in Buceeroni, a Johnny-come-lately 155 pounds for hia lO-rounder with —Massachusetts'9. , quarterback his last year in 1949. pass recslvsr," who didn't play. ameag the top level fighters, risks tbe defeneo boaeet, mnkeo It gnnrd 18 tie with Waahtagton, also Flaherty made hla commenta manahip while the Americana were which he has played. ngniast a ground attack. Ho has The experience gamed aa an Johnny Bernardo at the Arena The collegiaas had Ught Moo* dropped out of tha first 10. but puahiag the Ceoimuniats back up Ask him Vhere he's from and Jim Doughan, center on Yale's Olivar a g i ^ . however, with that jioBiUon in a go againat Jim after- watching a bob-tailed movie Organized Baseball Goes^ Norm Daniela’ . objection to two mnnrkable balfbacko In Walker eight-year-old paid dividends the here Thursday night, said he day workouts and some got a Waahlafton didn't make It. In­ o f the June Randy Turpin-CharieT.! the Koeean Pentnsala. Galilfa replies: football team, grew up in the shad­ Slade of New 'Tark tomorrow doesn't expect another welter­ platoon football. DanleU claimed night. and Haeraaebemeyer. tbe letter, following yoar, 1981. ParUeipaUng break becauae of the Ohimbus stead. West Virgtata, undefeaM Bumea fight ahown y^ erday ggg in' 4 A dagiatch ' ■' -- from WWW thewwaw a front * lines “ Booor. Pa. That's • • wherew asvs« Stan ows of the Yale Bowl. His hoifie' slewing up a little, helped by re- in It coateata, Renn upped hia biU-. weight title shot before next sum boUday, but Oo4Mh Fred EUls of and 40-14 victor ovar Waahingion the'bud GaliSa 1>ecama the marvti of i the Man (Murial) comes from.' ia New Haven. Conn. unlimited substitutions gava tha Bssard Charlea of Cincinnati, add-towm restaurant for To Supreme Court Today players too little chance to use c ^ t Gene Gedmen. Where tbe ting mark to .391 on 16 hiU in 55 mer, anyway. Gavilan knocked out Tufts sent his Jumboe through a and Lea, took over the vacant bauaSt of American aad Britiah! ^ comrades by faurimg greeades Muaial must be ^lat aa proud to Charley Brewer, University of the former heavyweight champion, Turner in the -Philadelphia boy's their own Initiative. edged up into third place ahead ef J. Vttlncr...... 17 37 1M liena may be hurt le at fullbnck, official tripe to the plate. hanvler than usual drill to work j o t . -. aawmman and the flgbt mob. r tdccsiiwly for T5 yards, taioa the be a i€0trm teemsman of Arnold Texas quarterback, carried the ball •> 35 where Fat Harder le wearing ant .Ihen came the two big seasons. only title fight OB defense for Mlddlebury's Panth­ Oeoegia Tach madt tha moat The 15-round flgbt anas almrt-’ dUtaaoe the book asya the explo- Washington, O ct 18 (O—Organ­ Daniela said that under two- Roland LaStarsa of New York, 104 lii lit from scrimmage only tw ice thing resembling slavery' since the platoon. t Hart end Boa. helped along by age. The past setuon in 18 games, see how ha feels. It he finds him­ Dortnaeath wae eheered by weMt ago, but finally get their IrnaSaB. pSehuwo dtawwd ITnrpm hoiad up pretty tnick." Qaliffa petmon waa the CRmcsi'a Bank haps tha most significant legal cal knockout last month. Rnssettn ,-...... * pennant race the Dodgers took owners absolute control over base­ ruts which prohibited a substitute Given the fifth spot was Nino ...... 107 M 901 Dorn Dibble, are aU Buddy Parker Renn collected 27 hlta in 81 tries self getting weak, wc’U call the that WaHtem’a Praak Krel, i offenao geliig agaliiat Tulane aad wlnruag enaOv but msa riut hril- ’ expbuned 'T got loaae some team of VermiUitm. B. D. The av- first place on June 38 and never contest in the history of the na­ pPtrrRon ...... M 34 could ask. whole thing off aad admit he's a ball actlvtUea of the players. front talking unUl ona play had Valdes of Cuba. Core Andsraon ■ has wen the Thrfrlrn ...... 101 103 903 for a A28 mark. ■are epeedator, will be ready tor moved up to slxlh. lante In a easOeiit. .' grenades and they happened to hit erage age was 69.6. rehnquiahed their lead. tional sport. Attorney Gene M.- Harris of Bride had low grots. 65; LuclUe Mccvnhjr ...... tl3 no 103 .154 There is tremendous taeMe and Four year batting average was middleweight” haHhack eharen against (Mgate been run. Class A Woman’s Fall 'Tourna­ For the aecend straight week. The court has been asked to Santa Barbara, Odif., said in the Dnalels, whose tewn has lost Otrvey had low net. 73-32—51. In Piracy ...... 106 154 t3 355 guiutl strength with such as Thur­ a robust 978. Rean’a average the this Sotardny. HatYoid get Rice led tha aecond 10. decide whether baseball ia an termine exactly how many seats Bsbenca ...... M . too 101 3U1 man McGraw, Lou Creekmur, Dick appeal filed by Toolabn that tha ment at the Manchseter Country Class B. Georgia Lnmbcck had low 4 peat two years waa .849 and the happy tMtags in the ease ef COr-. two nnd Med one, veleod naother there will be In various cetsgorlss. : Britt* ...... — •0 104 lit Tbe top ton (first ploca votoa illegal monopoly In roatraint of reserve clause is “obnoxious to tha wuaau for HUug tSe new rales. Club. She defMted Anne McBride groas, 79 and Avis Hamilton had Stanfel, 390-pound Lts Bingtman, four , year slugging percentage roll LeWeasteta, who in paranUiaaM) trada. If it decides that it is. the principles of the 13th amendment" "In a small roOege, wo eao hold He ala# sold he had "talked wtth low net, 85-88—59. TaUUs- ..... 30. 553 457 1533 Yale’s John Prchllk and Jim Mar­ mark Is 991. Sports Mirror with the rreenree after being ruling could mean tha end of big several Amerlcaa Lengne dnb by 3 and 3 this past weekend. This JSsarkester Asl# Part. resi- groee, 92. Totals ...... m iM 355 U7I until tomorrow. merce. Jess Dow, New Haven Teachers, first round. S|m> defeated Naomi rCona III lend. Tbe Oregon nlnmnna ia the The question whether baaeball dent in the new setup; Herb Arm- tap pnaaer whea right. Tbe trenMa Besides, baseball's attorneys with’ a 2j0 record — "tve had a etrong, general manager of the lewkwoed and Nellie JohMen ia fitev-.M .. .. — »3n n in violates the nation's anti-trust KrbI ...... r -— to ITT la that he’s a Mt tee Awing fer Ms said, the Supreme Court decided terrible time getting a place- Orioles under Dunn, and Rudle earlier rounda. laws has been before the Supreme Winners for the season's ringer MeKInner uo m lOS 3«S oirtfit'B goad at timea aad has a Meet Kaiser’s ^Million MUer !” the question for good in 1933. kicker into the game. I like free Schaffer, general manager of the Yaworski ICO 113 M SM Court before. In^l922 the court In each of the three cases, Fed- eubetitutions very much. Tou can board were announced by Tourna­ OefilmotK* . Ill w — 3M tendency to be erratic. If be baa an decided baseball wasn't a business, Browna. Blanchai-i lOT IDS 101 317 off day. tbere’s no one ta repMee erel District and Appeals Courts organise practice much more ef­ DeWitt aaid their diacusslons ment Commltteo Chairman Mary and that as a apbrt it waa not sub­ threw out the antl-truat chargee, ficiently. The quality of tsanu un­ Cangwera. In Claes A, Anne Mc­ him.. ject to federal antt'-trust lawa. were "devoted mainly to the Touts ...... 'isu *534 4?1 1510 Hampton Pool has the aUckeat WEUIHII roi citing the 1923 Supreme Court, der the one-platoon systam Is de­ ticket situetlon." The thre* appeals bow before ruling as the basla of their deci­ finitely Inferior." SkMnMrs (4> paae-catching enda In the business the high court were filed by minor Ha has yet to meet wtth Clar­ Al'tOMOnVB LEAUl'g In Fears. Hirach 4Uid 'Bob Boyd; sions. . I AU four lupportere of. twopla- ence W. Miles, head of the syndi­ CuUn* Matara 4tl Oroobrrt ...... S3 SS leaguers George Toolson and toon foqtbaU aaid they found that *USU«I ...... J3S 107 Sl 133 Knrlivi ...... M 33 the finest ground-gslner in Deacon pay ! Walter Kiwalski and a minor cate which bought the Browna and Blsann*t|e ...... 133 103 ina 343 Dan Towier, but the Rama are a good rate of teaching the one-platoon game was league club-owner. Jack Corbett. Chairman of the Board of the new OwR this dl-purpitst ReraJ'''** ...... « 113 SI 374 Backus ...... ins 105 33 313 bit weak agnirfst passes. mors difficult and took aiorp Uma. Orioles...... m S3. H 3U tow Stak ...... 31 34 All three maintain that the 1922 Pulirr ...... 133 103 lit 341Nsrene lii 13 What ever happened te the He*$ Louis Prm te, who decialofi no longer applies. They Miles, a Baltimore lawyer who Bean and Gianta, not to mention led the fight to get American. ToUls ...... U1 *4S3 is5 Touts ■ t ...... 9*1 4» IIU hms driven 929,000 miles,\ contend the game haa been gresUy Leagua approval of a franchtj iervlTA (1) <^ls*i« 113) the Green Bay Packera? changed atnee then by such de- DeWitt to Hatiflle Here’s good newt if you have eitvied workers at Once you have completed one of these courses, B^teb, entered Johns Hop P O W I R S A W ! SfCshe ...... 74 100 vn 374Harris ...... 38 37 inybuffeto country** vslopmenta aa intricate farm sya- HCepital last night for i BrStlrti ...... 77 — S» Its .Sulllrsn ...... 107 14 ‘the Aircraft’, yet have hesitated tcTapply for a you will have a basic skill no one can ever take temi and radio and television cov- Wrobrl SO 7» — US Jorsmson ...... 34 S4 Baltimore Orioles of rest snd e general cb^ltup. His tekiv ...... S3 tS — Its Demrrs ...... i . , ...... SI S7 Last NighVs Fights eragt. 'WHkowskl ...... 105 101 -mndfis kemding for hU job becauae you lack experience: ■way from you. You’ll be able to take your doctor Mid Miles ha^ovcrtlred I-ylTK-h ...... — 104 113 117 a By THE AS80GIAT1CD PBESS In addition, the a p p ^ a main­ Q. ‘There lure runners on sscond himself the pest otffmX weeks. lHil.v»s ...... —. _ til SO Ser a limbed b ««, wf wm trele a salaisad place in our plant — take home good earnings tain, baseball amounts to some- snd ..third base. The latter ia Baltimore, Oct. 13 (S>—Bill RIrhsrdsnn...... ;. 103 130 lOt 333' iX o U ls...... *437 14M Brooklyn—Joey Kloin. 147, Now mUlionth mile DeWltt. vice president ef the de­ York, outpointed Roekey Cnatllo, J ar*«a •> la«al awe la ear Pratt * WMlaaa as a worker at ’the Aircraft'. caught off base. A rundown fol- ToUls ...... ' o i ' m 4tt I t t iewe. The catcher chases the run­ funct St. Louia Browns, today was Priaceiaa It) 147, Chicago, 10. in h is 9*^ K a iser I > ainratl Scbeal. y P i f e h e r ...... 113 l U ner back to third, but. In the in chargt here—temporarily at Injum ^u Suit BeCanwIer's III Now Brilain, Conn. — Orlando Janria T h l e r r c s ...... I l l 103 Zulueta, 184, CubiL eutpolnUd This it an unusual oppor^nity if you want to UINWHUYOULiAINf- meantime, the man from second least — of the new American ...... *4 — 101 136 Breur»sard ...... 33 37 Laague Orioles. Metores ...... 110 III B o r s e s s ...... 103 t i Bobby Engiiah, 137, Fall River, w m iwfcirle,, w*lt y y y— n ttrt tlv '" ***' movea up and both are standing N»M .... S4 M Drivins upwordc o f 32S get into skilled work. It may be youf long- SAVE 50% on the base. The catcher taga the After a single day's meeting irts Tom orrow “ a • e r n e t t ...... - I l l 104 Maas., 19. While 36 lit 33 313 miltc a day ever rugged, hoped-for break — your chaise to get truly ON TIRE WEAR man he chased back to third bauM. with others who will have a band Jj^aufb«r -...... '••• 5 S ’ is *W'ToUls...... 535 533 Holyoke, Mass, - r Brian Kelly, Is this a legal put-out? in guiding the major leagues’ new St. Louis. O ct 13 Trial ef Yal* lei 18814, Niagara Falla, Ont„ out­ “ Wild Weet" territory, Loulb practical initruction in a wetl-paying job. If this type of opportunity appeals to you, Parhri*...... lot 33 A. The catcher taggM ,the eat member, DeWltt: an injunction suit filad to kssp the ToUls ...... 431 537 434 1503 McCerinack ...... 115 108 pointed Bobby Tlmpoon, 184, Praate, o l Cody, Wyoming, come in and see one of our friendly employ­ wrong man, so ncUher Is eat. He 1: Expressed surprise p f' thd ’ Msarbotles. fiaSlaler 111 Noreh ...... Youagetowa. Ohio. 8. Froii Eli AligMWRt SL Louia Browna from moving to I lU ftisrO ...... ISi 33 knows cart as well as he should hnve tagged the runner "tremendous" Interest pBaltImora will open tewnorrow af­ 33 31 — 133 K a r p ______' T M Berlin. N. H. — Tony Percy, 154, UMO 35 WUKS TIAINM6I ment counselors. A trained specialist in helping ‘ yesaii . . . . 113 100 30 3te Low M a .n ...... — 37 knows bis hilly two-state who came from second, er touched by Baltimoreans In thel^ baseball ter -five of the sevta mtnortty' Farrand ... . 33 113 34 303 Montreal, outpointed Smitty Hlcka, people discover hidden talents, be may be able CAUr IRUNO AT both while.they were standing en team deapite ths Mirrant footbaB' stoekheldera withdrew as plain tiffs N. Vltuer ,33 — Ut 30S j T o ta ls ...... U37 180, Portland, Maine. wholesale newspaper route. Each of these courses is a ikillful blend of to show you how your qualifications and apti­ the bog. The mhn behind Is alsrays anthuaiaam and iKe approaching in the case. And he picks Kaisef ever all theory and practice. They are well-planned «— out, basketball ^ Jerome Duggan, attorney for ethers fer ru $gtd neu ... tudes ideally fit you for one of these high-rated MANCHESTER 3; Said J(e waa "plsaaantly practical, thorough and considered outstanding Q. 'When did Duke Snider of the the minority stockholders, filed , com fort. . . sad low -cott! skills. , Dodgers hit three home runs- in a plsased"ymth progrsas of tyn- the withdrawals with . Circuit MOTOR SALES / Other meke feiledl -r n o e m m a a *“ SnUm rnomm U o in the industrial field. They are run 6y top- major league game? stsveUon o f a second deck to Me- Judge WUllsm B. Flynn yesterday. t m * O r iMUe • . f r u i morfia Stadium, alated to raise Leeds stp to 2750 penmdst "Duringthe period September. 1950 to , Mltebdl M T34 A. May 86 1969, at tMiits' The American League haa ap­ C m g s , s w e * s i « notch spedalists — full-time instructora care-' OTHEIJOIS, TOO! - ^ ^ ' . ' SweSeM n o r m . Field. . capacity to 83.999 by opening day proved the. transfer of the Browna “M present our car runs about 32S miles April, 1951,1 tried one of the 'Big Three*, - X - M Nm . I9IT A»r. |9«9 M j m fully chosen for their ability to train others. Even if you don’t want to take one of these next spring! to BalUmore, but the deal haa net per itey," he w rit^ "The load varies on this job end in a period of 60,000 COMPLETEA. ■ HEATING. ■ . J. M 9 a a . m i Awr. I949 3: Pralfed parking facilitlFS on 93J93' intensified, high-sldll couiWs, cotne in anyway. been formally completed. ? from 7S0 te 2750 pounds. Speeds renge.- ’ miles we lepleced one clutch, and all You’ll learn Advanced Shqp Mathematics and tithar aids ^ Uit stadium - as •T A ge . IM8 A#r. 1«M « The attorney for the club and from 55 te 65 milra per hour. beeringe ia rear end end transmiseion. Blueprint Reading. You’ll receive instruction We have the widest variety of jobs for men superior to any city in tha majors Bin VeecIC former president o f the •8 k g e . t m » a s » , 19M MM33 with or without specific skills. And all of them NOW IS THE TIME except Milwaukee which Jie said Browns, has said tha atockholderB BOILERS , • OIL BURNERS "In this number of miles (929,000), we "There may be other makes that will do l i ADR. tt«9 lam a l«83 8MI3 in metallurgy, jigs and fixtures, the use o f pre^ ctyld match BalUmbra'a big park­ would be held responaible If their have not ’knocked out* either a rod or at well for us, but I doubt that any will m A»r. 1913 Apr. m i w j m carry the high pay rates and other outstanding ing lets. cision measuring instruments. Y ou’ll be taught TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR suit resulted in riub bankruptcy Bsaia bearing, have not ijla ced a clutch do better than the eipht Kaisers we have 91 jbm m s J«B. HU m m benefits for which Pratt fls Whitney Aircraft DtYiWItt scheduled a maettng to­ • RADIATION AND bUCT WORK and )oea to Vbcck and hla asso- 91 J«b.M32 Apr. m 3 SSSJSSS • how to solve practical problems get hours of day with sUdhjm engineers to de­ in any of these oars, and ^ve not used aad our present Kaiser.” is noted. ciatas. 93 Mrt BU UUbp . lesM invaluable instruction on other related subjects TUt faasou aO-pniposa pmssr low STEAM • H O T WATER rep la ^ a drive shaft or rear end." Signed Leafs Prowte and operations. r AMESITE ■alua lecnnvewlan eeiler-iavmymi ■oneyl Come ia—lecssdamenannael , In addition — and this it very iipporUnt — • WINTER AIR CONDITIONING yoD’ll spend many hours actually operating DRIVES JVeie extra savings for yoml machihet. By pr<^ucing aircraft parts, you’ll WiY iw UN sMb yw bai: . • EPnCIENT, GUARANTEED OEMOMSTIWnOil • COAL TO OIL CONVERSIONS BOWLING torn ew mt OMtrm mood dmt If ' learn operational techniques — gain assurance RELIABLE WORK ‘ MACHINE SPREAD Oet. 20. M M f* 10 p M » Wo Ofit th« ffiBMUs find DOgHifir ‘‘WorU’a Ecobomjt Cliaflipioa” and akill. yom kmr mom dmrimg JMter*e • EXPERMENTM. MACHININ6 POWER ROLLED • by • fM tf y MRSTt. SS0SO RAE asMUass 'W E HAVE’THE PROPER EQUIPMENT .. LEAGUES FLUIDHEAT WALL FLAME BURNERS TrZr pregreei. Ash ymmr Eelssr • TOOUIOON IUenMN6 . ^ D KNOW HOWt-JX)NT DELAY-^ALL T0DjUP Onkr roar *53-’54 bowHsg EASY TERMS 0 « iU m M E A T ’ tEEM URE BUBNEBB. as Mad hi fiaintfii P U n g WHITNEY MRCMFT troghififi BOW. Fret cfita> b y o a ta l^ . I he’s Ufit Onr Lfij'Awfijr Ptafi WoWwi sf IMisd Abirsa Csrsirmliii • EUPBONENTAL SHKT METAl TIRMS UP TO 35 MONTHS lotB t npoB rfiqiMfit. For CkrifitiBfis Tea co a drlee oM dey-aod levs itl Yoell Ragged ee e h a fU e f With weatherpceef I m p Hortfofd S, CeniMdkul P L A ^ Y O U i j m revet hi Kaistr'I lesmy, richly teileced vinyl isaiDos systeat. FpU leagth wsierjeekele. iaieriars — aed the tnesOUess tkei aace Fleih chrome riags. < 3 i^ of Staedtfd. ORDBI NOW im iA T IS 12 Host Eoffravinf Ssyvlcfi with Kaiser’s deehle aclina a ^ a o e type Ovetdrive** or Uydra-.Matic** drivm pin ".r.A.. CAPITOL FOGARTY BROTHERS iheck ahseshet* aad lewset osotss el grsviiy. Kaiser’s ••«, lewea -eest Fewer S leetia^ . Ie c . 2U em m sniiT m giy tjw f 4 m THOMA9 COLLA D riva tka Kaiser,, ,Aatariea*t most beautiful ear,,,adtm ar o f 14 i» CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Shoor ilowelor# I STREliBr^ PHONI MANCHISm, AM«SS4 m M A M s r . m a n c h is tb i TBL.'WA-TIH Sm ymtrKeitsrdiskr \

'hr. ' ' V •*. ..»• • 7- ■ j ' r , m -, h ... m ‘•‘■•'if f : (

IIANCHESTEB EVENING H^BALD, BIANCHES'nBt. 0(WN« TUESDAY, OGTOS^ai is» 195& IIANCHS&TSI BVENINO HERiUJ). UANCHinBR. CONN.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER IS. 1968 miim t4 im - Archie Moore to Defend Light Retains No. 1 College Football Ran^Hlg

Riuchi Shows How He^rips His Curve Ball c Referees to L o^ Percy Ba&sett Also Cfeveland Browns Are the Yankees THE |:Spartans and Maryland Told to Risk Title Herald Angle fc't ■ Other Way on Minor Fouls Of Pro Football; Lions Would Be Dodgers Of ^ Trail Fighting Irish Washington, Oct. 13 Archie EARL W. YOST O ct IS (/n—K decision Moore, the aging 8 t Louis vataran. SpertoedHet T NSW Tork — (NBA) — The by bMkstbaU oMclsla to turn State Coachies was under inatrucUons from the « • t j . New York, OcL 13 (^-r-Notro their tweks on minor fouls yester* Giants Hope Galiffa NaUonal Boxing Aaaoetotlen j Browne pad Ueaa have abown tha L i r o s s K a n k i n g ll>*ms remained a t Um top ^ Um dagtwu termed “the freetest shot •U y s y t i s t euatomary early loot in thetr ra- NO. 1 BATTER ?rtval coaches who will hava to map in the arm IntercoUeflate basket* D i s l i k e C h a n g e (NBA) today to defend his llght- Without any question the moat: dafenalve atratMto* to stop the; O jeoUegiaU football werltf todijr—t ball has reoelTBd alnce the cUmlna* heavyweigtit championship within ■pectlYa divialona of the NatioeeJ (eared- tetter- to-LltUe -Leaguefpromlate^ W est SMer.-— ------— N I f 1 f 1 g a « r g b n ^ * third atraight week the U ril tion of tha center Jump." the next few months or loae it by Feothall League. baeeball play'during tha past aea- e R ^e nOBL Is Answer to Success default. IS GONE That waa the way E. U Romney, Four of Five Prefer • • • The aging B r o w n a aro tha aon waa Dangerous Danny Renn Mika ObugbliB. one of the best ------I A e weekly AeaocUted Witoi commissioner o f th i'' Motmtain Tankaoa of prbfeaeionai football of the American laagua Red Sox. known, best liked and most re­ States Conference, felt about the New Tork, Oct. 13 (dP»—Arnold! Two ^Plaloon Football IN ITS FALL RATDIOS iftuad A a standout swataman and ahort- Crusaders Have Rolled "•**®"’* ’ **•*•'* last night, tha NBA poiatadly con­ The Uona could bo tho Dodgere. je c te d citizens of Manchester's officials action at their annual | oaliffa, who won 11 sports letters. etop alao pitched several key urins North A d , peesed away recently. «T rm , m. !and eporu eastera gave tbe South Scribes Are Told tended It was raaponsibla for After wdnnlng the champlraehip U p aquad 1,220 potnu daapita twoMlay baaketball clinic here. !at West Point and later became! Announce Banquet of tha laU aad unlamentad All- for .Orach Paul Murphy's cham­ Mika and aportlng evente in Three Straight; n ^ a a o t t i l Aaaociaaoii of Col­ Moora’s chanca to win tha eham- pionship nine. I the greftade-throwlng sensation of ' For Little League pionahlp in tha first piece. It said America Ckwiarenca for tha four Manchester went together like Trinity Ranked 6 th the fact that it waa Idla last Sat* legiate Cnmmieslenera approved New Havaa. O ct' 13 (e>—This falls of Ita axlatanca, the Cleve­ Reiw, a four year veteran ef ham and egge. ‘A ere wasn't any ______urday. Tha burdan of proof was on the by-pasiliig of “fringe fools and' the Korean war, la anxious to get new application of an old fanglad he abould feel obligated to risk hia Little laague play, ia one of the title in e bout with Harold John­ land club demonstrated that it sports attraction that Mike didn’t Boaton, Oct. 12 (ff)-H oly Croat! Hi* ^ bei deilhe elolatlooa In the back I a taste of pro football—and Ananal Uttle League baae- brighteet baseball proapecta to attend, until t o last few weeks. court** that have little effect on the M ll banquet will be held Tues­ football rula—namely, one platoon son of Phnadelphia, logteal con­ could do tho aaeM thing in the and New Hampetaire—a couple of enough to chances are it’ll come next Sun­ footbaU—Isn’t coming off too well eider circuit and has been tha run­ come down the pike in yeare, A e Mike and hie aon-in-law. Jack WU- j “ continuity of ptay** during the day. day evening, Oct. S7 at 6:30 at tender in that division. West Side youngster improved tre -. son. were always on hand whether undefeated teams wHh 1-0 records ^ . . . 1S5S-M season. the Garden Grove. Paul Mnf- with four out of flva Connecticut Fred J. Baddy, chairmen of the ner-up the paat two wiatare. The New Tork Giants make grid coaches. Tho dofonding Dotroit aido la mmdoualy last aeaaon and should lit was a basketball. gams at the —ruled the roost today, in tbelr NOTRE DAME coUected 74 firat This means officials will over­ their home debut against the Chi­ phy, coach of the ebampton NBA Ratings Board, noted that nM have any trouble stepping Into Armory or Rec on a teeezlng wln- Voting yeaterday at a Goanectl- only persistent NBA nudging young. raapectlve major aad smaller col­ ptocaa oa tha MUlots, eonparad to look such things as a defensive cago Cardinals at the Polo American League Red 8ox, is the faster Alumni League next ter night or a baseball game at the 57 for ail tha ethar teanra eom- nivlpe at the bu i that winds up aa general obaimian of the ban­ cut Sports Writers Altlanea lunch­ prompted Joey Maxim ef C1ave<- The Bseanin, IroatoaUy cnougli, lege divisions of tbs New England Grounds and Coach Steve Owen eon were Talc’s Jordan Olivar, have ahown twe or thfw weah- season.' Ovel, Mt. Nebo or Charter Oak binad. A a points ware teMiiatad a slap on the wrist of the op p o^ g promises to unveil—for a few quet committee. Other mem­ Tend to taka on Moore In a title A e blond-haired youngster football parade. University of ConnacUcut’a Bob In- bout, which Moore won handily. ■eeeee. Paul Brewa altelia to the Lota on a hot. humid August eve­ by the usual msthed of 10 for first, dribbler. plays at’ least—his new quarter­ bers are Harold Geer, Frank didn't break dourn any fences In ning. With successive victories over nine for sacond and so on. "I am confident,” Romney said, Koaak aad Mrs; Kay Pontl- galla, Trinity'a Dan Jeasee, New In ita ratings, the NBA took out aaaie group Graham. Motley. La- back from the fighting fronts who, Hayen Teachera’ Jeaa Dow and veltl, Winfo, O m a aad oa down 1950, hie firat Little League aea­ His keen fiiterast in sports never Dartmouth, Colgate and Bucknell, Michigan fiUte, which bad to “ our coaches across the nation he says, “will Be another Otto celll. aftsr one other boxer, Percy Bas­ aon. He played In 15 gamaa end the Cruaadera from Holy Cross will cooparata with the officials— Weeleyan'a Norm Daniels. sett of PhlUdelphla, the uiterlm the Uae. Ndrioa Motley to alosr- dimiqed over the peering years. It come from behind to lick TSnas Graham.” Tickets will be avaUable to Daniel's, whosa Wesleyan team came up with but six hiu ia 49 at polled 176 points In yetterdaFa Christian, aUyad in aaeoad ptooa, because that's the way It is going • • • the pubac. Details will be an- featherweight champion, and told lag ap. Otto Graham to not gottiag Just won't be the same at sporting hasn’t won a game this aaaaon, aay youager. A e Imlfbacka doa’t bate for a .122 average. evente in the future to see Jack weekly voting by the Boaton Foot- but gaUiartd only 14 first ptoca to be.” THE SIX-FOOT-TWO, 183- noaneed later this week. A him to. put his title on tha line nr The commisslonerB, represent­ east the only vote in favor of the gtoa eoaatateatly oa the groaad. Wilton without Mika at t o tide. b*dl Wiitera, leading Yala (149 votca. aa comparad to IS last week pound onetime steel hand from crowd of 350 la expected. face NBA' action stripping him points) and Harvard (120). aad 677 poinU compared to 1,022 ing c o U ^ conferences from every new aubatitution rule. of it. Tho team lacks paaeh taaide the Donora, Pa., became a Giant over And moat avidly against the new 16-yard-Uae. A a Cruaadera got 24 first plact la tha aecond poll. section of the country, met to the weekend after his ^ diwharge Baaaett holds only an interim formulate a standard interpreta­ Vic Raschl of the New Tork Tankees shows Detroit's huge llrst baseman Walt D ropo^nd'sM rta ruling is Jordan Olivar, whose Coach Brown gata by with the Turner May Join votes white ths rate and Crimaon A a Mggafit chaaga in tha altte / i from the seiwice and watched his some Cbmmunist holes, that's all. title because of featherweight waa tha diaappaaranoa eC Oblo tion of the rules for next season. Editor Earl Tost of The Herald how he holds his curve ball. Scene Was Bulkeley Stadium when Rascht Tala team la unbeaten an • * onr awn a little bit better thtm we Helen ^ e r a nad Helea Sklaaer I tin. who Buffered a tedly-aprained During four little League aea- Baee a aaealh by a a 1. Notre Dame (74) league baseball as it is now played \ ewucre regurdlug aauM deele ^ is Mrs Anderaoa'f second win in K. Della Perra ...... lOe *3 SO ^ I agalnat the Baltimore Colto. THIS IS THE AMENDMENT could ngnlnef teams .that qenid havo set Tharsday, Oct. 22, h r the ScaU ...... *0 107 — ankle eena, the husky atandout played in TODAY A TEAR AGO — Casey Jwy- 2. Michigan Stoto (1) But this is an extreme possibil- j (slayer deals).' but has uethlag a major tourney this-seaaea--She la ■tod aad Blue diaacr. The time Is NtMer tc.':...n ~ S3 1 Read Man Parker came up with 67 gamea, went to bat 249 tlmaa, throw In shock troops,” ha .do­ aieug ttuU Hue te report." Mary Gangwere, her team partner, Peretta ...... 137 — IS Stengel signed to manage the Tan- Dr. Eddie .ABderaon awit t o I. Maryland (21) . . . ity. Even if the court were' to rule i t e'cleck aad a)l weasea nrbe par­ 3 » secondary defensiva roeklaa like Scored 70 runs and coUseted 74 kaes for 1SSS-S4. againstsn in st baseball,bssebsii. there areere possiblenos.ibie I “ s»ys: ' "either Slavery nor ctored. Tliers wee speculation DaWitt's also winnar .of the Calcutta with jlQ I Lewr Carpenter, — ^who can step right Holy C3tNM Crusaders through i 4. UCLA (8) ...... involuntary, aervltude, except as The opiniona of the e t h e r ticipated la t t o team eoatest will fma'.'.V;.'. S3 bass hits. Hs drove in U runs, had ’ FIVE YEARS AGO-Jim. A raer long peas offense and defensa jtoa- 8. Michigan ...... outs. Congress, fbr instance, could mein purpose In being here was to Mrs McBrtda holds the winning receive oarda reaceralag the dla- Carlo ...... — M n -174 > in with sophomores Jim David and 18 doubles, one tripla and 18 home Qualified Men: punishment for crime whereof the coaches: master-mind soma deele involving waa hired aa a Yankee pitching contact aaiaion artth a first atrhig 6. Oeoegia T e c h ...... pass a special law, or there might poaltlon in Class A of ths spring aer. party shall have been duly con­ Bob IngaUs, CbnnacUcut, with Totals i t-siy- It'e » well-balanced, runs, 11 tost aeason. Hia hits ac­ coach by Caaay Stengel. b a ck field ef Gene SehUter at 7. Duka (3) ...... evolve a sort of gentleman's agree­ the farm clubs,before all minor tourney and also won the Club ...... *^‘ ***; aggreaaive organisation. counted for 148 total bases. victed. shall axlat within tha a 2-1 record -r- "1 etlU prefer two- league players are frozen in place There was no tournament on, TWENTY TEARS A(K> — Paul quarter. Bill Haley and Pbte Btocea 6. Baylor ...... ment among baseball players. platoon. With it. we think we get Championship for tha third time Thursday. On Saturday ths women Whomas tte.Browaa, however, Orach who gate Renn next sea­ Runyan won the Maasechusette • • • United Statea . . ," Friday. He managed St. Louis' this year. BLXa. LRaui'K at tte halvea aad C tok Murphy at 6. nitaiota ...... more out of ths boys." pieyed a Blind Partner ,TV>ume- ! figure aa the Mg gnu ef their dhrl- son should get more sleep than Opan golf tournamant. fullbaek. ARGUMENTS ON ‘IHREE ap­ Replying to the suits, organised Yanhjiyatem. .Mrs. AnSereoa defeated Idae < eiea. the Lleae could he eevereto 16, West Virginia. (6) . Dap Jcsaoc, Trinity, with a 2-0 DeWitt huddled yesterday with ment Peg Stevena and Haset Bar­ Wood ...... /.see. M 104 peals the high court agreed to hear baseball said in its briefa that the record — . ‘T like it because we Wilkto la the eeeead roand alter ger won first low net, 94-22-72- (iromaa ...... W lOE M jehaSm ged by th^Raam, another Oyda X’ Monrte, Baltimore lawyer UrrsB . . . . „ was aet down to begin late today anti-trust charges ara without have hoys who could pley more. drawiag a bye for the first. She Peg Chanda and Cora Anderson, ...... 101 114 3111 pereilBlal power. The Lee Angetoe (about 3:30 p.m. EST), but it waa basis, that the specific queatlons romlncDt in tha ayndlcata which elimlaated Qarelya Laldag la the Stratton ...... Is ... 104 Uf S eatrjr waa hurt aUghtly by Bob We don't have too much materiel Sought (be Browne: Jack Dunn, second low net, 92-19-73: end Anne nniiMkl ....-...... Ill lie possible that start of the three- raised In the three actions havs but we could get more out of whet eeml-Anals. Mra. MeBride, the McBride end Julls Faulknc-. low Zanluaso ... S7 W'aterfield’a retirement. Net that hour argument would be deferred nothing to do with interstate com­ president of the Intematioael runner-up, alae had a bye la (he Nann Vaa BreckUa can’t entry the ws do have." League .Ortolee and a vice presi­ gross, 93. Toials I,...... 166 u n until tomorrow. merce. Jesa Dow, New Haven Teaehsrs. first round. She defeated Naomi I'Cona (II • ------lend. The Oregoa ntomans la the The question whether baseball dent in ths new setup; Herb Arm­ Lorkwood aad NeUle Jahaaea la top paeeer when right. The treuMe B e s id e s ,’ baseball’s attorneys with’ e 2f0 record — ’Tve had a strong, general manager of ths Stevens ,.,., violates the Ration's anti-trust aaid, the Supreme Court decided terrible time getting a place- earlier roonda. Kehl ...... m I to that he’s a Mt toe dnriag far Ms laws has been before the Supreme Orioles under Dunn, and Rudle MclCiniter ,. n o 11* : eutfit’s gusd at tlmm aad haa a the question for good in 1922. kicker into the game. I like free Schaffer, general manager of the winnera for the aoason'S ringer I Yaa-orakl t-., 100 113 Meet KaiseFs ^Million MUerF^ Court before. In 1922 the court In each of the three caaea. Fed­ subetitutlona -very m u ^ Tou can board wera announced by Tourna­ • OrStmone ., in *6 _ ^ i tendency to be erratic. If he haa aa decided baseball wasn’t a business, Browne. Blanchard ,, 107 101 3171 off day. there’s ae one to reptoee eral Dtsbrict and Appeals Oourtt ergahlse praetloa much more ef­ DeWitt said their diacuasleiu| ment Commlttao Chairman Mary and that aa a sport It wsa not sub­ Gangwere. In CTeea A, Anne Mc­ threw out the antl-tnist charges, ficiently. The quality ef teems un­ were "devoted mainly to the Totela ...... 616 534 471 r Pool haa the aUckeat ject to federal sntl-trust laws. citing the 1922 Supreme Court der the ons-pletoop system ia de­ The three appeal# bow before Ucket situation." paM-catchlng ende in the buzineea W E U I M M n u ruling aa tha basis of their decl’ finitely Inftrior.” He has yet to meet with Clar­ AI TOMOnVR LKSUI'E fikMeiorc (4) the high.court were filed by minor aions. AU four supporters of twopls- ence W. Miles, head of (he sjmdi- CnallRc M.«w> tti Qroobert ...... 3* *e jjy I in Feara, Hlrseh and Rob Royd; leaguers George Toolson and toon football aaid they found that AusuJt ...... 135 107 31 333 Ikirtco ... ,w-*...... SO *S mi I the finest ground-gainer in Daacon good rate of pay! Walter Kbwalskl and a minor cats which bought tha Browns and ..... 1S3 10* *3 *7 S3 3*7 Bls^»lje .. 343 {Dan Towler, but tha Rams are a tsachtng the one-platoon geoM was (fiiairtnan of the Board of the new Owe this all-eeraeu liarDhr..' ...... ,....** m ei ...... loe 106 league club-owner. Jack Corbett more difficult and took more Uma, • • : i-runiitr...... tl S4 ; bit weak agaiitit paasee. All three maintain that the 1922’ Orioles. Mites, s Baltimors lawyey who Puller ...... 131 103 ]i$ Mt^haretW ..... iM What ever liappened to the He*$ tou ts Prmue, teho deciaiofi no longer appitea. They Bean and Giants, net to mention led the fight to- get AmeHciut Touts ...... 661 ”55 'sM WU 1 Total* ...... sjn 4*a contend the game has been greatly , HoUrttMe Bervlee til | , CelgWu (let the Green Bey A c k e n ? has driven 929JOOO mile$t\ changed since then by such de- League approval of a franclUse T -- - Here’s good new* if you have envied workers at Once you have, completed one o f these courses, DeWitt to Handle switch, entered Johns Hepklhs S'IT...... 74 100 IW 374 gVrt; ...... *e *7 valopmenU as intricate farm sys­ POWER SAWI ivsuRtt...... n tif Sulllv&n ...... 107 *4 In **huffmlo country’* ’the Aircraft’, yet have hesitated to apply for a you will have a basic skill no one can ever take tems and radio and television cov- Hoeplts) last night for a few ds)^ Wrob#l ...... in 79; 151' £orgonotm ...... N M Baltimore Orioles of reel and a general.cbackup. His LAhu^ ...... M M — IRE Domora . . 1...... *1 17 Last NighVs Fights job because you lack experience: away frofii you. You’ll be able to take your erage. I^Tich ...... - 104 111 Ht'WIttowakl ...... 106. toe mnd is heading for his In addition, the appeals main­ doctor said Milas halt overtired Hayrji ...... - By 'nUC ABSOCIAT1CD PRESS Q. There are runners on second himself the past several weeks. for a IhoWod fhne,' wo wm place in our plant •— take home good eaminge tain, baseball amounts to aome- BalUmore, Oct. 13 (d V -'B in RkhardiOD...... IQ 110 lOS m Itouu .. 4*7 4to 413 1464 Brooklyn—Jocy Klein, 167. New millionth mile and .third base. The letter is Tork, qutpeinted Reekey (toalllo, troop of locol looii la A WMtooy as a wOfker a t‘the Aircraft’. caught off base. A rundown fol­ DaWltt. vica praatdent of the de­ 4Se 4as 1433 lows. The catcher chesea tha run­ funct St. Louie Browns, today was ...... w* less Prinesim (4) 147, Chicago, 10. in his 9^ Kaisert J AIrtrofi School. Pircher ...... 113 143 3SS New Britain, Conn. — Orlando ner beck to third, but, in the in charge hare—temporarily at Injunction Suit •eCenuler’f ^ ^ Thirrrm...... n i im This is an unusual opportunity if you w^nt to IAIN WHU YOU LEiUlN!- meantime, the man from second laaat — o f the new American JanrU ...... Or' ' — IM BfRur*tRrd ...... l| 17 Zulueta. 134, Cute, outpointed Malorca ...... n o to SI » Barz*M ...... l 3 *3 Bobby E n g ^ , 137. Fan River, Aa6 rssisiiihsrt.,. we’ll pajrysa an aftractivs moves up and both are standing Laagua Orioles. N*(f ...... *4 get into skilled work. It may be your long- SAVE 50% After a single day's meeting StartB Tomorrow — i n Seram n s io4 Maas., iO. Driving mpwsrii o f 325 hssriy rafa aH fiarlaa yaar tralalas parlsfi. on the base. The catcher taga the Whit...... IS11 M 111 . hoped-for break — your chance to get truly man he chased back to third base. with others who will have a hand McCauzbey ...... tt M lie tot T o u ts...... 116 333 Holjroke. Mate. — Brian KcUy, milts a doy over rugged, ON TIRE WEAR Writ ...... — Ia this a legal put-out ? ia guiding tha major iMguee’ new- S t Louis, O ct 13 (ffi—Trial of ___ to *0 17* Yalr t*l 138K. Niagara Falls. Ont„ out­ ” Elld West" territory, Loul* practical instruction in ,a well-paying job. If this type of opportunity appeals to you, pointed Bobby Ttmpaoa, 184, A. The eateber tagged the oat membor, DaWitt: an injunction suit fHad to kaap the Totals ...... 4*1' m T 4S4 im UXwmtci'V.V.V.V.'. 1 « l5 Praatc, ef Cody, Wyoming, come in and see one of our friendly employ­ FruNt Ini A lism iM t wroag man. ae neltber to eut.’ He 1: Expressed. , surprise st _the .,,irfit. Louis Browns from moving to . . UasrtMirr BaSlaler Norm ...... 110 A* Touagstown. Ohio, 9. knows car* a* well a* he “ tremendoua" g;ln*r«l ...... *6 *1 — 111 Karp ______— 33 Ariln. N. H. — Tony Percy. 154, UP TO 3S WKKS raAMNNI ment counselMs. A trained specialist in helping should base tagged the runner f'*J*****J^elti"'ore will open tomorrow af- kaows his hilly t.we.*ute who came from aeceud. or touched by BelUmoreene in their baseball ter five of the seven ' minority Parraad ...... M ill M ' 303 . i ___— . Montreal, eutpointad to itty Hieka, people discover hidden talents, fie may be able cauinunoAt wholesale newspaper route. Each of these courses is a skillful blend of both while they were atendlug su teem despite the current football’ atockhetdera withdrew aa ptointlffa «• vittarr ...... *3 - Ul 3031T9UU ...... 3to 444 a n 160, Artland, Maine. to ^ ow you how. ypur qualifications and apti­ the bag. The nuui behtod la ulwio« onthusiaam and tha approaching in the case. And he pick* Kaiser over all theory and practiccr. They are well-planned — tudes ideally fit you for one of these high-rated MANCHESTER eut. basketful aaaaon. ^ Jerome - Duggai). attorney for other* (er ruggtdntss'... .practical, thorough and considered outstanding Q. Wjien did Duke Snider of the j 2: Said he waa “ pisaaantly the minority etockholdera, filed xom fsrt, . . and low-cost! skills. V Dodgafa hit -three home runs in a pleased" with progress of co4ad aattotowjy hyoa to yto oiqo. ike’s DIvfaiss sf UsM Ainrob CstpsfSSiss- • EXPERMEMT/U. SHEET META. TERItf UP TO 3* MONTHS Ufit Our Lsjr-Awfijr Plas K>C«c lipoa rsqosrt. ISm eon aff day—aad lov* iit You'll For ChriatsuM dHom Ihiggad at a hmfdml With weetketpeeef lofit HoHfoed I, ConiMcHciri PLACRvYOUt JRB level to Katiar'* laeaqr, richly tailored viayl igaitioe lysteau Full leagtk wstrrjacfccu. iM«rier» — ead the smtotkmtu that gse* Flask chreoM riagt. Choke ef StraihnL 12 Ho m EBcrsving ggg^cs ORORR NOW ISfIMATIS with Kifarr’* deeblc setioa akpUat type Overdrive**.or Hydrs-.Malic** vlriveo | “LowoOnomsmasidwNmssf FOGARTY BROTHERS sbeck ekesikers •ad Iswcn eeater ot gravity. Keioer'o new, lowen can Fewer j Reader Mm CAPITOL Spewrad 6y year Eebir iadlSi ■ THOMA9 COULA Me. 2i« ODim sm iR TBJPHpNUMI^MlM CONSTRIICnON COMPANY NliiNir, D r iv a th a Kaiser., , America’s most bemttifid of 14 Intomatiotsal PHONE MANCHISTfll, c;" manm M TEL.^'yiri-TRM See year Ksdssr 1 MANCHESTER EVENING H&RALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ TUESDAY. OCTOBER IS. 1968 KAN CTBR^ raaONO HERALD, MANCSSITER, OONN^ Aoto Driving Schod 7 -A RooHbg-^FSidiag II Help Waatod—Mala SI Do|»-Rirds->P«to 41 Boats AcesMorifs 41 51 Wanted to R M i U Hsoaas for fUo 72 BAUARD**. mOVINO SCHOOL- TWO COCKER SmuUels, , eda 1168 MERCURY Maric-16 16 h.p. B V fO A L 4 4 OewiWiisHan eU and WAwna>-oaiv«t. ^ B qmss Isr Sals 72 BiiAntMl f«r Jala 75; none at the head of the Affftatls "Mondieatar'B oldaot” Oamer- GREAT EASTERN black, cm buff. Three months outbo4urd motor. To be sold tor fa s etove. el ■ Bxoelltat coiidlUni. Knox St. CoU iS telteU S-4Sf8 after " i 5 5 E B r * 5 m Jap Marquisiie Baa riahtfuBy belewge to Ynao- MANCHESTER ■OLTONHILUIDB, laics 5600m Oartifled by AAA and Board o< WANTED old. A. K. C. roflaterod. H. C. bank balance. CaU MRcheU 96161. SateheeU 91018 after 4 p.m. 6 p.m . B spastooi roBhs, 3 dowa, s up, Russians Demand UN alavia ffnea hie traopa wnata* ft Bdueattcn. We offer trainiw. ax- ROOFING AND Chaso, Harmony "’’U, Hebron, and VICINITY raasb, ffraplaso, hot water «U Bath and lavafary, large poroh, heat, ttte batti, pnssurs ssol win­ from tha Naal occuplan naar tha liw rtiiM M iib ^ ^ e n o ^ latest methods. MncfaeU construction CO. Rd., Bolton. MItebeU 96437. OARAGE, Vicinity of Wadsworth, attached garage, 97’ x lot Vslusg Gslora! Plans to Wed of tho war. - EXPERIENCED BaihUnr Matcrialn 47 Macblaery api Y osIb 52 East and Benton Sts. CsU M R ^ dows, fuU esUar, baated garaga. 24 Oak Street Wonderful vlews^lT,400. B O I^ -H on ey m oon Bpaeial.. * H aersjjl5,30e. Cariloa W. Hutch- Washlntton offlclala declarad tt CtASSinED ADVT. THE NEW MANCHESTER Pot eU 93174, $7 Benton St., after. 4 room bungalow, full bath, plus fUU Handle Trieste Issue waa too early to ouUlna the U. 8. AUTO DRIVINO la our fuU ttmo IF ’ Colored Shakee . .per sq. |13JM> WB BUT-Seu-Trad9ltoat power ,p.m . Ins. MItcheU 99183, MItohsU DEPT. HOURS RE-SIDING SPECIALISTS LUBRICATION MAN Center, 916 Main St. Boxer pup­ mowora, ehala aaws, tiUers, gar­ CONCORD ROAD Barber^s Son reaction to Tito’s proposal for boalneaa. We teach standard oif pies, thrss months old. Tropical lat^ ^ heat, autontaUo hot ( CseMSeed Pngs One) Yufoolav - luuttt - Brltlab • wiInMsi.lfiL . 8:15 A. M. to 4tS0 P. M. automaUe shift, from your home. den tractora. Outboards, power SOLDIER BEINO discharged noeds I,uxury roneh. B exeepUonoUy Yugoslav youtha stoned them AppUcators of aabssfoa. Plastle hsh, tanka, accessories, guaran­ Western Framln* ..per M 1106.00. tools. Terms arrsngod. Capitol wateri Fun price $5,000. NORTH COVENTRY, Route 44-A- there yeeterdsy. No injurlee wen American talks on the Trteste l9 tho Immediate appm tm ent. CaU the FuU Tims teed slnlng canaries. Connecticut four or five room unfurnlalied Urge reosai. Stone and frame, i Boston, Oct. 13 (B-An East Bo9 w. Manchester Driving . Academy, Insulatad sldin* and wood shingles, Bquipmaat Oo., 31 Mala Strast 0ns year old, flvs room esater ton berMr sold toilay that bis Air The renewal ot violence followed reported. ' COPT CLOSING TIME epeclallalngj InI l i f e ’Tima aluminum bred parakeets. CaU MItcheU apartment to r wife and Infant fIreMaeea eombbiatlon windows, a night ot eomparaUve calm al- THo Bora War Daafw to tfea Coventry Pilgrim 3-7341 (toU tree). Sheathing 1 x S ....p er M |S7M daughter. CoU MRoHeU 93443 sttschad sarngs, s r x 195’ lot 13’ hsUwsy ranch, may he expanded Forca ssrgssat son, who Booed a TIm predominantly Italian pop­ FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. nding In color.c m I 9-4378. Open aU day Wednesday. t^m idetone fireplace, ^ne pan- to soTsn rooms. 0 ^ stotrwsy, 4hougb the Amaricen Embes^ r9 ulation of Done A. w*e oh vl^ y The tough Yugoslav leader R . H . AUsb. Apply to Mr. Sherid*n It pleasss us to pleaos you. mornings. X ir por^ with a view. A 3 bed­ ^ Uvlng room, attached garage, Japanese marqulsae whUa |ywdiing MON. IHRU .FIO. MORTLOCK'S Driving School. Loet Maalcal Uwtraweats 53 fireplace, metal oomMnaUen w Ib - BngUsk in a YWCA class liiw his ported that a Yugoelav woman em­ worried, however, over 'nto'e warned that carrying out the Al- moifth-FMttsiRtaqr at _ MItcheU 8-8271 f Select Oak Flooring, per M $313.00 room nomr oa is but can be sx- hot water ell heat, automatic hot dows, 150 X 306 lot. 5% mortgofs ploye of ite Information servlee had Ued 4leclaion Iras "lik ely to endan­ Ont.. doaerrtoa thsas a a i otfear confidence quickly restored by pups YOUNG OOVPLk desires 9room panded-^hOO. base In Nagoya, Japan, wiU m arry threat Sunday to send his own 10:30 A.M. fkiUed, courteous instnictors. En­ MUSIC Instrumental rental. Com­ water, excellent condition. FuU may bo assumed. Only ^,500 been beaten on her way home last troops Into the none If Italien ger the matntenanee of Interna­ laxntfamaof restrleuone faiOiaafl; A. y . LINDSAY — Owner Rsduced price for quickt sale over I plete Una of Instruments. Rental epsrtmenf! CeU MRcheU $-6$l6 Price $$,900, bar in Tokyo Nov. 14. ni(|ht. tional peace and eaeurtty" SATURDAY 9 A. BL dorsed-teaching methods insures MORIARTY weekend. A. O. Crickmere, South Flush DOOT9— down. Wsrrsn B. Howland, Real­ B ft. Peter Destefano, 36. wUl ttoope replaced the 7600 ErfUiOi iaa InstltutldBs at a aoaffon jastm ‘ safe driving. Results guaranteed. appttsd to purckaso price. Rsp- after 6 p.hi. . BUZABBTH DRIVE tor. Phono MItchiU $-6600 any TA s a resuU, the ambassy with-1 The Yugoslavs already bava day of tha American Prtaee a. carpetbig, screened porch, puU naee Royal FamUy married outiitla pleta y e e t^ y in Weehlngton by act of aggresaian’’ which he waa las are paid from 10 to $0 oeate W WIRINO INSTALLATION o t aU EXPERIENCED Servics statiaa at­ CANARIES, GUARANTEED sing, im U G H T PIANO with heiKdi, OONBIDBRINO BEUJNO the uaia iUrector la Bslgrads and prepared to meet with military types. N o jo b too smaU. Peter ompany. $80. CsU RockviUe 5-9464, any­ downatalre to attic. This was the Mdgewood Road, East Hsrtfottl tite rape . * RtAte Deportment apMeeman day Utt tholr work. Tha rate da-> tendant to work from 1 p. m. to ers, aU colore, also females. Honscs for Qsl* 72. YOUR PROPERTYT broke his nose. force. pends on tbalr "attitude” and how{ Pantatuk, 40 Foster street Phone ter wotk, roof and chlmaey i '9:80 p. m. Apply In peraca. Mc­ • time. model house for the area and ■r* ®I4. three bedroom ranch Without obUfatiOB to you, we The marquises is described ss tly before YugoeUvla’a For- MRcheU 90436. contains sU the bast of materials. with full oellsr, fireplace attached Pkanee Might Medtele The Yugoslav note addresaad to well thw cooperate with tha latt L o t —d FoaiMl_____ 1 MItcheU 9-780S. pairs. Free estimates klad Clure Auto Oo., 373 Main. wiu anralaa or maks you a eaffi a wealthy cousin of Eibporor Hlro- French Ambaasedor Philippe dgn Beeretary, Xoca Popovlc. edn- NATIONAL BUILDERS A real buy at $15,900. f*™ **. ••fgi nicely landscaped lot. hlto and heir to the Palscs of f«*red for 00 minutee with U. 8. U.N. Secretary-Generatl Dag Ham- staff and othor prisensra LOST — 4% notlia old English given. Ray Hagenow, MRchi HAVE YOU SEEN offer fo r property . Baa us before^ Boudet was csQed into conference COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. 933X4. Ray Jacksem, MRcheU TWO HIGHLY akUIed painters tor BACKER BROS, piano, In good Many extras. Sale Price $1$600. you sell. Prince Chlchlbu, the Emperor’s Becretery of 8Ute Dullaa. marakjold repeated this stand and From tbalr pay, thrsa eonta dally Bpringer Bjwniel, loMte loMi ton • SUPPLIES The new 5Vi room ranch today with deputy Foreign Minister is set aolda oa oompulaory oavlagar Wolcott A-1 Repair, Sales on 3-6335. \ year round privkte work. No lay- Live Stodi—Vehicles 42 condlUan. S7 Poefor It. MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST BRAB-8URN RBAIffT brother. Ales Bsbler, giviiig riss to Hiecu- Popovlc who told reporters be oeked that the 89 other members ftarUnc, female, chain' collar. offs this winter. C. F, Cbarbcn- 430 Davenport Avenue homes on Columbus and Broad We have many more listings too The elder Destefano said his 'Son would rstura tor another taUc with They can spend tbs bslsnca too* Contact Naaaiff Anna Co. Mitchell washing machines, vacuum elean- Overslss model Cape Cod. 4 numerous to mention snd priced to PboM JOtehsU *.*378. latlim Francs might be smight as era, motors, small appUances. MANCHESTER Rooflng A Siding neau, Jr. MItcheU 9-8633. FOR TOUR freeser, Hereford beef New Haven, Connect!cui streets. Sale price 112,900 in­ recently sent word of the courtship DuUes today, fiew from New York candy, tobacco aad tha llko la tha 0-1M7 or MItcheU 8-««4S. Wesria* Apparel Fora 57 rooms ftniriied. Dormers tor expan- fit every pocketbook. For further ea intermedlsry to prevent the nrison canteen. There are alao Welding. 180 Main street Phone Co. AU types of rooting and paint­ steers, per heed or per pound. Telephone STata 7-3507 cluding stove and refriserator. eion. Heat and plumbing to 3nd LIBTINOa W ANTED — *10*1#. snd the coming weiMliig and that feud between Rely and YugooUvla tor the meeting and presumably ing and decorating. Reasonable ONE MAN eatable cf training man SelecUon choice Hereford heifera. Information cell two-tomily, thrss-fhmUy, buM- the Marquisas had Invited them to relay^ Tito’s threat to send forcee Uon, however. broad and oandwleh spre^ tor LOST—PAIR Klaaaii In brown and BU t^^ 9-6678. In 'reference selling. EbcceUent op­ floor. Fireplace, l3’ ----- x 13’ kitchen, from dsvcl4»ing into bloodshed. after-boura sate. prices. Free estimates.' CaU Tame, my own raised Sulkowaki, rty. Have many cash the wediUng. In other iUplometlc activity For­ into Zone A *T1ie moment" Italian In Rome, official Rellan scurcas m en case, vicinity St. Brid(et'a, MItcheU 96983. portunity. Car necessary. Also lAD Y’S BROWN fur coat, rise 44. Open daily, for inspection. . 110’ X l$ a Ilet • ExceUent^ value et THE ELLSWORTH MITTEN Only money sornod from prlasa Woodland St. MItcheU S-44M. RADIO and T.V. Service. AU work North Windham Road, IMUlman- Dismonds—Wstdios— $75. CaU MRcheU 97434. $11,900 h oytra lu r ta a g s s arraaaed. Mr. end Mrs. Destefano and the eign Minister Edvard KsriMJ con- tfoope take over. said lest night that the YhgoNav fuUy guaranteed. $3 per houoe opening for part-time man. Mitch- tle. HArriaon 8-8317. AGENCY Please eall Gemgs L, Orailadio, .eergeant’s aunt and uncle, Mr. end The Yufoalav foreign oecretary bid for s four.power conference work can bo ^ent la tha cant son. eU 9-6434. Jewelry 48 ftnwd with aovtst Arehesssdor L o st —ssatvicEMAN's uack bui caU for T.V. $1 per house coU for T. J. CROCKETT MI-3-6930 Rssltor, MItehstt *-567*. 109 Mrs. Anthony Massero of East VooUJe Vsljkov end Austrisa Min­ deaeribed h ie tal|i with DuUea as end the note to the United Nationa A t mealtime*, the pctecaars got fold. Vicinity of Brltlah-American radio or save $ and bring them to Roofing 15-A GUERNSEY COW with fresh milk. LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweter, n - MANCHESTER GREEN Henry street. Boston, plan to leave by train to­ fruitful and declared: "The aitua- w ee a "m aneuver’ ’ designed toi 4le- their food on trays la the kttefim naquan M rs. JDvn Cavenaky, Abby Rd., Waated->To Bay 58 B r o k e r ister Walter Wodsk. O u b and Hartford Boad OrlU. 17 Maple street. CaU MItcheU palrs, adjusts watches so^p^y. A Uttle gem of I nice rooms. MR. WHITCHER morrow for BeatUo to board a The Russlsns put their oer la the tlon is reaUy grave but I am hop­ lay the transfer of Zone A to Italy. aad eat in their cella. 94585 or MRdteU 96719. ROOFING—Speclalixing In repair­ Landmark Society, Inc., rssidsnt Wapping. Resaonable prices. Open dalfy. 244 Main Street Large llvlng-dinlng room, 1 bed­ BEFORE YOU buy or oeU, aoe the JapMicso liner for Tokyo. The An Italian foreign ministry stnte- Alien sold Ceaadiaa priaon - CaU MItcheU 9-M80. ing roofs of aU kinds. Also new caretaker for the Nathan Hale MI-9-9531 troublad Trieste waters last nlg^t, ing with our common efforts we Thursday evenlagaevemaga 139 Sprues WANTED—Spinet piano or smaU Phones: Mitchell S-6416 room, modem kitchen, froht and Esoott Agency tor real acUon. Six Maasaro's eon. 8rt. AnUumg Mas- can improve the aituaUon." ment declared Yugoslavia "by al­ msthods were "pretty punlttva" COMPLETE Hand and power lawn roofa Gutter work. Chimneys House In South Coventry, Coim. aalaa tor the month of B^tember. on the heels of Tito’s bid tor lUrect street. MItcheU 9-4387. upright. Write Box JK. Herald. Residence: M l^ e ll 9-7761 rear porchea, bath with ahower, oil OPPORTUNITY for Investment. saro, Jr., now In Korea, wiU attmd talks with tbs Wsstem powers sad ‘The atete Department apokea- ternating diplomatic notea with untU seven or eight years ago. Annooncomenu mower sales and service. Motors cleaned, repaired, 36 years’ ex- Separate private five room Uvlng Four-fsmUy dwelUng, in good can- Fairly priced property la oeUbM-. vulgar threats, was attempting to Than raeiyatlon progranu, ttia quarters provided. Apply for par­ Articles tm Sale 45 heat, full ceUar, IIF x 120' lot. also. his warning to the United Nations man Inslated that the United atatee tuned and ovsrhaulad. Plek-up and irience. Free estimatea - CaU WANTED—SmaU upright piano. In Ideal for retired couple or the new­ dlUon off Center 5t. Poch epqrt- We have buysra wstUv for fatrly 8gt Deatefsno’s relatives were create indecision on the part of tho pay-tor-work plan and other aneb TRADE-INS accepted for Sunbeam, deUvsry ssrvlcs. Gibson’s Gsrags, owley. Manchester MItcheU ticulars to George W. Cheney, good condtUon. Rsasohable. MANCHB8TER-9room Capa Cod, msnt bee four roo^ . Sale pries, priced* property. EscottEi Agency, that tbs Anglo-American plans art was standlM "on the stetefflent It S VENETIAN BLINDS Fuel and Food 49-A ly weda Priced at only $9,500. invited to the weilding by the Msr- s threat to peace. made last Tnuradey.” This waa the AJlIea.’ ’ tnaovaUans were instituted. -ttohlck or Remington electric MlhUieU 84013. 3-5361. MItcheU 3-4468. MRcheU 98353. full baaement, fully Insulatad. $16,000. For Mipoiatmsnt chll 996 High at. West, Manchester, Desptc the crossfire of diplemat- He said the eight federal prlaont w ore. Parta and aei^ce, Rua- Hlghsst Quality Only WOOD Stove, fireplace lengths, qulsse, who said the srrsnfements In Identleel noUe .to Britain and Joint Brltlah-Amcrtcen announce­ CentreUy located. Priced at $13,- Evenings end Weekends Call Robert J. SmItiL Inc., 953 Main M ltc^ 97663. were being made by the Royal tc exchangee, Britlah and Ameri­ hadn’t had a riot alnee 1933. Ro aeU'a Barber Shop, Com er Oak WINDOW SHADES made to order MAN WANTED tor outside work Alto Recondltionlns ‘ $18.00 per cord delivered, ■mui- 500. E a B Agency, $10 Main It. $t. Tel. MItcheU 9-5341. the United atetee, tlM Kremlin 4le- ment that their troops in Zone A and instaUed. Venetian blinds 40 hours guaranteed year round famUy. would bo withdrawn eoon and the can troops In Trieste ccntlmied figured tho ooelng of restrtctlona and Spruce. Heating^—Phinibing 17 Tapes and Cords by TarS mantle HArrlson 9-3317. PING PONG tahle. in good eondl- MRcheU 94397. WILLIAM McBr id e IF READY to buy, seU, exchange clared the plan to give Italy the preperetions to leave. They are ex­ had htlpad to keep down distuih- and curtain rods. 34 hour service. with overunis work avaUabls dur­ tlon, MRcheU 9I$3$ aRcr 6 p.m. l a r g e 9w m Cape Cod, many real estate, mortgagee arranged. In a letter to the Destefanos, the AlUed-oceupied sons — including area turned over to Italian admin­ CHRISTOPHER ROBIN pre-kinder­ uSUVNOX Furnaces and warm air ing most of the ysar. Orivsrs Can DRY HARD WOOD for furnace, MANCHESTER —Near Park ree- MI-8-4816 Marqulsae said, the couple would pected to depart about elx weeks ancoa. Estimates gladly given. Fagan •*tr5$/Bay window, fireplace, Oonsult Howard R. Hastings, the Adriatic port city of Trleate— istration. The rest of the territory, from now. garten achool offera enroUment Window Shade Oo., Route 44 at heating. Elarl Van Camp. MItcheU license essenUsl. Mtiat be a famUy f i n d e l l m f o . o a stove or fireplace, $15 per cord, reaUonal grounds, bus and stores. dozers, etorm windows, plaster- Agency, MItcheU 9U07. be married first by his commander waia a,"rrsve violation" of the lUI- Zone B, is occupied by Yugoslav for child 3H to 8 yeara old. Coll Bolton Notch. MItcheU 9-447S. 9-5844. man with steady habits. Temper­ MI-S-4S6S $15 per load. MRcheU 9-OUl. Rooau irlthaat Board 59 Duplex 9-6. Stesm-oU heat. BX J. WATSON BEACH snd CO, walls, electrio' stove, gayage, In s clvU cerenumy. tea PeoM Treaty. fo rce s Mra. D . U BaUard. MItcheU ate. Some farming or tractor ex­ 688 East Middle ’Tumplka wiring, copper tubing, hardwood ‘ CASH WAITING for any type real These are the wedding plans os ‘niera was no immsdlste offi­ Dead Vet’s Father ATTRACnVELY FurOahed room Hartford 3-3115 '"••r bus snd ahoppiiig, : only Uaderllalng the apparent U. B.- Church Club Prays 9-16M. POWER BURNERS and Range GUARANTEED Plumbing and perience would be helpful but not floors, good roof, ntwly painted 513600, Assume 4% mortgage. eatete you have to seU. nrst and mads public bV/the tomUy here and cial U. t. reaction to the Soviet heating. Alterations and new ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ Garden—Farm— Dairy for rent. Compiote houaekeeplng British dstermlnsUon to pull out, Burners expertly cleaned and essential. Top wages paid with and well piaintained. Price PITKIN STRSaCT—Slx room Carlton W. Hutchins, MItcheU second mortgago money aveileMe. In oversees tiuephone calls from the first boatload of Amerleea note. Although the Ruasians of­ Sues Government serviced. Let ua service and re­ work. Perma glass'electric and raises based on performance. Ap­ able and standard typewriters. Product* 50 feclUUea avaUabla. Private en­ $18,900. Eecott Agency. MRcheU 96133, 94594. Also llsUags wanted. Coll The Ihe couple: P e r s o tu ib trance Inquire at 1$T Ma|Ue St. lontal, cablnot kitchen, tUe bath serrioamen’s dependents left fered no new propoeala. the note For Injured Boy, S pair your washing machine or re­ gas water heaters sold and in­ ply 130 Pearl St., 8:30 a.m. or 7 AU makes of adding machines 97$M. . ~ with ahower, two flreplqcee, oU Johnson Building Company, $53 The cerSmony gets underway emphaslMd that under the Italian stalled. ’Time paymenta arranged. sold or rented. Repairs on aU WIXL ROTTED cow manure rec­ Trieste today. The U. 8. troopship Boston, Oct. 18 (T h -X ctvU suit THE PROSPECT HUl School for frigerator. Metro Service. Mitch­ p.m . GENTLEMAN Preferred for pleee- hot water beat, brose^umbtng, MANCHESTER — Capa Ood, 5 Main at. MRcheU 97431. Evenings offlctally When the Marqulaee vislte G eiger Bailed from the d t y cer- Peace Treaty the territory wee to ell 0-0883. Skelley Brothers, mteheU 9-8714. makea Marlow'a ommended for dried out lawns. MANCHESTER GREEN— Attrac- large porches, acree^and storm rooms, shed dormer, • basement, MRcheU 90016. the Implirial palace to spend a The Center Church Mrtbera against the goveninMnt tor $380,- -young chUdren. Traniportatlon PHOTOGRAPHIC Salesman. Ex Also highland top soU. Orders tak­ ent. Urge, heated, comfortable rylM 350 wives and chUdren. The be "neutral-aad detnUlUrised." Club, at a meeting last night la tlvs 1 bedroom ranch. Attached windows, two-car eVerstsed ga­ garage, hot water-eU heat. Corner ela Tybur, direC' HEIATING From A to Z. Conver­ perience not necessary. w6 wlU PEAT HUMUS. , ExceUent top en for deUvery at your conven­ room. Niter Center. CoU MItebeU garage, paneled fireplace waU. ARB YOU r e a d y to ssU your ■Ndlm ore expected to leeve next Woodruff Hall, conducted a group terdsy by Joseph M. of •tor. Phone MitcheU 9-S767. CABINET MAKINO. Good work 98176 after S p. m. rage. Nearly H^acra lot. Attrac­ let. Oistom buUt. Price $13600. EnmeriMT. month. States and Britain violated their mansbip. Reasonable rates. EsU- sion burners, boUer-bumer units, train. Man we want must have dressing and sott condiUoner. ience. CaU Leonard GigUo. M itch Number o f extroe. AU utiUUee. Escott Agency, MRcheU 97933. homo? Ws have buyers waiting On the second day, she wlU be prayer tor 5-j7Mr-old Jamas Carl- Hinimsm in connection with the complete beating systema AU MRcheU 96515. tively priced^ c e d r i $33,500. Owner for 4, $. 6, T-nom alagloe and 36 On contrast to the angry demon­ obligation by "having transformiri WANTED—Daily ride from LydaU mstes gladly given. Moulaon’s good car, married with famUy and eU 97083. ROOMS FOR RENT, rin^ilng Convenient. to school, bus snd Mltchel taken to the Temple o f the Bun eon, son of Mr. aad Mra Paul CSrl- death of his porapIqDe son in Or work guaranteed. Time paymenta not afraid of work. For this i jm Mil i-ITpeC 195 HOLUBTER ST. - Six room strations in Yugoslavia, Trieste It­ Trioate into an lUagal Anglo- aon, 5 Parker St., who was serious­ Bt., vicinity Vernon St. to Hart, Woodworking Shop. Pilgrim FIELD STONE for tlreplaee and rs- hot .water, ■ minutee frdm hue shopping. Immediate occupancy, OtMldess In Tokyo to be married by veterans hoimtUL 3-6696. arranged. Moriarty Brotbera Tel. ot man w s wiU pay to Start $TO POTATOES FOR SALE. John $15,500. Warren E. Howland, Real­ RANCH H&ME, two bedroom*, colonial, 1% baths, garage. CeU 9919ij^ev«>Uigs 939«. Mancha9 self continued calm. American miUtery aad naval base ly injured when stuck by an sUto- Jose^ Folsy, Jr^ 3*. ditd last ford Center, Monday through Fri' tslnlnf walla M. French, Coven­ Une. CaU at State TaUor Shop, Bhlnto priests. Later they wiU be whltfi played en important role In MItcheU 3-5135. take home pay, car expense, |l Calve, Sr., 996 East Middle Turn­ tor. MItcheU $-$900. stornurind scresna. Lot HO* front­ owner Mitchell 95375. ter MRcheU 26946. redelved by Emperor Hlrohito for TIm official Belgra4te Radio re­ mobUe yesterdsy. Februsnr after his pajamas caught day to arrive there 8 a m . AQtch- MANCHESTER Welding Service. try, ragiltn 97161. pike. MItcheU 97393, w aRer 7, MItch­ ported that there were four eases the m illti^ pleas of the eggres- per day lunch money, two weeks’ eU 98047. age, garden, trees, near bus, hie official congratulations. Mrs. Ckarlcs Gipson led the fire as na smofcad a clgaratte at eU 9-S3M. Portable equipment General p^d vacation and monthly bonus. EAST MIDDLE TURNPDCE-Neer BRKX AND Shingle Cape Cod, 3 yesterdsy of Itsllan military air­ ■ive North Atlantic bloc.” LOAM, Dark, rich cultivated grade schtel and shopping center. Imme­ On the third day the couple visit prayer and Mrs. L. T. Hurl w as In the Jamaica Plain Veterana AB- welding. boUer and furnace weld­ MiUinery—Dressmaking 19 TOla is a good o U ' ysar round FURNISHED ROOM. Hot water, Benton Street Here ia a reason­ years young. 5 rooms, 3 unfinish­ cra ft violating Yug4>slavia’s air The 1957 treaty- provisions es- charge of devoUooe. Mra Carlsmt mtniatntlon Hospital. No. 1 $3 eu. yard. Grade No. 3, $3 HoBMhoid. Goods 51 diate occupancy, only $9,300. Carl ed, 3-csr garage, Youngstown the Royal Burying Grounds where lirANTED—Ride to Aircraft, aee ing. MItcheU 91658 or MItcheU ateady Job with future. CaU MItch­ cu. yard. Dwvered In truck load kitchen privUeges, central, en hue ably priced Blx-room home, lo­ /ton W. Hutchins, MItcheU 901$3, area by flying over this country tabllshlng Trieste as an Interna­ le a member of the club. Tha father contends ia his amt 9-8763. ALTERA’nONS and dressmaking eU 94031, 3:30 to 5 any afternoon, cabinet kitchen, screen, hot water It was explained, the Marqulsae territory near the border. tionally governed free territory end ahlft. Tel. MItcheU 9-0310. for women and chUdren. Expert lots. Screened sand, stoDS, fUl and I WANT A RSUAKH line. OaU MRcheU 96357. cated In nice residential aectlon. I / ' MRcheU 9-4694, Mra Rupert UpUng, of Oxford that the government was aegUgent Bungalow Style, wall b>iUt, three heat, fireplace, 5$ x 150 lot. A real WlU announce the marriage to the The radio also claimed that have never been Iraplmanted be- St., presided st tha meeting which HAROLD A SONS. Rubbish re­ work. Quick service. WiU call at gravel deUvered. Ozdei- now. Nuas. TRUSTWOR'niY PERSON IpIriU of her ancestors. in allowing hia son to smoko la dorf Construction Oo. Phone WHO'S aom o FURN^niED Rooms for rent near bedrooms on second floor. Steam OWNER TRANSFERRED, 6 room Italy has sent reinforcements up cauae Ruaala end the Wcat have included the ahowing of a fUm, bad. < Aotomobiles for Sale 4 moval, also ceUsrs cleaned. CaU your homo If desired. Mrs. ETJIL TIME cab driver days. Ap­ Main St. GenUemen preferred. The last two days of the 5-dsy to its troops near the border and Brunelle, illtcheU 9-4370. MItcheU 9740a HOUBEKEEPINa. heat, large kltcben, endoaed home with attached garage, IH never agreed on a neutral govern­ “Over Dependency," loaned by the Ho sold iio brought tho suit hi MItcheU 9-4034. ply City Cab, 58 PumeU Place. Tel. MRcheU 9317D. 9 St. rch end many other feeturea. bathe, oU boat. Urge porch, Mg VUXAOB CBABMBBS riod wUl be spent in parties snd had begtm to turn im spoUighta at or to admittieter the territory, State Bureau of Mental Hygiene. FOR A GOOD Uaed car or a new TO TAKE OVER 3-5500 any Ume. Us at the Imperial Palace. bNislf of his son’s widow sad taro FLAGSTONE—Stones tor walla Kimadtetc occupancy. Priced lot. Beautiful view. Price $17,800. Maleaer’a (l> K night to Uluminats the frontier claimed by both Italy and Yugo- Edward Kip, senior clinical psy­ fwAmtl ChlUbWe OldamobUe with Rocket engine FURNITURE Reflnlahlng, antique BRICKLAYERS Wanted. A. E. UNPAID BALANCE HEATED DOUBLE twin bedroom, r*lm«r ...... S4 SI The Morqulsse's father, who was ne. furniture a apecialty, chairs esnsd Moving'—Traddag— Stephens Oo., Auditorium Job, house fronta fireplaces, etc. Also ick aale, $11,800. Ciril Madeline Smith, Realtor. MItcheU TWO YEARS old. Seven finished Sinitli ...... M 101 elavia. chologist, who waa to have tad the Tho youagor Foloy was a W orld contact A1 Catalano, at the Man- Monthly Paymenta continuous hot wetsr, • minutes Smith, - InInc., c., 943 M sih SI 9 l$ U of $-4579. graduated from Columbia Ualvsr- From Ljubljana, In northern cheater Motor Salea. MItcheU and rushed. Anson F.- Thorp. Storrs, Conn. Heatalstor flreplsce forms, 38” $33.47 f rooma. Everything comptate,- Holme* ...... 91 M i n m Blty, died in a World War U bomb­ However, the Soviet note 4lid discussion was unable to attend, W ar XI Martas v e tsra a .. Storage 20 from bus Une. Inquire State TaUor MRcheU 95341. ■fU ey ...... m 54 M »1 province of Slovenia, came reports not mention Yugoslavia, which the and Mra Olpsca consented to do S4134. Phans MItcheU 9-8738. St $45 each. 6’^x 6” x 1 ^ ’ slate NEW FURNITURE Shop, phone MRcheU 97393 or ■creens, storm windows, garage, Culver ...... % ing raid. Her mother cause of overcrowiled conditions, north of Trieste. Italian frontier MEN WITH tree climbbig 4xper- three' bedroom ranch with fuU ritory. of the American Heni terma. Dou^Iti Motora, .333 fore 9 p. RK WUl be serviced same AverUl, MItcheU 8-4184. stration. Terms arranged." Capitol USS3> FURNITURE bought and Only $13,800. Carlton W. Hutchins, Feeeer 61 51 n 363 / Equipment Co., 38 Main St. oold. The Woodshed. 11 Msfar latcheU 9|l33. 9-4194. DUPLEX 4 and 4, large else room* Listings Waiited IS 55 M 363 night MItcheU 91847. WANTED At once, an experienced itreet T6I. MRcheU 9-8U4. Apartments—Flats— 54 igg S4 175 Did You Help Wanted—Fearale 35 in exceUent condition. AtUc could Heck . . . 101 M 376 OUiMNBIYS Cleaned and repaired tank truck driver and service sta­ FINE SELECTION of Wool for Teiwaoeiits 93 SIX ROOM Cape Cod, 3 unflhiriied. 9 ATTENnON Ladlea! SUp-c^vers be converted Into apartment. Two BbcMaa 50 n M 567 1983 FORD AutomaUe cuatom by on expert. 33 yeara experience. EXPERIENCED SaMs clerk. Air- tion attbndant. Apply In person, rugs. Instructions given in isce- cernMnatlon storm windows, lU furnaces, two-ear garage. Central OTTO H / HERRMANN Know That- -X tudor.,6,000 nlllea. MItcheU 9-9640. CaU Howley, Manchester, MItcheU condiUoned store. Apply in person. saisworth A Lassow, 363 Oakland Ing braided ruga OaU RockviUe and drapes eustom msde/'Rs-up- FURNISHED Apartment, two heat, close to school, bus and shop­ location. Also six-room Cape Ood, Total* . . 4M l io ' 410 im 8-836L Marlow’s. St., Manchester. 5-5706. holsterlng. BssntlfuL' fabrics, rooma end bath. All utUltles furn­ ping center. Priced at $10,500. In- off Center St. Could be 4 bed­ Licensed B M Estate Brolfoir Kentucky had 463,000 more births 1981 FORD Deluxe 6 club coupe. prints, stripes. aoUdsT BxperUy ished. Private entrance. MItcheU BA DABT LEAGUE PRESS OPERATOR at New Mod­ ' quire Chu. W. Lathrop, Relator, rooms. Long term mortgage. Ill ' Notary Public than deaths between 1940 end 1900. 18.000 mU6a. Very clean, tH96. SERVICE ON all makes vacuum EXPERIENCED SOMETHING NEW, something dif­ finished; $5 dowp; $3 weekly, 91667 after 4:30. East Center St. Tel. MRcheU MItcheU 94848. el Laundry, Apply in person. 73 balance one year to pay. Call 100 a month alter $3,500 down pay­ cleanera LaFlamme AppUancs ferent. See the new triple-eUde 908$4. ment, Includes taxes and Inaur- §12 Center StrSet Rraulti It is estimated that oU companies Summit S t CHECK OUT CASHIER aluminum combination wmdows— Mrs. Pinto. 97963. THREE-ROOM Apartment, com­ 1943 DODGE, recenUy overhauled. Co. Tel. MItcheU 96868. once. SeUing price $11,800. Phone Harvard 4 , Yale 1. spend about lOO mUUon iloUars a For Part ’Time Work,- also doors at great savings. Call pletely furnished for couple. ULTRA MODERN ranch. In town. ^ Manchester, Conn. Princeton 4, Holy CToso 1. New point. CaU MItcheU 9-9088 HOME Demonstrators wanted . in STEWART-^RNER electric Near Cheney'a. MRcheU 9M68, Barbara Woo& Agency. MRcheU year searching for oU. for free demonatraUon. BiU Tun- Excellent neighborhood. $ large 9-n03. ' Navy 3, Army 3. , after 6 p.-.m. CHIMNEYS Repaired, spars time. this area to show our Christmas About 35 Hours a Week sky. MItcheU 99096. stove, in *bod condlUon. MRcheU 334 Charter Oak St. Telephone MItcheU 9-0777 toys and greeting cards. CaU to­ t 9-8948,^-' rooms, flreptece, full ceUar, heat­ Many of the most dvUised coun­ Phone MItcheU 8-6478. ed garage, near bus snd school, n e a t a s a p i n —T wo yegr old 1946 PONTIAC oedM coupe $4^ day. MItcheU 3-7657. LIONEL TRAIN set, mounted on a n S A L CURTAIN CALL tries of the. world have death rates ExceUent condition, eflulpped, YOUNG MAN RUG Oriental reproduction. .BasiBcw Ixiesttoiw only $18,9M. Carlton W. Hutchins, Cape Ood, six rooms, two unfin- of aroumklO per thoumnd per year, written guarantee. No down pay­ EXPERIENCED Woman 88 to 48 Part ’Time Work AU or Part Of 4’ X 6’ board. Reasonable. May MRchell 95183, 9^594. lehed, vesUbule, open staiiway, Resort Property for Sale 74 Household Scrrices be seen at 31 Canterbury St, ‘ X 13 Imported rug, $38 for Kent •4 Bsnta MiSnlca, C alif., Oct. IS I B - but are expected to him slowly rts. ment. 139.90 monthly. Cole Motora, to care for two small chUdren and Friday and Saturday -----. 861 Wethersfield Ave. C-1, fireplace, ceramic Ule bath,'nice Last rites were conitoted yesterr Ing death rates in the years to 436 Center St. MItcheU 9-0980. Offered 13-A do cooking, live in.. Rural home. Hartford 46-4893. MANCHESTER —.$11,700 9i«om kitchen, fuU baiement, hatch­ (XlTTAOE FOR Sale. Inquire An­ IS MAN . WOODEN STORM windows. Twqi SECOND FLOOR, 3400 aq. ft., thony Smith, at Amston Lake day tor Nigel BrUce in the presence come as death takes an Increasing Phone H i^ord 391848 after 6 p. Cape Cod, (uUy Insulated, full way, hot water heat,, copper of 300 tUm personeUtlos, many of 1941 FORD, recenUy rebuilt engine. WAVING of burha moth holes To contract for early momliu 37t4“ x46” . Four 30” x4e” , Very ^enty light, two tevetorles', Uiree basement, nice lot, a good buy. Field Office, Ameton, Conn. toU in the aging populations. m , . THOR AUTOMAGIC washing ma­ plumbing, metal combination thorn m em bS T S oC the HoUywood ExceUent Urea. ExcepUonaUy good and tom clothing, holscry nuu. sidewalk enow remold durUv reasonable. MRcheU 8-3953. / front rooms, suitaMa light manu­ B S E Agency, $10 Main St. chine. Excellent condition. $90. No facturing, Im a office heUs. Apply doors and windows, shed dormer, BriU*h colony. B uff thU Upe distingulih the looking inolde - out. None lUce It handbags repair^ Bpper re­ BAKERY SALESLADY, hours 1-7 winter months. SHALLOW WELL Dei plumbing or bolting down neces­ MRcheU 94397, city water, eewer. aldewaUc. 70 placement, umbreUas repaired, JL. Dem in* Jet Backer, SI Oak. Saborban for Sale 76 The British ecter,* born En- Rio Grande wild turkeyt from other anywhere. Douglaa Motora. 333 p.m. Apply mornings. No phone pump. Fittings com plete; 43 gal- sary. MRcheU 9-1887. ft. X 185 fL. wooded lot. Priced ssneds, Mex., died of coronary t h i s Main. men’s shirt collars revers^ and PINEHUR8T GROCERY, Inc, MANCHESTER — Cape Ood, five types. calls please. Kay’s Kay’i Pastry Shop, Ion water tank.. ^ bntchell Office for rent to businaea or pro- to sell at $13,900. Warren E. VERNON—Just completed 4 rooms thrombosis tost Thursdite et the replaced! Marlow's little Mend­ 183 North Main S t 303 Main Street DON’T MISS these epeclals. Uaed large room*, in excellent condi- 1949 CHEVROLET, radio, heater, 9-9739. . fearionel man. Oood location. tton, 33’ living room with fireplace, Howland, Realtor. MItcheU 95500 and . bath on first floor, 3 unfln- age of 53. The willow, Mary, is One <>f the most Important tho BaroM Offlee ing, 6 year guarantee. $39.96 any for 1696 complete. If you ne^ one ford, Conn. Female ‘ 38 19GAUGE’Ithaca shotgun. Wonder- Pick Your Own City evatef and sewer. Floor area for your information. 'irO' The circulation facts obtained by the A.B.C. auditor ^ car. Lwt ua demonatrate. Budget It’s a bargain. Estimates alan CLEABANCE M O N D A Y ) nUDAY 1 P. M. WILL CARE FOR chUd days, re- fol condition. CaU after 6. MReh- SsbiirbjMi for Rent 96 Paint and Paper requirement only. approximately the coot Cole Motora. Mitchell given on large garages, treesa- WOMAN FOR general cleaning- on ett 9-4308. •W aq. ft Oood for ranch or Cepe —your man-are condensed in easy-to-resd A.B.C. reports which teQ you: How modi 90980. Uable Ucenaed home, whUe mother BEAUTIFUL Vhur room apartment ways, porches, dormers, etc. For Fridays. Manchester Road, Glas­ works or shops. MItcheU 93801. All Gas Ranses' Cod. Sale price, one at $1,800 and It Yea WhR Ta ) Year A6 Mae* Be to fuU pahlculars, call W. G. Me- tonbury. MItcheU 93967. FOR QUICK Sale. 13 ft utUlty boat with eutomatle oU heat. In private ' "ACB REALTY CO. X d m m a Oa \ V» BaroM Offlee circulation we have; where the circulation goes, how it was obtained and many othdrj NaUy A Sons. *M . MItcheU 99993. Substantial Savin* For You home la Andover,. Ateo large furn­ «"• a $2,000, FREE! and traUer, four 600x16 disc Mltoheir 93393 T U E S D A Y ) SitmtioiM Wanted wheels, soma UrA. Arvln heater ished room evaUaMc. Phone im- Manchester —.An exceUent 3 MONDAY 1 P. M. FACTS about the audience this newspaper provides for your meeugei about " IF. YOU INTEND TO BUILD Help Wanted—Mde 36 Male and Female 38-A with defrosting connections. Phene Complete Line Of Furniture grtm 97106. »m lly house tor home or Invest­ your new home or do any repair­ V Yoa W h o TO ) Year Ad Moet Be to your merchandise and service, ittt Ask for a copy of our A.B.C. report See (or youta^. Two new wheels with two GRAY RESEARCH . MItcheU 8 -^ after 4:30 p. m. For The Entire Home ment with ea little as $3,000 to ABvomsaOa 1 Ihe HeroM Offlee ing, see William Kanehl, Contrac­ MIDDLE-AGED Couple would like $3,000 down. 3 vgeanCles. 3 car ga- Pennsylvania tires at regular tor and BuUder. Phone MItcheU and employment as caretakers or and TV Wsatsd To Beat $8 why your advertising in this newspaper if a found busineai invsatment 80UD MAPLE drop leaf Uhle. H It I TV SKtVICI mga 3 steam heat furnneea All WEDNESDAY ) TUESDAY 1 P. M. ^ prices, plusliig saving in tire 3-7779 DEVELOPMENT CO. general fanti work. Best of rsfar- good condiUort. Blonde muskrat $3S9 eenriee charge eaohi bexee ~ eu-e Ct r o m e c h a n i c a l ences. Tel. MItcheU 97316. CHAMBERS FURNITURE WANTED—6 or 6 room rent by Improvements. L arge l o t Oft bus made on the basis of FACTS. wear. Two treads to t*hoose coat, sise 14. ExceUent. MRcheU calle er eave $ by krtegteg yew Una It Ysa WMi Ts ) p l a s t e r i n g and stucco, new INSPECTOR 96163. At the Green famUy of five. Good referencea, Year Ag Moet Be to from and you can budget the and r^>air. Complete altcrationa BABY SITTING wanted. Friday M IU ^ 94439.' raSle ef TV to eer Sendee ABvsrllas Oa } Ihq HeraM Offlee cost, Young man with electro me­ evening or Saturday, vicinity lliadqsartete et n S terk- A chance of n UfStlma So you CaU H artfoM 3-8S84. Hours: 9:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. irtether St. raiwi vwnt a small farm within 30 mln- . THUESOAY ) WEDNESDAY 1 P. M. chanical Inspection experience to RoUing Park or Green Manor. nX-INCB Oil heater with flue. w a n t e d —4 or • room unfurnished *Tbs Audit Bureau of Circulations, e t which GENERAL CARPENTRY — j Inspect smaU parts. su9ssssmbllss MIteboU 90606. 7:30 P. M. to 8-.30 P. M; three adulte. Qril II ae eaewer ceU M I-9»»! ute drive of (lartford. HUto eleva- this Mwepaper k s mesiibsr. is ■ coopstaiiva, COLE MOTORS Phone MRcheU 3-6335. V Y sa WkC TO ' 1 91 Center S t r ^ teratlnoa, addiUons and n... and wiring apparatus Must -be Ron, good land. 10 room Cape Cod Year A* Moet Be to aonproit smodstion ef 3460 sdvertisen, ad- construction. Dormers, porches, familiar with u types of measur­ —- » ■ ------— dweniag about 300 years old! All ■ fvirSlii Oa \ The B hoM Offlee vertisiag sgmeies sikt publiehata Organiasd in or improvementa. 3 ear garage and garages and rooms finished at ing Instruments Radio background P O ID A Y ) THUUSDAY 1 P. M. .la u , A.B.C estsWiihed a iteinithm for paid > 4S6 Center Street reasonable prlcea Workmanship helpful. EhcceUent opportuni^. ^ 1 bant. As Uttle ae $*.000 to drculatioa. miss and etandaids for nwanuhig guaranteed. Free eeUmatca FOR S U E SEPTIO TMCS^ •ASOO down payment requited. AMD ^ HAVE YOU BtoaWld5» , ; ) Yesw Aa ila$s B e^ diculatione and awlhede for auffitiog lUd I9 Robert M. Alexander. Telephone GRAY RESEARCH and under $ui0Qa Thla Win go a M I m O a S Aoto Driving Sdieol 7-A MItcheU 97716, DEVELOPMEOfT OO. BOOKKEEPER WANTED sutckly ao ea)l for entty tlfio lA - The aeeoM Offlee - porting drculatioa FACTR HiUlard Street! Manchester 195S BUICK a piece of property yeti waat n tn t. SATUtDAY . ) PMDAV. 1 PJI. AUTO DRIVDfO biatraenea. AU. "A Oood Place To Work” n ■ • to adL trado or bay? Wb CO tem ctf dool^oBtral ALL KIND* of carpentry work. bavo bayen for aiodifatsly . Hals W feask . If ywi’ra qoalifUd, yosTI Uks. ^Vlthln $0 minute drive of Kart- ear. Oapabla m m UoMd tootnio- R easonable rates. latcfaeU 9-489L PIN BOYS WANTED. Manebw- SPECIU > acre parcel of land. Front- ter Bowling Green, 654 Center priced real estate. worUa* ri^ t hcra is MaaclissUr 1* (his —rr" H* m good town paved ro«L tor. Oortear Ai& febooL MBdi- street •OHSW. 4-DOOR SEDAN — Radto, •w U and phene, ribout 1 mUe Roonag—Sldlaf 15 CaU N naatSw Bw i* Rtpiks h«U is strict IT*" ceater of vlOage. Htih eleva- DEADLINE |OR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and Cbcrtaoui Auto SURPRISE XMAS MONEY^Need heater, djrnaflow, wMto ExeeUent land. Smne trees. Miutrlirsitrr £itrniu$ i|rraUk FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that (3) three married men with car wan tire*. Low ndleace. W rit* O siiiii 4ud salary cspacted. IStM A. M. DAjr O f rahiCAIION M x c m U T . t A . M .I s$M OB tai sjw kind of Btarai. and PHcwi et $LS00: Twme oan f for light deUvery wodc Fridays, AGE REALTY GO. •rranged. lO rlT - guuara ooBOictors and root to - Saturdays Guarantee plus botnis. Eaeentlve’a ear. MelONNIY N O l latcheU ptiaa Can CoogbUn, urt^h^ii No saUutg Rsfsrsncss xsqulrsd. OCA J E m te ^ u tfr . CuiubtU ..iffralii *•7707. im u Box T, Hsrsld. CaR MI-f-8485 nr t-4571 W rite Bm B - Herald . ALLEN REALTY CO- . B salto n . ■ • C IlffiOITS * PACTS AS AMASIC MIAfUIJ Of . 4

' V “ i \ - r - • ' i ■ ■ ■■ ■ "*‘ -r

•f' ■" i»' O' »ifN-' '*y.' ^

.1' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18,1»8I i^ttrlfieBter Evntftig Ifnrttlb ' V-^rP A v l g ^ P g l ^ ^ J ^ R«a «M . ISSS vrnemm: A maating of the AU SeinU The Rev.' X. XJnar Rpsk, the movement for both boya and girls, i i t o . e. Ifothora Orcla wUl ho hold at the Covenant Congragatlonnl Church. and' MPa Alan H - Manna, fonner DAV to Sell 11,0 6 0 l i t T o ^ homo of Mra. Mlchnol Clomontino, direcU attention to the Miaalonary Girl Scouts national .praaldemt ot the Girl HEATS AN ENTIRE ROOM! M Hamlin St. at 8:S0 tomorrow service this evening at 7:30 o'clock Scout organlxntlon and currantly pAdr ed tha AadH ' tiMtOni of Um llaiudMBttr 3Uon- night. at the church, when the Rev. Send Group ebatnnan of the World Committee Fhnven for mm i r iiH t O tatri^ wUl confer with Zion- August H. Wesaels will tell of his of the World Asaa. of Girl Guides ‘ let leaden from the entire Oon* lira.' France! Dnvia of Loa An- work with lepers. and Girl ScouU. Manchm$Utr~^A City o f VUlage Charm ■aetleut area a t the golden Jubilee gclaa, Calif., and Miaa Inea R Hall, To Sessions 'ihe thame of tho coaventlen will Veteran Aid adebration conference at the Oon- of Hollywood, Caflf.. who have Miss Btephania Tunaky. senior be “Girl Stxnita—a Growing Fores VOL. u n m i , NO. ix for Freedom.” Advorttalag oa Pngs SS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, OCTTOBER14,1953 Mcucut Zioniat Region at the been gucata at tha home of Ur. trustee and chairman of the nom­ The Girl Scouts of Manchester Thursday, Friday and Saturday (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE PIVHi Bend Hotel, Hartford, on Sunday. and Ura. Jamaa R WUaon, of Al­ inating committee of St. Mar­ The nation-wide Girl Scout of -this week, tha mamberg. of Jay X. Ruhinow. preaident of the ton St., left yeaterday noon on garet's Circle, DaiighUra of Isa­ will be reprasentad by four dele­ organlsatibn bolds a biennial con­ Xancheater Zioniat M atrlct, wlU their trip back home. Bn route bella, win preaent the slate of of­ gates and four alternates when the vention tp carry on tbe buaineas MancheaUr Chapter Nd^ 17, PU- lead a atrong delegation and re- they will vlalt friends In Belfast, ficers for tha 1953-54 season to­ S2nd national convention of the of an organisation with mcp« than abled American VsUriuia, wd preaent the local unit in the de­ Ma., for a few daya and from there night at tha regular business meet­ Girl ScouU of the U. S. A. opens two fnUUon membera. in evary Auxiliary, will be on Main S t with PO W Talks liberation in the conference. . they win proceed to Canada, where ing of the circle at the KnlghU of Sunday in Cincinnati, Ohio. More ■Uta, territory and U. S. poaaes- their UtUe blue "forget-ma-note.'' Coiumbua Hom,e at 8 o'clock. than 8,000 Girl Scout leaders, Yugoslav Ire thdy vrill vlalt points of intereat sion. Delegates to the convention Tha money reallaad from tha along the way. They plan to ar­ Owing to the Importance of the council membera. Senior Scouts comprise elected representatives of The Joy Circle of the North sale of these flowers la ptacad in a Methodlat W8CS will have an all­ rive home Nov. 4. Mr. and Mra. meeting, Mrs. F. Leo Barrett, re­ and frienda of Scouting are ex­ the more than 1,300 Girl Scout Will Begin day meeting tomorrow from 10 ^Villon gave a farewell dinner for gent. asks that all membere be pected to attend. councils who sponsor and adminis­ welfare fund and can be used onlV Took Secret ajn. on at the church. Membera them Sunday evening, with S3 there on time. Returns from, the Official delegates from the ter the prpgram locally. for hoapital and relief work among are aaked to bring lunchea and guests present, from Jersey City, rummua sale may be mpde .be­ Manchester Council, who are leav­ veterans. fore the meeting and dues may ing town by car Friday afternoon, With the dally arrival of wound­ Gains in Pitch T om orrow aewlng equipment. The buaineas N. J., Monson. Maas., Hartford. meeting will be held a t 2 p.m. Wethersfield, Coventry and Man­ be paid from -7:30 to 8 o'clock. A are Mrs- Elizabeth Lewis, first ed and disabled veUrans from chester.- social hour will follow the meet­ deputy commissioner: Miss Gert­ Elks to Conduct Korea, the task of halping thf dis­ Panmunjom, Oct. 14 (/P)— rude Uddon, Miss Evallne Pent- abled ,and hospiUllxed veterans U ^ d lg r^ e , Yugoslayla, Oct. 14 (flV-Irate Yugoslavd atop. Unno Lodge, No. 72, KnlghU of ing- ___ _ land, commissioner; and Miss P M Up their anti-Western demonstrationR over IVieste ai The potentially explosive face Pythiaa, will meet tomorrow night Malachl McDonald, son of Mrs. Dinner Meeting growing at an alamning rata hhd to face meeting* of Commu­ Delegates from nearly 90 Con­ Jean Campbell, executive director. it would be impossible to accom­ fwaited the outcome of U. S. Secretary at 8 o'clock in Orange Hall. Margaret McDonald and the late Alternate delegates from Man­ nist explanation teams with Papers Home for Patrick McDonald. 2« Obln Bt.. necticut Women's Clubs, Including plish any appreciable amount of of State Dulles trip to London. With thounands of shouting Portadown. County Armagh. Ire­ some from Manchester, are ex­ chester also attending the conven­ Manchester Lodge of Elks will relief or hospital' work without demonatrators storming Bolgrate'af 22,300 former Red soldiers The Golden Rule Club will meet tion, are Mlsa Jessie Hewitt, Miss hold a meeting tomorrow night at ublle aasiaUqce, officials of tha ■traota, tha Tugoalav chief as­ In the Talcottvllle Congregational land, arrived In New Tork Satur­ pected to attend the annual fall Emily Klssmann, Mra. Herbert who renounced Communism day aboard'the Georglc. He was meeting of the Connecticut SUte 8 o’clock in the American legion E>AV said. sembled jiia top Tieutonanta for a while in Allied captivity be Church tomorrow at 7 :S0 p. m. for McKinney and Mrs. Edmond Mpr- Home, with a dinper being served The members of the local chap­ rmilmtimm mefmmfit e le ttrl* conference last higbt shortly after a brief buaineaa meeting. At 8 met at the ship by bis coutins. Federation of Women's Clubs to ancey. Accompanying the Man- gins tomorrow in an atpioa- President Eisenhower at the Helm Mias Bridle Rooney of this town be held at the Child Memorial Par­ to the members a t 0:30. p.m. ter, of which Wesley Bulla ia com­ ft waa announced that tha "Big Soviet Bid p. ra. the Rev. Forreat Muaaer. cheater group will be Mrs. Bernice and Patrick McGann of Hartford. ish House, Fairfield, Oct. 28. Karl Keller, chairman of the mander, and auxiliary, abicerely Thpee” foreign ministers would phere charged with tension. miniater of Union Congregational Crim of Glastonbury. house committee which is in hope that the people of Manches­ ROOM HEATER confer Friday la the Brttlah ‘me Communists notifled tha Ko. Church, Rockville, will apeak on He intends to make his home irtth The convention will open Sunday his aunt. M ra Jacob Rooney, 60 Scandia Lodge, Order of Vasa, charge of the dinner meeting, ter will be aa generous an poastble ttnl.” rasa Bapatrlntion COmmiulon to­ Knew "Democracy at Work In Harlem.” afternoon with a big program at • All«i...lMra’*altaelwlhal*eenrhea«*ani illlatla* l Cooper St. will meet Thursday at 8 p. m. in states that a delicious meal is when they buy the little blue “for- Although thara wjui no word'^On Trieste day they would start the long Both men and women are cordial­ the Cincinnati Gardena put on by being planned by Elks ladles and get-me-nota.” Purchase of the on what the cabinet disewsed. It delayed interviewing of antl-Red ly invited to hear him. Orange hall. Following the busi­ the Cincinnati and Hamilton Mrs. Olive Rosetto, 58 Delmont ness session cards will be played a treat le in store for those at­ flowers will show that they were e 14* feet el hendai raSaiar nsfe«a I* eecfced Isle HO* eWkleal ,. waa thought Tito might ha con- POWs in an effort to coax them County GIri Scouts, with the Cin glad to "give a little for those Virho •M at 38 Haw* awfe liieMm *w ^e Uiea ttaadard rad *ree heaNag aidaring sendinjl: a special repra- back to their native lands. St., who underwent a major opera­ with prizes for both men and wo­ cinnati Symphony Orchestra pro­ tending. ;; Unexciting tion at Masaachusetta General At this meeting, a large group of gave a lot.” aentativa to press Yugoslarla' UN la Na Huivy Dead Atom Spy men. John E. Johnson, who heads viding tha music. Sessions, will Hoapital, Boston, Is making favor­ the committee, urges Swediafti res­ candidates will be initiated by the • ilelieiaatally w Urah —* • > Mweitaaira Iraai 40 deera** ta f* dijraii viewpoint on the ministers. Tito ...... Tha U. N.. Command told the continue through Wednesday, Oct. 9. teaatdlM* ef draaelae awMde tiiyeeraeMra. h cM ra arirraraliara previously had called for a 4-^w- United Nations, N. Y., Oct. able progreas and hopea to be dis­ idents, who spent the summer in 21. officers of the local group, the firat eommlaeion It wlU not begin to­ STATIONERY i charged within a few daya Initiation to be conducted by them. iksnwalal heMi raera t*eet«raaira eccwralely. U I* set. a* w*b ladetlae morrow. Tho Alltee presumably are their native land, to attend this Among the speakers scheduled tyeee, aWiitid by Ike beet el Hie heat** IHelH r . (ff)—Diploipats at the U N. York, Oct. 14 (4V-Sen. Joseph R. McC*rthy (R-Wis) AIRMAIL . NOTES 4 party, which will honor membere to take part in the pn^ram are Plans will also be made for the • 9wieWe. . . weleh* lee* diee ? pewid*. . . eely i r idde. 1% ■ deep, sutaa, Britain, Italy and Tugo-j were unexcitM today. ia no hurry to start meeting with LEAOINO BRANDS ^ Waiter C. Milkay, Stanley 1 alavia to search for a aolution of „ , ------over ■aid today a “top scientist” for the Army Signal Corpa h a d of the lodge whose birthdays occur Mrs. Oswald B. Lord, U. S. repre­ visitation of Lionel Charron, of 19" n«g bna aay ad*e»*ate 11* rab tkciilt. • . Uadeiwilrara Soviet demandK that the the 28 Americnaa, 1 Briton aad 885 Works, New Britain, will be the in October. A toclal time with re­ Putnam, district* deputy of Con­ HALE'S tha axploaiva Issue. •eutJt Koreans who refuso rapatri- adm itte(r.^ing 43 aecret documents from Ft. Monmouth. sentative on the United Nations Roartlan L'akaown Security Council set up an in­ forum leader when membera and freshments will be enjoyed. Commission on Hiima|i Rights: necticut east, on OcU' 28. e Madeaelly edraidn dlatMin>«*y«iiaeH»ia*neb*n .*»*riiaaHeera. ation, a amaU number in compari­ N, J., to hiahome for "study.” McCarthy told newsmen th* guest! of the Hartford Chapter Dr. Ethel J. Alpenfels, anthropolo­ Manchester mka are reminded There also waa no odriclal re­ ternational administration for son to the thousands of ChUMse Nattonal Assn, of Coat Accoun­ Headquarters OsMsr Heiae* aad *ard«ra aad Naara • im UM. action to Russia'! surprise man dascribedl^meelf as a "cloae~- ' ■ St. Joseph's Mothers Circle will gist'and professor in New York that all meetings of the local group disputed Trieste and make the and North Koreans who spumad friend of Julius NRoeenberg,rnoerg. whowno , . — tants gather ITiursday night to meet tomorrow at 8 ■ p. m. with University's School of Education; will be held a t the American Le­ VOR Eloetrical Dopt,—Oak Street Entrance aiand at the United Nations that territory independent. return to their homelands. waa executed a t fit discuss "Applying Inventory Coats Mrs. Joseph J, Olahewskl of 101 gion Home, Leonard St., until the security Council quickly name as an atomic bomb ,, Against Income.” This it the third The' Lady Robert Baden-Powell, an International governor for the As the council prepared to meet Sturdy Indian troopers ware Oliver Rd. wife of the founder of the Scouting further notice. ^ursday to debate tha surprise alerted for possible viotenca aa Tha fieaetor quoted YM witness Area Steel in a aeries of six discussions being antire Trieste territory and make aa saying ha attended nMethigs of DONT held at the International Business ft independent. Informed sources Russian proposal, ohservtra pre- word llaalMd through the com­ Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, VFW, diettd it would coma little nearer pounds that the interviews were the Toung Oommuntot Machines Corp.. 100 Farmington In New Tork, however, deacribed with Rosenberg end that RMen Threw Them Away Ave., Hartford, from 7:30 to 9:30 No. 2046, will meet this evening at Tugoalavia'i U, N. repreaentativaa adoption than jAevioua attem pts ready to start. Although only the |Mill Hapes BtUI Plenty Of Wear Left In the Post home, Manchester Green. iheJWHALCea to get East-West'agreement over POWs to be Intervleweid first were berg solicited him "repeatedl^xto p. m. aa "Indifferent but not too bappy” Shoea Repaired Hera Delegates who attended the Coun­ tbe future of tbe region at the told, the news spread quickly. Join the Communist party. over tha proposal. Tha man, recently suspended b]^ ty Council meeting in town will High Yugoslav officials here head of the Adriatic. Burning torches punctured the give their reports. Other matters darkness and loud shouts were the Signal Corps, testified today ain Rise ^'Mlltintted to warn of serious Reverts te Old-Previse at a ciooed meeting of McCarthy's SAM YULYES PHONE of business will come up for discuS' Notice tVouble to come if Britain and The Russian proposal 7n effect beard all night from the com­ Shoo Repairing of the Bet­ Bion. Mrs. Aides Gutzmer iz in pounds. fienaU Permanent lavestlgntiona WASHER MI-9-4387 / Ahicrica carry out their plan to called for revival of tha prevision subcommittee which is probing ihington, Oct. 14 ( A » h - ter n n d Done While Ton charge of the social hour. —stymied by the Bait-West cold Walt. OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS give tbe AlUed-ocoupted Zone A of ‘me sight of Coasmuaist Jeeps into posrtble Oommunlat subver­ $25.00 REWARD Trieste to Italy. w ar—of th e 1*47 lu ila n Peace passing near the POW stockadee p . Officiita of th* Office of De* IS MAPLE STREET REPAIRS Our Lady of Victory I^others sion in the radar laboratory at Ft. fense Mobilizfition (ODM) Opp. FIrat Nattonal Stoin Win ha giyaa to the person for lafomMktton lending to tho nrroot Teas of IhouMiida of angry dtl- Treaty on Trieate. Because of the touches off rock Uimwlngr sbou(- Monmoufti Circle will meet tomorrow xt 8 UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK aad coavlctloa of tbe person or poraeno having riacs who nro aens last liight staged Gelgradc's deadlock. Brltlah aad American tag demonstmtions. d E baa^ Service* Inc., to- Parking Lot p. m. a t the home of Mrs. Ida McCarthy- aaftl.,. earlier today Prompt, Eeeiiemical shooting holes toto the ynhiahlo atolnad glaaa windows or nay biggest mass protest so far agalnat troops have contlanad te occupy What will happen when the Red that a number of top seerqt Army S y reached an agreement Undberg. 59 W. Middle Tpke. Mrs. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE other windiai of tha Seooad Coagrogattoonl CIrarch at N oA tha Western decision. Repeatedly the northern part of the area, in­ agenU sit face to face with the PreaM ent; toe ao he and Mende tide In a typical PanMylvaala Isabel Madlgan will be co-hostess. doctunenU dealing with radar—, which may ^ s u lt. in the GearoRteed Mala St. and North St., or dotaji oay other dnmngo to the prop­ they howled: cluding Trieste port, and Tugoalav prisoners was the big question. • Arena at a eetohratien haneittag Ike'a dSrd birthday, Later the key in defense against atom Washers InmI AI erty. 'Give ua rifles.” ' forces tha aoutnem sone. The Red peraunslan efforts will a hnga birthday cake waa that mtaed to fleer level an a special bomb nttacka—"turned up" ia granting of a Wtificat* of - Mrs. Joseph Gallant. 89 Olcott "Beat up tha Italian thlevea.” The currant furor waa touched begin at 8 a. m. (8 p. n . BBT Wed­ etovntor. tiM i'a oB-l * spseeh inaentod he was deeply leofhed 1^ the ti necessity next w ^ for con­ WriB9er*ReRs Reploeed OSm AypRoeess Notify tho FoMfo or Houoo Comnltteoi eeptien In hie In Ruesian occupied Beat Berlin and Dr., and Mra. Keith Johnson, 93 MMchester Tire & Recappinc "Down with Italy." off by tbe Britiah-Americaii aa- nesday and Inst elabt hours dnOy. 'Were used by the Commuaista." struction of a 30 n ^ c m dol­ Plymouth Lane, will call for ar­ JOHN R WOLOOTT-*VHONE Ml-8-S0*7 "Wa'll give up our Mvsa, but pot aouneemant last woek they were Thq Red* told the commlealon "Tha witness admitted removing lar steel mill in New Efaglaiid. DIETING ticles for the EasUm SUr rum­ ' a n MOAD SIZBET an Inch of Trierto.** ' withdrawing aa soon aa poaaible they would eonoentrate first on mage sale, Thuraday a t 9:30 a.m. RICHABD NqoneL.FIK>NE Ml-0-7724 43 docuaeents classified nq aecret An application for the rartifl- is pl«asant«r POTTERTON'S it-JUKHAMIte.. Earlier yesterday crowds had from tbeir aonc and turning it over Ohlnsaa POWs and hoped to Inter- and admitted having them in hto cate, which permits a rapid m IS* Ocutcr S t, Goy. of C b u i^ In the Masonic Temple, if mem­ FEED MeCURRV—PHONE Ml-S-SdlS attacked the Brltlah reading rtXMn te jta ly . ^ yltw l,*M tbe first day. bers are unable to (lellver them. apartment when Army aecret off of conatruction costs for t*n and manhandled an American The United Btatee,. Tugoalavia That the Reds chose te meet agenU raldad tha bouse in October aad Italy nU were markedly uim - Ike Informs World WWTe ■a putpoaea, was filed Oct. • by Um^x student and a Tugoalav who en­ first with Um Chinese came as no or November, 1*4*,” McCarthy New England Steel Developmeut ^ tered the U. S. Information gerv- Uiuataatlc about the Ruaslan move surprise. Tliroughout the drawnout told newsmen after this morning's to bring the tonue before the U. N. Oorp. New England ste«d to a sub­ lea headquarters. The U81% di­ negotiations, they indicated they session. sidiary of the New EnM nd Coun­ rector waa beaten up Monday. A U, 8. H>okesinan aXld he bad were mors Interested in getting McOarthy aaid tbs witaaaa sub­ Uttle Confidence tbe Ruastana^were cil set up several years dgo to ob­ Tito has pubUcly proclalmod bis back tlM Chinese—who suppoaedtv ‘U.S. W antsPeace’ ^Over G)ntract sequently waa puatohed with a 10- tain a steel miU for th^ragtoo. country's determination to send Its trying ta bring about tbs "peace­ went to Korea aa "vehmteera" day suspension but th a t be ‘Nrns armed forces into Zoaa A-r-biclud- ful setttomont” tbe United Btntes AppHran t KaHag Dalayod rather than the North Koreans. k ^ , wci. 14la w>—Manager (Pi—Man later proaaotod." ing the atratagte port city of and Britain may they ace seeking. The Communists wilt have 14. H enhey, P a ., OcL 14 (/p>-Jk!iit. b*#^ I ^ dhUto and t#ch- i .Dodgen split today over terms of bad a roommate who waa suspend­ •var the arts. la'a delegates bad tried tn keep ans to Intarvlaw. If they maintain ed nnd BanUy tired freae Um Anny t^appUcation until n into vnta (Tha New Tork-Thnan aatd to­ Ruaato's Andrei IHahinsky Xrom dfiy m essam jitJBa 'a now contract aad the pm m mr ra e ri^ An offletol torTfcnn* the l.OOtt dMv ratq. thpJMRI tidca undarstand- pHea anneuneed: "I won’t manage htoTMl O t^ biruMS of altogad which is acudylnfi the- atosTnB day that daapito the Tugoa(av throwing In bis repeluUon and eelvahly could gat thra* o r ___ iMfir-Ainencfi 'wfintd peac*— ihg, 00"^ TiiiililMMiKUag of Amer- the team next year.” Ctamuittot aettvtty. threats and violence, Tlto'a gov- w*re adopting an attitude Of In­ proposftion for two •—'“‘trinsad y \ four oraoks at ooeh man b ai^ nothing els*. He voiced th a t' ica'e h c a r^ ^ a tito t wants peacepeao W^tcr O'Malley, preaident of "The witncaa gave aa hto exeuae cUenta, aaid a maetlag with OlHC arranent to making tha United difference tovrnrd it. oxolanntions end Dec. 24. i —n e t k ^ elae*.” • the National League cham^ona. for removing tha secret documents ■tates and Britain for a Trieata Italian clrctoa sold their gov- eentiment last night «t the department heads todsy had Hoarever, Allied observers felt ciimax of a 10-hour excursion h r Eleenhowar Gild 3€sml#, told a specially-called news confer­ that it was common practice for "ironed out nil the difflcuUlas at YOUR DEAL the Reds would rush through some their motor trip through the ence be had offered Dressen a 1- anyone to gat possession of them the moment." (OanUanad on Page Six) (Oentiauad an. Page Twaaty-three) to thi* little Pennsylvania' autuain'^i^ Maryland and captivos aad work hard on others year coptract which the manager by signing for them," McCarthy ftey C. Burrus. WsshiaglM particutsrty the leader*. If the town, where he came to cut a 'PennaylvaiUa countryiide waa on^ bad refused. said. repreaenUtive of Eibasco. t ^ a. Reds, they aaid, eould >vin over mammoth birthday cake and introduction to a night of fnn Dressen. O'Malley said, insisted "Ho said be got them by aigaln; ivporter 'T don't see any rssanfi DIETETIC FOODS the leaden, the rest prSbably celebrate with fellow Repub- •"{* 'vith some 20,000 Penn on a 3-year agreement as a reward papers kiaHslf and through aome- why the certlflcite cannot be Would follow. aylvania Republicans who enriched for leading the' Dodgers to Na­ «M atoe algniag papers.” Diabetic* daa'I ilanr* dn aaebiai licans. l^ ed . I have reason to believe ft m **•**■ party’s coffers by a net of tional League penhanta the last McCarthy added, hovewer, that wlMti DUUail voilaly it o»elleble. Loophole May Save I Out Details Today the Preaident to *3, aad will be issued. Possibly by Friday about *400,000. two years. Etoth times the team "the records don’t show that is la*^ c^a^tric ^ica^i^tcati^ta* a^,^t^tla tbac* The Repatriation Commtoelon he to obeerving.the day back in the true." of next week. It’s Juat a matter ^ •a talitly bcarty aaoatit** while daB- met to iron out detaile for the ex- White House ia Washington with The Preeidcat told the aretiG loot to the New York Tankeea in merhanico. daw DIAMR aaoda**! aialii* tada pUnnUona. a bualnaas-aa-uaual schedule. The iiiyor tbe World Series. The documents were removal ^ h e situation ia most hopefULt- bad* flaw wllb elawaca. baadaa _ Five man observer teams from big celebration waa last night, evtr Guch a birthday. He added Asked to r Laager Tlase prior to 1*4*, whUc the wltneis Burrua would not indicate when Hall from Execution India. Poland. Onscboalovakia. that while tt wee a Republicaa , Dressen aaid he had aaked orig­ was a Signal 0»rpe employs, and DIA-MCt'* now n i t baakiaf "101 arith Um crowd Jammed In the 7,- the mill might be locr J in K«w Twfr Mkada* with DIalalic feed*" Sweden and Bwitaerland lined up 000-oeat Herahcy Arena chanting: f^theriiif, It waen*t a peitlMii inally for a -S-ycar contract but whUe he waa a radar officer at- ^ lan d , saying it is too early tor • oad layce»a rear dMiaf aad di^ at the Indian headquarten for "We Uka Ike.” meeting. would be wiUing to settle for two. .tachod to tbe Marias Corns, the that. He aaid he did not even at-- Seeiator aaid. Ha added: paalHaa at a flaac*. Caa»* la tadaf. Washington, Oct. 14 (/P)—’ naplag sjtotute, state authorttlM briefings. The observen wilt sit in U m President, accepting as a >0 far as Pennsylvania poliUca "I won't reconsider," be said. "I i*"*^J'* pin down n possibla alto if they aaw 'fit could bring HaU to on the interviews,.which the com­ birthday gift tha aatabltohment of want. It waa strictly non-partisan won't manage the team next-year." "Another reason he gave for for ODM officiali but that theee In reaponae to cuatomer de­ Indications from Kansas City trial on n murder charge. Such a ft«>m U|a Prasideat'a aUadpolnt. removlag them waa that he was mand, wo have added nbont IS / that Carl Austirt Hall may: mission ruled could be conducted an international scholarship foun­ OMalley, who spent several ofliclals now understand why «if 7 charge preaunutbly would have to either on an individual or group dation. aaid tha worA's greatest He gave no one lender in the hours In conference with the man­ would not be practicable. new Itema to our dietetic Hne of lead guilty in the kidnap-1 bo fitod in Kansas, ainee tbs FBI aU te'e mixed-up Republican pa prssldiiig Judge has oil company executive, at Lmiis- But the preaence at the party of absoluU discretion whether or not view them under the armistice problams to work out. I'm going to He to Lt. MUo J. Radulovicb. 36- cently put into operation. And pew fruit apieada. vUle, Ky., in 1*34.and collected Following Blast give him a chance to do it" m te accept such a jitoa. t|pns. The rest win be limited to « Page filxtoen) year-old father of two and a "Ha said en U bnaia oft that O’Mattey added Utot he didn't meteorology student at University project Ebaaco waa approached by CenM Get U fa Term (( ea Pngn ■) (Centinned on Pngn TWanl j -tiwoe) beiteve in contracts and that “I of Michigan. If Hall should plead guilty with WOWERFUL In Gas Works observe them only becaiue it’s A 10th Air Force board of three (Cantinned an' Pngs I) tha thought .of throwing himself baseball law.” selaly upon tha mercy of tbe Judge, eoloaels recommended jresterday VALUES New London, Oct. 14 (iP>—Wil­ The Brooklyn pr«rideat gave no that *7 m he discharged from the and the court agreed to this ar- liam S. McGraw, 51, aastotaat indicatian who would manage the Air Force Reserve and that all Sndutrd Chocolate Bars raageinent. tbe moot aevare penal­ Stuck Tight for m While News Tidbits Almond or Plain superlntandeat of tha Oanaocticut Dodgers aaxt year. commlasioDS held by Mm he tarmi ty he could get would be life Im- Power Cb.'a gas works kera, died C«1M. frsBi AP Wircfi JJreasen, aMsawhlle. said ha was Bated.” In announcing the dociaiOB. Box of 24—79e prieenment. at 4;S0 a.m. today from third Bulletins WILBUR CHOCOLATER' This to true because the Lind- degree bums ha Buffered Just l2 (Cantinned «n Pago Twe) (Continued au Pngs Two) frog* tk* AP W ina bwgh' Law provides tha death hours aarlter ia aa expktsioa ia the Larry Parks to going to nu ' SCCHAKD OroboLATE penalty only whm (I) tha victim plant's boiler room. nnether pletnre la Hollywood CANDIES 27o^ la harnrad and (2) a death sentence MeOraw, who expired at Law aftor two years of iaactlvity grow­ to recommended by a Jury. ing out of hto eonfoaeioa that he 44 DIE IN Am CRASH tones Memorial Hoepttal. was at- Tht Nwr Eiglai# Pithiii; Prankfw t, Germany, Do*. 14 MORTON’S FROZEN ’mia led.legal experts to apecU' teiaptlng to extIaguUh a boiler waa a former Ooazmuatot before a lata today that If a guUtv pita to House Oommlttae.. . U. fi. Vice (Pi—A 2-englned BoI ^ bb Snbenk' TURKEY PIES room fire with a foam exUnguleher Alritnea passenger pinae ermhid entarad, and accepted by um court, wtMs the fiaeh Beared him and set Ptosident Richard Nixon nrrft 2 for 59c the Jud^ may proceed to empanel In A«<*daad, Now Zealniy after and bnraed memznto aftor tah- a Jury for tbe apedfle purpose of fire to flxturaa la other parts eif The Battle of Ndshua lag off from Bheia mala alrpsf*' the Water Street buUdl^. OPS< EVERY FRIDAY him, raced from tha boUer room they eouldar Japan "a to^ ef AP Newetonture Writer cant property to a variety of Wesley Wabto, aeeuaed of batog up a> flight of stairs aad climbad Imparlaltotlo America." Nashua, N. H., Oct; 14 IB—Fifty manufacturers, aapdetolly in the EVENING UNTIL t:30 the murderous "Phantom df the years ago Now England produced u iR A o m o K r OPEN DAILT AT S AM. TUmpUw.” atarted the long road under n ahpwer, which aggravated OsmmaMis* newspaper Ta Kung etoctroalcs field. By 1*S1 there was M New tiataaft. ftat , bia burns. Pan says first Christian church four time* aa much textiles as the X labor ahortaga, which Uter waa 14—a (Ton paa ge> n wide noaort. back tq Penasjdvania today. South. Today tbe South producos filled. ■aati eg BlBXEno GARBO. lem fi«.y**r -old flKSBsr A n u r PoUoe aad fireman said thay built la Oaaton alace Rads took weraunnhla to determine Uia causa over mainland to dadiemted . . . four times aa much aa New Bim . . In 1*68, T e a tn u closed Um re­ m m * o o n b o b a o hoie*) maa '««■ t» Upv* for PamMn- land. ard Ntami .Utof'pssto

s \ /